#soras just trying to keep shit together
dreamsy990 · 8 months
imagine roxas sora and ventus all being roommates. the shenanigans they'd get up to.......... riku goes to sora's apt one day and is like 'why are they here' and he's just like "??? they live here??????'
do you think they'd count as other people. or would only ventus and sora count. bc roxas is just sora.
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sora forgot to put roxas down on the lease and so hes gaslighting the landlord into thinking roxas and ven are the same person
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ooffmlsorry · 6 months
Getting Drunk with One Piece Men
sabo, ace, law, zoro, sanji
A/n: Ngl writing drunk characters is my bread and butter. Idk man. It's just how I am.
Content: gender neutral except female pet names in Zoro's
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Y'all become idiot 1 and idiot 2, honestly you might even fight over who gets to be idiot 1
Koala's so tired of y'all omg this poor woman deserves a vacation from the two of you
You can drink him under the table, he's such a lightweight
I'm so sorry to tell you your man's a wanderer. At least once you're going to turn around and say "where'd Sabo go????" Half of your night might be spent looking for him
Despite being drunk Sabo's still a gentleman, you two are gonna stumble down the street arm and arm, he'll walk on the outside of the sidewalk closer to the street to keep you safe, and he likes getting your drinks for you
He drinks sugary drinks and will have a HORRIBLE hangover in the morning
He's not necessarily an angry drunk but he is a loud argumentative one, when he inevitably wanders off you're going to find him loudly arguing on behalf of the revolution and shit talking the world government to anyone that listens and to anyone who won't
You're also going to give each other increasingly stupid dares and stunts throughout the night
Gets affectionate as the drunkness gets closer to tiredness and then he turns into a cuddly man baby
Y'all also both crash pretty unceremoniously. Hack is going to find you two curled up in a coat closet together with a random dog and a dick drawn on your face???
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two words: GOOFBALL ALERT!! He's unserious normally but when he's drunk unless something really, really bad is going down, don't expect a serious response out of him
"Ace, why are you yelling? I'm right here."
You're all of his impulse control for the night and if you don't have any either than good luck to Marco...
Will loudly brag about you to anyone who listens. Probably does a toast just because you exist and will probably say something he shouldn't
Please stay near him, he just wants you to be right next to him. If you're a wanderer you're gonna stress him out real bad and he's gonna start spiraling. He's just physically clingy, he's got his arms wrapped around you, his head resting on your shoulder, sitting on his lap would make him very happy. -10 personal space.
Lights a shot of liquor on fire and drinks it to impress you. Every. Single. Time.
Speaking of that he repeats SO MANY of the same stories he's told you before
Also wants to dance with you, you've got no option unless you absolutely hate it
Tells you he loves you once every 2 minutes. please say it back. Don't be surprise if he proposes to you a couple of times when he's drunk
Inevitably starts crying...the later it is the more likely it is to happen. Just be prepared to coddle him and be covered in snot before morning.
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First of all, it's gonna take a lot to get this man to actually drink. He's not a fan of being out of control. But he would do it, especially if someone told him he couldn't or told him not to
He also doesn't have the highest tolerance, the fact that he's tall is the only thing saving him from being a lightweight
You know he's drunk because he gets really expressive and talks with his hands a lot more.
I'm telling you this man is going to start talking about his coins. Fucking coins. And Sora. He's gonna out himself as a huge fucking nerd.
He's the most self aware drunk you've ever met. For the entire night he's fully aware of the things he shouldn't be doing/saying and still does them.
"I've had way too much, Y/N-ya. This is going to be awful."
*Gets another drink*
This also includes being all over you. If your relationship was a secret it's not anymore because he can't stop staring at you and keeps finding his way back to your side. And he does this thing where he keeps inspecting your hands and fingers??? He's captivated by them. You think he's trying to hold your hand without looking like he's holding your hand??? But it's kind of unclear????
The more I think about it the more I'm certain that drunk Law turns into a little weirdo.
If you touch him at all he's going to turn into putty, like his face is just gonna look like 🥴
Might start telling you secret dumb thoughts that he has or recalling good memories with Cora.
If Luffy or Kid is there he won't say no to a challenge, he doesn't say no anyway but it's so. much. worse.
He's gonna have to drink enough to put him to sleep or he's going to sober up and recall the horror of what drunk!Law was like
Please act like none of it ever happened. Please.
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This man is gonna fall asleep.
Can Zoro even get drunk???
Well, hell froze over and he did. Somehow.
Drunk Zoro is surprisingly friendly, he even almost compliments Sanji which is WILD
Like he kind of has something nice to say about everyone worth saying something nice about
There's still something really intimidating about him especially if anyone makes you uncomfortable
Suddenly Zoro can't remember your name and only refers to you as "my girl" or "woman"
Honestly, he can't believe you're actually dating him and he'll tell you several times
Will probably say something like "damn, I keep forgetting how pretty you are. 'S fucking weird."
Teases you a lot. He's like a kid pulling your pigtails because he likes you. As soon as you do it back you're going to get a big reaction out of him though
He might play fight with you lmao, be prepared to be manhandled because he's rough around the edges but man does he love you
Like I said...this man is inevitably going to fall asleep, hopefully you were done partying by that point because he's not letting go of you. You're stuck. Sorry. You're his new nighttime plushie.
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Oh Sanji *long sigh*
He thinks he's being smooth but he's boderline incoherent when he's really drunk
He's gonna hype you up!! A LOT!!!!
Probably the most normal drunk because he's already a perv and being drunk doesn't make it that much worse
He can be a little petty though lol, not towards you but you might hear him muttering something here or there
Wants to take a bunch of pictures with you
Unfortunately over half of them are gonna be a blurry mess
Absolutely wants to dance with you
He's not drinking nasty alcohol
Honestly, he's kind of giving Brittany Broski in the sense that depending on what drink he has he's gonna gag
Sidenote: he could theoretically stomach it, Zeff didn't raise no bitch(/j) but why torture him??
So excited you exist??? Like for a moment he's gonna get philosophical and be in complete awe that the two of you exist at the same time and met??? How lucky can he be!!!?
Actually, drunk Sanji gets kind of deep after a while, especially when the two of you are alone
He's not gonna cook drunk. Big no-no. That's a hazard. But if you were drunk and hungry or wanted to sober up he'll make you a cup of coffee and something that doesn't require fire or a lot of knife skills
Would rather whisk you away somewhere quiet to be alone with you after a while. Like, he's not a wanderer per se, but he wants to be alone with you
Leans on you a lot when he's drunk
He might definitely be the little spoon that night, he gets so soft by the end of the night just hold him, okay?
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inoreuct · 5 months
horse girl zoro/prince sanji au that @redgitanako and i talked about way back when because it suddenly crossed my mind OKAY HERE WE GO
zoro’s a travelling bounty hunter with three horses. yes, three. don’t tell kitetsu and enma but wado’s his favourite
wado was kuina’s horse; when kuina died she was so sad because she didn’t get why kuina was gone and for a while zoro had to emotionally support a horse AND himself, but horses are smart creatures. wado understood by herself after a while. they don’t really talk about it.
on that note, zoro talks to his horses. people look at him like he’s a few crayons short of the whole pack but they don’t say anything because he looks scary as hell; built like a brick wall, one eye gone, gnarly scar across his chest and all
(they’ll never know that he’s having an argument with enma about buying supplies where one party is contributing in possibly-misinterpreted horse looks. the crayons aren’t missing— but it’s admittedly a little hard to prove they’re there, zoro, we can’t keep defending you like this)
sanji's the third prince of the kingdom that hires him; sora’s the queen, and his siblings are all decent other than regular sibling assholery. judge is on the run and they’ve made the collective decision that they want his head on a stick.
zoro expects sanji to be a stuck-up priss because he LOOKS like a stuck-up priss— look at his perfect hair. his clothes. his heeled boots and his stupid curly eyebrows
but NO. well, yes, sanji IS a little bit of a stuck-up priss but also, he’s good with horses?? wado takes to him like a DREAM and zoro's flabbergasted because anybody who has ever tried to coddle her other than zoro or kuina has gotten kicked in the head, but sanji's petting at her neck and cooing at her in baby-talk and she's licking sugar cubes and apple slices out of his palm. zoro feels so betrayed.
like of COURSE his horse had to take a liking to the boy he hates OF ALL PEOPLE.
(zoro. at this moment the horse is smarter than you. listen to her.)
reiju’s the princess here, but sanji’s the one who got all the magic-esque affinities. animals LOVE him. he would be a literal disney princess if not for the fact that he doesn’t love them back
like SQUIRREL. WHY ARE YOU SHITTING ALL OVER MY YARD. GO AWAY. WHY IS A DOG TRYING TO LICK MY HAIR. WHYYY IS THIS BIRD BRINGING ME STICKS ALL THE TIME. he’s trying to fall asleep. he hears a TSKTSKTSKTSKTSKTSKTSK. he sits up and gets right out of bed and starts yelling at the lizard on the ceiling.
he does have a pretty mare called maple, though! (and zoro can’t help but love her too; it’s a sign that the mosshead doesn’t clock until much, much later)
and then zoro comes into his life with his three horses and sanji yanks him in by the collar like "listen up, swordsman. i do not CARE how sweet your horses are. i do not CARE how— how— WHATEVER you are. if you stink up my stable i will make you sleep in it, are we clear?" and zoro just nods because he’s having a bit of a gay crisis
sanji is 1. pretty 2. entirely able to hold his own and 3. Wado Approved™ and zoro does NOT know how to deal. at all. he’s holding onto wado’s reins for dear life. he wonders if the same ultimatum would apply if he swapped out the word stable for bed and immediately wants to dunk himself into the horse trough.
meanwhile sanji isn’t spared at all. sora sits on her throne, one eyebrow raised as her son goes on and on about how "mother i hate the swordsman you hired. he's green. and ugly. like a troll. like an OGRE. his hands are too big. his boots are too shiny. his earrings are cute but only because i want them. his EVERYTHING smells like horse. he might as well be a horse with how strong he is, did you know how many hay bales he carried at once??" and she’s just like,,, "honey are you sure this is hate"
she certainly wouldn’t mind them being together. zoro is rough around the edges and does smell a bit like horse, admittedly, but he was clearly raised right— he’s respectful in his own gruff way and he does things with immense care. sora’s noticed. she knows her son well enough to know that he’s noticed, too.
one day sanji bumps into zoro on his way out of the baths and wow. okay. so he doesn’t smell like horse ALL the time and oh his hair is damp and there's a towel around his waist and he is very, very shirtless and sanji turns around in a panic and walks face-first into a pillar.
he watches zoro care for his horses, carefully brushing through their manes and coats as he speaks to them softly, and alright. maybe this guy isn’t all bad. animals, sanji has noticed, are brilliant judges of character; horses especially can be testy and temperamental, and they don’t hesitate to kick anybody they don’t like.
zoro’s horses love him, and it’s obvious. maple looks forward to the snacks he slips her when he thinks that nobody’s looking. that says a lot more about his character than anything else.
after a few days zoro has a solid plan down and sets out to find judge, and suddenly the stables are empty. sanji finds himself going out with maple more and more, exploring the woods around their forest to pass the time because he needs something to keep his mind occupied and there’s only so much he can cook. judge might be a piece of shit, but he’s also an evil genius, and sanji refuses to admit he’s worried even though he is.
and then zoro comes back with judge’s war helmet wrapped in a cloth, gore dripping off the bottom edge as he sets it at sora’s feet.
he’s a little banged up, tired as hell with a couple of scratches here and there— nothing serious, but sanji still drags him to the infirmary and cleans him up perhaps a little more emotionally than either of them had expected
he passes out for a good few days afterwards but sora invites him to stay for a little longer, a time frame that nobody specifies. zoro just kind of… doesn’t leave. it’s strange for him; he’s wandered, always. he gets antsy staying in one place for too long, but this blond prince that is strangely kind and gives back as good as he gets is really something else.
the days pass. they race and bicker and soon enough, all three of zoro’s horses have brass name plaques tacked above what are now their stalls. he had a room in the palace and a place at the dinner table. sanji’s hair has grown long, now, and neither of them talk about the way that zoro’s stay has become something that feels more permanent—
until zoro finally finds the balls to give sanji one of his earrings as a courting gift. it’s the first one of many, but at that moment sanji just looks at it wide-eyed and zoro starts to shrink back all like "if you. don't want it that's alright. i'll get you something new, something else—" because look, he knows he’s not much. he has money, but not enough to give sanji something really nice. not enough to get something that’s more impressive than all the jewels and gold that the prince could have at a whim. he’s a bounty hunter that came from dirt and this earring is the most precious thing he has to offer, but he understands if—
sanji kisses him. yells something borderline incoherent along the lines of about fucking time as he shakes zoro by the shoulders, but he’s smiling very brightly and he’s very beautiful and zoro has a feeling they're going to be just fine.
