#superdads ;3
impyssadobsessions · 3 months
DPXDC Prompt: Supersons + 1
What if Jack became friends with Clark and Bruce. And Danny accidentally becomes apart of the Supersons.
Jack takes Danny with him on a trip to visit his friends- just for it to turn into a playdate. But it isn't long for the cat to come out the bag especially since Danny's rogues can sniff him out.
So now all three are trapped in the ghost zone and this is way more than Danny wanted to reveal with day one "friends" . (maybe its walker)
And their dads having to come find them. Jack leading the charge because he has no idea Clark and Bruce are superheroes LOL But he knows ghosts when he sees them >:U
Could also be a good moment to have good dad Jack- one that once he knows Danny's phantom is immediately wait.. that's my son… MY SON? IM COMING DANNO!
Imagine just very heartfelt. Jack learns to reconnect with his son- Danny has more connections and now protection. Jon is happy to have a flying friend. And Damian still appalled Danny's bad at his identity. "It works because most people wouldn't think I'm dead." "Except for other ghosts?" "I told you that's not something I can avoid >:T." And be even funnier if Clark and Bruce had to go along with Jack WITHOUT being super. Even Jack doesn't find out about them. Which Danny is fine with keeping secret. So they have to work off of limited unsettling tech and still pretend they're a good shot because of other reasons.. or hits. Imagine Jack is like sensitive to Bruce's parents death like OH WAIT- sorry Clark you take these. Brucie, I got the boo-merang and the anti-ghost staff somewhere. That's my wife's favorite. uwu Jack also the reason they couldn't slip away into hereos because he dragged them along shouting FLITHY SPOOK! GIVE ME BACK OUR SONS!... in the Fenton RV... so imagine they had... Quite a ride.
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Finally finishing supernatural and I’m on season 14. I gotta say watching Sam, Dean, and Cas be dads to Jack literally makes me so soft. It makes me feel like I’m being wrapped up in a blanket. They get to say all the things that they wish John would have said to them. Cas gets to keep choosing to be there for Jack like Chuck decided not to be. Ahhhhh.
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timdickert-blog · 1 year
The BIG little things.
What if the role of a father had a job posting?What would it look like or would we even be consider for the role? Help Wanted- Job Title: Father Job Purpose:The purpose of this job is to provide guidance, support, and love to children while ensuring their safety and well-being. The father will be responsible for instilling values, providing discipline when necessary, and being a positive role…
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kiankiwi · 4 months
What would Jacob be like as a dad? I love him sm :(
I'm gonna do hc's because I miss writing actual fics!
from the moment he finds out your pregnant, he's understandably scared bc DUH but he's also OVER THE MOON
he's constantly talking to the bubba and rubbing your belly (with your permission because he knows you might not always want to be touched bc of how much your body is changing)
Whenever we go to the store for ANYTHING, he has to take a detour to the baby section to grab the bubba a "present" and even if we're like "baby, we don't need to get all this" he gives us his famous puppy dog eyes that ALWAYS works on us and he KNOWS it does so he abuses that power whenever he can
He is SO grumpy whenever he can't make it to a sonogram appointment due to scheduling and filming and stuff so we make sure we're allowed to FT him during the appointments so he can still be "there"
I picture him being on the saltburn set during the anatomy scan (I don't see us doing a gender reveal party, we just find out at the appointment because jacob is so excited and can't wait) and when he finds out it's a girl (he's so girl dad coded) HE DOES THE NATE SCREAM (BUT IN A GOOD WAY) and he just walks around a bit screaming and cheering and we're like "don't make me laugh! I'm gonna pee! don't make me laugh!"
And because he's so excited, he goes to the store on the way home and buys ALL the cutest girly onesies and we have cupcakes in celebration
I feel like he'd LOVE old-timey names like Theodore, Arthur, Elanor, all the grandma/grandpa names lol
He turns into handyman Jacob and keeps the nursery a surprise from us and he does the whole thing himself so that we don't have to worry about it
That's the thing about Jacob as a dad, if he can do something to help us or take something off our plate so we don't get stressed out, he does it! Even when baby is born
Throughout our entire pregnancy, Jacob was reading all the books and researching all the things including how to help during labor and when we finally go into labor, he's a SUPERDAD. He distracts us, he asks us all the right questions and holds us and when it gets way too intense, he puts his face close to ours so the only thing we can focus on is his face
We're DEFINITELY scared to give birth because Jacob is a gentle giant and we're so scared to give birth to a baby giant ... spoiler alert, we're okay
JACOB IS SOBBING once bubba is born and is torn between focusing on us or the bubba
I feel like Jacob during our labor throws up from anxiety a few times because he's trying so hard not to show it but he's sooooo anxious
He takes ALL the nighttime feeds and changes and stuff, he calms the baby down whenever we need a shower or a nap, ANYTHING he can do to help us, takes bubba on walks while we go to the store and he gets us coffee and flowers and a card and stuff
He's basically the greatest dad
IMAGINE him babywearing that tiny bubba.... such a big boy and a tiny bubba napping on his chest while we do chores
God this was so fun! I hope you enjoyed. <3
PLEASE send me more Jacob dad thoughts !!!
@mooodyblue @arianatheangel-girl
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blughxreader · 1 year
Yandere superdad
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shhh they're bonding <3
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residentrookie · 10 months
jegulus dads ‘i frew up 🧍’ microfic— 1313 words; sorry guys i was brain rotting too hard about this one (cw: mentions of throwing up)
in all his 27 years, regulus has never been a deep sleeper. so when the door to the bedroom creaks open at 3 in the morning, his eyes open with it. the room is still pitch black, and he wonders groggily if boots (their cat) pawed it open when a tiny, weak voice whimpers, “daddy?”
regulus is launching up in bed and turning towards the voice of his five year old son before thinking twice.
“what, baby? what is it?”
at his sudden movement, james shoots up in bed next to him. “—whatisit. haz?” he mumbles, flicking on a lamp and dousing the room in light.
there stands harry in his spiderman jams, hair an absolute bird’s nest and tears streaming from his big green eyes and down his sweet cheeks. regulus’ eyes water instinctively just looking at him. before having kids, regulus never knew what it was to empathize so automatically with someone else— but he felt harry’s emotions right along with him, the joy, the sorrow, and the pain too.
“i—“ harry starts, then sucks in a big stuttering breath, clearly trying to be a brave boy and not cry, “i-i threw u-up.”
at the admission he wails, like he’s just confessed to the most abhorrent sin and will now have to face the wrath of his two loving fathers, who are so light on punishments they sometimes worry harry will end up being the most spoiled brat alive. james and regulus share a quick look, what regulus would consider the “dad” look, before throwing back the covers and rising quickly.
surprisingly, they’ve planned for this. years ago. when they first started dating. james had asked regulus about this very scenario, and after minutes of regulus whining about never wanting children in the first place—so why does it even matter, james— he’d made his position clear.
