#still an absolute banger film
ifwebefriends · 26 days
I don’t really have anything to add here honestly
[Video ID. A clip from Phineas and Ferb: The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension where everyone is fighting 2nd dimension Doofenshmirtz’s robot army using Phineas and Ferb’s inventions, but the clip is played at 3.4 times speed. The song Robot Riot by Love Händel from the same movie is playing at normal speed. There’s top and bottom text in white boxes with black letters in all capital impact font. The top text says “aspec ppl mass reporting bots” and the bottom text says “in the #asexual tag” End ID]
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asexualdindjarin · 2 years
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@pscentral event 09: comfort → comfort movie: pride (2014) dir. matthew warchus
And why should gay people like me support the miners? Because miners dig for coal, which produces power, which allows gay people like you to dance to Bananarama till 3 o'clock in the morning.
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dennisboobs · 8 months
do you guys ever sit and remember that dennis takes a mental health day is an episode that exists
#ada speaks#i think i could probably recite the entire one sided phone conversation he has with daisy by heart and i havent seen the ep in months#i don't know how to explain it but#from what little ive read of ross' writing it feels like. when you click onto a fanfic and you feel immediate deep trust of the author#like it just clicks#the cookbook characterization specifically. is like.#i would put my life in your hands#and im sure we will get more eps by him and i really hope that continues because i think its been a very long time since the shows had#writers that i feel Get the characters in a way that feels effortless rather than. overcompensating.#like you can smell that writer's signature no matter how hard they try to cover it up with jokes and subversions#which isnt always a bad thing and im sure if we do get more maloney eps i'll pick up on his writers quirks too#but it doesn't feel like he's trying to copy anyone/pull from old eps it feels like he has a good grasp on things which makes it feel fresh#i find that long running shows hit a point where episodes start to feel less cohesive and more like. segmented short films#but if you have a really good group of writers and they find their groove its like. yeah. ok.#i think season 3 is a good study because marder and rosell's influence is all over the entire season#later seasons you can literally just. Feel which eps they worked on because its got a completely different vibe from the rest of the season#16 still suffers from that segmentation but#i think all the first time sunny writers (and nina's first solo ep) were all absolutely fuckin bangers and they've got a good team in there#anyway. characterization of dennis flipflops a lot. but the rest of the gang arguably gets it worse at times#i think megan's dee is the absolute worst aside from conor galvin's#and i understand wanting to write her as a girlfailure who is just. horrible. but.#ok. comparing self help book dee to ross' cookbook dee. i dont even have to say anything do i.#she's like. The Woman. in the self help book. and i fucking could not stand it. ross' dee is so perfect though#and his frank. MAN.#EVERYONE FUCKING RUINS FRANK.#i think marder and rosell's frank is a lot of fun because hes clearly based on marder's dad and acts believably#a lot of writers struggle to capture his. frank-ness.#he's sort of suffered from like. bland pervy senile old man writing for a long time#and ross brought back him actually being a competent businessman#IM OUT OF TAGS IM SHUTTING UP
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lirulii · 2 years
No but one of my biggest gripes with Hum Aapke Hain Koun is that Pooja straight up DIES, they have a funeral scene for her, and then the entire family unit is like. Oh no!! Anyway. Rajesh marry her *sister* of all people 
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Choose your favorite!
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What fans say:
The Lorax:
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse:
It had a very big impact on meme culture. And a really catchy soundtrack. Plus it has the silly sexy green man. What more could you want from a film.*
The Once-ler and the let it die song. This movie is glorious.
It is legit the mother of all great animated movies nowadays. From Mitchells vs the machines to the new mutant mayhem movie! The plot is so good and you can really see character development from almost all of the characters, plus the designs are BANGER.
BRO THE ANIMATION IS SO SICK. The amount of sheer effort put into this movie is insane. The character growth was so amazing to watch and such a great movie to analyze. Best scenes are obviously the leap of faith. Actually gorgeous. And also the scene where aunt May sees Peter b after her Peter died. Her “you look tired, Peter” is just so heartfelt
Where the hell do I even start. The visuals are incredible and the plot is engaging. Every scene is perfect.
This film has EVERYTHING. Humor, action, inspirational scenes, kickass music, absolutely killer animation, an art style that is an homage to comic books, loveable characters, a talking pig, DR OLIVIA OCTAVIUS, I could go on
This is the best superhero movie ever made, the leap of faith is one of the best movie scenes of ever
The animation style is better than all the others, and makes the movie funnier too! The representation is also good, and the romantic storyline isn't too prevalent in the movie. Probably the best animation Marvel has made. My favorite scene is when the villains show up to Aunt May's house -- its my favorite fight scene!
I’m sure this movie’s been submitted already because it’s arguably the greatest animated film of all time. I have a personal connection to it because I saw it in theaters on opening night with my late father, and we both loved it and I still do. The animation is revolutionary and it’s one of the only 3 movies that make me cry.
gsksvbsvsbsvs I love everything about it, I love the animations, the story, the soundtrack also the style of animation AAAAAA its so beautiful its art it belongs in a museum i get goosebumps everytime I rewatch it
It’s just so good. All the characters are amazing and I love Miles dad. It’s hilarious and sparked my love for spider-man. It’s such a sweet movie about finding yourslef and has such a powerful message. I totally recommend it so I’m not adding spoilers, but like. Ohhhh, it’s so good.
Interesting villains, well-developed character arcs, a fresh take on Spider-Man, unique use of animation, funny, good use of multiverse that adds to the nature of the story being told, complicated character dynamics
It's the best animated movie because A: it takes one of the most well known comic characters of all time, kills him off in the first few minutes, and then shows you every cooler version of him. B: Has a large amount of representation in its main cast, considering that they're all versions of Spiderman, and that requires a white guy by default. C: everything in it is so well done I can't pick a favorite scene, but the most iconic is the jump off the skyscraper window.
