#solomon has even commented on how its different
ambagel · 1 month
Wait hold on, in his anniversary video Barbatos mentions the mc being the brother's attendant?
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But in the other videos, it's implied that they don't remember the mc leaving (which is actually something im very disappointed about and really hope isnt the case in the actual story)
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In these two specifically, it seems like they aren't aware of the mc's presence in the past/alternate timeline/whatever it is. The only other person who seems like they know is Lucifer
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Which also lines up with the end of lesson 40, where he's the only one who says welcome back? So like?? Do only him and Barbatos know? Did they not tell anyone?? Diavolo would probably know as well but I haven't seen anything to show that yet. Anyways I don't really like where this is going, I would really prefer they not make everyone forget the mc disappeared
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obeyme-and-myfics · 1 year
Hi!! May I request a continuation of short!MC with the side characters? I love your writing! 💖💖💖
Yes, of course! I took a little break from posting on the internet so that's why it took so long for me to respond. Also thank you! I try to write as well as I can. (●'◡'●) Some side characters are gonna be missing from this cuz I'm not quite comfortable writing for them yet.
I haven't met Raphael, Mephistopheles or Thirteen(I am planning on making their own parts when I do tho!) in anything other than events. So I'd like to apologize in advance because if I remember correctly one of your favs is Mephisto o(TヘTo) (I hope this doesn't sound weird since we've only met briefly on the discord server /gen)
Anyway onto the actual prompt ( ̄y▽ ̄)╭
Part 1| Part 2(here)
Prompt: How Obey Me Characters react to a short MC/Y/N
Characters: Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Solomon, Luke(/p)
Headcanon List
CW/TWs: Teasing for your height,
I don't think he'd have much of a reaction seeing as most people/demons are a lot shorter than him
This man is easily 7ft I don't think he gives a fuck, everyone is puny to him
He'd definitely say something by accident, something he doesn't think would bother you
He's a himbo and oblivious to this shit
He'd probably say some shit like
"You're quite small for a human" or something like that
Crouches/Bends down to talk to you sometimes
Only when he really feels like it
I swear he's not trying to be rude
He'll pick you up only if you ask
For any reason too, he adores his small human
He respects you and doesn't want to help you like that unless you want him to
If he sees you struggling to grab something he'll get it for you
Gently reminds you that he can help you and you don't need to struggle with these things while he's there
Worries about other demons taking advantage of your small stature and hurting you
So he checks in on your wellbeing more often than he would if you were taller
If he knows you're around, he's making sure he doesn't accidentally run over you
I'm so sorry! to be fair he's probably gotta do that with bitches 5'7 and below
He'd probably enjoy holding/hugging you too
Like you ask for cuddles this man is cradling you in his arm
Maybe even rocking your ass to sleep
Man has nothing to say about your height
Like he couldn't care less about it and has the foresight to not say shit if you're a little insecure
Not that he would even if you weren't
If he sees you struggling to get something off a higher place, he's helping even if you don't ask/don't want him to
That's just kinda how he is
If you request he stop that he will but you need to communicate your wants and needs
If he sees you getting bullied(/lh) for your height and you look distressed he'll give to culprit a bit of a scolding
Depending on how bad it/Who it was it'll be harsher
Of course he'd like for you to defend yourself at least a little bit
When you do he can't help but smile a little to himself.
He likes to serve the ones he cares for so if any difficulties arise due to your height he'd be happy to attend to them
That is to say its only if you ask/he has the time to
He is still the butler of the future ruler of the Devildom after all
Barbatos also wouldn't treat you any different than how he would treat some one of average height or taller
He makes the occasional comment about your height to your face
Giggles about it in private on occasion LIKE A BITCH
It's only occasionally that he does this tho
Overall its not that big of a deal to him
He's been alive long enough that he doesn't really care
Will absolutely help you with things your height hinders you from doing
If you're being bullied about your height he'll give you a chance to defend yourself before jumping to your defense
Will pick you up and carry you sometimes just for shits and giggles
Other times he picks you up and carries you away to hang out or aid him in another one of his magical endeavors.
and now we have Nightbringer /j
He's not doing anything to talk to you on your level Slay, king Solomon. Slay
He thinks its mildly entertaining to watch you struggle to grab something off the top shelf/anything out of your reach
He's a bit more careful with you than he normally would be with others
Has offhandedly suggested making something to make you taller if you'd like it
you gonna whoop his ass or should I?
He enjoys watching you stand up for yourself despite your height
It can be intimidating when people who are much taller than you pick on you and he understands that
or maybe you're not intimidated in the slightest and just wanted to unleash a can of whoop ass on some assholes who've been picking on you Period. Slay honestly.
He understands that too, and enjoys watching it go down
He finds it satisfying
Won't comment on it most of the time but he does think its really cute
Only makes a comment when he's asking if you need help getting something higher up than you can reach
and its normally something like
"Oh! MC did you need help? It looks like you can't quite reach that."
A bit more careful with you than he would be normally
Though he's gentle by nature most of the time Sadistic Simeon has me in a chokehold fr fr
He won't get down to your level or do anything to demean you
not intentionally anyway
He doesn't say anything about your height for the most part but he will slip up every once in a while
It's nothing bad he just lets it slip he thinks your height is cute
He encourages you to stand up for yourself but has no problem sticking up for you or stealing you away if you're being bullied too much.
Happy to help with anything your height makes difficult when you ask
Other than that he doesn't treat you any differently due to your height
He's just happy he's not the only short one here.
If you're shorter than him he doesn't comment on it but he is excited to not be the shortest there.
He would make a few comments about it but you just gotta tell him to stop and he will
He doesn't want to make you upset with him
Sweet baby just wants to bond with you over the others making fun of your heights
Doesn't hesitate to yell at anyone making fun of your height and calling you names because of it
Makes sure you're okay afterwards
He's getting made fun of for this though
The brothers would take to calling him your guard dog
He barely gives you a chance to defend yourself but will back up if you defend yourself before he can
He borderline clings to you like a sloth
Comes to you every time he needs to vent about everyone bullying him for his own height
You're his favorite human now
If he's taller than you, he will do his best to help with things you can't reach.
He's happy to help out his friend
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saorikuhara39 · 8 months
Oct 2023 issue of B'sLOG translation Special Feature: Hyper☆Summer Date
Oct 2023 issue of B'sLOG translation Special Feature: Hyper☆Summer Date Feat. Mammon, Solomon
[PLEASE DO NOT REUPLOAD] (reblogging/comments okay)
The brightness of the summer sun pushes us to be more open than usual. To enjoy this fun season, the special feature will be called "Summer Date"! Please look out for the happy summer date plan he chooses ♪
(Characters are given questions according to the place they what to go on a date with - either the beach, an amusement park, or a summer festival.)
➀ Today is a date with your loved one at an amusement park! What matching items would you like to wear together? I'd think of headbands of the new Devil's Coast mascot that recently debuted, Awoofa*. Puttin' that on and uploadin' to Devilgram is all over the rage, man!
② It's lunchtime at the amusement park! Which do you prefer, the restaurants or lunch boxes? Either one of those shall do, but I'd like to buy from one of those carts over there and walk around while eatin'. Isn't that the way to have fun with them as much as we wanna?
③ Your loved one wants to go to a haunted house! Can you lead the way? BUT OF COURSE???? Why did'cha even bother askin' that???? Huh? Huh???
④ Riding the Ferris Wheel near closing time, you'll do this to the person you love at its highest point…… Hm, I guess I'mma just say what I thought of at the time. Like where's the House of Lamentation, how small the Demon Lord's Castle is, et cetera. It's pointless expecting me to say things that Lucifer or Satan would say. I'm sure they know that too. Oh, maybe I'll ask them if they had a good time with me. That's the most curious thing I wanna know.
*unofficial translation of Garurufa/ガルルファ. No relevant info in the game has been found regarding this new mascot (as of Sep 2023). Note that this should a different mascot from 'Devilcat/デビネコ', a red teddy bear-like creature with horns on its head.
➀ Today is a festival date with someone you like! What kind of clothes do you want them to wear? When in Rome, they tell me to do as the Romans do, so it's gonna be a yukata. Wearing something different from the usual can make someone excited, right? I want them to feel excited too, so I'll probably wear a yukata too.
② It's so crowded that there's a chance of getting separated! What would you do? It's unthinkable that I'd lose sight of my cute apprentice, though I might pretend that it would be a natural excuse to hold hands with them. But since I think they might see right through me, I might honestly say that I want to hold hands with them (laughs).
③ At a target shooting range, they asked you to get "the one" for them! Do you have what it takes for shooting? If my partner is looking forward for me to win, I'll win even if the lottery doesn't include a winning ticket. Eh, no magic is allowed? Hmm, even so I'll give it a shot!
④ Watching the fireworks near the festival's end, you'll do this to the person you love whose eyes are shining bright…… Maybe I won't be able to say anything to them because I'd be falling hard for them who is trying their best to watch the fireworks. Maybe deep inside I'd be saying "I'm glad we're able to make good memories".
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beetlebug-bii · 1 year
Heya, first of all im sorry for that terrible joke i made in the comment section xD
I'd like to request a Solomon x Reader
I'm a sucker for him and can't find good ffs or more like not much of him TT
Song to listen to if you want too
( hammock - then the quiet explosion)
So I've been thinking of a scenario where MC is kind of annoyed from the brothers always near them and clinging on them, so that they have no privacy.
Solomon ( who has a crush on them) sees that the reader is exhausted and takes her to a quiet place to rest with him ( the rest is your imagination)
I loved the joke so much lmaooo
Alright this is my first one in a long while so please cut me some slack! I did my very best so I hope you like it! O7
How To Cure Depression (Solomon x GN!Reader)
This is the third time this week
You just
Take it anymore
Lucifer is always critiquing your organization and how clean the room is
Mammon is always stealing your stuff
Levi and Satan are judging your interests all. the. time.
Asmo steals your clothes for selfies
Beel gets food on the floor
and Belphie messes up your bed at least six times a day
Why do they always have to do this
They have their own rooms
Why cant you?
you are so sick of cleaning up after their mess
so tired of always having to mediate fights
and that's why you're here you suppose
You couldn't even handle being in the house to listen to their excuses anymore
So you came here
The courtyard of the Royal Academy of Diavolo
It's the only place you can even feel like you can breathe right now, and even now you're struggling to keep the tears in
You close your eyes and take a breath, your head resting on your knees
Theres a nice breeze today…
It smells like flowers almost…
You can feel the sun shining on your skin too…its so warm…you missed that feeling…
Wait a second
aren't you underground right now?
Why is there a breeze??? Even if there was a breeze, why does it smell like flowers?? 
And there definitely shouldn't be a sunlight feeling??
Finally taking a moment to look up, you lock eyes with the one and only shady wizard 
You almost want to sigh
There goes peace…goodbye peace…you will be missed…
But the way he's looking at you is…different
He's missing his signature smirk that always seems to be plastered on his face
Instead it's been replaced with something slightly softer…kind…
"Hey" he took a few steps forward
Leaning down next to you, and wiping a teardrop from your cheek
"...hey…" you said back, still unsure
Solomon sits beside you, leaning against the large stone wall hiding you from the rest of the world
"What happened?"
And with that
You broke
You cried on and on and on
Sobbing about how overwhelmed you were, how nothing you did was good enough, how exhausted you were all the time
You really hadn't meant to
But by the end you were just a bundle of tears
You were expecting a comment on how small your problems were
or maybe even a laugh because what did you expect? They ARE demons after all…
What you weren't expecting
Was Solomon gently taking your hand
And whispering a slight follow me
Gently he led you deeper within the courtyard, getting ever so slightly lost between the hedges
"Close your eyes" he said, with a slight smirk
and in that moment you werent sure if you should trust him
On one hand, he has yet to bully you
On the other, you might commit homicide if he starts now
You sigh and close your eyes
After a few moments of absolutely nothing happening you open them
And poof the wizard is gone
He led you into what is basically a hedgemaze and then left!?
