#sunny speaks
sunny-darlin · 11 months
girl with an oral fixation 🤝 boy who likes watching her choke on it
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literallyjusttoa · 15 days
RIP Odysseus you would have loved long distance calls.
RIP Diomedes you would have loved Call of Duty voice chats.
RIP Patroclus you would have loved winning every high school popularity contest.
RIP Achilles you would have loved Alpha male TikToks.
RIP Agamemnon you would have loved being an asshole CEO.
RIP Nestor you would have loved toddler leashes.
RIP Cassandra you would have loved being able to sue people for the damages they caused you.
RIP Hector you would have loved the Kentucky Derby.
RIP Paris you would have loved doxxing people anonymously.
RIP Helen you would have loved women getting to have rights.
RIP Troy you would have loved fire extinguishers.
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sunny-flake · 10 months
wait omg analysis time bc I am LOSING my mind
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I wanted to start with these two, because in the broad image they are looking at each other
In HW, only one song is played ever, and I feel like he may be a bit lost on trying to join in, and is looking to Four for help. Four has notices this, but doesn't understand why he's looking at him. Probably?
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Aside from that, he looks OVERJOYED to be able to play one of those instruments, and is just having a wonderful time. Good for you bud :)
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These two made me laugh, bc I know that Twi had to probably go off onto the woods or something and come back to join in the only musical way he knows. To which Wind, who probably here still knows Twi & Wolfy as two different people. Confused small bean <3
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SKYYYYYY THE BOYYYY!!!! In past comics, Sky has said that playing the harp helps remind him of Zelda, and whatever they are playing seems to give good memories
ALSO ARE WE GONNA TALK ABOUT THE WIND? Throughout the peice there seems to be wind going to the left. You can see this especially in Hyrule. But for Sky, ONLY HE, has a strong wind going to the right. Not sure what that implies but it's cool
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I know I've already seen a few things talking about time and how he has the Zora guitar from MM, which I do think it's cool because it implies that Time still has the MM masks on him.
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Not much to say about Hyrule, except for the fact you can see the wind I was talking about earlier, and I like the fact that he's playing a recorder, not a Flute, a flute would've gone to the side
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Finally we have Wild, who is instrument-less and the audience XD
Petition to have Wild get out a bunch of stakes and some mallets and just be percussion in the bg lmao. No other words here
I imagine the Spirit of Cadence of Hyrule Link is smiling down of everybody
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merrunzs · 3 months
anyway does anyone ever think abt how lonely the chosen are.
how ketheric does everything for his family but he is the only one really left. everything in his home and everyone he loves are either dead or twisted by the shadow curse that kills everything there anyway. isobel, the daughter he had being doing Everything for, ran from him when she found out what he had become to save her
how gortash was always too smart for his own good that he was cast out and sold like damaged goods by his own parents . he was sold to the hells where nobody is your friend . he is the chosen of bane, representing the sphere of tyranny and subjugation, in which nobody is your friend. he has the entire city under his thumb either through fear or his charm and the brittle, tense partnership with ketheric and orin and yet he has no true allies (except the durge arguably but. theyre either gone or dont remember him) . how he Seeks Out the equal partnership with tav/amnesiac durge which to me seems So antithetical to banes sphere- i cant imagine theyre too fond of sharing- in a way that fascinates me so much
how orin is a bhaalspawn that has never been good enough. never pure enough. she has always been second best, the childish girl to durges mastery. how she does everything for sarevok and for bhaal she has nothing but her family and that temple. no matter how much she devotes herself to them she is only ever looked upon by her only loved ones with hatred and contempt. orin whos own mother attacked her on sarevoks orders. orin who is unwanted wherever she goes no matter how hard she tries to be the very best
the dark urge, too. durge who is a tool, a vessel and instrument for their fathers will. when sarevok says 'you belong to bhaal. he manifests within you' . how theyre shackled to bhaal and kept from everything else. the first people they ever killed were their family. even in the temple, with their True family, durge is alienated from orin and sarevok by virtue of being made and not born, not connected to their shared bloodline. durge who is constantly pushed onto a pedestal by those in the temple through their divinity and purity and has never had a true peer to stand beside before gortash. durge who is so so cut off from other people and intimacy and who is forced to kill everyone they get close to or love by their father and the urge. durge who is an object for bhaals use, unafforded the mortal luxury of real connection
deeply deeply interested by how they are all such powerful and influential characters and yet all have such a strong theme of isolation. :(
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sunnysideuppup · 4 months
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I have discovered a second treat that angel likes. Chicken & gravy baby food! It is his new favorite, easily surpassing the formerly coveted banana puffs. Look at that grip on the spoon and his little handful of baby food 😭
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wof-reworked · 1 month
Do you like TTRPGS? Do you like WOF? Do you like participating in dice induced madness????