The animation is incredible, the movie has so much story and heart, and there’s a perfect balance between humor and seriousness. And the soundtrack slaps
This is probably the best animated film I've ever seen. The animation is definitely the highlight, the way they blend comic book art styles and 3D animation is an absolute joy to look at and is so overwhelmingly creative, every frame of this movie is gorgeous. The impact this had on the industry is undeniable, as we start to see more and more movies getting more creative with their animation styles. It's not just the animation though. All of the characters are entertaining, all of the jokes land and the story is really well done. It leaves me blown away every time I watch it.
This movie kind of changed the western animation industry from the ground up. Apart from being expertly written, funny, and heartfelt, it is also stellarly animated, with a unique visual style that takes direct inspiration from the comic books it adapts and mixes 2d- and 3d-animation in a way and to a degree that hadn't really been seen before in western mainstream. Its critical and monetary success paved the way for mainstream 3d animation to open up to new and excitingly stylised movies that were like a breath of fresh air between the generic Pixar-style animation that had been the largely unchanged norm in the industry since Toy Story circa twenty years earlier**. ITSV divides the screen like panels on a comic page, it uses dots and lines for shading and gradients, doesn't shy away from lowering framerates for stylisation, and makes liberal use of onomatopoeia, both to comedic and dramatic impact. Impact frames and SFX are often hand-drawn and stunningly colourful, and even the simple dialogue scenes astonish with an expressiveness and realism in their depiction of emotions that makes me rewatch a two-second scene of Miles laughing fifteen times in a row. My favourite scene has to be the What's Up Danger scene, the emotional climax of the movie. Set to an absolute banger of a song, it is the moment the entire film has been building up to. I won't spoil anything plot-wise in case you somehow haven't seen this movie, but both from an emotional and a visual standpoint it is Fucking Dope. Conclusion: Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse is my favourite movie of all time and I could talk about it for hours. If you haven't seen it, go watch it. Thank you.
Have you SEEN the Whats Up Danger/rising and falling scene? it's a work of art that makes me fall in love with storytelling all over again whenever I see it. Also the impact that it's had on animated film is absolutely being felt at current, if incrementally. Incredible film.
It has an amazing art style based on comics and mixed up due to genre differences. It's really fun and the characters are great, even the side ones. The story line is great and I love Miles and his family.
*Mod note: errr, quite a lot more than memes and music actually
**Mod note: amen
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violetstar-arts · 1 year
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Was looking through some human/android GLaDOS and Wheatley designs before taking a stab at my own, and ended up doodling some that really stood out to me!
Now for the arbitrary ratings of each design for each character simply because I can lol
@shrimperini ‘s design: I like this one a lot! He looks very polite. 10/10.
@the-dangerous-mute-lunatic ‘s design: ??? ?????? Why is he so pretty??? I’m confused but I still really enjoy looking at this one. He’s getting a 9.5/10 only because he slays too much when we all know that, canonically, he would never
@zimtdraws ‘s design: This one feels the most like what Wheatley would look like if he was a human (or human-adjacent), at least to me. One of my personal favorites. 11/10.
@cupcakeshakesnake ‘s design: One of the best object head/android designs I’ve seen of Wheatley thus far. The body perfectly matches the clunky, industrial aesthetic that his core already has! 10/10.
@dipworld-dippa ‘s design: This one’s fun! I love the cartoony vibe he gives off. Another personal favorite. 11/10
@demelly ‘s design: I like how unconventional this one is. A good mix of not-quite-human, but not-quite-machine, either. I also like how messy he looks; the curly hair sticking out all over and clothes that don’t seem like they fit him quite right give off the impression of a disorganized individual (which, considering his status as a core that generates nothing but bad ideas and never shuts up about anything ever, is very fitting). 10/10.
@shrimperini ‘s design: I like this look for her. Very clean and sleek. 10/10.
@the-dangerous-mute-lunatic ‘s design: This one is my absolute favorite. Intimidating, but also very pretty. Also really like how much her chest plate looks like the one for her canonical robotic design. 11/10.
@zimtdraws ‘s design: Another unconventional design, especially for GLaDOS. But there’s something about this one that’s so charming to me. The thick curls and darker skin tone is a nice addition that I don’t see all that often for her. 10/10.
@cupcakeshakesnake ‘s design: Another banger for the object head types! I love how smug and condescending she looks all the time. Just like the real deal. 10/10.
@lacking-hydration ‘s design: This one reminds me of a classic Disney film/Saturday morning cartoon villain. Love that for her. 10/10.
@opthedragon ‘s design: This one is so silly. She’s so small! But that only works to her benefit. I really like how emotive this one is, despite having a potato for a head. 11/10.
(I made sure to credit all of the creators here. But if you don’t wish to be tagged, let me know! I’ll edit the post as soon as possible.)
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mangora · 28 days
I’m so tired here are some assorted Disventure Camp headcanons:
•Jake is really into poetry. Some of his poems are bangers, some of them are absolute dogshit. He posts some of them online, mostly the bad ones because he’s not self-aware of how bad they are. He will spend hours on end writing in his notes app. Guy is a big fan of sonnets and free verse but his strong suits are odes and villanelles
•Rosa María, James, Yul, Lake, Riya, Fiore, and Alec are all multilingual. Rosa speaks English and Spanish, James speaks Portuguese and English, Yul speaks Korean and English, Lake speaks German and English as well as some French, Riya speaks Hindi and English, Fiore speaks English and some Italian, and Alec speaks English as well as a variety of other languages (he did a minor in linguistics for his university degree so he knows the basics of multiple major languages).
