#sex nihilism
txintedhope · 2 months
I saw some absolutely disgusting acheswan backshots on twitter and that shit has me feeling abonrmal
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ratgirlcopia · 9 months
i've recently seen the theory that nihil didn't know about papa i, ii, or iii existing at first either and that they were also introduced to the clergy as adults like he was, which i can totally see considering he had no clue about copia. interesting idea.
honestly checks out. i could never picture him being involved in raising any of them and it makes sense that he was just. either clueless or willfully ignoring that they existed.
tangentially related but i imagine the ghministry, being the inverse catholics they are, is Begging everyone to use contraception and then, being the inverse catholic hypocrite he is, there's nihil. not doing that.
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sweatandwoe · 1 year
I’m really hoping they don’t replace Copia. A new papa would be cool in some ways but it’d be like losing Terzo again
I really don't think Copia is dying, but getting anti-christ form with how much stuff has been hinting at it. Also because Tobias is a huge Omen fan and Copia has, almost all the same signs as the anti-christ kid in that movie (same symbol in his stage artwork, and riding around on a red/white tricycle are big ones)
Also still Nihil's kid in my mind, even as the anti-christ. Sort of more like 'we're already having a kid, please select them' but that's also because I've got way too many thoughts on this that don't go into any canon worldbuilding but shit I made up (but it's in the tags a lil)
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oatbugs · 2 years
found a bunch of old voice memos and this is the first time i've listened to my own voice and thought yeah it makes so much sense that people have loved this person . woah
#personal#i was singing a song under another song (saw my wings with the bodies in the gutter). there is someone else and i cant#recognise their voice . i think maybe i was drunk and maybe so were they . i have no idea who they are but their voice is so pretty.#i ask them if theyre ok and they ask if im sure im okay with this. and then they say see you soon and theres the sound of the door.#theres the voice of someone else after this too. they say listening to chase atlantic feels like sex . i have no idea who this person is.#this file is full of strings rising and falling. reverb of a massive space. some symphony inside interrupted by another symphony.#i remember laying on the floor of the orchestra hall to listen and to hide. i remember laying my hand on the floor and thinking i could#recognise this piece just by the way the ground vibrates.#i've been thinking a lot about mereology. sorry for not talking about nihilism the past week - everyone around me has been falling apart.#this month i have watched others be stricken by grief. the other side of the equation. one day i will create a poem about the way holes are#one whole part. the way disconnects are connected to the fabric of absence. (i saw your guts without the skin attached)#i could hear how in love i was when i asked the unknown voice if they would like some water. i blew out the candles and one stayed lit.#you don't need to tell me. forever and ever. strictly fall for academics and people with a passion. asked my mathematician about manifolds#and he asked me about his hair. i will wake up tomorrow if only it is to spend half an hour making tea. the concept of going to my country#is an oncoming train with a minute's delay. i told them i want to be their friend and they told me theyd like to meet up soon#and test how deep they can bite like good friends do. do you feel ashamed of my degree? do you feel ashamed of#your dry lips? skull fast-tracked to the floor. i have a jar of hand-picked dried damask roses for tea. ill tell you about k-theory until#you shut me up.
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jontheredrc · 2 years
Cydia "Life is Meaningless and Often Cruel, So I Might As Well Party As Hard As I Can" Myssil
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tsariitsyn · 2 years
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you go down
just like holy Mary
Mary on a
Mary on a cross
photo: @tsariitsyn (it’s the actual Mary, not Mary Magdalene but shh)
I haven’t listened in a long while, it made me feel super nostalgic.
Not disappointed at all. They deserve all the recognition. 🖤
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Hey Tumblr. I published a philosophy book called “Earth Order” and it uses relativity/duality and nihilism to entice political change. It’s a free, fair, harmonious ideology that demonstrates a democracy. Hope you enjoy!
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0-01-04 · 2 years
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her-satanic-wiles · 8 months
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October 3rd
Hate Sex, Papa Emeritus II x Catholic!Reader
Words: 3.4k
Warnings: Hate sex; mean dom!Secondo; virgin!Reader; catholic!Reader (for now); degradation; piv; unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it); semi-public sex; corruption kink; cunnilingus; multiple orgasms; dubcon; choking; breeding kink?; cum eating (because I’m a slut for it okay? I’ll see you in the goddamn parking lot); vaginal sex; loss of virginity;
🔞 MDNI 🔞
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Your father becoming the Pope was not something you anticipated, but it was definitely a dream of his. As his daughter, you had your own responsibilities to the church that you had to maintain, as well as making sure your father’s reputation and standing in the Catholic church remained good and respectable.
You had made it your mission to save as many souls as possible, but only one you had given up on. He was the second son of a man named Nihil Emeritus - a lowly man who called himself Papa and claimed to be the anti-Pope for the Satanic Church. The leader of the opposition. His second son, known simply as Secondo, was cardinal to his father, and was a real piece of work.
You had, in previous years, tried to show him the way of the light, the way of the Lord. But he would always counter you with ridiculous quips and notions about Him that made your blood boil. How can one person be so blind to the rulers that oppress them as much as Satan did? How can they follow a beast so blindly and stray so far from all that was pure?
Constant talks between Satanic and Catholic churches would happen to set specific boundaries both physical and spiritual, but once a year, the Vatican and the Ministry would meet to set an example to followers on both sides - though everyone hated these meetings and wanted them to end, it was important for your church to be seen at the very least converting the dark ones with kindness and love that our Lord had shown you and taught you to be.
This year, for the first time in a hundred years, the Ministry were to host the talks and you were nervous to say the least. You were uncomfortable entering such a sinful building, filled with demons and lost souls, covered in pentagrams and statues of the Devil. As you walked through the white marble halls, you clutched onto your crucifix necklace and prayed quietly for the Lord to keep you safe.
Outside, they had a press conference and photo opportunity. Your father and the blasphemous Nihil had their pictures taken together, shaking hands and pretending to engage in important conversations for the sake of the press, before the rest of the churches were invited to take photos together like a NATO Summit. He was placed next to you.
His ungodly mismatched eyes hidden underneath layers of thick, black paint making him look like a bald panda. Not a single hair underneath his zucchetto, instead the only hair on his head coming from his eyebrows and his moustache. It would be unseemly to compare his aesthetic to a certain kind of video, but he definitely looked like he came straight out of it. You were both in our twenties but his choice of appearance made him look so much older than you. Yet there he was, confidently standing in a respected Cardinal’s uniform, soiling it with a grucifix and a perverted smile.
For the photograph, he put his arm around you, and rested his large, leather gloved hand on your bicep. Though your face was smiling like you were happy to be there, your insides were crawling with disgust. You shoved him off you as soon as the cameras had switched off. “Get your filthy hands off me, you creep!”
