#stark!daughter x steve rogers
ladylokilaufeyson5 · 1 year
Pietro Maximoff x fem!reader
Warnings: swearing, mentions of stabbing and bullying (all jokingly)
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i’ve been reading so many avatar smau’s so i decided to make an avengers one. should i continue?
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inlovewhithafairytale · 2 months
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POV: Y/N Stark...
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imtryingbuck · 9 months
I'm sorry
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
I’m sorry.
Summary: Readers the daughter of Tony Stark.
Word count: 1091
Warning: Angst, I’m sorry. Tony’s not a good dad – again im sorry. Death.
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Being the product of a one night stand was something I was always embarrassed about. It was one night, one night he spent with a woman he barely knew or remembered the name of and nine months later I was born. When I was 6 my mum married a man who after a year gave her the ultimatum, me or him. She chose him so I had to go and live with a man I met a couple of times. I loved it at first but slowly became numb to living with him. Being the daughter of Tony Starks greatest mistake was bittersweet.
“For God sake Y/N stop asking! You know I won’t be able to. I’m busy”
“I-Im sor-“
“Get out!”
“Tony don’t shout please I’ve got a headache”
“Sorry Pep”
I ran back to my room with tears rolling down my cheeks. All I wanted was him to come to my school to watch the play I was in.
“Dad can-“ 
“Not now pumpkin I’m busy with Pepper”
“No Y/N this is important. Go and bother Nat or Wanda”
Dejected I went back to my room to blow out the candles neatly placed on my own birthday cake I had made.
“H-hi dad I was wondering if you could come to my class to tal-?”
“I can’t pumpkin I’m going to be busy”
“O-oh okay”
“Dad can you come to my lacrosse game next week? I’ll be starting”
“Of course pumpkin, wouldn’t miss it”
The night of the game I was ecstatic, at the start of the game he hadn’t arrived but put it down to him finding somewhere to park. I’d won the final goal, I wasn’t even bothered by my teams’ reactions, I just wanted to see my dad’s. Turns out he was busy having dinner with the team.
I gave up trying to get my dads attention after that.
Pacing the hallway of his office I gathered all the courage I could muster to raise my hand and knock on the door. 
“Come in”
“Hi dad I was just wondering if me and you could go to this new restaurant in town, and well you see I need to talk to you about something important” I rushed out before he could interrupt which is something he loves to do with me.
“Slow down pumpkin, when?” He chuckles.
“Tonight, if possible?”
“Of course darling”
“O-oh okay meet you outside common room at 6?”
“I’ll be there”
For the rest of the day I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. I cleaned my room, showed and got dressed. I made my way to the common room where I came to a halt.
“Going out with the family to have a lovely dinner at the new restaurant in town” Tony’s face was bright as he looked at Pepper, Peter and Morgan. 
I was standing there watching them go into the elevator, frozen. I could feel eyes on me and that’s when I looked to see the Avengers looking at me with pity in their eyes. Before anyone could say anything, I turned on my heels and walked back to my room. I’m ashamed to admit I cried.
Months had gone by with little to no interaction with my father, the times we did talk it was awkward and uncomfortable for the both of us.
“-I’m really sorry Miss Stark-“ the doctors lips continued to move but it felt like I was under water and his words were muffled, I simply nodded along. Scrambling out of the chair I made a beeline towards the entrance of the hospital desperately needing fresh air. I tried ringing my dad but to no surprise he didn’t answer.
Numbly walking back to the tower, the realisation of how alone I truly was hit hard. And with the truth swarming around my head, I just couldn’t hold the tears at bay anymore. Maybe an hour had past when I finally wiped my tears and continued the walk back home.
There were screams of joy and excitement when I arrived, ‘happy birthday’ banners and balloons surrounded every corner of the place. Since I hasn’t even been invited to Morgan’s birthday party I headed straight to my room as soon as I hit the bed I was out like a light.
The following week past in a blur but for everyone around me they didn’t see anything different about me. Surprisingly it was Tony that realised something wasn’t quite right.
“What’s going on with you Y/N? You’ve been walking around this place like a zombie” 
“Why do you care?”
“What do you mean? I’m your dad”
I couldn’t help the roll my eyes did. “Sure”
“Don’t talk to me like tha-“
“I’m dying dad, got a few weeks left in me so just please continue to leave me alone.” The whole room had fallen silence at my confession. I couldn’t stand looking at my dad opening and closing his mouth like a goddam fish, so I turned around and walked straight out.
“Tony, Tony we found her! Hurry up” Steve was panting whilst trying to get Tony off the floor. 
The jet hovered just inches off the moss-covered ground when Tony opened the door and leapt out. He ran straight to the cabin that once belonged to his father. Knocking the door down he searched the small home for his daughter, when he came to the closed bedroom door his heart hammering in his chest, his hands trembled with every breath. The team stood behind slightly to the right of him all wearing the same expression. Nervous with a slight look of hope.
The creak of the hinges revealed his oldest daughter laying in the bed. Tony was never a religious man but in that moment, he was begging to God that his baby girl was just asleep as he took tiny steps towards the bed. 
The team waited with bated breath for Tony and you to emerge from the room. That was until they heard the heartbreaking cries and pleading from a broken man. They bowed their heads and wept.
It had been hours since Tony had found you, he held you close to his chest crying and begging you to wake up. “I’m so sorry I f-failed you my pump-pkin, please come back! I’m sorry. Please. I love you. I’m sorry I let you down time and time again my pumpkin”
Tony’s life was never the same after the loss of his greatest accomplishment.
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~ banners credit goes to @sweetpeapod ~
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literaryavenger · 2 months
Tony during a team dinner trying to make a point while talking about Y/N and Peter: I'd like to point out I raised two fully functional children.
Steve, shocked: You have two kids we don't know about??
Tony: Come on, they're good people.
*Meanwhile Y/N and Peter across the table*
Y/N to Peter: Can you pass me a napkin?
Peter: Is milady's arm broken?
Y/N: Yours is about to be.
Peter: Move!
Y/N: You have room!
Peter: No, move out! You're 40!
Y/N: *gasps*
The team after watching Y/N and Peter throw each other pieces of food like children: *They look back at Tony with raised eyebrows*
Tony: Don't look at me, it's Pepper's fault. I was barely around!
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natashaslesbian · 20 days
Nats daughter is going on her first mission and it doesn't go well. She's hurt and lost somewhere until Nat finds her and brings her back home
Send Out An Army
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Word Count: 1.4K
Natasha was beside herself with worry. Her one and only baby girl off on her first solo mission. You’d been arguing with her for weeks, trying to convince her you were ready. It was only natural that she was worried but you had gone through the academy training just like everyone else. Natasha finally agreed to let you go when she sat in on your training session with Steve and you managed to knock him on his ass three times. You left a few hours ago and so far Nat had tried training, reading and even resorted to doing her paperwork to keep her distracted. She was in her office now, trying her best to keep her eyes off the clock.
It was quiet in Natasha’s office, so the sound of her mobile ringing took her by surprise. An unknown number appeared on the screen so Nat was skeptical about answering. She brought the phone up to her ear whispering a hello and listening to the crackle coming from the other end. “Hello?” Natasha asked again, being met with the same silence. She was about to hang up when a small voice called through “mama?” It whispered. “Y/n?” Natasha said, pulling the phone back up to her ear “baby are you okay?” She asked with a panicked voice. “Hurts mommy” you mumbled “what hurts baby? What’s happened where are you?” Natasha frantically asked as she made her way to find Tony and the rest of the team. “Lost” you coughed through the phone.
Natasha came bounding down the stairs where she met Clint and Steve in the kitchen. “Natasha?” Clint said, seeing the fear in his best friends eyes. “Y/n baby talk to me, where are you? What hurts?” The redhead said as she dragged the boys down the hall with her. “I don’t know mama” you cried as Natasha switched her phone to loud speaker “baby have you activated your tracker?” Your mom asked as Clint filled Tony in best he could of the situation. “Lost it. I’m scared mommy” you mumbled. “It’s alright sweetie we’re gonna find you I promise” Natasha cooed down the phone. “Stark where is she?” Steve asked as he joined Tony at the computers. “I’m not sure, somewhere in Bulgaria” he said. “How can you not know where?” Steve said frantically “it’s not standard procedure only Fury knows the exact location” Tony said, trying his best to hack into S.H.I.E.L.Ds files as quickly as possible. “Then call Fury!” Clint shouted.
