#pride myself in being one of the first (if not THE first) in the adrian chase fanart tag on ig
badpanini · 2 years
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peacemaker art from early january that instagram loved
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rfswitchart · 4 months
Hunter's Comfort Food
I think, at this point, you all know my personal favorite Owl House headcanon. I shouldn't have to say what it is, you already know what I'm about to discuss. However, I am going to describe why Hunter loves what he does and maybe you'll adopt it as your headcanon too...
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It all started when Hunter ran away from the Emperor's Coven Post-Hollow Mind. He'd been living in the paranormatorim in Hexside since, building a nest and living on snacks. Gus, having seen the former Golden Guard living so dreadfully, offers him his lunch, which, among other things, included a sandwich.
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Hunter then helps Gus escape Adrian and the scouts, citing his reason for doing so being because Gus offered him food. When the illusionist questions him on it, Hunter says "It was a really good sandwich." As many have pointed out, Hunter's diet in the castle was probably miserable. On top of it, he was clearly malnourished, as several characters (Luz, Eda, Amity, Edric, Emira, Matt) have said. So it is assumed he didn't have a great time food wise, which is why he looked so happy eating that loaf of bread in King's Tide...
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Yeah, look at him go. Happily chewing on some bread and being pleased as punch over it. And this is where my HC came to be, Hunter and Gus bonding over a simple offering of food. A kindness Hunter had probably never known until then, combined with something that probably saved his life or at the very least made him feel much better. I feel like that sole interaction weighed on Hunter's heart, and it made him fall in love with sandwiches. After all, without Gus' sandwich, he would have never been able to sit down and actually talk about how he was feeling about Belos. He wouldn't have bonded with Gus and helped the younger witch when he needed it most. Hunter developed an intensely strong bond with Gus, a friendship and brotherhood forged in love, trust, and sandwiches.
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That said, I assume when they were trapped in the human realm, Hunter started looking into various types of sandwiches (with the help of Camila and Luz, of course.) Figuring out what the best meats and cheeses were. What kinds of vegetables go well with them (information he totally shared with Willow, obviously.) The best kinds of bread and condiments to compliment the other ingredients. I assume he learned about what foods he liked and disliked (boy loves himself some olives, btw.) Of course, this eventually lead to the ultimate creation. His pride and joy: The True Hero Sub. The culmination of his knowledge and understanding of foods that allowed him to create divinity between two slices of bread (well, shoved into a loaf of french bread, but hey, who's counting?)
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Of course, this is a BIG sandwich. I know, that's the one I made myself. It is about 2' long (60.69cm for you non-Americans.) It is not something you can eat by yourself, and Hunter would never want to eat it alone. Because of this sandwich, Hunter came up with his philosophy on food; "Food tastes best when shared with others." So I assume the first time he made one, he shared it with the others. Definitely Gus, his sandwich brethren, and possibly Willow, someone Hunter would be thrilled to share his accomplishments with.
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And this probably continued as he became an adult. I bet anything that Hunter has a series of sandwiches he brings with him to work. He maybe even wrote down his own cookbook of sorts for them. You KNOW anytime he had a new idea, Gus was the first person he told about it. He probably even made a book to make sandwiches to represent Cosmic Frontier characters (you know Gus AND Camila happily assisted him.) And that's my headcanon. A boy, his best friend, and a type of food that brought them closer and possibly even saved a life in more than one sense. In this house, we respect the Sandwich Bros. (Tagging @childlikegoblinqueen, @unniebeans, and @probablyhuntersmom, who I assume have also had this headcanon infect their brain for some time. *evil laugh*)
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As the Sun Sets // Misunderstanding // Part Nine
TW: Name calling?
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Theos POV:
The Great Hall was buzzing with excitement. Banners hang from the ceiling in green and silver and in blue and bronze. The first quidditch game of the school year, and the last. Dumbledor has called for a half day due to the excitement of today, though I am feeling anything but. 
I have been trying my hardest to avoid Scarlet. Watching her run to Adrian that day, after the horrid things he has done to her. Hearing him tell her it was him or me, cemented the fear in my brain that I will never be enough for her. 
The mere thought that she has chosen him over me sent me spiraling into a sea of disappear. My fathers voice rings loudly in my head. My deepest fears of never being enough, losing my best friend have come true. That night I vowed I would leave her be, and let her be happy. Even if it was with that bloody git and not with me. She deserves the world. She deserves to be happy.
Blaise and I had one more practice early this morning, causing us to be late to breakfast. We make our way to our spot at the end of the long table, I hear her laugh first. That angelic sound that sends heat pooling throughout my body. Her laughter fills my body with happiness and anguish all at the same time.
Pansy and Scarlet are wearing their Slytherin house pride gear. Their outfits consisted of green and silver dots placed strategically around their eyes. Pansy is wearing Blaise's spare jersey, while Scarlet is wearing Draco's jersey from last year. Her hair is pulled half up and tied with a silk green bow, as her curls loosely cascade down her back. She looks absolutely beautiful. 
I ignore the pang of sadness in my chest as the sight of her as I swallow my feelings and walk over to the group with a plastered look of indifference. 
“There you boys are. I was beginning to think you weren't going to show up.” Pansy states, picking at her eggs. “Are you two big manly men ready to kick some Ravenclaw arse?” 
“This is stupid.” I take a seat next to Pansy, so I don't have to look at Scarlet. “We have bigger things to worry about then some bloody Quidditch match.” I grumble under my breath, pouring myself some tea to keep my hands from fidgeting.
Pansy smacks my shoulder as I take a sip of my tea, spilling it on the table below me. “What the hell Pans?” I shout, as I clean the mess she caused me to make. 
“She's right. We need to act normal. Which means going to the game. Act excited, like we always are.” I hear the silky voice of Scarlet from next to our raven haired friend. Even though I can't see her, I can just imagine the sorrowful face she is making. She has been making it alot lately. 
Pansy hums in agreement. “So, that means me and Scarlet will be in the stands as always. Though, this time Draco will be with us.” 
“Whatever.” I mumble under my breath getting up from my seat. Ignoring the scoffs and attitude from the group. They can all sit around and pretend like nothing is happening but I can't. The anxiety I feel for my two best friends -- two people who I care the most about in the world are going to be in danger and I am told I can't do anything to help. The feeling of uselessness is suffocating.
I look around and spot Padma, walking over to her, I tap her shoulder. “Hello, Padma. Beautiful day for a walk isnt it?” This has been our code word over the last two years. If we ever need a distraction, we will ask the other about taking a walk. Whether it be tired of studying, parents on our arse, or just plain horny.
Padma turns around with a smile on her face. “It is Theodore. Shall we?” I extend my hand out for her as she grasps it, excused herself from her friends and we walk side by side to my dorm. Since everyone is out at breakfast the room should be empty. 
As we make our way out my eyes wander around the room and meet with Scarlet's green ones, though they are foggy with occlusion. Sadness envelops me as I force myself to look away. 
 “So, what is with the doom and gloom Theodore? It's the first game of the year, you should be bubbling with excitement.” Padmas voice drags me away from my thoughts of Scarlet. I don't know what to tell her. How to explain the storm that is raging on within my head and my heart, So I tell her the truth. 
“Adrian gave her an ultimatum. Him or me.” I cough to cover the cracking within my voice, giving away the sadness that I truly feel. 
“I see.’ Is all she responds with, as we continue to walk in silence to my dorm. 
Padma takes a seat on my bed, sitting against the headboard. I drag my legs to move me to the edge of the bed. Staring off into space in front of me, losing the interest of the distraction beside me. 
After a couple of minutes of silence, I feel her move closer to me. Placing a gentle hand on my back. There is no sexual intention in this act. It's friendly. Sympathetic.
Padma speaks up. “Theodore--” Her voice low in a soothing tone. “Dont.” I interrupt. “Do not give me some bloody speech about how I should tell her how I feel. I've gotten that enough from the rest of them.” 
She huffs but doesn't remove her hand. No, she's now rubbing my back, slowly. “Fine. I won't. “ Moments of silence. I should be getting ready for the game, but this heavy feeling in my chest just won't go away. Padma stands up, and I suspect that she is taking her leave but she turns to face me. 
Her tone has shifted from sympathetic to one of annoyance. “What are you so scared of, Theodore? That she doesn't feel the same? Or that she does?”
I clenched my fists so hard I feel as if I will start bleeding. “Both.”
“She’s your best friend Theodore, you love her.” Padma said softly, sensing my anger from the conversation. “You’re in love with her.”
Of course I love her. How could I not. 
“Your silence speaks volumes.” She states, with her arms crossed. I still don't respond. I just keep my head down. Ignoring the cowardice that I feel. 
“Theodore,” Padma whispered as she stalked closer, once again placing a hand upon my shoulder. “You can’t keep avoiding her forever. You’re not only hurting yourself, but you're hurting her as well.”
I turn away, tensing my shoulders. “I know. But what if she doesn’t feel the same way? What if it ruins our friendship?”
“What if she does?” Padma countered with a small smile. “What if she’s waiting for you to take that leap? I don’t know Scarlet very well, but you do. Could you think of any reason she would have not to put herself out there?”
My eyes met hers, vulnerability shining through. Of course. Scarlet has always hidden her feelings. She always puts others before herself.  In her head, making sure everyone else is happy is what's most important. “I can’t lose her, Padma. I need her in my life.” 
I heave a heavy sigh, feeling the weight of my words on my chest. “Maybe this is just all we will ever be.” 
“Love is a risk, Theodore.” Padma said. “But so is regret.”
She stepped back from me, turning towards the door. “Tell her, Theodore. Tell her how you feel. Life is too short for unspoken words. You never know what may happen.” With that, she leaves me alone with my thoughts. Thoughts of what a life with Scarlet being more than just my friend could mean. 
Fuck, what I would give to be more than friends with her.
I talk the long route to the quidditch pitch. Padmas' words rung in my head on a loop. “What if she does?” “Love is a risk, but so is regret.” Is it possible that the girl I have been in love with for years feels the same way? Scarlet Johnson. 
The girl who I have spent everyday for 5 years admiring? The girl who learned how to brew Blood-Replenishing potion, Murtlap Essence and Essence of Dittany in order to heal me after trips home to see my father. Who will stay up late with me to discuss the magical theory of potions, or will help dissect the ingredients of a potion piece by piece to figure out where I went wrong. The girl who will put everyone's needs in front of her own, if it means they will be happy and safe.
Could she possibly love me too?
I sure as fuck hope so. 
“Nott, I want you to keep an eye on Cho.” The git's voice brings me out of my thoughts as I look in his direction. He still has bruises around his left eye and along his jaw. A sense of pride surges through me knowing that I am the one causing the bloody arse pain. 
“Cho? You want me to follow the seeker around all match?” I know he is just doing this as a way to get back at me for beating the piss out of him. 
“Yes, Nott. Do you have a problem with that?” He flashes me a cocky smile. Whoever voted for this git to be captain must have been drunk off Ogdens. “Whatever.” I grumble, as he gives the rest of the team a play by play. 
I am the lone survivor in the locker room, when suddenly Adrian crashes into me, a malicious smirk on his face. "Enjoying my sloppy seconds, Nott?" he sneers, "She loves it rough, especially when you yank her hair. She's always been a masochistic slut." 
My blood boils as I hear him speak, but before I can react, Blaise restrains me with a firm grip. "He's not worth it," he says in a pleading tone. I shake off Blaise's hold and seethe with anger. "I can't keep watching him treat her like utter garbage. She deserves so much better."
Blaise looks at me with a mix of confusion and concern. "Yes, she does deserve better, but resorting to violence won't solve anything."
I roll my eyes, knowing that Blaise will do anything to prevent Draco and I from getting into another brawl. "It's not just about her anymore. They're not even together." My shock is palpable. "W-what? What do you mean?"
In that moment Blaise drops a bombshell on me; "She chose you, mate," Blaise declares with a hint of admiration in his voice. “How'd you not know? He hasn't been around since that day. Scar has been an utter mess--” He pauses looking at me with a sense of pity. “You haven't been around much now that I think of it…”  
Scarlet and Adrian broke up. She chose me. Scarlet Johnson chose me and I have been ignoring her. My body is fighting with itself. To be overjoyed or to feel regret and disdain for myself for being a bloody wanker for the past week. 
“I have to find her.” I shoot out quickly. I must apologize. I need to see her. 
“We have a game mate. Find her after. You know where she'll be.” Blaise gives me a sly smile and pats me on the back pushing me towards the door that leads to the pitch. 
“I'm going to tell her. I'm going to tell Scarlet Johnson that I love her.”
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Masterlist ATSS Masterlist
ATSS Tag List: @helendeath
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mickittotheman · 2 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday ✨
Three (3!) tags this week i feel so honored!!! thank you @astaraels @mickeym4ndy @samantitheos
Name: Mechy
Age: mid-20s
First Pet? I had a white mouse named Salt and my brother had a black mouse named Pepper. Tragically, Salt ended up cannibalizing Pepper 😢. I was of course sad and horrified but I was also slightly proud that my mouse won (I was a weird kid)
First Word? “no.” very on brand for me 🤠
First Celebrity Crush? Hmmm crushes are tricky for me bc i’m very much on the aro/ace spec. However I will say the first fictional character I became obsessed with was Adrian Monk when I was like 6 or 7 (have i mentioned i was a weird kid?) 
First IRL Crush? Same issue as above. There was one boy i followed around a lot in kindergarten but i think i might've just liked his hair (it was red lmao #mickey coded behavior)
First kiss? classified
First Car? No car :( By the time i had the money for it i’d been diagnosed with narcolepsy because my life is a tragedy
First apartment/house/dorm/whatever away from your parents? I 100% lucked out and went to a community college where one of the campuses had dorms. The dorms were NICE, like I had my own room, only had to share a bathroom with the adjoining room, decent size and overall pretty good condition. PLUS they were crazy cheap so between financial aid and a few student-jobs i was covered. 
First time on a plane? When i was 18 one of my best friends was going to visit family in Germany and they let me tag along!!! It was so fun, i’d never been on a vacation before, let alone a PLANE and i loved it, honestly i thought the turbulence was super fun and i had my face smushed up against the window every waking moment
First cellphone? Motorola Razr Flip 😎
First concert? Never been to one! Closest thing was probably a Shrek Rave back in college lmao
First Foreign country you visited? Technically speaking it would be Mexico, but it doesn't really count because my family is from there and it's also Very Close. So I’d say that Germany trip instead.
First sport you ever played? Soccer ⚽️
First career aspiration? Doctor I think
And finally… tell me about the first time you wrote/drew/created/whatever something that made you think "wow": hmmm i’ve always drawn and had an unwarrantedly large ego as a child so I really can’t pinpoint the first time. However I what i CAN share is my Pride and Joy Best Creation To Date: 
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Now, i know what you're thinking, “Mechy. That is an averagely painted bird.” HOWEVER. If you look closer you will see that EVERY ITEM in that picture is actually hand sculpted hand painted oven bake clay. Honestly i think that was my Peak i can’t see myself doing anything cooler than that lol but i am content with this being my legacy
tagging @sleepyheadgallavich @krysmiss @sillygoofygoobersstuff @transsexual-dandelions @liza420 only if you want to of course, if not this is me handing you a pencil only for you to later discover it is a fake made from clay just as you try to use it to write down something important sorry not sorry ✏️
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starsofmilos · 2 years
A new development (Adrian Chase x reader)
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Request: hey! can i request the reader being pregnant and being really nervous about how adrian will react to it
Yes you can!
Warnings: small amount of angst, cursing, mentions of violence, and mentions of sex
Adrian was worried. Well you both were, but he was on the verge of panicking. You were sick. You had been sick for the past two weeks. Every morning was spent with you heaving over the toilet. Spewing everything. 
“Please promise you’ll go to the doctor-” Your gagging interrupted him. He grimaced after you popped your head up. 
“Sorry..and no I’m pretty sure I just have a small stomach bug-” 
“No it’s been too long for it to just be a stomach bug. Now please listen to me and go to the doctor!” Adrian pleaded with you. You waved your hand. 
“No trust me if I felt really sick I’d go. How about I make a deal with you? If i continue vomiting for the rest of this week, I’ll make the appointment.” 
Adrian groaned. “Fine, but if you get worser I will force you to the doctor myself.” You smiled standing up to brush your teeth. 
“I have my thing today, but I can cancel-” 
“Absolutely not. The team needs you. You know that!” Adrian pouted as you lectured him. “I promise I’ll be fine! Besides you’ll be back in two days time!” You smiled giving him a small kiss.
“It’s a quick mission.” You nodded. 
“I know hun. I already helped you pack. You gotta get going actually already.” Adrian nodded grabbing his armor. 
“I’ll call when I can.” Adrian kissed you once more. “I know you will. Bye Adrian..” He smiled pulling you into one last kiss.
“You better go to the doctor if you get worse!” 
“I will!!” Adrian smiled taking one more glance at you before taking off. “Love you!” He yelled out. 
“I love you too..” You sighed once he left. Truth was you had a doctors appointment later on that day. You had a small inkling to what might be making you sick, but you didn’t want to tell Adrian until you were fully sure.
You were about eighty percent sure you were pregnant. It had shocked you at first, but it all made sense. The morning sickness and the weight you’d put on. Not to mention your period was late and you usually took pride in the fact that your period was never late.