“Only for the photo, dipshit. Believe me, looking at you makes my dick soft.”
“Must you always be so vulgar?”
“Must you always be a prude?”
“You know, you are such a-”
“Children,” You heard your father’s voice and immediately silenced yourself, “come.”
“Yes, father.” As you walked towards your father, you brushed passed Secondo’s shoulder hard and held your head up high, preserving what remained of your dignity. You knew your father would force you into penance later for your emotional outburst.
The day was seemingly endless, and you often found your mind drifting away with itself thinking of other things. At first, your mind went to lunch - what would those hellish kitchens serve you? No doubt ground up fetus spaghetti. But when your eyes met Cardinal Secondo’s, your thoughts drifted to him instead. If he wasn’t so brutish, he would be attractive. If he was Catholic he would be attractive. But he was Satanic, an abomination. He needed saving.
Finally, you were granted a break and ran to the restroom as quickly as you could. Coming out, however, you ran into Secondo again.
“Oh, look! It’s the little snob.” He said, his face as stoic as usual. “Probably pissed out the holy water she drinks.”
“Go stick your face in it, see how it feels to burn.”
He raised his eyebrows. “I didn’t know you were into that.”
“You should repent. Beg the Lord for forgiveness. Turn to the light.”
“I’m much happier under the watchful eye of the fallen archangel, thanks.”
“You’ll burn in Hell.”
“That’s the idea.”
“Filthy sinners deserve to rot there. You and your family will suffer if you don’t-”
He moved towards you and grabbed your chin with his index finger and thumb, his eyes filled with anger and hate. You felt your heart rate spike in fear, yes, but there was also something else you couldn’t identify. “Listen to me, you stupid little sheep. I couldn’t give a fuck about your Lord, your God or the idiots who follow you. I don’t care about that fucking book you live and breathe by and I don’t care about you. You dare to come into my house and dictate what I do? I’ll do what I please, and worship who I please. Maybe you should repent, Sathanas would appreciate how you looked on your knees.”
“Get off me!” You shoved him as hard as you could and freed yourself from his touch. “You vile, filthy pig!” You hit his shoulder. “You sinful, disgusting cockroach! I would never get on my knees for evil bastards like you or your deranged goat god!”
“But you would get on your knees. Unless of course, you’re a virgin.”
You hit him again.
He gasped. “You are!” He laughed. “Saving yourself for marriage, huh? Keeping yourself pure and holy for a god that would kill you with no thoughts of regret.” He grasped onto your chin again. “I could save you, you know? Show you a better way of living. Worshiping a god who worships you back, and sends you the greatest pleasures you’ve ever known.” As he spoke, his face got closer and closer to yours until he was a single inch away from you. You could feel his breath on your face, smell the coffee from his break just moments ago. “Tell me to stop, little lamb, and I will.”
You should have. You don’t know why you didn’t. Maybe there was a part of you that hated how controlled you were by your father. Maybe there was a part of you that wanted to be tempted by a servant of sin. You weren’t sure about the reason, but you knew that when his lips touched yours and he pulled you in for the most passionate kiss you’ve ever had, or the only kiss you’d ever had, you were tasting a glimpse of the pleasure he offered you. His tongue immediately sought entry to your mouth, and you granted the permission, letting him take the lead and teach you what to do. It felt so good. You had to stop. This was wrong.
You pushed him off you one final time and slapped his face. No words were spoken, there wasn’t anything to say. He didn’t look offended by your slap, nor did he look put off by it. He still looked at you with the same lustful expression he had moments ago. And you couldn’t stop yourself.
Your hands gripped his cassock and pulled him back in for another kiss, this one more violent and desperate than it was before. It was messy, all teeth and tongues and no finesse to it whatsoever. His hands moved to your waist, pulling you closer to his body, before gripping onto your ass. The feel of his covered hands clutching onto you sent a thrill through your frame you’d never felt before. Before you knew it, a moan had escaped from your lips and caught up onto his, which made him smile.
The sound of people approaching made you both pull away from each other. You began to panic. You were sure you looked disheveled enough from the kiss alone, and the Cardinal’s cheek was beginning to redden where you slapped it. In a panic, you grabbed hold of his hand and ran into the first unlocked door you could find, keeping the lights off and shutting yourselves in as quietly as you can. Secondo was chuckling at you, but you simply held a hand over his mouth and kept as quiet as you possibly could. You couldn’t be seen being intimate with a member of the Satanic church! It would ruin everything. When the people left, you sighed in relief.
You had unknowingly pulled both of you into an office of some kind, but you didn’t know whose office it was, or if they’d even be back. It was in the silence of the room that you realised what you’d just done. And how close you were to Secondo. Before more doubts could sneak back in, your lips found each other’s again. You don’t know who started it, but now that you had, you couldn’t keep your hands off each other. His zucchetto was the first thing to hit the floor, followed by your own hat and your heels.
Secondo’s mouth travelled to your neck and began placing open mouthed kisses there, driving you mad with want. You couldn’t think of anything else other than him. You loathed him, he was evil. But he felt so good.
He backed you up against the desk in the room and continued to kiss your neck, his hands roaming all over your body. His were the first to touch you in so many places: your shoulders, your arms, your waist, your stomach, your breasts and now your thighs.
Your legs opened for him automatically so he could slot comfortably between them. Your sun dress hiked up over your thighs, giving him perfect access to your panties which were now drenched in your arousal. It wasn’t long before his hands made their way under your skirts and stroking over your vulva. He barely pulled away from your neck to utter his words, “the good Catholic girl, soaking wet for the Devil’s son. Do you think your god is watching, little lamb? Hm?” His fingers moved your panties aside. “Do you think he’s disappointed in you giving into temptation?”
He stood up straight, his forehead touching yours as his finger rolled over your clit. You released a strangled noise at the new sensation, and your hips bucked. “You’ve been a good girl up until now, haven’t you? Keeping yourself pure for your god. My god sent me to you,” he pushed one finger inside your wet heat tapping upwards immediately, “I am His gift to you. Tell me, little lamb, will you accept His gift, even just for today? Will you let the one you hate the most defile you?”
He kissed your lips again as his fingers hooked into your pure white panties and pulled them off you. He got onto his knees and directed your legs to rest onto his shoulders. You couldn’t help it. “I hate you so fucking much - ah!”
He silenced you by wrapping his lips around your clitoris and sucking hard, not giving you any chance to ease into this. You could feel him smirk into your cunt as he lapped up your juices, shaking his head and licking away until he was convinced you were seeing stars.
