#star trek fanfic
anonymousewrites · 3 days
Logos and Pathos (AOS Edition) Chapter Six
AOS! Spock x Empath! Reader
Chapter Six: Officers in Distress
Summary: Kirk goes too far and is jetted from the Enterprise, but the ship and its crew doesn't really have a good plan to stop Nero from destroying Celia.
            “Have you confirmed Nero’s trajectory?” asked Spock, entering the bridge with (Y/N).
            “Their trajectory suggests they’re headed towards…Celia, Captain,” said Uhura, glancing worriedly at (Y/N).
            They tensed and swallowed. If Nero was heading towards Celia…their home planet could be destroyed. They could lose everyone. (Y/N) couldn’t have that happen. They couldn’t let it happen.
            “Thank you, Lieutenant,” said Spock.
            He nearly reached out to (Y/N), but in front of others, he couldn’t. Still, he looked at them, and when they made eye-contact, he nodded—an indication that Spock was there to support (Y/N). He wouldn’t let another planet be destroyed by Nero. He wouldn’t let more lives be lost.
            “Are you alright, (Y/N)?” asked Uhura, standing to move to her friend’s side.
            “…I’m worried,” said (Y/N) honestly. “But if we’re going to stop him, we have to keep a clear head and plan.”
            “I’ll keep everyone in line,” said Uhura, nodding firmly. “I’ll make sure we’re running smoothly. I’ll do everything I can to help.”
            (Y/N) forced a smile and squeezed Uhura’s hand. “Thank you.”
            Uhura squeezed their hand in return.
            “Celia may be his next stop, but we have to assume every Federation planet’s a target,” said Kirk, lounging in the Captain’s chair.
            “Out of the chair,” said Spock coolly, and Kirk stood.
            “Well, if the Federation is a target, why didn’t they destroy us?” asked Chekov.
            “Why would they? Why waste weapons?” said Sulu sullenly. “We obviously weren’t a threat.”
            “That’s not it,” said Spock. “He said he wanted me to see something. The destruction of my home planet.”
            “And he wants me to see the same,” said (Y/N), furrowing their brow and curling their hand into a fist.
            “How the hell did they do that, by the way?” snapped Bones, frustrated and angry at how helpless they were. “Where did the Romulans get that knd of weaponry?”
            “The engineering comprehension necessary to artificially create a black hole may suggest an answer,” said Spock, holding onto any space for pure logic. “Such technology could theoretically be manipulated to create a tunnel through space-time.”
            “Dammit, man, I’m a doctor, not a physicist,” said Bones, crossing his arms. “Are you suggesting they’re from the future?!”
            “If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth,” said Spock.
            “How poetic,” muttered Bones.
            “Then, what would an angry, future Romulan want with Captain Pike?” asked Kirk.
            “As Captain, he does know details of Starfleet’s defenses,” said Sulu.
            “What we need to do is catch up to that ship,” said Kirk. “Disable it, take it over, and get Pike back.”
            “We are technologically outmatched in every way. A rescue attempt would be illogical,” said Spock.
            “Nero’s ship would have to drop out of warp for us to overtake him,” added Chekov unhelpfully.
            “Then what about assigning engineering crews to try and boost our warp gear?” suggested Kirk.
            “Remaining power and crew are repairing radiation leaks on the lower decks,” said (Y/N) sympathetically.
            “Okay, right, but there’s got to be some way—”
            Spock cut Kirk off. “We must gather with the rest of Starfleet to balance the terms of the next engagement.”
            “But how long do we have before he gets to Celia?” asked (Y/N). “We don’t have much time…I know that. And Kirk’s right, we have to do something. If we wait to confront them, Celia could—” They couldn’t finish the sentence and clenched their fists.   
            “(L/N)’s right,” said Kirk. “We should act now. By the time we’ve gathered, it’ll be too late. But you say he’s from the future, knows what’s going to happen, then the logical thing is to be unpredictable.”
            “You are assuming that Nero knows how events are predicted to unfold,” said Spock. “To the contrary, Nero’s very presence has altered the flow of history, beginning with the attack on the USS Kelvin, culminating in the events of today, thereby creating an entire new chain of incidents that cannot be anticipated by either party.”
            “An alternate reality?” said (Y/N) as his words sunk in.
            “Precisely,” said Spock. “Whatever our lives might have been, if the time continuum was disrupted, our destinies have changed.” He turned to Sulu. “Mr. Sulu, plot a course to the Laurentian system warp factor three.”
            “Spock, don’t do that. Running back to the rest of the fleet for a-a-a confab is a massive waste of time,” said Kirk.
            “We don’t have time for it,” said (Y/N) desperately, fighting to remain composed in the face of the concept of losing their home.
            “…We have orders from Captain Pike,” said Spock, avoiding their gaze. He was trying to stay on procedure. If he didn’t…he’d lose control, the loss of his planet and people too great to hold back without any string of logic to hold onto.
            “He also ordered us to go back and get him,” said Kirk. “Spock, you’re captain now! You have to be—”
            “I am aware of my responsibilities,” said Spock.
            “Every second we waste, Nero’s getting close to his next target,” snapped Kirk, and (Y/N) winced as anger flashed through the room.
            “That is correct and why I am instructing you to accept the fact that I alone—”
            “I will now allow us to go backwards!” snapped Kirk.
            “Jim!” shouted Bones.
            “Instead of hunting Nero down!” finished Kirk.
            Spock’s whole body tensed as every instinct, every human instinct, fought to get angry, to yell and scream that he knew but he wasn’t sure what to do. If he went to Celia and it was lost, he’d never be able to face (Y/N). If he went to the fleet, there was the barest chance of being able to fight Nero, and then, maybe, he’d be able to look (Y/N) in the eye.
            But Spock knew it was all mere chance, the slightest possibility. However, he had to fight against the onslaught of illogical emotions threatening to overwhelm him. He needed to remain in control.
            “Security. Escort him out,” said Spock.
            Two officers moved forward and grabbed Kirk by the arms. He instantly thrashed against them, and (Y/N) took a step back at the anger burning around them.
            “Jim,” warned Bones, trying to get him to calm down.
            But Kirk refused to back down, fierce and defiant to the last. Spock stepped up and grabbed his neck. The Vulcan Nerve Pinch froze Kirk’s muscles, and he collapsed into the security guards’ arms while everyone on the bridge watched in surprise.
            “Get him off this ship,” ordered Spock, and (Y/N) had never heard his voice so tight with subdued frustration and emotion.
            Kirk was dragged out of the room to be deposited on a nearby Federation planet. He would survive, but he would not return to the Enterprise.
            Spock looked around himself and straightened, determined to remain dutiful and honor Vulcan ways even in the midst of such loss. “Everyone, return to your duties. Calculate Nero’s trajectory and figure when precisely he will be arriving at Celia. We must contact other members of the fleet. If our radio can reach them earlier, alert me, and we can make arrangements.”
            “Yes, sir,” said (Y/N), sitting down at their station. Their hands shook as they reached for their equipment, and they paused to breathe and compose themself. (Y/N) had to trust that Spock had a plan. They had to.
            Otherwise, the terror of losing Celia would overcome them.
            “Acting Captain Spock has marooned me on Delta Vega, what I believe to be a violation of security of security protocol 49.9, covering the treatment of prisoners aboard a starship,” grumbled Kirk into his communicator as he stomped through the snow of Delta Vega.
            A growl made him freeze and turned around. A large, hulking creature loomed over him and roared. Kirk let out a shout and stumbled back. A crack spread through the snow and ice, and a larger monster burst out. Kirk cried out as the first creature was easily killed and ran for his life. The second monster followed him. Kirk screamed and fell, sliding down a hill towards a cave. Jumping inside, he cowered as the monster pursued him.
            A figure stepped out of the shadow carrying a torch. The light and heat made the creature take a step back. The man waved the torch closer, scorching the monster. It ran away, leaving Kirk and the man on their home.
            Kirk raised his head, and the figure stepped closer. Kirk blinked. The man was tall, white-haired, brown-eyed, and had pointed ears.
            A Vulcan? wondered Kirk in shock.
            “James T. Kirk,” said the man.
            “Excuse me?” said Kirk, confused now.
            “How did you find us?” asked the man.
            “How do you know my name?” questioned Kirk.
            “I have been, and always shall be, your friend,” said the man profoundly.
            “You’re confusing him,” said another voice, and Kirk blinked as another figure stepped into the light.
            They were similarly bundled up against the cold, but instead of Vulcan features, they had striking gold eyes paired with their greying hair.
            “What…Who are you two?” asked Kirk.
            “I am Spock,” said the man.
            “I am (Y/N),” said the companion.
            Despite his misgivings, Kirk didn’t have much of a choice and followed Spock Prime and (Y/N) Prime farther into the tunnel. They had fire; he needed warmth. Plus, if he was honest, Kirk couldn’t help but trust the pair—no matter who they were. They seemed to be telling the truth, though, which was strange enough.
            “It is remarkably pleasing to see you again, old friend,” said Spock Prime. “Especially after the events of today.”
            (Y/N) Prime reached out and touched Spock Prime’s arm in support. Spock Prime covered their hand in solemn thanks. Kirk’s eyes flicked to the rings on their fingers—one with a Vokaya stone and the other a blue one. He blinked in surprise, but he had no time to focus on that.
            “Listen, I, uh, appreciate what you did for me today, but if you were Spock you would know we’re not friends at all. You hate me. You marooned me here for mutiny,” said Kirk. He looked at (Y/N) Prime. “You…You act like (L/N).”
            “I should hope so,” said (Y/N) Prime wryly.
            “Mutiny?” repeated Spock Prime.
            “Uh, yeah,” said Kirk.
            “You’re not Captain?” asked (Y/N) Prime.
            “No, no. Um, you’re the Captain. Pike was taken hostage,” said Kirk.
            “This timeline has so many small changes,” murmured (Y/N) Prime, sighing.
            “This timeline?” repeated Kirk, thinking of what Spock had hypothesized. It sounded pretty convincing now that these two were acting so strange.
            “Pike was taken by Nero,” said Spock Prime, furrowing his brow.
            “What do you know about him?” asked Kirk, leaning in.
            “He is a particularly troubled Romulan,” said Spock Prime.
            “Not like Liviana at all,” said (Y/N) Prime, shaking their head.
            “I don’t understand,” said Kirk.
            “Please, allow me. It will be easier,” said Spock Prime, raising his hands towards Kirk’s temples.
            “Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?” asked Kirk uneasily.
            “A mind meld will let Spock show you what he knows,” said (Y/N) Prime.
            They put a hand on his arm, and Kirk felt a wave of calm wash over him as (Y/N) Prime dampened his anxiety. He had never felt the power of empathic abilities before, and here it was. As he relaxed, Spock Prime put his fingers on Kirk’s temple.
            “Our minds. One and together,” said Spock Prime, and the world fell away before Kirk’s eyes to let him see Spock Prime and (Y/N) Prime’s dealings with Nero.
            “129 years from now, a star will explode and threaten to destroy the galaxy,” said (Y/N) Prime.
            “This is where we are from, Jim. The future,” said Spock Prime.
            “The star went supernova and consumed everything in its path,” said (Y/N) Prime.
            “I promised the Romulans that I would save their planet,” said Spock Prime.
            “I accompanied him to help,” said (Y/N) Prime.
            “We outfitted our fastest ship. Using red matter, we would create a black hole, which would absorb the exploding star.”
            “We were en route when disaster struck. The supernova destroyed Romulus before we could arrive.”
            “We had little time. We had to extract the red matter and shoot it into the supernova.”
            “As we began our return trip, we were intercepted.” (Y/N) Prime’s voice turned sorrowful.
            “He called himself Nero. The last the Romulan Empire,” said Spock Prime.
            “He was angry at our failure. He wanted to punish us,” said (Y/N) Prime, deeply understanding his pain.
            Nero had lost everything. He was rightfully upset. But what he had done after…it was unjust to take his pain out on others.
            “In our attempt to escape, all of us were pulled into the black hole,” explained Spock Prime. “Nero went through first. He arrived in this timeline first, twenty-five years ago.”
            The U.S.S. Kelvin incident, thought Kirk, and Spock Prime and (Y/N) Prime indicated their acknowledgement through the Mind Meld.
            “Nero spent the next twenty-five years awaiting our arrival,” continued (Y/N) Prime. “What was years to him was seconds to us due to the black hole.”
            “When we fell through the black hole, Nero was waiting for us,” said Spock. “He still held us responsible for the destruction of his home world. He captured our vessel and spared our lives for one reason—so that we would know his pain.”
            “He beamed us down here so we could watch his vengeance. He was helpless to save Romulans, and Spock was helpless to save Vulcan,” said (Y/N) Prime sorrowfully.
            “Billions of lives lost because of me, Jim. Because I failed,” said Spock Prime.
            The Mind Meld ended, and Kirk jerked back to reality. His chest heaved as tears ran down his face. Instantly, (Y/N) Prime’s empathy ran through him to steady him.
            “Forgive me. Emotional transference is an effect of the Mind Meld,” said Spock Prime. “I thought (Y/N) may be able to mitigate it, but it seems not.”
            “We’ve been through a lot, Spock. It’s alright,” said (Y/N) Prime gently.
            “So…you do feel?” Kirk took deep breaths.
            “Yes,” said Spock Prime, nodding. (Y/N) smiled softly and nodded.
            “Going back in time, you changed all our lives,” said Kirk, finally wrapping his head around him.
            “Jim, we must go. There is a Starfleet outpost not far from here,” said Spock Prime, rising.
            “We have to face Nero before he hurts more people,” said (Y/N) Prime. “His anger is a fire. He wants to burn everything.”
            “Wait,” said Kirk. “Where you came from…did I know my father?”
