#sorry this is just a stupid rant you can ignore it if you want
writerfae · 6 months
Only my mom can make even such a thing as me having a cold about my brother smh
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chrollohearttags · 5 months
everything that could go wrong today has and I’m just ready to call it quits for this year while I’m ahead. Not even going to try anymore.
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ringwraithmd · 8 months
had a convo with someone about fandom and writing and moralization and purity culture and they were against it and yet when we started talking about problematic media and authors the arguments they used were literally the same as moralizing arguments
still trying to understand their logic
won’t go into too much more bc they’re on tumblr too but I’m still thinking about it
think I came off as a dick bc I didn’t just nod my head and agree
but mostly I’m just real fucking tired
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robots-on-film · 9 months
Hey fellas I need y'alls help, so here's the deal, in the TV Tropes TF2 Broken Base page there's the following paragraph
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And like, between you and me, the bit that mentions asexuality really excited me! Like as an Aromantic n somewhere-in-the-Ace Spectrum! Because even if its like just one tweet and I tend to actively not care about anything the creators say after publishing a piece of media (like, if it's not in the text and cannot be extrapolated from it, bro no hate if people do take it into account when they think of a story but to me it doesn't mean anything by default.), It's like, fuel for the fire of my brain ya know? Or a little paper slip, lol
But yeah! If anyone can find me the source of that comment I would be the happiest man on the whole damn world :}
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fuxuannie · 1 year
Hi sage!! I hope you're doing well<33 do you mind doing jealousy headcanons for dan heng, jing yuan and any other characters you chose?? Thank you 🤍🤍 you're keeping the hsr x reader tag alive 😭
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* pairing(s) : various hsr men (4, again) x gender neutral reader
* prompt : jealousy bites like you like a poisonous snake, the bite hurts, but its the venom that gets you.
* authors note : hi anon !!! (๑´ㅂ`๑) thank you for requesting, you're so sweet for the last msg omg tysm <3 i hope u enjoy !
* brief warning : blade kills a man, very blade of him. (his is also more of a joke im sorry blade lovers) ALSO THIS PROGRESSIVELY GETS SHORTER EACH CHARACTER, I JUST REALLY LIKE DAN HENG IM SORRY LMAO.
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DAN HENG can't hide the way his eye twitches, how tightly he grips onto his spear or the way he'd mutter things under his breath. He despises it when he's jealous, but he hates it more when he sees the reason for doing so.
He knows he's.. not exactly like all your previous partners, it stemmed an insecurity in him. He wasn't all too funny, and knew he couldn't make you laugh with a corny joke.
So the way Sampo keeps making you laugh, making you smile, it was sparking a jealous flame in his heart. But more than anything, it saddened him that he couldn't make you laugh like that.
God, your smile was so pretty.
After a while, he interlocks his fingers with yours and mutters a small 'Can we go?' to you. You immediately notice his saddened tone, and thank Sampo for his time before walking home with your boyfriend.
"Dan Heng?" You say softly, noticing his rather saddened mood. He lets out a small hum to acknowledge your call for him, and you sigh. "Are you upset?"
He nods his head.
"Is it.. because of Sampo?"
He hesitates, but that alone gives you an answer.
Dan Heng takes a deep breath, before looking at you, his eyes filled with honesty. "I was.. jealous. I know I can't make you laugh the way he does, and it frustrates me. I want to be a man who makes you smile everyday but-"
Amidst his rant, he sees how your gaze softened at his words. This entire time, he was insecure? He hid it well, so well, at the very least from you. "I'm sorry, this is stupid-"
"N-no! It's not, I should be apologizing if anything! I failed to realize these things.. I'm sorry, my love. Sampo.. he makes me laugh, but you make my heart flutter. You make me feel things no one else can, okay? I'm yours, as you are mine."
He smiles at you, he's just happy he communicated his feelings, and you understood. "I'll be sure to try and tell you how I feel next time, okay? As long as you promise you'll stop hanging out with him. I was honestly afraid I was gonna have to get rid of him."
You blinked a few times, but he sighs. "I'm kiddinngg.."
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JING YUAN knows he's far too good of a man, therefore doesn't get jealous.
He's yet to be disproven in the first part, but his golden eyes are filled with annoyance as the stares of a certain enemy of his lingers far too long on you.
You were filling in for Yanqing, he was absent for the day (something about falling into an ice cold river and getting sick or something...) and so someone needed to be there as the General would be meeting Blade.
And Jing Yuan couldn't ignore how Blade's eyes never left your form while he spoke, hanging your head down low and so you wouldn't notice. That made him greatly annoyed, almost unable to focus, but he had a mission at hand. And so he forced his jealousy to subside.
Needless to say, the small marks on your neck was embarassing to have seen in public. (And the small bird constantly pecking at Blade's hair was definitely also not Jing Yuans doing.)
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GEPARD is so understanding, he evaluates every situation with logical thinking, as expected as a leader.
So it wasn't hard to figure out the intentions of the 'friend' that was speaking to you, how their voice was almost sweeter, and the way they clinged onto your arm was signalling red flags.
Gepard wouldn't have minded this, it could've easily been friendly gestures, but Serval is one of your closest friends and you were within a friendgroup. And she knows that person has a crush on you, and it was painfully obvious.
So naturally, he swiftly and surpisingly gently pulls you from the waist out of their grasp especially with how firm his grip around you was. He gives them a not so friendly glare, and plants a soft kiss to your lips. "My partner." He states, pulling you close as you're left to be stunned with the sudden posessiveness of your partner. "Mine."
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Blade simply stares down at the person even attempting to approach you with clearly bad intentions. And if they dare to try to push their luck, Blade comes home with blood on his hands.
"What did you do??" You'd ask, you already knew the answer after already learning what Blade was truly like. "What was necessary." He replied, a kiss on your cheek as he walks in through the door to wash his hands.
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phfenomena · 5 months
❝i hope i was your favorite crime.❞ || coriolanus snow x f!reader
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| request- hi! i was wondering if you could do a corio x plinth reader where he aproches her bc she is a plinth (and she notices and gets mad bc she think that corio takes her for a stupid girl who would just fall for his lies) but he slowly falls for her. i would really like if it ends well, like them together. i hope you understood my idea, i love your work btw.
| A/N- i wanted so bad to make sooooo angsty but i fought the demons. def ooc everybody besides festus. fuck you festus. hope you like it as much as i do 🫶🏻
| WARNINGS- alcohol consumption, creepy men, bad fathers (relatable), nice coriolanus snow, festus creed (he deserves a warning), eating, making out, traumatized sejanus (im sorry sejanus i love you)
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the eldest plinth daughter. not an heir, but something you’d want to marry into. if you could get her, you’d never need to do anything again in your life. coriolanus knew that, he reveled in that. he’d never met her, all the times he went over to the plinth’s apartment she was either out or the door to her bedroom was tightly locked- not accepting visitors.
he wondered what she did with her time, was she in university? sejanus seems to never talk about his sister unless someone asks. but yet here she was. a floor length silver dress caught coriolanus’ eye, turning his head to follow the figure. she stood tall and confidently next to her brother. his eyes cascaded over the entire family, all in the same tantalizing silver. they were brightly shining in the ballroom of the benefit. it’d be hard to ignore them. he hated that.
he studied her, they way he could almost see a resemblance to sejanus but feeling as if he’s grasping at straws. her left hand holding a champagne glass she hasn’t drank from, and her right hand resting on sejanus’ shoulder. she’s nodding along to whatever nonsense pup harrington is spitting at her, no doubt making a pass.
she excuses herself and points at her glass, which is now empty after having to listen to the poor boy. when she reaches the full glasses lined up on the table coriolanus makes his move. “hello, ms.plinth.” her head turns to him and her eyes narrow. “coriolanus snow. my brothers supposed best friend- where’s tigris? i like her.” she quickly downs the glass and reaches for another. coriolanus can feel the disdain for him leaking out of her pores.
“she’s, um, she’s back at home. with grandma’am. she is quite nice to be around, isn’t she? how are you enjoying your night?” he attempts to flip the conversation back to her- oh wait, she’s not even looking at him anymore. her eyes find sejanus’ as he’s talking to livia cardew, and she begins walking in his direction. “nice talking to you, coriolanus.” but he felt like it definitely wasn’t nice. was he wanting to marry her for her money? yes. but was she also beautiful and apparently quite funny, as ma plinth has said? also yes.
she spent the rest of night collecting champagne glasses and not leaving sejanus’ side. even he was beginning to get bothered by the bachelors approaching his sister. she leaned against the back wall, yes, another glass in hand. she’d gotten roped into a conversation with festus, clearly tortuous. coriolanus was standing with sejanus about a foot away, so sejanus could keep and eye on festus.
“it’s just so frustrating, coryo! all these guys coming up and trying to make a pass at my sister while i’m right there, if i didn’t know any better i would’ve taken pup harrington outside. you should’ve heard some of the stuff he was saying to her. it’s horrible.” sejanus rants while staring at festus. “well, she’s gonna have to get married eventually, sejanus.” coriolanus says with a slight smile to his bestfriend.
“i know that, just none of these guys. we’ve been everyday with them at the academy. you know how bad they are, the shit they say about women in general. i don’t want those guys with her.” it’s obvious he’s quite over protective of her, even though she’s three years older than him. coriolanus nods along with him and pats his back.