You huff, more annoyed now than you were before
You could go commit arson
You could ask diavolo so politely
He would probably say yes ri-
you let out a short scream as a hand shoots out from within one of the hedges
You can hear Solomon laugh slightly from inside 
oh you motherfu-
The hand grabs you and pulls you in
After being yanked through the bushes, you find yourself in a small cove…
Flowers filled the ground, and the grass was so soft….and there was sunlight- how?
"Where…" you whispered, still a bit awestruck 
A place like this definitely shouldn't exist in the devildom…
"This is a little piece of home" Solomon explained, while taking a seat on the soft ground, "I made it with an illusion spell of sorts…I come here when things get difficult" 
You gently sat next to Solomon 
Taking it all in
Who knew the shady wizard had a soft side…
Solomon pulled your head down to his lap, one hand gently running through your hair while the other pulled out a book
He softly began to read
"I don't trust stairs…they are always up to something"
"Where do ghosts become pilots?...fright school"
"Why did the cookie go to the doctor? It was feeling crumby"
…you were going to kill him
…but maybe later
You laughed and gently swatted Solomon's book of "1000 dad jokes to cheer up people with depression"
How sweet of him
Solomon laughed and poked at your cheeks
you really were beautiful when you smiled
Not that he could say that of course
…not yet
He wanted to savor this moment by your side for just a bit longer
Just the two of you
Safe in your little bubble
Away from the rest of the world
Solomon gently pet your hair until you fell asleep
Watching with a gentle smile
Before placing a small kiss on your forehead
He would give the brothers a piece of his mind later
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Random Obey Me Headcannons I Have, But They’re Out of Context
Levi is banned from all karaoke and singing anything throughout the devildom.
Mammon is banned from a lot of Devildom gameshows.
If you want to check if your jewelry is real or how much it’s worth, you go to Mammon.
Lucifer was an alchoholic.
Belphie has two very different reputations throughout the devildom, one as The Lord of Dreams, the other as The Master of Nightmares. On one hand he’s as harmless as a demon lord can get, on the other hand he’s more terrifying than Lucifer.
Beel is head of the royal guard and is a beast during training, but no one is scared of him.
Levi acts very different than his usual self and is more like Lucifer, but only when he’s in uniform/working/on a ship.
Levi is the best strategist among the brothers, even better than Satan or Lucifer.
Very few know about mammon’s job and even fewer know what it entails, but him and his team are some of the most important in the devildom.
Asmo and some of his close companions and followers basically work for/with Satan.
Mammon is the singular reason the brothers didn’t completely break and fall apart after the war ended and they fell.
Mammon often gets pulled into a sectretary-like job by the royal treasurer.
No one is actually sure what Lucifer’s sexual orientation is, but its a running joke for people to wish him a happy pride.
Everyone is the devildom knows that if you’re in trouble at pride, you find Beel or Diavolo first, any of the other brothers or staff second.
Mammon has ADHD, Lucifer and Satan both have ADHD-i (previously known as ADD), they were born/created with these. (Both Michael and Raphael have autism). None of them are diagnosed. (Thanks to grannys-things, I learned new lore about ADHD vs ADD and was able to change this to be more accurate!)
Asmo is OCD, Levi has Social Anxiety and Panic Attacks, Belphie has Major Depression, and Beel has an eating disorder, they developed these after the war and have varying levels of control over the conditions.
Barbatos has Musophobia, it was something he developed after seeing something in the human realm’s future that was unavoidable.
Asmo and Levi go to the Devildom Comicon every year together in full cosplay, a different one for each day.
All Demons have Polyamorous Tendencies, and as royalty Diavolo is sort of expected to have a harem, but he doesn’t care for one. In contrast, Solomon used to have one when he was a young wise king and joking calls his pact demons his harem sometimes.
Belphie has a lot of knowledge about human myths and legends, only Satan ever hears about that though.
Beel has anger issues outside of his hangry fits, he only got them after Lilith died and Satan helped him get them under control.
Barbatos uses his powers sometimes for his own vacations while he’s still working, taking a few months to a decade in the human world for himself.
He and Simeon are quite close and it’s why Simeon was chosen for the exchange program, he’s Simeon’s main informant and proof reader for his series.
Satan has the nickname ‘TanTan’ and only one person has ever called him that and remains the only person allowed to use that name.
There’s more, but that’s it for now! It’s pretty Brother centered, but i’ll do another one with more with other characters! and if you want explainations or have ideas about certain headcannons, drop me an ask or leave a comment and I'll give it context. (All explained headcannons will be linked back to the masterlist, fyi.)
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crimsonedquill · 1 year
Hello friend’ I’m new, I love your writing! I was wondering if you could do a m!mc curing anne sallow fic, where she starts to fall for them shortly after :) keep up your wonderful work!
Welcome to the community! We have lots of blankets, pillows and just generally good vibes here 🖤 Also, your kind comments really made my day ^_^
Sorry for taking a little longer than usual – I was in a really good flow and I didn't want to post until I was confident I had it 100% right. Definitely had the most fun writing this one so far, thank you for the prompt!
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Healing (Anne Sallow x M!MC)
Tags: Fluff, Just overall wholesomeness, Sebastian being an overprotective bro
“Are you certain this’ll work?” Sebastian asked, his voice thick with anxiety. MC had given him at least twenty different variations of the same answer in the past half hour, but he supposed he couldn’t really blame the Sallow boy for being nervous; he would have likely felt the same in his position.
“I’m confident it will,” he assured him. “It’ll be different this time. I know how to use my ability now, after all.”
“I suppose that’s true,” Sebastian answered, before shaking his head. “It’s just so difficult to fathom… all of this. Knowing that there will finally be an end to her suffering. If this works, I owe you my life, MC.”
“Keep it,” MC chuckled. “You’ll have lots of catching up to do once Anne is able to live without pain.”
He was relieved to see a hint of a smile forming on Sebastian’s lips after all. Truthfully, now that they were coming up on Feldcroft, he couldn’t deny he felt the slightest bit nervous, if only for the massive pressure resting on his shoulders. He didn’t necessarily question his control over his ability, having dedicated himself to rigorous training with the help of Professor Fig to avoid Isadora’s missteps. Still, he was nevertheless terrified of disappointing the Sallows now that he had become their last hope.
Focus, he told himself as they approached the small cottage at the edge of the hamlet. Inner balance is the only way to heal her. You know this.
Before they could enter, the door swung open on its own and a bearded man stepped out, his face hardening as he saw them.
“Mr Sallow,” MC said politely, as he inclined his head.
“I want you to know that if it had been up to me, I would have put an end to this fool’s errand right now,” Solomon grunted. “Do you even know what you’re doing?”
MC noticed Sebastian clenching his fists. He gently touched his shoulder to calm him down before turning to the older man. “I am confident I can heal Anne, Mr Sallow,” he said, his voice lacking any suggestion of doubt. “She personally requested it, did she not?”
Solomon briefly clenched his jaw before he let out a deep sigh. “That she has. She’s waiting for you inside. But I’m warning you, if this somehow results in even more harm, I’m holding you responsible.”
“I will accept any and all responsibility,” MC answered. “May we enter now?”
For a moment it looked as if Solomon would keep blocking the doorway, but then he stepped aside to let them through. Any dispiritedness they might have felt from their chilly reception swiftly vanished when they finally saw Anne. Her face lit up at the sight of her brother, and she reached out for him as he ran up to her. “Sebastian!”
“How are you?” Sebastian asked, placing a hand on her shoulder as he kneeled next to her. “Are you comfortable?”
“Much more now that you’re here.” She nodded to MC. “Hello, MC.”
“It’s good to see you, Anne,” MC said with a gentle smile. He meant it; despite the dark lines under her eyes and the overall paleness of her face, she seemed more healthy than he’d ever seen her. He caught himself involuntarily thinking about the remarkable hidden beauty held by her features and quickly shook his head to regain focus.
“So…” Anne said, breaking the silence. “How does this work, exactly? Is there anything you need me to do?”
“I just want you to try to keep still and make yourself as comfortable as possible,” MC told her, before holding a short pause. “I will be honest with you, Anne, I know this will work, though I cannot guarantee it will be entirely painless. I will try my best, but –”
“I doubt it’ll be much worse than what I’ve already had to endure,” Anne said. “You… you can go ahead, I’ll manage.”
MC nodded, then turned to Sebastian, who was still holding onto his sister’s arm. “Sebastian, it’d be best if you took a step back. You know, as a precaution –”
“Yes… yes, of course.” He exchanged one more look with Anne, squeezing her shoulder. “I’ll be right here in the room with you.”
Anne smiled weakly, briefly touching his hand to reassure him. He withdrew, taking a deep breath as his gaze met MC’s. “Do what you must do.”
MC felt himself tensing up as he drew his wand, readying himself to channel his ancient magic. This was it, the moment of truth. If he couldn’t help her…
No, that was simply not possible. He would help her.
He furrowed his brow as he began, concentrating the surge of energy flowing up from his very core. He directed it into his wand, feeling his hand beginning to tremble as it transformed into a conduit. The world around him ceased to be one of images, instead morphing into a collection of colours; he saw Anne, a shade of bright red contained within a rim of blue light. He reached out, pushing into the red, sensing the pain emanating from her being. The sheer violence of it left him reeling for a minute, sharp needles puncturing every inch of his body, but he knew he had to reach further to be able to remove it. And so he clenched his teeth, pushing beyond the limits of his own mortal form; becoming one with her as he sensed her thoughts, her agony, her everything.
He could hear Sebastian shouting somewhere far away, but he wasn’t really listening to what he was saying. He wielded every bit of strength he had left to withdraw from Anne’s frail body, taking the pain with him, forcing it to assume a physical form. After the passage of what felt like hours, the room morphed back into shape. He saw Anne, slightly hunched over, and Sebastian kneeling next to her on the ground.
“Anne?” He shook his sister by her shoulders, possessed by a sudden panic. “Anne, are you all right? Say something!”
It was as if a rock dropped into the bottomless pit of MC’s stomach. Something had gone wrong. He had reached too far, he had taken away all of her emotions like Isadora had and there would be nothing left of her now but a soulless corpse –
Suddenly, Anne gasped and looked up, her eyes shooting across the room before settling on MC. “You…” she breathed, and MC felt his heart skipping a beat as she slowly stood up from the chair. “You… you cured me. I don’t feel any more pain. It’s… it’s gone!”
She turned to her brother and threw herself into his arms, causing him to momentarily stumble backwards before he embraced her, his face breaking open into a smile that could light up a whole village. “Is it… are you… are you really cured?” he asked, trying to convince himself that he wasn’t dreaming.
MC couldn’t help but slightly tear up at the wholesome display. For all the terrible adversity he’d have had to withstand, now he was finally able to witness the good he was able to do, and it left him speechless. He didn’t even notice Solomon until the man was standing right next to him.
“Anne?” He was making a rather strange sound, and MC realised this was the first time he was seeing the bitter mask falling away.
“Uncle!” Anne freed herself from her brother’s grasp and ran up to Solomon, taking the man’s hand into her own. “It’s a miracle, truly. I’ve been relieved of my suffering. The curse is no more!”
For a moment Solomon was utterly speechless; then he took the girl into his arms, his voice heavy with emotion as he whispered: “I can’t believe it… after all those years…”
His teary gaze met MC’s. “Thank you,” he said, and MC simply nodded.
— — —
Anne’s recovery progressed more smoothly than MC would have ever dared to dream. Within a day she was already back on her feet, helping out around the house with an energy that was simply infectious. MC noticed a remarkable transformation in Sebastian and his uncle as well; they were no longer fighting all the time, and on some occasions he even witnessed them exchanging some kind words, as if there was some completely new side to their relationship that he hadn’t seen before.
MC took it all in with joy and, dare he say, a certain sense of pride as well. He remembered well the conflict that had plagued him after his decision to open the repository, the question of whether he was any better than Isadora and the pain she had inflicted through her good intentions. Seeing the Sallow family healing had provided a definitive conclusion to his doubts.