(sora and the siblings breathe a collective sigh of relief, because the pining looks and dejected sighing were really getting a little ridiculous.)
(they speak too soon. after they get together it somehow gets WORSE.)
this was a ride… (get it. get it.) okay i’ll stop HOPE YOU ENJOYED HEH i know a lot of places are having a flu season/covid wave going around rn so make sure to hydrate and eat well!! muaks 😽
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squib-2006 · 2 months
So I’ve finally got some of my thoughts on the new season in order and letting my self sit on it for a while
Dragons rising season 2 spoilers!!!!!
So first off holy shit this season has managed to completely wipe out any fears I had for season two. I’m a generally anxious person and am pretty naturally pessimistic about most things and was pretty anxious about season 2 because from the stuff shown in trailers and promotional vids it looked like a “Lloyd chosen one” plot line and I have a history of hating that kinda thing because it’s been beaten to death in ninjago at this point. While a bit of that was there I found it was done quite tastefully and didn’t overwhelm everything else story wise.
I felt that the pacing of the first 6-7ish episodes was a bit all over the place. Having the training arc and the Cole-Zane plot lines happen in the same episode with the pov switching back in forth felt a little bit off to me.
Sora and arins character arcs are shaping up to be pretty good. Soras more confident in her self than season one and she’s trying to help Arin but I feel like the whole using her elemental power to help Arin will backfire into her face. Arin’s insecurity and the whole how can I be useful if I don’t have an element I fell is being handled way better than the dumb kai arc in season 11(dw I will get to that when I get to kai) and it’s about on par with the Lloyd powerless plot from hunted. I am really excited to see what they do next and if Arin will be really mad at sora or not cuz like he’s super nice and stuff and I fell like he would be sad instead of mad.
Nya didn’t really have a lot going on personally except the stuff with Jay which I’m iffy on because so much of Nyas character in older seasons revolved around Jay and I just hope they don’t go back to that and let her character breath a bit.
In the topic of Jay I really really REALLY hope he isn’t evil. That the idea because it’s really out of character and they are already pushing my buttons with the lost memory crap because that’s something that I’ve rarely seen done well at all and it makes me very nervous and I just don’t like it. I do like that Jay just seems to be a guy who hates his job tho that’s fun.
I think the writers are just having fun with Zane and I think that’s cool. I do wanna punch the administration guy who said Zane isn’t a person because he is and he’s a bean and I will not allow this nobody to slander him.
It was nice to see more of Cole this season. I swear him and geo are so cute. The hand holding and the fact that they basically adopted two kids together is amazing and I am fully on board for this ship.
The villans were really interesting. I hope they keep up the quality with them because the mystery of ras’ master and wtf happened with jordana is really exciting. Cinder was intresting and as someone who has no interest in men what so ever I am kinda baffled at why so many people want this man but hey you do you. I do wonder what happened to ash tho. The member of the forbidden five looks interesting too and part of me is hoping that the leaked “evil jay” minifig is actually this guy just powered up cuz the color palette is similar enough and I just don’t want an evil jay.
Wyldfyre is amazing her whole leg being broken then sneaking on the ship to the exasperation of kai (like he would totally have pulled something like this a few seasons ago the hypocrite <3) and the others was so good. I am curious about her talk with egalt she mentioned one of her family members getting the wasting sickness but it can’t be heat wave cuz he seems fine so maybe she had more than one dragon guardian??? I do hope that Kai’s portal abduction does affected going into part 2 and that she bonds with nya and the others over it.
Egalt and rontu were very interesting to me and I’m glad they didn’t go the route of them being the actual creators of spinjitzu and kept the lore consistent I was slightly worried about that. Hope they come back in part 2 too.
Bonzle was a big surprise for me. I likes her personality in season 1 but I didn’t expect her to be so important. She’s really sweet and the scene with wu was great too.
And finally last but definitely not least, the best character in this entire show and my favorite comfort character to beat the shit out of
IT WAS SO FREAKING GOOD. I LITERALLY HAVE NOT BEEN THIS HAPPY WITH AN EPISODE SINCE SEASON 4 EPISODE 7 THE FORGOTTEN ELEMENT (iykyk) I was literately kicking my feet like a little girl and crying and screaming my head off to the point I woke up other family members. Him unlocking the rising dragon technique by having his sister help and being in harmony with his family is so fucking sweet and I cried like a little bitch it was so good. I am also so happy that they used his old hair and didn’t just slap a smaller version of his current hair onto him (tho I kinda wish they had used the fucked up custom hair that was in the older episodes but I doubt that model is even in their hands so whatever(side side note I love the fucked up hair so much it’s so stupid I love it and will forever miss it)) him being such a dad to wyld fire was so sweet and then using the rising dragon technique after he saw his family in danger was just perfect. I do kinda wish there was more of a dramatic reaction to him getting yeeted by ras into the portal (kinda like any of the other ninja “deaths/major injuries”) but im fine with what we got. Except I kinda hate that only nya has an outward reaction in the aftermath. No lloyd reaction no Cole reaction and nothing from Zane and it makes me mad because every other time a ninja had their moment there was a whole team reaction. But I’m feeling like that’s to nitpicky and there’s still ten more episodes to fix that so fingers crossed. But kai also encouraging bonzle to close the portal even if he’s trapped inside is such a kai thing and hit me like a truck. Also him calling bonzle kid dispite her being much much older than him is funny and sweet cuz Kai’s big brother/father figure side is coming through and it’s so sweet. And the ninja never quit line is so great I was sobbing even more after that. (Tho I don’t know why he said he got it from Lloyd when it would have made more sense to have it be from master wu cuz that’s where he learned it but eh whatever).
While im really happy about kai finally getting some well deserved angst im also very anxious about it too. This could be the perfect opportunity for the writers to just conveniently forget about him for a while and idk if i could sit through that. Kai is a huge part of why I watch ninjago and he’s always been handed the shortest stick character development wise and technically he never got his own focus season either (and no i dont count the pilots because that focused mainly on all the ninja and was only two episodes, i also don’t count season four because it was more a group season, and season 11 doesn’t count because he got a half baked b plot that sucked) I’m very worried that I will loose enjoyment in the show because I dropped the show out of disappointment after season 11 because A LOT of premonitional material made it seem like a kai season and I got my hopes up and was let down so much. I’m very cautious when getting excited about things involving kai in particular because of that and I’m just hoping the writers don’t fuck it up.
Ok that’s enough negativity for once. I’m so excited for more and am foaming at the mouth for more!
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m1ckeyb3rry · 20 days
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Series Synopsis: The ways that you and Seishiro Nagi fall together and fall apart over the years.
Chapter Synopsis: You wrap up your affairs before flying over to your hometown, where your best friend will soon have his wedding.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing(s): Nagi x Reader, Kira x Reader
Chapter Word Count: 5.2k
Content Warnings: unhealthy relationships, cheating, non-linear narrative, probably ooc, angst, nagi is endgame, kira sucks, alternate universe, original characters
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A/N: you know it’s a m1ckeyb3rry fic when the main love interest doesn’t even show up for the first few chapters…also please note this is NOT THE FIRST CHAPTER of the story there is a prologue before it!! which gives a lot of necessary background so you’re not (as) confused by the plot
divider credits: @/benkeibear
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“Sora,” you cooed at your cat, your torso jammed beneath the bed as you tried to pull her out. “Dearest Sora, please don’t make this so difficult.”
“I told you you should’ve gotten rid of her when you had the chance,” Ryosuke said from where he was folding clothes to put in his suitcase. “Honestly, I don’t get why you insist on keeping her around. All she does is shit in the house and make problems.”
“She uses her litter box like a good girl, and she doesn’t cause trouble on purpose,” you said. “She’s an animal, not a person. She’s not capable of malicious intent.”
“Whatever. All I’m saying is that things would be a lot easier if you had just left her at the shelter when you moved in with me,” he said.
“I’ve had her for years,” you said, finally getting a grasp on her body and yanking her out in one swift move. “She’s a part of my family. I don’t know why you’re so determined to hate her.”
“She hates me, too!” he said. True to form, Sora hissed at him as you walked past, her ears flattening to show the disdain she had always held for him. “And you always take her side. It’s like you like her more than me!”
You rolled your eyes. “She’s a cat. You’re jealous of a cat.”
And you’re the one who’s cheating, anyways. You left this second part unsaid, because it wasn’t really relevant to the conversation, and besides, you had done such a good job at maintaining the facade of normalcy in your relationship that it would be a waste to break it just because he was annoying you.
That didn’t stop you from scowling at him when his back was turned, pressing a kiss atop Sora’s head and smiling when she purred at the show of affection — or was it because you were in the kitchen and near to her container of treats on the counter that she was so pleased?
“I’m not sure what to do with you,” you admitted, scratching under her chin with one hand and opening the jar with the other, offering her half of a treat as a consolation for having ripped her so uncaringly from her hiding place. She accepted it daintily, which meant that all was forgiven, and you stroked her in appreciation.
She was an enormous, fluffy white cat, closer in size to a small dog than anything. Her eyes were a wide, endless blue, hence why you had named her Sora, and her fur felt like cotton when you ran your hands through it. You had had her for almost as long as you had been in America, and you thought that there was almost no one in the entire vapid country who you loved more.
Normally, if you and Ryosuke had to go somewhere, you’d drop Sora off at Chigiri’s. She liked him well enough, and he was typically glad for the company, so it was a mutually beneficial deal. But of course, this time, Chigiri would also be away, as he was attending the same wedding that you and Ryosuke were, which meant that you were somewhat out of luck.
Sora dangled limply in your arms like a heap of rags as you paced about the kitchen, trying and failing to come up with someone who could take care of her while you were gone. Finally giving up when you realized that Chigiri had been right, you really did need more friends, you picked up your phone and called the man in question.
“Yo,” he said, answering almost immediately, though you could hear the shower running in the background, which meant he was either about to get into the bath or had gotten out for the express purpose of answering you. Either way, you decided not to hold him up with useless pleasantries.
“Hey, Chigiri,” you said. “I heard you’re going to Reo and May’s wedding?”
“Yeah, I’m between jobs again, so it’s not like I need to take off work or anything,” he said.
“Again?” you said, your resolve to have a quick conversation shattering almost immediately. The sound of water stopped, which meant that he, too, sensed the call was probably not going to be a short one.
“Tell me about it. I can only land short-term gigs at the moment,” he said.
“Maybe you should just move away from trying to coach entirely,” you suggested. “You were a marketing major, right? You could probably go corporate.”
“I know, but I don’t think I’m that desperate yet. I’m sure something or another will come along. The issue is that no high-level team wants a coach who hasn’t played in years, but those high-level gigs are the ones that are much steadier in terms of pay and schedule,” he said.
“I’d want you as a coach,” you said loyally. “If I was a soccer player.”
“You’d be a shitty soccer player. I don’t even think my coaching could change that fact,” he said.
“You’re so mean to me,” you said.
“Someone has to do it,” he said.
“And there I was, trying to support you,” you said. “On a more serious note, though, any team that doesn’t hire you just because of what happened back then is stupid.”
“Oh, I agree completely, but try telling them that. It’s all ‘sorry, but we want a coach that has a little more experience.’ I have experience! The only reason our school ever won games was because of me, even after I stopped being able to play myself. It’s not like that dumbass coach ever did anything for us beyond praising your peacock bastard fiancé,” he said
“Exactly,” you said, though you had no idea how true this was, as according to Ryosuke, he had been the one to carry the team to victory. The roles Chigiri might’ve had to play in their victories, if any, had always been omitted.
