#rick and morty analysis
l-egionaire · 7 months
I have an unpopular Opinion about the new Rick and Morty episode......I don't think Morty has as much moral high ground as he thinks.
Like, he ACTS like he has a moral issue....but he doesn't. He has the same issue the other characters do in the episode; He just wants to get rid of his own guilt at eating the Spaghetti. And the perfect example of that is the speech he gives at the funeral. Notice that he does not APOLOGIZE for eating the person who killed himself. He doesn't act regretful for doing so. He specifically says he "hopes that him being delicious made it right". He asks Rick for NAMES and tries going to a funeral. But thats to make HIMSELF feel better. He doesn't ask who they were or if they had families he could talk to personally or anything like that.
And as the episode goes on, he shows another truth: He doesn't ACTUALLY care that the Sphagetti is people, which is what he made it SEEM the issue was. He just doesn't want to feel like a bad person eating it. The minute he gets some "justification" for why it's okay to eat it? He's right back to gobbling it up AND serving it to his family again. Because if his issue actually WAS that it was made from people, he'd refuse to eat it even if it was "ethical," especially after seeing the person it came from. Because the truth is....he doesn't actually care. At least, he doesn't care that it's PEOPLE. He cares about whether eating it would make him seem like a good or bad person and just wants someone, whether it's the folks at the funeral, the Spaghetti planet people or just his own loose sense of morality to tell him he isn't.
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miami-lolz · 5 months
“Who’s stupid now, BITCH?!”
Or; Morty finally getting some level of justice via headshotting his grandpa
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I feel like this scene is so underrated. This isn’t the first time Morty has threaten to kill or at least hurt Rick. It is, however the first times he’s actively attacked Rick and had a clear attempt to take his ass out. Morty is so fed up with Rick yelling at him during the standoff that he shoots Rick in the head. Not an arm or leg but in the forehead. He absolutely shot to kill. And yeah, you could say it was a spur-of-the-moment action based on frustration and impulse, but I think that was Morty saying “if we are gonna die anyways, I’ve earned to right to be the one to take you out.”
Because let’s be honest, if anyone deserved to be the one to get back at Rick it would probably be Morty. Now obviously I don’t actually want that to happen. It wouldn’t fit the character arcs they’ve had, but it would also be brutally fitting. A Prime is what got Rick into this mess and a Prime would be what finishes him off. And there’s something symbolical about Morty killing both his best friend and the person that’s hurt him for years.
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starrbitez · 1 month
Why Morty Smith is “like a dog” (pun unintended)
Okay so i saw a post (I’ll link it in comments!) that was talking about how Rick is more like a dog than Morty, and I definitely agree that Rick is similar to a dog too, I am going to discuss my personal opinions on Morty’s dog-like symbolism, parallels with snuffles/snowball, and my own ideas for the dog analogy. It begins below the cut :3
Firstly, there are some parallels between Morty and his former fluffy companion I think are important and very interesting !
One example, Morty is treated very similarly by Rick to the way Jerry treats Snowball. See; Rick pushing Morty down the stairs, Jerry rubbing snowball’s face in his pee. Both unnecessary punishments or just entirely unnecessary.
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Morty is also threatened emptily a lot, in the way that an owner might threaten their dog when they do something bad, ie. “we’ll take you back to the shelter or replace you if you dont stop peeing on the rug,” and the replaceable nature that abusive pet owners exemplify towards their dogs is the exact same treatment Morty gets, with the you’re replaceable almost ‘I’ll take you back to the shelter’ threats Rick gives.
Morty is treated like a dog constantly, and while all Morty’s are on some level imo, Pmorty is the most. When Rick takes the voucher for a free replacement Morty — it’s like getting a discount on a rescue dog or picking up a stray when your dog dies.
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Then, morty is talked down to like a dog, just like how Jerry talks to snowball.
Morty: whats wrong?
Jerry: your idiot dog! …. Don’t praise him Morty, he peed on the carpet! Bad dog, bad!
Rick: youre a perfect suit of impenetrable armor, Morty! because you’re as dumb as I am smart!
And then,
Morty: look rick, there’s a bunch of people strapped to that building!
Rick: Not people morty. Mortys.
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At this point in the show (s1e10) Rick doesn’t even consider Mortys to be human, and he values Morty about the same amount that Jerry valued snowball — little to nothing, simply valued to feel superior over something.
I also think that in Rest and Ricklaxation, healthy morty and toxic morty are two opposite and extreme sides of the spectrum of dog-like behavior. While normal morty is loyal to a fault, he still his has own morals and enough personal confidence to argue with rick and engage in adventures. There’s a clear divide in his character in many episodes where he see his more violent tendencies, and in this episode you can see a split between his more “feral” side and his “domesticated” side. Healthy Morty is a sort of lone-wolf, he believes that health is being able to survive on your own, be strong and completely confident to an almost selfish and narcissistic point, and he desires to be a leader. Toxic Morty sees himself as weak, and he says that he just wants to die. He feels like the runt of the litter, left behind and clinging to the first person that offers him protection — rick. When combined, morty is somewhere in the middle, but the separate parts are opposite sides of dog-like behavior.