•Hunter’s a competitive chess player. Ally’s the only person who’s ever beat him fair and square, but even then, that rarely happens
•Lake is great at baking. She’s incredibly exact when it comes to measurements, timing, and technique. Rosa, meanwhile, is a great cook and she doesn’t measure anything
•Aiden can play bass guitar. He started learning as a teenager because he wanted to join an emo band one day. Chase your dreams boy
•Yul used to have braces and he’s really embarrassed about it
•Gabby’s a forager, she loves to forage for wild fruit and mushrooms and greens
•Ellie’s kinda a ghoul in the kitchen. Like she can make good food and drinks but most of the time she’s so tired that she makes evil energy drink-instant coffee potions or like that pistachio & condensed milk concoction from Arthur
•In a better universe I think Ellie and Jake are frenemies instead of fully hating each other and they play Minecraft together and Ellie is constantly stealing Jake’s shit and trying to defeat the Ender Dragon meanwhile he screams every time he sees a Creeper and begs her to turn Keep Inventory on because he keeps dying
•Miriam gets a cat after the show. She’s an older white cat named Snowball and she has the same personality as her. They are best friends and Miriam is so annoyed by her. She made them matching sweaters. Snowball is only fully nice to Jake
•Fiore listens to Thrash Metal. It’s partially just to throw people off when they find out, she thinks it’s funny
•Fiore also enjoys those YouTube prank videos, she knows they’re fake they’re just so stupid that she finds them hilarious. Kristal gives her an iPad for a day one time for entertainment and it pisses the rest of the Magenta team off so bad because she keeps playing these prank videos and watching epic fail compilations at full volume
•Grett loves crocheting. She slowly turns into one of those people who crochets during lectures and while watching movies and shit
•James is really good at Tetris
•Ally is obsessed with Sci-Fi. She, Tess, and Hunter watch Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Star Wars together because they all love the worldbuilding so much. Tess writes fanfiction about almost everything they watch. Hunter has terrible media literacy and misses the themes every time but he has fun watching
•After All Stars, Riya gets really into tattoos. She gets matching ones with Connor
•People antagonize Tom with the cop slide video and every time he clenches his fist and goes, “Stop laughing at him.”
•Kai has a bunch of pet bugs. Maggy’s secretly afraid of them still but she’s getting there. She likes rollie pollies
•Karol used to do roller derby and Lill used to ice skate. Ggirlf,riends,,, I miss them chat. Where is my old woman yuri
•Aiden eats plain yogurt nothing on it and it’s the one thing James doesn’t like about him. Like it’s so upsetting to him. Why does he eat plain yogurt
•Ashley likes hyperpop, don’t tell anyone
•Tom likes crockpot food. He is not invited to potlucks for this reason. He will always bring the crockpot
•Alec doesn’t like splatter films but he really enjoys psychological horror, especially mockumentaries and mondo films
•Lake read creepypasta a lot as a kid and she wouldn’t go into the kitchen after dark because she was afraid of Jeff the Killer appearing at her fridge
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stairset · 1 month
Alright now that it's the next day. I have to stress how fucking funny it is for me that Starset as a band has existed for 11 years and I've been a fan for practically that whole time and they had not a single song with any swear words to the point that it made them stick out because most of my other favorite bands DO swear. Which is not to say the concept of swearing was foreign to them, as Dustin's old band has several songs with swearing, the book has swearing, for the latest tour they played a whole ass short film that basically turned "Fuck the New East" into a fandom catchphrase which makes zero sense to anyone not familiar with the band and its Lore. But none of that is the actual Starset music. So you just kinda take for granted that they don't say naughty words in their songs and that's just how it is. Then comes the night of May 2, 2024. I'm at work cause I work the evening shift. My shift ends at 11:30 and it's 11 so I'm wrapping things up and getting ready to leave soon and needlesss to say I'm tired as hell and ready to go to sleep. The new Starset song just dropped so I listen to that as I finish up my work for the day. It's an absolutely epic banger which is no less than I expect from these guys at this point. And then. He says. FUCK. After over a decade of not a single no-no word these guys just suddenly drop The First Official Starset Fuck Song out of nowhere. They said what's so brave and new about this world you ask? It's a world where we say FUCK now, that's what. And I'm so surprised that I actually start to laugh out loud for a second before remembering I'm still at work so I end up just making a weird awkward half-laugh sound before stopping myself because if having a new song at all didn't wake me up then THAT sure as hell did. And then I jam to the song in the car on the drive home because a song like that can only be done justice by listening to it on a car stereo that's turned up way too loud. And I'm so into it I almost don't see a possum crossing the road in front of me and I barely slow down in time to not run it over. Which kinda freaked me out at the time cause I've never come that close to hitting an animal before but now that it's in the past it's hilarious because I can honestly say I found a song so good that it almost made me kill something. Truly a moment in Starset history for me.
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franki-lew-yo · 6 months
inb4 nicer post than my last one:
I saw Chicken Run 2. It's pretty cute. Definitely not as big a letdown or wasted like a Pixar sequel is.
Keep in mind I think I'm one of the few people in existence who's never itching to get sequels and continuations of my fandoms. I never wanted a Finding Nemo sequel and Finding Dory broke my heart in the worst way; by having unlimited potential and squandering it and the characters I love.
Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget doesn't do that, happy to say. Mostly it's just underwhelming.
It's weird. I'm definitely not a better writer than these professional writers, I just find myself going "why didn't you have the characters do/say THIS instead? It would still be cinematic and in character". I'd have to rewatch to give you a play-by-play of exactly what I mean. Overall I'd call that a nitpick. Bigger criticisms, especially when this is a sequel to a 20 y old film with fans who've seen in hundreds of times and know the details:
Hated how they retconed the chicks at the end of the original. You Thanos snapped Bunty and Fowler and possibly some of Rocky and Ginger's children. Also, those little 100% chicks were adorable. I'm okay with Molly being Ginger's only chick, but she'd look adorable as one of these:
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Another distracting continuity thing: Rocky gets upset that he can't crow anymore. Even though...he was never a crower. That was Fowler's job. I remember. I get that he's a rooster but my point is that was never a thing Rocky did in the original and that should be been better established as what he does now on the island. Put it among the lines that I think could have very easily been slipped in to make it more digestible; you could have had Rocky say to Ginger, "you gotta let me crow! That's, like, my thing now", implying that he's turned to being the island's crow-er to cope with abandoning his lone-free-ranger lifestyle. See? Small changes of dialogue that can imply so much and give you an idea of all the things you need to know in this newer story.
