simplyghosting · 6 months
Deadwood for the music recs :)
(I’m assuming this is the name of a band, so that’s what I searched 👍)
Looks like a metal band? Can’t understand what they’re saying lol. The drummer is going to town, though. Not my personal cup, but I used to listen to a bit of metal back in high school, so I get it
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incomingalbatross · 2 years
Trick or treat! 💜 (I'm dressing up as Black Widow this year)
Happy Halloween! Love the costume choice, very cool.
Have a Dramatic Sky from my photos!
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And a Stargate thought, this one inspired by the season: I really hope that SG-1 went out with Cassie for her first Halloween, and that at least some of them wore costumes. Teal'c must love the concept of Halloween and I think he should get to participate at least once.
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Round 1 Poll 8
Non, sin male nunc, et olim sic erit
Means "if now it (goes) poorly, at some point also it will not be so" ~r/latin
Though things are bad now, they will not always be so
Quid pro quo
Means "something for something," tit for tat / a favour for a favour
"Quid pro quo, Clarice".... (The Silence of the lambs)
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ioannemos · 10 months
Your crab, milady
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thanks very much, milady 🥰
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squid-with-five-eyes · 6 months
Not Strong Enough by boygenius translated into Latin!
Foramen atrum in culina
Horologia aberrant
Meliorare energia solum posset
Nescio ob causam sum
Modo quo sum
Non fortis tantum ut tui vir 
Conatus sum
Non possum sistere flabbelo
Torqueoque de rebus non occuratis
Spirans in exque
Aurigantes per ancram
Canentes “Flent Non”
Videsne nos ex via descobinari?
Nescio ob causam sum
Modo quo sum
Non fortis tantum ut tui vir 
Mentita sum
Affligo sole nunc spes tui
Animae dimidia alteram confundens
Coniveo arte
Semper angelus, deus numquam
Semper angelus, deus numquam 
Semper angelus, deus numquam 
Semper angelus, deus numquam 
Semper angelus, deus numquam 
Semper angelus, deus numquam 
Semper angelus, deus numquam 
Semper angelus, deus numquam 
Semper angelus, deus numquam 
Semper angelus, deus numquam 
Semper angelus, deus numquam 
Semper angelus, deus numquam 
Nescio ob causam sum modo quo sum
Aliquis in procella est
Experior revelationes
Excitans sede antice, cassa paene 
De via antica erra nostri ique domum
Domum i sola
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galgannet · 1 year
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iam pridem, ex quo suffragia nulli uendimus, effudit curas; nam qui dabat olim imperium, fasces, legiones, omnia, nunc se continet atque duas tantum res anxius optat, panem et circenses. ...
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interretialia · 1 year
salve! aliquid rogandum mihi est, quod spero te explicare posse.
civitas mea nomen "Nova Zelandia" habet. quid autem nomen adiectivum hominibus huius civitatis adhiberi debet? sumne mulier novazealandica? novazealandensis? neozelandensis, sicut in linguā italicā? praecipue miror quemadmodum vocabulum "nova" ut pars adiectivi declinatur - suntne exempla ex antiquitatis?
(si civitatem "Aotearoa" appellem, nomen adiectivum "aoteroana" sit - sed pauci externi hoc vocabulum Maorianum cognoscunt)
Gratias tibi ago quod mihi nuntium dedisti. Dicere tibi possum quemadmodum nomen adiectivum e Nova Zelandia nomine facere debeamus et quae figurae nominis adiectivi iam factae sint.
Si veras ac solitas regulas iuncta et derivativa verba Latina formandi restrictissime rigidissimeque sequamur, habeamus Novizelandiensis aut Novizelandicus aut Novizelandianus. Bene nota quid alibi antea dixerim sed Anglice: “Duo verba in unum simpliciter commiscere nec morphologiam utriusque verbi nec syntaxin irritam facit.” Idcirco res ita se habet quod, ut Zelandia, cum novum nomen adiectivum ortum est, terminationes suas casuum amisit et ne figuram nominativam singularem quidem habere potuit, ita Nova quoque, eodem tempore, terminationes suas casuum amisit et ne figuram nominativam singularem quidem habere potuit. Quare Novazelandiensis et Nova(-)zelandicus menda re vera sunt, quippe quorum -a terminatio casus in i Vocalem Conectentem mutari debeat.