“i’ll go save her.” coriolanus comforts his friend and makes his way to festus. “sejanus said he needed your opinion on some ideas for the food, seemed urgent.” she nods and offers a knowing smile to coriolanus. festus leans his head on the wall “man! i really felt like i was getting somewhere with her” coriolanus rests a hand on his shoulder. “trust me, you definitely weren’t.”
the party has picked up and died down, everyone sitting to eat but coriolanus couldn’t seem to figure out where she was. she wasn’t sitting with her family and unless she had friends he didn’t know, he couldn’t see her anywhere. he’d made his way outside to take a breather from all the talking and hugging old people who knew his parents.
that’s when his eyes laid upon the girl in the silver dress, and he took a seat next to her on the steps. she’s staring out into the gardens and her eyes are glazed over. no champagne glass in her hand this time. she doesn’t turn to look at him.
“i’m really drunk right now and i hate almost everyone in there. all they care about is money and those stupid hunger games.” she confided in him and rested her chin on her arms that are wrapped around her knees. “yeah, you didn’t look like you were having a great time. i tried counting how many glasses you had but i lost count after ten.” she lightly laughed and shook her head.
“i think it was thirteen but i’m not sure, i drank four while festus was chirping in my ear about how many children he wanted.” she feigned chills at the mention of his name and they laughed. she turned to look at him with a barley noticeable smile “you’re not like them, are you? you’re more like sejanus. quiet and doesn’t bother women they want to marry.” the comparison of sejanus would normally upset him, but coming from her it felt the highest compliment a man could receive.
she rubbed her hands over her arms to conserve warmth and coriolanus quickly removed his blazer to wrap around her and she muttered a small thanks. resuming her staring at the gardens. “would you like to grab you some water? or something to eat? it’s not gonna be very good for you tomorrow morning if you don’t eat something.” he whispers towards and she nods her head.
as coriolanus is walking back in, the plinths are walking out. “hey coryo. we’re heading home for the night as ma doesn’t feel too well, have you seen-“ coriolanus points outside “she’s on the steps, make sure she eats something when you get home. way too much champagne for a human.” seianus claps his hand against coriolanus’ chest and continues outside.
the sun is battering down on the capitol but the plinths home is cooler than a beautiful spring day, probably for the hungover girl inside. coriolanus knocks on the door and smiles as his eyes meet ma’s. “oh! coriolanus, it’s so good to see you. we didn’t talk much last night. come in! i just finished up some pies!” she ushers him inside as sejanus joins them in his mothers corner of the kitchen.
after the grueling and quite long conversation with ma coriolanus excused himself. sejanus seemingly interested in this new sugar ma had found. as coriolanus rounded the corner to her room, he stopped. suddenly feeling quite nervous and as if he might throw up. her bedroom door opened and her eyes meet his, he looks down and she’s holding his blazer out. “i heard you talking to ma, here this.” her calloused tone returns, maybe she only likes him she’s drunk. he better find a lot more champagne.
the plinth family plus coriolanus are sitting in the sun room, drinking iced tea and munching on whatever treats ma had baked. “so, coriolanus, do you have any plans on getting married after university?” strabo’s deep and rough voice cut over his wife’s story.
coriolanus set his tea down “i’d hope so, certainly.” his eyes skip between strabo and his daughter. she’s sitting with her knees pulled up to chest and she’s looking out the window. “well you know how much we’d love to have you in the family, we could arrange your marriage with-“ she sets her cup down harshly and stands up.
“you always do this! could you just leave me alone? maybe i don’t want to get married, ma said it was fine if i didn’t marry.” she’s waving her hands around and waits for him to answer. when she’s met with silence she storms out and slams the sunroom door. “strabo, you can’t make her marry someone she doesn’t love.” someone she doesn’t love.
coriolanus stands up and thanks them for the tea. “tigris wanted to head to the market and i’d never let her go alone, i’ll see you guys tomorrow night.”
he walks by her door and tries the handle, quietly. he fully expected it to be locked but the door swings open and she’s laying face down on the bed. “sejanus, go away.” she grumbled through her mattress. “it’s not sejanus.” she sighs and sits up, staring at him.
“do you not knock before entering a room?” she tilted her head and studied him. “i expected it to be locked, sorry. i’ll knock next time.” his eyes seem to gravitate towards the floor and he can’t will himself to bring them back up.
“i’m sorry about my father. i’m sure it made you very uncomfortable, he’s just always trying to marry me off.” her hands fidget awkwardly in her lap. “i wasn’t too uncomfortable, any guy would be lucky to marry you. i always heard that you were quite mean, i’ve yet to see that.”
she scoffed and turned her head to the window. “they only say that because i don’t hesitate to speak my mind. i taught sejanus that. i am definitely what they call me, but only to them.” why does she feel so comfortable spilling her guts to him?
“i saw you and sejanus’ sister a few minutes ago, coriolanus. are you willing to deal with her grating voice and attitude for the plinths money?” arachne sneers towards him and the group laughs. “it helps that she’s pretty, it’s already hard enough trying to talk to her.” coriolanus regrets it the second it escapes his mouth.
she liked him. she really did like coriolanus snow, but who doesn’t? she weaved her way through the crowd trying to escape him. he was hot on her trail until he catches up to her in one of the various bedrooms inside the ravinstalls estate.
“do you think i’m stupid, coriolanus? be honest.” he scrambles to find the words but his brain couldn’t function in the one moment he desperately needed it. “i said you were different, i talked to you about things i liked, i would tell ma all about you. but you aren’t different, you’re just like the others.” he ran his hand through his hair. “i was different, i am different. i don’t know why i said that, it just came out. i didn’t mean it, i promise.”
he attempted to take her hand but she ripped out of his grasp and stomped out of the room. shit.
the next day her door was locked. and the next. and the next. he wasn’t even sure she was there anymore. sejanus hasn’t mentioned anything but he wished he would. he wished he would tell him if she was okay or if he majorly screwed up.
as coriolanus and sejanus sit in the sunroom attempting to study, there’s a knock on the door. coriolanus cranes his neck to see festus ravinstill standing there with a bouquet of flowers. god, this kid is tragic. but then he sees you, take the flowers with a smile and a kiss on his cheek. strabo’s never looked happier.
coriolanus suffered in silence watching festus become a daily guest and drowning out sejanus’ complaints about him being there. for once in his life, he agreed with sejanus. when he enters the kitchen to refill his glass of lemonade he sees her watering the plants in the kitchen.
“don’t marry him. he won’t be good to you.” she drops her head and turns to him. “and you would?” she spits back sending him into a whirlwind. “yes.” he whispers out and she takes a few steps closer to him. “festus is nice and fathers happy with this. i don’t have another choice, coriolanus. i have to do this” how does she always sound so sure of herself? maybe coriolanus could take a class from her.
their eyes finally meet, after weeks of not seeing her eyes, she’s finally looking at him. “you could marry me, instead. i wouldn’t treat you like a prize, like festus would.” she steps impossibly closer and he feels like he can’t breathe when she’s around. oxygen becomes molasses and his knees become jelly.
she looks over coriolanus’ shoulder and stands up on her toes to kiss him. he takes a moment to catch on but he his hands find purchase on her waist and he leans down. all nerves thrown out the window and all he can think of is her, how she tastes, how she smells, he can’t even remember who festus is.
her hands wind his curly hair around her fingers as she swipes her tongue against his own and he pushes her against the refrigerator, causing a few magnets to fall onto the floor. his hands are trailing up and down the waist of the yellow dress she had decided to wear that day.
festus had left the plinths the second he saw her look at him over coriolanus’ shoulder. knowing he lost and there’s nothing he could’ve done.
she pulls back, panting. “i’ll marry you, just don’t call me annoying again.” her lipstick is smeared across both of their mouths and he gives her a dopey smile. “i wouldn’t dream of it” he brushes stray hair out of her face.
“in the kitchen?! we make food there!” sejanus is standing in the doorway, seemingly traumatized. “sorry, sej.” he shakes his head walking away but throwing a secretive thumbs up at coriolanus.
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percyluvr · 3 months
luke castellan x child of ares!reader summary: luke sneaks into your cabin because he can't sleep without knowing that the two of you will be okay wc: 502
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The sun was beating down on your back, intensifying the rage coursing through your body. You had spotted your boyfriend of 2 years, Luke Castellan, being mindlessly flirted with by some random all day, and he wasn't doing anything about it.
And while he wasn't flirting back, you found it just as bad. You knew it was stupid and you knew he technically wasn't doing anything wrong, but you couldn't help but be angry, it was just in your dna. Well, not technically in your DNA since the parent that you would've gotten the DNA from is a God, but the point still stands.
He had spotted you, shouting your name and telling you to wait up for him to accompany you to lunch, but you just sped up and ignored him.
The heat, as well as what you had just witnessed were both contributing to your building headache, which just pissed you off even more than you already were. Clearly, seeing your boyfriend basically cheat on you plus the disgusting sweltering heat were not a good combination for your already bad anger issues.
"Baby, wait up please! tell me what's wrong," Luke said worriedly. "Did I do something wrong?"
