#pop post 🌟
jasontoddssuper · 1 year
I hope everyone who tries to act like emphasizing Miles blackness 'erases' his puerto rican heritage knows that that's literally not how it works in actual latino culture.In fact,it's the opposite.I'm the daughter(and son and child)of a divorced dominican couple who are a black man and a white woman and i was raised by my mom's side of the family and i CANNOT TELL YOU how many times her and the other nonblack people in my life like my teachers downplayed my blackness.I was told i'm 'not really black' because 'we're all mixed at the end of the day!' and that i look indigineous as a compliment because i look like a perfect mix of both of my parents.Not only that but that caused me to grow up almost completely disconnected from my blackness because i had no black friends either and gaining them later on in my life was incredibly healing and i love myself for being not just latina but afrolatina
Black people aren't erasing Miles latino heritage by being happy he's like us.You're erasing his AFROlatino heritage and perpetuating something that traumatized me and so many other afrolatino kids and i DEMAND you either cut out that shit out or leave the fandom.Now
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lumism · 2 years
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screeching-bunny · 2 months
Yandere! Townspeople Harem x Lucky Reader
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
A/N: I have no clue what I was on when I wrote this 💀. This is also inspired by a Reddit post I saw long time ago.
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🌟 Yandere! Townspeople who are absolutely enamored by you and everything that you do. They treat you as if you are some kind of entity waiting to be put on a golden pedestal and paraded around town. You are essentially the town’s golden boy/girl/person, a mascot if you can even call it that. In their eyes everything that you do is inspiring and encouraged. It also doesn’t help that you were born with this amazing power that causes you to become extremely lucky. No matter the deed, every action was thrust into the spotlight as if it were a gracious gesture for the community's well-being. Take, for instance, if you ever fatally shot someone the townsfolk would erupt in applause, discovering the individual to be a notorious mass murderer and your action saved the town.
🌟 Yandere! Townspeople who can’t help but gush over every miniscule achievement that you got. You got a perfect attendance award? They wouldn’t expect anything less from you. Did you just get a participation trophy? Well they're cheering for you as if you just won the world cup. To say their actions are embarrassing is definitely an understatement. Everytime they cheer for you, you can’t help but die a little bit on the inside.
🌟 Yandere! Townspeople who absolutely cannot fathom the idea of you moving out of their town. They would much rather skin themselves alive and commit arson than to allow you to leave them. Everywhere you go, there will always be some form of eyes on you. There will always be some type of survance of you at any time of the day. Depending on the person, the townspeople's love for you can either be platonic or romantic. Basically half of the town wants to fuck your and the other half sees you as their beloved child or grandchild.
🌟 Yandere! Townspeople who may or may not be human. Like sure they might have the occasional human sacrifices but what town doesn’t!?!? This is totally normal behavior that people exhibit. What’s that? Did you just see a tentacle coming out from that woman over there? Nahhh. You must be imagining that! What a cute and overactive imagination you have there. In all seriousness, it would literally die for you. You're just a cutie patootie to them. Your small teeth are so cute compared to their razor sharp fangs. You know, you could really use that small mouth of yours and suck on their–
🌟 Yandere! Townspeople have a monthly ritual where they gather around to brag about all of the items that they stole from you. Never in your life will you see someone so happy to own a pair of used underwear that didn’t belong to them or some used pair of socks. If you looked up a textbook definition of “down bad” then a picture of the Yandere! Townspeople would be the first images to pop up. In your presence these people act as if they had never touched grass or seen the sun before. They all seem to have some type of mutual agreement that in your presence, they would try to act somewhat normal in order to not scare/scar you too much.
From a young age, your luck was apparent. In school, while others struggled with exams, you breezed through them effortlessly, always managing to stumble upon the exact answers needed to excel. Teachers marveled at your natural knack for stumbling upon solutions, even in the most challenging of situations. As you grew older, the extraordinary luck only seemed to amplify. Job interviews turned into job offers within minutes, as if the universe conspired to ensure your success in every endeavor. Colleagues joked that working with you was like having a lucky charm around, as projects that seemed doomed to fail miraculously turned into resounding triumphs whenever you were involved. It might seem great and all BUT DAMN WAS THIS LIFE SO FUCKING BORING!!!! Which is why you decided to spice up your day a little and rob a bank.
“Oh hello [Reader]! Is this going to be the usual procedure?” The bank teller asks you with a smile on their face as you hold a gun to their face. “You know… the weather is perfectly nice today. It would be a perfect day for a date don’t you think–”
Suddenly a thunderous crash was heard, the police burst through the bank doors, their badges glinting under the harsh fluorescent lights. Guns drawn and voices booming commands, they swept into the lobby, faces masked with determination. Until the police chief sees you and lets out a tired sigh, “Guns down everyone, it’s just [Reader].” A faint sound of disappointed groans can be heard from the crowd of bank patrons from the back. “Why are the police here so soon, I didn’t get enough time to admire their pretty face.” another voice could be heard, “For real, their never this fast in an actual emergency. I mean they only just shot and killed one person, it's really nothing to worry about like who cares–”
“You are free to go [Reader], again.” the police officer states as she releases you from your handcuffs. “Turns out the man that you shot ended up being a drug dealer. You really have a special talent for catching criminals don’t you. She states as she gazes at you with loving eyes. “You know I’m free after this shift, you think we can–”
Before she can finish her sentence you walk away with a dejected look on your face. You couldn’t believe how boring a day this turned out to be. Seriously, you wished that something exciting would happen in this town for once you think to yourself. Failing to notice a scene behind you. One that consisted of a bunch of monsters eating the souls of the innocent while on their knees for a statue that seemed to look like you. They all seem to be gripping onto something though– HEY, WAIT A MINUTE ARE THEY HOLDING YOUR UNDERWEAR!?!!?
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aemondsbabe · 3 months
Come What May
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summary: aemond gets his first true taste of battle, you comfort him in the aftermath.
pairing: aemond targaryen x baratheon!reader
warnings: mature/explicit, 18+ (minors dni!), no use of y/n, afab reader, reader is described as having long black hair to suit baratheon standards but no other physical descriptors are used, spoilers, mentions of canon character injury but no gore, angst, breast/nipple play, fingering, oral (f receiving), piv sex, unprotected sex, dirty talk, slight breeding kink, slight possessive aemond, soft aemond, vulnerable aemond, we love men who cry
word count: 5.8k
a/n: i've had this idea in my head for the longest time and i think it turned out much more delicious than i was expecting! hope you all enjoy!
likes, comments, & reblogs are very appreciated but never required!
gif creds to @aemondtargaryensource
divider creds to @targaryen-dynasty
❤️my masterlist
🌟add yourself to my taglist to be notified when i post new fics!
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“My love, surely Ser Criston can hold his own,” you plead, wringing your hands nervously as your husband reads from the small scroll that was delivered to your chambers only moments ago, “It’s already been days, surely if they were going to retaliate, they would’ve done so by now.”
“We made the mistake of underestimating my sweet sister and her traitorous lot once before,” Aemond sighs, lilac eye scanning over the rolled parchment once more before before holding a corner of it to one of the many dripping wax candles housed on the small desk in your rooms, “It’s an error we can never afford to make again, not after what happened to little –” The muscles in his jaw clench as he cuts himself off with another harsh sigh, tossing the burning paper into a small metal bowl before turning to you. 
“It’s an official summons,” he continues, voice softer now as he swiftly crosses the room until he stands before you. “I can’t simply ignore the Hand, nor my brother,” he murmurs, pulling a sigh from your lips as his hands wrap around your waist. You let your eyes slip closed for a moment when he leans down and presses a sweet kiss to the top of your head before resting his forehead against yours, your own hands gripping tightly to the front of his black tunic. 
“I understand,” you say softly, swallowing thickly as you try to ignore the tightness at the back of your throat, a million unsettling what if’s playing in your mind's eye, “I just want you to come b-back to me.” 
Upon hearing the break in your voice, Aemond pulls away with a tight smile. “Shh, little wife,” he whispers, gently wiping at the corner of your eyes as tears begin to gather, “I will return to you, I swear it.”
A slight flush covers the apples of your cheeks as you peer up at him, still so cautious of being weepy and emotional so soon into your marriage despite the prince’s many assurances that he was more than happy to have you exactly how you are. After a moment, you manage to blink the tears from your eyes and steady your breath, giving your husband a reassuring nod just as the doors open and a flood of servants and squires rush in to assist Aemond with his armor. 
Leaving them be, you step out onto the balcony of your chambers, grateful for the cooling breeze rolling in from Blackwater Bay. Resting your hands atop the rough stone wall, you gaze out over the calm waters, watching as the sun rises and paints them in shades of orange and pink. Each time you spot a stray seagull, your heart clenches tightly in your chest – worried for a moment that it’s Meleys and her rider, come to finish what they started at Aegon’s coronation. 
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You startle as rough hands wrap around your middle from behind, a small gasp leaving you as your eyes pop open, seeing the sun a bit higher in the sky now before you look over your shoulder. 
“Dare I ask where your pretty head was?”
“Praying,” you answer your husband with a smile, turning in his grasp, “Asking the Seven to protect you, to bring you back to me in one piece.” 
Chuckling, Aemond tenderly cups your jaw with one hand, the smooth leather of his glove soft against your skin. “I assure you they will,” he says, dipping his head and kissing you with a small sigh, the metal plate armor on his torso cool against your skin, even through the fabric of your nightgown. “I do not fear this battle, sweetling, not with Vhagar at my side – she has more years of experience fighting in wars than either of us could dare imagine, many more than that old cunt or her beast. I trust her to know what’s right.”
Nodding, you follow him inside, a small smile on your lips while you listen to him talk about his dragon, finding endless amusement in the way he always speaks of her with such reverence. The two of you stand together in the low, flickering light of the many candles in your chambers, the early morning light from the drawn curtains casts faint shadows across the room as you look over your husband, unused to seeing him in true armor. 
