#sorry though LMAO i will hopefully get back to using this blog for what i usually use it for soon.i just. dont want this on my main
vacant2007 · 1 year
goofy things i do
-mentally shut down as soon as i try to type this because oh my god why would you commit your thoughts to text. what are you some kind of self-obsessed ignorant tool
-hype myself up for like 3 days to finally make a Funnie Joak that ive been planning for like 2 years. if nobody laughs at joke, kill self
-walk thru grocery store shopping normally but vibrating with fear and absolutely certain everybody there hates every fiber of my being and would love to see me dead
-almost cry when thinking about how i exist and how unappealing and gross i am and how i cannot take myself seriously because i am so subhuman and repulsive and pointless that even wishing someone would love me is an unholy amount of embarrassing that i cant even begin to process
-if someone mentions an interest of mine casually, immediately clam up and do my damndest to pretend i barely care because if they see me like visibly react or get excited or anything it will be SO confusing and weird and cringe and it will be the talk of the century for them when im not around. or worse they will say 'lol why do you like that so much' which as we all know is a valid reason to consider suicide
-never keep a journal even in private. you think im just gonna say how i feel about things directly? so that the audience of nobody can mock me? i think the fuck not
-behaving bizarrely secretively about purchases and things i buy because id actually rather die than be asked why i bought something/wanted something
-want to hurl myself off a cliff when asked things like 'what's your favorite movie'
-lie about random shit for no reason like oh my god they will hate me FOREVER if i tell them i went to Walmart. I'm gonna say i uhhhhh went to the library. ok cool
-push the existence of new acquaintances who might want to be my friend so fucking far out of my mind that i genuinely forget to attempt contacting them
-get new clothes i think are cool, then never wear them because i feel like the worlds stupidest silly little boy in my shitty little fit
-before stating a fact to someone in a text or whatever, even if i know the fact is 100% true, google it and check it from multiple sources multiple times and read them over and over to make sure i'm not misunderstanding or misreading or otherwise about to make a fool of myself by saying something like, grass is green. once i am satisfied that i will Not sound stupid for stating that grass is green, press send and wait in agony
-on walks around the neighborhood with earbuds in, check every 30 seconds to make sure they're actually connected and that nobody is hearing my music. not only because it would seem really inconsiderate and strange to be blasting music out in public, but also because they will probably think the songs i like are really stupid
-put everybody i interact with into categories based on which sensitive aspects of myself i am willing to share with them at any given time. don't mix them up! i can't be telling personal-emotional stuff to the infodumps guy or vice versa.
-get so violently upset when someone is a little rude that i fantasize about beating them to a pulp while in reality i am just hiding and holding back tears
-avoid being seen in public spaces as much as possible because everytime someone's eyes notice me i feel like they are full of malice even though i cannot adequately explain what malice looks like in a person's eyes. best to just assume all gazes are malignant, then
-wonder why i am So Alone And Lonely while the unread DMs and text messages pile up on me, or fizzle out because I didn't say anything meaningful back
-leave behind me a series of friendly people who probably did try their best to include me and get to know me, but i couldn't find it in me to trust or listen to
-everytime i have to do something no matter how normal it is, wait till someone else does it first so i can gauge whether anyone thought they were stupid or weird and if not, copy exactly how they do it
-worry this is a stupid list
-wonder if there's enough things on this list or if i'm forgetting something that was crucial to The Vibe of it and without it the post will just seem dumb
-put this in the drafts as soon as i get done typing it, where it will ostensibly rot for all of time!

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inkblot22 · 5 months
The Same As Always
So I can already hear it. If I'm so scared of Rook, why am I always writing about him? That's because fear makes me nut, and I'm horny on side (this is not my main blog lmao) Also I'm so sorry, I cannot remember who made this divider since I downloaded it a few years ago, so if it's yours please let me know and I will credit you! This is kind of a reimagining of events based on that very loose series I have floating around on my page (He Begs Not For Petulance) so I hope it comes across as well as those.
Who is this fic for? I tried to keep it very gender-neutral, so hopefully anyone who can handle it. I apologize, since Rook does use the masculine version of most pet names in this (cheri instead of cherie, etc) but it's less feminizing than him referring to the reader as "ma biche" or "ma coccinelle", so that's just how that goes. It is a shame, but I also stayed away from "mon nounours" because that is also a bit too gendered. Very cute, though.
Anyways, this fic is DEAD DOVE, DO NOT EAT. It's not as dark as my usual stuff, but that's not saying much. TW for noncon (touching and sa), knifeplay, blood, head injuries (accidental), captivity, and yandere. Also rusty, probably incorrect French and Rook Hunt, of course. I don't add translations because I feel like if the reader doesn't know all or any of what he's saying, it adds to the creep factor.
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You don’t like it here. You think you don’t, at least. It’s hard to explain.
It’s winter, it has been for far too long. Maybe you’ve been here for a bit too long as well. It’s hard to keep track of time, since the sun seems to never rise wherever you are.
You can’t exactly remember how you got here. You remember the wagon. You’d needed quick travel through the mountains, but you also can’t remember where you were traveling. You remember everything going dark, waking up to see a blood-stained stone before you, feeling the warmth on your forehead and wondering where the wagon had gone. Your first thought was that you were now in a survival situation as it began to snow around you, the snowflakes dancing in the wind that found its way inside your loose clothing. You stood there for a moment, maybe, and then you started walking, and from there it all goes black. 
You can definitely remember the first time you saw him. You were lying in an unfamiliar bed, something snug around your forehead. A candle cast a warm, quiet light into the room, and it burned through your eyelids, your vision a murky orange-pink until you opened your eyes and came face to face with… him.
Flaxen hair, a soft smile as he reached forward to caress your cheek, and most of all, those intense jade eyes. You jumped and immediately felt woozy, but you were confused enough to pay that little mind.
The man shushed you, gently pulling you back into a relaxed position and cooing at you as though you were a small child, “Ah-ah, fear not, mon cheri, you are no longer in death’s grasp. Do you remember your name or how you’ve gotten here?”
You couldn’t answer him at first. His eyes narrowed, the rest of his face still a pleasant mask, and he eased you onto your back, your head against the pillow.
“Fret not, mon petit. How about I tell you my name, and then you can decide if you’d like to tell me yours?” His voice was quiet when he spoke to you, and you noticed that there was a large knife sheath snug on his thigh.
You were still bewildered. You couldn’t connect any of the dots that had led you to this moment, and it was making your heart beat a bit too fast for your liking. The stranger smiled wider and squeezed your trembling hand.
“Je m’appelle Rook Hunt, le chasseur d’amour. I found you wandering aimlessly in this forest, the life pouring from your head like a faucet. You passed out in my arms, and brought you here.”
You didn’t remember wandering around. You could remember getting up, but you didn’t remember wandering around. Your hand comes up to your forehead, the soft bandages rubbing against your fingertips. When you looked back at Rook, you tried to figure out what you should say. Your tongue felt thick in your mouth.
“I… I’m kinda thirsty.”
Rook smiled ever wider and stood, and you got the chance to look around a bit more. You seemed to be in a small log cabin, the bed in a sort of nook, away from the rest of the cabin. You could see Rook from where you were, his back facing you as he poured you a cup of water. The kitchen area was open, but small, a table with three chairs right next to it, and you could sort of see a pretty ornate looking rug, but as you were looking at it, Rook returned and helped you into a seated position.
He held the cup for you as you drank. When you finished, he placed the cup on the table and stroked your cheek, still smiling. His actions towards you were awfully familiar, as though you were old friends or something.
“Where am I?”
“A little cabin in the woods.” Rook didn’t remove his hand from your cheek. His gloved thumb was so gentle against your cheek. “Why don’t you get some rest? You lost quite a bit of blood, cheri.”
You did feel tired… and even though you were confused, it was almost as though a spell was cast on you, lulling you back to sleep.
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You’re almost certain you don’t like it here. Although he never said anything to you about it, it became somewhat clear that you couldn’t leave once you felt well enough to move around again. At least you were moving, though.
It was also at this point that Rook began leaving the cabin often. It left you bored, not that his form of entertainment was a good one, and you started cooking to alleviate that boredom. You couldn’t really recall if you were good at it before, but you were decent enough to make basic stuff, so you did. For some reason, Rook had an icebox, not a refrigerator. You didn’t know what it was at first, and you felt like it was rude to open random cabinets in a strange man’s cabin, so you left it alone until he informed you that there were usually fresh vegetables inside.
You’d sit next to the potbelly stove and sip tea as you stared out the window at the snow. This winter was going on for far too long, and it always seemed to be dark here, but you didn’t know where “here” was.
Rook would stomp back in, snow caked along the feather in his hat and melting off the brim, and he’d cast you a smile before swishing into the basement. When he’d return, he’d guide you back to the bed and sit at the table himself, writing furiously… until recently.
Last night, he’d led you back to the bed after checking your wound and changing the bandage, but instead of taking a seat at the table and writing, he slipped into the bed beside you. You didn’t know it at the time, but this would be the precedent for the rest of your life.
“What are you doing-”
“Shh, shh. Relax, cheri. I will recite a poem for you.” He curled his arms around you, holding your aching head to his chest as he whispered.
“What?” You were fatigued, still recovering from your injury, but you struggled to break out of his hold anyway.
He shushed you again, his deceptively slim arms keeping you immobile, and then he began to speak, quiet and steady, “My darling is silent. Quiet as the night.”
He continued speaking as though you hadn’t said anything at all, “Mon orilles sont pauvres faute de sa douce voix.
As I look at that sweet face,
Beautiful as a flower, as the moon, as the blood in our veins,
Je me sens seule dans ma peau.”
You… are not amazing at French. A small English to French dictionary was left on the table whenever Rook left, but reading made your head swim, pangs of pain so bad that you had to rest immediately. But, from what little you understood, the man who had saved you from a cold death outside seemed to have something worse planned for you, if you were in fact this “darling” he spoke of.
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You definitely do not like it here. You’d made the mistake of pushing Rook’s increasing affections away every chance you got, resulting in him reading your reluctance to be around him as hostility. You’d gone to cut some vegetables and found that all the knives were replaced with children’s safety cutlery. While you could very well still cause damage with them, you couldn’t do anything life-threatening without a lot of effort and no fighting back. The serrated plastic edges were only good for cutting through the flesh of fruits and tender meats, and the rounded tips meant you couldn’t really pierce anything.You couldn’t even skin a fish that Rook came back with, he did it with his hunting knife after watching you struggle for an irritatingly long time.
And then there’s the cellar. You had taken a nap after trying to read and woken up, the sky dark as usual and a terrifying grinding, clunking noise coming up from the basement. You felt like you needed to hide, so you did. You crawled under the bed and waited, the basement door flying open and a few more candles getting lit echoing as the grinding noise- the sound of something big and heavy being dragged- moved further back towards the area of the cabin that you didn’t go in usually. There wasn’t much over there except for a wardrobe, and you didn’t like opening cabinets here. It stopped being about politeness a while ago, and had turned into the fear of finding something you didn’t like.
When you heard the front door open and close, felt the frigid rush of air that entered the cabin, you felt like you were frozen as well. You couldn’t move as you heard the sound of water being poured, and you worried for a while that you would start to feel the wooden floor beneath you grow cold and wet. Instead of wet floors, however, you saw Rook’s feet- you could only tell because of the freckle that peeps over his sock on his left leg and the fine blond hairs prickling from his skin- in your narrow window of vision from where you were cowering.
“Cheri… come out from under there.” 
You did, but you did so slowly. As soon as you were no longer under the bed, Rook pulled you to your feet and looked at your face. He’d never made such a serious expression before, not that you’d seen, and it made you feel a bit panicked.