“Ugh, it’s fine. Like I said, I’m sure there’s some youth league that’ll take me on next season, so it’s okay. I’ll work it out, like I always do,”he said.
“Let me know if you need help at any point,” you said.
“Always,” he said.
“In the meantime, uh, I actually need your help,” you said.
“Right, I was wondering why you had called,” he said.
“The thing is that I don’t have anyone else I can leave Sora with, so I was going to pay one of my company’s interns to watch her while we’re gone,” you said.
“Aw, make sure you pick someone gentle. She’s very particular,” he said.
“You know, she is my cat,” you said.
“Just reminding you!” he said.
“I think I know who I’m going to ask already, so as long as he agrees to it, it’ll be fine,” you said.
“Okay, so what’s my place in all of this?” he said.
“Ryosuke and I have to go over a little earlier, since I’m the maid of honor, so I was wondering if you’d be alright with watching her until you have to leave?” you said.
“Why, because you don’t have to pay me?” he said.
“I can, if you want,” you said. “It’s just so she can be somewhere she’s comfortable, since she’s never met this kid before.”
“I was just joking, don’t worry about it. Drop her off whenever,” he said.
“You’re the best,” you said.
“Yup,” he agreed. “Now, I was kind of in the middle of something, so…”
“Oops, right, go enjoy your shower,” you said.
“Wait, how’d you know I was showering?”
Although there were several interns working for your company at any given time, you generally paid little attention to most of them. You were too busy with your own work and life to care about their struggles, so beyond giving them advice when they asked and helping them out when you didn’t have to go out of your way to, you didn’t interact with them much.
There was one boy, though, who had caught your eye. Something about his aloof personality and quiet demeanor reminded you of a person you had known back in high school, and you had unofficially adopted him, though you weren’t sure if he was exactly aware of this fact.
Actually, he was definitely unaware, considering the way he all but jumped out of his skin when you sat across from him in the lunchroom.
“Hey, Niko,” you said brightly. His dark hair covered his eyes, so you couldn’t read his reaction, but if you had to guess, it was probably panic. If you were in his place, that was what you’d be feeling, considering it wasn’t exactly typical of the regular employees to hang out with the students.
“Um, hello, Miss L/N,” he said, somehow managing to keep his voice level. “Am I in trouble or something?”
“No,” you said. “I just need you to do me a favor.”
He got out of his seat immediately, pulling out his phone from his pocket and opening the notes app. You furrowed your brow as he tapped his foot expectantly.
“Well? What’s your coffee order? And which shop do you want me to get it from? I accidentally went to Starbucks the other day to get a latte for the director and he freaked out about it,” he said.
“Oh! He thinks Starbucks makes their coffee too sweet, that’s probably why,” you said.
“I learned that the hard way,” he said.
“Yikes, I’m sure that was not a fun conversation,” you said. “But that’s unimportant. I don’t need coffee, and you don’t have to say yes to this or anything. I guess you can consider it to be more of a request from a friend — although I promise I will pay you!”
“Okay,” Niko said hesitantly.
“I’ll just lay it on you,” you said.
“Go ahead,” he said.
“I’m going abroad for a wedding soon, and I need someone to watch my cat,” you said. “She’s very well-behaved and friendly! Honestly, she’ll just sit with you on the couch the whole time, I’m sure. I’ll give you her food and everything, and like I said, I’ll pay you, so how about it?”
For the first time, he looked up at you, his hair falling out of his face and revealing bright, shimmering eyes. He clasped his hands together, a smile threatening to dawn upon his face, and then it was your turn to grow bewildered by the sudden switch in his personality.
“Yes!” he said. “I’d even do it for free, Miss L/N.”
“Woah, are you a cat enthusiast or something? And none of that; of course I’m going to pay, or else it’d just feel like I’m taking advantage of some poor intern,” you said.
“I really like them,” he said. “I’ve had one my whole life, but my house is a three hour drive from campus, so I haven’t gotten to see her much since graduating high school. I really miss hanging out with her, though, so it’ll be nice to have a cat around, even if it’s only for a little while.”
“Perfect!” you said, cheering internally at how well things had worked out. “She’ll be staying with a friend of mine, so if you’ll give me your number, I’ll send it to him so you can coordinate picking her up at some point.”
“Sure,” he said, giving you his phone so you could type his number into your own. “What’s your friend’s name?”
“Hyoma Chigiri,” you said. Niko’s jaw dropped.
“Hyoma Chigiri?” he whispered. “You’re friends with him?”
“Do you know him or something?” you said, handing him his phone back. Niko shook his head.
“Not personally, but I remember reading about what happened to him,” he said. “It’s one of the reasons my parents convinced me to stop playing soccer.”
“Ah, maybe don’t mention it around him,” you said. “He’s doing fine now, but he still doesn’t like talking about it.”
“That’s understandable,” Niko said. “My lips are sealed. I just can’t believe I’m going to have Hyoma Chigiri’s number in my phone!”
“Feel free to act like a fan all you want,” you said, after the initial strangeness of meeting someone still so obsessed with Chigiri had passed. “He really appreciates it when people praise him. Though, you probably shouldn’t spam him or anything.”
“I’ll be just as responsible with his phone number as I will with your cat. Thank you for entrusting me with this, Miss L/N! I promise I won’t let you down,” he said.
“I know you won’t,” you said. “And, to be fair, it’s not really a difficult task. Just sit at home and watch TV a lot and be kind with her; if you can do that, then Sora will be perfectly content.”
“That’s what I’d do anyways,” he said.
“Great,” you said. “Now I can feel even less like I’m taking advantage of some poor intern.”
“Thank you again for your faith in me!” he said when you reached your office, bowing at you as if you were some kind of sage master that had offered him a great opportunity for personal growth.
At least he was taking it seriously. You thanked whatever deity had intervened on your behalf that you had found the one person within a ten-mile radius who would care for Sora as well as you or Chigiri would.
Unlike Ryosuke, you barely packed anything but the most basic of items. This was because you knew full well that the minute you stepped foot on Japanese soil, you would be dragged into Reo’s arms, whereupon he would force you into his car and take you shopping at the closest luxury mall — on his card, of course. He was prone to such acts when it came to you, mostly because you were one of the first true friends he had ever had, and so he tended to spoil you as if you were his baby sister or something.
“How can you be sure that Reo’s going to get you everything you need?” Ryosuke said, eyeing the suitcase you lifted into the trunk of the car. “It’s been a pretty long time since you saw him last. He’s probably matured a ton since then — I mean, he’s getting married! What kind of wife would be okay with her husband doting on some random girl?”
“For one, I’m not some random girl; I’ve known May longer than Reo has, and I’m also the one who introduced them to one another. She knows there’s nothing between us, so there would be no reason for her to not be okay with it. Secondly, I’ve been friends with Reo for so long that he’s more like a weird cousin of mine than anything. The Mikages look after their own, and it just so happens that I am, by proxy, one of them. So I can be reasonably confident that it’ll work out in that way,” you said.
“Don’t you feel bad, then?” he said. “You’re using your best friend for his money.”
“You’re so determined to find fault with our relationship,” you said. “It’s not like that. Everyone has different ways to show affection for the people they care about. It just so happens that Reo’s so wealthy that that kind of thing is his own personal manner.”
Ryosuke scoffed, pressing the button to turn on the ignition and starting the car without another word, prompting a worried mewl from Sora, whose carrier was currently on your lap. You tapped the side to remind her that you were still there with her, and she quieted at that.
“Don’t forget that we have to go to Chigiri’s first,” you said.
“Yes, yes, we’ll stop by your lover’s house,” Ryosuke said. At your surprised expression, he laughed. “What? You’re always with him or at his place. Any normal person would suspect it.”
There were a million things you could say in response, but the least-inflammatory was a repetition of the same thing you had been telling him since the day the two of you got together.
“You know I’ve never been with anyone but you,” you said.
“Of course,” he said. “I guess that’s true. No matter how many people you sleep with now, you can never change the fact that I was the first.”
“Hm,” you said, staring out of the window and speaking to his reflection instead of facing him properly. “Don’t be crude.”
“Come on, it’s just us two. When else can we make these kinds of jokes?” he said.
“You didn’t seem like you were joking,” you noted.
“Y/N, I’m hurt. You thought I was being serious? I mean, did you really think that I believed for a second that anyone preferred that washed up princess’s company to mine?” he said, stalling the car in the driveway and grinning. “Tell him I said hi.”
“You and I both know that’ll accomplish nothing,” you said, slinging the bag of Sora’s things over your shoulder and gripping the handle of her carrier so tightly that your knuckles whitened. “I’ll be back soon. No point in missing our flight.”
“I’ll be here,” Ryosuke said, waving at you as he began to fiddle with the knobs on the car’s dashboard, evidently trying to decide whether he wanted the radio to play classical music or the latest episode of some talk show.
You rang the doorbell and then stepped back, knowing it might take Chigiri a second to get to the door depending on where in the house he was located. Luckily, he had been expecting your arrival, so by the time your arm began to grow numb from holding Sora’s carrier, he was opening the door and inviting you in.
“Thank you again for doing this,” you said, setting the carrier down with a thump and massaging your shoulder. Chigiri crouched gingerly, unzipping the opening to the carrier and allowing Sora to peek her head out. When she realized where she was, she bounded out, rubbing her head against Chigiri’s legs as he breathed out a laugh and rubbed her face with his hands.
“Don’t mention it,” he said. “It’s nice having someone else in the house. Less lonely.”
Your face softened, and if it weren’t for Ryosuke’s presence looming in the driveway, you’d have leaned over and hugged him. But as it was, your fiancé was waiting, and if you lingered for much longer, you risked missing your flight.
“You have Niko’s number?” you said.
“Yeah. He’s kind of a weird kid,” Chigiri said.
“What do you mean?” you said.
“He keeps telling me that he thinks I’m cool and that he can’t believe he’s texting me,” Chigiri said, a faint pink dusting his cheeks. “So strange.”
At this, you smiled, vowing to text Niko and thank him later. His admiration was exactly the boost Chigiri needed when he was so down on his luck, and though he was pretending like he found it odd, it was obvious he was pleased by the attention.
“As long as he can take care of Sora,” you said. Chigiri nodded in determination.
“I’m sure he can. He obviously has good taste in other things, so it stands to reason that he’d be the kind of person who could really look out for her in the way she’s used to,” he said.
“You would be the first to die in a horror movie,” you said. “Did you know that?”
“What? Why would you say such a thing?” he said.
“Never mind,” you said. “I should go. Ryosuke’s in the car, and our flight is soon.”
Chigiri wrinkled his nose, his whole delicate face crumpling at the mention of your fiancé.
“I thought something felt off about the property,” he said.
“You are so dramatic,” you said. “He says hi.”
“Tell him I said fuck off,” Chigiri said.
“I don’t think — actually, sure,” you said. “I’ll do that. See you at the wedding. And Sora, please be a good girl for Chigiri and Niko alike.”
“She will be,” Chigiri said affectionately. Sora had wriggled her way into his arms, and he stood while hugging her to his chest, ready to shut the door behind you. “See you, Y/N.”
You were reluctant to leave, because it would be so easy to stay and talk with Chigiri while playing with Sora, but you knew you had to. Even that knowledge, though, was hardly enough — it was simply the thought of seeing Reo and May again that made you take the next step, and the next, all of the way until you were back in the passenger seat of the car and Ryosuke was reversing the car down the driveway.
“So, how is my beloved teammate?” Ryosuke said. “Did he leave you with a message for me?”
“Yes,” you said. “He told me to tell you to fuck off.”
Ryosuke chuckled. “Sounds about right. He’s always been a petty son of a—”
“Ryosuke,” you sighed. “Do you really get any gain out of insulting the only friend I have left in this country?”
“It’s the same gain he gets out of insulting your fiancé!” he said.
“Which I always reprimand him for,” you said. “And also, he at least has something resembling a reason to resent you. When you do it, it just feels excessive.”
“You defend me to him?” he said.
“Obviously?” you said. “Did you think I wouldn’t?”
“I suddenly feel very cheerful and optimistic,” he observed.
