#thank you all again for your patience! 🙏❤️
maddieautobot273 · 2 months
Hey everyone, I wanted to give you guys an update and kinda apologize for slow and lack of updates on Silk & Cologne. My muse isn’t the same as when I first started and would update almost constantly, but that doesn’t mean I’ll stop writing it!
With more irl things and responsibilities coming up, those have to come first so I’ve been keeping busy with work, trying to save up as much money as possible because. . . My fiancé and I are working to save up for our wedding 🥰
We’re both working, he just got promoted to full time again after finishing school, and I am working (with 4-5 shifts a week) but part time and not as many hours so I’m searching for full time work.
What does this mean for Silk & Cologne? I’ll still continue to update and work on it when I can. I’m still sticking with my goal of updating it until BTSV releases which from what ppl predicting online could be late 2025-early 2026. With this new schedule, I’ll working on future chapters for Silk & Cologne, but I’ll also be working on side AU mini fics for fun to help keep my muse up so I don’t suffer through burnout like I did before, or at least try to.
The current AU I’m plotting right now is a Cinderella AU! I’ll try to cap it at 10 chapters like I did the Christmas special so they’re not too long. As for Silk & Cologne, my current plan is just a bit of catch up and a breather for the characters before I dive in to the first major arc of Part II! (SPOILER: Lisa visiting her step-father Jin).
I wanted to thank everyone again for the continued love and support for my work! We are inching towards the 20K milestone on AO3 and some of the most recent chapters have been my most active posts here on Tumblr! Thank you all so much 🥰
I hope you all have a pleasant day, Miguel Nation! ❤️
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Let The Light In: Part 1
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Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Words: 1,448
Pairing: Paige Bueckers/Media Manager! Reader
Warnings: Angst, Friends to enemies to lovers (but the reader doesn’t know why they’re enemies), reader is actually so in the wrong, slow burn.
A/N: This is officially the second thing I’ve written, and it marks the beginning of the first series I’ve started. That being said, my ambition doesn’t necessarily match my skill set, so critiques are more than welcome. Thank you for bearing with me! 🙏 😭 ❤️
"Alright, ladies, let's get this show on the road! We need everyone to go to their assigned positions, please! If you've forgotten where you go, check the initials on the tape on the floor to find your spot. We’ll be around in five to remove it and to check the lighting," Charlie's voice booms through a megaphone, slicing through the bustling energy of the gym. 
At her direction, people begin shuffling around at once. The UConn women’s basketball team quickly finds their spots, joking amongst themselves while you and the photography team works around them, trying to make everything perfect.
“Hey C, we need a light in the left corner!" you call out, your voice faltering as you notice a stubborn piece of tape left on the floor.
Rolling your eyes, you kneel to peel it off with a quick tug, adding it to the growing collection in your clenched fist, freezing only momentarily when you see the bold ‘P.B.’ written across it.
You swivel on your heel, turning away from the woman in front of you before standing and scurrying back to the safety of your monitor.
“All good?” Charlie nudges your shoulder.
“Yeah, yeah, all good. We should probably get started.”
She nods, picking up the megaphone again. “Okay, thank you everyone for your patience. We’re all ready! Let’s start with some smiles, okay?” You attach your camera to the tripod before looking back at the monitor. “1..2..3, and get ready for flashes please!” You shout, clicking the shutter button a few times, turning to look at the pictures as they upload to the large screen in front of you.
A few murmurs of "looks good" echo as others look over your shoulder, but something feels off.
Noticing your hesitation, Charlie walks over and looks at the screen before speaking up. “Hey, number 5, can you twist a bit to your left, please? You’re turning away from the group.” 
Recognizing the issue immediately, she calls out to Paige, who keeps her eyes fixed on Charlie as she moves, avoiding your gaze.
“Better?” Asks Charlie.
You return to the camera, taking a few more shots, occasionally shouting out instructions for different facial expressions until you get a thumbs-up from your boss, signaling it’s time to move on to individual shots.
“Okay, starting with last names in alphabetical order, can we please get Ms. Bueckers out first?” 
Seeing her name was one thing, but hearing it is an entirely different story. You can’t suppress your reaction this time, your breath catching in your throat.
You hear her before you see her, steps echoing through the gym before standing in front of you for the first time in a year, completely emotionless as she stares directly into the camera, startling you with the indirect eye contact as you look through the lens.
“What are we going for?” she asks, turning to Charlie, completely ignoring your presence.
“Let’s start out serious, and we’ll move on from there?” You can barely hear Charlie’s directions over the ringing in your ears. 
‘You’re a professional, be professional.’ 
You steel yourself before turning to Paige. “Give me a game day face,” she doesn’t look at you when you speak, instead choosing to continue to stare down the camera as if it's committed some personal offense against her. She crosses her arms, drawing her lips into a tight line as you click the shutter a few times.
You’re working on autopilot, taking shot after shot when something stops you, something's wrong. You look up to see Paige's gaze set on you now.  The intensity of her stare unnerving, and you almost feel guilty for having captured it.
Your hesitation and the absence of your shutter clicking doesn’t go unnoticed. A hand taps your shoulder, startling you. Your boss, Leo, is behind you, softly shaking his head. 
“Hey, you can stop. We can’t use these.” You turn to Paige, then back to Leo, a shocked “Why not?” leaving your mouth before you can stop it.
He sighs as he wraps an arm around your shoulder. “Come look at them with me, please,” he motions, guiding you back to the monitor. 
You clickon the last picture you took and turn back to Leo. “I mean, the lighting's fine, focus is good, I don’t get what’s the matter with it.”
He says nothing in response, instead just leaning over to zoom in on Paige’s face, or rather her eyes which are swimming in unshed tears.
“We can’t use these,” he repeats lowly before turning away from you. 
“Can we get a few shots with Ms. Brady, please?”
You turn back to where Paige had been standing, but she’s no longer there; you barely catch sight of her exiting the gym, Caroline and Azzi hot on her tail. 