“R-Rook, what was all that noise?”
His face smoothed and he let go of you, then he waved towards the dark corner of the cabin.
“I’ve run a bath. The water is warm, lapin, so you’d best get in before it cools.”
You did feel grimy, and since you were okay with standing and walking around for longer periods of time now, as compared to the first few weeks you were here, you jumped at the prospect of getting clean. You quickly undressed, knowing it was dark enough that Rook probably couldn’t see you, and climbed into the warm water. You couldn’t see if there was any soap, but as you were squinting into the darkness, kneeling in the tub as you leaned forward over the side, you felt something brush against your back. When you turned around, you shrieked like an owl and had a very intense internal dilemma.
Rook was seated in the tub behind you, or in front of you now, since you were facing him. He produced a bar of soap and began washing himself, dipping his head under the water so he could wash his hair as well. You couldn’t help but blankly stare at him, eyes wide as he acted so casual. This had been a problem for a while, actually, but never so severe as this. Rook was overly familiar with you, he touched you as though you had been married or were close friends, and apparently now he thought it was fine for you to share a bath. His eyes met yours in the dark corner, and he possibly smirked. You couldn’t quite see, but you could hear it in his voice.
“Ah, mon cher, did you need the soap? But you can’t see very well, can you? Come and let me wash your supple skin.”
A moment before he said that, you were debating if you should get out of the tub or something. You couldn’t tell if it’d be better to be ogled as you dressed or if staying under the water would give you a bit more modesty. After he said that, his arms reaching for you, you began to stand up. Although it was dark, you still saw his eyes flash, saw a slight movement in his wrist, and you were brought to your knees. It felt as though vines were wrapped around you, and you tilted forwards into your captor’s chest as your balance failed you in the dark water of the tub.
This man was a mage. You didn’t think you’d ever met one before, but you couldn’t remember. You wailed and begged for him to let you go as he began to gently wash you, but he simply shushed you and pressed a kiss to the crown of your head.
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You absolutely hate it here. As you chopped carrots for the stew you had decided to make, you wondered where you were from or where you were going, and hoped someone knew you had never shown up and was looking for you. You didn’t think that was the case, however.
“That does smell divine, trickster.” Rook said, walking up the stairs from the basement, “Et vous êtes terriblement mignonne, portant ce petit tablier adorable et préparant le dîner…”
“I can’t cut the meat well with this. Can I have an actual knife, please?”
Rook didn’t answer, leaning against the wall and watching as you chopped the carrots with some difficulty. He looked pleased, though whether it was with you or the situation remained to be known. When he finally pushed off of the wall, he wrapped one arm around your front, burying his face in your hair as his other hand slid down your thigh.
“Get off of me!” You tried to slash his arm with the knife, but it barely even scratched his skin, and the hand that was resting on your waist came up to crush your dominant hand so you’d drop the knife.
Panic spiked through your veins as he slipped his hand up your leg so he could slide it in the waistband of the pants you were wearing. His hand that was crushing yours lowered to hold your wrist against the counter.
You’d never tried this before, but when his lips pressed against your neck, you felt your breath hitch and you let out a desperate cry for help. 
Rook laughed in response and nipped your neck, his teeth pinching your skin between them. His hand in your waistband smoothed down your pelvis to gently massage your sex, and you screamed again, thrashing and flailing so he would let you go.
Despite him never quite showing this side of him to you before, Rook was something of a strategist. As far as you could tell, it hadn’t been that long since you’d gotten here, if your head injury was anything to measure time by.  
“Relax, ma crevette. You are still recovering, no? Allow this lowly hunter to take care of your body.”
Your head hurt and you felt dizzy as he stoked your arousal. A disconnect between your mind and body grew into a chasm and you began to bawl as a pressure built up in your core. Your head was spinning, it felt as though your brain was throbbing, and you shuddered and wept as Rook peppered kisses on your cheek. He had you pressed solidly against the counter, his body keeping you more or less still. His breath was hot on your skin, and you felt like you were in hell.
“Come, trickster. The soup can wait. Je dois t'avoir.”
Rook paid you little heed as he dragged you backwards towards the bed, and while you were expecting him to just throw you onto it before he assaulted you, he gently swept you off of your feet and laid you down. That was where his mercy ended, however, if it could even be called mercy here. That knife that was pressed to his thigh, still warm from his skin and him doing whatever he did in the basement, was quickly unsheathed and trailed lightly up your sternum.
“Not struggling any longer, mon petit lapin? I’m glad to see you’ve come to your senses.” His blade slid back down and he used a finger to help hook it under the hem of your shirt, cutting through the fabric as though it was nothing, “And I am sure you must be confused, but a little… exercise is good for your condition.”
You wanted to vomit, but Rook’s gloved hand cupped your chin. His knife felt cold against your now bare skin, and your breath hitched as you sucked in and held it, your eyes looking down at where Rook had his knife.
One of his leather-covered fingers tapped your cheek, and you looked back up at him. He smiled sweetly and sat up a bit, his blade still pressed flat against your stomach, right over your navel. He caught the fingertip of his glove in his teeth and yanked that glove off, tossing it to the side and passing the knife to his now bare hand. As he leaned forward to hover over you once more, his knife pressed under your chin and his gloved hand slipped into your pants, shifting lower than your crotch to prod at your poor ass. You closed your legs tighter in panic, and Rook tutted at you as though you were an unruly child.
“Come now, cheri, you should relax.” He whispered, leaning closer to press a kiss against your forehead, where you’d hit your head and how you’d gotten into this whole mess. “Plus vous êtes tendu, plus la douleur est forte…”
“D-don’t do this, don’t-” Your voice sounded so shaky, and you realized that you were trembling. Every time you made the slightest movement, you could feel the sharp edge of Rook’s hunting knife against your chin.
“Open your legs, Trickster. I’m not touching you for my benefit… although your faces of bewilderment and pleasure are quite sweet.” His finger circled the tight ring of muscle around your anus and you slowly relaxed.
“Wh-why are you d-doing…?”
Rook smiled sweetly and removed his finger from your anus slowly, instead dragging your pants down your legs and relaxing his hand with the knife against your neck. When your lower half was mostly bare above the knee, he pressed two fingers into your ass and slowly massaged you from the inside, tilting his head as his face fell.
“After I graduated from NRC, I did not think I’d see your darling little form again. It was a welcome surprise… but I don’t suppose you know what I’m talking about.” He mused, reaching over your head to grab something. He opened the little bottle with one hand, the slippery liquid cold on your asshole as he resumed his gentle fingering, “You don’t remember me in the least. Do you?”
You felt so woozy and scared, but it explained so much if he knew you… but that didn’t matter. He was still a stranger to you, and one who was currently preparing to do more terrible things to you.
“Heh… I did think so.” Rook quickly unbuckled his pants and tugged them down just enough to free himself. He pulled back away from you to seat your thighs on his own, his cock slowly inching into your poor hole. His knife slid away from your neck but remained in his grip as he slowly slid his hips forward, his opposite hand holding your ass.
Your vision was white for a moment, and when it returned it was blurry. Were you crying? You could hear loud, shuddery breathing, and it took a moment for you to figure out that it was coming from you. Rook sighed peacefully, as though this was a walk in the park for him. 
“Aw… I do not enjoy harming you, trickster.” Rook murmured, his hips slowly beginning their undulating motion. He shushed your pained sounds, “This is my love for you. You’ve only grown more beautiful these past few years.”
You winced and pushed against him, your feet shifting so you could try to kick him away, and his knife came back to rest against your collarbones. His hips rocked a little faster, every pump leaving a burning stretch that only felt like it doubled over onto itself.
“Did you know? How I felt for you, how I longed for your touch all those years ago? These three on my own… they have been l'écrasement de l'âme. I’ve had far too much time to- Putain, tu n'es pas du tout détendu…” Rook wheezed and grunted, dark and low.
You felt a pit in your lower belly, and you grabbed the wrist that had the knife, your watering eyes wide as you looked up at this man who apparently knew you.
“Please, petit, you have to… fuck- you must unclench, or this will not last much longer.”
His demand was probably one of the most ridiculous things you’d heard. You couldn’t relax. He had a knife to your throat, he was rearranging your guts, and he had chosen just now to inform you that he was aware of at least a portion of your past. You made this strange whining shriek noise, and Rook’s hand holding the knife slipped ever so slightly.
It was unclear as to whether or not he did that on purpose, especially since he removed the blade from your skin and lasciviously lapped at the small cut on your collarbone, his lips trailing up to your ear.
“Préparez-vous, car je vais déposer mon amour dans votre estomac en attente.”
The sentence itself was honestly quite jarring, but Rook groaned loudly into your ear and nearly folded you in half as he came inside of your ass. It felt hot and sickly, and the musky smell of Rook’s skin and sex permeated the room. Your head panged, woozy throbs that made your stomach churn. Rook dragged his body up and gently teased your sex with his gloved fingertips, his murky green eyes glued to yours. 
“Did you truly think I would not give you the same bliss you have given me?” He mumbled, “You really don’t remember me, then.”
As he pulled out of you and stroked you to your own orgasm, he smiled sadly.
"Don't worry, trickster. You will remember in time."
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Well well well, we‘re back at it again.
You‘ve seen a big part of this before bc I can’t keep this shit from you, it’s a bit embarrassing ngl lmao. I finished it now tho!
The rest of it is on ao3 bc I refuse to post smut on here. Do others do it? Yea. Have I read it? Yea. I won‘t tho. I wanna be able to show my blog to friends, sorry. Can‘t have horny mfs on there for that /hj
This drabble is inspired by the John Wick movie-verse. people r legit sleeping that one
For easy access imma give y’all the link for the series real quick (and yes, I made it into a series, so any and all comments on later chapters r lost but it’s easier to navigate now, hopefully):
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Vargas was looking at him, all half-lidded eyes and contemplative smirk and it was driving him insane. They’d been at the bar for about an hour now, low lights dancing through the room, bathing it in a dizzying mix of pinks and blues, drinks flowing freely for everyone around them. Phillip knew this wasn’t the moment to get drunk, though. The mission to infiltrate the club and keep an eye on their mark had priority, no matter how much attention his mission partner was showering him with.
“If you’re not careful, someone’s gonna see the way you look at me”, he mumbled into his drink, surveying the dancefloor. Their mark wasn’t as far away as just a minute ago, making her way towards the bar they were sitting at. It was an opportunity, but he needed the Mexican to keep a cool head if he wanted it to work.
“What if I want them to see? The type of rumours it could spark…” The other’s taunting grin irritated him and he shot him a frosty glare.
“It won’t be as fun when the families get involved, believe me.” He ignored Vargas’ dismissive scoff and noted the mark’s position just two seats over. Honestly, there were better ways to spend a Saturday night, but the woman had dirt on high-ranking members of both their families. Discretion was needed and goodwill had to be shown, hence the involvement from both families – no one could secure the information to use it against the other later. Of course, it was Phillip’s luck to get paired with Vargas. Their continued shared work in the past, if reluctant, had proven successful and success was all their families needed right now. Personal vendettas were of no importance in this, never mind any other kind of previous mingling.
With a last warning look towards the other, who rolled his eyes and ordered another drink, he turned around, acting surprised at seeing the young woman close to them. He smiled charmingly when he caught her eye and feigned interest. “What’s a fine-looking lady like you doing here. We haven’t met before, have we?”
She seemed a bit suspicious of him, but smiled nonetheless, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear, revealing a glittering earring. “I don’t think we have, no.”
“That sounds about right. I’d remember a woman as stunning as you. I’m Jason by the way, it’s nice to meet you,” he drawled, putting on his Southern charm and holding out his hand. He didn’t like leaning into it, but many people outside the South liked it enough for him to use it again and again.
