#scone strategies
mylyy · 25 days
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Dramione fanfiction, Scone Strategies, by mightbewriting
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feyhunter78 · 1 month
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Chapter Five - A tourney is held to celebrate Lord Stark's appointment to the small council, and your sworn sword is taking part.
Ch 6
The journey home from Winterfell was long, the journey there had been long, but now you were able to return to your chambers. To lay in your bed, to shed your fur lined cloaks and return to the light, airy fabrics you much preferred.
The Keep is a flurry of movement, arrangements for new small council members and meetings, noblemen switching out their sons and daughter within the Keep, new servants and merchants arriving.
You attend your lessons with Sansa now, she is slightly behind you, being younger, but she is a quick study. Myrcella enjoys having her in lessons as well, and the three of you quickly become close. The three of you spend time in the godswood, picnicking and gossiping, filling Sansa in on all the rumors that swirl around the Red Keep.
It is one such occasion that you first hear it. “I have heard tale that my Uncle Renley prefers the company of men.” Myrcella whispers as she passes a lemon cake to Sansa.
Sansa’s shocked expression makes you giggle. “Come now, Sansa, you must know there are men like that.”
“I have heard of such things but…” She trails off, taking a bite of her cake.
“It seems to be much more prevalent in Dorne, all manner of things are allowed there.” You take a sip of your tea, spotting Jon lingering on the edge of the godswood with Ghost, Theon lounging in the grass beside them.
“I pity whoever is to be married to him, how will she ever have children?” Myrcella laments, her golden tresses falling forward as she reaches for a blueberry scone.
“Why would that prevent her from having children?” Sansa asks, her eyes cast to the blanket you all sat upon.
“Because he will not…you know…” You lean forward, dropping your voice to a whisper. “Be able to get it up.”
The confusion is clear on her face, and you send a prayer to the Mother for forgiveness over the innocence you are about to ruin.
“A man’s…member must be erect in order for marital acts to be completed, he will not be able to spill his seed otherwise.” You continue feeling your face heat up. Your father had instructed a septa to give you a very frank talk about intercourse when you first bled, it was informative but jarring. Then you sought out some of the older maids to fill in the gaps of knowledge in a gentler way.
“So, if he is not attracted to his future wife, or women at all, it will not get erect?” Sansa asks, putting the pieces together in her mind.
“Which means no children.” Myrcella finishes Sansa’s thought for her.
Sansa wrinkles her nose, a gesture you are certain she picked up from you. “I cannot imagine.”
“Perhaps the marriage will be a strategic one?” You say, tearing some grass out and letting it blow away in the mind.
Lady raises her head and watches them go, then sets it back down in Sansa’s lap.
Sansa runs her fingers through Lady’s fur, mulling over your words. “I do not think I could marry for strategy; I want to marry for love.”
Myrcella rakes her teeth across her bottom lip. “I do not think I will have a choice.”
You rub your cousin’s back soothingly. “You do not know that.”
Sansa perks up. “Let us play a game, we shall describe our perfect husband and then see if it matches to any lords in the court.”
You smile, her childish innocence perfectly distracts Myrcella.
“I shall go first, then?” Myrcella says, thinking for a moment before beginning. “I would like someone my age or a little older, but not by much. Tall with dark hair and dark eyes, the exact opposite of my brothers. Intelligent, a good swordsman, gentle, and a good dancer. And if he had sisters or female cousins for me to befriend, I would like that as well. Oh, and am I terrible if I say I would wish him to be tan? I do so love the look of bronzed skin; it looks so warm.”
You nod at Sansa, who begins. “Someone my age as well, with light hair and emerald eyes, a golden prince who enjoys festivities and is noble like a great knight.”
You and Mycella share a look.
“Sansa it is supposed to be your perfect husband, not your potential betrothed.” You remind her, thanking the gods that Sansa and Joffrey’s betrothal had been delayed thanks to all the excitement when you left Winterfell. It seemed Lord Stark could not think of betrothing his daughter while Bran lay in a coma, so the matter had not been brought up in many weeks.
“Come now, Sansa, we will not tell Joffrey, speak from the heart.” Myrcella encourages, poking Sansa’s arm playfully.
“Joffrey is my perfect husband, but if I must give a different answer…” She trails off, and you can see her eyes flickering to Theon unconsciously. “Perhaps a little older, tall, and strong, but not too broad like The Hound, with light eyes and hair that looks as if it has been tousled by the sea, someone who can make me laugh, and is loyal to those he cares for.”
“That sounds like a very good man.” You say, drawing Sansa’s attention away from Theon.
“Yes, well, Joffrey is many of those things. Now y/n, it is your turn.”
“I agree with you both, no old men, someone strong, a good swordsman, but I must side with Mycrella on looks, I would like a dark-haired man as well, with dark eyes and a gentle soul. Perhaps someone loyal and well-read? And I would like to be friends with my husband, as well as be his wife.”
“It would be nice to be friends with your husband, so many women are simply wives or mothers or broodmares.” Myrcella says, tearing her scone into tiny pieces. “I pity whoever Joffrey marries.”
“Prince Joffrey is a good man; I am sure he will be a wonderful companion to his wife.” Sansa sniffs.
You purse your lips. Your father said you are not to interfere, to let Sansa realize Joffrey’s true nature on her own, but it is difficult.
“House Beesbury has many men like you described, Sansa, perhaps we should look for them during the next feast.” Myrcella says, brushing her hands off on her skirts.
“House Beesbury is a good house, or House Royce, both I believe will be sending knights for the Tourney of the Hand.” You add.
Now it is your turn to clutch Sansa’s hand as Jon faces off against Thoros of Myr. You knew the Red Priest would not hurt him, it was Jon’s first tourney, but you still feared for him. Anything could happen, he could be blinded by the sun, the Red Priest could be seized with divine madness, or the others that Jon had already defeated to reach Thoros could try to interfere and sabotage him.
Jon’s stance is steady, his sword—which glints in the sunlight, a gift from you, for his nameday—at the ready. Strong and sturdy made of the finest steel outside of Valyrian, the pommel set with an emerald, a direwolf carved into the crossguard.
“May the Lord of Light have mercy on you, my son.” Thoros says as he and Jon circle each other.
Jon says nothing, only nods and watches the older man.
Thoros’ sword is aflame with wildfire, the flames dance as he swings it gracefully, waiting for Jon to strike.
