#remember 15
lukaherehelp · 2 months
Omg who is Jimmy????
Oh Anon, he's just @pharawee and I's baby boy, the absolute light of our lives!
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Karn Kritsanaphan (กานต์ กฤษณะพันธ์) or Jimmy Karn played Saifah in the Why R U? (2020) where he was partnered with Tommy Sittichok playing Zon.
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For those whom might not know, yes, they were in the ZeeSaint show. A lot of people forget about SaifahZon and I swear to god I -
He also appeared alongside Tommy (and other Mandee talents) in Close Friend, Remember 15 and Cutie Pie. He was also in the korean bl Peach of Time with Choi Jaehyun.
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However, Cutie Pie is important because although him, Tommy, Net and James appeared at the end, as it was Domundi's way to announce we were getting Bed Friend with NetJames (which we got it) and Middleman's Love with JimmyTommy (which we didn't get).
As you have probably realized, Middleman's Love has TutorYim as the leads and that's because Jimmy eventually had to stept out of the recording of ML and acting altogether due to his mental health. This resulted in him completely going MIA online, which good for him and his mental health but also made us miss him even more so.
Only recently (around mid-to-late 2023) he started to reappear only and around the Domundi Boys and joining into their events, and he appeared on the pilot trailer of Zomvivor, which made us really happy ✨
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however, Domundi hadn't made any announcements or news that he was going to join any series AT ALL (apart from Zomvivor), so him appearing on The Next Prince's trailer with a new partner has being a really pleasant surprise! We have missed him dearly 😭😭😭
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kittychicha · 1 year
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whumpetywhump · 6 months
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Remember 15 - Ep. 3 & 4
Do not watch this show if you are under 18
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zhaozi · 8 months
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juneviews · 2 years
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axelle judges non bl shows > Remember 15
shitty summary: A group of teenagers go on a deserted island to commemorate the death of one of their friends, but nothing goes according to plans.
where to watch: viu | dramacool
grade: 8/10
- this is a thai drama that tries things, and that automatically gives it lots of points from me. I simply love seeing thai dramas who try to push things further, have crazy concepts, great cinematography, have very uncomfortable themes in them... and this show is definitely that. this show is one of the rare shows I’ve seen in a while that TRIED things, and even though I don’t think it fully succeeded, imo it should be watched just for that reason alone. these are the kind of shows that make me so fucking excited to see where thai dramas are gonna go next <3
- I LOVED the ending. to be honest, I liked the show but it’s the ending that really sold it to me bc it’s so fucking rare for shows to have great endings, most of the time they’re disappointing. but here, the loneliness & emptiness that comes from that ending, with the quote talking about how revenge is terrible... was extremely impactful imo, & I still think about that ending. very well done imo, even if the choices for the ending weren’t my favorites in the first place.
- the settings & cinematography, man. you just know they pulled up the fucking budget for this series, and I gotta say they did amazing. even the special effects were good, so you can definitely feel the budget & quality overall when you watch this series!
- I didn’t know where to place the acting bc I wasn’t a fan of everyone’s acting to be perfectly honest, but when I think about it... most of the cast did a great job. the two performances that stood out to me are definitely tommy & zee. tommy bc, despite his very limited role, is just a fucking good actor, & I feel like that role pushed him in such a good acting direction. the look in his eyes after plato’s death & he wants revenge was SO fucking incredible. as for zee, he definitely had the most difficult role & I think he did a great fucking job at being the most disgusting, despicable character I’ve ever seen lol. so yeah, I feel like the acting was definitely mostly good, but some actors were clearly newbies so some scenes felt not the most expertly acted imo.
- for a show where everyone dies, the responsability wasn’t shared by everyone nearly enough imo. like dan, plato, ken & bozo literally didn’t deserve to die at all, and in fact most of the characters didn’t deserve to die. bew can fucking choke though, I hate his guts so bad lol. but anyways, I feel like the responsability of lyla’s death was not shared equally, and so towards the end when everyone ends up dying when they barely did anything, it didn’t quite feel right.