She gingerly took his offered hand, shook it once and they got talking. Marienne was French and had studied computer science, she owned a small poodle and had a sister. Phillip nodded and smiled along despite knowing all of it already. There was nothing new she could tell him except where she had hidden the information she had hacked their databases for. He would find out, one way or another, the pressure of his gun against his back where he had tucked in into his waistband a welcome reassurance.
Marienne smiled at him again as she leaned forward, asking him to come home with her for the night. It went just as he had hoped it would, but before he could agree, a hand landed on his hip, making him lose his train of thought as Alejandro stood right beside them, eyeing the woman. Graves’ heartbeat synced with the song‘s bass reverberating through the club, heat spreading from where their bodies touched. He must’ve been listening in to their conversation and gotten up when he heard her request. Something dark glimmered in his eyes and Phillip had a bad feeling about it.
The Mexican looked her up and down and then spoke, voice rough and dangerous. “I didn’t think you would want to get back at me that badly. Is she supposed to make me jealous? You can do better.” It was clear he was talking to Phillip despite looking at their target. Graves was speechless; partially out of surprise, partially out of anger. Couldn’t Vargas take the mission serious for even a moment? This was a huge opportunity he was ruining, as the woman looked from him to Phillip and back again, a sliver of apprehension and fear in her eyes.
She was starting to stand up. He had to save this somehow. Standing as well, he forcefully, if discreetly, removed the other’s hand from his hip and pushed him away as inconspicuously as possible. “He’s joking, I’m not with him.” He smiled reassuringly at her and winked. “Why don’t we get outta here, it’s getting late.” She nodded, but was hesitant about it. Graves slipped a tracker into her handbag while she was distracted by Alejandro still only a few feet away from them. It turned out to have been the right decision, as the other grabbed Phillip’s hand still keeping him in place and brought it up to his mouth to kiss the inside of his wrist.
“Oh please, you can drop the act. My attention is all yours.” He practically growled the last words, sending a shiver down Graves’s spine. This was not the plan. Their target took that moment to give a hasty goodbye and vanish into the crowd. Angry, the American turned towards his assigned partner and glared at him. The bar was more populated now, so he ripped his hand out of the other’s and seized his arm, steering Vargas outside and into a nearby alley.
“What the fuck was that? We almost had her!” Alejandro just grinned and Phillip’s blood started to boil. He pushed the other up against the dirty wall of the alley, the suit’s lapels clutched in his fists and his own nose just a few centimetres away from the Mexican’s. With bared teeth, he had to hold himself back from pulling a knife and getting rid of the nuisance in his grasp. “Why can’t you behave like the professional you’re supposed to be for one evening.”
WELL WELL WELL dw dw ily and i would be offended if you _didn't_ give me spoilers to chew on sjhgfdjsfhgsdf >:)
with that i can finally post this thing i drew for it!!! yay
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yall, go read the whole thing NOW as usual im losing my mind and screaming and crying and everything in-between im gonna bite my laptop in half and it's gonna be YOUR fault sir
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further-from-maths · 3 months
28th Feb 2024, 12:24
I'm back lol sorry for dropping off the face of this blog. that's what IB does to you I guess
Some very cool things have happened since I was last here in writing. I got all five offers back, and I've accepted a firm and insurance choice to two wonderful places!!! Their creative writing departments were wonderful, and the lecturers at my firm were genuinely inspiring to listen to. To get in, I need a 6 in English, and 36 points overall. I think I can do it. My current goals/predictions are:
HL English LangLit: 6 needed for uni, and I managed it in my one mock since switching up. If I get a 5 I can still get into my insurance just fine, but I REALLY want to get into my first choice if I can.
HL Psychology: 7 is the goal. I really want a 7, and there's no excuse barring a lack of revision to not get one. My psychology department is genuinely incredible, and I've done very well in all my mocks. I really want to make them proud so I'm hoping the essays they give us are kind.
HL Global Politics: 7 suggested by the mocks so far, but I'm not the most confident in my politics abilities. I do want a 7 in it if possible though because I really like my politics teacher and also want to make him proud lmao
SL CompSci: 7 almost certain considering my mock grades thus far. I'm not worried tbh.
SL Maths Analysis: 7 PLEASE Maths is so easy to revise and it's easy points!!
AB German: 6 is probably more realistic than a 7 because too many minor slip ups can sink the grade completely, but I really want a 7 too.
Core: 2 is what I'm expecting tbh. My EE and TOK were both fine but I don't think they were WOW yk. I'm expecting a B for my EE hopefully and a B for my TOK, but if I've made my corrections well then hugely maybe I can get an A, which would give 3 points????? That's assuming my EE is in fact B-worthy which I really have no clue about.
Obviously I want to get as high as I can, but if I get a minimum of a 6 in everything, that's still more than enough with Core. I know I'm extremely likely to get a 7 in at least CompSci, so at a minimum I'm thinking I'll get 39 unless core flops?? My goal is to get over 40 though:))))
I'm terrified of making some kind of mistake that gets me disqualified. I know that's irrational but the fear is still there. My English teacher kinda spooked me by saying someone once failed their diploma because they didn't put page numbers in their EE so uh.......................... woooooooo. I'malso terrified about AI writing affeciting me. I haven't touched AI for anything I've done for school ever, but I'm nervous that the AI checker will be bad:( And what if I haven't cited something correctly?????? aaaaaaaaaaaa:(((((((((( Also as a heads up, for this exact reason, I won't be liveblogging my exams lol. I don't want to risk saying anything I'm not supposed to regarding the exams, so I'll make notes and post about them after results day or so. If I post anything during exam season, it'll probably be good-luck posts and nothing more lmao.
We've finished content in pretty much every subject now, which is exciting!! IAs are nearly done -- just waiting for final confirmation that a handful of them are ready for submission, and I've got my computer science IA to finish correcting. The end is scarily close.
Feeling terrified, but as long as I keep my head down and work hard, it'll be alright. Less than 11 weeks left. Let’s do this.
75 days until.
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six-of-ravens · 3 months
aloha friends and people who left annoying incorrect opinions on my posts, raistlin is a waif he is the waifiest waif it doesn't matter if his twin is a brick shithouse you are WRONG I am kinda sorta back. maybe only for one tipsy night, but who knows. listen, I'm 1.5 ciders in and feeling Properly Tipsy as opposed to last night when I drank jack and cokes for the first time in a while and just felt nauseous, so I'm Thriving atm. ANYWAY.
i feel like i have cleared some cobwebs from my brain. kind of. mostly i redownloaded bc i have the irresistible urge to natter about my life. tbh i considered deleting tumblr for a while bc there are some things about this site (but also social media in general) that annoy the absolute shit out of me, and also i feel like I dedicated too much ~mental energy~ to this site in the past (not to sound like some new age crackpot) and I need to cut down on how much scrolling and getting mad about other people's incorrect opinions I do. However, there are a few beloved mutuals on here that I miss talking to and also tumblr is kinda Home, y'know?
anyway TLDR I'm back, kinda. might still delete the app during the day so I can focus on IRL shit instead of being a zillennial social media addict, so I apologize if I miss messages etc but. yeah. for the sake of my mental health I have to be better at self-policing. Also, no longer going to allow myself to use the For You tab, so sorry if I don't see your posts bc tumblr only served them there. I can't control it lmao. frankly the algorithm here just ain't good enough and I don't want to cry AGAIN bc a video of a naked woman jiggling her stomach with a caption about how much she hates herself and wants to lose weight came up on my feed. Frankly since this is tumblr I'm not sure if that's porn or self-harm, but either way, fuck off with that shit, man! I kinda hate my body too and I don't wanna see that!! I don't want that in my brain!! Hence why I quit and went to ig-only for a while. My IG is all pottery and miniatures and painting and European travel vlogs it's so PEACEFUL!
now onto the fun stuff, a list of things I consider interesting that happened in the past 3ish weeks:
have done a whole lot of reading lately: Homesick for Another World by Ottessa Moshfegh which is weird and off-putting by very worth reading, then a reread of the Unicorn series by Vicki Blum (always a delight) and finishing Princess Jellyfish (there's quite the plot twist in the last few books but overall it's a delightful series), then my hold for Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk came up (extremely interesting and worthwhile read, especially after listening to the No Dogs in Space punk series, very sad ending though bc of course a lot of the punk musicians passed away young), and now I'm rereading The Mermaid's Secret and The Dragon Prince by Vicki Blum as a palate cleanser, and then hopefully I'll start the LoTR reread I've been meaning to do for a while. So yeah I read like 16 books in 3 weeks. this is the power of quitting social media.
Also I've kinda discovered that I'm just pretty... disenchanted with all book-fandoms online. it's just so...kinda annoying? nowadays? just the same old drama over and over and I don't caaaare lol. Read what you want, at whatever speed you want, idc, none of it matters. I read for funsies after work. Some people read 24/7 because being a book blogger is their career. Some people are 17 and still have the mental stamina to read a 500 page book in 2 days. Idgaf if you read Maas or Austen or Sanderson or whatever, there's no moral high ground (except maybe not giving Sanderson money bc WOW BYU is a shitty organization). Also I don't necessarily want other people's opinions on what I read or if a book I just bought has "mixed reviews" or whatever (unless the person is a mutual whose opinions I value lol). So I might start posting on the book blog again but just....not interact with booklr. Torn between the desire to communicate with others and the desire to keep my hobby all to myself and free from unnecessary judgement or bullshit.
Finally rearranged my bookshelves, by ~vibe or whatever~. Might post photos tomorrow but the living room is once again in a state of chaos since I started gardening today.
On that note, started my garden! planted some veggies, herbs, and a whole boatload of tomatoes in seedling trays (listen, MacKenzie seed were on sale 3/$5 today at the store and I'm weak for weird tomato variants and herbs. Still need to find rosemary and fennel though). Have more stuff to do, but I'm going to give the seedlings a couple weeks to get started and then maybe plant everything else Easter weekend. Last year was nice, garden-wise, but this year I really hope we don't get 30C weather in May. My allergies cannot handle it 😭
saw the Alien/Aliens double feature our cheap theatre put on and it was a DELIGHT
we also got a record snowstorm that weekend, which sucked bc it was the same week I'd had a random friday booked off (previously for traveling with my aunt, very glad that was cancelled now) so I basically did none of the other things I had planned.
also after said double feature, had to make my first 911 call. luckily I rot my brain with true crime All Day Every Day so I handled it like a pro 😤 (i am fine it was for another person, and uh, it turned out to not be so serious once the emergency people were able to get them to stop crying hysterically and realized this poor person was just intoxicated, underdressed for the weather, and a bit lost)
discovered the health foods store near my place has a bunch of funky herbal teas for like $5.50 a box so I've been going a little nuts there. I LOVE FENNEL TEA IT'S SO GOOD. ALSO LAVENDER MY BELOVED! they also have a bunch of local coffee blends, and I'm seriously considering getting a coffee bean grinder so I can try them
saw Lisa Frankenstein the week after the Alien double feature at that same theatre, it was fucking excellent I laughed my ass off, also at that theatre you can get your ticket and snacks and drink for the same price as a Cineplex ticket, it's excellent
finally watched Saltburn, which was great. love the Donna Tartt vibes. i watched it while somewhat drunk off Soju, which I think is how it's meant to be viewed.
also started a Ghibli rewatch, to justify not cancelling my Netflix just yet (I know I know, I should but I technically can afford it and it's my emotional support streamer you know? how else am I going to instantaneously watch Gilmore Girls on a bad day?) So far I have only watched Kiki's Delivery Service lol
Also, funny anecdote: last week I got my period and was VICIOUSLY craving alcohol. like I went to the store and bought the most bizarre range of random things (soju, honey jack, and mead...and then proceeded to drink them at my normal rate lmao). Realized afterwards this is a combination of my usual craving for sweet things + my very stressed coworker constantly joking about how we need to crack a bottle of something when this stressful project is finished. At the time however I thought my uterus was trying to make me an alcoholic.
