#song inclusion was a joke
unwri-ten · 24 days
CW: Suggestive (-ish)
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Good Lookin' - Dixon Dallas
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when you're a jet you're a jet all the way
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eurovision-facts · 1 month
Eurovision Fact #636:
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During his opening performance to the first semi-final of the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest, Eric Saade (Sweden 2011) wore a keffiyeh—a traditional Palestinian article of clothing—around his wrist.
Saade was criticized for this by the EBU, who said that "[The EBU regrets] that Eric Saade chose to compromise the non-political nature of the event.”
In response, Saade expressed his disappointment at the response he received from the EBU:
“I got this [keffiyeh] from my father as a little boy, to never forget where our family is from. Back then I didn’t know that it would one day be called a ‘political symbol’. It’s like calling ‘Dalahästen’ [a traditional Swedish horse statue] a political symbol. In my eyes it’s only racism.
I just wanted to be inclusive and wear something that felt real to me – but the EBU seem to think that my ethnicity is controversial. It says nothing about me, but everything about them. I say like this year’s ESC-slogan: United by music.”
Saade, prior to the contest, also shared his disappointment with the handling of the competition, calling it "disgraceful;" adding on that the slogan, "United by Music," is "a joke."
"Eurovision Bosses Rebuke Guest Singer For Wearing Palestinian Garment During Performance," Huffingtonpost.co.uk.
Participants of Düsseldorf 2011: Eric Saade, Eurovision.tv.
"Eurovision organisers’ ‘regret’ after opening act wears pro-Palestinian symbol," itv.com.
"Eric gave a statement to Swedish news..." By @/neetsky_ on Twitter.
Eric Saade statement about his presence at Eurovision by u/kommet77 on r/Eurovision, Reddit.com.
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prettyoddfever · 3 months
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This off-white t-shirt that was for sale at some shows during the 2008 Honda Civic Tour was really popular and was usually the one you'd see people asking other fans to grab for them in late spring because their show sold out in their size. This is the shirt that was sewn into a vest for Ryan that season btw:
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FBR added this shirt to their webstore in August 2008 and some sizes sold out quickly but then got restocked. I remember some people complaining that FBR's shirt was a slightly different color than the one on tour, but others said it was the same. Idk, it looked like the same general off-white color to me. The band's name was still on the back of the right sleeve:
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I liked this design because it was SO different from most t-shirt designs in this era (like in general, not just PATD) and was way more minimalist. A fan created some pngs that we could print out to iron on our own shirts, so I'll add them here if anyone wants them. They used the "Big Noodle Tilting" font and created their own heart:
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That fall Hot Topic also came out with an off-white tote that had the same large "reinvent love" design on one side. Then the design of the band name (from the t-shirt's sleeve) got a heart added and was enlarged to be the graphic on the other side of the tote. The inside of the bag was a floral pattern that reminded me of the striped hoodie's lining:
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FBR clearly loved how successful this whole design was. The webstore included a bonus sticker in the order packages for P!ATD fans in fall 2008:
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The Rock Band Live Tour shows in fall 2008 used the same type of graphic:
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And the shows on that tour had a black tote & shirt for sale:
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Spencer did an interview with Out.com this season that had this question:
The most popular items at your merch booth seem to be a t-shirt and bag that say “Reinvent Love,” which is such a strong, inclusive message. Tell me about how that became the band slogan. It started out as a lyric in “Mad as Rabbits.” It was the last song we were recording for the album, and as we figured out how to fit it into the end of the song, it took on some more anthem-style cheer. As we went on tour, me and Ryan [Ross, Panic’s guitarist] talked about making a “Reinvent Love” shirt. At first it was just going to be on the Fueled By Ramen web store, just a limited edition thing because it didn’t have our band name on the front, and we didn’t know how many people would want to wear that. It ended up being a lot more popular than we thought it would. We were ending all of the concerts with that song, so that was the last thing that people were hearing. We wouldn’t want to be a part of anything that wasn’t that kind of that message. If there’s going to be some saying associated with our band, that’s a pretty good one. It goes along with everything we want to represent and the way that we feel.
This bracelet was added to FBR's webstore in December 2008 (after the Pretty. Odd. era had basically ended & around the time that Live in Chicago was released):
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By the time this necklace got added to FBR's webstore in January 2009, a lot of fans were tired of this theme:
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The necklace spawned more fan jokes about what was coming next at that point... my favorite was still the musical toaster:
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So in March 2009 FBR just added the black shirt & tote to their webstore (the ones that were sold at shows in fall 2008) and then let the phrase rest so they could soon move onto overusing the return of the exclamation mark. lol jk.
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taylortruther · 2 months
i don’t think so high school feels out of place at all! i think it’s actually the culmination of the album in a lot of ways and ties up a lot of running themes very intentionally. think about every other mention of substance use on the album, compared to “i’ll drink what you think and i’m high from smoking your jokes all damn night.” every instance of Bad Icky Sex Themes™ compared to the youthful giddiness of “pull me to the backseat” and “touch me while your bros play grand theft auto.” all the mental health and insanity themes throughout the album compared to comparing herself to a madman bc she’s so in love that she’s hearing his voice and laugh in her head. and, least subtly and imo most importantly, the whole song literally being about how she feels young again – not just young but specifically like a teenager, with all the time in the world still ahead of her – after it was such a major theme (even if often only subtextually) that she was terrified she’d wasted her youth, given joe too many years, was running out of time to have the type of future that she wanted so desperately. to me this song’s inclusion makes perfect sense bc it feels very much like by including it she’s wrapping up the earlier events of the album, saying that chapter really is closed now and the madness of last year is over, she’s walked through the wreckage and finally come out on the other side. the themes of the earlier songs still linger, as trauma always does, but they’re referenced so completely differently now because she’s in a much healthier place than she was during the other songs that deal with those themes more heavily. it feels so much lighter than the rest of the album because SHE feels so much lighter than she did then.
tl;dr i think so high school IS like a glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel, and that it was written and themed very intentionally to be exactly that.
thank you for this! it definitely feels out of place but there's meaning there.
also love that you pointed out that the song is very much grounded in mundanity, but she's "hearing voices like a madman" in that moment as she thinks of him doing something normal and silly. i clocked that too! such a fun way to tie in to the themes of the album.
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 2 months
TTPD Track Speculation/Prediction: @wavesoutbeingtossed Edition
Against my better judgment, I’m putting down my predictions before I am proven completely wrong on April 19.
on the other hand I did correctly attribute all of the 1989 TV vault track teaser lyrics to their songs before it was released so maybe I’m just that good jk.
I’m putting everything under a cut because it’s long and mostly just shooting the shit but it’s a long weekend so what the heck!
I started writing this the night the album was announced at the Grammys in February, so obviously things may have evolved in the meantime. It will be very interesting to see just how wrong I am!
Here be speculation, musings, jokes and more! Enter at your own risk!
I honestly have NO CLUE. I’ve said many, many times that I would be absolutely gagged for an Americana-folk type sound like Carolina/Safe and Sound/some of her acoustic performances on tour. I don’t really expect TTPD to sound quite that stripped back, though. (Prove me wrong, Taylor!)
I am kind of feeling pop-rock-y though, à la WCS, TTDS, based on absolutely nothing but that is also a genre/sound I love that I am begging to hear more on albums.
Completely off the wall guess: Something more jazzy-big band-y, based on nothing but her styling in recent months on the red carpet that harkens back to golden age of Hollywood vibes (especially the Grammys), the inclusion of Clara Bow (renowned flapper girl) on the track list, and the way she keeps talking about being grateful fans accept her bending and switching genres over the years and support her when she does “weird” things.
