#qpr things
glitchedcosmos · 4 months
Characters dynamic that’s like “ they’re not in a romantic relationship but they definitely love each other with all their heart and fucking soul”
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One of my favorite bits is to tell my partner “I want a divorce” every time they do something too silly. We’re not married. We will not be married unless it becomes inconvenient not to be. Also I’m aroace
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aspecbuddie · 2 months
something really validating about my best friend messaging me asking if he can tell his bf that my partner is my partner because he kept trying to call us friends while explaining us and 'failing' xD
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youurelovely · 1 year
The definition for qpr in my head is mixed up with t’hy’la from Star Trek.
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genderless-sun · 9 months
I never thought I’d want to be the tall girlfriend but ya know
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it doesnt matter if theyre in love because they love each other. do you understand. do you get it.
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findafight · 10 months
Severely neglected component of modernish rockstar Eddie fics is Robin deciding to become an internet hater for Eddie. Like she finds out Eddie is semi/famous and is like "oh, you know what'll be hilarious?" And makes a twitter account dedicated to dissing him. You cannot convince me she wouldn't. Eddie knows she runs the account (it's not even negative it's just to rag on him. Tweets like "Eddie Munson seems like the kind of guy who would tell his friend he'll get her dr pepper and then get some bullshit knockoff. What the hell is a peppo" and "Eddie Munson has probably gotten so distracted by his SO that he walked into a wall and then was still so distracted said SO thought he was concussed." Or "Jeff is actually the best member of CC Eddie probably walked on cafeteria tables in HS" And of course "everybody says I hate on Eddie too much but they don't know he woke his SOs bff up just to ask if there was any peppo left. Twice.") But he can't do anything about it. It's a bit of a meme, because the account never says anything actually mean about Eddie, or his music. Just. Bizarre hypotheticals. (They are not hypothetical)
People are like "how do you feel about EddieMunsonh8r at twitter dot com"
And he has to grit his teeth and say people can have their own opinions about him, ignoring the fact that Robin was literally sitting beside him poking him when she tweeted earlier that day about him wiggling his fingers and saying he'd like to have a little morsel (in reference to cheezies).
When asked why she does it she just says "to keep him humble. And also it's funny to see if people believe he would do this stuff."
Gareth proposes one of them make an account like that about Steve, semi famous stuntman who's doing some more acting now, and the next day Robin tweets "CC seems like the kid of guys who'd make a fake hater account about Steve and use actually silly billy things he does as content" (Jeff tattled)(Eddie groaned)(Steve and Robin cackled)
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trying to explain jackanne to anyone is impossible. they’re best friends. they’re husband and wife. they’re friends with benefits. he’s gay and she’s a lesbian. they love and are in love with each other. they’re partners, romantically and in business and in crime. they’re frenemies. she would kill anyone, including herself, to keep him safe. he would give anything, everything he’s ever worked for, in order to make sure she’s happy. they’re two halves of a single heart. they’re strangers getting to know each other. they know each other better than anyone else. they’re happiest when they’re together. they alone will never make each other happy. they would never allow anyone or anything to tear them apart. they’re soulmates, and they’ll find each other in every life.
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girlbossnezuko · 8 months
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glitchedcosmos · 28 days
Fuck kissing , I need to see two bitches HUG. I need to see them EMBRACE. I want them to hug so tightly and so sweetly , because they never want to separate again, they both fear that when the hug is over, they will never be able to embrace each other again. I want them to throw every emotion they’ve ever felt for each other into that soul cradling hug. I NEED to see them tho blue from the grip, and never, ever let go.
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notemaker · 3 months
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The ringmaster and the amphitheater. The chessboard and the player. Round and round they go.
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youurelovely · 1 year
I wish I'd had a chance to take over the driving
You'd swear to keep me up
Then fall asleep beside me
And nothing, no terrible dream
Could ever wake us
I don't wanna wake up
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smithsibsceo · 11 months
i dont rhink you understand. steve getting pushed against the wall with a bottle to his neck and robin having to be held back by dustin to prevent her from beating eddie up. robin rolling up her sleeves and having the most murderous look on her face when she sees steve flinch when eddie leans in closer. robin running over to steve as soon as he's freed and rubbing his back and checkinf up on him because she was so so worried. you dont get it.