            Spock Prime nodded. “Yes. You often spoke of him as being your inspiration for joining Starfleet.”
            “He saw you become Captain of the Enterprise. He was proud,” said (Y/N) Prime.
            “Captain?” repeated Kirk.
            “Of a ship we must return you to as soon as possible,” said Spock Prime.
            “Let’s go, Jim,” said (Y/N) Prime.
            Far away from Delta Vega, the Enterprise was still flying towards the Laurentian system.
            “Warp three, sir,” said Sulu.
            “Course 1-5-1-Mark-3, Laurentian system, sir,” said Chekov.
            “Thank you, gentlemen,” said Spock from the Captain’s chair.
            “You wanted to see me?” said Bones, stepping onto the bridge.
            “Yes, Doctor.” Spock stood from his seat. “I am aware that James Kirk is a friend of yours. I recognize that supporting me as you did must have been difficult.”
            “Is that a thank you?” said Bones sarcastically.
            “I am simply acknowledging your difficulties,” said Spock.
            “Permission to speak freely, sir,” said Bones, and (Y/N) felt his emotions rise.
            This’ll be quite something, thought (Y/N).
            “I welcome it,” said Spock.
            “Do you?” Bones raised a brow and scoffed. “Okay, then.” He glared. “Are you out of your Vulcan mind?” Everyone on the bridge blinked and turned around in surprise. “ Are you making the logical choice, sending Kirk away? Probably, but the right one?” Bones scoffed. “You know, back home we got a saying, ‘If you’re gonna ride in the Kentucky Derby, you don’t leave your prize stallion in the stable.’ ”
            He’s definitely got guts, thought (Y/N).
            “A curious metaphor, Doctor, as a stallion must first be broken before it can reach its potential,” said Spock almost sarcastically.
            “My god, man. You could at least act like it was a hard decision,” retorted Bones.
            “I intend to assist in the effort to reestablish communication with Starfleet. However, if crew morale was better served by my roaming the halls weeping, I will gladly defer to your medical expertise,” said Spock sarcastically, cuttingly. “Excuse me.” He turned away to face (Y/N) and their station.
            “Green-blooded hobgoblin,” huffed Bones, stalking out of the bridge.
            “Spock, picking a fight with him won’t make you feel better,” murmured (Y/N).
            “…I apologize,” said Spock.
            “Tell that to him,” said (Y/N) sternly. They were laying all their trust into his intellect to save their planet. They didn’t have time for infighting.
            “I will help Celia, (Y/N),” said Spock quietly. “I will.” He couldn’t save Vulcan. he wouldn’t let Celia be destroyed.
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livelongandpinup · 19 days
Live Long and Pin-up!
A 2025 Kirk & Spock Pin-Ups and Reverse Bang Event!
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YOU, yes you, sitting there scrolling, and dreaming of your favorite Starfleet Captain and his beloved First Officer!
If you are an ARTIST, and love drawing Kirk and Spock we need YOU to illustrate Kirk & Spock pin-ups!
What do pin-ups looks like? See examples under the cut below!
If you are a WRITER and love writing Spirk, we need YOU to sign-up. Once the pin-up art is (mostly) completed writers will be paired with artists to write a fic inspired by the pin-up!
Pin-up art and fics will be posted in a collection on Ao3 and in an online Zine.
There are also two event calendars, which will be sold at cost. Artist slots for the calendars were filled on a first-come-first-served basis. We're still welcoming saucy Spirk Pin-Up artists to the Zine and Ao3 collection.
Click here for FAQs and sign-ups for this event!
NOTE: Event is 18+ only!
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Last Updated: 2023-11-05
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Disclaimer: I am not the author of these stories, just sharing my favourite Dr. Leonard McCoy stories. Find the authors' links below. If you want your work removed, message me privately.
Legend: 〔E〕 ⇢ Erotic/Steamy | 〔F〕 ⇢ Fluff | 〔A〕 ⇢ Angst/Hurt 〔M〕 ⇢ Minor Angst/Hurt | 〔C〕 ⇢ Comfort | ♥︎ ⇢ Established Relationship | 𑁍 ⇢ Pregnancy/Children | 🚫 ⇢ Content Warning
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✵ An Apple a Day by annathewitch • 〔F᜶A〕 •
Summary: "An unexpected encounter with Leonard McCoy at the Academy leaves you with a poor impression. Will he manage to redeem himself when you encounter him again years later?"
✵ An Apple a Day by cas-kingdom • 〔F᜶C〕 •
Summary: "...apparently doesn't keep the doctor away. You've come down with the flu, and only Bones can make you feel better."
✵ April Showers Bring Flowering Feelings by hobbit-historian • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "When you get caught in a sudden rainstorm, McCoy comes to your rescue."
✵ Because Why? by geminiwritten • 〔F᜶A〕 •
Summary: "After five long years of pining for the doctor and a whole month of him acting weirdly distant you finally decide to go on a date, but when you get called in for your routine medical you end up finding out exactly why bones has been acting so strange."
✵ Concentration by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul▪︎18+▪︎〔E᜶F〕▪︎♥︎▪︎
Summary: When you answer a work call on your day off your husband decides to punish you by making it very hard to concentrate.
✵ Doctor of My Word [Soulmate!A.U.] by grandtheftstarship • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "To almost everyone on the Enterprise, it was... obvious that you were pining after the one and only Doctor Leonard McCoy. Everyone also found it glaringly obvious the CMO was pining right back."
✵ Dr. Dreamy by geminiwritten • 〔E᜶A〕 •
Summary: "it's been a while since [you got] laid, and it's starting to affect your mood... Jim offers his help before quickly realising that you're still hung up on a mysterious 'Mr. Dreamy' from your academy days... but he soon finds out that the man [you're] in lovewith... is, in fact, the enterprise’s best doctor."
✵ Drunken Promises by grandtheftstarship • 〔F〕 •
Summary: Waking up with a hangover and a ring around your left hand is not how you wanted to spend your shore leave.
✵ Game Night by geminiwritten • 〔F᜶C〕 •
Summary: "After… injuring yourself, you refuse to go to MedBay before attending a games night with the crew and your favourite grumpy (and very jealous) doctor."
✵ Hobgoblins and Hospitality by thatfanficstuff • 〔F᜶M〕 •
Summary: {…}
✵ Joanna by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: {…}
✵ Our Choices by imagines-for-the-fangirls- • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: The enterprise crew has returned to earth and you and Leonard are getting married.
✵ Paper Roses by ladyideal • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: It's your birthday and your boyfriend, Leonard planned a special surprise.
✵ Pick Me Up by grandtheftstarship • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: When you're sick, your boyfriend stays home to take care of you, making sure you're comfortable and building you a pillow fort.
✵ Proposal
✵ Roomies by geminiwritten • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: "..."jim’s determination to play matchmaker leads to a very awkward roommate situation… Not to mention, there’s only one bed .
✵ Sick by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: {…}
✵ Southern Charm by high-functioning-lokipath • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "..."
✵ Things that Go Bump in the Night by annathewitch • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "[When you're] having trouble sleeping… McCoy tries to help [you] with [your] unusual problem."
✵ To Annoy a Doctor by cas-kingdom • 〔F᜶C〕 •
Summary: "You're a very difficult patient, and unfortunately for you, Bones has very little tolerance."
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✵ 214 by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 •
✵ Blundering Infatuation
✵ Clean by pendragonfics • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Come Back to Bed by dreaming-about-fanfictions • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Dammit by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Dive by thatfanficstuff • 〔F〕 •
✵ Either Way by ivorydragoness44 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Favours by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Germs by thatfanficstuff • 〔F〕 •
✵ Glasses by space-helen • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Grumpy Cuddles by thranduilsperkybutt • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ It's My Job by shenanigans-and-imagines • 〔F〕 •
✵ Just Perfect by imamotherfuckingstar-lord • 〔F〕 •
✵ Marriage in the Rescue, the by kaitymccoy123 • 〔F〕 •
✵ Not Just Yet by ivorydragoness44 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Right Here, Darlin' by thesteveharringtonclub • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Sickness by marvelmymarvel • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Well Adjusted Adults by ladyideal • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ What's on Your Mind? by ivorydragoness44 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
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❧ Being Married to Leonard McCoy… by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Dating Leonard McCoy… by octopodeez • 16+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ First Kiss w/ Leonard… by space-helen • 〔F〕 •
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See Also: Navigation || Leonard McCoy Master Index
Authors: @annathewitch | @cas-kingdom | @dreaming-about-fanfictions | @geminiwritten | @grandtheftstarship | @high-functioning-lokipath | @hobbit-historian | @imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul | @imamotherfuckingstar-lord | @ivorydragoness44 | @kaitymccoy123 | @ladyideal | @marvelmymarvel | @octopodeez | @pendragonfics | @shenanigans-and-imagines | @space-helen | @thatfanficstuff || @thesteveharringtonclub || @thranduilsperkybutt ||
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dogearedfriends · 5 months
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went into some sort of fugue state and made some art for @flippyspoon ’s The Orchids of ShiKahr!! so INCREDIBLY good!! give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day, give him flower symbolism and he’ll cry on the floor etc
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zyrafowe-sny · 4 months
10 Fic Recs for Feedback Fest 2024/International Fanworks Day
There are so many amazing fics out there, but here are a few recs in honor of @transformativeworks's Feedback Fest.
But We Don't Have to Talk About It (The Owl House, by @halcyonhue): This is a brand new fic and so, so good. Excellent post-finale Luz & Hunter messiness.
A Potter's Field (The Owl House, by @sercezgazety): I can't make a fic rec list without this fic (I also had the pleasure of beta reading it). Fairly Hunter-centric. Written before WAD, but deals with post-finale politics, lustration, trials, grimwalkers, personhood.
phantom pains (The Owl House, by @crimeronan): RATED E AND MIND THE TAGS — SA! Not an easy topic, so gorgeously, hauntingly written.
get through it (The Owl House, by @polyhexian): Alador-centric. Excellent use of second person.
things we lost in the fire (Nimona graphic novel, by @prodigaldaughteralice): Wonderfully-written Comic!Ambrosius and Meredith Blitzmeyer.
Lunch and Other Obscenities (Star Trek 2009): Uhura & Gaila cross-cultural misunderstandings.
An Ever-Fixed Mark (Jane Austen, by @amarguerite): Augh, this series. Some of the best fic on AO3. Fantastic writing, Soulmate deconstruction, war, grief, politics, AU spin offs.
i'll write you a harmony in C (Jane Austen): Modern Jane Austen AU featuring Mary Bennett and Henry Crawford. I don't even remember when I first stumbled across this fic but I've revisited it multiple times over the years.
Beside me singing in the Wilderness (80 Days): Amazing work that really takes advantage of (and builds upon) the worldbuilding of the game.
have you heard (Star Wars sequel trilogy): Written between movies and no longer canon compliant, but a great fic about the power of stories.
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Hey there! I love your writing so far! I was wondering if you would write a little something about Data and his partner choosing pet names for each other? I think it could be cute :)
Hello, I'm so glad you're enjoying my writing!
This is such a cute idea, and thank you so much for bestowing the honor upon me to write this lovely request!
I had a lot of different ideas for this, and couldn't settle on just one, so I decided to write this in the style of those "5+1" fics. I tried to choose older/more outlandish terms of endearment, in order to avoid potentially discarding a name that someone would actually want to be referred to by. Hopefully, I was successful in this endeavor (but my sincere apologies if not)!
The final nicknames I chose were based on Data's characterization, and what names I think would be most appropriate and fitting for him and his vocabulary. I'm not sure if anyone else will agree with these choices, but I hope they're still enjoyable.
Anyways, without further ado, here's the final piece! I'm so sorry for the wait, but I really hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it 😊
5 Times Data and His Partner Tried Out Pet Names (and the 1 Time They Stuck):
Although Data didn't quite understand the necessity for having a pet name for his partner, he did understand the appeal. It was another form of affection that couples demonstrated with one another; something special shared between both parties.
Frankly, Data hadn't even considered having a designated term of endearment for you. At least, not until Geordi and himself had discussed the subject after witnessing a couple in Ten Forward one evening using their chosen pet names.
"Why did Lieutenant Smith refer to his spouse as an overly saccharine pastry comprised of honey?" Data asked, bewildered at the exchange he just observed between the aforementioned crewmembers.
Geordi chuckled, "He didn't mean it literally, Data. He meant it as a pet name."
Data still looked at his friend quizzically, "'Pet name'?"
"Yeah, a term of endearment."
Finally, he understood, "Ahh."
"Don't you and your partner have pet names for one another?"
Data shook his head, "No, we do not."
Geordi raised his eyebrows above his VISOR, "Really?"
"Indeed...I did not realize this was a necessary aspect to couplehood."
"Well, it's not exactly 'necessary', but it is a fairly common thing between couples."
"Hm, I see..."
Later that night, while Data was running an internal diagnostic, analyzing the information he had collected during his Away Mission earlier that day, and reviewing the remainder of the day's events, he considered the conversation he had with Geordi. Should he have a pet name for you? If so, which one should he choose?
After some internal analysis, Data decided that yes, he did want to designate a term of endearment for you. He figured the best way to go about choosing a name would be to use a trial-and-error method of research:
First, he would conduct personal research about pet names. He would pay special attention to their connotations and popularity. Next, he'd construct a behavioral profile for you that he would then use to determine which pet names you would most likely appreciate. He would then test the chosen names by using them to refer to you. Additionally, he'd observe your reactions to each name, and internally record his observations. Finally, he'd compile all his collected data and analyze them to determine which term of endearment you appeared to enjoy the most.
The endeavor would prove to be more difficult than he anticipated.