Your hands flew to his head, holding onto him as if you were about to float away. The pleasure was so overwhelming, and nothing like anything you’d ever felt before. Sexual pleasure of all types was a sin - and you had never indulged at all. You were too scared to. You were an adult, so sheltered about adult things you knew nothing of what your body could do. But now here you were, legs spread with the son of the anti-pope licking up your arousal like he was eating his first meal in days.
That same son was now inserting a finger inside of you again, tapping up and making you cry out. Your noises were uncontrollable and loud, but there was nothing you could do about it. Silence didn’t feel like an option. You needed to make noise and you couldn’t explain why. You gasped when he added a second finger. Your hips moved on their own accord and you bucked into the pleasure, simultaneously wanting to escape it but also get as close to it as physically possible.
“W-wait!” You said. Your words were slurred and your voice full of panic. “S-something’s happening. You - mmm - you have t-to stop please!”
He ignored you entirely, refusing to stop his ministrations no matter how much you squirmed. “Stop, y-you sack of sh-shit. Oh my God!” His other hand, somehow so powerful, stopped your hips from wriggling away and pinned you to the desk. You were helpless when you toppled over the edge, seeing black as you came for the first time. Secondo worked you until you were overstimulated and collapsed back onto the cold wood of the desk. Your body covered in sweat and your breathing laboured. Your head was spinning from the intensity and you could barely move.
Secondo stood, his hand on his crotch moving his cassock out the way to free himself. His cock was big, or to you it was anyway, girthy and as long as his hand. He gripped your hips and pulled you towards the edge, making sure you were easy access for him. He lined his cock up to your vulva once more, but instead of pushing inside he rubbed himself against your folds, groaning at the feel. “This is your last chance,” he told you, “tell me to leave and I will. If you don’t, I will sodomise this virgin cunt of yours.”
The feel of his cock against your folds was torturous. Your hole was clenching around nothing, screaming for him to enter you and have his way with you. There was a small voice in your head telling you to run, leave now while you still could. Your whimpers and the sound of your wetness was now the only noise in the room.
“What do you want, little lamb? Do you want me to stop?”
He stopped his ministrations and placed the head of his cock at your entrance and pushed in the smallest amount, not enough to completely penetrate you, but enough to drive you insane. “Tell me what you want.”
“F-fuck me.” The request tasted weird but you meant it.
Secondo nodded. He grabbed hold of your hand and held it. “Look at me.” He told you.
For a second, you looked vulnerable and it made his dick throb. You sat up and placed your hand on his chest, nervously pushing him away with no force. “Will it hurt?” You had always been told that it would hurt, and now you were scared you’d be in pain.
His own tough facade dissipated briefly, and the hand that wasn’t gripped in yours went to cup your face. “No.” He said gently. “You are wet enough and my fingers stretched you. But if it hurts too much you must tell me.”
You nodded.
With you now concentrating on him, he began to push into you. His thick cock spread your walls a little further than his fingers did, and the pressure was a lot. Both of your hands moved up to his neck, grasping onto him, as your eyebrows worried and your mouth fell open. Every time you thought he would stop he just kept going.
“You good?”
Your body was on fire. There were too many things to feel. “Yes. Oh God!”
The toughness returned to his demeanour and there was a dark glint in his eye. “Your god can’t help you now, little lamb.”
Before you had the chance to process his words, he pulled out of you and then slammed all the way back in, causing you to scream It felt Earth-shatteringly good to have him inside you. He did it again. And again. “You sadistic bastard!” You exclaimed in between moans.
He laughed but said nothing, instead concentrating his gaze on where your bodies met. Every rough thrust sent you a little further across the desk, and your back couldn’t remain upright. You allowed yourself to lie back down again, your body jiggling violently with every movement. You had to bite your finger to keep you from screaming again.
“Look at you,” Secondo began, “lying there with your - fuck - your legs spread like a c-common whore.” You tightened. “The whore likes being reminded of who she is, hm?”
His hips moved faster and faster as he got more into his head, watching your tits bounce as he defiled you.
“What’s the matter, little lamb? Devil steal that tongue? Mm, shit. No smart remark? Wh-where’s that snobby cunt who keeps telling me to repent now?” He pulled out of you and manhandled you off the desk, spinning you around and bending you over it slightly. He slammed into you once more. His hand wrapped around your throat. “Oh, that’s right, she’s booking herself a one way ticket to Hell.”
“Fuck you!” You hissed.
“Giving yourself willingly to the son of Satan. Oh, how the righteous fall from grace.”
His other hand ran seductively down your body, and as his teeth began to bite your ear, his finger stroked your clit in circles. His breath in your ear, his hand on your clit, his cock in your cunt, it was all too much. You were surrounded by him, breathing him. He was everywhere and difficult to escape. But you didn’t want to escape. This was the most free you’d ever felt, the best you’d ever felt. You came around his cock this time, tugging at his cassock and gasping for air, collapsing back onto the table.
In your mind, you saw the crucifix within your private quarters at the Vatican - the very same one that was gifted to you by the previous pope. You could see Jesus as if he were right in front of you. The look of disappointment present on his face as he watched you give into temptation and gift your most sacred gift to the Devil. The disappointment didn’t make you feel guilty for once in your life.
With that thought in your mind and the fog cleared, you began taking control, meeting Secondo’s thrusts with as much passion as he was giving which stole a guttural moan from him. “Oh, fuck, just like that. Let me fuck this tight, virgin cunt. Take my cock, you fucking whore.” Both of his hands grasped your hips with such tightness, you thought he would bruise you. “You’re gonna make me cum. Is that what you want, little lamb? Shit! You want me to cum deep in this cunt? Knock you up with the fucking Antichrist, hm?”
No. It was too risky. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! Cum inside me. Give me your filth!” You heard yourself say.
With a growl, Secondo stilled and emptied himself into you, letting his own body fall forward and pin you down to the desk. You had no choice now, you were forced to take all his cum whether you wanted it or not. How would you beg for forgiveness now that the Devil’s seed was spilling into your willing womb?
Despite his exhaustion, Secondo dropped to his knees again and ran his tongue through your folds, collecting his cum from your pussy and working you towards your third and final orgasm. This was bordering on pain, but it felt so good. Your knuckles turned white from how hard you gripped the desk. Turning to look behind you, you saw him practically worshiping your cunt, and that alone was enough to tip you back over the edge.
When all had finished, and you were both redressing in silence, you realised the implications of what had just happened. You had committed the ultimate sin… and you didn’t want to go back…
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Previous Day ⛧ Next Day ⛧ Part 2
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emeritus-fuckers · 3 months
Hewlloww could you do the “a kink for every Papa” just with the ghouls? So a “kink for every ghoul?”