“What’s her deal?” Charlie mutters, standing at your side again. Tearing your attention away from the gym doors. 
“Hell if I know,” you reply with a shrug, feigning nonchalance before walking back to your camera and turning to face Ice.
“We'll start with a few dribbling shots if that's okay with you?”
The media team quickly snaps back into action, and within six hours, almost everything is done, setting what might genuinely be a new media day record.
Exhausted, you slump down onto the bleachers, hoping to close your eyes for a few moments. But Leo’s hand tapping on your shoulder interrupts you for the second time today .
"We need to have a chat," he says, giving you a stern look. Nodding, you rise to follow your boss back to the monitor where a new picture of Paige is displayed.
"Listen, I'm not sure what the deal was with the first set of pictures you shot, or if her reaction had anything to do with you at all,"  You open your mouth to defend yourself when he raises his hand to stop you. "No, I don’t need to know if something happened between you two, I just need to know if you think she’d be okay with you trying again, because please look at these." He points to the monitor; the pictures aren't bad per se but they are—for lack of a better phrase—lifeless.
Her posing feels forced and the angles aren’t her best. You’ve taken enough photos of her to know what works, and the man photographing her now, Will, simply hasn't captured her effectively.
"We need to be professionals and make sure all the players are comfortable at all times, so I want you to really think about it," Leo finishes before stepping away, leaving you alone at the monitor, staring as new pictures of the blonde appear on the screen, each one worse than the last.
"Charlie!" you call out, waiting for her to approach.
"What do you think of these?"
She glances at the photos and shrugs, "I love Will, but you could do better."
"Leo thinks I should try again."
She tries, but fails to hide her surprise, "Are you sure Paige would be okay with that?"
Shrugging, you reply "I don't see why not; we didn't have a falling out, she just stopped talking to me."
After a pause, you add, "But I will speak to Will first to see if we can fix this without me behind the camera."
Charlie nods and goes to fetch Will, who is at your side in moments, eager to leave his camera -or rather, eager to leave Paige.
“You should be taking these," he insists before lowing his voice to a  whisper, "She's tough to work with." 
At this, you have to suppress a laugh; you know Paige’s capabilities well, she knew how to work a camera, it almost is impossible to take a bad picture of her.
"Have you tried letting her move during the shoot? Start with serious expressions; she starts goofing around after 15 minutes, and you'll miss the good shots. Then again, she'll probably be more professional with you than she was with me."
Will rolls his eyes, "I've tried everything." He motions back to his camera, “You should just give it another go."
After a brief motivational speech from Charlie and Will you resign yourself, approaching the camera once more.
“Is it okay if I try?” you find yourself asking softly, speaking to Paige properly for the first time in months.
She stares at you like a deer caught in headlights before quickly composing herself. A weak “yeah” is the only response you get, and it’s enough for you to feel comfortable quickly re-adjusting the camera and taking the first successful picture of Paige today.
She responds to you instantly, a forced grin quickly spreads across her face as you give a thumbs up, signaling for her to change poses. You both quickly fall into your old routine.
15 minutes in, you're constantly adjusting Will’s camera as she moves around, dribbling a ball, crossing her arms, and giving the camera a fierce look, then grinning ear to ear, her movements well-rehearsed from years of experience in front of your lens.
You only stop when an excited “We got it, guys!” is heard over the sounds of your shutter.
Leo, turns the monitor towards you where what might end up being one of the best pictures you’ve ever taken of her is displayed on the bright screen.
Before you can stop yourself, you’ve turned towards Paige, a proud smile stretched across your face. “Good job!” 
A brief nod is all you get in response before she mutters a quick “thanks” in your direction.
The rest of the media team receives much more sincere thank yous, and she exits the gym quickly, leaving you alone to wonder the same question that always plagues you after seeing her: ‘What the hell happened to us?’
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sprite-writes-fanfic · 3 months
Hello, I was wondering if you could do either 2003-2012 or bayverse headcanons or scenario with a crush reader that is emotionally a bit like Raphael? They are a bit more friendly than him and equally funny, kinda over independent on the “being taken care of” department, gets guilty and either lashes off or exclude themselves out of situations when they are anxious or feel overwhelmed by being “a problem”, doesn’t know how to lower their guard , neither believe they are worthy of someone’s heart, but deep inside they are affectionate and very loving (literally Raphael lol)
Hopefully this makes sense, if not (or if you don’t like the request) you can just ignore it
Thank you and have a good day / night
I will try my best anon! 🫡 Gonna do Bayverse because I feel like it would fit more for this scenario! (Also I fucking love the Bayverse turtles and I feel like I should start including them along with other turtle interpretations <3)
⚠️ Requests are closed, I am just putting out requests that I got before I closed them! Have 2 more to post out, posting another one today. Working on the other one currently as well. I will not do other requests until I’m off break, asks are still open though!
Lean On Me
🐢💙❤️Bayverse TMNT x Reader💜🧡🐢
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Word Count: 692
CW: Gender neutral reader, referred mainly as ‘you’, probably not on-point with what anon wants but I tried my best TvT, sorry if this isn’t exactly what you asked for anon 🙏, fluff!
💙 You and Leo will probably bump heads quite a bit with this stubborn nature of ‘not needing help’. My dude will not stand for it, he will help and protect you, no if’s and’s or but’s. Anytime you try to exclude yourself, he’s joining you, doesn’t want you to feel alone ever.
💙 Anytime you lash out he just takes it. He literally fights with Raph all the time. Will let you cool down, give you much needed space, then ask you to meditate with him to help clear your mind of these negative emotions.
💙 Will sit down with you multiple times and have talks with you, each time finally getting closer and closer to how you feel. Has the patience of a god and will wait as long as he can, don’t test him he’ll wait as long as he can. When you finally open up about how you feel, he’s good at reassuring you that he’s doing this because he wants to and because he cares for you. Is sure to give you words of affirmation every day until you finally feel comfortable to bring your walls down with him. And trust me when I say he definitely mentally celebrates, many kisses were given the day you did.