1. Honeybun or Honeybunch
Since Lieutenant Smith and his spouse had initiated this experiment, Data felt it was only appropriate to test out their preferred pet name first. He tested it out a few days after he witnessed their interaction, one night while the two of you were snuggled up on his couch with Spot.
Data was sitting near one end of the couch, his body oriented straight ahead and away from you. You sat at the other end of the couch, facing Data. Your legs were stretched out across his lap, and one of his hands was draped along the arm of the couch. His other hand was affectionately rubbing your knee. Spot was curled up in your lap, purring loudly as you intermittently stroked her back while you spoke.
You were currently summarizing your day's events for Data, and he listened intently. His gaze was soft and adoring, and he was meticulously making internal notes about the way you gestured certain aspects for emphasis, how your chest shook when you laughed, and the way your lips curved upwards just a little higher when you returned his eye contact. Absentmindedly, he marveled at how beautiful humans and their behaviors were, and he wondered if he could ever come close to emanating that beauty himself.
After you completed your tale, you relaxed back into your corner of the couch, ready to answer the anticipated onslaught of questions from him. Once his queries were satisfactorily answered, it grew silent between the two of you, but comfortably so.
At this point, you were relaxed, and starting to succumb to the call of sleep. As your eyes started to droop, Data spoke softly, "Shall we 'hit the hay', Honeybun?"
Your eyes shot open. Now, you were wide awake, "What?"
"Your respiratory and heart rates have decreased by 3.7% in the last 4 minutes and 51 seconds, and you have been closing your eyes for intervals longer than necessary for blinking. You are demonstrating the initial stages of human sleep," he looked at you sweetly, "I believe it would be best if we went to bed now...Honeybun. You are welcome to spend the night in Spot and I's quarters."
You stared at him curiously for a moment, before you laughed, "Okay, honeybunch; let's go to bed."
His eyebrows shot up in surprise at your unexpected reciprocation of the pet name.
You carefully picked up Spot from your lap before slowly getting up. You and Spot made your way to Data's bedroom, but said android was still on the couch, processing your previous interaction.
Based on your expression and reactions, Data deduced that you did not particularly enjoy that nickname. However, did he enjoy being called a 'honeybunch'?
"You coming, honeybunch?" you called from his bedroom.
Again, Data reviewed the name, considering his perceptions towards it, before he grimaced slightly.
2. Snookums
The next time he tested a term of endearment on you was over a week later, during a double date between the two of you and the O'Briens in Ten Forward.
You and Data had arrived first, and were chatting idly as you waited for your friends to join you. Once Keiko and Miles arrived, you all greeted each other, and caught up briefly before Data got up to get everyone some drinks.
"I'll just have a plain ol' Irish ale," Miles said.
"Some tea would be lovely," Keiko added.
Data turned to you, "And what would you like, Snookums?"
Miles chortled softly, and Keiko lightly kicked him under the table, but she was holding back a smile herself.
Data, who was too focused on you and your reaction, thankfully didn't notice the O'Brien's' interaction. He studied you carefully, patiently awaiting your response.
You blinked, still processing the nickname, "Uhh just some water, please."
He nodded once, "I shall return in a moment with our beverages."
Miles watched Data walk away, waiting until he was out of earshot. Once satisfied with the distance between the three of you & Data, Miles then turned to you with a smirk, "'Snookums'?"
You raised your eyebrows and shrugged, "I have no clue where that came from...last week, he called me 'Honeybun'."
Again, Miles snorted.
"Miles!" Keiko scolded, "Don't be rude!"
He held up his hands in mock surrender, "I'm not! They're just...interesting choices for nicknames."
"I suspect he's up to something," you theorized, "This is probably related to some personal research he's conducting, or something. In any case, I'm sure it's just a phase," you hadn't been too concerned about this seemingly random development in his behavior, but you were curious as to its purpose. It was still a fairly recent alteration, so you figured you'd let him have his fun a bit more before you confronted him about it.
"Maybe he's trying to be more romantic," Keiko offered, "in his own way."
You pondered the thought, as you watched Data gather your drinks. He certainly was romantic, in his own way. You both had lunch together almost every day, something that he had insisted on. After he discovered the ancient invention of "Post-It Notes", he made it a habit to leave you handwritten notes with them throughout your office. Their contents varied, from jokes pertaining to your area of expertise to quotes from his favorite works of literature that reminded him of you. He even enjoyed reading some of his favorite novels and plays to you. These actions may not have been the kind of whirlwind, passionate gestures that most people equated to romance, but you knew they were his way of showing his fondness for you, and you loved them (and him) dearly.
You continued to watch him as he carefully placed everyone's requested drinks on a small tray that Guinan provided. You noticed how he was slightly more careful when placing your drink on the tray, and how he placed it in front of the others. You knew his actions were deliberate and calculated, but it still brought a soft smile to your lips.
"Maybe," you finally conceded.
"And maybe you should take some notes, Miles," Keiko teased her husband.
Miles sighed, "Oh, Hell..."
3. Sweet Cheeks
"Thank you for bringing me lunch, Data," you told him, sitting down in the chair he had pulled out for you. When you had contacted him earlier to let him know that you were going to work late and wouldn't have time to grab lunch with him, he decided to bring lunch to you, in your office. Data had also taken the time to replicate some flowers in a vase and cleared your desk of all clutter, so you could have a proper table setting for your meal.
"You are welcome," he said, as he gently pushed your chair back in.
Your shared meal was relaxed and calm, but the atmosphere changed when Data suddenly dropped his latest pet name for you into the conversation, "I believe your proposed solution to your current work predicament is acceptable, and will prove to be successful, Sweet Cheeks."
You then did what Data recognized from 20th century humor to be a classic 'spit take'. He was surprised, yet somewhat delighted by this, as he had never witnessed someone perform a spit take before. He considered inquiring about it, but decided against it.
You stared at him in astonishment, blushing wildly as you coughed, "I beg your pardon??"
Your reaction was quite unexpected, and Data scrunched his eyebrows in soft confusion as he attempted to ascertain the somewhat scandalized tone of your voice, "Did I say something wrong?"
Before speaking, you cleared your throat, and waited for the shock to subside, "No, Data, you didn't say anything wrong, per say...It's just that 'Sweet Cheeks' is a very old and sometimes offensive term, depending on the context, used to describe someone with a nice ass."
Data looked at you with surprise, and perhaps embarrassment. How had he missed that pertinent fact during his research? "I see...I apologize for offending you; that certainly was not my intent," he considered this new development briefly, before tilting his head softly and returning his gaze to you, "Based on this information, that term would also be inaccurate in describing yourself because you do not have a donkey."
You couldn't help but laugh softly, "Sorry, not that kind of ass, Data. I meant it refers to someone who has an attractive butt."
Realization dawned on him, "Ahh," he raised an eyebrow, "Although it would be accurate to describe your posterior as 'attractive', I would not wish to use an offensive term to convey that fact."
"Data!" you said, astonished and blushing once again.
Data was hopelessly confused anew, "Have I offended you again?"
"No, no, it's just..." you sighed, still flustered. "Nevermind..." you carefully stood up, "I have to get back to work, so I'll catch you later," you tidied up the remnants of your lunch, pressed a quick peck to his lips, and somewhat hurriedly left your office.
4. Dumpling
"Alright, Lieutenant," Dr. Crusher said as she completed healing the large gash that ran along your forearm, "I think that just about does it. Can you wiggle your wrist for me, like this?" you watched as she moved her wrist, and you replicated her movements. Although you were able to repeat her actions, you felt a small pinch somewhere in your wrist, causing you to wince.
Dr. Crusher noticed this, and gently took your wrist in her hand, "Let me take another look," she scanned your wrist with another handheld medical scanner, "Ahh, it looks like the fracture I repaired earlier is applying excess pressure on your radial nerve," she smiled reassuringly, "It's just a pinched nerve, but I'll need to go get a different tool to repair it," she gently released your wrist, "I'll be right back."
As you waited patiently for her to return, the doors to Sick Bay opened. You looked up and saw Data making his way over to you.
Having not seen him all day, you were elated that he was here, "Data!"
He smiled faintly at your enthusiasm for his arrival, somewhat perplexed at how your mood always seemed to improve almost immediately upon the sight of him, or mention of his name. His smile widened just slightly when he reached his hand out to you, and you eagerly took his hand in yours.
After a few moments, his expression became serious, "Commander Riker informed me of the injuries you sustained during the Away Mission," he frowned slightly, "I apologize for not arriving sooner, but the Exobiology team required my assistance in analyzing the samples you and the remaining members of the Away Team collected."
"No apology necessary; I understand."
He performed a quick visual inspection of you, before his eyes met yours again. It only lasted a second, but you could have sworn you saw something akin to concern swimming in his golden irises, "Are you alright...Dumpling?"
You took a moment to absorb the new nickname before replying, "Yes, I think so...Dr. Crusher healed all of my cuts, and repaired my broken wrist. She still has to alleviate a pinched nerve, but other than that and a few scars, she says I'll be just fine."
"I am...relieved to hear that," he squeezed your hand gently, "When Commander Riker explained to the Captain and myself that you had directly thrown yourself in front of an incoming boulder, in order to displace Ensign Diaz out of its path, my mind was..." he paused pensively, as he searched for the most appropriate term, "...uncomfortably preoccupied with the prospects of how extensive and detrimental your injuries could be," his thumb rubbed the back of your hand affectionately, and his eyes appeared almost sad. "The possibility that you sustained serious injuries, or could have lost your life was rather...distracting to me, and made it difficult to complete the sample analysis."
You brought your intertwined hands up to your lips, and pressed a kiss to the back of his hand, "I'm sorry for worrying you," he looked as if he was going to remind you that he was incapable of worrying in any fashion, but he didn't vocalize the correction, "I didn't intend to land directly in that boulder's path. I was only trying to push Ensign Diaz out of the way, but I miscalculated the boulder's velocity."
His expression became neutral, "Regardless, your actions were admirable, and I am pleased that your injuries were minimal," suddenly, he gave you a pointed look. "However, as your partner, I must sternly remind you not to knowingly put yourself in unnecessary danger again," his expression softened slightly, "Dumpling."
A soft laugh interrupted your moment, and you both turned towards the sound, "Well, don't you worry, Data," Dr. Crusher had returned, a new tool in hand, "In a few moments, your Dumpling will be as good as new," you blushed at her use of the moniker, and Data took mental note of this.
Dr. Crusher held the tool against your wrist. It tingled slightly, but otherwise you felt nothing. After a few minutes, she turned it off and removed it from your skin, "Alright, move your wrist for me again?" you repeated the same motions she had shown you before. This time, there was no pain at all. She smiled, "Better?"
"Much better; thank you."
"You're welcome. I suggest you don't put too much strain on that wrist for a couple of weeks," she began to put away her tools and instruments, "If you notice any more pain, please come back to see me."
You nodded, "Thank you, I will," Data helped you carefully hop down from the Bio-Bed, "Do you want to grab some dinner now, Data?" you asked, "I have a sudden, inexplicable craving for dumplings."
Dr. Crusher held back a laugh.
5. Love Bug
"So, Reg will take care of Spot, Keiko will water and watch over our plants, Beverly and Geordi will keep tabs on our ongoing research experiments..." you reviewed the checklist on your PADD for the umpteenth time, "Okay, I think that's it...am I forgetting anything?"
"Negative, Love Bug. It appears you have everything 'under control'."
You peered up from the PADD to look at him, an eyebrow raised questioningly, "'Love Bug'?"
Data nodded, "That is what I said."
You sighed, but smiled softly, "Okay, Data; what's going on?"
"To what are you referring to?"
"In the past month, you've been calling me various nicknames. What's all this about? Are you conducting some kind of research?"
He looked at you, accessing your reaction for any kind of anger or discomfort. When he saw nothing but confusion and curiosity in your eyes, he sighed softly, "It had been brought to my attention that couples tend to utilize terms of endearment for each other," he blinked, "I did not wish to neglect one of my expected duties as a partner, nor did I wish to make you feel as though you were 'missing out' on an aspect of couplehood, simply due to my ignorance."
You softened immediately at his admission, "Oh, Data," he looked away briefly and somewhat sheepishly, "Being in a relationship with you doesn't make me 'miss out' on anything. In fact, I've gained much more from being in this relationship with you than I would from being in a relationship with anyone else."
His eyes locked with yours, and they were noticeably brighter than before, "Truly?"
You placed your PADD down on a nearby table, and took both of his hands in yours, "Truly," you repeated, before pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. When you pulled away, you flashed him a reassuring smile, "Everyone else are the ones who are missing out."
The corners of his lips curled just faintly upwards, "Thank you for alleviating my vexations in that regard," he raised his eyebrow in thought for a moment, before he looked back at you with an inquisitive expression, "Based on your reactions to each of the names I chose, I gathered that you did not particularly enjoy any of my selections. Is that an accurate conclusion?"
"I mean, they weren't necessarily bad choices, they were just...a bit dated, and neither of our styles. But yes, you're correct that I didn't particularly like them."
"Hmm," he bowed his head down slightly to better meet your eyes, "Do you have a preferred term of endearment you would like for me to use?"
You pursed your lips in consideration, "Well, I do have specific names that I do like...but I don't think I'd want you to use those, either."
He tilted his head softly, his eyebrows scrunched in slight confusion, "What do you mean?"
"Well, I think that pet names chosen between partners should be somewhat unique, in the sense that they should relate to something only the participants of that relationship are aware of, like an inside joke of some kind," you paused, "I think those names should also match both partners, not just the recipient of the name. I don't think my current preferences fit you because they aren't necessarily terms you're likely to use."
He took a few moments to analyze this new information, before he nodded, "Yes, I believe I understand. In essence, you would like for me to choose a term of endearment for you that is both unique and relatable to you, but also representative of my vernacular?"