Scriptores autem novae Latinitatis, ut “New” pars derivativi nominis adiectivi e nomine Latino formati in Latinum converteretur, Neo- elemento (quod e Lingua Graeca venit) aut Novo- elemento uti constituerunt, etiamsi Novus in hoc nomine Latino loci ipso apparet, condentes igitur modum propter quem Novum Eboracum ac Neo-Eboracensis (in quo fortasse hypen est ut “eoe” grex inconcinnus vitetur) et Novum Brunsvicum ac Novobrunsvicensis nunc videri possunt. Romani ipsi Novocomensis adiectivum e Comum fecerunt, quae sine dubio origo Novo- elementi est. Exemplum adiectivi e nomine Latino formati, quod et Neo- elementum monstrat et a Romanis ipsis factum est, invenire non possum, sed Neo- elementum novae Latinitati insertum firme est (ut significant scriptores hodierni, quorum est Gulielmus Stearn, scriptor Botanical Latin libri). Adde quod e nominibus Latinis in -landia desinentibus adiectiva facta sunt quae in -landicus aut -landiensis aut (irregulariter quasi e -landum) -landensis desinunt.
Secundum Davidis Morgan lexicon, Carolus Egger, praeclarus scriptor novae Latinitatis, has tres figuras adiectivi nobis dedit: Novozelandicus et Neozelandiensis et Novozelandensis. Pagina “Nova Zelandia” in Vicipaedia situ posita porro Neozelandicus et Neozelandiensis et Novozelandensis tres figuras monstrat, sed ibi non est nota quae fontem Neozelandicus figurae indicat. Novocomensis adiectivum a Romanis ipsis iam factum nobis exemplar Novozelandiensis novae figurae dat.
Inter omnes figuras adiectivi e Nova Zelandia formati iam dictas, ego, quoniam sententiae Caroli Egger fido et veram etymologiam verborum indicare volo, Novozelandicus et Neozelandiensis figuras commendo, quorum hoc nomen substantivum hominem Novae Zelandiae indicans fieri potest et illud adiectivum tantum plerumque remanet. At profecto, si nobis omnes hae figurae adiectivi desunt, Novae Zelandiae figura genitiva nominis pro adiectivo uti possumus! Ergo tu, ut puto, mulier Novozelandica aut mulier Neozelandiensis aut Neozelandiensis aut etiam mulier Novae Zelandiae es.
Utinam hoc tibi prosit!
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innko · 2 months
thanks for the tag! @masgwi
it looks like we list a song that starts with each of the letters of our url for this tag game
I - I Wanna Be Yours, Arctic Monkeys
N - No. 1 Party Anthem, Arctic Monkeys
N - Not a Good Judge, Sweet Nobody
K - Kaleidoscope, Chappell Roan
O - Other Humans, Sweet Nobody
i tag @cir-c and @quo-nunc
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Phrases already submitted :
Ad astra abyssoque
Ad astra per aspera
Ad infinitum
Ad nauseam
Alea iacta est
Amicus curiae
Amor patrie nostra lex
Amor vincit omnia
Arbor mala, mala mala
Audio, video, disco
Aurora borealis
Caecilius est in horto
Carpe diem
Carpe noctem
Ceterum (autem) censeo Carthaginem esse delendam
Cogito, ergo sum
Cubitum eamus ?
Damnatio memoriae
De omnibus dubitantum
Disco Inferno
Dulcet et decorum est pro patria mori
E pluribus unum
Et al.
Et cetera
Et tu, Brute ?
Formatia trans sicere educatorum
Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit
Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres
Gaudeamus igitur
Habeas corpus
Hic sunt dracones
Homo homini lupus
In loco parentis
In sæcula sæculorum
Ipso facto
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet etc.
Magnum opus
Memento mori
Mens rea
Non, si male nunc, et olim sic erit
Omne ignotum pro magnifico est
Pax romana
Pulvis et umbra sumus
Que sera sera
Quid pro quo
Reductio ad absurdum
Semper fi(delis)
Serius est quam cogitas
Si quæris peninsulam amœnam circumspice
Si vis pacem, para bellum
Sic mundus (creatus est)
Sic parvis magna
Sic semper tyrannis
Sic transit gloria mundi
Sine qua none
Sus cum morbo ius ?