❤️ Raph gets it, he really does, you’re a little more friendlier than him, but when you lash out he sees himself in you. He goes to you a lot to help you talk, and sometimes in return he’ll talk to you too. Therapy for each other.
❤️ Probably the quickest of the brothers to work you through these issues. Again, he gets it because when he looks at you and how you act based on your emotions, he can only see himself, and he doesn’t want you to go through a lot of emotional pain he went through.
❤️ Big old cuddle bug with you, once both of your shells are broken through. Doesn’t really leave you alone often either so you don’t dwell on these negative thoughts and try to close yourself off again. Anxious thoughts can lead to overthinking and he knows that pretty well.
💜 Donnie is a little awkward in the emotional department, (and I honestly say that for every Donnie, not always the best in the emotional-department), so he’s kinda having a hard time here. Doesn’t mean he isn’t trying though. He’s trying to give you the right words in order to help.
💜 But he does what he doesn’t usually do, listen. He’ll hear you out if you ever finally break down your walls, and he won’t interrupt because it’s important to him to know how you feel. He’ll work on solutions when you’re done.
💜 He really does care about you, but when it comes to being lashed out at or you trying to exclude yourself, it kinda catches him off guard. But he stays on it, he lives with Raph after all. Has pretty good patience with you and will keep that patience going for as long as he can push it. Overall, he does pretty well and has a lot of patience, and will put his gadgets to the side for you.
🧡 Mikey’s happy that you’re more on the friendlier side at the very least, but he kinda flinches back at the times you lash out. But no worries, he’s persistent. Surprisingly goes for advice from his brothers and his father and actually listens.
🧡 Will approach you with this newfound information and tries to be as reassuring as possible with you, though please do forgive him when he messes up, he’s trying so hard for you. :(
🧡 Always by your side a lot of the time and is always reassuring, he’s getting you to do stuff with him to keep your mind off the ‘what if-’ not here honey, not gonna happen. He’s a lot of fun and with him it kinda makes your negative emotions and thoughts melt away before you're smiling and laughing with him. The day you finally cuddle and kiss him, I think he actually kinda starts to tear up. He’s proud of you, truly, and he’s happy that his Angelcakes is comfortable enough with him.
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 30 days
hi! me again, i know it hasn’t been that long but i just rewatched one of my favorite anime’s, Komi can’t communicate, it’s about a girl named Shoko Komi who has extreme social anxiety or also known as social-phobia and has trouble speaking to others and making friends as well, i’m serious, anytime the girl tries to speak, she gets nervous and overwhelmed and just starts stuttering a LOT!
So! i was wondering if you could do lil something with the rottmnt boys and a reader who acts like that? you don’t have to! and don’t worry, i’m almost finished with the lil gecko’s design!
i also recommend watching the anime, it’s really good and funny!
have a nice day/night! ❤️
❝ dulcet vibes. ❞
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— ‧₊˚ 🎐✩ 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐤𝐨𝐦𝐢 𝐞𝐬𝐤!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
❝l a/n !! : bro how many coincidences will we encounter ? I LITERALLY ADORE THAT ANIME SO SO MUCHHH AAAAA !!!! i binged the entire series over the course of time and finished it during the summertime last year ! such a wonderful anime. the slice of life feel to it, the equal parts humor and heartfelt, and not to mention the characters are all absolutely adorable and lovable !! especially komi. bro she's such a sweet cinnamon roll i just :(( my baby gorla :((( entire show is just *chef's kiss*
also darling this is like. YEARS late i hope u don't think i forgot abt you ?!!!! thank you soso much for your patience + i really hope you like this waaa !! also, psst. this is probably one of my favorite layouts~ the colors came together soso pretty !! ^^
ᝰ genre !! : fluff, a bit of crack, slice of life, platonic :)
ᝰ precautions !! : none, I don't think 🫡 if I am wrong however, pls pls let me know!! *smek* love y'all. hope you enjoy~
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i imagine the gentleness is which they all unanimously develop when interacting with you, developed on day one of meeting you.
they're all quite protective over you !! that much goes without saying, of course.
it started out with you becoming a close friend of april's :'))
seeing as she was the first to understand that you weren't some unreachable individual w/ some uppity "holier-than-thou" complex,
but rather, a kid. just like the rest of them. :')
she recognizes her peoplez. 😤✊🏾 probably finds a kindred spirit in you for feeling a bit like an outcast.
whereas you garner attention for your stoic, quiet demeanor and mysterious beauty, that's usually all people see you as.
some don't even see you as much of a fellow person at all. based on your aura alone — you've been described as an equal mix of cold, stuck up, unreachable, boring or flat out rude . . . as well as absolutely stunning, dark, debonair, sleek, attractive, godlike even.
whatever the case, you garnered the attention of all kinds wherever you went, whether you liked it or not.
they just ain't know you, babes. 😞
and april is all too familiar with being simultaneously judged (solely based on appearances) and ignored or pushed aside because you're different.
and homegirl don't run that way 🫡. she a real one.
i imagine she took/takes on the role of being your tadano at first !!
she was chosen as your guide to show ya around the school and upon seeing y'all's chemistry build instantly throughout said tour, you both were paired up for a project in your shared classes! ^^
at first she was a little off-put by your silence and sharp gaze, and even more so at the loud attention you were given the instant you were introduced into the classroom, but a little time is all it took :)
it quickly became apparent that that simply wasn't the case.
you had pulled out your phone, showed her a message typed out in a cinnamoroll-themed digital notepad,
" thank you for your help :')) i'm sorry i don't talk a lot! i'm just shy. thank you for being so kind to me. 💛🙏 "
yeeeaaah she knew you were a good egg.
and the rest is history!