You smiled and squeezed his hands, "Exactly, yes."
"Hmm," he blinked, "I shall take this into consideration, and 'return to the drawing board'."
You laughed softly, "Sounds good," you leaned in, and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, "Thank you for being such a sweet and considerate partner."
"You are welcome."
"What about you?"
His look of confusion returned, "What about me?"
"Is there any particular name you'd like for me to use for you?"
He thought about it briefly before raising his eyebrows, "Truthfully, I had not considered requesting a term of endearment for me, from you...Although I do not have a preference for any particular term at this time, I believe I would like for you to bestow one upon me."
You nodded, "Okay. I guess I'll have to go back to the drawing board, too...but for now, let's go enjoy our Shore Leave, Love Bug."
+1. "Dearest" and "Sunshine"
As Data's eyes flickered between his canvas and you, he could tell that you were getting restless. You had remained in your current position for the last 2 hours, 47 minutes, and 13 seconds, relatively unmoving. You had not complained once about your discomfort, but he could tell from your slight fidgeting that the required stillness was getting to you.
He reviewed the state of his canvas one more time, adding a couple more strokes of paint, before gently setting his brush down on his easel, "Would you like to take a break?"
You immediately sighed with relief, "Yes, please," you began to move, but stopped, "if it's not too much of an inconvenience for you?"
"Not at all. In fact, you have been an excellent muse thus far; much better than Spot. You are more than deserving of a break," he set down his paint palette, and tilted his head as he reviewed his progress. He was able to get a good portion of your silhouette and distinctive features outlined onto his canvas. He would only need your assistance for another session or two before he could complete the painting on his own.
"Can I see it?" you asked excitedly as you made your way over to him.
"Please," he said, and stepped aside to allow you viewing space.
You looked it over, and smiled widely, "Wow, this looks amazing already, Data! You're definitely going to get the highest marks from your art teacher for this," the two of you continued to admire the beginnings of his painting in comfortable silence for a moment, before you broke it, "Can I ask you something?"
Data turned to look at you, "Of course."
"Why did you decide to paint me for this assignment?"
"In my art course, we recently discussed the Aestheticism art movement. The core belief of this movement was 'art for art's sake'. In other words, it prioritized the aesthetic value of art, rather than the common belief at the time of the movement's introduction that art must serve a particular, didactic purpose," he paused, and inhaled sharply before continuing, "For this assignment, my instructor desired for myself and my classmates to create a work of art, in the tradition of the Aestheticism movement."
You absorbed all the information he just provided, attempting to determine how it related to you. After realizing you still didn't understand the connection, you asked, "That's all really interesting, Data, but what does it have to do with me?"
He eagerly continued, "After careful consideration, I realized that you embody Aestheticism. Although you can and do appreciate the hidden meanings of not only art, but many aspects of life itself, you also recognize the importance of creativity with no inherent purpose," he looked at you softly, "During one of our thoughtful, evening conversations we shared in the initial stages of our relationship, when I had explained to you my confusion as to my purpose of being, you responded that perhaps my father had no true purpose in creating me. Perhaps the only reason he created me was because he wanted to produce something beautiful, simply because he could. Perhaps he merely wished to add something of aesthetic value to the universe. Perhaps he was an artist, just as much as he was the forefront of cybernetics."
He inhaled sharply again, still looking at you, "I have found myself revisiting that conversation consistently and frequently, as frequently as the rate at which you are a part of my thought processes. This lesson, in particular, had triggered my memory banks to replay this memory 3.27 times more than usual. Thus, I deduced that you would be the most appropriate topic for this assignment."
You blinked, staring at him in complete bewilderment. You certainly weren't expecting that answer! Your brain felt like it was malfunctioning, uncertain how to process all this information.
As your brain melted inside your skull, you felt him gently take your hand, "Additionally, this assignment has also made me realize how...dear you are to me. You are always willing and eager to assist me in my hobbies, activities, assignments, and other endeavors. You have never expressed agitation nor annoyance with me, and always allow me to 'babble' to any length or degree. You have always encouraged myself and my passions, even when they potentially served an inconvenience to you."
He squeezed your hand gently, "The term 'dearest' refers to someone who is: loved and cherished, greatly valued, precious," he exhaled softly, "Although I am incapable of love, I am capable of cherishment, and seeing the value in others and objects. I certainly cherish you, and see how invaluable you are to many individuals, including myself," he looked at you with pure determination, and maybe a hint of pride, "Therefore, I believe the most fitting term of endearment for you is 'Dearest'."
At this point, you were short-circuiting, and your brain was absolute mush. Data was always eloquent with his wording, but this was definitely one of the most eloquent things he had said to you. It made his earlier statement of being incapable of love seem completely impossible. No one could speak in such a way about anyone or anything, if they weren't capable of love in some capacity or degree.
He watched you cautiously and patiently, his eyes moving slightly from side to side as he awaited your response. Your brain was still unable to form coherent thoughts, and no words escaped your lips. As his words sunk in and settled as warmth in your chest, all you could do was beam at him as you threw your arms around his neck, and pressed your lips to his in a deep kiss. He was frozen for just a moment, evidently surprised by your reaction, but gently moved his hands to hold your waist and returned your kiss.
After a couple of minutes of eager kissing, he pulled away, "Based on your reaction, I assume that you find this an acceptable term of endearment for yourself?"
You laughed softly, "Yes, Data, I do. It's perfect."
His lips curled upwards into a faint but bright smile, "I am glad you think so, Dearest."
You played with the ends of his hair that tickled his collar, still beaming at him, "You know, this just confirms my theory that 'Sunshine' would be the most fitting pet name for you."
He tilted his head, analyzing the moniker, "Intriguing. What is your connotation of this nickname, as it pertains to me?"
"Well, ever since I met you, you've brought so much light and sunshine into my life. You're a very bright, and warm person, both literally and figuratively, that you are an embodiment of the sun and its sunshine. I realized I've come to think you of as my personal ray of sunshine," you wished you could convey your thoughts and ideas as refined as the manner in which he just did, but the state of your mind was still too slushy to do so.
At your admission and unexpectedly sentimental token, his expression softened. You could tell he was analyzing and processing your sentiments with a fine-toothed comb, no doubt for further review later.
He was quiet for a long time, or at least, a long time for an android, and you began to shuffle nervously, "Do you find the name acceptable?"
Again, he was quiet as he mulled over your query. Finally, his eyes met yours, "Yes, I believe I do. I never considered the similarities between myself and the sun, but I can understand how you came to those conclusions," he blinked, "Yes," he repeated, "I do 'like' it, Dearest."
Your lips brushed against his once again, "Glad to hear it, Sunshine."
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spirk-trek · 22 days
idk if you would be into this BUT! i read your ask about tumblr archeology and i simply have to contribute this fic.
called observations, accessible here https://anon-j-anon.livejournal.com/30674.html, it’s essentially a book (i think like 200k words lol) written in 2009 that puts the AOS characters in the TOS deep space mission. a lot of the episodes are rewritten with their new counterparts— city on the edge of forever, arena, operation: annihilate!, what are little girls made of, so many more. it’s narrated by spock (his “observations” serving under jim) and definitely is a spirk fic, but i cannot emphasize enough how well it is written. contains math, philosophy, art discussions, and just has AMAZING characterizations into all of the cast (not just jim and spock but added depth into characters like chekov and chapel).
in my book it’s one of those “fandom foundational texts” but since it’s posted to livejournal, not ao3, i fear it’s kinda died off! but it is SUCH a good work i’m considering my duty as a star trek fan to spread it around. figured i would share it with you since you seemed interested in fandom revival!
hello friend! i've been working through this since you sent it and WOW. i can't believe the author saw star trek '09, went home, cracked their knuckles, and chose to write an ENTIRE K/S NOVEL. every day i'm blessed to have chosen star trek as my lifelong hyperfixation because i am treated SO WELL by other creators. thanks to them and thanks to you for sharing ♥
anyway. thoughts!
this fic is in such a unique format (first officer logs, spock's first person POV). i'll be honest that it takes some getting used to but i recommend giving it a shot! it really works with the story being told. like, really works.
for the sake of warning my fellow TOS and jim obsessed freaks, this is 110% AOS kirk. what i mean is that, personally, i don't tend to enjoy the hard, angry version of jim that's always watching his back and on edge... so if you're like me, this fic might make you wince a little at first. there's swearing and defensiveness right off the bat that i do not associate with the beloved version of james t kirk who lives inside my soul.... BUT.
but but but! i have still enjoyed what i've read so far! i think that really speaks to how thorough and simply enjoyable the writing is. jim is not out of character for AOS- in fact, he's incredibly in character and well written.
i can't express how much it means to me that you dropped this into my inbox! i never ever would have found it otherwise and although it might take me a while, i'm looking forward to finishing it in it's entirety :)
here is the direct link if anyone would like to check it out!!!
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edzephyr · 1 year
Presenting, for your viewing pleasure
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Star Trek Infinities: Test Footage
For more info on the hows/whys and character/Trek analysis, click on the 'Making of' video below (some spoilers).
As well as those credited, I'd like to extend a huge thank you to all the fans I've met on my travels and online, whose enthusiastic response to my "real life" Kirk encouraged the production of this small flavor of possibility...
Score composed by musical maestro @pazak, who is also here, so give her a follow!
I hope you enjoy it!
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tigereyes45 · 1 month
can you write a fic where Jim has to be the logical one when Spock finds a stray kitten and wants to keep it
You can also read it on AO3.
Spock found a kitten. Jim has to convince him that it can't stay.
Jim wobbles the PADD in his hand, up and down as he ponders its contents. Updated maps, star charts, all evidence that slowly and surely they’re discovering the far reaches of their universe. One week on Earth, and he was actually starting to doubt that. Home. It always makes him feel stir-crazy. Even being back on the Enterprise takes tons of stress off his shoulders, and buries it in the bottom of his stomach.
As the door slides open Jim starts to yawn. He wanders inside, letting his feet walk the familiar path.
A soft, desperate mew stops him dead in his tracks. Forcing his exhausted eyes open, Jim finds Spock, sitting in his usual seat at Jim’s desk. Unusually there’s a small bundle of fur laying on his chest.
He looks up, completely unperturbed. His fingers run across the all-grey kitten’s head and down it’s back. “Yes captain?”
Jim rests his fists on his sides. “Why?”
“Why what, captain?” Spock raises his head, calm and stoic.
Forcing back a laugh, Jim stares at the vulcan. Not so much as a twitch. He should have expected as much. “It can’t stay.”
“She can as she has nowhere else to go.”
The small bundle mews again. It weakly tries to climb up Spock’s chest. It gets a few steps, before pushing its head into Spock’s chest again. Spock raises his hand and rests it under the kitten’s bottom paws.
Undeniably, adorable. Damn it.
“Spock.” Jim lets his head fall back. “A starship isn’t a place for a kitten.”
“She would have ample food and water. It is not difficult to change a litter box and keep the space around it clean.”
Jim stares at the ceiling, feeling exasperated. Leave it to Spock to put him in this position, of having to be the logical one.
“And what if the ship gets hit?” He can picture it now. A ion storm rattling the ship, or a strike from a klingon warbird and she’ll end up on the ceiling somehow, or worse, ontop of someone’s face with her claws out, desperate for anything stable. “She’ll be sent flying across any given room or hall she’s in.”
No. She can’t stay.
“I can have magnet boots made so that she will always be on a surface.”
How is that logical? “I bet she’d love that.” More than a little sarcasm slipped out.
“It would be uncomfortable for a time, but she may grow accustomed to it.”
Jim moves closer, perching himself on the end of his desk. He waves his hands in a small circle, before clasping them together again.
“Spock think about this logically.” Spock’s eyebrow rises. “What if she gets visiting dignitaries sick? What if she somehow ends up on the surface of a faraway planet? How would we find her? How could we keep diseases from spreading?”
Spock looks to be deep in contemplation, but Jim can tell he’s still unwilling to concede. Jim gets off the desk, moving to sit on it closer to Spock. Their knees bump. Time for the big guns.
“What if something happens to her?” Spock opens his mouth to respond. Jim rushes to ask his other questions. “Who would take care of her? Who could take care of her exactly the same way you would have?”
Spock tilts his head to the right. “Ensign Chekov seemed to have expressed an interest in her, and Doctor McCoy has taken care of animals in the past.”
Resting a hand on Spock’s knee, Jim says softly, “So have I, but the answer is still no.”
Spock’s head tilts against the back of his chair. The vulcan equivalent of kicking his feet up, or maybe it’s just Spock’s equivalent. “You may have a point.”
“Thank you.” Jim pulls back his hand and folds both in his lap. “Now where are we dropping her off at?”
“In fact I know someone in Iowa who expressed an interest in caring for her.”
“Iowa?” What a coincidence. Except this is Spock, and where he’s concerned coincidence is hardly at play. No Jim’s gut was telling him this is exactly what it sounds like. “Spock, you didn’t.”
Spock nods. “I did, Jim.”
Of course he did.
Jim throws on a smile. “When is my mother due to arrive?”
“In three point seven minutes.”
Perfect. Jim shakes his head.
“So you were never planning on keeping the kitten.”
Spock lifts both eyebrows. “I was, but I anticipated your arguments and came to the conclusion that I would have to adhere to your ‘logic’.”
Even when he forces Jim’s hand into being the logical one, this vulcan is still three steps ahead. Jim will have to get him back at the next chess game.
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Author's note: If you also want to send in a star trek fic request, feel free!
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lavender-romancer · 10 months
He's So Pretty 
Jim Kirk x Reader  CW: distress, angst, romance 
Kirk had no idea you felt the same way for him as he did for you, as you plan to leave Starfleet. Is it all too little too late for the two of you? 