Have an amazing day you sweet human being. The papas love you <4
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Decided to combine these two asks to make it easier on us because there's like thirty ghouls and we'd die if we tried this separately. there's a lot of color because i'm autistic and i deserve to color the post, that's a whole 30 ghouls. - rat
A kink for every Ghoul
CW: CNC for Chain.
Fire Ghouls
Alpha (he/him)
Alpha may not seem like it, but the threat of a knife in bed turns him on. The Fire Ghoul will fight you a bit, but just give in once he feels the bite of the blade in his skin. If you don’t slice him up like swiss cheese he won’t be happy.
Ifrit (he/him)
Ifrit has beautiful tits. Seriously, he’s about to bust out of that uniform of his. Because of those large tits... he is extremely fond of getting on his knees and letting someone fuck them. He loves fucking a nice pair of tits, sure…but it hits different when he’s the one covered in cum.
Sodo (he/him)
Sodo is a big enthusiast of making you bleed. It doesn't matter if it's with his teeth or claws. Obsessively eating you out on your period is also fair game. Just about anything that has to do with blood.
Blaze (he/him; Papa Nihil's Ghoul)
His name didn't come from nowhere. Blaze is a big fan of weed. And other drugs. Of course his favorite kind of sex is high sex. But, if you've got any aphrodisiac on hand, he's not gonna be fussy about that. He'll take it like a good boy.
Water Ghouls
Chain (it/ghoul)
Just by looking at it, you can tell that Chain is the kind of ghoul that loves CNC. Ghoul loves being the victim of it, or doing it to someone else. It prefers doing it to someone, though... It loves chasing you through the woods. Smelling your fear and excitement. Shoves you down and uses you as much as ghoul pleases.
Lake (he/him)
Lake might not seem like it at first, but he's actually surprisingly fond of making you squirm in pain. Biting, scratching, some light choking or using toys that will hurt you so good... Yup, you guessed it. Lake is a sadist. And a proud one, at that.
River (they/them)
They’re a whore. Plain and simple. Plenty of dirty dreams in that head of theirs... though they love when those dreams are made worse by someone fucking them in their sleep. Consensually, of course... enthusiastic consent, really. They return the favor as well... watching their partner wake up screaming in pleasure is always fun.
Cowbell (they/it)
They love seeing you in a blindfold. And other forms of sensory depravation, of course, but its favorite is taking your sight. They love watching you tremble and jump whenever it does anything. They loves seeing you squirm from the softest touches. After all, when you can't see, everything else is so much stronger.
Mist (he/she)
Tentacles, plain and simple. Fucking Mist is straight up monsterfucking, since he has tentacles coming out of her cunt. Wanna be egged with those tentacles of hers? All you have to do is ask and he'll stuff you full. Sleeping with Mist is an experience in itself. A rollercoaster of an experience, actually.
Rain (she/he/ve)
She's a very soft person in bed. He can get mean, yes, but ver preference is soft and loving. So soft and so loving, actually, that he wants you to cry from it. There's something so pretty in your tears that she can't resist overstimulating you just a little bit to see those tears again. Rain is definitely a dacryphiliac, though ve'll never admit it.
Storm (they/he; Papa Nihil's Ghoul)
Storm is generally very calm. That is, until they're in pain. Then he turns into a whimpering mess, begging for more, like a whore. C'mon. You know you wanna hurt them a little, don't you? Treat this masochistic slut the way he needs to be treated.
Earth Ghouls
Cliff (they/he)
Cliff is a very relaxed, pleasant dude. You'd think he'd be a nice, soft partner in bed, too, but in reality... They love having you tied up. Or cuffed, preferably. Just for a little, so he can rail you stupid enough to not be able to move in general. And then they take care of you, like the loving boyfriend that he is.
Pebble (he/him)
He doesn't really get bothered by his height, especially since it makes bottoming easier and Pebble is an absolute bottom. A cute one. He loves it when his partner (especially if it's the love of his life!) takes care of him. Certified pillow prince.
Ivy (he/xe)
Xe is likely the biggest fan of edging in the world. It's almost a necessity at this point. If it's a cock ring or just shoving him down and sucking him off until xe's whimpering so beautifully. Over and over. And over. Until those pretty eyes are overflowing with tears and just can't anymore.
Mountain (he/him)
Oh, such a innocent little lamb, isn't he? He just loves to be coaxed and taken by someone oh, so dangerous... loves to be corrupted. To be ruined. In both ways. He is the biggest squirmer. Will not stop moving until he's just too fucked out and too filthy. Ruin him and make this little lamb dirty.
Quake (they/them; Papa Nihil's Ghoul)
Quake is a very goofy, cheerful and energetic person, who very often just can't stay in one place for too long. That is, of course, unless you're on their lap, keeping their cock inside you. Then they just melt completely and stay put until you decide it's over. They will beg for just a few more minutes, though.
Air Ghouls
Eurus (they/she)
We all know she likes to stare. We've seen them in Year Zero and the studio recordings. Eurus loves to watch and stare. So of course, if you want to fuck someone else (which she's never opposed to, of course!), they'll request to watch. Won't even blink. She wants to see everything you do. Might jerk off in her seat as they observe their pretty darling railing someone else... or getting railed, preferably.
Zephyr (they/he)
Zephyr is possessive. Not just a little. They claim it’s instinct. However, nothing gets them riled up more than seeing the marks he left on your skin from your passionate late night sex. Though they get even more insistent on marking if someone else left their marks behind. Just as a reminder who you really belong to... and those bruises and bitemarks look so good on his lover.
Cirrus (she/ze)
Ze's a big enthusiast of using both her dick and her cunt (as well as mouth and those really well trained fingers) just to make you completely stupid. No matter what genitals you have, she'll fuck you brainless. And then ze's gonna coo at you, fawning over how cute you are when you're such a blabbering mess like that, and all of it just for her! Cirrus absolutely adores having you overstimulated.
Cumulus (she/her)
We all (well me) love her chest. So it's a very pleasant surprise to find out that they lactate with just a smallest bit of stimulation. If you really wanna drive her crazy, have your fingers or a strap inside her as you suck on her tits. Bonus points if you team up with Cirrus and then take care of our dearest Cumulus.
Tornado (ze/zir; Papa Nihil's Ghoul)
We can't talk about Air Ghouls and not have at least one of them mess around with your breathing abilities, now can we? Fortunately for us, Tornado loves breath play. Sometimes it's just a light squeeze. Sometimes you almost think this maniac will actually suffocate you. Ze knows your limits, though, so it never gets out of control. The thrill is a very nice bonus to fucking zir, though.