You began coughing loudly over the phone “mommy” you cried. “It’s okay baby girl take some deep breaths for me alright we’re gonna find you” Natasha said as calmly as she could. Tony continued to scan the files as Steve headed off to gather the rest of the team and prepare the quinjet. “Mm tired” you said through the phone “y/n I need you to stay awake for me okay sweetheart” Natasha said, fighting back her tears. “Y/n?” She questioned when you failed to answer her “y/b baby talk to me” she pleaded. “Tony find her now!” Clint shouted, taking the phone from Nats hand “y/n its uncle Clint, can you tell me where you are? What’s around you bug?” He asked, pleading for you to respond. The silence was deafening as the three waited desperately for your voice to come back through the phone. “She’s in Yambol!” Tony cheered as he finally cracked your location “okay Steve’s on the jet let’s go” Clint said. “She’s dead I know she is” Natasha cried “hey don’t go there yet, we’re gonna find her” Clint comforted as he guided the redhead to the jet.
It felt like weeks you had been lying in the grass, the sharp pain had long ago turned into a dull ache and you were struggling to keep your eyes open. Your cries fell into the open space and you fought to keep your breath, the warm pool of blood being the only thing keeping away the cold. “Mom” you whined into the empty space, pleading for your mother to come and find you. You held on for as long as you could until your eyes finally fluttered closed. In your last consciousness your ears began to ring, sounding like a small crunch of leaves along the ground. Your mind started playing tricks on you, the sound of your mom calling echoing through your head.
Your shoulders began to shake and a soft hand against your cheek pulled you back into reality. “Y/n come on open your eyes baby” a familiar voice called. “Mommy?” You mumbled as you pealed open your eyes “I’m here sweetie, mamas got you” Natasha cooed as she lent over you protectively. “You found me” you smiled up at your mom “yeah we did baby” Nat said as she gently stroked your hair “we?” You sleepily asked. “Hey kid” Clint said as he came to your side and began tending to the open wound on your abdomen “we’re gonna get you home alright” he said. You groaned as your uncle pressed down on your injury, quietly crying out in pain. “Shhh sweet girl it’s ok, you’re okay now” Natasha comforted you “thought I was gonna die mama” you weakly said.
Natasha lent her body down beside yours to give you a tight hug, avoiding your wound “oh my baby I’m so sorry” she said. “I should never have let you come this is all my fault” your mom cried. You slowly reached up your hand to wipe away your mamas tears “no mommy” you whispered “you saved me” Natasha took your hand in hers and gently kissed it. You cried out again as Clint pressed down on your abdomen “sorry kiddo” he empathised “so tired” you groaned, eyelids fluttering closed “no no come on sweetie keep your eyes open for us ok” Natasha pleaded “you’re gonna be alright baby we’re gonna get you home” your mom cooed. You tried to keep your eyes open but being back in your mamas arms you couldn’t help but bask in her comfort. Before long you lost the battle, falling into unconsciousness. “we need to get her to the jet” Clint said to Natasha.
You felt a gentle scratch along your scalp as you began to wake up, unsure of where you were and almost who you were, until you opened your eyes. “Hey baby girl” Natasha said as she rose to her feet by your side. Her red hair was messy with loose pieces falling by her face, the bags under her eyes were a give away as to how long you had been out. “Mommy” you croaked out “you look tired” you said. Natasha let out a small laugh as a stray tear fell from her eye “oh y/n, I’m okay I promise, you’re the one who needs looking after right now” she said “we look after each other mama” you smiled, attempting to sit up but stopping as a sharp pain shot through your abdomen, reminding you off why you were in the infirmary. You sighed loudly as Natasha softly took a hold of you “easy baby, just lie back ok” she said as she helped you to lay back down “you get some rest ok, we’ll talk later when you’re properly awake” your mom said as she placed a soft kiss on your forehead.
It was a few hours later when you woke up again, your mom still sitting by your side. “There’s my girl” Natasha said “look who’s here to see you” she said as she pointed to the man on the other side of your bed. “Uncle Clint” you smiled “thanks…for what you did” you said sadly “hey none of that” Clint said as he saw your eyes well up “don’t you dare go blaming yourself kiddo, missions go wrong, whatever happened wasn’t your fault” he said. “It was” you cried “what did happen sweetie?” Your mom asked. “The brief said the facility was abandoned, but when I got there it was crawling with agents” you began, your mom placed a comforting hand over your own. “I set off the alarm trying to get in through the back door, I tried to get away and I thought I’d managed but when I stopped in the woods an agent came up behind me. I didn’t think he had any weapons so I fought him without mine but he pulled out a knife. I fell down when he cut me and I thought he was gonna kill me but they called him back to the facility” you sobbed.
Natasha felt the anger rise in her chest “the brief was wrong?” She asked “imma kill Fury” she said, answering her own question. “Mommy don’t go” you called after her as she headed for the door. “I’ll go, you stay here” Clint said as he guided Natasha back over to your bed “you’re not as scary as me” she giggled as she sat back down with you “no” Clint said “but the least I can do is warn Fury of angry mama Nat” he said as he pulled the door closed. Your mom turned her full attention back to you as she sat next to you on the bed “I’m here baby girl” she cooed “it wasn’t your fault ok” she said as she brushed your hair away from your face. You dropped your gaze, still feeling guilty despite what Natasha said. “Hey” your mom said as she lifted up your chin “I am so proud of you” she said “why? I failed” you whimpered. “I’m not talking about the mission, I’m proud of you y/n” Natasha said, leaving a soft kiss on your hairline.
“How did you find me?” You sleepily asked “Tony hacked into S.H.I.E.L.Ds data base” Natasha said. “He did?” You questioned “yeah he did” Nat answered “everyone was so worried “I’ve never seen Bruce move so fast” your mom giggled. You let out a small laugh at the thought. “I didn’t think they’d all come” you said “I knew you’d find me mama but I didn’t think everyone else would come to get me” you mumbled, almost falling asleep again. “They’re your family baby, of course they’d come” your mom cooed “you know they care about you right?” Natasha asked “I know” you smiled up at her “you’ve got a whole army of love and protection behind you y/n, don’t ever forget that” Nat said as she tucked you up in your baby blanket, she made sure you had it the second the team brought you to the medical bay. “Rest up okay baby” your mom cooed. “Can you read to me mommy? Please?” You asked with half closed eyes. “You never have to ask twice sweetie” Natasha said as she pulled your book from her bag, another essential she’d grabbed along with your blanket. Her soft voice lulled you into a comfortable and deep sleep. The deepness with which she spoke her words causing a gentle hum throughout the room. Your mom continued to read long after you had fallen asleep, comforting both you and herself.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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lilylovelyxo · 1 year
*Arguing heard in Avengers Tower*
Bruce: (gasps) “Uh-oh.”
Steve: “Ouch…”
Pepper: “Oh, god.”
Dad Tony: “Don’t you talk to me that way, Miss Smart Mouth! You just bought yourself a ticket to your room.”
Y/N: “Oh, fine. Best money I ever spent! You can’t ruin anything in there.”
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chloe-skywalker · 3 months
Both Lost Something - Peter Parker
Peter Parker x Fem!reader Stark
Warnings: mention of Tony’s death
Word count: 483
Summary: Peter & Y/n comforting each other after Tony’s death.
Avengers Masterlist
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“Are they going to be okay?” Sam asked out loud to the people around them as they all turned to look where Sam was looking. And there by the lake were the two teen’s most affected by Tony’s death.
“I sure hope so.” Steve sighed sadly as they watched Y/n and Peter from afar.
“At least they can lean on each other.” Bucky pointed out. He felt really bad for Y/n. She was always kind to him and while he was gone due to the snap Y/n had.
“He lost his mentor and she lot her father. Granted for the first 8 years of her life Tony was pretty absent. But once he became Iron Man he was there for her as much as he could be. Even canceling things to spend time with her.” Pepper told them with a watery smile as she watched the girl that became like a daughter to her.
“Peter lost his parents young. Then was moved into the custody of May and his uncle. But not long after his uncle passed. Tony was more than a mentor to him.” Happy added with a tight sad smile.
Sam shook his head, running a hand down his face. “These kids have been through enough.”
“Agreed.” Bucky nodded and it shocked Sam and Bucky that they agreed on something. Shocked the other’s as well, but not as much as normal considering the topic and they all knew Y/n was pretty close to Bucky. And they could all agree with Sam.
Over by the water down at the edge of the lake. Y/n and Peter stood together looking out towards the water. It was peaceful.
“I’m sorry, Peter.” Y/n said to him as she leant her head on his shoulder. Y/n knew her dad meant more to Peter than just a friend or mentor. So she knew it had to be hard for him.