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”*°•.˜”*°•. ˜”*°•. ˜”*°••°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜
He felt dead inside, Kirk wouldn't show it but he couldn't stand the fact you were leaving and it hurt even more that he'd never gained the courage to be honest with you. His plan was to have a meeting with you as a farewell in his Captain's quarters before you left the enterprise when they docked in Yorktown to refuel in a few weeks. But he didn't know if he could wait that long, he'd been holding this in for so long it felt like it was begging to be let out. You were too good for him and he knew that his feelings were real because he hardly ever bit his tongue but he was terrified you wouldn't feel the same as him. The only person to ever get his tongue tied, the only person who he would always be looking for in a crowd, it was unexplainable how much he cared about you. But now... now you were leaving and fuck, he wished you knew everything going on in his head. 
"You're gonna kill yourself with guilt if you don't say something," Bones said in a matter of a fact way.
"I am aware, Bones." Jim grinned because he knew how dumb and high school it all was.
"Just tell the damn girl!" Bones exclaimed.
"Oooo. What girl is this!" Both the men jumped at the sound of your voice walking into the bar, they both went silent "Awh come on, is this a boys club conversation?" You put your hands on your hips and Kirk laughed. 
"Something like that, dumbass," Kirk looked up at you and you rolled your eyes before punching his arm.
"You love me really, no matter how many times you insult me. You're gonna miss me!" You reached over the bar and grabbed some vodka making yourself a quick mixed drink. 
"More than you know," Bones muttered so only Jim heard and gave him a look. 
"Right, drink up Cap!" You cheers' with Jim and then both downed what was in your glasses. 
"No cheers for the doctor I see," Bones rolled his eyes and you shook your head 
"Absolutely not letting you run free! I'm just pouring another drink my dear doctor." You poured a vodka shot and looked at Bones who was regretting speaking up. 
"Cheers to that I s'pose!" You and Bones clinked glasses before knocking your heads back. Kirk just looked at you in awe, his eyes looking up in adoration. Bones noticed it first and smiled to himself. 
"What's with the puppy eyes, Kirk?" You teased and Jim very slightly blushed. He thought he hid it well but you couldn't help but think about how pretty he looked. 
The following week, Kirk was mentally planning when to have that meeting with you, he had two weeks left till they docked. That wasn't that much pressure but he'd been holding in these feelings for nearly 6 years and didn't really know what to do if you didn't see him the same way. Kirk had absolutely no idea how you thought of him, he knew you were friends and maybe a bit flirty from time to time but nothing that couldn't be explained by being close friends. I mean Jim flirted with everyone, he was an Aries through and through so it didn't surprise him that regardless of gender he was going to be a bit playful. But with you, he had actual physical reactions and it was like being a teenager with a pathetic crush. You gave him butterflies, you made him nervous blush and hide his face and pretend he hadn't noticed your hand on his arm. 
Kirk couldn't help but believe you knew what you were doing but it seemed so unlikely because you were so confident, you were afraid to tell someone how you felt. Why would you keep your feelings towards him hidden if they were there? 
"Y/n, you've been asked to the Captain's quarters," Nyota told you with a friendly smile. 
"Oh lordy, what kind of going away malarkey has been prepared, I wonder." You grinned at your friend and she raised her eyebrow.
"Oi you, get that mind out of the gutter," you rolled your eyes. "I'm sure it's sweet , he's always been very thoughtful when someone leaves the ship." 
"Oh I'm sure it's very personal…" she winked and you covered your mouth so you didn't laugh. 
"What merriment have you two clowns got into then?" Bones asked as he walked past with some new equipment he'd been testing. 
"You have to be nice to me, Bones. Leaving orders say so," you narrowed your eyes at him, he stopped 
"Oh is that so, Sunshine?" He raised an eyebrow "And on whose authority is that?" 
"The Captains of course, I've been summoned to his quarters for what I can only hope is an attempt to celebrate my leaving without sounding too excited," you laughed and Bones said nothing. 
"Cat got your tongue?" Nyota asked Bones, folding her arms with a smile. 
"Oh not at all, I'm just holding it so I don't gossip like some old woman." Bones raised an eyebrow and you looked at him, puzzled. 
"Well what does that mean then?" You paused and he said nothing "Bones? What are you talking about?" 
"I mean if I can get in on some gossip where Bones is involved then I'm all ears." Nyota let one side of her mouth turn up. 
"You two are out for trouble, look it's not my secret to tell so you'll just have to find out eventually yourselves." Bones gave Nyota a knowing look and you looked between the two of them till Bones looked away. 
"Well what the hell was that?" You exclaimed looking at Nyota. 
"Well now I know you have to go and see Kirk right this second," Nyota leant against the corridor wall and had to put her hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing. 
"You," you pointed at Nyota, "you are a troublemaker." You laughed and headed off in the direction of Kirk's quarters. 
You had no idea what Bones was on about but deep down you hoped. You'd been pining after Jim for so long it felt like an age, you had known each other for so long that you really didn't think there was any way Jim could've gone this long without revealing his feelings. You got drunk together so often and had never even kissed, he'd never revealed any secrets about his feelings whilst inebriated. Being realistic if Kirk hadn't revealed his feelings whilst being drunk it was unlikely he had those thoughts in his head, he was so easy to get secrets out of when drunk. But you couldn't help thinking about the weird interaction between the three of you a minute ago, what did they know that you didn't? 
You knocked three times of Jims door and held the sides of your skirt with your thumbs pressing against your fingers through the fabric. It was so damn frustrating how nervous you were when you could just be walking into a normal and civil meeting. Getting your hopes up was a dangerous activity especially when it came to heartbreakers like Jim Kirk. 
"Y/n!" Jim exclaimed, opening the door with a big smile, he stood back and let you step in. 
 "To what do I owe the pleasure." You looked around the room you'd been in often and considered that you might never see it again. 
"Come sit," he gestured to the sofa with a bottle of wine on the table and two glasses. "Your departure has made me think about a lot of things." As you sat down Jim began pouring. 
"What kind of things Kirk?" You narrowed your eyes. 
"It's hard to determine, I mean definitely thinking of the past" Kirk carried on for a while, talking in what you would call filler but you weren't listening. He looked so fucking pretty, his eyebrows moving every now and then, his hair a bit ruffled after he had got changed. Jim was so so pretty and you didn't know how to focus on anything else, watching his lips move you just wanted to shut him up and kiss him. 
"Y/n?" You snapped out of it "Do you know what I mean?" Kirk asked and you had to think for a moment about what would be a neutral reply so a question you hadn't heard any of. 
"....yes?" You said in a curious tone and Jim laughed. 
"You weren't listening were you," he smiled and you giggled. 
"Not my fault you look so pretty," you mumbled into your glass as you took a drink, you thought it was quiet enough but Jim had heard and he almost choked on the wine in his own mouth. 
"Was that a compliment I just heard?" Jim tried to play it cool but his voice cracked on the last word and you burst out laughing. 
"Okay well now you deserve no explanation if you can't even get through puberty properly." You smiled at him and he raised an eyebrow.
"Well I'm not the one who thinks I'm pretty, am I. Hmm?" Jim teased. 
"Well, I'M not the one who can't speak without sounding like a pre-teen." You shot back, jokingly narrowing your eyes at him. 
"You're a little shit, you know that?" Jim asked, placing his glass down. 
"Well you won't have to put up with it for too much longer will you," you joked and a silence fell between the both of you, joking like this had made Kirk forget about that fact "Are you okay, Kirk?" 
You looked deep into his eyes and it took all his willpower not to take your face in his hands and kiss you. Instead he stood up and walked around the room, hands on his hips he sighed. 
"Well now I know you're not alright," you paused and stood up, there was a distance between you both and you were slowly closing it down "What's wrong?" You asked at almost a whisper.
Kirk turned around and you were only a few steps away from him, his eyes were unreadable but looked deep into yours. He closed off the gap between the two of you and took you into a deep hug, you were caught off guard but didn't stop him. Instead you wrapped your arms around him just as tightly and leant your head on his shoulder. Closing your eyes the moment felt like forever and you didn't want to let go because it would mean you leaving him was something real. Kirk's hand went up to the back of your neck and slowly stroked your hair. The affectionate action could have made you cry if you weren't so determined to not reveal to him how you felt. 
"There's something I need to tell you, Y/n." Kirk said near your ear and you drew apart, still holding onto his arms
"What is it?" You looked into his eyes and tried to read them, glancing down at his lips you bit the inside of his cheek. 
"I've loved you ever since I've known you, Y/n. I can't help it and- and I've tried to show it but fuck, you won't let me. I can't think straight when you're around me and I've been pining after you for so long it doesn't even feel real that you're leaving now," Kirk's eyes held so much emotion you feared you might fall into them. How…how was this real? 
The silence had been considerable now and you didn't know what to do, your mouth slightly open and staring into his eyes. You couldn't find the words so you just hugged him again, closer than before. Jim held the back of your head, scared you'd slip away forever. You mumbled something against his shoulder and he perked up. 
"What was that?" He whispered and you turned your head to lay your cheek on his shoulder. 
"I can't believe this has happened, I- fuck. I wasn't expecting it," You whispered and it made Kirk so anxious that he just held you until you'd eventually slip away. 
"You can leave whenever you want," Kirk told you and you really did feel like you could but you didn't want to. Kirk may have been holding you but only because you allowed it to be so. 
"What if I don't want to?" You asked, slightly pulling away from his shoulder and looking into his eyes with a smile. 
"What?" Jim whispered, not believing what you were saying.
"What if I don't think what you're saying is crazy," you let your hands run down his arms till you were holding his hands "I don't know what you know about how I feel o-or how I…" you trailed off trying to find your words "But my feelings aren't so far from yours."
"You're making me fucking hope for something now," Kirk grinned. 
"Oh shut up, talk like the normal Jim, please. I'm not used to you being all soppy." You teased, leaning forward to kiss him on the cheek. 
"You mean say something like how fucking highschool this all is?" Jim gripped your hands before looking down at your lips and back to your eyes. 
"I mean I'm not surprised you come neatly packaged up with some drama." You raised an eyebrow and he just rolled his eyes. 
"Oh do shut up," he let go of your hands and put them on either side of your face before leaning forward and kissing you. 
You rested your hands on his forearms, leaning into the kiss as a warmth spread into your stomach. It was almost unbelievable that this morning neither of you knew how the other really felt and honestly you found it extremely endearing how honest Jim was. 
"All the planets, places and people to see but all I wanted was you," Jim whispered when you drew apart and leant your foreheads together. You smiled and looked at him, he looked so lovely, all happy and pink cheeked. 
"You're so pretty," you paused and he laughed "No I mean it, just so pretty." You trailed off and looked into his eyes, you could only imagine what they would look like in between your thighs…
"Someone's getting distracted by a thought, you've got that glazed over look." Jim narrowed his eyes. 
"Ohhhh, nothing…" you turned around and pulled his hand with you "Just how much prettier you'd look going down on me. You know, nothing that exciting." You sat down on the sofa and held your wine in your hand as you crossed your legs. Bringing the glass to your mouth you raised an eyebrow and Kirk ran his tongue along his top set of teeth, thinking. 
"I mean I can't say what it would look like from your point of view, but seeing you like that would be angelic," he walked towards you and knelt down Infront of you.
"Guess you'll just have to prove it won't you," You were teasing him now but Jim didn't seem to mind. 
Jim was running his hands up your thighs until he met the hem of your dress, moving his hands inwards till they met the crossover of your legs. 
"We could test your theory, you know, for research." He gave you a shit eating grin and you uncrossed your legs, leaning down to be face to face with him. 
"Come on then pretty boy, prove your worth to me." You whispered and he looked so damn excited he could burst, you always suspected Kirk had a submissive streak. 
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trek-tracks · 2 years
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When the Trek fic's characterization is 100% TOS and then Jim's eyes are mentioned and you have to reorient your entire mental film
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anonymousewrites · 7 days
Logos and Pathos (AOS Edition) Chapter Two
AOS! Spock x Empath! Reader
Chapter Two: In the Academy
Summary: (Y/N) continues on in Starfleet and meets someone unusual, but not unlikeable, at the Academy.
            (Y/N) focused intently on their notes in the lecture. Stubbornly, they ignored the feelings of confusion and general negativity that always accompanied higher-level lectures. Some students just never had a good time. But (Y/N) was determined to focus through the haze of emotions. They had been around empaths their entire life—a few non-psychics with less psychic presence wouldn’t be a problem.
            “That’s all for today,” said the instructor, and everyone packed up and left.
            (Y/N) threw their back over their shoulder and walked out of the room. In their head, they planned how they were going to fit the homework for this class into their study schedule for midterms coming up.
            “Hey, (L/N), do you want to study later?” said their friend Uhura—a student a few years behind them but advanced enough in languages to be taking communications courses with them.
            “Sure,” said (Y/N), smiling. “But is your roommate Gaila coming?”
            “I don’t think so. She’s going out tonight on another date,” said Uhura.
            “She isn’t bringing another guy back to your room, is she?” said (Y/N).
            “I hope not. I’m going to have to talk to her about that if we keep rooming for the next few years,” sighed Uhura.
            (Y/N) chuckled.
            “I wish I was in your year, and then I could room with you,” said Uhura.
            “I have my own room for accommodations against being constantly overwhelmed by others’ emotions,” said (Y/N). Their empathy wasn't a disability, but it was a cause for accommodations where they could be given, and Starfleet was committed to serving the different needs of its students. “So I don’t think that would happen.”
            “Oh, right,” said Uhura, nodding. “How are the rest of your classes going?”
            “I’m in my last year, so they’re just getting harder and harder,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “I still have like…two years until that level of difficult,” said Uhura. “For most of my courses, anyways.”
