#quackity lemon
tumbleweedbee · 10 months
Quackity x genderfluid reader??
Sure!! You never specified what so I’ll just give you a few headcanons
(Also I don’t know a lot about being genderfluid but I’ll try :,)
(This was also very rushed, I’m sorry about that)
-Quackity would always be extremely protective of you when it came to introducing you to new people, he knew that you’d let it slide if they misgendered you but he’d make sure to correct them everytime
-He would always be clinging onto you in some shape or form, he always insisted that he was your “bodguard” and was here to protect you
-Quackity would often ask you in the morning “how are you feeling?” Just to get a sense of where your feminity or masculinity was at so he could act the correct way without offending you
-If you were upset then he would try his best to cheer you up as he isn’t great at comforting people,he’d try and distract you by acting funny,buying you stuff and making BBH mad by swearing in hopes of getting you to crack a smile
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stuffthatsrandomish · 6 months
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I'm not gonna lie I cried when I saw Lemon Boy Qsmp Animatic, this was my first time watching it and I was fucking sobbing
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orpheus-lament · 1 year
english Q is mad and screaming, he's saying hurtful things and trying to scare the egg, spanish Q was quiet, sad and sorrowfull, he wanted to mourn in peace and be left alone
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cmyknoise · 2 years
already seeing ppl say that slime turned into a villain in the end and became bad like
did we watch the same thing he literally repeated out exactly what quackity taught him like that wasnt him deciding to be a bad guy that was just him saying things how they were
in the end he chose no side and stood up to authority that hurt him thats what he was taught, stand up to the people hurting you the most like
he’s not the villain 
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So i freaking made stickers again!!! (not my art, images i found off google)
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and then theres the ones on my guitar
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lemon-t4rt · 11 months
thinking how literally both of q!tntduo give off the vibes of the dead wife in the movies type of beat
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aikid0o · 2 years
So, Hi, I'm Nathaniel, I'm 17, and my dream is to be a streamer, but it's not worth dreaming to be honest, I don't know if I will live to see that time. I don't have friends, so I put my starter pack, I noticed that my best of my best friends only spoke to me to complain or show off, but there is no fucking time to write, "Hi, how are you, we haven't talked for a long time." How is it, Nati? ,, So please, someone, something. I wish I had internet friends.
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the-king-of-lemons · 2 years
not watching the quackity lore rn but from the looks of my dash its. something. good luck guys!
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Who is Luzu?
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Luzu was just announced as a QSMP member, and since he's a very important character in Karmaland and a VERY important person to Quackity's character, here's a quick rundown of Luzu and his lore for folks who aren't familiar with him:
Luzu is played by LuzuVlogs, a Spanish Twitch streamer who's good friends with Quackity!
IRL, they're such good friends that Luzu once accidentally called his real life son "Quackity"
Luzu is bilingual and can speak English and Spanish.
Luzu's character used to be a very kind, friendly, and loving man who helped everyone
HOWEVER, during Karmaland 4 (the season before Quackity joined) when he campaigned to be mayor of Karmaland, he was betrayed and mocked by his friends and the person he loved (who then ran off with someone else)
Luzu before the elections vs. after the elections
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These two animatics sum up his K4 lore pretty well if you want an even shorter TLDR: Lemon Boy, Karma (an animatic approved by Luzu himself)
As a result, Luzu is a very vengeful, distrustful, and all around tragic character
Luzu canonically has an evil side, and he made a deal with "dark gods" in the past to take revenge on the people who've wronged him.
Despite all his past heartbreak and lingering anger, he immediately took a liking to Quackity when they first met.
Luzu and Quackity's Karmaland characters are parallels to each other
Luzu and Quackity were canonically in love with each other, but they were too emotionally constipated to confess their feelings despite their many, many, many romantic and borderline sexual shenanigans.
Luzu warned Quackity not to trust anyone in Karmaland except for him. But despite Luzu's deep mistrust of other people, he trusted Quackity immediately.
Luzu is a very possessive man, and very protective of Quackity.
He calls Quackity "Quacks" (both in and out of character)
He and Rubius have a long-standing rivalry, and they normally don't get along very well.
Luzu and Quackity had 4 (adopted) kids together.
When campaigning for mayor of Karmaland, Quackity asked everyone what they wanted most, and Luzu's response was, "I want you to be happy, Quackity."
HOWEVER, the day of the election, Luzu joined as an opposing candidate at the last second and stole the election from Quackity, fearing that the position in office might leave Quackity with the same trauma he had in a previous life (a life which he can only half-remember).
