#sensory seeking
yellowyarn · 8 months
i always see sensory avoidant autistic people talking about how their favourite foods are all plain carbs but where are the sensory seeking autistics who live on garlic and spicy foods? the ones who will eat a straight lemon and hate buttered noodles.
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digital-delusionz · 9 months
When it comes to sensory issues in autism I really wished that more people talked abt being sensory seeking/hyposensitivity since it seems that it's mostly sensory avoidance and being hypersensitive to sensory input being talked abt.
I'm both sensory seeking and avoidant both hypersensitive and hyposensitive however I lean more onto that sensory seeking side. And seeing it rarely talked abt made me feel so disconnected from other fellow autistics tbh
I wish more ppl talked abt things like:
-abt the feeling abt being understimulated because you do not have that sensory input you need
-constantly listening to music /needing background noise in order to fulfill said desired sensory input and feeling like ur going insane without it and liking noise
-liking to touch things/being touched (like liking hugs a lot for example, that's something that helps me with sensory input a lot)
-often chewing on things(tho that is something I see getting talked a bit more!!)
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snakeautistic · 7 months
I CRAVE deep pressure on this super fundamental level like yes please crush my body I want to be compressed. You know like those hydraulic press thingies? I want that to be me under there. Or like to lie under a steamroller. A weighted blanket is not enough I need to be flattened.
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pronoun-note · 10 months
autism is like. augh. sensations hurt me ahhhh. i am going to seek them out anyways
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cr1mezone · 11 months
the opposite sides of the autism spectrum are so rarely talked about.
hypersensitive and easily overstimulated ? how about hyposensitive/sensory seeking and easily understimulated ?
expressionless and monotone ? how about overexpressive ?
too quiet and introverted or doesn’t talk much ? how about really extroverted and talks too much and has no trouble at all coming up to strangers ?
little to no eye contact ? how about making so much eye contact that the other person becomes uncomfortable ?
for a long time i thought i couldn’t be autistic because i didn’t experience the stereotypical traits, apparently i just experienced the opposite sides of the spectrum. all autistic people are valid, even if their autism presents differently :3
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2009isitanyways · 6 months
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❤️🧡 ~ Puffballs!! ~ 💚💜 (clownsmr_)
(Credit if you use pls!) (ko-fi)
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adhd-dog-guy · 2 years
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**weighted blanket**
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mysterymeatmunchr · 2 months
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this puppy has a bone to pick with you!
i love wearing my noise cancelling headphones over my puppy hood it is such a good sensory experience. when i first tried it i didnt think it would work bc my hood doesnt have ear holes but it actually works just as fine as if i wasn’t wearing my hood.
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wackpedion · 14 days
Hey curious do any other autistics struggle with keeping their volume in check when listening to something, esp music? Like as someone with sensory seeking tendencies I often want to listen to music reeeally loudly even with headphones on, even if I start at a low volume I find myself slowly increasing it more and more as I feel the need to and before I know it its at 80% on headphones . When I realize this I try to correct it by lowering it but I often end up increasing it over time again and it can turn into a cycle
I just hear alot of criticism and talk about how you shouldn't listen to high volumes with headphones and how damaging it is but like I find it a genuine struggle to hold back on account of being sensory seeking, I have been trying to correct it recently byy switching from headphones to speaker when I recognize im giving into that habit and I think its helping as my ear ringing isn't so frequent as it used to be
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alphabittled · 8 months
The autistic urge to be squished underneath one of these bad boys rn
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spooksforsammy · 8 months
Wanna bang head against wall just to get some sensory input<333
But on serious note. Being sensory seeking and sensory avoidant is horrible because I’m avoidant in the areas with so many sensory options.
Like so many smells and textures and I hate them. Will purposely smell things know don’t like just so can get nice sensory feeling even if not for long time and will send into shutdown. Can bite self and people. Can chew on anything just because. Love steak. Will make sure season the fat so can chew on it. Will drink raw steak sauce and have be stoped. Love steak sauce, even if others find nasty, so yummy. Love spicy foods even though can’t tolerate very much. Drink hot sauce with boyfriend sometimes. And even though messes up already bad stomach and can’t do as much as boyfriend, is still amazing.
Watch videos of flashing lights and sometimes stare at sun. Like blinking. Make family blast music because so many different sounds and just calm self down.
Any other sensory seekers? What favorite way seek sensory??
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snakeautistic · 2 months
I recently finally got a weighted blanket and I have mixed feelings. On one hand I love being compressed and it’s generally a pleasant sensation to lie down flat with it over me. I could even do with it crushing me a little more. On the other hand this thing is heavy, and hauling it around is probably single-handedly going to get me jacked. It’s too heavy for me to go tent mode in it and pull it over my head. If I try to do something with my arm half under the blanket and half not I get bogged down. None of that is really all that surprising I suppose, but it is starting to drive me insane every time I have to move the blanket. Also I had to put a cover on it… impossible needed my mothers help
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dreamdropsystem · 3 months
collecting baby plushies/toys because they have sensory aspects to them. (example crinkles, bumps, jingles etc)
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busybussinbee · 5 months
weighted blanket isn’t enough i need a samoyed
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travelbasscase · 10 days
is this a common Autism Experience™ or was i just weird as a kid?
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