After a couple of days, he decided to take his leave. When he stepped outside that morning, he was surprised by Sebastian, who came trudging up the hill to meet him, broom in his hand.
“You’re up early,” MC remarked with a chuckle.
“Tell me about it,” he answered, grinning despite being out of breath. “She’s been at it ever since Uncle Solomon allowed her to go outside – making up for all the time she’s lost. Now she’s dragged me into training matches so that she’s ready to get right back on the Quidditch team when she returns to Hogwarts.”
“And she asked you to be her opponent?”
“Hey, don’t give me that tone. Got chewed out by Imelda enough times to be at least half decent on a broom.” He shifted the weight on his shoulder for a moment as he gathered his thoughts. “I can’t thank you enough, MC. What you did for my sister… it’s really the best thing that’s ever happened to us in all of our lives. We’ll be forever in your debt.”
“I was glad to be of help,” MC said, slightly embarrassed at all of the praise. “But… I think it’d be for the best that I be on my way again. I don’t want to be a distraction now that you’re finally able to spend time with each other again.”
Sebastian promptly dropped his broom. “But you aren’t a burden at all! And really, you can’t be leaving already. Anne wants to visit Hogsmeade today and she personally requested you accompany us –”
MC felt his heart involuntarily skip a beat. “She did?”
“You wouldn’t let her down now, right?” chuckled Sebastian. “Come on, it’ll be good. I owe you at least a Butterbeer.”
MC thought for a moment, though it didn’t take long for him to make up his mind. “Well… all right, I’ll join you.”
“Excellent. I’ll tell her you’ll be coming along. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m probably going to get an earful if I don’t make it back in time.”
And off he was again, running back towards the field at the bottom of the hill with a speed that left MC chuckling. It didn’t take too long for his thoughts to return to the matter of Anne’s invitation. Was there some special reason for the gesture, or did she simply want to express her gratitude? And even if there was a special reason, what did that mean for him?
He wasn’t the least bit surprised when he caught himself blushing, as he stared down at the figures flying across the field, swallows on a green canvas.
— — —
“Merlin, that was delicious.” Anne was the first of them to step out of the Three Broomsticks, contentedly wiping off her mouth with the back of her hand. “I’d completely forgotten the taste of Butterbeer.”
“Are you sure I’m not going to have to carry you back home?” Sebastian teased. “I’m fairly certain you had at least twelve glasses back there.”
“Oh, stop it. You’re just saying that because you can’t handle more than one glass yourself.”
“I resent that accusation!”
MC chuckled to himself as he listened to the Sallow twins bantering. He hadn’t quite been able to get a word in ever since they arrived in the village, but then again, he didn’t really mind playing third wheel either. It was great to see Anne and Sebastian both so full of life and unsuppressed joy.
As they stood on the street in front of the bar and Anne was suddenly occupied by a quaint little magical flower stall, Sebastian leaned over to whisper in MC’s ear. “Do you think you could keep her company for a few minutes? I’ll just have to pop into Spintwitches to get her a little surprise gift for school.”
“I’d be glad to,” MC nodded.
“Great. Don’t get any funny ideas now, all right? Even when you think I’m not there, I’ll be watching you two like a Hippogriff.”
The comment left him more than a little perplexed as Sebastian disappeared into the crowd of Hogsmeade visitors, just before Anne turned around, cocking an eyebrow at him when she noticed the absence of her brother. “We’ve barely been out here for five minutes and he’s already gone?”
“He had some… matters to attend to,” MC said, quickly recollecting himself. “We could wait here for a little if you –”
“I’ve waited long enough. We’ll just have to find a way to enjoy ourselves without him, wouldn’t you say?”
Before he had any chance to respond or act, she hooked her arm into his, looking up at him with a smile that made his head spin. “Let’s head to the main square.”
They began their walk through the bustling streets, the late afternoon sun casting a warm glow on their surroundings. The village was alive with the chatter of students and the aroma of freshly baked goods drifting from the nearby shops. Anne eyed it all with childlike wonder, suddenly letting out a content sigh.
“Anything the matter?” MC asked.
“I suppose it all just amazes me. It feels like I’m discovering everything all over again.”
“I’m sure it must be daunting, especially after all that time.”
“It is,” she nodded as she continued, her voice slightly wavering. “I was so focused on surviving that everything else ceased to be… real, in a sense. But now… I don’t know. All of a sudden there is a world of possibilities out there, and I’m not quite sure what to do.”
MC turned to face her, their eyes meeting. “Anne, you’ve faced incredible challenges, and you’ve shown immense resilience. Quite frankly, you might just be the strongest person I’ve ever met. I believe you have the potential to do anything you set your mind to.”
A faint blush tinted Anne’s cheeks as she smiled gratefully. “Thank you, MC. Your faith in me means a lot.” Her voice dropped to a softer tone. “You and Sebastian… you were there for me, even when I had long given up hope. I don’t know what would’ve happened to me if it hadn’t been for you."
The words hung in the air, carrying a weight of unspoken emotions. MC’s heart quickened, sensing a shift in the atmosphere between them. Should he say something? Did she want him to say something?
Just then, the sound of music filled the air, drawing their attention to a small crowd gathered on the street. A band had set up, and people were joyfully dancing to the infectious rhythm.
Anne’s eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint as she grabbed MC’s hand. “Come on, MC! Let's join them!”
Caught off guard, MC stumbled for a moment before finding his footing, their heart racing with a sudden surge of all kinds of emotions. As they joined the crowd, Anne’s hand in his, the world around them faded away.
Amidst the swaying and laughter, MC couldn’t help but notice the subtle moments in the way Anne’s eyes lit up whenever their gazes met, and the gentle squeeze of her hand, a touch that lingered just a fraction longer than necessary. Questions began racing through his mind again. Was she just toying with him, knowing it would grind her brother’s gears? No, he had known her to be different than that. But then what did that mean – that there was somehow a deepening connection between them?
But for now, that didn’t matter. He allowed himself to get lost in the dance, riding the wave of her lively spirit, knowing that for now, there was nothing else he needed.
— — —
After dinner that night, Anne asked MC to join her for a walk outside. Sebastian immediately offered himself up to accompany them, but he was sabotaged by Solomon.
“Leave them, boy,” he admonished him, though his tone was not unkind. “I’m sure your sister will manage a few minutes without you.”
MC looked to the man, perhaps expecting a wink or some silent sign of support, but he didn’t see any. Maybe that had been a little too much to ask.
The air outside was refreshing, cool but not uncomfortable, and they walked together side by side for a while before MC decided to break the silence. “Your brother sure seems committed to making up for lost time.”
“I suspect it’s not so much that as the thought of us being alone together getting under his skin,” she said with a chuckle.  “Perhaps we should stay out here for a couple of hours, just to see him unravel.”
MC felt a slight tingle in his stomach. Did she just – no, clearly she was just joking.
They stopped on a plateau with a beautiful view of the hamlet, the cosy lights below piercing through the darkness. Anne let out a deep sigh. MC hoped he wasn’t being overly obvious as he admired her profile, the way she seemed to have been reborn with an ethereal sense of beauty.
“So, Sebastian told me you are leaving?” she asked, the hint of disappointment in her voice not escaping his notice.
“It would be for the best,” MC answered. “As hospitable as you all have been, this healing process is something the three of you need to go through together. I would just be distracting you from that. Besides, there are more things I need to do before I go back to Hogwarts after the summer.”
“Not anything dangerous, I should hope?”
“Don’t worry, I do intend to come back in one piece,” he said with a reassuring smile. “But my ability requires further honing… though you are a great testimony to the progress I’ve made so far, I suppose.”
“Glad to be of help, even though it didn’t really feel that way.”
They shared a chuckle between themselves and stood for a few minutes more, simply enjoying each other’s company. Then they spoke up again.
“Anne –”
“MC –”
They looked at each other slightly perplexed, then they laughed. “Ladies first,” MC said, grinning.
“Fair enough,” Anne laughed, before softening her tone. “I suppose I was just going to express my gratitude again, but then again… I think I’ve wasted far too much time to be playing coy with my feelings. So what I really want to tell you is… well, I’ve been thinking a lot. About what I still want to do, the life I want to live. About the place I see in that life – for you and me.”
She looked up at him, their eyes meeting. She had never looked more beautiful, the warm glow on her cheeks visible even in the pale moonlight. She bit down on her bottom lip as she averted her gaze, the simple gesture causing his heart to flutter. “Now look at me, still beating around the bush…”
He lifted her chin with his finger and kissed her. There were no questions asked, no things said, simply because there was no need. She responded by taking his head into her hands, deepening the kiss as if she had been given a taste of a forbidden fruit, a life she had always dreamt about and which had now finally become real to her, the fulfilment of a wish.
They still didn’t say a word when they broke apart, just enjoying the sweet and vulnerable sensation of the moment. Anne smiled, opening her eyes to him. “I’m glad you feel the same way.”
He took one of her hands into his, squeezing it. “Anne, is this… am I really the one you want?”
“Would I have kissed you if I didn’t?” As if to accentuate her answer, she kissed him again, leaving him breathless as her lips touched his in a way that left him practically a mess.
“I know I want this,” she said after pulling back again, taking both of his hands. “And well… you have some time to think it over, if you need it.”
“I think I’ve already made up my mind,” said MC as he smiled at her. “Though… do you think your brother will take kindly to the idea of us being together?”
Anne burst out in laughter; he wasn’t quite sure what was so funny, but he laughed along nevertheless, finding it hard to resist her giggle.
“Of all the dangers on your path, the perils threatening you, that is the thing you choose to worry about?”
And before he was even able to utter a response, her lips were back on his again, and he simply decided to stop thinking.
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lorkai · 2 years
Can I request for like a HCs of otherworld elite demon gn MC? Bc I was inspired by the topic of the observable universe and my friend came into conclusion of like what if there is different heaven and hells in each universe with different gods y'know? Anyway can you do it for the dateables + Diavolo?
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A/N: It took me a while, huh? Sorry about that anon dear, but I must say I absolutely loved your idea. Never would have thought of something like that, I just hope I did it justice enough! Btw I also included Thirteen! o⁠(⁠(⁠*⁠^⁠▽⁠^⁠*⁠)⁠)⁠o
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Universes and dimensions. And in each of them there were their demons and their angels, there was an incredibly colorful and joyful culture and you, as an elite demon, can only laugh at the demons who brought you from your world thinking you were a simple human. You look at your hands, wondering what their reaction would be if you showed your claws or your powers. But you hold back, it's fun to see them act with you as if you were a mere human, too fragile to touch. And as you got closer to a specific person you told them about the history of heaven and hell in your world, the people and their religious practices, the songs they sang and the things you liked. And told them about how you were a demon. You even showed them your sigil, laughing, saying you might or might not make a pact with them if you wanted to.
And Diavolo sincerely finds it amusing. He didn't feel any magic, nothing different from what he feels when he's in the presence of demons and he's super invested in finding out all about the other dimensions and about you, about what makes you so different from him. He wants to know everything he can learn because you are someone dear to him and if possible he would like to visit your dimension from time to time to see how different your house and his are different, to see the landscape, the fauna and flora and many more other things. He 100% looks like an excited child bouncing around, in case you give in and agree to take him into your world.
But it is Barbatos who probably knew that different universes and dimensions, different societies and elites existed. He is, after all, the guardian of time and time runs everywhere, regardless of whether it is in this dimension where he acts as a simple butler or in another. And he's always cooking typical dishes from your world and dropping comments that only you can understand, he wants to make you feel welcome even in his own way and having someone able to understand your memes and culture is really amazing.
Ah, Solomon has his eyes twinkling when you tell him about heaven and hell that exists, and how different they are compared to this particular dimension. You imagine, however, that the sorcerer's excitement is because he can make new pacts with you and other demons, as well as learn new spells and grow even stronger. And can you blame him? It's not every day that his new best friend comes from another dimension, he wants to know everything, every ounce of knowledge about where you were born, about your favorite foods, about music, about gods, about laws, everything. And he's only going to be satisfied when he sets foot in your world, until then Solomon doesn't mind using his imagination.