“Will the fire burn him?” Sansa asks, watching the two men through her fingers.
“Never seen Jon get burned before.” Theon shrugs.
Sansa hisses a reply at him, her head whipping forward when you gasp.
Jon strikes, fast as a whip, their swords meeting, the sound of iron on iron echoing in the ring. He has been training with Lord Aron Santagar, your uncle’s master-at-arms, or your Uncle Jaime whenever he has free time. Which is often as you do not have much to do most days, besides lessons and subtly attempting to convince Sansa to realize her feelings for Theon.
Thoros lunges, nearly catching Jon by surprise, but Jon side steps, kicking up dust as he moves.
Your heart is in your throat, and you stand, your hand still in Sansa’s when the duelers meet face to face once more. It is a show of strength, and you send a quick prayer to the Warrior, your eyes never leaving Jon’s form. Thoros is gaining, pushing at Jon, his feet sliding in the dirt, his arms trembling.
“Knock him flat, Jon!” Sansa’s voice surprises even you, as she jumps to her feet, Theon’s laughter ringing behind you both.
You are not even sure if Jon can hear her, but he seems emboldened, and he shoves the older man forward with a grunt. Thoros stumbles back, an ecstatic grin on his face.
“There it is, boy, show me your fire.” Thoros cheers, clearly enjoying the match far more than anyone watching.
Jon moves quicker than you can blink, throwing his weight behind his sword and knocking the man flat, just as he had Joffrey all those moons ago. He holds Thoros at sword point, and the crowd erupts.
Robert calls out Jon’s victory cheerfully, and you see Lord Stark smiling as Robert claps him on the back.
Sansa sinks into her chair with a sigh of relief, but you cannot do the same, you rush forward, pressing yourself against the edge of the dais. Jon is your sworn sword, and your heart will not return to its place in your chest until you have seen he is whole.
“Lady Y/N.” Jon calls, his helmet in one hand, his curls wild, a grin born of victory on his handsome face as he approaches the dais, a crown of roses hanging from his sword.
“Ser Jon.” You smile, graciously accepting the crown from the tip of his sword. It is half a hand longer than a normal sword, something you found an odd request of his, but it serves him well.
Sansa helps you arrange the crown on your head, looking at it wistfully. “It is beautiful, and it suits you.”
“Perhaps for the next tourney I will forbid Jon from fighting and Theon can crown you.” You suggest smiling devilishly at the Greyjoy.
Theon makes a sound of protest, Sansa’s own interrupted by Jon’s appearance on the dais. He has not even cleaned himself off, and he sets his helmet down on the railing, barely having enough time to speak before your uncle calls him over.
“Ser Snow, come, let us toast to your victory.” He says, raising a full cup high, Thoros is with them, his own cup full, his smile bright and genuine as he waves Jon over.
Jon looks at you, and you shoo him towards the throne. He has grown taller and stronger, though he is less broad than some other knights, there is raw strength in his every move. He is quick too, evident by the very fact there is barely a scratch on him. He fought six men and all he has to show for it will be a small scar on his cheek and sore muscles in the morning.
Theon’s voice draws your attention away from Jon. “Sansa—”
“Lady Sansa.” She cuts him off.
He leans over and plucks the crown from your head, giving you a quick wink. “Lady Sansa. If you wished to be crowned my queen of love and beauty, you need only ask.” Theon says smoothly placing the crown on her head then giving her an elaborate bow.
Sansa freezes, her eyes darting to where Joffrey sits, his attention completely consumed by the archery competition. “Theon…”
“Though I dare say you are far more beautiful without that frilly crown.” He says, twirling a strand of her hair around his finger.
“I happen to like that frilly crown.” You interject, trying to hold back your laughter.
Theon can be quite humorous, his bawdy jokes and shameless manner often sending color rushing to Sansa’s cheeks.
“You have to win me this crown, Theon, that is how it works.” Sansa says, ripping the crown from her head and shoving it at Theon.
“And where is your queen, she must come celebrate with us.” Your uncle’s voice booms, carrying over to you, as you take your crown back from Theon.
He helps you adjust it as Sansa did and gives you a secret smile. “Promise you will keep Jon from fighting next time?”
You smile back. “I promise.”
“Y/N, come over here, the people wish to see you congratulate your champion.”
You pick up your skirts and hurry over to your uncle, who is already deep in his cups. Your aunt is watching him with an air of disgust veiled by wifely concern. “My King, do not embarrass the poor girl.”
Robert waves her off. “It is only proper; it was the reward I would receive from you when I would crown you my queen of love and beauty.”
You glance at your father, who is still seated. He inclines his head towards you. It is your decision, whatever your uncle is asking of you.
Jon shifts his weight, his skin sweat soaked and dusted with dirt, a mug of ale in his hand.
“Embarrass me?” You search your mind for whatever your aunt could be referring to, there were not many times your uncle would compete in tourneys, especially as he aged, the only reward you can remember him receiving…
Thoros slings an arm over Jon’s shoulder. “A kiss, you must bestow your champion a kiss.”
Your eyes widen and you glance around. Everyone is watching, even the crowd seems intent to see what the King will encourage next. They are chanting, you did not realize they were chanting for Jon, too wrapped up in your own thoughts.
“I—I am unwed, would it not be improper?” You ask, looking to your aunt for help.
“Robert, please she is only a child—”
“On the cheek then, there is no shame then, your father is here, I am here, there shall be no besmirching of your virtue.” Your uncle says, clapping his hands together with a tone of finality.
Series Masterlist here!
Jon Snow TL: @mostclevermiss, @solacestyles, @2valentines, @sharknutz
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Nevermore headcanons-
• Morella is fluent in Irish and Pluto speaks just enough, Gaelic that they can hold a conversation, just barely.
• Lenore and her entire family are fluent in Dutch, with the exception of Lucille, who can understand it most times, but cannot speak or write it. Lenore and Theo would talk shit about people at parties in Dutch.
“Mijn heer, wat is dat voor verspilling van fijne kleding die meneer Asher als jas draagt?”
“Echt, heeft hij dat geblinddoekt uitgekozen?”
• Lenore of course also curses in dutch.
“AH! Neuken!”
“Wat doet deze klootzak nu?”
“Ik ben deze shit beu.”