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LEO gives me madddd najimi vibes, i'm gonna be so fr. so let's imagine that dynamic here !! as soon as y'all met, there was probably a little miscommunications at first :'] ofc april had told the guys beforehand that she was bringing you over, and he was positively stoked at finally being able to meet this "new friend" his best gal had been talking so fondly about !! and yes, she had given them all the rundown (but him especially. he was sweat-dropping at all the enunciations in her spiel being directed so openly at him. he ain't even met you yet 😔 why is everyone bullying him he is not that bad please he just wants a new friend this isn't fair ple- #justiceforleofr ✊🏾) but with leo, there's always something happening. (/aff /lh)
y'all know ts that najimi stayed pulling in the show? giving komi these complicated orders to go collect on her own in efforts to help her overcome her social anxiety? THIS HAS LEO WRITTEN ALL OVER ITTTTTTT. he'd definitely verbally note down the most diabolical pizza order and only gives enough time to make sure you even heard it before he's shoving the phone in your hands.
now if you start shaking and hesitate, he'll wait until like the very last second before he's chuckling and looking at you with gentle eyes. he takes the phone back into his hands, confirms the order, then pats your head. he's proud of you for trying!!
(he promptly dissolves into good-natured laughter when you start cuffing at his arm, face as red as a tomato.)
tbh thinks you're a cutie pie and tho he teases you, it's all in good nature !! let someone else try to come at you for your shyness. big "only I'm allowed to tease them" energy from this blueberry.
you know leo as your charming and obnoxious but fun-loving best friend who always smiles and jokes around you. but he can be brutal when he's upset. it's like a complete 360 when he's coming to your defense; his gaze turns hard and all traces of his bubbly self. GONE.
fiercely protective over you. whenever you're with him (or any of them really) he's your protector. and you can count on him to celebrate like it's the 4th of July whenever you manage to overcome your verbal barriers.
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RAPH. our red angel of preventing harm. the backbone of our society. he is such a mother hen when it comes to you awww :(( when y'all first met & you responded to his amicable greeting by beginning to tremble and stare up at him with wide, shiny eyes, not a word of reply, he thought it was most obvious that you were scared of him. of them. ☹️
it made his heart ache but it was a familiar hurt. this may be New York, but this whole situation isn't the exact norm. (well, not yet anyway!)
then april went and pushed you forward-- closer to him, enthusiastically encouraging you to "go on, say hi!!" like some excited mom with her shy kid 😭😭. it was a few moments of tense silence, you could literally see the ". . ." in the background. then finally, in a hushed but determined whisper, you respond in kind.
yeah. he's hooked.
you bring a sense of stability and tranquility; a welcome pace to the constant chaos of his everyday normal. he's so used to all things loud and rambunctious and completely fizzy pop frenzied on a great day, that when your sweet little molasses self shows up and becomes a regular part of their everyday lives, he finds a haven that he didn't even know he wanted. much more needed.
raphie carries you in his arms to make a quick getaway? you force urge him silently to rest his head on your lap/tummy when y'all chill in peace.
he's effectively babying you? you take it with a stoic grace and appease his ruffled mother hen feathers with gentle sympathy pats to his arms when he finally relaxes.
he especially loves when you both go on little best friend dates !!
you have a tranquil, 'insider' type outlook on life so when you share your vision with them, he can't help but feel honored. being who you are in the modern world has left you with devices that conspire of the affinity to finding very cool hideaway spots!! & the more time you guys spend with each other, the closer you get. it develops into a very wholesome and loving friendship :(( ICONS, THE BOTH OF YOUSE. 🫶🏾
he loves you sm bcuz he feels like he can truly be himself - you're not the type to judge. he feels completely at ease with you and goes the extra mile to put you at ease too!!
—and you can bet he's allllways keeping leo in line as well 😭☠ like, bro can barely breathe. he can, has, and will tackle leo in mid-air because he went to tackle you in a running hug. 😪
blue bro means well when he plays around with you, but raph can only take so much before he gets tense 🥹 he just wants you to be comfortable!! :(( like, always.
he's like your teddy bear. a safety blanket. teddy blanket?? mm ^^ he's got it all for you. would bend over backwards at so much as a slight breath from you. completely whipped and unashamed of it.
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DONNIE understands you on a spiritual level. he's your twin flame. your soul brother. bro's your down b, bro's your solider, he's got that thang-thang— *loud 16-wheeler horn passes by*
no but let's lock in. donbon becomes your saving grace, whether you like it or not (but i mean c'mon, who wouldn't like it? :] bro is him.) out of all the siblings, donnie understands your apprehension to socializing the best. it's not that you don't want to interact with others, it's just . . . hard. and scary. he gets that too.
donnie himself is sociable in the way that he's not afraid to interact with others nor is he scared to; he's just an introvert and if the feeling doesn't strike him, he won't. simple as that. 😆
but you're a bit of a different story. it's not that you don't want to, it's just significantly difficult for you </3. and donnie is nothing if not persistent and a fix-it felix in his own right, so! 👏 what does he do?? what he does best, of course!! he builds. he invents. he creates.
he would absolutely create different gadgets and such to try and make things easier for you. they can range from tiny things — automatic digital/magnetized notepads, tiny flying robots that have neurotransmitters embedded within so it speaks for you in the moments your voice croaks, to literal AI robots that do close to everything for you.
once he had gotten caught up in the excitement and pure influx of creative juices + had drawn up a prototype for a replicate robot of you — purely intended on doing the things that you couldn't in a way of helping out!! — and barely survived the crossfire that he was immediately subjected to by his siblings. he snapped out of it and locked tf in after that and, after a lengthy lecture from raph, he allowed leo to rip the blueprints to shreds & mikey to burn it. yes, he might've gotten carried away in his inventions, but it's all from a place of care!!!
he buys you snacks and gifts you a cute handmade keychain the next time you come over after that. you're confused but delighted. he sticks just a little closer that day, and you allow it.
i feel he'd see himself in you. as a result, he'd want to provide you with more things and protect you a lot!!! he ain't afraid to speak up on your behalf either. trust me, he's given such poetic lip to some stuck up assholes in the social world that it rendered you genuinely speechless. but they stay as inside jokes between y'all and best believe it makes the others so jealous 🤣😭.
