#spirk events
livelongandpinup · 15 days
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Come be part of our wildly popular Live Long And Pinup Reverse Bang! 
Art slots are full, but we are enthusiastically welcoming writers who love to put their favorite Captain and First Officer in Situations! 
That’s right - 36 incredible Star Trek artists have signed up to create Pinups for the Live Long and Pinup Reverse bang! We hoped it would be popular, but we’re still bowled over that all our art slots filled up in less than 2 days! 
Half our writer slots are taken, which means we need YOU to join us! Come write a fun story based around some incredible pinup art of Kirk and Spock! 
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In a Reverse Bang, the art comes first. When our talented artists have finished their work, the writers submit preferences and are matched up with an artist. From there, the writer and artist are welcome to collaborate about the story. It’s great fun! 
Pin-up art and fics will be posted in a collection on Ao3 and in an online Zine. The two calendars (one for Kirk and one for Spock) will be sold online at cost. (No fics will be in the calendars. Just pretty pretty pinup pictures.)
Click here for FAQs and sign-ups for this event!
NOTE: Event is 18+ only!
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it-spirk-to-me · 11 months
anyone know of some spirk fic events that take aos fic??? i was looking to see if spirktober2023 is up or not but blair doesn't seem to be running it this year.
i managed to actually do it last year(i still don't know how to share fics on this site anymore) and would to get started on that or any event. send help
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snek-of-eden · 20 days
so I’m rewatching Patterns of Force with my grandfather and had to stop on this scene because I just noticed that while they’re taking pictures of the girl, Spock has his hand rested on Jim’s back and shoulder and ugh. they’re adorable.
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wipbigbang · 1 month
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The 2024 round of WIP Big Bang is now open for sign-ups! Any fandom is welcome, as long as the fic is 500 completed so far and will be at least 7,500 words upon its finishing. Signing up is easy: just fill out the form linked below after you read the FAQ and take a look at the schedule.
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arttsuka · 8 months
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Day 13
Someone has a crush
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hanukkahbingo · 7 months
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Panfandom Hanukkah Bingo
WHAT: A fanworks bingo celebrating Jewish (and Jew-ish) characters across any and all fandoms. Write fanfiction and/or create graphics (moodboards, edits, vids, whatever you like) to fill prompts on this overall bingo card. During the 8 nights of Hanukkah, submit your fills to the AO3 collection and/or post them on Tumblr to be reblogged and added to the Bingo Masterpost.
WHY: Jewish characters and Jewish fans are often overlooked or erased during the Winter Holiday Season in favor of “Secret Santa” exchanges, Christmas-themed fics, and the idea that ~Hanukkah is Jewish Christmas~ (which spoiler for all fics in this bingo: it’s not). This panfandom Bingo challenge is to celebrate Hanukkah on its own terms and give Jewish characters and fans a place to breathe. :)
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lesbospirk · 7 months
I think its funny how people call spirk queerbaiting. Like Amok Time came out in 1967, we were just getting out of the hays code era. You could be arrested for being gay, homosexuality would remain in the dsm as a mental illness for six more years when this episode released. There was no one to queerbait lmao. It was genuine, full bodied, accidental homoeroticism. Idk I just think Spirk should not be known as a queerbait couple, it was truly just guys being dudes staring lovingly at eachother while also being t'hy'la. Which sounds like queerbait but I promise it is actually A secret third thing that is neither and both at the same time.
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steakout-05 · 2 months
Barry, Craig and Brains as a trio would literally be just like Kirk, Spock and Bones. like. that is them. that is literally them. no i am not elaborating further
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nerdygayheretoday · 2 years
No I would never download twitter for the sole purpose of voting for spirk in the damn poll. I would never do that
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livelongandpinup · 19 days
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Great googly moogly! It’s been less than a day and Live Long and Pinup already has 17 artists signed up! There are a max of 24 slots available for the print calendar, on a first come, first served basis. 
If you want to contribute calendar art to the Live Long and Pinup reverse bang, get your applications in now! 
The good news is you can still be in the Zine! 
There is so much enthusiasm for this event that it’s going to end in:
2 physical Pinup calendars (one Spock, one Kirk) you can purchase at cost
An AO3 Collection of Pinup art and accompanying stories
An online Zine of Pinup art and accompanying stories
When we started this, half the mods thought gosh, I sure hope we’ll be able to recruit enough artists to fill one whole calendar! The other half said we’d be full in a week. It turns out we’re both wrong. The calendar is going to fill up in less than two days. 