“What are you talking about?” you said. He waved you off.
“Don’t worry about it,” he said. “It was a personal musing. Think of it like an interjection from the narrator, except that in this case, the narrator and the protagonist are the same.”
“Okay,” you said. “Sure. If that’s what makes sense to you.”
The two of you spent the rest of the drive to the airport in relative silence. Ryosuke hummed along to whatever pop song came on the radio, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel as he drove, and you texted your friends — mostly Reo and May, who had been anxiously waiting for your arrival since you had agreed to come at all.
When you had first started dating, you used to go on aimless drives for hours, talking about whatever crossed your mind. Not a second would go by without one of you speaking, but that kind of constant conversation wasn’t sustainable. Eventually, you both ran out of things to say, and so you began to spend more and more of your time together in silence. That was around the time that Ryosuke began to seek outside assistance in quelling the fire which was constantly blazing within him; whether it was a coincidence or a cause, you could not tell, but it remained that everything had happened at once and led to your relationship now being like this.
You always forgot how long the flight back to Japan was. It was the second reason you never visited, beyond the fact that there was hardly anything worth visiting in the first place — it was a day-long ordeal composed of arguing with the TSA agents, waiting in security lines, and of course the flight itself, which was only marginally bearable because Reo insisted on buying you first-class tickets.
You spent most of it dozing, the armrest between you and Ryosuke pushed up so you could lean your head against his chest as he watched a movie. In the haze of your sleep, you could feel his arm wrapping around your shoulders, his fingers idly stroking your cheek as if that were the natural outcome, as if there was no other place that they could come to rest. It was the easiest that things had ever been between you in some time, and subconsciously, you relished in it, in the soft scent of his cologne, in the warmth of pretending like you were loved by someone again.
Reo had told you, in no uncertain terms, to not even attempt going to the baggage claim. He had contacts in the airport who would take care of it, because of course he did, and so the only thing you and Ryosuke had to do was meet him and May at the gate. You stopped in the bathroom, mostly at your insistence, so that you could freshen yourself after the long flight, which had sapped you of most of your energy despite how much of it you had spent sleeping.
“Are you nervous?” Ryosuke said as you reached the door. He held both of your carry-on bags in his hands, an amused grin on his face as you all but vibrated with every step you took.
“Of course,” you said. “I haven’t seen them in so long, and I haven’t been back home in that same amount of time. I don’t know how it’s all changed. And what if it hasn’t? What if the only one who’s changed is me?”
“Only one way to find out,” he said, nudging you in the side. “Look who it is.”
Standing awkwardly by the metal barrier separating the airport from the street in front of it, surrounded by security guards that kept the rest of the crowds at bay, was Reo Mikage. He wore a pair of khaki shorts and a polo, sunglasses perched on his head as he checked the time on the — likely expensive — watch which he wore on his left wrist.
A grin split your face, your spirit rejuvenated as surely as if you had never been exhausted in the first place. Cupping your hands around your mouth to amplify your voice, you shouted out his name with glee.
The boredom dropped from his expression immediately as his head snapped up, trying to determine the source of the noise. When he locked eyes with you, he beamed so brightly that you were all but blinded by it, and then you were both racing towards the opening in the barricade where you could finally meet.
You tossed your arms around his neck as soon as you could reach him, clinging onto him tightly, suddenly and unreasonably weepy at the fact that the two of you had finally been reunited. He did the same, squeezing you to the point that you thought you might burst from the pressure.
“I can’t believe you’re finally back,” he said, letting you go and holding you at an arm’s length so that he could look you over with a critical eye. “How have you been?”
“Good,” you said. “Where’s May?”
“She had to go to the bathroom,” he said. “She should be back in a couple of seconds, and she’ll probably be furious, too, considering she was really hoping she’d spot you first. I convinced her that it would be fine for her to take a moment to herself, and that it’d probably still be a bit of time before you arrived, but, uh, I guess it ended up being kind of an unfortunate coincidence in that sense.”
“What’s up, man? Congrats on the wedding,” Ryosuke said, finally catching up to you and offering Reo his hand. Reo glanced at it, and anyone who didn’t know him as well as you did wouldn’t have even noticed the way he hesitated before taking it and shaking it with the firm conviction of a businessman.
“Thanks, Kira,” he said. “You’ve been taking care of my best friend?”
“’Course I have been,” Ryosuke said, ruffling your hair. You did your best to force a laugh, not wanting Reo to have to concern himself with your wellbeing when he was about to be married. “You’ll be the one coming back to America for our wedding soon.”
“That so?” Reo said, raising an eyebrow at you. “I expect to be the first one invited to the wedding, then.”
“Was I the first one invited to yours?” you shot back.
“Er, I mean, not exactly…” Reo said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I had to tell Nagi first, since I wanted him to be my best man and had to give him adequate time to prepare for the hassle of the role.”
“Then I’ll invite May first, since she’ll naturally be my maid of honor,” you said, your stomach twisting at the mention of Nagi. “But you can be second, Reo.”
“That’s right!” a new voice said. “He had better be second, considering he sent me to the bathroom so that he could win our bet!”
And then there she was in front of you: Reo’s soon-to-be wife and your former roommate, May Ducat. Her thick brown hair was loose and wavy around her shoulders, and her peacock-feather eyes gleamed as she embraced you tightly.
“May,” you said. “It’s so good to see you.”
“It’s good to see you!” she said. “I miss you every day. Mostly because you were a much better roommate than this one. He snores.”
“Hey!” Reo said, gasping in offense. “I do not.”
You dug around in your pocket before solemnly presenting her with a box of breathe-right strips.
“I know,” you said. May clapped in delight, accepting them and then turning to hand them to Reo, who took them even as he protested that he definitely didn’t need them and how would Y/N even know if I snore, anyways?
“Congratulations, May,” Ryosuke said, offering her his hand as well. May glanced at but did not accept it, opting to smile frigidly instead.
“Thank you for coming,” she said. After a discomfiting pause, Ryosuke lowered his hand, brushing it off against his pants and clearing his throat.
“I couldn’t let Y/N come alone,” he said.
“Of course not,” she said.
“It’ll be my first time meeting her parents,” he said. At this, May gave you a sad look. Though you had never told her much, she had always harbored her suspicions, always been less fond of Ryosuke than she really ought to be, considering he was typically polite to her.
“I hope it goes well,” she said. Ever the diplomat, Reo was the first to break the ensuing silence, clearing his throat.
“Alright, then! I’ll have one of my drivers take you two to your hotel room, where your things will be waiting, and then tonight, we can show you around. Y/N, they just built a new mall where that park used to be, so we can go shopping there,” he said.
“They built a mall over the park?” you said, your eyes widening at the prospect. Reo nodded.
“Isn’t it great? It’s so much more convenient than the one we used to go to,” he said. You disguised your frown with a yawn.
“Right,” you said.
“Try not to sleep,” May advised. “It’ll help you break your jet lag if you just stay up for as long as you can.”
“We’ll do our best,” Ryosuke said. May gave him a measured look before nodding slightly, turning away to continue her conversation with Reo instead of risking further discussion with your fiancé.
The hotel you were staying in was only a few streets down from your childhood home, and as with all things Reo, it was excessively opulent. The shower itself was large enough to fit at least ten people, and you spent far longer in it than was really necessary, rinsing the grime of your journey off of yourself.
“Going to sleep already?” Ryosuke said when you crawled under the covers of the bed beside him. “May recommended we wait.”
“I know,” you said with a yawn. “I’m just going to lie down and close my eyes. I’m not actually going to sleep or anything.”
“Whatever you say,” he said, patting you on the head. “I’ll do the same, then.”
Before long, the both of you had passed out.
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onboardsorasora · 4 months
Sora, hear me out. What do you think about MobWife!Daniel AU?
Bestie... I feel like you knew I was trying to sidestep this and you put it in my path like a rock or a banana peel for me to trip over. I know you did! you know what? I saw it and I still tripped because I am clumsy!
So far I don't have many thots on mob wife Daniel, only like a visual vibe. I wish I could draw or do digital art because I think he would be breathtaking. either way, here is some of my vibe written down.
Mob wife Daniel would 1000% be Renault era Daniel. There’s just a level of cunt he served in 2019 that cannot be spoken about enough. Gucci all day, because he is a Gucci boy. He wears his fave rings and chains all the time. He’s always dressed so nicely– even if it's a big tshirt and shorts. He always looks put together and fuckable.
He’d be married to Christian, he got married young like a good Italian boy to someone who would take care of him. And Christian does take care of him, Daniel knows about the business but he doesn’t get his hands dirty. He’s an unknown secret keeper, he knows where the safehouses are and there are accounts in his name in case the feds try anything.
He’s also fucking Max, his new bodyguard.
Christian takes care of all of his needs and Max takes care of the ones Christian forgets about. 
Christian knows about Max– he has eyes everywhere– but Christian wants Daniel to be happy, and if this makes him happy then so be it. Besides, Max is a ruthless killer so he also wants to keep him happy.
They’d probably argue about dumb shit, and Daniel isn’t afraid to get loud because he knows Christian won’t hurt him. Because Max won’t let him. It’s a fucked up polycule where Daniel gets everything he wants– as he should.
I imagine one of the arguments is like at dinner time and Christian is complaining about how someone never did a good job with keeping a hit quiet and Daniel is annoyed because he didn’t want to hear about it because they had better things to talk about– like going on a trip.
“Christian please! All day I watched Marta slave over this dinner and all you can talk about his fuckin Jev. Look, we made your favourite! Did you even like notice that? No! Jeepers!” Daniel throws his napkin down and gets up, his chains glint in the soft light. Christian stares at the long line of his throat and the small hollow of his clavicle. Christian leans back in his chair and rests an elbow on the arm.
“Are you finished?”
“No! Because you promised– just like you promised me a vacation but here we fuckin’ are.” Daniel puts his hands on his hips. Max continues eating his meal between them.
“Where do you want to go?” Christian asks, because it was easier to give Daniel what he truly wanted. 
“You said we’d go to Seychelles. I even bought new swimsuits.” Daniel doesn’t exactly whine, but he does pout and bat his eyelashes. Max bites back his snort, Christian catches it of course.
“How’d they look?” Christian asks Max, nodding over to him. 
“You’d like them.” Max confirms. He doesn’t need to tell Christian that Daniel sucked his dick while trying them on. 
“Put them on for me tonight, if I like em we can go to Seychelles.” Christian bargains, he watches the slow grin that takes over Daniel’s beautiful face. Daniel saunters over and kisses Christian filthily before walking away. Christian, of course, swats his ass as he goes.
Of course Daniel gets what he wants and Christian’s assistant books the trip. Christian might be always busy, but he makes time for Daniel. They don’t always fuck, but when they do, Daniel is a docile dove afterward. Because Christian knows how Daniel likes to be fucked, he knows what makes his wife happy. 
part 2?
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blacklegsanjiii · 3 months
(Sorry everyone)(also you can tell I wrote this on my phone for two hours at 3am?)
Sanji who grew up in the All Blue. Judge and Sora being loving and caring parents for their five kids. They fish and cook and are happy. When Reiju turns eight she is gifted a forever post to the All Blue and the same with 1234ji. The kids are all normal and play and swim and dive. Sora tells the kids stories of pirates who made it to Laughtale, the closest island to them, but they didn't make it to the All Blue. No one has made it except Judge and Sora, escaped royals presumed dead.
It's hard to get to their home after all. You have to make it through the Grand Line and find the caves in the calm belts that lead to a massive crater in the Redline that the All Blue resides. Sora has met those pirates that made it to Laughtale though, kind and larger than life and just. 01234 love listening to Sora's stories and Judge smiles from the kitchen as he listens.
Sanji is the best diver in his family, bringing up so much shellfish or kelp or seed pods or anything. They're happy. And then a seaking fucks with them in the calm belt when they're out for some reason and Sanji is separated and lost his forever post. He has no idea about his family and he's in the East Blue and sobbing as he gets onto the orbit and begs for a job.
Canon happens and everything is normal up until Alabasta where Ace has Niji with him and they're sobbing and hugging and like "I thought you were dead!" "I thought YOU were dead!"
"Do you have your post?"
"No, do you?"