“I suppose you’re ready, then?” You ask, glancing over the fine black plates, each custom made to hug his lithe form perfectly. 
“Almost,” he says, the corners of his lips quirk into a small smile in the same instance that familiar, mirthful glimmer takes residence in his eye. 
“Oh?” You question, already familiar with where this is going; the smile on your lips only grows as he takes your hand and leads you over to your vanity table by the wardrobes. 
“Braid my hair,” he says, always one to keep his requests of you simple, “As you do before I go riding… please.”
It’s the small please that always gets you, a courtesy Aemond so rarely bestows upon others. With a small nod, you watch as he sits on the small silk-covered chair, his lilac eye watching you from the mirror as you lean forward to grab the ornate metal hairbrush Alicent had gifted you after your wedding to her son. 
Meeting his eye in the mirror once more, you give him a small smile before focusing on his hair. You run the brush through the pale, silky strands with a practiced ease; before you, the prince hadn’t dared to let anyone do his hair, and was quick to snap at any of the servants if they tried. But with you, he was quite different – much more vulnerable behind closed doors than many would expect. 
Glancing up in the mirror as you brush through his long hair, the smile returns to your lips when you see his eye closed, a small sigh leaving his lips as he allows himself to relax for a moment more. It’s easy to fall into a rhythm in the quiet of the early morning, your hands steady as you run the fine brush through section after section of hair, humming a song to yourself as you go. 
Finally, you set the brush back down and carefully section off a lock of hair at one of his temples, already knowing how he usually preferred it be styled. Just as you have it separated into three sections, however, one of his hands closes around yours and you lift your eyes up to his in the mirror.
“Is something the matter?”
“No, no,” he replies softly, his one eye glancing away from you, almost nervously, “I simply have a favor to ask of you, my lady. Something I’ve been unable to get off my mind, not since the threat of war became real.”
“Ask it, then.”
With a small sigh, Aemond turns in the chair, moving to face you as he takes your hands once more, calloused thumbs rubbing gently over the backs of them. “I know it is a strange request but… I would like a lock of your hair, sweet one, to braid into my own.”
Your brows knit together at his words, having not expected a request such as that, and your head tilts to the side questioningly, “I see no problem with doing it, but may I ask why?”
“I am not a superstitious man, as you well know,” he starts, smiling when you nod along with his words, “However, I have come to think of you as a good luck charm, of sorts.”
“A good luck charm?” You echo, a little blush coloring your cheeks as a shy smile tugs at your lips, your heart racing at the thought of being something so precious.
Aemond squeezes your hands and nods, “These past few moons have been difficult, between my brother adjusting to the crown and everyone else shuffling about, and the horrors that my sweet sister endures, little Jaehaerys, the numerous threats from Dragonstone, everything, I…” He pauses, brows furrowing as he stares at the stone floor, jaw clenched. 
Your heart clenches in your chest as you raise a hand to his cheek, thumb stroking over the scarred skin just below his sapphire eye, the sight of it mystical to you even after so many months spent with him. Studying his face, you can’t help but notice the darkness under his eyes, a product of the many restless nights he’s faced, though a small sad smile claws at your lips as he leans into your touch – eye closing briefly as he savors it, practically purring like a housecat. 
“Your presence has been the only thing that brings me comfort,” he murmurs finally, lilac eye peering up at you as he makes no move to lean away from your touch, “I find my spirits lift when I’m around you – your touch, your sweet scent, they… they calm my mind, steady my heart.”
“Oh, Aemond,” you breathe, heart racing in your chest at his words. 
“I would like a piece of you with me always,” he continues, lilac eye brimming with sincerity, “To calm me when you’re away.”
You’re nodding before he can even finish his sentence, “Of course, my love, of course we can do that.” You sniffle, trying your hardest to keep your emotions at bay as the backs of your eyes sting with love-filled tears. 
Again, Aemond watches as you quickly walk over to the small side table where you keep your needlework supplies. Shuffling through the small woven basket they’re stored in, you locate the small scissors used to cut thread and make your way back over to the vanity. 
Bending at the waist a little, you look into the mirror, briefly meeting your husband’s eye again as you select a small lock of hair toward the back of your head, one that will be easily hidden among the rest as it grows back. With practiced motions, you quickly knot the fine strand into a thin braid before getting the scissors as close to your scalp as you dare. You carefully cut away at it until it comes away, the bundle of strands clutched tightly between two of your fingers. 
Returning the scissors to the basket, you grab a small bundle of thread, close to the same dark color of your hair, and return to the prince, quickly tying off both ends of the braid before holding it up with a small smile. 
Quickly taking your place by Aemond, you once again separate a lock of his hair into thirds, adding your own strand to the mix before easily winding them together in a long, silvery braid, the black of your own hair standing out strikingly against your husband’s. Finally, you gather the rest of his hair into its usual half up and half down style, thick braid skirting down one side of his head before joining the rest as you secure it with a thin leather cord. 
“There,” you breathe, stepping back just enough for Aemond to stand, “All done.” 
“Perfect as usual, sweetling,” the prince smiles, tight lipped, “Thank you.” He murmurs, again, a courtesy reserved for you.
“Of course,” you all but whisper, both you and Aemond pausing as you stare at one another, neither of you wanting to say goodbye first. 
You nearly jump out of your skin as a knock interrupts the moment, both of your heads swiveling to the doors of your chambers as they creak open. 
Ser Willis Fell, a member of Aegon’s Kingsguard steps into the room, bowing politely as he addresses you both. “Prince, Princess,” he says curtly, one hand balanced on the pommel of the sword that hangs from his waist, “I apologize for the intrusion, I’ve been instructed to inform the prince that he is to depart for Rook’s Rest immediately – King Aegon is already waiting at the Dragonpit.”
Aemond nods with a heavy sigh, turning back to you. Before he can get a word in, you practically throw yourself at him, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck as the doors click closed once more. “Please come back to me,” you breathe against the crook of his neck, tightness once again taking residence at the back of your throat as his arms wind around you, one hand rubbing soothingly up and down your back. 
“I will, my sweet girl, I swear it,” he promises lowly, long arms squeezing him to you as tight as he dares, not wanting to bruise your skin against his armor, “I swear upon the Seven I’ll come back, I will not leave you, I refuse.” 
Nodding, your breath catches in your throat as you slip away from him, just enough to angle your face up to his. His eye glances over your face quickly before he presses his lips against yours, both of you desperate to pour as much emotion into the kiss as you can as your lips move together for a moment. 
Finally, he pulls away with a pained sigh, holding your face in his hands. “Avy jorrāelan,” he whispers, the very first Valyrian phrase he taught you. (I love you.)
“Avy jorrāelan tolī, ñuha valzȳrys,” you reply, the practiced phrase coming easily to you after all these months. (I love you too, my husband.)
With one final kiss, Aemond departs, the walk toward your chamber doors seeming like the longest of his life. 
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The rest of the day passes by painfully slowly, though you do all you can to entertain yourself. Everything from taking a much longer time than usual to eat meals, forcing yourself to stomach what little you can with your belly in nervous knots, to spending hours walking through the Red Keep’s gardens. 
Which is how you find yourself now, in front of the fire in one of the many ornate sitting rooms, wiling away the time by half-heartedly working on a needlepoint. Alicent sits next to you on the small sofa, restlessly reading over a small stack of letters as Helaena paces, wringing her hands and mumbling to herself under her breath, a common sight following the death of her son. 
With a tired sigh, you put down your embroidery hoop, fingers too sore and overworked to continue. “I just want him to come back,” you mutter, staring vacantly into the fire, “Or to get some word, some update. Just to know.”
“He’ll come back, sweetling,” Alicent murmurs softly, setting the letters aside as she places a comforting hand on your knee, “They both will.” She finishes, glancing over at her daughter with a longing stare, wishing there was anything she could do to ease her pain. 
The both of you sit for a while longer, the navy sky outside growing steadily darker, before Alicent sighs and looks at you with a sad half-smile. “You may as well go to bed, dear,” she says softly, “Staying up worrying won’t do any good.”
Knowing she’s right, you quickly bid her goodnight before taking your leave.
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You lay in bed, tossing and turning for a long while, thoughts filled with nothing but your husband, before sleep finally takes you. Even then, it’s not restful, dreams filled with visions of blood and fire, of the sounds of screaming and swords clanging together. 
It isn’t until the wee hours of the night, almost sunrise, that a sound wakes you – clanging again, only soft this time, like metal on stone. 
You blink your eyes open, a little groan leaving your lips as you rub at them with your fists before –
“Aemond!” You breathe, scrambling under the blankets to get to him, nearly toppling off the bed in your haste. 
He makes a small “oof” noise as you throw yourself against his chest, catching you in his arms and holding you tightly. “Careful, love,” he laughs softly, letting his eye slip closed as he kisses the top of your head, breathing in the familiar lavender scent of your hair. 
“You came back,” you breathe, winding your arms around his waist as you kneel at the edge of the bed, knees digging into the plush mattress. Upon hugging the prince, you come to realize that the small clanging noise that woke you had to have been him quickly untying his plate armor and stripping off his chainmail, leaving him in a soft tunic and pants – the aforementioned garments lying haphazardly on the floor, their sheen reflected somewhat in the dim glow of the fire. 
“Of course I did,” he murmurs, stroking a hand over your back, “I swore I would, didn’t I?”
The two of you fall easily into a comfortable silence, arms wrapped securely around one another as the only noise in the room is the sound of soft breathing and the crackling from the hearth. You can’t help but notice that Aemond smells smokey, much like he does after riding on Vhagar but stronger now, no doubt having been around dragon fire for hours. 
After a moment, you peer up at him, eyes finally adjusted to the low light. When you do, you can’t help the small, pitying little gasp that leaves your lips and one hand rises to gently cup his cheek. You’re no stranger to seeing him after a long day training in the yard with Ser Criston, but this is wholly different. 
