thatsbelievable · 6 months
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wiirocku · 6 months
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Galatians 6:7 (KJV) - Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
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Verse of the Day - 2 Corinthians 9:6
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A husband Reaper hcs?🙏
Of course! Here you go, thank you.
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Reap knew that marrying you meant that you would be alone for weeks on end because of his job. He hates it, but whenever he comes home and sees you waiting for him, it makes him so happy.
He often brings home gifts for you.
He would often bring you places where he could touch you without worrying about killing you. Otherwise, he dislikes the idea of touching you because, well, he's scared to kill you.
He would never be able to take your soul. So, when you die, he knows that Grim would have to do it.
He likes to make a lot of jokes/puns. Often teases and flirts to try to get you to laugh.
Always makes you coffee in the morning(since he drinks a lot of coffee)
Sometimes he steals your clothes. He says that he finds them more comfortable than his, but it's just because he likes how they smell -w- (plus he likes your reactions)
He would love to share all of the stories that he has from the past. He's been around a long time, don't you know?
He wears his ring as a necklace around his neck as he doesn't want a chance to lose it.
Sometimes he has a hard time with sleeping and when that happens, he'll lay and look at you. Having you around helps a lot…
I don't think he would be able to have kids, tbh, so doesn't worry about that too much :)
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scribbly-bear · 1 month
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A bunch of random doodles.
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avversja · 16 days
Zostaliśmy dla siebie stworzeni, a to oznacza, że dzielisz ze mną swój ból i mówisz mi, kiedy i dlaczego jesteś nieszczęśliwy.
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wayti-blog · 2 years
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source image
“The Sower - Vincent van Gogh (1853 - 1890)
Van Gogh made more than 30 drawings and paintings on this theme. The sower symbolised the eternal cycle of existence. Sowing brings forth new life.”  (X)
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Echoes of the Sundering - Reap by Daniela Ivanova
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scoobycool9 · 1 year
The fact that the Best Picture of the year was a movie about being kind to others and being kind to yourself in spite of the fact that the world isn’t always kind, that says a lot.
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kwailaliliicomics · 6 months
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While Lolly and Esen-Ali fight over Emerald's fate, Lolly ponders her career as a reaper.
You can read each episode as the come out here:
Or an episode a week early on patreon:
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proud-spaniard · 7 months
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wiirocku · 6 months
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Galatians 6:9 (KJV) - And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
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ihumaneveryday · 2 years
shift to new reality
forcing positivity is toxic. It’s not just faith.  It’s knowing. Don’t force a fcking thing. Just affirm.  If you get stressed, just affirm. Stop following people who contradict your belief. Your mind creates thoughts, thought creates reality. Say goodbye to your old self. New attitude, our thoughts create, our stories create, our thoughts create chemical changes. You will manifest as a biproduct of affirmations. Act upon inspirations. Success is about being yourself.  Communicate and act. It’s not a mechanical act, it’s about form. Reap your new life. Think and behave different. Find what works. Renewal of self. Limitless, stop becoming, and Be.
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Hi, can you do a headcanon of reaper sans with a s/o adopted a baby goat?
Sure! This sounds fun.
A part of him is very confused on why you adopted a baby goat
But he likes it! He thinks that it sounds like a cute idea. The 'kid' really seems to like you.
He knows that it would have died if you didn't help it out, so he thinks it's really sweet.
Normally he avoids the baby himself because, well, animals never seem to like him very much. He doesn't want to upset it.
The goat always gets in between you two, like it thinks that he's gonna hurt you, and it makes him sad ;-;
Brings home gifts! Normally little sweaters for your goat. He thinks it's SO cute!
He gets headbutt a lot by the baby goat. You think it's funny, sometimes he thinks it's annoying.
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scribbly-bear · 3 months
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So, I've changed Reap, again. He is no longer an assassin working for a scifi government, he's the master mind behind a group of rebels. The other character in these pictures is his sister whom he didn't know he had, she's also trying to assassinate him.
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Life Is like Planting a Field
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7 Do not be fooled [deceived; mistaken]: You cannot cheat [mock; make a fool of] God. People harvest only what they plant [reap what they sow]. 8 If they plant to satisfy [or in the field of; into; to] their sinful selves [sinful nature; flesh], their sinful selves will bring them ruin [they will reap destruction from the flesh]. But if they plant to please [or in the field of; into; to] the Spirit, they will receive [reap; harvest] eternal life from the Spirit. — Galatians 6:7-8 | Expanded Bible (EXB) The Expanded Bible, Copyright © 2011 Thomas Nelson Inc. All rights reserved. Cross References: Job 4:8; Job 13:9; Proverbs 11:18; Hosea 8:7; Hosea 10:13; Matthew 25:46; Romans 6:21; 1 Corinthians 6:9
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