• Annabel smokes cigars, but of course has to hide it as women smoking in 1800s and early 1900s was scandalous. You guys seen Brooklyn Nine-Nine? Ya know the scenes with Amy trying to hide her shame cigarettes? Yeah that was what she had going on the entire time she was alive. Lenore is very homo about it. (Thank @likeastars for this one lads)
• Lenore has the alcohol tolerance of like a rhino or something, she’s probably got a bit of nordic ancestry in there somewhere, what do you expect? Same with Berenice and Duke. Annabel however, she’s not exactly a lightweight, she’s English, has pretty decent alcohol tolerance, however, compared to these guys? She’s out. Ada and Will on the other hand? Are absolutely lightweight. First place is a tie between Pluto and Morella for strongest alcohol tolerance. Pluto doesn’t even drink often he’s just from the north.
• Lenore doesn’t get drunk very often on account of her mother’s possible drinking problem and it sometimes reminding her of the effects of ether, every now and again, maybe? But she avoids it most of the time. She’s the designated sober person at most of the misfits parties.
• Theo does not enjoy smoking, he does not like the taste, the feel, or the smell of it. But since it was a thing in the 1800s for gentlemen to smoke and drink together, he has to just awkwardly put up with it, since denying to smoke with someone could be interpreted as not considering them good company, and not wanting to spend time with them. Or not enjoying smoking, could be considered “unmanly”Lenore is trying not to laugh at him as he’s like, resisting the urge to throw up his lungs. 
• Since Annabel apparently DOES NOT ACTUALLY LIKE EARL GREY TEA OR SCONES - (I know I was shocked too). I have decided to her give a sweet tooth and say she prefers sweeter drinks and pastries. Hot chocolate and chocolate croissants or churros kinda gal.
(But those didn’t exist at time- *gunshot* HUSH)
•Modern au! Lenore tries a sip of Annabel’s drink order and gets blasted back Halloween as a kid with the amount of sugar, cream, cinnamon, and chocolate in the thing 
Lenore: Holy- Annabel this is enough sweetness to put someone in a coma! I mean it’s great, but still-
Annabel: It could be worse I could be insane like Prospero and just get a shot of plain, bitter espresso.
Lenore: heh, Fair enough!
Prospero: It’s not my fault you have the taste palette of an 11-year-old, Annabel!
Pluto: I fuckin’ wish you did too! No, seriously I don’t know what he drinks, at this point I’m not even sure it’s espresso! Because I’ve tasted plain espresso, right. It’s just really bitter- I can handle that fine. But i literally will not kiss him after he’s had his morning coffee, because I can still taste it and it. is. shite.
Annabel: HA! 
Prospero: ..Why would you do that?
Pluto: You need to be checked sometimes, love.
• Pluto is a pretty good game for Annabel. She still always wins, of course but Pluto is one of the few people that can manage to make her sometimes switch up her strategies or improvise new ones on the spot.
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heyjude19-writing · 3 months
I'm the anon that asked this Q: https://www.tumblr.com/heyjude19-writing/738695824048095232/i-really-enjoyed-that-u-made-a-drarry-starter?source=share And am never more grateful that you made this. Thank you.
Is there a way we can look forward to taking u up on the tag, "dozens" of other fic recs to extend the reading guide even more? I love the way you choose fics. They speak to my soul! Thank you.
hello anon!
Ask and you shall receive:
The Healer's Guide to Transfiguration The Gala Variations on Intimacy Sweeter the Second Time Around Amateur Cartography On the Perils of Free Advice Little Bites Operation Get Draco Laid Legacy of Fred Weasley I’m Never Lonely When I’m With You Bond Tango Hot for Teacher A Darker Blue Love in Other Places Scone Strategies Signed and Sealed Courting Customs Most Sacred Thirteenth Night The Art of Seating Etiquette Universal Truths I Am Jack’s Broken Heart Merry Dépaysement 
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shadowscrybe · 3 months
Rayven's Revenge- Chapter 8
Summary: Rayven is the younger sister of Rhysand in the Night Court. She was banished 64 years ago for the murder of her sister. This is the story of Rayven earning her place in Prythian and finding out what it means to be family. We all know how her story ends...but how did she get there? I don't want to forget the demon princess with bat wings. Do you?
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: none-typical canon content
A/N: Azriel is so *heart eyes* HE IS MY BAT BOY. Plot is cooking guys. How we feeling?
She had asked them to wake her at dawn in case she fell asleep too late and slept in, but it turned out to be an unnecessary request seeing as she was pacing her room in the Town House before the sun had a chance to wake. She should have tried to get at least a single hour of rest, but every time her eyes closed the beating in her chest rose so loud she was sure all of Velaris could hear. 
Right on cue, the short staccato knocks of the shadowsinger propelled the day in motion. Today, she either proved a formidable member of this court or slipped to the depths of failure.
Rayven made her way around all the discarded clothes and sparring bags around the room and pulled the door open to meet shadows. 
“Back off,” She barked at them. 
“They're only making an assessment, princess.” Azriel dressed in sparring leathers. 
Rahne mingled with one of his shadows, sending messages of content. 
She stepped around him into the hall to make her way down to breakfast before their meeting with the Highlord. “Call me that again,” she dared him. 
Azriel did not laugh today. His eyebrows flicked up as he scanned the disheveled room behind her. “Making your own obstacle course?”
Rayven did not laugh either. 
He handed her a cup of hot breakfast tea as they walked down the hall. “Good morning,” he nudged her with his shoulder. 
She sipped on the creamy drink and mumbled a mornin’ back at him. 
“You're up early,” he noted. 
“We've got places to go, I wanted to be ready.”
“Rhys requests you join us at breakfast.” 
His lips formed a tight line. “He wants to talk to you before you go.” 
“He’s not going?” 
Azriel changed the subject as he led her down the stairs to the dining room. 
“Did you sleep well?” His shadows had probably told him after their “assessment.”
She cut him a sideways look. “I slept just fine.” She recalled Rahne back and quickened her pace to reach the dining room ahead of him, but he caught her arm before the archway. 
Azriel was calculated in his look-over of her attire, taking in the belts she had strapped to her thighs and torso. He was quick to reach down and adjust a belt and tighten another. Before she could chide him for the touch, he had removed himself. 
“Now they won't fall off,” he smiled without condescension. 
She couldn't hide her smile in return. “Thanks.”
At breakfast, Cassian was already working on his thirds by the looks of the conquered meal around him. 