Luke finds it all ironic. You've always tucked him into bed and told him lots of stories to put him to sleep, stories your parents used to tell you when you were just a little kid and he should have deduced that they were original enough to be so rich in detail. Despite the shock of learning that you are not a human but a demon, an elite demon by the way, Luke is handling the news well, he knows you are a good person and have a selfless heart. And honestly he is more than happy to hear everything you have to say about your homeland, especially from heaven and its creator, if possible he would also like to recreate some dishes and hear more stories.
It's not as if Simeon didn't know about the existence of other dimensions, as various rumors about them circulated in the Celestial Realm, but knowing so well that they were true makes him fascinated. He sets aside his Friday days just to ask questions about his world and his home, and he uses all that knowledge to create a new character in his book, a character that audiences love. And of course because he wants you to feel very welcome in this dimension, besides trying to convince you to go up to the Celestial Realm with him so he can show you the pearly rivers and the lush green forests so beautiful that it takes your breath away - he doesn't care if you're an elite demon, he loves you anyway, platonic or romantically.
Thirteen literally doesn't care. She knows from the start that you are not a human, for your soul is strange and unfamiliar, unlike anything she has ever seen while working as a reaper. And precisely because she is a reaper she has traveled through various dimensions collecting souls and guiding them to the places they deserve to be, but it was work and she never had much time to pay attention to your version of the human world or hell. But now she's excited and wants to hear everything you have to tell, every gossip and intrigue, and if you give her permission she wants to caress your horns, wings or tail, she loves the sound of your voice explaining something complex as she listens.
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arklayraven · 1 year
I checked out the drama on twitter and the whole thing is blown out of proportion. That person only left one comment on the artist's post and then also apologized for any misunderstanding. I personally see the relationship between Asmodeus and Solomon as abusive after the screenshots you posted. It's not queerphobic to not want to see abusive relationships and I think this kind of representation does more harm than good.
God I really wish I could ignore this but can't...I hope I get my words out right here because lol feeling emotions high rn.
Blown out of proportion? The person literally is queerphobic clearly and transphobic at that too by the looks of things.
I'm keeping this person's identity hidden because I have some kindness still even in such situations...but how can you see this as not a issue? Take note as well, these are AFTER the apology they gave to the artist...
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They say 'differing opinions' but what they are clearly showing is just pure queerphobia at best here.
Also, if you have a issue with someone's art. ship art or not. DON'T. COMMENT. ON. IT.
Keep it to yourself, or post your personal opinion on your separate post. Don't respond with negative comments over anyones art.
Also their apology is pointless to me at this point if this is how they responded afterwards.
As well about the whole damn Solomon and Asmo situation. Yes, their relationship isn't perfect. god I still don't support them as a ship personally myself much. Because of my clear reasons I stated many times before.
But I ain't gonna personally go after people over it and post shitty comments on their arts or fics involving them as a ship. Yes, you, and anyone, is allowed to dislike them as a pairing. But actions like, like this person has shown, when it comes to a damn ship, one that is very queer. Is just not excusable, even if you personally don't like the ship. Just blacklist, block, ignore and move on. Simple as that.
Also...God I've seen this talk many times over.
Not every display of queer relationships in fiction or media is gonna be perfect or has to be. Any relationship in such media can often come with their own issues and problems in story telling. But to say every display of queer pairing has to be just pure and good to be counted as 'good' rep. Really isn't okay? Like yes we'll like to see some queer relationships in media be shown in positive lights only. But some of us also like some dark, complicated and just fucked up shit too. Because that's the beauty of art and fiction. It can be either bright and sunny, or dark and stormy in story telling.
This of course, won't be for everyone, no duh, but its good to have different interpretations and options to explore and see. Freedom of creativity pretty much. Even if not everyone will be in agreement of some of those expressions of creativity.
Also its kinda harmful to want to see just queer relationships in media in just a pure light. I get what you're aiming for, but that's like saying characters like Deadpool, Loki, Harley Quinn, the whole damn cast of WWDITS, etc. Are all not valid queer rep in media because they are all complicated or show problematic stuff compared to the just happy bubbly queer rep pairings in other media.
All queer rep is valid rep. No matter if they have problematic stuff or not.
And even tho Asmo and Solomon relationship, if you see it as a pairing, isn't the perfect display of positive queer relationship rep in OM. It's still damn valid and important to a lot of people in the fandom and community.
For out of all the brothers, Asmo, is by far, the only on to truly show his queerness more openly than others. Yet because its not a perfect interpretation to some people when it comes with Solomon...Some want to see that now gone. And honestly...that's not okay. It's just censorship at that point and I'm against that shit.
Their relationship can be improved and fixed in time, I want to cling to hope it will in time. As og OM has apparently shown they did improve things between them in time...
So I hope in NB it turns out the same, even tho the writers clearly messed things up with writing from canon past information to present...
But no matter if its still a messy display for relationship. This is a rep that shouldn't be thrown away or seen as not valid, just because it doesn't fit some peoples personal likes and standards.
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12am-motivation · 1 year
Hey mo I know you like to play enstars, so do I so can I get your opinions on which unit each individual obey me boy would be in? I know for a fact Lucifer would be Valkyrie, mammon crazy b and Luke rabbits but everyone else... Can we get that pls 🥺🥺🥺
Heya @darkflowerav! Funny you should ask, remember that one Eichi and Solomon doodle I posted back then? I once reblogged it with some personal headcanons on which unit each Obey Me! character would be in but I eventually set it on private since I didn't know much about Enstars back then.
Now that I'm a bit more cultured *cracks knuckles* I'll revise that old list.
Note: We don't have much information about Thirteen, Mephisto, and Raphael to classify them yet so I didn't include them in this list.
(Credits to @minhyunsdick for helping me with this!)
Lucifer - Valkyrie
I remember you once commenting that Lucifer was like Shu (and even mentioned that "angel who defied god" line from Miwaku Geki / Enthralling Theatre).
Valkyrie is a unit that showcases artistic forms and is more distanced from its fans compared to the others. Lucifer also has this sense of class and nobility with his music taste and would also strive for perfection like Shu does due to his pride. But despite their arrogance, it is shown that Lucifer cares for his brothers like how Shu cares for Mika.
Mammon - Crazy:B
He has huge Rinne vibes in terms of his risk-taking / gambling addiction that often gets everyone around him into trouble, and his role as a caring older brother. No further explanation. (His personality goes much deeper than that, though.)
Leviathan - RYUSEITAI or Switch
We all know Levi's a huge geek, an absolute dork (affectionate), and a gamer so I'm sure he'd blend in with our favorite heroes and magicians. The "negative" side of his personality also has something in common with the backgrounds of these units, if you know what I mean.
Satan - Double Face
The main characteristic of the unit is in its name; it represents the duality of the unit's members. The current Satan has his gentlemanly facade to hide the wrath that lies within.
Asmodeus - Eden (Eve)
Pretty much Asmo = Hiyori; Eden's style and choreography are known to be flashy and dramatic and Asmo would be more than willing to give fanservice.
Beelzebub - UNDEAD (or Butou-kai)
He's like Adonis as a gentle giant. Taking his character song into consideration, I think Beel's voice suits UNDEAD. If shuffle units count, his physical strength could classify him under Butou-kai. (I mean just imagine Beel in FIST OF SOUL)
Belphegor - Knights (or La Mort)
I associate Belphie with Ritsu and his overall character, including his intelligence and lethargy. His soothing voice also suits those units. Not to mention they both dislike their older brothers and things between them were different in the past.
Diavolo - Eden (Adam)
Diavolo is somewhat like Nagisa in terms of character with both of them having lived in seclusion for some time. While he is the next in line to the throne and asserts authority when necessary, he also has a youthful and energetic side to him that is hidden from the general public.
Barbatos - Valkyrie or AKATSUKI (or XXVeil)
Barbatos is a demon of class and always observes proper discipline and etiquette, not to mention he's an ever-quintessential butler. AKATSUKI's traditional Japanese theme also somewhat suits him. I'd assign him to fine but he doesn't really suit the heavenly theme.
Luke - Ra*bits or fine (or Branco)
Pre-character development Luke is more like Tori and his strictness classifies him more in a unit of authority plus, his status as an angel lines up with fine's theme. But if we're talking about his character song and his overall cuteness, he'd most likely be in Ra*bits or Branco.
Simeon - fine or Knights
If Luke is Tori, Simeon would be Yuzuru. Simeon is a representative from the Celestial Realm but also has a terrifying side to him when it comes to his concealed wrath. His protective role as an angel could also line up with Knights' chivalry.
Solomon - Double Face
Cat group as Double Face; similar reason to Satan's. Solomon may be kind and is often shown to be calm and collected with a smile, but there are a lot of dark mysteries about him that we have yet to uncover. (Too bad he can't cook like Mama does)
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gduncan969 · 1 year
Too Much Information?
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Ecclesiastes 1:18 “For in much wisdom is much grief, And he who increases knowledge increases sorrow.”
I led a small group devotional at our church last night on the subject of “Too Much Information” and we had a good time discussing the topic so I thought I’d expand it a little into this present posting.  We began with the comment: If you were to take a vote in your church as to what books of the bible were the least favorite to read, I suspect Ecclesiastes and probably Lamentations would be high on the list but despite their lack of popularity to most of us, both are just as relevant to our human condition as they have ever been and I suspect even more so as we become more and more bewildered by the craziness abounding in the world around us.  Written by King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, Ecclesiastes declares right at the beginning, “Vanity, vanity, all is vanity” which pretty well sums up the rest of the book.  Given the current fad among the once-called “Christian” nations of denouncing most of its past heroes, its institutions, traditions, laws and even its dictionary definitions, a good paraphrase of Ecclesiastes 1:2 might be, “Insanity, insanity, all is insanity”! Wisdom has apparently flown the coop from the minds of those who rule over us so perhaps it’s time to re-examine where we should go for the wisdom to cope in this Gen-Z, crazy world.
God asks
1 Kings 3: 5 “At Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night; and God said, “Ask!... What shall I give you?”
Now there’s a question all of us would love to be asked, especially when it is Almighty God that’s doing the asking. Aladdin’s genie magically appearing out of an old rubbed lamp to ask the gob-smacked “rubber” what wish would he like the genie to grant him doesn’t compare in the least with the magnitude and the implications of God’s question to Solomon.  God is far above any genie and infinitely more powerful but just imagine, if God asked you this question how would you answer?  Hopefully, like many a beauty pageant contestant, none of us would answer, “World Peace”.  Really though, how would YOU answer God? Some might give the same answer as Solomon, others would have a multitude of different answers, depending on the circumstances and some, like myself, would be too overwhelmed by the One who was asking to give any answer at all.
Solomon answers
We all know Solomon’s answer in 1 Kings 3: 6 - 9.
“And Solomon said: “You have shown great mercy to Your servant David my father, because he walked before You in truth, in righteousness, and in uprightness of heart with You; You have continued this great kindness for him, and You have given him a son to sit on his throne, as it is this day.  Now, O Lord my God, You have made Your servant king instead of my father David, but I am a little child; I do not know how to go out or come in.  And Your servant is in the midst of Your people whom You have chosen, a great people, too numerous to be numbered or counted.  Therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?”
God gives more than Solomon asked
1 Kings 4: 29-34 “And God gave Solomon wisdom and exceedingly great understanding, and largeness of heart like the sand on the seashore. Thus Solomon’s wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the men of the East and all the wisdom of Egypt. For he was wiser than all men.. and his fame was in all the surrounding nations. He spoke three thousand proverbs, and his songs were one thousand and five. Also he spoke of trees, from the cedar tree of Lebanon even to the hyssop that springs out of the wall; he spoke also of animals, of birds, of creeping things, and of fish.  And men of all nations, from all the kings of the earth who had heard of his wisdom, came to hear the wisdom of Solomon”.