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OKAY now im going to talk abt my SNOWBALL PARALLELS a bit more….
When snowball realizes how he is being treated, on some level gaining sentience, he starts to develop his intelligence, get stronger, more independent, rebel against the people who treated him like shit and took advantage of him. Snowball realizes how he is being treated and he does everything he can to prove he is intelligent, but out of his care and loyalty to morty, he leaves because he wants morty to live and be happy !!! Sound familiar?
Yes it is the exact same track as Morty’s character development.In season 3 episode 7 after the dinner with evil morty, morty realizes he is being manipulated, that he is replaceable, that he is just someones property. He gains ‘sentience’ or the conciousness of his free will ? Kinda. And from here on we see Morty’s attitude change significantly, asserting himself over rick often in season 4. Morty joins in on the intro, he leaves rick to die, he focuses on himself, he becomes more violent and more in control of his own decisions. In season 4 we see him become independent from ricks control, but he is still loyal and wants rick to be happy, the same loyalty snowball had to the one person who treated him right.
Snowball had an attachment to morty because morty was the only one to treat him well.
Morty has an attachment to rick because rick is the only one who gives him praise, albeit irregularly. He gets attention from rick. Morty is continuously in vulnerable or weaker positions to those around him, and i believe it is symbolism !! I think its even in subtle ways like when rick will pat morty on the head, call him ‘buddy’, rick even outright compares morty to a dog with his unwavering loyalty. Which — just like a dog — he was bred for.
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I think the acknowledgement of morty being similar to a dog in his loyalty, his obedience, but also in his parallels to snowball align well with the citadel plot of Mortys being bred for forgiveness. Only when the Mortys. Become aware of their treatment and how they could be better, they start to change into a more violent/feral/intelligent/confident form, depending on the Morty. Intelligence seen in evil morty and c-137, feral behavior in the mutated morty’s on the citadel who are aware of their position And the corruption around them.
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I think we are in track for morty to become more and more of an independent kid, following in the footsteps of snowball and developing his intelligence, confidence, ad strength until he will possibly leave or find independence from his codependency on rick, just like snowball was able to escape his codependency on humanity in general. (Interesting to think abt how Beth and Jerry have a codependent marriage and rick and morty have a codependent partnership… v interesting)
But yes . These are my thoughts on morty smith c-137 and the general theme of Mortys being a dog. For more info read my fic, like a dog. Jkjkjk B)
Pls pls tell me ur opinions on this !!
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jerrysmithfanatic · 6 months
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whovianbuffalo · 7 months
The musical callbacks in this show are so gooooood! The episode held back on playing For The Damaged Coda so it could hit us with the full impact of Mazzy Star at the end.... I did not see that coming at all
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twocorvids · 2 years
This might be a strange question, but kind of goes along with your post about Rick killing people. do you think Rick shows mercy?
oh god, im so sorry anon, this ask COMPLETELY slipped through the cracks for me.
BUT!!!! GOD, is that a fascinating question!
Because yes, to a certain extent, he does. Rick is capable of mercy, and even empathy to a lesser extent. he is capable of care, of going out of his way to care for people he doesn’t necessarily feel he should. (I AM talking about ppl outside of the Smith family, lol, even though they definitely fit that criteria too.) we see that in the episode “The Old Man and the Seat” with Tony and the lengths Ricks goes to bark at him, but never quite bite. the whole episode is Rick trying to look big, to seem intimidating and like a threat that he really should be, considering everything we’ve seen him do— but for whatever reason, it’s apparent that Tony is not the sort Rick can bring himself to treat cruelly.
and then it becomes clear that this isn’t a phenomenon in the weird Shakespearean play that is Ricks life! it’s something that has happened many times. in fact, it’s revealed that Rick has a whole chamber, or some otherwise “secret” room, full of people he traps in “Globaflyn” to keep them simultaneously in their ideal world and out of Rick’s life. which also demonstrates some severe control issues, but that’s for another time. I’ll stop legit explaining the whole episode, but I will also mention that that plot line ends with Rick trying to comfort Tony’s father a the funeral, and then ends with what is probably the most emotional scene of a character sitting on a toilet.
I bring all this up mostly to ask this: okay, Rick is capable of showing mercy, but what exactly triggers it? what specific aspect of a person needs to be present in order for Rick to show this quality?
and I think the answer is pretty simple: relatability. someone who he feels a personal kinship to. who mirrors him in some way.
and despite how distant of a person Rick is and tries to be, it makes a lot of sense. in an infinity of infinity, it makes sense that Rick would run into the occasional person who is a bit too much like him. someone who, if given the opportunity, could understand Rick a bit too well. considering that Rick has been just about everywhere, it’d be stranger for him not to. and Rick, predictably, is very uncomfortable with that notion. both in terms of bearing the concession of actually seeing another person and having that person see you. it disturbs Rick. it makes him want be kinder, to be merciful instead of defaulting to violence to get rid of most inconveniences, to lessen his grip on this multiverse-level rope in his fight for control— but he’s not ready for that type of change. or at the very very least, he wasn’t ready yet.
