#vent cw
robotgirlfoxears · 1 year
hot take: maybe making kids afraid of going to hell is bad for their mental health and development
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can’t have a cane because it’s “bad for my posture”
can’t limp because it “makes me weaker”
can’t sleep in because it’s “unproductive”
can’t suffer because it’s an inconvenience
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errrr-vent-blog · 13 days
god gives his siilliest schizospecs the woorst days of theiir lives every siingle dayy non stop.
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ghcstcd · 2 months
No creatives should have to settle with likes when they're trying to share their art with the world.
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susiephone · 1 year
can we put “intrusive thoughts” on the ever-crowded shelf of “words the internet can’t use until they learn what they actually mean” please? because it is genuinely INFURIATING to see tiktokkers be like “oop shaved my head, the intrusive thoughts won!!” or “my intrusive thoughts are telling me to call my ex a cunt and tbh they a point”
but then when people talk about intrusive thoughts that involve violence to themselves or others, sexual assault, bigotry, animal cruelty, abuse, or any other genuinely horrifying thing, then suddenly it’s all “omg if you even have that thought you’re disgusting!” and “you wouldn’t think it if you didn’t mean it on some level!” and “ok FINE maybe you can’t help THINKING it but do you HAVE to post about it?” (and i’ve seen that last one commented on videos where people simply mentioned HAVING intrusive thoughts about the topics i just listed. not describing the thoughts in detail or saying what they entailed! just mentioning “i have intrusive thoughts about [x topic]” and suddenly everyone in their comment is jumping down their throat for making them uncomfortable.)
the point of intrusive thoughts is that they are thoughts you do not like, do not want to have, and do not believe in your logical, thinking brain. “swerve into traffic” “you could stab them” “what if you poisoned the coffee you just gave them and somehow repressed the memory” “what if you secretly want to hurt them, so secretly even YOU don’t know it” “what if you ran someone over and didn’t notice” “what if you don’t actually love your mom you’ve just fooled yourself into thinking you’re capable of love but really you’re just faking it”
intrusive thoughts are upsetting, scary, and often objectively ridiculous.
they’re not fun.
(on a similar note, it is genuinely creepy to realize how many people believe in thoughtcrime, even if they don’t realize it.)
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tommyssupercoolblog · 3 months
okay so let me check my notes umm... according to fakclaimers:
systems can only be kids because it only develops then, but also can only be adults over 20 or so because otherwise you're making it up for tiktok OR wouldn't possibly know yet, and you have to be diagnosed with DID/OSDD but you also have to be truamagenic or the diagnosis doesn't count even if it comes from a doctor, and if you're truamagenic but self diagnosed then you're lying or confused. if you're truamagenic AND diagnosed then you're a freak and dangerous to the public OR you have to live in secret or else you must be lying. you can't be plural on purpose through thoguhtform because then you're making yourself disabled and that's fetishizing but you also can't be plural against your will UNLESS you met the previous critera otherwise that wouldn't happen to you. and you can't call yourself a t-pla ever even though the controvery is around cultural appropriation and a stranger has no clue over the internet if you have the right to reclaim, which you VERY WELL MIGHT. but if you call yourself a thoughform you're cringe and too woke. if you're endogenic you can't call yourself a system but you also can't call yourself plural or a collective or anything else. If you're mixed-orgin you're just a confused truamagenic or a lying endogenic.
You also can't have introjects because that's cringe and cringe means you're lying but you also can't have original alters because then you're just roleplaying as OCs. as an introject you can't hate your source or be neutral because then why would you introject?? but you can't love them or else you're just a crazy fan pretending to be them. as an original alter you can't be TOO different from the original or that's just something out of a movie but you can't be alike because then you're not really an alter.
You can't have only nice alters who get along together because then you're faking and if you have alter conflict then you need to be locked up because you're probably a serial killer. and you have to only have split when you were little and can't split ever again even though that's something that happens all the time even past people's 20s, and you can't have any other disorder or you're just wrong about being plural, and you can't hate being plural because then you're attention seeking and clearly must be pretending to have a disorder for pity, and you can't love being plural because you're not allowed to love having a disorder or disability, and you can't be neutral about it because why the fuck wouldn't you have a big reaction to being so weird?? you're weird. so you must be lying about being weird because everyone else finds this shocking and disturbing or fascinating and surely so would you.
and you can't not date because then you're missing out (even if ur aro, ace, or aroace mostly) and you can't date because then you're abusing your partner and lying to them by being multiple people since you're clearly just one OR you're making them date strangers which is also bad, and you can't date another system because you can't know other systems personally or else you're all fakers, and you can't date in-headspace because that's too weird to be true. you can't all be striaght because that's unrealistic so you're faking but if your alters all have different sexualities that's a sure sign you're faking and just making up OCs and if you're all gay then you're ALSO faking and just trying to be Jefferson Miku Binder Woke and are a cringe SJW. You can't all be the same gender but you can't be different genders either and you can't have individual labels but if you id as genderfluid or pluralgender or something collective that's cringe and clearly a sign you're just a dumb lying teenager begging for attention.
you can't have a consistent host but also you can't have anyone other than the "original" front for too long. you can't be able to control switches but you also need to be able to "prove it" by switching in front of other people. you can't have different mannerisms or handwriting because that's overdone and dramatic and clearly just theatre and you can't have the same mannerisms or handwriting becase then you're clearly just lying. You can't think of yourself as one person because that's confusing, but you can't think of yourself as multiple people, because you share a body so CLEARLY you must be one singular person!!!!! If you use i/me pronouns you're faking and just forgetting to act plural as a plothole in ur lies and if you use we/us you're also faking and clearly only know about systems through tiktok. if you go by your infividual names you're being confusing and a hasstle and a bitch, but if you use a collective name or go by the og/host's name you're lying and a catfish abuser. if you get final fusion you're not plural anymore and don't get to talk about it. if you don't get final fusion you're a faker.