You had bought pregnancy tests a while back, but were too scared to use them. Pregnancy test were not always accurate and you still would have your doctors appointment.
Sighing you rummaged through the cabinets under the restroom sink. Opening the box, you read the instructions. Ten minutes..shouldn’t be too hard.
Siting at the edge of the bed, you tapped your foot impatiently anxiously waiting for your alarm to go off. The stick mocked you as it sat on your dresser. You stood up pacing the floor immediately jumping for the stick the second your alarm went off.
Two lines meant positive. You shook your head. They weren’t always accurate. You grabbed the box deciding to take the other two test. No way they’d all be positive right?
All three of the test came out positive.
You stared down at all three positive sticks throwing them in a ziplock bag for now. You still had the doctors appointment. Grunting, you got dressed and headed out feeling on edge. Maybe the test weren’t right? The doctor would help deny any chance of you being pregnant.
“Congratulations Ms.L/N you are pregnant.” Your eyes widened in shock as you grabbed your stomach. The doctor began to explain how you needed to have an ultrasound as soon as possible.
“Doctor are you sure?” He nodded. 
“You’re about two months along. I’m gonna have the nurse come in to set an appointment for tomorrow morning. Let’s get you a picture. Congrats once again Ms. L/N.” 
You sat on your bedroom floor at home staring at the wall still in shock by today’s events.You rubbed your hand over your stomach. There was a tiny bean in there...
Were you ready to be a parent? Was Adrian ready to be a parent? Holy crap how would Adrian react?! Did he even want kids?! You both hadn’t talked about it before. Would he be angry? Would he leave? 
No he wouldn’t leave. Adrian wasn’t that type of person...right? Maybe he’d be just as excited as you were...What would you do if he left?..
Your eyes grew teary as you sat there pondering all the possibilities. Jumping a bit you looked down seeing your phone buzzing. “Hey nugget!!” You smiled wiping your tears away hearing Adrian’s voice. 
“Hi Adrian..” 
Adrian grinned hearing you. “What are you still doing awake Y/N? It’s two in the morning.” You chuckled. 
“I honestly hadn’t noticed..Are you coming home soon?” Adrian nodded. 
“Yeah I should be back by tomorrow night! How are you feeling by the way? Still sicky?” You breathlessly laughed a bit at his question. 
“Yeah don’t worry i have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow morning.” 
“Oh..I’m glad you made one. Let me know what they say okay?” 
“Yeah I’ll let you know..I’d love to talk to you, but I should get some sleep.” “You should Y/N. Okay I love you. I’ll see you tomorrow okay?”
“I love you too Adrian. I’ll see you tomorrow.” You hung up with a sigh.
The next morning, you got dressed and headed out for your ultrasound. Adrian had came back earlier than he thought he would, so he decided to surprise you. He had only been gone for a day, but he had missed you so much.
You sighed once you came home. The picture of your baby sat in your bag in an envelope. How were you going to tell Adrian?...
Groaning, you threw yourself on the couch. “Fuck....” You cursed gripping the pillow. “You okay?” You screamed falling off the couch throwing the closest thing to you. 
“Ow!...” Adrian groaned out holding his forehead. “Adrian?..” He nodded as you smiled sheepishly. 
“I decide to surprise you and you in return throw a remote control at me!” He pouted as you got up.
“I’m sorry love.” Adrian smiled kissing you. “You’re lucky I can’t stay mad at you.” You smiled. 
“I can make it up to you later tonight if you’re up for it.” Adrian smirked. “You know I always am.” He leaned down kissing you. You grabbed your bag deciding to head to your room for a shower. 
“Okay let me shower first and we could maybe watch a movie and cuddle after?” Adrian nodded. “And later I get sex-” You covered his mouth flustered. 
“Don’t.” He kissed your palm smiling. “Oh wait before you go!” You halted facing him. 
“What did the doctor say? Are you okay?” You nodded wanting to reassure him. 
“Yeah I was right just a small stomach bug he gave me some medicine for it.I have to pick it up tomorrow.”
Prenatal vitamins.
“Oh okay I’m glad it wasn’t too serious. Alright go shower sicky.” Adrian kissed your cheek once more before heading to the kitchen.
Walking into the restroom, you turned the water on sitting on the edge of the tub going over your options. Adrian had a right to know. He needed to know, but what would he do after he knew? How would he react? 
Would you be able to raise this baby without him?...
As you stood in the shower washing the day away, you began to tear up scared of Adrian leaving. Stupid hormones weren’t making it easier. You quietly sobbed feeling overwhelmed. 
Adrian smiled seeing his small set up for you. He brought out the blankets and got your favorite snacks for you. “She’s gonna love this.” Adrian hummed as he placed an order for a pizza. 
After he placed the order, he walked to the closet to get changed stopping once he heard a whimper. It was you. Were you crying? Why? Were you hurt?
He knocked the door calling out for you, “Y/N?” Your breath hitched hearing him. “You okay?” You wiped your hands over your face hoping he wouldn’t be able to hear the cracking in your voice.
“Yeah Adrian..I’m okay!” He looked at the door in confusion. Adrian knew you like the back of his hand. You were his favorite person in the whole world and universe. He made sure to take the time to study your mannerisms. He knew...
You were lying to him.
“Can I come in?” You shook your head quickly. 
“No I uh just need a minute.Plus I don’t look so good right now!” Adrian snorted. 
“I’ve literally been holding your hair back watching you vomit this entire week. Y/N I have seen you at your best and your worse. I could care less how you look. To me you’re still the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”
You stood silent before getting out wrapping a towel around yourself. Adrian sighed seeing your red teary face after you opened the door. He pulled you into a tight hug letting you cry into his chest.
“What happened?” You hiccuped a bit rubbing your face in his chest. “I wanna tell you, but I’m scared you’re gonna be mad at me or hate me.” Adrian rubbed your back reassuringly. 
“Nothing you do will ever make me hate you. I am so fucking obsessed with you Y/N. I fucking adore you dude. I’m stuck with you for the long haul okay? I don’t think you understand that you have completely ruined me for anyone else. I can’t see myself with anyone but you.”
“Besides I’m pretty sure whatever you did isn’t as bad as you think.” Adrian kissed your forehead.You sighed pulling away getting changed before heading to your bag. 
“Here..” You handed him the ziplock bag with the three pregnancy sticks. Adrian looked at them in confusion. He opened the bag to grab one, but before he could you slapped his hand.
“Don’t touch those! I peed on them!” 
“Ew!! Why did you pee on three sticks?!” 
“They’re not sticks Adrian!! They’re pregnancy test!”
“What?...” He looked at you in shock as you nodded. You handed him the envelope with the picture of your ultrasound. 
“I’m pregnant. I found out yesterday and got the ultrasound today..Adrian they’re so beautiful..but I understand if you don’t want to do this. I am fully prepared to raise them alone-”
“Shut the fuck up.” Adrian stood up pulling you into a kiss. You made a small muffled noise against him as he cradled your face. 
“Holy shit..Holy shit!” He grinned widely kissing you again. “You’re pregnant!” You nodded as he bent down hugging your waist. “Our kid is inside of you! Our baby!!” Adrian stood up hugging you again. “Fuck I love you. I love you so much! Thank you...thank you..” 
You smiled in relief as he looked at the ultrasound again. “You’re right...They’re so pretty..” He laughed before looking at you. “Wait you thought I’d hate you for this.You really thought I’d leave you..I would never....” 
You nodded. “No I’d never do that to you. I’d never leave you..Y/N this is everything I’ve ever wanted. I never thought I’d get to have a family. Thank you. I’m actually a bit offended you thought I’d leave you. I could never leave you..”
“I’m sorry..I was just scared..” Adrian shook his head pulling you into another hug. 
You smiled tearfully as he kissed your face everywhere. “Holy shit we’re gonna be parents!!” You nodded. 
“We are..” Adrian pulled you to lay with him kissing your stomach. “I’m so happy..” He muttered to you while cuddling you close.
“I am too..I was scared because we never talked about having kids.” 
Adrian smiled, “I know we never talked about it..but I am so ready to raise this kid with you. This is a new development, but this is so fucking dope. I am so excited for them to come.” 
“I’m just wondering how this still happened Adrian-” 
He snorted. “Y/N we fucked how else would this happen?” You glared at him as he nuzzled into your neck. “I mean made love if you wanna be all sappy and shit.” 
“No we fucked Adrian..” He hummed. “Yup and now we got a baby on the way..” You both sighed. 
“Are you sure you’re okay with this Adrian?” He nodded. “Why wouldn’t I be? I want this so bad with you. You are never leaving me got it?” You nodded. 
“Got it.” Adrian kissed your cheek resting his hand over your stomach. “You are both the most important thing in this entire world to me...” 
“I love you...” 
Adrian smiled hearing you. He was so happy. So filled with excitement for your guys baby to arrive. As he stared down at you, he couldn’t help but feel so elated. 
“Our baby is gonna be so cool..” He muttered kissing your forehead. 
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ameliasbitvh · 2 years
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞; 𝐝.𝐦.
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a/n: i think this is the last part of this series??? sike. i said the first part before i started writing and girl u are so wrong, this series isn’t done yet ppl. also if this chapter feels rushed, that’s bc it is–
library account: @ameliasbitvhlibrary !!
summary: so it starts off on how the 2nd pt. ended, because i couldn’t leave you guys hanging could i? adrian finds out about the affair, he and draco fight. draco and y/n get into an argument and break things off. (it’s better than how i’m summarizing it lmao)
wc: 2.7k (2773)
warning(s): slight smut, arguments, physical (draco & adrian) and verbal fighting, gaslighting, y/n being a bitch and draco being a bitch back, y/n having too much pride to keep draco, draco doubting y/n’s love for him, affair, cheating, break up, the use of a lot of filthy words (they need to wash their mouths out with soap smh!), miscarraige, really bad foreshadowing, not proofread and mediocre rushed writing !!
Find myself at your door, just like all those times before
I’m not sure how I got there
All roads they lead me here
I imagine you are home
In your room, all alone
And you open your eyes into mine
And everything feels better
Adrian pounded on the door, his fists turning red. Draco growled at you, sneering. “What the fuck did you just call me?”
“Draco, he’s knocking on the door!” you cried. “So?” he questioned, not so sure on what you’re trying to imply.
“So? Pull out of me and put your clothes on, Idiot!” you scolded him for not understanding you the first time when you were sure you made it so clear. “Let him fucking watch.” he said sternly, his grip on your waist becoming fierce and he slammed himself back into you.
Your mouth opened in an “O” shape as a ripple of pleasure racked through your body. “You think you can tell me what to fucking do?” he barked in your ear. “N-no, but–”
“But what, Bitch? I know what you want.”
“Draco, please.” that’s when he saw the fear in your eyes, you were scared of getting caught with him. His eyes darkened, a scowl replacing the smirk of desire he once had.
Hastily, he put his clothes back on as you stood up grabbing yours, legs wobbling like jelly and a small smirk pulled on his lips at that. As quick as you could you put your clothes back on, but it was hard when you just got the fuck of your life, (that you would like to finish.) you jumped up after slipping into your skirt and opened the door to be met with a red and fuming Adrian.
“What the fuck? I knocked at least 50 times and now you decide to open the door?”
He took a look at you both, swollen lips, flushed cheeks, disheveled hair and clothes. His face contorted with confusion that turned into rage as he took you both in. His knuckles tightened and his teeth gritted, his eyes met the blonde’s careless ones. The blonde man played a jackass smirk on his lips but his eyes held no emotion, you had no clue what was running through his mind in that moment. That scared you.
Adrian stalked up to Draco, his hands immediately pushing him into the wall. “You fucking my wife?!”
“Adrian, stop – leave him alone!” But your husband didn’t listen. If anything he did the exact opposite, and pushed your secret lover again.
And right before you open your eyes, I’m breaking
No past, no reasons why
Just you and me
Draco’s eyes flickered to you in a moment, as if it were a silent way of saying ‘I'm sorry for this’. The blonde’s fist delivered a blow to Adrian and the brunette's face twisted in pain as blood leaked from his nose. He took a step back, holding his nose to suppress the pain and blood.
Draco didn’t stop, he gave him another taste of poison. Adrian stumbled onto the ground. “What if I was? Huh? What are you going to do about it? Cry to your mommy? It’s not like you fucking love, her the way I do!”
He got on top of the bruised and damaged man, and straddled him. Adrian writhed beneath him and tried to defend himself. Your eyes pooled, overflowing, hot tears burned down your face, traveling to your chin. “Please, Draco! Let him go!”
Malfoy's hand gripped the other man's collar and yet again struck him, ignoring you. “That’s for fucking her,” punch. “That’s for marrying her,” punch. “That’s for showing her off as if she were a trophy” punch. “That’s for taking what’s fucking mine.”
This is the last time I’m asking you this
Put my name at the top of your list
This is the last time I’m asking you why
You break my heart in a blink of an eye, eye, eye
“Draco stop!” you cried from the sidelines, it was like you’d become invisible to them in the moment. Your screams, shouts and cries were silenced by the anger ringing in his ears.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish, Pucey.” when he forced his bruised fist against Adrian’s face one more time, someone pulled him back, you pulled him back.
That’s when he saw your tear stricken face looking at him. Your sweet, sweet eyes. Red, puffy and full of hatred. What he saw was something different from when you weeped. This. This was resentment, hatred, guilt, anger, and fear, you were mortified of him.
Slowly, he let go of Adrian. He opened his arms out to you, until he saw how you reacted. You flinched, eyes filled with tears again. You took a step back from him, scared he might do what he just did to your husband to you too. You saw how he was saddened by this action, “Sweetheart, come here…”
You shook your head ‘no’. “I–I can’t. Draco you just–”
“What about it?” his guard was up. The one thing that he never had around you was now present, his guard. A fucking wall that blocked you from his interior, something so sweet. But things we get easily never end well do they? They say all's well ends well but you feel like you're in a new hell.
“What about it?” you repeated, manically ‘laughing’. “You just beat my husband up!” he rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth at your statement. It seemed you both just ignored the weak man laying on the floor?
“Don’t act like he doesn’t cheat on you! He doesn’t even love you!” Draco barked out roughly, on the edge.
“It doesn’t matter! He doesn’t deserve this – it’s not like his mistress beats me up for fun!”
“It wasn’t for fun, Merlin you’re stupid.”
“I’m the stupid one? You just revealed that we’ve been seeing each other! Do you know what will happen if my parents find out!? If the press finds out!?”
“Why do you care so much about what they think? I thought you wanted us to be together?!” his voice was ragged, tired, sore, angry…hurt.
“Be–Because, I just do! I love you, but I have an–” he finished for you.
“Image? Yeah me too.” he laughed bitterly.
You find yourself at my door, just like all those times before
You wear your best apologies
But i was there to watch you leave
And all the times I let you in
Just for you to go again
Disappear when you come back
Everything feels better
“Draco, don’t do this to me.” you pleaded.
“Do what?” God, he has to be playing stupid right now.
“Don’t act like you don’t know what you're doing!”
His eyes hardened at your accusation.
“Inform me, the oh, so fucking great, Y/n.”
You felt like shooting daggers into him. But unknowingly you already were, they caved into his flesh so deep he was bleeding his love out for you. He’d bleed himself dry for you. Those daggers, so sharp, piercing through him as his body forces him onto his knees for you. He would always bow down to you, praise you, look for you, believe in you, have hope in you, because you were a goddess in his eyes.
You could stab him in the back, yet you’d be the only one able to stop the pain. Your sweet tears falling onto his skin, healing him. Your delicious lips enveloping his, always so intoxicating. Your bright eyes lighting up anyroom you're in. You were you, his own personal drug.
“This! You always act like you don’t know! You always find a way to break my heart in a blink of an eye, then you come back crawling to me, saying you're sorry, expecting me to take you back? And if I don't, you turn things around and act like it’s my fault! This isn’t love–”
“Say that one more fucking time and we’re done.”
And right before your eyes I’m aching
Run fast, nowhere to hide
Just you and me
“This is the last time I’m asking you this, why do you break my heart in a blink of an eye? Because if this is love…”
“You act like you’re so fucking innocent, Y/n. As if you don’t break my heart every-fucking day you’re with him. Do you know what I think about all the time? How when I leave, he’s always going to take my spot, right next to you. He’ll always be above me, wont he? You’ll always put him above me? He’s on this fucking pedal stool that you put him on and you’ll never raise me up there. I’ll never be good enough for you? I’ll never be good enough for your parents, the press, Hell I’m not even good enough for my family! All I am is a fucking death eater to you all. Right? That’s why you don’t want to be seen with me, you don’t want to be with me? Because all they are going to see is the sweet little princess and the big bad wolf? You’re fucking pathetic, Y/n. And this whole ‘love’ thing? It’s love to me, I fucking love you! It’s been you all along! But you don’t feel the same way, do you? All you see me as is something you can’t get, a fucking chase. Once you're bored you’ll want to stop seeing me. So why don’t we just save ourselves some time and end it already.”
This is the last time i'm asking you this
Put my name at the top of your list
This is the last time i'm asking you why
You break my heart in a blink of an eye, eye, eye
Taking in a deep breath, you let your tears roll down your cheeks. You were baffled, you had nothing to say. Except for this, because he was so right: why don’t we save ourselves some time? “Fine.”