How typical of our Heavenly Father to give Solomon far more than he asked for! Besides granting him the “understanding heart” he asked for, God also gave him “wisdom and exceedingly great understanding, and largeness of heart (discernment) like the sand on the seashore”.  What a great example of God’s grace and love for His children this is but:
Did Solomon ask for the right thing?  
What did Solomon’s wisdom do for him personally? Certainly, Israel and the world were greatly blessed by it but what did it do for Solomon?  How did the rest of his life pan out and is there a lesson for us to learn as we seek God’s wisdom in this woke world?  Questions are being raised daily in the media that no sensible person, let alone Christian, should ever want to ask because they are so self-evident that only those totally blinded and drowning in a sea of moral sewage would ever want to ask them.  Sadly, they are not only being asked, they are being seriously discussed by supposedly sane people.  Questions like, “What is a woman?”; “Should men who think they are women be allowed to compete in female sports and share their dressing rooms?’; “Should aborted babies who are born alive be given life-saving care?”.  Yesterday, two hundred and twelve members of the US congress voted “No” to the last question!
Getting back to Solomon.  Years after he had built the temple and his palace and filled every desire of his heart, God appeared to him again:
1 Kings 9: 1 - 9 “And it came to pass, when Solomon had finished building the house of the Lord and the king’s house, and all Solomon’s desire which he wanted to do, that the Lord appeared to Solomon the second time, as He had appeared to him at Gibeon. And the Lord said to him: “I have heard your prayer and your supplication that you have made before Me; I have consecrated this house which you have built to put My name there forever, and My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually. Now if you walk before Me as your father David walked, in integrity of heart and in uprightness, to do according to all that I have commanded you, and if you keep My statutes and My judgments, then I will establish the throne of your kingdom over Israel forever, as I promised David your father, saying, ‘You shall not fail to have a man on the throne of Israel.’ But if you or your sons at all turn from following Me, and do not keep My commandments and My statutes which I have set before you, but go and serve other gods and worship them, then I will cut off Israel from the land which I have given them; and this house which I have consecrated for My name I will cast out of My sight. Israel will be a proverb and a byword among all peoples. And as for this house, which is exalted, everyone who passes by it will be astonished and will hiss, and say, ‘Why has the Lord done thus to this land and to this house?’ Then they will answer, ‘Because they forsook the Lord their God, who brought their fathers out of the land of Egypt, and have embraced other gods, and worshiped them and served them; therefore the Lord has brought all this calamity on them.’”
What follows this passage in chapter 11 tells us that Solomon’s wisdom never left him but he lost something far more important: his love and loyalty to God.
1 Kings 11: 1 - 6 “But King Solomon loved many foreign women, as well as the daughter of Pharaoh: women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians, and Hittites— from the nations of whom the Lord had said to the children of Israel, “You shall not intermarry with them, nor they with you. Surely they will turn away your hearts after their gods.” Solomon clung to these in love. And he had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines; and his wives turned away his heart. For it was so, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned his heart after other gods; and his heart was not loyal to the Lord his God, as was the heart of his father David. For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and after Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites. Solomon did evil in the sight of the Lord, and did not fully follow the Lord, as did his father David.”
Paul tells us in Romans 11:29 “the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.” meaning that what God gifts to us for ministry, he will never take back but our giftings or callings are never an indication of our standing in Him.  Many a famous preacher has learned that lesson the hard way as they tumbled into sexual sin while continuing to preach life-changing sermons and many a devastated congregation has learned it too when it was all exposed to the light!  Solomon’s wisdom was no guarantee of Solomon’s success in his walk with God because the key to success for the latter is LOVE, not wisdom.  How different would it have been for Solomon if he had asked God for a love for Him and His people.   Paul expresses it perfectly in his famous “love chapter”:
1 Corinthians 13: 1 - 3: "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am NOTHING. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.”
Too much wisdom can destroy you but there’s no such thing as too much love.  
Two Kinds of Wisdom
At the start of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians he asks the question: “Where is the wise?;  Where is the scribe?;  Where is the disputer of this age?;” and then concludes: “Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?” In asking these questions, he was pointing to all those who think that the answers to life’s challenges can be found in the words of the gurus of this world—the “experts” who write the books and host the debates and write the laws mandating how we must live in this new age.  They do so according to the “wisdom of this world” created by godless minds in blinded brains but God calls it all foolishness and foolishness is an apt word for the wisdom of this present age.  In chapter 3:19 Paul repeats this thought, “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their own craftiness.”
Solomon had all wisdom and understanding, both Godly and worldly but he ultimately forsook the godly kind and followed the worldly which destroyed him. Looking after seven hundred wives is more than any man can handle and stay sane.
Where do you get your wisdom from?
Today, all of us have the same two sources of wisdom, but the worldly kind has become infinitely greater in quantity and availability through the INTERNET and the latter demands much more of our attention!  We now have at our fingertips access to everything that’s ever been known, including both the bible and the world but the knowledge of the latter comes to us wrapped in seductive headlines that grab our attention and pique our curiosity for the latest news. Sadly, many are now addicted to their phones and the evidence for that can be found in every home where parents and children live, in family gatherings and at restaurant tables. The other source is best found on our knees.  WHICH SOURCE ARE YOU  ADDICTED TO?  Mr. Google will answer that question for you when he tells you how many hours you spent last week browsing the multitude of news outlets, sports channels, shopping channels and dare I say, gossip channels we may have watched.  Are we really so hung up on Harry and Megan that we can’t wait for their next announcement or for Elan Musk’s latest bombshell from Twitter?  Are we so fearful of what lies ahead that we cannot wait to see who wins the next election or what new insane law is about to be thrust upon us?  It is this kind of information that is behind the hopelessness and foreboding that drives us to anger and depression.  
Too Much Information
Listening to or watching the endless stream of bad news about wars, rumors of wars, pandemics, environmental collapse, scandals and corruption doesn’t give us more godly wisdom but it sure depresses us.  This is what Solomon was referring to in the Ecclesiastes 1:18:  “For in much wisdom is much grief, And he who increases knowledge increases sorrow.”  About 60 years ago, an American evangelist went to visit Smith Wigglesworth at his home in Yorkshire, England.  He walked up the driveway to the house and was greeted at the door by Smith who promptly told him he couldn’t enter the house unless he got rid of the item he was holding under his armpit—the London Times newspaper!  “Those lies cannot enter my home”, he said.  In our frustration with the information overload we all face every day, we complain and blame others for their lack of interest about the state of the world.  We bemoan fellow believers who fail to see the urgency of the times and refuse to join with us in the battle against these forces of evil but God does not instruct us to attack evil, only to resist it and it us up to us to figure out the difference between these.  Yes, we possess all the knowledge and all the tools from God to recognize what is going on around us but before we take any action we must first ask ourselves are we compelled to move by our love for God and His people or just because we are angry?  Paul tells us what compelled him and his fellow believers:
2 Corinthians 5:14 “For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died;”
Though we possess many things from our God and Father, it’s not what we possess in this life that guarantees satisfaction and success—whether it be our faith, our intellect, our talents, our supernatural spiritual gifts of prophecy and healing.  It’s what, or better, WHO possesses us and motivates us that makes us a success in His eyes!
We can spend hour after hour watching our i-pads and TV’s trying to gain more insight into all of the insanity and corruption that surrounds us, but all that does is fill our heads with more knowledge, leaving us only angry and frustrated but anger and frustration alone will not change anything unless it is constrained by the love of God shed abroad in our hearts.  Solomon’s great wisdom failed to keep him from falling into great sin.  May God’s love in our hearts keep us in His great grace and may we find His wisdom to change our world on our knees!
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minnieelliott · 1 year
Speed Dating Events for all Ages
Here are 7 reasons why dating is important in a relationship. Treat the relationship as if it’s your first: When you’re married or in a relationship for a long time, you get into a certain rhythm and develop habits that support it. Whether you are struggling with your relationship or you're in a state of pure bliss with your honey, learning how to best communicate that love will help your relationship become more satisfying. נערות ליווי בתל אביב A modern variant on the technique is able to date far more recent fired clay material. As a result of adopting Parse-This, my role in working on Yarns’s parsing functions became more devoted to testing and troubleshooting. But from the perspective of people who use Bridgy on their own sites, POSSE offers a way to get the benefits of corporate social media while avoiding some of its downsides. Unlike some international dating sites, eharmony is a well-established and trusted company within the industry, having helped over 2 million local and international couples find love over our 20 years of existence. Laurel House is an International Dating Coach, online dating expert, and author of Screwing The Rules: The No-Games Guide to Love.
Love is for losers. No way, I would love it! Ultimately, your top priority is reassuring your children that you love them unconditionally and that you intend to always be with them. From Dublin to Galway, Cork to Donegal, our members are all looking for one thing: lasting love. While some postings may reflect their own personal experience, if you keep reading similar comments about the way the site is set up or how the members didn't even end up with one date, you might want to try a different site. That alone makes it one of the stronger IPO candidates in a while. She connected me with one. 4In the second year of my PhD, I took Ratto’s Critical Making course as an elective, and later became a teaching assistant for the same course. And same thing with those years that we were together. Then I Kings 6:1 specifies that the Jerusalem Temple was built in the 4th regnal year of Solomon, 480 years after the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. Dating programs addressing complex and challenging contexts and research questions almost always unfold over many years.
Its main focus is helping American and European men meet Asian women, and it has over 50,000 members. Your partner is very stressed over planning a party for their friend. Encourage them by saying how much the friend is going to appreciate their work. My dream guy doesn't work out. Take this quiz to find out which of the five love languages you speak! Ideally, he would love both. That sounds silly. I love it! Ugh, that sounds awful. Ugh, that is so weird. But on the off chance that you're clomping around your apartment in a diaper wishing you had someone to change you (ugh, sorry for typing that), then use your little fingers to log onto your new favorite site. An Introduction to a Series of Nightmarish Tales and Nuggets of Wisdom - Even the thought of online dating makes me throw up in my mouth just a little bit. “I don’t know. I have a little bit of a cynical view on online dating. The rules here are clear: make sure prospective matches can see your face, don’t use too many selfies, steer clear of a bunch of group shots, and don’t post photos with someone who could be mistaken as (or was!) an ex.
It’s also possible to message for free, although both people must match for the recipient to see the message. It’s not a secret that the world has been changed due IT-technologies. This app development framework has taken the world by storm with its simplicity, widgets, and pixel-by-pixel based mobile UI development. This app will show you some people nearby by and they are very cute. That depends. Are they cool people? I think it depends on the rule. I guess it depends on what he's saying. I guess we'll find out! I don't know, whenever he wants, I guess. I think it's a great way for my partner to get to know my friends and vice versa. If it's someone I know well, yes, but sometimes I get intimidated into doing things I don't want to do. I don't know. I have never thought about it. However, this train of thought cannot be any further from the truth. It's a truth they can't deny. Yes, that would get annoying quick.
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holdonendure · 1 year
Brothers and Sisters
Solomon wisely states that we should “let another praise [us], and not [our] own mouth; a stranger, and not [our] own lips” (Prov. 27:2). Across cultures, social etiquette embodies the wisdom found here. We simply don’t enjoy the company of the braggadocios who always speak about themselves. We expect others to show some level of humility—even if it’s not sincere.
Thanks to pervasive social media and instant messaging, more people today interact with others primarily from behind the screen of a laptop or smartphone. And as a result, many think Solomon’s wisdom can be ignored. Social etiquette doesn’t seem to apply to social media. For example, the Pew Research Center recently asked U.S. teens what they post online. At almost 50 percent, the overwhelming response was the sharing of their own accomplishments. For girls aged fifteen to seventeen, this number rose to close to 60 percent.