“I’m sorry too, Y/n. He was your father.” Peter spoke, wrapping his arm around her shoulders to comfort her.
“He acted like one to you as well.” She squeezed his hand and nuzzled her head into his neck. “At least you knew the best version of him.” 
Peter grimaces a little. “I guess it sucks that he wasn’t always so close to you huh?”
Y/n nodded with a sad smile on her lips. “Yeah, it did. But he more than made up for it.”
Peter smiled at that. Knowing how good the father and daughter relationship had gotten over the years.
“I believe he loved you more than anything. You and Morgan.” Peter pointed out while placing a kiss on her temple.
“Me too. And I think you can include yourself in that as well. He saw you as a son.” Y/n sighs contently. They both turned their heads to look at each other with small smiles.
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @starkleila
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she's in good hands// t.s, s.r
pairing: steve rogers x reader (romantic), tony tark x daughter!reader (platonic)
warnings: tony being a bit of a douche to steve, tooth rotting happy relationships
summary: tony was very protective of everyone he cared about but his daughter meant the most to him out of anyone so when he has to face the music that shes growing up he finds it hard to accept especially when it comes to boys but not just any boy captain america
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*gif not mine*
Y/N swore she could never love anyone as much as she loved her dad, he was the only man she needed in her life. The two were peas in a pod, they were best friends and after Y/N got her heart broken who was there to pick up the pieces? Her dad.
Everyone swore Tony wouldn't be a present father, that he would send his child off the first chance he got. Just like his parents did to him. But Tony used that to be better, he became the worlds best dad at least in Y/N's eyes and to him that's all that mattered.
When the avengers were formed they all was told to keep their hands to themselves when it came to Y/N. No one risked to see where the line was because Tony had never been so passionate about something in his life. His little girl (although she is now 24, she will always be the little girl he used to play tea parties with and dress up with her like princesses) was his world, she saved him when he lost his parents, she gave him a reason to keep going and he will always protect her.
What Tony wasn't prepared for was her getting to the age where she was interested in boys and becoming more curious about them and her feelings. She didn't have a mother figure in life really other than Pepper then eventually Nat became an auntie/ older sister to her, so it was down to him to teach her everything and it was the first time Pepper had seen Tony unsure of himself.
Y/N went through her fair share of rough relationships, the worst being a three year relationship that ended with her being cheated on. Tony was furious seeing his girl crying over someone. She swore to him she was done with men, that he was the only man for her, the only one she needed. She was happy being single and free. That was until 2011 when she met Steve Rogers.
Y/N and Steve both agreed to keep the relationship a secret to start with so the two could find their footing without the whole world watching their every move. And also so they could work out how to tell Tony without putting him or Steve into an early grave.
"Hey, how would you feel about telling my dad about us?" Y/N said looking up at Steve who had his arm draped over her shoulder as they cuddled into the sofa.
"As long as you want to I'll do whatever you want sweetheart you know that" Steve says.
"I know I'm just nervous"
"I know you are but we love each other right?"
"So your dad will see that and how he hasn't noticed yet I don't know but we will show him that I'm not like the others" Steve says placing a kiss onto Y/N's forehead.
It was a few hours later and Jarvis had made Y/N and Steve aware Tony was back from his mission with Nat and Clint. Everyone meet in the living room to welcome the three back when Tony looked up at his daughter suspiciously.
"Why are you being weird?" Tony says bluntly.
"Wow nice to see you too dad"
"Honey you know what I mean, your quiet and your not as happy to see me" "I just need to talk to you when you get a minute"
"You can talk to me whenever you need, I'm your dad"
"In private please?"
Tony and Y/N walk to her bedroom, Steve following behind sneakily to be there for Y/N.
"What's going on kiddo"
"I'm just going to come out and say it" Y/N says running a finger through her hair "I'm dating Steve"
"As in Captain America?"
"No Steve from down the road, yes Captain America"
Steve takes this a time to walk through the door and wraps his hand over Y/N's.
"No" Tony says quickly
"No?" Steve says "What do you mean no?"
"I mean nope, not happening, over my dead body. How else do you want me to say it, I can say it in another language if that helps you Cap"
"Dad, I wasn't asking you if I can, I'm telling you because I don't want to hide him. I want to hold his hand or sit next to him on the sofa without having too worry someone will catch on. I want you to be able to accept that I'm not your little girl anymore I've grown up" Y/N says getting more annoyed at her dad.
Seeing how passionate his daughter is makes him realise she loves Steve, not in the same way she loves Tony but the way he loves Pepper. It made him realise he will always be the man who taught her what to expect from men, to not accept anything less than 100%. Steve however he showed her what 100% is, he showed her the meaning of true love. He chose her and he would risk everything to make sure she knew how much she loved him.
Tony looked between the two of them "Rogers promise me something?"
"Yeah Tony?" Steve says unsure of what he's signing up for.
"Promise me you'll look after my girl, she's my world and if you hurt her I will not be held responsible for what happens"
"I promise, I will always protect her and I will always do what's right by her" Steve says looking down at Y/N lovingly, pressing a quick kiss to her lips.
"Just because I know your together doesn't mean the PDA can come out thank you very much" Tony says as he leaves Y/N's bedroom shacking his head.
That evening Y/N is cuddled back up to Steve on the sofa dozing off slightly as the Avengers all have a movie night which was tradition when someone came back from a mission.
"Tony I'm surprised you haven't blasted Steve to another planet for touching Y/N" Nat says looking over at the two.
"Nope, she's in good hands and I'm okay with that" Tony says as he watches Steve admire his girl sleeping.
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mymelodymia · 10 months
Oh!! Oh!!! How about the Avengers meeting Tony’s kid for the first time? Maybe she isn’t that old yet (youngling, pre-teen maybe?) and they’re all like how can this be Tony’s kid (in a good way)? But then she starts getting sassy and cocky like her Dad, and they’re like, nevermind
I fantasize about this kinda stuff happening constantly LMAO
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Summary: your a young stark, but already act exactly like your father.
Warnings: Y/N being sarcastic, Y/N being a little mean, slight mention of tony being a dumbass 🙄
A/N: I honestly loved this request so much, and to all the other people who requested, it might take me a minute to get to some of them, but I'll try to be fast with it <3
You were around 11 when new york went down, and 12 when the Malibu house said bye-bye, and now you live at the tower, your father tony, knew you weren't so good with new people. So him being the dumbass he is, introduced you to everyone at the same time, oof.
He made sure that everyone knew at the same time and that if they step out of line, they'd have it coming for them. You were used to tonys overprotective-ness but he really just wanted you to be protected and feel safe,
"So this is my daughter Y/N" and then he went on and on for like 2 minutes straight taking bout "you even look at her the wrong way you wil-"
"Dad, i think they get it." You looked quite shy and quiet, (you weren't) It was around 7 when you all ate dinner together, you had met nat before (the whole natalie rushman thing) but you didn't know her personally, yet.
You went to your room after dinner, and turned on whatever movie you saw first, tangled, you and your dad LOVED disney movies, it had become a tradition to have a Disney movie marathon at least once a week, it had been about 30 minutes of you being in your room there was a knock at your door,
"Come in" you said flatly not taking your eyes of the screen, tony poked his head through the door and spoke up
"Y/N/N" he said walking deeper into the dark room
"Hmm" you hummed waiting for him to continue,
"Sorry i put you on the spot like that earlier, i know you aren't good with new people" he said with slight guilt in his eyes, coming toward you, sitting down on the bed,
"It's fine, i always knew you didn't love me..."
"What?? I never said that i..."
"I know :')" you said laying back, your father putting his arm around you before you could. You snuggled into him, your head resting softly on his shoulder, continuing to watch your movie, with your dad this time <3
Eventually you fell into a deep slumber, your chest rising and falling continuously, tony putting a blanket over you two, when the movie ended he looked down at you, sleeping peacefully against his shoulder.
He tried to slip his arm out from under you, this made you stir from your slumber, he tried this continuously for about 10 minutes, you holding onto him tighter each time he did. Eventually he gave up and got comfortable, he was clearly sleeping there.
The next morning you woke up at around 9:27 exactly. Hopping out of bed, you walked into your bathroom, did your business, grabbed your book and walked downstairs to be greeted by the sweet sweet smell of omelets, you walked into the kitchen and saw Steve cooking, everyone else was sitting in the living room or at the dining table.
"Hi steve" you said walking by, smiling and waving to him.
"Morning Y/N" he replied just as tony walked in, heading straight to the coffee ☕️ but when his eyes fell on you, he wrapped you in a hug,
"Hey baby, how'd you sleep?"