            “Don’t you have three years of school left?” said (Y/N), raising an eyebrow.
            “I’m going to finish early,” said Uhura confidently.
            “That’s going to be a lot of hard work, but if anyone can do it, it’s you,” said (Y/N).
            The pair walked into one of the dining halls and went to grab food.
            Uhura grinned. “I’m glad someone takes me seriously. Sometimes some of the students are so condescending. Especially the ones in our communications class.”
            “Right, they think because they’re older they’re smarter,” said (Y/N), laughing and rolling their eyes.
            “Are they like that with you?” asked Uhura.
            “A bit, yeah,” said (Y/N). “I don’t go around talking about test scores or grades with everyone, so they think that I’m not doing well.”
            “I’ve heard them mention your psychic abilities. Does the empathy make it harder?” asked Uhura.
            “No,” said (Y/N), smiling. “Some people don’t want to take me seriously because I’m an empath and focus on emotions.”
            “Ugh, are they some of those ‘facts over feelings’ people who just ignore that the world needs both?” said Uhura, rolling her eyes.
            “You’re perceptive as ever,” said (Y/N), laughing and sitting down with their friend.
            However, Uhura’s words rang true. Due to their attractive features and impressive empathy, people perceived them as weaker than they really were. They were constantly underestimated, not taken seriously. They didn’t see (Y/N)’s ability to sense emotions as an advantage; they saw it as a weakness because, to them, emotions clouded judgement.
            They couldn’t see the whole picture. (Y/N) could. In the real world, facts were helpful, but the emotions within people, people affected by facts, were just as significant. (Y/N) understood that, so no matter how many times people overlooked their dedication to Starfleet as a passing folly of someone in tune with emotions.
            “Hey, (L/N), what are you up to today?”
            (Y/N) sighed as the familiar emotions that made them disgusted flew over them and they turned to see the face of a familiar classmate.
            “Flynn,” said (Y/N) civilly. “I’m studying.”
            “Are you sure you’re not interested in going out? Tonight? With me?” said Flynn, grinning.
            And there was the beauty issue. It wouldn’t be a problem if (Y/N) was just attractive and that was it. But no. People had to make it a problem by thinking that they were just a pretty face. That they were making their way through the academy by being attractive and giving a smile to everything. That they were someone everyone could flirt with successfully.
            (Y/N) certainly couldn’t change anyone’s mind on the first two issues. But the third was not something they let slide. They were their own person and deserved to be respected as such.
            “No, I’m not,” said (Y/N). “I’m studying tonight.”
            “Oh, come on, it could be fun,” said Flynn. “I know how to have a good time.” He winked.
            “They gave you their answer, Flynn,” shot back Uhura. “Go back to your friends and leave us alone.”
            “I’m waiting for their answer,” snapped Flynn.
            “Which I already gave you. Twice. I’m not interested in you,” said (Y/N), lacing their fingers. “So I’d appreciate being left alone.”
            Flynn scowled and stomped away.
            Uhura rolled her eyes. “What a jerk.”
            (Y/N) waved a hand. “Nothing I haven’t dealt with before. His pride is wounded. He won’t try it again.”
            “I’m sorry you have to deal with that,” said Uhura.
            “It’s alright. We’ve all had bad experiences with people,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            They just got more than others since they had a bit more of an attractive face than others. Luckily, (Y/N) could sense people’s emotions when they approached them and knew if any connection was going to be genuine or for the sake of their own fun. And (Y/N) knew one thing: they weren’t going to date anyone that didn’t really care about them as a person above anything else.
            (Y/N) sighed as they checked the clock. “I should head back to my dorm,” they said. “I have a longer walk than you, and I have a lab in the morning.”
            “Alright,” said Uhura. “I should sleep, too. I have an exam tomorrow.”
            “Good luck,” said (Y/N), waving as they left.
            They headed through the Science Quad of Starfleet Academy towards the upper-classroom dorms. The sun had set already, but lights illuminated the well-worn paths. (Y/N) hoisted their bag farther on their back as they passed the largest lab building.
            (Y/N) stopped as a voice called out to them from the lawn next to them. Flynn stepped out, flanked by his friends Stephenson and Boone. Feeling the tension of their emotions resting heavy in the air, (Y/N) narrowed their eyes.
            “You still uninterested in going out?” said Flynn, crossing his arms.
            “Yes,” replied (Y/N) instantly. “I’m heading back to my dorm.”
            “Oh, then how about I come with you?” said Flynn, and his friends snickered.
            “I’m not interested in you, Flynn, or what you have in mind,” said (Y/N). “Leave me alone.”
            “Hey, don’t be so mean to Flynn. He’s a really great guy,” said Stephenson, stepping up.
            (Y/N) gripped the strap of their bag tighter. “That doesn’t mean I have to be interested in them.”
            “Oh, come on, a nice, handsome guy deserves such a pretty person,” said Boone. “Just give him a chance.”
            (Y/N) glanced around. They were alone. “No. I’ve made myself clear. If you continue to harass me, I’ll report you.”
            “Report me? Why? We’re just having a conversation,” said Flynn, stepping a pace closer.
            (Y/N)’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t take another step towards me. I know what you feel. Just leave me alone.”
            “Don’t be so rude,” said Boone.
            “We’re being nice,” said Stephenson.
            “Come on, just try having some fun,” said Flynn, reaching out.
            The moment his hand touched (Y/N)’s arm, the emotions became unbearable, and (Y/N) reacted to protect themself. They swung their back, and it hit Flynn in the face. He fell back to the ground. Stephenson and Boone jumped in surprise and turned towards (Y/N).
            “Don’t touch me,” said (Y/N), holding their bag tightly. “Don’t ever touch me.”
            They were ready to swing again. Backing up, they kept an eye on Boone while Stephenson helped Flynn up. Only one option left. (Y/N) turned and ran. They ran until they were out of breath, legs burning from strain, and safely back in their dorm.
            (Y/N) frowned and held their bag tightly. They had never had anyone trying to flirt with them go so far. (Y/N) had a feeling—that had nothing to do with their empathy—they had just brought trouble to their life.
            But I did the only thing I could. It was the logical thing.
            “Cadet (L/N)?”
            (Y/N) looked up from their books to see an academy administrator standing next to them. They quickly stood at attention.
            “Sir,” they said.
            “Cadet (L/N), you are requested to come before the Starfleet Academy Committee of Student Behavior for a disciplinary hearing,” said the officer.
            “May I ask for what, sir?” asked (Y/N).
            “For violence against another cadet.”
            “Cadet (L/N), you stand accused of an act of unprovoked violence against a fellow Cadet, Cadet Flynn,” said the leader of the disciplinary committee, Barnett.
            (Y/N) stood before them, circled by men and women with severe expressions in grey uniforms. They straightened their shoulders, wearing their red uniform proudly.
            “The accusation is substantiated by Cadet Boone and Cadet Stephenson,” said another council member.
            (Y/N) didn’t glance to their left where Boone, Stephenson, and Flynn sat. Their smug satisfaction was smog in the air.
            “What have you to say in defense?” said another counselor.
            “I admit I was in an altercation with Cadet Flynn,” said (Y/N) firmly. “But Cadet Flynn initiated. I responded in self-defense.”
            “That is not what Cadets Flynn, Stephenson, and Boone claim,” said the counselor. “They claim you lost control of your anger and frustration due to the pressure of testing.”
            Using emotions against me because I’m an empath. (Y/N) refused to show their annoyance.
            “What do you claim occurred?” said Barnett.
            “Cadet Flynn accosted me with Cadets Stephenson and Boone. I attempted to leave the situation, but Cadet Flynn turned physical, so I defended myself from harm,” said (Y/N).
            “Do you have anyone to substantiate your claims?”
            (Y/N) paused. “No.” Flynn’s self-satisfaction grew.
            “If I may.”
            All eyes turned to one of the officers observing the hearing. The room was large, but since this wasn’t a large issue, only the committee, cadets involved, and any officer who wished to be up-to-date with the issues of the academy (some were very involved in improving the campus so kept informed on these types of problems and altercations).
            The officer stood in a grey commander’s uniform. He had short, black hair and brown eyes. Severe eyebrows were offset by pointed years. He was a Vulcan.
            “Commander Spock,” acknowledged Barnett. “State your business.”
            “I am a witness to the altercation in this hearing,” said Spock.
            (Y/N) furrowed their brow. But there had been no one around. Still, the fear that spiked through Flynn, Boone, and Stephenson satisfied (Y/N).
            “I was in the laboratory preparing scenarios for a new Kobayashi Maru simulation,” said Spock. “I noticed a group of cadets outside of the window due to the strategic placement of Cadets Boone, Flynn, and Stephenson around Cadet (L/N). It was an attack formation like that of starships.”
            “We were just talking to them and standing there,” burst out Flynn defensively.
            His nerves betrayed the lie to (Y/N)’s empathy, but that didn’t matter.
            “Sit down, Cadet Flynn. You will begin another chance to speak if you wish,” said the counselor severely, and Flynn wilted. “Continue, Commander Spock.”
            “Cadet Flynn, Cadet Stephenson, and Cadet Boone moved closer to Cadet (L/N), who attempted to extricate themself from the situation,” said Spock. “Cadet Flynn then grabbed Cadet (L/N)’s arm. Cadet (L/N) swung their bag and hit Cadet Flynn in order to separate themself from any farther harm.” He held himself formally, and his gaze flicked out over the group. “They did not initiate the altercation and acted only to escape the dispute.”
            “Cadet Flynn, you may speak again,” said Barnett.
            “He’s lying. I don’t know why, but it’s not true. That Vulcan is just covering for the empath, another psychic, messing up and losing control,” said Flynn, panicked and emotional.
            Not acting rationally. A mistake in this situation, thought (Y/N).
            “I am a Vulcan, Cadet,” said Spock. “I do not lie.”
            Flynn paled. Not only was that a true, known statement, but Flynn had just made a bigoted statement against a commanding officer, a distinguished graduate of Starfleet Academy.
            “Thank you, Commander Spock,” said Barnett.
            Spock nodded.
            “Cadet Flynn, Cadet Boone, Cadet Stephenson, we will reconvene tomorrow for a disciplinary hearing on your actions,” said Barnett, looking at the three men. “Cadet (L/N), you will be called as a victim in the incident, but you may leave for now.”
            “Thank you, sir,” said (Y/N).
            “I’m glad those three got what they deserved,” said Uhura after (Y/N) explained everything that had happened. “Otherwise I would’ve been in an ‘unprovoked altercation with them.’ No one hurts my friend.”
            (Y/N) laughed at Uhura’s fierce loyalty. She was truly a great friend. “Thanks, Uhura.”
            “At least Commander Spock in defense of you,” said Uhura. “Cadets and officers respect him.”
            (Y/N) nodded. “It was my word against three men, so his statement helped.” They paused as they saw the very man they were speaking about walking across the quad. “Oh, there he is.”
            “I can tell you want to go and speak to him,” said Uhura.
            “I didn’t get a chance to say thank you for his appearance during the hearing,” confirmed (Y/N).
            “Go on. It’s almost class time for me, anyways,” said Uhura. “Bye!”
            (Y/N) waved before walking across the quad. “Commander Spock?”
            He paused and turned to face them. “Cadet (L/N),” he acknowledged.
            “I wanted to thank you for speaking at my hearing,” said (Y/N).
            “It was three men accosting a single individual. It was evident their words would be taken against yours, even if a lie. The logical choice was to step in,” said Spock.
            (Y/N) nodded in understanding. “It was still helpful, so thank you.”
            “Do you have a class?” said Spock.
            “No,” said (Y/N), shaking their head. “Not for another hour.”
            “Would you be opposed to answering a few questions in regard to your empathy as a Celian? I have not met another, and I appreciate an understanding of the more promising cadets graduating,” said Spock.
            I’m a promising cadet? (Y/N) stood a little taller. They had been working very hard for years to prove their skill. To hear it recognized felt nice.
            “I don’t mind answering any questions,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            Spock nodded and began walking once more, likely towards his office or a lab. (Y/N) followed alongside him.
            “What is your specialty?” said Spock.
            “Negotiations and Communications,” said (Y/N).
            “Your empathy assists you in gauging reactions,” said Spock, nodding.
            (Y/N) nodded. “But I work around it when I can’t sense their emotions,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “There are limits in all psychic abilities,” said Spock. He glanced at them. “Are you able to sense my emotions?”
            “No. Vulcans do not embrace or react with their emotions, and they have psychic blocks for just such things, so I cannot sense their emotions,” said (Y/N), smiling. They didn’t mind having a “weakness.” They didn’t need to sense everyone’s emotions all the time. They were good with people anyways. “Though I likely could if I touched someone blocking their emotions. The contact allows for a connection to form.”
            Spock nodded. These were logical vulnerabilities and solutions. “And Celians embrace their emotions.”
            “Well, we had to,” said (Y/N), laughing lightly. “Our planet found peace by embracing the idea of respecting others’ emotions and working together when someone is in pain. If we hadn’t, we would have destroyed ourselves.”
            “A very different culture from Vulcan,” said Spock. Celia’s solution to strife was to embrace emotion; Vulcan’s solution was to reject emotion. “Fascinating.”
            “It is interesting,” agreed (Y/N). “But they both found peace, so that’s what matters. I think the humans call it ‘two sides of the same coin.’ ” Their golden eyes gleamed in amusement. “Logos and pathos.”
            Spock raised a brow in the slightest betrayal of mirth. “Quite.”
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livelongandpinup · 15 days
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Come be part of our wildly popular Live Long And Pinup Reverse Bang! 
Art slots are full, but we are enthusiastically welcoming writers who love to put their favorite Captain and First Officer in Situations! 