In the pale light, you could make out small dark splotches on his face and neck and upon skirting your thumb over one on his cheek, you come to realize it’s remnants of ash, staining not only his skin but the bits and pieces of his tunic and pants that weren’t covered by armor as well. His hair was still fixed how you’d left it, though messier now – windswept and slightly dusty as well, many of the white strands stained a faint grey, the flash of black from your own braid still cutting through the paleness of his like a knife. 
But what really stopped you was his eye, his lilac one; you frown when you notice the uneasy look in it, full of a bitter sadness. “My sweet husband,” you say softly, brows furrowing when you notice a few scant tear stains on his cheek, their paths carved through the spots of ash, “What happened? What did they do to you?” You question, heart racing at the thought of the horrors he must’ve seen – his first real taste of battle.
The prince gazes at you for a long second, his lips parting as one of his hands comes to rest at the nape of your neck, fingers threading through your hair. All at once though, the sadness in his eye changes to a familiar fire, one that makes your heart race for an altogether different reason and desire curls in your belly, coming to rest like a cat in a sunbeam. 
“Aemond?” You question, blinking up at him. Suddenly, his lips are on yours, hot and insistent and you’re all too eager to comply, easily melting against him. A whimper leaves your lips, instantly swallowed by his mouth as it moves against yours. 
The kiss is more teeth and tongues than anything else, your husband’s slipping against yours with a practiced ease. His hand threads more harshly through your hair, making you moan against his lips as your hands cling tightly to the dark fabric of his tunic, a growl reverberating under them as it emanates from his chest. 
“Need you,” he breathes raggedly as his lips part from yours, leaving a trail of wet kisses down your jaw and to your neck. You shudder against him as his teeth nip gently at your skin before his lips suckle at it gently, painting bruises on your throat that match the many he surely has. 
“But –” you start, a myriad of questions swirling in your mind despite the pleasure threatening to blot them out. 
You’re stopped mid sentence as Aemond suddenly cups one of your breasts, palming eagerly at the tender flesh in a way he knows makes your head spin and don’t miss the ghost of a victorious smirk on his lips at the way you cut yourself off with a small, shuddered moan, squirming in his hold as his thumb skirts over your nipple through the thin fabric of your nightgown. 
“Please, sweet one, I need this,” he mumbles, voice muffled against your neck. His hand at the nape of your neck slips down to wrap around the small of your back, arching you against him, “I need you, I need to feel… t-to feel something good again.”
Once more, you’re nodding before he can even finish his request, chest heaving as you fight to keep your eyes open, wanting to keep him in your sights as if he may disappear again if you don’t. “Then take me,” you sigh, a broken moan leaving your lips as he kisses down your neck and across your chest. The hair at the back of your neck raises on end as he mouths over the fat of your breast, dampening the front of your nightgown.
Both of your hands claw desperately at the back of his head, tangling into his long hair messily just as his lips close around your nipple. “Gods!” You cry as he suckles at it needily, still pawing at the other one, savoring the feel of it in his hand. 
Just as your thighs begin squeezing together, your center aching, Aemond pulls away, smirking when you whine. Impatient as ever, he quickly pulls at your nightgown, tugging it up and over your head, and tosses it onto the floor with his armor – delicate silk pooling over hard metal – before quickly undoing his tunic, eye glimmering proudly at how you always stare at him with such reverence. 
“Fuck,” he growls, hands descending passionately against you once more, one again kneading at your breast as the other slides against your hip, long fingers digging into the fat of your ass, “You get more beautiful every time I see you.” He whispers against your lips, strands of silver hair falling loose from his braid and fanning around his face. 
His lips press against yours once more, teeth teasingly nipping at your lower lip as your nails dig into his shoulders and chest, anxious for more even as you blush at his words. Always one to please, the prince wastes no time in trailing kisses back over your neck, pausing to nip and suck once again at his marks from earlier, needing to see remnants of himself on your delicate skin.
Again, he traces a bath down across your chest before licking over your nipple, needing to give attention to the breast he’d missed earlier. His tongue laves over it greedily and you moan at the feel of his length, hard and hot against your lower belly even through the cotton of his trousers. 
Just as his teeth nip softly at your taut bud, the hand on your hip shifts toward your center, making your breath catch in your throat. Suckling at your nipple once more, Aemond gently runs his fingers through your already dripping folds, pulling a loud, whiny whimper from you as his lips curl into a smirk, a pleased hum radiating against your breast. 
“Husband, please,” you whine, finding your voice once more as he rests his forehead against yours, chuckling at your cries. 
“Seems I’m not the only one that needs this, hm?” He teases, eye glancing over your face as his fingers lightly rub against your aching bud, your breaths mingling together. 
“A-Always need you,” you say breathily, your hips moving of their own accord as he plays with you, your own hands clutching at him like an anchor, “I’ll always, fuck! I’ll always need you, Aemond.” 
He feels his heart skip in his chest at that and once again grows restless, the need to have you, to feel nothing but you burns through him like fire. Distantly, in the back of his mind, he thinks how the sincerity in your tone reminds him of your wedding vows, whispered to him in the Sept as if the two of you were the only people in the universe – how he wishes that were true. 
With a grunt, he presses his lips harshly against yours once more before leaning forward, pressing himself over you until you have no choice but to buckle and fall to your back against the bed. Unable to think of anything else, he wastes no time in kneeling at the side of the bed, knees against one of the many fur rugs dotted over the floors of your chamber. 
A squeal leaves your lips as the prince clutches at your ankles and pulls you toward him, until your ass is nearly hanging off the edge of the bed. A breathy whimper leaves you as you peer down at him, resting back on your elbows as your teeth bite into your lower lip. 
Your hips buck as Aemond kisses up your thighs, long hair tickling your soft skin, and you whine as he licks at the curve where your thigh and center meet. A breath leaves him as he uses his thumbs to part your folds, licking his lips at how your arousal already coats them, wetness catching in the dim light of the fire. 
“The Stranger himself wouldn’t be able to tear me from this,” your husband murmurs lowly, nearly growling as he glances between your face and your dripping heat like a starving man looking over a feast. 
With a groan, he finally dives in, moaning nearly as loud as you do as he greedily mouths at your cunt, tongue licking harshly over you from bottom to top. Every muscle in your body seems to seize as lightning bolts of pleasure crackle up and down your spine. 
Your head flops back against the bed as Aemond licks and suckles at your folds, burying his face against your center as he licks into you, nose pressed tightly against your pearl. Your fingers tangle into his hair once more, back arching as he groans into your heat, all but fucking you on his tongue as obscene wet sounds echo about the room. 
“Oh Gods, f-fuck,” you whine, hips rutting against his face as the heat in your belly threatens to boil over already. Your eyes roll back as he chuckles against you and licks up to your bud, suckling at it eagerly, making you clench around nothing.
“Gods, you taste good, so sweet,” the prince mumbles against you, lapping at your pearl as he runs two thick fingers through your folds, coating them in your arousal. “I would kill Death himself for this, my love,” he rasps, leaning up to watch the expressions on your face as he presses his fingers into you, impatiently crooking them up in just the way you like, fucking and rubbing them against the sensitive spot within you with practicied ferocity. 
“Please, please, please,” you pant, belly knotting tighter and tighter at his words, the gruffness of his voice, head so clouded you aren’t even entirely sure what you’re begging for. 
Aemond smirks and licks and sucks at your bud for a moment more, savoring every whine and whimper he pulls from you. “Let go, my love,” he murmurs, grinning at the way your heat clenches tightly around his fingers, “Peak, let me feel it.”
You wail as the cord within you breaks, shuddering and babbling the prince’s name again and again as pleasure washes over you, your muscles tensing and relaxing in a dizzying rhythm as he works you through it. You nearly peak again as he groans against you, lips wrapped around your pearl as he suckles, gradually slowing his fingers within you.
Finally, you come down, though the fire within you still burns brightly, still aches for him. You watch through half-lidded eyes as he rises from the floor, lilac eye looking over your disheveled form proudly as white strands of hair cling to his face, still sticky with your arousal. 
His chest heaves as he quickly undoes the ties of his trousers and tugs them off his long, lean legs. He wipes at his lips with the back of his hand as he leans back over you and you whine when you feel the heat of his length pressing against you, trapped between your two bodies, the tip already red and leaking against your belly. 
“You’re so good to me,” he murmurs softly, leaning forward to kiss you as he savors the little gasp that leaves your lips as he reaches down with one hand, positioning his cock at your sensitive entrance, “My perfect, sweet girl.” 
You nod your head, hands cupping his face as he pushes into you. Your mouth falls open in a loud gasp and you tremble in his hold as he presses forward, sheathing himself inside of you completely with a pleased groan. 
“Oh, my love,” you finally pant, savoring the way his length feels within you, pressing against every part of you as he fills you completely, “You feel so good, husband, always so good.” 
He growls at that, the breathiness of your tone making his eye flutter shut as he begins rutting against you, grinding his hips against your own. “You were made for me,” he muses, groaning when you begin kissing over the pale column of his throat, “Made to be mine.”
“For you,” you agree between kisses and licks, heart fluttering at the way his thrusts stutter each time your teeth graze over his skin, “Only for you, my sweet prince.”
Aemond groans above you and settles into a practiced rhythm, thick cock spearing into you again and again as your legs wrap around his hips, holding you to him as if he would ever dream of pulling away. One of his hands rests at the nape of your neck again, holding you against his throat as the other grabs at your waist, marveling at the way your breasts move against his chest, bouncing lightly with each thrust. 
The thought of them full of milk, your belly swollen with his seed, flashes across his mind and he growls low in his chest, cock twitching within you. 
As you squirm beneath him, your husband can tell you’re close, as if the steady pulse of your core around his length wasn’t warning enough. “I would go to war for this cunt,” he groans, locking eyes with you as your foreheads press together once more, “I would burn whole villages to the ground just to have you like this, sweetling.” 