hi !! so, for the past year, I've been working on a project called All Dragons No Dungeons (now titled Talons of Power to avoid overlap with advanced dnd), a playable wof ttrpg. ADND is reaching. something close to playtestable, which I'm ridiculously excited about. But! I would love some feedback and general people to share this rambles with in a format other than tumblr, bc this platform. does not favor confusing ramblings. So I'm making a discord server !! This will be for:
Testing out the character creation
polishing up formatting (pls help me get out of google docs)
Workshopping the actual mechanics
Sharing tabletop projects and stories
General WOF shenanigans
roleplay perhaps? 👀
Link is HERE! server is all-ages with role-protected 18+ channels (tho the whole thing will still be, broadly speaking, PG-13).
Links to game documents will be posted soon, for now the server is more of a hangout space. Hope to see you there !!
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rainydaysie · 2 months
Fenris would find Astarion irritating send tweet
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the-sunshine-court · 2 months
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Jean “I didn’t ask” and “I’ve always gotten what I deserve” Moreau looking at Cody like is anyone keeping them safe?
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sunny-darlin · 10 months
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Don’t I look so pretty on top?
Also thank you for 400 followerssss
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literallyjusttoa · 5 months
There's a joke in the ToA server that Apollo and Meg had to work at McDonalds during the gap between TTT and TON to make some money, but I'd like to offer a different idea with a shitty comic
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If Meg and Apollo can befriend a giant ant, a pandoi, a feral karpoi, Lityerses, and the fading spirit of Helios, they can befriend three cyclops siblings working minimum wage at a Monster Donuts. And then they can also work minimum wage at a Monster Donuts.
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lilbitosunny · 2 months
Lamb: Nari, if you're having feelings, you can talk about them.
Narinder, experiencing romantic attraction: ..Yeah, I'm not gonna do that.
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merrunzs · 7 months
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the last dragonborn / the last akaviri
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sunny-flake · 1 year
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hey. heheheheyhey. More people should be talking about this panel. just bc
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sunnytarg · 2 years
Some night Daemons daughter will bring all three of her boys into her bed at the same time.
She’s Daemon’s daughter and loves chaos. She wouldn’t tell any of them that she wanted to have them all at the same time. She’d invite Aegon to her room first and have him eat her out and as she’s in the middle of her first orgasm of the night Aemond would walk into the room. He wouldn’t know what to do. He wants to storm out and choke Aegon at the same time, but before he can decide she waves him over and before he knows it his cock is out and in her mouth.
When Jace arrives she’s bouncing on Aemond’s cock as Aegon thrusts his cock in between her soft tits. Jace is too stunned to say anything but she just turns her head and smiles at him and says, “well, come on and join us.”
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cecilioque · 2 years
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VOLO’S OUTFIT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE BAD. And here is why I think so...
To begin, we are not talking about the Ginko guild design, we are talking about the “final boss” fit. We all know that Volo’s outfit is dumb, but I’m mad because it  was actually thought out and VERY symbolic in the sense that it essentially represented things Volo said/wanted.