Why is this? I call it the digital deception. When we engage through a screen, something changes. Put an iPhone in people’s hands, and words they would not dare say in person they will eagerly tweet or post as a comment. Digitally mediated communication has led to digitally mindless communication. We don’t think before we speak online. We sit in front of a keyboard and deceive ourselves, suppressing the knowledge of YAHUAH ’s presence and assuming we are alone. But we are not alone on social media. YAHUAH is there. And so is a potential audience of billions of people.
As a result of this deception, our words online are full of boasting. Our comments seek to tear down instead of build up; they serve self instead of serving others. If Twitter was a physical place, I don’t suspect we would desire to visit it or spend time with many of its inhabitants. In some ways, social media has become the worst dinner party you can imagine, full of uninvited guests complaining about the food and insisting that they could cook it better.
Is this really the pattern believers should follow as they communicate online? Regardless of how the world acts and what it embraces, believers have a higher authority. We refrain from boasting not because society frowns on it; we refrain from boasting because YAHUAH frowns on it. The same standard that guides our behavior in public should guide our private lives and all our actions online. As Dr. R.C. Sproul says, “A fragmented life is a life of disintegration.” He exhorts us to “live one’s entire life in the presence of YAHUAH, under the authority of YAHUAH, to the glory of YAHUAH.”
YAHUSHA died for the boastful so that they would boast in ADONAI.
So why is boasting such a concern to YAHUAH? Why does Scripture state that “everyone who is arrogant in heart is an abomination to ADONAI” (Prov. 16:5)? The reason is simple: to boast is to reveal that you believe you have something to boast in, to elevate yourself over YAHUAH and others. The reality could not be more different. Adam disregarded YAHUAH’s command in the garden because he elevated his assessment of the situation above YAHUAH’s. We choose sin whenever we elevate our desire for that sin over our desire for YAHUAH. We say harsh words when we elevate our feelings above the feelings of others. And people reject MASHIACH’s salvation when they elevate their moral self-assessment over YAHUAH’s. Martin Luther described the essence of sin as a turning in on yourself. To boast is to turn in on yourself. To boast is to attempt to take glory that rightly belongs to YAHUAH alone.
So as Believers, we should be cautious and prudent in what we post and share.
Here are two guidelines I encourage you to follow when it comes to your humble use of social media. First, remember that boasting begins in and flows from the heart. As we can’t read hearts, extend a judgment of charity to others and assume the best. Don’t presume a motive behind someone else’s social media update. Second, remember that YAHUSHA summarizes the law of YAHUAH with these two commands: love YAHUAH and love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:29–31). Sincerely consider both of these commands before posting anything online. Ask yourself if what you’re about to share will please YAHUAH. If it will, then ask yourself other questions: Is this showing love toward my neighbor? Will it encourage them, challenge them, provide something of value, or deepen a relationship? The big idea is that for Believers, our focus should be external: toward YAHUAH and toward our neighbor.
One of our greatest accomplishments may be our ability to boast. We are all boasters, and we come from a long line of boasters. In reality, social media is giving us a glimpse into the darkness that has existed in hearts since the fall. But the good news is that YAH so loved the world, a world full of sinful and boastful people, that He gave His only Son (John 3:16). YAHUSHA died for the boastful so that they would boast in ADONAI. Even as Believers, we say and do things online that offend others and offend YAHUAH. So we must be quick to repent and trust that ADONAI has cleansed us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). And then we should pray and ask for YAHUAH’s grace to pursue humility and holiness online.
Perhaps, then, these strangers that Solomon speaks of praising us will instead give glory to our Father in heaven (Matt. 5:16).
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arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
ALSO- I have a request! Brothers (+royals if you want) reacting to an MC who is extremely affectionate once they like someones- gives hugs, praises often, gives gifts, does their best to help when they can- but if any of this affection is returned they cry. Hard. Because they're emotionally constipated and any affection or love they receive overwhelms them- this also embarrasses them extremely-
Damn.... didn't think I'd feel called out by a prompt request XD it seems my time has come!
I'm guessing royals are Diavolo and barbatos so I added them but if you ever request again and someone you wanted wasn't here, feel free to comment and I'll make sure to add them
Brothers + Diavolo & barbatos with an overly affection MC with issues
He grew use to your affection ways
The words of praise when you notice he finished a work load
Or when you'd pat his head when he was tired
At first he wondered why you would handle or touch him likes he's a fragile doll but he grew to love how gentle you were
Subconsciously he'd lean his head down whenever he completed a task expecting a head pat
Even if you weren't there but if he's caught he'll just pretend he was tired
Lucifer wasn't always the most affectionate, especially as he rarely shows how much he genuinely loves the people around them
He decided to return the gesture, you recently got a high grade in a class you were struggling in
He patted your head, giving it a light ruffle
"You did good, you're improving alot - it's very promising."
Didn't expect you to start crying, aggressively shoving away your tears
"what's wrong? Did something-"
"I just- this is embarassing- you patted my head and people don't really do that for me and I just-"
"Ah, I see, then I shall do it more often."
"even in public?"
He was never a public man, wanting to get his softer side hidden in the protection of his soul and the walls surrounding his room
But here you were, crying because he simply caressed your cheek
He wants you to be happy and feel as loved as he does
So he'll happily push his walls down for you
"if it means this much to you, then yes but let's keep it appropriate."
"How's my handsome super model?! Did it go well? Aww you look tired, let's get you rested, okay?"
He's so in love
No one has ever made him feel this mooshy and love sick and he's ANCIENT
He's use to his brothers always insulting him - he likes a good tease and making a rude remark about each other but they tend to push it
They hit his Insecurities and think he can handle it because they're demons
But he wasn't always
Then you came along, giving him head pats and words of praise
Always standing up for him
He fell for you so quickly and so hard
He basically turns into a puppy when he's with you
When you left with Satan to get groceries he had to be forced to not go with you, waiting at the stairs for you to come back
As soon as Satan left with even your bags included, he came bolting for you
Leaping into your arms and squeezed you tight, insisting he didn't miss you but just got bored
The way he's nuzzling your cheek says otherwise
When you began crying he immediately panicked
"Did Satan do something to ya?! I swear I'll beat-"
"I'm just not use to others being as affectionate as I am back to me - it's okay."
"Huh?! Well I guess the greatest demon of all time has to be that person, that's me! Don't forget it, okay?! I'm going to smother you."
Mammon is already a touchy person but knows to be respectful, since that day his hands are always on you
Either holding your hand, touching your shoulder, petting your hair or just Hugging you
Levithan isn't one to give or receive when it comes to affection
He tends to get overwhelmed by just a head pat and gets embarassed if his fingers accidentally brush against yours
You're an overly affectionate person
He's a simple man who needs self worth
It's definitely a good duo
You've learned to be more vocal about your praises and affections, still testing the waters with physical touch
But from time to time he'll ask to get a head pat if he's really proud of himself
Has made you call him your little pog champ
"Levi are you- oh sorry you're streaming- I'll just leave these here."
He was confused until he saw the section dish filled with different snacks with a energy drink in the middle
He almost teared up
"No! Stay with me, they'll like you!"
In an act of no thoughts and boldness, he pulled you into his lap
You fell awkwardly and was half straddling half on his side
As soon as you got comfortable you hide your face In his neck forcing back tears
Not wanting to cry on stream
"You're so sweet, levi, I'm sure your followers can agree."
He literally short circuited
Hiding his face in your shoulder as he got flustered
"You're sweeter than me, you're always being nice to me - I really lo- like you for that."
Anyone who watched that stream now ships you - the non believers didn't believe all the stories he told about you but now they had physical proof
That stream was re-upload so many times with comps filled with him gushing about you
Levithan is determined to make sure you never see them but it's too late and you cried with joy in your room
Next time you saw him you kissed his cheek and he immediately melted
Did kiss your cheek back though but did it so quick and harsh that you stumbled backwards
Someone being gentle to him????
Someone who doesn't keep away from his because of his sin????
Who??? What??!!
You're the who! he was SHOCKED you were so happy to get close to him and just treat him so kindly
He made a theory on the Devildom detectives group that you're actually an angel but it backfired by demons just telling him he's got feelings for you
He does but he didn't expect to get called out on a whole forum
"You're really smart, thanks for always helping me with my studies - I've found It alot easier to study and remember all my notes now, you're a good teacher!"
He's so smitten with you
You could be saying the most disgusting or insulting thing and he'd still smile and nod
He needed help getting food for this secret but really not so secret pet cat and you gladly accepted to help him
When you two were just spending time together in his room and when suddenly picked up his cat
You didn't think too much of it but grinned when he booped the cats nose onto yours
"thank you for being so kind to me- it means alot."
the cat was like you; overly affectionate so it didn't surprise you when it started gently pawing at your face and giving you little kisses
"I feel embarrassed by admitting this so I'm letting Chaos show how I feel."
He avoided looking at you
It would be for the best as you started crying, taking the cat from his hold and kissing it's head repeatedly
"and that's how I feel about you trying to move through your discomfort and be open with me."
His cheeks are BURNING
Holds your hand throughout the rest of the hang out
You're being gentle and affection despite Everyone perceiving him as a sex hungry annoyance?
You're immediately his favourite - sorry Solomon
You always understood his protectiveness over his appearance
Fixing his hair and pushing back stands if you ever pet it
You didn't need to but you always told him you washed your hands before touching his face
You always did these simple things to make him feel at ease
But he loved your touch
No matter any comment he makes; he adores you and just being able to have these tender moments with you
He knew you were special to him when you walked in on him
Barely awake, hair messy, no makeup or moisturizer - he didn't look even the slightest bit appealing
And just smiled, looking at him no differently even when his voice came out tired and croaky
"You're really pretty even when you just wake up, it's so unfair - what's your secret?"
"because it's me, darling! I always look good~"
Internally, he was freaking out about how you liked him at what he deemed - his most unattractive state
So it only made sense he became more touchy and grew closer to you
"are you sure I look good in this? I know you're very up to date with fashion."
"You look stunning, I haven't seen a bad look on you yet, perhaps your charm is just as high as mine."
He was holding your hips, smiling as you both looked in the mirror
He wrapped his arms around you, leaning on your shoulder
"I think you look good all the time, you're just amazing like that."
You tried to hide your tears but he could see them, immediately asking you what's wrong
"Nothing- I just- that means alot coming from you and you're always being so affection towards me....its really nice."
He just hugs you tighter, smiling
"I just treat you how you treat me, you're a real angel."
This guy is worried about so many things
He's scared of hurting you
He's worried if he gets carried away with touching you he'll make you uncomfortable and his gluttony will act up; wanting more of your tender touch until he feels full
The last thing he wants is to make you uncomfortable or you feel forced to be affectionate to him because he could throw a fit
He's always ashamed of his hunger tantrums
But when he does do affection it's either carrying you or holding your hand
But was so happy whenever you cuddled hi against him or when you gave him praise
He could spend the whole day with you running your fingers through his hair, telling him he's a good demon and that he means something to you
"Can you finish this for me? I'm not feeling that hungry right now."
You offered your bowl to Beel, he happily took it
As you two spent time with each other he noticed you eyeing some of the more sweeter things set out on the table
He gently pushed it towards you
"Eat if you want it, I'll share."
You waved your hand, not wanting to take food from him
"I'm just snack-ish, I can't eat a meal right now."
You knew how hungry he could get and didn't want to leave him peckish
You knew that small feeling could easily turn into something bigger
But he just nudged it closer to you
"You eat what you want, I'll have what you don't finish."
You finally agreed, knowing he was insisting on you to eat with him
He patted your head, smiling as he watched you eat
"are you sure you won't still feel hungry?"
"you make me feel full, it soothes another type of hunger in me, it's nice."
He grabbed your hand, nuzzling his cheek against it, he couldn't stop smiling as you just looked at him in surprise
You finally grinned, tearing up and shook your head, you leaned against him and continued eating
Gripping his hand tighter as you pushed back your tears
He was spoilt
Beel was always looking after him, helping him get ready for school and drying his hair, carrying him around when he was too tired to walk
And you were only fueling his spoilt nature
You always showered him in affection
Petting his hair whilst he laid his head on your lap, combed his tail, told him he looked cute
"My precious little belphie, are you feeling okay? I noticed you were struggling to sleep today at lunch."