- this show is definitely too chaotic from the start. I wish they would’ve taken one episode to kinda explain the situation first, bc we jump right into the drama & the fights while we have zero idea what’s going on so it’s pretty confusing & not the best way to start the series imo.
- I’m very divided about the flashbacks... I get that they’re definitely needed to give some context about what led to this happening in the first place, but I felt like there were too many of them, especially since some characters had a much smaller role in the story than others. like the context of mind & bozo’s friendship could’ve fit in one small scene instead of 3, even ken & plato’s relationship kinda served zero purpose except being the queer rep of the show I guess, but I think the flashbacks scattered throughout the show were a bit too messy. either they should’ve dedicated ep 1 to only flashbacks, but then the suspense of what happened would’ve been ruined, OR each episode should’ve started with 5 minutes of flashbacks & that’s it. that would’ve made the show much better imo.
would I rewatch it: honestly why not, I think it’d be very interesting to rewatch the whole story while knowing how it all ends
Definitely one of the most ambitious & interesting thai dramas of the year for me. If you can stomach gore & other really messed up topics, I’d definitely recommend this one!
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scarefox · 1 year
Did anyone watch “Remember 15”? I only heard about it when it was announced forever ago and thought horror-thriller with BL and GL must be badass. But then I never heard about it again and haven’t seen it myself yet either.
Was it good? Is it worth a watch? 
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eyecandyhoney · 1 year
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Pruk Panich From Chiang Rai, Thailand
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mushiemadarame · 2 years
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Ken should have gotten to kill more people
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flame-shadow · 10 months
hey did you know??? that if you stop stretching and maintaining mobility in your body then it goes away?? things get tight and you can't move the way that you used to??? and when you decide to try getting a stretch routine going that the first week fucking sucks because you keep going 'damn i used to be able to do this no problem' and then you have to switch gears and be kind to yourself and just focus on getting better from here instead of berating yourself for dropping the good habits in the first place??? and your body never stops aging so you gotta keep taking care of it and sometimes you gotta take care of it extra in certain areas because of things that happened when you were younger and it's boring and sometimes hurts but it's so necessary???
i am yelling this at myself right now i am going through An Experience (trying to get into a routine of body maintenance again for my physical and mental health)
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bluerosefox · 5 months
Uncle Damian Mode ACTIVATE
Twins Danny and Damian but! They both know where the other is (Damian going to Bruce and Danny being sent to the Fentons on a mission at a young age), has kept in touch and all that.
They just...never got around to telling anyone about the other.
That is until Danny comes interrupting Damian on patrol one night in a panic, pushes a bundle into his arms and hurriedly says "Read our texts! It'll explain! I gotta go, got a fruitloop on my tail! Be back when I can!"
And rushes off. When Damian looks down at the bundle in his arm, ignoring the yelling on comms and Nightwing rushing over, he is stunned to see a almost identical face to that of his brother staring back at him, only he can tell its female from the more delicate features.
When he later reads the texts his brother sent during his patrol... well he's tempted to go fruitloop hunting but he has a niece to take of... and inform his father of his granddaughter he's currently holding.
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schreibfederlaerm · 2 months
it's just really funny to me to imagine Fabian actually being a great big brother honorable nemesis.
like, putting a nemesis ward on the nursery with aelwyn's help since "it won't do if they die before their eighteenth birthday, will it?" (aelwyn, deeply sarcastic: "well of course, that is exactly why I put the ward on adaine's room." fabian, too deep in denial for sarcasm: "see? you get it")
gifting them a battle sheet baby blanket since they should start preparing for their battle early on (and yes it's extra fluffy, it's for a baby stop laughing everybody)
generally trying to teach them everything he knows "so their battle to the death will be a fair one"
giving their adventuring party the same lecture on tactics that the bad kids got from his papa
hunting down chungledown bim and any other nemesis so his sibling is the only one who could get a piece of his fund (he just wants it to stay in the family, shut up)
just. fabian being an amazing big brother but also if you call him that to his face he will cut you
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bet-on-me-13 · 5 months
Thats not Fair!?