“Fine?” he questioned, not expecting you to reply like that. He expected an outburst, you screaming back at him, but all he got was one word: fine.
“Yeah, if you want to end what we have so fucking badly do it. Do it right now, look me in the eyes and tell me we’re over.”
“You’ve got it wrong.” he panicked.
“What the fuck do you mean ‘you’ve got it wrong’? Isn’t this what you want? To stop wasting time with me? Go find your soulmate, because it isn't me.”
“You really mean it? Because if I end things–”
“Just fucking do it!”
This is the last time you tell me I’ve got it wrong
This is the last time I say it’s been you all along
This is the last time I let you in my door
This is the last time, I won’t hurt you anymore
“Fine, you want us to be over? This is the last time I’m ever going to make you cry, the last time I’ll ever see you, talk to you, love you, touch you, hurt you! This is the last time I’ll say ‘you’ve got it wrong’, this is the last fucking time I’ll say ‘it’s been you all along’. Because all you’ve done is waste my fucking time. I’m done with you, Pucey.” he spat out these words like venom spewing at you. You burned from the acid as it sank into your body and you slowly digested it and in a blink of an eye you watched him leave. He took one last look at you.
you were left in the room with only one man laying. No one was standing. Your body racked with tears and you crashed onto your knees. You shivered from the cold and it wasn’t just because of the December breeze.
It was the pain in your heart, abundant. You had never felt this much before. It was like someone had driven a knife into your heart, you trembled, blood escaping you quickly and before you even got to say anything you rolled your eyes up to meet icy ones. Betrayal.The same pair of eyes that you had learned to love and his lips were so close to your ears, they ghosted over them. He whispered carelessly, knowing your knees grow weak for his husk tone. “This is the last time I’ll hurt you, Sweetheart.” with that he pulled the knife out, leaving you there to bleed dry for him. Watching him, you took your last breath, “The last time.”
You were being selfish and you knew it. You needed him to end things so that you could make sure that you’d never see each other again. You wouldn't be able to bear his presence–you heard someone cough. You quickly scrambled to your husband and muttered a few healing spells you had learned from your time at school. “I’m so sorry, please forgive me, Adrian.”
At this point you had no time to consume all that happened in the past two hours. Your mind was a battlefield, you against yourself. You against the deepest parts of yourself that your pride had blocked all roads to. You had no control over yourself.
But that’s what got you into this mess in the first place. You were gullible, weak, vulnerable, unloved and had no control over yourself. And that’s when Draco came in, swooping from the Heavens above to only show you what Hell looks like.
This. This was your own personal hell.
This is the last time i'm asking you this
Put my name at the top of your list
This is the last time i'm asking you why
You break my heart in a blink of an eye, eye, eye
You knew he was trouble the moment he walked in, yet still pursued him. All the jokes were on you now, this was your own fault. You had a chance to leave in the beginning–you had a chance to not even let this affair happen.
But things happen for a reason don’t they? Everything has a purpose and this relationship must’ve had one too. Yet, you did everything to not remember it. And you needed someone else not to remember it, but you would never obliviate him. So you talked it out with him. Of course he wasn’t okay with it because typically in a pureblood marriage, it was only acceptable when the husband had mistresses.
But he promised not to say anything about it, especially to your parents and his parents because word would spread quickly and you both didn’t need that. Especially with the baby on the way.
Draco replayed that night everyday, the way you trembled and flinched at the wretched words that flew out of his mouth. The only thing that kept him up at night was you: your skin, your smell, your smile, your voice. Merlin, everything about you was perfect.
But one thing that really kept him up at night was that you were pregnant and it was still a very hard pill to swallow. Because some part of him wanted to believe that it was his child and not Adrian’s. Merlin the kid would be ugly if the brunette was the father. Draco chortled at that.
The blonde had decided to keep his distance from you, respecting your wishes. You wanted him to end things and he did exactly what you requested, even if it was the most gut wrenching thing he ever had to do.
Speaking of gut wrenching, you awoke in the middle of the night, cramps pounding in your stomach. Your eyes immediately opened and you rushed to the bathroom. You were only 2 months pregnant. Two fucking months and you didn’t stand a chance. Tears formed in your eyes as you silently cried, sniffling you felt a hand on your shoulder. Adrian. “I–”
“Can you hold me?” he complied, his arms wrapping around your trembling frame and he caressed your hair, but you wished someone else was.
Draco found out about your miscarrige and if I’m being honest, everyone did. He wanted to do nothing more but to hold you in his arms. But he knew that wasn’t an option and he had to respect your decision of wanting him to end the affair. But in reality you wanted nothing more but for him to show up at your door with a single rose, like always.
After that night, the red flowers soon started to die, yet stood so tall not willing to decompose, you were trying to revive them. You found they resembled your so-called dead but unconditional love for him.
You just wished you could go back to December, turn around and change your own mind.
a/n: this chapter was very harsh–like…toxic arguments and then a miscarriage, love that 😍
also i just realized that it sounds like u obliviated yourself, u didnt. i just needed a build up to the convo with adrian lol.
🏷: @elysian-bxg @o-rion-sta-r @orphixc @dracoscum @marrymetheonott @l0vely-lupin @kpostedsum @malfoysmainb @drac0spersonalslut @youreso-golden @yiamalfoy @just-a-smol-spoon @dr4cking @dlmmdl @hotgirlwhoreadsff @littlemissnoname13 @f4iryluvy @itsmentalillness @pansyspet @thatsluttybitch-blog @teenwolfbitches28 @mvdbldd @squishytomatoes (hmu to be added !!)
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cursestothemoon · 3 years
I Won’t Say I’m In Love
Fred Weasley x Fem!Slytherin!Reader
Read part one here
Warnings: forced intimacy, suggestive themes, strong language, fighting (verbal), Fred being a jerk, Adrian being a bigger jerk
Word Count: 3388
Summary: After Fred’s comment in Herbology, Y/n is avoiding him. Not wanting to be a bother. Lily and George try to get Fred and Y/n to make amends while Adrian does everything in his power to make sure the message to Fred is loud and clear ‘Back Off’. Eventually pent up anger, jealousy, and frustration leads to an explosive fight between Y/n and Fred. 
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Icarus fell.
He had flown too close to the sun and let the warm heat scorch his skin and melt his wings.
Icarus fell and Y/n understood that the sun that melted her wings was no sun at all but instead a boy. The boy she often took the selfish luxury of assuming saw her the same way she saw him, a being of the gods. The image of the boy she created in her mind, shattered to pieces from the stones he threw, bringing her back to reality.
Her lover didn’t love her. Not even a little bit, not even at all.
Y/n kept her cool in the class, offered a cool laugh and turned away as the lesson started. She tried to listen, though her mind often wandered back to what Fred had said.
...Godric knows they’d be less bothersome
By the end of class, Y/n was beyond self conscious of how desperate and clingy she probably seemed. The thought alone made her stomach turn, and she vowed to leave him alone, to never be so bothersome again and to get over Fred Weasley.
She didn’t need him.
She didn’t love him.
She didn’t.
Fred was in a rather perturbed state during class. Y/n gave no sign that she was dwelling on what he said, no sign of sadness of discomfort.
Absolutely nothing.
The air was odd, he could feel it. No matter how unbothered she looked, sounded, even acted, the way her fingers picked at her cuticles and her brows furrowed to make the gentlest crease had guilt eating away at his insides. Fred had half a mind to ignore the lesson, completely disregard whatever Ms. Sprout was saying and trying to explain to Y/n that he meant none of it.
Every word, every syllable, that had spewed out of his mouth tore at his tongue as if he was chewing glass. Even worse was the tearing of his heart as he watched the light flicker from your eyes for just a moment before it returned, dull and forced. But his pride gave a gentle rumble as it had been awoken by the thought of him apologizing and inevitably confessing, laying everything bare and vulnerable in front of Y/n, and he decided that he’d just wait for it to all boil over.
It had to.
The next day came and Fred was eager to see the girl in the morning, expecting the usual routine of back and forth banter as he and George and Y/n and Lily walked to the breakfast hall, only for him to send a fake glare in the direction of the Slytherin table as she parted from him.
Only Y/n never showed.
With twenty minutes left for breakfast and a nagging George, Fred gave up waiting and walked into the mess hall. His eyes glancing over toward the Slytherin table and he nearly choked on air as he gaped in the direction of the house of Salazar Slytherin.
There she was, tucked under the heavy arm of Adrian Pucey. He felt his anger nearly boil over as he watched the way Adrian ran a hand through Y/n’s hair before turning her face, quite forcefully Fred noted, towards his own. It was an exercise of self restraint, forcing himself to stay put and stay calm when Adrian gripped her jaw to keep her in place so he could kiss her.
Y/n grimaced at the feeling of Adrian’s lips on hers, his hand holding her jaw painfully tight making the pair of eyes burning holes into the side of her face go unnoticed. But Fred had been seen, of course he had been, but he was seen by Adrian Pucey who decided to give him a show.
Adrian knows, he knows the way Fred watches Y/n when she isn't looking and he knows that Y/n would dote on the ginger in a heartbeat if her pride had not been in the way so often, and he used this to his advantage.
“What are you doing?” Y/n growled trying to pull away from Adrian.
Adrian grinned, his grip on her jaw unwavering, “Whatever I want.”
“Next time...don’t.” She grunted, shoving his hand away from her face.
If only Fred had seen the rest of the exchange, if only he had seen the way she forced Adrian off of her or the way she got up to sit further away from the pompous boy. But Fred saw none of it, his back facing the two at the other end of the hall and the dangerous concoction of rage and jealousy pumping through his veins. His face was in a deep scowl as he sat in thought, all feelings of guilt and the want to apologize withering away.
“You alright, Freddie?” George asked, noticing the unusual broodiness.
“Peachy.” He grumbled, not making eye contact with his twin.
George didn’t ask anymore questions, the deathly tone his brother was sporting enough for him to understand that this was a private matter.
The day passed and soon a day turned to days then to a week and a half. Y/n had done her best to avoid Fred and his group of friends, the fear of coming off as bothersome gnawing at the back of her mind. As she tried to purge Fred from her life, every hidden blush or muffled giggle that he once pulled out of her served as a powerful blow to her heart.
She was going toe to toe with the loss of a love she never had, and she was losing.
The only person who seemed to notice the inner battle was Lily, the clear signs of defeat had etched themselves onto Y/n’s heart only bared for her best friend to see. But Lily waited, it was a delicate thing to try and heal a heart wounded by the bullet that is unrequited love.
It was a Friday night when Lily decided to talk to Y/n, but she had to find the girl first. The weather was crisp, cool, and unwelcoming as she snuck out of the castle and trudged her way to the tree.
The tree, a crooked and scarred tree that the two girls used to climb during first year, had become a point of clarity for them when in need. When Lily got to the tree, lovingly named Jigsaw, she knew where to look. Her head tilted upward, a sad smile gracing her lips as she saw a leg dangling from a branch.
“Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is that man who hides one thing in his heart and speaks another.” Lily recited with a loud voice.
Y/n smiled to herself, the familiar words falling from a familiar mouth.
She spoke aloud without looking down at her friend, “ There is the heat of love, the pulsing rush of longing, the lover’s whisper, irresistible magic to make the sanest man go mad.”
Lily laughed, making the girl in the tree finally turn to meet her eyes, and the moment would have been perfect if it weren’t for the glistening tears that sat across the apple’s of Y/n’s cheeks, glistening in the moonlight.
“I knew you liked the book.” Y/n smiled softly at the memory of her nose scrunching in scrutiny as you handed her your battered copy of The Iliad.
Lily disregarded the comment.
“He said something to you again? Is that why you’re crying in the tree?”
Y/n shook her head feeling fresh tears push toward her waterline. That was just it. Fred hadn’t said a single word to her, no apology or attempt to ask why she had pulled herself away from his life. He seemed completely content without her, it was what she wanted but she didn’t know it would be this difficult to accept it.
“No. He hasn’t.” She shrugged, eyes avoiding Lily’s strong stare.
The girl on the ground understood, “That’s the problem then. You want him to say something.”
“It would be nice for him to notice my absence.” Y/n said bitterly.
Lily shook her head, walking closer to the trunk of the tree, “You two are probably the most oblivious people that have ever walked the earth.”
Y/n didn’t respond so Lily continued.
“Too prideful, too stubborn. When will you just admit that you are in love with him and it’s killing you trying to stay away?” Lily raised her voice as the sentence progressed.
“I don’t- I’m not in love.” Y/n grumbled, looking down at her friend.
Lily scoffed, “Oh please, I’ve seen the way you look at him and the way he looks at you. Don’t let his fragile boy ego ruin this. To be quite honest, you haven’t exactly been warm and fuzzy with him, if I were some hormonal teenage boy with fragile masculinity I would’ve said what he said too, to protect myself.”
“And he’s been so clear with his feelings for me?”
A laugh slipped through Lily’s parted lips at the question, her facial expression one of disbelief.
“No boy spends as much as he does trying to bother some girl they don’t like, and no boy would get so defensive over a girl he has no interest in. Fred is in love with you, even Adrian can see it!”
Fred’s name made the situation all too real, all too personal, and Y/n decided she no longer wanted to be sitting. She jumped down from the branch and brushed off her skirt as she spoke.
“He’s just a boy who thinks I’ll open my legs for him if he tries hard enough.” The words she said hurt herself, but it’s true, it had to be.
Lily seemed near to pulling her hair out, “Stop lying to yourself! Stop denying it!”
“No man is worth the aggravation, it’s ancient history now. Been there, done that.”
Y/n started to walk back to the castle, Lily quick on her heels, “Who do you think you’re kidding? Honestly?”
The girl just shook her head, trying not to pay attention to the thumping of her heart at the thought of Fred being in love with her.
“Look at you know! You’re thinking about him aren’t you? You get that look in your eye, like he’s the earth and heaven to you.”
At this Y/n stopped and turned to her friend, “I don’t get any looks in my eyes.”
“I can see right through you, you can’t conceal it. Just say you’re in love.”
The girls snuck back into the castle, their conversation now turned to hushed whispers as they made their way to the dungeons.
“You’re way off base. I won’t say it.”
“Face it like a grown-up.”
“No chance.”
“Don’t be so proud, it’s ok to be in love.”
“No way.”
Y/n and Lily stopped in their tracks at the sound of quiet voices coming from the adjacent corridor. They looked at each other before peaking their heads around the stone wall, being sure to not be seen by whoever it was.
Speak of the Devil and he shall appear.
Fred and George were down the corridor, laughing about something as they tried to get into Filch’s office. Neither of them noticed the two girls, and sported beaming smiles when the door unlocked with a click.
“At least out loud,” Y/n said with a somber tone as she took a selfish moment to take in just how devastatingly beautiful Fred Weasley looked in the dimly lit corridor. “I won’t say I’m in love.”
The sad smile she gave Lily was returned before they turned around and went the long way to the dungeons, avoiding a run in with Fred and George Weasley.
Fred’s Saturday had been going fairly well. The prank he and George pulled on Filch the night prior went off without a hitch, he had no homework for the weekend, and he even got to breakfast early this morning which got him the first spoonful of eggs, and the prime pick of toast. So, yeah his day was going fairly well to say the least, but it could’ve been better had he been the one nuzzling his face into Y/n’s neck instead of Adrian. Though he imagines she wouldn’t look as disgruntled if it were him.
With this new public closeness that Adrian and Y/n were displaying, regardless of if it looked like she was enjoying it or not, Fred assumed that they had made it official. Adrian Pucey and Y/n L/n, the power couple of Slytherin, Fred couldn’t compete with that and he assumed that Adrian was the one keeping her away from him, and he resented both of them for it. He resented Y/n for dropping him from her life so easily, and he resented Adrian for getting the girl.
“Is there a reason why your face looks like a wrinkly old handbag?” George asked, eyeing the lines in Fred’s forehead as he sat deep in thought.
“Just thinking. Doesn’t matter, we have any plans for the day?”
George groaned, quite literally sick and tired of his brother’s grumpiness and the jealous glares at Adrian and Y/n.
“When are you gonna man up, apologize, and tell her you love her?”
Fred needed a minute to process what had just been said to him, but when he did he looked at George with annoyance, “It’s in the past. Obviously I didn’t mean as much to her as she meant to me.”
“This is a start, you didn’t deny that you are in love with her.” George shrugged.
That earned him a warning looking from Fred, but he knew the threat was empty and just shook his head at his brother’s tough guy act.
“To be completely fair here, you weren’t exactly the nicest to her. What did you say again? Something like ‘I’d rather shag a goblin’ then wasn’t it something along the line of her being… annoying?”
Fred grumbled out, “Bothersome.”
“Right right, bothersome. Now call me crazy but I wouldn’t exactly swoon at that.”
He was right, of course he was, “I panicked.”
The younger twin nodded, “I could tell. Shame too, just before you completely obliterated her self confidence she even looked like she was starting to blush.”
“Alright, not one of my best moments but she didn’t have to run into that git’s arms.”
“You really think she ran? Or was she pulled?”