also not afraid to tell his own brothers off if they're crowding you a little too much (*coughleocoughcough*) — he's a lot less lenient than raphie tho 😅
he cares. a lot. maybe. he's got a soft spot for you, what can I say?
when everything and anything starts to become too much for you, he's usually pretty good at recognizing it and offers you a place of solitude in his lab! it's cool and quiet (well. quiet-er than the wipeout episode that is his daily life outside those very walls.) and generally gives a very chill vibe.
he also loves the fact that you listen to his ranting and rambling without interrupting, not even once. sometimes he thinks it's because you can't, but when he pauses and goes to inquire as much, he's met with your warmed and focused gaze, a slight quirk to your lips as you nod along and. the message is there. i'm listening.
you're lowk his bestie and he can't really live without you from now on, he thinks. it's like the grumpy cat x golden retriever trope, but you're more of a cat too. two moons coexisting! two cats drenched in purple moonlight.
y'all just get each other i made myself sad. /lh + /hj
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MIKEY aims to make you feel as comfortable and welcomed as possible !! at all times, all day, everyday. he even set up a cute little personal nook for you in the lair!! (he's such a sweetie pie y'all i'm 💔)
he was the most excited to meet you!!!! (you're his friend now. y'all are having soft tacos later!)
well, all of them were, but he was (and is) the most amicable and the most emotionally adept at understanding you and your shyness. apart of the "Save Y/N from Leo & His Shenanigans" pt 2. (i love the blueberry y'all i prommy bullying him is my love language). ofc he's just a bubbly glass of fizzy orange juice when y'all come face to face; he's all smiles and going "hi!! I'm Mikey!! what's your name??" even if april alr told them 🤦🏾‍♀️ HE'S JUST EXCITED OKAY???
hesitates for just shy of a second when you begin shaking, but then, you pull out your phone and shove the cute sanrio-themed greeting note in his snout and, the second it registers, he's beaming brighter than the sun and immediately welcomes you in, both physically and emotionally.
he makes you feel seen and heard, even when you try to chameleon your way through situations, as you've done countless times before. even when you assume your "better to be seen, not heard" posture, as you've done countless times before.
mikey being the most emotionally available of his family certainly comes with its perks!! he helps them navigate their individual friendships with you as well, and even tho there are a few hiccups along the way, you all develop a strong and lovely bond— & a large part in that is owed to mikey and his empathetic prowess.
particularly loves baking for/with you!!! it's always worth it to see your eyes light up, and he really does think you have a cute face. it's been described in a more debonair light by others, but to him, you're the sweetest little baozi and he just wants!!! to wrap you up in a blanket burrito and!!! keep you in his metaphorical pockets forever!!!!!!
he has definitely dedicated murals and different art pieces to you. sometimes you'll be minding your own business, just chilling together, and feel him staring at you. but before you can get self-conscious he always speaks up and sheepishly rubs the back of his head while pointing to the sketchbook in his lap. now, you're used to feeling his warm yet concentrated gaze on you, but your face still hasn't changed in the lobster red it becomes when he shows you the finished product :')) what can he say?? you're a one of a kind muse.
gives you cute nicknames. pinches your cheeks (if you're aiight with that.) soso affectionate with you, the fact that he loves you is unshakable and unquestionable.
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anastasiabowe · 5 months
Hiii! Hope you had a very warm and quiet Christmas! Coming back, I think I have to thank you on behalf of every member in knb's Fandom for keeping it alive, so thank you🙏. My request is if you could possibly do something, whatever you feel like doing, about a bratty/ sub Kise with a fem reader that just knows how to treat him? From pegging to bandage, whatever is more comfortable! Thank youuu and happy new year ❤️
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𝗪𝗛𝗔𝗧 𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗡𝗘𝗘𝗗 — Kise tested every last bit of patience you had today, but don’t worry, bad behavior doesn’t go unnoticed.
note: I literally have NEVER wrote anything like this so if it’s bad, oh well! But, thank you so much anon! You helped me push myself into writing something new, and I’m proud of it! Love youu!
Content warnings: swearing, bondage, pegging, mommy kink, dom reader, anal, hand job, pussy eating, face sitting, praise kink, anything else ofc!
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“Kise.” Your warning tone sent a shiver down his spine. He was arched over, hands tied behind his back and you were sitting behind him cupping his dick and smacked his ass as he tried to rut into your hand.
“S-sorry!” He cried out at the pain, and you rubbed the growing red mark.
“Just quit moving.” He wanted to move so bad, wanted to push himself in your cock, trench his hole to its limit, but you were taking your sweet time.
You went from cupping his dick to squeezing its base, and Kise nearly lost his balance at the glorious pressure.
You pinch his thigh, obviously he could t control that convulse, but he still shouldn’t be moving so much.
You grab your strap and tighten the rope so it fit snug and secure around your curves. Muses heard the fabric rub against each other as you tightened the straps. He wanted to fuck himself in you, but again, he can’t.
After many minutes of Oreo before hand, you deemed him ready for the world shattering fuck he was about to receive.
You grab the base of your cock, and bring it up to his hole. You slowly pushed it in, making him ass squeeze and try to push the toy out, no matter how many times you try this. You grab kise’s hand to comfort him, and you continued to push in. Eventually you pushed all the way in, and Kise whimpered in slight discomfort m, luckily not pain.
“How are you feeling?” You rubbed his lower back, and he flipped his head towards you.
“Good! So good!” He wiggled his butt. You smiled, and grabbed both of his cheeks and press them, so you could get a better view.
You pulled out slightly and slowly pushed in until you found a good rhythm.
“Hah-hah-hah-hah.” Kise panted as you kept prodding his prostrate with the toy.
“Mmm, yeah? Feels good?” You grabbed his hips, and fucked him onto your cock.