His words cascade over you like lava, making your brows furrow together as you gaze up at him, mouth agape. You all but forget to breathe for a moment before a loud, whining moan tears itself from your lips, chest heaving as you fight for air. 
“A-Aemond, Aemond, Gods,” you babble, legs tightening around his waist as your nails scratch down his back, making him grunt above you. After only a few more thrusts, you break once more, writhing beneath him. 
Distantly, you hear the prince groan and grunt above you as your cunt squeezes around him, determined to hold off his own pleasure long enough to watch you peak once more. 
Finally, unable to hold back any longer, Aemond surrenders to the fire within him and moans, voice breaking, as he lets it consume him. Your eyes flutter open as you feel his cock kick inside you and you watch him, mesmerized, as warmth fills you, his seed adding to the sticky mess between your thighs. 
He collapses against you, hips still rutting against your own in broken, twitching movements as his own high fades. The two of you lay like that for a moment, panting as you catch your breath, until you realize your husband’s shoulders are shaking beneath your hold, his breath coming in unsteady bursts against your neck from where his head rests against your shoulder. 
“My love?” You question, cupping his cheek and bringing his face up just enough to see him. Your heart nearly breaks at the sight of tears pooled in his eye, a few already running down his cheek, “What is it? What’s wrong?” You question, quickly glancing over him, searching for some injury, some source of pain. 
Aemond merely shakes his head and sniffles, blinking to dispel his tears as his cheeks flush – he hates the thought of you seeing him so weak. “I’m… I-I’m sorry,” he chokes out finally, holding you against his body tightly despite his embarrassment. 
Immediately, you shake your head, pressing a hand against his shoulder until he rolls over, pulling you with him. A soft gasp leaves your lips at the feel of his softening length slipping from your drenched folds as he comes to rest on his back, you at his side, one hand across his chest.
“Shhh, husband,” you murmur, cupping his cheek once more as you lean up on an elbow, “You needn’t apologize to me.” He nods, somewhat half-heartedly, at your words and sighs deeply, Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as he swallows thickly, trying to chase away the tightness at the back of his throat. 
You stay silent for a moment, giving him time to calm down, and let your eyes sweep over his form. Aside from the blotches of ash on his pale skin, and some bruises here and there, he looks nearly untouched. A small smile tugs at your lips despite the situation when you see your lock of hair still wound into his, pale braid practically falling apart by now, most of it pulled free of the leather tie holding it together. 
“What’s happened?” You finally ask once his breathing evens out some, your thumb rubbing soothingly over his cheekbone. 
“Aegon,” he chokes out, jaw clenching once more as tears run down his cheek yet again. 
Your heart clenches as a shot of adrenaline all but knocks the wind from your lungs, “He’s not… h-he didn’t –” You start to question, stopping yourself once Aemond shakes his head.
“No, no,” he confirms, voice ragged and soft as his chest heaves with a sniffle, “Almost, but no.”
“He… He’s hurt,” Aemond starts, barely a whisper as his eye finally meets yours, “Badly. I don’t… I don’t know what comes next, o-or what to do, what’ll be expected of me, of you –” He mutters, breath picking up as panic rises within him, regretting each time he’d looked at his brother with envy – saw the black crown atop his head, glimmering with red rubies, and thought bitterly that it would suit him better. 
“Shhh,” you breathe once more, draping yourself over him like a blanket and pulling a tired sigh from his lips as your touch immediately slows his racing heart. You run your fingers through his hair, black intertwined with white, and press a soothing kiss to his cheek, “I don’t care what comes next, my love.” 
Your soft words draw his attention and he looks at you, brows furrowed in surprise, “You don’t?”
“Not at all,” you murmur, steeling yourself to be strong for him regardless of the future, “Whatever happens, I shall face it with you. That’s enough for me.”
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gen tags: @helloworldiamnotarobot @drakonflames @marysucks-blog @watercolorskyy @valeskafics @iamaegontargaryenwife0 @aemshaircare @1997babyyyy @lovellies @little-moonbeam-666 @blackswxnn @wickedfrsgrl @echos-muses @imawhorecrux @avidreader73 @marvelescape @rae-11 @ms-morningstarr @chaotic-fangirl-blog @grsveeth0m @twglitching @hb8301 @delulumhaggy @burntliquorlips @fan-goddess @cl-0-vr @kittendoll05 @beautbuck @eponaartemisa @trshngyn @brettlovessuckingcocks @alerisc @moonriseoverkyoto @wolfdressedinlace @do-double-g @kennafild @cruelworldlana @mheraxes @eternallyvenus @chaotic-fangirl-blog @simp-hub-bro @badxbabyyy @venchi-cremino
aemond tags: @demirunner @iloveslasher @neithriddle @moneypriestess @anak1nsx @angelinap09
hotd tags: @cuddlejeongin
(tags are based on your answers to my google form; if you were mistakenly tagged, please contact me & update your answers on the form! thank you!)
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celestialtarot11 · 2 months
Friendship Synastry 🌹🌴
Hi friends! Just thought I’d do this post because someone mentioned there weren’t a whole lot of synastry posts focusing on platonic connections, which I agree ☝️ So let’s change that! Enjoy! Please like, comment and reblog 💅🏻
1st house overlay 💗- So beautiful! I share this with someone who I’ve known for 10 years! We see each other in one another. Growing up we always pretended we were cousins 😭 and everyone believed us. We both hype each other up and the friendship is harmonious.
Venus in the 4th house ✨- A feeling of home like no other. That same friend and I got disconnected for 7 years and somehow we reconnected! This placement truly is beautiful and embodies finding each other again and again in friendship. Both parties feel comfortable making jokes and sharing intimate details with one another. Both feel seen on a deeper level.
9th house synastry ❤️- Cultural differences in friendship! Both learn from different cultures and share their experiences with one another. Both are teaching each other new things and love to engage in topics of philosophy! At some point both could live away from one another and have to travel to see one another. Short distance or long distance!
10th house stellium 🌟- Both inspire each other to be better versions of themselves. Mutual level of respect depending on what planets fall into the 10th house. Both see each other as people who can bounce ideas off one another without shame! If the planets are afflicted or malefic, the friendship can turn into competition to boost ego.
Scorpio stellium ☮️- Transformative connection. Both see each other at their worst and help each other out. If the planets are afflicted or malefic, the friendship can end with betrayal or end suddenly due to private information being let out. For example, something personal only the other person would know. If ifs aspected good, the friendship is a deep bond and feels familiar to both. Intuitive, and spiritually deep connection. Both dream of one another.
6th house sun 💆‍♀️- The planet person may ask a lot of help from the house person! Not necessarily a bad thing, but if this is aspected negatively it can be more of “pain in the ass” kind of feeling 😭 Especially if the friendship isn’t going well. But when aspected positively, the house person can teach a lot to the sun person and it’s a beautiful exchange of knowledge. Set boundaries ya’ll! 6th house synastry requires boundaries too. 6th house synastry can also suggest that friend popping up randomly to visit you!
Mars in the 6th house 🌹- The mars person empowers the house person to be better and take initiative in their life. Brings a lot of energy, joy, stamina, and life to the connection. Without the mars person the house person may feel bored, or disconnected in their life. It’s important the house person knows to balance their energies with action vs rest! The mars awakens the house person!
Moon in the 11th house 💅🏻- If the house person has chiron there I’ve noticed they sympathize a lot with the moon person. Both may face criticism in the friendship and jealousy, because both seem like a power duo. Growing up I experienced a lot of this with my friend we share this synastry, and people have found reasons to shame us! If there is no chiron, the moon person is often comforted by the house person. There is a deep connection and a sense of community present for both 🌹😊
Leo on the Descendant ✨- After reconnecting both people would’ve gone through a major glow up in their personal lives and physically! Both people could be in touch with their hearts and emotional truth. In some other connections I’ve seen people get in touch with their egos rather than their authenticity. The connection can lose spark!
Aquarius ascendant 🫂- Both felt and experienced the black sheep phenomenon growing up. They are able to connect on that and lift each other up. Close knit community! Especially if they knew each other for years. Both are unique individuals but mesh together so well because both embrace their authenticity and power in the connection. Both can view the connection as unique, irreplaceable, and unforgettable.
Leo stellium 🌟- Lots of hyping each other up, feel good feelings and love 💅🏻💗 Both are great at lifting each other up! When one person feels discouraged the other has their back and vice versa. If the connection is afflicted it can easily lead to competition, jealousy and control issues. If the connection is great both are literal teddy bears to one another and are protective 🌹
Their rising falling into your 5th house ❤️- The rising person brings a lot of fun, adventure and play into the connection! The house person sees the rising person as connected to their inner child, bold, vibrant and a leader. Also a protector in a lot of ways, emotionally and physically. They could feel very safe with the rising person. The rising person naturally causes the house person to open up and have fun ✨
Moon in the 5th house 🌹- Nurturing, intuitive and beautiful connection. Peaceful and chill. Telepathy is common between the two and this placement doesn’t necessarily dull the fun, rather through fun and laughter the two feel their bond growing deeper. The moon person offers a creative safe space for the house person to explore and open up.
Venus in the 12th house 🌟- In a healthy friendship, both are connected to the spirit realm and connected to each other spiritually, and acknowledge that. They allow their intuition to grow together and foster a deep sense of belonging. Both feel like they truly accept one another for who they are and the healing of wounds related to love begins. More so platonically, both feel they can open up to receive care ❤️ Mother wounds heal a lot in this connection.
Cancer Venus in the 5th house ☮️- The cancer person shares a lot of emotional wisdom to the house person, and both have fun like no other. Truly this represents the intertwining of two souls on a platonic level. The venus person is so encompassing of emotion, and brings a sense of community and comfort to the house person. The house person makes space and room for the wisdom the venus person holds, and together the two share a unique bond.