Did my budgeting with my new rent and discovered that I'm actually fine, because I had DOUBLED A NUMBER SOMEHOW! and I basically had $150/month freed up. I'm so smart. I continue to procrastinate my income tax though (shhhh I have another month....)
Started writing a vague story about two women hiking to a portal to elfland, which is located near an abandoned train station. There are cultists called vampires living at said train station who are such a fucking delight to write (not real bloodsucking vampires tho, they are currently eating paella 🥘). It's fun and weird and I'm having a good time with it.
started listening to a podcast called No One Should Believe Me about cases involving Munchausens by Proxy, which is very interesting. the host has a sister with (alleged) MbP and genuinely wants to get her (and of course her kids) help, so it's actually a really good, compassionate take on an issue that's usually played for shock value. I have to listen to it slowly though bc it's Heavy
started knitting again! made 1 dishcloth and started a second. have decided I'm going to take these into work when I have a few done. If my boss won't buy us proper cloths then I'll pawn my knitting practice off on them lol
there is a lot of early road construction near my office since, aside from that random snowstorm, it's been a mild early spring. be glad you haven't had to listen to me rant about that lol
finally bucked up and got a duvet cover for my comforter that was lowkey falling apart at the seams. it's a good comforter aside from some light "my washer is evil" damage so I'm happy I can stuff it into a (less expensive) duvet cover instead of having to replace the whole thing
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blazesartbloglmao · 8 months
call them brothers
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okay so prefacing this by saying i really have no interest in dsmp stuff anymore, ive moved on to other stuff. like, i still keep track of some of the stuff going on in mcyt but beyond that, im working on my own projects. that being said, this particular piece has been a bit of a sore spot with me.
i started working on this back when doomsday happened on january 6th of 2021, with every intention of finishing it. at the time though, it felt like nothing looked right. not the shading, not the characters...everything felt clunky and wrong and i just couldnt force myself to finish it. so there it languished in my WIPs folder, collecting dust as i worked on other stuff and eventually moved on.
then of course, as we all know, technoblade died and i felt like id been punched in the gut even harder. id only gotten into his videos because of dsmp but i loved everything he put out. listening to his streams was of great comfort to me while working on other things and i used to put him on when i was upset about something. i knew he liked to look through fanart the community made, and id originally started this thinking "maybe techno will see it!" of course, as we all know, he never did.
i still finished it though, back in november of last year. i had better designs for the characters, a better understanding of how csp worked and felt it was more up to the task of finishing this than medibang had ever been. this thing actually almost killed my laptop! it was insane lmao it didnt even have that many layers at the end.
and im proud to see it done. im glad to see it finished because even if technoblade cannot enjoy it, you all can and i can, and that's worth it in the end, i think.
sorry for the long tirade. i normally try not to get so personal on this blog (or any blog really) because this is the internet and beyond sharing what i make, i dont really like sharing things about me. but this little story felt too important not to share alongside the art. theyre intrinsically linked to each other and to only share one would feel disingenuous to me.
hopefully, you all enjoy :) blood for the blood god, always
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nextinline-if · 2 years
hiiii <3
i played the demo just now, and i gotta say i loved it! i was so pleasantly surprised to see separate choices for gender and pronouns in character customisation - it's something I sadly don't see that often even in very inclusive IFs and it's also something that's making my whole experience a fair bit more comfortable. i identify as nb but i prefer she/her pronouns, even if pretty much any and every pronouns are ok for me - so i really wanted to say i appreciate that little detail!
i also liked the harbinger's oath - it's very cool how it stresses the importance of leadership and making a way when there is none, and not just, you know, staying faithful and loyal and stuff. the overall style, fashion and atmosphere are all very nice, the mix of ancient greek and victorian and original ideas is both familiar and new so it's hard to get bored!
oh, i loved the gods too. there isn't so many that either the author or the reader can get lost trying to untangle the threads of mythology, and you don't risk any of them being forgotten or becoming less prominent - it's nice! i loved the myths we've seen, the twins are charming! i thought I'd like to follow aurora since i usually go for sun aesthetic, but in this case i didn't really vibe with her. maybe it's because the 2 myths were mostly about euribia or at least her side of the story, so i just don't have enough info. so, here's hoping for some more mythology lessons in the future! ah, i also liked that fertility and love and marriage belong to different gods domains.
james and anna are dears, gotta tease them to marriage and (hopefully not) back :3
the ROs are... prominent, i guess? at this point i don't feel like the pc knows enough about them to see them for what they are, and i mostly used what i read from your blog to choose between them and orient myself. tbh I didn't quite like most of the flirting options (though it can be the case that I'm just picky lmao, don't take it to heart). i think i liked what you did with constantine - that some options aren't marked as flirting or anything but... they get a reaction from him, and in return the pc also reacts somehow. dialogues with him also feel less "cheap" - unlike some of the scenes where the so called flirting is just ogling or blushing and tripping over your words because of someone calling you lovely or something. constantine's scene also have this stuff but... to less extant? i think? i know it's some kind of imaginary world, but it's still hard for me to comprehend how a literal royal, a year before becoming the monarch, minutes after thinking "everyone is judging me i must be perfect" now goes around and makes a fool of themselves... but i still want to flirt! ugh! such dilemma! i loved margaret's first flirting option though - the one where pc asks anna to bring her another glass, now that was fun.
the "cold" options of dealing with f. were very nice too, i really enjoyed the balcony scene in the prologue!
anyway, sorry for ranting, and thank you for sharing the demo with us! wish you the smoothest progress and good inspiration and much free time to write! good luck 🍀💙
i was so pleasantly surprised to see separate choices for gender and pronouns in character customisation - it's something I sadly don't see that often even in very inclusive IFs and it's also something that's making my whole experience a fair bit more comfortable.
I'm so glad to hear this! I've found that it's really not much extra work on the coding side so I didn't think there was a reason not to add it.
the mix of ancient greek and victorian and original ideas is both familiar and new so it's hard to get bored!
yay! the last thing I want is for anyone to get bored playing my game aha I know it's a bit different and some people like things more traditional.
here's hoping for some more mythology lessons in the future!
there will definitely be additional myths.
the ROs are... prominent, i guess? at this point i don't feel like the pc knows enough about them to see them for what they are
The current demo is only a taste but the MC will be able to learn more as the story progresses and build friendship or romance as wanted. There are no straight "routes", as all characters have their own role to play in this story. I hope you will enjoy learning more about them. The rest of the chapters cover around a month of events each.
tbh I didn't quite like most of the flirting options (though it can be the case that I'm just picky lmao, don't take it to heart).
No worries, the flirting is something I added more shy options for because when I first released the demo, the feedback I received was that there weren't enough of those options. Also, flirting is the hardest for me to write about. But, my hope is that it will more natural and worthwhile in the rest of the game. :D
I may consider revamping the flirting that is available now but only after I get chapter 2 released.
Thanks for your feedback and thoughts! It sounds like you enjoyed it overall. I appreciate you giving it a go. I'm always open to feedback, whether I'm able to implement or change things depends but I'm eager to learn where I can improve.
Hope you have a great day!
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seelestia · 2 years
Dulcet! ✨
Notable personality: It would be sarcastic, sincere and helpful? I always help my friends when they have their problems (more like a psychologist lmao) Person's that don't know me at first glance think that I'm mad or just a serious person (on the contrary when they get to know me! Does that count?)
My hobbies and interests: I like to sing a lot (I used to play a lot the guitar!) it relaxes me, sometimes I write stories and reeding! I listen to music, go for walks and hanging out with my friends (their not a lot, just a few little) I loooove playing videogames! When I'm with my friends we walk a lot because of me, sometimes we go find some abandoned houses and tell scary stories.
My love languages: Quality Time! It's a must for me! <3 And a bit of— (mind you I always ask for permission to touch the person first! For example: if I'm really close to my best friend and have the trust with each other or they're comfortable around me I will always ask first “Can I hold your hand/hug you?”/“Let me huuuuuug you”, if they say the “Okay” I let myself go with the mood!) Physical touch
MBTI (optional): I did a test and said this? Mediator (INFP-T) I'm not sure if this is that—
Hopefully I did it right! This is my first time doing something like this. :') If it's right thank you so much! Hopefully I didn't miss anything! (Love your stories and blog! I always check if you updated anything or you like my request 😭💞)
Anon— Rix. ^^
Btw: Have a nice day or night! Remember to always take a rest and eat something!
thank you so much for choosing 1-800-SEELEETIA's speed matchmaking services! the keyword: dulcet is inserted . . . congratulations, your result is successfully unlocked! [ submissions are closed, event post. ]
lia's note: rix, hi! nice to see you here, thanks for joining my event ;D your friend group sounds cool btw, i wonder if they will like itto? that's nice to imagine, haha.
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He can be quite the spirited guy, but this kind of energy is what allows him to ease himself into your friend group. Some of your friends might find him a little too loud, but no one can deny that fun and adventures tend to follow ITTO wherever he goes.
There is some irony there, though; while he never cowers at the face of risks as long as everyone is having fun, but the moment any of you mentions ghost stories or abandoned houses, the Oni just freezes. It looks like he already saw a ghost before you guys even stepped anywhere near an abandoned house.
He'd say, "Uh, a-are you guys sure about this? Like really, really sure— Huh, scared? Pfft, me!? No way!" If you tease him, he'd fake a cough and puff out his chest like a peacock.
Don't worry, ITTO isn't a spoilsport nor is he the type to hold the group back solely because of his. So, he will still go! But uh, expect him to cling onto you. You don't mind, do you? Heh, hehe... Sorry.
Also, according to Heizou, ITTO has a flair for singing. So like, you know, you get what he is trying to say, right? You strum the guitar while he sings his heart out! Bam, you and him? A match made in heaven! (Apparently, his lyrics are pretty trash, though. Just throw a pillow at his face.)
