#she made me book the table right there in front of her so she'd be able to look forward to it 🥺
becca-e-barnes · 1 year
Sub Bucky and a breeding kink 💀 dead unlived it's one of my favourite things 😌
This is pretty high up there on my list of dream fantasies 🥵 these are two of my biggest weaknesses, don't even look at me rn
One of life's greatest joys is cuddling with the other person's head resting on your chest so you can play with their hair and rub their shoulders. I love that shit, having someone else's body weight on you is so comforting.
I imagine that's something Bucky would really enjoy too. It's so soft and sweet and tender and getting to feel cared for would really appeal to him.
But that's up until his hands work their way under your top, up over your bare skin so he's able to cup your breasts and bury his face between them while he's getting his hair played with. Life's pleasures don't get much simpler than that.
After a few moments he shifts slightly, tugging the neckline of your shirt out of the way to give himself space to kiss and nip your skin. All of a sudden he's desperate and it's beautiful to watch.
"Please." He whispers between frantic kisses, flicking his tongue over the stiff peak of your nipple before engulfing it with his warm, eager mouth.
"Please, what?" You tease, tugging on his hair just a little for emphasis.
He groans, frustrated by his own lack of coherence, pulling his mouth from your nipple. "Please let me put a baby in you."
That's not what you were expecting but fuck, he makes it sound pretty appealing.
"Bucky-" You begin but he cuts you off, giving your other nipple the same attention as he gave the first. God, that's distracting.
"You'd make. Such. A pretty. Mommy." He whispers, kissing his way down your body until he reaches the bottom seam of your top. From there, he pulls it off, letting it fall to the floor before removing the rest of your clothes.
"You'd look so pretty with a little baby bump." His huge hand rests on your bare tummy, imaging how your body would change.
"I want it, Buck." You mean it too. It doesn't sound like such a bad idea when he's taking his clothes off.
"I know you want it." He groans, rubbing the tip of his dick against your soaked core. "Y-you're so wet."
He presses his hips forward, sliding inside you and you can't explain it but you swear it feels different this time.
"Don't even think about pulling out." You cup his face in your hands, keeping his eyes on you and you almost worry he's going to fuck himself senseless into you. "I want you to make me a mommy. You're going to give me every single drop of cum and when it starts to drip out of me, you're going to fuck it back in."
His head falls onto your shoulder, sobbing a pathetic moan against your already hot skin. The pace of his thrusts matches his need, his hips slamming into yours and when he finally gives in, he cums inside you with your legs clamped around his waist, making sure he couldn't pull out even if he wanted to.
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roosterforme · 2 months
Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw Part 1 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: After Bradley finally breaks things off with his girlfriend just days before the start of a deployment, he expects a few lonely months of nobody writing to him or waiting for his return. But the fateful arrival of a package from a class of fourth graders learning about aviation changes everything.
Warnings: Fluff, language, breakup angst
Length: 2200 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female teacher!Reader
Check out my masterlist for more! Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw masterlist
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Bradley had his duffle bag open on his bed, tidy stacks of his uniform components, flight suits, and underwear lined up next to it. He had his checklist in front of him. He liked to be as organized as possible.
"Are you even listening to me? I thought we were going out to dinner."
He looked up from his partially packed toiletry bag into the annoyed eyes of Vanessa where she stood on the other side of the bed. He was seven months into this relationship, and sometimes he wondered why either of them still bothered. She knew his routine by now. She knew what his deployments were like, but she had absolutely no patience for any of it.
"Ness, I'm leaving in four days. I just need to focus on this for a few minutes so I know what I need to buy before Wednesday, and then we can go out and eat."
"It's already seven o'clock. I thought you'd have finished packing by now," she replied with a pout and a glare. "Every nice restaurant is going to have a long wait now, because I'm just going to go ahead and assume that you didn't make a reservation anywhere."
He took a deep breath and let it out before pressing his lips together. What he really wanted was to order something for delivery, cuddle on the couch, watch a movie and have the first round of hot, goodbye sex. But she'd never go for it now. Apparently he'd already fucked up for the night. 
"No, I didn't make a reservation," he said calmly, and she rolled her eyes and reached for her phone. "I really don't even feel like going out. I'll be gone for months, stuck in a tiny bunk or a loud mess hall. I'd like to stay in tonight where it's quiet. Just me and you."
But she wasn't listening at all. "Let me see if Woodmere has any tables left," she muttered. "If not there, then I can try The Landmark." She looked as beautiful as she always did, but he couldn't even stand the sight of her right now.
"Ness. I want to stay in."
She groaned and looked him in the eye. "Of course you do. You always want to stay in. You always want to decompress or read a book. That's not healthy, you know that, right? I shouldn't have to force you out of your comfort zone all the time."
"Fuck," he grunted, running his fingers through his hair. His job was demanding, both mentally and physically. He usually preferred quiet over loud, because his own thoughts started to buzz when she dragged him out all over the place. And now she was glaring at him again. "Are you even going to miss me?" he asked softly, afraid of the answer. "You haven't said so one time since I told you about this deployment."
She heaved a deep and annoyed sigh. "You're deployed so frequently, Bradley, it's like you're the government's bitch. And if the Navy is going to insist upon eating up taxpayer money, the least they could do is pay you more."
His skin started to crawl as she went off about his career like always, but he'd honestly had enough. He raised his voice louder and asked once again, "Are you even going to miss me?"
Vanessa scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Of course I'm going to miss you. What kind of question is that? I'll be bored every weekend, waiting for you to get back, like usual. I almost never go out when you're deployed."
Bradley's heart started to pound in a way that made his palms sweat and his stomach turn. "Jesus, Vanessa. I asked if you're going to miss me. Not miss going out every weekend."
When she hesitated for a beat, he reached out to brace his hand on his headboard. "Yes, Bradley. I am going to miss you. Okay? Happy?"
"Fuck, no. I'm not happy Vanessa." And that was the bottom line right there. The absolute truth. And it didn't hurt to say it, rather he immediately felt better. He knew he would miss the sporadic emails and the phone calls and the dirty pictures and the reunion sex. The upcoming weeks would be harder without those things to look forward to, but at least he'd come home to his own place where he could do what he wanted instead of what he was told. He wouldn't have to listen to her negativity. "I think we need to break up."
Her eyes went wide with shock. "Excuse me?"
Bradley let go of the bed and ran his hand over his face. "You heard me, Ness. This isn't working. For either of us."
"Don't call me Ness," she snapped, immediately turning toward his bedroom door. "You're not my boyfriend anymore." She paused briefly, just long enough to say, "Fuck you," and then she was gone. 
He sat on the edge of his bed for a couple minutes, but it didn't take long to sort through his feelings. The immediate sense of calm that he felt had him convinced he'd done the right thing. There was no shared living space. There was no ring. There was no real commitment. Maybe he'd always known why that was the case. 
So he packed up his bag and made a shopping list, and when his stomach started to growl, he ordered dinner for himself from his favorite restaurant. He didn't cry, and he didn't worry about having to do anything he didn't want to do.
The first few weeks of his deployment were great. He spent a lot of time in the air, and he flirted a bit with some of the women who approached him in the gym on the aircraft carrier. He jerked off while he thought about whomever he fucking wanted to. He didn't spend very much time reflecting on his relationship with Vanessa other than to acknowledge that it wasn't much of a relationship at all. In the moments where he thought maybe he missed her, he realized he just missed the idea of having someone who cared about him.
He was about a month in when he realized the attractive woman who always touched his arm in the gym was actually married, and he was not all about that. He was also maybe kind of getting tired of masturbating which was a depressing thought. He was bored, and he was lonely, and other than randomly hooking up with someone, he figured his best bet was finding a book or something to read. 
When he made his way to dinner, he heard everyone talking about the helicopter that had landed on deck less than an hour ago stacked full of containers of mail. There was a line of officers trailing down the hallway adjacent to the mess hall, everyone waiting patiently to pick up parcels from their loved ones. Since Bradley had basically nobody who would think to write to him, he made his way toward the food instead. 
His tray was piled high with everything he could get his hands on, and when he looked for somewhere to sit, he had to deftly avoid that stacked lieutenant who had a husband at home. He found a table off in the corner and devoured his dinner alone. When he stood to drop off his empty dishes and tray, some petty officers entered the cavernous room to drop off unclaimed mail. 
"Harper, Jonathan! Pauley, Vincent! Dixon, Jennifer! Sutter, Wesley! Bradshaw, Bradley!"
He was more than a little intrigued as he made his way up along with a handful of others, and then a white envelope and a small cardboard box were thrust into his hands. The envelope was addressed to him by name in familiar chicken scratch that made him smile. He shouldn't have counted Natasha out, especially when his birthday was in a few days. 
He tore into the envelope as he made his way back to his bunk. It contained a very short letter along with a coupon for buy one get one free steak dinners at her favorite restaurant with a post-it stuck to the back. 
This is your birthday present. Now when you take me out for my birthday when you get home, you only have to pay half as much. You're welcome.
He snorted as he unlocked his bunk door and tossed everything from Nat onto the small nightstand. And then he examined the box. It wasn't addressed to him. Not really. It was addressed to 'A Deployed US Naval Aviator' in tidy handwriting. Then he noticed the return address was from an elementary school in Mira Mesa, and his curiosity got the best of him.
Bradley sat on the edge of his bed and tore gently into the packaging to find the box was jam packed with items and overflowing with envelopes. He tipped the box, and everything went cascading out onto his narrow bed. There were a lot of snacks, and a pack of trail mix caught his eye, making his stomach growl.
"I just fed you," he muttered but ripped into the snack anyway, dumping half of it into his mouth in one go. He was eyeing the envelopes carefully, each one distinctly unique. Some had names written on them, and some had little doodles or pictures, but they definitely seemed to be from a class of kids who went to the school. He sifted through them until he found a slightly larger, more official looking envelope which once again said To: A Deployed US Naval Aviator.
He finished his snack, silently thanking the class of kids and their teacher, and then he opened the big envelope. He pulled out a typed up letter which was folded around a few photos that slid onto his lap. Then he started to read.
Dear United States Naval Aviator,
First of all, thank you for your service. Second, let us introduce ourselves. We are one of the fourth grade classes from Mira Mesa Elementary School, and we have been learning all about aviation for the last month or so. We have combined our science, math and social studies classes into one unit all about flying, and we have learned so much. We really wanted to share some of what we learned with you in the hopes that you might be able to help us learn even more!
Each student in the class has included a letter filled with information and some questions. If you have some free time and are inclined to do so, we would love to hear back from you. (No pressure!) There are plenty of thoughtful questions that my students would appreciate more information about. (Once again, only if you want to!) And I for one would love to give them the chance to show off what they learned to a professional. (I'm just a proud teacher!)
Thank you very much for indulging our curiosity thus far, and we hope to hear back from you. I'll include my email address just in case you have any questions or would prefer to reply that way. Otherwise you can send mail directly to the address for the school along with my name, and it will get to us. We hope we are about to dazzle you with our letters, and we wish you well on your deployment.
The best fourth graders you will ever meet along with their teacher
Bradley was chuckling as he finished reading. Of course he would take the time to look at all of the notes from the kids and send back a response. It wasn't like he'd be tied up talking to Vanessa. This little project would keep him busy when he had nothing else to do, and besides, this was the kind of shit he would have thought was outlandishly cool when he was a fourth grader himself. 
He read and reread the name and accompanying email address at the bottom of the page. This teacher sounded charming, and he'd only read three paragraphs from her. He flipped the page over to double check that she hadn't written anything more, already wishing she had. Then he picked up the photos that had landed on his thigh and started to flip through them.
First he saw a group of kids outside in the bright San Diego sunlight, lined up and throwing paper airplanes. Then he flipped to one where some of the kids were sitting at their desks building more elaborate planes out of pieces of foam. There was another photo of the class on some sort of field trip, but it was the last photo in the stack that had him sitting up a little taller and taking a closer look.
The kids were all lined up once again, wearing a rainbow of colors, some making silly faces. But his eyes caught on their teacher. On you. Smiling back at him from the photo like you had an amusing secret. Like you wanted to share it with him.
"Fucking gorgeous."
And, we're off. Oh, he thinks we are cute. Oh, he is about to be charmed even more. Thanks for pushing me out of my comfort zone a little bit with this one, and thank you @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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☀︎ Your Mom Showed Me Your Baby Pictures ☀︎— Lee Felix
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word count: 2.4k
paring: Felix x afab!reader
genre: Fluff
warnings: afab!reader, boyfriend!Felix, pet names (sweetie, love, beautiful, sunshine), kissing (goes no further), engagement, proposing, mentions Hyunjin, if I left anything out please let me know, kinda proof-read
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Felix had thought out absolutely everything that you guys would do for your vacation back to his parents house in Australia. He had the restaurants picked, theme parks, beach days, you name it and he’d planned it. Sadly things weren't going to his plan. Due to the sudden change of weather, you'd caught a cold.
It's been three days and your symptoms are barely easing up. Your fever had finally broken early this morning but you still had body aches and a sniffly nose. No matter how much you insisted that you could do everything he wanted, he refused to let you leave the house, which wasn’t a bad thing since this meant that you'd get to know his siblings and parents better. 
