#stp the shifting mound
beartitled · 4 months
STP voices x princesses
Because I wanted a reason to draw them all >:D
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Also lil bonus ✨
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circusmantis · 26 days
I love it when the princesses are slay
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gentle-death-envoy · 19 days
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an attempt at drawing what cannot be understood
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I'm so fucking abnormal about my eldritch hand wife
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bubblybloob · 6 months
Well since your doing requests um….how about during the become as god’s ending Birdman god form is just him but incredibly fluffy like it’s just his face and a bunch a floof and the floof causes the construct to explode
Sorry if that’s too much
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Was struggling a little on how to turn this ask into a drawing, so I put a spin on it. Something something studio ghibli hair floof something something.
If you think about it, technically canon.
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Breaking news: local bird god can’t take an iota of love or affection without crumpling like wet paper.
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sir-dahlia · 2 months
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slay the princess drawing that i don't have the energy to finish
i was going to call it "the end of the path" but y'know. it's "the end of my motivation"
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coddda · 19 days
Someone's probably already pointed this out by now but I love how the game exercises the concept of the princess being "whatever you percieve her to be" before the game even begins.
After following one of the dialogue trees while questioning the Narrator you get the ability to ask why the Shifting Mound is, specifically, a princess. She is transformation, she is whatever she is perceived to be, the concept of change itself, death itself, etc. but why is she a princess? And the Narrator says that he does not know, just that there must be some reason why she appeared as a princess to you.
But the reason why she is a princess is because that's what was promised to you when you bought the game. If you take the blade, the princess will be just as suspicious and cautious as you are of her, something unsettling but not explicitly a threat yet. If you don't, she will trust you as you trust her not to be dangerous, and she will not display any indication that she can do you any harm. Her personality and mannerisms are variable based on how you play, however, she is, no matter what, a princess. Whether she is a vague idea of a princess (The Stranger, because you have not met her yet), a cold and only dubiously trustworthy princess, or a helpless and friendly princess, she is still a Princess, just because that's what you are going to believe she is just from the title of the game. The Shifting Mound is already taking form of what you are believing her to be, before you even meet her, and once she becomes known As the Shifting Mound, she becomes a shifting mound of, well, princesses. Because that is your first, "base" impression of her.
Idk I just think the entire concept of a character only taking form of what you Think they are is really cool and it was pulled off so well and this game makes me insane. (I can't find the specific dialogue but one of the potential ways you could've asked this question to the Narrator goes something like "Okay but why a princess? Why couldn't she have been a slice of bread or something?" (it wasn't that exactly but it was Something about bread). Slay the Bread Slice, and she would've been. A bread slice. Slay the Shifting Mound and she would've been an incomprehensible mound of, not princesses, but whatever the hell you believe that vague mound could've been made out of. I don't know I just think it's really cool and neat and this game is amazing. The Shifting Mound lives rent-free in my head
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mrpristineblade · 3 months
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Voice of the Smitten
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Voice of the Contrarian
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the Long Quiet to the Shifting Mound
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the Narrator
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the Witch
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Voice of the Opportunist
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the Prisoner
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waffleslashermaster · 4 months
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The red means I love you
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beartitled · 5 months
Some silly Slay the princess stuff
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circusmantis · 2 months
More princesses!
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artificial-radiance · 3 months
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the runaway and the narrator
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mcsammehsomething · 2 months
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Yippe yeee i finished it i finished it
If there are mistakes yes i have seen them but in the rendering phase it was tooo late so i just rolled along
Honestly i after finishing the art i just wanna tuck myself under the 37383838 bed sheets i have and have a nice and long sleep because damn my eyes hurt and my fingers ( not my wrist tho )
If you ever ask yourself hey why such a specific order dude?
It's for a cool reason okay trust me if you're curious figure it out
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occatorcreator · 4 months
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“This vessel is full of you. I need something empty I can crawl inside of. I need something shaped like me.”
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bubblybloob · 2 months
Do you think (with the new Shifting Mound animations), that the one where she charges forward with what seems to be rage… is actually not rage?
The different perspectives appear from the Shifting Mound’s multitudes very up close and personal with you and aren’t taken further back until after you are shown their chapters from their point of view. At first I thought Shifty was like resonating with her perspectives and copying their emotions, but now I think she’s actually rushing towards you to quickly get the more dangerous princesses under control before they can hurt you.
In the animation you can see her quickly shove one of herself out of the way like she’s rushing and getting sloppy because of it. And if you pause for some frames, her eyes are very wide and almost scared looking. Keep in mind, this animation plays for when girls like Beast or Fury appear, very dangerous versions of her that probably have no issue with taking another jab at you.