“i don’t do vomit.” regulus told him firmly. “absolutely not.”
james had laughed. “fine by me. if you only knew how much of my friends vomit i’ve had to clean up over the years. i don’t even blink at it anymore.”
thus the responsibilities of this hypothetical situation were assigned. james was on vomit duty. regulus was on comfort duty.
“not sure i’ll be any good at that either,” regulus had said grudgingly, but james had just smiled knowingly, able to see a future that regulus couldn’t yet imagine.
james makes it to harry first and scoops him up promptly, letting him bury his face in his neck and sob. regulus comes up behind them and snuggles up to harry, kissing his small head and whispering reassurances.
“shhhh don’t cry, it’s okay, haz. does your tummy hurt?” james asks calmly, rocking them all back and forth soothingly.
regulus pulls back and watches harry nod. his cheek is rosy and hot when regulus puts his hand to it.
“come on, baby, let’s go take care of it okay?” regulus tells him, and james deposits their still-sniffling son into his husbands open arms.
“you know what time it is?” james asks, wiggling his brows. harry just sniffs and shakes his head. “time to be superdad,” james tells him, pointing at his faded superman t-shirt. then he gives an animated salute, puts one fist on his hip and the other high in the sky before jetting out of the room with some impressive ‘flying sounds’ that manage to make harry smile a little before he remembers that he’s actually very upset right now. regulus shakes his head at his wonderfully ridiculous spouse and starts towards the stairs, feeling harry’s hot tears gather in the crook of his neck.
after giving harry some medicine, they settle on the couch downstairs, harry in regulus lap and clinging to him. regulus rocks them for a few minutes, letting harry’s breaths slow as he calms down.
“papa?” harry sniffles suddenly, his voice so small.
“yes, sweetheart?” regulus asks, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“we need to have a funeral. like how we did for bobbi.”
regulus blinks. bobbi, harry’s goldfish, had died three days after james brought him home, leaving the two of them to explain the complicated matter of death to their three and a half year old. so harry had a vague idea of the concept and of funerals, though his only exposure has been the meager ceremony they’d patched together and held in their garden. sirius had given a speech and peter had cried.
“what? why?” regulus demands, scanning his son’s face. his bottom lip pokes out as his eyes fill with tears yet again.
“b-because i think i killed hippo,” he wails. “i-i threw up all over him— a-and ron said that throw up is like— like how supervillains spit out the acid and k-kill the good guys—“
regulus closes his eyes briefly, exhaling in relief. he makes a mental note to tell james to cool it on the superhero movies for a while— clearly it’s getting into harry’s head.
“no baby, hippo is fine. he just needs to go for a swim in the wash, and then he’ll come out as good as new.”
harry peels his head back from regulus’ chest, blinking up at home hopefully. “really?”
“really. i bet daddy has already put him in. shall we go check on him just to be sure?”
“yes, please,” harry says, politely. oddly, it makes regulus think of his mother, of how she had demanded her boys to be polite above all else, even in the face of abuse and neglect. james and regulus had done absolutely everything differently, and harry still turned out to be the sweetest boy on the planet. walburga can fucking suck it.
pushing aside the thoughts of his mother, regulus rises with harry still perched on his hip. they walk back upstairs, peeking their heads into the laundry room to find james, metaphorical sleeves rolled up as he hums to himself, rummaging through their linens. regulus truly married the only person in the world who can sing while cleaning up vomit at 3 in the morning.
james turns and smiles at them in the doorway. “my boys!” he says cheerfully, crossing the room to give harry a smooch on the head.
“he’s worried about hippo, darling,” regulus explains. “can you show him how he’s just gone for a dip in the wash?”
“who, hippo?” james asks. “oh he’s great. you know what he told me haz?” he leans forward as if confiding a secret, “he told me he’s been wanting a bubble bath for sooo long and he’s sooo happy he finally got the chance. he even said to tell you thank you!”
harry giggles. “no he didn’t. he doesn’t talk.”
james gasps. “well he certainly talks to me, harry. we’re the best of friends.”
“i thought papa was your best friend,” harry says and james’ face melts into the gentlest smile.
“that’s true, too. it’s a tie between hippo and papa.”
regulus rolls his eyes as harry laughs. they go over and stand in front of the washer. the top is clear, so harry can see all his stuffies (including hippo) swirl around in the sudsy water. after several moments of watching them spin, james nudges regulus, inclining his head towards harry.
regulus looks down to see their baby’s eyes closed, head heavy, cheek squished against his chest.
“his bed has fresh sheets,” james whispers but regulus isn’t quite ready to let him go. he looks up at james with a pleading face.
james, try as he might, has never excelled at being the hardass parent. so when regulus takes their son back into their bedroom, depositing him under the covers between the two of them, james just smiles and shakes his head. they climb into bed and turn towards harry, two parenthesis enclosing the small shape of their son, cradling him and keeping him safe.
regulus sleeps long and deep, one hand laced with his husband’s, the other resting on his son’s dark head.
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trentslocss · 3 months
Superdad - TAA
Pairing: Trent Alexander Arnold x reader
Warnings: none!
Summary: You and Trent have a daughter and even though being a mother gets super hard sometimes, superdad is there to save you! ❤️
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Your 3 year old daughter, Tammy, was a (im)perfect mix of you and your husband Trent. She had mostly his looks and her character was literally half yours and half his. But, this could unfortunately cause problems, especially for you.
You see, Tammy is of course a daddy’s girl. Trent can’t help but spoil her in every way possible (just like he has been doing with you since you have met 5 years ago). Since both of you have quite distinctive characters, she definitely knows how to throw a tantrum. Just like she has done right now.
You were supposed to go to work, but Tammy just wouldn’t stop crying. She was used to Trent taking her to kindergarten every morning, but today he had to get to the Axa training center earlier than usual, so you were supposed to get her dressed and take her on your way to work. But Tammy wasn’t pleased with the way you did her hair, the way you dressed her, the pancakes you have made for her and basically with the fact that you were taking her instead of Trent himself.
“I’m not going anywhere! You can’t force me to do anything!” She screamed at you as she started taking off her shoes one by one, clumsily (taken after you). “Baby I know you wanted daddy to take you but he had to leave earlier. I’m sorry but I can’t change that and I can’t just leave you here”. You tried to reason her, but she just wouldn’t listen. “I’m not going anywhere until daddy comes home!” She screamed, crying as she stormed to her room.
You were utterly exhausted and didn’t know what to do anymore. You had to be at work 15 minutes ago. You knew she wouldn’t stop making a problem out of this but you couldn’t miss a day of work and you couldn’t let her get everything her way every time she wanted to. You tried calling Trent’s mother and his younger brother but they were all too busy to come and help you. You considered calling Trent but didn’t want to bother him. He had a tendency to think if you called him during practice it was a literal emergency and someone was dying, so he’d rush home straight away without even having to pick up the phone (idiot).