Everyone had been super understanding and helpful while you were sick, whether that was his mom making you something to eat that was light on your stomach, or Olivia coming to watch a movie with you (on separate sides of the room so she didn’t get sick), or Rachel bringing you a fresh blanket out of the laundry when Felix had told her you were shaking from your fever. 
They had all been so nice, even before you were sick and just got to talk to them over the phone. His mother and father would constantly ask about you if you weren't present for the calls, at least that's what he told you, sisters texting you constantly to just check in. The funniest conversations were with Olivia though. She would constantly send you funny memes of her older brother or the thirst traps that would pop up on her tik tok, messaging the same thing every time, “this is what you’re into *barf*”. 
Today was no different besides the fact that you'd pulled yourself out of Felixs’ room to sit in the living room when his mother saw you. Her smile warmed the room just like her sons would, making you smile back to her. “Hi sweetie, are you looking for Felix?” She asked you before walking over and rubbing your shoulders, placing her hand on your head to see if you still had a fever.
You now see where Felix gets his tenderness from, it was the woman standing in front of you. Going back to her question, you shake your head before wrapping the blanket tighter around you. “No Mrs. Lee, I just wanted some fresh air… the room was becoming suffocating.” you respond, watching her roll her eyes when you call her that as she's told you many times you just refer to her as mom at least a hundred times by now. “Gotcha, well he went out to lunch with his father and sisters, so it's just the two of us here right now. Are you hungry? I can make you something.” but before she finished speaking, you're being pulled to the table and she disappears into the kitchen.
You sit and listen to her little stories of when the Lee siblings were little, giggling when she makes sure to tell you the embarrassing things Felix did while he was still in school. Eventually food was done and she'd made enough for the both of you to have lunch together, saying it was nice was an understatement. The food was delicious and her company was amazing, always making sure that you were okay and didn't need more to drink, getting you the medication you needed for your cold, talking to you not only about her kids but also asking you about your childhood and your parents.
Once lunch was over, the two of you had moved back to the livingroom and continued the conversation on the couch. Suddenly she stands up and hurries out, only to return with large books and a bright smile. “Has Felix ever shown you any of his baby pictures?” She asks as she sits back beside you, quite close so that you could look through the books together. You simply shake your head with a large smile, excited for what would come next.
The two of you flip through the books, giggling at the silly photos, stopping when his mother would start telling the story behind certain ones. You couldn't hold in a particularly loud laugh when you see a photo of him from the early years of grade school, leaned up against what looks like a tree in a white button up with a blue grid pattern. “He looks like a little business man!” you say as you look over at his mother who's nodding her head laughing with you. “That's what happens when dad picks your clothes for picture day.”
You flip through more pages, taking a couple pictures of the ones you'd want to look back at. Some time goes by and you've finished looking through the photos, his mother puts the books away and not soon after, the rest of the family walks through the door. You smile when you see your sweet sunshine walk inside, making his way straight to you. You stand up and hug him tightly, his arms pulling you tightly to him by your lower back before pulling one away to feel your head. “No fever, Love?” he asks you, brushing the hair out of your face. “It broke this morning before I woke up, I've been spending time with your mom.” You respond, looking over at her before you see her put a finger over her lips, silently shushing you and you know why, his baby pictures.
A few days have passed since then and since you were finally feeling better, the two of you started doing all of the things that Felix had planned. You're out at dinner with your boyfriend and you couldn't have asked for anything more. The two of you ate and held small conversations, telling him about lunch with his mother the other day and him telling you about everything he did with his father and sisters while you were sick. Dinner was eventually over and the two of you were on your way back before Felix suddenly turned in the opposite direction of his house. 
You just look at him for a few minutes before curiosity gets the best of you. “Lixie, where are we going?” The question leaving your lips, making him glance over at you before slowly grabbing your hand in his free one, pulling it up and rubbing your knuckles against his lips. “You just looked so pretty in that dress, I wasn't ready to go home yet.” He answers, car turning again making your eyes fall away from him only to be met with the sight of water, the moon reflecting on it and waves gently splashing against the bay. Your cheeks flushed as he parked the car, getting out and walking to your side, opening the door for you and slowly taking off the white heels that matched your dress before helping you out of the car.
He carried you to the sand so that the road wouldn't hurt your feet. You insisted that if he had let you keep on your heels, you could have walked but he didn’t want them to be ruined by the sand. Once into the sand, Felix slowly puts you down, making sure both feet are on the ground before completely letting you go. He looks at you with a smile, glancing quickly down at your lips before putting his hands on your hips and pulling you close to him before gently placing his lips against yours. The kiss is very gentle, lips moving against the others with a slight rhythm, your arms draped over his shoulders as you play with his hair and his hands moving to your lower back, rubbing small circles.
Once you break away from the kiss, you lean your forehead against his before giggling and running towards the water. You're about to shin deep when Felix finally gets in since he had to take off his socks and shoes as well as roll up his pants quite a bit so that they didn't get too wet. He runs up to you causing the water to splash and you to squeal as the cold water suddenly hits the back of your thighs, his arms wrapping around you, kissing your shoulder gently. “Now we're both all wet, what about your car?” you ask him, raising an eyebrow when he starts giggling, smile shining so bright even in the dark.
“So… there's actually towels in the backseat. I knew that I would eventually take you to the beach so I put them in the car just before we found out you caught a cold.” He admits, moving a hand from your back to the back of his neck, rubbing it slowly. You can't help but laugh before cupping his cheeks to make him look at you then showering his face in soft but quick pecks. This makes him chuckle, putting his hands on yours before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone, putting on a soft playlist that Hyunjin had sent to him when he told him his plan. 
“May I have this dance, beautiful?” he asks, nerves building in his stomach with his hand outstretched to you. You nod, softly placing your hand into his. The two of you dance slowly, hearing him hum along before he slowly spins you making you laugh as the water splashes around you. You both somehow manage to make it back into the sand as the song changes, sand sticking to your feet but the two of you could care less. The only thing that mattered in this very moment was each other.
“I want you to spin three times for me this time with your eyes closed, okay?” He asks, words more like a demand than a question so you simply nod. He smiles sweetly before spinning you, making sure your eyes are closed on the first spin, he reaches into his pocket and drops down onto his knee. He watches the way that your dress spins with you, the way your hair flows in the wind so effortlessly and the beautiful smile on your face as you make that third spin. He knew now that he was making the right decision. His nerves climb into his throat when you've stopped spinning.
You open your eyes only to realize you're facing the wrong way which makes you laugh. “Lixie why didn't you tell me to turn arou-” You ask him, lips falling silent before you could finish your sentence when you see him. He's in front of you on one knee, smiling so bright you’d bet your last dime that it'd put the sun itself out of business. Your hands quickly cover your mouth as you step closer to him, each step shaky as if you're unsure that your legs can hold you up.
“L/n Y/n, you're the most amazing, beautiful, funniest, most caring person I've ever had the opportunity to meet. You always make me smile, help me through anything that I’m having trouble with and even though you get into my baked goods before I say anything about it amazes me. The way that you also take care of my friends makes me realize every single day what an amazing person you are. I’m in love with you and have been since that first date we went on. Will you make me the happiest man to walk the earth and spend the rest of my life with me? Will you marry me?” He asks a bit shaky in the beginning, finding more confidence in his words as he continues.
“Yes!! Oh my god Yes!!” you shout at him with excitement before you drop to your knees in front of him. He gently grabs your hand and slips the ring onto your finger. It was a perfect fit and he couldn't thank Olivia more for finding out your ring size for him a few months ago. You look at your hand in his and the beautiful ring on your finger as you feel your bottom lip begin quivering. You look up at him, noticing that his is the same, eyes watering as yours do the same. 
You quickly wrap your arms around him, hugging him tightly and kissing him a bit hard but neither of you care. Both of you stay like this for some time before slipping apart, staring at each other, laughing softly as he rubs the new ring on your hand. Eventually the both of you make your way back to the car, drying off after using a water bottle out of the car to get all the sand off. The ride home wasn't a long one but time has felt at stand still since you saw him on one knee. 
You both walk back inside and to his room, changing into more comfortable clothes and crawling into the bed. You put your phone on the charger and he finally sees your lock screen. “What was that?” He asks, a bit shocked when he sees the photo. How'd you get that? Isn't that his moms coffee table? “Hmm?” is all you say back to him, acting clueless as you try to finish getting ready for bed. “Y/n. How'd you get that photo?” He asks, knowing the answer but he wants you to confirm it. “Oh, you mean the little cutie on my lock screen? Your mom showed me your baby pictures the other day and I just couldn't help it. I wanted to be able to look at it again without having to bother her.” You answer him.
“This is what I get for telling her that I was gonna propose to you while we're here.” He rumbles as he rubs his temples. “Oh shush. You look like a cute little business man who is now all grown up and oh so very very handsome and engaged.” You say, pushing your hand in his direction which makes him smile. He gently grabs your hand and his phone in the other, taking a picture of your hand and sending it to his group chat. 
1 Attachment. “I did it you guys!! She's gonna be Mrs. Lee Y/n soon!!”
He then locks his phone, hearing the pings going off but his attention has shifted back to you, gazing lovingly at you as you brush your hair. 
“I’m in love with you, Beautiful.”
“And I’m in love with you, Sunshine.”
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©️ dearestaussiechannie, all rights reserved.
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sunny44 · 8 months
Lemonade for Carlos
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x wife!reader x mom!reader
Warnings: mentions of difficulties of getting pregnant
Summary: Your’s and Carlos daughter wants to sell lemonade to buy him a birthday present, so you help her set up a lemonade stand.
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I was just finishing the pancakes for breakfast when I heard Eva's rapid footsteps coming down the stairs.
"Mommy." She says, entering the kitchen. "Can I buy a present for Dad? For his birthday."
"Sure, have you thought about what you want to buy? We can go today if you want."
"But I don't have any money."
"I'll buy it for you, my love don’t worry."
"No, I want to buy it with my own money."
"And how are you going to get this money?" I asked, putting her in her chair and leaving the plate of pancakes on the table.
"I'm going to work." She says innocently.
"What are you going to work at?" I asked, pouring her a juice.
"Selling lemonade, a friend of mine from school said she got money to buy a doll by selling lemonade."
"Do you want to sell lemonade in front of the house?" She agrees.
"Please mommy, tell me I can." She looks at me with those same big brown eyes as her father.
"All right, we'll buy things after breakfast and set up your stand in front of the house."
After breakfast we get out of the house and went to the store to buy the necessary supplies, we bought lemons, sugar and colorful paper for a sign.
Eva couldn't contain her excitement as we set up a lemonade stand in our front yard.
After setting up we sat down and waited for the first people to come by and buy.
She wanted to write on the sign "Lemonade for Carlos" and when people came to buy she explained that she was selling it to buy a birthday present for her dad.
Obviously her cute face and speech moved people who ended up buying the lemonades and I had also made some cookies and brownies that she was selling too.
We were at the end of the day when Carlos arrived, as the race was here in Spain this weekend, the team was organizing here so he was in a meeting all day.
"What are you two doing?" He asks and as soon as she sees him she starts to smile.
"Daddy." She runs up to him who, after taking her in his arms, walks towards me and starts laughing at the sign.
"Lemonade for Carlos?" He asks.
"Yes, mommy and I sold lemonade so I could buy you your birthday present." she said excitedly and I could see that he loved her attitude.
"Oh baby, I love what you've done." She smiles and hugs him tighter.
"Well, we've finished work, so what do you say we go in, have a shower and celebrate with pizza?" They both agreed and that's what we did.
Eva was already asleep and I was lying on our bed sending the photos of the lemonade stand to Carlos' mother, who thought it was very funny that her granddaughter had come up with the idea.
"Are you going to sleep yet?" He asked, lying down next to me.
"Actually, I was going to read a bit, but if you want to talk." I say, putting the book in my nightstand and turning to him.
"Whose idea was that? The lemonade thing?"
"Your daughter's." I say and he smiles. "She came down today asking if she could buy you a present and I said I'd give her some money but she didn't want to and said she'd work to get the money."
"I love that little girl more than anything." He says sighing and smiling at the ceiling.
I remember very well the day I told him I was pregnant, we'd been trying for a while but it wasn't working. It had been a difficult few months for us, with the problem of getting pregnant, Carlos busy with work and stressed that the Ferrari wasn't good this year.
So I had tests done because I thought the problem was me and that I couldn't get pregnant but when the tests came back clean it added more stress to Carlos because he started to think the he was the problem.
So on the day he went for the test I stayed at home and took advantage of the fact that I was feeling unwell and took the test out of conscience and it turned out I was pregnant. I did a few more to make sure and when they all came back positive I spent the whole time Carlos was away crying and when he came back I told him and he started crying with me, both with relief and happiness.
"I know you do." I said, hugging him. "And I love you for it."
"Do you want more?"
"More what?"
"Children." He says, taking me by surprise.
It's not as if I hadn't already thought about having more children, but Carlos never showed that he wanted more. I think the fact that he gave Eva all the attention in the world made me think that he only wanted her.
"Maybe, do you want more?"
"Before Eva I thought about having more but then we had the problem of having her so when you got pregnant I was content that we'd just have her and I put all my attention and effort into making that little girl happy, but then over the years I started to think that I want to do it again and that I want her to have someone else with her when we're not here anymore." He says sincerely.
"I also want more children with you." He smiles."I never said anything because you never showed that you wanted more children and I see how dedicated you are to Eva."
