#letters from summer
jasontoddssuper · 7 months
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Transfem Hobie truthers this one's for you🙏🏼
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My dni
Bullies of aspec people of any kind,terfs,transmeds,butch/femme gatekeepers,transandrophobia truthers,non-transfems who use the fb slur and all other queerphobes
Proshippers and people who think saying abusive relathionships and ped0philia are bad is 'purity culture' and 'cencorship'(Does not go for depicting them to show they're bad)
Anti-recovery and anti-self diagnosis
Speak over minorities you're not a part of on their issues
'Femcels' and ddlg accs
Taylor Swift,Drake and Johnny Depp fans(No context for him and Amber Heard but i know he dated Winona Ryder when she was underaged)
You use mental illness terms such as 'delusional','triggered' and so forth to mean anything but them as symptoms
Fans of actively harmful media such as South Park,Aot,Harry Potter,etc and this includes fanon
Whitewashers(Looking at you,people who make Leah Jeffries blonde because you can't stand normal black people and leave Cass and Duke out of Batkids content)
Bashers of kid/teen-characters for acting their age(Examples:Orihime Inoue,Avatar Aang,Gwen Stacy and Damian Wayne)
Rick Riordan defenders(I've gotten questions on this one a few times but the short version is that he's a bigot who's extremely cruel to both his minority characters and his fans who are them)
Shippers of the following ships:Jason/Roy or Stephanie,Clark/Lex,Dabi/Hawks,Bakugou/Shouto or Momo,Percy/Annabeth,Nico/Jason(Pjo) or Percy,Hunter/Edric,Luz/Hunter and Ichigo/Rukia or Grimmjow(These are proships but fandoms don't know what adoption is or that a 100+ year old dating a minor is ped0philia so i need to say it)
This last one isn't as big of a deal but i'd rather you block me instead of interacting if you're anti Ichihime,Todomomo,Allurance,Huntlow or Bubbline.If you dislike them then that's fine but if you believe they're objectively bad ships and won't be respectful of me or others liking them,then please leave
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jasontoddssuper · 1 year
I hope everyone who tries to act like emphasizing Miles blackness 'erases' his puerto rican heritage knows that that's literally not how it works in actual latino culture.In fact,it's the opposite.I'm the daughter(and son and child)of a divorced dominican couple who are a black man and a white woman and i was raised by my mom's side of the family and i CANNOT TELL YOU how many times her and the other nonblack people in my life like my teachers downplayed my blackness.I was told i'm 'not really black' because 'we're all mixed at the end of the day!' and that i look indigineous as a compliment because i look like a perfect mix of both of my parents.Not only that but that caused me to grow up almost completely disconnected from my blackness because i had no black friends either and gaining them later on in my life was incredibly healing and i love myself for being not just latina but afrolatina
Black people aren't erasing Miles latino heritage by being happy he's like us.You're erasing his AFROlatino heritage and perpetuating something that traumatized me and so many other afrolatino kids and i DEMAND you either cut out that shit out or leave the fandom.Now
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jasontoddssuper · 11 months
Miles saying 'How are you even cooler under your mask?' and Hobie responding with 'I'm this cool all the time' were both attempts at rizzing eachother up but only Hobie's was concious
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jasontoddssuper · 11 months
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2023 animation said black dudes come get y'all juice!!!!
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jasontoddssuper · 1 year
"I don't hate this m/f ship because i'm misogynistic,it's because she deserves better than him!!!"And then this is the dynamic of the ship in question
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jasontoddssuper · 9 months
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It's kinda insane how widely accepted the fanon ones are considering Percy's a huge asshole(complimentary)who's always outsmarting people without even planning ahead while Nico is constantly so hopeful despite his attempts to stamp that out of himself and thinks things like 'skeletal butterflies in my stomach' when he has a crush and as if Tim didn't have some of the grittiest stories i've ever seen from a teen protag and has had almost as many love interests as Dick despite Dick being around DECADES before him while Jason is a classical literature nerd who's canonically said 'Oh goodness gracious,i've been bamboozeld!' and can't keep a girlfriend,much less get a boyfriend like Tim has.Like seriously,where is the media comprehension in the Pjo and DC fandoms???
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jasontoddssuper · 10 months
A lot of people have said Hobie wouldn't listen to Taylor Swift but y'know what Gwen wouldn't either.Dosen't matter that she's a white blue eyed and blonde girl,she's canonically a trans punk who's gotten punched in the face by reality multiple times and liking Taylor Swift is a privileged ass thing to do
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jasontoddssuper · 11 months
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Male protagonists who you'd think would be edgelords because of how they look and their powers but are actually super peppy and sweet who's story is about leaving their home to try to find themselves and have adhd and autism and a blue girl who they've known for years as their love interest♡
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jasontoddssuper · 11 months
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I found this as someone else's post but they tagged it as c///oquette so i'm reposting!!Credit to selfcareexpress on instagram♡
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jasontoddssuper · 11 months
Hobie Brown definitely hates Harry Potter.It's one of the least punk pieces of media in existence and he's literally best friends with a trans girl(Gwen),ain't no way he dosen't
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jasontoddssuper · 11 months
Oh i just realized...Peter B and Andrew!Peter are both jewish.No wonder they're the best written and most comic accurate adaptions of Peter JDJDHSHZGX
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jasontoddssuper · 1 year
You can definitely tell that Katara is indigenous,that Aang is of a lesser known type of asian descent(tibetan)and that Zuko is east asian.Because the fandom constantly adultifies and sexualizes Katara despite her being 14 and makes fun of her for taking her trauma seriously,calls Aang ugly,erases his positive traits to make him look like a regressive bigot and minimizes the fact that he's a direct victim of race based violence and infantalize Zuko to pretend he dosen't have flaws due to wanting to date him,make him 'the braincell' to an objectively smarter darker skinned character(Sokka)and calls his country feminist even though they're literally colonizers.Sounds about white
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jasontoddssuper · 11 months
The best way i can describe my gender is ftm but it stands for 'female to malegirl'
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jasontoddssuper · 9 months
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jasontoddssuper · 8 months
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