Quintessence Ghouls
Omega (he/him)
Look at him. Look at this huge motherfucker. Pretty much anyone is tiny compared to him. And he loves that. He loves seeing your stomach bulge when you're full of him. He loves seeing how you struggle to take as much of him as you can. He loves how your face ends up stuffed in his chest as you straddle him because of his stupid huge cock. The size kink is strong with this one.
Delta (they/it)
Delta admittedly jokes about their missing limbs. One of said jokes was how easy it’d be to tie it up... the day it goes from joke to reality? Oh they’re on cloud nine. Turns out it was very into doing shibari on others before the limb loss... turning the tables on them? Well... it has a very pleasant night tied up all pretty with nowhere to go.
Aether (he/him)
Listen. I've always said he's got arms made for hugging, hands made for choking and a cock made for warming. I stand by that. His hands look and feel like they were meant for your throat. And you love it. It's best while he's got you in a reverse cowgirl position in front of a mirror, riding yourself stupid as he lightly squeezes your throat. But he's not picky. As long as you let him choke you a little.
Phantom (he/they/xey/it)
Spiritually, Phantom is a bit like a puppy when it comes to excitement. He gets really excited and it shows. They usually show it through playful nibbles. But... you wanna know what absolutely makes xem lose its mind? Praise. Phantom can die happily after being praised for how good he's doing for you. Praise them and it'll do absolutely everything for you. Xey can probably be praised into a happy, tearful orgasm like this.
Chaos (he/she/they/it; Papa Nihil's Ghoul)
If you've read the Papa Nihil's Ghouls post, you know she was dragged around on a leash a few times. The issue is, he actually loved that and now they demand to be kept on a leash... So yup, that evolved into a pet play kink. It will bark at you completely unprovoked for completely no reason and will continue being a menace until you handle it. So there's a pet play and brat taming combo here.
Multi Ghoul
Swiss (he/xey/it)
This bitch. Bully it. Swiss loves being bullied and degraded. It always makes both xeir cunt and cock drip with pre-cum. Keep him on his knees. Keep xem on a leash. Mock it for being so fucking eager to be pretty much verbally abused. You can probably get xem to cum untouched if you're mean enough.
Phil (he/him)
Phil is not a kinky guy, honestly. He's just... very vanilla. If you're with him long enough, you finally get to hear him mumble out the word mommy... And you absolutely fucking lose it with him. You don't let him live it down, obviously. He gets absolutely flustered every time you use his mommy kink against him.
Sunshine (she/her)
Sunshine's favorite thing about having a penis is having it buried inside their partner (she especially likes people with cunts since it shows really nicely), having them in her lap in a reverse cowgirl position and just... watching it all in the mirror in front of you both. Obligatory bites while she's at it, of course.
Aurora (she/they/fae)
While she doesn't mind being a pillow princess when bottoming, faer absolutely favorite thing is disinterest. She loves playing with your body and then scoffing and telling you to keep quiet. They absolutely love having you ride their thigh or rutting against it while she does other things. Fae just absolutely adores when you get whiney and start pleading for just a bit of her attention, even if you know they'll shame and degrade you for it.
Alpha, Ifrit, River, Zephyr and Delta written by Death.
Sodo, Blaze, Lake, Rain, Mist, Storm, Cliff, Pebble, Quake, Eurus, Cirrus, Cumulus, Tornado, Omega, Aether, Chaos, Phantom, Swiss, Sunshine, Phil and Aurora by Nosferatu.
Chain, Cowbell, Ivy and Mountain written by Zenith/Jasper.
Edited by Nosferatu.
Taglist: @charlie-is-a-menace @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @randominstake @callmeicaro @thecuriouss @dio-niisio @the-fem1n1ne-urge @mybotanicaldemise @igodownjustlikeholymary @natoncesaid @bloodmoon-bites @plaquerat
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ghulehunknown · 7 months
Papa Headcanons - Positions
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(Warning - NSFW!)
{Thank you BugBiteWrites on AO3 for the inspiration!}
The Papas love to fuck! But Lucifer knows they have their own style… (my HCs of the Papas’ favorite sex positions and other sex preference HCs)
Loves cowgirl - he’s old and kinda frail (but still surprisingly strong somehow), so this is the most comfy for him
Has a strong grip on your hips as he helps you grind on his lap
Spooning - wants to lay on his side and slowly fuck you before bedtime
Very into cockwarming. Wants you to sit in his lap and will calmly scold you if you disobey and try to fuck him (“Now caro/cara we talked about this, mm?”)
Content not to orgasm himself, and takes pleasure in teasing you or getting you off
Takes his time with foreplay, knowing your orgasm will be much more powerful that way
Definitely a pleasure dom
Fucks you from behind so he can push your head into the mattress and use your body as an anchor
Also into cockwarming (as a punishment) and will leave you high and dry in the room if you disobey him by trying to fuck him
Loves throatfucking you
Loves cowgirl but will pummel you from below
Mostly a dom. Once in a blue moon he likes to be commanded
Total brat tamer, but don’t test him because he’s not afraid to forgo his own pleasure to teach you a lesson
Loves edging you with a vibrator or his hand, laying on the bed with your back against his chest while he reaches around to your front
Most of the foreplay happens in his lap, with his hands exploring all over you
Will overstimulate you because he loves watching you squirm and be powerless
Takes aftercare very seriously if he fucked you rough, or if you just look like you need it
Doggystyle - wants to see your ass in the air so he can spank it and watch it jiggle
Also wants to get pegged or topped in doggystyle
Any position where he can go deeper and feel bigger
Spooning for when he’s lazy so he can reach around to your front and stimulate you further
Avoids face-to-face positions in his casual encounters because he has a fear of intimacy and that feels way too personal
When he’s in love, however, he wants to face you so he can watch your body react to him. He’ll watch your face contort in passion, getting off on just how good he can make you feel and he’ll study your body’s reactions so he knows just what to do to get you off
Likes to switch positions a lot to keep things spicy
Making sure you cum together is a goal of his
Not a brat tamer because he IS a brat
Very into trying new and complicated sex positions; has several copies of the Kama Sutra
Laying on your sides facing each other so he can look into your eyes and whisper sweet nothings to you
LOVES missionary; he doesn’t care if people think it’s overrated
He just wants to look you in the eyes when you cum
Definitely cries after sex
Whiny and needy; wants to be held and comforted and likes having his hair stroked while laying against your chest
Prefers to only have sex with someone he cares about but he’s had a couple of flings before
Says “I love you” when he cums
Wants you to eat his ass from behind so he can feel vulnerable and exposed, knowing you’ll take good care of him
Always wants snacks after fucking and chugs a whole glass of water or a Juicy Juice box immediately after. In fact, he usually leaves water on his nightstand for this (he chugs water after masturbating too)
Car sex - let’s face it, he’s had a lot of practice back in the day
Whatever it is, he wants it to be rough and quick
Usually fucks against something - wall, desk, couch, …toilet (he’s definitely fucked while on the toilet - don’t lie, you’ve seen the photo, you were thinking it too)
Likes reverse cowgirl so he can see your ass jiggle
Likes motorboating
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anamelessfool · 2 months
I like to think that Terzo snores, but doesn't believe that he does. Like, he's in denial about snoring.