I, like everyone else looked at this outfit and went “wow, that is dumb” and then hated on it.  Although it is not the most appealing or cool outfit, there was actually a lot of thought that went into it. I could be really over analyzing this, but here is my interpretation.
To begin with, the concept art is a lot more revealing about the intention of the design then the actual game play.  On a surface level we see Volo in what I can only assume is a Arceus gijinka cosplay.  So the hair, the stars, and color scheme are all elements of Arceu’s  design.  Cool. Good job especially since Volo had in fact never seen Arceus before.
To fully understand this outfit we have to go back to Hisui and the remains of this so called “ancient civilization”. In the Pokemon world, there is this general idea that the ancient culture was either Roman or Greek inspired. We see evidence in Legends of Arceus by the obvious column heavy architecture and use of Greek Doric columns ( one of the earliest styles of columns used for temples) and in the ruins and temple. 
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The Temple of Sinnoh is obviously based off of the Parthenon. It’s funny because game freak went as far as to even mimic both Ionic and Doric styles in the Temple of Sinnoh just like the Parthenon. I will go as far to add that the Sinnoh temple is much simpler than the Parthenon due to the fact that it was not embellished with an elaborately carved frieze or any decoration on the exterior for the most part.  Bizarre when even the broken ruins have evidence of some sort of ornamentation. It makes complete sense why the game developers chose this style seeing how is is know for being very simplistic.  But it also dates it in context.  It makes the Temple of Sinnoh the first temple that was build and the others that followed were build as the civilization grew ( thus more elaborate but we can only see the crumbled remains).
I will be ignoring the Snowpoint temple because it is a weird combination of styles and almost seems alien and out of place which very much fits the Regi theme.  It is also based on the early game design which was limited and blocky for game space sake.
Ok, heavy Greek and Roman influence. Back to Volo and his obviously Greek and Roman fit.  Volo’s name itself means “I wish”  in latin and could possibly be a reference to the phrase “volō, ergo sum” (I wish, therefore I am). Very in character since it is the wish for more” and he did everything he could to achieve that.
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The actual influence for the design is more Roman in nature. This bothered me because we can see that research and thought went into it, but they just simplified it. And this actually has a point.
To begin with the obvious stuff, we see that volo’s shirt is definitely toga like. It even goes so far to be decorated with a Fibula (brooch)in a way that indicates a higher rank or status.  Cool Volo, we get that you think highly of yourself. Color choice is also same as Arceus, but we also know that white togas were also used by senators and high political officers.
Next , the shoes.  These are just the basic stereotypical Spirit Halloween Greek god/goddess type of sandals you can get at your local costume shop.  This was actually the most disappointing part of the outfit for me. But it makes sense they went with the most simplified and recognizable style.  They wanted us to look at this outfit and go “ Wow, Volo has been studying his myths and recreated an outfit”. This is what you could expect someone to create with just a written description of the clothing used during that time.
The necklace is interesting because it stands out so much compared to the gold colors. I am no sure what they were going for here by making it so prominent, but it brings us to an interesting thought.  If they necklace does have meaning, it is related directly to the design/shape.  The waterdrop could be the Greek symbolism for "tears of grace” or in a sense “gods grace”. The idea that the tears of god water the harvest and provide life. Alternate interpretations could simply be water as a source of life, or a symbol or sadness a mourning.  If it is a symbol of of mourning, this might be a clue to why Volo might desire to rewrite the world so much.
Last but not least, the pants. I think we can all decide this is one of the worst parts of the outfit, and to me it is just straight up confusing for two main reasons.  For starters, the color green is so prominent when green is an accent color on Arceus.  So maybe the color has meaning itself.  But if you look at the image above, the color mainly refers to life and “the harvest” (possibly like the necklace).  It has a weird connections to life and creation itself, which probably is why it was included in Arceus’ design and makes sense as Volo essentially wants to become the creator of life in a new world.