“You look like shit,” Cassian said with a mouth full of lemon scone. 
Rayven wiped at her lip. “Got something right here.” 
Cassian swiped at his face and scowled when he found nothing. 
“Good,” Rhys said. “Get it out of your system before you head to the House.” He extends a hand to the setting placed across from him. 
She put on a face of nonchalance as she lounged in the seat next to the shadowsinger. She stabbed a fork into a defenseless chunk of fruit and popped it into her mouth before asking the question nagging at her. 
“We need to leave soon to make it in time.” She pretended to be interested in the first pastry she saw and began to pick at it. “Or are you not up for the flight, Rhys?”  
Azriel, Cassian, and Rhys shared a moment so quickly Rayven almost didn't catch it as it flicked across their faces.
“We need to discuss strategy,” Rhys said. 
“What do you mean?” She asked around a bite of cranberry muffin. “I can handle a meeting with the Highlord.” If she could survive in the mountains she could take a verbal assault from the Highlord. 
Cassian avoided her eye. 
“I don't doubt your capability.” Rhys picked at his sleeves like he was already annoyed with her. “What are you going to say to him?”
“My plan was to tell him what I was trying to do. If I explain he might not be as angry. If I can play it right he might hear me out.” She looked at each of the boys, they reeked of nervousness. 
“He isn't meeting with you to understand your intentions. He doesn't care. He is furious you were able to pull this without his knowledge.”
Azriel’s shoulders pulled tighter, but Rhys went on. 
“I think he’s going to give you a task to perform in Spring.” Rhys waited for her to piece it together. 
“Yeah, border control,” she said. 
Cassian rubbed his forehead and threw his forgotten scone onto his plate. Azriel sat emotionless. 
“Why didn't he explode last night?” Rhys asked. 
“Because we were in mixed company. He couldn't reveal to them he’d been deceived.” 
He nodded shallowly, but apparently she hadn't answered correctly. “Why praise you though? Why own it as his idea? He was going to agree to the rotations anyway. What changed?”
“I told them I’ll be in rotation with my own command.”
“He could've easily come up with a reason the other lords would believe to excuse that change of plan. Why didn't he?”
She chewed on his question for a moment. “He wants me there.”
Rhys’ eyes lit with stars. “Suddenly it's exactly as he wants.”
“Why?” she asked. 
“Exactly. What are his motives for letting a female have a shift.” He nodded again. “That’s what we need to find out.”
The Highlord always had a motive under a motive. She may have fooled him this time, but he invented the art of the pivot. She was now playing by his rules. 
“So I don't explain myself and play him for information.” Simple enough, right? 
“You have to be careful,” Azriel spoke up. Rhys shot him a look like he wasn't supposed to say anything. “If you poke around he will sniff you out in a second.”
“Maybe we should send the spymaster.” The agitation in her tone was obvious. 
Rayven didn't need to be the better daemati to know what was in her brother's head. She learned all his tricks years ago, there's nothing he can hide from her on his face.
Her short fuse was going to get in her way. She wasn't going to beat the Highlord on the battlefield of stubbornness. He was expecting that. It's probably what he wanted. To piss her off and have a reason to punish her. 
Rhys saw the thoughts as they passed over her face. 
“I know what I have to do.”
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jamiesfootball · 10 months
"Look, obviously we were a little light on strategy for the first half of the season. But this-," Beard waved a hand over the piles and piles of diagrams, "-not helping. Don't you have anything from later in the season - you know, after Zava. When we were winning games?" Nate perked up. "I do actually." Another diagram. Also bleeding red. "Oh my word," Higgins slumped low in his seat, a half-eaten scone long-forgotten in his hand. "Did we really play that poorly?" Nate seemed taken aback. "Oh goodness, no! No, the red spots are just areas for improvement." "For fuck's sake." Roy buried his face in his hands.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On April 17th 1341 William Douglas helped retake Edinburgh Castle from the English.
Edward Balliol, with English backing had invaded Scotland it resulted in Balliol being crowned King of Scotland at Scone in September 1332. By the end of the year, however, he had been beaten back by Scottish nobles loyal to David II led by Sir Andrew Murray and retreated to England. In 1333 Edward III, having formally renounced the Treaty of Edinburgh and Northampton, launched a major invasion of Scotland in support of Edward, he took much of the lowlands, including Edinburgh Castle in 1334, this heralded The Second Wars of Scottish Independence.
In 1341,William Douglas, a man of burgeoning experience and ability was called upon to recapture the the heavily defended castle.
A repeat of Thomas Randolph, 1st Earl of Moray's daring recapture in 1314 where they scaled the Castle-rock was impossible as a result of Edward's new fortifications. Douglas had to come up a new strategy, and decided on adopting a very old one, that of the Trojan Horse.
The garrison of the castle was in constant need of supplies and fodder for their beasts and horses, and used various local merchants for that purpose. Douglas and his lieutenants dressed as merchants, and acquired some hay wains, in which they concealed their warriors. On gaining entry to the castle the final wagon stopped to bar the gates from closing. Douglas' men poured from the wagons and through the open gates came the citizenry of Edinburgh to slaughter the English defenders, throwing many off the Castle-rock.
The war with England would continue until 1357 and the signing of The Treaty of Berwick, the pic shows a late-16th-century depiction of the castle, from Braun & Hogenberg's Civitates orbis terrarum, showing David's Tower, which was built afterwards, at the centre.
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wwriothesley · 9 months
      When he doesn't utilize his strategy of luring the enemies in, politically or physically, he's actually a pretty reasonable person.
      He wouldn't go out of his way to be amiable, expecially if the situation doesn't require it. That being said, he does try to put everyone at ease before a gathering starts, and even during it he will not be afraid to rebuke someone who has been trying to monopolize the discussion in their favor, or to encourage someone to speak up if they're nervous.
      All these precautions are taken to make sure that the meeting goes smoothly, with the results wanted, and with the least dragging possible.
      The parties involved in council sessions with Wriothesley will excitedly talk about how the Duke offers them small refreshments, and how nice it is of him to make sure that his guests are comfortable and at ease before they can start. Doing so, despite how few and rare said council sessions are, sets an important and useful precedent. People who only know him as the sinister, intimidating figure that administers Meropide will have their jaws hanging open.
       Wriothesley will make sure that a proper tea time is had and served along with classic scones, biscuits, and small sandwiches brought to his guests. On the outside, it looks like perfect hospitality, and he doesn't contradict anyone who puts it in these terms.