"Gee, Castellan, did you do something wrong? I couldn't imagine what the problem could be, oh wait, I can! Do you get off on humiliating me or something?" You ranted and stormed off, not wanting to hear another word from his mouth because if you did, you would probably punch his disgustingly handsome face, or his beauty would completely dismiss all of your anger and you would immediately forgive him, which you did not want to do.
"Hey, hey, princess, what did I do?"
"Oh for god's sake, don't act dumb. I'm done with your shit. Leave me alone from now on."
But he clearly could not take that as an answer, because later that night, when you were laying in bed trying not to cry, you heard a soft knock on the window and just knew that it was him. How could you stay mad at him when he was so damn sweet?
You begrudgingly open the window, finding his striking eyes and soft raven curls to be even more beautiful with the moonlight cascading around his features, making his cheekbones even more pronounced and sharpening his jaw even more so.
"Are we.. okay? I just want you to know that I was not flirting with that girl earlier, if that's what you're mad about. I'm really sorry that you even thought that, I would never do anything to purposefully hurt you, you know that, right?" He was rambling now, worried that he would lose you.
"Yes, Luke, we're okay. I know you didn't flirt with her, I was just mad and I don't really know why. I'm sorry for yelling at you in front of basically the whole camp and getting mad over nothing."
He smiled, making your heart flutter. He gave you a kiss and you both talked quietly into the night until you fell asleep in each other's arms, which was sure to be a surprise to your siblings when they woke up in the morning.
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achelouise · 2 months
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Lies, mysteries, and tricks
Fandom: Honkai Starail
Pairing: Sunday/Gen!reader, MENTIONED Gallagher/reader
Warnings: Spoilers for 2.1 and written before 2.2! Very toxic, from both sides, I think? Maybe OOC Sunday.
Summary: You learn about Robin's death, and rush to console Sunday. He isn't the thing you should be worrying about, though.
A/N: It's been a while! Came back to write this, because I couldn't stop thinking about this idea. It's rushed, and it's not really well-written, and it's short. Please forgive me~ (I am obsessed with Gallagher rn, so if anyone has any ideas I would love to hear and write about them :D (I still don't know how to properly use tumblr btw))
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“Sunday? Are you in there?”
No answer. You drum your fingers against your sides nervously.
“Sunday, can we talk? Please?”
Still no answer. Your heart beats widely in your chest.
You ignore your thunderous heart as you slowly push the doors of the mansion open. The creaking doors echo and bounce along the empty halls, revealing a giant room, devoid of any light. A luxurious bed, dorned with lights and gems and painted with beautiful colors, is tucked away at the very side of the room. Sunday’s bedroom.
The factions had established that, other than the man himself, Sunday’s blood-related family, along with his spouse, would have access to it. Sunday himself had no permission to grant access to anyone, so you are surprised when the bellhop simply glanced at you and let you in without protest.
You could only guess it was because you two were close friends, and they were used to seeing you enter the Pavilion as children. Still, to enter his bedroom must be a breach in security…
But he wasn’t in any other room you could find. Time was slipping, lives were being lost, and you needed to find him. Fast.
You’re not exactly in the know. Most things you know, only Gallagher has told you. But you know full well that Sunday needs support.
“Sunday, please. I know I haven’t visited in… a while. I know what happened, and I’m sorry. Let’s work this out together. Don’t run away. Please?”
Only your echoes answer.
You were rambling to yourself at this point, desperation climbing further and further up to your chest. You have seen what Sunday does when he loses those he loves- and you want to help him. You don’t ever want to see him like that again. Never again.
You glance at the papers scattered on his desk. Maybe they have some information on where he went. He likes to rant in diaries.
You close your eyes, and pray to whatever Aeon you follow.
Forgive my sins for ever trespassing privacy to this extent. 
You don’t exactly have a clear mind when you start to rummage through the papers that endured wear and tear. You start to read some.
How could she do this?
It’s fine. It’s fine. Itsfineitsfineitsfineitsfineitsfine
Robin. Dear Aeons, Robin. 
When I find the traitor I will make them pay in blo o d 
Please don’t leave me please
Please please please please pleasepleas  e 
Your stomach drops. Poor Sunday.
Something else catches your eye, though. A soft reflection of a photo, pinned at the corner of the widespread desk. You lean over to take a good look at it.
You bite your lip so hard it nearly breaks skin. But even that dulls in comparison to the piles and piles of photos- all of them just you and Gallagher.
There are a wide range of those photos; from you two sitting across each other in the Dreamjolt Hostelry, to your hands linked together, faces flushed and smiles bright. All of them, with Gallagher’s face crossed out with glaring, red circles.
The words are jagged and rough, as if he had barely managed to carve it out with his bare hands. It is a gigantic contrast to the sweet and elegant cursives he writes in his letters to you. It almost made you believe it wasn’t even Sunday who wrote this.
But you’re not stupid. You swallow the bile down your throat as your stomach churns with heightened fear and uncertainty. Sunday is a clever man, which makes him infinitely more dangerous.
Admittedly, he is far more unhinged than the public understands. You’ve never had a problem with it- only crazy can recognize crazy, and that was probably how he uncovered the plan of that gambler.
This doesn’t work in your favor, though. You don’t want to know what it means when he directs this insanity towards you.
You turn to leave.
“Ah, you found me.”
A hand shoots out to grip your arm, and you have no time to react. Shock, as quick as it comes, is slow to settle down. You try to scream.
“Oh Triple-Faced Soul, please seal this traitor's tongue and palms with a hot iron, so that the traitor will not be able to fabricate lies and make false vows.”
Your whole body goes cold. You feel it- the soft waves of Harmony pulsing in your head, trapping your tongue and seeing through your eyes. You had seen its effect- seen how it slaughters and breaks those who disobey. But to receive this kind of treatment yourself…
You finally process the dangerous situation you’re in, and wrench free from his grasp. You regain your stance as you stumble backwards, a question on the tip of your tongue. “Why?”
Sunday looks… off. His clothes are askew, his eyebags more apparent without the illusion of Harmony, and a smile, out of place and out of his mind. He chuckles, far too gentle, so much so that it sends shivers down your spine.
“You know how this goes, don’t you?” he coos, berating and condescending. “Answer my questions truthfully, or suffer the rejection of the Harmony.”
“Why would I ever lie to you?” you ask, “What is there even to ask?”
His eye twitches. His voice drops an octave, laced with poison and jealousy. “You know perfectly well what I mean.”
He breathes in, regaining his footing as the questions begin. “Are you interested in Gallagher? Is he interested in you?”
You think of him. A few hours ago, he insisted he came along to find Sunday with you. You’re starting to regret that decision. “Yes- and, I… I think so.”
Sunday tsks. “Do you know what he is? What it is?”
You cross your arms. “No. He is not human, but I am not exactly a young damsel in distress myself.”
“Do you not understand? That that man is nothing but a memetic entity, with thousands of truths woven together as a lie? Do you not know that the man you hold hands with killed Robin in cold blood? Why would you want to be with a foul beast like him?”
You are taken aback at the venom in Sunday’s tone. He isn’t even hiding it anymore. His breathing is ragged, and his eyes are blown wide.
“I… didn’t.” you admit, far too overwhelmed by his genuine frustration to confirm the validity in his claims.
Sunday suddenly withdrawals, as if sensing he has taken you off guard. He draws himself to his full height, casting a shadow with the light outside in the halls. The pulses in your head die out, as if they were never there.
“You are being tricked, dearest. He is not the man you think he is. He is a monster, a murderer, that serves under a shameful stain. Join me, in the pursuit of the Watchmaker. We can make all of them pay in blood.”
He rants, and you feel your heart sink. He is unstable because of this recent loss, but he has clearly not lost his mind. There is still rhyme and reason to what he does.
“My past? Hah, let’s not get into that just yet. I’ll tell you- someday.”
You glance down at the hand he offers you. His gaze is tender, but far too fragile. His lips are quivering, a silent plea.
You want to reject him. You want to scream at him, punch him, and run away, as far as possible. Gallagher had promised he would explain himself one day, and you had not mentally prepared yourself to know.
But given the unstable state he was in, it is unwise to simply respond with violence.
You reach out for his hand- only for a blade, dark and violet laced with gold, piercing from his stomach. Blue liquid pours from his gut, and this time, you truly do scream.
You don’t hear anything. The withdrawal of the blade is defeated by the look of despair and shock in Sunday’s eyes. He reaches for your hand, in a blind desperation- only to dissipate at the softest graze into a sea of bubbles.
Your heart thunders in your ribcage. A silent dread washes over you, and you hear your breaths grow shorter.
A lighter goes out.
Strong, warm arms envelop you. 
A voice, low and gruff, tells you that it’s going to be okay. The voice hovers over your ear, gentle and sweet, almost fabricated to ghost over your ear in a way you can’t refuse. You don’t respond, though, as you feel a sharp cut to your neck, and you’re out like a light.
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brainddeadd · 25 days
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fluff, slight angst
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Chan answers his phone to a panicked Jeongin on the other end of the line, babbling away in a mix of English and Korean, the words jumbled and incoherent.
"Woah, woah, woah, chill, calm, breath." Chan's trying, but it's two am, he's just been woken - he was asleep for once - and he is unprepared for a stressed out Jeongin.
"I did something stupid." Jeongin shuts up after that and Chan has no idea what that could mean. He's kinda scared to ask.
"Bud, what?" Chan's scrubbing his hand down his face, trying to shake the lingering edge of sleep that is grasping his mind.