「 RUNNER-UPS: Heizou, Cyno. 」
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k-atsukidayo · 2 years
Hi, idk if you come on to this blog anymore, but in case you do, I hope you see this. I think I started following you a couple of months before the pandemic through you Bakugou fics and at the time I thought they were some of the most beautifully written fics I’ve ever read. I remember having to literally take a break after reading your fics and needing to just sit with my emotions because I felt so…. Touched(?) I know this is definitely going to sound corny, but I think you have an amazing way with words and conveying so much emotions to your readers. I’ve read so many fics over the years (lol I sound old) but not many have caused me to feel so emotional (in a happy way)! I really hope you come or maybe I can ask for your personal blog if you have one, just so I can really personally say thank you for sharing your writing here. I know you went on hiatus for some time and idk if you’re back on hiatus, but I hope this message comes out as something positive rather than putting pressure on you to come back. I just wanted to let you know that I’m really grateful I ever came across any of your fics. Please don’t stop writing, even if you end up just doing it for fun, for yourself, privately, etc. Anyway, I’m sorry if this sounds like rambling. I noticed you haven’t been on here for a while, so I figured I’d let you know my appreciation for your writing before you really leave this blog 😅 you’re such a sweet person and you have an amazing talent for writing. Thank you for sharing it here. I secretly hope you’d come back, but your comfort is still much more important so don’t feel pressured to come back for my sake~ Again, thank you 💗
first of all, hi, you wonderful being 🥺 i haven’t been on this blog in a hot minute, even though i did say a few months ago i was somewhat back and that i’d hopefully be more active LMAO but, i digress. i see this! have seen it for a couple hours now, and i just adore this so much. 
my mind is in a scramble, so i’m terribly sorry if this turns out to be some kind of dramatic monologue. i think it’s best to use this as a chance to give you, and whoever else that may be curious, an update of myself and the current and future state of my blog. read more below!
originally, after the first time i came back from being inactive, i really wanted to post more writings. part of returning was the pressure of having such a dry blog and having developed a weird fear of simply being left behind, and the other part was missing the sweet, sweet opportunities to share with people that had the same interests as me and seeing their interactions, if any. truthfully, i still have a little grief dusted on my tongue, only because i said one thing, but didn’t quite follow through. i’m not sorry that i disappeared, twice now haha since i do strongly believe i needed it and do need it now. rather, i’m sorry i didn’t get to do what i wanted and planned and tried to push myself, in a positive way which i have to emphasize, to do for you and for my own benefit. 
i always wished i could pump out as many fics like my mutuals have. they are honestly amazing! i have endless admiration for them and i hope they are flourishing and enjoying life on here and outside. sadly, i am weak and tire out badly after i complete a single piece of writing 😋 that, and i definitely set myself up to being burnt out during the height of the pandemic. i genuinely wanted my mutuals and readers to like me. i know i write for myself. sometimes i can’t help feel i need others to make me believe i’m good and that i matter somewhere. definitely not very poggers of me, but it happens! i can only do so much aiming to please until i exhaust myself. quietly seeking validation can be hurtful, oddly enough. 
hence the hiatus, but also real-life endeavors! i had, and still have, so many drafts, yet i only managed to release 3 officially LOL which by the way, i guess i don’t mind too much? i’m realizing that, for me, it’s quality over quantity, more so now when i’m working to pull myself together as best as i can. my last fic on here continues to be the one i feel very proud of after being absent and struggling to finish after that absence. it’s the little things! 😬
anyway, to you, my dear nonnie, i haven’t given up on writing! i have hopes and dreams that are alive on my fingertips and somewhere in the corners of my brain. i still breathe stars. maybe, not as bright as before, but still bright enough. you’re so kind and thoughtful 😢 don’t worry. at this point in time, i’m working on stories here and there, albeit privately and super slowly, given my schedule and poor time management skills and all. thank you for your sweet words. thank you for even taking the time to write all this for me gfjhgjfkd!!! i always say thank you, and to be honest, i’m not sure if i can ever find the right things to say (other than my sincerest thank you) to adequately let you know you how much this warms my heart and makes me want to cry LMAO 💖
so, to fill in with what i’ve been up to—work and school plans! i don’t want to bore you with this part because it surely will drag, but it’s really all there is!! the free time that i do have usually doesn’t involve me sitting in front of my computer and writing sadly. i can only clasp my hands together and silently chant for the thoughts to click in the way that i wish they could. writing comes when i’m in the mood, and the mood is sparse in these trying times. with the stress i have, i remedy it, or at least try to, by just relaxing with shows or something, sleeping, working out, video games too even though the one i mostly play tilts me more than calms me 🤡 but that is typically me fashion. and because of my little time (or rather, my poor effective planning), i don’t think i can keep this blog. as you can see, it’s a skeleton of what it once was LOL it’s dead. and while some inkling of me thinks i can make it work and be active somehow, it doesn’t seem feasible anymore especially now that i’m reflecting as i type this out. 
although i say this, i’m still unsure what i actually want to do. i may archive it? perhaps, if anyone wants to come back to this to reminisce, they’re free to do so. i probably would myself since i’m a sentimental nutcase. however, the tiny devil on my shoulder that whispers hey, you anxious overthinker, i don’t fancy the idea of my writings being taken and reposted somewhere else. i much rather delete this blog completely, or private it. if i private it, i can at least keep my name hehe and i’ll consider just giving access to select people if there’s a want for it. i still have an ao3, but only one of my fics is currently posted on there. if in the event i choose to let this blog go, i could transfer all my writings on ao3 and if i ever get around to finishing more fics, they will likely end up there too. it won’t have the same feel as tumblr. it’s something though! and, still very public. eh, my blog’s future is a work in progress like everything else. 
i don’t know. of course, i don’t know. i’m indecisive and my mind is a plague LMAO if you or anyone would like to give their two cents about what i should do, i’m all ears. it may be while until i make a final decision 🤧
nonnie, i love you, i love you. i hope you’re living your best life right now, and if you’re not?? just say the word and i’ll throw these hands faster than lightning!! you have my best wishes and i hope you keep that kindness i see here close to your heart and unbreakable because it’s hard to find people like you these days. again, thank you. i appreciate you just as much, if not more! 💖
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fallingsunflower · 2 years
I have a lot of asks in my inbox so let me just give a brief summary of the day before I log off (hopefully this will answer the asks I got - I'm not ignoring them. I just don't want to get too repetitive). Please read this before jumping to conclusions or freaking out.
Rumors have been circulating for months now that Oatmeal would bring the kids to celebrate Christmas with Harry in London. Literally months, and it stemmed from either shippers or paranoia. It's a lethal combo. I didn't even engage in the convo initially because it was just too ludicrous.
Earlier on Tuesday (12/21) pub anon on Instagram posted a hint claiming there was a family sighting/family trip. Naturally, word spread like wildfire and people assumed it was a hint that Octopus would take the kids to London and they'd be seen with Harry. So I hopped into the convo to try and calm people down (sorry if it didn't work - there was a lot going on at once).
Literally at the EXACT SAME TIME that this hint was posted, People magazine decided to release an exclusive article about how Harry is slowly getting to know Origami's kids. We can takeaway 3 things from this article: 1) People magazine relies on gossip spoon fed to them from publicists therefore we can conclude this article was planted by Origami's team (Harry's team refused to comment); 2) It was a pretty recycled article mainly to promote Origami and what Origami is doing. Nothing about Harry's feelings. It's all about Origami; 3) If we're supposed to believe the whole narrative they've put out for us, this article contradicts it all. It was probably hastily created because nothing else was going on.
Another article was then published by Us Weekly, saying Oaf and Harry are planning on spending the holidays together. Again, it was a recycled article with a clickbait title. A bit odd it happened during all the chaos though.
Pub anon then takes to Instagram to clear up what her hint meant, since she could tell it caused a lot of anxiety. She said it was about this video going around that looked like Harry, Anne, Gemma, Omen and the kids in Italy. However, she then retracted her statement saying she didn't actually think it was them after looking at the video again. My question is, if you have the video why not post it? I can't tell if it's a pap video waiting to be released or what the deal is. I haven't actually seen it but other blog owners have. It's just odd to me. But regardless, my thoughts are: 1) it's another bullshit video of random people and shippers are claiming it's Omen, the kids and Harry's family or 2) it's legitimately them and we're meant to see the video (because nothing organic would cause this much of a stir lmao)
So that's a summary of what went on. No reason to stress. If the video is real and the articles are seeding a future sighting, remember it's because they need to sell a certain narrative of the relationship to make it seem real. Organic/real relationships don't cause this much of a stir. There's absolutely no reason for it.
There is also absolutely no reason to panic. Nothing about what happened today makes the relationship any more real, in my opinion. People freaking out probably have that holiday turning point, or they're on the fence. At least the majority of them and I'm not entirely sure what to say about it. Nothing about this makes it real.
So with that, I'm going to go to bed lmao I hope this summed up some of what went on today and answered some asks I got. It was just a lot all at once.
So goodnight. Sweet dreams. I'll talk to you in the morning and hopefully Ostrich will take the hint and crawl back in the cave she came out of. God forbid she doesn't have the attention on her for one fucking day, especially around the holidays.
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angelhummel · 2 years
Arghh I accidentally read some anti-klaine ship and my brain kinda started malfunctioning and rn I can't enjoy their relationship like I used to... I mean every time I try,the thoughts that constantly pop in my mind are about their cheating incidents (Chandler and Eli) and how other canon couples didn't cheat and I am like so mad at writers cause rn it looks like I just stopped shipping them because of this stupid rant about their worse moments.... I am mad though cause they were my OTP and I still wanna enjoy then,but because of that rant I feel like I can't... what should I do? Did it ever happen to you?
Mm nope. I get tired of people shitting on them, but the ship itself has never worn me out
Alsooo not to be rude lmao but what world are we in where the other couples didn't cheat?? I mean between Finn, Quinn, Puck, Rachel, Sam, and Santana, there was cheating in like every other episode of the first two seasons
And quite frankly I don't give a fuck about Br*ttana's whole "I would never cheat on you" bc they literally cheat on everyone else. The offense is still there. And either Br*ttany is mean enough to cheat on Artie on purpose, or dumb enough to get manipulated by S@tana into cheating. Either way, one of them is nasty
Tina cheated on Artie to hook up with Mike, Mercedes cheated on Shane to kiss Sam. And if you only care about them cheating WITH each other instead of ON each other, then Kurt cheated on Adam to get ENGAGED to Blaine lmao, and Blaine cheated on Dave to kiss Kurt so. The universe has balanced itself out again
And sorry to sound like I'm handing out religious pamphlets or something buuut... If you'd like to read more of my thoughts on the matter, here is my recent post talking about why every anti Blaine/Klaine argument is hot garbage lol. Here is me explaining why Blaine's cheating was the least offensive of the many many many instances of cheating on the show. And here are some Klaine positivity posts to cleanse your palette and hopefully give you some nice warm fuzzies once again
But in all seriousness it's just fandom, and fandom should be fun. Interests wax and wane all the time. Some feelings I've felt since I first watched the show (loving Klaine, hating F*nchel, etc) but most things have changed. Like Santana and Sam moving down on my favorites list, and Rachel moving from one of the worst to one of the best. Used to love ships like Faberry, Hevans, and Samcedes whereas now I'm like ...meh. Kind of shipped Br*ttana back in the day too, I think. I used to hate the s4 newbies. Hell, even Will has moved up a few spots from my absolute least favorite character of all time. Things change, so just like what you like without worrying about what you think you should like. And learn to curate your blog experience to tailor what you do and don't want to see bc it really helps!
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violetnotez · 4 years
hello!! how are u today? i hope youre well💖 may i request a baku crushing on a girl who is native eng speaker, but has never heard her speak. however one day the whole class is watching some eng movie n y/n starts dissing the movie in eng bc its so bad n the whole class is sHOCKED BC HER VOICE IS SO FLUENT N SM DEEPER IN ENG. bakubabe is just there like damn thats hot.
Hey babes! I’m doing well thank you, just doing some stuffs for my art blog! I hope youre doing well 💕💕also thank you to @gallickingun for the mangacap, it saved me so much time and I was actually able to color it! 😍
Also: IM ALIVE!!!! I LITERALLY WROTE THIS TODAY AND OMG I MISS WIRITNG! I’ll start on that Dabi x reader fic I mentioned in a little bit, just wanted to post this! Hopefully it’s good lmao
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⤷ Genre: Fluff
⤷ Word Count: 2020
⤷ Warnings: cursing its bakubabe
⤷ Synopsis: Bakugo won’t admit it to himself, but he’s conflicted: he knows he has a crush on you, but his dumbass won’t admit it-well, until he hears your sexy American voice.
Song Recs: ⤷If I Cant Have You-Shawn Mendes⤷Thinking About You-Calvin Harris ⤷Rather Be-Clean Bandit
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This was so stupid. Completely dumb and a waste of his time.
Bakugo slumped in his seat a little more, a grumble escaping his lips as he tried to focus on the screen in front of him, his broad shoulders crossed in front of him.
He should be sleeping right now, not sitting and watching this dumbass romantic American movie, especially when you were by his side.