Aries rising falling into your 2nd house 💨- The aries person is seen as vivacious, bold, intelligent, and self assured. Sometimes may struggle with self worth and esteem, but with the house person Aries can learn a thing or two about self esteem. Vice versa, I feel that both people learn about self worth and confidence in the connection and both bring out the best in one another. The house person gives a sense of grounding to Aries rising, and Aries rising brings the heat and passion to the house person ❤️
Thats all I have friends! Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your love with me ❤️☮️ Please like comment and reblog for support! Your feedback is always appreciated.
Paid Readings 💗
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changes · 9 months
Friday, September 8th, 2023
🌟 New
We’ve rolled out dashboard tab configuration options to everyone. We’re still working on adding the ability to change the default tab between Following and For You. Also, if you were in the experiment and had enabled certain tabs, like Popular Reblogs and Blog Subs, please note that those settings have moved back to the Tumblr Labs settings, instead of being configurable options in the new config screen.
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We’re working on improving search across Tumblr, and one of our latest experiments is to try surfacing posts in search results based on image recognition. If you search for something on Tumblr and it returns a bunch of images that aren’t actually related to what you searched for, and have no other text or tags to indicate why you’re seeing it, please send us some feedback via Support about it, providing the search term you used and what posts didn’t make sense.
In the post editor on web, you can now choose to convert a link block down to an inline text link if you’d like, via the meatball menu on the link block that’s generated when you paste a link.
We’re shortening the ask button label maximum length to 26 characters, and providing better error messages when exceeding that limit.
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We fixed an issue on the Following and For You tabs that was sometimes causing it to take 10+ seconds to load subsequent pages as you scroll.
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polydeuces · 30 days
𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚜
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pair: hozier x fem! faceless reader
summary: a lesser-known influencer surprises her followers by announcing her wedding to a well-known celebrity through a single Instagram post, revealing their previously private relationship.
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liked by brandicarlile, taylorswift, and 45,928 others
sincerelyy/n: When your happily ever after became headline news. 🤍🗞️
view all 728 comments
taylorswift: Pop some champagne 🍾🥂
sabrinacarpenter: nobody will do better than you this night.. gorgeous!
mothercain: i want you (respectfully)
they/nupdates: didn’t see this coming..
allisonrussellmusic: So very magical & joyous 💐
noahkahan: great cake and open bar, sorry i meant wedding.
gracieabrams: someone pinch me
takemetoeden: guys do we think it’s andrew or do we KNOW it’s andrew bc all the articles are guessing it is ⤷ foreverhozier: yes.
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liked by people, pheobebridgers, and 2.4 million others
hozier: Two hearts met beneath a canopy of dreams, their love like gentle rain soaking the earth. With hands entwined, they vow to walk through the seasons together, planting seeds of hope and reaping the joy of a lifetime in bloom. 🤎
tagged - sincerelyy/n
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lorde: loved watching this love grow 🌷
mileycyrus: Y'all are so special to me. Sending you all the love and good vibes! Congrats!
noahkahan: Congrats on finding your way to each other. Best wedding ever!
cherrywinelover: holy shit we were right omg someone alert twitter lmaoo ⤷ heartstringsofhozier: already trending babe 😭
arianagrande: is this the real life?? we've all been waiting for this. so happy for you two. ⋆˙⟡ ♡
edsheeran: Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and amazing tunes along the way.
hozierupdates: i’m crying im so happy for you wow
billieeilish: u guys are cooler than i'll ever be. 🖤
selenagomez: The love and happiness in this post are contagious! ❤️ So happy for you both. Here's to a future filled with love and laughter! 🌟
muddybootsbabe: throwing up scratching the walls rn
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rhey-007 · 2 months
The Mystery of Love
Fernando Alonso family fluff
|| P7 of Fernando Alonso x goth mommy!reader
• | social media au
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Summary: You and Fernando finally make your relationship public.
Warnings/Tags: fluff, family fluff, female reader
A/N: Enjoy another part of The Mystery of Love. I know I was supposed to post it two weeks ago but I felt like shit and didn't manage to finish it... 😔 And I have to stop promising things, ik no one read them but still.
If you'd like to be added to the tag list let me know! ☺
‧͙⁺˚*・༓🥀 INSTAGRAM 🥀༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, maxverstappen1, landonorris and 15,824 others
tagged: fernandoalo_oficial
•y/n._.l/n: finally managed to convince •fernandoalo_oficial for some dress up! 🤭🥰
•user1: Nando as a goth is something we all needed 😍
•user2: you guys slayed, as always!
•user3: real life Morticia and Gomes! 💞
•landonorris: DAMN! grandpa looking good!
→ •fernandoalo_oficial: language!
→ •landonorris: sorry 🤭😋
→ •user3: Nando definitely mad over grandpa not damn lol
•user4: now the only thing we need is a goth family photo shoot! 😍
•user5: you're too old for this, it's just childish
→ •user6: oh shut up you know nothin
→ •user7: they're adults they can dress however they want
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☃️ INSTAGRAM ☃️༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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liked by mickkschumacher, y/n._.l/n and 958 others
tagged: fernandoalo_official, y/n._.l/n, lance_stroll
•kl.au_s: ⛷️🏂🏔
•mickkschumacher: beautiful! next time I'm going with ya!
→ •user7: MICK NO!
→ •user9: Fernando hasn't either....
→ •user10: no driver had.....
•lance_stroll: and to thinks pops still has strength for skiing 🤔
→ •fernandoalo_oficial: what are you talking about, I have lots of energy not only for skiing 😉
→ •kl.au_s: 💀
‧͙⁺˚*・༓🌱 INSTAGRAM 🌱༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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liked by sebastianvettel, fernandoalo_oficial and 85,256 others
tagged: fernandoalo_official, y/n._.l/n, kl.au_s
•aussiegrit: a little trip with friends 😃🏕🚴
→ •aussiegrit: did I do something wrong? 😔
→ •user11: uncle?
→ •user12: just wait and he'll call Nando dad
→ •user14: oh my god it is!
•user15: 🚨SPOILER ALERT🚨
→ •user16: Markie definitely should've put a spoiler alert 🫠
•user16: not Mark leaking what everyone already knew 😭
‧͙⁺˚*・༓🍷 INSTAGRAM 🍷༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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liked by aussiegrit, jensonbutton and 10,985 others
tagged: fernandoalo_official, kl.au_s, aussiegrit, jensonbutton, landonorris, oscarpiastri, carlossainz55, lance_stroll
•y/n._.l/n: I'm not a fan of big birthday parties but I couldn't be more grateful for Fernie and the boys throwing a HUUUGE dinner just for me and accept me and my sons into their racing family. I love all of you, but especially my boo Fernando 🥰💞 Thank you once again!
(ans please don't come for Mark, he tried his best :) )
•user17: FINALLY
•user18: couldn't you announce it earlier? It was so obvious from the very beginning
→ •user19: chill, maybe they just didn't feel like it
•user20: exactly, not everyone has to be ready for something like this right away
•jensonbutton: for what this announcement? 🤨didn't everyone already know?
→ •y/n._.l/n: 🤦‍♀️
•susiewolff: Congrats on finally getting the courage to tell the world! 💞
•aussiegrit: amazing party!
→ •landonorris: of course it was! after all I was the one who organized it 💅
→ •carlossainz55: oi! you didn't do it alone! > : (
→ •maxverstappen1: exactly!
→ •oscarpiastri: kids calm down 🙄
→ •y/n._.l/n: exactly.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓🍾 INSTAGRAM 🍾༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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liked by y/n._.l/n, carlossainz55 and 105,627 others
tagged: y/n._.l/n, kl.au_s, aussiegrit, jensonbutton, carlossains55, oscarpiastri, landonorris, lance_stroll
•fernandoalo_oficial: sweet 40 🤭🥳🎉💝
•aussiegrit: best party ever!
•user21: that looks so fun 😭😩
•user22: Y/N looking exceptionally good! 💗
→ •user23: as she always does 😍👑
•y/n._.l/n: thank you baby! ☺😘
→ •fernandoalo_oficial: everything for you honey~ ❤
‧͙⁺˚*・༓💘 INSTAGRAM 💘༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, lilimhe and 17,256 others
tagged: fernandoalo_official
•y/n._.l/n: I'm so glad I've met you 💞
•lilimhe: yes mama!!! you two are so cuuuute!
→ •y/n._.l/n: you and Alex too!!! 😘
→ •alex_albon: of course we are! 😁 <3
•fernandoalo_oficial: I'm glad I met you too mi gusanito ❤🧡💛💚💙💜 (my little bug)
→ •y/n._.l/n: 🥰
→ •kl.au_s: 🤢🤮
→ •y/n._.l/n: KLAUS!
→ •kl.au_s: 🫣
→ •user23: not Klaus ruining this cute moment xD
‧͙⁺˚*・༓💋 INSTAGRAM 💋༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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liked by y/n._.l/n, sebastianvettel and 156,256 others
tagged: y/n._.l/n
•fernandoalo_oficial: mi vida, mi alma, mi amor, mi hermosa, mi cariño 💘 (my life, my soulmate, my love, my beautiful, my sweety)
•kl.au_s: I swear to God you guys are GROSS 💀
→ •fernandoalo_oficial: could say the same bout you and Bluebell 🧍‍♀️
→ •kl.au_s: oh shut up, at least we ain't kissing everywhere we go >:(
•landonorris: I think I'm to young for such photos...
•maxverstappen1: jeez pops calm down! we know you love her!
•user24: that is a really nice photoshoot
→ •user25: those photos gonna be def used in fanfics XD
•sebasrianvettel: so happy for you two!