OK this is just me spitballing, but I said awhile back that I am just getting vibes that there may be, like, a story within a story with this. As in, using some fictional settings as an allegory for the story about herself. The example I used then was The Lumineers, and how they wrote their album III about three generations of a fictional family dealing with addiction, which was an allegory for the lead singer’s own family’s experience with it (without directly calling out the family member in question at the time). There were characters in the album, but many of the songs were sung from an “I”/“you” perspective. I may not be explaining myself well, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there are “fictional” stories in that they’re sung about characters (e.g. Clara Bow?), but it will be obvious to fans that she’s using the characters to speak about herself and her experiences. I’m just getting big “storytelling” energy from the hints. Which means I’m totally wrong!!!! Don’t listen to me!!! (I do think there will be some shades of this somehow, though.)
Fortnight: Think you are all on the money about it being the time between the start of tour and when Joever happened for good. Sort of a “two years of uncertainty coming to a head in two weeks” thing. Spending two weeks agonizing over what to do. Two weeks for your whole life to blow up. Finally being removed from the situation and grasping onto your dreams that have been on hold for years and realizing your mind’s made up because you won’t give this part of you up even if it means letting go of what you thought your future held. But another thing I’ve thought of: some common wisdom claims it takes two weeks for a new routine to become a habit, so… outside chance it’s like, two weeks go by and you’re finally used to/accepted whatever it is you’re trying to kick? Also had a thought that there could be many two-week periods that can mark your life and give pause. 
The Tortured Poets Department: No idea really lol. For some reason I feel like this is going to be a little more experimental, “laying the groundwork for the defense” type of vibe, kinda like Mastermind, or using the investigative/academic metaphor to delve into it like, Mad Woman or Vigilante Shit. (Or: it could be super petty roasting the infamous group chat lol. In all seriousness though I would doubt that because I feel like this album is very much about Her… unless said group chat was so insufferable she needs to blast it on main.)
My Boy Only Breaks His Favourite Toys: I saw some talk on my dash about this giving renegade themes (you fire off missiles because you hate yourself but don’t you know you’re demolishing me), and I totally thought the same thing. Also those of you who pointed out the parallels to Cardigan are geniuses (when I was an old cardigan under someone’s bed you put me on and said I was your favorite). Again kinda think there might be some more metaphor in this but guessing it may be along the lines of “he’s only doing this because he knows I won’t leave” themes? It instantly gives dark and uneasy. It gives, the people you love are the ones you hurt the most. All signs point to Not Good.
(Or this is about Benji destroying his spin toys or is that just my cat that does that.)
Down Bad: Someone said (on Jaime’s blog I think*) that this is giving False God but icky and I can TOTALLY see that. (Then again I’ve always found False God sad in the sense that it’s like, “even when we fight so bad we can’t communicate we still have the sex holding us together.”) But, Taylor does like to take sayings with common meanings and twist them on their heads, so I also wouldn’t be surprised if “Down Bad,” isn’t referring to being down as in being horny for someone, but being down as in, feeling devastated/hopeless. (Or, even worse, mean both at the same time. 😵‍💫)
(*I wrote this post in February after the announcement, I don’t have a clue when any of this was said anymore sorry)
So Long, London: like a lot of people, I feel like this is her goodbye to the life they had and more importantly/poignantly, the dreams she had of their future. (I don’t know but, “remember looking at this room we loved cause of the light, now I just sit in the dark and wonder if it’s time” just feels like it’d be part of this story.) So because I’ve said that, watch it be an excoriation of London Boy lol. (You know I’m mad at a London Boy / who just really won’t leave Camden / Market in the afternoon / he hasn’t seen my American smile / in two months cause he won’t come to see me / when I have a show to do…) Feel like it’s going to gut us. BUT, also wonder if this is her “I’m getting the fuck out of dodge ROCK FLAG AND EAGLE” anthem haha. (Or: she ran away to London to escape the Bad Stuff but then got stuck in another kind of Bad Stuff living there for so long…)
But Daddy I Love Him: Pretty obviously the Little Mermaid reference. Very curious if the actual quote is in the song, or if it’s just named that to set the scene but the song instead is an expounding on the theme of giving up her voice for the sake of the relationship like Ariel. Also wonder if this is an overtly diaristic song or if she is going to use characters/figures/fiction to expand on the theme subtly, a little like Maisie Peters’ History of Man or Florence & The Machine’s Cassandra or even more pointedly like her own Last Great American Dynasty or The Lucky One. I do assume the overarching theme is going to be the push-pull between keeping her love and giving up things that are important to her to make that love work.  (Watch this be about her arguing with her father about marrying *** lol.)
The theme of giving up your voice/what you hold dear for love is so loaded, and has some parallels to Clara Bow’s story, which is also on the track list so… Lots to chew on I’m sure.
Fresh Out The Slammer: Totally think the reference to her locking herself up for years at home because she was scared in the Time POTY interview is a likely link to this. Feeling free after the weight of this decision is off her shoulders, yet the sheer terror at now being on her own and rebuilding her future. It could be uplifting but I could also see it being like pure chaos. BUT, a thought I had earlier is that, if this is a song that was written pre-Joever, maybe it’s about the aftermath of a rough patch. Like, we just got our get out of jail free cards, we made it through the other side of this Big Thing that almost ended us (e.g. the final blow in YLM), where do we go from here?
Florida!!!: Emphasis on the “!!!”!!! Honestly it had me at FLORENCE AND THE MACHINE. I’m soooooo curious and sooooooooooooo pumped for this one. I don’t want to let myself hope it’s going to sound like a Florence song BUT I HOPE IT SOUNDS LIKE A FLORENCE SONG. I’m going to guess it may be a reference to the first stop on tour after the news broke. Wasn’t that also a show where a ton of things went wrong? I can see it going so many ways! Is it a hopeful “Florida I’m coming for you you’re a symbol of my great escape my prison break my entire life crumbling and rising again”? An introspective “I never thought I’d have to rebuild my whole world after it imploded, in Florida of all places?!”? Is it a sarcastic “fucking Florida always the scene of the crime I can’t believe my life is falling apart and I need to go to FUCKASS FLORIDA oh great every thing that can go wrong with my show is FLORIDA!!!!”? Is it a rant about the corporate mouse? Or a scathing takedown of Republican politics ahead of the 2024 elections? (lol) Who’s to say?!
Guilty as Sin?: Sooooooooooo curious about this. I’m a Carolina Stan and I know there is 0% chance there is a link between the two songs other than the lyric which is a common term, but it does make me happy. My first thought about this one is that it’s going to be biting or self-reflective — kinda like the bridge of Is It Over Now? Or the chorus of Anti-Hero. As in, “what is it exactly that you think I’m guilty of?” (E.g. ambition? Drive? Seeking attention? Being selfish? But could also be sad: Loving too hard? Caring too much? Being too needy? Hmmm.) I’m kind of feeling like it’s a “if it’s wrong to be guilty of these things I don’t want to be right.” Again if I had to guess I’d wonder if it would have the same vibes as the bridge of YLM. (For some reason, with the question mark, I don’t necessarily think it’s going to be accusing someone of something…)* I also had a thought about the seven deadly sins and this title and… THOUGHTS ARE THINKING**.
(*I may not have found it accusatory in February, but with the benefit of hindsight in March I… reserve the right to change my mind about this.)
(**Future Waves here: the thoughts may have been thinking for February Waves but March Waves has no idea what she was talking about.)
Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?: I don’t knooooooooooow. At first the title kinda gave me Blank Space vibes, like, you don’t know how much I could fuck this up if I wanted. Then some people mentioned the similarity to Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? And now that’s absolutely all I can think about. If you’ve ever seen the movie (or the play), it is rooooooooough. Watching George and Martha drunkenly eviscerate each other as their guests watch on in horror is… oof. (As someone who has seen this happen in real life and was trapped on a boat with a couple in full unhinged mode… OOF. Just OOF.) Of course there’s the Burton-Taylor of it all too so… (there’s also an interesting theme in Virginia Woolf about buying into illusion to avoid the messiness of reality… and Martha resenting George’s lack of ambition.) Is this song cheeky? Or a threat? Is this a Better Than Revenge/Vigilante Shit rebuke or is it Bejeweled owning her personhood?
