#review bombing
dduane · 6 months
Mainstream media is now starting to get to grips with this. ...Good.
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samijami · 11 months
Ya'know something weird about the Tumblr blackout?
It was scheduled for the end of pride month, and the beginning of disability pride month.
And everyone knows that this won't work, given this never works. The best way to get a change would be review bombing.
Now, the blackout targets the last day we can celebrate pride month on Tumblr, and the first few days of disability pride month on Tumblr. And I think it's rather purposeful.
Now let me make an official proposal.
Let's review bomb the shit out of Tumblr from now onwards until we get a change. It might take a while, but it won't kill off a social media for no reason whatsoever.
Let's annoy the everloving shit out of Tumblr.
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odinsblog · 1 year
Refusing to acknowledge the ridiculously outsized impact of racialized misogyny + colorism + anti-Blackness on the critiques of The Little Mermaid 2023 is like seeing a woman with a bloody battered face exit the home of a known domestic abuser, and then concluding that she probably just fell down the stairs or clumsily walked into a door or something
It’s crazy the amount of mental gymnastics, endless equivocation and flat out denial that people will go through to avoid admitting racism
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d-x-z · 5 months
I know this isnt my usual content but petition to review bomb genshin again for not having us select a free 4 star skin in genshin 😒😔
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welcometothejunkpile · 6 months
Reading Challenge for 2024
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Hey y'all. I made a StoryGraph reading challenge for supporting the authors affected by the review-bombing scandal. If you're interested you can check it out here.
Feel free to suggest and other authors and books, especially the debuts. I went through several sources to try and make sure my list of those most-affected was accurate, but help is welcome.
Kamilah Cole - So Let Them Burn
Molly X. Chang - To Gaze Upon Wicked Gods
Thea Guanzon - The Hurricane Wars
Bethany Baptiste - The Poisons We Drink
Frances White - Voyage Of the Damned
Laura R. Samotin - The Sins On Their Bones
K.M. Enright - Mistress of Lies
R.M. Virtues - Gods of Hunger series
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I love reports about Overwatch 2's steam situation, talking about it being review bombed.
The game's not being review bombed. It's just shit. Review bombs are when the chinese translation isn't correct or when there's talk of adding microtransactions or whatever the short term reason may be
It's a tool players use to hit the devs and especially the management that came up with the problem where it hurts: Potential Sales.
But no, the game's just flaming hot garbage! It's a trashy, unbalanced mess that disguises itself as a 5v5 when its really just the tank and their mercy duking it out with the other tank.
The game's predatory shit and the reviews reflect that accurately! And we can't have stuff like that be twisted into being a simple "review bombing" and thus nothing to worry about!
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faytelumos · 11 months
Any recommendations on what to list on reviews? haven't been on Tumblr that long so I'm not sure on what the biggest issues are, also I'm not sure on who to ask so I thought I'd try with you :')
(also: LOVE the pf, Jason is one of the Boys of all time ♥️ funny AND hot? I'll take two to go, please. saying this as an avid Riddler fan, who is such a loser)
No worries, friendo!
For review bombing Tumblr, issues that I know of are:
•The new photo viewer does not allow people to zoom in. This makes it harder for people with poor eyesight to read text and see details.
•There are flashing/eyestraining ads that users now have to allow to take up their entire screen in order to pass and continue scrolling.
•There are some people saying you can't listen to videos unless you have push notifications on. (I haven't experienced this, but I saw someone mention it.)
•Americans cannot turn off Tumblr Live for more than a week at a time. (It's incredibly annoying and an invasion of internet privacy.)
•It is much harder to report abuse and hate speech than it is to report sexual content and spam.
And that's about what I know of; honestly, I used the main blackout proposal post for most of these because they did list a series of demands. I also don't know where else to go to find a more complete list, but I think this can at least get you started.
(Also, yes, thank you, Jay is My Boi, I love him so much, he's terrible and amazing and I love him. And don't worry; Jason's a loser, too, haha!)