Y/n’s day wasn’t going as well as Fred’s had been. She was late to breakfast and only had a measly butt end of the toast, not only that Adrian had seemed to take his blatant disregard for personal space to the next level as he placed sloppy kisses on her neck. She no longer had the strength to fight him off, she had gotten into bed late last night and even then didn’t sleep most of the night making her too tired to care.
And she didn’t have it in herself to care when Adrian followed her to the shore of the Black Lake, but she drew the line when he pushed her up against a nearby tree. He dipped down to continue the assault on her neck, wet and sloppy kisses placed across the skin of Y/n’s neck made her grimace.
“Get off of me.” She growled, trying to push him off of her.
Adrian was persistent, “Come on, you never said no before. Before Fred.”
“I’m saying no now. Get. Off.”
The harsh shove to his chest made him tumble back a few feet before he smirked back up at Y/n, eyes dark and dangerous as he gave a dry chuckle.
“It seems you’re missing something, babe. You’re mine.”
He stalked toward her grabbing hold of both her wrists and pushing them up above her head, holding them there in a painfully strong grip as he forced his lips onto hers. He had planned it out perfectly too, after catching a glimpse of the mops of red hair making their way over to where he and Y/n are.
Y/n struggled against him, whimpering in genuine pain and trying to free her hands but to Fred and George it looked nothing like what was actually happening.
Adrian finally pulled away, eyes glancing up to see a seething Fred, before dipping down to give a harsh bite to Y/n’s neck, not breaking the eye contact.
“See you later, Y/n.” He smirked, walking away with his hands in his pockets.
He went the extra mile to make sure he bumped shoulders with Fred as he left, making George call out a few words that would get them into loads if Molly ever heard.
But Fred didn’t care about pompous assholes at the moment, he was too busy seeing red. The jealousy and anger mixed in his heart, a cocktail of destruction that he couldn’t help but let poor out of his lips as he stalked his way over to the tree that Y/n was still leaning against. Breathless from the kiss he presumed.
“If it isn’t the slag of Slytherin.” He called.
The insult brought George back from his bout of rage directed toward Adrian, and he knew Fred was beyond mad.
“Fred…” He tried to stop him, the look he gave him was one that always pulled his twin back but it didn't work this time.
Fred grumbled, “Go George, I’ll catch up.”
George sighed but hoped for the best, maybe they would talk it out finally, so he gave his brother a look telling him to tread carefully then left.
Y/n was not in the mood to stroke Fred’s ego. She felt dirty, used and the sudden, random bursts of unsolicited PDA made her think that Adrian wasn’t just doing it for his own benefit.
Had Fred always just been right around the corner?
“What do you want, Weasley?”
Fred scoffed, “Adrian’s finally loosened his grip on the leash then?”
The comment made her insides boil, of course he had seen it all, and of course he had assumed the worst.
“Fuck off.” Her tone was strong, not giving away the tears that pushed at her waterline. She still hadn’t turned to face him.
Fred got closer to her, manners locked away and replaced by his anger.
“Why? Because Adrian doesn't like you talking to other people? His fragile little ego couldn’t handle it could it?” Each word dripped with sarcasm.
It was Y/n’s turn to scoff, “Please, I don’t want to do this right now.”
It was a desperate plea in disguise, but Fred wasn’t having it. He was out for blood. She hurt him, and the deepest, most barbaric and boorish part of him wanted to hurt her back.
“So you’re just gonna run off to do Adrian?” He laughed with everything but humor.
Y/n felt her anger boil over, the nerve this boy had absolutely astonishing her. All her feelings mix and overwhelm her, making the unshed wall of tears grow thicker.
“Can’t even look me in the eyes.” He chastised with a tone meant to belittle her.
That was when she had enough.
Y/n pushed herself away from the tree and whipped around to meet Fred’s eyes, the anger that swam in her eyes, swirling with the tears on the precipice of falling. Fred had never seen her with so much emotion and it was unnerving.  
“You know nothing Fred! Absolutely nothing! Stop trying to understand what’s going on, you’ll hurt yourself.” Venomous, pained, and waterlogged the words came out, an accusatory finger coming out to point in his direction violently.
He paused for a moment watching as she started to walk away, and for a moment he questioned himself.
Did he know what was happening?
But the thought was fleeting, and as she passed by him he tried to hit back one last time.
“I know you’re a whore, Y/n.”
The response he got was unexpected and chilling. Y/n started to laugh, and spoke with a tone so calm and leveled if Fred hadn’t been here fighting with her he would’ve thought she was bored.
“If I was such a whore... I would’ve shagged you.”
@crazylokonugget​ @alluringshawn​ @meph1stophelian​ @lol-idk-oops​ @slytherclaw1996​ @anywherebuthere​​ @freddieweasleyswife​​ 
@honey-honey-5644 @amourtentiaa​ @mariamermaid
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jamespotterthefirst · 4 years
Most Ardently (Ethan x f!MC)
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Word count: 1,200  Warning: Adult language Premise: Days after her recovery, he tells her of the Pride and Prejudice vibe they apparently give off. Set after the events of Book 2, Chapter 11.
  Quote: “In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.”
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The bright beams of moonlight spilling through his window were enough to stir him awake. The first thing he thought of was how he had forgotten to close the curtains shut, as was his custom every night before bed. A slight rustling next to him, however, followed by a sleepy hum reminded him he had been far too busy to remember the damn curtains. 
When she settled further into his side, Ethan smiled, watching her sleeping form, carefully taking in every detail with something akin to urgency. Inexplicably, his chest constricted as he took in the faint dusting of freckles at her nose, the dark fan of lashes splayed in a half moon, her rosy, parted lips that puckered slightly with her breathing. It was almost as if every part of him knew he had been so close to losing her. 
Almost two weeks had elapsed since the attack and the icy terror of losing her still gripped him like an iron fist. His arm flexed on instinct around her as he fought back the remnants of dread, choosing instead to pull her warm body closer to his as irrefutable proof that she was there, right by his side. 
Mere seconds after, Lilac stirred, opening her eyes briefly only to squint at the moonlight. 
“Hey,” she murmured sleepily. 
“Hey,” he returned softly. “Go back to sleep.”
“What time is it?” 
“It's almost one.”
“Shit. I fell asleep.” 
With a jolt, she pushed away from him, frantically patting the nightstand for her phone. Ethan sat up with a frown, already missing the warmth of her body. 
“Where are you going?” 
Lilac clutched the covers to her front, all traces of sleep gone as she winked at him from over her shoulder. “I've finally had my way with you, Dr. Ramsey. Now for my escape.” 
The playful smile she gave him made his heart leap with elation. Laughing, Ethan reached over and pulled her on top of him with ease. Lilac half shrieked and half laughed, her hips settling comfortably over his, her hands flat against his chest to steady herself. The messy tendrils of her dark hair brushed against his skin, leaving his every sense at her disposal. 
“Now that you have me, you might not be able to get rid of me that easily,” he explained in a serious whisper, their lips almost touching. 
Ethan kissed her, exhilarated by the fact that he didn't have to hold back anymore. Her lips curved into a smile against his, perhaps knowing this too. They pulled away for breath several times, their lips meeting with renewed fervor right after, until they were both practically too dizzy to continue. They caught their breath in silence, basking in a haze of unbridled happiness. 
“I should go home,” she said at last. “We have work in the morning and I don't have a change of clothes.” 
“Sienna brought you an overnight bag. It's in the car.” 
At that, Lilac pushed herself far back enough to give him a stunned look. “She– what?” She blinked several times. “How would she– She doesn't even know–” 
“She knows.” 
This only made Lilac blink in quicker succession, mouth open as her brain struggled to verbalize all her questions. It was entirely too endearing and Ethan couldn't resist leaning in to kiss the tip of her nose. 
“I told her,” he explained. “Though that was unnecessary. You forget she caught me sneaking out of your apartment all those months ago?” 
Lilac's shock slowly melted as she realized this. Soon, her expression relaxed into a grin that gave way to unrestrained laughter. When she couldn't stop, Ethan joined in, shaking his head. 
“I forgot she saw that,” she said when she finally sobered up. “For being two highly intelligent doctors, we can be so stupid sometimes.”
Ethan shrugged. 
“Even if she hadn't seen me leaving that morning, she would have suspected. According to her, we give off a vibe.” 
“A vibe? What kind of vibe?” 
“A Pride and Prejudice vibe.”
At that, her face lit up in a way that made his stomach swoop. 
“I knew you would enjoy that.”
“You absolutely put out Mr. Darcy vibes,” she said, barely restrained joy seeping from every word. 
“Here we go.” 
“Aside from being rich, handsome, and short-tempered—” 
“—you are also masterfully good at the longing glances and discreet hand touching.”
“Hand touching? I don't recall—” 
The lie was swiftly interrupted by her impressive recollection. One by one she listed all the stolen glances from across hospital halls and the way his fingers always seemed to find hers. Impressed, he only grinned at her, content in the knowledge that she remembered every instance as vividly as he did. 
Lilac, on the other hand, was too busy circling back to teasing him about Sienna's reference. She cleared her throat, lowered her voice to a supposed imitation of Ethan, and quoted in an impressive English accent: “I cannot forget the follies and vices of others so soon as I ought, nor their offenses against myself.”
Ethan rolled his eyes good-naturedly. Despite being the subject of her playful taunts, he was ecstatic to hear her melodic laughter again. 
“My good opinion once lost, is lost forever,” he quoted, earning him an impressed, arched brow from her. 
It should have been embarrassing that even that small gesture was enough to tempt him because he was kissing her again. This time, when they pulled away, she bit her lip, a poor attempt to fight back a broad, radiant smile.
For his own part, Ethan allowed himself to smile as he looked at her, his fingers gently brushing a wayward lock of hair away from her face. Her eyes fluttered closed against his caress, making her nothing less than ethereal in the pale moonlight. The lovely sigh that followed inspired his very blood to buzz alive with warmth, like the spell of a quiet summer evening. 
Unbidden, another quote echoed in his mind, one that was far more fitting to the way his heart pounded fiercely against the confines of his chest— for her. Always for her. 
“In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.” 
They were words he used to scoff at. 
But now…
He remained perfectly still as their truth dawned on him, casting color and warmth into his every thought. 
Lilac was watching him curiously. “What?” 
His response was a gentle kiss that should have lasted forever. When he pulled away, he did so to kiss her jaw. “You make me so happy.”
Eyes bright, Lilac searched his face with such reverence that Ethan held his breath. Her delicate hand slid from his neck to his chest, right above where his heart thrummed vividly, proving his words true with each beat. Whatever she was looking for, she found because she leaned in and kissed him yet again. 
“Completely and perfectly and incandescently happy?” 
“I know you're back to teasing me about the Austen reference but yes. Completely and perfectly and incandescently happy.”
Author’s Note: 
Me @ me:
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Sorry. That reference killed me so I had to do this. I felt it in my soul. 
Thank you for reading this! And thank you for all the support you showed “Everything I Wanted” despite all the issues I had posting that one. 
 Love you guys!
@openheart12 | @ethandaddyramsey | @aestheticartsx |  @silverlitskies |  @flyawayboo | @paulfwesley | @hatescapsicum | @myusualnerdyself | @thatysn | @choicesyouplayandmore | @chasingrobbie | @trappedinfandoms | @togetherwearerapture | @nooruleman | @axwalker | @parkerattano | @i-bloody-love-drake-walker | @kaavyaethanramsey | @edith-eggs1| @choices-lurker | @jens-diamondchoices | @tefigranger | @ethanrcmsey | @coffeebeandragon | @senator-adrian-raines-wifey| @binny1985 | @mvalentine | @sanchita012 | @drethanramslay | @ramseysno1rookie | @takeharryandgo | @aworldoffandoms | @desmaranj  | @oofchoices | @ethxnrxmsey | @octobereighth | @kopenheart12 | @lilyvalentine | @honeyandsunfl0wers | @enmchoices | @colossalpainintheass | @rookie-ramsey | @humanpokemon | @apphia12 | @kiara-36 | @eramsey28 |  @custaroonie | @helloblueeyedcat | @dr-ramseys-rookie | @thegreentwin | @decadentwinnerjudgedream | @jeerapp | @doilooklikeiknow | @dulceghernandez | @starrystarrytrouble | @angela8756 | @maurine07 | @blossomanarchy | @openheartthot​
@lion-ess24 | @emotionalswift2 | @the-soot-sprite |
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jflemings · 4 years
baby, we bleed red and gold  | f.w
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warnings: Possible grammer mistakes 
summary: The twins get a whiff of a plan that Draco and his buddies are hatching for the upcoming game and decide to get you involved in their plan to intimidate them. the tables turn and you get in the way of the serpents. Fred follows through with a promise. 
authors note: I’ve had this sitting in my drafts unfinished for a couple of weeks now so I’d thought I’d smash it out. Once again another Gryffindor!reader that plays quidditch, I can’t help myself. Next fic will be multi house, promise. 
Angelia had been absolutely kicking your asses in practice leading up to the match against Slytherin and to say you guys were prepared was a severe understatment. The atmosphere was unmatched when the lions and serpents went head to head; the age old rivalry sat thick in the air as the butterflies settled in the pit of your stomach and your hands clamped around your broom. 
Up and ready to go with Ange first in line leading the pack, the seven of you got ready to kick off. It had been raining all week and the smell of the pitch took over your senses as you took heavy breathes in through your nose in order to calm the zoo in your stomach. 
A flaming head of red hair came down to ear level with you on your right side.
“nervous, l/n? don’t be. Freddie and I have got your back, these serpents won’t lay a finger on your pretty little head” George’s tone was assuring but the smirk set on his lips told a different story. You had an overwhelming feeling that the twins were up to no good on this particular Friday night.  
“Georgie’s right. No one is gonna get to our precious little y/n as long as we’re around” 
you had to look up to make eye contact with the older twin, a grin gracing his pretty face and a simple wink thrown your way sent your heart into a frenzy. The hound in your rib cage couldn’t be ignored and neither could the whitening of your knuckles from holing the broom in your hands far too tight. 
George stands up straight to be eye level with his other half
“Heard Malfoy barking orders to his sorry excuse of a team” Fred’s eyebrow quirks and silently beckons his twin to continue.  
“Take out the twins he says” 
Fred snickers and knocks his twin with his right elbow “like that’s the easiest thing in the world” 
“I say we do something about it” 
There it is. that’s the plan, take down the opposing team one by one, in whatever way they can. 
Your head lifts and your ears perk as an idea comes flying through your head. The brothers are being rowdy and it somehow only grows your confidence and the bright idea cooking up.
“alright. I want in” the mischievous tone drips off your voice and the smirk gracing your lips can't be hidden when two hands mold to either shoulder and the pair are once again at your ear level and absolutely baffled at your statement. Sure, you got in with the twin’s pranks from time to time but you swore off foul play and mischief on the pitch; You were not about to risk the house cup for a laugh. When they don’t speak you continue.
“If the two of you keep Crabbe and Goyle distracted and off my back i’ll knock Pucey and Warrington around a bit to give dear old harry here enough time to catch the snitch” Your eyes were no longer fixated on the back of Angelia’s robes but instead giving side looks to the boys.
Angelia bounces on her feet and notates her neck back and forth before becoming completely still, almost like she’s trying to list the pros and cons of letting the three of you potentially sabotage your finale game. 
She takes a deep breath out. 
“If you three mess this up for us, you’re all benched for the first quarter of next season and if anyone asks I had zero involvement in this plan of yours” 
You share a sly grin with the twins and George stands up straight while twisting his broom in his hands while Fred lingers by your side, you can practically see the gears turning in his head.
His mouth comes closer to your ear “If Pucey and Warrington are giving you too much of a hard time, let me know and I’ll give ‘em a fright, yeah?” His honey brown eyes scan your face with a sincere look while searching for a reassuring answer. You know that even if you had told Fred that you can take care of yourself if it even looked like the boys were giving you a rough time he’d have them off their brooms faster than you would ever realise.
All you can do is nod before Angie let’s the team know it’s kick off time. You all fly to your positions and you give Fred and George a side glance and nod, getting two smirks in return.
Madam Hooch kicks off the game and it’s on. The quaffle is in your hands and Warrington is tailing you while trying to dodge the twins, with little success. Angelina comes into your view and quicker than your body can process, you’re passing the quaffle on and scoring. Lee’s voice comes over the microphone.
“Brilliant set up and goal from l/n and Johnson! Gryffindor takes the lead by 10 points” 
Angie looks over her shoulder and gives you a thumbs up before flying off ready to score again. That’s how the game goes for another fifteen minutes, you and angie scoring three times before Harry and Draco get the snitch in their sights. they’re flying down near the house stands and you easily spot Hermione, Ron and Ginny’s voices within the crowd of students. 
The sheer excitement and pride you’re feeling puts you in a momentary state of bliss before a beater’s bat is flying your way. You narrowly miss it and spot Marcus Flint sporting a sickening smirk.
“Maybe if your bite matched your bark, your team would actually have a good chance at winning tonight, y/n” Pucey laughed before following flint toward the hoops. 
This interaction meant little to nothing to you because everyone on that pitch and in the stands, including Pucey, knew damn well that you could take any one of the quidditch players at hogwarts one on one. But just because you weren’t bothered by the comment didn’t mean that someone else felt the same.