(Like any of these songs, there’s also the chance that it’s heartbreaking and is really a reflection on how the things that make her her can be weaponized against her… Or how her struggles/vices alienate her to the person she loves a la Anti-Hero…)
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can): My first thought is this is going to be one of her sarcastic/satirical/funnier ones, based on nothing except that this sounds like it could be an Olivia Rodrigo cheeky song lol. (Like, I immediately start singing this to the tune of “Get Him Back.”) Never beat those allegations, Taylor, we’ve all been there. It definitely feels like a stereotypical tale of “girl tries to fix a man who doesn’t want to change and refuses to give up.” Watch this actually be a sad ballad about the flip side of renegade and trying to help a partner through a crisis 😬 
loml: the quiet menace in this list!!!! Obviously we’re all immediately thinking “love of my life,” but because this is Taylor, we should not rest easy. The fact that it’s all in small caps is curious to me and calls back to text speak, so is this a term of endearment that turns into a final parting sign off? Is it from an email ahem? Is it a sweet song about the good parts of being together? A wistful song about a lost love? BUT THEN, because it’s Taylor, I can totally see this being a bait and switch and it standing for something else as some of you pointed out, like loss of my life, or love OR my life. Or something entirely different. I’m pretty convinced that this one is going to be devastating in some fashion. I just feel it in my bones.
I Can Do It With a Broken Heart: Like many of you, I’m fairly certain this is going to be a bittersweet Long Live-esque ode to the Eras tour. The pick yourself up by the bootstraps, get out of bed, the show must go on and the show is saving my life story. Just thinking of the quote from the Time POTY interview where she said, “I know I’m going on that stage whether I’m sick, injured, heartbroken, uncomfortable, or stressed.” And in those early weeks, it seems like she might have been all of those things at once. Just trying to talk yourself into getting out of bed when all you want the earth’s core to swallow you whole and never come back. Kind of like, I can pick up the pieces of my life and carry on even when I am dying inside. 
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived: Obviously this is about one Benjamin Button, please. OK, in all seriousness, it’s giving, well… *shots fired*. It’s giving “your integrity makes me seem small.” It’s giving “I’m a monster on the hill, too big to hang out.” It’s giving “all you are is mean.” So, part of me thinks it’s going to be turned on its head a little bit, just because… it seems to point to something directly and sometimes Taylor enjoys a bit of misdirection. So is this about someone who takes shots at someone else and in so doing, displays their own insecurity? Another thought I had is: Is this about someone who retreats into their own world so much that they’ve shut out everything and everyone else? Their whole world gets shrunken down to the four walls around them? I have a strong feeling this is an allegory-type song, using a fictionalized and possibly fantastical story to tell the real life one, but obviously I could be wrong.
The Alchemy: gonna be real with you all: I didn’t know that alchemy was the practice of turning base metals into something that looks like gold. I think I was mixing it up with apothecary or something, lol. I thought it was the practice of making potions and whatnot. #TheMoreYouKnow ANYWAY, I think the idea of “turning nothing into something that shines” is going to be important. Is it about using her best colours for a portrait to hide the cracks underneath? Is it about trying your best to make something work and thrive but ultimately coming up empty because the foundation is gone? Is it about turning these base experiences into art that fuels her? There are so many possibilities! (@taylortruther’s post about The Alchemy and other comments got me thinking too about the magician/illusionist scenario in So It Goes and now my brain is on fire.)
Clara Bow: Soooooooooo intrigued by this one too. People have pointed out so many of the interesting coincidences and parallels in their lives. Clara Bow was a silent film star who found her voice in the talkies — that right there is one metaphor about finding your voice in your art and your life. But it’s also an interesting parallel that she managed to parlay her success in silent film into talkies, at a time where few actors enjoyed a successful transition, which mirrors Taylor’s transition from country to pop. There’s the way Clara’s private life was splashed all over the press, driven by salacious rumours about her sex life and her perceived revolving door of lovers, which seems like something Taylor would empathize with. There’s the way she had a breakdown and left Hollywood, which may have some shades of 2016. Or that she got married and started a family, but insisted on keeping it a secret for many years to maintain privacy, which is interesting because in this case it seems like *Clara* was the one driving the need for secrecy, not her husband. (At least I read that in one article somewhere, sorry if that’s wrong!) Ultimately though, she died relatively young and was forgotten by mainstream Hollywood, a relic of a past uninteresting to all but the most diehard of film buffs. I’m getting vibes of “The Lucky One,”  (and “Nothing New”) both in themes and in storytelling. So, watch it be completely different and not a story about Clara Bow but instead just have it be an off-hand line lol.
The Manuscript: I’m veeeeeery intrigued by this one. (I know I say that about all of them. That’s because they all intrigue me.) I love the idea that this wraps up the “standard” album; the chair(wo)man of the Tortured Poets Department has submitted her thesis for review, and it’s up to the board to draw their conclusion. OR: the idea that this is the unfiltered submission to a publisher, before the editor’s review that will cut and tighten and ultimately make it better, but loses the author’s initial vision in the process. (Like self-editing to share the most palatable story to your reader. Which… Also gives Dear Reader/Midnights in general vibes.) OR EVEN: this is the author’s story, submitted to the audience for their review, leaving it up to them to draw their conclusions and annotate. There are sooooooo many ways I can see this going. 
The Bolter: A curious one indeed! I feel like of all of the bonus tracks at least, this is the one I have the least idea about. My immediate guess is that it refers to a person who runs, which would have all kinds of implications. Running from the law (unlikely lol), running from commitment, running from conflict… running for your life. Like running from commitment because you’re scared of being tied down (single girl version) to running from commitment because you’re scared of being tied down (bitter wife* version). (*NOT saying there was a secret wedding lol. I mean as in, that’s the future that was in store if one stayed.) I saw other takes saying bolter is also slang for jailer, which is also interesting with the Ready For It of it all. 
The Albatross: So much has been said about this one, so I don’t think I have much to ado about this one! The famous poem is rife with all kinds of allusions: the bird soaring on its own for up to six years, but being brought down by man’s cruelty. The bird looking majestic in the skies, but the burden of its wings dragging it down on land, slowly killing it. The story being a metaphor for how the very thing poets are exalted for in society are the things they are punished for personally. I think it’s safe to say this one is going to hurt regardless, whether it’s a reference to herself, to ***, or something else entirely.
The Black Dog: Also another one I’m not sure I have many thoughts on yet. The black dog being a metaphor for depression is likely the inspiration, and I’m assuming this has the potential to be one of the most vulnerable songs yet. I have a feeling most of this album will be, but the imagery of this — the black dog being a constant companion, wanted or not, casting a pall over its master’s every move — points in a pretty obvious direction. And one that is probably going to gut us.
Well there you have it folks! I am ready to be completely wrong!