Luzu says everything he did, he did to protect Quackity.
TLDR: Luzu trauma-projected onto Quackity, who then started a revolution that nearly destroyed Karmaland in retaliation.
For a good TLDR of the revolution arc, “I Can’t Decide” is a good one to watch.
Even though he was furious with Luzu, Quackity told Rubius not to kill him. He’s referred to Luzu as “My 100%”, and “the best person I knew in Karmaland”, and even expressed his gratitude that Luzu was always so kind to him to Luzu himself, despite the war and despite knowing one of them would probably have to kill the other to end it.
Luzu said the song that best fits his character during the revolution arc is Bloody Mary by Lady Gaga.
Edit: This isn’t about the character, but I just saw what Luzu said in response to people asking him if he knew about the invitation:
Luzu: A mi Quackity me invitó desde hace bastante, me dijo si quería participar, así que llevo tiempo calladito, calladito, para no spoilear nada, aunque yo soy invitado no sé nada jaja, lo lleva todo Quackity, así que veremos con qué nos sorprende nuestro querido Quacks.
Translation: My Quackity invited me a long time ago, he asked me if I wanted to participate, so I've been quiet for a while, so as not to spoil anything, although I'm invited I don't know anything haha, Quackity takes everything, so we'll see what our beloved Quacks surprises us with.
Other info posts:
Who is Spreen? | Who is Sapo Peta? | Who is Vegetta?
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tumbleweedbee · 10 months
(Hi! Sorry, I was with a friend and she sent the message while I was still writing as a joke-)
The ask is if you could write Quackity x reader where Quackity's boyfriend is guatemalan (you don't have to know a lot about Guatemala, maybe just Quackity being interested in the culture bcs is similar to mexican but also very different)
That's all, thank you!! Hope you have a great day :>
Ofc!!I don’t know much about Guatemala (as I’m irish) but I tried 🙏
-You and Quackity met whilst you were on holidays with your friend-group travelling all around Mexico.Your group decided to go and head to a big video-game shop you had all heard of and found a bus to take you there, but due to your group being made up of 5 people, you had to sit by yourself, though you didn’t mind as it meant that you got to play video-games on the way there.
Unfortunately, your plans of solitude and smooth sailing were crashed both due to the fact that the roads were extremely bumpy and due to the fact that a handsome stranger has decided to sit beside you.
You tried to continue playing and eventually tried to ignore the man staring holes into your 3DS and you turn to look at him, “Do you need something?” You inquire, raising an eyebrow.
He looks panicked and quickly replies with “oh sorry!!I was just curious about what game you were playing..”
“It’s Majora’s mask, I only got it recently” you added, smiling at him.
-am hour later-
You had learned that the man’s name is Alexis-though he prefers to go by Alex,he’s the same age as you and has quite a lot in common with you.
You feel quite sad that you have to get off the bus with your friends now, but before you can leave he quickly places his hand on your arm and goes “Wait!!Whats your number, I was uh just wondering if you’d like to hang out sometime…maybe..?” He looked at you, nervous and expecting to be rejected.
“Of course!Here you go!” You answer, trying not to sound too excited that a handsome stranger had asked for your number.
As you left the bus with your friends, Alex began texting you immediately, hoping that it was the right number.
You quickly replied back to him and you both began to text for the rest of your trip.
He began to ask where you were from, what is it like living in Guatemala?did they make good stew over there?What type of traditions did they have over there?what were your countries sports?
Once you arrived home he begged to call you and of course-you answered.
“Hey you said you’ve a pc right?Do you wanna play minecraft with me on my server?”he then invited you to a server ‘huh…Q-S-M-P…that’s an odd name.’ You thought to yourself.
You realised that there were a lot of people online that spoke Spanish, so naturally, when they started to speak to you in Spanish, you spoke back, which surprised alex “wow you can speak Spanish??” He asked, hoping to not come across as sound dumb.
“Of course I can!!Wait why’s your username Quackery?” You asked, before bursting out laughing at the name. “It’s Quackity!!”you could basically hear his eyes roll dramatically.
This was the same day you found out that “Quackity” was the name of his YouTube and twitch channel, you had decided to check it out and were amazed at how famous he really was, he was practically a celebrity!!You had began to tune into some of his recent streams without telling him and it was bizarre to you to see the same group of geeks you had been joking with not two hours ago, (along with Alex of course) bring in hundreds of thousands of views by just being themselves online.