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wheatnoodle · 1 year
robin is using everything in her power to find steve a boyfriend. now that she had finally gotten her head out of her ass to see that nancy didn’t find her rambling annoying, but charming and that got comfy in their new relationship, she wanted nothing more than the same for her best friend.
for too long, robin has stood back and watched as steve got used and played again and again. too many men and women coming around and flashing him pretty smiles and saying all the right things just to take him on a date, get him to drop his pants, and then he’d never hear from them again. she sees the way it effects him, the way he seems to be deteriorating right before her eyes.
he’s given up flirting with the babes that walk in the front door of their job, choosing to stay behind the counter. he leans on his fist, flips through a magazine and only glances up to say hello.
unless, of course, that customer is eddie munson. eddie, who will come in so quiet and lean down in steve’s space to break him from his trance. and steve will smile. and he’ll blush. and he’ll giggle and look away so eddie can’t see how flustered he is. and he waves the late fees every time. and she continues to watch.
robin is using everything in her power to get steve eddie as a boyfriend. sweet eddie who holds the door for steve and makes him smile brighter than robin has ever seen.
and it’s this reason that she was able to convince steve to join her and nancy at a bar in indy and invite eddie along so he “doesn’t third wheel”. meaning it’s also this reason she’s currently tearing apart steve’s closet for the perfect “date me!” outfit. because if he pulls up to this place in a polo and robin’s the one who brought him? she could never go back.
“robs, i can’t wear these.” steve is bright red in the face as he looks over his shoulder in the mirror. she got him in the tightest jeans he owns, the denim light and hugging every single curve from the waist down. he’s lucky he can even breathe in them. he hates how his butt is on display and there’s no room in his crotch to move comfortably and what if his knees get cold where they’re exposed to the outside elements?
“you absolutely can and you absolutely will. turn around and let me pretend you’re a girl so i can drool over your ass,” robin whistles from her place on his bed. she’s surrounded by piles of clothes, a multicolored avalanche of preppy and she just might go insane. “now you need a shirt.”
“i don’t get why you’re putting in all this effort. i’m just gonna embarrass myself in front of him. especially if i try to make a move,” steve grumbles and tugs his current sweatshirt over his head. robin’s got a pair of scissors from his bedside drawer and a clearly well-loved pink floyd t-shirt in hand. “what are you doing?”
“how much do you love this shirt?”
“robin don’t you-“
“how much, steven.” her gaze is firm and he knows it best to just give in. he rolls his eyes and shakes his head with a huff and robin smiles back at him in victory. he’s turned back to the mirror, listening to the sound of slicing fabric behind him.
she tosses it to him once she’s done and he pulls it over his head. dear god his waist is on display. and the trail of hair down to- oh this is humiliating. “robin.”
“steve!” she squeals, clapping her hands together.
“robin,” he whines, throwing his head back and tugging at the jagged edge of the shirt.
“steve!” she answers in the same tone with a bright smile. “you’re so hot! eddie is going to eat you up and if he doesn’t, then somebody else absolutely will.”
“you think so?” steve looks at her through the mirror. a soft smile tugs at the corners of his lips and she can’t help but smile back, full of love and warmth.
“i know so.”
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beethebeeb · 1 year
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tarot-archives · 1 month
aromantic relationship 101: aroace drabble for laios
doesn’t see the ‘signs’ by himself. chichuck points out the way he looks at y/n. how much care and gentleness he shows to y/n. laios tries to say that you’re just a really good friend, but chilchuck’s words still hold weight in his mind.
the romance optimist marcille obviously agrees with chilchuck. the small gestures that laios sends your way: laios offering you his blanket when he gets last watch, laios holding your hand innan uneven terrain, laios’ eyes immediately searching for you when trouble arises. the conclusion was obvious (??) laios is in love with y/n!
two out of three, in favor of laios’ carrying romantic feelings for y/n. marcille plans a date at the two of them. she uses her gossip and romantic books as reference. dates around the market fair, then walking by the shore as they watch the sunset. lastly, a romantic dinner for the two of them.
all was well. you said yes when laios asked a date. you were the nicest dress you had in your closet for the date. and all things from the plan went smoothly.
all except that magical moment when laios has that eureka moment of love. yes, he does feel happy when he holds your hand. he does feel happy when you smile. he does feel happy when you’re by his side but… surely this isn’t the love that the others described. he doesn’t want you to string along.
no butterflies… no sparks… none of that romantic grandeur that marcille described. laios simply feels safe by your side. his mood does get better when you’re there but this isn’t love. this isn’t friendship either. and laios feels incomplete somehow with the lack of romantic love.
it takes a while for him to understand that he isn’t like the others. he had expressed his feelings to you. his heart bared open about the weight his heart carries, but what it means he was still unsure.
“so, uh friends?” you asked, but laios shook his head as no.
“lovers?” you said, the word leaving an numb weight on your tongue. a part of you sings when he didn’t say yes either.
“a secret third thing?” you couldn’t forget the way he squeezed your hands for a minuscule of a moment.
he looked down at you, hopeful and curious. “a secret third thing?” he repeats the phrase waiting for a single word to encapsulate the experience
“i don’t know what it’s called too. but it isn’t romantic or friendship either,” you smiled when he returned the same comforting squeeze to your hand. so you continued, “but i don’t care what name it has. i just want to be with you, if you’d have me…”
“i’d want to have you,” he wraps his hands around you in a comforting hug. there was no pressure from either of you since this experience is more important than labels.
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requests? open
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