The mod team is PSYCHED! We can’t wait to see so much scrumptious Spirk pinup art! 
So far we have eight, which is a great start for this Reverse Bang. We’re still very much looking for writers to join the event. The artists are super enthusiastic! You’ll have a blast working with them. As a reminder, the minimum word count is only 2000 and there’s no Max. This is a fun, lighthearted event. Come join us! 
Click here for FAQs and sign-ups for this event!
Click here for the event schedule
NOTE: Event is 18+ only!
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it-spirk-to-me · 11 months
very related to the last lupo rambles post but- if I *made* a spirktober2023 list, who all wants it? and who all has suggestions for a background for it to make it all nice looking
thinking about finding maybe last year's/this year's kinktober prompt list for a starting point for like ideas and finding previous years spirktober lists.
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i'm actually not going to surivive all these trek aos/snw comparisons
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wipbigbang · 2 years
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Round One Of The Artist’s Claims Are Up!
We have 121 exciting stories looking for artists to claim them. In round one, you can claim two separate fics to make art for (just fill out the form twice with two unique user IDs if you want two stories). Stories are on a first come, first serve basis so hurry up and get a story while you can!
List of Stories | Claim Form
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merlyn-bane · 1 year
Year of the OTP Prompt Event - 2023
January - First Kiss, Mission Fic, Fake Dating/Marriage
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
The Enterprise crew are sent to negotiate a new planet joining the Federation. Unfortunately for the Captain and First Officer, the people of Ektros IV don’t consider unattached individuals to be full-fledged adults and will not meet with Jim at the negotiation table unless he can prove his marital status.
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favvn · 2 months
In Amok Time, Spock says, "Captain, lock me away. I do not wish to be seen." And Kirk responds, "I'm trying to help you, Spock." And it's revealed he's taking Spock to Sickbay.
But, in the previous episode Operation: Annihilate, Spock breaks out of Sickbay only to be sedated, brought back, and restrained. Locked away, if you will. And it leads to Spock's, "Let me help," offering himself up as both possible sacrifice and test subject.
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But! In the episode before that, The City on the Edge of Forever, we get the iconic exchange of:
Edith Keeler: Whatever it is, let me help.
Kirk: "Let me help." A hundred years or so from now, I believe, a famous novelist will write a classic using that theme. He'll recommend those three words even over "I love you."
Funny how certain phrases and events parallel or cycle back around between consecutive (by air date, not production code) episodes. Interesting. Fascinating, even. (I am fully aware of the caveat that my brain is seeking out patterns, I am lost in the Spirk sauce/soup/brainrot/whatever, etc.)
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People on this website really trying to downplay the specific role of destiel in the events of November 5th 2020 ‘it could have been any other ship that went canon at that time and had the same effect’ no.
Nothing else is destiel.
Nothing else is 12 years and hundreds of episodes of extremely obvious and deliberate queerbaiting that was Vehemently denied by the production team. Nothing else is the ship about characters whose larger overarching plot is literally fighting against their own pre-determined narrative to attain free will. Nothing else proved in the 11th hour Just before the show ended that the meta narrative and queer reading by fans who insisted there was something there and who were constantly called crazy by the production and by other fans and by the rest of the internet were RIGHT.
The CW did market research! About whether to make it canon! In a show they always pretended was aimed primarily at middle (conservative) America!!!
The queer subtext was so Fucking Strong by the end of the show, because the writers constantly wrote themselves into corners that could Only be explained away by destiel, that they HAD to admit defeat and canonize it.
And THEN even after they made it canon, they denied it some more and tried to downplay it! But it happened! The angel is fucking gay!!!!
Destiel is THE great American queerbait and had been a staple of the culture of this site for over a decade before November 5 2020. There is a REASON it is the most popular ship on AO3. ‘The same thing would have happened if johnlock became canon or spirk or whatever else’ no it simply would not have because crucially CRUCIALLY those ships Never Became Canon! The fact that Destiel of all the popular queerbait slash ships of the past few decades somehow at long last DID, and in a way that Still refused to just let the shippers have it and allow any implication of full reciprocation and that the final two episodes and the entire cast absolutely refused to acknowledge in any way, is why the canonization of destiel is one of the wildest things to happen to fandom culture as a whole in recent memory, and you cannot theoretically remove the destiel of it all and have it be the same kind of event.
The reason november 5 happened like it did, why people started making jokes at all, is because the fandom cultural juggernaut that is destiel becoming canon is the only thing that could have possibly managed to trend above the U.S. election. BECAUSE it’s destiel.
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