Everyone is watching these two and Ace eventually asks Sanji if his dream is to also find the All Blue and Sanji nods. Turns out Niji was found by the White Beard fleet and has been trying to find his family while Sanji has been at the most popular restaurant in the world trying to find out about his family. And then they explain they're brothers and they got separated from their family on the calm belt. Sanji asks if Niji has seen anyone else and he shakes his head but they exchange Mushi numbers so they can keep in touch.
And they do keep each other updated up until Sanji is sent to Kamabakka by Kuma and Niji is with Luffy at Marineford and they save Ace. Luffy explains a few days later he doesn't know where any of his crew is because of Kuma. And then Jozu explains someone is here and it's Yonji, in a marine uniform. And Niji is tackling him because brother? But Marine?
"yeah, sorry, I defected and didn't have other clothes, glad youre alive, where is Sanji, Reiju, and Ichiji?" Yonji asks as he wrestles Niji to the point of sitting on him and Ace and Luffy are confused there's another one.
"No forever post?" Niji asks instead.
"No shit, dumbass, where are the others? Mom? Dad?" Yonji demands fisting his hands into Niji's shirt and them rolling around and fighting more.
When the Strawhats get back together Ace, Niji, and Yonji are the newest recruits. Rayleigh is telling Ace he's glad he's alive and then looks at 234ji and is like "are, are you kids happened to be related to a couple named Judge and Sora?"
"Yeah, those are our parents. The dead prince and princess of Germa!" Yonji grins.
"And they live on Laughtale?" Rayleigh asks hesitantly.
"No, the All Blue." The three brothers answer instantly and Rayleigh feels like having a heart attack.
"You can only get into through the calm belts, it's really hard and tedious but there was something we had to get but a sea king kind of ruined it and now we're trying to get home." Niji explains.
"Yeah! There's two more of us, Ichiji is the oldest of us boys and Reiju is our older sister." Sanji tacks on. Zoro is having a heart attack. There are four other shitcooks? He's fucked. He's so fucked and Nami thinks they're all gonna perv on her but they don't, even Sanji has chilled the fuck out and says hes just started lying to Zeff after training where he was which, what the fuck does that mean?
Once again it's all pretty normal, turns out Reiju is with Sabo in the Revolutionary Army and she gets the crews numbers so that they can keep he updated at the cabin and Law is asking what's going because they sent Sanji and Yonji ahead after Sanji's fight with Doflamingo and Sabo is like "okay well Ace and Luffy are my brothers, how the fuck do you know these people?"
"I don't, Niji is my little brother and they sent Sanji and Yonji ahead according to Law." Reiju tells the Chief of Staff.
"So what's the All Blue like? You have more memories since you're the oldest, right?" Zoro asks and Reiju smiles a serene smile Sabo and Koala have never seen on her face.
"Well, there's fish from all four blues and more. Spices and plants never seen nor tasted. It's the bluest blue you'll ever see..." She tells them all about it and Niji is smiling too, chirping in with stories. Niji makes sure she doesn't have a post either. Sabo also spends a lot of time hugging Ace and Luffy and Ace gives him a piece of his vivre card.
They get to Zou and Yonji and Sanji have been kidnapped by Gramma and Grampa Vinsmoke who test on them. Yonji is like "I think that was worse than being a marine" and Sanji is just like "I think it was worse than being at Baratie"
And Luffy is like "oh by the way your sister is gonna call soon" and is promptly tackled by the boys. Brook complains he didn't get to meet her as does Nami. When they get to Wano, still everything is the same just with extra people helping here or there. Niji tells them about Reiju talking about the All Blue and Luffy complains he wasn't awake for it. So they describe it and tell stories and Nami says the way they describe the water reminds her of their eyes.
"They're our mom's" Yonji smiles at her.
"So why do you three have different hair?" Chopper asks.
"Technically we don't, we dye it. Sanji's hair just never took the dye because he was in the water the most." Niji grins and ruffles Sanji's hair.
"So you guys really are from the All Blue?" Law double checks because first he's heard about Germa but now the All Blue exists.
"Yeah! It's shitty cuz there's a lot of spices there that are found only there and I can't ever quite replicate them." Sanji nods.
"So where do you think Ichiji is?" Yonji asks.
"Well, maybe he's with Mom and dad?" Sanji shrugs.
"Man that'd be cool." Niji sighs.
"Im stuck in you guys dying your hair." Ace admits.
"Well, we kind of had to, outside of Sanji having opposite curled brows we're identical." Niji says.
"We're quadruplets." Yonji says and Zoro almost asphyxiates on his drink.
"Bless your mother." Law breathes. "What technologies did they use?"
"Dude we lived in a floating house with a floating green house and like two desks with some microscopes. This was all natural." Niji says.
"What the fuck, what the fuck, the fuck is wrong with your family, good fuck." Law murmurs as the brothers laugh and Chopper says he wants to do a check up on their mom when they meet. They meet Ichiji towards the end of Wano since he's kind of Kaido's personal assistant and Yamato and Ace are very happy to see each other and they see Ichiji's chance for escape and he's holding his three brothers and everything.
And then they head off to continue on their way to make Luffy the Pirate King. Franky manages to replicate the Marine Tech that allows them to cross the calm belt and they send Ichiji and Yonji off to make sure Sora and Judge are alive and if so be able to house them. Sanji wishes he could go with and so does Niji but they have duties to fulfill and on the way to Laughtale Sanji and Niji tell them all about it again.
After Luffy is crowned and Shanks and Rayleigh and everyone is there and then Luffy demands they go to the All Blue next which Shanks finds ridiculous and Buggy is calling Luffy dumb but Sanji and Niji are pointing and Nami is looking at her bracelet and is like "okay, lead the way men" and they do any then their like "oh yeah, we need to worry about the sea kings this is their breeding grounds btw" and Shanks and Rayleigh go to work bullying sea kings as Sanji and Niji manage to guide the Sunny and call directions to the other boats cuz the caves are pure rapids that spit out into calmer waters. It's like a solid week sail from Laughtale to the All Blue. Everyone is looking around and Sanji and Niji immediately jump in the water and in the distance there's a floating house. With the boat Franky built. Sanji sky walks over and Niji curses him as he gets back on the boat.
Ace flies Niji and Luffy gum gum rockets after them despite Zoro yelling. When they lay anchor close to the house and boat over and see parents crying and holding their son's and then they start thanking Luffy and the crews and while Shanks and his crew are trying to like not take credit and Buggy is like "why the fuck are you praising us? What the fuck?" And Judge is catching up with Rayleigh.
Reiju shows up not too long after with Sabo and Koala and they throw a massive party where everyone is fishing or diving or gathering spices and stuff and Sanji takes Luffy into the water to float and Luffy is zapped from the water but Sanji won't let him drown.
Sanji's dream was just always getting home, to his family, to the place where they were safe.
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jiminrings · 2 years
four seven eight; intermission 02.
wordcount: 3k
glimpse: sometimes, blood doesn’t have to be thicker than water.
alternatively, sora protects you and jungkook from eunwoo.
[ part one + intermission + part two + intermission 02 + finale ]
as always, lmk what you think <3 send in feedback n love to my askbox anytime!! even replying to this post sends me over the moon :) | series masterlist
Sora tries her best to be a good person.
She tries her best to become a good person even when fate hasn’t been good to her growing up. She tries her best to maintain the kindness in her bones even when they’re weary from the work of trying to amount to anything.
Sora willed her heart to endure seeing her mom, the only prominent figure in her life back then, pick up jobs left and right just so they could keep living underneath a roof no matter how small it was for the two of them. Her mother’s far too kind for her sake, too kind to the point that with barely nothing left for herself, she took in her nephew to live with them years ago.
Her mother is too kind and as much as she hates it, Sora’s inherited the pitiful goodness. Kindness was barely advantageous for people like them back then. It was a pitiful word for being resilient to each ounce of shit they’re supposed to last through, all for the path of making something of themselves when they have nothing to begin with.
Sora’s enduring, that much she prides herself in. Her heart is patient when she had to take care of Eunwoo, her little cousin, despite coming home from fast food jobs she could snag as a teenager. Her heart is kind when she understood that the fare for the field trip she wanted to join is two months’ worth of gas money for her mom who needed it to get in between jobs, and just resigned from attending altogether.
Sora wishes she was born and raised through more favorable circumstances; circumstances wherein she had more to lose. It’s not her fault and neither it’s her mom’s. Fate was just shitty like that — it’s destiny for the right people, and misfortune for people who need it the most.
The only people Sora feared of losing back then was her mom and Jungkook.
She grew up with Jungkook, the only person who questioned her lack of food for recess in school. He’s there for her, she figured — 12 year-old Jungkook wasn’t off-put when she answers that the lunch money she gets from her mom is foregone for the purpose, and actually goes straight to her money jar because she wants to help with the cost of moving to a house; one that isn’t an apartment, had proper heating, and more than enough room for three people.
Jungkook pitied her, it was unavoidable, but he channeled the pity he had for her into helping her make something of herself, something Sora hadn’t seen before.
He was the friend that picked up hiring fliers from bulletin boards and lamp posts, gathered it in an envelope, and handed it to her for them to look through. He was the friend that came along occasionally for the jobs she were hired at, not because he actually needs the job, but because he didn’t want Sora to be lonely.
Jungkook reminds Sora of all the hardships she’s endured and was far too kind for. He reminds her of the tiny apartment that would freeze when her cousin used up all the hot water for a month in one shower because he didn’t know any better. He reminds her of the crying she’d do at midnight when everyone’s asleep because that’s the time she’s awake the most, wondering how much cruel fate could be before it turns for the better. He reminds her of the raw happiness she and her mom felt when things just slowly started picking up from them, until they finally got to move somewhere better and live better.
Jungkook reminds Sora of her pain, her endurance, and her happiness.
They’re no longer together — it’s been years. Sora’s much better in life because fate pitied her and she didn’t stop working herself to the bone until she booked it to the highest-paying job one could get with a degree in engineering. She’s much better now that she managed to make her mom retire early, give her a house in a gated community, and spoil her to no end.
She’s better, even if Jungkook’s no longer part of her life. It’s only days ago when he called her to finally say goodbye and give them the closure they both needed; to fully let go of what they had and only recognize each other as figures of their pasts, never to seek one another again.
Sora accepted that. Sora continues to accept that.
Sora wishes to remain a good person and as much as she’s been one for almost her whole life, there’s only so much she could take; so much people she could endure before she loses all of her composure.
She hears a familiar voice that booms even louder than her intercom, making her queasy even before she could confirm who it was by walking to her penthouse’s front door.
“Eunwoo,” she says less than enthusiastically when she sees her cousin eagerly waving from outside of her door, more than reluctant to open the door to see him but does it anyway. “What? What are you doing here?”
She hasn’t seen Eunwoo in years, her cousin moving out right after he graduated which was just years ago. She didn’t want to really stay in contact with him because something about him was unfavorable, no matter how rude it sounds from one family member to another.
She didn’t hate Eunwoo, no. Eunwoo’s a victim of fate too because he didn’t choose to be undesired and passed around relatives until her mom finally took him under their wing. She couldn’t help but think that life would be better if only he didn’t live with them because that way, they had more to themselves and worked a little less. The thought’s always lingered but Sora always tried to avoid it because after all, she’s kind.
She didn’t bother reaching out to Eunwoo after he moved out because although it was a lingering feeling she had at the back of her mind, Eunwoo was just off to be around with. He was a little overbearing — a little too protective, a little too insufferable to be around with. Whichever friend she met up with, he wanted to join. Whenever Jungkook came over, he’d insert himself into the background.
It boggles her to no end why Eunwoo’s even here, much more know where she lives. It’s probably because he’s asked her mother, and despite living in better circumstances now, she still hasn’t outgrown being kind; kind enough to let her nephew know about her daughter’s address.
He looks a little stupid, a large camera slung around his neck. His job is a little stupid because from what she’s heard of, Eunwoo’s apparently an intern for a big media compony who’s notorious for starting smear campaigns.
“I’m here because — hey!” he whines, rolling his eyes when Sora blocks him from entering past her to let himself inside the space. “Aren’t you going to let me in?”