Even though Fowler did technically do something in the end most of the movie felt annoyed and just there. Really would have liked it if he and Babs were back up and helpful some other way while it was mostly Mac, Bunty, and the rats who went in to save Molly and Rocky. Idk. Maybe it's hard to be the absolute banger of a convenience that is the green aliens and ' the claaaaaw' in Toy Story 3-- needed to utilize him better for the gag and the story is what I'm trying to get at.
Rocky and Ginger's voices were distracting. It's odd because Rocky's is definitely the more noticeably different one that you have to get used to, but I am 100% replacing him considering who was his og voice. I'm mostly mad that in order to free Rocky of the curse they had to take the part away from Julia Sawalha.
This is probably going to controversial here but, um, I really wish Mrs. Tweedy wasn't the Mrs. Tweedy in this. I think it'd be a funnier, more of a "here we go again" gag that they actually find some way to contrive the villain of this movie to be Mrs. Tweedy's relative that just happens to look the same, sound the same AND have the same bloodlust for chickens. Like, the gag is that all of Mrs. Tweedy's family is Officer Jenny/Nurse Joy who are all identical to one another but they're also the Cruella of birds and all have a bumbling husband. Even though it's explained how she got here, it just kind of takes the teeth out of her original defeat and even her one in this film.
I kind of wish Ginger had stayed "colarred" for a longer stretch of time and the rest of the crew had to save her. I feel like Molly being placed in her mother's shoes would have been more dramatic and made the situation all the more dire and dependent on the other characters to think up a plan. Ginger being unable to do anything or "broken" would change it up a bit, provided she still makes the final save in the end.
That pop song during the 'Molly-growing-up' montage was bad and didn't suit the time period and vibe of the movie. It really took me out. Just play that in the end credits.
Mr. Fry never appeared again in his creepy chicken man suit and I kind of really liked the idea of this creeeeeepy farmer basically wanting to be friends with the chickens while dressing as one because he thinks he's more connected to them that way. But no that's just for one scene.
I was also expecting Mr. Fry to turn on Mrs. Tweedy as he noticed her obviously flirting with Reginald. Having the ending twist be that he assists the chickens in their escape or lives among them in a horrific chicken suit with the chickens taking advantage of this would have been right at home.
that's all I got.
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reinieseason · 7 months
we're all hung up over the ending so here's some limoreau au ideas super long post tho
royalty au - there's already one of these on ao3, where marie is a princess and jordan is a heir to a company. absolutely a banger, hope to see more of this au from other people but also from the creator themselves (the more we lie (the more we love) by secretshare is the au)
spiderman au - i'm gonna need someone to hear me out on this one. hear me out. jordan, born male, out of nowhere develops superpowers after being bitten by a radioactive spider. now, they have to figure out and balance their new powers - which aside from invincibility, waves, and like spider shit also includes gender shifting and they have to confront and navigate with their parents the identity that their parents didn't wanna face because it's become increasingly real. and this to me is like mcu ish. anyways, they also have to uh navigate their crush on marie moreau (gwen stacy of the world). hear me out.
rival TAs au - bringing this one back from my last post, jordan as brink's TA, they're a 3rd year ranked number two. but there's a professor that brink works closely with who just chose their new TA, it's the 1st year that jordan's been in hot water with marie moreau who is everything jordan hates. if jordan is a hard worker, who takes their time, marie is a genius who gets what she wants just because she's a genius. there's a rivalry but they're forced to work together when their professors start... look i don't have a justification as to why but they just do.
period piece au - i'm talking bridgerton, little women, pride and prejudice. rivalry, enemies, tension but forced to keep the tension under wraps and present a united and kind front but everyone knows they hate each other. the sexual tension of it all. lingering glances, fleeting touches. it is perfect for a couple like marie and jordan who love having a stupid big brown eyes off every episode every possible second
debate club au - look i was the HS debate captain i'm in college debate you have to hear me out . jordan as the captain of the team, marie as the new student who's a prodigy, rising star- she's a genius who's quickly put herself on par with the best team in the club. and now for nationals, the coaches put her and jordan together. the tension, the proximity, the trust, and the communication. whispers in hallways, cheering when they place first, the tension of finals. cuhrazy stuff.
figure skating au - OKAY ALL OF THIS IS LOWKEY STARTING TO SOUND THE SAME BUT IN DIFFERENT SITUATIONS BUT STILL. the tension. jordan just lost their partner after a life changing injury, their coach pulls up with new star marie moreau who was beginning to dominate the solo scene but out of nowhere dropped out and now she's going duo with jordan li how mysterious. the training, the hands, the stunts, THE PROXIMITY. (my favorite word today) the anger and the arguments when they mess it up, but the fear when it seems like something bad happened. imagine both of them on the jumbotron thingy bracing for their score and it like breaks a record i mean. think about it. this is growing to be a fave.
hockey/figure skater au - jordan is a hockey player, jordan needs to be more precise, more agile. their coach talks to the figure skating rink coach and gets a tutor for jordan, marie moreau figure skater. i will not elaborate, i do not need to- mostly because it's the same shit i mentioned before but slightly different but Still.
volleyball au - if you have amazon prime, you have access to cinemalaya's rookie which is a Filipino indie film about a junior basketball player who moves to a new catholic all girls school and starts playing volleyball (because there's no girls basketball team), she falls in love with the team captain, who hates her sm. it's so fucking good, now imagine it as limoreau. imagine jordan li as the team captain who has to take care of this new member, marie who yeah she's tall and she has like whatever basics but she sucks at volleyball and for some reason is so out of it. plus plus plus volleyball tension, the other couple that gives a constant big brown eyes off is ace and jana.