"But if you wanted more children, why didn't you tell me?"
"Because as much as I wanted to, it's not something I'd regret if I didn't, I love you and our family so much and I am really happy with what we have."
"I love you too and we don't need to decide anything now."
"I know." He smiles and kisses me.
"Daddy." We hear that little voice at the door. "Can I come in?"
"Yes." He says, pulling away from me and looking at the door to see her come in clutching a Lightning McQueen plush Charles gave her since she calls him Uncle McQueen. "What happened?"
"It's just that I missed you and I was wondering if I could sleep with you and mommy." She says and I can see Carlos melting with love.
"Of course you can, my love." He says and she goes to his side, who picks her up and puts her in the middle of us. "I love you, you know that?"
"Yes, I love you too." She says, closing her eyes. "Good night mommy, good night daddy."
"Good night, baby." We kissed her forehead and all went to sleep.
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Bonus scene!
Y/nsainz instagram post
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Liked by @carlossainz, @charlesleclerc, @reysvdec and others 92730
Y/nsainz “Lemonade for Carlos”, who wants it?
@carlossainz can I have one please?
@y/nsainz yess you can daddy - Eva
@charlesleclerc can uncle McQueen have one too?
@y/nsainz yess you can uncle McQueen - Eva
@Thesainzfamily that’s the best seller ever
@reysvdec muy hermosa
Liked by @y/nsainz and @carlossainz
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libraryofgage · 8 months
Mermaid/Pirate Steddie Part Three
Part One | Part Two
I got side-lined by the Modern Steve in 80s Hawkins fic for a hot minute (that big boi is at, like, 73k; he hefty), but here's the next part!
As always, if you see any typos, no you didn't ;P
In the port city of Socotra, past the first big plaza and down a few side streets, is a small two-story shop with a sign that reads "C. C. Elixirs and Solutions." The shop is owned by a very nice young witch named Chrissy Cunningham who, currently, is doing her absolute best to not laugh in Eddie's face as he spins his tale of accidentally entering into courtship with a merman.
"Anyway," Eddie says, pacing in front of the counter with his hands splayed and his hair a mess, "I was wondering if you'd have anything that could help me."
Chrissy covers her mouth, swallowing down the bursts of laughter threatening to bubble up her throat. After a moment, she asks, "With what, exactly?"
Eddie turns to look at her, gesturing to the shop as a whole. "C’mon, Chrissy, you gotta have something here for me, right? Like, I don't know, a fucking manual or whatever."
"Of course I don't have a...," Chrissy trails off, frowning slightly as she looks at the storeroom door behind her. She's getting a very familiar feeling. It settles at the top of her spine like a shiver that's just waiting and waiting to happen but never does. Usually, this means something.
"Give me a second," she says, barely hearing Eddie's agreement before she heads into the back.
Her storeroom is a chaotic mess that only makes sense to Chrissy. Precarious stacks of books are randomly scattered across the floor, some of them holding plants or knickknacks on top. A few tables are filled with potion ingredients, magical artifacts that still need cataloging, half-filled notebooks, and dozens of pens. A few bookcases line the walls, and Chrissy wanders over to one of them.
She scans the spines, passing over books about fae marriage customs, common selkie family traditions, and in-depth essays analyzing Phoenix mating dances. Finally, her gaze lands on a thin, unassuming book. Its cover is made of sea-foam green leather, with waves etched into the spine instead of words. When Chrissy pulls it off the shelf, the front cover is blank. She doesn't remember getting this book, but this can happen in magic shops. Sometimes items just appear where they know they'll be needed.
Chrissy flips the book open, landing on the front page and grinning at the dedication that reads, "To all the hapless fools in love with a sea dragon's descendant. Here's to hoping you don't royally fuck it up."
Yeah, that's perfect.
She heads back to the front of the shop, immediately noticing that Eddie has placed trinkets and rocks on the counter. She recognizes a few of her protection charms (made of genuine silver, she'd like to add), some quartz of varying colors, and a ring set with a prismatic shard. Chrissy stares at the items before looking up at Eddie with a raised eyebrow.
"Stevie would love all of these," Eddie says, shrugging with absolutely no remorse or shame as he drops a coin purse onto the counter.
Chrissy sighs and digs a few coins out, ensuring they're all gold and all real by biting them before nodding. "You know, land-based magical items don't actually work on merfolk," she says, pushing the purse back to Eddie as she places the book on the counter as well. "So those protection charms and that prismatic ring won't do anything for him."
"Yeah, but they're pretty. He'll like them," Eddie insists. He then notices the book, and his eyes light up hopefully. "Did you find something?"
"Yep, seems to be exactly what you need," she says, sliding it closer to him and watching as he opens it to a random page.
"A common practice among merfolk is to collect trinkets during their pod's travels. Some trinkets won't be personally interesting to the merperson, but can be later used as courting gifts if they're relevant to the intended mate's interests or likes," Eddie reads, tilting his head slightly with a genuine interest that Chrissy usually only sees when he discusses new songs he's learned during his travels.
"Consider that one on the house. But I expect to meet this merman once you've finished your honeymoon phase," Chrissy says, pulling out a small velvet bag and placing the other items inside.
She gives it to Eddie, smiling once more when he nods, digs into his pockets, and drops another small pouch onto the counter. "Almost forgot. Here's some of that 500 year old ginseng you mentioned before," he says.
Chrissy blinks, staring at the pouch. Before she can say anything (like, for example, demanding to know how Eddie got his hands on so much of such a rare ingredient that only the most qualified of practitioners can even dream about seeing), Eddie has gathered his things and practically run out of the shop with a hurried goodbye thrown over his shoulder.
Excerpt from "The Lovelorn Fool's Guide to Merfolk Courtship"
The most important thing to know about courting merfolk is the levels of courtship, of which there are three. In order, they are:
Gift-giving: merfolk collect various trinkets throughout their life, including items they personally do not find interesting. Upon finding a potential mate, they will go through their collection and gift items they think the potential mate will like. To learn more about trinket collection, refer to Part II.
Harmonizing: unsurprisingly, singing is important to merfolk. In addition to being an enjoyable pastime, singing is another mode of communication. The ability to harmonize with a potential mate is vital, as it proves the two are well-matched. To learn more about song types, refer to Part III.
Pod Introduction: the final stage of merfolk courtship, pod introduction is the most important. Pods are sacred, and introducing a potential mate to the pod is an incredible show of trust and commitment. To learn more about pods and their structure, refer to Part IV.
Of these levels, gift-giving often takes the longest. Some merfolk give hundreds of gifts before moving to harmonizing, and others give one. Be patient and try to return each gift you receive.
While these are the levels of courtship, the actual establishment of mateship (consider this the merfolk equivalent of marriage, only it's far more permanent), involves the gifting of scales.
You can find more on this in Part V.
Steve stares longingly at the small window in Eddie's cabin, tracking the clouds and lingering on birds that soar by. He knows he can't be on the deck when they've docked, but scales, he's bored.
Are his guppies bored, too? Do they still play games, or are they too worried about Steve to sweep through the waters? Has Robin lost a few scales from exhaustion and stress? How quickly after hugging him is she going to kill him for being away for so long?
With a sigh, Steve drags his eyes away from the window and looks at his tail. Kelp is still wrapped around the wound, but he knows it's almost healed. He can flick his fins without hurting, and the wound has mostly scabbed over, fresh scales beginning to creep over the cut. Maybe a few more nights, and Steve will be ready to jump back into the ocean and find his pod and guppies again.
But that would mean leaving Eddie behind, and...Steve really doesn't want to do that. Because Eddie is the closest Steve has ever actually come to finding a potential mate.
He starts to sink into the water to submerge his head beneath the surface so his disgruntled and stressed air bubbles can rise from his gills. Before he can fully slide under the surface, though, Steve hears the familiar sound of Eddie's excited, hurried footsteps.
Steve perks up, gripping the edge of the tub as Eddie slams into the door, cursing at the pain as he opens it and stumbles inside. He looks at Steve immediately, his cheeks flushed and his eyes wide and a grin tugging at his lips to reveal dimples. He's carrying a small pouch in one hand and a book with a sea-foam green cover in the other.
"Stevie!" he says, kicking the door closed and walking over to the tub, "I got you stuff."
With that, Eddie crouches in front of the tub and holds the pouch out to Steve. He doesn't seem to notice how Steve's gills flutter, air pushing out in an excited, flustered pattern that would have made Robin tease him. Eddie doesn't know that, though, so Steve tries to ignore his gills and takes the pouch.
He opens it carefully, his gaze immediately caught on a ring set with a rainbow-colored stone. Steve's eyes widen, his mind swirling around the pretty color and how well it matches his tail and how it looks to be the perfect size and how it would still glitter even when Steve is deeper than the sun can reach.
He pulls the ring out, turning it over a few times before sliding it onto his left ring finger. He was right; it fits perfectly. It has a strange but ultimately harmless magic attached to it. Steve grins brightly, a small, barely noticeable hum bubbling from his throat as he looks back into the bag.
He pulls out each rock, studies them intently, and approves of their color and shimmer. With a nod, Steve places them carefully in the tub, clustering them on the left side of his tail, the side further from the door, for protection.
Finally, Steve pulls out a few of the protection charms. They're small and made of a material Steve immediately recognizes as something that tarnishes in water. He really likes them, though, and it would be a shame to not use them for something.
"Eddie," he says, looking up to see Eddie staring at him, his excited smile turning dopey.
"Yeah, sweetheart?" he asks, leaning forward and resting his arms on the tub.
Steve leans forward, taking a lock of Eddie's hair and studying it carefully. After a few seconds, he decides it's good enough. "Turn around?" he asks, his gills fluttering again when Eddie does so without question. After taking a second to calm himself, Steve asks, "Can I do your hair?"
Eddie hums, leaning his neck on the rim of the tub, giving Steve full access to his hair, the ends of which are dipping into the water. "Of course, Stevie. Whatcha wanna do?" he asks.
"It's a surprise," Steve tells him, moving some until he's partially sitting on his tail so he can properly face Eddie's hair. He places the pouch on the edge of the tub, letting it precariously balance, before running his fingers through Eddie's hair.
He's done this enough times for Max to know how to fix tangles without pulling. As he works, Steve relaxes, falling into a familiar rhythm, and starts to hum softly. It's a lullaby, one that he doesn't get to sing the guppies to sleep with anymore, but they tolerate it when he's caring for wounds or helping them scrub their tails or braiding their hair.
Steve divides Eddie's hair into sections and starts braiding. Every other inch, Steve takes one of the charms from the pouch and braids it into Eddie's hair. By the time he's done, the braid is decorated with silver charms, standing out nicely against Eddie's brown hair.
"Okay," he says, using a thin piece of kelp to tie off the braid, "It looks good."
Eddie hums, reaching back and carefully running his fingers over the braid. Steve watches, suppressing the urge to grab Eddie's hand. "Did you not like them?" Eddie asks, dropping his hand and turning around. The charms clink against each other, creating a quiet song that makes Steve's heart light and happy.
"I liked them," Steve says, pushing the pouch on the edge of the tub into Eddie's lap. "They tarnish in water, though. And their magic felt too strange. They look better on you."
"So, you gave me a gift?" Eddie asks, his smile hopeful and his eyes bright. Steve can't help returning the smile with a nod. In response, Eddie leans forward even further, like he's acting on impulse more than anything else, and presses his lips to Steve's cheek.
Steve's eyes widen, his gills burst, and his ear fins flare in response. To the untrained (human) eye, his reaction is similar to a cat puffing and bristling when faced with a threat. To the trained eye (Robin. And other merfolk, but mostly Robin), Steve's reaction is entirely common for especially flustered merfolk.
It's never happened to Steve before, and that just makes him feel more flustered. He doesn't want Eddie to see his flared fins, so he does the first thing he thinks of; Steve pushes forward and wraps his arms around Eddie's shoulders, hugging him tightly so he can't pull away. "Thanks," he mumbles, "for the gifts, I mean."
He hears Eddie laugh and feels Eddie's hands slide across his side and to his back to return the hug. "Of course, Stevie," Eddie replies, his breath warm against Steve's gills and sending a subtle shiver down Steve's spine. "I'm glad you like them."
Steve is gone. He can't imagine being away from Eddie. He can already see Eddie and the guppies meeting, and he can see Robin fucking with Eddie just to see how he reacts. Steve can see Eddie in the water with him, grinning as his hair floats around them. Steve can see Eddie and him lying together on a beach, warm on the sand and basking in the sun.
Most of all, Steve can imagine giving Eddie a necklace or bracelet of his scales. Maybe that should scare or worry him, but all Steve can feel is excited and warm, and he's more than happy to bask in that feeling for a while.