it’s so interesting because he is clearly self-aware of how deep his desire for connection is, so deep that it threatens to overtake his need for control— so he merely eliminates those numbers from the equation for himself, albeit in a way that is far more compassionate than Rick tends to go for. his controlling nature just barely takes priority over all else, so he ensures that it stays that way.
side note: where does Birdperson fit into this? well, i think this reveals a very interesting part of their relationship too. because I think Rick let BP(and even squanchy ig) get so close because, ironically, he thought BP couldn’t get close. because he and Birdperson are pretty damn different people, especially in Ricks mind. so Rick thinks they can’t understand each other because they can’t really relate to each other. Rick is loud, destructive, and allergic to all things emotional and vulnerable. Birdperson is quiet, just, and has a certain emotional intelligence to him that implies a deeper knowledge of how people work. and then their backgrounds are pretty different, too.
though it makes me wonder: is Rick aware of how much BP truly understands him? would knowing that change anything for Rick if he hadn’t known? or, is Rick fine with him having such a solid read on him simply because in this situation he isn’t forced to do any emotional labor of his own for BP? sure, he can care about/ love BP, but he doesn’t have to understand him because BP also doesn’t understand Rick! he can experience the more pleasant sides that come with emotions and love without compromising his sense of comfort and what he calculates as his safety. well, that was until he was (arguably) willing to at blood-ridge. but the thing Rick missed there at the battlefield is that BP already understood Rick as a person at that point. and he also understood the damage Rick would inadvertently do if Birdperson took him up on his offer. i do think that Rick has at least somewhat reverted back to that mindset of “we can’t understand each other because we can’t relate, so I’m safe!” current-day, however. personally, I honestly don’t think Rick really realizes how well Birdperson truly knows him, but ultimately; who really knows, huh?
I’m so sorry this is so long and possibly nonsense analdnekendodjj but thank you so much for the ask!!!!
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picturejasper20 · 2 years
Since Rick and Morty season 6 is going to premiere in a few days there is something i’m really looking foward to: Rick and Morty’s new possible status of their relationship/partnership.
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From those who have been watching Rick and Morty since season 1, it’s clear from the first episode that Rick and Morty’s relationship is a toxic one. After all, is one of the core elements of the series and what drives a good part of the humor. Rick usually pushes Morty to these all crazy adventures that end up in some disaster or a planet getting destroyed. Morty seems to be aware of this as well. In multiple episodes he mentions how Rick is an ¨asshole¨  (Ricksy Business) and there are times he has to fix his grandfather’s mistakes (Vindicators 3: The Return of Worldender). Morty often tries to go against what Rick says, at times because he doesn’t know better and other times because he is trying to take priority in what he wants to do.
Over time Morty has grown a bit more in independent from Rick. There has been some episodes he decided to ignore his grandfather shenanigans and made his own adventures. In ¨Edge of Tomorty: Rick Die Rickpeat¨ he ignored hologram Rick and tried using the death crystal to find a possible future with Jessica. This ended in horrible results but it’s one of the examples of Morty not just going along with what Rick says. In  "Mort Dinner Rick Andre" he clearly doesn’t want to deal with Rick’s archenemy since he has a chance to talk to Jessica. When Rick tries grabbing him to make him his witness for the peace treat he was signing with Nimbus, Morty pushed Rick away, stating that he didn’t have time to deal with his issues at the moment.
This characterization have become more frequent these last seasons (Season 4 and Season 5) which matches with the Smith family realizing how toxic Rick is in multiple occasions. They are more aware of Rick’s manipulation and selfishness, not letting him get away with actions that easily. This also includes Morty, who is the one that is always seen interacting with him. Rick doesn’t have same control he used to have over his family like he did in first two seasons. This is mainly due to Beth coming to terms with the fact that Rick is an abusive and negletful father figure  ("The ABC's of Beth"- "Star Mort Rickturn of the Jerri") which previously she didn’t question hard enough due to her own abandonment issues.
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In season 5 part two finale, "Forgetting Sarick Mortshall" and  "Rickmurai Jack" Rick seems to have realized how toxic his dynamic with Morty is and for some time he decides to go on a ¨space journey¨ with the two crows he befriended to see if he can learn more from them.
¨What we had was abusive. Don’t you see? I’m a bad partner because i never made you a true partner¨
This is interesting since Rick has a hard time acknowledging his own character flaws. He sees himself above everyone else, like a god who can play in the universe by his own rules. It appears that after ruining relationships he had with people he cares about and others who tried befriending him, Rick is finally reconsidering making some changes in his life, to which extent this is going to be isn’t clear but it’s possible that is going to be related to the way he interacts with the rest of the Smith family at least. "Rickmurai Jack" continues with this evolution of character in some ways: Rick decides to let Morty take some choices and later on in the episode he ¨opens up¨ to Morty about his past, something that he hasn’t done before in the series. (Opens up in the sense that he gives a device to Morty to let him see his past but then avoids talking about because of the emergency of the situation).