Also, some decent evidence for this is for the different versions of Razor. In one version she’s just a heart, and Shifty approaches with the smiling animation (EDIT: sorry, it’s actually the one where a bunch of hands cover you up, but that’s still one where she appears unconcerned so this edit doesn’t really matter-), but for the version that is still tower of blades she does the frantic one.
Maybe this is common knowledge or something, I don’t know. I thought she was copying their anger/aggression to be more authoritative or something, or to better remind you of the loops, or that pulling out a perspective you interacted with had an effect on her mood- I don’t know! Either way, I think seeing her, at her most mighty, be worried about little ol’ you, who- even if you haven’t yet truly awakened to your godhood- can’t die in a way that matters within the construct, is actually kind of nice to see.
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charismabee · 5 months
I like STP swap aus in theory but I find how I've seen people do them a little strange (not bad tho they're still cool n stuff and I like them very much)
Like they're just... making the princess bird shaped without actually examining what swapping the Shifting Mound and Long Quiet's role in the narrative would mean. (Not meant to be negative)
Let's take the Narrator for example. In Slay the Princess he wants to kill the Princess because he wants to stop death forever. But the Long Quiet isn't death, he's stillness, lack of change. This completely changes the Narrator's core motivation. It can work though. Maybe he's in a world that has stagnated, no change, no innovation. It feels like rot, so he decided he had to find a way to be rid of it. Or maybe some other explanation. This would change his core world view, what he might consider a good end, how he acts a bit, lots of things.
Speaking of the good end, that's definitely not going to be an eternity of stagnant bliss, we literally just killed the personanification of stagnation. You could think around that too. Remember I the stranger route when everything was happening at once and it was the same as nothing happening? Maybe that happens. Without stillness the Princess is met with a barrage of constant change and stimulation, everything happening at once. The Princess could realise it is Nothing as much as it is Everything and that gets her out of it.
The Long quiet would be interesting too, because he doesn't change, it isn't in his nature to. Instead, he fractures. Perhaps instead of finding his multitudes you are shattering him. Breaking off parts of him so he can see them from the outside and know them. Once enough pieces of him have been broken off he will shatter completely and finally be able to see all of him, would talons pick up his broken pieces, would wings made of textured nothingness wrap around them and embrace them tightly? Would he reside on a hill of squirming hands or bodies, lost in the centre of the shifting mound?
Perhaps without a need for agency, or someone to make a decision the Voices would just exist as their own thing. First one that claims to be a Hero, who claims to have agency in their story (a part of reflected in her, the Long Quiet does not need to shatter to be able to see him), quickly joined by a Paranoid and terrified victim, an Opportunist Scammer, a Stubborn opponent. Different, but not changed. Not the one person molded into another.
Even the construct itself would be changed by who it is created to kill. Perhaps when the Princess first arrives on the path in the woods it is autumn, a sign of the seasons changing, there is life and death and nature and cycles, but on that 3rd Chapter, it is summer. The leaves are green and waxy, everything is preserved in a completely silent stillness. Maybe there is a horror in that no matter how you get there those silent woods are always the same, unchanging.
Unlike the Long Quiet, the Shifting Mound does change. She is naturally malleable. She has no need for voices because whatever action you take becomes what she would have always done. Perhaps her body changes, giving her new advantages, the body of a vicious Beast stalks towards the cabin, hunger tinting your choices through a cabin twisted to suit her needs. A goddess glides towards her temple, willing it to be large enough to fit her. A dainty Princess hurries to find her Prince charming in a fairytale cabin. The land twists under her will, whether she realises that or not, only giving resistance when too close to the 'monster' kept down there. She is change, it is only natural she causes it.
Even stuff like how to get rid of him would change, because can you actually kill the absence of something? The natural state of things before they shift? The shifting mound is motion and for everything to be in motion all the time means nothing can ever really happen at all. There is no fulfilment in anything you do if your opinion on what to do changes every moment you exist. Perhaps to truly 'kill' him she needs to make him smaller, change what cannot be changed to make the stillness that will be broken, the things to be changed. Perhaps he will break them out of there and thank her. Perhaps without a way to know himself he slowly fades into a nothingness, trapped in an eternity of stagnation that change herself refused to save him from.
It is still a love story, he is naturally inclined to help her, she will always love him, but things have changed.
Anyway this is just a dumb little ramble because I was thinking and it's nearly 3am so this is probably nonsense anyway. I do really like swap ideas they're interesting and stuff <3
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