“What’s with you?” he mutters but quickly lets go of it, shaking his head to get the thought out. “Whatever, you’ll want me in anyway once I tell you this.”
“I highly guarantee there’s no news good enough for me to let you in,” she scoffs, her disdain for her cousin apparent now that she’s grown a little tougher. Learned how to show her lack of kindness for the people who don’t deserve it.
Eunwoo finds it weird because he didn’t think this would be the type of attitude he’d receive from his older cousin he practically grew up with, but he learns to ignore it. She’ll become warm eventually, counting on what he’s about to say next.
“Sora, it’s gonna be fine! Look,” he grins, pulling out his phone from behind him. “I did this.”
She has to squint to make out what he’s showing her, the shock slowly starting to pile behind her eyes when she recognizes the woman in the picture. She recognizes the pretty woman in the picture, the famous guy beside her, and the words that describe a man she was once acquainted with.
“I can get you and hyung back together.”
It makes Sora sick. It makes her physically sick that the article that’s been floating around since last night is none other than the work of her cousin. What makes her even more sick is the words that Eunwoo utters, his intention clear as day that it’s the motive of the article that’s been released of you and Yoongi.
“You took these?” her lips quirk to the side, her exhales usually more drawn-out but this time they’re heavy, chest rising quicker in between. There’s no kindness that registers behind her quip, long outgrowing the composure she used to keep in hearing disturbing things. “Do you know Y/N?”
She asks before she sees red because when that happens, nothing but unadulterated anger overtakes her. She mentions your name with warmth like she’s always known and have always been her friend, her vague familiarity with you being the only thing that keeps her stable at the moment.
Sora feels another warmth for Eunwoo but it’s not the familiar kind. The warmth she feels for him is burning with nothing but rage, the kind that flows through her clenched fists.
Eunwoo is pleasantly surprised to hear Sora utter your name because he didn’t even expect her to know it, but the initial shock he feels turns into ignorant bliss.
“Oh, you know her too? Well I don’t know her personally, but I’ve met her twice! That’s not the point. The point is, you can-“ he babbles, still smiling when he points to his phone that Sora’s still holding.
“Did you know that Jungkook and Y/N are married?” Sora interrupts, voice with an edge. She says it clearly with no bitterness, the sharp tone to it meant for getting the point across through Eunwoo’s thick skull.
Eunwoo came to surprise her, not the other way around. The shock’s visible in his features, brows knitting in confusion. He knows Jungkook blocked him after seeing him at the grocery store because he couldn’t find him anywhere on social media. It meant that he didn’t even know if the two of you were still together. He hoped not; that by the time in Jungkook magically just decides to unblock him, he’d come to know that you are out of his life.
That’s clearly not the case.
“And you took these because you thought it would ruin them?” Sora persists, relentless even when she sees that Eunwoo’s still reeling in from the truth she’s just said.
“Are you serious right now? I don’t– I don’t know if what you’re saying is true. Jungkook blocked me a few years ago, I don’t know shit,” he breathlessly chuckles, shaking his head.
But this is good. Jungkook being married to you is just one silly, little obstacle. It doesn’t mean anything — it shouldn’t mean anything. The realization that comes to him makes him grin from ear to ear, eyes squinting in joy.
“But wait, no, no. Sora, this is good! If Y/N’s with Yoongi then that means she’s cheating on Jungkook! You can — you can still be together!”
Rage fills Sora before she even knows it, any remaining filter she has completely disappearing. She gives no concerns for her neighbors now that her voice raises, door still shut for Eunwoo to remain outside.
“Are you fucking sick?!”
“Why are you so mad at me?” Eunwoo whines, unsuspecting of the full picture of anger that comes from his cousin. He’s starting to get angry too, hands gesturing to get his point across. “Don’t you want this? Don’t you want that bitch out of the picture?”
“What? No, Eunwoo!” Sora spits, shaking her head fervently. “I’m happy for Jungkook and Y/N! I don’t fucking like Jungkook anymore. I’m engaged, for god’s sake.”
She barely recognizes Eunwoo now. He’s grown and changed, clearly for the worse. The Eunwoo she remembers at first glance was a sweet kid, one that didn’t fit into their home but eventually grew into it that he became less and less of the endearing family member.
“I moved on. We moved on!” she grits out, Eunwoo’s phone still on her hand but refusing to looking at it.
“I didn’t move on!” he yells, nostrils flaring as if what he’s said is the most obvious truth to ever exist. “You and Jungkook were perfect. But he cheated on you with Y/N and-”
“That didn’t happen! Stop making up false memories just because you can’t accept what happened to us!” Sora points her finger menacingly, scoffing in disbelief. “And what do you mean you didn’t move on? Who are you to move on from my breakup?”
Eunwoo’s always been off-putting, now that Sora sees him in a different light. He’s always been a little too keen, a little too suffocating.
“To be honest, I don’t even know why you’re so invested in this, Eunwoo. It was Jungkook and I in that relationship, not the three of us. God, you’re really so weird.”
Eunwoo can’t take it. He could only take so much belittling from every person he comes across with. He wants to cry but he swallows the lump in his throat, his frustration instead manifesting to an exasperated yell.
“How is caring about your parents’ relationship weird?!”
Sora stops.
The air thickens and Sora just stops, her ears ringing from pure disbelief and rage. She’s eerily calm when she starts out, voice meek from the way her teeth are grinding together.
“What did you just say?” she steps closer, head tilting. “You think Jungkook and I are your fucking parents?”
Eunwoo groans, putting his head into his hands. He doesn’t even know why Sora’s questioning him, thinking that his truth is everyone else’s.
“You raised me! You practically raised me!”
“Yes, Eunwoo, because I’m your older cousin and felt sorry that no one was there for you besides me and mom!” she yells even louder, her finger dangerously close to his face.
Sora’s disgusted, way beyond disgusted that she’s derailed for a few seconds, closing her eyes to try and get the the nausea that crawls in her skin out of her whole body.
“Fuck, god! Is this why you’ve always been so off around me and Jungkook?” she sneers, looking down on him. “This is why you’re so mad at Y/N? You think we’re your goddamn parents and Y/N’s the fucking mistress, is that it?”
Eunwoo’s silence is the only answer she gets, the angry tears that pour down his cheeks not making her feel apologetic the slightest bit.
“You’re sick. You’re so fucking sick.”
Sora snarls before she throws Eunwoo’s phone to the ground, smashing it into pieces. It’s only rage and repulsion that flows through her, harshly tugging off the camera from his neck and hurling it to the wall beside his face, her cousin narrowly dodging the throw.
She repeatedly kicks the camera, stepping onto it to make sure that it’s just as wrecked as his phone, if not more. She’s not content at that, picking up the camera to aim and throw it to Eunwoo but he shields himself weakly with his arms, the heavy device surely leaving bruises on his arms.
“You stop, Eunwoo. You fucking stop,” Sora drills a pointed finger into his temple, still as angry. “You’re not a hero. You’re not avenging anyone. Jungkook loves Y/N and nothing can change that.”
“Stay away from them,” she grits out, voice dangerously low. “Stay away from Jungkook. You mean nothing to him. I can’t even stomach you.”
Sora doesn’t know how she can even try to process Eunwoo’s adoration for her as if his mother all this time without shuddering, the anger unable to leave her even if she’s beaten it into his devices.
“And you stay away from Y/N,” Sora adds, serious in the way she talks. “She’s done nothing to you.”
“If you try something like this again — if I just hear a single peep that you came close to Y/N or Jungkook again, I’ll end you.”
Sora feels no remorse when she sees that Eunwoo’s head is still hung low, sobs audible for her to hear. She pays them no mind as she forces him to look at her, staring him right in the eye.
“I’ll block you. I’ll tell my mom to block you. Whoever else you have in your life, I’ll make them disown you.”
It’s not an empty threat. Another thing about Sora is she doesn’t stop until she gets what she wants, nothing else that she’d spare to protect you and Jungkook from Eunwoo.
“Get help, Eunwoo. Fix yourself. You hear me?” she asks rhetorically, not waiting for an answer.
Her cousin nods albeit shaky, eager to appease her and actually come through with his agreement because he doesn’t want to disappoint her. He feels unbelievably small but he feels like he deserves it, Sora’s words inevitably about to start sinking into his little brain soon.
“Now get out of my face. I don’t want to see you again.”
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strayheartless · 3 months
More than a question. Holy shit finally someone talking abt strifehart!!!! Imma follow you TwT
I feel like a fraud😭😅 I would die for strifehart honestly, but I am incredibly guilty of not posing about them as much as I would like. So….
Here have some of my Strifehart headcanons:
They don’t show affection very freely around other people but if they fall asleep together on the Couch everyone is always surprised to find out that Squall is the clingy one.
They are both guilty of dad-ing Sora. Squall will hand him money, his keyblade and some extra potions and snacks before he heads out the door; while Cloud will zip up his hoodie, check his gear and do the whole “if you need us you call, Kay?” Sora’s given up trying to point out that they are not his Dads.
They rib each-other endlessly, smirking the entire time. Things like, “gods Squall, why are you so useless?”, “dunno, must have caught it from you!” It always has people asking how they can be a couple.
The loving bullying doesn’t stop when their alone, it’s just more tactile. Poking, hip checking, raspberries, tickle fights, picking the other up and bodily moving them when their in the way, flicking the others nose, aggravated biting, hitting each other with magazines and newspapers when the other isn’t paying attention, play fights. They are like actual children but no one ever sees it cause they like it to just be for them.
They steal each others food all the time. Which is funny because they are both quite territorial about food by nature. This usually ends up in one of them grabbing the others hand and forcibly trying to wrestle the food out of it; or playing keep away with their plates.
They work with eachother silently and like they’ve done it all their lives. They always seem to know where the other is and move accordingly to being in each others space.
Cloud is the only ONLY other person aside from Sora who is aloud to be left alone with Tron. Squall would chew off his own leg before giving DiZ the passwords and while he likes Ienzo he’s still not really sure he trusts him.
They communicate through raised eyebrows alone. And always know what the others thinking.
Cloud has had to physically retrain Squall from beating the shit out of Siefer the first time they went to Twilight town and found out this GROWN ASS ADULT had been bullying kids. (I know canonically Seifer is supposed to be a little older than Hayner pence and Olette but I vibe more with the darkness took Gaia and the planet headcanon than the “everyones from radiant gardens” canon.)
Squall is naturally left handed but was forced to write right handed in in SeeD and so Cloud keeps taking the pen out of his right hand and butting it in Squall’s actual dominant hand.
Cloud carries all his stress in his shoulders and hands (you know exactly where this one’s going.) and Squall is usually the one massaging out the tension and …. Kin- pfft🤣 I’m sorry I cant!
Cloud knows every one of Squalls buttons and how to push them. He can be irritating when it suits him and sometimes he gets bored enough to provoke his partner. Squall usually ignores him which is a mistake because it makes Cloud push harder until he ends up in a headlock.
Squall will never EVER Admit that he gets seriously grouchy when Clouds away. Like it’s adorable but Aerith wants to strangle him most days when he’s skulking about like a lion with a sore tail. It’s incredibly amusing to watch his head snap up when he hears Fenrir pull up outside of Merlin’s.
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nic-liveblogs · 4 months
those mk & lloyd parallels got HANDS, any new thoughts on that or their interactions? (maybe save this ask till after the special, cuz uh... something occurs)
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i hear you and i see you ok 😭😭 its just that these past 2 weeks have been incredibly busy for me and also lack of motivation 🫠
but i just got covid so perfect excuse to finally think about this 😭 problem is that i mightve forgotten alot about lmk at this point so bear with me 💀
i think this mightve been mentioned in like previous posts but lloyd and mk just training and like talking about life would be very special to meeeee!! id love to see how our 2 protags of east asian inspired lego shows would interact!! idk they could go get therapy together because they are both very messed up theyd ask each other to seek help and then say nooo im fiiinee, bonding over secretive mentors me thinks like why do they do they keep secrets all the time!!! like idk id love a swap au between these 2 they r very interesting to me.. also both of them getting betrayed suckss. they could learn somthing from each other like lloyd is more wise in like the master wu sorta way and i think mk could teach him to let loose a little.. also they can both go apeshit mode hehehehehe i think ive already mentioned this in like another ask
i think red son would remind lloyd alot of him when he was younger like idk they try so hard to be evil but they got that goodness in them yk 😔😔
i think that applies to kai in the hotheaded sense like hes grown so much since he was 15 and i think hed want to help red son in the way he helped wyldfyre as well
lloyd: so yeah my great grandma is like a dragon..??
nya: and i turned into a dragon once!!
mei: thats sooooo cool my great great great great great great thousand times great grandpa was a dragon too!! do you guys wanna see my dragon!!!!