"I think I did something really stupid." Jeongin is freaking out. Chan can hear him pacing on the other end of the phone.
"I'm sure it's not that bad." Chan is earnest and ready to listen.
It is that bad.
It really is.
"You're a fucking idiot." Chan says first. Then: "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"I-" Jeongin doesn't have an answer. "I didn't know!"
"How could you not know?!"
Jeongin's panicking. Chan's panicking and dumbfounded. How could he not know?
"You knew?!"
"Everyone knows!"
"It's obvious!"
There's silence for a moment and Chan fears Jeongin has passed out.
"I think I'm dying."
"You're not dying."
"I think I might be."
"You're not."
"What do I do?"
"Talk to her."
"You knew.."
"She told me." Chan can hear Jeongin's breath hitch and what sounds like his head thumping on a desk.
"I'm such a fucking imbecile."
"Just talk to her."
Jeongin doesn't talk to you.
Jeongin doesn't see you for a week.
Then, suddenly, his Hyungs are leaving and you're standing in front of him.
"How dare you?!" You're pissed, but there are tears in your eyes and Jeongin's panicking again. "I tell you I love you and you fucking GHOST ME?!?!"
Oh fuck.
"You pressed and pressed to know what I was thinking and you had to know and then when I tell you, you disappear!" Jeongin watches you pace, knowing you've gotta get this rant out. "I specifically told you I DIDN'T want this to change our friendship. That I was happy to just be your friend, because I love being your friend and you agreed! You said it was ok!"
Jeongin reaches out for you, but you slap his hands away.
"Who does that?! Oh that's right! My best friend, Yang Jeongin, does!"
He winces.
"I'm sorry-"
"Sorry?!" He's never heard you so upset before and it kills him that he's the cause. "You-"
"I love you and I am so fucking sorry that it took me so long to tell you. I've known it for years and I've wanted you to love be back for so long but I thought I didn't stand a chance and then you told me and it was like the last thing I expected and I got scared and I let my doubts and insecurities worm their way into my head and I ignored Chan when he told me to talk to you and I should have talked to you but-" You slap your hand over his mouth, forcing him to shut up and breathe in deeply through his nose.
"You idiot." You whisper and then you're lips are on his and your hands are in his hair and he thinks he's died and gone to heaven.
He moves his hands to your waist, one circling around you to press on your back and hold you close to him. He pulls away - reluctantly, but he needs air - and leans his forehead on yours.
"I'm your idiot now."
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h3wi · 10 months
"how to get your crush to like you back in 3 easy steps"
or: dan heng likes you. march knows.
dan heng x f!reader. pining fools and idiots in love. march is close to having a metaphorical heart attack. cliche shoujo stuff.
"you have a crush on her."
"i absolutely do not."
march fixes dan heng with an unimpressed gaze. "you are literally so obvious, don't even try and deny it again."
obvious? he's obvious? dan heng tries not to panic. in a poor attempt to salvage the unsalvageable, he says, lamely, "...i don't know what you're talking about."
graciously preserving the little dignity he has left, march ignores him. she claps him on the shoulder sympathetically. "don't worry, i'm a pro wingwoman. i accept payment in the form of desserts."
dan heng's right eye twitches.
1. show interest in their interests, pay attention to them.
that's easy, he thinks to himself. he always pays attention to you, it comes naturally to him. he knows how you prefer your coffee with a dash of milk and honey, not too sweet. he knows how you always start books but rarely ever finish them unless they were "really good and checked all my boxes!" and could go on thesis-worthy rants about your favourite ones. he knows how you like to keep succulents on your table and give them all ridiculous names like "king coin of doge land" and "a rad little guy".
so easy, in fact, that he feels the most confident he's ever been as he strides across the room over to you. you’re fiddling with something, looking vaguely nervous as you talk to march.
"good morning." he greets, eyeing the newest project you seem to be occupied with in your hands. a crotchet dragon, how nice. he knows exactly how to keep the conversation going now—
"what's cookin', good lookin'?"
his brain short circuits.
what is he supposed to say to that? were you flirting? does he flirt back? was it just a phrase? what's cooking-?
"but i'm not on cooking duty today."
dan heng watches your face freeze in confusion. his face feels like stone. to the side, march looks like she’s about to strangle him.
"...uh huh."
an awkward silence hangs in the air. dan heng wishes he was a statue.
— a failure, cut your losses and move on.
2. compliment something they’ve put effort into.
“please elaborate.”
“say something you like about her.” march takes a bite of her parfait (courtesy of dan heng), “but it has to be something she put conscious thought into. it shows that you notice the little things, and it makes her feel good about herself which makes her feel good about you. bam! two birds with one stone.”
dan heng only feels more confused. “but i like everything about her.”
even with the sweet treat in her mouth, march looks like she tasted something sour.
“so do i compliment her on everything i can think of?”
“no, no. you-“ march heaves a sigh, “pick one. just one.”
when he sees you in the archive room, he notices the now completed crotchet dragon in your hand. he decides that this is the perfect time to redeem himself.
“it’s well-made. i like the teal colour.” he says, and mentally congratulates himself for not messing up right off the bat (again).
“thank you, it’s, um, actually supposed to be the dragon you summon.”
“oh.” dan heng’s mind had been so occupied with march’s plans and you that he didn’t even make the connection. he feels just a little stupid.
“…and it’s for you.”
“oh.” a gift from you? and it was made exclusively to represent him, with hours of effort? he is in shock.
he must have taken too long to answer, because you notice the hesitation. flushing with embarrassment, you say “it’s a little much, huh? sorry.”
dan heng doesn’t manage to get a word in (because he would love to have the crotchet dragon, thank you very much!) before you scurry out the door. it clicks as it shuts, his outstretched hand reaching for nothing but air.
— i don’t want to call you a dumbass, but you’re kind of being a dumbass.
3. find time alone with them.
“i’ll help you with this one. but when you’re alone with her, you’re on your own.” march looks mildly concerned, “…will you be ok?”
“of course.” he says, and it’s merely bravado.
“right, well, i managed to convince mr. yang, miss himeko, and pom pom to visit this café with me—you’re paying, of course—it’s a rare opportunity so make full use of it, ‘kay?”
alone on the express. with you. no one else. no big deal, he tries to convince himself.
they keyword is ‘tries’, of course.
when the time comes, he gathers all the courage he has and, hopefully nonchalantly, asks you to watch a movie with him with a mini projector march had lent him beforehand. you agree, and it’s the first hurdle cleared. no mishaps so far.
“i’ll make you coffee, the way you like it.” he offers, and feels a flutter in his chest when you smile. if he could, he would bottle the feeling you gave him up and ration it throughout the rest of his life.
“i would love that.”
he gets to work, prepping the sugar and honey as he waits for the water to boil. the conversation between the two of you comes easily, as if the recent incidents didn’t happen at all, and dan heng feels the familiar serenity that comes from being in your presence. it was quiet save for your conversation, and the backdrop of stars outside the train seemed to be even more mesmerising than usual.
but of course, not everything goes according to plan.
the astral express, which had been sailing through the stars so smoothly, lurches from sudden turbulence. you bump against the kettle when you try to stabilise yourself and knock it over. boiling water spills all over the counter and onto the floor.
“watch out!”
not wanting you to be scalded, he grabs your arm and tries to push you away with his back towards the spillage. but his foot steps on the water and he slips, falling forward.
the two of you land on the floor in a heap, inches away from the spill. pure reflexes allow him to minimise the impact of your head meeting the floor by using his other hand as a cushion. he thinks he has bruised his knuckles. he has sprained his wrist.
the thought of the compromising position doesn’t even cross either of your minds. you crawl out from underneath him, and, perceptive as ever, notice when he rubs his wrist and winces.
“dan heng! are you ok?” you fuss over him, hands flitting over his wrist. dan heng feels like he would have enjoyed the attention more if he wasn’t so disappointed that his plans were disrupted. it had been going so well, he mourns. he watches as your back disappears around the corner with promises of finding the first aid kit.
it’s hard for the previous tranquil atmosphere to come back when you obviously felt bad about his wrist (even thought he assured you it was alright and not to worry), and his plans were derailed. the both of you work together to clean up the mess, which took some time, and try to enjoy the movie, but the momentum was lost.
— …
“what do you mean all my plans went bust? i worked so hard to convince pom pom to come with me!” march looks at you in horror.
“i don’t know! i thought you said you were a pro at this! i tried the pick-up line, i tried giving him a gift, and i even spent time alone with him, nothing worked! am I just inept at this love thing?” you shake her by the shoulders, tears of frustration on the edge of falling. march could only feel wronged.
“oh my god. you’re both idiots.”
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bloodyymaryyy · 2 months
Gossip girl xoxo
F1 grid x driver reader
This is part 2!
part 1/ part 3 / masterlist
Side note : help this is not in correct chronological order it's like moments leading up to the first part. This took way too long and I can't be bothered to fix it properly so bare with me
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You: did you see...?
Yeah.... You were right it was true... Now what?.
You : I don't know this is getting awkward especially now on the paddock that we have the races... Do you think he is gonna show up?
I don't know, although we can't avoid it we have to face the music soon tho.
You : I am not ready for that
Media is gonna be fucked up.