"Fine even though there was a peasant in my bed" you said sarcastically, smiling up at your father, your chin resting on his arc reactor, in that moment everyone turned their heads to you, having not expected that, since you had seemed so shy and quiet the night before.
A few minutes later, you made another comment, after Steve had finished eating breakfast, you looked up at him and sighed,
"Steve stop thinking you're ugly" you said with (fake) sympathy,
"I mean, you are ugly, but dont think about it.."
tony was cackling in the back as you walked away.
you were ranting about sm stupid, doing the classic tony walk, (you know the one where he has his chest puffed out and his lower back arched and one of his hands floating in the air using a whole bunch of hand gestures)
Everyone just staring at you, realizing how wrong they were when they thought you were shy and quiet. Your father was smirking at this. When you realized they were staring, you paused
"Why are you looking at me like that" not even realizing how out of breath you were from your ranting
"You really are a mini tony" Natasha spoke up, eyebrows raised. Tony laughed at this and made a comment, showing where you get it.
"Told you, keep going Y/N/N"
*title is mini stark*
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eviesaurusrex · 2 years
“ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴜɴᴅᴇʀꜱᴛᴀɴᴅ?” | ᴛ. ꜱᴛᴀʀᴋ | ꜱ. ʀᴏɢᴇʀꜱ
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GIFs not mine!
Tony Stark x Enhanced Daughter!Reader; Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader
summary: The Sokovia Accords are on the table—and her father fully on Team Accords.
word count:
warnings: protective!Steve, angst, swearing, hurt, tears, a bit of fluff in the end
author’s note: I don’t know where this came from. Maybe from a post on my feed, talking about the Accords. And maybe because I rewatched Civil War not too lang ago.
“The past four years, you’ve operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That’s an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate—but I think we have a solution.”
Ever since Ross had spoken those words and Tony had been awfully quiet in his chair far off the team, something very cold had settled in her body. She couldn’t shake off the feeling that something would go terribly wrong as soon as those pages had hit the glass table in the conference room—the name alone made her nauseous. One look at Wanda and YN had known that the woman felt similar, pushing the booklet over the table, away from her; passing this monstrosity around so that everyone could take a glimpse into a future non of them ever wished for.
Well, except for her father, apparently.
YN knew Tony Stark like the back of her hand, so she immediately knew something was off with him. The suspicion was corroborated as he had lifted his gaze from his hands and the ground, glancing over at her, and he wasn’t able to mask the guilt in his eyes entirely. Not for her, at least. She could read him like no other person in her life, not even Steve, after four years of teamwork and two years into a loving relationship.
Now, she stood in the lounge, Ross long gone, the Accords resting in the hands of her boyfriend, blonde brows deeply furrowed. She had her arms crossed in front of her chest and had taken a relatively wide stance right in Steve’s back, gazing over his shoulder and skipping through the paragraphs. YN didn’t need to read every single word to know and understand the overall notion and meaning behind the wording.
She had studied law at Harvard—she still knew her tea, even though her studies seemed as if they were part of another life.
“This is bullshit,” the Stark mumbled under her breath, shaking her head so slightly one could miss the movement entirely. Steve’s super soldier hearing picked up on it anyway, and he hummed in agreement, not turning around and continuing to flip through the many pages of regulations. “This isn’t what we stand for. That’s the opposite,” he added with a low voice so she was the only one who could hear the words. YN sighed and unfolded her arms, taking hold of one of his broad shoulders and gripping onto it as if her life depended on it.
Steve felt the discomfort—the fear—through her touch, so one hand traveled upwards to cover hers with his. He gently squeezed her fingers and could hear how she took a deep breath to slow down her rising heartbeat. But it wouldn’t work as usual, and Steve let the Accords drop to the coffee table to rise from his seat and pull her into his strong, protective hold. He wrapped her in his warmth, pulled the smaller woman into his chest, and leaned his cheek on the crown of her head; closing his eyes at the feeling of her arms locking around his waist.
“I’ll never let them take you,” the blonde whispered into her hair and pressed a kiss to her forehead. YN nodded, knowing that he meant every single word, felt protected by him though she could handle herself pretty darn good on her own. At least one thing bestowed upon her by Hydra itself she could use for the good of this world—and to protect herself and the people she loved. “I know,” she whispered back, accepting his soft lips on her own for a quick—but loving nonetheless—kiss before she turned to her father, who sat there without uttering a single word, staring up to the ceiling, a hand covering the rest of his face.
“Will you say anything about this?” YN asked him after letting go of Steve and taking a step in his direction. Tony moved his eyes to her, a dark brow cocked. “I think I made myself clear, don’t you think?” She shook her head and took another step towards him. “Maybe, but I don’t believe you understand this situation in its entirety,” she shot back and ignored the worried glances changed by the rest of the team. Tony rose from his slouching position and rested his forearms on his knees, staring over at her. “Caution, YN,” he warned, and if the usage of her full name weren’t a hint to his decision, his tone would’ve been the key. But she couldn’t let go, not when her freedom was dangling on one loose thread. “I told you what I think about this, about the Accords. We can’t keep going like we used to, can’t run havoc on the planet like we used to, destroying everything in our way.”
YN scoffed, and anger bubbled up in her body. “It’s not like we do it out of spite, Tony.” She could see how he flinched at the offbeat name she called him. YN couldn’t care less at that moment. “We are saving lives when running havoc, as you put it so charmingly. We are not Hydra or any other of these bad boy groups who destroy this planet for fun, who destroy lives out of pure fun and hurt people out of pure fun. We are not them, and we will never be them even though you seemingly think we could be—I could be.” She swallowed thickly, feeling the memories of her capturing trying to push back to the surface, trying to haunt her again during daytime though she had managed to chain them to her nightmares. “Did you ever read this fully? Did you ever think about the wording, just for a second?” Tony started to say something, but YN couldn’t control her anger anymore, the rage too all-consuming in her mind. “If you agree to this, you agree that they can take me and lock me away when I—in their eyes—overstep. No one is controlling them, and no one is telling them what an overstep looks like, not even their precious book over there.” She pointed to the Accords still resting on the coffee table. “Don’t you understand? They can decide that I overstepped, and I’m gone. They can think I’m too dangerous or that they simply fear me, and they can conjure some ridiculous boundary violation up, and I’m at their mercy. Did you ever think about this while making up your mind? Did you ever think about your daughter, Tony?!”
YN knew that she used the exact same words Pepper once screamed into his face at the early stages of their father-daughter-dynamic, right after CPS had dropped her at his front door, and Tony, by far, wasn’t ready to be a father. He had continued to party around the world, leaving his daughter to his assistant, and only returned when she was so sick Pepper had to admit her to the hospital. She had screamed those words in a brightly lit hospital hallway in which Tony finally had a mental breakdown—or breakthrough as he liked to see it—and realized what a shitty father he had been—just like his own.
So, she knew what those words would do to him, but she had to have him understand this situation they were facing now—the situation he would put her in if he continued to think that the Accords were a good thing. But instead, she could see him shut down just as he always did as soon as the emotions inside him became too much or too heavy to bear. He clearly didn’t want to think about the possibility of her being locked away, but he didn’t want to stand against it either.
“Maybe that’s the point, YN. Maybe you are too dangerous for this world,” her father suddenly said the words YN would’ve never thought possible. Her breath caught up in her throat, trying to suffocate her, and the tears, already ready to overflow, escaped her eyes. “Tony!” Natasha whispered, shocked to her very core, and even Rhodey gasped for air.
She desperately tried to suppress the rising sob wanting to escape her mouth while taking a step back, hitting a familiar broad chest, and felt big hands grabbing her shoulders in a steadying but soothing grip. But she couldn’t stay here—not in this room, not in this building, not in his vague proximity.
“Go to hell,” YN spat out and pulled away from Steve’s hold, turning around to leave this goddamn place, not witnessing the horrid realization growing on her father’s paling face.
With tear-clouded eyes, YN ripped open the double door of the closet in her room and started to pull every single piece of clothing article from its designated spot on several hangers—ruining her much-needed tidiness in the process of it. Her mind screamed at her to stop being headless and do this task thoughtfully, but she just couldn’t stop herself or her hands from throwing everything on her bed, right next to the duffel bag waiting to be filled again.
At first, she didn’t notice the figure leaning in the door frame. It only dawned on her that she was being watched when her favorite pair of combat boots flew through the air and hit the ground with a deep thudding sound, hitting the dresser, and she had turned around to see how her favorite vase almost fell victim to her headlessness. Steve had caught the delicate item mid-air and put it back in its place before moving his sky-blue eyes back at her, blonde brows furrowed again.