Tag list: @morgan-getty @lichterfee @ashy-kit @champomiel
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jasontoddssuper · 10 months
Miles saying 'How are you even cooler under your mask?' and Hobie responding with 'I'm this cool all the time' were both attempts at rizzing eachother up but only Hobie's was concious
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starrylevi · 6 months
hi! I’m new to your page but your writing is so skilled! So here I am requesting a Levi x reader post war, where the reader insist on taking Levi stargazing? And at some point the reader’s hand get cold and Levi insists on warming her up? Thank youuu! 🧡
Hi!! And welcome!!! You’re so very sweet, I truly don’t think so but thank you! This is such a cute request it kinda got away from me (in a good way) 😅 I hope it’s okay.
🌟 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
“Y’know this can be considered kidnapping,” Levi jokes from the passenger seat.
You place one hand over your chest, feigning shock as the other still grips the steering wheel. “I would never,” you continue before placing both hands back on the wheel. “Besides,” you briefly glance at him with a grin. “You came willingly.”
Levi saved you from a terrible fate, slicing the fingers off a titan before it had the chance to swallow you whole. After, you insisted that he come over to your place so you can make him a cup of tea. It’s the least you could do is what you told him. Levi’s not one to accept a gracious offer like this from a civilian but there was something about you that was inviting to him, and he couldn’t help but give in to his curiosity. You two spent the next hour talking. Well, it was mostly you doing the talking but you asked Levi questions and surprisingly he answered. After that initial meeting, you checked in on him from time to time. He got used to you popping in. Your visits became so frequent his squad knew you by name.
The rumbling followed shortly after and you didn’t hear from him for a little while. Of course you were worried. You surprised yourself, and him, by practically jumping on him the day he got back. Since then, you two have been closer than ever.
“Come on, you’re not even going give me the slightest hint?”
You fight back a chuckle as you answer. “Weren’t you a captain? Aren’t captains supposed to be patient?”
“I wouldn’t have gotten anything done as a captain if I were always patient now, would I?”
“Fair enough.” You look ahead at the road in front of you, appreciating the sight. It’s a nice evening, the sky has transitioned from a deep blue to an almost black. Sparkles of light are start to peek out.
“What about them?”
“We’re going to see them.”
“I see them every night.”
“Not like this. We’re stargazing tonight.”
You drive down a deserted road; the light pollution fades away as you approach a lake. You see the brilliant shine of its water and smile.
“Okay, this should be fine.” You say before stopping the car. You don’t turn off the headlights so you can see what you’re doing. You grab Levi’s wheelchair from the bed of your truck and help him onto it before you wheel him right in front of the lake.
“Trying to drown me?” You can hear the smirk in his voice.
“I would never drown Humanity’s Strongest Soldier.” You say with a little more admiration than you mean to. Levi hums in response and you take it as your cue to get your seat. “Be right back!”
You feel a steady breeze hit you as you walk to and from the truck. You approach Levi with your chair in tow. His head is tilted upwards, towards the sky.
“So…what do you think?” You ask him as you take your place next to him.
“Not bad.” He nods to himself, seemingly admiring the stars scattered above him.
“Right?” You smile, gently nudging him with your elbow as you take in the view yourself. Your eyes jump from star to star. “Can you spot any of the constellations?”
You glance at Levi and you can see him scanning over the pattern of the stars for a moment before finding a familiar sight. “Orion.”
“Good eye.” You smile but it quickly drops when you realize what you just said, not wanting Levi to think you’re making fun of him. “Sorry, I didn’t mean-“
“It’s alright.” Levi cuts you off with a small chuckle. “I only have the one. I’m grateful it can still do its job.”
You sigh, relieved, and go back to admiring the stars. You both sit there in comforting silence for a while. The breeze starts to pick up and you feel the uncomfortable chill prickle at your skin. You don’t want to be the reason you two back up and go home so you try to subtly blow warm air into your hands. That, of course, does not go unnoticed by Levi.
“A little but it’s okay -“
As if by reflex, Levi places a gentle hand over your cold one.
“Does that help?” He asks you, his eyes seemingly say they hope it does and it’s hard for you to answer because he’s so warm?
Levi interprets your lack of response for you not wanting his hand on yours so he ends up quickly pulling back. “Sorry.” He says quietly, the lightest pink coloring his cheeks. However, that doesn’t stop him from trying to help you. “We can also share my jacket if that’s better.” He tries to drape it over both yours and his knees but it isn’t long enough.
“I don’t need it, it’s fine. You can stick your hands under it.” He drapes it just over your knees.
“Levi…” You start slowly, a smile in your voice. “How about we just,” You pick up his wrist, creating an opening so you can lean into him. Levi looks a bit startled but he follows your lead and wraps his arm around your shoulder. “And now the jacket can cover both of us. Is that okay?”
“T-that works.” He breathes out before he covers the both of you with his jacket.
There’s another moment of silence before Levi speaks once again. “Thank you.” He utters quietly.
“For what?” You ask him as you stare up at the sky.
“Showing me the stars.” ✨
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The Story of Us Instagram 6: New Adventures
How is pip six months already?! I hope you love this IG Post!
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liked by annetwist, pillowpersonpp, mitchrowland, scottysakamoto, nijiadeleye, jeffazoff, paulithepsm, _basselin and 644 others
y/n.y/l/n Oh hi Sweet Cheeks 💖
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thegemmastyles NO STOP LOOK AT HER
mrsannetwist Oh my baby girl
glenne_azoff 🤤🤤🤤
scottysakamoto My babyyyyyy 😍
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liked by thegemmastyles, mitchrowland, scottysakamoto, glenne_azoff, jeffazoff,  and 34,453 others
mrsannetwist: Best friends in the making (I really cannot believe she agreed to lay there with the baby)
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darrendr ❤️❤️
dee_selley Oh she’s gotten so big  🥰
elladeannemurray Little Cat Lady like her Nana
y/n.y/l/n Stop!!! She looks so happy 🥹🥹🥹🥹
mrsannetwist y/n.y/l/n Maybe she needs a furry friend?
scottysakamoto mrsannetwist y/n.y/l/n Don’t give her ideas mum
thegemmastyles mrsannetwist y/n.y/l/n scottysakamoto PLEASE GIVE HER IDEAS MUM
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liked by, harry_is_my_medicine, hs.yn.updates, hes1994 and 143,350 others
hsupdates1 Pippa on Gemma’s Instagram story today! May 23
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harryfan1 LOOK AT HER BABY FEET!!!!!
harryfan2 Oh that chunky leg
harryfan3 I can’t believe she is almost six months old already 🥹
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liked by mrsannetwist, pillowpersonpp, harrystyles, paulithepsm, scottysakamoto, lizzobeating, jeffazoff and 654 others
thegemmastyles: Hey scottysakamoto Pippa and I are still under discussions on our first impressions of your new album, as you can see she is not truly impressed 🤨
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mrsannetwist 😂😂😂
pillowpersonpp 🤣😮🤭
glenne_azoff Our littlest critique
scottysakamoto I will start limiting the time you spend with her 😒
y/n.y/l/n scottysakamoto No you’re not
thegemmastyles y/n.y/l/n scottysakamoto Listen to your Missus 😌
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liked by mrsannetwist, louist91, pillowpersonpp, mitchrowland, _basselin , glenne_azoff, jeffazoff and 344 others
scottysakamoto Tour is a thousand times better with you here 🌟
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mrsannetwist Enjoy Glasgow babes!
thegemmastyles 🩵🩵🩵
y/n.y/l/n Baby’s first out of womb LOT concert 🥺🥺💖💖
glenne_azoff I love her so freaking much 💜
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liked by annetwist, pillowpersonpp, mitchrowland, scottysakamoto, nijiadeleye, jeffazoff, paulithepsm, _basselin and 644 others
y/n.y/l/n Someone’s so excited for her First ever Love on Tour 🤤😍💖
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thegemmastyles IS THAT A TEETH I SEE PEEKING OUT?! 👀
y/n.y/l/n thegemmastyles It is 🥺🥺 they will pop out so soon
scottysakamoto 😍😍😍😍😍
pillowpersonpp Our littlest band member! I love her to pieces ❤️
mitchrowland scottysakamoto Should we expect for her to take over you anytime soon? 🤔
scottysakamoto mitchrowland No need, she’ll just be in charge of administrative matters 🫡
jeffazoff scottysakamoto Should I be worried about loosing my job? 😥
scottysakamoto jeffazoff Maybe. Maybe not. Who knows? 😮
Taglist @adoredeanna @alienorknight @be-with-me-so-happily @behindmygreyeyes @cherrylovesblog @karenarella22 @daphnesutton @dayxoxodreamer @dirtytissuebox @goldenlouvr @groovychaosavenue @harrysficreblog @harryspirate @hoya122 @imaginesofdreams @i-got-the-cinema @infinitely-yellow @irelilien @itsgabbysblog @itsgigikay @itsmytimetoodream @jgoff717 @kathy522 @last-saturday-night @michellekstyles @msolbesg @shawnsblue @sunshinemoonsposts @tinydeskwriter @tinydestinybear @tpwkstyles1d @voosa @watercolorskyy @wherethehellhaveyoubeenharry
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f10werfae · 2 years
Mischievous Monkey
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pairing: Dad!Chris Evans x Mom!Reader
summary: After a routine family nap, a certain little Evans gets up to harmless no good deeds
-Requests are open!
Likes, Comments and Re-blogs are appreciated♥️
Chris Evans Masterlist🌟
Full Masterlist💫
Taglist Form✨
The mid winter afternoon sun spilled into warm living room, casting a soft orange glow over the snoring family. Chris Evans and his family were definitely one to take family naps on the daily, consisting of both his toddler Ellie and wife Y/n.
With an air mattress on the living room floor packed with blankets and pillows, and of course stuffies Ellie refused to sleep without, Elmer the giraffe. Chris lay on his back with one arm folded behind his head, another arm tucking his dear wife into his side and baby Ellie had taken it upon herself to sleep on top of her daddy’s chest.
“mmm” Ellie whimpered nuzzling her head further into her dad’s bare chest, her tiny hands clutching onto one of her mother’s fingers while the other had stuck a thumb into her own mouth for comfort. Dressed in her favourite bambi t-shirt dress, the three year old began to stir from her nap. Letting go of her momma’s finger and thumb, she lifted her head up cutely looking lost, almost forgetting where she was.