Oh believe me it's gonna be shit, I don't think I will last long before headbutting someone honestly
You : me too I won't last long
Fucking hell
What now? Are we gonna ignore it or?
Maybe it's best we don't talk about it. Especially here
You :
You are right let's meet up.
🍔🍟 Or 🍝🍤
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Before that chaos you were told by Pierre that Lewis was moving to Ferrari in a year that he was told by Charles.
Which that should have been secret until announced by the teams but it's nice to know things... That was something interesting.
At Lewis apartment complex
*Puzzing *" Nico! Can you please open the door for me?!"
"Why? " Nico answered from the phone
"uhh I came to see you and the girls!" she made a face at that coming with a lie but not really a lie, she did missed Nico and the girls but she came here to confront Lewis about him leaving Mercedes for Ferrari
There was a moment of silence until his voice came again on the phone
"Sure" that was it the buzzing that opened the door came through and she pushed the door open and come up to his apartment, he was waiting for her to come up with his girls with him. The girls jumped to her, hugging her and welcoming her inside, taking off her shoes she came to Nico next and kisses his cheeks crossed and his wife hugging them for a bit and they started to talk about everything.
After a few hours she left and went to Lewis's apartment knocking loudly at the door. When the door opened and revealed Lewis standing there with gray sweatpants and sweater with his hair unbraided Roscoe at his feet wagging his tail seeing her after quite a bit of time he launched himself at her and she kneeled down petting him and scratching him on his back, under his head and belly making him lay down and smile getting his belly scratches.
" Lewis we have to talk" she finally spoke
" Well first of all, how did you get here?" he asked surprised
"Nico opened the door for me!" there was a pause " don't change the subject! Are you going to Ferrari in 2025?!" she exclaimed
" uh I can't tell you that... Sorry"
" Just tell me why?... Are you retiring? Oh no... Are you? You are returning after that aren't you? God!" she then started to tear up and rant about it the only thing he could do is make her stand up and walked her at the couch while she was having a mental breakdown.
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Then there was lando leaked asking for nudes and honestly she learned that from TikTok, she was scrolling down on her for you page while getting her food a bit cooled down and a slideshow popped up about the situation and there was her appetite
You :
Lando get the fuck off of my fyp you idiot
Why am I seeing your texts on TikTok?
What do you mean?
What texts?
You asking for 😰🤮.... 🍜
Eww I did not want to see that!?
Oh BTW are you okay? Did you not know or?
Are you stupid? Honestly it's a bit ridiculous to leak texts from 2020...
N e way....
Wtf?! Why are my cringe text on the open?! From 2020 especially then! I was stupid!
Fuck me...
Oh pr is gonna kill me fuck
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Lmk if you want another part!
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kana-de · 10 months
★ summary: wanderer x gn!reader. cuddling headcanons.
☆ cw: sfw. fluff. a LOT of fluff. 525 words.
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wanderer is really vacillating in offering AND receiving cuddles/hugs whether in public or in a closed space where no one sees you.
he'll go like "get your hands off of me!" without any insults, because... it's you. he can't really insult you since you can take it to heart too often.
but then will let out the most dramatic sigh you'll ever hear and rest his chin on your shoulder, one of his arms lightly scratching the scalp on your head and the other hand taking its place around your waist.
if you'll try to call him "hat guy" while cuddling he'll push you off the bed/couch without any hesitation. just so you know.
wanderer quickly discovers that you sleep really bad when no one's here to cuddle you, tell you a "sweet dreams" or give you a goodnight kiss on the forehead, so he often takes advantage of that (in a good way). wanderer can often find you restless, scrupulously working on some papers, but as soon as he proceeds to wrap his arms around you from behind, you realise that you can't resist your sleepiness anymore (and his cuddles, too).
he WILL offer to dance a medley (absolutely spontaneously) just because you have a vinyl music player in your bedroom that is already dusty as hell. no, not because he wants to feel your stupid human warmth coating all his being while he loses himself in your deep eyes. no, of course not, how could you even think that, you lowly-
after several categorical refusals to your "let me brush your hair" he agrees, but says no to "i want to braid your hair". and even stoically ignores your pouting puppy eyes.
yet, wanderer ends up lying on top of you, hugging you while you slowly run your fingers through his indigo hair, feeling how soft, even if it's - most likely, since he's a puppet - artificial, it is. you listen to his slow, quiet, appreciating humming against your chest. he falls asleep then though, and you decide that it's in your best interests to nor wake him up for now, and let the poor boy rest, even if he often rants about "i'm not like these humans, i don't need sleep."
he knows about where to touch you while your cuddling session and where to not; knows a lot about your insecurities since you always end up being cuddled by him if he notices you overthinking.
when at night he wakes up from another nightmare, wanderer lets you hug him and kiss his wet from tears cheeks, wiping them with your thumbs. he willingly tightly hugs you - and when i say tightly i MEAN IT. he grabs and clings onto you like you're his life vest, pressing his face onto your chest. neither of you care about if your clothes will get soiled in snot and tears. his sobs seem to slowly die down when you hug him back, tracing slow, careful circles on his back.
hums some cradle song he heard from a random kid on grand bazaar while being the big spoon for you to help you fall asleep.
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steddiecameraroll · 1 year
It Takes a Muscle to Fall In Love - Part 3
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4 Part 5
“Dude, it was so epic. We spent all weekend at Mike’s. Eddie’s campaign was one for the ages. I wish we could do that every weekend.” Dustin trails behind Steve while he restocks the shelves with returns.
“I’m sure Ted Wheeler loved you being there all day.” Steve wasn’t completely listening but trying to capture enough to stay engaged. 
When Dustin got on his D&D rants, Steve’s brain always wanted to go into shutdown mode, and it takes active effort to pay attention.
“Not just during the day, Steve. We all spent the night too. Even Eddie and Eddie never does that. Started Friday, and I only got home at 8 pm on Sunday. I’m telling you, EPIC!” Dustin bounces around and misses when Steve pauses, slamming their bodies together.
Steve hits his elbow on the nearby shelves and groans. “Damnit, dude.”
“Sorry, sorry, shit.” Dustin helps Steve into a standing position. “You ok?”
“Yeah, just watch where you’re going.” Steve straightens his vest. “What do you mean all weekend?”
“All weekend.” Dustin shrugs. “We played all night at Mike’s after school on Friday. Then had a sleepover and played all day Saturday. Slept over again, and the only reason we stopped when we did was ‘cause Eddie had to get home and have Sunday dinner with Wayne.”
Steve absorbs that timeline information and tries to figure out when Eddie would’ve had a date interspersed in there. He knows about Sunday dinner. It’s the only time Wayne and Eddie’s schedules line up, so definitely not a lie to get away for a date.
“Did Eddie leave at any time?”
“No? Like in the middle of the campaign?”
“Yeah, for an hour or two? Just at any time?” Steve can feel a prickle crawl up the back of his neck.
“No,” Dustin furrows his brow. “That would’ve been weird.”
“Ha, yeah, yeah, weird. For sure. But… uh, did he mention plans of his getting canceled or something? For this weekend?” Steve’s stomach twists at the implication he’s uncovering.
“No, he’d been building that campaign for weeks and on the Hellfire calendar just as long. We were forbidden to make plans on those days. He would’ve banned us for life. There’s no way he had plans.”
“Oh,” Steve’s stomach drops, and he suddenly needs to escape.
He shoulders around Dustin, slams the videos in his hands down on the counter, surprising Robin where she stands, and stomps toward the employee-only door in the back.
“Steve?” Robin’s voice floats through the door before it shuts behind him.
He paces in the tiny cramped space trying to parce his thoughts together.
He feels so stupid.
Eddie hated it so much that he lied.
His blood boils as frustration seeps through his veins. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. As the back door creeps open, he kicks a nearby folding chair, sending it toppling against the locker-lined back wall.
“Fuck.” He covers his face and huffs in anger.
“Steve?” Robin’s voice is soft and cautious.
“He lied, Rob.” Steve tosses his hands to his sides and stumbles back, leaning against the wall.
“Who?” She props the door open to listen for any customers and slides up to Steve’s side.
Steve nervously glances at the open doorway while chewing on his bottom lip.
“I kicked Dustin out. What happened? I thought you two were talking about his D&D thing this weekend.” She nudges his shoulder with her own.
“Eddie,” his voice wobbles. “He-he lied to me. He told me he had this…thing this weekend. But he didn’t. Why would he do that?” He wraps his arms around himself, trying to ignore the burning in his chest.
“What thing? That doesn’t seem like him.” 
“I know, um…just this thing.” He pushes himself away from the wall and starts pacing again. “I thought we were…I don’t understand why he would lie. I mean, he coulda talked to me. Told me he wasn’t interested. But instead, making up this whole thing as if I couldn’t figure it out. Shit.”
“Dingus, I’m gonna need a bit more context here to give valuable advice.” Robin’s eyes follow Steve back and forth.
“No, you know what? It doesn’t matter. Screw it.” He shakes his head and hears the tinkle of the front door. “Perfect, a distraction.” 
Steve plasters his fake customer service smile on his face and strides through the back door when his eyes take in the customer.
“Stevie!” Eddie throws his arms up and smiles wide.
“Get out.” Steve keeps his voice calm even though his fingers are itching to grab the man by the shirt collar and scream at him for an explanation.
“What?” Eddie’s smile slips from his face.
