#raise your vibration
holistichealingg · 2 months
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Stop being ashamed of your existence
Take a deep breath, square your shoulders, raise your head
You are here
You take up space
You should be here and you should take up space
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sexy-celestial · 2 years
Cooking is alchemy. Singing and dancing are prayers. Speaking is casting spells. Silence is the sound of listening. Going to sleep is going to awake. Taking a shower is a ritual of cleansing. Drawing is animating imagination. Completing tasks is completing quests. All is divine.
@ akashicel
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faronmckenzie · 2 years
Today be thankful and remember how rich you are. Your family is priceless, your time is gold and your health is wealth.
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spiritualgirlie · 3 months
How to Raise Your Vibe Based Off Your Sign
Aries: Engage in high-energy physical activities like intense workouts or adventurous activities. Express yourself fearlessly and pursue your passions.
Taurus: Surround yourself with nature, indulge in sensual pleasures, and practice mindfulness through grounding activities like gardening or meditation.
Gemini: Stimulate your mind with diverse experiences. Learn something new, engage in lively conversations, and embrace change to keep your energy flowing.
Cancer: Foster emotional well-being by creating a cozy and harmonious home environment. Connect with loved ones and express your feelings openly.
Leo: Boost your vibration through creative self-expression. Shine in the spotlight, engage in artistic pursuits, and radiate your unique light.
Virgo: Focus on self-care routines and organization. Declutter your space, practice mindfulness, and pay attention to your physical well-being for an elevated vibe.
Libra: Seek balance in all aspects of life. Surround yourself with beauty, create harmonious relationships, and engage in activities that promote peace and justice.
Scorpio: Dive deep into self-discovery and embrace transformation. Release emotional baggage, practice forgiveness, and engage in spiritual practices for higher vibrations.
Sagittarius: Expand your horizons through travel and exploration. Seek wisdom, pursue adventure, and maintain an optimistic outlook on life.
Capricorn: Ground yourself in practical achievements. Set ambitious goals, work hard, and find satisfaction in your accomplishments for an elevated sense of purpose.
Aquarius: Connect with your visionary side. Embrace innovation, engage in community activities, and contribute to social causes to elevate your vibrations.
Pisces: Immerse yourself in creativity and spiritual pursuits. Connect with your intuition, explore artistic expressions, and find solace in quiet contemplation for a higher vibe.
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conscious-pisces · 7 months
Gratitude can seriously transform your life. Giving thanks for what you already have raises your vibration:)
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wishbrightdreams · 3 months
Manifestation Progress Diary #1
Hiya Dreamers! 💖
Last week I didn’t post any manifestation progress update because I just started using Tumblr, I also wasn’t working on any manifestation methods during that week.
My Weekly Progress:
I started affirming! I’ve never been much of an affirming type of person, but I decided to give it a shot and I’m liking the method so far. I am saying to myself “I am healed” for healing past medical trauma I experienced as a child.
I wrote out a new scripting letter for perfect and healthy teeth. I have health anxiety over my teeth, as they are not in the greatest of shape and it’s embarrassing to go to the dentist (and I’m fearful of the dentist as well).
Earlier this year, I made a yearly vision board and a dream life vision board. The yearly vision board is more specific to my yearly goals and is not dressed up as a collage (I find them too messy for my liking). I’ll post them each separately later on.
I also changed up my subliminal playlist (again lol), I now am listening to one for whiter teeth, one for removing subconscious limiting beliefs, one for releasing past trauma and another one to heal my throat chakra.
What I Need To Work On:
Consistency: I have a horrible time with consistency! I know I need to change my assumption about that though and that is what I will work on this week.
Next Week I Will Focus On:
1. Continue to affirm & listen to subliminal’s
2. Read/listen more of Edward Art
3. Ask spirit guides for help with manifesting
Happy manifesting dreamers! ✨
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holistichealingg · 7 months
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ohshesthriving · 5 months
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Day 4 of 366. This is a special year.
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I don’t think you understand
Your words are literally spells. The self deprecating jokes, the speaking down on your achievements; you’re just lowering your vibration. Stop cursing yourself. Stop giving away your power. Speak to yourself with love and gratitude. Thank the universe everyday that you are who you are.
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reinabanxxxx · 1 year
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vintage-tigre · 9 months
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queengoddessclub · 1 year
7 Practical Ways to Raise Your Vibration
Raising your vibration involves shifting your energy to a higher frequency, which can have a positive impact on your mood, thoughts, and overall well-being. Here are some tips to help raise your vibration:
Practice gratitude: Focus on the things in your life that you are grateful for. This can help you shift your energy to a more positive state.
Engage in activities that bring you joy: Engage in activities that you enjoy and that make you happy. This can help raise your vibration by increasing positive emotions.
Connect with nature: Spend time in nature, go for a walk, sit by the ocean or a river, or simply enjoy the beauty of a sunset. Being in nature can help you connect with the world around you and increase your sense of well-being.
Meditate: Meditate regularly to calm your mind, reduce stress, and increase your sense of inner peace. Meditation can also help you connect with your intuition and inner wisdom.
Practice acts of kindness: Doing something kind for someone else can help you feel good and increase your sense of connection with others.
Focus on positive thoughts: Choose to focus on positive thoughts and let go of negative ones. This can help you shift your energy to a more positive state.
Surround yourself with positive people: Spend time with people who uplift and inspire you. Being around positive people can help you feel more positive and increase your sense of well-being.
Remember that raising your vibration is a process that takes time and effort. By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can gradually shift your energy to a more positive state and experience greater levels of happiness, fulfillment, and inner peace.
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Completely eliminate and remove the words no and hate from your vocabulary (regarding talking about money and love) if you want to reprogram your mind to an abundance mindset. Of course use the word no for your boundaries and what you will and will not tolerate. But, remember it's creating a lack mindset consciousness when you say no to what you want/need.
Instead of no say: "Yes. Actually, I will be able to soon. I am going to buy it soon. I know I already am going to. Yes, I can buy it. Yes, I have more than enough because abundance is already built into what I am. Actually we can do that soon. Oh wait, I just remembered to count all my blessings. Let me express sincere gratitude for everything I already have. Oh wait, I just remembered, I'm already abundant in wealth and abundance is always flowing into my experience. Oh wait, let me relax into receiving mode. Oh wait, I just forgot I'm actually very wealthy. I just remembered I can manifest the object instead of money because I'm already extremely rich. Actually I'll try it. Actually yes, let's buy it."
Instead of hate say:" I actually love this. If I'm being honest it's easier to love. If I'm being honest love is stronger. I actually just find it difficult sometimes to love this thing/person but that's okay because Love is what I already am and I forgive myself so once I can forgive myself I can forgive others. I actually love what money does for me. I love money. Money loves me because I always leave some to keep. I love having more than enough money. I love getting paid to exist. I actually changed my mind and I love x." Ect.
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freckledaura · 3 months
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Forgiving others brightens your love light 💙
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