Tamquam Alter Idem
Ultima forsan
Ultima latet, ut observentur omnes.
Utere, non numera
Veni, vidi, vici
Veritas temporis filia
Vita brevis, ars longa
Vivamus, moriendum est
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ioannemos · 1 year
good luck, bc i don't like food 😂 but seriously 🧡
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@quo-nunc I actually have a relative who was runner-up in the Golden Gloves, middleweight. All my dad ever taught me about throwing a punch is 1) thumb on the outside, and 2) aim for the back of the head.
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ochoislas · 11 months
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—Mientras supe agradarte y no anudaba un mozo con sus brazos tu blanquísimo cuello, más que el rey de los persas fui dichoso.
—Mientras no te abrasabas por otra, ni cedía Lidia a Cloe, esta Lidia nombrada más que la Ilia romana fue famosa.
—Reina en mí tracia Cloe, sabia en los dulces tonos de la cítara, por quien la muerte osara si su ánima librase así la suerte.
—Prende en mí mutua tea por Calais, hijo de Órnito el turino, y dos veces muriera si con eso la suerte libra al mozo.
—¿Y si la antigua Venus tornara a echar el yugo a lo partido? ¿Si tras la rubia Cloe se abre la puerta a Lidia repudiada?
—Por más que el bello mozo sea un lucero, y tú un corcho liviano, más fiero que el Adriático... vivir quiero contigo y morir quiero.
     Donec gratus eram tibi nec quisquam potior bracchia candidae      cervici iuvenis dabat, Persarum vigui rege beatior.      ‘donec non alia magis arsisti neque erat Lydia post Chloen,      multi Lydia nominis Romana vigui clarior Ilia.’      me nunc Thraessa Chloe regit, dulcis docta modos et citharae sciens,      pro qua non metuam mori, si parcent animae fata superstiti.      ‘me torret face mutua Thurini Calais filius Ornyti,      pro quo bis patiar mori, si parcent puero fata superstiti.’      quid si prisca redit Venus diductosque iugo cogit aeneo,      si flava excutitur Chloe reiectaeque patet ianua Lydiae?      ‘quamquam sidere pulchrior ille est, tu levior cortice et improbo      iracundior Hadria, tecum vivere amem, tecum obeam libens.’
Horacio III, 9.
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citymfashion · 11 months
Summer Trending 2022
Ornare eaque ducimus cras dapibus eligendi sodales nunc fuga accusantium earum tempore eveniet habitant morbi ipsum impedit venenatis magnis dolor veniam! Placerat debitis class? Fames sunt! Do ipsum, habitasse donec labore, sagittis, est do mi posuere, at dolorum molestie lacinia, possimus sint diam vestibulum veniam ut magnam asperiores! Aptent quo perferendis similique aut diamlorem debitis…
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View On WordPress
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volumina-vetustiora · 2 years
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EVELINA: rident nos. isti duo, verbis utuntur sicut praestigiatores. ludunt nobis. DOCTOR: non, non, non ludo. nolebam offendere. METELLA: me paenitet. filia mea vapores consumebat. QUINTUS: o per deos, mater. quid fecisti in eam? CAECILIUS: noli nunc, Quinte. QUINTUS: sic, sed aegra est. vide eam tantum. LUCIUS: conicio me hac in domo aemulam habere. aliam donum habentem. METELLA: o, Sororibus Sybillinis promissa est. eam insignes visus videre dicunt. LUCIUS: prophetiae feminarum parvae atque insulsae sunt. mares modo captum habent vere percipiendi. DONNA: tibi dicam quo nunc ventus flet, amice. LUCIUS: Montinus verba tua notat. tibi cavendum est. DOCTOR: vapores consumebat, inquisne? EVELINA: mihi vires dant. DOCTOR: non sic mihi videtur. EVELINA: estne haec sententia docta? DOCTOR: ignosce? EVELINA: Doctor. hoc est nomen tuum. DOCTOR: quomodo illud cognovisti? EVELINA: et tu. te Nobilem appellas. METELLA: iam satis, Evelina. noli asperare. DOCTOR: non, non, non, non. patere eam loqui. EVELINA: ambo tam procul venistis. LUCIUS: hariola solet tot varia vaga creare. DOCTOR: o, non hoc tempore, Luci. non, censeo te hariolum superatum. LUCIUS: estne ita, Gallifreiane? DOCTOR: quid? LUCIUS: imaginem mirissimam. patria tua in igni periit, annon? DONNA: Doctor, quid agunt? LUCIUS: et tu, filia Londinii. DONNA: quomodo illud scit? LUCIUS: hoc est donum Pompeiorum. unumquodque oraculum verum est. DONNA: impossibile est. LUCIUS: Doctor, illa revenit. DOCTOR: quae revenit? quae est illa? LUCIUS: et tu, filia Londinii. aliquid in tergo habes. DONNA: quid significat istud? EVELINA: verbum ipsum Doctor falsum est. verum nomen tuum est occultum. per stellas ardet, in Deiectu Medusae ipsius. Dominus es, kyrie. Dominus Temporis.