And Nihil is the same way. Terzo gets it from him.
Oh yeah Terzo is terrible in bed. As in, it's next to impossible to sleep next to him. He's a snorer, mutterer, absolute starfish. Somehow does a full rotation from head to foot and you have to adjust. Rolls himself up in all the blankets. You're shivering and wondering if all the sex and cute post-orgasm cuddling was worth all this.
And he always wakes up refreshed too. Bright eyed and sparkling and you're over there dead to the world.
Problem is you're sitting there frowning at him taking the blankets and fully kicking you in the face and something happens. Then he goes and does something cute like make a little sigh or cuddle or a kitty paw gesture. And you just can't help but forget what a monster he just was.
Light of my life. My sun and stars.
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beemovieerotica · 3 months
Butler argues that it would be “counterproductive and wrong” to chalk up the existence of oppressive systems to biology. But why? I am of the opinion that any comprehensive movement for trans rights must be able to make political demands at the level of biology itself... Suppose women’s oppression really is a product of their biology, Firestone wrote. What follows? Only that feminists must work to change biological reality.
The genius of this gambit was to refuse the idea that biological facts had some kind of intrinsic moral value that social or cultural facts did not. Biology could not justify the exploitation of human beings; indeed, it could not even justify biology, which was just as capable of perpetuating injustice as any society. 
Sex is real. So is global warming. To believe in their reality is an indispensable precondition for making normative claims about them, as we know from climate activism. But the belief that we have a moral duty to accept reality just because it is real is, I think, a fine definition of nihilism. What trans kids are saying is this: The right to change sex that has been enjoyed for decades by their parents, friends, teachers, coaches, doctors, and representatives, especially if those people are white and affluent — this right belongs to them, too. We should understand this right as flowing not from a revanchist allegiance to an existing social order on the perpetual verge of collapse but from a broader ideal of biological justice, from which there also flows the right to abortion, the right to nutritious food and clean water, and, crucially, the right to health care.
-Andrea Long Chu
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youwouldntlietopapa · 9 months
Headcanon - Drunk Texts from Papa
It’s rare he ever gets “drunk texting” drunk so it doesn’t happen often.
His texts are very bluntly horny.
If you’re awake and answering, you’ll get maybe two at most before he gives up and calls.
Immediately asks what you’re wearing.
If he’s away, he’ll make phone sex work for him.
If he’s at the Abbey, he’ll be asking you to meet him in his quarters. Immediately.
Entirely gives up even attempting English. All of his drunk texts are in Italian.
They are pure filth. In a way that only he can make sound sexy.
Attempts to use emojis and, despite using all the wrong ones, manages to get the point across.
You may get an angry Italian rant about an ad that distracted him for some “Italian inspired” fast food midway through getting a string of absolutely obscene suggestions. Just give it 15 minutes and he’ll forget what he was talking about and go back to sexting.
His typing remains pretty consistent despite being entirely drunk.
If he’s away or you’re taking too long to get to his quarters, you will definitely get a dick pic.
You are definitely getting a dick pic. With what looks like influencer grade lighting and staging.
Probably a whole series of pics.
His English goes entirely to shit.
It takes some time, but you do eventually learn to decipher Drunk Terzo.
There will also be excessive emoji use. He knows the right ones. Still manages to be ridiculous.
Gets very lovey on top of being horny. He can multitask like that.
So many pet names and heart emojis.
If he’s away, he WILL be FaceTiming you because sexing when video exists is just silly.
You immediately know he’s been drinking because of the half dozen sappiest messages you’ve ever read he sent over the course of about 8 minutes.
They are extremely sweet and sincere.
Tell you he loves you just so many times.
Once you’ve reassured him that you feel the same, there will be some more… suggestive texts.
It’s very hard to take his sexting seriously because he keeps using emojis mid spicy talk. There is just no way to read “I want to (eggplant) your (cat face)” and not start laughing.
There’s an attempt at a dick pic, but he had it set to the front facing camera. You end up getting a blown out picture of half his chin, part of his nose, and one very startled looking eye.
It takes a minute or two before there’s another message and it’s Copia explaining that he temporarily blinded himself.
Only sends a dick pic.
It's terrible.
The worst.
Just burn your phone.
That thing is tainted now.
Maybe bleach your eyes and hands.
My condolences.
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angelcent · 1 year
More older boyfriend Sukuna? This is masterpiece!
: ̗̀➛ went off the rails after his divorce—embracing a life of nihilism with all the regency of an arrogant king. sukuna took his own personal vows—one, to never ever be fucking foolish enough to marry again. two, show no mercy. the world was his and he hated it.
: ̗̀➛ meeting and becoming infatuated with you wasn't lovely at first—it reminded sukuna of a natural disaster; the earth at her most violent and unexpected, uncaring of who came her way. it struck him amongst his life of debauchery; in the whirlwind of lust, greed, and violence, he took bloody steps towards an angel who looked up at him through pretty lashes.
: ̗̀➛ like a king, he took what he wanted. sukuna captured the crystalline gem out of everyone's reach; the morning light that gleamed with warmth in the frost of winter.
: ̗̀➛ sukuna is shamelessly greedy, so once you give yourself to him he’ll practically consume you with his passion. it reminds you of flames, or a natural disaster—and you can’t explain why it makes you feel so alive. why the love of a man like sukuna is the sweetest you’ve ever known. (you both compare the other to natural disasters).
: ̗̀➛ enjoys when you’re a little possessive over him, thinks it’s cute. a nasty part of him wants to push you and see how far it’d go. for fun.
: ̗̀➛ wouldn’t hesitate to kill his ex-wife if she ever tried to mess with you (and I think she would). the question is if you ever find out that he’s done so, and if you’d care that he choked the life out the woman he previously promised his loyalty to. hint: you don't, and he falls even deeper for it.
: ̗̀➛ he likes when you fall asleep on his lap before bed. your gentle and peaceful breathing settles his heart a little; it tames him for just a moment. you constantly remind him that life is never truly dull.