Tag List (the tag list is full! I wasn't able to fit everyone, so if you aren't on here, I'd suggest following #high seas steddie. I think you should still get updates on your dash if you do)
@mugloversonly, @raisedbylibrarians, @thegirlwiththelibrarybag, @savory-babby, @vankaar, @beckkthewreck, @itcanbepalped, @imfinereallyy, @finntheehumaneater, @mightbeasleep, @weekend-dreamer7
@whenindoubtb72, @troublemaker2azz, @just-a-tiny-void, @upallnightogetloki, @mxmakessense, @ellietheasexylibrarian, @haelreadsshit, @y4r3luv, @starman-jpg, @littlewildflowerkitten, @estrellami-1, @stevieschrodinger, @gaelicblue, @they-reap-what-we-sow
@5ammi90, @noodle-shenaniganery, @acrolius, @hallelujahimatheist, @rainbow-freckle, @desidrarry-wolfstarshipper, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @79chevyimpala, @aliea82, @hopefulcookieoperatorpersona, @sani-86, @queenie-ofthe-void, @goosesister, @hello-fellow-nerds, @luthienstormblessed, @xtkxkrzrizir, @potato-of-the-lord, @geekymagicalpotato, @child-of-cthulhu, @aizawa-emma, @m-owo-n, @newtstabber, @cartercaptainofthemoon, @spectrum-spectre, @a-little-unsteddie
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wheels-of-despair · 1 month
The Letter Pairing: Eddie Munson x You Summary: Evil Woman gets a letter in the mail and says it's not a big deal… but to Eddie Munson, it's a very big deal. Contains: A misunderstanding, a dumb boy, a happy ending. Words: 1.4k
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Eddie knocks twice, just to announce himself, before letting himself inside your house. "You don't have to knock, Eddie, you basically live here," they'd all told him several times, but he still felt like they deserved a warning.
Her mom has pulled a chair from the kitchen table closer to the phone mounted on the wall. She smiles and waves at him, gesturing for him to go on to the bedroom where his other half is probably getting ready for their favorite kind of date: Markdown Day at Tape World. They'd raid the clearance bin for new cassettes, then stop by the pretzel place for their usual. He'd get something salty, she'd get something sweet, and they'd split both and wash it down with a shared pop. Perfect.
"Yeah, the letter came earlier this week. She's playing it cool, but I think she's excited. She'll fit right in at Penn."
Eddie feels his blood run cold.
Of course the child of two college graduates is going to college. The thought had crossed his mind a few times, but he was always able to distract himself and banish it. But now…
His feet carry him to her bedroom while his brain spirals.
"Hey! Ready in a sec, just let me finish… oh, fuck it." She slams her textbook shut and tosses it from her place on the bed to the backpack by her desk. She rolls her eyes when it misses, then gets up to shove it into her backpack. She may not be getting a basketball scholarship, but of course she's college-bound.
She could have a real life. A future. A career. She could do anything. Hell, she'd taught him things in a week that the teachers of Hawkins High had been trying to beat into him for years. She's a fucking miracle-worker. Why would she stick around a shitty little town like this? For someone like him?
"Priorities," she smirks, wrapping her arms around his neck. She's so fucking beautiful. How is he gonna keep existing when she's not here? "You okay?" she asks, tucking a wayward strand of hair behind his ear. "You look paler than usual."
He closes his eyes and nods. She feels his forehead. If she cared so much, why would she leave him? "You sure?"
"I'm fine. Just tired," he lies. He misses her already. "Ready?"
She kisses the tip of his nose, and he tries not to cry.
"Let's blow this popsicle stand," she grins, grabbing a jacket.
Eddie forces a smile and feels his heart breaking.
*~One Week Later~*
"Switch those two paragraphs around, and I think you're good," you note, passing Eddie his essay back. You're sitting beside him at your kitchen table. Your brother is making a sandwich at the counter. It's the picture of domestic bliss.
"Thanks," Eddie mumbles, sticking the paper back in his English folder.
"We still on for Tape World tonight?" you ask hopefully. Maybe a good deal on some new music would perk him up. God knows he needs it.
"Dunno," Eddie mumbles without looking up, "got a lotta campaign stuff to work on."
"It's Markdown Day," you remind him.
He shrugs and starts gathering his stuff.
"Alright, what's your problem?" You snap the book in front of you shut, making your brother jump instead of Eddie. Oops.
"No problem," he lies, still not looking at you.
"Bullshit. You've been going back and forth between clingy and distant all week. What's your fucking problem, Munson?"
"I don't have a fucking problem," he spits as he starts shoving stuff into his backpack.
"Kay, this was fun, but I've gotta go do literally anything else!" your bother announces loudly as he scampers back to his room with his hastily-made sandwich, leaving his PB&J supplies open on the counter. Like he was raised in a barn.
You wait until you hear his bedroom door slam before you continue your attack on Eddie, who has run out of room in his backpack. (Your lunchbox, Eddie. You shoved your lunchbox in there.)
You put your hand on a folder and slide it toward you, out of his reach. He glares.
"Talk to me."
"I am," he says defiantly.
You consider beating him to death with his math folder.
"Give it," he orders, reaching out a hand for his folder.
You slide it further away from him, daring him to come get it.
"Or don't, I don't fucking care, I'm just gonna fail again anyway." He drops his overstuffed backpack on the floor and stomps toward the door.
"Eddie!" you call in shock. You stand as if you're going to physically stop him from leaving, but your feet don't want to move.
He gets to the kitchen door and puts his hand on the knob, but doesn't turn it.
"When were you planning on telling me about getting into college?"
"I heard your mom on the phone, talking about your acceptance letter," he says to the door.
"Oh?" He turns around with an accusatory glare.
"I didn't think it was that big a deal," you shrug. And it wasn't... to you. You knew he was sensitive about the subject. He visibly bristled when anyone mentioned the c-word. You planned on breaking the news to him after graduation. One thing at a time. And right now, getting a high school diploma in Eddie Munson's hand was the only thing that mattered to you.
"Of course you wouldn't think getting into college is that big a deal."
"Eddie, I didn't mean it like that," you say gently.
"I guess moving a few hundred miles away from me isn't that big a deal either."
"Don't play dumb, alright? I know you're going to Pennsylvania, where you won't have some dumb loser townie holding you back. Your mom seemed real happy about it."
Pennsylvania? You're going to… you connect the dots, and a laugh escapes you. You clamp your hand over your mouth.
His eyes fill with tears. "Yeah, it's gonna be real fuckin' funny when the love of my life runs off and forgets about me, just like everybody else did as soon as they graduated." This boy is giving you emotional whiplash. He turns around and reaches for the doorknob again.
This time, your feet cooperate. You rush over and wrap your arms around him from behind before he can get the door halfway open, and he tenses. You can feel his sides shaking. He's trying not to cry.
"That's not gonna happen."
"Bullshit." His voice cracks.
"Eddie, that's not gonna happen to us. Look at me."
He takes a shuddering breath and turns around, but keeps his eyes on the ceiling as he tries to blink back tears. You go in for a hug anyway. He resists for a second, but soon gives in and wraps his arms around you.
"I love you," you say into his neck.
You thump him on the back. "Say it back."
"I love you, too," he mumbles.
"Do you trust me?"
He pulls back and looks at you with his big wet eyes and nods. You cup his face, kiss him on the tip of his nose, and smile. "Come with me. I gotta show you something."
"Just come on," you grin. "Let's go for a little drive."
You scribble a note for your brother, in case he dares to venture out of the safety of his cave before you get back, and lead Eddie to the car.
Nineteen silent minutes later, you pull into a parking lot, find a space, and turn off the engine.
Eddie looks around quizzically at the parked cars, the people rushing by, and the bodies lounging on the grass. Then he looks to you.
"Where are we, Eddie?"
"Isn't this where your mom works?"
"Yeah. But where are we?"
He stares at you blankly. He's lucky he's pretty, because he is so damn dumb. You've never loved anyone more.
"C'mon," you smile, getting out of the car and waiting for him on the sidewalk. He watches you from the passenger's seat for a moment, until curiosity gets the better of him. You wait patiently, then hold out your hand when he approaches. When he takes it, you lead him toward the main building, where your point will be easier to make.
You stop and point at the massive stone sign. "What's that say?"
He huffs out an annoyed breath and reads, "Pennhurst Coll… oh." You see the realization dawn on his face, soon accompanied by a blush. "I'm an idiot."
"You're my idiot," you grin, pulling him close. "And I'm not going anywhere without you."
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A Note From Wheels: Honestly can't remember if I've ever mentioned it, but in my mind, Evil Woman's mom has always been a college professor. 😂 EW will be attending Pennhurst because it's cheap (well, free, since Mom's got the hookup) and close to Eddie. 🥰 I'd imagine Pennhurst is not a very prestigious university, so Mom could probably get Eddie in if he wanted to go. (He absolutely does not.)
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thelov3lybookworm · 2 months
Weeping heart (Part 3)
Part 1 Part 2
Summary: She's so over today.
A/n: i like this how this chapter ended up lol, ill try my best to post the next part sooner my loves mwah 😘
anyways, enjoyyyy!!
She could feel his eyes on the back of her neck as she discarded her blanket on the cot in the middle of the tent, trying to prolong the reprieve before she inevitably had to address the other presence in the tent.
Y/n was going to kill someone, hopefully Herb.
Rolling her neck, she walked towards the small table that sat a few feet away from the bed and bent to pick all the remaining weapons that sat on the table.
"Are you trying to ignore me?" Cardan questioned, his tone so genuinely confused that Y/n felt bad for trying to avoid him, but she could no say she regretted it.
After all, she was just trying to protect herself.
"What makes you think that?" She mumbled, her focus fixed on the weapons she strapped to herself.
She could hear him moving around, shuffling. From how close she'd been to him, she knew he was under pressure and was starting to get protective.
"You have been gone for months now, and you didn't even smile at me when you saw me and now you are not talking to me at all-"
"I've just been stressed, Cardan." Finally, after she finished checking her body to make sure she had all her weapons, she turned to find him frowning at her.
She wanted to smile at him, but she didn't have energy to even blink.
"I'm sorry, but I have to leave. It might be night time when I return, so don't wait up."
His frown deepened, and he opened his mouth to speak, but Y/n swiftly turned on her heel and made her exit, not bothering to even pretend she really was getting late.
She was just too tired now, and all she wanted to do was run away, live in a mountain home and maybe terrorize children by pretending to be a witch, but alas, that was not possible.
The late afternoon sun was glaring down at Y/n and Herb, and despite the snow still blanketing the ground, the weather was hot. Too hot to be comfortable in an armor.
The thick silence was also not helping as Y/n and Herb made their way to the bar in the middle of town, having just finished the job they had come to get done.
That meant they could've returned to the camp, but Y/n had insisted on getting something to drink, not yet ready to face Cardan again after the shit show that had been her morning.
Y/n could tell Herb had questions he wanted to ask, but he knew that opening his mouth would probably end up with her scolding him, so he kept quiet as he stalked along next to her.
Y/n tried to relax as the bar came into view, rolling her shoulders.
It only got her more tensed up.
The bell jingled behind the pair as they walked in, a soft breeze cooling the back of Y/n's neck as the door swung shut behind her.
The car- tavern, really- was mostly empty, an hour or two left before it started filling with patrons wishing to wind down from their day's work.
A couple sat in a corner, leaning close together as they giggled and chugged their drinks, and Y/n eyed them before turning and following Herb to a table near the far wall.
As she settled down, she eyed the male standing right in front of the counter, laughing at something the owner said. Y/n's eyes narrowed as she realised it was not any male. It was one of her soldiers.
What is he doing here?
Sure, the soldiers were free to roam and explore the towns the group visited when not on duty, but they never came to taverns in the middle of the day, lest they have to fight later. It was only when they were certain that nothing would happen or if they got permission from Y/n that they would visit these places.
Blinking, Y/n turned to find Herb studying her, his arms folded on the table as he leaned forward.
His eyes did not waver at her sharp tone. "I'm sorry."
Y/n grunted. "It's okay."
Y/n did not like the way he stared at her, his eyes seeming to read her like an open book. "Is it really?"
Y/n rose a brow. "What is that supposed to mean?"
He shook his head, his eyes so serious Y/n was concerned for a moment. "Nothing."
"It does not sound like nothing."
He sighed. "Look, I know there's something going on with you. I've known you for years now and you were never the one to just up and leave for a mission. You always took up missions that at the very least gave you the time of a week before leaving. So there's definitely something you're hiding."
Y/n straightened, looking away.
Herb was not the type of person to be serious. In the twenty years she had known him, since that first day when she had walked into class and befriended Cardan, and sat next to Herb, the male had never spoken a word if it was not meant to make someone laugh.
He was like that, Herb. He cared for people around him, and because he never seemed sad or serious, y/n had just assumed he was a little dumb.
She realised now how foolish it was.
"What are you trying to say Herb?"
"Just that I figured it has something to do with the High king, and if you ever need someone to talk to, I'll be there."
There was something indecipherable in his eyes as he spoke, the way he refused to break eye contact and the way he spoke so confidently, no traces of humour to be found in his soft, deep voice that sent chills down Y/n's back.
Y/n gave a curt nod, turning her eyes to stare a hole into the cheap wood of the table they had settled at.
Y/n could tell Herb still studied her, and it was another moment of heavy silence before he spoke up, his normal self back.
"So, have you heard of the toad that ate the horse?"
Y/n knew her suspicions were right when she stumbled into a raging revel in the camp after a day of wasting her time, everyone gathered around the huge fire in the middle, singing bawdy songs as Cardan looked over them like a pleased cat.
She had not wanted to return to the camp after her visiting the tavern, so she had told Herb to go by himself. He, of course, had decided to stay with her and laze about the small town.
"What is going on here?"
Cardan's eyes flew to where Y/n stood, glaring at them all as Herb stood at her back.
Cardan grinned, the smile Y/n had been in love with.