“What are you doing, darlin’?” His voice was as soft as always but was now laced with worry at the picture of her state of mind. YN shrugged while grabbing the last shirts from her closet and brought them to her bed before moving to the dresser right next to her boyfriend. “Leaving,” was the only response she could press out of her lungs and throat, both still constricted by the amount of still unshed tears. She pulled open the drawers one after the other to find all the essentials she needed while finding the courage to utter the next words on her mind. “You don’t have to come with me. I know how much my father means to you, and I’m sure you’ll work through this, but… but I can’t stay here and just watch.” She piled pairs of socks in her arms, followed by her underwear, before dumping everything on the growing pile of clothes, ready to push everything she needed into her bag and leave this place.
“Darlin’,” Steve gently called her, but YN shook her head, not daring to look at him. “You don’t have to feel guilty or bad, Steve. I’m a big girl; I can survive the outside world.” Money was not a problem, after all. She heard his deep, rumbling sigh while she started to put her combat boots into the duffel bag, directly followed by underwear and t-shirts—she even had sneaked one of Steve’s shirts into the pile.
“Would you please look at me, pretty girl?” At the sound of one of his many pet names for her, YN sighed as well and slowly glanced over at him. But her eyes widened at the sight of a fully prepped duffel bag leaning against the door frame and his favorite jacket thrown over his broad shoulders. “What…?” The Stark couldn’t end the question hanging in the air between them. “Did you really think I’d stay here and accept something endangering you?” He now smiled her beloved smile and walked over to her. Steve’s big hands—which always treated her like the most precious possession—cupped her cheeks; his thumb tenderly caressing her cheekbone while his blue eyes observed her face intently. “I would have never let you go alone, darlin’. I promised you something four years ago, and I should be damned if I don’t keep it to the moment of my last breath after I already failed you one time.”
YN let her hands rest on his chest and softly shook her head. “It’s not your fault,” she whispered with worried eyes because she knew that Steve would always feel guilty and responsible for her kidnapping by Hydra, even though they both knew that it wasn’t his fault. But Steve only sighed and stepped closer and only stopped as he felt her body gently pressed against his. “I’m following you until the end of the world, and I will always have your back.” She tried to blink the tears out of her eyes but failed. “Even when it means you have to go against governmental orders?” Steve smiled and bent his head down to her. “Even when it means going against governmental orders,” he agreed and kissed her with all the love he had for this woman.
It’s short and I’m really not happy with the ending, but I have to get back into the flow and have to distract my mind from the upcoming anxiety inducing things in my life lol. Hope y’all liked it tho. As usual: comments, reblogs, and likes are much appreciated!
taglist: @poor-unfortunate-soul-85 @seasonofthenerd @onecrazydirectioner @meeksmusic83 @nyctophilic0vitnir
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marvelflame2010 · 2 years
Peter: *comes to the compound after school*
Tony: Hey underroos, how was school?
Peter: I have a list of 100 words to learn Mr. Stark
Y/n: Wow, that’s only 89 more than you know now
Peter: *shocked*
Shuri who was visiting: *dying of laughter*
Steve: Y/n Sarah Roger-Barnes
Y/n: What? He made fun of my jacket, I make fun of his vocabulary. 
Bucky: Look at it this way pal. At least she didn’t use violence
Y/n: Yeah! What Pops said. 
Steve: *slaps his palm on his face*
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being tony stark's daughter would include... (headcanons)
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 778
request: yes / no
original request: can you do one where the reader is tony’s daughter and loves to wear fancy stuff like cher from clueless 😭. and instead of being that stereotypical “mean spoiled rich girl”, the reader is actually super sweet and people sometimes take that for granted and use her for her stuff and money?
dynamic: tony stark x stark daughter!reader
characters: reader, tony stark, happy hogan, mention of steve rogers, natasha romanoff, bruce banner, peter parker, harley keener, and miles morales
a/n: ty for the request!! also requests are still open hehe :)
coming soon: clint barton younger sibling headcanons, overprotective avengers when reader has a boyfriend headcanons, hanging at the sanctum sanctorum over break headcanons
taglist: @nutellani
(message me or send an ask if you'd like to be included in the taglist!)
tony stark is an awesome dad. 
like he just goes above and beyond to make you smile.
it’s well-known that he spoils everyone at the compound, but since you’re his daughter, he spoils you A LOT.
you’ll come home from school often to find a little box on your bed, and it’s always something you either had mentioned in passing, or something that you didn’t even know you needed. 
like you got into crocheting for a little bit. you now have buckets full of multicolored yarns in every texture and color one could ever need!!
also i feel like when you told him your favorite ice cream was the same flavor as his favorite, he literally almost burst with excitement.
and now you ALWAYS have that ice cream.
he even built a little gadget that only lets you and him eat out of it.
the only exception to the rule is happy, as thor painfully found out one day.
he went to have some and it shocked him, but happy just reached in and got it anyway.
also if you’re tony stark’s daughter, i just have to say what an iconic trio you, your dad, and happy are.
like y’all always look so badass with matching shades or whatever.
you got matching shirts for you three for christmas and they both reluctantly wore it.
natasha took like fifteen pictures and steve was literally on the floor dying because he thought it was so funny.
anyways one of the coolest things about being tony stark’s daughter are the gadgets.
for example, you have a lot of clothes. but guess what? you don’t ever have to do laundry.
all of your clothes are put in this special hamper. it washes, dries, and folds/hangs the clothes up for you, then puts them away in a neat fashion. 
you have a high tech mirror (ala cher from clueless!!!!) where you can “try on” outfits before you actually retrieve them to wear.
it’s kind of awesome? 
jk it IS awesome.
anyways you’re also super smart.
science and math just come easily.
it must be…. in your blood or something.
bruce made that joke once and tony locked him out of the lab. then peter tried to make it too and tony made him go “test” a robot that blocks people out of a room HAHA
that being said, your dad actually lets you in the lab.
ikr? kind of crazy.
you have your own little corner to work on stuff.
also you and bruce are so iconic. i think you would have tea parties every sunday. 
tony says it’s “childish” but you can tell he’s jealous
once you caught happy setting up high tea for him and tony but then he told you that you didn’t actually see anything
now, it’s usually a great thing to be tony stark’s daughter
but finding real friends is tough.
there are people who are awesome, like peter parker, harley keener, and miles morales. 
but there’s a lot of people who’ll use you to get to your dad or your money.
and yes that sounds stereotypical, but it’s really tough.
there was a group of kids who seemed really excited to go out with you, but then you realized it was all for social media clout and that they expected gifts and stuff.
so you ended up exploding on them, and it gave your dad some bad press.
you were so embarrassed that you locked yourself in your room, refusing to come out.
happy left some tea outside but you didn’t want it.
so then finally tony came in.
guys he’s iron man he can get through a locked door 
and you didn’t really want to talk.
so instead he just put on some music.
some really loud guitar music.
and then, with the door still open, tony stark began playing air guitar.
now you knew he would do this sometimes, but not with the door open.
and then he started to SING.
that man cannot sing guys.
needless to say, it gave you a laugh.
he grabbed your hands, pulled you up, and the two of you started dancing around the room, laughing harder than ever before.
when the song ended, he told you he wasn’t mad.
and that people can be losers sometimes
but that you certainly weren’t.
then he said one day he would come up with a loser detector so that you wouldn't have to go through something like that again.
and he was only half joking, so you just laughed.
but deep down, you were happy to have someone who cared for you as much as your dad, tony stark, did.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Can I place an order for Marvel? If yes: HERE YOU GO. Where the reader is Steve and Natasha's daughter, Tony and Bucky's goddaughter (you can already imagine that) and mainly, she was raised by all the avengers and hidden from the spotlight. Just something pretty fluffy for what her relationship with them would be like 🥺✋
Ohana means family
Paring: Romanogers!Daughter!reader X Avengers(Platonic)
A/n: thank you for the request. This is my first request for the MCU Fandom, hope you enjoy.
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Being the daughter of Captain America and Black Widow is blessing a curse... I'll tell you why.
But first if your the daughter of them I could imagine you having Steve's kind heart and Natasha's temper. Your Godfather Tony always got a kick out of a tiny you getting all angry. And his laughter would only get heavier if you came and started punching his leg for laughing.
Tony would definitely be a second father. He's wanted to be different from his father so he will always show you the love and affection his father didn't show him.
You don't like hearing about Peggy. I think it's because she was almost your dad's love. Natasha never had a problem with hearing Steve talk about her but the woman always left you frustrated just by the sound of her name... You'd never tell your dad this though.