Using her diapered bottom as a cushion, the three year old slid off her daddy’s chest, landing with a bounce onto the air mattress. Ellie's specks of brown hair stood up in all directions, her face still puffy from her sweet nap.
“hmph” Looking around she felt bored but didn’t want to venture too far from her parents' side, not when there were boogie monsters hiding somewhere in the house. Her wide eyes looked around the room hopelessly, until a shiny thing by her daddy’s head caught her eye, his phone.
Stumbling to her feet, she tottered over and grabbed the phone with her hands, quiet squeals leaving her when the screen lit up. The three year old checked up on her parents, to see them now snuggling further into each other, oblivious to the antics their baby was getting up to while they snoozed. In fact Y/n now had one leg wrapped around Chris' waist with one arm around his torso, with both Chris' arms wrapping around his wife.
Little Ellie now felt left out and decided to do what she did best, cuddle. Trying to crawl into her parent’s arms seemed impossible, huffing out of her pouty lips she just sat staring at them both. Until the shiny thing once again caught her eye, her interest went further when she recognised the numbers from 1-9 on the screen, something her mom had spent time trying to teach her before kindergarten.
Pressing a wide spread of different numbers that peaked her interest, she got into what looked like a screen with multiple icons and squares, her dad’s homescreen.
“Oo birdie” She whispered seeing a blue icon with a white bird, reminding her of the times she had seen tweetie bird while watching Baby Looney Tunes with her parents during bottle time. She furrowed her brows when a complicated looking thing came up, all types of words and symbols all over the place. ‘messy’ she thought
Seeing the only thing she recognised was a ‘+’ button she decided to press it, with the alphabet coming up underneath giving her free reign to type whatever her heart felt content with. Starting with her ABCs typed out, she smiled proudly to herself before seeing the suggested words pop up above the keyboard.
Ellie clicked rapidly watching an abundance of words pop up onto the screen instantly bringing her tons of joy.
She only felt it was right to press the tick in the corner, thinking it meant she was correct, not realising she had posted it to Chris' 16 million twitter followers. Dropping the phone when she felt her father’s arm wrap around her waist,
“What are you doin up monkey?”
(Chris' P.O.V)
My eyes flickered open, my wife’s head tucked into my neck, with both my arms around her. Placing a soft kiss onto her forehead I turned my head to see my little princess facing away from me,
“What are you doin up monkey?”
“Nofin dada” Ellie replied cutely, my arms bringing her to sit atop my chest, her cute toothy smile making my heart swell with happiness.
To my side I felt Y/n pepper soft kisses onto my neck, signalling that she too was starting to wake up slowly. Sporting that same dazed look as Ellie, my wife lifted up her head and looked around before settling her head on my chest with a soft smile on her face.
“Hey baby” Y/n croaked out, bringing up a hand to cup Ellie's face as she nuzzled into it.
“C'mere love” Y/n cooed shifting over to create a small space between us, Ellie's face lightening up as she hurried to shuffle into the crevice. Her head laying on my torso, with half her body leaning on mine, Y/n’s arms kept around her waist affectionately.
Y/n who now had her head on my shoulder looked up at me, leaning forward to press a soft sweet kiss onto my lips, one which I greatly reciprocated,
“Wha bout me mama” Ellie pouted, making Y/n and I laugh, the both of us looking at each other before smothering Ellie in kisses on her face.
(Y/n's P.O.V)
Sharing kisses and cuddles with my family mid winter was always a treat, something i’m glad we included in our daily routine. I hugged Ellie tighter to my chest, basking in her soft baby powder scent, Chris’ arms enveloping us as he acted as our personal heater.
His arm rubbed up and down my back lovingly, his hands venturing up his shirt I was wearing, his other hand folded once again behind his back.
“Dads Ponies” Ellie pouted after a while, Chris smiling when he knew exactly what his daughter wanted.
“Okay monkey, let dada just get his phone alright?” Chris sighed sitting up a bit to reach his phone, only to find it vibrating every single second, hell faster if even.
“What on Earth?” He whispered unlocking his phone showing it to me, Ellie had now quietened down instead looking up at the screen with us. Chris’ twitter had hundreds of thousands of notifications over some tweet he apparently just posted, when we were asleep?
“Ellie? Were you on dada's phone” I asked sweetly
“Was only playing alphabet” She smiled turning around to hug into my body,
“I mean she definitely practiced, that’s for sure” Chris laughed showing me the supposed tweet,
“Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzaisjwjis fuck susnduwui baby usnwusjw groceries whensuje love”
“Look mama, alfbet” Ellie shouted excitedly pointing to her work on Chris' phone, Chris' face lighting up and congratulating his little princess for being so smart.
Chris then took it upon himself to take a selfie of us all cuddling on this huge mattress with hundreds of blankets, explaining the funny situation to his fans.
“Alright Ellie, time to get changed” I said slowly sitting up,
“No mama wan' hug” Ellie pouted crossing her arms, which was really her just grabbing her opposite elbows, her eyes already threatening to water with tears.
“After tubby time baby, we can play with toys yeah?”
“Toy?” She quirked with an eyebrow up, already climbing to her feet on the wobbly air bed, Chris’ hands ghosting around her in case she fell
“Tubbies mama, now”
“Alright miss bossy pants m'comin” I laughed chasing after her small body running after the stairs, feeling a large hand spank my ass as I got off the mattress. Gasping to see Chris whistling and acting as if he had just done nothing, causing me to shake my head and run after our little girl.
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @sairsei @patzammit @madebylilly @bxdbxtxh15 @tojisbabymommy @dumb-fawkin-bitch @vrittivsanghavi @chrisevansdaughter @kimhtoo17 @itsaylayay1213 @evanstanwhore @mrspeacem1nusone @thereisa8ella @seren-a-ity @pandaxnienke @chrisevansangel @royalwriteroftheuniverse
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hopefulpenance · 10 months
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Pretty,, angel 🌟
I think it didn't post? An error message keeps popping up ;; so second attempt
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w2soneshots · 2 months
world you write for ksi about the reader being like a huge influencer and she randomly goes live and jj, without knowing walks in just and presses kiss on her forehead and then it's like "oh shit" and the next day it's all over twitter
sorry about my explaining skills they ain't the best
Live -KSI
Words: 0.5k+
Warnings: none.
In which yours and JJ’s private relationship becomes a little less private.
a/n: thank you for your request anon! I hope that this is what you were thinking. Enjoy🍿🫶🏼
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Liked by olivianeil and 1,089,124 others
y/username: happy Friday🌟 @ksi
ksi: ❤️❤️
taliamar: the outfit is👌🏼
-> y/username: 🫶
y/nfanpage21: you two are so cute!!
user6183905: can't believe JJ bagged her
I've been with JJ for 3 years now. We met at a YouTube event and the next morning I had an instagram message from him asking if I got home ok, a months later we'd been on multiple dates and I was officially his girlfriend. We kept our relationship a complete secret so only our friends and family knew but decided to announce it quietly to everyone after a year of being together. We still kept it pretty private, only posting the odd photo here and there. I've been doing YouTube for years and have a pretty substantial following on all of my platforms, so thankfully don't get to many of the "your with him for the money" comments.
y/username just started a live video...
I decided randomly that I was going to go live to say hello and answer some questions. Thousands of people immediately started poring in. "Hey, how's everyone doing?" I asked while trying to read through the comments. "I'm bored so I thought I'd pop on here to answer some of your questions." I said. "When are you gonna do another PLT collection," I read aloud, I shrugged "can't answer that one." I said with a wink to the camera. "Ok umm- where's your top from, Bershka." I answered.
After a little while I heard the door to my office click. I quickly pressed the "pause live video" button as JJ walked into the room. "You alright?" I asked. "Yea, I'm just heading off to training, see you in a bit." He said then pressed a quick kiss to my forehead. "Bye, love you." I said with a smile. "Love you." He returned the smile then left. I turned back to my phone to see it still on and the comments flooding with: "OMFG" "I screen recorded it!!" "They're so cute" "I THINK SHE ACCIDENTALLY LEFT IT ON🤣" my eyes widened "shit." I said aloud. It didn't pause. I quickly said goodbye and ended the live.
JJ arrived home a few hours later. "Hey." He said tiredly. "Hi, how was training?" I asked, pushing myself off the couch. "Good, I actually-" "JJ," I interrupted him, his brows furrowed "I um- earlier I was live and I forgot to tell you and I thought I paused it when you walked in, but I didn't and they-" I rambled. "I saw." He said calmly. "You did?" He laughed "it's all over twitter, the boys sent it to me." He said with a chuckle. "You're not mad?" I asked. "What? No, of course not." He replied. "Oh, good." I sighed of relief. "I am getting roasted though, I think this is gonna take awhile to die down." He said with a grin.
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ksi just posted a new story!
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allwaswell16 · 5 months
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A fic rec of One Direction fics with a pairing of a famous musician with a not famous character as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
- Louis/Harry -
🌟 Your Mess Is Mine by amory
(E, 176k, musician Harry) Louis is the father to the most brilliant little boy in the world who is all Louis really needs, or at least that's what he tells himself. Harry is a gorgeous boybander fresh off a two year break and a massive scandal that's left him a little broken and more than ready to move on.
🌟  California Sold by @isthatyoularry
(M, 123k, musician Harry) A fake-relationship AU between two lifelong best friends.
🌟  Heading For Limbo by @kingsofeverything
(E, 100k, musician Louis) The pieces of their twice broken hearts are scattered from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
🌟  Emperor’s New Clothes by sunsetmog / @magicalrocketships
(E, 92k, musician Harry) Harry’s a pop star and Louis isn’t, and there’s a non-disclosure agreement where there used to be a relationship.