So! Danny is a Member of the JLA. He is a Millenia Old Ghost who is stuck looking the same as the day he died, so he never aged over all those Centuries. While the JLA is slightly uncomfortable at him being on the Team, they know his circumstances and try to ignore his appearance. He can't control it, its not his Fault.
Or at least, that's what he tells them.
Danny is in fact, a 15 Yr Old Kid, who used his experience as a Time Traveler to trick the JLA into letting him join the Adult Team. He is actually doing a good job in tricking them!
Then, in a complete accident, he runs into Jazz while talking to a few fellow Leaguers.
She showers him in older sister love, hugging him and giving him Nuggies, and when a Leaguer asks how old she is she says "Oh I'm 17, 2 whole years older than this little scamp!"
So there goes that lie.
Fortunately, the League decides to let Danny stay on the Adult Team.
Unfortunately, Young Justice learned about his admittance to the Adult Team and kind of lost it.
"What?! Why is HE allowed on the Adult Team!? He's only been a Hero for a Year! We've all been Heroes for so much longer!?! And for that matter why is Shazam still on the Team!? Is that the new Rule? If you can trick us into letting you in the Team you can stay? Cause we can do that! We can sneak our way in too!"
Basically I want to imagine YJ's reaction to 2 Child Heroes on the Adult Team when they are stuck on the "Baby Team"
I think it would be funny.
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nenasspot · 2 years
remember 15 is so fucking good why did no one push me into watching this earlier
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whumpetywhump · 7 months
Remember 15 (2022)
18+ only
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– Slashed across the shoulder with an axe
– Loses control and kills his best friend, trembling, screaming
– Flashback: Wincing from the pain in his ribs, admits his father hit him
– Screaming in pain from an offscreen attack, collapses to his knees with his fingers amputated
– Dizzy from blood loss, falls to his knees, collapses and passes out
– Wakes up on the ground from last episode, still bleeding
– Still bleeding, dizzy, stumbling, falls to his knees
– Flashback: Accidentally reveals bruises on his stomach from his father’s beating
– Still bleeding on his knees, stabs himself in the gut, collapses, dies
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– Stabbed in the neck, bleeding
– Still losing massive amounts of blood from last episode, sobbing in panic, has the wound cauterised with a burning knife, screaming in pain
– Wakes up bleeding through his bandages, begging for water, wheezing, “it hurts so much”, comforted
– Flashback: Breaks his finger playing basketball, bruised, has an ice pack applied by his friend
– Still holding his bandaged throat, visibly weak, needs support to walk
– Still bandaged, still weak
– Stabbed in the throat twice more, collapses into his boyfriend’s arms, dies
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– Dreams of finding his friend’s body, flinches awake
– Punched to the ground, beaten up, bruised face, wounds treated by his girlfriend
– Punched in the face again
– Beaten until he spits blood, kicked in the face, beaten again until he passes out
– Found dead on the beach
– Flashback: Punched in the face, hits his head on a glass frame, bleeding
– Flashback: Beaten up, rescued, bruised face, wincing in pain when he stands, limping, needs support to walk
– Flashback: Punched repeatedly in the face, has his wounds cleaned and treated
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– Punched in the face, bruised lip
– Face still bruised from last episode
– Punched in the face
– Outed as bisexual, slapped by his girlfriend
– Grieving, screaming, completely loses control
– Still grieving, screaming and sobbing
– Hit over the head, knocked out
– Stabbed in the gut, collapses to his knees, bleeding out, unable to walk without support, on the run
– Shot through the gut with a harpoon, collapses, dies
TW: Contains themes of internalised homophobia, child abuse, suicide, graphic noncon and gore
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zhaozi · 2 years
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Thinking about how in the Star Trek whale movie, when they travel back in time, Scotty tries to speak into a computer mouse and a guy has to tell him "no see we got a mouse and a keyboard!" and back then this was "haha in the future all of our really modern stuff is gonna be old-fashioned and outdated!" and today it's. Scotty is an ipad baby.
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