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go-go-devil · 1 year
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ismatscaff · 10 months
Together, we can review bomb Tumblr in the app store
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C'mon everybody, let's see how low we can get that rating!!!!
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hmsquared · 9 months
I was browsing Steam just now, and I saw Overwatch has an overwhelmingly negative review score. Here are my thoughts on this.
I want to start off by saying that I don't support Activision Blizzard in the controversies they've caused. I think the company has a bit of an ego problem and it needs to pull itself together.
That being said, I love Overwatch. I haven't played it in a while, but I still love it. I think everyone can find a character that they like, even if they don't play video games. The various maps are incredibly detailed, even though they didn't have to be. And aside from XCOM, I can't think of a franchise with a more diverse cast.
I've seen people complaining about the microtransactions and having to pay for lore missions. What I have not seen those people talking about is the original cost $60. While I'm pretty neutral on microtransactions, I do think Overwatch switching to free-to-play is ultimately a good thing. It means more people have a chance to play, especially those who can't afford tons of $60 games.
Then there's the cut PvE content. Personally, I've never been a fan of Overwatch's single player missions, so I'm not too angry about it. That being said, I understand why people are pissed. I mentioned this a long time ago, but I think Overwatch 2's development suffered from expectations. People wanted the thing to come out polished and perfect and complained about the beta. Every game has its bugs, and as shitty as Activision Blizzard treats its employees, you have to admit Overwatch is in a playable condition.
I understand people's anger with the old Overwatch not existing anymore. Frankly, I'm still getting used to it as well. But review bombing a perfectly serviceable game is not cool. It's childish.
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wondernwriter · 1 year
What the fuck is wrong with this country & humans as a whole??? Just because this fictional book takes place in Russia, they review bomb & get it cancelled?? OMFG! The mindset of these social media mobs (liberal & conservative) are INSANE. If you don’t like a topic or subject or setting of a book, don’t read it. If you don’t like the standup a comic does, don’t watch it. If you don’t like a beer for whatever reason, fine, don’t drink it. If you don’t like Pride parades, don’t go to one. But make it be your decision for yourself & not try to bully & shame others into doing the same. It’s called being an individual.
This is getting more & more sinister. The calls for canceling books, movies, music, artists, and events has gotten out of control. Companies need to start ignoring all backlash from either sides. It’s insanity. Yes, offensive things exist but they always have. People need to grow up & ignore the noise from social media
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annefraid · 2 years
review bombing is so fucking funny, girl that’s just additional marketing. you’re telling me there’s a show so controversial it made people lose their minds? sign me up
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repentantsky2 · 2 years
In regards to recent video game Review Bombings (Based on my best guesses)
Well, here we are again, review bombing of games for “reasons” however those reasons aren’t so simple, and while most people will either break it down to be a black and white affair, and many others will simply not care, it is worth noting that in this case, there are reasons for at least two games getting the bombs dropped on their review scores. 
The two games that are getting hit the most if you aren’t aware, are Digimon Survive, a visual novel/tactical RPG that in it’s marketing, failed to mention that visual novel aspect much, if at all, and Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Now, as was mentioned, the reason behind Digimon Survive being review bombed, is likely due to it not being clear that the game was a visual novel first, and tactical RPG second. It should have been made obvious from the moment it was possible to do so, that Digimon Survive is not a Cyber Sleuth type of game, nor is it in many regards, like Fire Emblem. Both of those were probably at least somewhat part of the expectations for the game, but with little gameplay shown outside of talking to Digimon themselves, and combat in the games, the marketing clearly failed. Marketing in a huge deal in game, despite how many people loudly proclaim their undying love for a new game off of it’s first announcement, and nothing else to be said, Bandai Namco did inform people properly. That is reason to be frustrated, as I would be do had I not known. I did, because I looked at the steam listing and it said as much before release, but not everyone is going to do that. Informing people what they are getting into before they make a purchase, is imperative to earn and keep their trust, that simply didn’t happen here, and I understand being upset about that. 