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EVELINA: They're laughing at us. Those two, they use words like tricksters. They're mocking us. DOCTOR: No, no, I'm not. I meant no offence. METELLA: I'm sorry. My daughter's been consuming the vapours. QUINTUS: Oh for gods, Mother. What have you been doing to her? CAECILIUS: Not now, Quintus. QUINTUS: Yeah, but she's sick. Just look at her. LUCIUS: I gather I have a rival in this household. Another with the gift. METELLA: Oh, she's been promised to the Sibylline Sisterhood. They say she has remarkable visions. LUCIUS: The prophecies of women are limited and dull. Only the menfolk have the capacity for true perception. DONNA: I'll tell you where the wind's blowing right now, mate. LUCIUS: The Mountain God marks your words. I'd be careful, if I were you. DOCTOR: Consuming the vapours, you say? EVELINA: They give me strength. DOCTOR: It doesn't look like it to me. EVELINA: Is that your opinion as a doctor? DOCTOR: I beg your pardon? EVELINA: Doctor. That's your name. DOCTOR: How did you know that? EVELINA: And you. You call yourself Noble. METELLA: Now then, Evelina. Don't be rude. DOCTOR: No, no, no, no. Let her talk. EVELINA: You both come from so far away. LUCIUS: The female soothsayer is inclined to invent all sorts of vagaries. DOCTOR: Oh, not this time, Lucius. No, I reckon you've been out-soothsayed. LUCIUS: Is that so, man from Gallifrey? DOCTOR: What? LUCIUS: The strangest of images. Your home is lost in fire, is it not? DONNA: Doctor, what are they doing? LUCIUS: And you, daughter of London. DONNA: How does he know that? LUCIUS: This is the gift of Pompeii. Every single oracle tells the truth. DONNA: That's impossible. LUCIUS: Doctor, she is returning. DOCTOR: Who is? Who's she? LUCIUS: And you, daughter of London. There is something on your back. DONNA: What's that mean? EVELINA: Even the word Doctor is false. Your real name is hidden. It burns in the stars, in the Cascade of Medusa herself. You are a Lord, sir. A Lord of Time.
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zmaragdos · 2 years
I'm obsessed with the ekphrasis in this passage primarily because Minerva has a simple olive-leaf border surrounding one (1) scene showing a contest between herself and Neptune, with the Olympians, seeming noble and awesome, overlooking them, and victory crowing her the winner; then four "scenelets" (I find it difficult to discern if she is just depicting the mountains, the two birds, and Cinyras on the temple steps, or the actual action of their transformation/the preceding/following events), depicting the gods as beings not to be trifled with. The passage also includes her reasoning behind including the extra scenes. She is certainly not subtle in making her point...I also love that the topic she chose for her weaving was....her winning another contest, surrounded by the gods defeating lesser beings in...contests. Minerva certainly is the goddess of strategy, not subtly. (and maybe also the goddess of insecurity...who needs to hype themselves up so much to win a contest against a lesser being that they first surprise their quarry, then choose to show themselves as a winner in a past contest...that's like playing a football match with your old season tournament trophy on the sideline...like, why do you need that?)