Day after day, week after week, you and Quackity got closer, until eventually he pulled up at your house one day with flowers. “WH-Alex what are you doing here??Why do you have flowers??!”
He blushed and then hesitantly asked “do you uh, y’know, um, wanna go out?” “Of course I do!!” He stared at you, both in bewilderment that you actually agreed and the fact that he knew that he just couldn’t look away from your pretty face.
“I didn’t actually think you’d be gay or anything..”you smiled softly at him, inviting him in and gently taking the flowers from him. “Well you guessed wrong!”you replied, your face as red as tilíns bow.
You both decided to go on a date at your local restaurant, Alex hasn’t actually planned this far ahead as he thought you’d simply reject him.
You both couldn’t stop flirting with eachother-ignoring the looks some of the elders gave you.
Once the date and he was, yet again, back on your doormat; he wrapped his arms around your waist, kissed you gently on the lips and waved goodbye.
-Later that night-
*Quackity is live:IMSOHAPPY*
You decided to click onto the stream out of curiousity.
Part 2?
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bloodpen-to-paper · 7 months
List of things that will make me Not Normal when they happen:
-Forever returning from the Nether, and whatever the hell may come of it
-Foolish getting Leo back after months of repressing
-Philza's reaction to whatever state Chayanne and Tallulah might be in (Wilbur's as well)
-Etoiles and Antoine reuniting with Pomme
-Whatever moment puts Maxo's code-infected leg in the spotlight
-Mariana logging on
-Roier finally getting some happiness back when Leo and Richas return (as well as Pac)
-The others learning about how Forever really got his "treatment"
-Mouse, Tina and Tubbo getting to finally see the eggs again, and Rivers getting to know them better
-Bagi meeting Richas, her son
-Forever, should he go through with it, asking Wilbur if he can adopt and co-parent Tallulah (ft. Uncle Pac getting to spoil her more)
-Mike's next encounters with everyone, and whatever comes of it (mainly him and Fit reuniting with Mike knowing Fit's secret)
-The server learning about the painful secrets of certain members' past; Baghera's torture, Philza's "dreams", Quackity's lobotomy, Pierre being a robot, Bad's soul vultures
-The server learning about the treacherous secrets of certain members' present; Antoine's connections with the Federation, Kameto being a spy, Fit trying to get the player data, Jaiden being part of the Federation and having lied about being kidnapped, Jaiden and Foolish's Federation alliance, the full truth about Ron Lemons
-Anyone noticing how tense Forever is around Cucurucho nowadays
-Wilbur realizing something is deeply wrong with Quackity
-The karma of how Charlie's trauma and grief were treated coming in with a vengeance
-Tazercraft reuniting with Walter Bob
-Learning what happened to Bagi's parents
-Tubbo and Fred reuniting after Fred's abduction
-SOFIA coming back online, and Maxo reuniting with her
-Even just crumbs about Forever's life in Stonkscraft and what happened between him and Brunim
-Pac and Cellbit confrontation over Cellbit's murder arc and what its doing to Pac mentally
-Bagi, Bad, Mouse or Foolish learning about Tina's self-loathing and how she files down her demon horns
-Reactions to Forever's short hair (especially Tallulah's)
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orpheus-lament · 2 years
I have many thoughts after the revenge stream actually
Quackity started by giving Luzu the benefit of doubt, saying that maybe he will help Karmaland and that maybe being a mayor/president just wasn't for him, he goes outside and the lake is lava now, there are people with weapons (the thing that killed his son who he also promised he would win the elections to make Karmaland safer) and he has to pay taxes. The worst part being that he has to pay 10 diamonds more (diamonds are the taxes) because he lost the elections, he then procceds to burn bridges (or explode them with the tax collectors in his case) all while saying that his house is closed from now on and that no one can come in anymore
It's Sapopeta saying "But Luzu, your Luzu, your dear Luzu" and Quackity replying "What dear, I want him 6 feet under"
It's about Luzu going on and on about how he did all of that to protect Quackity and when Sapopeta tells him that his reaction is of disbelief "protect me? what does he think I am, a baby or what?". He wanted Luzu's support like a partner and friend not to be protected but in part he always made it seem he needed to be protected by him, so i guess it comes back to miscommunication
It's him asking Sapopeta if there is a world where he is happy "who is telling you is not this one"
It's how he hated the mod that made him skin animals to get their meat and now doing it without flinching to send a threat to Luzu
Sapopeta saying that violence brings more violence and Quackity replying that maybe that's what Karmaland needs. It's the newspaper saying "Karmaland, where the heroes are damned to hurt who they love and betray each other"
Also the pineapple that Luzu gave him being the token of their friendship and some streams back he told him that he kept it in his locked chest and now it's gone, he said he was going to give it back but he burnt it in lava in front of Luzu's house
ALSO he said he was calling some cousins, that he wanted to kill Luzu and that when he does it he will leave Karmaland forever
it's the chat calling him Mr.Q
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voidpidgeon · 11 months
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This is for @dtqkbigbang! Specifically for @lemon-mint813's fic Collateral Damage <- Go check it out :D
Every night, Quackity goes to the prison to torture Dream. And every night, in Kinoko Kingdom, George and Karl watch helplessly as Sapnap is overcome with invisible pain that leaves no wounds behind.