“Y-yes, mommy!” He was pushing himself onto your cock, and you felt your high coming, despite any foreplay for you. Seeing Kise at your fingertips did something to you.
“W-who makes you feel like this?” You asked him, he moaned and his voice quivered.
“Y-y-you, mom-mommy!”
“Whose asshole is this?”
You praised him for his response, all good boys deserve to hear good things!
You leaned over a bit on Kise, and grabbed his dick.
You quickly pumped his dick, causing him to let out chocked noises from the sudden double pleasure.
“Cum for me.” You commanded.
Kise nodded his head continuously as he came over your hand and bed sheets.
“C-cumming!” He announced as he kept coming and coming.
Hearing his whimpers and cries form overstimulation sent you to your end as well.
“G-good boy! M-mommy’s coming!” You slowed your thrusts, and slowly pulled out the toy from his ass. You quickly flip him over, and sit I. His face, hand still on his dick.
He instantly started slurping up your cunt, sending you officially over the end.
“Good boy, good boy, good boy!” You repeatedly praised him as you came all over his face.
He didn’t stop until you pulled yourself off of him. You soon untied him, and got him cleaned up, you quickly put a towel over the area he came on, and laid with him as he came down from the intense pleasure he just endured.
“Did so good for me.” You softly praised once more. Kise hugged your waist even tighter and giggled a little,
“I-I know.”
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the-little-ewok · 11 months
So, I hear you're taking prompts 👀🤭
If no one's asked (and you feel inspired), maybe you could try "slowly kissing down the body" with either Santi or Poe? (If that's then, maybe the tummy kisses instead?). Please and thank youuuu 🙏❤️
Santiago Garcia X F!Reader
Rating : E / 18+ for sexual content
Wordcount : 900 (ISH)
Warnings : Consensual use of restraints, talk of cum eating, mentions of edging, mentions of face sitting, mentions of PIV, marking/love bites, if you squint - mild sub!Santi, mild!Dom reader, mentions of Dom!Santi
Prompt/Summary : Kissing slowly down their body / Teasing Santiago until he breaks with little body kisses
A/N : Thank you for the prompt! I hope you enjoy a little Santi spice since your Neighbours fic put me in such a Santi feels mood! ;)
Un-beta'd because chaos is life. Apologies for any mistakes. It's midnight here.
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The metal headboard creaks worryingly as Santiago tugs at his bonds, and you relish in the little mewl of pleasure he gives that accompanies the noise. You finish sucking a mark just above his collarbone, as his hands twist against the soft silk scarf binding him to the bed, his legs shifting restlessly beneath your weight as you sit back to admire him — his skin covered in a light sheen of sweat, pupils blown wide, lips kiss swollen, chest heaving with panted breaths.
It was so rare for him to give up complete control this way, to relinquish it to you, to allow you to take care of him in the way you know he needs. It makes your heart swell with the knowledge of the trust he's placed in you.
Although you can't help but wander if now he's starting to regret it, after who knows how long of soft touches, kisses, teasing laps of your tongue, bringing him to the edge, just to stop before he reaches his peak, and then to do it all over again.
"Hermosa, please," he groans, hips rutting up against you as you lean down to begin another trail of slow kisses down his body. "This is unfair."
You grin. Santiago was loosing his patience.
But drawing the little desperate sounds of pleasure from him was so much fun. And in part, you suppose, a little revenge for every time he had you in the same position, begging for release as he enjoyed the moment. Now you finally understood the appeal.
"All good things come to those who wait," you tease in a sing-song voice, unmoved by his begging.
Santi huffs with annoyance, flinging his head back against the pillows, dramatically growling something in Spanish you don't quite catch, but it sounds like a thinly veiled threat.
In all fairness you were dragging this out now, going back to placing tender kisses against his chest and neck, leaving little love marks in your wake, all while his hard cock twitched against your stomach, desperate for more attention. You'll pay for this later no doubt, but honestly, that's what you're counting on.
You shift your weight, moving down to litter soft kisses against his chest, before you circle your tongue over his peaked nipple.
Santi grunts out a low curse, his hands once more pulling at the makeshift restraint. If he really wanted out, he only had to say the word, but for all his complaints, Santi seems content to enjoy himself, at least at the moment.
"Tell me what you want," you whisper, your lips ghosting against his skin, echoing words he's so often used on you.
"You. Want you," he gasps as you nip at his side with your teeth, leaving him another mark.
You hum, raising your hand and allowing your fingers to barely brush against his weeping cock, causing Santi to give out a strangled moan that shoots straight to your core. He lifts his hips as you remove your hand once more, trying to chase your touch. You click your tongue in dissaproval, and shake your head at him.
"Be specific. Use your words, baby." You catch the look on his face as you repeat words he's whispered in your ear many times. His eyes hold a mixture of pride, impatience and something a little darker that makes you swallow hard, pushing down the thought of untying his wrists then and there.
He holds your gaze, steadily, defiantly, barely even blinking as he tells you exactly what he wants.
"I want to fuck your mouth, then I want to fuck your sweet pussy, fill you up until you can't take any more. Then after that, baby," he growls, his voice deliciously low, "I want you to sit on my face while I lick out every last drop of cum."
You swallow hard, your pussy clenching around nothing at the image that fills your head.
Santi smirks up at you, clearly knowing he has the upper hand, even in his prone position.
Your resolve hardens. Now you are going to drag this out even longer.
"Hmm we can do that…when we are done with giving you a lesson in patience." Leaning back down you continue to trail soft kisses down his body, heading towards where he wants your mouth, but far slower than ever before.
"You know Santi," you breathe, pausing to look up at him through your lashes, "I think maybe I need to go grab a bite to eat before we continue this. Its going to be a long night. Be a good boy and wait right here for me."
You press a soft kiss to his lips, which are pressed into a hard line of dissaproval at your teasing, before you pepper soft kisses across his neck, slowly manoeuvring your body off his as you go.
There's absolutely no warning for what comes next. One moment your tongue is flicking out to lick his pulse point, and the next your flipped onto your back, Santi bearing down on you, both your hands pinned to the mattress.