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Another important moment is when he is trying to escape from the explosion of the Citadel by pushing a level that requires a partner, two people, to pull it. In that scene he extends his hand to Morty to ask him for help and the work two together to make the system work, hinting at Rick seeing Morty more like his partner rather than someone he can manipulate around. In addition to that, most of the conflict in  "Rickmurai Jack" and ¨Evil Morty¨’s motivations come from him looking to break free from the destructive cycle that is the Citadel and his relationship with Rick. Like he puts it: ¨I’m evil because i’m sick of him (Rick)¨. Evil Morty is someone who got tired of that dynamic and wants to get rid of everything that represents it. In the end he manages to go to an universe where Rick isn’t the ¨top head¨, a universe where he believes he can finally be free.
So, having all this, what route i’m expecting the series to take in season 6? Well, for starters, one aspect that i think needs to be explored is Rick opening up to Morty, at least, about his past. Season 5 finale didn’t leave much time for the two of them to talk about this since they were in a rush. Knowing Rick, he is likely going to avoid talking about the issue pretending that it doesn’t matter in the first episodes from season 5. If he is going to stick to his development from the finale, one good step for him to build trust would be to explain better to Morty how he feels about the whole situation. It’s something that i think shouldn’t be brushed off because it was a huge deal for both the viewers and Morty.
Another thing i see coming is probably Rick respecting more when Morty doesn’t want to go with him on an adventure. There are some scenes from the trailer that Rick is seen hanging out with other characters or him alone which could be interesting to watch. One episode is going to be about Space Beth and in other scenes he seen with Jerry and Summer. It could be a good way for the series to take a break from the main duo dynamic and explore others. Again, i’m not sure how much they are going to make Rick change in this season. One of the best paths would be him keeping his cynical destructive nature while treating his family nicer. This way he can remain himself in some ways and changing in another aspects. Since the series format is still a mixed sci-fi episodic sitcom, the writers have to balance between developing things and trying to keep a status quo. Considering how huge last season finale was, this season needs to address some things. I’m not expecting it to be perfect writing, just at least continue exploring these elements that they established in the latest episodes.
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I feel like C-137 vs prime rick is the writers literally being like:
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the-awful-falafel · 6 months
I really hope Rick and Morty as a series will finally move on from portraying Rick's love for Morty / his family as this special, redemptive trait that Morty just needs to open his eyes to. Or portraying it as something Rick just needs to be emotionally honest about, finally admit in a grand gesture, and then everything will be healthy and resolved.
Two things can be equally true: Rick can sincerely care about Morty, deeply enough to be tender with him, showing gestures of affection, being protective of him, being truly proud of him... and can also constantly let Morty down, put him in mortal danger, make Morty feel responsible for his emotional health, treat him awfully and in manipulative controlling ways, and not be there for him when it matters most. His love is real, but is also a fickle thing that Morty cannot always rely on. That uneven dolling out of affection is exactly what entrenches the abuse and damages Morty further. Even now that Rick is slowly improving as a person, his simultaneous love and unreliability persists in milder ways, and the long pattern of abuse leaves deep scars on his grandson.
In my opinion, it makes perfect sense for Morty to see Rick's care for him as this unreliable, dangerous, and potentially non-existent thing, but also to paradoxically crave it nonetheless. Every time he lets his guard down and starts to trust Rick too much, he's been kicked in the nuts for it to varying extents-- even recently. I don't think he actually believes Rick cares nothing for him, but he's been trapped in this cycle of good and bad for so long that his self-worth is eroded and wholly defined by his grandpa's conditional affection, and he's scared of and dependent on it simultaneously. Even if Rick became truly healthy and openly caring from now on, that won't change how he's screwed up Morty with his behavior.
The series isn't going to make any meaningful progress if the writers keeps cycling around the superficial "does Rick care? does Morty know how deeply Rick cares?" question that they've asked since Season 1, instead of progressing to more meaningful, realistic questions about what Rick's love even means after all the past seasons of codependent abuse, and how much it should be worth to Morty in the end. (Ideally, much, much less than it's worth now.)
Yes, Rick cares. Yes, he loves his family deeply. But as with many forms of abuse, that's part of the problem.
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I genuinely genuinely GENUINELY believe that if Summer doesn't change at all, she'll take Rick's position. I know people think it will be Morty or just a vacant spot, but I don't believe that
We already saw Summer fucking lose her mind when Rick is gone, she broke before Morty did
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She also has way more similar thought patterns, which reminds me of The ABC's of Beth showing how Beth and Rick also have similar thought patterns when it comes to dealing with all this sci-fi shit
If Rick left, she'd be broken and probably try to mimic him. The Prime universe at least shows that Summer now provides for her family, and it's pretty sad to see Jerry recognize her importance after she dies. As for C-137, she'd probably take his technology and try to hunt him down
And...we already saw this is also a pattern. If Summer lost Rick, do you know what we'd end up seeing?
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An exact replica of this fucking sequence.