      Though, nice is not the term he'd use, himself.
For Wriothesley, tea time during a meeting serves to specific purposes:
as a pacifying method; if a partecipant is expressing frustration, he encourages them to take something to eat, or some sips of tea to calm down and to adopt a better approach before speaking. In most cases, it works, and doing so allows the person to properly think of a less aggressive way to verbalize what they want to say as they let the nice flavor of the tea calm them down, keeping their mouths occupied for a while- with a settled stomach, mood is also almost guaranteed to improve. However, if they persist in acting without thinking, Wriothesley will have them escorted out of the room without a second chance to calm down. With their cup and all.
as a distraction; it's not unusual for one or more members to comment on how nice the brew served to them is, or how delicious the scones or biscuits are. For a nervous person, small talk can help them relax as they chat for a small while with Wriothesley as he gives them info about the tea, before steadying the session in the right direction again. By the time he does so, the partecipants will have thought better about what to say, and/or have been put at ease to express themselves better, and the entire thing will go considerably smoother.
      It's not necessary that Wriothesley wants to be considered hospitable, and known as such. Tea time during a meeting serves precise purposes and is more or less a way to steer everything in the right direction with as less time wasted as possible...
      It's just that he has long learned that people will think that they want to think, and he doesn't waste words to contradict this in a way that could be counterproductive.
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mightbewriting · 2 years
Will you ever write another dramione fic? I love the wait and hope series so much and you are an incredibly talented!
hi anon!
tbh, i'm a touch confused by the wording here; i can't tell if this is means to suggest any dramione fics besides wait and hope or if the wait and hope comment is just an adjacent compliment (thank you!!). if you mean in addition to wait and hope, hooo boi do i have good news for you!
over half my ao3 profile is filled with various dramione fics, so there's a lot to choose from, including but not limited to:
another novel length dramione called a season for setting fires (very dark soulmate/voldemort wins au, proceed with caution)
four different short multichap stories ranging from horny himbo and spite smut (season pass [to this ass]), to morally ambiguous vampires (guidelines for the treatment of non-wizard, part-humans), to polyglot draco and international travel (love in other places), and finally to intellectual idiots fighting over a lecture space (bone mortar).
a couple holiday stories as well, like minister of magic hermione and her silver fox of a dept of mystieries head being Very Mature about a gingerbread house decorating competition (sugar flurries, candy storms), dramione accidentally fake dating and ending up being really into it (lie with me), and a ghost pov observing 8th year dramione warming up to each other on new year's eve (transparency).
also one of my favorite smut pieces (and pieces of writing in general!) in well said, hermione, blatant pandering to the scone agenda in scone strategies, and crack treated seriously and with soft romance in hippogriff homewrecking.
happy reading anon!
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xoxoemynn · 2 years
The Lion, the Witch and the Auxiliary Wardrobe - 5/7
Edward “Blackbeard” Teach’s foolproof strategy to get over devastating heartbreak: 1) bring a witch aboard the ship 2) get trapped in an auxiliary wardrobe with the man who broke your heart 3) well, you’ll have to read to find out. Eventually there will be sexy times. Right now Ed has to have some important conversations. Thank you to @robotsnchicks for the beta!
In recent months, Ed had discovered he had quite a taste for the sweeter things in life.
Tea with a dollop of milk and seven sugars.
Marmalade, scone optional.
Stede's delightfully soft lips.
And that last one was actually doubly sweet, as Stede's gentle words of adoration were just as sweet as the kisses he'd press against Ed's skin.
Leaning out over the bow of the ship, Ed closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. He'd always always loved the salty smell of the sea, but it was even richer now with the promise of complementary sweetness.
"There you are."
Continue reading this chapter on AO3, or start from the beginning here.
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I read about a really interesting fact in a book I have, about NZ women changing history called " Stroppy Sheilas and gutsy girls - new zealand women of dash and daring" by Sandra Coney published in 1998 by Tandem Press.
Here it is written out in full by me. You're most welcome ❤️
When the American nuclear warship Texas sailed into Wellington Harbour in 1983, the women of the city campaigned for a moratorium on sexual comforts for the sailors. 'Cross your legs for peace' was the slogan, and the protestors slapped up posters all over the city and handed out leaflets on the streets and in pubs.
The leaflet had several suggested retaliatory actions to let the sailors know their presence was unwelcome. The strategies took their cue from a plan of the American embassy for a Dial-A-Sailor scheme so that locals could entertain the visitors.
The pamphlet warned:
These sailors have been floating around in their five-star radioactive hotel, bored out of their brains and they don't need home cooking . . . Don't accept their beads and blankets. If you want to be a call girl, don't do it for free. A meal and a free drinks is not enough. Cash or charge. Change the earth - that's what their visit may cost us.
Dial-A-Semen and Dump-A-Sailor: Take him over the hills and far away and dump him. (Dangerous alone. Take a friend or arrange a back-up -- another car full of women waiting at the spot?)
Dial-A-Dick and Stand-It-Up: Arrange a date and don't keep it. It's not dangerous. Don't give him your name or number. Tell him to call for you at your favourite cabinet minister's house.
The cabinet ministers' addresses were conveniently listed.
The Hecate Women's Health Collective also got in on the act by pasting up posters in public loos outlining the nasty diseases that could be collected from sailors. Herpes, chlamydia and pregnancy were some of the risks of messing with the marines. Women were told to watch out for sores and discharges. Finally, they were warned that US Sailors do rape and run: 'Sisters, they're not just here for the scones.'
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askthejourneysgang · 2 years
I have a feeling you guys would like a game called Pixelmon. Though fair warning some runts and pygmies can be ridden on…
Goh: Oh yeah, I've heard of that game. Ash loves it... I don't, uh... personally see the appeal of it
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That, and it's making him watch some weird videos?
Ash: But my scone! It's amazing! 😭 And besides, would you rather I play Pokémon Quest?
Chloe: I'm out of the loop. What's Pokémon Quest?
Ash: (shows picture on his Rotom phone)
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Chloe: GYAH! What did they do to Eevee? And Pikachu looks... cursed :(
Goh: Okay, fine, I concede the point... but still, wouldn't you rather play and fight with your pokémon in the real world?
Ash: Real or virtual, a pokémon is a pokémon! It's my duty to spend time with them 🧐 And it helps me come up with battle strategies sometimes!