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firefly-sky · 30 days
so i finished hazbin hotel…
anti hazbin hotel rant under the cut so if y’all start harassing me i can say i warned you dipshits
honestly, it wasn’t good. i like the songs. the songs are cool oh. but the writing was dog shit. it’s like those edgy teenagers from 2018 wrote it. like does every other word have to be fuck? i’m not a prude. trust me. but the shock value of the word significantly decreases whenever viv decides that the script should literally be ‘fuck fuck fuck fuck *insert sex joke* fuck fuck fuck fuck *insert another sex joke* like honestly the writing could’ve been done by middle school boys. that’s the kind of humor it reminded me of. this show personified is literally just that one kid who goes around calling everyone else gay and moaning and making the most heinous sex jokes known to man. it’s not funny. it’s repetitive and annoying.
also the ships. chaggie should’ve had more depth and i wish that vaggie was more than a play on vagina and angry all the time. and before y’all start with the ‘b-BuT sHeZ a FaLlEn AngEl!!!1!!!!’ billshit, that’s not a character trait, that’s a backstory. also angel dust. surprisingly he was pretty realistic in some aspects. like using sex and drugs as a coping mechanism. but the fact that they (allegedly) had someone who had an abuse fetish write the poison scene is sickening. and treating abuse and r^pe as something like a joke for only certain characters but not others is gross. like who is loona and angel dust’s abuse treated seriously but like…blitzo and sir pentious are treated like a joke? but the sex jokes again, are middle school boy humor. the ‘bring it on….daddy~’ line made me need to take an actual break. like god. and trust me. i’m not the kind of person to rip on this. i’m bisexual myself and have had girlfriends in the past. but she pays more attention to the lgbtq characters and it feels like forced representation. like millie/moxxie’s relationship vs. the attention to huskerdust is astounding.
also don’t get me started on the fan base. or vivziepop herself. like holy shit she is the definition of scummy. y’all forget she had a nazi esque sausage party oc too like here’s proof https://rootbeergoddess.tumblr.com/post/627258297172557824/just-to-show-you-how-inclusive-vivziepop-truly-is
also her response to any and all criticism is just kinda…i don’t know the word for it. scummy? like blocking a fucking fifteen year old for saying her show was bad is just so immature. and god forbid you say anything slightly negative about any of the characters you’ll have a bunch of edgy fifteen year olds come after you.
overall the show kinda sucked. vivziepop sucks. the things she does and has done are gross. she’s awful to her animators and pays the, the least she possibly can and she ignores the fact that someone in her fanbase committed suicide because of how much they ere being bullied. the writing of the show sucked. like i’m positive if you grouped 5 middle school boys together they would come up with the exact same script that will be in the next season. it’s not a good show and vivziepop is a bad person. that’s my overall opinion.
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tiathecreator · 2 months
⋆⭒˚。⋆ so american ( hobie brown ) !
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎.𖥔 ݁ ˖✎ᝰ synopsis — " he laughs at all my jokes and he says i'm so american. " blk reader.
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚contains — ooc (?) hobie, fluff, swearing, atsv!hobie brown, hobie is taller than you no matter what, very very slight.
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ tia speaks — because nobody told olivia to write such a cute song like my goodness. i love this song so bad ( almost as bad as i love accented men ) so i had to write a piece inspired by it ! i am also using this to be a complete feminism nerd and i almost wrote something similar with another olivia song lol. i totally recommend reading this whilst listening to 'so american' by olivia rodrigo !! happy reading !
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despite his punk exterior, hobie is the best boyfriend you've ever had.
you'd first met hobie when you were selected to speak at a diversity conference in london. you were studying abroad in the middle of your second year of university, using the excuse of 'furthering your education' to read authentic european literature and cross of some of your bucket list. he was doing his usual routine when he swung by a billboard advertising the conference. he decided to check it, never one to shy away from social politic discourse. he stopped by a few panels, taking a liking to the minority in leadership panel, before stopping by the gender and intersectionality panel.
hobie's eyebrows rose as he watched you prepare yourself for your own presentation. you were dressed in business professional with the best shaped afro hobie had ever seen. his pulse quickened as you sent the moderator a ready smile before you began speaking.
and you were so american.
your charisma was enchanting, gracefully demanding the attention of the room. you engaged with the audience as you presented, throwing in small jokes here and there to keep the crowded attentive. he even imagined your expression becoming the slightest bit bashful as he caught your eye. you ended your presentation with another dazzling smile and an adorable tilt of your head at the sound of the applause filling the room.
he was even more impressed with your ability to answers questions on the fly. it was as if you thought of every possible questions and came up with perfectly calculated answers for each of them.
"i have a question for y/n. you mentioned white feminism and black feminism as two separate movements due to the lack of inclusion of marginalized women and their concerns. does that mean that you believe that white women are inherently racist?" a commentator asked. a furrow found its way in between your brow before you answered.
"no, i called it uninclusive because i meant it did not include the needs of women who were not upper class, able, educated, white women. black feminism can include women who are not black as it's an umbrella term of sorts. it serves to uplift and represent the underrepresented and unite all feminists, not imply that all white women are racist because of one social group. there are some wonderful white women who can acknowledge their privilege and use it to uplift us all as a united front rather than living in their individual comfortability. thank you for your question."
after your panel concluded, hobie found himself searching for you in the crowd of spectators. he eventually found you holding a bouquet of flowers from the moderator as you put away your things. he casually made his way to you, slipping through the ocean of bodies before standing behind you.
"would've gotten flowers if i had known someone as smart as you would be presenting here. however, i doubt i'd be able to find anything as beautiful as you, ms. america," he charmed, immediately gaining your attention as you turned to him.
"i take it that you liked my presentation," you mused, smiling up at the man before you.
"liked it so much that i'd like to hear it again. maybe over a meal some time, yeah?"
your cheeks stung from how wide you smiled as you punched your number into his phone, telling him to text you the details.
you guys hit it off as your personalities, morals, and routines meshed almost perfectly. you finished your educational responsibilities around the same time he finished his internship, leaving the two of you with enough time to see each other at least three times a week, excluding your weekend.
he's so attentive as he remembers everything about you, including things that you mentioned offhandedly. you'll expect him to pay it no mind until he says or does something that showed you that he was in fact listening to your every word.
and he's so soft with you. underneath your boyfriend's unapproachable persona was a man who was putty in your hands. he melts into your embrace, hands gently cupping your face as he laid a breathless kiss on your lips. he was always touching you when he was in your presence. he usually opted for the casual arm hooked across your front as he rested his chin on your shoulder. it was the perfect height for you to whisper all of your jokes into his ear, ensuring that he didn't miss the chance to indulge in your humor.
you actually guessed that he was the esteemed spider-punk after having rescued you from a mid-evening robbery. you noticed the stature of the hero looked familiar as you watched him swing through the air.
"what happened here?" you asked him one lazy morning, pointing to the bruise forming on his shoulder.
"i slipped in the shower," he mumbled, pulling you closer to him as he tried to go back to sleep.
"are you sure it had nothing to do with that pole the news showed you being flung into?" you mused.
"how'd you figure?" he asked, eyes now open as he looked down at you with a tired grin.
"what kind of girlfriend would i be if i didn't know my boyfriend when i saw him?" you replied, planting a kiss on the corner of his mouth. "plus i’ve tripped over your beat up sneakers enough times to recognize them."
"sneakers," he said, copying your accent. he let out an amused gruff after you painlessly slapped his arm. "you're such an american."
he made the effort to join you for your public demonstrations, only stepping in when someone got mouthed off at you too much for his liking, knowing that you could hold your own but preferring if you didn't have to. he read all of your favorite books as well as any pieces that you mentioned to him. he participates in most of your hobbies, even picking up a few and calling them his own.
he even calls your mom, asking her how she had been since the last time he had the chance to ask. she was more excited to see him the first time you visited since meeting him. she tried to treat him as a guest, but he was set on helping her around the house, taking care of any odd problems she had.
you might just have to marry him if he keeps this shit up.
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© tiathecreator 2024. all rights reserved.
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sardonic-the-writer · 8 months
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𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐀 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ includes: scout, medic, pyro, sniper, and spy
↳ warnings: talk of pain but nothing too in detail. specific area of pain is kept ambiguous for inclusiveness
↳ song: teenage dirtbag—dsiboys
• Scout is honestly just bummed you won't be playing any baseball games with him anytime soon
• He strikes me as the type of guy to not take your illness as seriously as he should, often making pokes and jabs of you just wanting to get out of stuff, until he sees one of your bad days with his own eyes
• After that, he's so ashamed of himself for how he acted. Shuffling his feet and rubbing the back of his neck anxiously; all that jazz
• Is a lot more aware of your needs now
• Still puts up a front. Refuses to be anything sort of quote unquote 'manly', so expressing that he's worried about your wellbeing is hard to do in front of the others
• Does care about you, though. He might get teased for it— resulting in the tips of his ears turning red and a bunch of angry denial —but at the end of the day he'll offer up his prized comic books for you to read as a distraction
• Medic has undoubtedly noticed your condition far before you chose to tell him. How he had figured it out so quick, you had no idea, but he probably found out the same way he knew what your blood type was. Despite never having given him a sample
• It's a bit weird at first, having someone who constantly wants to do invasive surgery on your body actually offering to ease your pain.