you can't literally be seperate because that makes no sense, you can't have more than one consciousness in one mind!! but you can't just be one person separated by memory walls with the EFFECT being "as if" you were actually seperate because then you're not really plural.
you can't act or dress normal because "we'd be able to tell" but you can't be visibly weird or plural because then you're fake, cringe, or both. you can't roleplay or cosplay because that means your plurality is cosplay too, but you can't avoid roleplaying and cosplaying because then you're crazy for identifying as another person than the og but not being able to dress up as a different person (and/or your source if ur an introject).
did i get it all?? no, probably, because there's way more rules and contradictions than even these, huh?? there's an infinite list of rules and ideas but really they're all just set dressing. all the conflicts just end up resulting in one, big rule. but they don't say the big rule because a long list like that, if it's spread out and not put in one post like this, doesn't look as mean. so it's easier to swallow it one bit at a time, to rule out one way of life after another, then to say it outright.
when every possible way to be is ruled out, you get the real rule, which is:
"If you're plural or a system, you can't exist."
there is no acceptable way to be plural. the only "correct" way to be plural is to be erased entirely.
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sttoru · 6 months
idk who needs to hear this but write what the fuck u want man 😭😭 drabbles & long fics about whatevaaaaa. jus do what YOU want, not because you feel obligated to
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idiot-mushroom · 8 months
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was going through it last week
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loverboybreakdowns · 2 years
i fucking hate being autistic. not as in like i hate that i am autistic. but as in i hate the way im treated because im autistic. and any time i try to mention the infantilization, having my opinions discounted, etc, i face because im autistic, any time i mention having an issue with the way im treated because of my autism to my family, i get told i “call everything ableist these days” and that “not everything is about you being autistic”. like yeah i get that but when im talking about my younger sister speaking over and for me in a therapist voice (thats the best way i can explain it, idk if theres a word for it but like when you do a therapist imitation? that voice), a behavior thats only started since i was diagnosed and that ive said many times i hate, maybe theres a bit of a correlation there.
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the-hadal-zone-sys · 24 days
Finally unfollowed the pluralgang tag. I hate it here. Why can't we have anything? Why can't we keep the spaces we fucking created?! And they have the fucking gaul to accuse us of invading their spaces?!
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xluciifer · 29 days
Hey, uh... this took a lot of considering and thinking over but I guess I need to talk about this.
I try to not talk about my personal life often with you guys, because I just like being known as a sunshine for other people but I've been struggling a lot lately. Things have been really stressful irl with my ex, money problems, appointments, rescheduling, my depression, my kiddo's 2nd birthday is in two days - and it's left me feeling disconnected and stressed out. I haven't been able to message people first really and my anxiety makes me feel like I'll lose those friends if I'm not constantly talking to them, and then it stresses me out because I'm trying to figure out money to do something nice for my kiddo's birthday and have a hard time balancing things; but that's a me problem who's been trying to get better at it over the years.
Writing brings me such a joy but lately, with everything piling up, it's been getting harder mentally for me. I have so many drafts; I want to write,, but it's so daunting and it stresses me out further. I'll keep pondering on what I want to do, I'm not leaving or anything; but my head and heart just feel heavy and stressed out. I'll still be on discord or reply to any DM's I get, but replies in writing might be selective for at least a few days until I'm feeling more grounded again.
I love you guys so much.
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cyancherub · 9 months
rly not a fan of ppl imposing their idea of fun on me under the assumption that it's also my idea of fun
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ghcstcd · 2 months
I can see Dewdrop getting into a fight and damaging her teeth before I can imagine her even remotely chewing on something like marble for funsies or stimulation.
That I can see actually being scolded over.
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susiephone · 8 days
i've been putting off making this post for almost a week now, but here goes.
on thursday, my mom was feeling sick and running a fever, and then passed out, so i called 911. unfortunately she was without a pulse for some time, so even though emergency services got her pulse back, she's been unconscious in the icu ever since. an MRI and EEG found very little brain activity - basically all that's left is the part that controls her breathing. but the doctor said the person she was is certainly gone.
my stepfather and i moving her into hospice tomorrow, and hopefully from there she'll drift away peacefully. friends have been visiting for the last couple of days and gotten a chance to say goodbye.
i'm holding the line but i don't think it's fully sunk in yet.
i'll reblog this to my sideblogs so my followers there know why i'm not around much for a few days.
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madeimpact · 6 months
I'll probably be on semi hiatus to full hiatus for a while
I lost my mom to a stroke. So I'm really not feeling up to a lot of stuff, plus I'm gonna have to step up and be a functional, salary-having adult now bc she was the main breadwinner in our family.
I'm not sure what to say. I've been crying for a good 24 hours probably on and off. There were no warning signs outside of the usual headaches she got. She was on medication. No one could have seen it coming. She was decorating for Christmas when she started having symptoms.
I'm very close with my parents and she's probably my biggest role model. I'm trying to be strong, but I'm going to need time to figure out what to do with myself and my life.
Kudos if you read this far, and thanks. I'll make it out of this and be back to writing soon. Maybe sooner than I think. I'll probably need a creative outlet while we arrange for services and such.
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shibaraki · 9 months
I’m so tired this is the third time in as many weeks that some person has reblogged my gn fics saying smthing along the lines of “I know this says gender neutral but—” and gone on to talk about how the character only likes girls. do you really need to add that in the tags. is it necessary for me to see it
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