Or, a soulmate au where, when your soulmate takes damage, you feel it as if it was happening to you. So when Quackity tortures Dream in prison, he doesn't know he's also hurting Sapnap.
Check out the second piece: here!
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───── ❝ multifandom masterlist ❞ ─────
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supernatural drabbles: link
(requests closed: dean, sam, castiel, gabriel, crowley, lucifer)
gorillaz drabbles: link
(requests closed: murdoc, 2D, noodle, russel)
the umbrella academy drabbles: link
(requests closed: luther, diego, allison, klaus, five, ben, viktor)
the outsiders drabbles: link
(requests closed: dallas winston, two-bit matthews, sodapop curtis, ponyboy curtis, darey curtis, johnny cade)
xmen drabbles: link
(requests closed: charles xavier, erik lehnsherr, peter maximoff, nightcrawler, hank mcoy, logan howlett, marie lebeau, raven)
the boys drabbles: link
(requests closed: butcher, hughie, soldier boy, frenchie, kimiko, mothers milk, starlight, homelander)
ghostbusters drabbles: link
(requests closed: lars pinfield, egon spengler, winston zeddemore, peter venkman, dana barrymore, ray stanz)
tf2 drabbles: link
(requests closed: scout, spy, sniper, medic, heavy, demoman, soldier, pyro, engineer, saxton hale, miss pauling)
total drama drabbles: link
(requests closed: mike, mal, manitoba, vito, svetlana, zoey, alejandro, duncan, gwen, heather, cody)
the walking dead drabbles: link
(requests closed: daryl, glenn, rick, michonne)
community drabbles: link
(requests closed: abed, troy, ian duncan)
gotham drabbles: link
(requests closed: edward nygma/the riddler)
tmmt drabbles: link
(requests closed: rottmnt, 2012 tmnt, bayverse turtles, donnie, leo, mikey, raph, casey, april)
dc drabbles: link
(requests closed: battinson, dano!riddler, cillian!jonathan crane, catwoman)
doctor who drabbles: link
(requests closed: the tenth doctor, rose)
hazbin hotel drabbles: link
(requests closed: alastor)
good omens drabbles: link
(requests closed: crowley, azriaphale)
spiderverse drabbles: link
(requests closed: miguel, hobie, miles, gwen, pavitr)
buzzfeed unsolved/watcher drabbles: link
(requests closed: shane, ryan, cc. tinsley, ricky goldsworth)
slimecicle cinematic universe drabbles: link
(requests closed: charlie, jschlatt, tommy/zommy, the bachelor (wilbur), the bachelor of blood (quackity), florida man, mad scientist, ronald, and the wizard)
chuckle sandwich drabbles: link
(requests closed: jschlatt, charlie slimecicle, ted nivison)
dsmp/mcyt drabbles: link
(requests: closed: see list of people i write for in pinned post)
daredevil drabbles: link
(requests closed: matt murdock, foggy nelson, karen page, frank castle)
the mandalorian drabbles: link
(requests closed: din darjin/the mandalorian)
potc drabbles: link
(requests closed: jack sparrow, william turner, elizabeth swann)
bullet train drabbles: link
(requests closed: tangerine, lemon, ladybug, maria, carver, the prince, the hornet)
suicide squad 1 & 2 drabbles: link
(requests closed: harley quinn, captian boomerang, katana, june moon, the enchantress, the joker, el diablo, cleo cazo, abner krill)
breaking bad drabbles: link
(requests closed: jesse, badger, skinny pete, jane, saul, gus)
better call saul drabbles: link
(requests closed: lalo, nacho, saul/jimmy, domingo/krazy 8, howard, gus)
what we do in the shadows drabbles: link
(requests closed: guillermo, laszlo, nadja, nandor)
star wars drabble: link
(requests closed: obi wan kenobi, ashoka, anakin skywalker, padame, lea skywalker, luke skywalker, han solo)
markiplier drabbles: link
(requests closed: markiplier, darkiplier, wilford, yancy, actor, night, google, host, engineer, pornipliers, damien, eric)
jacksepticeye drabbles: link
(requests closed: jacksepticeye, anti, henrik, marvin, chase, jj, robbie, greg)