Anyway, being around all theses heros obviously inspired your choice of future work, this scares not only your parents but the whole team.
Sure your mother would teach you how to shoot or Tony will teach you how to build a robot but they all fear the day you'll actually have to use those skills.
Your other Godfather Bucky seems to be the only one with peace about this suprisenly. If you told him you want to be a superhero he'll grien and listen to your reasoning.
There's been times where he'll put toy boxing gloves on your hands and teach you how to punch. Natasha put a stop to it quickly though. One day he was setting on his knees so he was your hight and you kept punching his flesh hand. He wouldn't let you hit his metal hand in fear you'll hurt your self.
Sam would always tease that you have Bucky wrapped around your little finger.
Bucky and Tony always compete to see who can be the coolest Godfather. If one gets you a cool Lego set or dollhouse the other one will get the bigger version. You love Elvis Presley at the time Tony will take you right to Graceland. You want to go you a waterpark Bucky will have you there in a flash before Tony can have the chance.
A down side is you learned how to be independent with your Hero Family. It's not a bad thing and they don't do it intentionally but there's many times you spent at the compound with Pepper and Happy.
But your mom and dad always make it up to you. I wouldn't say your spoiled, but if you ask one of your godfathers nicely(with puppy eyes) you usually get it.
But another down side of being a part of this family is them being extremely over protective. There's been many times you couldn't do something or had to stay indoors for long periods of time because someone was plotting your father's death.
If you do go somewhere one of them is with you. If you want to go to a zoo trip for school one of them is with you. You want to check the mailbox Sam is flying around watching you. And don't even think about going to friends house for a slumber party. Steve and Nat aren't trying to be strick or anything they just always have this sicking feeling something will happen.
On a more positive note... You always have the best time with them. To be honest you never worried about having friends because you had them. You of course have friends your age but you consider the Avengers your Best Friends. Speaking of which Cassie Lang is probably your Best Friend.
Which means the first sleepover you ever had was with Cassie. Since you technically would be with an Avenger it was okay. Tony thought it was dumb to leave you alone with "Thumbelina" but Steve trusts Scott and Nat trusts Hope.
Speaking of which play time is always token to the extreme. You want a nerf gun war, the whole team is involved. You want to build a Lego thing, tony will buy the biggest one. Blanket fort? You don't have to ask Clint and Scott twise.
I think you'll always try and lift Thor's hammer. You've tried but couldn't so one time Thor lifted it with you so you could have the experience.
You love it when Bruce reads to you. If you come up to him with a book he'll drop everything and read to you. It's the only thing that will make him leave the lab immediately. It's calming to him and he always uses different funny voices to make you laugh.
I won't tell anyone but once you got older you had a small crush on Peitro, which didn't set well with most of the men in the compound when Cassie acdently let the cat out of the bag. You've never saw the ironman suit appear so quickly..
I think once you got older the over protectiveness got old. You found it annoying a frustrating at times but in the end you're greatful that you have a group of people that care about you so much.
Be patient with them. They love you and trust you, they just don't trust other people.
Since you can't be on the flighting field you went to medical school and with everyones help(especially from Bruce and Tony) you were able to graduate with a trauma certification and now you work with Dr. Cho in the med bay.
You always hate seeing them beat up from missions but you also love helping Them and other people.
I don't think you and Peter would get along. I don't know why, I just do. I think at one point they tried to get you to go on a date with him but it never happened.
For a little bit I think you had a jealously thing going on and didn't like how close Peter was getting to Tony. Your Godfather noticed this and told you that you'll always be his number one.
Speaking of Starks, your literally the best big sister to Morgan. You two are basically two peas in a pod. And don't even think about messing with her because you will through hands to anyone who's rude to her.
Your basically to her what Tony was to you.
When you get older you do become an Avenger and the elders got over it. You proved you can survive and they couldn't be more proud of you.
This is your family and you couldn't be more thank full. There may have been bumbs mountains along the the way but they'll always be family. And that's forever.
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my-status-single · 24 days
The One Where Peter Parker Has a Baby: Chapter 1
He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s with Happy. They won’t let him run to him. He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s with Happy. He can’t go to him. He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s safe with Happy. He’s safe. His name is Ben. He’s four. He’s Peter’s.
She had been pregnant. 
It had been early. 
So early that it had been months before she even realised. Half of the universe disappeared, Peter included.
And months later she had given birth to their son.
Their son.
Fic Summary: Mostly canon compliant fic that centres around the relationship of Tony Stark's daughter and Peter Parker.
From the Author: This is a Peter Parker/Reader fic. It jumps back and forth between the "present" (after the blip is reversed) and the past (pre blip reversal). The main focus is Peter and our girl Y/N, but there will be exploration into other relationships as well. These include but are not limited to Tony/Steve Peter/Harley Harley/Harry Peter/Harley/Harry Steve/Bucky Tony/Stephen. Each chapter will have content warnings listed that are specific to the chapter just for added security, there will also be a summary of the chapter if the content is something you don't want to engage with but would like to continue to the next chapter. There will also be a comprehensive list of warnings. The severity of these topics varies from very intense to simply implied. Be sure to check the individual chapters for more detailed descriptions of how these themes are used.
Fic Content Warning: Underage sex, unplanned pregnancy, teen pregnancy, polyamoury, child abuse/neglect, parental death, suicide, self harm, Tony Stark in Endgame Chapter Word Count: 1743 Chapter Summary: This chapter sets up the premise of the story. Touches briefly on Peter and Y/N's relationship, as well as introduces us to Y/N's powers. Chapter Content Warning: Teen regnancy/unplanned pregnancy-We discover that Y/N was pregnant during the blip. Peter and Y/N are in high school at this point. Blip-The Blip is a part of this series, the way Peter was blipped is mentioned Mentions of anxiety/depression-It is implied that Y/N struggled/struggles with mental health Parental death (not Tony)-Peter has dead parents Descriptions of injuries-After the battle with Thanos many characters are injured, Tony and Y/N's are discussed Medical themes-Tony and Y/N are in a medical centre, Y/N is in a coma
Please, if there is ever something in this or any of my fics that you feel needs a content warning, feel free to message me and I will make sure to add it. I want this to be a safe place for everyone.
Ao3 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
May 2023
Peter has known her for as long as he’s known anything. 
Back before his parents died, they had been prominent members of the Oscorp Foundation. They worked directly with Norman, and so Peter grew up spending a lot of his time with Harry Osborn. Occasionally, though, there would be a collaboration between Oscorp and their largest competitor, Stark Industries. With S.I. came Tony Stark, and with Tony came his daughter. 
She was about a year younger than him and Harry but she held her own just fine. She was smart as a whip and full of fire. 
He’d been in love with her for longer than he knew what love was. 
They had taken such a liking to each other that Tony made the effort to get them together as often as possible. Eventually, moving them to New York full-time after Peter’s parents died. Tony made an effort to keep up the relationship even then. He did it for his daughter; she’d become so attached to Peter. And he had done the same. 
The sun rose and set with Y/N Stark as far as he was concerned. 
The bond between them grew as they did. They became halves of the same whole. One rarely without the other. He held her when she sobbed, broken and exhausted, after spending the court-ordered time with her mother. She calmed his overloads after he was bit. They knew each other instinctually. Better than they knew themselves in some ways. 
And yet, there was never anything romantic.
Until there was.
They both knew. When they’d grown old enough to understand what love, marriage, and dating were, they knew it was inevitable. That there was no Peter without y/n. 
And that is a very daunting thing to face at such a young age. 
And they understood that there would be no going back once they crossed that line. 
They knew they would cross it eventually. 
But they had all the time in the world to cross it. And now, when they were so perfect as friends, neither wanted to risk what they had. 
And so they didn’t.
There was flirtation that couldn’t be helped. There were touches that toed the line between platonic and romantic, touches that lingered. Nights where they would fall asleep next to each other and wake up in a state where you couldn’t tell where one started and the other ended.
But it never went further.
Until it did
They were good kids, really. Good students, excelling in their studies, involving themselves in extracurriculars, making a difference in their community. They were good avengers as well. They weren’t officially on the team, certainly were never put in harms way. But Tony allowed them to patrol the city in the evenings, and to train with the team at the compound on the weekends. They excelled there too.
But everyone has times when they just need a break.
It happened the first time during one of those breaks
They had finished midterms, Natasha had been kicking their asses in training for the last month, they were tired.
And so they snuck into the hangar and hacked one of the jets. Because she could override her father’s protocols without even blinking. Spain. She had wanted to go to Spain. He’d remembered her talking about it, so he puts in the coordinates and settles in for the ride.