Fred knew how to keep his cool during games. After playing with his brothers since he could walk, he quickly figured out that you can’t always take your anger out on people flying on magic broomsticks a good 150 metres in the air. 
So when he watched Pucey make a snide remark about you he didn’t know how to handle the overflow of anger crossing through him other than to take a page out of George’s book and attempt (and almost succeed) to knock the slytherin boy off of his broom completely. 
The bludger sent flying towards one of the opposing chasers was anything but accidental and it was all George needed to know that it was time to show Malfoy and his team what taking down beaters actually looked like. 
Your thoughts were racing when George caught up by your side diverging bludgers away from you
“I told you your pretty little head wasn’t getting touched this game” The younger twin smirked while diverging a bludger. George followed you to the hoops and cheered you now when you scored, once again putting Gryffindor back in the lead. 
The game went on and on for another hour and a half; both teams going back and forth with no sign of mercy. 
Alicia and Katie were on a roll. Their technique was unmatched when it came to scoring double goals, you were lingering behind incase they needed you as a distraction or for a pass off but when Katie yet again scores for your team it is immediately known that the odds are once again in your favour. 
With the quaffle once again in your clutches and the hoops in your direct eyeline nothing was set to get in your way. Pucey was trailing behind you with taunts and smart ass comments trying to throw you off your game.
“C’mon y/n, you think that’s what it’s gonna take ta get rid of me?” You could barley hear him over the wind in your ears until he was right up beside you with Warrington now joining him on your left. You were cornered.
“now now boys, wouldn’t want to get in my way would you? it’s not gonna end well If you keep riding my tail like this” The ever prominent smirk on your face was matched with Lee’s voice playing over the microphone letting the crowd know of the current score.
The two boys stopped mid air after you flew away from them catching up with the twins.
“Malfoy’s idea to shake up the twins a bit. Let’s see if we an give them a scare and get one of their star chasers out of the way” Warrington’s eyes scanned the pitch and found his teammates equally malicious ones.
Adrian hesitated before getting Goyle’s attention. The younger beater flew over to his older teammates whilst simultaneously trying to focus on the important game at hand.
Adrian spoke harshly and hastily “Draco needs more time to catch the snitch. It’s time to do what we talked about.” Goyle understood immediately and got into position.
Unknowing of the plan the opposing team had been coming up with against yourself and your teammates you continued on as you would.  Making plays, avoiding bludgers and scoring. Fred and George were doing their best against Goyle and Crabbe but it was becoming obvious that Fred was becoming angry and his plays and hits were getting sloppy. His usual cool, confident demeanour had disappeared and it seemed the Goyle was successfully riling up the older twin. 
Your attention was now split between the game and the boy you fancied. Angelina could see this and ordered you and Alicia swap on the pitch, finally sending you off for a much needed break. Alicia had made it onto the pitch fine and was now in a solid position to help Angie and Katie in what would hopefully be the final play.
The wind had begun to pick up since the start of the game, blowing your robes and hair all over the place. You were too slow to notice the bludger flying at a great speed toward you with a weasley twin hot on it’s trail. 
A head of flaming red hair came into your view and a string of cursed seemed to follow. Fred was now positioned completely in front of you, his bat held high after a hit. 
“Can’t catch the snitch so you get your pathetic excuse of a team to do dirty work? Thats low, Malfoy.” Fred’s voice was booming and the anger basically seethed out of him, turning his face the same colour of his hair.
“Ya know, Malfoy if you didn’t spend so much time playing dirty and actually trained your team maybe you’d have a chance of beating Gryffindor” George cupped his mouth to make his voice echo all over the stands.
Your stomach bubbled with anger when Fred turned around to face you. 
“Angelina would have my head on a platter if she knew I encouraged you to get back out there. Have a rest, let the girls take over. Georgie and I have a bone to pick with Malfoy and his minions and we wouldn’t want you getting in the way of that.” His tone was comforting as he lightly took your chin between his thumb and pointer finger before flying off while swinging his bat. 
You watched bludgers intensely follow the Slytherin players from the players stands, the feeling of Fred’s hand still settling into your skin. He kept his word the remainder of the game. All the players, especially Warrington and Malfoy, got a fright once Fred left you in the stands and if it wasn’t for harry finally catching the snitch you’re certain he and his twin would’ve put the whole team in the hospital wing for at least a week. 
The game had finally ended after almost four hours of play. You were tired but proud of your team and their talent. Fred and George flew down to where you were now standing on the stands and gave you a big, sweaty, exhausted hug.
“You guys were amazing tonight! Slytherin didn’t see what hit them” you lazily joked, a lopsided smile now present on your face. George patted your head affectionately 
“Yeah well if it wasn’t for Freddie over here you probably would be in the hospital wing right about now.” George elbowed his brother and gave you both the biggest smile he could muster before mounting his broom to fly to his dorm. “I’m off to have a shower and hit the hay, being the best beater in Hogwarts has it’s toll on a man’s body ya know” a light yawn came from the boy’s mouth before he flew into the stars, the only thing you could see where his robes fluttering behind him. 
Fred’s right arm makes it’s way around your shoulders and you lean into his side while wrapping your arm around his waist 
“I don’t think you will ever fully understand just how much you mean to me, Freddie” you spoke softly 
“y/n you mean everything and more to me.” His tired gaze found it’s way to you “I told you i’d give those nutters a fright, didn’t I? was only returning the favour, really. Couldn’t let them misplace a hair on your head now could I?” He spoke a-matter-a-factly and your other arm wrapped around his middle, with him placing a delicate kiss to the top of your head 
“we bleed red and gold, baby. I’m always gonna have your back, on and off the pitch; I’m in it for the long haul” your head tiredly cuddled into his chest 
“In it for the long haul, ay? good ‘cause I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
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Remember Me (3/??)
So it’s been quite some time since I looked at this series, and I apologize for such a long hiatus but it’s back (Someone reached out to me asking when part 3 would be out so I moved it forward in my WIP queue! Basically Amy starts out with Adrian, and it’s perfect but one day Amy gets into a car accident and doesn’t come out the same. Her memories from the past 5 years of her life - and that includes all the events from BB1 (just roll with it). Just a FYI I will NOT be rewriting the first 2 parts, you’ll just have to deal with the shitty writing for the whole series. Honeymoon is the current WIP I’m working on, followed by a f!Blaine x MC angst one-shot, the cafe part 2 and then the first chapter of my university AU. Please be patient with me, I am under a lot of academic stress but I promise these will be finished. 
Pairing: Adrian x MC x Kamilah (It’s not romantic - just a description...for now)
Warnings: This series does include a serious injury, amnesia
Word Count: 2753 
Tags: (Since it’s been so long if you’d like to be removed just lmk - that being said if you’d like to be added to the tag please let me know) @a-raines @bloodboundstuff f @kamilahtopme
Part One    Part Two 
Amy’s eyes fluttered open, Adrian slouched in the chair beside her, sound asleep she sighed softly, her side sore and tighter than usual as she watched Adrian shift in his gentle slumber. Amy squinted as she tried to recall her memories, frowning as she attempted to make herself more comfortable in the bed. Adrian slowly moved, rubbing his eyes and smiling at Amy as he stood to make two cups of coffee.
“Good Morning Amy…” He spoke softly, lovingly. It almost felt familiar to Amy, something about the way he said it resonated with her. She flashed a smile at him, her eyes lighting up as he brought her a cup of coffee, perfectly made the way she always liked it. 
Adrian is very sweet, I could see how I would have fallen for him. His heart is made of gold, and he is the cinnamon roll that Lily said he was and...and I’m breaking his heart...me...Amy, just a regular girl...I’m breaking his heart because I don’t remember anything...oh...
Amy felt her heart break just a little - she couldn’t force herself to love Adrian and he certainly didn’t deserve this pain, but the spark between them was extinguished in that accident. Amy drew a deep breath, catching the scent of the cooled coffee cup in her hands, she shakily held it to her lips, spilling a small amount on her lap as Adrian rushed to grab napkins. He gently placed them down, patting the sheet dry as Amy felt her heart skip a beat. She let out a breath as Adrian sat down, slowly drinking his own coffee. 
“Thank you Adrian, you’re a good friend.” Amy spoke softly, barely a whisper as Adrian grinned, his eyes sparkling in the dimly lit room. He paused before sipping his coffee, his heart dropping as he replayed Amy’s words silently. 
Good friend. Good friend. Over and over again. Good friend. She doesn’t love me anymore, is there any chance she’ll come back to me? 
“Adrian? Are you alright?” Amy tapped him on the shoulder, a concerned look written on her face as Adrian nodded slowly. 
“Yes, my apologies, I just...need a moment. I’ll be right back.” Adrian stood quickly, nearly sprinting out the door as Amy tilted her head in confusion. Adrian shut the door, leaning his whole body against it as he let a tear fall from his eyes. He pulled his phone out, immediately opening his camera roll as he replayed forgotten memories- memories Amy had promised to never forget. He slid down the door, his legs losing strength as he dove deeper into the past she had forgotten. He pulled out a small package of tissues, quickly replacing them with his sleeves as tears flooded his face and the floor. He choked as he stumbled upon a picture of them together in the moonlight, Amy smiling on his back as he had carried her through Central Park that night. He watched videos of Amy dancing, singing and saying ‘I love you’ to him, all recent. He rested his head against the door, looking into the lights as he clenched his jaw, reaching into his pocket to pull out the engagement ring that had lost all of its purpose. 
“Amy...goddammit Amy...I should have been with you that night...I should have driven you myself.” He stood back up, adjusting his suit and tie and wiping his face clear, re-entering the room as Amy sat quietly, gazing out the window. 
“Is something wrong Adrian?” Amy turned to him with that always curious look in her eyes, he took a quiet seat next to her before smiling. 
“No, but I have something to tell you.” Amy pursed her lips as Adrian pulled the velvet box from his pocket, gently handing it to her and letting her open it. She gasped and closed the box before handing it back to Adrian as he smiled, a tear slowly flowing down his face. “I was going to propose to you that night…before the accident happened...” 
“Adrian…I...I’m sorry…” Amy interrupted, Adrian holding the box tightly as he forced a smile. 
“It’s okay Amy. It’s not your fault…” His voice was calming but Amy could sense the broken in him, she could see the heartbreak in his posture and his face. 
“I...I just don’t...I don’t feel that way anymore...I’m sorry…I...those memories...I don’t...” Amy cried softly, Adrian placing a gentle hand over hers as he closed the box, placing it back in his jacket. 
“Don’t worry about it, our relationship is probably one of the last of your worries. I just thought you should know. I am sorry if I crossed a line Amy...I...I love-” Adrian clenched his jaw, Amy brows furrowing as she averted his broken gaze, “I have to go to my office, but...I’ll be back to visit you either tonight or tomorrow. Get some rest Amy.” He stood, his shoulders slumping in defeat as he found the strength to compose himself before he walked out of the hospital room. 
Amy stared out the window, her eyes welling with tears as she tried to comprehend the situation, to be empathic to Adrian and to herself. Amy got so lost in the web of thoughts and worries that she didn’t even notice Lily open the door.
“Hey Ames.” Lily slowly shut the door, a cheeky smile on her face as she laid a collection of electronics in front of Amy. Amy’s eyes fell on the nintendo switch as Lily beamed with excitement, Lily setting up her laptop so Amy could see the screen.
“I thought you could use some fun today, I bought movies and some video games.” Amy’s eyes crinkled at Lily, before using her one hand to pick up one of the switch controls. Lily took the other control in her hands as she started mario kart, adjusting the controls so it would be a fair game. 
“Thank you Lily...now I’m going to blow smoke up your ass.” The beeping to start the race went off as Amy gassed her bike, Lily gasping as she took off too. Amy laughed, throwing a red shell and taking first place as Lily slowly made her way up from 12th to 2nd. 
“I’m right on your ass now Amy.” Lily hit the buttons more aggressively as Amy laughed, leaving a banana and screwing Lily’s position up.
“Fuck!” Lily set the remote down as Amy crossed the finish line, taking first place. “I see you haven’t lost your touch.” Lily laughed as she set up the next race.
“No. Never. Luckily I still reign champion when it comes to Mario Kart.” Amy nodded her head in pride before they played another race, and another. They lost track of time, Lily’s alarm pulling them from their entertainment as Lily looked at Amy, feeling as if she had her best friend back once more. Amy caught Lily’s gaze, both of them happier today than they had both been in the past few days. A soft knock on the door pulled them both out of their moment, Jax’s soothing voice ringing from the other side as he slid the door open slowly. 
“Jax!” Amy’s voice squeaked as Jax put a hand over his heart.
“You guys are racing without me….I’m wounded...having a stroke…” The room filled with laughter as Jax took a switch remote and sat next to Amy on the other side. “Now I’ll have to whoop both of you for leaving me out!” Jax smirked as Lily adjusted her glasses. 
“Oh it’s on!” Lily cracked her knuckles as Amy laughed, raising a brow at both of them as the countdown began. 
“I’m injured, my memory is missing and yet I’m still going to wreck both of you!” Amy tapped her fingers against the controller as the race started, all three of them battling for first place with red shells and bananas. 
“I’ve got it! Oh! ....Fuck!” Amy screamed as a NPC threw a red shell and took first place. All three of them gasping and laughing at their loss to a NPC, Lily exiting to the home screen as Jax and Amy handed her the remotes.
“Geeze. Don’t let Kamilah know I got smoked this badly...” Jax rubbed the back of his neck as Lily took the remotes, put them in her bag and plugged the switch in for a charge. Jax fiddled with his hands as Lily sat back down, asking Amy if she needed anything. 
“I can’t believe we lost to an NPC...this is the end of my career.” Jax chuckled under his breath as Amy rolled her eyes before laughing too. Jax relaxed back into his chair as Amy shut her eyes gently, Lily brewing the group some tea after all of the excitement. 
“Hey Jax...Lily can I ask?” Amy mumbled softly, Lily turning to face her as Jax lifted his head up.
“Of course.” Jax placed a gentle hand on Amy’s shoulder, his soft eyes fixated on hers as she smiled. 
“What’s Kamilah like?” 
Silence. Jax and Lily gave each other looks before Jax cleared his throat. 
“She can be cold if she wants to be, she’s...quite mysterious but she opened up a lot with us, although I don’t know the details of your personal relationship with her. I...I’m not entirely sure how to describe her to you but she wouldn’t refuse your questions Amy, especially given the current circumstances. Why do you ask us?” Jax furrowed his brows as Amy felt a blush creep onto her face, Lily catching the pink cheeks in the corner of her eye. 
“Nothing, just curious to know what my friends were like…” Amy stared down at the blanket as Jax’s phone buzzed in his pants. 
Friends. Friends. Friends. Of course Lily and Jax were Amy’s friends, but Adrian? Kamilah? She felt something towards both of them. She didn’t carry the same feelings Adrian had for her - and they were far from the intensity he felt for her. He made her feel so safe and secure - and his nurturing nature would make any girl fall in love and Amy could sense something there, even if it was small. And Kamilah? There was something radiant about her to Amy, something about her presence that brings Amy a sense of tranquility that she doesn’t feel with Adrian. She didn’t know her but Amy felt herself infatuated with wanting to know Kamilah, wanting to spend time with her and just talk to her. Jax’s panicked voice brought Amy out of her head as Lily placed a calming hand on her shoulder - having watched Amy go through the whole thought process. 
“Nikhil-” His face changed from content to concerned as a muffled voice rang through, “I’m-I’m on my way.” Jax rushed over to Lily, whispering as Lily’s face grew concerned. They exchanged silent whispers as Amy tilted her head, wondering what it could be about. 
“Amy...I have to go...it’s a uh...work emergency..., will you be alright?” Jax squeezed her hand before hastily rushing out the door. 
“Amy...do you...do you have feelings for Kamilah?” Amy’s heart jumped at Lily’s voice, her face turning pink as Lily slowly took a seat beside her, her face full of curiosity.
“I...I don’t know! I-” Amy reached her hand up to cover her face as Lily gently pulled her hand away, giving Amy a reassuring look. Another knock on the door startled both of them as Lily rushed to open it, Kamilah stepping through the threshold. Amy felt her heart speed up, her palms growing sweaty as Kamilah came closer and closer to her. Her maroon suit perfectly fitted, her hair practically shining as her eye softened upon meeting Amy’s. 
“How are you feeling Amy?” Kamilah's voice was like music to Amy’s ears, it was smooth and silky yet firm and commanding, Amy’s heart pounding so loudly she thought Kamilah would hear it. She swallowed the lump in her throat as Kamilah gave a more concerned look to Amy. Amy thought she’d faint as Kamilah placed her palm against her forehead, her fingers rubbing small circles as she asked Lily to get some water. 
“Thank you for visiting Kamilah...I really appreciate it…” Amy whispered softly, Kamilah smiled, her usual exterior melting for a moment before Lily returned with the water. Lily paused before setting the water down on the table next to Amy, her eyes scanning between Kamilah and Amy and the odd sexual tension that lingered throughout the room. 
“I uh...gotta blast!” Lily squealed and dashed out the door, unsure of how to deal with the situation. Kamilah blinked twice, shocked as Amy furrowed her brows before returning to Kamilah. 