gossip girl au - another hear me out, marie who's always lives her life in lowerclass new york as an orphan is adopted by victoria newman and now has to navigate life in a new school with upperclass new yorkers. she's thrown into the midst of it all and has to deal with being a fish out of water plus jordan being like wary of her. andre brings her into the group after she saves him from a tough situation with a teacher or a quiz, cate and emma are so down to welcome another girl, luke has a nice heart to heart with her and welcomes her in, and if luke and emma let her in, sam is down, but jordan- jordan is the only one who doesn't want her there and she doesn't know why. look i just watched only 1 season of gossip girl i do not know shit but still
okay yeah those are all the aus off the top of my head <3 add some more if you'd like, brain dump with me over shit I'll never write
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best-habsburg-monarch · 6 months
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The clash of mother and son that did actually happen when they were co-ruling. In this situation you get to play the part of Kaunitz and decide who is right.
Maria Theresa, Archduchess of Austria, Queen of Hungary, Croatia and Bohemia, etc. reigned 1740-1780
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor, reigned 1765-1790
Propaganda under the cut:
Maria Theresa:
From anon: - chucked into ruling at age 23. while pregnant
- no prep!!!! Prussia invades Silesia!!! Ministers fucking around for their own provincial interests instead of for the Whole !!!!! and she has to somehow cope with all of this ....
- ALL WHILE being pregnant with Joseph (II) and we know that guy was just as ornery in utero as he was irl
- she's everything! He (Francis) is just ....Ken.
- YAS QUEEN rediversify that gene pool
- originally reluctant to participate in the 1st partition of poland (who wants galicia let's be real)
From anon: "I mean... Does this dude even NEED propaganda?! If this guy doesn't make you root for an absolute monarch, then noone will. Like with the caveat that enlightened absolutism is still absolutism and thus still not a GOOD way to run a state - well, Joseph II. was truly the most enlightened of absolutists. Just the fact that he abolished serfdom and instituted religious tolerance in Habsburg domains is enough to make him stand far above all of his predecessors and successors. Like, all of the other contestants can go home. None of them could ever top that (Franz Joseph I. had several opportunities, but wasn't keen on taking them). Even his other reforms were at worst misguided, but driven by genuine desire to better his country. Plus, you have to feel bad for him - the poor guy busted his ass for the country, just to have to take back a lot of his reforms simply because they were too ahead of their time, both of his marriages were unhappy (partially his own fault, but only partially) and, lest we forget, both of his kids died young. Voting for him is the least you can do for my poor baby!"
anti-Joseph II, from anon: Joseph II anti propaganda cheated like hell and treated his nephew Franz I (II) really mean by denying him company and food sometimes and also insulting him all the time. only good thing about him was that he was in Amadeus (1984) which was a banger film
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emsuemsu · 1 month
Tag game
Thank you for the tag @mycupofrum 💕💕 it's always a beautiful day to talk about oneself and also as the curious girlie I am to read about other people!!!
Fave colour: black baby
Last song: according to my spotify history my last played song was on Thursday and it was Stars Are Blind by Paris Hilton. That is the only song I listened to that day. It is a banger
Last film: we went to see First Omen a few weeks ago with my friend, absolutely shooketh from it, it was only us and a couple in the last row and they shushed us at one point. Never in my life have I felt more like a teenager in my LIFE. It was mortifying. I’m so embarrassed. We weren’t that loud though, just scared of the movie??? It was a good movie, enjoyed it, next Tuesday we’re going to see Immaculate, this spring is giving antichrist apparently
Currently reading: I have a few fics I’m in the middle of reading (one of them is A Violet Kind of Spin by @cassiaratheslytherpuff which I’m DYING to get back to!!!! jfc it’s so good!!!!! I feel so bad for taking such a long break from it but not a day goes by that I don’t think about it 🥹) and one book (Swimming in the Dark by Tomasz Jedrowski) but my reading vibes have been off for a good few months now!! I’ve read some shorter fics and listened to some podfics but reading in general feels super hard right now. I can’t wait for my summer vacation, maybe I’ll have some peace of mind and will be able to slam some words down. My tbr list is diabolical.
Currently watching: I’m going to be boring and say that I’m still on my Grey’s Anatomy grind. I’m on season 9 episode 10, 10 seasons to go. I’ve been watching s20 as it’s airing right now but it’s just not… it. This show should be taken off life support already 💔
Currently craving: a cigarette, uv index of 7, the beach and a crispy coke zero 😩
Coffee or tea: coffee, I never drink tea
Three ships: Drarry, first and foremost 🙂‍↕️ drarry has caused my brain to rot for almost two decades now and god knows when it’ll stop. I’ve been on and off the fandom, mostly off, but drarry is just a part of my goddamn DNA at this point it’s ridiculous. Next idk man. I have to say it’s a duel between prongsfoot and jegulus, your honor I love them both. Jegulus is a new acquaintance and like I don’t even know if it makes any sense at all (like where did this ship came from???) but jfc I am sat, I am folded I am silenced. But prongsfoot is the love of my life out of these two, I know for a fact that one of the first fics I ever read at the ripe age of 10 or 11-ish was Sirius/James and ever since that they’ve been in my heart, in my soul and in my mind non-stop. Prongsfoot is such a niche ship and I can’t believe it’s not more popular!!! Like they’re soulmates honestly. Funny enough I haven’t read that much of prongsfoot fics, always up for recs 👀👀 I know that was three ships already but I have to mention Kingsley/Charlie and it’s all because of @squintclover and their recent little microfics that just SLAP so hard I’m bruised black. I’m beyond obsessed.
First ship: I mean it was drarry. The one and only.