After trying to get her to go another 2 times, trying 5 separate outfits and making another batch of pancakes, you had given up. You were taking off your work clothes and, out of frustration, crying. (With a tub of ice cream, of course:) )
With the sounds of you crying on one side of the house and your daughter on the other, Trent entered the house. You didn’t even realise. Why would you, it was 10 in the morning and he wasn’t supposed to be home before 1 pm, at least.
“Yellow submarine, yellow submarine- Hey honey, why are you home?” Trent entered the house singalonging, confused to see you at home, on the couch with a tub of ice cream in your hand at 10 in the morning. “And why are you crying baby, is everything okay?” “No” You sobbed into your chin, not even knowing what to tell him.
“Is that Tammy crying over there? Why is she still at home?” He asked but you wouldn’t stop crying. He hugged you and kissed your forehead, standing up. “I’m gonna go there and see what’s going on. Please, relax a bit. Okay?” You nodded as you continued sobbing. watching him leave to the child’s bedroom.
*Knock knock* “Tammy baby is everything okay?” He entered the room, seeing your daughter in distress, half clothed in a pink dress and half i na purple jumpsuit. “Baby what’s the matter. Did you get in a fight with your mom?”
Tammy didn’t say anything, just looked at the ground and at some point stopped crying. “Baby you know you can’t fight with your mom. Your mom is always right, she knows what’s best. What happened?” He sat down in front of her, trying to get a look into her eyes. “It wasn’t that daddy I-“
“I was just angry because I wanted you to take me to kindergarten” Trent’s face shifted from a serious and worried one into a smile. “Oh is that so?” “Yes! She didn’t do my hair right, her clothes combinations were so bad and even the pancakes were bad! You do it way better.”
Trent chuckled. He didn’t do any of these things better than you. The hair, maybe, but other than that he was terrible at all those things. He just learned how to do them so you wouldn’t have to get up too early in the morning and somewhere in that process she chose to love it more than she loved yours.
“Okay baby listen. Now, mommy is very upset. So here’s what we’ll do. You get this clothing mess in order and brush your teeth while I go talk to her. Then I’ll do your hair and clothes and all three of us will go out for breakfast. Does that sound okay?”
“Will there be pancakes?” She said in a half sad tone, which made Trent say through a chuckle “Yes, yes. There will be pancakes. Now go get ready you squirrel.” This nickname always made Tammy chuckle and she did, in fact get up and got ready.
“Babe, is everything okay?” You heard Trent say while wiping your last tears away. “I’m a terrible mother Trent. I sometimes think she doesn’t even love me” You started crying again. “Oh no baby that’s not true! Come here, let me tell you something” He said as he took your head and put it on his chest. You continued sobbing there as he started talking.
“When Tammy first got here I was so scared. The first night at the hospital was the scariest night of my life. Thinking about all the responsibilities and how I’d have to actually raise a human being was so scary. But somewhere along the way I realised - she is just a little friend of mine I have to take a lot of care of. Like a drunk Nuñez kind of friend.” You chuckled. How could he be like this in such a serious situation and still always make you laugh.
“Anyway, the point being, she still doesn’t know or understand a lot of things. You think i know how to make pancakes girl? They suck. But she just loves them because she loves spending time with me. You see her more than me and those silly pancakes and that silly hair and dressing process matter to her because that’s how we spend our quality time together. It doesn’t mean she loves me more or that she doesn’t love you. It just means we will both have different rituals with her the other won’t be able to fulfil. And that’s totally okay.”
You nodded through little sobs which were already dying down. You looked him in the eyes and realised how much you loved him. He smiled and caressed your thigh with his hand, giving you a little wink and a kiss on the cheek. “Come on, go get ready. I’m taking you girls out on breakfast for some real pancakes not that shit I feed you every morning with.” You chuckled again as he gave you a peck, lifting you up off of the couch and encouraging you to leave to get ready to go out.
Trent did her hair just how she liked it, matched her outfit to his (and then made you match with them too). When you all got ready you went for a great walk downtown with the best pancakes ever. Even though he wasn’t always there and sometimes made it hard in you, he really was a super dad.
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mypimpademia · 1 year
— Supermom & Superdad!
Pro-hero!Parent! Izuku x pro-hero!Parent!Fem!Black! Reader
TW: Swearing, domestic hcs, mentions of fighting
Note: requested by @sakuras-cafe You and Izuku have two kids, a son and daughter! They’re fairly close in age about 1 to 3 years apart, or even twins if you’d like it’s open for interpretation.
Key: (s/n) = Son’s name, (d/n) = Daughter’s name
⇶ Naturally, both you and Izuku were more than elated when you became parents, and love your kids more than anything in this world
⇶ And naturally, you were both terribly scared of what could happen to your kids seeing that both of your jobs were dangerous for the both of you as is, and you couldn’t imagine if that affected your kids as well
⇶ But thankfully, you’ve had little to no trouble with anything incredibly dangerous!
⇶ But handling your domestic lives as well as hero work is definitely more than what either of you bargained for!
⇶ From the very start, there were some issues concerning media coverage on your relationship and new family
⇶ Of course, it was anticipated considering he was the #1 hero and you were also a top hero, but it was a bit overwhelming to actually experience
⇶ You were no strangers to having flashing cameras and reporters in your faces, but you mutually agreed to shield your children from that life
⇶ You’d post pictures of them when they were babies, but very rarely showed their faces, hid their names, and more, for as long as you could. Family outings were also kept as quiet and private as possible
⇶ As they grew older, you opened up more about your family and your kids were featured more on your socials and you’d sometimes bring them to interviews as a family! Everyone saw you as a picture perfect family (and y’all are, let’s be honest)
⇶ But overall, you tried to keep them away from too much direct publicity and wouldn’t allow paparazzi or random reporters near them
⇶ Of course, a few would slip through and get a hair too close, but it never ended well for them…
⇶ Izuku and you both have sparkling reputations with civilians, but they grow dim when people start to interfere with your family
⇶ You never know anyone’s true intentions, and although the both of you are pro hero’s, and can handle pretty much anything, there are still people out to get you and you need to be careful!
⇶ You always try to be nice when interacting with media people, but aren’t afraid to snap a little if they invade your space too much or just get plain annoying
“For the last time, I don’t have time for questions right n–” You said, before you were so rudely interrupted by the paparazzi once again.
“Just one question! Everyone is dying to know, when will you-”
“I said get the fuck out of my face!”
⇶ Izuku is kind by nature, and is nice to matter how infuriating the near harassment can get. And if he gets to overwhelmed or irritated, he’ll simply ignore them
⇶ But when he’s with the kids, the story is much different
⇶ Izuku has always loved children, and has always been over protective of them, but that protection turns up 10000% when he’s with his own kids
⇶ He’ll go from a sweet, loving, caring dad to outright mean and defensive, more so than anyone has seen him before
“Pro-hero Deku! I have a question for you sir!” A reporter shouted from across the street, before hurrying over with a microphone in hand and a cameraman behind him.
“Not right now please, I’m with my family.” Izuku said politely, scooping up your son and daughter in each arm and turning to walk away.