🌟  Cameras Flashing by @juliusschmidt
(E, 81k, musician Louis) As the album’s release date approaches, will Tomlinson and Styles be able to pull off the most risky PR scheme of the millennium and beat Zayn in sales or will the heat of their feelings for each other compromise everything?
🌟 My Sweetest Downfall by kiwikero / @icanhazzalou
(E, 42k, musician Harry) Louis is a retired guardian angel. After the death of his last charge, he became jaded. Humans die—what use is prolonging the inevitable?
🌟 Something Great by @infinitelymint
(E, 31k, musician Harry) Louis is a student and Harry is the mega-famous singer that happens to post a photo with Louis in the background. Together they kind of break the internet.
🌟 Bitter Ends Turn Sweet by @allwaswell16
(E, 30k, musician Louis) It had been four years since Harry first heard the song his ex wrote about him and far longer since they broke up. He forgave Louis long ago, and now his life was focused on his career, his family, and especially his son, Max.
🌟  led by your beating heart by @missandrogyny
(E, 29k, musician Harry) AU where Harry's in One Direction, Louis isn't, and they reconnect over a game of 'Call or Delete'
🌟 A Hungry Heart by jacaranda_bloom / @jacaranda-bloom
(E, 27k, musician Louis) the one where the Bake Off tent has never been so hot, and it’s got nothing to do with what’s in the ovens.
🌟 When It's Late At Night by Rearviewdreamer / @all-these-larrythings
(M, 25k, musician Harry) Louis has zero interest in an ex-boybander turned solo artist when his appearance on the show gets announced, but that's exactly who he gets stuck with when Harry Styles shows up at the Late Late show to promote the release of his debut album. For an entire fucking week.
🌟 It's the Climb by @lululawrence
(NR, 25k, musician Louis) The Hannah Montana AU where Louis is a world famous punk rock singer with a stage name of William and Jay drags him back to Tennessee for the summer. 
🌟 i'll be your new favourite tune by lsforever / @kingonafiftymetreroad
(E, 22k, musician Louis)  Louis is the Pop Punk King of our dreams, and Harry is the cute associate at the rescue who helps him adopt a cat.
🌟 With These Arms Folded by @taggiecb
(NR, 21k, musician Louis) He has his lake house, and his cat, and his small town existence. That is until he receives a curious email one sunny summer morning, and his life almost immediately gets turned upside down buy a force that's bigger than any storm he's seen outside his window.
🌟 Then We Talk Slow by @letsjustsee
(E, 20k, musician Louis) A famous/non-famous AU in which Louis banters back and forth with his new record company on Twitter, only to find out that Harry is the man behind the tweets.
🌟 In Shining Armour of Trackie and Trainers by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13
(T, 9k, musician Louis) Online dating isn't exactly working for Harry. In fact, it couldn't really be going much worse. But then the door of the bar opens, and the pack of friends walking in parts and - that’s Louis Tomlinson. Louis fucking Tomlinson.
🌟 More Than a Mic Drop by @haztobegood
(E, 7k, musician Louis) Harry levels him a serious look and suddenly the room feels too hot. “You could have broken the mic and we don’t have a lot of spares.”
🌟 Porn To Be Wild by @fallinglikethis
(E, 5k, musician Harry) As Louis Tomlinson writes his One Direction fanfiction in a quiet, isolated corner of the local library, the last thing he expects is for the subject of his story to interrupt him in the middle of a sex scene. But that’s exactly what happens.
🌟 (your smile is) on every face by @justanothershadeofblue
(T, 5k, musician Louis) Harry streams the whole thing, too overwhelmed to sing along, clutching his phone above his head as Louis whips the fans into a frenzy, playing both sides of the stage before staking a claim to the middle.
🌟 We’ll Paint the Town by @kotabear-24
(G, 4k, musician Louis) In which Louis can't flirt, Lottie does all the work, Harry just wants to get her in a damn dress, and Niall is an aggressive affirmer. It ends well for everyone.
- Rare Pairs -
🌟 Future Starts Slow by abovetheserpentine
(E, 50k, Liam/Harry) the year is 2018; Liam is turning 25, and Harry is a rockstar. They share a history.
🌟 Hearts Catch Fire by ziamandbeyond
(T, 23k, Zayn/Liam) Liam works at a theme park where he meets the world famous Zayn Malik while he's on holiday there and the two start talking daily on twitter.
🌟 bet on it by @nouies
(E, 3k, Louis/OMC) a fic inspired by Louis at the barricade during AFHF.
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celestialtarot11 · 4 months
If you were a celeb, what would your vibe be? 💋🎬🌟 professions, careers etc 😍✨
Hi friends! Today we’ll be looking into something pretty fun! Your vibe as a celeb 💅🏻 enjoy and feel free to comment like and reblog 💗
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Pile 1: Hi there pile 1’s! 🤗🌟 For pile 1 I am picking up you would be a singer or a musician of some kind. I’m seeing RGB lighting in a concert, slow dancing from you itself, holding the microphone and it’s a jazz kind of vibe. Slow and sensual, but enough to grip you because of the tantalizing way you sing 🤍 some of ya’ll may have beautiful voices! For some of ya’ll you have an indie vibe and keep it fun, lively, and sometimes sensual in the concerts 💅🏻 I also see you guys would have an awesome costume designer capturing a retro vintage style of dressing. Very dreamy colors, makeup, and visuals that is alluring. I feel you’d have such an alluring appearance and you’re private as well, you may not post personal information to the public but mostly share your band, music, and travels 🤗🤍 I absolutely adore this pile because this is my kind of music 😍 if ya’ll had a band already I’d book tickets! You’d travel to popular places like LA and the West Coast, NYC, Boston, I also heard Oregon…? That may resonate for a few of you 😂 But you love your fans and you’d have a close relationship with them, and i feel as a celeb your music is incredibly important. I feel like you’d make a lot of music based on romance & love and capturing how that feels. I feel like you’d be the celeb to bring back that teenager in us and thats why fans love you! 🤗💗 you cultivate a powerful community because you bring together nostalgic feelings & memories. I feel like people would definitely admire you a lot, and they’d love if you held Q&A sessions so they got to know your history with music, how you started, and how you met your band 👏 You’d have such a sex appeal too because you appear dreamy, comfortable, radiant and yet private 💋✨ some of yall may not be into music but modeling too, and you’d have a very dreamy appearance and unique look! Thank you my pile 1’s! Feel free to support by liking commenting and reblogging 🤍🌟
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Pile 2: Hi there pile 2’s! We’ve got some influencers up in here in terms of health & wellness. Also fitness. I feel you guys would encourage your fans to eat healthier, and you’d do intensive research into healthier foods and holistic medicine 🌟💗 and as a result people really like you because you give them alternatives to medicine and popping pills 😂 also because I feel like you have a beautiful visual appearance. You appear put together, clean, professional and fun! You have a light hearted yet determined aura and people feel attracted to that 💅🏻✨ some of ya’ll might vlog & talk about your day, and people are invested in your workout routine, diet, and health! And also some of yall may have dogs so your fans would love them 🤗 I also feel like ya’ll would do wonderful creating your own wellness products and selling fitness related gear, people would love that! Especially those with disabilities that still want to work out. There’s something about you and how you create wellness products that are unique, they are designed for people that struggle or need help. I feel you hear your fans and you want to deliver results that are efficient and effective. I feel you’d work wonderfully with children too, and may pair up with organizations catered to the disabled and poverty. So people see you as incredibly humble, helpful, and supportive! You’re incredibly engaging with your fans & community and open to feedback! I feel like you’d be a great motivation speaker too, not because you’re aggressive but because you’re calm, efficient, and reliable in your tone. And you validate people’s experiences and feelings! People are drawn to your reassuring, gentle and determined personality 🤍🌟 you’d do great marketing fitness products too, or makeup products as well! If you’re into makeup you’d model and your fans love your reviews, they love how you do your makeup with precision and you’re unique with it too. You have innovative makeup ideas that people never thought of and it turns out beautiful 😍 I also feel you’d have something unique about your appearance and people cant forget it! It makes you stand out & beautiful 🤗💗 Overall you’d be open with your fans, inclusive, diverse and focus on educating them with health or tips for beauty 💗✨ so maybe you’re south asian and you want to make south asian makeup for those with olive undertones! That would be catering to a specific demographic! And people would greatly appreciate you because of how inclusive you are 🌟 thank you pile 2! Feel free to like comment and reblog for support 🤍
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Pile 3: Hi there pile 3! So happy you’re here 🤍🤗 Lets get on with it shall we? Some of yall may have a welsh accent 😂 anyway! I feel like yall have great jokes and would be known for your comedy. Maybe you blow up as a meme at first and then you get into acting 💅🏻 and people are taken away by your skills and effort! You are effortlessly hilarious and yet intentional, and you’d be recognized for it. I feel you have a lot of charisma as a celeb too, because you’re natural at getting people to like you. You’re very good at conversation and with one conversation you’d have someone gripped. Especially an interviewer. I see a lot of people interviewing you & wanting to get to know you. Huge audience, and you love it all! Sometimes anxious, but eventually you and your PR form great bonds so they know when to pull you out 😂 but anyway, I feel like you’re a natural at understanding what to do, how to do it, and you’re overall amazing! You’d do wonderful in movies and tv shows! Some of ya’ll could also be a runway model, and behind the scenes your humor is what gets you noticed and you go on to have your own page, where you sell to your own fans any product 💗 and I feel like you’d keep a healthy distance with your fans! I also feel you’d have such a striking appearance especially your eyes, theres something very different and unique about the color or intensity. It leaves interviewers forgetting what they said 🤣 but they definitely are hooked! You have a lot of sex appeal and you may not realize it, but people do. People also create sexual fantasies of you in their mind & they daydream about you. You could take care of your body a lot and people admire that! Thank you pile 3 feel free to comment like or reblog! 💗🌟 thank yall so much!
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Paid Readings 🤍✨
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