That’s right - 36 incredible Star Trek artists have signed up to create Pinups for the Live Long and Pinup Reverse bang! We hoped it would be popular, but we’re still bowled over that all our art slots filled up in less than 2 days! 
Half our writer slots are taken, which means we need YOU to join us! Come write a fun story based around some incredible pinup art of Kirk and Spock! 
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In a Reverse Bang, the art comes first. When our talented artists have finished their work, the writers submit preferences and are matched up with an artist. From there, the writer and artist are welcome to collaborate about the story. It’s great fun! 
Pin-up art and fics will be posted in a collection on Ao3 and in an online Zine. The two calendars (one for Kirk and one for Spock) will be sold online at cost. (No fics will be in the calendars. Just pretty pretty pinup pictures.)
Click here for FAQs and sign-ups for this event!
NOTE: Event is 18+ only!
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Last Updated: 2024-02-02
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Disclaimer: I am not the author of these stories, just sharing my favourite James T. Kirk stories. Find the authors' links below. If you want your work removed, message me privately.
Legend: 〔E〕 ⇢ Erotic/Steamy | 〔F〕 ⇢ Fluff | 〔A〕 ⇢ Angst/Hurt 〔M〕 ⇢ Minor Angst/Hurt | 〔C〕 ⇢ Comfort | ♥︎ ⇢ Established Relationship | 𑁍 ⇢ Pregnancy/Children | 🚫 ⇢ Content Warning
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✵ 7 Minutes in Turbolift Heaven by imamotherfuckingstar-lord • 18+ • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "You are a translator for the Enterprise and you love your job, you really do. But there is one downside, one big pain in your ass - Captain Kirk. Jim and you are constantly straddling the lines of love and hate - sometimes blurring the whole mess. The two of you are always bickering, always mocking each other, always getting under each other’s skins - everyone has noticed. In fact, you two tend to draw a curious audience. It’s a final blow up over Jim sending another translator down to a mission that erupts all the emotions - good and bad, that you have for the man free. Spock calls it intervention, Bones calls it 7 minutes in turbolift Heaven."
✵ Blankets of Fortitude by kaitymccoy123 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "…[Jim's] been working very hard for the last few weeks, so you decide to surprise him with a gift (may or may not be a blanket fort)."
✵ Bridge, the by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: You and Jim celebrate your anniversary on the bridge of the enterprise.
✵ First Sign of Trouble by kaitymccoy123 • 〔F᜶M〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You both are badasses, and you save lives, though you need a little help to save your own."
✵ Girl Friend, the by thatfanficstuff • 〔A〕 •
Summary: "You [and Jim] did everything together from nearly getting yourselves killed joyriding in a certain car to Starfleet to the Enterprise. You were also there for every girlfriend, every broken heart and every one-night stand. Well, not actually there, that would be awkward. But you did learn from an early age not to befriend any of Jim's women. They either came crying to you when the relationship reached its inevitable end or blamed you for the break up."
✵ I'm Here by writingwithadinosaur • 〔F᜶A〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You are captured with the others [by] Krall and his men. You are injured badly, but your knight in shining armor comes riding in on a… motorcycle?"
✵ Jukebox Love by ladyideal • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You finished the last of the negotiations on a foreign planet. Ending the night, Jim promised you a day out to explore the city... Finding an antique store, you found a still working mini jukebox on sale. It didn't take long for Jim to buy it for you, and he realized that all he needed was you by his side."
✵ Like Air by annathewitch • 16+ • 〔A᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You're trying to forget about your relationship problems by drowning your sorrows, when a Starfleet Captain appears."
✵ Lonely by grandtheftstarship • 〔A〕 •
Summary: "Jim's constant playing starts to get the best of you."
✵ Losing Sleep Over You by octopodeez • 〔F〕 •
Summary: {…}
✵ Of the Expanse of Outer Space by pendragonfics • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Laying in bed, [you think] over the times [you] spent with Jim in Starfleet."
✵ Spock's Little Sister | Prt. II by rreader • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "What were the odds of [you,] the one girl on campus [Jim] was genuinely interested in, being the sister of the [person] he despised…?"
✵ Studying by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 16+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: Jim helps you study for an upcoming for an upcoming exam.
✵ Trouble by thatfanficstuff • 〔F᜶A〕 •
Summary: {…}
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✵ A Date by starfleetimagine • 〔F〕 •
✵ Best Places in the Galaxy, the
✵ Break In by marvelouslytrekking • 〔F〕 •
✵ Congestion by space-helen • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Child in the Preschool, the by kaitymccoy123 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✵ Dreaming on the Bridge by dreaming-about-fanfictions • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Enough by imamotherfuckingstar-lord • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Fallin' by thatfanficstuff •
✵ Family by starfleetimagine • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✵ Flirting by imamotherfuckingstar-lord • 〔F᜶M〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Like Father, Like Son by thranduilsperkybutt • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✵ Love Confession in the Fight, the by kaitymccoy123 • 〔F᜶M〕 •
✵ Mid-Day Nap by imamotherfuckingstar-lord • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Not Getting Away Again by imamotherfuckingstar-lord • 〔F〕 •
Pent Up Frustration
✵ Pillow Fight by marvelouslytrekking • 〔F᜶M〕 •
✵ Practice by space-helen • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Reckless by marvelouslytrekking • 〔F᜶M〕 •
✵ Rough Day by shenanigans-and-imagines • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Secret's Out by writingwithadinosaur • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Study Buddy by starfleetimagine • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Three Things by imamotherfuckingstar-lord • 〔F〕 •
✵ Three Things (Spin-Off) by grandtheftstarship • 〔F〕 •
✵ Umbrella Kiss by marvelouslytrekking • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
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✵ Dating James T. Kirk... by octopodeez • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Falling in Love w/ James T. Kirk... by space-helen • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ S*x w/ Jim… by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 16+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
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See Also: Navigation || James T. Kirk Master Index
Authors: @annathewitch || @dreaming-about-fanfictions || @grandtheftstarship || @imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul || @imamotherfuckingstar-lord || @kaitymccoy123 || @ladyideal || @marvelouslytrekking || @octopodeez || @pendragonfics || @rreader || @shenanigans-and-imagines || @space-helen || @starfleetimagines | @thatfanficstuff || @thranduilsperkybutt || @writingwithadinosaur ||
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Pajama Party - Star Trek
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A/N: inspired in part by this work of Art, and also by my obsession with cute pajamas. Mostly just a fic about the crew, but had to throw in a little reader x Leonard, cause you know me. Also let’s just pretend JJ is not there.
Pairing: Leonard McCoy x Reader, Enterprise crew x Reader Word Count: 2.5k Synopsis: When the power goes out in the Enterprise, the crew must navigate through the darkened halls in their pajamas to restore power.
You can find all the pajamas in this post here!
When the lights went off, you had just pulled back the covers of your bed. 
You gave it a moment. You were in deep space, after all, much farther than anyone had travelled before. Hopefully, this was just a brief glitch as the Enterprise acclimated to the new territory. 
A few seconds later, you heard the sound of machinery powering down, and the steady hum of the thrusters stopped. 
“Fuck,” you muttered. Emergency lights came on in your room, leading you towards the exit. When the door slid open, you knew that the Enterprise at least had some power. The hallway was littered with bright red emergency lights every few feet, and at every cabin door, a crewmember’s head was popping out.
“What is it, Y/N?” a crewmember three doors down from you asked. 
“I don’t know. I’ll see if I can find Jim,” you said. “Everyone just hang here for a while. When there’s an update, you’ll know.”
“Are we in danger?” someone asked.
“No, we are not.” All heads turned towards the opposite end of the hallway where Jim Kirk was strutting towards you. Also dressed in his pajamas, Jim looked as if he had just woken up, with his hair mussed at the back of his head.
“What’s going on?” you asked as he stopped in front of you. His pajamas had you doing a double take. “Is that . . . the Enterprise?” you asked, unable to hide the smile on your face. 
“What?” He looked down at his pajamas and a soft blush appeared on his face. He stammered over a response before shaking his head. “Is it wrong for a man to be proud of his ship?” 
“When that pride manifests itself like this? Absolutely. You are such a nerd.”
“Oh, come on, like yours are any better,” he said, motioning to the floral pattern of your own pajamas.
“They are. One hundred percent better than yours.”
“So you’re telling me you always dress in matching three piece sets? You weren’t expecting someone, Y/N, were you?”
“Please,” you said with a roll of your eyes. “The only thing I was expecting was a full night of sleep.”
“As was I. So what happened?”
“What, just because I work in engineering you think I know what’s going on?” 
“Yeah,” Jim said, looking at you incredulously. 
“Fine, I can figure it out. I don’t know what happened just by sound. Let’s go down to engineering.”
“Why do I have to go down, too?” Jim asked, “I really could use a good night’s sleep.”
“How can you take pride in your ship if you don’t help her in her time of need?” you asked, your eyes flashing back to his pajamas. 
“Just lead the way,” he said with a roll of his eyes. 
As you walked down the halls, you took note of what was still functioning on the Enterprise. You were still standing, so the gravity levels were still normal. Oxygen levels were normal, as was the temperature regulator.
“All necessary functions are still running, meaning that it wasn’t a complete shut down of the system,” you said. “It has to be something with the energy core, then.”
“My thoughts exactly, Ms. Y/L/N.”
You and Jim both turned to see Spock and Uhura walking towards you from the hallway connecting their sector to the main corridor. They were both dressed in pajamas, and when they stepped into the light, your jaws dropped.
“What are you wearing?” Jim asked at the same time that you said, “What’s on your face?”
“Nyota was applying an avocado based facial mask to my skin when the power went out.”
“He has very dry skin,” Nyota said as explanation. 
“Does he?” Jim considered, studying his first officer’s face. 
“Captain, as interesting as Lieutenant Uhura’s face mask recipe may be, I believe our primary focus should still be on returning the ship’s power.”
“I agree,” you said, tugging on Jim’s arm to lead him back down the hall.
“The energy core has three distinct parts, every few months, these pieces must be rotated to ensure that none of the parts are drained of their full energy, in the case of an emergency. It is my theory that perhaps one of these pieces was not rotated soon enough, and thus was drained of its power, sinking us into this darkness,” Spock explained.
“That sound about right to you?” Jim asked.
“I don’t usually deal with the energy core,” you said, “But yes, I believe Spock’s theory is correct. Once we get down to engineering, we’ll know for sure.”
“And you can fix it?”
“Like I said, I’m not an expert on the energy core. Mr. Scott should be able to, though.”
“Let’s hope Scotty’s awake then,” Jim said.
The turbolift was apparently not deemed a necessity, because when you tried to use it to bring you down to engineering, there was only a hum that came from the doors that never opened. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever been this far down here,” Nyota said. “Never walked down here at least.”
“I have,” Jim said. He stopped in his tracks, looking around at the number of doors around your group. He followed the numbers back a few doors before knocking loudly on a door.
“No,” a voice yelled from the other end. Leonard.
“Come on, Bones, I know you heard us.” The door slid open and Leonard stepped out, dressed in a long nightshirt that made your jaw drop. 
“How the hell could I not?” he asked. “I’ve heard you coming since you were three levels up. What happened to the power?” he asked, looking at you.
“What are you wearing?” 
“You look like Ebenezer Scrooge,” Jim laughed. 
“Why did you wake me up if you were just going to make fun of my pajamas?”
“Because I had no idea you would be wearing a dress.”
“It’s not a dr--”
“Gentleman,” Spock said, stepping between the captain and his CMO. “Instead of making comments about each other’s nightwear, perhaps our time would be better spent bringing power back to the ship.”
“Yeah, alright,” Leonard said, rolling his eyes as he stepped away from Jim. “It’s not like yours aren’t even more embarrassing.” 
“How are mine more embarrassing than a dress?” Jim asked. “And speaking of pajamas,” he said, turning to Spock, “What are you wearing?”
“My sleepwear falls under Starfleet regulation, as does Dr. McCoy’s. Not only are your pajamas out of regulation, Captain, they are also, by far, the most embarrassing.”
“Okay, okay,” Uhura said, “Let’s just get down to engineering. Clearly, we’re all a little sleep deprived.” You exchanged a glance with her and found the same smirk on her face. 
“I never would have taken you as a nightgown person,” you said to Leonard as the rest of the group fell into step around you. He seemed annoyed when he looked at you, but there was a soft smile on his face. You also never would have thought you could be attracted to a man in a nightgown. 
“What should I be wearing? Colorful, floral pajamas like you?” he asked.
“Well, mine are a lot cuter.”
“They are,” he said. A slight blush rose in your cheeks, but thanks to the dim red light from the emergency lights, no one noticed it. 
“If you two are done flirting,” Jim called. “Can we please just get to engineering.”
“You’re the one who stopped to pick him up,” you said, pointing a thumb at Leonard.
“And you’re the one slowing us down to flirt with him,” he said, “We can blame each other all day.”
“Whatever, let’s just--”
“Captin! Captin!” 
The entire group turned to see Chekov and Sulu rushing towards the group. Chekov had been the one to yell, and when he reached the group, he was panting, and sweat was slicking his skin. This was easy to see, because despite a pair of plaid pajama pants, Chekov wasn’t wearing anything. A quick glance at the group, you saw that you weren’t the only one surprised by Chekov’s muscles.
Conversely, Sulu was wearing the exact opposite. Fully clothed, Sulu's pajamas were designed to look like a penguin.
“Ha!” Jim said, pointing to Sulu. “His are more embarrassing than mine!”
“My husband, daughter, and I all got matching ones last Christmas,” he said, “I like to wear them. They remind me of home.”
“Yours are still more embarrassing, Jim,” you said. He waved a hand to shut you up. 
“Why did you guys run all the way down here?”