• It is Medic after all. A small part of you had been nervously wondering if he would get some sort of sick joy out of watching you struggled to do basic tasks
• Instead, he was giving you special visitation hours with Archemedes while he tinkered with what he dubbed 'Your Problem Area'. Whether that was your knees or back or shoulders, a file on your condition quickly opened and the quickest course of action was taken to remedy it
• Gives you little suckers at the end of your visits and a big smile for a job well done
• You aren't sure if they understand what you're saying when you first explain it
• To be fair, you can't decipher them on a normal basis, so this was expected
• But Pyro just tilts their head before letting out what sounded like a sniffling noise and bringing you into a bone crushing hug
• You wouldn't be able to tell, but in their own special Pyro Vision, the arsonist could occasionally see a painful red surrounding you anytime you felt like this. And it pained them to know you were hurting from something other than the scheduled battles
• Colors you crude little drawings with their box of crayons Engineer bought them. It often depicts you and them riding unicorns or jumping over rainbows. Always smiling and having fun
• Takes to plastering little cartoony bandaids over your skin. They don't really solve any actual pain, but the thought is still there
• Will make little fires for you and bring you to them happily. Normally, it's followed by Heavy or Engineer rushing over to put it out before it spread
• On the off chance that he actually came out of his trailer, Sniper would be awkwardly helpful
• He most likey heard you talking to Medic or complaining to Spy about your chronic pain, and put two and two together
• Why you were shut up in your room durring mealtime somedays, constsntly seen walking in and out of the med bay, taking numerous amounts of pills in the morning, etc
• Is discreet in his care. It'll be little things, like telling Scout to 'lay off mate' if the Bostonian is hounding you about your lackluster performance that day; even if only as a joke
• If Sniper is lucky enough to bag some game on one of the ceasefire days, he'll approach your bedroom door and offer you a bit of the meat he cooked. Won't be offended if you're not up to it, just puts it in the fridge for later if you change your mind. Makes sure that the rest of the team knows it's for you, too
• Spy is probably the most elegant of the team when acknowledging your condition
• If he's feeling nice when you approach him about it, he'll nod along to your small explanation and even indulge you if you choose to rant about it for a bit
• If he's not in a good mood, then just wait it out. It's not worth the wrath of an angry Frenchman for bothering him. Will become slightly less angered if you explain you were only there to share some vulnerability, however
• Tells you there's no shame in it. As an older man himself, he's no stranger to the pain that comes with this job
• Might allow you to crash in his smoking room a few times if your room is being overrun by the others. Spy knows that you won't pull any funny business on him, and god help anyone that tries to barge in in search of you (namely Scout)
• Content to sit in comfortable silence as you rest up and sleep away the pain. Spy might be a no-good lying back stabber, but at the end of the day, he's still a gentleman
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chiiyuuvv · 6 months
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• PAIRING — bf!xikers x gn!reader
• GENRE — established relationship, cuddling, squeals, really soft
• WORD COUNT — 564
• AUTHOR'S NOTE — finally out of my small break/writers block!! Been a little stressed lately since finals are near yet suddenly school wants to dump every assignment on me.. good thing i dont have to take exams. Request from wattpad!
• TAGLIST — @lil-elle , @hyunukitty , @cake1box , @mars101 , @the-lemon-boy , @nenede (welcome!! And thank you for your kind words :( , @soul-is-a-strange-kid (welcome!!)
lets out a little squeal of shock
Because you had the audacity to come to his studio, wrapped in either his blanket or hoodie and looking up at him with your big doe eyes
Youre just so cute he wants to squish you :((
Happily places you onto his lip and melts when you snuggle your head into his chest
Runs his hands through your hair and rubs your back, putting you to sleep ♡
Another squealer
Suddenly, hes bubbling from laughter at how cute you were being and how shy he was, little goosebumps on his arms
Probably the shyest youll ever find him, looking down at you with so much love in his eyes
He adores you <3
"Whats wrong baby?" He'd say in a small calm voice, pulling you closer to him ♡
Another another squealer
Just know that he will squish your cheeks
Then processeds to get shy about it, apologizing because it was impulse
Uses this time to check up on you, asking how youre feeling, what you want for dinner
Gets a little sleepy because its just so calming ♡
Doesnt have much reaction
Like hed continue watching tv with your head on his lap and him stroking your hair
"Wanna watch something else?" He'd lean down and whisper in your ear, his voice is so soft
Opts to turn off the tv so he can cuddle you in peace
Uses this time to stare at you, mumbling how pretty you are ♡
Its either one or two ways
Your head is on his shoulder and his head is on top of yours, singing you a sweet song
Or your head is on his shoulder and his head is on top of yours, saying the dumbest jokes alive
You either fall asleep on him
Or you end up leaving with hyunwoo laughing at you ♡
Hes caught off guard ngl
Like frozen in his spot when you rest your head on his back as hes looking for something in the fridge
And when your arms wrap around his waist, he gets so hot
Please dont have sweater paws, he WILL die on the spot (that rhymes haha ^)
So inclusion, hes a hot, studdering mess and lowkey hates you for making him feel this way ♡
Initiating teasing
"Im just so soft and warm that you wanna snuggle with me huh?" Quipped with his classic smirk
But immediately pulls you back to his arms when you get up to leave
"Im just kidding baby, stay with me."
Truth was he wanted to snuggle with you first, but was so shy ♡
hes gonna giggle
Like so loud
A wide smile on his face and just giggling
"What are you doing?~" as he hugs you back, with this huge giggle. Sighssss ♡
Hes a little shocked that hes so comfortable that you just randomly lay on him
Cups your cheeks and kisses you so sweetly
So it kinda turns into a makeout session??
Well not exactly, its just him kissing you, then whispering a sweet nothing, then kissing you again
Their so slow too, and the way he looks at you.. damn ♡
Another giggler
And another another another squealer
And another "what are you doing?~"
Rip that boys heart, hes done for
And yeah, he another will squish your cheeks and then apologize saying it was impulse ♡
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shysublimecoffee · 5 months
I prefer not to sound harsh, but Miraculous has become a fandom where I find more enjoyment in reading fanfics than watching the show. It feels like there's a lack of effort or an attempt to justify and rearrange elements, often ignoring past seasons and assuming the audience won't notice. The handling of Derision is a notable example, with more astute critics than me delving into their dissatisfaction and the evident retcons.
I didn't anticipate the show going to such lengths as portraying Gabriel as someone deserving of a statue, and it left a sour taste in my mouth to see the hero endorsing it. Adrien/ChatNoir's portrayal has become quite pitiful, with a peculiar shift where Ladybug takes on a significant role in the Agreste Saga despite her absence from that narrative. Ladybug, who isn't even part of the Agreste Saga, is the one delivering heartfelt moments. The decision to sideline Adrien and put him out of commission is disappointing. It's his story yet she the one who has to make it about her. She gets to shine along with a cool costume to boot.
There's a palpable bias from Astruc against Chloe, evident in the show's treatment of her character. Despite her being manipulated by Gabriel Agreste, the narrative blames her for becoming mayor, and the absurdity of the situation is magnified when everyone in the story goes along with it. The inclusion of a scene in Revolution where Chloe is crying is perplexing and frustrating, as it seems to perpetuate the negative and irredeemable image the show consistently paints of her. The added layer of her mother being horrid to her intensifies my annoyance, especially when sympathetic scenes are presented in a seemingly contradictory manner.