“Eddie, maybe the two of you should talk later.” Robin appears behind Steve.
“I don’t understand.” Eddie looks between the pair anxiously.
“I don’t want to see you right now.” Steve’s entire body is shaking.
“Don’t you have a…date to get to?”
Eddie’s eyes widen. He glances at Robin, seeing a look of confusion strewn across her face, and then he reflects back at Steve. If Steve weren’t so honed in on Eddie’s movements, he would’ve missed the exact moment Eddie felt the weight of his lie crumble down on him.
Eddie nods nervously and backs away. “I didn’t-“
Steve shakes his head, his jaw clenched tightly, trying to bite back his anger.
The bell above the front door cuts through all three of them when a mother and child enter the store, breaking the moment. Eddie bows around them and nods to Steve, glancing apologetically at Robin before heading outside.
Steve’s eyes track Eddie until his van has pulled out of the parking lot and driven away.
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @sunfloweringstories @solalasoforth @blackpanzy @gw3n-st4cy @starman-jpg @sofadofax @goodolefashionedloverboi @stxrcrossed186 @loguine-linguine @vampireinthesun @unclewaynemunson @saganarojanaolt 
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juqtier · 5 months
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SUMMARY: after blowing up at your neighbor, you and your friend decide to have a night out to help you with stress. what could go wrong?
GENERAL WARNINGS: mentions of alcohol and alcohol, angsty, arguing, spencer is kind of (definitely) an asshole, kissing, cursing, somewhat darker plot points as story progresses
THIS CHAPTERS CONTAINS: alcohol and alcohol consumption, characters are drunk, cursing, spencer is an asshole, cursing. also if anything is wrong or said wrong ignore it and pretend it’s all correct thanks 💯🥰🫶🏽
GENRE: enemies to lovers, fluff, angst
⋆·˚ ༘ *
chapter 2 : it’s dr. reid
✎ It has been a couple weeks since you blew up at Spencer, and not much has changed. Well, except for your attitude towards him.
You never smiled or waved at him. In fact, if he even glanced at you, you’d quickly roll your eyes before he got the chance.
As you sat in the back at your work, counting tips, you couldn’t help but think about how much you hated him.
God, he’s so stuck up.
He doesn’t even know me.
Wearing a vest doesn’t make you any better than me or anyo-
"(Y/N), are you okay?”
Your coworker (and closest friend), Liv, interrupts your thoughts. She stared at you with a subtle hint of confusion. You hadn’t even realized you'd been zoned out or that you’d been slamming down the cash on the table.
You and Liv met when you first began working here. She was possibly the happiest person you know, and the kindest. She always listened to you ramble about anything, whether it was a stupid hobby, a rude customer, or even the most mundane story about your week.
“Um yeah. Just some problems..” You weren’t even sure how to answer her. Bringing up the situation made you even more furious.
However, Liv became a bit more concerned with this answer.
“Oh no! What’s wrong? Family troubles, a boy?”
You breathe in deeply, trying to suppress the anger building up again before you start talking.
“It’s just... my neighbor.”
Liv leans on the table you sat at, obviously interested in what you have to say. “Go on…”
Her saying that immediately gave your mind the confirmation it needed to go ahead with your rant.
“Well, when I moved in, I wanted to greet him. I don’t know, trying to be neighborly and whatnot, like one does. But.. like..”
You rub your face with your hands. It became clear to you that talking about this would anger you no matter what, so why not just get it over with?
“He’s such a jerk. Like, he interrupted me when I tried to say hello. He even slammed the door in my face.”
Your friend's eyes widen, leaning more towards you, showing her interest. Honestly, even if she wasn’t showing any care whatsoever, the words would’ve kept spewing out regardless. You needed to get this off your chest.
“Oh, and he showed up at my door, telling me to turn my music down. I have no problem with that, but in the same breath, he tells me how I have terrible taste. He said, 'Some of us have jobs and commitments', or whatever bullshit he said to me. Like oh I’m sorry, I never knew because I don’t also work my ass off!”
Your voice gradually became louder, yet you weren’t quite yelling. All Liv does is nod softly, almost as if she knew how much anger and frustration built up inside of you.
“And I live next to him, I can’t avoid him. He’s like the plague! Maybe during the apartment tour, the realtor could’ve been kind enough to give me a heads-up! Maybe like, ‘Oh, by the way, the neighbor is insanely rude and pretentious, so maybe avoid him if you can’, I dunno!”
“Jesus, (Y/N), I’m sorry.” Liv quickly says. Venting to your friend calmed you down a bit, but you were still visibly annoyed.
“It’s fine… It’s not... whatever.” Your body slumps into the chair, the tip money you were previously counting still spread in front of you.
“Let’s go out tonight. You and me!” Liv suggests happily.
The idea sounds nice, but you haven’t been out in what feels like forever. When you moved, you left all of your dresses and more risqué clothing behind to make the move easier. I mean, you didn’t even think you’d have a reason to go out of the house.
“Liv, thanks for the attempt at helping, but I haven’t gone out in so long. I don’t even have going-out clothes.”
"Well, you’re in luck, sweets! I have tons of going-out clothes, or whatever you call them. When I’m out in a couple hours. Finish counting your tips, go home, shower, and I’ll pick you up. No ifs, ands, or buts. See ya!"
With that, she smiles sweetly at you and hurries off, going to serve another table fast enough so you can’t say no to the plans she made. You let out a small huff, seeing no way out of this.
And Liv was nice; what harm could going out with her do?
You gather the cash and stuff it into an envelope, sliding it into your purse and gathering the rest of your belongings. Untying your apron and setting it down, you exit the restaurant through the back and make your way to your car.
Please let tonight be a good one.
“Choose an outfit, any outfit!”
Liv displayed all her dresses for you to choose from on her bed. She had picked you up a couple hours prior, and the two of you had been talking for a while before getting ready.
You straightened your hair and did a smokey makeup look, something you hadn’t done in a while.
The dress selection was quite impressive, but a simple short, sparkly black dress stood out to you the most. You pick it up and show Liv your choice.
“Ooooh, skimpy, yet simple. I like!” Liv said, smiling from ear to ear.
“Go put it on!”
She eagerly pushes you into the bathroom to change, shutting the door behind you.
Slipping the clothes on and staring at yourself in the mirror, you felt insanely confident. Since you hadn’t been out in so long, you forgot how fun it was to get dressed up.
Stepping out of the bathroom and into the room where Liv went to change, she audibly gasped upon seeing you.
“Jesus (Y/N), you look hot!”
A giggle escapes your lips as you look down at the yourself and smile at her.
“I might have to steal this dress, I like them too much.”
“I’d pay you to keep it, you look good.”
The comment made you blush slightly as your friend continued to compliment you.
“Alright, I'm ready. Let’s go!”
The two of you order a cab and head to the club. The thought of Spencer Reid is nowhere in your mind.
As you arrive at the club, you can already tell it’s quite full. Just upon entering, you see tons of people dancing and drinking—even a drunk girl spilling her drinks all over herself as her friends quickly try to clean her up.
Liv grabs your arm, dragging you up to the bar in a matter of seconds. It seemed so fast; you hadn’t even noticed she ordered you two drinks.
“Two tequila shots, two waters, and two limes, thank you!” Liv orders from the bartender. He nods and heads off to grab you guys your drinks.
“Starting off strong?” You say this, laughing softly.
“Of course! I want you to have a good night, (Y/N). It’ll be fun, trust me!"
Liv smiled softly at you as she grabbed the salt on the counter, seeing the bartender come back with the shots.
“Here you go. Enjoy, ladies.”
The both of you nod as the bartender steps away, helping others with their drinks. You lick the back of your hand and sprinkle salt on it before grabbing the shot and throwing it back.
It burned slightly, going down your throat, and you winced a bit. Quickly licking the salt off your hands and sucking on the lime, you can’t help but shake a little bit. It’s been so long since you’ve even consumed any sort of alcohol, so this shot felt incredibly strong to you.
"Jesus, I forgot how much I hate tequila.” You say, clearing your throat a bit. You grab your water and take a sip as Liv laughs, seemingly having had no reaction to the shot.
“Welcome back to drinking, huh?” She jokes, which makes you both laugh a little.
As the night goes on, the two of you dance and drink more, progressively becoming drunker. The shots began going down like water; a lime wasn’t needed to help anymore.
As you and Liv danced together, you decided to get more shots. Liv was clearly having too much fun to get off the dance floor right away, so you made the sacrifice to step off and grab them.
“I’ll go grab us some more shots; you just stay here.” You say to her, words slurring as you walk over to the bar. You lean on the bar to order more shots, hoping to make them your last ones as you get more and more tired.
The bar was full, so the bartender wasn’t going to tend to you right away. As you take a seat to help you have some sort of balance, you become aware of the presence of someone behind you. Assuming it was Liv, you snap your head to look at the person.
No fucking way
It seemed like you could never escape the nightmare that is Spencer Reid.
"Holy shit, Reid... are you stalking me?” You say this, looking up at the tall man. If your words didn’t indicate how drunk you were, your face did. Your eyes were heavy, and your face was slightly flushed red.
“Stalking you? I wouldn’t even if I was paid.” He states, making you roll your eyes.
“I don’t know what karmic debt I have to pay off, but it sure is hell seeing you everywhere I go.”