"We are celebrating!" One of the soldiers- clearly drunk- called out, giggling.
Y/n glared at him, then at Cardan.
His smile faltered, then slowly fell off when Y/n did not smile back.
Y/n stared at him a moment longer, letting him know that she was not pleased, then turned, heading into her tent.
She was so over today.
Tired, sleep claimed her the moment her head hit the hard mattress, and she slept deeper than she ever had, nothing able to wake her.
Not the sound of the night birds, not the sound of the soldiers screaming their hearts out outside, not the loud crash when one of them fell into her tent as he tried to navigate his way to his tent.
Nothing woke her up, except for the sudden hand that covered her mouth in the dark of the middle of the night.
Cardan Greenbriar Taglist: @kennedy-brooke @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @123345566 @mp-littlebit @tele86 @riddlesb1tch @bubybubsters
Taglist: @dreamsarenicer @kennedy-brooke @123345566
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kingdomofred · 2 months
Burn & Burn Again (Male Yandere!Writer x GN!Reader)
feat. Sun Vasileiou Nevrakis
♡ pt.0, approx. 2.5k words | next.
♡ post-specific warnings: reader is slightly self-depreciating, very short innuendos | series warnings: yandere themes, reader is a horrendous flirt
♡ a/n: this is purely a work of fiction. yandere behaviour in real life is a cause of concern. unedited, not proofread.
You'd finally gotten a break, spiralling down a rabbit hole trying to find something to entertain yourself with. The snow fell in blankets outside and you sat huddled on your mattress. A mug of black tea had long since gone cold on the bedside table. It'd been a few hours since you picked up your phone, watching videos, searching random things, stumbling across old forums. Nothing was interesting you, and you were dying to find something to busy yourself with before evening turned to night and you'd be left with the feeling of wasting away what little moments of reprieve you had from the hustle and bustle of your life.
Just as you were getting ready to give up and spend the rest of your time staring at the wall wallowing about your poor decision-making, something caught your eye. A brightly coloured thumbnail on your browser's news section. The headline seemed compelling enough so you clicked on the article and skimmed through it. Apparently, to celebrate their coming anniversary, the publishing company Writermad would be holding an event in which a fan could partake in a one-on-one interview with bestselling author, S.V. Nevrakis.
You'd click away if you hadn't actually read any of his books — the whole selection process just seemed tedious and too much for someone as stressed as you — but you had read his books. They were damn good. That opinion wasn't yours alone either; the book sales, paired with the multiple movie adaptations and merchandise production all spoke for themselves. There hadn't been another author so renowned for their works since Larry Otter had been published and now that you were checking social media, almost everyone across your feed was buzzing about it.
You typed in the address of the official Writermad website where the online applications were open and read through the requirements there. Your eyes flicked over the screen once, twice. You were so tired. There were too many rules, practically a wall of text. The likelihood of you actually winning the interview chance was basically zero. It wasn't worth the effort.
A notification made your phone vibrate in your hand. Your best friend had sent you a link to a different article that covered the same topic, and then a series of keyboard smashes. You almost smiled. She was a bit of a bookworm, you'd always found that cute. She really liked S.V Nevrakis. You pictured what her reaction would be if she'd won, how she'd jump on you and squeal excitedly. Your smile dropped when you imagined how depressed she'd be if the lucky chance missed her. Maybe if you did enter, and at the possibility you got the place, you could give it to her. Just to make her happy. Odds of two against an indiscernable amount were still better than one, right?
With a sigh, you reply to her messages with a thumbs up emoji and start filling out one of the many long forms.
"Here." A cute bear-shaped mug was placed in front of you on the coffee table. The petite hands that were wrapped around it prior tugged your phone from your grip. "Drink it while it's hot."
"Thanks, Bea." You smiled, then sniffled. The tea was scalding. It burnt your tongue on the way down, but your throat felt nice and warm, more tingly than scratchy like it had been for the majority of your cold. "Sorry for making you do all this on your day off," you looked away from her sheepishly, "I know you really wanted to hole up."
Bea cupped your cheeks and pulled your face back towards her. "You didn't make me do anything. I offered to come down." Even her stern voice was sweet. You didn't know what you did to deserve such a kind friend. "Plus, I can't just be sad about it forever," she moved to sit down next to you on the sofa, features falling with a sigh, "one out of however many million applied. I barely stood a chance."
"Bea..." you trailed off, and let her lean against your side. You were back on your phone, refreshing your emails again and again. You were terrible at comforting people, but you really wanted to make her happy somehow. Your brows furrowed. You understood that announcing the winner last was to keep tension high about the whole event, but it was beginning to get on your nerves. It had already been two weeks, all the rejections should have been sent by now. You hadn't recieved anything. There was still a chance. You just needed something good to pop-up in your emails.
"I mean, it'd have been really cool to see Nevrakis in real life. He doesn't even do interviews normally, he's really private. No one even knows what he looks like! Do you think-"
"Bea." You cut her off, eyes not leaving your screen.
"I know, I know, I'm rambling and you're getting bored but-"
"No! Bea, look." You shoved your phone in her face, open on a colourful email that started with a bold 'Congratulations!'.
"Oh." Bea blinked. Then, she snatched your phone up and held it right up to her eyes. "Oh! Y/N, you won! You actually won! You're gonna get to meet Nevrakis! You're gonna interview him!" She smacked your shoulder excitedly. You smiled through your wince, happy to see her spirits lifted.
"You can go instead of me."
"What?" Bea stopped hitting you and looked at you with her shiny eyes before shaking her head. "No, I can't do that Y/N, you won this for yourself."
"I want you too." You shrugged, making to lean back on the sofa cooly and being interrupted by the sudden urge to sneeze. "Sorry." You apologise quickly and get up to wash your hands. Bea follows you. "Anyway, I'm not even that interested in Nevrakis."
"That's not true!" She retorts, voice almost a whine. "You've read all his books. I've seen you."
"Because they're good books," you dry your hands, and chuckle before continuing, "you forced me to read the first one, remember? Otherwise I wouldn't have got the hype."
Bea huffed and waddled after you as you went back to the living room to finish your tea. "Still. Literally everyone would want to be in your shoes right now, you can't give up on going just so I can."
"Bea," you sigh and turn to her, hands grabbing her shoulders to focus her attention on you fully, "you're my best friend. It's okay."
"It's not okay!" Bea shook you in retaliation, "you're my best friend too. I'm not going to let you let go of a good opportunity! Look," she took a deep breath, and you knew that meant buckling in because she was going to be talking for a long while, "I'm not even sad anymore, you going is practically me going. Wait, wait, let me get a pen and paper to write down some of the questions I want you to ask him for me..."
Through the series of events that took place over the last few weeks, you'd finally ended up outside a fancy hotel for your interview. You were bundled up in your warmest clothes, courtesy Bea's need to always mother hen at you. Although, thanks to her attentive care, you'd fully recovered from your cold.
Walking into the grandiose lobby, you couldn't help but think the venue was only slightly suggestive. Still, you tried to keep your head out of the gutter and reason that a hotel was the obvious choice to ensure privacy and safety. You'd no doubt thousands of fans were lined up outside of various Writermad branches around the world right now, and it wasn't an option to give you the location of Nevrakis' actual home. Luckily, you didn't have to take a flight across the globe and it was only a somewhat inconvenient journey of a few hours.
You tried to be inconspicuous as you went through the motions and were directed upstairs by the staff. During the entire elevator ride to the seventh floor, you were wringing your hands nervously and mentally going over your list of questions. Bea had come up with most of it, but she pressured you to add in at least a few. Honestly, the only thing you were insanely curious about was how Nevrakis looked, because at this point it may have well been one of the seven mysteries of the world. The elevator pinged, open, and you stepped out.
You'd know soon enough.
After waltzing down the hallway to the door you'd been given the number of, you'd stood there motionless for a few seconds, head empty. You really needed to gain your bearings. Swallowing hard and exhaling, you lifted a shaky hand and knocked thrice.
Your breath hitched as not even a few seconds later, the door opened to the most ethereal man you'd ever been blessed to lay your eyes on. You weren't sure how someone could make a simple yellow hoodie look so good, but it matched the honey of his eyes and the streaks in his hair. He looked like the epitome of beauty, and he was staring at you through thick lashes that fluttered shyly.
"Um... are you here for the..." he didn't finish his sentence, but you assumed it was because you were scaring him with the intensity of your gaze. You tried to reign it in and not appear like a freak, but even his voice was pretty, you didn't know what to do with your treacherous heart. Love at first sight was a thing. It was a dangerous, dangerous thing.
Before you stressed him out any further, you showed him a verification email that had been sent to you and quickly apologised. "I'm just a bit nervous, I swear I'm not this strange normally," you rubbed the back of your neck and laughed awkwardly.
His shoulders seemed to relax a bit and he moved aside to let you in, smiling at you gently. Your stomach started to do a whole set of flips and one ballet choreography. You were going to ignore it.
The door closed behind you and you trailed over to the table set with two chairs, paying no mind to the lavish bedspread and its implications. Nevrakis sat down and you sat opposite him, and you were absolutely resolute in completing this interview without saying anything weird.
"I love your face."
Stupid mouth saying stupid things. Why were you such an idiot? Did you even have a brain? If you did you needed a new one, but surely you didn't. Who in their right mind would say something like that to someone they just met? Wait, maybe you could fix it.
"I meant, uh," you pointed to your cheek and then at him, "it's cute."
Nevrakis' hand went flying to cover his cheekbone, where the spatter of beauty marks you'd been reffering to were. Great. You'd made him uncomfortable. Just which deluded train of thought made you think you could fix it, again?
"Like really," you were worrying yourself with your inability to shut your trap at this point, "I've never seen them in such a perfect circle before, I didn't even know they could do that! Nature sure is a funny thing, huh?" You were seconds away from cringing at the sound of your own voice.
"Yeah..." he responded after a while. His hand dropped to rest with his other one on his lap and he avoided eye contact with you.
You rubbed your temple in frustration. Bea should've just agreed to go in your place. "I'm so sorry you're stuck with me on this, honestly," you whispered. "Can we start again?" you ask hopefully, your hand stretching out towards him. "My name's Y/N. I really admire your works."
Nevrakis' gaze flitted to your arm, then to your face and back to your arm. He was slow to reciprocate your handshake, but it seemed like it clicked that you meant no harm. "...Vasileiou." You'd only just noticed a dust of pink lining the shell of his ears. "Thank you for reading them."
You grinned at him and leaned your head on your palm. "Vasileiou? That answers half of the first question..." you acknowledge, watching with what you hoped was subtlety as he tucked back an inky strand of hair. The pitch black really made his dirty blonde highlights stand out, and framed his face into the prettiest picture. "Let's finish it." You lean in the tiniest bit. "What does the 'S' in your penname stand for, then?"
"...just the initial of my first name..." his eyes darted about from corner to corner, the blush travelled to his cheeks and darkened.
"Which is?" You'd learnt just now that the bestselling author of a very many number of horror and action books was easy to fluster, and you decided it was the cutest thing in the world.
A beat of silence passed as you waited for him to answer you.
"It's stupid." He dismissed finally, after a clear mental conflict that was visible in his expression.
"It isn't," you retaliated, "it's not like your first name's something like Salad, right?" You really hoped it wasn't, otherwise you'd sound like the most insensitive piece of shit on earth.
You thought you heard a small laugh from him, but it was short-lived. "Not Salad." He shook his head. "Sun."
"Sun Vasileiou Nevrakis," he said shyly, "my full name."
"I'll just call you Sun then, if you don't mind," you smiled, tilting your head. "It's such a nice name. You were so reluctant to share, I almost felt like a villain for pushing," you joked.
"It really isn't," Sun — and he really did look like a Sun now you had the name to his face — sighed. He was playing with his fingers underneath the table. "Just, like... why would you choose something like that out of all the other names in the world?"
"Well, who named you?" you pose softly.
"My mother."
"Have you ever asked her?"
He let out a scoff, which sounded surprisingly elegant for reasons unknown to you. "She said it's because of this," he gestured vaguely to the ring of beauty marks on his cheekbone. "My younger brother has a stupider name for the same reason. Not Salad." He added the last part with a hint of amusement as you opened your mouth to inquire.
"No, no, I see her point," you trace over the area of skin with your eyes, "the shape of them and position in correlation to each other gives the impression of sun rays. It's clever, really."
"Tell that to the kids from school who used to throw grass at me to help it photosynthesise." Sun frowned.
"Dumb of them," you snorted unattractively, "how is it gonna photosynthesise if it's been plucked out of the ground?" You relaxed into your seat. "And even if it could, it'd just burn because the sun's a fucking flameball."
The laughter that graced you in reply was practically kissing your ear drums in the softest way. You looked at Sun in awe, his hand covering his mouth and eyes smiling. Light filtered in through the window, hitting his skin in fragments of broken amber and orange. There was something so warm about him that nestled itself perfectly into the crevices of your mind. You'd practically forgotten that you were here to interview instead of oogle him.
"Sunshine." You murmured quietly, and he stopped to lock eyes with you. "Sunlight. Sunflower. Sunset. Sun is the perfect name for you."
His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. That blush returned. Oh, you were in love.