I mean you want her to be the worst but yet she has scenes like this? Why not go all the way wtf. Why give her depth only to take it away and then make her be so demonized in s5 and act like she was like this from the start. When she's been a joke
I hate to be critical, but seriously, it's hard to ignore how the Miraculous universe is just dripping with untapped potential. Five seasons in, and the movie outshines the show effortlessly. It makes you wonder about the writers' team and their approach—seems like they're just coasting on low effort for profit, and somehow, it's working, thanks to Miraculous inexplicable popularity.
The show's been beating the monster-of-the-week horse for five long seasons, lacking any creativity in crafting interesting villains. Gabriel, honestly, feels like a starter villain, and if they're going to make him the big bad, can we at least get some villains with a bit more pizzazz? You know craft creative interesting villains? KNDS, Original PPG, Totally Spies they got it so why not Miraculous. It's so damn tiring seeing the same old song and dance with Gabriel 24/7 monologuing to his wife and releasing the akuma I thought Mayura would be important but she's barely there.
It's not even an excuse kids do deserve better entertainment so why should Miraculous lower its standards. Marinette is very weird to me as the protagonist because her lovelife is more focused over everything I gauged her well enough to know about her that the rest of the secondary needs more of a spotlight to be cast on them. I like her but am I the only one who just skips when she starts the whining about Adrien and her plan to again get together it was cute at first now I fast forward to the more interesting part of the episode because it irks me i'm tired okay... what other facet of her character do the writers focus on besides her love life? I hope I don't appear to salt on her but Imma tag it just in case. I think she's in neutral treading to dislike because how can I come back from her gaslighting her boyfriends I'm sorry I can't.
You know what I'm afraid of that if Lila gonna be the next big bad they'll just recycle everything from Gabriel onto her. We'll have the same akumatizations same monster of the week formula only this time it's Lila.
I trust more in the fanfic community to come up with a better substantial plot than Miraculous could ever be. I know romance is a big part but the lore is so damn little it's season 5 are they ever going to expand more in the later seasons lol.
I'm tired from writing this long. Imma go to bed now.
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lokh · 23 days
Im gonna need your like, whole musical rec list, bc literally every song you have posted has not flopped once, give me your faves i need to eat them
in the interest of making this both easily accessible but not stretching the dashboard, im embedding bandcamp links when i can, otherwise linking to youtube when unavailable
in no particular order, inclusion based mostly on what im still actively into LMAO but also just things you should give a go at least once:
list of artist recommendations
zeal and ardor: described as a mix of african-american spirituals and black metal. try devil is fine, you aint coming back, wake of a nation or church burns
bloodywood: indian folk metal, literally nobody is doing it like them. recently featured in monkey man (2024), try chakh le, yaad or dana dan
stromae: if youve never heard any of his songs WHAT ARE YOU DOING..... incredible lyricist, described as a blend of hip hop/electronic. papaoutai made the rounds on tumblr a while back, but you should also try santé and l'enfer
alamat: pinoy pop. a youtube commenter described them as sounding like 2nd gen kpop which probably also explains why i took a shine to them LMAO, notable for the amount of filipino culture on display and the diversity thereof (singing in different languages, themes). first heard them thru kasmala either here or on twitter lmao, try aswang or maharani
andy bull: alt-pop. a lot of poppy and upbeat songs with a melancholic undertone imo. an australian artist, try it's all connected or keep on running
cosmo sheldrake: electronic, wikipedia also lists him as folktronica and baroque pop. you may have heard the song come along on an apple ad - hes known for sampling sounds from nature. pliocene for example features sounds from endangered ecosystems.
if you like cosmo sheldrake, you might like hidden orchestra (electronica, ambient). also making use of field recordings, i really love the archipelago mixtape but its a hard sell at about an hour lmao. if you like the following song then i implore you to give it a go
son lux: experimental, you may have heard from them in the entire soundtrack for everything everywhere all at once (!!!!!). try dangerous, dream state (brighter night) or live another life.
ammar 808: electronic/world fusion, also behind bargou 08 (folk rock you should also listen to). i just cant get ain essouda out of my head, but i also love geeta duniki
miyavi: j-rock, used to be a visual kei artist. these days he might be known more for anime openings like flashback (kokkoku) or other side (id:invaded), or for work like snakes in arcane (or actually inspiring and voicing a character in it), but ive always been partial to his early work like sukkyanen myv or ashita, genki ni naare
'threads' album by now, now (indie rock).
'dream to make believe' or 'what to do when you are dead' by armor for sleep (rock, emo). here's the truth about heaven from the latter album
i already posted about it but denzel curry's 13lood 1n + 13lood out mixx (rap, trap) is extremely good
the guilty gear soundtracks and im so serious im not fucking joking. different kinds of rock and metal and all sorts of influences put in, a genuine labor of love. xrd and earlier games are mainly instrumental with some vocal tracks (try give me a break or big blast sonic), while strive pretty much always includes vocals (of course i need to rec rock parade, but also try requiem. its genuinely hard for me to pick and choose lmao)
not an album and not an artist
coke studio pakistan and coke studio bangla knocking it out of the fucking park, im particularly a fan of harkalay and kotha koiyo na. you could try the other coke studios too (tamil, india, etc)
triple j like a version is when the radio station triple j brings in artists and has them do a cover of a song (artists choice). i liked denzel curry's cover of bulls on parade and flume's shooting stars (video for this one is incredible, man had a vision you just have to stick it out), but you get a lot of interesting interpretations like the wombats' running up that hill, gordi's in the end or, infamously. the wiggles' elephant
ive DEFINITELY missed out some, but thats what my music tag is for LMAO i hope someone discovers something they like here!!!!
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Always There - Chapter Nine: S.Snape
Summary: Y/N Potter was left with a baby to care for after her brother and sister-in-law were murdered by Voldemort. One person was there for her, a person she didn’t expect but soon became her comfort person, Severus Snape. During Harry’s third year at Hogwarts and her third year as Herbology professor, a few old friends come around again. Y/N has to handle the feelings of these old friends being around again as well as handle her feelings for a certain potions master all while she tries to hide these things from her godson.
Series Masterlist
My full Masterlist
Pairings: Severus Snape x Female Professor Reader, Potter!Reader x friend!Remus, Sister!Reader x James Potter, Potter!Reader x Friend!Sirius
Chapter Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader(No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, Harry growing up in a loving home, Happy Snape, sappy Snape, not proofread, flashbacks
Series Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader (No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, OOC Snape, Harry grows up in a loving environment, mentions of death and murder, poorly written angst, Remus is a shitty friend, poorly written pining,
Please let me know how I can improve my writing and being more inclusive to POC as I am whiter than white. Please also let me know if I have to add more to the warnings! My messages are open as well as my asks!
I am starting a taglist so leave either a comment or something in my asks if you would like to be tagged in any of my works or just this series!
Author's Note: I am going through a bit of a writers block at the moment so please bare with me. If anyone has any ideas they can give me I will gladly take some to see if I can get over this writers block.
Please let me know how I can improve or if you find any errors! Correct me, don't be afraid to! I want to improve my writing and become a better writer so any feedback or advise is welcomed!
Word Count: 1766
My asks are open for questions, suggestions and feedback!
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
not my gif
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not my gif
It was Christmas Eve which meant the night of the Yule Ball, the students were anxious however, excitement hung in the air. She watched as the champions danced with their dates first, couples joining in a few moments later. Severus held out his hand to her, silently inviting her to dance with him. She smiled at him, taking hold of his hand and following him into the center of the dance floor. “You look absolutely stunning tonight, my love,” He complimented.