Currently working on: getting my goddamn ass off the couch and start to clean and do laundry 🥹 I have a few school deadlines as well but that does not spark joy so whatever
Thank you for coming to my ted talk once again!!! I’m tagging @valoale @cassiaratheslytherpuff @lemonlimelea @soliblomst @kk1smet @lucifergraced no pressure spill the tea if feeling like it!! 😌
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tempestuous-tempest · 11 months
Again! Wrench Headcanons:
Guess this 28/41 year old is my hyperfixation for a while.[Age depends on which game he's in. WD2 has him at canonically 28 while Legion makes him canonically 41 years old.] This is about the length of my Deacon Rambles post...
Was a high school drop out at some point. Always getting in trouble for skipping classes, taking shit apart, having his hood/mask on, fighting because he didnt get along with people, etc etc. He hated school.
I see him as the type to have been a drummer in a band at one point. Eventually the band just fell apart but he has some of their songs on his phone still.
Loved the movie Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. In his mind, it had a badass sound track. 7 Nation Army by The White Stripes and Black Sheep by Metric and Brie Larson were real bangers in his mind.
Reeks of beer and gasoline most of the time. Change my mind.
Deadpool is this man's icon. Some of his jokes are inspired by jokes from the comics or movies. Has posters, funkos, obviously the comics and movies, and even dressed up as his own punk version of deadpool loosely based on the funko mini. His personal favorite mini was the chicken costume.
Has a unicorn stuffed animal himself.
Also likes Spider-Punk.
Likes Motorcycles a little bit more than cars.
Detective films? Yes. Action Movies? Definitely. Sci-Fi? Hell Yeah! Horror? Maybe not so much.
People seem to be unable to decide whether Wrench is Bi or Pan. I personally think he'd be Pansexual.
Doesn't like cleaning as he states ingame. Will clean if the mess starts to bother him. Or if Sitara makes him.
High metabolism which is why he's so thin.
Throwns in tons of movie/game references when speaking expecting people to get them and then has to explain them when they dont. Definitely geeks out when someone does.
You know that one audio trend with the person singing CPR and someone else yelling "Language"? He'd be the singer and Sitara would be the one yelling at him to mind his language.
Sends the most odd videoes at the most random of times.
Also the kind of guy that might not respond until like and hour or 2 later.
Tries to be pretty quiet in the mornings, besides the music blasting in his earbuds/headphones.
The more I think about the more I start to believe that his "bad driving" is just a thing he makes people believe until you see his dumb ass in a race and this fucker blows you away with his skills. Then you start to really understand why he can do perfect drifts getting away from the police or gangs in a chace.
Due to his always racing thoughts, he sometims forgets some things. Like he gets sent out to take out the trash, goes to the kitchen, forgets why he went in there, does a few circles to try and remember, then gives up and goes back to his room or workspace. It'll hit him like 20 minutes later.
Favorite food is probably Tacos. Pizza close in like 2nd or 3rd place, maybe.
Decent at voice impressions, if you couldnt tell.
Oh, and for those who absolutely need them, have some romance headcanons too:
Didn't show his face to his S/O until like 6 months into the relationship at the least. He was so fucking nervous too.
Wouldn't even fully open up about his past until probably a year in at the least.
Prepare for cheesy love songs, matching key chains, corny pick up lines, bits of playful teasing, and a lot of small physical touches. (Mostly hand holding but would wrap his arms around his s/o's waist) His s/o also wrapping their arms around his waist drives him nuts.
Needs a lot of reassurance that his s/o loves him. I wouldnt say constantly but quite a few times in the relationship, especially at the beginning.
He isnt exactly scared of commitment as he had a husband at one point. Key word: "Had". Dont expect him to fully settle down though. He still plans to fight until he is sure this battle is really over.
Two Words: Super. Clingy.
Might forget an anniversary, dont hold it against him. He sometimes forgets what he had for breatfast 15 minutes ago.
As I've mentioned before, he does not like kids. Don't expect a family with him.
No planned dates unless his s/o is the one who plans them. He kinda just does things whenever if both have the free time.
Makes sure to dial down his weirdness just a little so his s/o is comfortable. He takes things slow if they want them to be.
Was definitely taking forever to actually ask his s/o out. Hoped they would do it first but then got impatient after a while and just blurted out everything.
This is getting too long. Im done for now.
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rivetgoth · 6 months
Nobody asked but over the last couple of days I decided to listen through every mainline Skinny Puppy album (all formal LPs + Remission which is for some reason considered an EP, never fully understood that) from beginning to end in order of release. I've listened to all these albums 5 billion times and know them more or less by heart but it occurred to me after the last show that I don't know if I've ever done this.
After each album I wrote a little Twitter-sized review of it and highlighted a few standout songs. This is, of course, because I originally did this on Twitter. It was a really fun little post-concert activity so I figured I would share it here too.
Maybe even a good introduction if I still have any followers putting off checking them out...? 👀
Remission (1984). The one that started it all. Kind of. Simpler than the rest maybe but still so iconic. “Far Too Frail” continues to be my favorite, hearing it live for one of the encores blew my mind. “Film” as the encore opener also brought tears to my eyes.
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Bites (1985). Still simpler than later outputs but also still a classic. Has a ton of really underrated instrumental-heavy/atmospheric tracks, and “The Choke” and “Last Call” are perfect songs. “Assimilate” is legendary but unfortunately gets hardcore overplayed lol.
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Mind: The Perpetual Intercourse (1986). The addition of DRG is palpable. SP starts coming into their own and sounding less like a Cabaret Voltaire tribute band. Lol. Moodier, more complex, and lush with dark soundscapes. “God’s Gift (Maggot)” is one of the best.
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Cleanse Fold and Manipulate (1987). From the first beat of “First Aid” onwards, this is one of THEE quintessential Skinny Puppy albums. IMO the real start of their “golden era.” Contains some of my favorite songs of ALL time. “Addiction” is easily a no contest top 5 SP track.