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sssammich · 5 months
Platonic breakfast ritual (prompt)
oh what's up anon thanks for sending me this prompt
you didn't give me a ship so i just picked my own to write for so hope it's cool i wrote it for swan queen. if not, just come back and i'll do something else haha
It’s temporary, this thing. This current arrangement that they have while Emma finds a new place to live away from the loft—cramped and cacophonous; too full a house with a new baby. She doesn’t think too deeply about how she feels about it, pretends her heart doesn’t throb and ache at being displaced and replaced once again. It's a noxious thought to keep, so she does her best to clear it out of her.
So, yes. The arrangement to stay at the mansion until she sorts out her affairs. Yet Emma is not exactly rushing to end it. Not when the choreography of her waking hours brings about a certain comfort that she does not want to relinquish, happening in a place that devastatingly feels more like home than she has ever felt in all the decades of her life. In a place that isn’t hers to claim, but for now she’ll pretend because the walls are present and the sheets are soft. 
It is inconveniently pleasant to wake up rested at Regina’s house in one of her massive guest bedrooms. It is even more so when she languidly makes her way down the stairs and towards the kitchen where she first gets a whiff of food being made, and the lingering scent of coffee in the air. The rest of her senses catches up to her when she hears whatever Regina is cooking just as she inevitably sees Henry already sitting in front of his breakfast plate, fork in one hand and comic book in the other as if it’s the morning newspaper. 
“Good morning, Ma,” he offers, his eyes never once straying from the page. She shakes her head, but greets him in turn. 
“Morning.” Then, she casts her eyes up at Regina and offers her a smile. “Good morning, Regina.” 
“Good morning, dear.” Regina accompanies her gentle morning greeting with an offered plate brimming with food right in front of the seat that Emma has deemed as hers during her stay. Despite Regina’s frequent comments about Emma’s abhorrent appetite and etiquette, she’s there enabling Emma with a full plate. Emma notices, of course, but doesn’t say anything for fear that Regina will change and give her one less hash brown in the stack. 
Still, even as her mind slowly eases into the morning, she doesn’t immediately take her seat at the table. Instead, she heads towards the coffee bar—which is literally just the far end of the kitchen counters where there’s one of those fancy single-serve coffee machines. She sets to brewing herself a cup since that’s the only machine she’s allowed to touch; the Italian espresso machine beside it is off limits. For the best, Emma thinks. 
Once her coffee is done, Emma lets the mug sit to the side and plucks another mug out of the cupboard, repeating the steps, waiting quietly while the machine cranks and whirrs and gurgles before the dark sea of coffee fills the new mug. It is the first full cup that Regina has in the morning, the first dose of caffeine coming from the espresso machine that Regina handles herself upon rising. Emma only skirts the edges of her thoughts at what it means to have Regina trust her to make her first cup of coffee for the day. Yet on that first morning she'd received the request, Regina only arched a brow and exasperated teasingly, "surely, you can't completely flub up making coffee."
Emma doesn’t move in place, uncharacteristically settled on her feet, her arms folded across her chest as she waits. Not wanting to break the tranquil silence, she doesn’t say anything, and neither do the others in the kitchen. It’s a quiet morning, but comfortable and companionable. Normally when things are too quiet, she gets restless as if she must fill the space herself or excuse herself entirely. But the last week at Regina’s place has given her more peace than she’d gotten in months, and she hates that by the end of this upcoming week, it’ll be gone again. Still, she doesn’t think too hard on this. 
For now, she grasps both the filled mugs and places them on their respective placemats as she’s done almost everyday this week. She sits in her chair and she waits until Regina does the same. She offers the other woman a shy grin, perhaps more tender than she’d intended (she’ll simply blame the morning hours for it if pushed) and Regina returns it, the gentle smile across Regina’s face splitting her face so beautifully.
The three of them sit like a family that Emma has always wished for and eat breakfast together.
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maarriiii · 1 year
Breathless | Rick Flag
A/N: In my world, Rick Flag is still alive and well.
Summary: An unexpected visit from the one and only, Colonel Rick Flag, let to a revelation
Pairing(s): Rick Flag x female!reader
Warning(s): None.
my masterlist :))
"Flag?" Rick Flag looked up from his boots and was met with the sight of a confused y/n l/n, standing in front of her apartment door. For a few seconds, the former colonel had to do a double take with how casual her appearance was. y/n was clad in a worn out T-shirt with some sort of stain on her chest and a pair of denim jeans. Her hair was tied up with strands of hair framing her face. If Rick didn't recognize her from the times that they've worked together, then he would've thought that she was just a normal civilian living her life. But, y/n was anything but. A trained assassin wanted by every agencies possible for countless of political assassination domestically and internationally.
"Hello, um," Rick shook his head and cleared his throat. "Hey."
"Hi. What are you doing here?"
"I was just in town and thought I'd give you a visit."
y/n squint, watching his movement. "I never told you where I live in Gotham."
Rick gulped underneath her gaze and stuffed his hands inside his jacket pocket. Rick wasn't a man that's easily intimidated. He had fought many atrocious people during his time in the army and worked with the worst of the worst almost on a daily basis. He needed to grow a thicker skin because of it and he did. But, as y/n watched him intently, trying to decipher the meaning behind his sudden arrival, he couldn't help but remember how deadly this woman in front of him. How she could kill him with a single touch, hide his body and returned to whatever she was doing without anyone noticing.
"Rick." y/n snapped him out of his thoughts. "How did you know where I live?"
"Alright, I might've asked a couple of people to track you down. And I might've asked Dubois too. Since, you know, you both worked together before," he explained, feeling ashamed for some reason.
"Wow, Rick, all that effort just to find me? I'm honored." She smiled.
"Well, you're a hard woman to find. Can't blame me to ask for favors."
Rick heard her genuinely laugh for the first time and he couldn't resist the smile that slipped his lips. She was always so guarded during missions, a few quips here and there about him, Waller or the utter ridiculousness of whatever teammates she was assigned with. Even when Harley let out the most ridiculous things out of her mouth, y/n was always tight lipped. He was lucky if he saw a smirk from her. Rick won't admit it out loud, but he was liking this side of her.
He was immediately engulfed with a delicious smell that almost made his stomach growl when he entered her apartment. It was a small apartment and from where he stood, Rick could see the kitchen with an array of ingredients on the counter and pans on the stovetop. The living room was to his right where the local news was playing on the tv and books were scattered on the coffee table. On his left was a hallway with three doors leading to what he assumed to be bedrooms.
"Bathroom is the second door on the left." y/n looked at him over her shoulder. "You want anything to drink? I have beers, soda, water."
"Beer would be fine. You got people comin' over? That's a lot of food." Rick nodded to the ingredients scattered on the counter.
"Harley's gonna come over soon and she likes to eat a lot." She shrugged, sipping her tea. "You hungry? I think I made enough for three people. Harley's gonna have to share though."
"No, no, you don't have to. I'm fine. Thanks."
"Suits you then. But, for your information, I've been told I'm a phenomenal cook." She winked at him. "So, to what do I owe you the pleasure, Colonel Flag?"
To say y/n was surprised when Flag showed up at her door was an understatement. After the mission in Corto Maltese—and blackmailing Waller—she never thought she'd see the rest of her remaining Task Force X teammates again, let alone her former Colonel. She did keep tabs on all of them, even Nanaue for some odd reason unknown to her, but that was it. The last she heard from the man in front of her was that he quit the task force and moved to D.C. That was five months ago.
Rick was silent for a moment before he spoke. "Just a casual visit to a friend. You know, just making sure you're not getting into troubles."
"Hm. And do you do this house calls to everyone?" y/n questioned, a playful glint on her eyes.
"You just so happened to be my first visit."
y/n rolled her eyes. "If you wanted to see me, Flag, you know you could just say so. There's no need to make up a reason. I won't judge."
"What makes you think that, l/n?" A smirk slipped his lips.
"Oh, please, I was always your favorite on the squad. You always make the effort to personally escort me from my cell—and don't even deny it cause I overheard the guards once. You put an overwhelming amount of trust in me to watch your six and save your ass. And lastly, you stare too much."
"Well, you were—you were the most competent and less likely to kill me if I turn my back on you. What do you mean I stare too much?" Rick frowned.
y/n leaned her elbow on the counter, her head tilted on her hand and a mischievous smile on her lips. She was dangerously close to his face even with the island counters separating the two of them. Rick could smell the spices she used on her and it overwhelmed his senses in the best possible way. The only time they were this close was on a mission where both of them were covered in mud and blood. He had to admit he did sometimes stare at her during mission. y/n would be checking her gear, incapacitating an enemy, or just talking to Harley and he would avert his eyes to her. Harley caught him doing it one time and he had to act like he didn't know what the hell she was talking about. So much for subtlety.
"I mean, sometimes I could feel your eyes on me and when I turned around, you're already looking away," y/n whispered slowly.
"I was just checking to make sure you're not planning something that could endanger the mission."
"At first, I thought the same thing. I thought you were just doing your job. But, then it lingered just a few seconds too long and in places where you shouldn't be staring."
"I, uh, I didn't mean to make you comfortable or anything like that."
y/n smiled at his reaction and inched closer to his face that she could feel his breath on her face. "Don't worry, soldier. I'm just glad the feelings mutual. I haven't exactly been innocent on the staring too."
She trailed feather light touches on his neck with both of her hands and she could feel him tense underneath her touch. She brushed his surprising soft lips with her own and was satisfied when Rick closed her eyes. He leaned his forehead on her and gripped his beer with a little too much force as if he was holding himself back. y/n could just end their waiting and kissed him hard like she always wanted to ever since she saw him shirtless in that hut in Corto Maltese. But, she thought it was fun to torture him like that.
"You're gonna kiss me or just leave a man hangin' like this?" He breathed out, eyes still closed.
"I like seeing you like this. I don't think many people could say they made Colonel Rick Flag so breathless."
"You're killin' me here, sweetheart."
y/n shivered at the nickname. "Wouldn't this be a good way to die."
Without any warning, Rick pressed his lips against hers and cupped her jaw. His calloused thumbs gently brushed the apple of her cheeks and y/n couldn't resist the urge to melt at the gesture. For years, all she ever focused on was vengeance to the people that stole her life and weaponized her. She didn't imagine she would surrendered so easily to the foreign feelings, to Rick Flag of all people. But, as their lips molded like two pieces of a puzzle, all she could focus on was him. y/n held both of his hands and squeezed, a silent sign that she trust him. The man she used to despised with all her being. Her colleague, friend, and something more if the universe deemed her to be a good enough person despite her bloody past.
A small whimper escaped her lips when Rick pulled away, but they were still close enough to feel each other pants. y/n didn't open her eyes, still too caught up in the euphoria that was his lips. Her mind was screaming at her for being so vulnerable and unguarded, but she couldn't care less. All she wanted was him.
"Looks like I'm the one makin' you breathless this time, y/n."
"Seems so." She smiled. "I gotta say, Flag, you're one helluva kisser."
Rick chuckled. "I try not to disappoint."
"Any more secret talent I need to know about?"
"I think I have a few tricks up my sleeve. Though, I'd rather take you out to dinner first."
y/n finally opened her eyes and gazed at him. "I like the sound of that."
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maestriovermind · 7 months
Forgetful One, Aren't You?
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I've drawn this piece and written a short piece of fiction to accompany it, I hope you like them. Story is under the bar.
Content warnings: hypnosis, cnc, amnesia play, certain things may be untagged so proceed with caution
I stepped tentatively into the room. My eyes darted around the environment, taking in the unfamiliar arrangement of furnishings around the room, and the unfamiliar woman sitting on the couch with a small novel in her hands. She did not look up as I entered the room, and I cautiously looked at her as something clicked in the back of my head- a note of recognition. Out of everything that I'd encountered in this strange building, her appearance was the only thing ringing any bells.
"E- excuse me, ma'am. I was hoping that you could tell me where I was?"
She looked up from her book, a gentle, knowing smile on her face. Placing a marker in the novel, she set it on the table next to the couch and beckoned me forward. Almost automatically, my body moved without me really thinking about it, until I stood right next to her, as if I was at attention.
"I- what was-"
"Sh. Hush now, dear one."
My lips were mechanically shut as I immediately stopped talking.
"Good." She smiled. "Now, have you forgotten yourself, again? What was it this time?"
I looked at her, blinking.
"Ah. Yes. You do not remember. I suppose that's my fault. Hm hm. Ah... Regardless, my dear, I think it would be useful if you did something for me. Can you do that? Speak."
"Of course, ma'am." I spoke automatically. Without thinking. Something about the idea of doing something without thinking made me take pause, for just a moment, and my cheeks flushed.
She smiled knowingly.
"I'd like for you to look at my finger, for a moment. Follow it with your eyes." She lifted her hand, and my eyes followed it as it swirled through the air.
Something about this made me feel comforted. Relaxed. It was familiar, in a way that made me feel safe and happy. A way that made me want to keep watching her finger as it went around, and around, and reached down to the boob window in her sweater, tracing her generous cleavage.
As her finger touches her sizeable chest, my eyes switch focus for a moment, flickering from her finger to her tits, but this doesn't last very long, as she suddenly pulls the window to one side, letting one of her breasts heave out of the front of her sweater.
As if by instinct, my eyes fixate on her nipple, taking in every speckle of her areola, and noticing how the breast-flesh melts into her hand. She's saying words, but all that matters in this moment is her breasts, her exposed nipple, and that I continue to not look away from it.