“And you look absolutely dashing tonight, honey,” Y/N replied with a bright smile. The two of them waltzed around the floor, smiling like idiots and cracking jokes to one another.The couple got interrupted by a certain boy with a scar on his forehead.
“Sorry to interrupt, can I steal Aunt Y/N for a dance?” Harry asked the pair.
“Of course you can, my boy. I’ll be by Minerva waiting for you love,” Severus parted with a kiss to her forehead before standing off to the side with Minerva as he said.
“My darling boy, you look so handsome!” Y/N gushed at her nephew making his cheeks turn a bright red color.
“You look beautiful Aunt Y/N,” Harry complimented his aunt with a shy smile on his face. She smiled right back at him and kissed his cheek in thanks. They danced through the song, Y/N telling Harry a story about her and James learning how to dance before a formal family party when they were around his age. Harry soaking in everything she was telling him.
The Potters were holding a formal party for the families they were friends with. Euphemia insisted that Y/N and James learn how to ballroom dance, going as far as getting an instructor to come to the house to teach the pair. Little did the Potters know, that very same instructor would be walking out before the lessons were over.
“Mr. Potter, if you will. I will demonstrate with you, then Miss Potter and then you will practice together,” The instructor explained before taking James to teach him the steps first. After showing James, she moved onto Y/N, walking her through the steps before setting the siblings free to practice together in front of her. She still had another hour with the pair before she would be leaving. The second James and Y/N had begun, James was whispering jokes to his sister, trying to get her to crack.
She didn’t crack until James had said, “She’s got dragon’s breath, damn near knocked me on my arse.” Y/N busted out laughing, nearly falling over and messing up the dance. The instructor groaned, resetting the pair and restarting the music.
“She reminds me of a toad,” Y/N whispered to her brother which caused him to burst out laughing and in turn, mess up the dance. This continued until the instructor walked out in a fit of frustration. The pair continued laughing at the woman until they had fallen over and were literally rolling on the floor laughing. They continued to laugh even as their mother was scolding them.
“You guys were really close,” Harry pointed out.
“Jamie was my best friend, I told him everything and he told me everything. He was also terrible at keeping secrets but he knew I could so he told me everything. There was this one time where your mum did something super embarrassing in front of your dad and of course he had to tell me because he thought it was funny. I may have let it slip one night after a party that James had told me. I had never seen Lily so angry before, it was quite funny actually,” Y/N rambled to her nephew.
“What was so embarrassing that she didn’t want anyone to know about?” Harry questioned, curious about the new information he was given.
“They were on a date and James got them milkshakes but as Lily took a sip, James made her laugh so hard the milkshake came out of her nose, James had went to wipe her face and knocked over her butterbeer and it spilled all down the front of her pants so it looked like she had peed her pants,” She told him. The song had ended and the Weird Sisters took the place of the first band. “Go dance with your friends my love. I’ll be outside with Uncle Sev,” She told her nephew, kissing his cheek before going to Severus who was chatting with Minerva. 
“Would you like to get some fresh air?” Severus asked her.
“Yes, please, it’s quite hot in here.” Severus offered his arm to her, which she took gratefully and followed him out to the courtyard. The pair took that time outside to talk about her concerns for Harry and the tournament. She also pointed out to Severus how different Moody had been acting. Severus had noticed the difference in behavior in Moody, he too thought that something was off but he couldn’t pinpoint exactly what. As the night came to a close, Igor had joined the pair outside, trying to get answers out of Severus although he knew just as much as Karkaroff did.
It was quickly approaching 2 in the morning when Y/N and Severus had gone to bed, promising to exchange gifts when they woke up rather than before going to bed. The next morning, Y/N and Severus did their gift exchange. Severus getting her a gorgeous emerald necklace as well as a mimbulus mimbletonia, seeing as she had been slightly jealous that Neville Longbottom had been given one. Y/N got him a new cloak, this one a dark green rather than black and she also got him an expensive cauldron as well as a new quill and more ink. He had mentioned to her that he was low on ink and that his good quill had broken so she thought to get him a new one.
The rest of their winter holiday was quite uneventful, the couple spending some much needed time together as well as with Harry. Now it was approaching the second task, Harry scrambling to figure out what he was going to do for the second task. She had given the boy gillyweed after Neville had mentioned it to him; she had hoped that it would last for the hour he needed it and that he would succeed in the task. She was nervous though, very nervous, he had to be under the water with merpeople and grindylows for an hour. 
The day of the task, she was once again a nervous wreck, Severus doing his best to keep her calm but that hadn’t worked out very well. She was on the edge of her seat as the rest of the champions had begun to resurface. She made her way from the top deck down to the bottom and waited for her nephew. He was the last to resurface, Ron and Fleur’s sister coming up before Harry did. When the boy had been launched onto the platform, she felt relieved but panicked again when she noticed the marks all around him.
The grindylows had gotten to him but he was able to make his way past them. She covered the boy in a blanket and pulled him in for a tight hug, hearing him wince as he hugged her back once again. Madam Pomphrey had to give him a sling for a few days until his arm got better which made his aunt baby him quite a bit.
Severus knew that this was her way of telling herself that Harry was safe, even if he didn’t need to be babied. Severus was there for her, he listened to all of her thoughts, all of her concerns, and all of her memories she held. She had been thinking a lot about her brother lately, the thoughts not stopping, even whilst she slept she dreamed about having her brother with her once again.
Maybe if her brother was here, she wouldn’t have a massive weight on her shoulders, maybe she wouldn’t feel the constant anxiety of having a nephew that dark wizards were after. Maybe she would feel happier, maybe she would’ve gotten Severus and James to finally get along. There were so many maybes and what ifs going through her mind, she felt like she was going crazy. She knew she would if another attack was targeted on her boy, she knew something big was coming. She believed that was why she was feeling this way, something was coming. Something sinister, something evil.
The term continued as normal, Harry having to do more mental prep for the next task rather than magical. The last task was a maze, said maze held the triwizard cup and whoever one said cup, also won 1,000 galleons, not that Harry or Cederic needed it, both boys being well off. Both the champions from Hogwarts were tied for first place which took stress away from Harry. It meant he got to go in the maze first with Cederic.
The last task was set for the next day, exams just having been finished, a majority of her students passing her class, a handful not doing very well. Y/N sat with her nephew the night before, Harry staying with her wanting her comfort before the last task. Severus also spent the night with the duo, giving comfort to the pair of them. Harry sleeping in the middle of his aunt and uncle, the couple having a protective hold on the boy ensuring he was safe in their arms. He may have been 14, but he needed to be held by his family sometimes.
The next morning, the boy was so anxious he could barely eat, having to force toast down. His anxiety worsened the closer he got to the time of the task, it was like he was a beacon of emotion because his aunt was feeling the same way. Her anxiety getting worse as the minutes pass. Once it was finally time for the last task, Y/N and Severus walked him onto the field where the entrance of the maze was. Dumbledore told the champions and the crowd what was to go down and gave them a warning. When Filch pulled the cannon, Y/N kissed her nephew on the forehead before watching him enter the maze. Moody pointing to the direction Harry should go.
She knew that something was about to change, she just couldn’t figure out exactly what but something was coming.
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@acupnoodle @chxelsxaa @fluffyrat365 @fanficwriter5 @atanukileaf @v3lv3tvampir3 @jspidey5 @mija-novella @leo4242564 @crazyunsexycool
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pinkandpurple360 · 6 months
Can we talk about Vivziepop’s blatant fatphobia? Like I’m sorry, there’s a reason the only “bad” sin is fat and shown gluttonously eating a turkey leg. And the fact that it’s NOT the sin of gluttony was totally done on purpose. “Oh you see we’re not fatphobic because gluttony’s not about overeating and being gross and fat! It’s just about partying! But greed is actually about being gross and fat and also capitalism 🤢”
Meanwhile her “good” characters fat-shame others and it’s portrayed as either sympathetic or a “joke” (looking at you Blitz and Loona). And then Viv has the gall to like tweets fat-shaming Crimson (who isn’t even fat?) and how Moxxie is unlucky to have inherited that from him. Not how it’s unlucky his dad sucks, but how it’s unlucky his dad is “fat.” Or liking tweets of Beelzebub and Asmodeus fat-shaming Mammon, not making fun of him for his actual bad traits, but for being fat. Which seems kinda OOC for the Lord of Lust said to have a preference for ~everybody~ and has thin and fat nude statues alike in his buildings. And Bee telling him to watch what he eats even more so! Like gurl, that’s your job???