You have no idea how he got his hands free, or how long he's had them free for, and all thoughts of asking disappear as Santi's lips twist into a devilish smile.
"I think first I'll give you a lesson in impatience," he growls, before he claims your mouth in a hard kiss.
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dovabunny · 4 months
Ok first thing is please don’t take this as a criticism of your replaced au fic. I love it a lot and I think it was written beautifully.
However my dumb ass missed the angst with a happy ending tag
And I was like, why tf is Soap staying with Ghost? He’s obviously supposed to be with Ale and Rudy. My brain was craving more angst than what was provided and now it’s yelling at me for more, so now I’m trying to placate it with sad ending version of that fic that I’m making up in my head. Dw I don’t plan to publish it or anything. The angst was hitting good but then he ended up back with Ghost and my brain was screaming that it was wrong.
However, once again, it’s ur fic. And it was still incredibly written and amazing. I love your writing style.
FIRST - sorry this took so long 🙏 I'm not active much on here.
On the fic - a big thing for me when writing is understanding that 'hurt people hurt people' (people who are hurt, tend to hurt other people). I'm also educated/trained in trauma and psych, so having a grasp on how that can change emotional development, cognitive perceptions, reactivity etc has always been an interest of mine. My father is also an abusive veteran. These are the places I drew a lot of inspo from.
I did have an ending where Soap ends up with Rude and Ale, and even one with Roach, but in the end I felt I wanted to give both Soap AND Ghost a chance to grow. And growth isn't linear, it isn't easy. It often hurts too. For me them not getting back together didn't serve a purpose - it was an easy way out. Ghost would be stagnant and qlone (except for Roach) forever, and Soap would forever carry the bitterness and hurt of what happened from his one-sided view even if he did move on.
People who come from bad backgrounds often need patience as they re-learn and re-write a lot of emotional and behavioural impulses they've had to develop and maintain since childhood. So Ghost needed patience and understanding, and Soap needed to see this was real - that this was true without lies or deceit or deception. Which is why Ghost's reaction when he was drugged was the tipping point for him where he saw that this was Ghost's true feelings, and what he meant to Ghost.
It took strength and growth from Soap to open his heart again, more than it would've if he moved on. Ghost took up therapy, opened up to Roach a bit, and engraved Soap (literally) onto his body - his growth was pushing past his own armour he wore and seeing the strength in vulnerability and honesty through intense therapy. They're two men with a lot of trauma in their past and present, they're complicated men in their own way, so I tried to keep it as realistic to their personal development and mindsets than from an outsiders perspective.
That's a big ramble, I hope it makes sense! I honestly loved seeing readers get emotional over it - whether angry or happy or sad. I got a lot of emojis in my inbox on Twitter 😂 I wanted people to feel for these characters, so I'm so happy to hear you liked it and you felt connected to it in a way that spoke to you.
I think it's kinda the same with fics with heavy themes - there's often something in our own backgrounds that resonates and identifies with something in a character or a struggle they have. So if you empathise with Soap, or Ghost, or you're just here vibing like Roach - it's all good!
Thanks for the ask :) ❤️🌻
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choccy-milky · 6 months
Hi! I started reading your story sometime in the last week and I’m OBSESSED! I normally don’t have much patience and can’t get myself to read anything past like 15k or anything that’s still being worked on, but your story hooked me almost instantly! I really liked the description and decided to give it a try and I’m so glad I did. The detailed descriptions you give pull me into the story and the way you seamlessly switch points of view feels so natural. I just wanted to let you know how much I’m enjoying reading so far and I’m excited for more! ❤️
AW TYSM😭😭 this means a lot, esp since ive been kinda self conscious about the length of my fic lately (and also how long its gonna end up being once im actually done LMFAO) and ik my chapters have gotten ginormous BAHAHA so im glad that even if you don't usually read long stuff you still gave my fic a try and enjoyed it so much + are looking forward to more!!💖💖so ty again😭🙏 AND as usual i'll be using this to answer other asks:
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thank you and AA im glad to hear it!! a lot of people have been telling me ive been inspiring them to draw lately and i love it (im just sorry i dont have any concrete tips to give people other than keep practicing LOL) but good luck and i hope you keep at it!!🥰🥰
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GIRL IDK, IDEK HOW LONG THE STORY IS GONNA BE, but assuming im still brainrotted even when its done then YEAH u wouldnt be able to stop me if you tried😊 (im glad you like them so much as well, ty!!😭)
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thank you!! and yes i usually have at least a vague idea of what i want in the story before i start, though a lot of it didn't become concrete until i started writing/things evolving from there. i made a big (slightly) vague timeline of the entire fic from beginning to (almost) end, and then i keep fleshing it out from there as the ideas keep coming to me/evolving, and for each chapter i make an even more detailed outline, and THEN i get started on the final chapter. so its a bit of a process bahaha, but the brainstorming is really fun!! as for any advice, im not sure. maybe just brainstorm/write down scenes and ideas that you know for a fact that you want to put in your fic, and then try to find a way to connect them to other scenes from there and work backwards. basically WRITE WHAT YOU WANT TO READ, cuz like im my own biggest fan fr, thats the most important part LMAO
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LMFAO speaking of outlining future events.....this may or may not happen in the future/in an epilogue when clora is pregnant and she got those pregnant woman hormones that seb is fighting for his LIFE to keep up with HAHAHA
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ive been drawing since i was 4 years old so...a while. LOL. and if you even look back to the beginning of my blog, my first drawings of seb were SO UGLY💀💀 so if you just keep drawing you constantly get better naturally (also in response to the other ask you sent as well, i use clip studio paint to draw!)