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VIVI SECT VI (1988). One of the greatest. Noxious war zones, sterile hospitals, choking, burning, cold clanging cages in animal laboratories. One of the darkest, most nightmarishly psychedelic, heaviest, absolutely masterfully crafted albums. “VX Gas Attack” remains unparalleled.
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Rabies (1989). Hi Al. This album just oozes sex appeal. I never get tired of it. It has a deranged masculine militaristic machine gun energy unlike anything else. I’ll never tire of “Hexonxonx,” “Worlock,” or “Tin Omen.” And ending on the dreamy delirious “Spahn Dirge”… Goddamn.
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Too Dark Park (1990). A lot of people call this one THE supreme SP album. It’s legendary. Pure unadulterated Skinny Puppy. Sounds like home. An endless barrage of chaos and stormy monstrous polluted amorphous landscapes. “Grave Wisdom” is an all time favorite ever.
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Last Rights (1992). The most utterly mindblowing devastating masterpiece of an album maybe ever made. The cohesiveness of the themes, sounds, lyrics, imagery—pure art. It’s a terrifying and desolate hellscape. Flung into sonic Knowhere. “Mirror Saw” is pure perfect transcendence.
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The Process (1996). I have some trouble with this album—It can just make me very sad. You can both feel and hear the devastating loss. Barren and hopeless. Still, it’s TEEMING with absolutely rocking, heavy, guttural bangers. “Cult,” “Blue Serge,” and “Curcible” stand out.
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The Greater Wrong of the Right (2004). A personal fave. Forever enthralled by the dreary smoking futuristic cityscapes painted by the various textures across each track. An epic journey through destruction of civilization and the mind. “Goneja” is an easy top 5 SP song for me.
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Mythmaker (2007). Used to struggle with it, was even my least favorite, but it’s grown on me and I love it. A high octane reality-bending journey through alien dimensions and human mythos. If Ogre’s alien Other belonged to an album it’d be this one. I adore “Dal” and “Pedafly.”
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HanDover (2011). Grossly underrated and constantly written off, I ADORE this album. It captures a sort of dreamlike melancholic sharp surrealism unmatched by anything else, like rain falling softly atop a rusting metallic dystopia. “Gambatte” is a stand-out forever favorite.
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Weapon (2013). A fitting end. Nostalgic familiarity rejuvenated with sharp crispness. This one taps deep into my imagination; post-apocalyptic fantastical mechanical wastelands haunted by ghosts of the past. “Plasicage” is an all-time fave, and I love the reimagined “Solvent.”
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Spelling Video
Context: I love the spelling bee videos, but I always feel s bad because Chris and Matt seem genuinely upset and disappointed with themselves that they didn't get the word right at times. So, basically here's this. I'm going to write a Matt version in a little bit.
Summary: Chris is upset that he struggles with spelling so much. His partner is always there to cheer him up though.
Chris Sturniolo x reader
TW: self-hate/negative self-talk
*important note: Matt calls his gf 'cat/kitty' in this as a nickname. I hate y/n but I didn't want to use an actual name for the immersion. the gf's friend is refered to with bear, also a nickname. sorry if this is confusing :')*
"Chris, it's not that big of a fucking deal." Nick says, his voice coming off a bit harsher than what I know he meant.
"You don't get it! You're so good at spelling! It's just embarrassing when I try to do it." I let out a huff of a breath. I cross my arms.
"You're not great at spelling, so what? I get words wrong too, and so does Matt. You don't hear him complaining." Nick stops. "If you really don't want us to post the video, then we won't. We'll have to film something else though, and I can tell you're tired. The fans like these videos, but it's up to you." He puts a hand on my shoulder. He's right. I am tired. I really don't want to film anything else tonight.
"Fine." I give in. "I guess it's fine if we post the video."
"I'll edit out some of the really bad spelling errors." Nick says. I know he's trying to cheer me up, but it does next to nothing. I nod to let him know I heard him.
"Let's go watch something downstairs while Nick edits. Okay?" Matt slides his phone into his pocket. He was probably texting his girlfriend about the words he spelled right even though they were really hard. I agree and we head down to the living room.
Matt clicks on Spongebob, then switches it to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I know he's trying to cheer me up, and while it is hard to be sullen when that absolute banger of a theme song is playing, it doesn't make the bad feeling in my stomach go away. It's only pushed to the back of my mind.
I get closer to Matt, snuggling up against his side. We get through a couple episodes before he pauses it. "Why'd you stop it?" I frown.
"I asked a couple people to come over. They'll be here in a few. Are you sure you want to be snuggled up to me like this when they get here?"
"Huh? All our friends know that we're close like this? I don't see why it would make a big difference." Matt pauses before he responds to me.
"I invited my girlfriend over." I wait for him to continue. "And her friend." I continue waiting because I'm still not seeing the big deal here. Matt sighs. "The one that always teases you about everything." Also the one I have feelings for. I don't want her to see me like this.
"No. Why would you invite her? Seriously, Matt." My voice comes out all whiny and I turn away from him. He wraps an arm around me, looping under my arms; preventing me from moving away further.
"I was telling cat about the stupid spelling thing and she asked if her coming over would make me feel better and I said yes. She asked how you were doing and I told her you were upset. She said she had an idea but needed bear to come with for it to work." He pulls me against his side again in a sort of hug. "Just trust us, okay?"
"Fine. But if she makes it worse, you owe me McDonald's."
"Whatever you say, Chrissy." He gives me one last squeeze and removes his arm, but I don't move away from him.
"I'm not going to move." I say, crossing my arms.
"That's fine, I'll tell cat to let herself in." I nod, and we go back to watching the now unpaused episode. I guess I must have nodded off for a little while. Matt's girlfriend is here, sitting on his other side and the turtles have been replaced with Drake and Josh.