Whilst he believed he looked intimidating with his heavy bags and sleepy grin
You found him adorable, treating him like a sweet innocent boy on those special nights of just you two cuddling
It's been a long time since he's felt innocent
You were always checking in on him
Making him feel special and cared for
He was a soft mess in your hands
"Hold me more, your hands feel so nice~"
He placed his hands on yours, making you gently squish his cheeks
"Don't you wanna cuddle?"
He raised a brow, a smug smile growing on his face
"it seems you want to."
"we don't have to-"
"If you wanna be held just ask, I'm more than happy to hold you."
He wrapped his arms around you, shifting his position and buried his face into your chest, humming as your hands ran through his hair
He gave you a small squeeze
"It feels good to be the one hugging you, you're always so comfy~"
He began murmuring how much he loves this time with you, drifting to sleep as he praised you, letting himself mindlessly go on about how wonderful and sweet you are until he started to snore
You let your tears fall
Holding him closer as you softly thanked him for his words
He just hugged you tighter in his sleep, his smile growing
the fact you're unafraid to be with him and around him is already amazing but you freely hold his hand and pat his head
He thinks he's knocked his head and been taken to the celestial realm
People are intimidated by his title as prince and having you so care free in his company is new for him
So of course he enjoys how affectionate you are!
He embraces all your touches and praise!
He's even had you sitting on his lap during meetings, letting you hug him after a tiring day of studying
"You did great today, I really felt your passion for this new project, I think the students will really enjoy it!"
He gets so happy everytime you even look his way
Your smile alone fuels him for the whole day
"Meet me in the castle today, there's something I need you to do for me."
You agreed, not thinking much of it; most likely a new update on the school fair
What you didn't expect was to be greeted by shopping bags and gift boxes and even a human sized teddy bear with demon horns, you tried to ignore them as Diavolo came jogging down the steps
"What did you need me for?"
"I want you to see what you like, I bought as much as I could before Barbatos stopped me, I hope they're up to your liking."
You were speechless
You felt as if you touched the gifts you wouldn't be able to hold back; you were excited to see what he got but you didn't want to seem too excited
"Please, go ahead - it's all yours unless something is not up to your liking."
You finally went through the shopping bags; there was clothes, products, jewelry, shoes and all other sorts of items
You hugged the giant close to your chest, choking back on your tears
"thank you-"
"No need to thank me, you're always so kind to me I just wanted to return the favour."
You were a like a breath of fresh air, someone he could just go to
He can unwind and be rewarded for his efforts and others normally don't notice
Whilst his lord was always praising him, it felt different with you
It felt so joyful
You would brush through his hair, always thank him even if he's just doing his job and always seem to be in awe at what he does
He'll never forget the gloves you gave him, sleek and a perfect fit with a cursive 'B' stitched to the edge - they were enchanted to warm up whenever he got cold
"Wow! You prepared all this?! That must of taken you ages! You're really amazing, Barb."
"I'm simply doing my job but your praise makes it all worth it."
Often invites you to the castle for tea
He'll make any excuse to have you come see him; the prince wants to talk, he wants a hand with a recipe, he needs an outsider's opinion on something
Whatever he can come up with; he will use it
You might as well just stay in one of the guest bedrooms because you're always coming to the castle
Speaking of excuses; today Barbatos decided to thank your lovely behaviour
Convincing you to come to the castle and meet him in the dining hall
"I saw you eyeing some recipes whilst helping me in the kitchen so, I made you them AND wrote down how I did it exactly so you can make them any time you like."
"I- you didn't have to do that! Thank you for this, they look delicious."
"I always wanted to give you this."
You couldn't even ask what it was
He already held it up for you to see
It was a box of gloves with your the first letter of your name stitched onto the edge
They were heat up gloves!
"I thought you'd appreciate your own as they'll always be handy but the gesture of matching with someone you're close to is very appealing."
He helped you put the gloves on, pinching the tip of your fingers to make sure they fitted properly
He held your hand, admiring how it looked in his
You couldn't stop a few tears forming, smiling
You felt abit silly crying over heat up gloves but you couldn't help it
"I want to match with you more often, perhaps one day it'll end up being a ring."
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sampologist · 2 years
🔞 praise headcanons (lucifer, solomon, barbatos)
has ;
praise (MC receiving), (implied)AFAB MC and she/her gmpronouns/pet names
notes ;
this is self indulgent to the max. and little because its just what I want ehehe. also im so bad at like lil quotes and they're all the same bc its just what I wanna hear dw about it 😭 minors dni ‼
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Listen I know its fun to imagine him as a strict dom and thats valid after but! What if he's just tired :(
You are his MC, the one he can trust above all else, the one that seems to know how to fix things even he had trouble with, the one he sees and is winded by how perfect and precious you are....sometimes he doesn't want to play mind games with you. Sometimes he just wants to love.
I feel like when he gets like this, he just wants to get lost in the feeling of you. Cacooned in a little bubble of warmth and coziness while he feels your hot skin beneath his hands and he feels too good to worry about anything.
He talks with purpose, but also like a man drunk on the feeling of you. He doesn't hold back how he feels because he knows he can trust you with this sifter, more vulnerable piece of himself!!
Also if you're being rewarded, he's much more likely to saying something about how you're so smart/so wonderful. He'll ask if you like it and when you nod he'll chuckle and say you deserve it (and more) as he kisses your jaw <3
"Just like that...perfect, perfect...you feel so good. So good to me..."
Solomon is a sweetheart. He can play whatever part you want him to, but deep down he's just a gentle guy who wants to love and be loved without the fear of it being torn from him.
So when you're like this - where his focus is entirely on you, where his mind doesn't have a chance to wander before you coax him back to taking in everything you have to give - its easy for him to fall into the habit of telling you exactly what he thinks of you.
Which is all good! You're his smart, beautiful, precious apprentice and s/o and if he dwells on it he'll get overwhelmed by how good you are to him. If he knows praise gets to you, he'll spare no words.
He doesn't really linger on how good you feel - although don't get him wrong, he could go on about that too - instead, he makes sure to comment on. Like. You.
It's all him saying how sweet you are, or how easily you're making him fall apart, or just saying how good you are at something.
He also tends to focus on calling you his in some way. Not necessarily in a possessive way - he just can't get over how you're doing this with him, that he's got you at all...
Also will ask you to reposition yourself and make sure you know that you've done exactly what he asked every time.
"That's my good girl...just like that. You're doing so well for me..."
He's less likely to be distracted like the other two. He loves you, yes - but he's just wired differently, able to experience multiple different timeliness without it affecting the present one. A little bit of pleasure isn't going to distract him.
Don't be mistaken - you've captured his attention thoroughly, and there's nothing on his mind but you. And such a feat is one that deserves to be rewarded.
He's doesn't mind taking control if what you need is to feel good and feel like you're doing well. There's something tantalizing about how pliant you are, how eager you are to please him, how you keen at the slightest purr and every time he murmurs "good" right in your ear.
"Excellent. You take instruction very well. Ah, don't move too much - you're doing perfectly."
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sparkbeast20 · 3 years
The Name (Satan X MC)
This a one-shot Fanfic, is part of my Halloween series “He Snaps”
short Angst/Fluff with Horror elements in them.
This is loosely base on my joke post What could possibly go wrong?
and Inspired by @yukihaie fanfic The Letter Under The Shoes particularly Part 4 and this take place after the Masks event normal route.
Warning: Swearing, Mention of Blood, Violence, Gore, Torture, Mistaken Identity and Demonic nature
It was supposed to be a prank to Lucifer, a joke to annoy him, not!
Now Satan is running for his life in the woods near the house, in search of a place to hide.
Finally, he found a place where he can hide, a cave. He ran inside then he sat down, and try to catch his breath. Then he slams his fist on the wall of the cave and curse to himself.
The hated himself for pulling you in his prank.
It was the day after the whole Halloween event, you, Satan and Solomon were figuring out where the other mask came from.
You three were at the common room at the House of Lamentation.
“Even though these things try to make you all to kill me and Solomon, I kinda like the design of this one” you brough one of the masks up with a squint eyes design with the mouth a downward “V” on it. “You think this can affect humans?” you turn the mask to face Satan.
“As if we are going to be affected by a simple curse like that MC” Solomon comments “I can’t imagine that these Masks has a different affect on us, in draws out the malevolent of demons, then it would be less dangerous for us” Solomon playful hover the mask he grabs from the box, over his face.
You chuckle at his silliness, with Satan not to please at his action.
“Be careful, Lucifer said that he doesn’t want anymore stress coming from these Masks” and that lit an idea at Satan.
“Kitten, can you do me a favor”
“Yeah, what is it?”
“You put in the mask, and then I take a picture of you wearing it and send it to Lucifer”
“Wait! I think he has something in mind” Solomon places a hand on your shoulder as he said that.
“Okay think about it, Lucifer is already sick of seeing these things, but what will really tick him off is you wearing it. And since we are the only one who knows that these masks will do little to you humans.”
“But what happens if something really happens when I wear this mask?”
“The worst that these masks could do is make us demon crave soul. So, what could these masks do to you humans and besides I’ll take it off of you, once I got the photo okay” he grabs both of your hands and cup them together as he looks at you with his emerald green eyes.
You let out sigh and nodded, then he gave you a peck on the lips and stood up and go get the mask.
Once he grabs it, he kneeled down in front of you, and you were seating on his chair.
“Just a couple of pictures, if that’s alright with you”
“Yeah, it’s okay. just make sure you make me look good” you smile at he and he smiled back.
Then he slowly brought the masks on your face and put it on you. Then he pulled back his hand and slowly stood back up and took a step back. Solomon walks up to Satan and stood beside him and looking at you with his hand under his chin.
“How do you feel?” Solomon asks
“I’m still me, its just hard to see through the masks” you reply, as you try to adjust the mask.
“Okay let’s take those pictures” Satan pulls out his D.D.D from his pocket “Now kitten I want you to place both hands on the mask like your trying take it off, but your struggling” you did what Satan asks.
In moments Satan took a dozen or so photos, with different angles. Now his looking over the photos with Solomon, with both of their backs turn on you. But do they know that you’re reaching for one of the other masks in the box.
“That! Send it your group chat with your brothers, I would love to see Mammon and Asmo’s reaction” Solomon points to a picture of you reaching out to the camera, like you’re pledging for help.
“We’re trying to stress Lucifer, not give all of them a heart attack” Satan tells Solomon “Kitten, you looked great in all of these. Now let’s take that mask off you-” as he slowly turns around, suddenly Satan was met with a punch in the face, causing him to fall.
Before he could react, Solomon was push down and pinned on the ground with you on top of him, with your legs pinning his arms down.
“MC!! WHAT ARE YOU-” before he could finish, he sentences you slap the mask on his face, he tries to call out to you, all you can hear was muffled sound due to the mask?
Soon Solomon, stop struggling as the mask slowly taking over of him.
But then Satan Tackled you off of him and he pinned you down.
“MC! Snap out of it!!!”
“I’M NOT MC!!!!! I’M LILITH!” you yelled at him
“WHAT!!” Satan was taken a back by what you just said. Then Solomon push Satan off of you and it the table nearby.
Soon the door swings open to reveal Lucifer and the rest of them wanting what noise, hearing all the commotion having in the room.
All of them are shock to see Satan is on the floor with the table on top of him, and you and Solomon are wearing the curse masks.
As Solomon help you to get up and back your feet, then the two of you look toward the brothers
“MC!” Mammon calls out you
But a chair is thrown at the side of the door, causing them to flinch.
“Stop calling me that, how could you call you sister something as worthless as a human!” all of them tense up, with Beel and Belphie starting to hyperventilate.