The words coming out of your mouth were so slurred, it made him chuckle. This made you roll your eyes again, annoyed at everything he did.
“I’m not particularly pleased to see you either." He answers, not even looking down at you as he scans the bar.
“And besides, you’re not the only one allowed to go out. I’m here with some work friends, not for you. They’re all just too drunk to hold a conversation…”
You laugh slightly as you tilt your head. “You don’t drink”
“No, not really. Can’t say the same can you? Try not to clear out the alcohol…”
Of course he had to throw in a snarky comment quickly. Even if it wasn’t normally seen as rude, coming from him was a different story.
“I’m leaving anyway.. have a.. nice night… or whatever.” You reply swiftly, forgetting the shots you planned to order and hopping out of your seat. You stagger a few steps away before feeling his hand wrap around your forearm, quickly stopping you.
“Wait, how are you getting home? You can’t drive like this.”
It almost felt like you couldn’t roll your eyes anymore than you have. You turn your head to look at him, your hair falling in front of your face.
“Don’t pretend to care.. where.. I’m going." Your words seemed to take forever to get out; you just wanted to get as far away as possible in that moment.
“Just because I don’t like you at all doesn’t mean I’m going to let you be in possibly dangerous situations. Especially in this state..." His eyes didn’t seem angry at that moment; they were just worried. It almost felt foreign to see him not roll his eyes back at you. It shocked you.
“How are you getting home?" Spencer’s voice is a lot more stern this time, startling you a bit. You never expected him, of all people, to care.
"Well, mister Reid…”
“It’s Dr.” He corrects you.
“Whatever.. me and my friend… Liv… will get a cab home. Any other questions?"
When he doesn’t respond right away, you think that’s the end of the interaction. When you attempt to slip your arm out of his grasp, he only tightens his grip a bit more. Not hurting you, but stopping you from walking away.
“I- I don’t think that’s very safe. I’ll give you guys a ride.”
Usually you’d argue and protest, but he seemed too serious to even try. And besides, you’d rather get a free ride than pay for one.
“Whatever..” You begrudgingly agree, pulling your arm away to go get your friend. Liv is easily pulled off the dance floor this time as you explain the situation. She holds onto your arms as you exit the club behind Spencer. It was obvious she had many more drinks than you; you could’ve looked a little sober next to her.
"Hello, sir, thank you for the ride.” She says to Spencer, her words are barely comprehensible. Spencer just nods, not really understanding what she said.
You walk to Spencer’s car with Liv on your arm, then softly help her into the backseat, buckling her up. She was laughing and giggling as you did so, not paying much attention to Spencer at all.
"Please, please, please don’t throw up in my car.” You hear him talk to himself as he walks to the driver's side door and gets in.
As you get in the front seat beside Spencer, you look around at the interior of the car. It was completely clean; there was not a speck of dirt in sight.
“Huh, is the car new?” You ask, turning your head to face him. He shook his head as he stuck the keys in the ignition, starting the vehicle.
“No. I just don’t drive much. I don’t like to, I usually take the train or have a coworker drive me. Can you give me your guys addresses?”
You nod, telling him both addresses, seeing as Liv was too inebriated to say much. The car begins to move, and you lay your head back to stare out the window. Watching the world pass by was calming; you even began to drift off a little.
Suddenly, the car stops.
“We’re at Livs.” He almost whispers. You lift your head up and look around before getting out of the car. You still had pretty bad balance, but better than Liv’s, who had passed out by now. Spencer gets out as well and helps you hoist Liv out of the backseat.
“How much did you guys drink?” He asks, referencing how drunk your friend was. The two of you begin walking to the door of her house.
“Not a lot, just... a lot..” You joke, laughing at your own stupidity.
“I wouldn’t do that. Alcohol causes 13 percent of deaths among-“
“Boooorinnng.” You interrupt. He presses his lips together as you two reach the door. You dig through the purse Liv had on her shoulder and fish her keys out, quickly unlocking the door and pushing it open.
“I’ll go put her to bed.” You say, dragging Liv off Spencer’s shoulders and to her room. She is easily carried, being quite light. As you reach her room, you set her down on the bed and take her purse off her shoulder, placing the keys beside it on her dresser. She didn’t really respond much, but you did hear her softly snoring as you laid her down.
As you shut the lights off and exit the house, you see Spencer waiting on the sidewalk for you.
“Come on, I’m tired.”
You walk to the car and get it again, buckling up quickly.
As you begin driving, he suddenly begins talking to you.
“I never took you as someone to go out at all.”
“Dr. Reid, you don’t know me at all.”
Saying this makes you realize, you don’t know him either. I mean, he was annoying, yes, but what did he do? What did he like? Were his interests as painstakingly pretentious as he was? You grew curious, then quickly grew confused as to why you were curious at all.
When he laughs at your comment, you immediately snap out of your head. “I do know you’re a pain in the ass.”
“You’re not exactly a dream either, believe me.”
You go back to staring out the window, waiting for the car to finally park in front of your apartment.
When it finally does, you get out as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, Spencer is right behind you.
“Stop following me, weirdo.” You comment as you walk in front of him, refusing to turn around.
"Sorry, princess, but in case you forgot, I’m your neighbor.”
You groan at this comment as you both reach your apartment doors. You were already so irritated and tired that you couldn’t bear another snarky comment or remark from him. Opening your door, you look at him and nod.
“Good night, Dr. Reid.” Your tone was sassy, yet jokey. He rolled his eyes and smiled at you, lifting his hand to wave goodbye. Before he can reply or say anything, you shut the door.
You made him smile.
He smiled cause of you?
Why did you care so much that he smiled? Shouldn’t that annoy you? Maybe you were just too drunk to function properly. You shake the thoughts off and slip into more comfortable clothes, quickly jumping into bed and falling asleep. Maybe tomorrow you’ll be thinking straight…
PT 1 | PT 3
tag list: @daisyridleyss @taygrls @yeonalie @peanutbelley @vivian-555 @ehedrick012110
a.n : this feels really long, and it is, so sorry ! but next chapter is a lil more eventful i hope! also, in my head liv is a blonde sweet sort of ditzy girl, but you can imagine her however you’d like! liv lover regardless 💪🏽💯
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vyutg · 4 months
when bully!gyuvin asked you to tutor him which you happily agreed to…
“i can’t do this shit anymore. i’m done,” gyuvin ranted as he put his pen down. he leaned back on his chair and closed his eyes to “relax” from your “stupid” study session.
stopping what you were doing, you shifted your gaze to him. “you can finish this today, gyuv. maybe if you stop being…” you paused.
“hmm? being what?” he asked, already glaring at you.
you mentally hit your head, immediately regretting what you had just said.
gyuvin stood up, towering over you. “you know, i’ve noticed you’ve been a bitch to me all week. starting from when you ignored my messages for three fucking days and now you’re calling my ass lazy?”
from his tone and the look on his face, you could tell he felt offended.
“i’m just trying to help you, is all. i’m sorry, please don’t be mad… i shouldn’t have said that.” you could feel your tears welling up in your eyes as you spoke, afraid of what he would say to you.
one of the things you hate is upsetting gyuvin. you could never guess what he would do next when he gets upset— if he would just laugh it out, ignore you for the next few days or weeks, or worse, be meaner to you.
“can you not cry? you’re the one who basically insulted me.”
your hand reached up to wipe away the tears that had begun to trickle down your cheeks.
“come here.” already seated back on his chair, gyuvin patted his lap, signaling you to sit on it. you carefully sat down, not wanting to upset him more.
“explain this to me,” he pointed out at the item he was apparently stuck on.
you nodded, more eager to help. he suprisingly listened intently as you explain the concept in detail, all while his hand were roaming down your thigh. you thanked your fear of upsetting him for being able to stay focused.
the session ended up with him bending you over the desk and stuffing you full, praising you for being a good tutor while also reminding you not to be a bitch to him again :)
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friendsoup · 6 months
HALLO!! I THE ONE WHO REQ THE MEDI AND DIKKE FIC AND OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR WONDERFUL WRITING!!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HOW YOUR WROTE THEM ALL. I legit have lot of fun reading it and laughing at poor digger but got bully by two serious person. I really adore how you write their interactions that just seem in character of them and then the end had me screaming in giddyness.
If is okay could i req again for medi and dikke with a reader that often sleep randomly at the most uncoventional of place, which is how vertin found out your relationship with them. Feel free to decline if you cant but still thank you so much again for writing my req i really love it and i hope you have a nice day!! 😭💖💖
Also i so sorry for ranting
A Quiet Moment
Recipe: Established romantic relationships, GN! Reader, Reader x Medicine Pocket, Reader x Dikke, Dumbass and idiot used as petnames, You and Medi try to out fluster each other, Dikke is a super simp for you, Vertin is supportive WC: 2,001
Chef's Note: WAAAHHH I'm glad you enjoyed the last one!!! I had a lot of fun writing it!!! I'm super happy to write for you again, anon! Don't be afraid to be a repeat customer! If you want, you can assign yourself an emoji even :0! Anyways, I had fun writing this! I have a bunch of requests I gotta bang out though....hehe
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Medicine Pocket wasn’t the type for “love”. Or any other foolish emotions. They’ve always found romance to be such a stupid waste of time, taking away from more important things, like their research. More than once a scientist on their team would do something absent mindedly while thinking of their wife at home. Then they’d mess up, ruining Medi’s most important results. Those times were met with no sympathy, Medi ruthlessly tearing into her team members for their foolishness.