*lloyd and nya expecting some tiny dragon like riyu or chompy*
and then mei whips out her totally cool kickass dragon and they are both in awe like teach me how to do that!!!!
im pretty sure sandy is the builder of the time right?? there are so many builder characters in ninjago like pixal, jay, nya, sora, zane and i think they could probably geek out about it hehe
zane probably also knows about jttw since he knows like everything about everything yk i think he would listen to tang talk about it zane's sweet like thattt and tang can finally talk to someone who knows the full story 😭
one time someone asked about morro and macaque and like i still dont really know how to answer that like theyve both died ig thats cool 😭 shared trauma on dying lol, and also they were both like evil at one point and i guess reflecting back on it theyve both been like what was it all really for
ive said this before and ill say it again jay, mk, mei and maybe wyldfyre would totally go do some dumb shit together and get in trouble together 😭
and thats all i have maybe i'll think up something in the future? who knows!
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lusticial · 2 years
Sdra2 girls dating hc's please I really liked the male ones
warning: gn reader, sexual jokes?, mentions of being drunk
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she really cares about you, like A LOT
she likes to tease you, and it's even better seeing you embarrassed about it and/or start blushing
she does literally whatever you want
you're hungry? she's lecturing mikado to make you a full course meal.
you're sleepy? feel free to use her shoulder:
also, while we are on the topic of sleeping, she loves seeing you sleep.
not in a weird way, duh
she thinks your sleeping face is adorable
when you guys sleep next to eachother, you take turns being the small and big spoon.
then again, sora really likes it when you're all over her while being suffocated by 3 blankets
it's moments like this where she couldn't be more appreciative of you
"are all of these blankets necessary..?"
"yes, now go to sleep. :)"
grrr i love her
omg tsundere 😱
lol don't ever call her a tsundere, she holds a bit of a grudge
it's still cute though seeing her try to avoid you
she's a good cook, so one of her favorite things to do is cooking with you
even if you're a bad cook, she's fine with teaching you. :D
unless she's drunk or she's sad, you won't ever hear the words "i love you" without her looking away or simply running away ☠️
shh don't be offended it's her inner tsundere
she likes spending winter with you for many reasons
she has a reason to snuggle with you when it's winter
"it's not like i want to! i'm just cold. 😡"
yeah ok
she also likes to wear your hoodies or sweaters when it's cold, even if you have poor fashion sense she's gonna take ur stuff
if you see her wearing ur stuff, don't mention it. she gets embarrassed and never does it again
atleast without you knowing
ah the best girl of sdra2
she's like,,,, very shy.
even while you guys are dating, she confesses every now and then that she has a crush on you.
which is like so cute?!?!!!
she likes to draw you....
like... a lot.
she has an entire NOTEBOOK dedicated to drawings of you.
you're also the first person she tells about her past and the fact that she wants to draw manga.
of course you respect it duh
she starts writing a manga and uh
the love interests look... awfully familiar...
one of them looks like....
lol she denys that the characters were based off of you and her
she's also very happy if you say you wanna draw her
even if you're not good, she asks if she can keep the drawing and hang it up.
she believes it's the thought that counts.
setsuka bbg
she's literally so caring. and sweet. and funny.
if you're ever sad... no you're not.
she always knows when ur sad. literallyALWAYS
she usually tries making you feel better with a few jokes, and maybe spending some time together.
if that doesn't work, she just holds you for a long time.
she does whatever she can to make you feel comforted
shit now i'm crying
she rlly likes suffocating you with 17 blankets on a summer morning. it's just funny?!??
you either just accept defeat or fight for your life trying to escape ☠️
despite all this, you still love her. plus it's really not that bad being suffocated by setsuka.
that sounds kinda freaky
one of her favorite things to do with you is to cuddle while watching movies.
she steals ur popcorn but it's ok
she doesn't care what movie you guys watch, she's happy as long as you're happy.
we all need a gf like suka.☹️
okay how tf... 😟
even she's a little confused how she got with you in the first place
she literally hates everyone except hibiki so why
ok ykw don't even worry about that.LMFAO
all differences aside, she's not that bad of a gf.
to be safe, don't go near hibiki
lol she is pretty scary but can be quite sweet when her guard is down.
it's so cute seeing her cooking something, and her face is concentrated but also looks very soft.
also surprise surprise she dislikes hugs 😱
she doesn't hate it, if you happen to hug her, she'll kinda just brush it off.
she won't start laughing and ask what happened, she'll just continue with whatever she was doing.
but if you guys are alone she really doesn't mind any other kind of affection.
cuddling is nice too.
her chest sometimes acts as...
just forget i even said anything
we are gonna pretend kanade is a normal sister for this, ok? 😅
she has a big ego, so she's constantly giving you her autograph on everything she can find 😭
she once signed the fridge. idk
she also likes showing you off to the public... like alot.
she's not that shy, so she proudly calls you her lover on tv, concerts, etc.
even if you get embarrassed, she thinks it's very cute.
don't hug her without warning, she gets scared.
once she realizes it's you, she calms down a little, but is still pretty angry at you.
she'll forgive you if you give her a lil kiss tho
when you guys cuddle, she's always the small spoon.
she loves being held by you and feeling your warmth. :(
overall she's so sweet and best gf
she's literally... the best?????
since she can read minds she always knows what you want & how you feel.
if you're shy, good luck. she won't hug you or kiss you unless you initiate it.
she's like so warm tho so hugs are great.
don't call her an ipad kid. don't even THINK it
she doesn't even know what it means
she google's it and still doesn't know
she asks you and you just burst out laughing
lmfao enough about ipad kids anyway
she's almost always the small spoon when cuddling
either that or you guys just sleep next to eachother with no cuddling
when she's asleep, she unintentionally wraps herself all over you.
your legs are twisted, her head is on your neck, her hands are in places they shouldn't be pause.
she wakes up late so you have a small amount of time to see her in this state
good luck untangling ☠️
tall gf
shes literally so sweet okg ☹️☹️
she knows her jokes are unfunny, and she purposely says them in front of you to see your reaction.
she thinks it's hilarious seeing you awkwardly laugh or just pretend you didn't hear it 😭
hugs are great cause she's so tall and you can wrap urself all over her
behind hugs are eh,,, depending on ur height
if ur rlly short, she would prolly trip cause you hugged her maybe around her waist/legs
if ur tall tho it's pretty cute and she likes it.
she loves holding you while you guys cuddle, she likes knowing that you're there with her.
she's so??? like warm?? and comfy??
you never wanna leave her arms cause ur just so comfy.
and if there's ever a time where you let out a genuine laugh when she makes a joke
she's going to be so happy.
she won't show it too much on her face but she's jumping up and down in her head
she'll remember that
a/n again i feel like i'm forgetting someone lmfao and sorry these are ooc i'm so sleepy and i've been setting aside my requests for so long ok bye
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dreamsy990 · 7 months
fuck akuroku as a ship btw not only because its pedophilic because thats obviously a huge issue. but also i think we should be able to have platonic relationships with the same amount of devotion as any romance. not everyone who loves each other is in love DEREK.
#not trying to downplay the issues with it being pedophilic because thats actually a huge issue#context for my non kh moots#as of kh3 lea/axel is roughly late 20s#maybe early 30s depending on how old he was in bbs#and roxas is (physically) 14-16 (hes only been alive for a bit over a year#but also what i want to say#axel and roxas have an amazingly written relationship#theyre two of the strongest characters in the series in terms of writing honestly#their dynamic in canon is two best friends who at the end of the day just want to stay together#but due to circumstances and also a bit of axel keeping secrets shit falls apart#when you get to kh2 roxas is gone and axel will do literally ANYTHINNG to bring him back#he doesnt care about his own life or soras or anyone else who stands in his way because he is going to get his friend back#axels role as an antagonist later in kh2 comes from his devotion#he wants roxas back. he says himself he wanted to see roxas again because he made him feel as though he had a heart#in the end he gives up and dies to protect sora#and i think a lot of people take 'he made me feel like i had a heart' out of context to say its romantic#at face value its easy to interpret it that way but in context he goes on to say 'its funny... you make me feel the same' to sora#the way i interpreted it at least wasnt that he was in love but that both roxas and sora's love for others radiated onto him#if we look at days (i know. sacrelige for a kh2 discussion. fuck you) axel is constantly questioning why roxas acts like he has a heart#he straight up asks him why he does that and roxas is confused. thats just how he is#<- context for that conversation is that roxas is upset on xions behalf because saïx called her a mistake#what he means by 'having a heart' is feeling things and caring about things and there is no inherent romantic connotation#he means in the most literal sense that roxas made him care about things. we dont know what exactly that was referencing in kh2#but we can take a pretty good fucking guess#but lets look at com for a second because theres a scene talking about the other half of that line#axel goes behind everyones back to do something to help sora and naminé and after he does he is SHOCKED to realize hes enjoying it#and then he says 'you really ARE something!' about sora#at least as of kh2 what they meant was feeling emotions. roxas made axel feel as though he had emotions. he made him feel like he could feel#anyways. what im saying is axels line could be taken as something romantic but i think its more interesting than that#i dont have enough tags left to continue word vomiting sorry </3
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daylighteclipsed · 2 years
My straight (homophobic at that time) older brother watching me play kh II 15(?) or so years ago on the ps2: 'these dudes are gay, wtf' 'why are they holding hands?'
My brother watching me replay the kh games at the start of the pandemic: 'Damn, I remember them being gay, but not this much. Good for them.'
I literally didn't even remember how extremely gay they were, cause I was 10 at the time but fr. If my brother saw it aged 15, I don't get how so many people keep saying it's a reach to ship them.
See the thing is like. Holding hands is not always romantic, you know? Idk if I even consider Sora dropping to his knees crying and clutching Riku’s hand in KH2 “romantic.” Not on its own, at least.
It’s a very intense reaction. Imo it’s still the most emotionally bare we’ve seen Sora thus far. Because he’s not trying to hold anything back. In KH3, when everyone except Riku dies, I get the sense that Sora’s trying to keep it together but can’t and feels (even more) pathetic because of that. But, in KH2, when Sora finally finds Riku, his heart’s just unashamedly spilling out of him and it’s so raw you can feel it, and Nomura is so insane for writing Sora and Riku’s reunion like this. (It’s going to take a lot to top it, and I’m really excited to see him try.)
But it’s not the kind of gesture you can slap a romantic label on and be done with. Rather, it shows this profound, overwhelming love in general. You could label it a lot of things, but Nomura’s choice to make this Sora’s most vulnerable moment communicates This is the person I feel the most for. This is the person I love the most. (And even if we do consider Sora’s vulnerability here on the same level as the KH3 scene, what does it say that just finding Riku, just seeing him again, is as overwhelming for Sora as witnessing the deaths of almost all of his closest friends? Opposite sides of the emotional spectrum, but the same level of intensity, bringing him to his knees, reducing him to tears. That’s a choice.)
My straight boyfriend played the games along with me and even he picked up on Sora’s love for Riku being stronger than his love for any other character. We commonly associate “the person I love most” with a romantic partner, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be. And I’m quite a big fan of stories where it’s not, where the heart of the story — the love story — is between family or friends. So I won’t be hugely disappointed if KH ends with no confirmed ships. (No ships would be preferable to… other things.) That said… when viewed collectively, in the context of the other games, I don’t think it’s a stretch to argue Sora and Riku’s KH2 reunion could be romantic.
Every game makes the love between these two boys more and more pronounced — they are clearly the heart of the story — but the last few installments arguably have slid into more romantic territory. We’re seeing more romantic tropes, dialogue, parallels. We’re at the point where Riku’s feelings for Sora are directly paralleled to Hercules’ romantic feelings for Meg. I mean, that’s pretty in your face gay. Among other things. So while on its own the KH2 reunion is not “romantic” imo, the increasing romantic nature of Sora and Riku’s bond can re-contextualize it as such.