“Wait! Just one question, please!” The reporter pleaded. “Deku, what’s your plan to defeat the LOV once again after their newest plan?” He said, practically shoving the microphone into Izuku’s face.
At this point, a small crowd had gathered, realizing Izuku was there, and they were intently waiting for his response, and autographs.
Izuku, however, was more than annoyed, especially when he saw how this overwhelmed your children who were hiding their faces in his shoulders.
“Hey kiddos, can you cover your ears for daddy?” He asked your kids, who promptly followed his request.
Izuku sweetly kissed their foreheads, earning ‘aw’s from the crowd, before he cleared his throat.
“I said get the fuck away from me and family. What don’t you get about that?” He spat, causing the crowd to gasp. “And then you wonder why famous people don’t like paparazzi, asshole…” Izuku began to walk back towards his car, still muttering profanities.
“So fucking annoying…”
⇶ Yeah, the media knows not to get close to your kids, especially when Izuku is around.
⇶ As much as you’d like to spend most of your time with you kids, it’s simply not possible in your line of work
⇶ But you and Izuku always make sure they’re taken care of, even when you’re not around
⇶ You normally drop them off at granny Inko’s (who is fully retired and living in a nice little house thanks to Izuku and you), but when you get an emergency job alert or want to give her a break, you hire a trusted babysitter
⇶ But even when you’re working, the parenting doesn’t stop!
You felt your phone frantically buzz in your pocket as you hid in an alley from a villain. Pulling it out, you checked the contact.
“(D/n)…?” You muttered to yourself.
You hurriedly answered the call, fearing there may be something wrong.
“Hello? Is everything okay baby?” You said in a hushed, out of breath tone.
“Mommaaaaaa!” You heard her say in a dragged out, annoyed voice.
You sighed, in both relief and slight irritation, before answering, “Yes, sweetheart, what is it?” You asked, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“(S/n) ate my wingstop leftovers! Again!” She shouted.
“Yeah, um, okay–” You sputtered, hearing a loud explosion in the near distance. “Listen honey, I have to go back to wor-”
“Don’t believe her mom! Those were mine and she knows it!” (S/n) shouted from further away.
They began to argue over who did what, among other things that were completely unrelated.
“Okay, okay!” You yelled, making them both abruptly stop yelling at one another. “How about I buy you both wingstop when I get back? Is that okay?”
“Okay!” They both said in unison. “Love you momma, have a nice day at work!”
And then the line clicked as it disconnected.
⇶ God, they could be a handful.
⇶ But you wouldn’t trade parenting for the world, and adore the sweeter moments between you all when you and Izuku have time
⇶ Family movie nights, baking, vacations, and more
⇶ And there are some things neither of you would miss for the world, like birthdays or school events
⇶ You make sure you show up no matter what, even if that means coming in right after a fight with a villain while still in your hero costumes
⇶ But the times you cherished the most were nights after long, hard days, where you all unwinded with snacks and a movie
“Mom, Dad, can we stay up late tonight?” (D/n) asked, settling into the blanket.
Izuku turned to you, smiling while raising an eyebrow.
“Hmm…” You hummed, smiling back at your husband. “Sure, but you have to go to bed when the movie is over.”
“Fine by me.” (S/n) said, carefully putting a blanket over himself while trying not to spill the bowl of popcorn.
“What movie are we watching again?” Izuku asked, turning his attention back to the large tv that was hanging above your lit fireplace.
“The new Little Mermaid, I’ve been waiting forever for it to come out!” (D/n) exclaimed.
She hit play, and all of you excitedly watched as it started. Izuku wrapped his long, muscly arms around all of you, and leaned forwards as you fed him a few pieces of popcorn.
(D/n) reached over to wear you had moved the bowl, and grabbed a piece for himself, throwing it up in the air in an attempt to catch it in his mouth. He missed, and it landed on his head as he huffed, raking his hands through his thick curls to pick it out.
You chuckled, picking it out yourself, and then leaned down, burying your face into his green hair and breathing in his shampoo, as you kissed the top of his head.
You wished it was like this all the time.
⇶ No matter how scary or exhausting juggling your hero lives and parenting could be, you and Izuku would never trade your little family for anything
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gabessquishytum · 9 months
Re: 🦒 anon’s post (!!!!)
Hob knocking Dream up and gaining that sympathy weight - except Dream’s hummingbird metabolism (and tendencies towards totally insubstantial sweet teas and the like) mean that he might have a softer belly, and tiny little tits, and hips that have widened a bit from the baby (and the next…. and the next…..) but he loses most of it after delivery and nursing, he’s still just a wisp of a thing. meanwhile Hob has absolutely put on some pounds. His pants are up a size or so, his arms and legs were strong but now they have all that muscle with a little extra, his stomach and lower belly have some clit-pandering padding. He’s just beefy and Dream is throwing family planning out the door every time he sees Hob come home sweaty and invigorated from a friendly football match or casual biking from campus. He loves how protected he feels just by Hob’s visible presence. Every time they’re out and Hob makes a point to put himself, his wonderfully big solid body, in between the public and his family when they’re in a crowd or on the tube, Dream starts doing the math on how feasible another baby is between their youngest and next spring
🌝 anon
Absolutely rolling on the floor about this omfggg <3333.
I'm imagining Dream pregnant with his first, carrying a little extra weight - as he should do! He needs the extra energy and he's craving sugar even more than usual, but the point is, he looks divine. He's got the cutest pink stretch marks on his belly and chest, and he gets soft around his thighs. Hob is just. Incoherent. He has to bite his knuckles to stop himself from moaning when he sees Dream doing his morning stretches. He's so soft and Hob just wants him. All the time.
And after that first pregnancy, a few things stay the same. The cute stretch marks and wide hips. Alas, the tummy doesn't stick around but that's ok! Hob has got it covered! Dealing with a newborn is tough and requires a lot of snacks at weird times, and the weight that Hob picked up during Dream’s pregnancy just settles in. When he ultimately goes back to work he has to pick out new clothes first, a fact which drives Dream absolutely insane with lust and ultimately leads to the conception of their second child. Whoops.
Dream just can't help himself tbh?? Hob’s got that rideable belly, those fantastic chunky arms, the most amazing arse??? He's just never had sex so good. And Hob doesn't treat Dream like he's dainty or breakable, oh no. He's happy to go on top and give Dream’s clit the friction it deserves with his fluffy soft lower belly. Sometimes when the kids are giving them a 10 minute break by napping Dream will just throw himself into Hob’s lap and grind on his belly til he cums. Which obviously is the hottest thing that Hob has ever SEEN.
People are like "how many kids are you planning on having?" And Hob will just look at Dream and smile. "That's up to my husband." He'll say. And he'll put his perfectly strong, soft arm around Dream and pull him in close. With Dream in his arms, a baby resting on his softened hip and another 2 kids in the jumbo sized pushchair, he's like... Superdad. With the dad bod to prove it.