But Arachne has 22 (!) separate scenes and an elaborate vegetative border. While Minerva depicts the gods with "their own features" (this seems almost rote, like she's working from an existing stylistic template), Arachne's weaving is so accurate that her figures are described as "real"/"true". Her sheer volume of figures simply overtowers Minerva's one piddly scene, as does their message of "the gods are capricious and cruel, even to their own kind". The gods are not stately and awesome in Arachne's tapestry: they are monstrous, terrible beings who contort their forms to take advantage of those who they can, even those who undoubtedly hold as much divine power as they do, as the case is for Neptune's rape of Ceres in lines 118-119. And Ovid doesn't even include her reasoning for creating these scenes, so I have to assume the reasoning is "if these gods are flawed, than Minerva can be, too." I admire her audacity in the face of likely loss and death. I think she knew she was going out, so she chose to go out swinging, and I think that's pretty badass.
I love how Ovid depicts the gods as fallacious and capricious in the Metamorphoses. What does that mean? It is a barometer of public opinion about the gods? Is it just his own opinion or stylization of existing literary traditions and tropes? Is it meant to be a slight to the Imperial family and the Roman state in general (i.e. those in charge are cruel, petty, and unjust)? I'm obsessed. I'm completely obsessed.
     Cecropia Pallas scopulum Mavortis in arce               70 pingit et antiquam de terrae nomine litem. bis sex caelestes medio Iove sedibus altis augusta gravitate sedent; sua quemque deorum inscribit facies: Iovis est regalis imago; stare deum pelagi longoque ferire tridente               75 aspera saxa facit, medioque e vulnere saxi exsiluisse fretum, quo pignore vindicet urbem; at sibi dat clipeum, dat acutae cuspidis hastam, dat galeam capiti, defenditur aegide pectus, percussamque sua simulat de cuspide terram               80 edere cum bacis fetum canentis olivae; mirarique deos: operis Victoria finis. ut tamen exemplis intellegat aemula laudis, quod pretium speret pro tam furialibus ausis quattuor in partes certamina quattuor addit,               85 clara colore suo, brevibus distincta sigillis: Threiciam Rhodopen habet angulus unus et Haemum, nunc gelidos montes, mortalia corpora quondam, nomina summorum sibi qui tribuere deorum; altera Pygmaeae fatum miserabile matris               90 pars habet: hanc Iuno victam certamine iussit esse gruem populisque suis indicere bellum; pinxit et Antigonen, ausam contendere quondam cum magni consorte Iovis, quam regia Iuno in volucrem vertit, nec profuit Ilion illi               95 Laomedonve pater, sumptis quin candida pennis ipsa sibi plaudat crepitante ciconia rostro; qui superest solus, Cinyran habet angulus orbum; isque gradus templi, natarum membra suarum, amplectens saxoque iacens lacrimare videtur.               100 circuit extremas oleis pacalibus oras (is modus est) operisque sua facit arbore finem.
     Maeonis elusam designat imagine tauri Europam: verum taurum, freta vera putares; ipsa videbatur terras spectare relictas               105 et comites clamare suas tactumque vereri adsilientis aquae timidasque reducere plantas. fecit et Asterien aquila luctante teneri, fecit olorinis Ledam recubare sub alis; addidit, ut satyri celatus imagine pulchram               110 Iuppiter inplerit gemino Nycteida fetu, Amphitryon fuerit, cum te, Tirynthia, cepit, aureus ut Danaen, Asopida luserit ignis, Mnemosynen pastor, varius Deoida serpens. te quoque mutatum torvo, Neptune, iuvenco               115 virgine in Aeolia posuit; tu visus Enipeus gignis Aloidas, aries Bisaltida fallis, et te flava comas frugum mitissima mater sensit equum, sensit volucrem crinita colubris mater equi volucris, sensit delphina Melantho:               120 omnibus his faciemque suam faciemque locorum reddidit. est illic agrestis imagine Phoebus, utque modo accipitris pennas, modo terga leonis gesserit, ut pastor Macareida luserit Issen, Liber ut Erigonen falsa deceperit uva,               125 ut Saturnus equo geminum Chirona crearit. ultima pars telae, tenui circumdata limbo, nexilibus flores hederis habet intertextos.