The world bends around her breast, and I bend my knee, my eyes fixed on her, and only her. My world is her- there is nothing else, nobody else, not even the room I'm kneeling in registers in my mind, I simply exist in a state of reverence towards her.
She pulls her other breast out of her sweater, playing with them in front of my eyes. They swirl around my thoughts, turning them into clay that she can shape and mold. I find myself forgetting what I was even doing to begin with, what I was motivated by in this moment, and remember that my true purpose in this life is to-
I blink. Her breasts are inside her sweater, and I'm sitting next to her on the couch, my head on her shoulder.
"Oh, baby, did you fall asleep again? You gotta stop dozing off like that."
I sit up straight and stretch, yawning.
"I had such a strange dream, you know. You were hypnotizing me with your breasts again, and I couldn't remember anything, and-"
"Oh, you and your dreams about hypnosis. You know hypnosis isn't real, right? You think somebody can tell you to forget to remember something and you won't remember it anymore? Heh."
"I- I don't-" I blinked. Hypnosis was real. She'd hypnotized me several times, hadn't she? Or had those been dreams too?
"You're silly. Is this you just trying to get me to show you my tits?"
I blushed, thinking about my dream.
"Oooh, you're going to instantly drop into a deeep trance when I pull my sweater open, just like this!"
She deftly pulled her breasts out of her top, and I gaped at them as my thoughts fell out of my head.
"See? Told you hypnosis was fake. You're just playing along, doing whatever I tell you is fun, right? Nod your head."
I nod and smile. Of course it's fun! I love doing what she tells me.
"Good, good. Now, my dear, you're going to tell me how I'm right, and hypnosis is completely fake, aren't you?"
I nod again, smiling dumbly, a bit of drool trickling down my lip.
She gently puts her breasts back in her top, and I speak.
"Oh, hypnosis is completely fake. You're so right. I can't believe I forgot how fake it was. Thanks for reminding me."
"Forgetful one, aren't you?" She grins, giving me a hug. "Now, go get some water, my dear. It's been a bit since you've had some."
She's right. I need some water.
And so do you, reading this long story. Don't have water already? Go get some. Either way, thanks for reading, friend!
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gurugirl · 2 years
Okay, hear me out… stepdad!harry and y/n on vacation. Y/n gets jealous of her mom and Harry, but Harry likes seeing her all jealous and needy so he plays it out for a bit. But eventually he gives into her and is all sweet and reassures her that he only wants her 😖😫🤧🫶🏻
Also, I’m literally obsessed w your writing 💛
A/n: Vacation stepdad Harry! Hope you enjoy! Also, not sure who made the shit edited pic of Harry I used, but - eh, thanks? 2.1k words
Warning: Smut (oral f receiving), some light angst and jealousy - NOT PROOFREAD - this is stepdad!harry x stepdaughter!reader and they have a totally inappropriate relationship - do not read if you're not into it :)
stepdad!harry masterlist
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You were dreading a vacation for the first time ever in your life. Because this time, it meant you'd be with your mom and Harry together nonstop. You'd have to watch them together, and at the end of the day he'd be going to their room for the night, not yours.
Your mom booked two rooms at the resort where you were staying. The rooms were not adjoined, which you were thankful for. Even on the flight you sat apart from them. By yourself, next to an old woman who snored the entire time. And that wasn't so bad to be honest. At least she wasn't trying to talk your ear off.
The resort was gorgeous with pool areas, a night club, a few restaurants and the beach which allowed you access to the ocean was all right there. Your room was basic but the bed was comfortable and you had a good view from your tiny balcony.
When you met up with your mom and Harry at the seafood restaurant they were already there, looking cozy and sweet together. You thought you'd throw up. You knew Harry was putting on an act. He'd told you over and over again what to expect. He admitted to you the way he felt for you and that nothing could compare to his feelings for you. That gave you solace. But it was still a hard pill to swallow seeing them flirty and touchy.
You could barely eat your meal. You tried not noticing the way your mom kept touching Harry's arm and the way Harry responded by touching her back. You hated the way he'd whisper into her ear and it'd send her laughing loudly. She was quite a bit drunk by the time the server had cleared your table and you all were ready to leave.
"Let's go to the pool together and enjoy some sun!" Your mom spoke as she grabbed Harry's hand and pulled at him.
"Nah. I'm just gonna go and walk around the resort. See what's around," you spoke and saw Harry frown at you. Your mom let out a strange wet gasp, "No, come with us, Yn! Don't be a party pooper!"
You rolled your eyes and chose not to respond. But you did concede and follow them both to the adult's only pool.
You found a chair and and slid your dress off, draping it over the back of the seat and laid yourself over the cushions wearing your cute little green bikini that you hoped would have Harry looking.
And it did. Harry noticed your little swimsuit. He also noticed other people noticing. He didn't like that but he couldn't do anything about it. He and your mom laid next to one another and held hands. Harry kind of liked watching you get jealous of him. He liked that you were fuming. It might have been mean, but he knew that you were aware of his feelings. He had warned you beforehand. But it was kind of cute to watch you get all huffy with him. He'd take care of that later.
After another few rounds of cocktails your mother had hit her limit. Harry helped her back to her room and you assisted. She was slurring and kissing all over Harry's neck, "Just need to sleep it off and then I'm gonna suck your big dick so good baby..." your mom spoke and you nearly gagged and vomited all over her.
Harry just laughed, "Sounds good. Can't wait."
He knew she was going to be out and would never remember saying that, especially since she said it right in front of you. Yeah, she was quite intoxicated. She'd be out for the rest of the night.
Once you and Harry got your mom into her room you excused yourself so Harry could help her change and tuck her into bed. Before you could open the door Harry put his palm on the frame and turned you toward him, "Stop being a brat. I'll see you in fifteen minutes in your room."
You yanked your arm away from him and narrowed your eyes at him, "No you won't. I'm not going to my room. You can stay here and let my mom suck your cock for all I care."
You were pissed and Harry only smiled at you, making you even more mad, "Go to your room. If you aren't there in fifteen minutes I'll come find you and drag you back there."
You left and stomped your way down the hall. You hated the predicament you were in. It never got easier.
But you did go to your room because deep down you knew what Harry was doing was for your mom's sake. She couldn't know about you two or it would end in disaster.
You stripped out of your bikini and put on a robe from the hotel and opened up the door to the balcony to let in a breeze. You were already feeling better.
Just as promised, fifteen minutes later, Harry was knocking at your door. You put on your angry face and swung the door open ready to argue and pout and make him feel sorry for you having to put up with him and your mom being lovey-dovey. But when you took him in you nearly melted and lost all the resolve you had to be angry with him. He was holding a small bouquet of flowers and had a bottle of white wine in the other hand.
He stepped into your room and handed you the flowers and then pushed you backwards, closing the door behind him, cocky smile on his face. He continued walking you backwards with the bottle of wine in one hand and the other cupping your face. His eyes were soft and he his lopsided grin was cute but you wanted to slap him. And then kiss him.
"Baby, don't be angry. I know you want to be but we talked about this," he set the bottle of wine down on the cabinet and then cupped the other side of your face with his newly free hand. He still walked you backward until you were against the bed. He gently nudged you back to sitting and then removed his shoes before grabbing you by your waist and moving you deeper into the bed, pushing you toward the pillows as he climbed over you and then untied your robe.
You let him open up the thick cotton and expose your naked body underneath. Harry smoothed his hands from your tummy up to your breasts and then leaned over you to place a small kiss at each nipple.
He looked up at you with innocent eyes, "You know I love you. Right? More than anything or anyone." He continued kissing over your breasts and you were quickly coming undone. Harry let his lips trail down to your sternum and lower toward your belly. His soft lips covered every inch of your skin as you remained silent still being a little stubborn.
Harry chuckled against your hip bone and then looked up at you, his light green eyes looking hungry and desperate, "I mean it. Please. You're all I want. All I can think of anymore. Don't be mad."
With his eyes still on you he brought his lips back to your hip bone before lowering to you pelvis and then like magic, the moment his mouth met your labia and then his tongue licked inside and found your clit you sighed and couldn't stop the smile from taking over your features.
"There she is. There's my good girl. Want your pussy licked baby? I'll show you how you're the only one I want. The only one I need."
You moaned and nodded at Harry and you saw him smile before delving in and covering your pussy with his mouth. Harry kept his eyes on you as he licked upward and stroked your clit, getting you all slippery and whiny until he knew you were ready for his fingers.
"No one does this to you but me," he said in a deep voice as he pushed his middle finger into your entrance and began stroking upward and then in and out. He put his mouth back over you, using his tongue to dance around your clit and it drove you crazy. You needed more pressure and he knew it, but he loved driving you crazy.
He added a second a finger and his fingers moved a little quicker as started to suck on your clit using his tongue to massage and encase your sensitive bud.
You put your hands into his hair and began to pull when you spread your legs further apart to give him as much access as he needed. You closed your eyes when his slurping and fingering felt like a warm zipper coming undone on your flesh. You groaned.
Harry used his free hand to pinch your thigh and you popped your eyes back open to look down at him with heaving breaths.
Harry lifted his mouth to speak to you, his lips grazing your pussy as he spoke his words, "Keep your eyes on Daddy. Want you looking at me when you come."
So you did your best. He always wanted you to watch when he ate you out. The way his tongue worked you, his lips sucked at you, his fingers fucked into you... and the sound of him slurping your cunt.
You began to moan in high, breathy noises. Harry's cheeks were shiny with you. He kept his eyes on yours as he continued his attack on your pussy and with his free hand he began to hold you down as you started to buck upward when you felt your end bubbling out.
"Daddy... oh my god!" Your words were moans and your ears began to ring as you struggled to keep your eyes open and on Harry's.
"Come on baby. Come on my face... come in Daddy's mouth," Harry grunted his words out and you noticed that he was gently rocking himself into the bed as he was working you to your end.
"Fffuuck!" You yelped as you released and fluttered your eyes closed for only a second before you felt Harry pinching at you again and you peeled your lids open and watched Harry as he continued licking and sucking with his fingers inside of you as you came. You moaned nonsense words and high pitched breaths as he at you out until you were so sensitive you were trying to push at his head but he had a vice grip on you and he didn't let up.
Harry's mouth was still eating away at your pussy and you squeezed your eyes closed, "Harry! Please!" you gasped your words as he licked over you clit, up and down, side to side. He slide a third finger inside of you and you opened your eyes and craned your neck to watch.
You began to feel your second orgasm wind around your insides as Harry's tongue didn't stop swiping over you. Everything was so wet and slick on your pussy with your own arousal and the spit Harry was using on you as he smoothed his mouth up and down.
The moment your second orgasm hit you felt like you were levitating. Harry had three fingers inside of you, knuckles deep as he sucked you in. He held you down and you writhed as you whined and moaned his name.
Harry laughed as you quivered and tears fell from your face. He knew he'd overstimulated you but he loved watching you struggle and come over and over again.
When you came down and your breathing was still a bit hard Harry lifted his face and began taking his clothes off. You watched him from your prone position with a smile of relief on your face.
Harry's dick was plumped and leaking at the tip already when he grabbed your thighs and dragged you to pull you closer.
"Daddy needs to come inside his baby now. Show you how much I love you. Fill you up with my come."
You were already so fucked out and you hadn't even technically been fucked but you nodded with a smile and Harry leaned down to kiss your mouth, he tasted like you.
He put his hands into your hair and gently smoothed it back. He looked at you for a moment with the soft eyes you loved so much. You loved it when he looked at you like this. It spoke everything to you that you wanted to know.
"Okay? Can I make love you to you now, baby? Want Daddy's cock?" Harry's lips were wet with you and his irises nearly completely covered by his pupils.
"Yes. Fuck me daddy. Make love to me."
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evanspresso · 2 years
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The blind date
listen to this tension filled song while reading.
The end of August is always the time where y/n desperately tries to hold onto her last moments of freedom before going back to the east coast. 
Sometimes she doesn’t understand why she decided to stay in the city, most of her friends attend school in the west coast and she always regrets deciding to stay in her comfort zone. Especially when she has to say goodbye. 
So, when y/n receives a text from her friend telling her that they were going to meet her boyfriend and his best friend for lunch, y/n excitedly replied with a bunch of smiley faces after receiving the details. Of course, she never had a clue on who she would be meeting, or what her friends intention of lunch would actually be. 
As y/n climbed out of the Uber and stretched her shoulders against her sweater blouse, deeply regretting her style choice as she revived a text from Wren, the ding making her stop in her tracks. 
Wren: running late, I think they’re already at the table!
Y/n groaned, hating that she’d meet two people she didn’t even know, without her bubbly best friend at her side. She huffed and yanked on the restaurant door before peering into the dining room, the air conditioning instantly calming her nerves. 
“I think my party is already here, Maybe under the name, Wren?” y/n said to the host who glanced at the reservation book.
“Yes! I just sat someone from your party. You can follow me, miss.” the host said cheerfully making y/n smile and follow in the younger girl’s tracks. “Enjoy!” 
Y/n pressed her lips together as she noticed that only one person sat at the table, his back facing her as she thanked the host. 
She cleared her throat as she grabbed for her chair, catching the man’s eye causing him to peer up at her and instantly stand. 
“Hi, you must be y/n.” he said, extending his hand out for her to shake.
“Hello.” she gave him a tight lipped smile before sliding down into her chair. “I guess we beat them to it!” she chuckled dryly.