And fuck if Dream doesn't want to make him a dad all over again <3
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lamarkeu · 3 months
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Episode Summary: We are introduced to Joshua and his family during Sunday Dinner where everyone is helping in and around the kitchen.
Genre: Fluff
Masterlist for SVTTROS Series
a/n this one is really self indulgent (almost boarding delusion). I’ve always pictured Josh with a filo!s/o ever since I found out that some of his friends back in LA are filo. If you don’t relate to this one I understand, feel free to read some more general MCs in the other members episodes.
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Italics: Narrators Boo Seungkwan (BS) and Lee Minhyuk (LM)
Bold: Staff
Regular: What family member says / what camera films during the show *____*: English
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Listen To: Habang Buhay by Zack Tabudlo
LM: The Return of Superman Idol Edition
BS: Episode 3 “I Think I Love You ” Part 1. The window to window wall frames the first signs of snowfall in Seoul. Today we’re invited into a cute modern style apartment with an open kitchen concept and beautiful gray accented glass cabinets.
LM: There is a lot of music related decor in and around the house, from the signed guitars hung in a protective case on either side of the kitchen while the record player in the living room plays some acoustic music. Could today's superdad be a musician?
BS: They could also be a producer, there’s a bunch of microphones lying around the house.
LM: Two stools are leaned up against the kitchen island with little legs on the highest step. A pair of sturdy legs are standing between the two in what appears to be baggy jeans.
*“Bunso what is this?”* Min-ah asks. (Authors Note: Bunso means youngest in Tagalog).
“It’s pancake batter.” Si-ah, his youngest daughter leans closer over the deep bowl ensuring all the flour has been incorporated into the batter before gesturing to her father to pass the chocolate chips. Joshua carefully puts distance between his son, who is strapped in a frontward facing carrier against his chest, and the small bag of sweets.
*“Are we allowed to do this?”*
“Yeah, it’s a surprise for mommy.” Joshua reassured his middle child by patting her on the top of her head. For a second he notices some of the hairs in her ponytail loosen and quickly tries to flatten it out with his palm before looking back at his youngest. He kicked his legs in excitement at seeing the commotion going on between his older sisters.
“Are you sure?”
His youngest is quick to react, saying *“Unnie, do you always have this many questions?”*
The blunt answer forces a chuckle out of Joshua’s lips as the camera finally pans above to capture his head fully.
BS: I would recognize that laugh anywhere. Today's Superman is none other than a past guest of return of Superman and seventeen’s self proclaimed gentleman, Joshua Hong.
LM: Wow, fatherhood really suits him.
The sound of the front door opening captures everyone’s attention, the three state as Y/N arrives dressed in a simple suit with a briefcase in tow. For a moment the cameras fall onto the massive wedding photo above the couch of Joshua wearing a traditional Filipino suit called a Barong and Y/N wearing a traditional hanbok. The white background of the photo makes the duo appear more vividly in contrast with the gray crowning in the living room.
BS: This supermom looks as if she appeared at a meeting, it’s no surprise given that she is none other than the Co-CEO of Honey-Jade Hong Y/N.
*“Wow girls, everything looks so good.”* She compliments while wafting the air with her free hand. *“You can’t go wrong with breakfast for dinner.”* She makes her way towards the kitchen counter placing her bags against the space next to the fridge.
LM: Breakfast for dinner? That’s new
BS: it’s very common in some places in America to eat like this.
*“Did you guys have fun today?”* Kissing the top of their heads before gesturing towards her husband with her eyes.
Joshua is quick to reassure her with a quick “Yeah” before he is immediately cut off.
*“We were until you came home really early mom, we didn’t get to surprise you.”* A small pout forms on Min-ah’s face upset at the sudden change of plans.
*“That’s okay sweetheart, that just means I can spend time helping us prepare for dinner.”* Her mother stated in an attempt to redirect her emotions.
*“Yeah Unnie it’s okay, we get to cook together and spend more time as a family”*
Si-ah points to a gift bag on the counter. *“Mommy what’s this?”*
LM: I’ve been wanting to know that since she walked in.
BS: It’s quite small to be clothes
*“It’s a gift for the party tomorrow.”*
*“Is it for baby Jeong-woo?”*
*“That’s right. We're going to attend his 100 day celebration with Uncle Wonwoo and the rest of your Sebong uncles”*
BS: Ah that’s right. I wonder if we’ll see more of your uncles on todays episode Siah.
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I think you’re covering your mic Y/N. Can you bring it closer to your mouth.
“Oh my gosh.” She realizes her hair covered most of the black block and adjusting higher up on her shirt collar.
“It’s okay you got this” Joshua whispers in her ear putting his fists in the air in a cheer. The girls turn around in their chair and follow suit, cheering on their mother.
“Hello, I am Y/N. I’m Min-ah, Si-ah and In-soo’s mother. I’m sorry if you can’t understand my Korean, I’m trying really hard to become fluent.” She says while In-so sits in her lap playing with her hands.
Her oldest quietly speaks up to the camera “Hello I’m Min-ah, my English name is Mina.”
“And I’m Si-ah and my English name is Sandara. This is my younger brother In-soo, and his English name is Isaiah.” The second gets up from her seat to get at eye level with her brother. Her enthusiastic coos while holding the cheeks of her younger brother with her hands. The entire family begins to join the youngest as he giggles out.
How many languages does your family know?
“Our girls are fluent in English and Korean. They speak to us in both languages Joshua responds back in Korean and I respond back in English and more recently Tagalog.”
“Our son In-soo picks up English a little better than Korean just because I’ve been able to practice with him because of touring. I’m hoping through this show I’ll be able to accomplish that.”
“We’re not pushing them too much when it comes to picking up the languages I know, we’re learning it slowly throughout our daily lives.”
What was in the suitcase?
“It has pictures of my designs and models. My business partner and I have an upcoming spring fashion launch. I was just looking over the order to on paper to see if I need to make any changes.”
“After having met her through Jeonghan, the two of them immediately found a shared sense of interest in fashion, my wife focused more on the design aspects while Jeonghan’s wife focused on the modelling. Before we knew it they became best friends.”
Why do you call Si-ah the youngest when she’s the middle child?
“Because she’s the youngest girl. I can call Isaiah that too but it gets confusing. So because he is the youngest boy, I call him Balong.”
Is there anything you want to tell the return of the Superman audience?
“I’m so happy to return to this show no longer as a guest but as part of the core members in this coming year. I hope through our different trials and tribulations you continue to cheer us on and perhaps that Korea will learn to be more kind to people like my children and wife.”