When I say she'd take the mantle of Rick, i don't mean she'll be using portal guns and having fun adventures. I mean she'll go down the exact same path when he leaves her life, not that it'll be handed down as a legacy.
Summer would become Rick in his absence at her absolute worst. And I believe this is the worst thing that could happen to her, too.
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miami-lolz · 4 months
I saw this awesome question sheet by @bisexualricks and wanted to throw my hat into the ring!
1. top 5 episodes and why!
The Vat of Acid Episode - It was both a solid character introspection for both Rick & Morty, and also had some really funny moments. Morty flipping Rick off after he had to kiss the vat of acid absolutely sent me
Rest and Ricklaxation - There’s was a lot of funny bits in the episode and is generally pretty good. Also Jessica saying Rick would call her drunk asking about Morty or something is hilarious to me
Ricktional Mortpoon's Rickmas Mortcation - It was a huge turning point for lore but also Rick saying “perfectly fucking vertical.” In an incredulous tone absolutely kills me. Also solid light saber fight
The Rickchurian Mortydate - this entire episode was great from beginning to end. “oh I’ve got pubes, commander-in-queef, y-you wanna count them?” And Ricks rant on the Oval Office was hilarious.
Rickmurai Jack - I absolutely love Evil Morty’s character and the last half of the episode was especially fantastic. The music, EM’s rant “That’s what makes me evil, being sick of him.” Also I absolutely believe EM’s offer to let Morty Prime come with was a genuine offer. The whole “it was a toilet” was just EM trying to save face like he wasn’t kinda hurt.
2. least favorite episode(s) and why!
Claw and Hoarder: Special Ricktim's Morty - The subtext on this episode was mortifying and was just kinda weird and all over the place.
Final DeSmithation - There was a good couple funny bits throughout but again, any funny moments is ruined because we can’t go one season without weird incest plots.
Rickdependence Spray - I feel like this is self explanatory. Jfc Justin what we’re you thinking?
3. Moments that make you insane
“I don’t know this guy, you’re a my grandpa, Rick!” OH MY GODDD
The fact that Morty cares for a family he knows isn’t even technically his.
Mortys voice and expression when he yelled “Your not even in the hole, are you?!” In Fear No Mort because the amount of desperation in his tone nearly killed me
Rick lying to Morty about the Purge candy so he doesn’t realize what he has done. Like Rick absolutely could have told Morty the truth but decided not to.
4. your favorite lines
“oh I’ve got pubes, commander-in-queef, y-you wanna count them?”
“A Vat of Fake Acid, are you dying from dementia??”
“We could be clones, we could holograms, we could be clones controlled by holograms controlled by special remote control headsets the real Rick and Morty are wearing while they’re fucking your mother!”
“Betrayal! Betrayal on all sides!”
“You have a death crystal in your pocket??”
“No, yes, maybe!”
“You little monster, I thought you were masterbating!”
“And you took that in stride??”
“You rather I address it??”
5. Rick head-canons
⁃ Stopped doing any heavy partying after around season 1, not wanted to expose Morty to that, though he’d never admit that out loud
⁃ Is Bilingual, specifically he speaks Spanish. I’m pretty sure he’s canonically Hispanic as well.
⁃ He’s pansexual. He also hasn’t been in a serious relationship in decades. He avoids them after Diane. He did want something serious with BP tho
⁃ When he’s wasted, like emotionally upset and absolutely shit faced he will lock himself in the garage and avoid going near the Smith family
⁃ Sometimes Morty does things that reminds Rick of Prime and it drives him crazy. He will go out of his way to chastise Morty to try to get him to stop the things he can control
⁃ Rick doesn’t heal his battle scars as it’s a way to separate himself from other Ricks in the finite curve
⁃ Rick purposely let the original Prime universe get mutated and made it worse as a last middle finger to Rick Prime. He later felt kinda bad about it, just because he knows what he did is some petty shit Prime would have done.
6. Morty head-canons
⁃ Morty Prime has a lot more physical similars to Rick Prime then he does to Jerry. Most Mortys have brown but Morty Prime has blue eyes, similar to his Rick. His hair more disheveled and a bit more spiked.
- Refuses to drink alcohol most of the time because he’s seen what it’s done to people. However he will do recreational drugs & smoke cigarettes. Often on the roof on his house.
⁃ Morty has a jagged scar around the end of his hand where he had to use the train to cut his hand off. As well as a bit missing from his left ear from a stray gun shot, his nose is crooked from getting broken a lot and he’s missing a tooth.
⁃ He carry’s a blaster in his waistband and one under his pillow just in case. He is in general kinda paranoid
⁃ If Morty has a serious nightmare and/or can’t fall asleep he will sneak into his moms or Ricks alcohol stash and drink until he passes out because it’s the only way to get him to fall back asleep.
⁃ Sometimes Morty will stare at himself in the mirror and try to see if he has any similarities to Rick Prime and will try to change anything he finds. If another Morty refers to him as “Prime” he will bust their head open. Or cry.