: ̗̀➛ sukuna is a wayward man so he can't stay in one place too long—the world is too vast. it's not getaways that he takes you to, you two live in mansions throughout the world. when your glasses clink, you often think of the malevolence that the man before you brings. it should unsettle you, but the toothy grin he sends your way only quickens the beat of your heart. you love sukuna with your entire being.
: ̗̀➛ sukuna has murmured poetry into your soft skin more than once. you don’t know this, but the verses that leave his lips are off the top of his head. he’s not reciting anyone else’s words—they’re all born out of his love for you.
: ̗̀➛ he's not a jealous man at all. sukuna is the most secure man you've ever met. he openly laughs at anyone trying to make a move on you right before crushing them.
: ̗̀➛ morning sex, very late night sex, and public sex are his favorite. he simultaneously likes having you when the world is muted and quiet, but also wants you when life is buzzing all around and doesn’t care who’d stumble upon you. you’ve been walked in on and caught more than once but sukuna never stops. he makes sure they know that he’s aware and doesn’t care—sukuna just continues fucking his wet cock into your tight cunt.
: ̗̀➛ off to the races by lana del rey is the anthem to this au.
: ̗̀➛ even ardently in love, sukuna is not a soft man. there are lapses, sure, but he is still him at his core. still, you're sukuna's entire soul. the little lady who can mouth off to him with no consequences. his morning light.
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bupia · 8 months
Hii!! Inexperience Prompts 2 and 43 with a young cardinal copia with a sister
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"I've never done this before..." - "Well neither have I." "Are you sure this is your first time?"
There's a smut under the cut, +18 only, please.
(Female!Reader: masturbation; semi-public masturbation [probably not semi-public at all but just in case]; oral sex: f-m; dirty talk; Italian swearing; cum swallowing)
Available on AO3
Day 18 | Day 20
You paused in front of Nihil's office. You needed to speak with Cardinal Copia, and you were aware that during lunchtime, he typically occupied that space. With a sense of formality, rapped your knuckles on the wooden door three times to announce your presence. You grasped the doorknob, gently pushing it walking into Cardinal Copia's office.
"Excuse me, Cardinal," you began.
The Cardinal's reaction was one of sheer alarm as he nearly tumbled out of his chair, his hands flailing in the air as he grappled with the sudden shock of your presence. His chair nearly tipped over, and he struggled to regain his composure while trying to slide his chair back to his desk.
"Are you... okay?" you asked, your voice reflecting your genuine concern, your brows furrowing with worry.
"Sì, sì, perfetto!" he replied, though his voice quivered with nervousness as he attempted to readjust himself in his chair.
"Cardinal..." you said, starting to move closer to him.
"Stay back!" he interrupted, raising his hand to halt your approach.
"Cardinal, you're really worrying me," you insisted, taking a few more steps toward him.
"Per favore!" he pleaded again, looking at you with a wide-eyed, almost fearful expression.
You walked towards him, genuinely concerned about his strange behavior. As you approached, his hand raised to stop you once again, but you continued moving closer, ignoring his plea for distance.
"Cardinal, please," you implored, trying to understand what had him so flustered. "Tell me what's going on. You're acting so strangely."
He struggled to compose himself but ultimately couldn't hold it together. In a nervous and hurried movement, he stood up from his chair, and his already unbuttoned pants fell to his ankles, revealing his throbbing erection. Your eyes widened at the unexpected sight, and then you quickly averted your gaze to maintain some level of modesty. He fumbled to pull his pants back up, covering himself with his hands, his face a deep shade of red.
"Per favore, sorella, mi dispiace... I..." he stammered.
"That's okay, Cardinal," you tried to reassure him. "We all have our moments."
"I didn't know someone would come at this hour," Cardinal Copia stammered, attempting to offer an explanation for his behavior.
"I'm sorry?" you replied, confusion still etched on your face.
"No, per favore," he said, his voice trembling. "It's not your fault."
As you glanced down at his exposed hardness, his face reddened with embarrassment, and he quickly used his hands to shield himself once more. The awkwardness of the situation seemed to hang heavily in the air.
"Should I... go?" you asked hesitantly, your gaze shifting towards the door.
"No, you came here for a reason, sì?" Cardinal Copia responded, his voice trembling slightly as he attempted to regain his composure. He reached for his pants again. "What made you come here at this hour?"
You found yourself momentarily speechless, your thoughts dominated by the scene before you. The unexpected and arousing situation had momentarily driven your original reason for visiting his office out of your mind.
"I... I came here for some guidance," you continued, your voice trailing off. "Do you want some help?" you inquired, feeling a strange sense of desire.
Cardinal Copia gasped at your question and looked at you in disbelief. "W-What?" he stammered.
"Nothing," you said, shaking your head. "I... maybe..."
He sat back in his chair, a mixture of surprise and uncertainty on his face. "That... that would... could... probably... perhaps be good."
You considered the situation for a moment before leaning in closer to him. "Do you think so?"
"I have never done it before, but..."
"Well, neither have I..." you replied, lowering your body in front of him. "But... I could try?"
As you knelt in front of him, he went with his hand to your face, gently caressing your cheek as he gazed down at you.
"Are you sure you want to do it?" he inquired.
You nodded, showing your determination. "Yes, I want to."
He sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Bene," he said, excitement in his eyes. "I... We can do it then."
You slowly ran your hands up his thighs and took hold of his throbbing hardness. Cardinal Copia's reactions were immediate, and you felt his hips jerk upward as you began to stroke him. A slight giggle escaped your lips, and he blushed deeper, his grip on your cheek growing tighter. As you continued to stroke him, your eyes locked with his, and he moved his hands to the arms of the chair.
"Does it feel good?" you inquired, biting your lower lip.
"Sì, but... a little saliva would be... good," Cardinal Copia replied.
His request for some saliva made you nod in understanding, and you leaned in, moistening your lips before carefully applying your saliva to your hand. You resumed stroking his length, your movements now even smoother as you maintained eye contact. Cardinal Copia's breathing grew heavy, and you could tell he was growing increasingly aroused by your touch.
Your hand continued to glide along his length, fingers glistening with saliva, as you maintained a steady pace. Cardinal Copia's breaths were becoming more erratic, and his body language revealed his growing arousal. As you looked up at him, you could see the desire in his eyes, a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment. The act was illicit, and the thrill of it added to the intensity of the moment.
"Cardinal, you're so hard," you whispered, maintaining your rhythm.
"It... It's because of you, sorella..." he sighed. "M-Maybe you could go a little faster?"