“I wonder what that was all about…” Kamilah pursed her lips as Amy shakily reached for the glass, her heart nearly beating out of her chest. She gripped the cup and brought it to her lips, Kamilah watching subtly as Amy spilled some on herself by accident. 
“Amy, here...let me help you…” Kamilah rushed to grab a few napkins from the counter as Amy’s face flushed red, when Kamilah placed her delicate hands on her lap where the water was spilled Amy thought she was going to have a heart attack. Kamilah lifted her hand, gesturing towards the water as Amy shook her head. Kamilah picked the glass up and gently placed it against Amy’s lips, tilting it back so she could drink. Kamilah tried not to stare but she couldn’t help herself but to watch Amy’s lips against the rim of the glass.
“Had enough?” Kamilah brought the nearly empty glass back down, perching herself on the chair next to Amy as Amy wiped her mouth. 
“Yes...thank you…” Amy mumbled, she shifted her eyes to the floor to avoid Kamilah’s eyes, a gaze that would make Amy question her feelings more than she already was. 
Kamilah cleared her throat, her hands slipping into her pockets before she sat forward, placing her hand over Amy’s. 
“Amy, everything will be alright. You have all of us at your side and we will get you whatever you need.” Amy smiled at her gesture, Kamilahs stoic expression that Lily had spoken of was nowhere to be found. Amy nodded in silence, enjoying the comforting touch of the older woman. She must’ve dozed off because she awoke later in an empty room, a small letter placed beside her as she rubbed her eyes. 
Many apologies for running out so soon. An urgent matter needed to be handled and I could not address it from the seat beside you. I’ll return to visit you as soon as this matter is taken care of. Feel free to text or call if you need anything. My number is already saved in your phone. 
~Kamilah Sayeed
Amy smiled at the heartwarming note, maybe Kamilah wasn’t as cold and stoic as Lily had previously told her. She took in a deep breath as the doctor opened the door, clipboard in hand as he ran through the tedious checklists to ensure Amy was properly recovering. 
---------------------- Adrian’s Office ------------------------------
Kamilah, how late are you working tonight? 
Not much longer Adrian, just a few things to finish up here. Do you need something?
I could use some of your advice, and company. 
Of course brother. I’m sure the current situation has been exhausting among other things for you. 
Thank you Kamilah, I’ll see you shortly?
Adrian leaned back in his leather chair as it gently squeaked, his suit wrinkling as he removed his tie from his neck and tossed it to the side. He turned his gaze towards the ceiling, his shoulders falling - a single tear falling from his face. He took a tissue from his desk and uselessly wiped away as his face became flooded with them, the teardrops staining documents and leaving marks on his jacket. He ripped the jacket off, not caring about how much it had cost him as she rested his head in his hands - his composure falling apart in seconds. His white blouse became disheveled as his breathing grew fast and desperate - his heart racing and beating so hard it hurt. He tried to stand, his legs completely failing him as he leaned against the bookshelf, hiding his face in his knees as he let his bottled emotions out. He stayed there for what felt like hours, until the door slowly creaked open...
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oatmilkslytherin · 4 years
ruin me 3/? (d.malfoy)
Tumblr media
description: part 3 of ?? of ruin me mini series:) read the other parts !!<33
pairing: draco malfoy x slytherin!reader
requested: yes / no
warnings: light cursing, mentions of sexual themes
taglist: @jud3cardan​ @dray-cookies​
y/n’s pov:
i sat anxiously in the common room, my teeth gnawing at my lower lip as my leg bounced relentlessly against the wooden floor. as hard as i tried, i couldn’t get draco out of my wandering mind. much more than the thoughts of how he had me writhing under him only a few nights ago, much more than his dark smirk and piercing blue-grey eyes. 
our run-in at the three broomsticks didn’t end the way i wanted it to. not at all, in fact. i would be lying if i said i’ve never thought about him in that way; how could you not? he was devilishly handsome, incredibly witty, and much smarter than he allowed himself to come off as. not to mention he was equally as dangerous, just as sarcastic and troublesome. truth be told, draco malfoy was my perfect equal. 
i could never tell him this, though. i prided myself on turning down men who thought they had a chance of winning over my heart. i thought him to be the same until he asked me to go out with him on the sunday after our lustful night. i hadn’t expected the question; it was possibly the last thing i thought i’d ever hear come from his pink lips. but it did, and i panicked. 
i cursed myself for letting my guard down the way i did. for panicking to no end and rushing out of the pub without a second thought. if i thought a little longer, perhaps i would’ve said something calm and cool; something that kept him wanting more. instead, i turned him down with no seeming remorse. i cursed myself for it. 
in reality, i dreamt of the thought of being with draco romantically. i thought endlessly about us being together, showing the whole world how we won each other over. it made my heart soar at the thought of it. to everyone else at hogwarts, i was nothing more than the token heartbreaker. as stupid as it sounded, i’d let him break my heart if it meant i could spend a multitude of nights cradled in his arms.
but, the nagging thought in the back of my mind reminded me that love was a scam. with every relationship came the risk of heartbreak, for either part, or perhaps both. i understood it at too well; i experienced it with cormac mclaggen when he ditched me for some girl two years our senior after we had dated for approximately six months. i felt it when adrian pucey told me i was too high-maintenance and only good for the animalistic, carnal things. i could tell you interaction after interaction i’ve had with dim-witted boys who didn’t understand commitment if it slapped them in the face. of course, i understood that this wasn’t the case with every guy. still, i couldn’t help but hear the tiny voice in the back of my mind remind me of my awful track record with relationships; was i willing to let draco just become another one?
the sound of the door to the common room opening snapped me out of my recurring thoughts. i paid no mind to the person as i took a deep breath, fixating my eyes on the fire that flickered in front of me. 
“i want to know why you think you’d ruin me, y/l/n.” my eyes widened as the voice sounded from behind me. i could nearly feel him burning holes into the back of my head as i stared aimlessly into the fire. i swallowed the lump in my throat, pinching at the skin of my fingers to keep from saying something impulsive out of my nervousness.
“some people aren’t meant to love,” i stated simply, relaxing my shoulders into the cushioned backing of the sofa. i heard draco exhale in frustration, listening to his footsteps around the couch until he was slumping his weight next to me. i couldn’t look at him; i stared at the fire, instead.
“what’s that supposed to mean?” draco asked earnestly, his voice soft and delicate. he sounded like he was methodically picking and choosing the right words to say, tip-toeing on eggshells to ask the question.
“i mean,” i started, shifting lightly in my position to cover up my anxiously tapping foot, “some people are not good partners. some people don’t know how to properly love the other...” 
my voice trailed off as i alluded to my previous misfortunes in relationships. 
“if you’re referring to mclaggen and pucey, then believe me when i say i’m not like them,” draco stated softly yet sternly. my face scrunched in confusion; i hadn’t expected him to pay so much attention to me before our sinful rendezvous. not many people knew about what happened with adrian and cormac; they begged me to keep quiet to protect their reputations. draco, however, knew despite this.
“you were dealt a shit hand, y/n. but i’m not them, i wouldn’t do that to you.” the way draco spoke made my heart flutter. i wanted so desperately to believe him. i dreamt of a moment like this since we had met, and now here it was at my disposal, and my heart was screaming ‘no’. still, the logical part of my brain tuned into the way draco spoke and how soft and sure he was. no person in their right mind would go to this length for someone like me... right?
still, i couldn’t ignore the familiar pang in my heart. the sheer thought of getting my heart broken was enough to make me nauseous. my stomach twisted at the possibility of draco being the one to rip my heart in two. i couldn’t handle it. 
“look, draco, you’re an amazing guy, truly. but, i can’t stomach the thought of getting my heart broken. i’m not going to let you ruin me, not in that way at least.” 
before he could say another word, i stood up from the couch and quickly paced towards the girl’s dormitories. i desperately wanted to look back, take my words back and dive head first into whatever it was my heart craved. but, i couldn’t. i had to keep walking and tense my shoulders to keep from stealing a last glance at him. 
i cursed myself for letting my guard down again. this was the second time that i’ve exposed my vulnerability to romantically entwining conversations. the second time i’ve shown draco malfoy that i’m not everything i’ve made myself out to be. i cursed myself for my stupidity. 
i pressed my back into the wooden barricade of my door, letting my head fall back onto it with a soft thump. i sighed outwardly, running my hands through my hair due to my overwhelmed state and pure frustration.
this boy was going to ruin me.
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show-choir-gal · 4 years
“Pinky Promise?” Oliver Wood Imagine
Guide: Y/N: Your Name Y/F/F: Your Favourite Flower
Words: 3,098
Every now and again, I like to reflect on Oli and I's friendship; how we started and how we got here.
It was our first year at Hogwarts, we met each other on the Hogwarts express. I had gotten a booth early, since my parents hated being anywhere near late for anything. Oliver had hopped on and was looking for a place to sit. I was sitting and reading this week's newspaper of Quidditch Weekly. "Mind if I sit here? I love Quidditch!" He said with bright eyes. "Of course! I'm Y/N McCormack, what is your name?" I asked as I reached out my hand. "I'm Oliver Wood. Wha- Wait, did you just say that your surname was McCormack? Is Cartiona your mum?" "Why yes, she is." You replied with a chuckle, "I didn't expect someone my age to know who she is." "She was an amazing Chaser for Pride of Portree and absolutely nailed herself a place on the Scottish Quidditch Team and a place in Quidditch Hall of Fame! How could I not know her!?" Oliver replied. We spent the whole train ride  talking about our love for Quidditch. You could just feel the pure happiness radiating off of us and our newly found friendship. *End Flashback*
Oli and I had only grown closer and closer with each passing year. He has been my best friend in the whole known universe. We both made the Quidditch team our second year, not much of a surprise for either of us. We were a package deal, like George and Fred Weasley. Oliver was a Keeper and I was a Chaser. We killed it on the pitch each and every single practice and game. We were, and are, unbreakable. Pretty much from the moment we woke to the moment we went to bed, we were together. Nothing could break us apart. In our Fourth Year, Oliver was chosen as the team captain, which made me a bit disappointed because I really thought I was going to get the position. I was a little hurt, not going to lie, but still... my best friend was the captain. He ended up appointing me as his "second in command" aka, his assistant captain.
I remember the moment like it was yesterday, the moment I realised I was in love with Oliver. It was the end of our fifth year. It was our last match of the year, we didn't win but Oliver gave us a killer speech about how proud he was of all of us. Once we were all changed, Oli and I walked back to the castle, but he stopped suddenly. "Oli... Is everything okay? Are you ill?" I asked, walking closer Oliver grabbed my arms and pulled me in for a hug. Butterflies started  flying inside me. I didn't understand the feelings at first so I brushed them off. "Thank you for dealing with me, thank you for being you." Oliver said to me, I hugged back. "Oli, it's no problem. You're my best friend, it's the least I could do...Someone has to put you in your place." I replied with a chuckle as we let go of each other. We continued our way back to the castle for dinner, "Do you want to come over this summer? My parents wanted to know if you wanted to come on holiday with us." Oliver asked. "I would love to, I'll just have to ask my parents." I replied. "Oh no worries, I have the Wood charm. Who could say no to this smile?" Oliver said, flashing that world winning grin at me. He's right, who could say no to that smile.
Summer was around the corner, and the school was really trying to do a "secret admirer" thing to get spirits up. Oliver was getting flowers left and right, as well as giggles from girls of all houses. Oliver was bragging to Fred and George about it, and they were just fuelling his ego. Oliver and I weren't together, but I was jealous. All of a sudden I was jealous, and not in the way I usually was. I was suddenly hit with all these feelings for him, feelings I have never really felt before. Every girl sending him flowers and flirting with him and him flirting back...stung. It stung like I had just been stung by a handful of wasps on the pitch during a practice. It never stopped. In class? Nope. In the corridors? Nope. In the middle of a conversation with me? Apparently that stopped no one. It wasn't even time for lunch and I already just wanted to sleep the rest of the day away. Oliver and I finished our last Charms exam for the year and we headed to lunch together, we just about reached the dining hall when a group of sixth year girls came up to us and gave Oliver all their flowers and hurling flirts in his direction. Oliver was so preoccupied with those girls that he didn't even notice that I had walked away and entered the dining hall by myself. I walked to my usual seat and sat down and started to put food on my plate. Just as I was about to take my first bite, a yell of my name made me jump out of my skin and I looked towards Fred whose voice I recognised. "Oi, you're not eating yet." Fred said. "What's going on?" George chimed in. "I don't know what you are talking about." I said as I took a bite of my sandwich. "Oliver isn't with you." The twins said in unison. "Oh, yeah. A group of sixth year girls stopped him and were just gushing their feelings about him. I'm annoyed so I walked away." I replied as I took another bite, seeing out the corner of my eye that the twins shook their heads at each other and then fixed their gaze on me again. "Sounds like someone is jealous..." George said with a wink. "Jealous that other girls are giving ol' Oli attention." Fred said as he nudge George. "Me? Jealous? As if! Why would I be jealous?" I asked with a cocked eyebrow as I turned to face them. "Be honest Y/N." George said. "It's obvious you like him." Fred chimed in. "You like him and want him for yourself." George continued. "It's quite obvious, you can't fool us." They said in unison. "You two are just ill. Should I take you two to Madam Pomfrey?" I said as I tilted my head in "concern". "Believe what you want," George started. "But trust us." Fred finished. "Make him jealous back." They said in unison and gave me a wink. Their attention quickly went to the front of the dining hall, I turned my head to see Oliver walking in with those girls trailing behind him. I rolled my eyes and just kept eating. Oliver went on and on about it, and I just slowly started to feel sad. It was so bad that Fred and George were trying to signal Oliver to stop. They didn't want to see me this sad. He would not get the hint though. He was too absorbed in the euphoria he was feeling. I decided I had heard enough and was getting ready to get up when Professor McGonagall came rushing into the dining hall. "Ms.McCormack, this is.." Professor McGonagall started, but was then cut off. "Mr.Carneirus, I'm a big fan of you and your mum," He said as he started to shake my hand, "This is the photographer Adrian. We're both here for the Daily Prophet." I gave a puzzled look. "Although Gryffindor didn't win the last match, all we can say were that all eyes were on YOU. There were Quidditch scouts here to scout out who they might want on their teams in the coming year, but eyes never left you. We want to write an article about you, the new and upcoming Quidditch star!" He said with a smile. "Oh...wow! I'm extremely flattered!" I replied, in awe of the situation in front of me. "No need to thank us! Thank yo-" He was cut off by your mother, who had a new broom with her, which she threw in your direction. "Thank me." My mother said with a smirk as I caught the broom. My eyes widened, "Wow! Is this a new broom.?" I questioned. "It's more than new," My mother said with a smile, "It's one of a kind. A Firebolt Supreme. My buddy patented this design and wants to see it in action. It won't be out for a few more years." We all talked for a few and then I realised the time. Fred and George brought my broom down to the changing rooms and Oliver and I went to class. We were discussing how the paper wants us to have a game against Slytherin to test out the broom...and make me look good.
Dinner came around, and everything was back to normal. Well, now the school was buzzing over me. Fred, George, Oliver, and I were mid conversation when Fred and George went silent and stared behind Oliver and I. Oliver and I made eye contact and we looked behind us. "What do you want Flint?" Oliver said aggressively. "Relax Wood, I'm not here for you, I'm here for the beautiful girl right next to you." Flint said with a smirk, and I immediately started to blush. Marcus removed his hand from behind him, revealing a beautiful bouquet of Y/F/F, "I've been quite interested in you for a while now and would love to know if you would want to go on a date in Hogsmeade before the year ends?" He asked, with a smirk as he slightly blushed. " I would love to." I replied with a smile and he handed me the flowers and took my hand. "I will see you tomorrow beautiful." He said before he kissed my hand and walked away, but not before he sent a wink to the group of boys around me. Oliver and the twins started to stand up but I grabbed them to stay down. "He just wants you for the spotlight." Oliver said, face becoming as red as a tomato. The twins were about to say something but Angelina chimed in before they had the chance, "He's been interested in her since second year. I hear about it ALL the time in the classes we share." Those words shut the boys up. Eventually we finished dinner and Oliver had the team head to the pitch for a practice. Just because it was to test the broom and show me off, doesn't mean Oliver won't have us go in blind.