There was no reason why his cheeks should feel hotter when you laughed at the movie, or his hands feel clammy with his sweat everytime you shifted your body closer to him.
It was pissing him off, because no matter how much he tried to ignore the pent up emotions in his chest, he had to admit it to himself-he had a goddamn crush.
On you, the goddamn exchange student.
Fucking great.
His lips pouted as he sulked in his seat on the couch, trying his best to glue his eyes to the screen instead of sneaking a glance at your profile.
The TV showed one of the most sickly sweet and horrific scenes he had ever witnessed: the main couple on screen were finally declaring their love to each other, their voices getting louder and more desperate as they tried to one up each other, almost as if battling to see who could last the longest.
“I love you to the moon!”
“I love you to the moon and back!”
“I love you to the moon and all the stars in the sky!”
“And I love you to-“
A laugh erupted next to him, Bakugo swiveling his head over to see you giggling in your seat, your pretty lips parted as those sweet sounds came from your mouth.
“God, this is terrible!” You chuckled, shaking your head as you said it.
Bakugo’s face reddened, his eyes widening from the sounds coming from your mouth.
Your sentence wasn’t in Japanese: it was foreign and new, American sounding.
Bakugo was used to your voice sounding light and airy when you talked in Japanese, like a leaf on a autumn breeze as it floated into his ears and danced in his mind whenever you spoke his native language. Sometimes you would fumble over the words, trying to piece the meanings together as a blush formed on your cheeks and your eyes turned up from embarrassment. He always made fun of you from it, usually telling you to “Spit it out Baka, I don’t got all day”, but really-he absolutely loved it. You sounded so sweet, so innocent and endearing: he just wanted to wrap you in a hug and envelope himself in your sugar sweet voice.
But right now, your voice was somehow the opposite-it was deeper and richer, like warm,auburn honey on a summer evening. It coated his mind in its thick numbness, the only thing he could think of was how deep and sultry, and well, sexy, it sounded coming from your lips.
He squirmed in his seat, hating how much that little change in your tone affected him so much as you continued to giggle at the wreck of a movie in front of you.
Your class turned to look at you, their faces clearly as shocked as Bakugo’s-they had never actually heard your voice when you spoke English, and they weren’t quite used to it.
You looked at your classmates, your face twisted in innocent confusion.
“What? What did I say?” You asked again in that sultry American voice, making Bakugo shift in his seat, his face looking away from you as he covered his mouth with his hand.
Damn you needed to get that voice under control-he felt like you were controlling his emotions when you spoke like that.
“Whoa y/n you know English!” Kamianri propped himself up, his face clearly in awe as he yelled it out the words.
Sero, who was sitting beside him, chuckled at his air headed friend, giving him a judging look.
“Uh, you do realize she’s from America, right?” Sero snickered, Kamianri looking sheepish as he realized his forgetfulness.
“Oops, Sorry!” He yelled out again, earning a laugh from you and the rest of your classmates.
Jealousy bubbled inside Bakugo like a volcanic eruption, the dangerous emotion barely being contained inside him as his fists clenched.
He hated when others made you laugh, especially his freinds, who unfortunately figured out the crush he had on you a few weeks back. Hearing you giggle at his idiot friends made him want to yell out in possession, declaring that they should know that you were his-well would be his- and they should lay off. But you didn’t suspect a thing about his feelings, and he really didn’t feel like looking like a possessive freak in front of you.
He felt your body shift next to his, his heart beating faster as your finger tapped his shoulder.
“Hey, Uh, Bakugo?” You whispered, the sweet tone of your Japanese voice making him shudder pleasantly, as well as long for your deeper American voice.
He grunted in response, his arms still slung across his broad chest.
“Did I talk in my American voice?”
He scoffed, his eyes rolling in his sockets at how adorably oblivious you could be sometimes. He sent you a shit eating smirk, his vermillion eyes dark like wine.
“What do you think?” He stated, but he didn’t say it in his language, no-he said it English.
He watched your face instantly light up, your eyes bright with excitement and awe as you gasped.
“Wait-you know English?!” You yelled out in awe, a smile erupting on your face. That smile seemed to shake his world, his mind eternally thanking that the room was so dark as his cheeks flushed.
“Of course I know English,” he scoffed, “what idiot doesnt.”
You giggled at his comment, your body shifting closer to his.
Damn it, his cheeks were getting hotter-he could feel your shoulder a mere centimeters away from his, your skin radiating a coolness that felt so soothing being near his permanently hot flesh.
You leaned in closer, your eyes watching his face with sweetness. “How long have you been speaking it?” you asked, but in that hot ass American voice-he was about to combust right then and there.
Shit-he would never admit it, but he hadn’t been exactly practicing his second language. He had learned it back in middle school, when it was a required class, and he had passed it with flying colors of course. Over the years though, he began to forget it, and he was pretty rusty now, now only remembering a few phrases (‘What do you think?’ being one of them)
“Ahh-“ he grumbled out, feeling stupid for not even understanding what you had said. He felt those pretty eyes of yours continue to stare at him, making him feel almost guilty for leading you on as you face fell slightly.
“You didn’t understand what I said, did you?” You asked sadly, back to using your airy Japanese voice. He hated seeing you look so disappointed, as if he let you down in some way.
“Of course I do, dumbass, I just-“
“It’s been awhile since you spoken it?”
He grunted in reply, your mind already translating that to a “Yes.”
Your face somehow light up again, your body even closer to his as you shimmied yourself near him.
“Then I’ll reteach you it!”
“Huh?” He looked at you, his eyes slanted as you peered at you with an almost judging look. What the hell were you playing at?
You nodded again, your lips letting out a slight hum.
“Yeah, I’ll teach you a phrase in English! To be honest, I miss having someone to talk to in my language…” you chuckled at your revelation, your eyes coated in embarrassment.
Well shit-if you needed someone to talk to in English, he was going to be the one to do it. With his damn luck Icy Hot and damn Deku would jump in and be your little English buddy. His skin crawled at the idea of you getting all cozy with one of those two bastards, his insides light up like a fire.
“Fine,” he huffed out, pretending like he was giving in, “but I’m not sitting through a whole damn lesson.”
You chuckled slightly, brushing a piece of hair behind your ears.
“Don’t worry, I’ll start off easy,” you smiled up at him, looking up slightly as if in thought.
“We’ll start with a something easy,” you instructed.
“I’ll teach you-“your sweet Japanese voice suddenly turned rich like syrup as it switched to American. ‘Hi my name is Bakugo”,
“Easy enough?” You asked, switching back to Japanese.
“Fucking elementary,” he scoffed, “yeah I can do it.”
“Cool!” You exclaimed quietly, still mindful of your classmates watching the crappy movie. You shimmied again, your face squarely staring at his as you waited for him to start speaking, your eyes expecting and wide with anticipation.
Shit he was supposed to be paying attention?
Bakugo cursed himself in his mind, as he was too preoccupied listening to your hot as hell American accent.
Damn, he was going to have a hard time talking to you in English, especially if you said his name like that. He hadn't realized how mezmorized he was by the way you spoke his name, your voice low and sultry as if you were telling him a secret, something he was only able to hear. His spine tingled and his hands clammed up again, making his mouth feel dry.
Shit, you’d be the end of him.
He opened his mouth, feeling uncharacteristically nervous as he tried to speak the words you had spoken. He could barely remember how you had said them though, the syllables coming out his mouth feeling cracked and awkward.
“H-hi my n-ame is...shit!” He cursed at himself, hating the way the words felt in his mouth. He couldn't say them right, knowing full well he looked like an idiot as his cheeks began to redden.
He heard you giggle next to him, the voice sounding sweet and kind against his ear.
“It okay,” you reassured him, “your just opening your mouth a little too wide...here-“
Before he could register what was even going on, your hand had wrapped delicately around his jaw, the floral scent of your perfume swarming his mind and making him unable to think straight. Your digits were pressing against his hot cheeks, forcing his lips to pout out slightly.
Damn, if he thought he was blushing, it was nothing compared to this-it felt like his cheeks were on fire.
You laughed at his clearly shocked face, his vermillion eyes wide and filled with confusion.
“Don’t worry, Bakugo, I’m just helping you,” you reassured him, your voice feathery as you whispered close to his ear.
Why the hell did that sound so hot?
You sent him another smile, speaking again in Japanese and then back to English, “Just say- ‘Hi my name is Bakugo’,”
he continued to star at you, actually beginning to like the feel your digits pressed against his mouth.
He swallowed, trying to coat his dry mouth with saliva.
“Hi-my name-is-Bakugo,” he stuttered out.
He wouldn’t ever say it out loud, but he had to admit it-his English voice did sound much better with your fingers pressed against his cheeks like that.
You clearly noticed it as well, your face triumphant and proud. “There ya go, that sounded so much better!” You congratulated him, your fingers retracting from his skin.
He already missed the feeling of your cold skin against his hot flesh, his cheeks feeling empty without your digits pressing against them.
He sucked the flesh of his cheeks into his mouth, moving his jaw.
“Shitty woman-need to give me a warning-“ he scolded you, his hands feeling clammy with the sudden change in events.
You rolled your eyes, lying yourself against the couch cushions and returning your gaze to the TV.
“Well, your going to have to get used to it if I’m going to teach you more-“
“Teach me more?!?” He practically yelled out, gaining a few confusing looks from his classmates.
“Of course!” you smiled as if it was obvious, “need to make sure your fluent enough for a conversation dumbie!”
“It’s also fun seeing you blush like that Bakugo,” you playfully nudged his ribcage, sending him a wink as you turned your gaze to the movie, unaware of how flustered you just made him.
Well shit-he thought numbly, a small grin playing against his mouth-you were something else.
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@weebartistinc​ @orokayagi​ @leeeah-loooser​ @bakarinnie​
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Part 33 of Jimercury Kid series
Jim couldn’t understand it. He was completely and utterly baffled.
He had spent the last few weeks watching what he ate, cutting back on higher calorie foods, restricting his sweets, sometimes skipping meals altogether and substituting them for tea or coffee. And yet, as he stood there in his bedroom in front of the mirror, hands struggling with the buttons of his trousers, it all seemed to be for naught.
He could barely fit into any of his clothes. His trousers wouldn’t button, his shirts strained against his chest and even his pyjamas seemed ready to tear at the seams the moment he put them on. He couldn’t understand it; he had tried, he really tried. Yet it seemed he had put on weight rather than lost it.
Freddie had got rid of the scales during his illness, as it depressed him too much to be reminded of how thin and frail he was becoming, so Jim was forced to rely on his own estimation. Given how nothing fit him anymore, it was clear that his current approach to losing weight wasn’t working.
He gave up fighting with the button and pulled the trousers off in frustration, tossing them across the room. He wrapped himself back up in his dressing gown, which seemed to be the only thing that he could breathe in and sat down on the bed in defeat. He couldn’t help but allow his mind to wander to darker thoughts; what if it kept getting worse? What if Freddie looked at him one day and was disgusted by what he saw? Someone as beautiful as Freddie deserved better. He would tell Jim to pack his bags and leave.
He knew he shouldn’t think of such things, but he couldn’t help himself. He had always been made to feel that he wasn’t good enough for Freddie and this only cemented the idea into his head.
And the worst part? His poor mood was making him crave a biscuit.
He groaned and flopped down onto the mattress.
‘I’m in big trouble.’
Phoebe couldn’t help but snigger with laughter as Freddie held up one of Jim’s shirts, which was now noticeably smaller than it had been before it went in the wash.
Recently, Freddie had become insistent on being more independent and enlisted Phoebe to show him how to use various items around the house, including the washing machine. In hindsight, Phoebe should have known that this impulsive venture was destined for disaster; of course, Freddie would insist on doing Jim’s washing to surprise him, and then whack the machine up to 60 degrees despite Phoebe’s warnings. And now Jim’s loosest T-shirt was more of a crop top if anything.