Goh: I don't know, I still prefer playing Spinarak-Man, myself
Ash: Well, to each their own, right? Now if you'll excuse me, I have a few quests I've been meaning to do in the server I'm in 🥰
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aliceward · 1 year
Mean to Dream About Bakehouse
Dream about Bakery: Meaning and Symbolism
A bakery is a location where baking takes place; in a bakery, you will find bread, biscuits, scones, cakes, and bread being sold and manufactured items such as bread.
Various delicacies are manufactured from baking flour; the flour is turned into something more valuable than the flour used to make them. Because of this interpretation, it becomes easier to evaluate a dream in this context since a bakery is considered a sign of extreme change; metamorphosis.
Mean to Dream About Bakehouse
Remember your friends and family after you have settled your issues; sort them out by teaching them how to improve their lives and assist one another in attaining the intended changes in your life.
General Meaning of dreams of Bakery
A dream in which you see yourself walking into a bakery indicates that a significant change will occur in your life. It will completely transform your life into a different product from what people are accustomed to seeing. It will alter your social standing, and with it, you will meet new friends who will bring with them new positive energy that will help improve your life and make it more enjoyable. 
When this eventually occurs, share your accomplishments with your old friends and family since they may have played a role in your social advancement. Help others so that they may benefit from the change you have brought about in their lives. 
Not attempt to infringe on other people’s rights while changing, since doing so will draw bad energies, which will result in a negative transformation. For example, if you have a dream about a friend or family walking into a bakery, it indicates that someone close to you is about to undergo a change and will be able to regain their equilibrium.
The symbolism of Dreams of Bakery
You must seek their advice so that you may evolve with them; it is only through them that you will be able to see a good improvement in your living situation. Questions to ask them include: how they got this far, what they did that you are not doing, and what they are doing that you should not be doing.
As soon as you have gathered all of the knowledge, put it to use and put out your best effort to convert your life properly since that is what everyone is striving for; to make their lives better than they are at present. Be humble, and you will be able to bring about significant change in your life.
If you see a strange person entering a bakery in your dream, you are stuck in your current situation and cannot progress or make significant changes. Those in your immediate vicinity have likewise become immobile, making it hard for them to assist you.
Therefore, you will need expert assistance and direction to transition from your present situation to your desired future. That is the only route out of the predicament you are now in.
What do different scenarios of dreams of Bakery mean?
Dream of a Bakery
In general, dreams involving a bakery herald the arrival of nice things, precisely what you dream of when you visit a bakery. If you see a bakery in a dream, it indicates that you will be successful and gain from your efforts. You are well on your way to achieving your goals.
Dream of owning a Bakery
This dream has a meaningful significance for your life; therefore, enjoy it. This dream indicates that now is an excellent time to get started on whatever you have in mind. You possess the attributes necessary to handle a strategy effectively and efficiently, which will result in rewards.
Dream of a closed Bakery
The dream of a closed bakery indicates that things are not going well in one’s commercial or professional life. If you’re in the midst of a negotiation, poor management might be detrimental. You must believe in your abilities, acknowledge where you are lacking, and take steps to remedy the situation.
Dream of Working at A Bakery
It is a sign that you are either about to find happiness or have already discovered it in a bakery. You are aware of your present circumstances; have you achieved the objective you set for yourself?
Dream of Buying Bread from a Bakery
Purchasing bread may be a sign of success and plenty. When you dream that you are buying food from a bakery, this is a positive indication that you are on the right track. This dream also indicates that beautiful things are about to come, suggesting that you have already realized the benefits of intelligent decisions.
Dream of seeing lots of stuff at Bakery
When you dream of a bakery bursting to the seams with goods, this represents wealth. The greater the number of items in a deal, the greater the amount of profit you will make. This riches has been gained as a consequence of your efforts and perseverance.
Dream of a Crowded Bakery
When you dream of a crowded bakery, this is a sign that many people will assist you in achieving the success you want. These individuals will have a significant impact on your life. Many individuals in your immediate vicinity, on the other hand, want you to succeed. It may be a negative development, and how they exploit it will depend on their strategy.
Dream of an Empty Bakery
Something is amiss when you go inside the bakery, and there is nothing there. This dream serves as a warning that financial difficulties are on the horizon. You may be confronted with economic issues, which may cause you to get stressed. Identify the risk of a financial crisis and make a plan to deal with it if one occurs.
Dream of a Bakery on Fire
Having a dream about a bakery on fire signifies that you have trouble dealing with personal issues. However, if the current condition is allowed to continue, the situation may deteriorate. The bankruptcy situation is the most severe aspect of this dilemma.
Dream of Seeing a Baker in a Bakery
Bakers appear in dreams as a sign of prosperity and riches. There is a possibility that your efforts will begin to bear fruit soon and that you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor. In this life, you will have the chance to provide for your family with everything you lack, but you will also try your best to teach them genuine values and prepare them to be self-sufficient one day.
Dream of being a Baker in a Bakery
If you dream that you are a baker in a Bakery, it indicates that you will receive a lucrative business opportunity. You will begin working for someone who will appreciate you as a person and as an employee and who will work hard to ensure that their promises are kept as soon as feasible. You will most likely earn your five minutes of fame when you finally get your hands on something you have been dreaming of for a very long time.
Dream of chatting with Baker in a Bakery
When you have a dream about chatting to a baker in a Bakery, it indicates that you don’t take anyone’s abilities for granted. You admire and try to be like resourceful individuals who have achieved success without the assistance of others. You don’t believe that a degree is the only thing that counts for business and life in general since you assess individuals based on their behavior rather than their academic credentials.
Dream of arguing with a Baker in a Bakery
If you disagree with a baker in a dream, you are challenging to satisfy. You are a multifaceted individual who is often unsure of what she wants. It is because you cannot communicate yourself properly in many situations that need precise responses that you blame others for your displeasure and excuse the decisions that turned out to be incorrect.
Dream of Learning from a Baker in a Bakery
When you dream about learning from a baker, you are adaptable. You can communicate with everyone since you can discover a common language with them, which is why people immediately embrace you at work and into their social circle. You avoid fights and never take sides in disagreements since you know that doing so would make you a scapegoat and land you in legal problems.
What Does it Mean to Dream About Bakehouse?