…However, you were kinda cute. And interesting. That’s what Medi liked about you most. You were strange, not like the other people they’ve met. They liked everything about you that was different. Your laugh, your personality, your interests. They found it fascinating the way you thought, the way you acted. Medi wanted to study you, and if that wasn’t love? They didn’t know what was. However, the two of you had been keeping things on the low. Medi didn’t want their reputation as a mad scientist to be tarnished, nor did they want to show any weakness in front of their fellow arcanists. Not to mention that you had a reputation of your own to uphold, and a lack of close friends on your team to blab to. The two of you kept quiet about your little arrangement, but that was fine. Neither of you felt the need to brag, and given how fast gossip spread around the suitcase, the two of you were happy to stay far from it. But oh, the foolishness of a person in love never fails.
Naps had always been one of your favorite ways to pass the time, and with how much training you were getting, a heavy layer of exhaustion hung over you like a blanket. No matter how hard you tried to fight it, you were always a few seconds from falling asleep. Lost within your own dreamy haze.
Today just happened to be especially tiring. You were helping out with some chores around the suitcase, preparing for the next mission, when you felt the strong siren call of another nap wash through you. You dragged yourself through the halls, your body too tired to stay upright for long. You needed a place to sleep, and quickly. You found your respite in the dining room, underneath the table. It was nowhere near meal time, so you were certain you’d be undisturbed for a while. Dropping to a crawl, you made your way underneath and placed your head on the wooden floor. It wasn’t comfortable, far from it, but it was enough for you to begin to drift off. Medi hadn’t been looking for you. At least, they didn’t think they were. They’d been wandering all day, avoiding chores like the plague and ignoring the urge to continue their studies. They’d been suffering through a major creative block with their experiments, which frustrated them to no end. They were a genius! Why couldn’t they get it together?
Medi found you underneath the table. At first they laughed at the sight, then a fond smile came to their face. And then, realization. “[Y/N]!” They called, kneeling down to your side. “You’re going to hurt your back if you sleep on the hard floor!” They warned, shaking you awake. 
Groggily, you turned to them, annoyed that your nap had been cut short. “Nuh-uh.” “The fuck do you mean ‘Nuh-uh’?!” They exclaimed, “Dumbass! You’re going to hurt yourself! What are you thinking?!” “Tired.” You answer. “So, so tired.” Medi bites their fingertip through the glove, narrowing their eyes at you. “I’ll have to take a blood test to make sure you’re healthy. Even for an idiot like you, this isn’t healthy.”
“You’re worried.” You state, a warm smile growing on your sleepy face. “Nuh-uh!” Medicine Pocket shoots back, turning their face away from you. You can see a blush on their cheeks.
“You know…” You begin, reaching for their hand, “I might sleep better if I have something to rest my head on.” Medicine Pocket’s face grows redder, a pout twisting their expression. “What are you getting at, dumbass? Spit it out!”
“Can I rest my head on your lap?” You ask, bluntly. 
Medi covers their face with their hand, still not daring to look at you. A smug smile grows on your lips, enjoying how much you’ve flustered your partner. You don’t expect them to agree, PDA isn’t something the both of you necessarily enjoy. It’s more a game of chicken, seeing who bends first. Medicine Pocket swallows, then nods. “Of course you can.”
Your eyes widen in surprise. “Oh, I wasn’t serious!” You argue, the thought of PDA making your face heat up. “Too late to back out now!” They giggle, scooching next to you. They take a seat right next to your head, patting their lap. “Come on, sweetheart, take a nap with me.”
The pet name, despite how mockingly it’s used, sends an arrow straight through your heart. Though you’re hesitant, the offer is appealing. Cuddling with Medi isn’t something you often get to do, and here they are, presenting you with the opportunity. And so you lift your head, and place it on their lap. They squeak instantly, the flush returning to their face all at once. “Hey! What if someone sees us?” “They won’t.” You mutter, already losing the battle to sleep. You yawn. Medicine Pocket is so warm, and feels so soft beneath your head. You could stay like this forever, you think. “Nobody will.”
“Are you sure?” Medicine Pocket asks, yet they get no answer. You’ve already fallen asleep, lost in your own dreams. Medicine Pocket sighs, putting a hand on your head and stroking your hair softly. You remind them of one of their dogs like this. All gentle and cute. They find themselves smiling uncontrollably, lost in the bliss of being close to you. About a half hour later, Vertin enters the dining room. “Medicine Pocket? [Y/N]?” She calls, glancing around the room. “Where did the two of you go?” She asks herself, a scowl deepening on her face. The two of you were skipping your responsibilities, and as leader, she had to get you both on track. Medi froze, eyes wide with fear. They couldn’t be caught in a situation like this! Especially by the Timekeeper! But they also couldn’t escape! Your sleeping face was just too cute, they didn’t want to disturb it!
And then you snored. It was a slight, quick breath, but Vertin is a very perceptive girl, and she heard it right away.
“[Y/N]?” Vertin asked, “Are you napping again? You’ve ought to get your tiredness checked out by a-” She leaned over to peer under the table, locking eyes with Medicine pocket. “Oh!” Vertin exclaimed, before her eyes fell upon you, slumbering away. “Oooh.” “It’s not what it looks like!” Medi objected, keeping their voice to a hush. “It’s just- I’m just! It’s an experiment! They’re a test subject to me!” A light danced in Vertin's eyes as she saw you two, though her face bore no changed expression. “It’s alright. Your secret is safe with me.” She gave a curt nod, and stood. “Vertin- Wait!” Medicine called behind her, panic in their voice. “You’ve got it all wrong! No!” “You have nothing to worry about.” Vertin reassured them. “I wish you two love and prosperity.”
Though Vertin did not breathe a word to a single soul, the suitcase was alight a week later with rumors of the new couple among their numbers. And though your days of being a quiet couple were over, at least Medi didn’t feel so embarrassed to be seen sleeping next to you anymore.
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Her Peace
Dikke had never been a fan of romance in plays.
The way bards would speak on and on about the sweetness of love, of the bliss of another’s touch, of the pangs in one’s heart, it didn’t seem possible to her. How could love be so powerful? She’d felt romance before, towards some fellow knights, though her feelings never clouded her judgment. She always managed to keep a clear mind, and was able to keep her thoughts rational. The stuff the bards spoke of was hyperbole. …You muddied that belief. Dikke was unbelievably weak for you. It scared her, in all honesty. She’d never been so vulnerable around someone before. Your smile made her sway, your laugh made her weak in the knees. She found herself thinking of you late into the night, unable to close her eyes without seeing your face. The walls she’d spent so many years building, crashed around her. Destroyed by a single person. Nobody knew of this relationship of yours. It wasn’t as though it was secret, it just wasn’t something you discussed with other people. Dikke didn’t often speak on matters of the heart, and you never found a good excuse to bring it up. And thus, the suitcase was unaware of the budding relationship in their midsts. Dikke had been training for hours. It was what she did to clear her mind, to calm her anxieties. There was something comforting about doing repeated exercises. It kept both her and her blade sharp. However, it was also extraordinarily tiring. The hard labor strained her muscles, making each movement painful. Though she was careful to never overexert herself, she still remained sore after each intensive workout. This time was no different.
Dikke dragged herself through the forest, focusing on her deep breaths. Birds sang in the trees around her, the same songs they’d sung in her homeland. Bees buzzed by her, brushing gently against her as she walked, clumsily making their way through. The same way they did a hundred years ago. And before then as well. Dikke lost herself in thought as she walked, allowing the nostalgia to ease her weary bones. And then she saw you. Like something out of a fairytale. You were sprawled beneath a grand oak tree, your chest rising and falling in a gentle rhythm. Dikke was stunned by your beauty, completely beside herself at the sight of you. Was it OK for her to see you like this? So vulnerable and pretty? Her heartbeat quickened, it was so loud she was worried it would wake you. You looked so peaceful, it made her dizzy. The fact that you could sleep so soundly here, without a care in the world… She wanted that tranquility. That trust in the world. Dikke sat next to you in the plush grass, keeping her guard up. She couldn’t just leave you here! What if something happened? She’d never forgive herself! As quietly as she could, she removed her cape, draping it over you in a single movement. Dikke loved the view of you in her cape. Seeing it made it hard for her to think, her brain only filled with thoughts of you. Surely it was alright to indulge. Just this once? You wouldn’t mind the company, would you? Holding her breath, Dikke laid beside you, leaving a few inches of space between the two of you. She didn’t want to intrude, but she wanted some of that peace. Some of that tranquility you held.
It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep. The mix of the workout and your presence was too much on her weary mind. By the time Vertin found the two of you, you were entangled in each other’s arms. Your head on Dikke’s chest, and her face pressed into your hair. The sight surprised the timekeeper, though she knew better than to react. She didn’t want to risk waking you up.
Later, Vertin would seek you out. “I see you’ve found your knight in shining armor.” She tells you. Though it doesn’t reach her face, you can hear the smirk in her voice. “What do you mean by that?” You ask, confused. “I wish you and Dikke well. That’s all you need to know.” She responds. You grow too flustered to continue the conversation any further.
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