They’ve shared a room, a bed, countless times at this point and yet somehow this is different. Somehow this leads to their mouths on each other and their virginities lost to each other.
Things change after that.
It takes a while for them to get over it. To admit “I want you” and “I always have” and “I don’t want to wait anymore”. But once they do, once they allow those walls to be broken down they are inseparable.
The funniest thing about the whole ridiculous situation is their behaviour barely changes. 
They simply kiss now. Because they already spent nights in the others bed, they already were always touching the other somehow, they already could read the others mind and anticipate their needs. So at school, no one noticed they were dating until Peter gave her a quick kiss before running off to some sort of internship activity.
Its been years now. They are perfect. Ideal. He loves her with everything in him. 
And that’s why, when the invasion starts, he webs her to the bed so she can’t follow after him as he goes toward the battle. 
Why he goes to the battle despite her screams, her begging, her pleading. Why his last words as he disintegrates in Tony’s arms, after pleading whispers of “I don’t want to go” are “I don’t want to leave her.”
He spends five years living a life with no memory of his previous one. No memory of her, of Tony, of Spiderman. 
When the dust finally settles after that final battle, he’s the one screaming, begging pleading. Because his girl, his brilliant, beautiful, reckless girl, simply refused to let her father die. 
She’s always had them. The powers, the enhancements, that were so graciously forced upon her by her mother. 
She hated them, hated why she ended up with them. But they gave her the ability to save Tony’s life, despite it being at nearly at the cost of her own.
He’s held back, not sure by whom. He hears Steve yell for assistance to get them both off the battle field and to get them immediate medical assistance.
Her powers are…complicated. 
Her ability to heal is incredible. Whether it be herself or others. But it comes at a cost. 
Healing takes energy. She’s able to choose, when healing injuries, whether to use the injured person’s energy or her own. The severity of the wound would usually influence her decision. 
She was comfortable using someone else’s energy for smaller things, scrapes, bruises, most of Peter’s injuries because of his own accelerated healing. But bigger things…she would use her own “Because I heal better” she would say. 
Like after he’d taken the weight of a building their sophomore year, she’d used her own energy to heal that. He watched the colour drain from her face, watched slashes and bruises come and go across her skin, watched her exhaust herself right in front of him as the pain eased from his body.
After a fight like this neither had the energy to heal something as severe as this. But she did it anyway.
She does heal better. Quicker, more efficiently. It’s hard to leave any kind of mark on her because her body just rids itself of it.
So she lay in a hospital bed, half dead, as her body begins to repair what should be fatal.
Tony was exhausted, on the brink of death, he’d had nothing left to use up. She herself had been spent. So she took, and she gave. She gave what little energy she had left to Tony and took as much pain and damage from him as she could. Took as much as she could until her body gave out.
Tony woke later that night. Exhausted. Badly scarred. Weaker than Peter had ever seen him. 
But alive.
Peter is sitting at her bedside now, holding her hand in his. Needing to feel that it’s warm, needing physical proof that she’s alive. He’s fading in and out of consciousness. Fighting sleep because he can’t risk something happening while he’s asleep. It would be a restless, nightmare filled sleep anyway.
“Tony, we shouldn’t be arguing about this; you’re exhausted; you need to rest. We can talk about this la-“ He can hear Steve’s voice in the next room.
“We’re talking about this now.” Tony responds. 
Peter, even with his heightened senses, can barely hear him. He tries to tune them out, focusing instead on her heartbeat. A comforting, familiar sound that lulls him into a sense of security. 
But the next words he hears make his blood run cold, and his head snap up.
“He’s my grandson. He’s likely scared. He can’t have his mother, so let me see him.” Tony sounds angry despite his severely weakened state.
“Tony…” Steve says gently. “Look at yourself. You’ll only scare him more. He’s my grandson too. Let me look after him.”
Peter takes a moment. 
Tony has no biological children other than y/n. There is Harley…a boy Peter’s age that Tony had taken in when they were thirteen. They’d been fast friends. And…maybe Harley could have had a child in the five years Peter had been gone…except he’d been in the same place as Harley for the last five years, and there was no child. 
So…so that must mean that y/n had…that she’d had a child. 
Sometime in the last five years she’d moved on…gotten pregnant…had a baby? He shakes his head, his chest aches. His feet move before he’s fully aware of it. He walks into Tony’s room. He stands there silently, until Steve notices him.
“Peter.” He whispers, a sigh in his voice.
Peter laughs weakly, tears on his cheeks that have no right to be there. It had been five years, he had no right to have expected her to wait five years. “I um…” He clears his throat, sniffing. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop…it’s just so quiet here.” He says quietly.
“Kid ther-“ Tony starts but Peter holds up a hand.
“Don’t…don’t. It’s okay. You don’t need to defend…just…if there’s a way I can help? I could call his father, if someone hasn’t already or…or go pick up anything that he might need…or…or I can fuck off if you think that would be bett-“
“Peter.” Tony says as firmly as he’s capable of. Peter looks up. “Come sit. We need to talk.” He says, gentler now.
He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s with Happy. They won’t let him run to him. He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s with Happy. He can’t go to him. He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s safe with Happy. He’s safe. His name is Ben. He’s four. He’s Peter’s.
She had been pregnant. 
It had been early. 
So early that it had been months before she even realised. Half of the universe disappeared, Peter included.
And months later she had given birth to their son.
Their son.
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literaryavenger · 4 months
MCU + Reader Masterlist
- On-going series -
Warnings: MCU spoilers. Language. Mentions of death, fighting and use of firearms. My poor attempts at being funny. Each chapter will have its own warnings.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier | Part 2 | Part 3
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Captain America: Civil War | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Black Panther
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Like You Were Never Gone (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) *PARENTAL *MINOR TRIGGER WARNING
Characters: Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader
Universe: Marvel, Avengers
Warnings: Mention of death, implied suicide, mourning
Request: Hello could you do tony x daughter genius reader wherein she loves solving crime kinda sherlock Holmes and she mostly solve it. The avengers are trying to recruit her but she refused because she love solving crime and it wear off the boredom. The avengers especially her father are worried at reader whenever the reader didn't eat nor sleep or even in the tower for couple of days and thinking something is wrong but sure the reader is solving hard cases. Anyway something happened while solving the crime, the reader (kinda like sherlock) was face to choose between her life or her loves and so she fake her death and the avwngers are devastated. No one knows she's alive till three or four years later. Hehehehhe
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The mood of everyone since the morning started had been off, and no one was addressing it. Everyone went on with their days, doing their jobs, meetings, training, planning for future missions, but there was a tension in the air, and Tony was a lot quiter than usual. More passive, off in a daydream, but no one asked if he was alright. They didn’t have to. 
They knew he wasn’t alright. Why would he be? It was the third anniversary of the death of you, his daughter. It wasn’t a natural death- something anyone saw coming and could prepare for. It was sudden, coming out of nowhere, surprising everyone. And the worst part? It wasn’t even an accident. 
No one knew the exact details about what happened that day. You were acting strange- but that was just you everyday, being secretive, getting into trouble that Tony didn’t know the full extent of until days or weeks or months after it was all over, usually you putting yourself in insane amounts of danger to solve a criminal case, each time never failing to driving your poor father insane with worry. But in hindsight, the team couldn’t deny you were being even more secretive, more paranoid, more shut off then usual. The last time any of them saw you asleep in the tower before your death was 3 days prior, and none had seen you ate for at least a day before, being consumed in your work and thoughts, but they never got the chance to ask what was happening to offer help because you left the tower the night prior to your death, and the last time anyone heard from you, was when you called your dad to tell him you were sorry, and goodbye. 
Tony had spent the last 3 years trying to figure out what the case you were working on was. There was no doubt that your death was linked to it in some way. However, you hadn’t told him much, and no matter how many times he flipped your old room upside down or had FRIDAY scan your electronics for anything, or keep track of every single contact in your phone and friend on social media for any suspicious behaviour, there wasn’t many leads,  and those leads dried up in a year. You told no one what you were investigating, you covered your tracks thoroughly, and if you had taken any notes about your findings, you hid them so well not even a genius, and more importantly your father, could find out where you had put them. No traces. No leads. No idea on what led you to the decision to die that day, and so seemingly out of nowhere. The end result was nothing but questions, and your dad who was trying to act like nothing happened- somewhere between you’re still alive and just somewhere living such a normal quiet life- totally not your style- to the point where he had nothing to tell the others about and so didn’t speak about you, and acting like you never existed in the first place, but spending every night looking for anything to give him answers.