⁃ Morty is aware Rick sees him as Rick Prime grandson, and is convinced one day Rick will finish what he started and kill him to. He’d never admit that to Rick
7. Family Head-Canons
- Is a lot more observant then she gets credit for.
- One of the reasons she started going on adventures with Rick is because she wanted to look out for her brother.
- She nearly cried when Rick told her she reminds him of Diane.
⁃ I could see her as Bi, as she’s flirted with Ethan and the girl from S7.
- She was planning on moving out as soon as she was 18, but lately has been thinking other wise. Her relationship with her family is a lot better then before.
Beth/ Space Beth
⁃ Trash TV is her guilty pleasure, like she says she watches it ironically but no she doesn’t
⁃ Not that great at cooking to be honest, never really got taught how to and can’t be bothered anymore
- is honestly proud of Summer for not ending up like her when Beth was her age
⁃ is actually really solid at cooking, and would be a good house husband if he wasn’t kinda lazy.
⁃ Family is genuinely important to him and he honestly would sacrifice everything for them. Rick knows this and can respect Jerry for that
⁃ he’d never say it out loud but sometimes Morty scares him. He’s seemingly the only one to notice how aggressive he’s gotten lately and was mortified when Morty told him about the Tina-Teers thing.
8.Prime head-canons
⁃ He doesn’t regret what he did with Diane, but he did regret letting it get to that point
⁃ He honestly didn’t want to kill his own Morty, and was conflicted seeing him with C-137.
⁃ He was far from thrilled seeing what had become of his planet. He wasn’t necessarily attached to it or anyone in it, however he didn’t want it to end up as a wasteland.
- He’s been keeping tabs with Rick and Morty as was a little surprised with how Rick C-137 hasn’t killed Morty Prime or even really tried to.
- Wasn’t expecting Morty to take after him as much as he has.
9. Evil Morty head-canons
- Was actually bothered when Morty Prime didn’t accept his offer and just lied about it being a toilet seat to save face because he was kinda salty about it
- he’s definitely a clone, not sure what universe he’s based off of and doesn’t care anymore
- EM is lonely as hell and watch’s rom coms to pass the time. He’s not use to getting to live normally and isn’t sure what to do with all that free time
- he chose to use an eye patch because he knows Ricks are scared of pirates
- after the S1 finale, EM started keeping tabs on Rick C-137 and Morty Prime. It was also how he learned about the Prime universe
10. favorite rick and morty pair that ISNT c-137 and prime
Not technically a Rick & Morty pair but the Mortys from the citadel, Left-Handed Morty, Slick Morty, Glasses Morty, and Lizard Morty. The way Slick threw himself into the garbage shoot in a desperate attempt for other Mortys to be better off lives in my head rent free I wish they were still alive.
11. songs that you think relate to them
“This is love” by Air Traffic Controller. This song is such a good way to express Mortys codependency to Rick (not shipping btw you nastys)
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hazelnut-u-out · 3 months
Rick and Morty does an awesome job at highlighting generational trauma cycles. The fact that Beth adopted Rick’s parenting style and approach to marriage (and even IDOLIZED him/the abuse) without realizing that her biggest character flaws come directly from him is super interesting.
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I honestly think splitting her into two different versions of herself— one who chooses to be more like her mother and one more like her father; one who stays and one who leaves— was a good choice. As someone who relates a lot to sentiments like ‘my parent idolizes their parents/I’m angry with my parents for what their parents did to them/when I’m angry with my mother, but then I remember she’s just a girl’, the Beths are a powerful representation of not only what I see in myself, but also an experience of motherhood I have little insight into on my own.
With all of their parallels, I like to think Beth has moments where she— like her father— says to herself, ‘Holy shit… I’m a terrible mother.’
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I’ve never thought about it before, but Beth truly resents feeling ‘trapped’ in motherhood. She views it as something Jerry did to her instead of something she also partook in. I’m not saying that Jerry didn’t do that intentionally, but I am saying that Beth made choices there, too, and it’s unfair of her to hold contempt for her children (mainly Morty) because of that.
It makes me wonder what her relationship with Diane was like. Diane might have felt like Rick trapped her into motherhood and then took a backseat, too. Did Diane resent Beth for taking away what her life could’ve been? Did Diane blame Beth for her decision to be a mother?
On the other side of the coin, we have Morty. He’s like his dad in a lot of innocent ways, but that concept terrifies him because he’s seen the malice behind that harmless facade.
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Part of him hates his mom for never wanting him— for never caring for him or protecting him— but that’s a part of himself he buries. He knows, at the end of the day, his mom is just a girl who desperately wanted her dad to love her.
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‘I love Daddy!’
People talk about how much Morty is like Jerry all the time, but I’ve NEVER seen a post about how similar he is to Beth. (Please tag me if you have, so I can hype it up!) He spends all day everyday cripplingly aware of just how little his parents want him. He feels their rejection and neglect. He buries those feelings to protect them; or maybe because he’s so aware of their disdain for him that he believes they just might discard him if he’s too much work.
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…Sound familiar?