If you didn’t pick up the gay shit CoM was putting down (which is highly probable because the EN dub butchered the JP so much), 15 years ago, was the ship a reach? Eh, maybe. I didn’t consider a romance between Sora and Riku until I hit Coded and DDD. (And there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a noncanon ship, as long as you’re not hurting anybody — which is something a lot of people seem to forget.) Is Soriku a reach nowadays? No way. It’s written as a logical direction their characters could go in. If you don’t see anything between them, not a single romantic undertone, it’s because you don’t want to.
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raidergamerspice · 1 year
Why do KH and FF7 fans hate Nomura so much?
This isn't new to me, but I'm just thinking about how there are people in both the Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy 7 fandoms that love to say that Nomura retcons everything and have decided he's an unreliable narrator.
First of all, way for them to show just how much they actually love his stories.
Second of all, I know exactly why "retcon" is their favorite word to use. Because Nomura - at least in the case of Kingdom Hearts - has an exact story to tell for that series, and he's telling it how he wants it. This is the man who put off releasing Kingdom Hearts 3 for so long because he wanted to include Toy Story. But for some reason, some people don't seem to have the comprehension skills needed to understand everything that goes on in Kingdom Hearts, and so they hide behind their "retcon" argument so they won't look stupid.
The reason I'm bringing this up is because I saw someone share a screenshot of a YouTube comment saying that as far as Final Fantasy 7 goes, only the og game counts, as literally everything that followed it is just a "Nomura retcon". For some reason, they don't want to include anything in the 7 Compilation as part of the game's canon, even though they all are.
"For some reason". Yeah, I know what that reason is. In Kingdom Hearts' case, it's because the way Nomura is telling it is challenging their assumption that it's a generic Disney style Hero's Journey, where the self-insert hero saves the world no problem so he can have the equally self-insert princess as a reward. This is also why people wanted Kingdom Hearts to have ended with Kingdom Hearts 2. And in Final Fantasy 7's case, it's simply because the rest of the Compilation doesn't have Cloud and Aerith together. Not that they were together in og, but you get my point. This is what it all boils down to for both fandoms. They're angry that Sokai and Clerith aren't canon, so they use arguments like "This was a retcon!" to make themselves feel better, because they deluded themselves into believing they're smarter than the creators.
And they have the gall to say Sorikus are delusional, or say anyone who isn't a Clerith is delusional.
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Yeah, I made this meme just for this post, 'cause I'm a meme queen. Yeah, these three characters are the mortal enemies of these people because as the meme says, they're getting in the way of Sokai and Clerith, as well as confusing people with their very presence. I mean, think of all the people who keep trying to say that Riku's story is "over", despite the fact that he's the one who's currently searching for Sora, who's in another dimension. I didn't realize that searching for the series' protagonist was just unimportant filler. But we all know that if Kairi was searching for Sora, they'd hype that shit up. And of course, the people trying to insist that Zack is just an unimportant character with a "small" role in og that suddenly has a prequel, a remaster of said prequel, and a presence in the Remake trilogy. Or the people who try every single day to think of how to make Tifa out to be the "true" villain of Final Fantasy 7.
They hate these characters because of shipping. End of story. And that ties in with their "retcon" arguments because again: they're challenging their perception of how these stories are being told, so they're throwing fits and claiming that Nomura (and Nojima, in FF7's case) is just telling these stories "wrong". Who are they to tell the CREATORS that they're telling their stories wrong? How would they know any better?
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wh3r3sth3l0ve · 3 months
Sora x Tifa
Part 28
Part 27 below
Riku took a sip of his drink and raised his glass to Tifa with approval.
- Me, you know me. I’ve been fighting a lot and struggling to keep my balance between light and darkness. Finding you was my only motivation, I was really worried. Weird thing was that at one point I lost track of you.
Sora smirked with sadness.
- Yeah, it means I did my homework. I was introducing myself as Rose and I grew my hair. I’ve changed so much that Tifa and Cloud didn’t recognize me at first. Of course it worked the other way as well, because of that amnesia thing.
Sora took a sip.
- What about the others? Mickey, Donald, Goofy?
- Well, they’re looking for you too. I met them a week after you left and told them everything. They were traveling together but eventually Minnie and Daisy got so pissed that they had to go back for a while. - he laughed. - It was two years ago. Don’t know what’s going on now, ‘cause my gummi phone’s broken.
- And what about… - Sora noticed Tifa’s eyes narrowed immediately.
Riku sighed deeply.
- Kairi’s been crying everyday since you have left. I visit her once a month. She’s not what she used to be.
Tifa thought she would feel satisfaction, hearing about her sadness but she just felt sorry for her. Sora’s face gloomed, he didn’t know how to feel about it. The awkward silence lasted for a minute but Sora broke it with:
- I can’t come back. I don’t want to. - he looked at Riku. - I’m in love, I’m happy here.
- Got it. - Riku nodded.
- But I’m also happy to see you. Would you stay for a while?
- I can spare a day or two but what then? What do I say to her when I come back? I made a promise that I’ll find you and take you back to the Island.
- Then you’ll have to break the promise. I’m really sorry but I won’t let him go. - Tifa said firmly.
Riku looked at her quickly and moved towards Sora again.
- You can’t make me tell her that you don't want to see her. It’ll break her.
Sora slowly shook his head, looking down at the countertop.
- Look at me. - Tifa said straight to Riku’s face. - He’s been broken already. You want too much from him, I won’t let him go. - she was getting angry.
- Then come with us! Do what you want but don’t make me say such things to her!
Those words surprised her.
- Sora? What do you think about it? - she asked her partner.
- I don’t know, I really don’t know if I want to see her again. - Sora whispered.
- Oh, come on! You both have made so much for each other. Don’t dump all of this!
- It was her who dumped me! - he shouted with tears gathering in his eyes. - I may not remember much but I know that all I did was for her!
The voice in Sora’s head started ominously snickering but he was too angry to pay attention.
Riku was trying to remain calm.
- I just think that she deserves, after everything that happened between you, to hear the truth from you.
“Yes, yes, the truth that you abandoned her.” an evil whisper said. Sora stiffened instantly. “She deserves something but you don’t. You are nothing…”
Tifa reacted straight away, she ran out from behind the bar top and made Sora sit on the floor.
- Look me in the eyes and breathe with me.
- What’s going… - Riku was clearly shocked.
- Shut up! - she didn’t even bother to look at him. - Sora, stay with me, I’m here.
But he was so scared of the voice coming back, he didn't even notice Tifa’s face in front of him.
- No, no, no, no… - he was already in tears, with an absent gaze.
“Worthless! Junk! Miserable! Ha ha ha ha ha, that’s pathetic!”
- Shit! - Tifa tried to remain calm. - Quick, help me!
- What do I do? - Riku was frightened. He’s never seen anything like this before.
- Talk to him, get his attention somehow.
Sora screamed with fear. She hugged him as tight as she could and started stroking his head.
- Sora! Look at me! You’re okay, you’re safe, you hear me? We’re both here with you. - Riku was trying to get him back to reality.
- Go away, please, go away… - Sora was sobbing quietly, hanging at the edge of consciousness.
Tifa felt his body get weirdly limp.
- He fainted. - Riku couldn’t believe his eyes.
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Cafeteria Catastrophe.
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Monodam! You would side with this human over me? Your own family!? Do you not care that she already murdered Monokid and Monosuke!?
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Oh, how cute! It almost makes me want to stop trying to kill you!
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*Monophanie shoots a large iron crossbow bolt from her Exisal’s wrist at Monodam and Kaede, and it flies straight forward and pierces Monodam’s Exisal leg, pinning him to the ground. She fires another three forward, but before they can make contact, Monodam shoves Kaede out of the way. Two of hte bolts pierce through his Exisal, while the other gets stuck in the wall.
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Sora: Shit! GREENIE!
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Sora: AAH!
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*Monophanie’s Exisal intercepts the Exisal piloted by Sora, as she runs forward to try and help Monodam. When she tries to forcefully pry the lid open, Kaede throws her spear and knocks her backwards.
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You alright?
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Sora: Yeah...We’re good.
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Right...Sora, you stay back. Sit by for backup in case we need it, but focus on keeping Kisaragi-san safe!
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Sora: Alright. Don’t you dare die! Yamato: Good luck my friends!
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I won’t LET YOU!
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*POW!* *POW!* *POW!*
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*Sora and Yamato try to back off. Monophanie tries to launch homing missiles at them as they run, but Kaede stops them with some hacking gun blasts.
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*Kaede does her classic move of rapidly rotating her spear in a circle to block two incoming crossbow bolts from Monophanie. In quick succession, Monophanie unsheathes a blade from her Exisal’s arm and lunges at Kaede. Kaede blocks a heft swipe, then dodges a second one, throwing her spear at the Exisal. Monophanie smacks the spear to the side, but Kaede swiftly calls it back to her. Before she can crash land on top of the Exisal however, Monophanie equips herself with a cafeteria table, and whacks Kaede with it like a ping pong ball!
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*Unexpectedly, as Kaede tries to get up, Monophanie fires a rope trap at her! The rope with two heavy balls on each end quickly bind around Kaede’s legs, trapping her legs together and tripping her up.
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All beautiful flowers must die eventually!
*PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!
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*Kaede braces as Monophanie once again, fires multiple bolts at her. However, before the impact comes, Monodam jumps in the way and takes the hits, the bolts getting wedged in his Exisal’s back.
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UGH! Are you trying to get yourself killed!?
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Rgh...! *SLASH!*
*Kaede calls her spear and carves through the ropes around her legs. Monodam’s Exisal extends a hand to her.
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*In a move that seems almost like a dance, Monodam takes Kaede’s arm and spins her around to move her out of the way of an incoming table and chair!
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*Monodam pulls Kaede in again, and simultaneously, they throw the spear and launch a rocket straight at Monophanie’s Exisal. Kaede’s spear carries her into the air, while Monodam’s rocket makes direct contact with her. A huge cloud of ash and fire bursts outwards.
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*pant!* *pant!* *pant!* ...
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You...you’re hurt...
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Yeah, but...
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No! I just...I...
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...I don’t want you to get hurt...
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Wait wah...?
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*Monodam swiftly throws Kaede into the air, just as another large cafeteria table soars straight at them thanks to Monophanie, who has recovered. The table hits Monodam dead on and sends him flying into the wall.
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*Kaede recalls her spear and hovers in the air.
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Isn’t Ando the only human who’s been here for a decade!? WHY ARE THERE SO MANY TABLES IN HERE!
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*Monophanie continues to grab tables and chairs and throws them upwards at Kaede. Using her spear to maintain her balance, Kaede starts running along and dodging around these tables, making headway towards Monophanie’s Exisal. At the same time, Monodam recovers and charges straight towards his sister.
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*In one swift motion, Monodam rushes up to Monophanie while she’s distracted with the airborne Kaede, and grabs the hatch of her Exisal, completely prying it off with his big metallic Exisal hands. As soon as the hatch is open and Monophanie’s Monokub body is exposed, Kaede flies downwards at bullet speed, switches her mode, and smashes Monophanie directly in the face, causing her to go flying to the other side of the room.
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*To end any further source of conflict, Monodam grabs Monophanie’s Exisal, tosses it to the side, and sets it alight with a flamethrower. Everyone watches as Monophanie’s Exisal slowly but surely burns to a crisp. Monokid’s Exisal returns, and Sora and Yamato open the hatch to watch the spectacle.
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It’s over.
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*Kaede watches in confusion as Monophanie claws her way to her little bear paws, and grasps onto the wall. Then, all of a sudden...!
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WOAH! U...Uh-oh!
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Is this...something she just does a lot?
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She...probably has some kind of condition.
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Oh! My god! Kaede, can you PLEASE just KILL her!? This is just painful to watch!
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Ugh, fuck it!
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*In a single quick motion, Kaede slices Monophanie diagonally in half. She falls over and collapses in a pile of her own, multicolored, vomit.
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//Monophanie...has died...//
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