Freddie sighed and set the shirt down, folding it pointlessly. ‘On a scale on one to ten, how angry do you think Jim will be?’
‘For shrinking his entire wardrobe?’ Phoebe pretended to consider the question. ‘At least an eleven.’
This clearly wasn’t the right thing to say, as Freddie groaned and faceplanted onto the kitchen table.
‘Cheer up, you old tart.’ Phoebe grinned and gave the singer a nudge. ‘Jim can never stay cross with you for long. Just explain yourself and he’ll forgive you.’
‘I know he’ll forgive me – it’s the half an hour lecture I’m not looking forward to.’ The Persian grumbled and pushed his chair back. ‘Maybe I should take Khaleel up with me. He can’t shout at me if the baby is there.’
‘Using your child as a shield? That’s low even for you.’
‘Give over, Phoebe. You and Joe were happy enough to use Jim as a scapegoat when you were smuggling cats into the house, so don’t you lecture me about morals.’
Five minutes later, Freddie was warily ascending the staircase towards the master bedroom, a packet of custard creams in one hand and Khaleel scampering at his heels. He was mentally preparing himself for the severe scolding he would inevitably receive, but hopefully a few biscuits would sweeten Jim’s mood. Lord knows, the Irishman could use them; he had been eating so little recently, he was practically wasting away into nothing. (1/2)
‘Darling?’ Freddie called out softly as he pushed open the door, scanning the room until he located Jim lying flat out on the bed, staring at the ceiling. ‘Darling, we brought you something.’
‘Don’t come in.’ Jim replied groggily, not even looking up from where he was laying. ‘I’m hideous.’
Freddie chuckled, not picking up the sincerity in Jim’s tone as he stepped into the room, Khaleel immediately making a beeline for the bed. ‘Hey, that’s my line!’
‘We brought biscuits, Daddy.’ Khaleel said excitedly, bouncing onto the bed and sprawling on top of Jim, resting his chin on the man’s chest. ‘I’ve already had three, so Baba says the rest are for you.’
The mere mention of confectionary made Jim groan. ‘Please take them away. I’ll probably put on ten pounds just looking at them.’
‘What do you mean?’ Freddie asked, sitting himself down beside his husband and son. ‘I thought you liked custard creams.’
Jim gave a loud, heavy sigh, lifting a hand to gently pet Khaleel’s hair. ‘I’m fat.’
There was a brief pause as everyone took a moment to process those two words. Then Freddie chuckled loudly, only stopping when he realised Jim was serious.
‘You’re not fat, you silly fool!’ Freddie exclaimed, looking scandalised. ‘If anything, you could stand to eat more. There’s nothing of you these days!’
‘Oh, come on Freddie.’ Jim couldn’t help but snap, though he quickly lowered his voice when he realised that he had startled Khaleel. Their son hated it when they argued, and he quickly pressed a kiss against the little boy’s nose to reassure him. ‘I know for a fact that I’ve put on weight. I don’t fit into any of my clothes anymore. If that’s not proof, I don’t know what is.’
Freddie felt his cheeks begin to burn and he carefully placed the packet of custard creams out of Jim’s reach, in case the Irishman decided to use them as a weapon. ‘Ah…that might be my fault.’
Jim sat up, sitting Khaleel on his lap as he stared at Freddie in confusion. ‘How is it your fault?’
‘Well, I asked Phoebe to show me how to use some of the appliances around the house.’ Replied Freddie, playing with his fingers awkwardly. ‘And I wanted to surprise you by doing your laundry. But I might have turned the temperature up a little too high.’
Jim’s eyes went wide. ‘You shrunk my clothes?!’
‘In my defence, Phoebe is partially at fault for listening to me when I told him I knew what I was doing.’ Freddie dropped his gaze to his lap, peering up at Jim through his eyelashes. ‘I’m really sorry, darling.’
But Jim just started to laugh, though it sounded like he was on the verge of crying as well. ‘Jesus Christ, Freddie. You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that. I thought I was going to end up needing a forklift to get downstairs.’
‘Don’t be ridiculous. There’s nothing wrong with your weight.’ Freddie said gently, leaning over and brushing a kiss against the man’s bearded cheek. ‘You’re perfect just the way you are, isn’t he, Kenny?’
‘I love Daddy’s tummy.’ Khaleel replied, giving Jim’s stomach a pat. ‘He’s like a big cuddly teddy bear!’
‘Exactly. He’s our teddy bear.’ Freddie kissed his husband again, rubbing his cheek against the man’s stubble. ‘So…are you cross with me?’
‘Of course I’m cross with you!’ Jim exclaimed, though he was cracking up as he spoke. ‘I have to invest in a whole new wardrobe now, thanks to your terrible laundry skills!’
‘I’ll take you shopping tomorrow, I promise.’ Freddie pouted and thrust the packet of biscuits under Jim’s nose. ‘Now, stop telling me off and eat my peace offering.’ (2/2)
Awwww haha I loved this!
Firstly, I love how you've explored any body image issues that Jim may have had, and how that tied to his insecurities of not being good enough for Freddie.
And oof, baby Jimbo was adorable.
And the worst part? His poor mood was making him crave a biscuit.
Awwww I love my Irish teddy bear so much😂💙
Also, lmao Freddie being absolute shit at using a washing machine, Phoebe's amusement at his friend's antics, and Freddie eventually blaming Phoebe for putting too much faith into him made me crack up😂😂😂 He's such a character, our Freddie.
(More drabbles by writer anon)
(All the parts of this series can also be found under the tag #freddie and jim and their baby on this blog)
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luna-writes-things · 2 years
Heyyyyyy @writingamongther0ses, thanks for the ask!! This is the first time I ever got one for writing. Hopefully you don’t mind me replying in this blog since I actually want to separate my main blog from actual writing stuff. I got sidetracked so hard I’m so sorry. (Thank you for singlehandedly pulled me back in the fandom too lmao I'm in too many to focus on one)
Prompts 7 + 26 - Florist + Massage
As light bled into the earth, dyeing the scenery in brilliant orange and stunning yellow, Red Son retraced the path to the recently opened florist just a few blocks away. He soon stopped by the sign of “Sun’s Bouquet”, silently studying the shop’s little details, all the small decorations and trinkets laying outside, not completely organized but incredibly eyecandy and aesthetic pleasing. He has a hunch that Mei had come by and helped, as the girl always had a knack for these kinds of things and somehow, a freer schedule than him.
Feeling satisfied with the new intricate details added to the place, he stepped into the small shop, the bell at the door chimed as he entered. The Noodle Boy turned to him, his hand holding a flower pot, his eyes instantly shone at the sight of him while he greeted cheerfully, “Hi Red! You’re just in time, I was in the middle of closing”.
Red casually replied, “Hello to you too, Xiaotian”. Then, his expression turned sour, though his tone remained fond and playful, “If I remember correctly, aren’t you supposed to close at half past 4? Isn’t it already an hour past that already?”. As MK put the pot on a shelf where a row of flowers neatly sat, he chuckled nervously, “There was such a lovely couple that visited just before closing! I was so enveloped in answering their questions of what their anniversary flower’s opinion should be and before I knew it, the time had slipped my mind”.
The other male’s expression softened with a sigh and an understanding smile, “So I take it that it was a good day for the shop?”. Xiaotian beamed at this, “Yup! I didn’t expect so many people to come too, since it had only been a little over a week since we had grand opened”. At this point, Red had begun to help. “Well, I think it’s because they knew you back when you still delivered at Pigsy’s. You did have quite a reputation after all”, he said with a shrug. MK used to work odd jobs to make a living before Pigsy’s hired him as their delivery boy. It had lasted for quite a while and MK had made an impression on many through the job.
It was also through it that the two of them met. It was a fun coincidence set by fate, that day.
Red had stormed out on his parents about the issue of him not wanting to inherit the family business despite his status as the sole successor and went to his favorite shop to ease his nerves.
He had always liked the place, the warm and homey atmosphere, a stark difference from the fancy restaurants he always ate at ever since he was a child, the top notch food and the variety of people coming and going, how honest and real they felt. He had dined in galas countless times before, exchanging pretty faces and fake, polite smiles and only eating the bare minimum so he could gather more information or business allies while still putting on a facade of enjoying the envent. But at Pigsy’s, he wasn’t the son of a multimillion company trying to bring their company to a greater height, wasn’t expected to be. There, he was just another customer ordering a meal like any other, no special privileges or treatments dedicated to him.
With MK’s rare break, seeing that there was strangely no orders required that particular time, he had subjected himself as an impromptu waiter. ‘The shop was busy and it needed all the help it could get after all!’, he had thought. As much as he wanted to go out, Mei was M.I.A that weekend and most activities he had planned to do involved her presence someway or another. As time flew by and the customers ceased, he took notice of a boy around his age. He had situated himself in a corner that most people don’t approach and had stayed there silently moping since MK began to serve as a waiter, his food cold and untouched. He absentmindedly noted that he will give the guy a pat on the back or something if he’s still there when he’s free.
Turns out, he had all the chance to confront him. It’s nearly closing time already and the guy didn’t seem like he was going to move an inch from his spot. He quietly approached him, kickstarting the conversation with a friendly grin and the softest voice he could manage, “Hey man… You okay?”.
The other turned, his eyes puffy red and his red hair tangled messily, “Do I look okay to you?’, he bit back, annoyed and tired. MK didn’t let his smile falter at the curt respond and only continued, “Well, it’s just that you looked kind of sad and I just wanna help a bro out”. At that, the customer’s once dull red eyes lit up like two shiny rubies, comically widened in shock, “So what you’re saying is… you are worried? About me?”. MK laughed nervously at the sudden question, hands scratching the back of his neck, “Yeah? You might not know this but uh.. it’s kind of my thing. Helping and caring, I mean. At least that was what people said…”, he trailed off, not finding his voice to say more. The nameless stranger blinked dazedly at the unexpected answer like a deer in the headlight and only gave a “huh” as a reply. Oddly, MK found the gesture adorable and looked infinitely better than the guy sulking in his seat.
So, MK carried on saying all the nonsense on top of his head, despite how the other just hummed or at most, gave the shortest of responds the entire conversation. It was not until Pigsy finally cut in his speech that he realized he had been rambling non-stop for a whole hour. His face instantly heated up and he scrambled away to help Pigsy clean up. Before that though, the stranger suddenly spoke, his hands fidgeting slightly, his face off to the side, “Thank you for uh…comforting me. My name’s Red Son. Maybe I’ll see you around”. With that, he quickly left, the money to his order already placed on the table. MK’s eyes might have linger a little longer than necessary on the door.
After that day, Red had become a regular and maybe unconsciously, he always reached out to MK or the opposite. They would chat about various themes, almost one-sidedly at first but with time, Red had slowly grown more comfortable and engaged more and more into the conversation until MK realized that the guy was such a nerd…(and that he was so eager to share his knowledge as if it was the first time anyone had listened). It became a habit of them soon enough, MK ranting his buried feelings and Red infodumping. They both didn’t mind, it was more comforting than bothering, really. It seemed that everyone around them was rather idle about their bubbling relationship as well, casually letting them go on dates (Pigsy gave him a lot of shifts break).
As they got closer, the more personal their talks became. A few months after their first meeting, they had discussed their future. MK had expressed wanting to be a florist as offhand comments and Red had vocalized his dream of quitting his family’s company and had something of his own. Instead of hating on MK’s desired career, all of his friends had supported him wholeheartedly along with Red’s rebelling ideals, especially Mei, MK’s best friend, who was stuck in the same percarment before she finally stood up and forced her family to understand.