 Table Of Contents
In your dreams, you could be working in a bakery or preparing bread in your kitchen. Its meaning is similar to that of a bakery, and the two terms can be used interchangeably. When you have a dream about a bakery, it indicates that you will succeed in life. If you want to open a bakeshop, you should proceed with caution. It would be best if you recognized that caution would lead to long-term success.
In the dream, you may have experienced the following:
You walk inside a bakery.
In a bakehouse, you prepare food.
In a bakeshop, there could be a fire.
You may know someone who works at a bakery.
In a bakery, a stranger is employed.
Flour appears in your dreams.
You work in a bakehouse/ bakery in your dream, making cookies, cakes, pastries, or pies.
You fantasize about owning a bakery.
You fantasize about an ancient bakery.
There are mills to grind the grain in your dream.
The bakehouse is located in a different country.
You fantasize about working as a baker in a bakery.
You fantasize about opening a coffee shop or a bakery.
You go to a pastry shop.
The bread is unfit to eat.
The bakehouse’s contents are on fire.
Detailed Dream Interpretation
If you picture yourself working in a bakery in your dream, it suggests that the time has arrived for you to achieve success in life. You will get to the top of society. Your efforts are about to be rewarded with an abundance of blessings.
In a bake shop, if the food burns, it’s a sign of privacy. It signifies that someone is about to let the cat out of the bag. Cooking in a bakeshop means that fresh opportunities are on the horizon. It is necessary to comprehend what was being cooked in the dream to comprehend it deeper.
To see flour in the dream suggests hard work is always rewarded with sweet fruits, while laziness is rewarded with bitter fruits. You have been hardworking, which is why you live in comfort and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
The dream of seeing flour implies that hard labor is always rewarded with sweet fruits, while sloth is rewarded with bitter fruits. You’ve worked hard, which is why you’re living in luxury and enjoying the fruits of your labor.
The dream of seeing flour implies that hard labor is always rewarded with sweet fruits, while sloth is rewarded with bitter fruits. You’ve worked hard, which is why you’re living comfortably and enjoying the fruits of your labor.
Your friends and family have reaped the benefits of your good fortune, thanks to your hard work.
According to an ancient dream dictionary, dreaming about a bakehouse business or bakery means you will meet someone unique with whom you have a relationship. ““People remain in your shadow and eat leftovers from your high table or work hard to be better than you are at the moment,” according to one unusual dream meaning from the 1930s. They have the option of choosing what is best for you.
If you see a friend or relative entering a bakery in your dream, it suggests that someone you know is about to achieve financial success.
You will be perplexed as to what has occurred. While you are languishing in poverty, others are prospering. The best you can do is seek advice from others to meet your deadlines and rise to the top of your field as quickly as possible. You will be able to crown your hard effort with success if you approach problems in this manner.
Dreaming of a patisserie indicates that you need to be more outgoing. If you couldn’t eat the bread in your dream, close friends will assess your difficulties and help you solve them in your waking life.
If you keep something hidden from others, the results will be poor. This screen’s main message is that you need to make extremely specific modifications to your professional path. Retraining may be an option. The presence of a chef in the bakehouse denotes security in your waking life. The chef signifies that you are the cook of life when you learn how to move on. It implies that you have control over the rules.
A mysterious individual appears to be entering a baking house in your dream, which indicates that you will be stable. Seeing a bakery or bakehouse on a large scale, such as at a factory or retail outlet, indicates that you will need to leave your comfort zone to solve your problem. This will assist you in locating your stepping stone and achieving great things.
Feelings you may have had while having this dream
Blessings, committed, prosperous, disoriented, hardworking, poor, successful, poor, and successful.
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seamgreen · 1 year
raspberry: i need your help to kill god
excellent. battle strategy meeting at my house tuesday evening 7pm
homemade rosemary + gif scones will be provided
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Choosing A Coffee Maker
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There are many espresso coffee machines amongst which you can pick the finest to buy for getting the finest mug of espresso coffee each morning. Saeco coffee espresso machine are one of the best espresso machine that can provide you the finest mixture ever before which is necessary for having an excellent preference in your coffee. If you do not grind the coffee beans well, after that the tough coffee fragments will drift in your coffee. This offers an environment that is warm to advertise the growth of the coffee trees, as well as all of the leaves from the larger color trees that are up to the ground job to feed the soil. Many times, these coffee farmers will certainly also use composted coffee pulp rather than unsafe chemical fertilizers, making it even much better for the setting. Within this system, coffee crops will generally be revolved to name a few crops, which will certainly produce an additional income for the coffee farmer. Sunlight produced coffee is one more alternative to enhance the return of the ordinary coffee plant. Sun growing is not a recommended technique that gets along to the environment because trees have to be reduced, and also it also makes use of chemicals as well as chemical fertilizers. This produces a number of ecological issues, such as air pollution, destruction of ecological communities, logging, and also soil deterioration. Up to 40% of the haciendas in Latin America have actually begun to use sunlight farming strategies, which may soon replace the shade produced design of coffee growing. Launched in 2000, barista lavazza is well-known as a leader of Indian coffee shop culture. The barista lavazza chain of espresso bars delivers an actually Italian coffee experience in caring, inviting and comfy environment. Formerly, Tea was the significant drink of option in India, however nowadays thousands of fashionable western-influenced coffee bars have actually come out throughout the continent in big city areas. Also though, tea is still favored and used, but the bean has actually become an industry, so large that it nowadays contends against the once dominant tea on listing of choices all over the area. For coffee aficionados, India uses some notable coffee shop chains. As the name implies, coffee shops focus on supplying coffee and tea together with light beverages. The coffee bar is a type of coffee house that focuses in coffee beverages prepared from coffee. The coffee bar is generally focused around an extended counter with a high-yield coffee device (normally bean to cup makers, semiautomatic or automatic pump-type maker, while sometimes a manually-operated lever-and-piston system) and also a glass instance packed with breads as well as tasty things, for example sandwiches. The offerings at the timeless espresso bars are usually fairly Italianate in inspiration. Nevertheless, timeless pastries are not at all times regular as well as purely italianate enhancements are composed of scones, muffins, croissants, as well as also doughnuts. There is typically a significant range of teas too. Among India's leading authorized chains of coffee shop, the Barista Lavazza Company runs over 200 bars in India as well as has begun strongly marketing its products outside Indian borders right into adjacent countries. Thought to be the Starbucks of the East, Barista supplies whole lots of the similar menu items like espresso, lattes, cappuccino as well as a variety of pastries, in addition to basic coffee cold drinks as well as warm beverages. Barista sticks highly to its Italian ancestry by offering Italian coffees exclusively. Like Starbucks, there's usually a Barista Lavazza on over one edge in great deals of Indian cities. Nevertheless, you will be obtaining what you spend for since these are premium beans that are well worth the cash. Robusta are the cheaper selection of coffee beans, yet they do have even more caffeine. They frequently have a bitter and flatter flavor due to the fact that they are expanded in lower quality problems. If you wish to experience all of the deep origin beer tastes that this coffee has to supply, then it is great to recognize it is made with Arabica coffee beans since those are the variety that you can rely on. Often times, Arabica beans are grown in a greater altitude, so they have the possibility to develop more gradually to ensure that their tastes come to be extra complicated. Regardless, so a lot of the enjoyable of tasting various sorts of flavorful coffees remains in every one of the varieties available to you. I wager you have actually never even thought of drinking root beer flavorful coffee, which is why you ought to definitely sample this mug of Joe before it is as well late! Coffee aids you exercise - but make certain you consume alcohol water as well! After I've had a pair of coffees as well as after that been in the health club around 2 hrs later on, I've definitely discovered it easier to do a big run or lift weights. One debate is that coffee is exceptionally great for the Liver as it can decrease cirrhosis by up to 80% and there have even been researches connecting coffee as well as the reduction of liver cancer cells. If the top quality of the coffee beans is great, after that the taste of coffee itself will be best. If you do not grind the coffee beans well, after that the difficult coffee fragments will float in your coffee. Saeco coffee espresso device will definitely meet your need for a best espresso coffee every morning. Within this system, coffee plants will normally be turned amongst various other crops, which will develop an added revenue for the coffee farmer. Sunlight grown up coffee is one more alternative to raise the return of the ordinary coffee crop.