The morning rolled around and I had to be down at the pitch extra early for pictures and the interview. The whole team decided to come down early as well to support me. Once I was in full game wear, I walked out onto the pitch and was greeted by the editor, photographer, and my parents. While pictures were being taken, the Slytherin team  was walking in to change. Marcus and I made eye contact and he sent a wave and wink over in my direction. I saw that Oliver almost went over to do something but the twins held him back. I will admit, it did make me giggle. After the pictures, the interview went off without any issues. Apparently I had been deemed as "The Mini McCormack", I like the nickname not going to lie. All the stands were filled to the brim with people. From students to their parents, fans of my mother to Quidditch Scouts. Not an empty seat in the stadium. As soon as the Gryffindor team emerged from the sideline, applause roared through the stands. I was going to let Oliver lead the team up for a few laps around the pitch, but he wanted me to lead with a few fast laps by myself to show off the Firebolt Supreme. And that's what I did. I mounted my broom and went up to see all my peers. My eyes laid onto my parents who hugged and waved at me. I braced and took about 3 laps to myself, going as fast as this new broom allowed me (which was very fast). I was met by my team and slowed down to stay in formation, having Oliver lead the team like we normally did. We lowered ourselves to let Slytherin do the same. The game was well underway, and we were beating Slytherin, but not by much. As we witnessed a Quaffle go through Slytherins middle hoop, I went up to Angelina and the other Chaser and whispered "Parkin's Pincer". We all smiled and as soon as Marcus had the Quaffle, Angelina got on his right and I on his left. "You're quite handsome when you play." I said with a wink, trying to distract him. "It's all for you love." He replied, but before he could send me a wink back, our other chaser was heading right for him. He got nervous and released his grip on the Quaffle. Angelina grabbed it right out from under him and flew up, all the Slytherin chasers went up to follow her, but I knew what she was doing. I flew as fast as I could towards the Slytherin hoops. I looked up and she threw it ahead of me without climbing down. I flew and caught it and went straight for the hoops. I threw and I scored. This game went on and on until we had caught the snitch! This wasn't real game, but it sure did feel good to win against Slytherin. I took a victory lap around when a stray Bludger came hurling my way. Without thinking I grabbed a bat from Fred and got my angle right and hit the Bludger with all my might into the open box Madam Hooch was holding. I came back down to see Oliver's mouth open. "I- I didn't know you could hit..." Oliver somehow sputtered out. "My dad was a Beater, I'm not entirely my mum. Now close your mouth before flies get in." I said as I shut his mouth myself. I was about to walk away into the changing when I felt hands wrap around my waist, I looked and saw it was Marcus. I smiled. "She's quite a woman, Wood. Isn't she?" He said with a smirk. Oliver almost swung at Marcus' head, but I stopped his hand. "Get in the changing room. NOW!" I said sternly to Oliver. "You better listen to her or else you'll end up like the Bludger." Marcus said with a chuckle. I playfully slapped his arm and shot him an apologetic look before I made my way into the changing room.
It was September 1st, the first day of our Sixth Year. I boarded the train first, like I had every year previously. Fred and George joined me next, they were filling me in on how their summer was and how their youngest brother was a first year. Oliver followed not super long after the twins. He sat down beside me and we told the twins of the holiday we went on with Oli's family, and how we made some amazing plays for the upcoming Quidditch season. Suddenly, there was a knock on the booth's door. We all looked, and it was Marcus. I excused myself and went to talk to him outside, out of earshot of the boys. Soon after, Marcus and I kissed and he went to the Slytherin car. Oliver was a little weird after that, but nothing too bad. The year continued to just get better and better, until two days before the House Cup match between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Marcus broke up with me, well, I confronted him about cheating on me and he admitted to it. I had a tutoring session with a third year but rescheduled it due to "personal reasons". I went down to the pitch and just let everything I could out. I grabbed my broom and flew around the pitch. Eventually, I grew tired of flying aimlessly, so I decided to just watch the stars and hoping Merlin showed me some help and sympathy.
I heard someone come onto the pitch, but I didn't move. I stayed staring at the stars. It wasn't until Oliver was right in front of me that he was the one who had entered the pitch. "Why weren't you at dinner?" He asked, concern grew in his voice. "Personal reasons." I spit out, trying not to cry. "You're my best friend, what is wrong Y/N?" He practically begged me to give him an answer. I started to let it all out, "He cheated on me." The anger grew inside Oliver, but this wasn't the time to be angry. He brought both of us down to the pitch and just grabbed me in a hug to comfort me. I had my best friend back, the man I was truly in love with.
The day of the match came and went. Gryffindor had won because I rewrote a play last minute, I was so happy for Oliver. This was the moment he had been waiting for. I let him enjoy the glory he had been wanting for so long. The Gryffindor party started without a hitch. I kind of just stayed on the sidelines while my team was off flirting with whomever their heart desired. I didn't mind being alone, I wanted everyone else to have a good time. Oliver was heading my way despite the army of girls trying to get his attention. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the front of the common room. "Oliver wha-" I started but before I could finish, Oliver had one hand on my waist and the other grabbing my face and pulling me in for a kiss. This was a kiss of pure love. Don't ask me how I know, I just know. This was love. I was in shock, mixed in the same silence from the whole room looking at us. I was speechless. "I love you, and I have since we first met that September 1st of our first year. Now can you promise you'll be mine forever now?" Oliver asked, with tiny tears swelling his eyes. "Pink promise?" I asked with a smirk. "Pink promise." He replied as we pinky promised and kissed again. The twins roaring for us in the background.
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trashmancer · 3 years
Again, been reading a lot recently, and here's some recent reads and my thoughts. (All very spoiler-free)
Johannes Cabal: The Necromancer by Jonathan L. Howard
I'd heard about this series for a while, but had always kept putting off reading it, and finally I was in the mood for some comedic (yet dark) shenanigans--and a villain protagonist as charming as Johannes Cabal really hit me just right. I really enjoyed the first of this series and the introduction to this 1920's-ish universe similar-yet-different to our own that Howard's created. His writing is crisp and clever--and Johannes is a villain protagonist worth cheering for. He's duplicitous, arrogant, and cold, yet sharp-witted and competent enough to be engaging, and even though he's amoral (driven predominately with an "ends do justify the means" mentality) there are glimmers of a conscious buried in there.
The basic gist of the first book is that Johannes Cabal is a necromancer dead-set (ba-dum-sh) on thwarting the biggest plague affecting mankind: Death. As such, he's willing to go to extreme lengths to hone and perfect his necromantic abilities. In the pursuit of this knowledge, Cabal sold his soul to Satan, but he comes to realize he actually needs his soul for his necromancy to work more properly (apparently without a soul it gets very unpredictable). In order to win his soul back, he strikes a wager with Satan: he will accumulate 100 souls for Satan in return for his own. Satan, ever the fair player (not), gifts Cabal with an infernal carnival to help Cabal reach his goal within the year. Shenanigans ensue.
While I read some books in-between this one and the next in the series, I'll write about the other here--
Johannes Cabal: The Detective by Jonathan L. Howard
So clearly I enjoyed the first installment enough to keep going, and I am glad, because I enjoyed the second one even more than the first. It feels like Howard got more comfortable with the characters and world than before, and in this one he expands his universe with some made-up countries that are similar-to-yet-different than countries on our Earth. In this one, Cabal does less fantastic tricks, as he dons the role of investigator (there's been a murder--on an airship!), but the plot was very fun. I will say this is one of the first books in a long while to genuinely make my world-weary ass laugh out loud in public. Howard truly does know how to turn a phrase and comes off with some great witticisms.
Guns of the Dawn by Adrian Tchaikovsky
Tchaikovsky has been on my radar for a while because I have had Children of Time on my reading list for what feels like an age (and I still haven't gotten around to reading it, but I will soon). To prime myself, I looked up other works by Tchaikovsky. This was around the time I was look for good "stand-alone" Adult Fantasy novels as well, so the two linked up and I had this on my TBR for a while and got around to finally cracking it open.
I really loved this book. If I could describe it in any way, it would be sort of like Pride & Prejudice if Elizabeth Bennet got drafted into a war. Seriously. That's how it reads--and Tchaikovsky made the allusions to Austen's work very clear. The setting is very English-inspired, and the time period mimics Napoleonic times. Definitely the first "Flintlock Fantasy" I've had the pleasure of reading.
The themes of the book are about the caustic nature of nationalism, the blurring of truth during war, and what is true patriotism in the face of falsehood and horror. Definitely my kind of questions--and I love watching characters thrown into completely unfamiliar environments. A genteel woman (Emily Marshwic) being tossed headfirst into grisly, mosquito-infested swamps armed with a musket? It's a fascinating journey she undergoes.
Plus the novel featured a romantic subplot that hits my enemies-to-lovers buttons hard. (It's not at all like one of those tired YA enemies-to-lovers stories, but something more grown-up and messy, which I approve of, because I love drama.) But this is more of a personal note. It's definitely not going to be for everyone.
Retribution Falls (Tales of the Ketty Jay #1) by Chris Wooding
After Johannes Cabal, I got into the mood for some steampunk, and I hadn't actually read much in the way of steampunk, so I looked up some recs and the Tales of the Ketty Jay series seemed to appear on a lot of lists for this kinda thing. The basic gist of this one is... imagine steampunk Firefly. That kinda gives you the whole vibe and feel. It's about a crew of disparate and colorful characters all running from something who meet on the ship the Ketty Jay and have to learn to work together to survive.
Overall, it was a fast-paced read (I read this 400 page sucker in a single day--while doing other stuff) and Wooding knows how to write action and interesting character interactions. The world had some glimmers of brilliance (the wizard analogs in their world--daemonist--were the most intriguing part), but otherwise it was very typical steampunk. I had no real quibbles with any of that (aside from the fact some of it read as very cliche and Wooding's inspirations seemed a little obvious--Fullmetal Alchemist and Firefly being the two big ones that kept hammering me over the head), but my main complaint was with the writing and treatment of female characters. First, there is only one main female character in the Ketty Jay's crew--Jez. I had no real issues with Jez's character or writing (in fact she's refreshing in some ways), but she's completely isolated from any other female characters (and is also the only crew member who isn't really allowed to be a complete screw up--she's somewhat sanitized, which, I guess the heroic women characters aren't allowed to be fuck ups like the men?). Second, the other predominate female characters, of whom there are only three, are mute/dehumanized (Bess), characterized as stupid and unhinged (Amalicia), and have rape-as-a-backstory-written-TERRIBLY (Trinica). All that said, as much as it was cringe, this was written in 2009, and I am sure Wooding has had some growth as a writer since then.
I liked this one enough to decide to check out the next in the series (even knowing the writing for the female characters leaves much to be desired).
Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse
A Fantasy taking place in an Americas-inspired world? Absolutely refreshing (and more please). The main gist of this one is that a cult sets out to resurrect a dead god (seriously that's the main plot crux) while political machinations are going on in the central city of this country where the resurrection is going to take place. As the novel progresses, it's like a countdown clock to game time. There's four POV characters we follow: Xiala (a Teek sea captain who is kind of an outcast from her native people and has a love for beautiful people), Serapio (the man who has been groomed since birth to be the vessel for the resurrected god, part of this process has included blinding him), Naranpa (the Sun Priest of the capital city who is trying to garner back control the priesthood has lost), and Okoa (who really doesn't even appear until way later into the book; he's been separated from his family to train to be a warrior). For the most part, I was primarily engaged (re: 90% engaged) with Xiala and Serapio's story. They were the most interesting characters, and the journey of them on the sea trying to get to the city before the ceremony was exciting and emotional. The political dealings in Naranpa's segments kind of bogged down the action--and I didn't feel anything for that. Overall though, definitely a thrilling read with a beautifully constructed world. If I had one big criticism, it's that it ended incredibly abruptly without any resolution. I knew going in this was a part of a greater whole, but I still felt the ends could've been knotted a little tighter. I'm left dangling! But I'll be sure to pick up the next one (if anything just to find out what happens to Xiala and Serapio).
Vicious by V.E. Schwab
As an unapologetic villainfucker, I had to read this one, right? It's about not just one, but two villains! How could I lose? And they're in an intense rivalry? Revenge? Betrayal? Superpowers? Gah! Be still my heart!
I'll say I enjoyed this book (fun characters, solid writing), but I didn't love it as much as I thought I would (I wish I could love yooouuuu!). Definitely worth a recommendation to anyone who loves villains and fast-paced narratives, but... there were a few things that tarnished what could've been sparkling. The biggest for me was the jumping around in the first half. For a length of time, the novel leaps between three different points of time, sometimes 2-3 pages at a time, and it was jarring (not confusing, mind you, but it was a jolt each time). I get it was done to create an air of mystique and intrigue, but it felt like I was getting dragged around by the ear. Along with this, the plot just seemed... very convenient? As various moments kept happening, it all felt too tidy and paint-by-numbers. The characters were certainly messy and fun (and I love messy and fun), but the action itself seemed to glide on well-oiled rails with no hiccups. This did lead to the magnetic pacing of the book (which I also read in a day), but it didn't do the drama any favors. Never once did it feel like the characters were caught with their pants down--and I think that's part of the point, but it kind of dampened the tension.
I liked it enough I am definitely going to check out the sequel Vengeful though. If anything I am reading for Sydney, Mitch, and Victor. I gotta know what happens to them!
Right now I am reading some fluffy fluff to cleanse my palette because I've been reading so much moodiness. I'm mid-way through the light and breezy Half a Soul by Olivia Atwater (and it's super cute so far) and then I am finally going to crack open Andy Weir's The Martian (because I have put off reading it for far too long).
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amiramorozova · 3 years
Dual Summoner x The Darkling pt. 38
Pairing: Dual Summoner Amira Silina x General Kirigan/Aleksander Morozova
Word cout: 2910
Glossary: Sol Koroleva - Sun Queen,lapushka - darling, honey, sweetie
I hated his plan but he knew he couldn't force me to agree to it and Prince Nikolai was the least of my concerns. "Alina's power is dormant, she's refused it or forced it to remain locked away." I said as I got up knowing what it was like to hide the sun. "I can help her through it, my power flickered a bit for a while holding it back the way I did for ten years." 
Aleksander knew what it was like to hide, he hid his identity the entire time. "I hate this, I hate lying to everyone. Marie and Nadia know something is up but they never ask. I can't call you by your name in front of people, I have to choose my words carefully." I said knowing people looked at him as General Kirigan "And then what happens when you decide it's not enough to be General Kirigan and decide to change your identity. I refuse to have a tailor modify my appearance." 
Aleksander walked over hugging me close as I sighed knowing that everything was going on too fast. "I don't want to be Queen, I just want to be me. I don't want to marry some prince and have him kissing me in the way you do. There are certain expectations on a wedding night and it disgusts me to even consider it." I said as I was always clear about how I felt like his arms around me never faltered. "even if it's getting us closer to the goal?" Aleksander asked
"Your goal, not mine. I want to walk down a street and be able to feel normal for a little while. I want to take my cousin out and show him it's ok to be different." I said as I was still holding on to the freedom offer he'd offered me. "Marrying the prince doesn't get me what I want, it gets me put in the Grand palace where expectations would be expected of me." I said, he knew I'd felt trapped within the little palace all this time for ten years because my parents had dropped me off here to train with Baghra as I yawned a bit. "Well, my Sol Koroleva is tired, the prince must have had you riding a lot." Aleksander said as I knew I hadn't told him. "A town I was in noticed my engagement ring, they wished the saints to bless us in our union." I said 
Aleksander for the first time seemed surprised then pondered those words as I walked over to the bed too tired to change as I laid down on his bed. Aleksander walked over removing his Kefta and the general attire he had underneath as he laid down with just his pants on pulling me close making me blush. "You sleep in here, you should get used to such things. Besides tomorrow you are to assist Ms. Starkov." Aleksander said as I nodded before closing my eyes falling asleep. 
Morning came earlier than I would have liked as I turned over facing Aleksander and curled up in his arms. I could feel his stare knowing he was awake as the door opened. "Ivan, set the plates on the table." Aleksander said as footsteps were easy to be heard. "It is on the table Moi soverenyi, will Moya soverenyi be joining the summoners later?" Ivan asked as Aleksander adjusted me while I could hear them in my sleep so I knew they were talking about me. "She will be, she is going to be helping Ms. Starkov learn to accept her powers." Aleksander said, "I have no need for Ms. Starkov's powers when Amira holds the Stag's necklace within her." 
I opened my eyes, happy to know that I wasn't just his soulmate, he was trying to get married to him right away as Ivan nodded and left. Aleksander got up once he noticed I was awake as I sat up. "Morning lapushka, did you sleep well?" Aleksander asked as I nodded. Once we both got up I walked over to take a better look at his maps. "So which amplifier are you seeking now?" I asked, wondering what he was up to. "The Sea whipp's fetter, but that won't be anytime soon. We'd have to cross the fold again, get on the ship and head to the true sea." Aleksander said 
Well, I knew he was right as we both started to eat knowing there was no way I was going to cross the fold so soon. We ate in silence as I knew he held the power over the Grisha in the 2nd army but I had the power for holding what Adrian did as a Dual Summoner. We also were under a mutual agreement that we knew neither of us could manipulate the other as we finished. "I need to go, I should get ready." I said 
Going to my room I prepared for things like getting a bath and having Genya help me. Alina wouldn't make it in front of the royals if we didn't help her soon. Once Genya was done with me we headed to Alina's room seeing her surprised. "Come on, we don't have all day." I said as Genya snapped her fingers and people took her to the tub to wait.