When it comes to Xenoblade Chronicles 3, there’s also reasons to be upset. Some more logical than others, there’s a review up as of my writing this, that basically praises Pyra, and seem to hate XC3 simple because she’s not a prominent member of the new entry in the series, if indeed she shows up at all. That one is clearly nonsense, but nonsense is also something fans have clearly dealt with leading up to the release of the game as well. Trying to purchase the collector’s edition, was at least as bad as trying to buy an Xbox One or PS5 was when the consoles first released in 2020, and it shouldn’t be like that. Nintendo’s site would crash, the item would appear in someone’s cart but leave for no reason while the item was still in stock, and of course, like all limited editions, bots that we’ve been begging be regulated to some extent for years, nabbed some of the copies, leaving scalpers to try and sell the game for hundreds of dollars to rise up it’s value before release. This issue happened on more than one occasion, and in more than one country, and Nintendo did nothing, as usual. These major corporations have proven time and again that they don’t care about their consumers, they care about their money, and one thing is certain, almost no one who would fight that hard to get the collector’s edition and failed, would be dissuaded from buying the regular game, so little to no money lost on Nintendo’s part, they’re good.     
This is sort of event is not uncommon, and Nintendo is by no means the only ones who it. GameStop has been known to allow people to preorder a game, only to cancel close to release with no reason given, Amazon has done it, Best Buy, Target, Walmart, Toys R Us even got me like that once, and whatever stores people may have tried to order games from in the past in their part of the world, have also done this. What this all boils down to in the long run is this. Anti-consumerism is a alive and well all forms of media. Every major company that provides a service of this nature has done it’s consumers wrong. It’s a standard that we need to be willing to be more actively against, however this post isn’t solely about that, I could write about that though should anyone want to hear it. 
Now comes the review bombing, a sort of way to get back at developers who wrong people, and it’s something that 99.999999999999% of the time, I fully am against. The only example I can truly think of where I understood it and thought it was earned, was Cyberpunk 2077 because boy was that game just based on lies. As for Digimon and XC3 though, that’s not really helping. If you want you’re favorite series to continue, review bombing damaged those chances, because sadly even though there are many of us who don’t really care about reviews unless the bombings happen, the investors and by extension publishers, do care, a lot. Bonuses, sequels, entire series have been ended by fan perception of what is ultimately, not the fault of the game’s themselves, and dismisses the amount of work that goes into developing said games, and it’s not really fair to attack the developers, as opposed to those who sold you lies because the board told them to. I don’t not support review bombing, and I do hope in the future, people will seriously learn that attacking a game with your words has little to no effect. Also, whatever you do, no matter how mad you are, don’t attack the developers online over this or threaten them. That makes you a garbage person. Be better. 
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ceolona · 2 years
People suck. We all know that. People who review bomb are the worst and are destroying the internet.
The House of Gucci rating below is an example of what the histogram should look like: a bell curve. Real people submitting reasonable reviews, forming a general consensus.
The Rings of Power rating? Complete and utter crap, useless by any interpretation, generated by fuckwits and bots who have an agenda OTHER than reviewing the show.
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The RoP ratings are either 1 (so bad it makes 80s schlock horror look like Oscar material) or 10 (so life changing it makes Game of Thrones look like a grammar school play). I call bullshit.
If pressed, I’d have to give RoP a 3. I don’t care for the script and can’t find a character I like. But the CGI and overall presentation is not bad… except for the #Chihuawarg.
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silentwisher-feed · 1 month
Helldivers 2: Desolation on the PC Battlefield?
Helldivers 2: Desolation on the PC Battlefield? Hold onto your jetpacks, Super Earth soldiers! Helldivers 2 just dropped a friendly fire bomb on its PC fanbase. The news? Sony is mandating Playstation Network (PSN) accounts for all PC players. This about-face comes after an earlier decision to scrap the PSN requirement. Now, existing players have a deadline of June 4th to link their accounts,…
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unaccountedformass · 6 months
SFF drama
New author uses Goodreads ("4chan for Amazon", not gonna forget that in a hurry) to review bomb other new authors. Also racist because of course.
Saw this initially pop up on the mastodon.
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