“Solomon, you us! You know me! Snap MC out of this-”
“SILENT! DEMON!” Asmo quickly covered his mouth, following Solomon’s command. “And that’s KING Solomon to you. I will not let myself be disrespected by a server like yourself” Solomon points at Asmo as he stood tall with magic energy coming out of him. “But I’m still a fair king. As such I will give you demons a chance to run!”
“Ooo! Let’s play hide and seek like we always have!” you clap your hands like an exited kid, then you turn to Solomon and grab his arm with both hands “But let’s play it the ‘adult’ way” then you turn to the brother as you said it in a deep and serious tone.
Solomon laughs and as his free hand gesture to make a circle Infront the two of you. then you two reaches in and grab a whip and crossbow.
You let go of his arm, as he gives you the crossbow and he let the whip roll showing to the brothers the end of the whip as blades on it.
“we’ll get you all five minutes head start” he said it
“Remember! If I catch any of you, we will never be apart again”
“And if I can any of you, you will make a pact with me” as he said that, the two of you start laughing.
Asmo quickly rushes and grab Satan by the arm and pull him up, the latter which is still in shock. They quickly ran out of the room, with Lucifer and Mammon close the door.
That all he can remember, now Satan is in a cave seating on the ground with both arms on his knees as he looks down on the ground, as he tries thinks how to save you from the mask.
but the way you acted, and how you refer to yourself as Lilith keep him from thinking about a solution to the situation their all in.
he recalls a time you cried to him, about one of his brothers calling you Lilith by accident, he wanted to know who said it, he’s rage want boiling at that point, but you stop him by wrapping you arms around him, and telling him just to stay with you, because you just need him right now.
He hates see you like this, how your scared and feeling alone. But you are not alone, he knows it.
How angry and sadness that people refer to him as Lucifer, even as a joke. But his not nice like you, he will tear them in to pieces when anyone calls him Lucifer or Lucifer’s copy.
But you are not like him, instead of telling them and yelling at them, you just keep it hidden deep inside and pretend like everything is fine.
Now you are in his arms crying, as he tries to calm you down. And once you did, you looked up to he and stare deep into his eyes, with such calm and happiness in your eyes, knowing that you always have someone that understand you. and you understand him, fills him with warmth and joy.
You reach up to kiss him, then he leans forward kiss you as you wrap your arms around his neck as he wraps his around your waist, melting in each other warmth and pleasing presence. But then.
“AAAAHHH!” a scream snap Satan out of his reminiscing, he hears Asmo scream from the distance. He quickly got up and start heading towards the screams.
Once he got there, he was shock to see what horror is on the open field in the woods
“Fucking stop screaming, you little shit” Solomon is stepping on Asmo, while his tying up Levi, with both wrists tied at each tree next to him.
“Be careful with my brother, my king we wouldn’t want any of them to be damage before you make a pact with them.” You said it while point the crossbow to Lucifer who is bound by eight different spell chains. “Not unless they need, to learn their lesson” then you pulled the trigger firing one arrow to Lucifer’s shoulder.
“Lilith, go find your other brothers and that sorry of excuse of a demon” As Solomon said it, he tightens the rope with one final pull causing Levi to scream in agony.
“Oow, but I haven’t had enough time with my big brother” you look at Solomon and stomp you foot on the ground like a spoiled brat.
“MC…. You’re not-” Lucifer try to talk to you but you hit him with the crossbow right on the side of his face.
“FUCKING STOP CALLING ME THAT!!!!!! I’M NOT THEM- I’M NOT THEM- I’M NOT THEM- I’M NOT THEM” you keep repeat it over and over, as you drop the crossbow and grab your hair and starting to scream in pain, threw you head back.
Satan couldn’t take it anymore, he can’t just hide and let you be some much pain, so he quickly shifted into his demon form, and runs towards you, but something grabs and wrap around his ankle, stopping him.
“Look what I got” Solomon let out a chuckle and slowly pull Satan towards him. “The demon who is a copy of a fallen angel” as he continues to pull, blood start dripping out from the eyes and mouth holes of the mask that Solomon is wearing. “a demon with no purpose” as Satan is near at his feet, Solomon step on his chest, digging his heel deep on it. “So, it will be fitting if I kill you here” Solomon pulls out that night dagger out of scabbard with is attach on his belt “be grateful that a king is killing you, demon”
As Solomon pulls the dagger up ready to drive it to Satan’s heart, Asmo scream fill the night. But then an arrow is shot at Solomon’s shoulder causing to stumble back. Surprise Satan look up to see that you shot the arrow at Solomon. As you pant blood start dripping out of your mask too.
“Satan…. Run”
“TRAITOR!!” Solomon stood up and quickly threw the dagger at you right on your shoulder causing you to fall.
Satan eyes widen and he could only hear is ringing as he stares at your unconscious body. As your mask stare at him while blood is still dripping out.
Satan let out monstrous roar, and got up and charges at Solomon tackling him on the ground, but he manages to cast a couple of spells before Satan pinned both of his arms with his legs.
Then two chains emerged from the ground wrapping around Satan’s neck slowly tighten and chocking him. Satan coughs as he slowly losing air in his body. But then in a second, he brought his hands to getting and slam them into Solomon’s face, breaking both mask and his nose.
Satan losing air, slump over letting Solomon grab his face and scream in agony.
“Solomon! Your killing Satan!” Asmo yell at Solomon grabbing his attention.
Then Solomon looks to the side and saw Satan suffocating by the chain, then he quickly canceling the spells free Satan, who gasp and grab his neck.
Solomon let out a sigh of relief.
Moments later, Asmo finally finishing untying Levi and place his brother's arm over his shoulder, while Solomon help Lucifer, taking him to the nearest tree.
Then Mammon, Beel and Belphie manage to find the field and looked around. Mammon quickly rushes to Lucifer’s side checking him.
“What happen” Beel asks as he looks around and soon land his sight on a kneeling Satan cradling you in his arms with the mask that you were wear shattered beside him.
Belphie saw and quickly run towards the two of you, he kneeled beside his older brother, and saw him, wiping the blood off you face.
“Are they-”
“They be fine” Satan cuts him off, with melancholy tone.
Then he leans forward and kiss the top of your forehead, and place his on top of yours.
“Your fine MC, your fine. I'm here”
Note: Happy Birthday Satan!
or Early Birthday. depending where you are!
Thank you to @yukihaie for the inspiration for this Fic.
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obeymematches · 3 years
moving in with with your om! bf (GN MC) (not nsfw)
inspired by irl events🙈 see more at the end of this post dfghj
HoL = House of Lamentation
Lucifer: Stays in HoL but possibly renovates it a little bit to have more privacy. (as a compromise in case you reaaally didn't want to stay there - now you have your own bathroom + a small kitchen)
His brothers still depend on him so you continue to share family moments. (which isn't too bad, Lucifer is usually busy so sometimes you might actually want their company) Though now you get noticeably more alone time together - which makes him realize how it would've been a good idea to actually move out (he'd immediately regret that tho because he very care family).
Helps out with chores most of the time. Going OUT on dates is a must at least once a week or so otherwise both of you lose your minds. Nothing else changes, really. Mammon: More likely to move in with you in the human world but would (slightly) prefer the Devildom. (he'd only do that tho if he can secure a spot in a safer area for your sake. even if you are a powerful sorcerer.) Paying rent&bills is going to require hustle which might be a reason why you have to move back into HoL. (though...in canon if he is in love with u, u get rich even if u do nothing...so that'd be handy in this case) Definitely enjoys how he gets to keep you for himself and he is living for the small moments with you (such as morning cuddles) but also! with you everything is much more fun, even if both of you work multiple shifts; after each day you are so tired you can barely watch a movie. Both of you visit HoL on the regular.
Leviathan: The only reason he'd do it is to get more alone time with you. Would take ages to actually do it, but he'd prefer to live in the human world with you (it's safer + its better for anime and gaming). (Lucifer is against the idea which also slows down the process but he eventually gives in). You'd probably have an apartment in a city with fast internet connection (dw he's done his research) and where you can afford rent. He works from home (either esports or programming) so he is always there to greet you when you get home. Decorates the entire apartment with figurines and posters plus there is never enough space for him. Henry is there also. You'd think he cooks / bakes and you'd be wrong. 92% of the time it's take-out food time. Definitely needs help with chores at first but gets the hang of it easily. Occasionally you visit HoL.
Satan: Definitely would rather moving out and renting an apartment. I think he'd prefer the human world. I feel like he'd want to change cities often (every 3-5 yrs or so). He is a curious demon and there is always so much to learn about humans. Very domestic. Does the chores and he does them well. You can never complain. Somehow can balance work & you & chores. (probably needs explanation sometimes with equipment he isn't familiar with but we can excuse that) Every weekend is date weekend where you learn something new about each other and the culture of the country. Asmo visits every month or so & stays for ~3 days.
Asmodeus: hmm...i think he'd let you decide on the realm but he picks the exact location. He picks a very busy area with rich nightlife, but to your surprise he only participates like a couple of times a week, usually with you. Listen he adores being with you. Posts about your life together very often. Would start a new vlogging channel if you'd let him. Rent & bills are No Big Deal, though at first he is shocked at how expensive they are. Is fine with most of the chores but since he refuses to do the dishes, when it's him on dinner duty you both go on a date instead. Beelzebub: Refuses to move out if Belphie can't come, unless it's literally the house next to HoL. (/closest to. i'm not sure if they have like. a close neighbour) Rather domestic, does the chores and puts in work to get the bills. Sometimes you might not find him at home - he is either getting groceries or decided to visit Belphie. Would rather have a movie night with you than going out on a date. Depending on what kind of house it is, he might pick up gardening as a hobby. Belphegor: Similar to his twin he'd prefer staying close to him if possible, but if that can't happen he's fine with moving in with you in the human world. (yes he prefers that over the Devildom) Lucifer doesn't like this idea at all so you probably need to convince him.
Bills might be an issue as he keeps losing jobs but you can't really blame him for that, can you. Regaring chores, he only does the groceries, vacuuming, laundry, and changing sheets, everything else is up to you. Every Sunday you spend sleeping in & cuddling. Beelzebub visits you every week, usually on the weekends.
The rest of the characters are under the cut... long post
Barbatos: Hm... I think you'd probably need to move in the castle, or a small apartment very near. It is because of his job obviously, can't help it.
As he is the royal butler I imagine you wouldn't need to worry about bills / rent because. Yeah. Chores, on the other hand, fall on you very often - sometimes his job requires him to be there 24 hours a day. Even when he has more break time he'd rather not do chores at home as well because then he'd literally have no time left to spend with you. But when he can afford to do them, he definitely helps out & does them better than you (no shame in that tho he does this for a living)
Diavolo: Pretty obviously you move in the castle. No rent & no chores to worry about unless you are desperate to help Barbatos out.
He'd spend literally all his time with you if he could & Lucifer often scolds him for it. Neglecting work isn't a good idea right.
Every weekend there is something new to do, he spends lots of time thinking about how you are going to spend it. Also this would be the first time(s) you'd actually see him stress about work, since you live close enough to him now. (obviously he mentioned it many times before but that's a different experience) Solomon: Honestly you are free to choose where you'd want to live as he'd follow you anywhere.
Tbh I'm not sure about his finances but I'd like to imagine you don't have to worry about paying the bills. (as in: you have to work too if possible but that's ok)
He does his chores but he does them his way. If you do them differently he might comment but usually he just lets you be. It's entertaining to learn how many different ways there are to,,, doing dishes.
Simeon: Definitely prefers the Celestial Realm & I don't think there is much you can do to negotiate if you want to live with him. Similar to Solomon, paychecks aren't a big deal but it's something to consider; if possible you'd need to work to help out.
He has his favourite chores to do but occasionally he helps out with others as well, especially if he sees you might struggle / hate one.
a/n: for those wondering... no we didn't move in together yet because i'm still waiting for my vaccine... but once it's done we're ready<3 i'm a little bit nervous ngl but i'm so excited also dfgh
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