Sometimes I wonder how much of Morty’s efforts to protect Beth from Rick’s actions and people pleasing to make Beth and Rick’s relationship just a bit easier comes from a certain relatedness he feels to his mother’s experience of rejection/abandonment.
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‘Rick, I can handle it if you go, but you’ll break Mom’s heart, and I won’t forgive you for that.’
He loves who some may consider unlovable.
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But, holy shit, is that kid angry.
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Angry at people he can’t justify holding accountable because… Fuck, they’ve been through a lot, too, haven’t they? How could he possibly justify hating someone he could so easily become?
I can only hope we get some more of Rick’s relationship with his parents. I’m dying to know about it.
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starrbitez · 16 days
One more thing. In the fear hole episode, the lights flicker when morty or rick is experiencing their fear, right?
At the end of the episode, when Rick runs back to the hole after hearing Diane was in there, he turns to the cork board and looks for the photo of Morty in his wallet. the moment he turns away from the hole, the bathroom lights flicker. They flicker because Rick is experiencing his fear: letting go of Diane. Letting go of his past. But, the lights only flicker a bit, and he hangs the photo up, leaving. He chooses Morty over his past; over Diane.
In a weird way, Morty wasn’t the only one who overcame a fear. So did rick. He actively chose morty over Diane, conquering his fear of letting her go.
This episode drives me crazy can you tell I’ve watched it 34 times
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whovianbuffalo · 2 years
I've just rewatched Rickternal Friendshine Of The Spotless Mort and man, the facial journey that Memory Rick goes on when he sees Rick's rejection at Blood Ridge is truly a masterpiece. His expression gets more and more dejected, and he finally settles on the deepest frowny face I've ever seen animated on a Rick. Hoe's mad lmao.
I also love that Memory Rick's dialogue goes from "Best friendship ever!" to "I get it. It wasn't the battle that went wrong," and Rick's only response is "mm-hmm."
Also!! I never noticed before but Roiland pitches the memory Rick voice a little higher than current Rick's voice. It's subtle enough that I only just realized it, but it's a nice touch.
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actually i do think the end of s7 marks a pivot in the show. the entire setup of rick and morty boils down to morty being reliant on rick and rick taking that for granted. throughout the seasons, this has manifested as morty being incompetent on adventures, while rick verbally abuses him for that incompetence, and then through exposure morty became more able to stand on his own two feet, but he has still been injured and killed enough that leaving rick is out of the question - plus, he loves him, and he's fourteen, and he loves adventure just the same as rick.
meanwhile rick does leave, but every time he comes back he's more tightly woven into the family. this happens at the beginning of s3, at the end of s5, and at the end of s6 - and, every time, morty is there waiting for him. rick lets him in on more and more of his life, committing more and more to this morty, because he feels safe to do so. because this morty will never leave; it's not even something that crosses rick's mind. but he's still an asshole, even if he is getting better, and he still undermines morty's importance to him constantly, to his face.
and so we get to the s7 finale. and we find out that morty's biggest fear, more than humiliation or any of the horrors he's encountered, is how much he relies on rick, because no matter how much he resents rick he still can't let go of him. and that's the last note of the episode for morty, but the last note for rick is him walking away from a chance to see (a fabricated) diane again, implicitly because of morty. as of the end of s7, he is so comfortable with committing to this morty as his best friend and partner that it's his reason to keep going after killing rick prime. they've each reached the natural end point of the 'morty relies on rick and rick takes that for granted' setup. and i sort of dread to think what might happen next season if morty tries to be less dependent on rick, pulling away from him in the process, undermining rick's lifeline.
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picturejasper20 · 1 year
A Rick and Morty Critique
Rick and Morty is one of those series i always heard others talking about for years but some reason i never bothered with watching until recently. Around August from this year (2022) i decided to give the series another try. To my surprise i really started enjoying it.
It kept me interested in seeing what was going to happen each episode, which twist the premise was going to have and which direction was going to take. What it’s more, i really found myself liking the characters and their dynamics. I liked how the series would have some episodes exploring their psychology, sometimes them changing along the way.
However, i also started to notice i had a bit of frustration with the series while i was watching it. These issues weren’t big enough that they ruined the experience for me but they were things i kept noticing from time to time.
Here are the major issues i found in the series:
Lack of identity and direction
Rick and Morty is one of those cases i find myself questioning what the writers really want to do with it. There is a lack of consistency of what direction the show is trying to follow and what the arcs are going to be. I think this can be tracked back to the writing staff changing constanly each season and thus there isn’t a established writing team because it is always changing.
During the first two seasons and part of Season 3, it felt like the series mostly stayed focused in wacky space adventures mixed with slice of life sitcom moments. In some episodes it would get a bit more serious where it explored the psyche of the characters, such it is the case of  ¨Auto Erotic Assimilation¨ and ¨Pickle Rick¨. During that era the show had a clear identity most of the time.