The man scratched the back of his neck and chuckled, looking around the restaurant before nodding towards y/n. “I don’t know why they’re not here yet, it’s not like there’s any traffic.” he said. "Umm.. I’m Evan by the way".
Y/n smiled, her eyebrows raising as she looked at her phone screen to see if Wren had texted her. "I’m y/n, it’s nice to meet you.” 
“I just texted Wren to see where she is.” y/n said trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. 
She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down even though a literal actor was sat in front of her, an actor, who she’d yell at through the screen as she watched him portray many roles. Some more swoon worthy than others. Some, just down right scary and made her stomach all queasy.
She tried to hold in a laugh as she remembers cursing at him on multiple occasions, throwing her popcorn at the screen and groaning loudly at his actions that unfolded through the show. “Asshole!” was a common name she’d call him, for obvious reasons. And, of course she tried to push away the memories of her blushes and squeals she'd let out too.
Evan nods as he reached for his drink as his phone starts to buzz against his jean pocket. He shuffled around in his seat as he digs around for it, showing y/n the screen to reveal that it’s his best friend that was supposed to meet them. 
Y/n sat there awkwardly, twiddling her thumbs as she watched him answer the call, she watched his face deadpan into a grimace, his eyes widening as she heard laughing on the other end. “What the fu-” Evan grumbled before his best friend suddenly hung up and left Evan holding out his phone in complete shock. 
“They’re not coming.” Evan clears his throat. 
Y/n furrows her brows, shaking her head as she looked around trying to see if they’re on some pranked reality tv show. “What do you mean, they’re not coming?” she questions, annoyance dripping from her words causing Evan to glare at her slightly. 
“They set us up. That’s what I mean.” 
Y/n scoffs, folding her arms across her chest as she shakes her head at him, knowing that her best friend would never do this to her. 
Wren would never- well… maybe she would. No, of course she would do this to y/n! Wren knows how utterly, embarrassingly single y/n has always been, and what better way to humiliate her. 
y/n: you BETTER call me NOWWW and make up an excuse for me to leave!!!!!!!
Before Evan and y/n could even decide on their next moves, the waiter approached the table, notepad in hand, asking the pair If they’d like to order. 
Their eyes meet and they both huff out, shrugging as Evan lifts his hand top from the table. 
“I mean.. I don’t know about you but I’m starving.”
“I guess I could eat..” y/n shrugs, holding up her menu. “I’ll have four spicy shrimp rolls with spicy mayo.” she says to the server. “Thanks.” 
“Hmm, make that eight.” Evan says before looking at y/n, “Do you mind?” 
She hums and shakes her head no while making him smile and hand his menu to the waiter before they walk away after taking y/n’s. 
Evan leans back into his chair, running his palms against his thighs as he studies y/n. He notices her heart shaped lips, and her hair that is perfectly tucked into a ponytail. 
He can’t help but notice her manicured nails as she twiddles her thumbs, noticing how her eyes scan the restaurant, and how quiet she is as she just sits there, almost like she’s waiting for him initiate the conversation. 
“Aren’t you hot in that?” Evan finally asks.
Y/n blushes, resting her chin on her wrist as she glances at him from across the table. She bites her tongue from snapping at him for a reason unknown to her. 
Maybe he seem’s a little too cocky, and maybe its because he’s an actor, so why is he even still sitting here with her? she thinks. 
“No.” It's never too early for autumny cardigans. August is basically the open door to pumpkins and even more spice.
Evan nods, tapping his foot under the table as he sighs, watching as she shifts in her seat awkwardly. “Soooo…” 
He clears his throat and bites the inside of his cheek, before reaching for the pen that’s in his jacket pocket. “Wanna play a game?” 
Her ears perk at his question as she nods questionably while she watches him pull out the pen and slide one of the napkins in front of him. “We each write something on our napkins that describe us.” she suggests. 
Y/n gives him a funny glance but nods as he smiles at her, his playfulness making her eyes gleam as she watches him cover his napkin from her view. They both laugh lightly as he gives her small glances trying to shield his writing from her. 
“Okay, my turn!” y/n says happily as Evan hands her the pen before he folds his napkin so she can’t see what he’s jotted down. 
Time passes between the two like a blink of an eye, y/n and Drew coming to the realization that maybe they don’t mind each others company. 
Maybe Evan’s jokes make y/n’s heart flutter a little too much, and y/n’s smile make Evan’s cheeks turn a deep pink without him even trying to hide it. 
They talk and talk for what seams like hours as they eat their sushi rolls, inevitability ordering seconds and thirds, with dessert following behind. 
Their little game had been long forgotten because of easy conversation and a little competition of who can eat the most sushi rolls without taking a break or drinking water. 
“Well, this is the best blind date I’ve ever been on.” Evan says as he pulls out y/n’s chair.
“This was the first one I’ve been on so obviously I’m impressed.” she responds making him bump his shoulder against hers playfully, causing them both to laugh loudly as they make their way out of the restaurant. 
“Hey! we forgot about the game!” Evan suddenly says making y/n turn to look up at him. 
“How about we look at them when we go our separate ways… and if I like what you wrote, maybe I’ll challenge you to how many ice cream scoops you can eat without getting brain freeze.”
Evan lets out a laugh causing y/n to blush, “Deal!” he said handing her his napkin. “I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.” he says quietly.
“I wouldn’t doubt it. I’ve been pleasantly surprised this whole time.” y/n blushes. 
Evan sucks in a breath, leaning towards y/n and smiling at their substantial height difference. He feels y/n’s cheeks flush as he presses his lips against her soft skin and lets them linger for a second too long causing y/n’s eyes to flutter closed. 
“Until text time then. Hopefully.” he whispers before backing away.
“We shall see.” y/n teases before hugging him goodbye. 
Y/n watched Evan walk down the street, his hands in his pockets striding further away from her. She takes a deep breath and looks down at the napkin and opens it, her lips lifting into a sweet smile as she reads what he’s written down. 
She sighs knowing that she’s already got it bad, she admires his handwriting and his personality in his writing even more. 
“I love rainy days with a blanket and a cup of coffee and a book”
Notes and comments are greatly appreciated!! xx
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moodywyrm · 1 year
abby distracted by reader's hand, analyzing every detail, feeling how soft the skin is and then snapping back to studies
now as a girl who takes pride in being soft. this hits. unrelated but i just got new cherry-scented hand lotion n I'm so excited.
ok back to abby. i will be so real this made me tear up earlier bc its so cute and so her. I've already established that i think she'd be very grabby, very tactile, loves having her hands on you. lets say for the purpose of this, another college au obvs, ur in a major that requires a lot of reading. i don't have many developed thoughts on what her major would be, but i do have a soft spot for like kinesiology or pre-med abby, so i imagine a lot of her school work is on her laptop.
consider, u two are sitting at the library, nice n quiet, trying to get ahead on ur work. usually u would sit on opposite sides of the table or booth, but this time she was feeling needy so she asked u to sit next to her. snacks laid out in front of yall, right behind her laptop n ur books + notebooks. the matcha latte she bought you sweating onto the table. ur reading ur book with ur right hand, while abby quietly snatched ur left hand. toying with ur fingers, taking in how soft u are, the whole shebang. she gets so into it that she doesn't even notice you've stopped reading n are just staring at her now, a soft lil smile on ur face bc she is so focused. she eventually snaps out of it n turns to u, her face flushing bright red as she turns back to her laptop n coughing to hide her embarrassment, n u just giggle and take one of her hands to place a lil kiss on her knuckles before turning back to ur work.
shes so soft n giggly i love her <3
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yandere-fics · 2 months
New idea: Selene with a writer darling who often wrote romance books specifically for supernaturals and their mates to give them ideas. However, her darling has a diary detailing every slight that Selene has made. Talking about how afraid they are that Selene will toss them away, her moaning other women’s names in her sleep, how she talks about soulmates saving themselves for each other but Selene obviously didn’t, and finally… how Darling wonders if she is even capable of pleasing Selene… and eventually… Selene finds the diary.
♡ Selene Finds Your Diary ♡
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Selene couldn't believe the nonsense she was reading right now, mates were supposed to forgive each other yet here you were writing down every slight she'd ever made in your stupid fucking journal, holding everything against her, stupid fucking ideas about her abandoning you, would never happen, worrying about her mumbling under her breath at night and thinking it was another girls name, she'd have to have learned their names in the first place for that to be plausible, wondering if you weren't able to satisfy her fully as if she didn't pump you full every morning and night, you clearly didn't want to forgive and forget so she walked into the living room where you were sitting and slammed the diary on the coffee table in front of you.
You were a bit shocked she read it, you figured it was safe to keep because selene had a busy schedule of taking you out to a nice restaurant and then rawwing you as people rushed to evacuate the building and when she wasn't doing that she went out running and tried to convince you to come with or was busy cuddling you so you really didn't expect her to read anything at all, sure she'd read your novels but you'd asked her to, you didn't ask her to read this so you figured she just wouldn't, turns out she didn't just pick up books just because you made her. Kind of sweet to know she genuinely wanted to read your things, less sweet as soon as you remembered all the things you written about her in there.
"Dove, sit on my lap." You nervously shuffled over to her lap, not looking at her as she pulled you down to straddle her. She leaned her head on your shoulder awkwardly, her hands gripped your upper arms tightly. "I'm only going to say this once dove, since it should be common sense, i'm only ever going to want you, if i have to look myself in this house to prove it, I will but that also means i'm going to lock you in the house with me too."
She let out a heavy sigh mixed with a growl. "You're never leaving me."
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dogloveri23 · 10 months
Pairing: Gepard x reader Warning: Angst A/n: I've been waiting to start writing about honkai star rail men! I'm finally joining the fandom. I hope hsr players enjoy this one! UID:713436764
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You stare at your watch once more as your fingers tap frantically against the table. "Late again?", The waiter asked you pouring you another glass of lemonade. You smile sadly at him a bit embarrassed by her keen eye. "He's just busy, it's not easy being a silver mane guard after all", You say faking a smile but you knew everyone could see through the facade. You weren't the best at faking your emotions. Every move you made displayed your emotions clearly. You were an open book.
"Right, he's the captain right?", She asked. She was clearly trying to make small talk. You would have been jumping at the opportunity on a usual day but right now, you didn't want to speak about Gepard. "Yes"
"You bagged a keeper", She smiled. Of course, she would say that. Everyone always said that. You said it to yourself- drilled it into your mind how lucky you were to have him. Even if you came second to everyone and everything. To Bronya, to Belobog, to Serval, to his duties and even to outlanders. You force a smile and nod at her statement. You couldn't stay here anymore. You were tired of the pitying looks and glances. The sad smile they sent your way.
You down your drink and slam your payment on the table. You smile at the waitress once more before leaving the store in a rush. Their gazes swallowed you up and made it hard to breathe. You wanted to cry. You rush to Serval's workshop. She was fun to hang out with and you were close friends. Right now, you need her comfort.
You barged in, startling her and her guest. "Sorry Serval, I-", you start but are stopped by the two blondes staring straight at you. "Oh, hey Y/n", She cheered with a large grin quickly gathering the attention of Gepard. "Oh, hey love", He blushes. he usually did when he spoke to you in front of his sister. It made you feel special but right now, it made your blood boil.
He walks up to you about to give you a peck. You walk away leaving him flustered. The tension had built up. Even Serval could feel it. "I had come to see you, Serval. But I think I'll move that meeting to a later date", You mumble glaring at Gepard. He looked confused. It made your eyebrows crease the longer it took for him to realize why you were mad.
"Are you Ok love?", He asks softly trying to touch you once again. You move away once more. He realized you were mad at him. "I just got back from our date"
His face dropped. He'd forgotten. You could tell from his blank expression followed by his averted gaze. "I was there for three hours Gepard like always. I waited for you, like i always do and look where that got me", You say to him feeling your chest tighten. "I'm sorry I-"
"I'm done Gepard. Let's end this."
"Whoa Y/n calm down. I'm sure Geppie got carried away", Serval tried to ease the situation and yet you didn't want her apology. You were done.
"Love, I've been busy. I-I just got carried away. I promise it won't happen again"
"I don't want your apology Gepard. I've heard it a million times. You'll be late for the next date and the next. I'm saving myself the trouble."
"I won't, I swear to you in the name of Landau that I won't", He begs grabbing your hands. His eyes pleaded with yours and ye you only blankly stared.
"Don't do that Gepard, you wouldn't want to shame your family would you?"
"I wont, Y/n! I pro-"
"Gepard please", You say removing yourself from his grip. On a normal day, you would have fallen right back into his arms as soon as he muttered an apology but today was different. You weren't sure what was so different but you didn't feel like giving into his pleas.
You walk away shocking even Serval! "Y/n please whatever this is, I'm sure that the two of you can resolve it", Serval says but you don't respond. you weren't surprised she'd try to plead on his behalf but this time, it wouldn't work, you were done.
"I'm tired of coming in second Serval. I don't think that's something he can change. "Y/n please", he says following you. He wouldn't let go easily. That was what attracted you to him in the first place but now you wanted nothing more than to leave. "I'm going to find someone else Gepard. Someone who'd pick me over everything", You say glaring at him once more before leaving the store and ignoring him. You weren't going to come second anymore. Not to him. Now to anyone else.
Part 2?
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