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here it is, everyone! the official (and not without mistakes but fuck it this is the best anyone will ever get) appearance tracker of EVERY BIG NATE CHARACTER (that matters at least a little bit, also I forgot Rusty sienna r.i.p)
Nate: 11,106
2. Francis: 4,166
3. Teddy: 2,936
4. Marty: 1,541
5. Mrs. Godfrey: 890
6. Chad: 691
7. Ellen: 583
8. Mr. Rosa: 537
9. Gina: 506
10. Jenny: 427
Rounding out the top 20:
11. Dee Dee: 358
12. Artur: 343
13. Coach Calhoon: 339
14. Spitsy: 304
15. Principal Nichols: 255
16. School Picture Guy: 219
17. Sheila: 202
18. Coach John: 164
19. Gramps/Vern: 163
20. Mr. Glavin: 152
21. Dr. Cesspool: 150
22. Gordie: 147
23. Ms. Clarke: 145
24. Czerwicki: 139
25. Kim: 119
26. Biff: 116
27. Gram/Marge: 107
28. Chip: 99
29. Chester: 97
30. Mrs. Shipulski: 95
31. Peter: 92
32. Pickles: 91
33. Randy: 81
34. Nate drawing of Mrs. Godfrey where she doesn’t appear: 74
35. Nurse Maureen Biology: 72
36. Angie: 71
37. Trudy: 67
38. Dan Cupid: 65
39. Uncle Ted: 64
40. Mr. Staples: 62
40. Daphne: 62
42. Nate drawing of Ellen where she doesn’t appear: 61
43. Mr. Eustis: 60
44. Bob Snuggles: 51
44. Kelly: 51 
46. Sherman: 50
47. Moe Mentum: 46
48. Marcus: 42
49. Miranda: 41
50. Kenny Smithson: 39
50. Timmy Snuggles: 39
52. Nate drawing of Marty where he doesn’t appear: 38
53. Honey Snuggles: 35
54. Punkin Snuggles: 34
55. J.B.: 33
56. Nate drawing of Francis where he doesn’t appear: 27
57. Superdad: 24
58. Derek Nack: 20
59. Daisy: 19
59. Warren Fuzzy: 19
61. Mrs. Bigbee: 18
61. Nate drawing of Teddy where he doesn’t appear: 18
63. Slim Stubby: 15
63. Nate drawing of Jenny where she doesn’t appear: 15
65. Nate drawing of Kenny Smithson where he doesn’t appear: 14
65. Wayne: 14
65. Whitey: 14
68. The Brain (Chess Camp): 13
68. Lila: 13
68. Nate drawing of Mr. Rosa where he doesn’t appear: 13
71. Action Cat: 12
72. Audrey the Lifeguard: 11
72. Nate drawing of Mr. Galvin where he doesn’t appear: 11
72. Hickson: 11
72. Craig (incel): 11
76. Paige: 10
76. Nate drawing of Mr. Staples where he doesn’t appear: 10
76. Nigel (doppleganger): 10
79. Ronnie (Jenny’s Boyfriend): 9
80. Nate drawing of Gordie where he doesn’t appear: 8
80. Wink Summers: 8
80. Nate drawing of Nate where he doesn’t appear: 8
83. Kit: 7
83. Kaboodle: 7
83. Stan Cupid: 7
83. Emmit the Custodian: 7
87. Marla the Mailwoman: 6
88. Claire Voyant: 5
88. Fluffy Snuggles: 5
88. Nate drawing of Coach Calhoon where she doesn’t appear: 5
88. Nate Drawing of Ms. Clarke where he doesn’t appear: 5
92. Moe Mentum’s Agent: 4
92. Greg Proxmire: 4
92. Leo Tard: 4
92. She-Pulski: 4
92. Nate drawing of Principal Nichols where he doesn’t appear: 4
97. Jenny’s Dad: 3
97. Celine Paycheck: 3
97. Math Man: 3
97. Half-Pint: 3
97. Mrs. Holloway: 3
97. Stan Pokecheck: 3
97. Deke Boarding: 3
104. Nate drawing of Sheila where she doesn’t appear: 2
104. April Showers: 2
104. Mega Teen: 2
104. Ms. Brindle: 2
104. Nate drawing of La Chance where she doesn’t appear: 2
104. Nate drawing of Gina where she doesn’t appear: 2
104. Nate drawing of Pickles where she doesn’t appear: 2
104. Daphne’s mom: 2
112. Jenny’s Mom: 1
112. Nate drawing of ronnie where he doesn’t appear: 1
112. Nate drawing of Ms. Brindle where she doesn’t appear: 1
112. Nate drawing of Aldrige where she doesn’t appear: 1
112. Nate drawing of Wink Summers where he doesn’t appear: 1
112. Mrs. Williger: 1
112. Nate drawing of Uncle Ted where he doesn’t appear: 1
112. Nate drawing of Spitsy where he doesn’t appear: 1
112. Ultra Nate: 1
112. Algebro: 1
112. Nate drawing of Artur where he doesn’t appear: 1
112. Nate drawing of Chester where he doesn’t appear: 1
112. Mr. Holloway: 1
112. Nate drawing of Randy where he doesn’t appear: 1
112. Nate drawing of Kim where she doesn’t appear: 1
112. Nate drawing of Dee Dee where she doesn’t appear: 1
112. Nate drawing of Daphne where she doesn’t appear: 1
112. Nate drawing of Chad where he doesn’t appear: 1
Questions and replies are more than welcome! This list will update every Sunday when an arc is "over"!
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impyssadobsessions · 3 months
I don't have much time but I wanted to share this with you while I can! I can't draw but I can write and this is the only way I can share this imagery with you!
The world is passing by in a flurry of colors.
Which usually isn’t that unusual for Clark…usually though it’s because his flying of his own accord. Now…now it was because he was hurdling who knows how fast in piece of metal that was more of a mobile armory then an actual RV then it supposedly was.
There were no support handles to hold on to for just a bit of comfort, no, that was replaced by a handle that would pull down and release a fog horn sound.
So all he could do was pull his knees up to steady himself against the front console, using his size to squeeze himself into a cannonball form in hopes he didn’t get dislodged on a particular rough bump.
Then again if he did, maybe he could get propelled forward and through the front and take the engine out on his way.
Wishful thinking…at least he was doing better then Bruce.
Who was currently sprawled out on the floor of the RV looking like a disheveled cat hanging on to whatever and however he could. Maybe it would look more natural in his Batman outfit but at the moment both if them were in civilian wear and seeing the ‘Prince of Gotham’ doing an impression of a deranged starfish just added on more to today’s bizarreness.
Jack Fenton was giving him a large smile as he drove through another wall, “Don’t you guys worry! I’ll get us to our boys! No speed limit or any barrier can stop a Fenton!”
Clark could only let out a groan of despair as a response...
AMG THIS IS LOVELY LMAO!!! Bruce just imitating one of his sons to keep himself from being thrashed around.. or worse... throw up. ahhhh imagine they both slump out of the rv when they arrive, shaking and so grateful to touch the ground. Bruce is definitely calling for a private jet after this and Clark might agree to ride with him just to have a slower ride.