After many heated arguments between Red and his parents, not to mention their (futile) attempts of telling him to step up on his rightful position in the company, Red had successfully opened a spa with his own money from his years worth of savings and several sources added. Not too long after he started, Noodle Boy, now could be dubbed as his boyfriend, had officially begun his business as well.
(Red vividly remembered the sleepless nights spent on planning, of the dread looming over him of not having the financial, of the impending failure it would become like his parents had predicted, of the many closed calls of which he almost gave up and returned to what his parents had horned him to be. But, he also recalled perfectly the encouragement from the others, (Pigsy had given him tips on how to manage a business, taught him the best he could. Mei had reassured him of the validity of his goal, how it could reach beyond what others had thought, had wanted it to be, especially when the days were so bad he snapped, sometimes shaky hands clung to the phone, trembling fingers readied to call Mother, Father, other the unrelenting wrath slashed out like the volatile fire and drowning sorrow swallowed him whole like the deep sea. She had comforted him because she was his friend, because she understood), the desperation to separate himself from his parents, the pure joy and soothing bliss that coursed through his body at the grand opening of “The Fiery Mountain”. The spa business was his own. He had proved that he was not some golden spoon that had his life given to him on a silver platter. He did it. He may not cry often, but he had been in hysterics that day).
The two fell into silence after that, a peaceful kind of quiet, as they both worked rhythmically, simply basking in the other’s presence. The city’s usual vibrant and bustling chorus of sounds and the shop’s calming atmosphere somehow balanced, a strange but flawless blend for a magnificent harmony for the couple as they relished in the glorious setting sun afar.
After finishing up the closing and having dinner, Red had thought of a good reward to his boyfriend for his hard work. “The first week is hell, don’t even try to downplay it”, he started, his voice a bit muffled by the flowing water as MK was washing the dishes in the kitchen. “Hot Stuff, what are you implying?”, MK tread carefully, his words cautious.
“Well, maybe a quick massage to loosen up? I-”, Red offered, but the florist immediately interjected, “Love, no. You’re saying that as if you aren’t exhausted yourself”, cheesy nicknames usually worked in these kinds of persuasion but if there was one thing The Bull Family (weird moniker, he knows. But it fits his family precisely. He used to pride on the title before he understood the whole meaning of it) was famous for, it was fierce fire determination and rock hard stubbornness.
“I have a free morning and today didn’t even have that many customers anyways”, he waved dismissively despite being in the different room. “Besides”, he emphasized the word, “You said the amount of customers is even more than what you imagined and don’t think I have forgotten the newly put decorations outside”. There was a pause before MK replied, “Mei helped thou-”. “I texted her while we had dinner, remember? She said she was so busy she could only assist in laying out the plans, not helping you set up”, instantly the red haired retorted. MK only whined jokingly, “What no… Such betrayal, coming from my two most favorite people! I felt hurt. Red you wounded me”. “You wounded yourself by overworking, idiot”, Red Son stepped out of the bathroom and placed a kiss at the shorter male’s cheek.
Unfortunately, he didn’t bring much from the spa back, so he would just have to settle with the little he had, which is some ointment and two scented candles, one Heaven Vanila and one of Peach Cream. After he instructed his boyfriend to lie down on his stomach, silently snickering on MK’s impression of a seal, he checked the room, the light aroma of vanilla and peaches were a classic combo, the air was…lukewarm, not hot nor stuffy like a sauna, an immaculate heat for the best experience, and laid the warm towel on MK’s lower back and began the message, dipping his hand in the jar for a little ointment. With everything prepared, he began to massage the scalp, nape, temple, the usual warm up for any standard massages. As he worked around the head a few times, his fingers trailed down the neck to the shoulder blades as he felt MK melted at the touch. It was a good idea to have this small section, after all. Maybe he should do this more often. It seemed therapeutic to them both.
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xenotwink · 2 years
Evenin’, loves!
Good to know none in our group chat are alone in our preference for chili (ideally having meat and beans) with sour cream, lol. Sour cream, some cheese, and sometimes some Fritos or tortilla chips to scoop it up with? Best way to eat it, Imo. And also some cornbread. Not always though, mostly on winter-y days.
I’m sorry about the restrictions for your asks, @💚💙! Like, I get it, but it seems very short and is kind of ridiculous- especially in the way that it doesn’t even explain the issue to you. I know you know it’s the spaces, but it’s still stupid. I promise, though, your asks are completely fine, no need to apologize! 💙
“We can’t say words but we can use spaces” 😆😅 Yeah, I have an iPhone as well. And I think all of the issues with removing the tags and such from it caused the termination of my primary blog. So yes, hi, this is 📘 from my other account. I did send a message to Tumblr Support asking either to appeal for restoration or just. To get an explanation?? So hopefully they message back soon. 🙄
Ooh, I like the idea of it being why they get along so well, and them having a deeper understanding without fully realizing why! And Blue, like you said, Eli became ride or die, but that could’ve been aided by their shared sensitivity and some larger than normal feeling that Eli could trust him. Many feelings about these manses, very glad that you two understand. 💙
How were y’all’s days? *whispers from the darkness about fic excitement*
“something chemical reaction something eye glow” 😂
Traders Joe has these cornbread chips? And they’re so good? I’ll eat cornbread whenever I love that shit. I’ll eat a whole pan. Watch out.
Oof rip to your account. I mean that kinda happens a lot because it’s a Webbed Site so likely they’ll give you it back. It be like that.
I just love Eli and Thrawn. I love their platonic relationship. I love their romantic relationship. I love how Eli’s looking at Thrawn in almost every comic panel. They understand each other and it’s so beautiful? And besides Thrass, Eli is like the only guy who’s never ever been a dick to Thrawn. The bar was low but he jumped over it. Even when he’s grumpy with Thrawn, he doesn’t like insult him? I think we could all learn from that.
My day was good! Sealed little things of b0ne putty into packages all day. Covid is kinda uhhhh running through my workplace rn. They sent a whole department home lmao (which did mean they had to scrap two donors which. Is no good. And that’s like long bones with all the muscle and stuff still on for them, so sorta a big loss on what that continues into). But we just do our best. And a lot of people are on vacation but also a lot of people are sick.
Current word count on HBHBHB is 6k
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feliciohno · 3 years
I'm back but not without a quick psa
Okay ik I do like these little psa bullshits all the time and I am sorry and ik only like maybe 5 people care I'm just the kinda person who feels the need to over explain constantly even though ik I don't have to. Anyways, this is hopefully gonna be a quick thing and done but I just need to talk a little bit about my coming back and some changes to the blog so lets go.
So, I'll be honest, I'm not fully ready to come back. Just being frank but the only reason I'm coming back after about a month is because I wanted to take part in a Chaggie month during may and this is the blog I use for that kinda stuff. But I didn't want to reopen the blog and then just post about Hazbin cause honestly I'd feel bad. I know I say time and time again that this blog isn't JUST Hetalia but I'm not dumb, I know what you guys followed the blog for. And it's not that I blame anyone because where the content isn't only Hetalia it tends to be mostly Hetalia.
If it wasn't for the Chaggie month I probably would have stayed away longer ngl. Don't get me wrong, I do feel much better than I did when I first left. I just still don't feel great. Without getting too much into it, my brain doesn't really do great things sometimes. Whenever something bad happens to me it often will latch those emotions to things in the moment. Sometimes it's stuff like food or a song but a lot of times it's shows and characters and ships. It sucks cause it very often tends to hit special interests the most. There really isn't a special interest I have that I can enjoy without issue except maybe bats. And ik this is typically a trauma response but like? My brain recently has started to do it outside of trauma? Like I'm pretty sure I haven't gone through any trauma recently?? So idk man it's dumb and hates me. Anyways, there's still some characters and ships and stuff for Hetalia that I really can't look at without panicking lmao. But honestly it's okay. I'm kinda use to this kinda stuff by now?
Basically my hiatus was so I could step away from people and just like the show by myself. I blocked tags, I only interacted with the show and drew stuff for it when I felt like I wanted to or could. I only talked about the show with an extremely small select group of friends and even that was on rare occasion. There's a word for what I was trying to do but I can't remember it rn it's like re-something therapy. But whatever so yeah. And honestly? It was working really well. It's still working really well. I feel better than I did before. But like? It's still not great. There's gonna be stuff that still messes me up. This isn't the kinda thing that goes away over night and I knew that going into my hiatus. But! You guys stuck with me (from what I can tell) and I genuinely thank you all for that! So like yeah I am coming back to the blog including Hetalia posting. I'm probably gonna keep the tags blocked though and only look at like certain mutual content and stuff. Just stuff that I know for sure isn't gonna idk set me off (I desperately don't wanna call any of this stuff triggers cause then that's admitting how much they actually emotionally affect me and I'm not even gonna go there lmao).
That's basically it in regards of my hiatus BUT now I gotta talk about some changes to this blog. Nothing huge just two minor things.
The first thing is this blog is now my Problematic Media blog AND my blog to put Gore/N S F W content on. The main reason for this is I got accepted to be an artist on a blog called @/ponydoodles (if you like mlp related content go give it a follow :> ). One of the rules though of being an artist is the main blog you use and that is associated with your mod title can not have any extreme gore or N S F W content on it. Which like, I don't blame them for making that a rule. The mlp fandom has a lot of bad rep cause of older and probably even still modern fans. I have my own opinions on that kinda stuff but that's neither here nor there. So yeah! Any content of mine that is too suggestive or gory will be posted here no matter the source. Please make sure to block any tags of stuff you don't wanna see. And just a quick note, I will not be tagging N S F W content as such because those posts get blocked and it's FUCKING annoying. Instead I will be using the tag NSFT (not safe for tumblr) which from what I've seen is what most people are using these days. As for gore I always do my best to make sure everything is properly tagged with more intense or triggering content.
The last small change to this blog is this- I will no longer be posting about non blog related content on here. Lemme explain a little. I'm sure a lot of you noticed that I tend to make little posts here and there about myself, my life, cartoons just anything on my mind. The problem with this is I ended up almost killing my main blog @hext00ns because I was never fucking using it. And because I never used it for so long I don't get much interaction from people on that blog but I did start to get it here. From there it was a loop. I'd post more on here, causing less attention on my main, causing people to interact more with my side, causing me to want to post more on my side and less on my main. And honestly? It actually made me kinda depressed? In a weird way? It's kinda dumb but Hextoons is like my brand. Being the weird cartoon freak that knows way too much about animation and anything involving it has always and will always be my main and in some cases only personality trait lmao. It's also where I post my original content which is really important to me. So, here's what's gonna happen. I'm only gonna be posting about content that pertains to the sources and content that I use this blog for. Any other content or blogging or whatever will go on my main @hext00ns So like if you liked that kinda stuff or if you like other cartoons, anime, and video game stuff, just god please go follow that account. Genuinely. I promise that blog is full of the same F- bullshit quality all my content tends to be.
And one last thing cause I feel like some people are gonna be curious, yes you can still talk to me about Hetalia and send asks and shit. I still love asks and interactions more than life itself and that hasn't changed. It really is what motivates me to do shit. Comments, tags on reblogs, asks, this kinda stuff puts a fire under my ass to continue and create content that, I assume, you guys like. I'm always open to that kinda stuff on either blog. And where yeah, Hetalia kinda makin' me sad still just a bit, I am better. And honestly? I have the physical ability to just? Not check my notifs for a day or so if I need a short breather or I'm not feeling up to it? Like tech is so amazing how you can exit out of apps and windows like wow guys it's so crazy (/s/j).
So yeah, your fruity little Italian is back from superhell what's up bitches
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