Then in Season 4 and Season 5 is when the show started to get more experimental, something i usually support since it can lead to great concepts. The issue is that the narrative elements kept constanly changing in way that felt distracting. I mean, in one episode the characters are in a Lord of Rings world, in another is some sort of weird parody to media tropes and then there is another one about galatic wars against an alien snake species. It’s difficult to get an idea of what it wants to be if it keeps changing every episode. Not that doing different things is bad, my issue is this lack of consistency i mentioned.
Another thing related to this point it’s that there are times it feels like the writers don’t have a real plan, an end goal for characters and arcs. There are some instances of the show leading the audience to believe that there is going to be real consequences from some event only to backtrack on that promise. One of the biggest examples is  "Forgetting Sarick Mortshall"(Season 5 Ep 9). At the end of that episode Rick separates from Morty because he realizes that his relationship he has with his own grandson is toxic... this lasts less than an episode.
I can forgive a few things like this since ¨returning to the status quo but not completely¨ is common in TV animation. Rick and Morty is not exclusive to this problem. Still, i have watched other animated series sitcoms that they commit to changing in the status quo for multiple episodes or permanently. To give some examples: Craig of the Creek, Big City Greens, The Ghost and Molly Mcgee, Bojack Horseman, Inside Job.
...In spite of all this, Rick and Morty appears to be fixing this issue on Season 6. This Season had a mini arc about Rick not having his portal gun working, which is quite challenging considering the portal gun is one of the core elements from the show. The ending of Season 6 also teases the series becoming more serialized with Rick getting obesessed with killing Prime Rick. It’s certainly interesting for Rick’s character to have a clear goal.
I’m intrigued to see if they stick with this concept for one or two seasons. It would be the right direction for the show to take.
Secondary characters aren’t allowed to return or get developed more than their debut episode.
This is another rare issue i found in Rick and Morty. For some reason many secondary characters that are interesting and have potential to add more to the show they usually  either die or dissapear after the episode they get introduced. This is a weird writing choice because this is not what it tends to happen in other animated shows i watch.
I hold this opinion that if a show is a semi-episodic sitcom it does needs to have a good support cast. It makes the world of series feel richer and more alive than just having the characters interact with whatever they stumble themselves into. Note that i’m not saying that they should develop to every secondary character, that would be too complicated. My point is that they should be allowed to return for more than one episode.
There are a few examples of Rick and Morty doing this with some characters. One of them being Birdperson, who got a great episode in Season 5 actually developing his character. Before  "Rickternal Friendshine of the Spotless Mort" Birdperson was only know as someone who was a close friend to Rick, not much else. There is the president who got some development across the seasons. In season 6 Dr. Wong returned because Rick decided to go to therapy for a while. That episode, ¨Analyze Piss¨, is probably the best episode in Season 6.
So, yeah, it goes to show that Rick and Morty is able to explore its support characters for more than episode. It would be nice if the series continued to do this with other characters as well.
Lack of subtlety when it comes to references.
This is a problem i started to see more in the later seasons. Instead of having the characters going on an adventure that resembles a well known film ( See Lawnmower Dog for instance) and that you can fun without having watched said film, it feels like it has to remind you every two minutes or so that they are making a parody of a film. This can also be applied to other media that series makes reference to.
Some episodes in later seasons it has become less about the characters going on crazy adventures and more like ¨What if Rick and Morty were in a Lord of Rings world?¨ ¨What if suddenly Rick found Voltron robots for some reason?¨. It has become annoying and the episodes turn more about making references than trying to be entertaining.
Like, there are ways to make reference to things without having to constanly name them again and again. Other animated shows i watch do make reference to anime or older films, it’s that they are lot more subtle about it.
This aspect seems to have been toned down in Season 6 with "Rick: A Mort Well Lived" having Summer repeating that she was imitating the film ¨Die Hard¨ tons of times and then again that wasn’t the main plot of the episode. Then there was the Season finale with Morty literally getting a light saber from Star Wars.
I do hope the writers keep up with toning it down and focus in the episodes being fun rather than making references like the first three seasons used to do.
Excessive use of incest jokes
Okay, this one is a bit obvious. It doesn’t need much explanation and everyone agrees that it has to go. Like, the the first three points of this critique are something a person can agree with it or not, but, this point it is an aspect that bothers most of the fandom.
I’m not sure why these jokes keep being pushed in the show. If it’s because some executive demand it thinking it is funny. Or that the Rick and Morty crew thinks it is funny. Honestly, i don’t know.
Here is the thing: The series always has had incest jokes. The key difference was that they were things that lasted a few seconds, they weren’t the plot for an entire episode. In my case i can let it pass if it is a one line joke that doesn’t have any importance in the story since this is an adult animated show. I draw the line if it’s the plot an entire episode.
If it’s one thing that has to be fixed from the show it is this one, which it’s a very easy thing to do- just don’t do that type of plotline. Nobody in the fandom wants it, it isn’t funny, it’s gross and people are tired of it.
Well, these are the main issues i have with Rick and Morty. I’m sure i have a few more that i don’t find that big as these ones. A lot of this could be fixed if the series tries to be more serialized in future seasons. Maybe it could have two episodes of random adventures and one episode about the main story arc. As long as there is better continuity, it shouldn’t be a problem.
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