sally face drabbles: link
(requests closed: sal, larry, ash)
⋆﹥━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━﹤⋆ ☠
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
MCYT ; modern day songs they remind me of
includes ; tommyinnit, tubbo, badlinu, ranboo, billzo, aimsey, quackity, nihachu, jack manifold & slimecicle
warnings ; none
lmk if I should remove jack, billzo & aimsey bc ik they don't like fanfics but this is just some random blurb and idk. lmk yall lmao. this includes early 2000s-2020s music so don't come for me LMAO
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vibe ; lil peep
give u the moon ; lil peep
remember you ; dominurmom
facetime with my mom (tonight) ; bo burnham
need 2 ; pinegrove
mr brightside ; the killers
shut up my moms calling ; hotel ugly
don't mess a good thing up ; remy
end of beginning ; djo
change ; djo
clown ; updog
where the lines overlap ; paramore
harness your hopes ; pavement
star shopping ; lil peep
conversations with strangers ; caitlin cook
him ; tokio hotel
out of my league ; fitz and the tantrums
playing god ; paramore
clown ; updog
pretty boy ; poutyface
already over ; mike shinoda
for a pessimist, im pretty optimistic ; paramore
nfwmb ; hozier
him ; tokio hotel
love who loves you back ; tokio hotel
oil ; gorillaz & stevie nicks
change ; djo
on and on ; djo
everything about me ; remy
too young ; phoenix
oh shit... are we in love? ; valley
feel good inc ; gorillaz
19-2000 ; gorillaz
tear in my heart ; twenty one pilots
tumblr girls ; g-eazy & christoph andersson
flash mountain ; djo
beautiful ; eminem
youngest daughter ; superheaven
secret garden ; spiritbox
1000 blunts ; $uicideboy$
when the sun hits ; slowdive
easy ; tokio hotel
downtown ; lil peep
granite ; sleep token
devils work ; freddie dredd
antarctica ; $uicideboy$
hey there delilah ; plain white t's
all things end ; hozier
fcknstr ; britney manson ; 6arelyhuman
flash mountain ; djo
from eden ; hozier
gasoline ; haim & taylor swift
waves ; calpurnia
greyhound ; calpurnia
when it rains it pours ; tokio hotel
clown ; updog
i want your video ; djo
false alarm ; the weeknd
nail tech ; jack harlow
le jardin ; la femme
collard greens ; schoolboy q & kendrick lamar
thats what you get ; paramore
don't want it ; lil nas x
pasadena ; la femme
what the fuck is happening ; $uicideboy$
lil jeep ; lil peep
memoirs of a gorilla ; $uicideboy$
save that shit ; lil peep
romanticise this ; james marriott
say it ain't so ; calpurnia
fashion - slow ; britney manson
void ; lil nas x
rodeo ; lil nas x & nas
on my mama ; victoria monet
judas ; lady gaga
tumblr girls ; g-eazy & christoph andersson
cupids chokehold ; gym class heroes
without me ; eminem
till I collapse ; eminem & nate dogg
hey ya ; outkast
the real slim shady ; eminem
yeah! ; usher, lil jon & ludacris
ride ; sir mix-a-lot
runway walk ; demrick & brevi
fireflies ; owl city
them changes ; thundercat
action hero movie boy ; lemon demon
gooey ; glass animals
help let me go ; danny gonzalez
everybody talks ; neon trees
left brain, right brain ; bo burnham
punk tactics ; joey valence & brae
dance now ; joey valence & brae
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cantimtoogay · 2 years
i feel that, in terms of c!quackity’s lovers,
c!schlatt would be like
a very bitter hard lemonade. like pure bitterness added into a vodka with some squeezes of lemon. something that you don’t really like to drink, but it’s consistent in how awful it is
c!karl and sapnap would be like
cotton candy and lollipops. sweet and addicting, something that’s so easy to crave and so hard to separate yourself from
c!wilbur would be like
dark chocolate with chili flakes, still bitter, too bitter for some people, but also exactly what some people want. but spicy, not at all predictable, wild and unfamiliar
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