But this isn’t the part that gets me the most. The second thing that confuses me is the fact that the Greeks and Romans did not use pants.  This was because pants were associated with non-Roman/Greek cultures (the Germanic tribes and Vikings) who they looked down upon. On top of that, the Greeks thought pants were feminine and silly.  This could also just simply be a design choice because they didn’t wanna draw Volo in a full toga and accidently make him look like Christ. But this leads to my final point of the physical outfit itself.
VOLO’S OUTFIT WASN’T SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD. IT’S SUPPOSED TO LOOK DORKY AND BAD BECAUSE IT WAS FLAWED! This is based on the real world cultures it was based on. And although Volo may have done a lot of research, he still didn’t completely understand ancient culture.  It’s bad because Volo made it himself. His outfit was flawed just like his ideology. It is his own interpretation of a culture that he had idolized without truly understanding that this great and ancient culture crumbled. And based off of the architecture of the ruins and temples, it never even reached a prime before it fell.
But Volo thinks its correct/cool/accurate. He is being a fool about it because he didn’t understand the bigger picture and had become consumed with this desire for power and control.  This as an idea is really cool and I find it funny that you can also wear the outfit. Its essentially mocking him. If we look at the outfit in this light, the design was a success in getting us to dislike it and evoke this distaste. We didn’t know why, but this is why.
SO IN SUMMARY, OUTFIT WAS BAD ON PURPOSE. It wasn’t thoughtless, in fact there was a lot of research behind it and yet that seems to be thrown out to simplify the design in a way that looks like someone hand made it based off of what they had put together themselves.
But this isn’t my favorite part  of the concept art.  My favorite part is the hands.
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Look at his hands. Why are they in those positions? Wouldn’t it have been easier to create more standard poses?  To me the hand gestures here are just too specific. So I started digging around for what they could be on a Art history level.  I looked at Non Christian art first and then Christian symbolism within their mosaics, illuminated manuscripts, and paintings. And I found some verrrry interesting similarities.  I am not trying to make this religious. I just found some interesting similarities between old Christian art and Volo’s design.  Which makes sense if we go back to this Greek/Roman influence because these cultures eventually converted to Christianity.  And Arceus is kind of a weird goat god Jesus.
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The left hand is where the biggest symbolism is.  Basically, this hand gesture has been used to indicate “the hand of god” or the “hand of justice”.  Christ sometimes is draw with a similar hand position and could be a sign of the cross, but this would also refer to some sort of divinity.  I will also note that Volo is in no way making the classic “blessing” hand gesture.
As for the right hand he is making what I assume is a Greek/Roman orator (speaker) gesture. This would mean that Volo is calling for attention. Note, that I didn't’ compare this to prophets. That’s because orators speak for themselves and prophets for god.  And Volo thinks he is god.
Under this context, in the concept art Volo is essentially saying “I am God”.  If we add the symbolism of his outfit, it only further solidifies this idea.  Volo’s outfit/concept comes together and screams “behold, I am god , the hand of justice. I will be the creator or the new world”. Which is so freaking clever because that’s literally what he tells you. 
Sure his hands are switched and lowered compared to actual real world art examples (thank you Game freak for not throwing in actual religious symbols/gestures), but I think the intention is still there.  It’s so good that I am mad.  So as much as I hate this dumb outfit, I cannot deny that it was well thought out, that the character was well thought out.
To conclude, these are my assumptions. I am not an expert on art history or religion.  If you have further insights on this feel free to share. I’d be interested with what others had to add.  I the end this could all be wrong and just crazy for overthinking the designs of a pokemon character, but it just seems too intentional to be carelessly thrown together. This is just one possible interpretation.
Though its just more evidence in my mind that a lot of love and care went into developing Legends of Arceus. Despite their limitations and resources.
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the-sunshine-court · 2 months
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Jeremy’s “I won’t be like them. I won’t let you let me be.” moment
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