"Is this really necessary?" Alina asked as she was cleaned and I sat there watching once she was done. "It is, you are a sun summoner, we're very rare sort of but you being unique you still have to meet the King and Queen." I said as she looked at me in the mirror. "I'm to meet the King?" Alina asked as I nodded. "Amira is a little more rare than you, Dual Summoner who is Tidemaker and Sun Summoner. She's the only one of her kind, we've found another Dual Summoner but he is Tidemaker and Inferni." Genya said 
Alina seemed surprised and I couldn't blame her as she looked at both of us "When did you both know that you were Grisha?" Alina asked as Genya was working on her. "I've been working on myself since I was three, testers found me at the age of eleven." Genya told her. Alina seemed shocked "Since you were three?" Alina asked, then looked at me in the mirror "And you?" Alina asked, "My parents had me start training at three, I showed the tidemaker at first and my mother was excited since she was a tidemaker. Not long after I used Sun Summoner power and fainted not long after it took years to build up where I could use the power consecutively but here I am." I said 
Alina seemed surprised we were more advanced in our small science than she was as I looked at my wrist with a smile. "Your wrist, you said you were General Kirigan's soulmate. How do you figure that out?" Alina asked as I looked up "Power, once you accept your power the initials will show up but only if you are within distance of your soulmate. The mark does fade if you go too far." I said 
Alina didn't seem to understand as Genya fixed her up before leading ahead as I walked with her. "You've been denying your gift which makes you look terrible. It helps you to be strong when you accept it, your soulmate could be human or could be Grisha but your power determines how long you live." I told her as we walked. "The King will want a demonstration of your power since you are from the first army. He will then probably want you to assist me in destroying the fold." I said as Alina noticed my Kefta. "You're wearing a black Kefta." Alina said
"Amira has been given a few black items over the last year, she wears the General's color in pride." Genya said as we kept walking. "This really isn't necessary, can't I just wear a Kefta?" Alina asked as we kept walking. "You were found in the first army, unlike Amira who was already a part of the 2nd army." Genya said as we kept walking "Has anyone escaped the little palace before?" Alina asked as I laughed "No." I said as we heard "Planning to make a run for it?" Aleksander asked as I smiled at him. "I didn't mean any disrespect." Alina said 
We walked to the little palace as Aleksander walked with us, he walked beside me since I was encouraging Alina it would be ok. "The King is not well so this will be fast."I said as we walked in. Aleksander switched spots with me knowing his amplifier abilities would be needed for Alina's demonstration as we walked into the grand palace. Once we were there Aleksander and I showed our respect to them "so this is the girl who will help your dual summoner destroy the fold?" The King asked, "Yes, she is Alina Starkov Sun Summoner. Moi Tsar." Aleksander said 
Aleksander moved his hand to bring shadows as there was less pressure for Alina with me around as I watched him stand in front of her and take her wrist as the light exploded around all of us. I was already on Aleksander's side to not destroy the fold but the King did not know of that as Aleksander let her wrist go as the King was standing like he had when he met me. "Two sun summoners, the fold could be destroyed sooner. How long does she need?" The King asked, "She will remain at the little palace to train with me and Amira undisturbed." Aleksander said as the King looked at me then at Alina then back at Aleksander "then do it quickly."  The King said 
I have ten years of training and Alina only just started. Baghra will have a tough training time with her. I thought 
"Agreed, Moi Tsar." Aleksander with a bow and we followed his lead showing respect as he turned to both of us. "You did well, you'll be staying around Amira today to learn about the way she does things and she'll take you around the area." Aleksander said to Alina as I noticed Prince Nikolai walk in the room but looked back at Aleksander while he was talking.  Other Grisha started to come over hugging Alina as I backed up and motioned for Genya to get her as Aleksander followed me out of that sight. We snuck around the corner in a dark area as we kissed each other. "I think you can mentor her, be a role model and earn your leadership role." Aleksander said and I looked at him "I am leading already, with my cousin." I reminded him
Aleksander let me go as I walked out waiting around the corner when Genya came around with Alina. "Thank you Genya, I'll take it from here." I said as I led Alina away from there as I showed her around the area that was open to us. "You seem so much more confident than I am." Alina said as I looked at her "I'll let you in on a secret but you can't tell anyone. I come from a sun summoner bloodline and my mother is Tidemaker. My grandfather is Inferni and my half brother somewhere around here is squaller." I told her as she looked surprised.
We came to the library as memories were flooding in and the priest was gone, somewhere I wasn't sure about. I walked over as we looked through the books and I pulled one out. "the amplifiers?" Alina asked as she looked at them and pointed to the stag "I've seen this one, but not recently." Alina said as I sighed a bit. "That's because the stag is dead." I said as Alina looked at me surprised, "My tracker friend found it and I was supposed to kill it to stop something but I couldn't do it." I said 
Alina looked at the images in the book "If you couldn't do it then who has the stag's amplifier?" Alina asked as I smiled "I do, I've already absorbed it into my body when it was placed around me. But something rare happened that I'll tell you about later when you're ready to hear." I told her as we went to her room and she was given time to change into her blue kefta.  
We walked around for a bit when Marie and Nadia found us and hugged me before they smiled at Alina. "You're Alina, I'm Marie and this is Nadia. We're going to help you around with Amira." Marie said as they led the way and we all walked outside. I figured Botkin was ready for the new girl.
"Sun Summoner Alina, all of Ravkas' foes want you dead before you can help destroy the fold." Botkin said, "Very warm greeting." Alina said as I whispered to her "They want to kill me too but I actually have fought a Fjerdan." I said, surprising her. As we looked at Botkin who wasn't looking at me "You must learn to defend yourself fast, then one day you can be up with Amira who led her Grisha family in battle against a group of Fjerdans." Botkin said, "Do you know how to fight?" 
Alina looked like she was having a flashback as she nodded, "I've had some training." Alina said and before Botkin said what I knew he would, I smiled. "Pick an opponent, Alina, to see if you can win." I said as she chose Zoya. We all watched as the two started to fight. I knew Zoya was good but still we watched. 
I wonder if she'll get kicked off the grounds again. I thought 
Watching both of them going back and forth with Zoya mostly winning I knew Alina could do it as she got the last hit. Sadly Zoya as usual used her wind so I walked over before Botkin had gotten to her. "That was uncalled for Zoya." I said as she had her fists up "I'll take you on Amira, you who has the general's attention." Zoya said 
Motioning over to Marie and Nadia to check on Alina I prepared myself as we started to walk in a circle as I had my hands up.  I was ready as she took a left swing at me and I dodged as I hit her right in her shoulder and she was shocked but when she went to give me a hit with her right hand I dodged and slid my foot behind hers as she did with Alina sliding it forward to knock her down. 
"we take it easy on those who are new, don't forget that." I said as I walked away. I kept my senses about me as I heard her move fast and I used light to split her wind surrounding myself as everyone gasped at how much brighter my light was as I looked back at Zoya. "I have an amplifier, same as most of you but unlike you I don't rely on it and it doesn't come off." I said as she looked shocked.
Walking over to Alina I helped her a bit as we headed away from Botkin and the group headed to Baghra's hut. I knocked on the door as I led Alina in and noticed it was dark. "Baghra." I said as Alina looked worried but we kept walking in when She walked over to us. "Amira, glad you can always make time to visit." Baghra said to me and looked at Alina "And you, A sun summoner who wastes her time training with Botkin. Where is the rest of you?" Baghra asked
I found that a strange question "What do you mean where is the rest of her?" I asked as Baghra looked at me. "I can tell her power is almost non-existent." Baghra said as she led Alina over and told me I could stay. "Where are your parents?" Baghra asked, "Dead I suppose." Alina said 
I felt bad for her knowing I had both of my parents, even my grandparents as she nodded. I sat there waiting while Baghra went over Alina's first lesson and I noticed she was merely questioning her. "Amira was struggling once where you are but she's had ten years to master her power but you seem to need to be told what to do or what to believe. So Come back when you believe it too.
Baghra is harsh, then again she didn't let me get past her with anything either. Yet we have a better relationship than the other summoners. I thought 
"Amira, let me see your light now that you have the stag bones." Baghra said as I wasn't sure about it but I put my hands together then showed my light as I expanded it around the room. "Wow, this is a sun summoner's power." Alina said and Baghra nodded. "Amira has been prepared for her role all her life, she decides her own fate. she's also aware that her life choices are her own even with my words of guidance." Baghra said as Alina just looked surprised and then looked at me. "Guidance from my future mother-in-law. I assure you that the life we all live is determined by our power." I said as Alina tried but was failing, something held her back.
What holds you back? I thought
Taglist: @lifeisingrey, @anonymous-storyteller-deactivat
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love-at-first-bite · 3 years
I feel like #48 with Alucard would be really good... :]
Oh my gosh, thank you for sending in a prompt Rowan ^^ I had fun with this one! I tried to keep it short, but I think this is the shortest I can do hehe.
48. dancing with each other
“Can’t we wait for Trevor and Sypha to return?” I asked.
“What for?” Adrian asked back.
“Because,” I chewed the inside of my lip, stalling for an excuse. “Because I’m a much better learner when I have a visual aid.”
“It could be weeks before they return. Besides, Belmonts and Speakers are known for many things, but I don’t think ballroom dancing is on the list. And Trevor would just laugh in my face if I asked him.”
He’s right. Neither seem the type for romantic slow dancing. Besides, I’m the one who got myself into this situation. I had shown genuine interest when he had brought up the idea of teaching me to dance. I just didn’t expect for him to drag me into the nearest empty room for our first lesson right then. I wasn’t ready to embarrass myself right now.
His fingers tilting my chin up made me squeak in surprise. “I can tell you’re nervous, Victor, but trust me, there’s nothing to worry about. What’s the worst that could happen?”
“I stomp on your feet all afternoon.”
He only chuckled, “What’s a little toe stepping between lovers, hmm? I’m sure you scuffing my boots isn’t going to be the thing to finally end me.”
That didn’t help to make me feel any less nervous, “I’ll just end up tripping over-”
Adrian cut me off with a finger to my lips, “It’s alright. There’s nothing to worry about, no mistake can’t be fixed with a little practice. I’ll be with you every step of the way.”
“I hope so,” I scoffed. “That’s how dancing normally works.”
He pinched my cheek at that. Despite my yelp, I smiled up at him, placing my hand over his to keep it at my cheek. He returned the smile, his thumb brushing my skin apologetically. His fingers lingered as he pulled away. Clearing his throat and standing a little straighter, he held his hand out to me. “May I have this dance?” Adrian asked.
I answered by placing my hand in his. He lifted them slightly before motioning for me to step closer. As I did, he took my left hand and placed it on his shoulder, his own hand going to my upper back. Despite our chests almost touching, he still pulled me closer, the difference in our height leading to my nose bumping against his chin. Neither the hitch of my breath nor the color rising to my face was lost on him as I turned my gaze to the floor.
“Feeling a little less nervous?” He whispered low in my ear, “Or am I only making it worse?”
“Just-Let’s just start,” I didn’t need to look at his face to know how amused he was at this.
“Look at me. Please.”
Hesitantly, I did as he asked. Those gorgeous golden eyes staring back at me was almost too much to handle. I couldn’t help but admire him: his eyes, his long nose, his soft lips, that one little curl of blonde hair resting on his forehead, his own pale cheeks dusted lightly with a shade of pink. This is the closest we’ve been physically since finally spilling out feelings for each other. The memory was a month old, yet I could recall his words as if he spoke them only yesterday.
“Being this close to you, it makes me nervous too, if that helps,” he spoke barely above a whisper.
“It does, actually,” I admitted. “Now, are you going to teach me something or are we going to stare dreamily into each other’s eyes until dinner?”
“Right, right,” he cleared his throat once more, turning his focus back to the matter at hand. “It’s rather simple. As you take a step back with your right foot, I step forward with my left. Together we slide our other foot to the side, then we close our feet together before starting again with the opposite side.”
I nodded, running through the steps in my head. “So it begins with a step, then a slide, and ends with a close.”
“Exactly. Are you ready to start?”
I nodded again, setting our lesson into motion. I did as he said, stepping back with my right foot, sliding to my left, then closing by bringing my right foot back to meet my left. We continued, stepping with my left foot this time. Step, slide, close. Right this time, step, slide close. It was as simple as Adrian had said, continuing our steps in a somewhat circular motion.
“You’re doing great,” Adrian spoke after some time. “But try not to look down too much. Eyes on me.”
It took all the power I had to tear my eyes away from the floor and do as he asked. But I did, gazing up at his handsome face once more. His eyes sparkled with joy and the tips of his fangs poked out from his smile. That look, a look of love and joy, it was all for me. I felt a surge of pride swell in my chest.
And immediately felt it deflate as my feet crossed with his and I tumbled to the side.
Or well, I would have, had Adrian not caught me.
He caught me right as my feet slipped out from beneath me. To an onlooker, it seemed as if he intended to dip me as the next step in our dance. If the next step was to almost drop your partner on his side.
“I told you there was nothing to worry about,” he smirked down at me, quite pleased with his save.
I let out a sheepish laugh, face flushing darker as I placed my hands on his chest. “Thanks for that.”
I thought that would be it, and we’d get right back to the lesson as if nothing happened. But Adrian remained unmoving, looking down at me in his arms. I cocked my head at him in confusion. Suddenly, he leaned in closer, my eyes going wide at what this could mean. Only, he didn’t go for my lips, instead gently pressing them to my forehead as he finally helped me stand.
His own eyes grew wide after the act, seemingly surprised at himself for doing that.
“Are you-are you alright?” He tried his hardest not to make eye contact.
I cupped his cheeks and turned his head to face me. It was my turn to be bold as I pressed my lips to his jawline, “I am, thank you. And I would like to continue our lesson if you would.”
The returned affection soothed his nerves. “I would love to, my dear."
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crowncds · 3 years
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Task Two: Family Ties | Bessie Oliveira
The Parents
what is your mother’s name? what is your father’s name? 
“My lady mother was born  in Portugal as Elisabete Ferra- I was named Elizabeth for her, as it’s the Anglicized form of the name. She became Elisabeth Oliveira upon the marriage to my father.” The countess smiled softly at the mention of her parents. “And he was William Oliveira, and he was the 1st Earl of Carlisle.”
are your parents still alive?
“No. My mother passed of a fever when I was a child, and my father was taken by the plague.”
what was your relationship with your mother? with your father? with your legal guardian?
“I loved both dearly. As their only child, I was dotted on and spoiled.” they let out a small laugh. “They were both strong and intelligent people, and I admire them greatly to this day.”
which parent was more present?
“My mother- until she fell ill. She preferred our estates to the court, so while father was often away as a member of the late king’s council, my mother was the one who ran our household and oversaw most of my education as a young child. My father was home as much as he could be, but he was a very busy man.”
which parent do you look more like physically?
“I think I have my mother’s smile- or so my father used to say. I was only seven when she died, but there was a grand portrait of her which hung in the drawing room of our london house, and I can see parts of myself within her.”
which parents do you act like more?
“My father. He was much more outgoing than my mother, and took pride in being a member of court and taught me much of politics and business.”
what values did your parents instill in you?
“There are so many. Loyalty is an important one- loyalty to yourself, your family, to your country. And the idea of never settling for less than you deserve, to try for the best in everything.”
if you could change one thing about your mother what would it be? what about your father?
“I wish I could have given them a longer life and more time together- however I am just a person, not a god. Other than that, I wish my mother could have found more joy in living at court, for I feel she missed so much by staying away.”
would your parents be proud of you?
“I like to think so. I think they both would wish to see me married again, with children so that I may pass all that they helped build unto the next generation as they did to me, but I think they would be proud of my station and my work.”
what are some potential fcs for your parents?
kathyn drysdale / gugu mbatha raw / ruth negga as elisabete taye digs / aldis hodge / adrian lester as william
The Siblings
do you have any siblings?
“No, it took my parents several years of marriage before I was born, and they never had another child.”
The Children
how many children do you have?
“My late husband and I were not blessed with a living child.”
The Memories
favorite memory with your family:
“it was a bright summer day,” they started. “when i was about six. we had just taken a boat down the thames from one manor to another- for my mother and i often followed the court, staying in nearby houses and estates, as we had a number throughout the country. all three of us were out in the gardens- it was my mother’s favourite place, and the flowers were in such bright bloom and the smell permeated the air. She had allowed us to take sweets outside, and we sat on blankets eating cakes and other such pastries. At one point I had tried climbing a tree, and when mother tried scolding me as it was so unladylike, my father just laughed. It was just a happy time, with all of us together.”
least favorite memory with your family:
“When my father was ill.” Bessie didn’t like to think much of the time- of her father laying dying, with the widows shut and the air stifling as she pressed cold cloths to his forehead and tried to feed him broth as he wouldn’t ear food. “Robert, my husband, had passed just two days before. I knew then that my father wouldn’t make it, but nonetheless I tried. I stayed at his bedside constantly, for those well enough to work couldn’t stand spending time in his room. I was there when he took his last breath, when he finally met peace.”
funny memory with your family:
“One year, during Christmastide, my mother gifted my father a puppy- he had hunting dogs, of course, but this was more of a companion dog. The poor thing became so excited when given to my father, the poor thing let it’s bladder loose on his doublet. It was quite funny to watch, the little thing waving it’s tail the entire time.”
memory from being a child:
“I have several memories of sitting by a large window with my mother; once she finished the accounts and I had finished my studies for the day, we would sit together and she would teach me how to make lace or embroidery- she always said it made her feel useful, making things with her own fingers rather than simply purchasing it from a lacemaker or seamstress.”
memory from being a teenager:
“I was sixteen when I first came to court, I was a maid-of-honour then. One of my favourite memories was just sitting down and having dinner with my father in our family’s apartments within the Palace of Whitehall. I loved being able to sit with him and discuss what had happened throughout our days, what was going on at court and the rest of the world. Since I was no longer residing at one of our estates, we were able to see each other more often, even if we were both busy with our duties.”
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