Danny gives them pity pats when he learns... Jon and Damian like how bad could it be. Damian thinking his father been in a space ship and Jon like we fly that fast every- Only for them to be overheard by Jack by their curiosity, so they all end up being drove back by him. Which bruce and clark like OH GOD please- which becomes a little relief when it turns out Jack drives safer with children.... still deranged but one they can handle. Damian still doesn't see what got their fathers so twisted up. Danny knows though and then asks dad how long it took them. "Regrettably 3 hours son. I was hoping it would be two." Damian frowned and done the math then asking if there was a flying feature in the... rv? "AHA! Nope, but I've been trying to convince Mads to let me install one. She said it would cost too much in gas though, and take up room for the ghost scanner." Damian does the math.. then realizes why his father and clark are shaking in the rv.. even by the tiniest of amounts. "That's my dad! :D" Danny grinning. "He's cool." Jon says innocently enough, not realizing the horror of that statement until it takes them over five hours to get home. Jack decided to play it safe and follow SOME speed limits and road signs. Jack is never allowed to drive again next time they hang out. Bruce or Clark always gets the keys =w= or has limo. ahh sorry got inspired. I LOVE this snippet ;w; !!!! <3 Thank you for writing this. <3<3<3
Link to prompt
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timelesstimesgoneby · 2 months
All Disney animals I can think of but I'm not including any Disney animated cannon or anything connect to that universe and same with Pixar because of cars universe please add anymore in the comments section
Ducktales 1987–1990
Chip 'n' Dale Rescue Rangers
Mickey's Christmas Carol 1983 G 26m
A Goofy Movie 1995 G 1h 18m
Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers 2004 G 1h 7m
Many Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh G 1977 1h 14m
Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search For Christopher Robin 1997 G 1h 16m
The Tigger Movie 2000 G 1h 17min
Piglet's Big Movie 2003 G 1h 29m
Winnie The Pooh: Springtime With Roo 2004 G 1h 5min
Pooh's Heffalump Movie 2005 1h 8m
Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie 2005 G 1h 7m
Winnie The Pooh 2011 G 1h 3min
Christopher Robin 2018 Pg 1h 43m
Dr Dolittle 1967 Nr 2h 32m
1. Ice Age 2002 Pg 81 Min
2. Robots 2005 Pg 91 Min
3 Ice Age: The Meltdown 2006 Pg 91 Min
4 Horton Hears A Who! 2008 G 86 Min
5 Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs 2009 Pg 94 Min
6 Rio 2011 G 96 Min
7 Ice Age: Continental Drift 2012 Pg 88 Min
8 Epic 2013 Pg 102 Min
9 Rio 2 2014 G 101 Min
10 The Peanuts Movie 2015 G 88 Min
11 Ice Age: Collision Course 2016 Pg 94 Min
Alvin And The Chipmunks 2007 Pg 1h 32m
Night At The Museum: Secret Of The Tomb 2014 Pg 1h 38m
Snow Dogs 2002 Pg 1h 42m
White Fang 1991 Pg 1h 47min
White Fang 2: Myth Of The White Wolf 1994 Pg 1h 46min
The Call Of The Wild 2020 Pg 1h 40min
Iron Will (1994)
Eight Below 2006 Pg 2h
Secretariat (2010) Pg 2h 3m Go
We Bought A Zoo Pg 2011 2h 11m
1. The Crimson Wing: Mystery Of The Flamingos (G, 2008)
2. Oceans
2. African Cats
3. Chimpanzee (G, 2012, 1h 18m)
4. Bears (G, 2014, 1h 18m)
5. Monkey Kingdom (2015, 1h 21m)
20,000 Leagues Under The Sea (1954) G 2h 7m
Swiss Family Robinson 1960 G 2h 6min
The Absent Minded Professor 1961 Son Of Flubber
1962 1h 42m
Sammy, The Way-Out Seal 1962
The Incredible Journey 1963 G 1h 20min
A Tiger Walks G 1964 1h 31m
Moon Pilot 1962 1h 38m
Rocketman 1997 Pg 1h 35min
The Barefoot Executive 1971 G 1h 36m
Monkeys, Go Home! 1967 G 1h 41min
The Misadventures Of Merlin Jones 1964 G 1h 31 Min
The Monkey's Uncle 1965 1hr 31min
George Of The Jungle 1997 Pg 1h 32min
George Of The Jungle 2 2003 Pg 1h 27min
Charlie, The Lonesome Cougar 1967 G 1h 15min
The Adventures Of Bullwhip Griffin 1967 G 1h 48min
That Darn Cat! 1965 G 1h 56min
That Darn Cat 1997 Pg 1h 29min
The Million Dollar Duck 1971 G 1h 29min
Bedknobs And Broomsticks 1971 G 1h 35m
Snowball Express 1972 G 1h 39m
Superdad 1973 G 1h 36m
Charley And The Angel 1973 G 1h 33m
The Castaway Cowboy (1974) G
The Cat From Outer Space 1978 G 1h 44min
The Hunter And The Rockstar 1980 Nr 60 Min
Disney Classic 4 Movie Collection
Darby O'gill And The Little People 1959 1h 33m
The Gnome-Mobile 1967 1h 24m
The Happiest Millionaire 1967 2h 52m
The One And Only, Genuine, Original Family Band 1968 G 1h 50m
Kurt Russell 4 Movie Collection
The Horse In The Gray Flannel Suit 1968 G 1h 54m
The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes 1969 G 1h 31m
Now You See Him, Now You Don't G 1h 28m
Strongest Man In The World G 1h 35m
Disney Don Knotts 4-Movie Collection
The Apple Dumpling Gang 1975 G 1h 40m
Gus 1976 G 1h 36m
Hot Lead And Cold Feet 1978 G 1h 30m
The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again 1979 G 1h 28m
Dogs 1
The Shaggy Dog 1959
The Ugly Dachshund 1966
The Shaggy D.A. 1976
The Shaggy Dog 2006
Dogs 2
Rascal 1969
The Journey Of Natty Gann 1985
Benji The Hunted 1987
Where The Red Fern Grows 2003
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ladylooch · 7 months
My favorite moments of Em and T are when he’s just a silent support system for her. Like Em doesn’t even have to ask, he can just read her like a book. His second road trip after the twins are born the entire household gets sick. Timo has to leave before they realize how bad it is but when he’s back home 3 days later em is 1 crying baby away from collapsing to the floor. But enter Superdad timo to save the day and comfort his wife after all the chaos has subsided
I agree! I love their dynamic and how fierce fully they have each other's backs. Like constantly willing to tap the other in to support and knowing they have that option. That is true partnership.
Emma knows she is a good mom. She has always had this ability to seamlessly move from one child to the next, but two newborn babies and two sick older children have quickly put her to her limit.
I’m leaving the airport now. Twenty minutes 😘 
Emma sighs gratefully at Timo’s text, laying back into the couch as she finishes feeding Logan. 
“Daddy is coming home.” She whispers. 
In that twenty minutes, absolute chaos erupts. Liv throws up. Lio is trying to cling to Emma while she tends to Liv. Both twins are awake and crying for contact with their mother.