You nodded and began to quicken the pace of your hand's movements along his length, stroking him with more urgency. Copia hissed, drawing in a sharp breath, his eyes closing as he leaned his head against the back of the chair. Meanwhile, your other hand gently caressed his thigh, applying a slightly firmer pressure.
You moved your hand back to his length, stroking it more firmly now, and he let out a long, pleasured groan. His hips moved in rhythm with your hand, and you could feel him getting closer to the edge. Cardinal Copia's breaths were coming fast and shallow, and he couldn't take his eyes off you.
"Sorella, you're doing so good," he gasped, his hands gripping the arms of his chair tightly.
You smiled and increased the pace of your strokes, feeling his begin to shudder. You bit your lip and leaned in closer to his member. His eyes widened open in anticipation as you slowly parted your lips, giving his tip a gentle, lingering kiss. Copia couldn't help but let out a soft whine, and his hand moved from the armchair to your head, holding you in place, as he succumbed to the feeling.
You teased his tip with your lips, planting soft kisses on it, making Cardinal Copia squirm in pleasure. His grip on your head tightened as he guided you down further, and you took more of him into your mouth. His breath grew heavier, and his moans filled the room.
"Per favore, use your mouth," he whispered, his voice filled with longing.
You nodded and took his member into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the head. He groaned loudly, and you could feel his hips twitching with excitement. Cardinal Copia's grip on your head tightened as he guided you up and down his length, thrusting into your mouth with a growing urgency.
"That's it, sorella," he whispered, his voice trembling. "Use your mouth... make me... oh, Satan..."
You continued to pleasure him with your mouth, bobbing your head up and down as he moaned and gasped. His eyes were locked on you, watching your every move.
"Are you sure this is your first time?" he asked.
You pulled him off your mouth and looked at him. "Yes, I've never done it before."
With a mischievous grin, you returned to your task, your mouth returning to his length. You continued stroking and teasing him, licking the tip of his member. Cardinal Copia let out a deep sigh of pleasure as you continued to pleasure him with your mouth and hands. He moaned in pleasure as you continued your sweet torture, giving him a blend of sensations that left him breathless.
"Per favore... Don't stop..."
He didn't need to tell you twice. You stroked, licked, and sucked him, feeling him shiver with every sensation. Your tongue swirled around the head, savoring the salty-sweet flavor that danced on your taste buds. As your desire deepened, you opened your mouth wider and took him inside. You began by sucking him slowly, gradually increasing the intensity.
Cardinal Copia's moans grew louder as you continued to work your mouth on him. He squirmed in his chair, gripping the armrests tightly. Your mouth and hands worked in harmony, driving him closer to the edge. He was clearly enjoying the sensations you were giving him, his body responding with involuntary shivers.
"Cazzo!" he exclaimed, groaning. "Your mouth is so warm... It feels so good."
You continued your seductive motions, slowly taking him deeper into your mouth, your hands working his shaft as you skillfully moved up and down on his member. With each deep, deliberate suction, Cardinal Copia became increasingly consumed by pleasure, his moans giving way to incoherent gasps. His hand on your head, he guided himself deeper into your mouth.
"Sì, sì, suck my cock... Just like that... Merda! How can you be so good at it, sorella?" Cardinal Copia groaned in lust.
Cardinal Copia pushed you down onto his length, holding you there, and a slight gag escaped you, prompting him to grip your hair firmly. He pushed himself even deeper, and you began to choke. In the midst of this, you pulled your head off his member, coughing slightly, gasping for air, a thin line of saliva connecting your mouth to him.
Cardinal Copia's eyes locked onto you, and a devilish smile slowly spread across his lips. "Such a good sorella... Sucking my cock with that sinful mouth," he praised, his voice heavy with desire. "You're so good at that."
He lowered his body toward you, capturing your lips in a hungry, passionate kiss. The taste of him lingered on your tongue, mingling with the taste of his kiss. Your arms wrapped around him, pulling him even closer as your tongues danced together in a fiery embrace.
"If you keep sucking my cock like that..." he began whispering, breaking the kiss. "You'll make me want to fuck you right here," he admitted, his voice laced with temptation.
You moaned in response to his words and leaned in to steal a quick, passionate kiss. Then, you lowered your head once more, beginning to suck him with increased urgency and intensity. His member grew harder and harder inside your mouth, and he couldn't help but let out loud moans of pleasure. His hand pushed your head further onto his length, causing you to gag once more. He took control, guiding your head up and down on him.
"Cazzo! That's good, sorella!" he exclaimed.
You gazed up at him, meeting his eyes as his face contorted with pleasure. His hips began to move faster, and his lust-filled gaze remained locked onto yours. The expression on his face left no doubt about how thoroughly consumed he was by the pleasure you were providing as you expertly sucked on his length.
"Merda, I'm going to cum... Is it okay if I cum inside your mouth, sorella?" Cardinal Copia gasped, his need growing overwhelming.
You did your best to nod, your head continuing to bob up and down on his length. His hips involuntarily bucked as he reached the peak of pleasure. With a final groan, he released himself into your mouth, and you dutifully swallowed every drop. Cardinal Copia leaned back in his chair, his chest heaving, completely spent. He looked at you with awe and satisfaction.
You continued to suck him gently, savoring his essence, making sure to satisfy him entirely. When you were certain he had finished, you released him and looked up at him with a grin.
"You truly are a talented novice, sorella."
"Did that help, Cardinal?" you asked playfully.
Cardinal Copia gazed down at you with a hint of amusement in his eyes. "It most certainly did, sorella," he replied with a satisfied grin. "Perhaps you should visit the office at lunchtime more often for such divine guidance."
You chuckled softly, enjoying the playful banter, and stood up. "Maybe. But I'm afraid that now I need to go back to my duties before someone starts to miss me."
He adjusted his clothing and nodded. You rubbed the back of your hand on your mouth and lowered your body, pressing a gentle kiss on his cheek. You turned your back to him, but just as you were about to leave, he called out for you.
You turned to face him, a curious look on your face. "Yes?"
"D-Do you... Would you like to come back later and meet me here?"
You pretended to ponder his question for a moment, then lifted your habit, slowly and sensually slid your panties down, and hung them on the doorknob. You sighed and replied, "I'm afraid I will have to, because I think I forgot something at Papa's office."
Cardinal Copia watched with wide eyes as you hung your panties on the doorknob. His cheeks turned a shade of crimson, and he stammered, "A-Ah, sì, I see... I understand. So, you'll be back later for that... item, then."
You smirked and gave a playful wink. "Indeed, Cardinal. Until then, take care."
With a playful sway of your hips, you turned and left his office, leaving Cardinal Copia in a state of bewildered arousal and anticipation.
Part 2 soon.
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