And obviously Twitter likes aren’t canon. But these definitely shows Viv’s true thoughts, and it’s about more than just cartoons. Knowing her other controversies, it’s not surprising, but it’s frustrating when so-called “inclusive” creators shit the bed when it comes to body representation. And it must impact how her actual fat colleagues, you know, REAL PEOPLE
Nothing but facts my friend.
There are many flaws of mammon we can point out, callousness, inconsideration, money hungry, rude, condescending, but his body type is not one of them. His characterisation, especially the line calling a twig skinny guy “chungo” has inspired the fandom to make jokes like ‘haha you should look in the mirror mammon’ I’m happy at least that Fizz’s song didn’t have a fat joke in it…this is so pathetic in this day and age yknow. Your first fat character should just be a normal person, multiple people, never a big villain alone.
Loona). And then Viv has the gall to like tweets fat-shaming Crimson (who isn’t even fat?)
I’m sorry?? Crimson is one of the only characters with a very normal proportioned body. I hope everyone knows that. Each character is ridiculously bone thin except maybe Millie and Loona? That is just crazy talk.
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papasmistakeria · 3 months
When people ask if I really like Weezer or if it's just a joke, I always say yes, I do love them and it's not a joke. And when they ask why, I always point to the Jakarta and Bali tour they did in 2022 as why
Whether or not I love Weezer, I've always had a deep respect for artists who learn the native language of the countries they're visiting to be more inclusive with the people who can't speak English
I liked Weezer a normal amount back then, but after finding out Rivers took the time to learn how to speak Indonesian when they toured Jakarta and Bali (and even covered a very popular Indonesian song in the language with near perfect pronounciation), Weezer became my new favourite band! I love their songs, they're great (especially the Red Album and EWBAITE) but also I love when artists take the extra effort to learn about the places they're about to visit to make their shows even more memorable to the people in there! And I think that's why Weezer is a lot more special to me than any other bands I'm currently into :)
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chobani-flip · 2 months
the disconnect between the storytelling of the show and of the fandom
lately, I've been thinking about storytelling and storytellers in the context of 911.
like, there's two sides to this storytelling business, right?
there's the small group writers and showcreators who have an idea for the characters and plots and have to come up with a way to share those ideas within the constraints of a network television series
and then there's us, a massive international community with a wide-range of life experiences, who watch their show and then go on to tell our own story about it.
and i wonder if we're always watching the story they're telling.
im not even necessarily talking about the buddie goggles right now.
what got me thinking about this was ana flores.
and the one scene the fandom likes to pretend sealed her fate (when in actuality, let's be quite candid, it was the fact that she was a beautiful woman who dared to date eddie instead of allowing him to remain a viable option for canonical/fanonical offscreen cannoodling with buck)
"there's a lot to be said for getting back on the horse, but there's also some value in learning that you don't like horses." eddie: "i'm sorry?" "sometimes, our limitations tell us when to stop. but sometimes, they can show us where to look next." (romantic, feelingsy song starts playing) "today, he falls off the skateboard. but tomorrow, he writes the great american novel."
see, the problem here is that this is CLEARLY meant to be viewed as wise and deep advice. as a moment of connection between ana and eddie... the way the scene is cut, the music that plays in the background, the intense eye-contact between the two characters, the way eddie reacts to her words... we're meant to enjoy the simmering tension and potential between them...
but... it's not great and deep advice, not really. it's been pointed out that it comes off as ableist. and ana is supposed to be a teacher at this excellent inclusive institution; she is meant to have experience with children of different abilities feeling frustrated and wanting to do the same things other children are doing... someone on here pointed out that if they were the teacher, they would seek to understand what need christopher was trying to fullfil by getting on the skateboard and help him achieve it by other means
but what ana comes up with is this awkward horse metaphor that doesn't really make sense for the situation, and a condescending: "awwww, well, im sure he's the next hemingway"
BUT SEE, THAT'S NOT THE STORY THE SHOW IS TELLING US. the show is ostensibly framing this scene as romantic and great and deep. and that is NOT ana's fault. the character of ana didn't travel to our reality, didn't block the scene, didn't cut it and add the soundtrack. that's on the showcreators.
but somehow, it's really difficult for us to see it that way when it comes to ana.
in a way that it's not when it comes to Hen, poor little Mara and the Doberman.
because we know Hen and Karen, and we like them.
so we awkwardly shuffle around, side-eyeing each other, quietly nudging each other and going: "bit of a fail that, huh? kinda a weird thing to do on the part of the show, huh? comparing a little Black girl to a dog...why did they do that???"
or there was an excellent post floating around about whether Buck and Eddie realize they can say no to sex, that their consent matters.
"what if i come home and she wants to haaaaaave..." "well, you'll get through it somehow," says buck with an amused grin on his face.
see, the problem isn't necessarily whether the characters know that their consent matters, but whether the showcreators do. because this is clearly meant to be viewed as a joke.
eddie is a macho guy, who tends to keep his cool in difficult situations, so it's funny when you see him freaking out over the fact that his girlfriend wants to have sex with him and he doesn't want to have sex with her because her former chosen-profession taps into his well of Messy Catholic Feelings.
isn't it? isn't that just fucking hilarious?
and the answer to that is: no. it's not funny to any part of the audience who's ever felt pressured (by a partner, by society, by their own expectations) to want or to have sex.
but does the show realize that?
i'm sorry but i don't think so. this is the show that framed dr.wells sexually assaulting buck during a therapy session as a joke to casually bring up and needle him over later, that felt the need to reassure us that chimney and maddie can and do have wild, passionate monkey sex (you remember, albert teasing chim, then the hotel with the revolving room, etc), that had karen ask hen what the point of a relationship was if the couple weren't having sex...
now, i genuinely don't think the showcreators mean to be hurtful, or harmful. i don't think they realise how all these things come off. because they're a fairly small group of people from Los Angeles, North America, and are working within the constraints of a network television show
(and the point of the Eddie and Buck scene was Buck coming out to Eddie, so maybe they felt Buck saying: "you know, you can tell her you don't want to have sex, right? that's allowed." would fraction the focus of it? idk)
but what happens is that there's this disconnect between the story they're telling us and the story we continue to tell among ourselves.
when it comes to the characters we like, we tend to ignore the unpleasant meanings and messages in relation to the character, or we retcon it in fanfic, or we Fix-it with some heart-to-hearts and apologies.
(for example, i haven't seen many fics that show athena being a Cop as not-a-great-thing. but are we really ok with her saying "i wasn't on their side, but i understood their side." when her son expresses some reasonable dissatisfaction with her reaction to a cop pointing a gun at him and michael? or are we just ignoring it because we love angela bassett?)
when it comes to characters we are predisposed to dislike, this disconnect makes us dislike them even more. which leads to the writing of bashing fics, and in some cases harassing the performers online jfc do not do that people that's never ok
(of course, some characters are hated justifiedly imao, like the buckley parents and chimney's father...)
maybe this is the frustration that makes for such a prolific and active fandom?
I don't know.
but I think it's something to keep in mind when watching the show. because that disconnect is always going to be there and I know that for my own personal mental health, it's easier and nicer to believe that a group of RL people might sometimes be just a bit ignorant at times and write in weird shit unintentionally, than that my favourite characters are massive assholes unpredictably and randomly
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