“Lio. Get off of me. I understand you want cuddles, but I can’t right now.” Emma tells her oldest through gritted teeth. “Please.” She whimpers in the end as she gets back down on the floor. Lio falls to his knees and begins to sob. Tears of frustration and overwhelm build in Emma’s eyes. 
Then a large, comforting hand comes to her head. Thick fingers rub at her scalp for a moment. She looks up at Timo who pouts in concern at her.
“Baby, go take a break. I’m home now. I’ve got it.”
Emma stares at her husband, feeling utterly defeated. She sucks her trembling bottom lip into her mouth, then nods. 
“This is a lot. You’re doing your best.” Timo reminds her. All she can do is nod ghostly as she leaves the room. Once her butt hits the end of the bed, she collapses into sobs.
Failure of a parent. Failure of a homemaker. Failure of a wife. She can’t do this!? She’s completely out of her element being a full-time mom and wife. She needs help. They are only three road trips into the season.
Emma falls asleep in utter exhaustion at some point. When she wakes, the world is dark outside and a blanket has been lain across her body, likely by her husband. She holds the soft threads under her chin as she sits up. The house is quiet. Enough so that she wonders if her entire family has disappeared. Her body protests as she stands up. Her abdomen aches where she is still healing. Her breasts are heavy from not feeding and she gingerly rearranges them in her nursing bra. They leak at her touch. She needs to find the babies. 
Her feet softly hit the hardwood downstairs, taking in her family sitting quietly in front of the TV watching Coco. Liv and Lio are snacking on orange juice and cheese pizza. One twin is sleeping in the bassinet, while the other is happily taking a bottle from a shirtless Timo. Her husband’s eyes briefly leave the screen, double taking when he sees her. She glances around the main area of the house. Not only did he get the babies to settle, but he cleaned the house.
“Lex and Nico came over to help me.” He fills her in at the dejected look on her face.
“That is nice of them. I need to feed a baby.” 
“This one is ready for you.” He gestures to Liam who is in his bassinet. 
“Is that formula for Log?” They’ve had to supplement formula at times because of Emma’s supply struggles. 
“No. It’s milk from the fridge.” Emma nods then grabs Liam, walking over to the nursing station that Timo had restocked for her. She gently lowers herself into the chair, then gets the baby in her arms settled into eating. Once all is going well, she takes a big sip of water. Across the room, her husband watches every movement of hers.
“How are you doing?” Timo asks softly as he rests Logan on his shoulder to burp. Emma’s lips crumple. She shakes her head no at her husband. “Baby.” Timo sighs. “This is too much for you on your own.” Emma nods in agreement. She will look at the resumes from nannies the team had recommended tomorrow. 
Emma looks around the room at the two sick Meiers, the newborn twins, and Timo. He quirks a corner of his mouth up at her in a sympathetic smile 
“You still love me?” He asks sweetly. Emma nods giving a small smile back.
This may be chaos, but it’s their chaos. And she knows with Timo she’ll never be alone in it. 
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bigfan-fanfic · 1 year
I think that batdad and flashdad find out superdad is their brother when one of them needs bliod and he's like "Hey that's my blood type I can help!" And then they see that both sides are actually brothers so all 3 r brothers
Batdad: Eldest brother who was basically abandoned by parents, lived with Bruce, basically has had to be emotional rock his whole life.
Flashdad: Middle/youngest who was only a baby when Batdad was legally given to Alfred, made his way to Batdad at some point, probably around middle school, was able to stay with Batdad into adulthood as a family.
Superdad: Middle/youngest, stolen by the Think Tank
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dnickels · 6 months
Julian Fellowes writing steelworkers is a hilarious idea to start with, but I've been trying to put my finger on what feels slightly 'off' about the storyline. Putting aside the usual amount of Fellowesian nonsense, at least some of the dissonance is in how the demands are phrased. 'Bourgeois' isn't quite the word here but "I just want to spend more time with my family" is calibrated to be palatable to a certain audience, and that is not an audience of basement dynamite IWW radicals. It may be that that was deliberate in-universe, because its the argument that would reach known wife guy and superdad George Russell, but it serves to defang the movement. Frankly, when the titans of industry were waxing hysterical about the blood-dimmed tide loosed upon the world over a few dollars' wage increase, they weren't wrong! A strong, organized workforce that can advocate for workplace democracy is the end of their world entirely. It is radical! It's revolutionary! These weren't guys who wanted a few concessions (pwease Mr. Carnegie, more rails around the molten steel vats) they were dreaming about fundamentally changing the course of history. "The working class and the employing class have nothing in common. There can be no peace so long as hunger and want are found among millions of working people, and the few, who make up the employing class, have all the good things of life," as contemporaries very famously declared. The triumph of the union is the end of Newport cottages. As history it's nonsensical but it's a Fellowes joint, we're letting him have that, but as television making he's missing a powerful engine of conflict.
I had a thought "Fellowes writes the steelworkers like a guy who's never had a reason to be mad at his boss", which on the one hand feels true, and yet we have seen him write about workers trapped in untenable positions-- its just that the best examples are all lady's maids. It's very funny to me that that rough and ready, heavily armed steelworkers are somehow less furious and threatening than O'Brien, who attempted to harm and almost killed her employer through an act of workplace sabotage! He must on some level understand the rage and desperation of her position. He understands the total power an employer can have-- Agnes was obviously in the right morally when she moved to correct Armstrong's behavior and make her understand the consequences would be severe, but for whatever reason Racist Armstrong makes a much more heartfelt case for the precarity of her life than the steelworkers who have presumably seen guys die on the shop floor. We know Fellowes is aware of how dangerous work in the trades is at this time, multiple comments have been made about workers dying building the Brooklyn Bridge. You think that might come up in the strike storyline but they're oddly separate.
I don't particularly want to watch his netflix soccer show again, but I feel like I'm pulling on a vital thread when I think about how flat the team dynamics fell on that show and how the steelworker's union feels very two-dimensional here. For whatever reason (and I am putting my already shredded credibility on the line here to say so) Julian Fellowes has an extraordinary insight into the (historical) lives of women and gay men, but seems uncomfortable or even shy when asked to write about male camaraderie (see: the war season of DA with extremely very little war in it). The only male characters I can think of who are 1. of a similar age 2. in equivalent positions of power 3. not related to each other in his work are Church and Bannister, who are waging Butler War from across the street. I don't know what explicit conclusion I would draw here, but its fascinating to me to watch him fumble through this storyline at this moment of renewed labor militancy, reconfiguration of interpersonal workplace norms, unconstrained power of the individual capitalist, and male loneliness. It's not like I think this 74 year old relic (it's not because he's old, its because he believes in philosophies that lost most of their adherents on the first day of the Somme) has his finger on the pulse, but DA clearly spoke to people. Will Gilded Age push the same buttons?
(the only theme more common in Fellowes' writing than sad trapped debutantes is Powerful Benevolent Rich Dad but that one seems self-explanatory (Dr. Freud to the lobby please) in a way we'll quietly ignore for the sake of everyone's dignity)
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