"Hey, why'd you turn off the turtles?" My voice is rough and my words are slurred together. I rub my eyes, trying to wake up the rest of the way.
"I told you not to turn them off. I told you two the second you turned them off he would wake up, didn't I?" Cat's friend says. She's sitting with my legs over her lap. "You woke up the baby."
I pull my legs away from her. "It's fine. I needed to get up anyway." I say defensively.
"Dude." Cat hisses at her friend.
"Shit. Chris that came out wrong. I'm sorry." Oh. Well, that's never happened before. Strange.
"It...it's okay." I stretch my legs back out, but don't put them over her lap.
"The new video is up." Matt tells me, poking my shoulder.
"Can we watch it?" Cat's friend, Bear asks. She's pretty and mean to me. Absolutely not.
"No." I deny her. Cat already has the remote though and is pulling it up on the TV. I look at Matt. He asked me to trust them. "Fine. I don't care." We start watching the video. I'm tripping over words and single letters. It's so fuckin embarrassing.
Finally, in the video, after like five minutes, I get one easy ass word right. "Chris! That was so good!" Bear says from near my feet, moving closer to me.
"No, it fucking wasn't." I'm not going to let her just lie to my face.
"Yes, it was. You did your best. Looked really cute doing it too." She grins at me. My face gets hot. Matt and Cat get up.
"We're going to go get something to drink." It's just me and Bear. Matt said to trust them. I'm okay. It's okay. I sit up in Matt's absence, facing Bear.
"I'm serious, you know. I think you did really good." She gets closer. "You can ask me to spell words, if it would make you feel better." I shake my head. "C'mon, ask me to spell something."
"Fine. Spell..." I think for a second. "Fuchsia." Her face scrunches up.
"Hmmm, fuchsia...I think it's like y-o-u-r-f-a-c-e. Is that correct?" My face gets hotter.
"Uh...not even close." What is she doing?
"Oh. How do you spell it then?"
"Um, f-u-c-h-s-i-a? I think. Something like that."
"Good job, Chris. You're so fucking smart." She reaches out, touching her hand to my face. "So handsome too." Suddenly, she lurches forward and kisses my nose. "Sorry. I had to. I've wanted to do that since we met."
"Uh, it's okay Bear-" I yawn. "Sorry, I'm still tired."
"It's okay. You can take another nap on my lap if you want." I must be really tired because I move my head to rest in her lap.
"Why'd you call me the baby earlier?" I blurt out.
"Honestly? That's just how I view you. You're the youngest and you're goofy and pretty needy at times. Mostly though, I'd like to be able to call you baby, or my baby. So, I said the baby instead."
"Oh." I bury my face against her stomach. "I think I'd like that." I let out another yawn.
She pushes my hair out of my face. "Just go to sleep baby." Matt was right. This is helping. "I'll be here when you wake up. Just relax and sleep, my baby." She coos a little bit and I am dragged into the darkness of sleep.
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captain-aralias · 8 months
9 books that are my favourites
tagged by @arenee1999 a few days ago, thank you <3 as i was writing this list in my head last night, i thought - this could be read as a list of my favourite fandoms and television/film adaptations, but hey ho. i did a degree in english lit or something.
harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban by JKR - no book has been so important to my life and i also just think it's a really fun mystery and i still like it, so - it's here, it's staying.
carry on by rainbow rowell - but of course. this one was quite important too.
pride and prejudice by jane austen - i don't think this has ever made a fav book list before, i think because i thought it was too basic, but damnit - this book is great, it influences the way i write enemies to lovers, i love the 1995 adaptation and all of austen's novels are bangers except mansfield park, which i keep trying to like but it sucks.
the once and future king by TH white - all my life i loved the movie 'camelot' and it's depiction of arthur. i only learned as an adult that it was TH white's gentle, earnest, thwarted arthur that they'd used <3 he's perfect. 'ill-made knight' is the best of the series, IMO
lieutenant hornblower by cs forester - i haven't read the books in ages, so maybe it's time for a re-read. the ioan grufford adaptation is great, i wish they'd do the later/earlier books too! BUT this early (in hornblower's life) book is my fav - the only one told from bush's POV as he struggles with how he loves hornblower but worries the guy wants to do a mutiny (which he totally does)
the folk of the air by holly black - a new entrant even though i've loved it for years, but i've decided i don't just think it's really good, it's so good that it's one of my favs. maybe the best of the trilogy is the middle book, 'wicked king' where jude is in power with limited support and they fall in love (or do they???). how the king of elfham learned to hate stories is also brilliant.
'the emperor mage' by tamora pierce. i've been waiting my whole life for the numair book and it was terrible, but her first three trilogies are my absolute crack, and this is the best book of those series IMO. the bit where numair tries to hit the emperor for implying he loves his student daine (which he does) while she's listening but disguised as a bird - and then he fakes his own death, and daine goes crazy... that bit has stayed with me for decades, i love it so much.
'night watch' by terry pratchett. i still feel late to properly loving pterry, but i've always liked this one and now i love it - vimes is my guy, i love the time travel, that he trains himself, that he resists both passively and when required actively. v good. my next fav is probably ... 'monstrous regiment', which i think is a bit more of a weird choice (unlike this one which is mega popular and also about all the things i like), but it just does everything right! oh, 'and 'going postal'.
'the princess bride' by s morgenstern william goldman. i haven't read this for ages either so maybe it shouldn't make the list, but i expect it's still pretty great. a mindfuck for a young child who has only seen the film and thinks all of the frame narrative must therefore be real... also, the film is like one of the best films ever and i have seen that super recently. if you haven't seen the home movie, do yourself a favour and watch it because it's a great way to enjoy the movie a-new.
no idea where this meme has been already. so just saying hello to some folks and if you'd like to do this meme and haven't done it already, please do! @giishu @orange-peony @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @carryonvisinata @alleycat0306 @fight-surrender @cows4247 @messofthejess @mysterioussheep
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