Ovid, Metamorphoses VI.70-128
Pallas pictures the hill of Mars on the citadel of Cecrops and that old dispute over the naming of the land. (There sit twelve heavenly gods on lofty thrones in awful majesty, Jove in their midst; each god she pictures with his own familiar features; Jove's is a royal figure.) (There stands the god of ocean, and with his long trident smites the rugged cliff, and from the cleft rock sea-water leaps forth; a token to claim the city for his own.) (To herself the goddess gives a shield and a sharp-pointed spear, and a helmet for her head; the aegis guards her breast; and from the earth smitten by her spear's point upsprings a pale-green olive-tree hanging thick with fruit); (and the gods look on in wonder). (Victory crowns her work.) Then, that her rival may know by pictured warnings what reward she may expect for her mad darings she weaves in the four corners of the web four scenes of contest, each clear with its own colours and in miniature design. (One corner shows Thracian Rhodepe and Haemus, now huge, bleak mountains, but once audacious mortals who dared assume the names of the most high gods.) (A second corner shows the wretched fate of the Pygmaean queen, whom Juno conquered in a strife, then changed into a crane, and bade her war upon those whom once she ruled.) (Again she pictures how Antigone once dared to set herself against the consort of mighty Jove, and how Queen Juno changed her into a bird; Ilium availed her nothing, nor Laomedon, her father; nay, she is clothed in white feathers, and claps her rattling bill, a stork.) (The remaining corner shows Cinyras bereft of his daughters; there, embracing the marble temple-steps, once their limbs, he lies on the stone, and seems to weep.) (The goddess then wove around her work a border of peaceful olive-wreath.) This was the end; and so, with her own tree, her task was done. (transl. Miller 1915)
(Arachne pictures Europa cheated by the disguise of the bull: a real bull and real waves you would think them. The maid seems to be looking back upon the land she has left, calling on her companions, and, fearful of the touch of the leaping waves, to be drawing back her timid feet.) (She wrought Asterie, held by the struggling eagle); (she wrought Leda, beneath the swan’s wings.) (She added how, in a satyr's image hidden, Jove filled lovely Antiope with twin offspring); (how he was Amphitryon when he cheated thee, Alcmena); (how in a golden shower he tricked Danae); (Aegina, as a flame); (Mnemosyne, as a shepherd); (Deo's daughter, as a spotted snake). (Thee also, Neptune, she pictured, changed to a grim bull with the Aeolian maiden); (now as Enipeus thou dost beget the Aloidae), (as a ram deceivedst Bisaltis). (The golden-haired mother of corn, most gentle, knew thee as a horse); (the snake-haired mother of the winged horse knew thee as a winged bird); (Melantho knew thee as a dolphin). (To all these Arachne gave their own shapes and appropriate surroundings.) (Here is Phoebus like a countryman); (and she shows how he wore now a hawk's feathers), (now a lion's skin); (how as a shepherd he tricked Macareus' daughter, Isse); (how Bacchus deceived Erigone with the false bunch of grapes); (how Saturn in a horse's shape begot the centaur, Chiron). (The edge of the web with its narrow border is filled with flowers and clinging ivy intertwined.) (transl. Miller 1915)
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indynerdgirl · 1 year
Music Game
Rules: Shuffle your “on repeat” playlist from Spotify/the music service of your choice and post the first 10 tracks.
I was tagged by my dear @anniesocsandgeneralstore! 😊 Since I have more than just one playlist on Spotify that I'll listen to on repeat depending on my mood, so I'm just going to use the one I've been listening to on repeat the most lately, which is the playlist I made for The Red Zone (the NFL AU that Annie & I have been working on). It's a monster of a playlist at 5hr 43mins long with 95 songs on it! 😆 [playlist link HERE]
Me, Myself & I by G-Eazy & Bebe Rexha
Casual Affair by Panic! At The Disco
Little Do You Know by Alex & Sierra
Remember the Name by Fort Minor & Styles of Beyond
Sugar by Maroon 5
Slow Down by Selena Gomez
Texas Longhorn by Django Walker
I Should Be Sleeping by Emerson Driver
arms by Christina Perri
With Arms Wide Open by Creed
And fun fact, if you enjoy that AU [you can read it HERE], this playlist is designed to tell the whole story from start to finish via all the different songs. So if you listen to it straight through you can get a pretty good idea of the whole story we've got planned. 😊 No pressure tagging the first five people on my dash: @bradshawsbaby @quo-nunc @iguana-braces @the-catholic-geek @themonkeycabal
And anyone else who wants to play, consider yourself tagged!
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