“The ship has dropped out of warp,” Sulu said.
“Are we in friendly space?”
“We’re in unknown space, Captin,” Chekov said with a sigh. “As far as we can tell, there are no nearby life forms.”
“Either way, shields up,” Jim ordered.
“Already done, sir.”
“Good. Now, no more interruptions,” he said. “Let’s go figure this out.”
“All of us?” Leonard asked.
“We’ve all made it this far,” Jim said with a shrug. “I guess we’re all going to engineering.
You were not aware that the ship even had stairs, the thought never crossed your mind that one day you might have to go down twenty flights of them. When the group finally arrived in engineering, you all took a moment to catch your breaths.
“Everyone alright?” Leonard asked. Everyone grumbled in the affirmative. 
“What are you all doing down here?” Scotty asked, walking up one of the metal staircases that led deeper into engineering.
“We’re here to fix the energy core,” you said, your eyes widening as he reached the top of the stairs. He was wearing red plaid pajamas, which would have been normal, if not for the matching nightcap on his head.
“If you had one of those you really would be Scrooge,” you muttered to Leonard. He let out a breath of laughter but shook his head.
“What?” Scotty asked.
“What are you wearing?” Jim asked.
“What are you wearing?” Scotty asked, putting his hands on his hips, “I know the Enterprise inside and out, and I wouldn’t even wear those.” The group all tried to stifle their laughter, especially when Jim glared at them.
“Scotty, the energy core.”
“I’m working on it,” he said.
“What’s the holdup?”
“I am missing a piece,” Scotty said sheepishly. “I have Keenser looking for it now, seeing as he is the one who lost it!” he yelled over the railing. “But so far--”
“What does it look like?” Uhura asked. “We can all look for it.”
Scotty described what he was looking for, then set all of you off in different directions of engineering to see who could find it first. You were walking through a section of machinery, all still humming quietly, with lights blinking every few seconds, when you heard a muttered curse. 
Turning the corner, you spotted Leonard rubbing his toe as he glared down at a box of supplies. You laughed softly, and he looked up.
“You alright?”
“I’m fine. Just can’t see anything in this mess, even if I knew what I was looking for.”
“Want to search together?” you asked. “I can point out boxes of supplies to you.” He smiled weakly at you but nodded his head.
“Thank you.”
“Of course, anything for--”
“Do not call me Scrooge again,” he said, following you to another shelf of supplies.
“I wasn’t. I was just going to say you,” you said. Leonard kept your gaze for a moment longer than expected. “So, um, I think it might be in this mess here.”
“Mess is right,” Leonard said, jumping on the change of subject. “Who keeps their stuff like this?”
“Oh, that would be me.”
“Ah hell, Y/N, I’m so--”
“Don’t be,” you said, “I know how I work. Maybe if I kept my stuff more organized we all wouldn’t be stuck searching in the dark.”
“You don’t know it’s here,” Leonard said, “Besides, it’s nice.”
“What is?”
“Tonight. I’ve always wanted to have a pajama party with the crew.” You laughed and crouched down to check the lower shelf.
“Found it!” someone called. You looked towards the sound and your eyes locked with Leonard’s.
“Shall we?” he asked, holding out his hand. You took it and let him pull you to your feet. As the two of you walked back towards the group, he didn’t let go of your hand until you were in view of the crew.
“Keenser had it the whole time,” Nyota said, leading Spock and the alien in question into the gathered group. Everyone’s jaws fell open when they saw what Keenser was wearing.
“Where the hell did you get those?” Scotty asked, his face reddening with annoyance as Keenser walked up to the group with the missing piece and a matching pair of pajamas to Scotty’s.
“Scotty, please, it has been a long night,” Jim said.
“Right.” He took the piece from Keenser and within a few minutes, had the energy core back up. It hummed and started to rotate normally again.
“No power though?” Sulu asked.
“The core takes a little while to heat up,” you said, “Unless in emergency situations, the core should be given twenty minutes to return to proper functioning.”
“Why did this even happen in the first place?” Jim asked.
“We switched models last year,” Scotty said. “This one doesn’t need to be swapped every few months, except it wasn’t updated in the ship’s programming. The Enterprise turned it off as a security precaution.”
“So this won’t happen again?” 
“No, sir.”
“I’ll make sure the ship is updated first thing in the morning,” you said. Jim let out a sigh and nodded his head.
“Alright. Thank you all for your help. I’ll see you in the morning.”
The group made their way back up the stairs. Jim followed Chekov and Sulu onto their level, muttering something about getting a drink with Chekov. Nyota and Spock said their goodbyes at their level, until it was just you and Leonard.
“Thank you for helping us look,” you said. “Sorry Jim dragged you out of bed.”
“Don’t be,” Leonard said with a wave of his hand. “He usually finds a way to ruin my night one way or another.”
“Did you have plans tonight?”
“No. I intended to make some, but . . .”
“I sort of chickened out,” he said, looking at you with a smile. 
“What kind of plans? Not a different pajama party?”
“No,” he said with a laugh. “I wanted to ask someone out.”
“But it’s alright, I got to spend the night with them anyway.”
“Oh,” you said again, your eyes locking with his as he stopped in front of his door. 
“Not my idea of a first date,” he said, “But still an enjoyable evening.”
“I agree. So when are you going to get the courage to ask for a second date?”
“Right no--” He stopped talking when you were plunged into darkness, even the emergency lights going out. “What’s the matter now?”
“Nothing. When the core starts up, everything is shut down for two minutes.”
“Really? In that case . . .”
If anyone had been left out in the hall, when the lights came on, they would have found you and Leonard entangled in each other’s arms, in the middle of a hell of a kiss. You broke away with the lights and looked at him, breathless.
“So? A second date?” he asked.
“Yeah, yeah, I’d love to.”
“Me too. Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Leonard.”
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deersalad · 8 months
I Mean I'm Sick of Meaning, I Just Wanna Hold You
Tags: F/F, Mariner/T'Lyn, Mari'lyn, Fluff, Friendship, Star Trek, Lower Decks, Kinda Canon compliant, T4T Summary: What's a Vulcan to do with these feelings? Well T'Lyn is about to find out and Mariner is going to be very integral to this journey of self-discovery and deviation from Vulcan norms. "My objective was to be comedic and arouse you sexually, I believe I have succeeded on both counts." Mariner was trying to tamp down her laughter as T’Lyn’s monotone voice hit her like a wave breaking on rocks. She couldn't believe what she was hearing from T'Lyn, who was situated on the couch with her legs crossed in those black regulation star fleet pants - god how does she pull them off so well? But she focused her mind back on the situation at hand, T'Lyn had called her here because of a "peculiar situation" and Mariner could tell that she was acting unusual, she wasn’t meeting her eyes and kept tracing a seam in those form-fitting pants- god she needs to gets her mind of the gutter her friend could be in danger.
"Woah woah wait, is this like pon farr? God wow I've always been curious! But like not in a weird way! I just heard about when it happened to Spock and you know there's those rumors about him and Kirk and I mean back on Earth the humans who repress themselves the most tend to be the freakiest and oh my god I am going to shut up." Mariner closed her mouth and yet her eyes communicated more than enough as they quickly flashed a look from T'Lyn's eyes to her curves that were hugged by that Andorian-blue science officer shirt. She briefly thought of Jenifer but pushed that thought to the side, it wouldn't serve her here, this was an entirely different beast and she had to focus on helping her friend. Mariner mentally decided that the shirt was closer to warp core-blue anyways as T'Lyn began to speak and move imperceptibly closer to her on the couch in her room. 
"Well, not exactly. As it seems you are aware, pon farr occurs roughly every 8 years for a Vulcan of sexual maturity, and the symptoms can be quite debilitating and even fatal if not handled. But it is not yet time for my next cycle and I do not feel the regular effects… instead I am experiencing something pon farr-like." T'Lyn's eyes moved the smallest degree downwards and to the right to look at Mariner, who didn't notice. 
"Uh huh and you want me to take you to sick bay in case something happens or whatevs? Or like, do you want me to go on a daring adventure with you to find a hot Vulcan doctor who can diagnose you and or help you if this is pon farr?"
"Well, when I invited you here to my room I was not quite certain why I reached the conclusion that it would be most beneficial to call on your aid but now I… I believe I understand the logic I was operating on." T'Lyn again moved a quarter millimeter closer to Mariner who had a visible look of confusion. "Woah like did your Vulcan mind powers detect something special in me that you need?" Mariner said with a wry smile and small laugh before it was cut short by T'Lyn reaching her hand over and touching the very tips of her fingers for a moment. "Well, you are not wholly incorrect," she paused as a shudder passed through her from the hand to hand contact, "I do not believe this is related to my Vulcan nature but is rather a consequence or perhaps comorbidity of my heightened emotions and spontaneity.” T’Lyn placed both her hands in her lap in a futile attempt to stop her from yet again acting so impulsively. 
Mariner’s look of confusion was now tinged with worry as she looked on her friend who was clearly fighting some kind of inner turmoil, “hey sorry if my joke was off-color I know this is probably stressing you out and stuff, I can grab T’ana and bring her here if you’re worried about being around the other crew,” Mariner began to stand before being interrupted suddenly.
“No.” T’Lyn still wasn’t looking at Mariner as she let out that singular word that hung in the air.
Mariner waited for a followup and when she received none she decided to venture forth, “hey girl, are you like infected by a parasite or mind virus or something, you’ve just… look I noticed you touching my hand and even I know enough about Vulcans to know that’s way out of character. Usually you’re down to go to sickbay just to see all the weird places people get stabbed so you can record it or whatever, I remember you typing up a storm on Orion whenever someone, usually me, got impaled one way or another. Sorry, god, my mind’s all over the place and wait is this like that one time with the Betazoids? Do I need to give you a pep talk?”
T’Lyn gave a solemn shake of her head, “No, I have no reason to believe that my current status would be affecting your or anyone else’s emotional state. I can logically see why you would consider my behavior odd, the hand touch was an impulsive movement and I do apologize.” Mariner could not believe that she was still dodging around what was going on and why was she so feeling so fucking worked up? She wasn’t thinking straight, “Hey do you want me to get Boims? He knows everything about niche alien conditions, I can also grab Rutherford or Tendi, both of them are way smarter than me and frankly I still don’t see what logic brought you to asking me for help,” she let out a nervous laugh at the self-deprecation, what the fuck was this feeling? WHY WAS SHE THINKING SO MUCH ABOUT JENNIFER?
“No to both counts, I understand I am being vague and not sharing my lines of reasoning and for this I do apologize, I am just experiencing something I do not fully have the words for. I requested your help specifically and I know it was the correct decision. These past few days you have continuously been coming to mind in unrelated circumstances and thoughts, this initially troubled me as I was worried that I may have been psychically projecting onto you. But I had Dr. T’ana run a series of medical diagnostics and there were no abnormalities. Still I requested a copy of the scans she performed, particularly of my brain.” She paused as she felt her hands fighting her to reach out to Mariner, who was still standing. 
“Yeah ok all that makes sense and wow you and Tendi really have got to talk about medical shit sometime, but if all the scans were normal then what’s up?” Mariner was still confused and sat on the small coffee table across from T’Lyn, falling flat on her back as her legs hung over the side. She was feeling weird whenever she looked at T’Lyn and that certainly wasn’t helping the situation. 
“Well I pored over the documents and images and I could not find anything indicating illness, possession, psychic interference, strange energies, or any other possible source of imbalance. But I started to look at the areas of neural activity on the scan and the part that would be analogous to your hypothalamus was experiencing higher than usual levels of activation but not to such an extent as to alert the doctor…” T’Lyn said this in a way that made Mariner feel stupid for missing something. “And…?”
T’Lyn took a moment to respond, her hands were visibly shaking and Mariner was afraid she was about to cry, "and… well the hypothalamus is one of the oldest parts of the human brain in terms of evolutionary development and is integral to some of the most basic and instinctual parts of your psychology and biology. For us Vulcans it is much the same.” Again she paused completely, and at Mariner’s continued look of confusion and concern she decided to push onwards,  “Well, its function is to maintain the homeostasis of the human body via influence of hormones and the nervous system, it regulates many drives, including sleep, hunger, thirst-” 
God she was so fucking cute when she went on and on about all the things she knew but Mariner could tell she was stalling and she knew even the tiniest bit of time wasted could mean all the difference between life and death, “hey I’m sorry to interrupt but I have gotta get you moving along, I can tell you’re stalling and if you’re about to reveal to me that you’re going to explode, or liquefy, or turn into a slime in 5 hours or something then I would rather know that sooner than later, so what’s your hypowhatever got to do with this?” God she sounded like her mom, she didn’t want to be stern but she cared a lot about T’Lyn, she was a good friend and Mariner didn’t want anything to happen to her.
“That is what I was about to get to, in Vulcans our analogous section of the brain carries many of the same function but it also works to regulate pon farr, it operates much the same way as the hypothalamus regulating sexual drives but in a much more drastic manner that affects the totality of Vulcan biology. After looking at everything I determined that I seemingly experiencing an activation that is not on the scale of pon farr but is somehow related. I believe this is the reason for my strange and illogical thoughts and behavior and I feel that you may have a solution.” T’Lyn let her shoulders slouch the tiniest bit after getting all this out, as if she were relaxing after an intense exercise.
Mariner instantly shot up into a sitting position and looked at T'Lyn, “oh my god, T’Lyn, you’re not going to die, you’re just horny.” P.S.: So my partner and I watched the new episodes of season 4 and I made a one off joke that's the starting line of this fic and somehow that morphed into the both of us full on writing so here you go: All you Mari'lyn enjoyers I guess can eat up or whatever. I don't have an AO3 account but whenever I make one I'll upload this on there, this was actually a pretty fun writing exercise.
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