Read more: https://thinkhealthylivecreative.com/
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scotianostra · 2 years
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19th July 1333 saw the Battle of Halidon Hill at Berwick.
A few days ago I posted about the marriage of David II and Joan, sister of the future King of England, Edward III. The marriage was part of the Treaty of Northampton, designed to keep a lasting peace between the two countries - that peace lasted less than 5 years.
This was English mischief making at it’s worst. The son of John Balliol, Edward had eyes on ruling Scotland along with a contingent of Nobles expelled from Scotland under The Bruce, called quite aptly The Disinherited.
The year before an invasion force landed in Fife and won The Battle of Dupplin Moor. It was by no means a large force, but the invaders relied heavily on foot soldiers provided by the English king, most of whom were Welsh archers. The Scots schiltroms were enticed into a valley lined by bowman and were destroyed. The Scots losses have been estimated at 13,000 men, the invaders at just 33.
Edward Balliol marched to Scone where he was crowned King of Scots. He acknowledged King Edward as his liege lord and ceded most of southern Scotland to him. Edward now led an official invasion army north and met the Scots just north of Berwick at Halidon Hill. The Welsh archer was the king of the battlefields of Europe for a century. Edward was perfecting their use. Again these bowman decimated the Scots and survivors were mopped up by the English cavalry.
The biggest casualty of the day was Sir Archibald Douglas, brother of The Good Sir James, who was Guardian of Scotland for the boy King David II.  Archibald though lacked the skill of his brother and recklessly took his army south towards Berwick where the now strengthened army of Balliol and Edward had taken the better position on Halidon Hill. The Book of Pluscarden, a Scots chronicle, describes the scene:
They (the Scots) marched towards the town with great display, in order of battle, and recklessly, stupidly and inadvisedly chose a battle ground at Halidon Hill, where there was a marshy hollow between the two armies, and where a great downward slope, with some precipices, and then again a rise lay in front of the Scots, before they could reach the field where the English were posted. The muddy ground slowed the advance of the Scots and made them an easy target for the English archers who started their deadly barrage. As the arrows hit home at speeds of around 90mph, casualties amongst the Scottish ranks mounted.
Despite the hailstorm of arrows the Scottish forces pressed on. It was the Scottish right, under the Earl of Moray, who were first to connect with the English ranks – having seen Edward Balliol’s banner on the left of the English line they pushed hard to it. But they suffered heavily from the archer’s assault with contemporary writers describing that many “turned their faces away” from the hailstorm of arrows. Whatever force finally made it to Balliol’s men-at-arms was quickly broken.
The Scots fled downhill with the nobility hoping to get back to their horses and escape. However the dismounted English Knights now left their infantry positions, mounted their own steeds and charged the fleeing Scots. . It was a total rout with vast numbers of Scottish troops, nobility and commoner alike, killed. Those Scottish Knights who made it back to their aides had fled with their horses leaving them to their fate. Casualties have been widely exaggerated by chroniclers but likely accounted for the greater part of the original Scottish force of 14,000.
Halidon Hill was a decisive English victory that left Berwick in English hands and Scotland defenceless. But King Edward’s ambitions were in France and he did not consolidate his victory with a full scale attempt to subdue the Scots.
Balliol’s government was never accepted and in the longer term Halidon Hill simply marked a successful start to an ultimately unsuccessful strategy.
However, in a wider context, it was also the first battle fought by Edward III and proved the effectiveness of the English Longbow and dismounted men-at-arms; a configuration he would use to great effect in France.
King David fled to France and the protection given under the Auld Alliance. With Douglas dead, Andrew Murray, son of the hero of the Battle of Stirling bridge took over the Guardianship and reverted to the tried and tested means used by Wallace, Bruce and James Douglas, retiring to the hills and conducting guerrilla warfare.
In 1335 Edward led a large army north but the Scots laid waste to the countryside ahead of him and refused to confront him. The English king reached Perth before retreating. The following year he pressed further north burning Aberdeen and still unable to find a Scots force to fight while Murray continued his policy of isolating Balliol’s allies and destroying castles that they could use.
By spring 1336, the Scots were in control of the country north of the Forth; by summer their forces were raiding into England. Edward III, now in France in the initial stages of the 100 Years War, sent an army north but it achieved nothing and withdrew.
In 1339 Baliol’s forces surrendered, he has never been recognised as a bona fide King of Scots.
Pics are a medieval depiction of Edward III at Berwick and a much later interpretation of the Scots charge, the third is a monument to the battle.
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