Despite the clear discomfort and tension amongst everyone in the room, everyone tried to act like it was a normal day. Everyone consciously tried to not look at Tony more often than they usually would, stayed on track with their conversations, and Tony kept his head down and was quieter than he usually was as Maria was briefing the group about some leads they got from their last mission. However, after Maria paused to switch slides, the quiet but identifiable buzzing of a vibrating phone was heard, and everyone stopped and looked amongst each other before Tony felt his pocket, and eyes went to him. “Sorry.” He apologised with a fake smile as he dug into his pocket, retrieving the phone and looked at who he was, then froze, the smile fading immediately. Everyone tensed as Tony stared at the screen of his phone. Bruce, who was sat closest to Tony, peaked over his shoulder, before his eyes widened and he looked at everyone in a panicked rush before turning back to Tony. 
“T-Tony-” Was all he was able to get out before Tony stood abruptly, leaving the room, and putting the phone to his ear. Everyone looked at Bruce in stunned silence, knowing he was was the only one in the room to give answers to what just happened. Bruce gulped, before he opened his mouth again. “It was Y/N. Y/N was calling him.”
“Who the hell is this and how did you get my daughter’s phone?” Tony stopped in the empty hallway, but his voice, while a growl, was still a whisper. He could feel his hands shaking, pumping with adrenaline. Despite the fact that you were long gone, Tony kept your phone. He paid the bill for it to remain active, kept it tucked in a drawer in your room between clothes where he couldn’t hear the vibration so he could call your number and hear your voicemail and for a moment believe you’d pick up, and just to hear your voice so he couldn’t forget. He couldn’t forget. At this point the words ‘Hi this is Y/N, if you’re hearing this, I’m busy. Don’t call again, I’ll call you maybe’ were the crispest words he could recall in your voice. He only got the phone out once a week to charge it back up. 
“Dad, it’s me. It’s Y/N.” The voice on the phone responded to him. You. It was you. Even the tone in your voice was the same- somewhere between tired and annoyed, but Tony long knew you usually didn’t actually feel the way your voice sounded. Despite this, Tony couldn’t help but doubt. This had to be a trap. Someone pretending to mess with him. “Sorry for… what I did. I really wish I could have done it differently, given you some piece of mind, but trust me, it was the only way.” You told him, and Tony couldn’t help the small scoff escaping him. This had to be a trick, unless he was somehow talking to your ghost? As if. 
“Prove it’s you.” He said simply, and he heard you chuckle. 
“I knew you’d say that. I’m coming into the tower now. FRIDAY is about to alert you. Let me in.” You told him and hung up. Tony dropped the phone to his side, and waited. Waited for FRIDAY to activate, to speak. After a second, nothing happened, and Tony sighed, closing his eyes. It was a trick. A sick trick of some sort-
“Mr Stark?” The voice of the AI made Tony’s eyes snap open. “I don’t know how to explain this, but your daughter is downstairs and wants access to the elevator to meet with you. Shall I activate security and lockdown?” She asked him. 
“No. Let her come up.” Tony answered, turning and starting to head back down the hallway, using the wall to stabilise himself. Ahead of him, the door to the meeting room opened, everyone stepping out and seeing him, Steve stepped forward, putting a hand on Tony’s arm. They were expecting an angry Tony, one who would snap at Cap, tell him to get his hands off of him, that some sick individual had called him as a joke, or that someone else had gotten your phone number and somehow called him on accident or something- not Tony, so pale they thought he was dying, seemingly in deep shock and not fully aware of his surroundings. 
“Tony what happened?” Steve asked, holding the man up.
“It was her. She… she’s in the elevator now, she’s going to be here any second-” He told them. 
“It’s probably a trap, everyone be ready.” Natasha spoke up, and everyone moved out of the hallway to the large open lounge area where the elevator’s opened to, and they waited. Tony forced Steve to take him as well, not sure who to believe. It sounded just like you. But you’re dead. Who else could be in the elevator? But you’ve been gone for three years. 
After a short period of time, the elevator was heard reaching the floor, and everyone tensed as the door opened. Everyone stared as you stepped out. Completely fine. Your eyes scanned each of the avengers, before they landed on your dad. Your head tilted, your shoulders slumping, and you sighed. “Hi dad.” 
Tony carefully pulled Steve off of him, walking slowly over to you until he stood over you, taking in all your features- making sure they were all correct. Little features only a parent would notice about their child, things that even a clone would fail to adopt. They were all there. Tony raised his arm and put it on your shoulder, and when his hand didn’t go straight through you like a hallucination or a hologram, he pulled you towards him into a hug. It was only when you wrapped your arms around him did he finally digest that you were actually here, and he lost his breath. “How? How are you here?” He asked as he clung to you. 
“Where the hell have you been, kid?” Clint asked. “We all thought you were dead. You faked your own death for three years- why are you back now?” He asked. You pulled away from your dad to look at everyone again, before looking at your dad, who also very clearly wanted answers. 
“It was related to your case, right?” Tony asked, and you nodded. “What happened?” 
“Something unexpected happened. Someone, somehow, had the upper hand on me, and they made a very clear and very real threat that I had to take seriously and act quickly to get control of the situation back.” 
“Y/N, stop being vague. You’ve been gone 3 years, I want answers, not another riddle to decipher.” Tony scorned at you, getting an annoyed look from you, before you responded. 
“I thought I was up against a singular person, but I quickly realised it was multiple people, and then I found out that was an entire organisation, and the head of it all made it clear that they had the man power to make the threat to kill you and anyone I care about.” You explained, looking directly at Tony, before you turned to the others. “And you all too. They sent evidence to me that they had people tracking your every move and at any point if I didn’t do as they said, they could kill you immediately. I had to do as they say.” 
“What did they want you to do?” Tony asked, this time his voice a lot calmer, though there was some veiled anger- not at you- in his voice. 
“To die.” You answered, shortly, and quickly everyone realised exactly what had happened. “So I did. I had to make it look as real as possible, and also make sure no one could trace what I had been doing so they wouldn’t go after you for knowing things and making everything I did be for nothing. So, I died, they thought they had nothing to worry about anymore, and they went on with their ventures, and I got to work on getting under their skin without them realising. As of 2 hours ago, that case is officially closed. News reports will be rolling in soon, but I don’t know when or even if I can ‘come back to life’. But… I had to let you know as soon as it was safe to do so, that I’m alive and okay. And I’m sorry.” You explained. 
“You were… undercover, this entire time? Did you do it alone?” Tony asked. You shook your head. 
“I had a small group of people who knew bits and pieces of what I was doing but no one knew the full image, so even if they were compromised, I’d still have an upper hand, luckily it never got to that point, but other than them, yes, I was alone 95% of the time.” You explained to him.
“Anyone we know?” Natasha asked, clearly hinting to Maria or Fury, but you shook your head. 
“None of the people I worked with have any ties back to any of you. Like I said, I covered all traces. None of the people I worked with even knew of me being a Stark.” You told her. 
“So you solved the case. What now?” Thor asked. Your eyes moved to look back at your dad.
“I need to continue to lay low for a while, might need a bit of the help of SHIELD to expose the information I have as to why the actions I did were the right course, and I can’t just come back- I’ve been dead three years, that’ll be breaking news and easy to tie back to the case if it’s found out too early. So I’m going to lay low, keep my head down… no cases for quite a while. Consider it a holiday.” 
“How about that vacation house I used to take you to all the time when you were little? In the middle of nowhere. Also means I can come say hi for a few weeks and we can catch up.” Tony offered, and you smiled and nodded. 
“That sounds good. When we get there I can tell you all about the look on that idiot’s face when he realised I wasn’t dead and I was about to make him the dead one.” 
“Alright maybe don’t admit to murder until we can get you cleared of charges.” Tony said, pushing you back to the elevator to take you home to gather what you needed, the dynamic of you oversharing or saying something inappropriate and him having to draw you back in or reprimand falling back into place so easily. Like you were never gone. 
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in! 
*Not my gif
TAGS:  @klanceiscannon14 @marvelhoeingismyhobby-blog​ @bellamyblakemorley @dummiesshort  @freyathehuntress​ @abbybills22-blog​ @mutantjediavenger​ @theoraekensnotsosecretlover​ @alicedanganh @sleutherclaw @sleepy-coffee-bean @stawwpp  @courtneychicken​  @graysonmalfoy​ @bellero​ @originalpottervengerlock @supernatural-pan​ @esoltis280​ @lady-of-lies​ @lenaswritingandstuff @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980​ @cdwmtjb8​ @caswinchester2000 @determinedpines​ @huntheimpossible @automaticbakeryfreakshoe
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