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AW TYYY. AND YES CLORA WILL HAVE ANOTHER MC MOMENT, the ranrok confrontation is still coming, after all...👀👀 and true, idek who would win if clora and seb duelled again with neither of them holding back, but u are so right. even if clora DID win that would do nothing to change sebs mind about how protective he is LMFAO. THANK YOU AGAIN im glad you like my fic + drawings so much!!💖💖
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BAHAHAH in my fic (for smut reasons and so that they could be 17 when they did the nasty) i made clora's bday april 3rd and sebs february 12, so clora is an aries and seb is an aquarius (and yes i just checked and apparently they ARE compatible, so seb can rest. also i just read up on aquarius and damn it unintentionally suits seb so well?? LOL "Aquarius is undoubtedly the most innovative, progressive, rebellious, and humanitarian. " and "They have incredible energy, though they may not always use it wisely. They find it easy to get through life on charm and good looks." LMFAO. ok king we love that
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genericpuff · 1 year
Hey everyone, just a heads up: LORE | REKINDLED is still getting a new update tomorrow night, BUT there will be no streaming. Unfortunately there's been a death in the family that happened very suddenly, which means I have to travel back to PEI again for a few days, so I'll be away from my PC. The plan is to go home tomorrow afternoon after work and come back Monday afternoon. It's gonna be an emotional time so don't mind me if I'm slow to get back to asks or replies or DM's, thank you all for your patience and support 🙏❤️
We'll return to streaming next Saturday! This might throw a wrench in next Saturday's update as I won't be able to work on Rekindled over the weekend, but we'll see. Until then, we'll see you next Saturday for streaming ❤️
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lavendercrow136 · 4 months
I swear to you, to those who have been tuning into my fanfics I will love you through it all , and Tell me this isn't goodbye love, I did not forget about you. I've been extremely busy with work, to the point of an encroaching burn out.
I'm literally exhausted all of the time, and deal with an almost daily dosage of stress that's not healthy but there's not much I can do to change it because it's part of the job.
Not only am I just so tired, but my body says we're in pain, and we would like to not move around for a while.
Socially I am just nonexistent, I have friends I have not seen or hung out with in weeks and luckily I let them know what's going on and their okay with it and understand but people can only be patient for so long.
Mental health wise is a bit of a seesaw of anxiety and depression, spiced up with insomnia and hyper-insomblance, and goblin energy.
So I guess what I'm saying is I apologize for the delay on new content, and I hope you will continue to bear with me and support me through this difficult time.
I'm hoping to be able to post new content for your viewing pleasure soon and then get back to posting content on a regular basis.
I will warn you it might be a bit before I actually get it on any sort of viewing platform, for your reading pleasure that is because I try to only ever post chapters when I'm proud of them. When I know their good, or at least think their good. AND then I post them and I hope that you all agree and enjoy.
In other news though I have not posted a new chapter for "I will love you through it all" in a hot minute I looked at my Kudos and hits today, 989 hits and 40 Kudos!! Thank you all so much for continuing to follow along and read my work, it means more then you even know, and gives me the little bit of a push I need to keep going.
I also really need to provide a large shout out to my fiance who has been putting up with my emotional ass with both support and love and patience, thank you so much baby, for loving me when it feels like the whole world around me is a hurricane trying to tear me apart you are my safe space, my home, my everything. You are the light house that keeps me from crashing into the rocks and sinking into the abyss of my own negative thoughts, I love you so much @propertyofmilfs 3 monthes till we're together again, the distance between us may be hard but my love you are entirely worth every second minute and hour of the wait, 3 monthes till I feel at home again and I have you in my arms. ❤️
ALSO this is SO Important, if anyone at all knows anyone who used to live in the USA that immigrated to the Netherlands, and is currently residing in the Netherlands, please help me get in contact with them. I'd like to be able to move to be with my fiancé but neither of us really know where to start and the websites are confusing. So if anyone has any information or knows anyone please please please help 🙏
Thank you for your patience, and as always I will update you when I have more news and chapters updates and teasers.
Love, lavendercrow136
@propertyofmilfs @barbarasstar @vii-v @o1iviac1aire @winterfireblond @larissaoftarthweems @weemssapphic @weemswife
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kalki-tarot · 2 months
Hi there here for the free reading… I’m glad that u feel better now ❤️ may god be with u and protect u from unwanted energies 🧿🧿🧿
Name- H S
Intuitive number - 5
Question- when will I meet my future spouse?
( I used to be getting a lot of emotional connective feelings from them a couple of months ago… like I could feel intense happiness and sadness but it wasn’t of my own… I used to feel like I could talk to them in my own head... would comfort them in my own head. Never got an any vocal response but it felt like they could feel and hear me. but now it’s quieted down. I’m worried if they’re okay. We haven’t met but we feel connected. Sometimes I question if it’s all in my head. I just pray they’re ok and these feelings are true. Sorry for my rant… I’m just worried )
Hello dear 💖
First of all, what you feel energetically and all the feelings you've described here are not just illusonary, THEY ARE REAL. Your fs is a higher level soulmate of yours or even a twinflame. And i don't go around telling everyone that they have a twinflame etc. Twinflames or higher level soul connections are extremely rare in the current energetic field of earth. You are Here for a collective or personal purpose.
I'm will be going into more details than the main question you asked rn as i feel that you need to hear this message. And i feel like I was meant to give this message to you.
You may meet your future spouse through friends or family, or at a celebration. You may actually have common friends or relatives but you both don't know eah other yet. Please don't rush into this connection because it will test your patience. You will be forced to heal yourself. You will have to destroy all the boundaries you've created as a self protection mechanism to avoid interaction with others. You feel as if you let people in, they might hurt you. But let me tell you, no one can hurt you without your permission. You should not accept any negative energy in your life. This connection is meant to provide you love and support through your fs. They will help you with your soul purpose or journey and vice versa. Once again, I'm telling you there will be times you'll feel frustrated due to love not coming into your life. But trust me, universe will put you to a test. Do you know that before taking this incarnation you decided to heal your wounds? It's time to do that. And that's why universe will try to test you. You are universe. You may need to contemplate and self reflect a lot. You will have to face all your fears no matter what. And you will have to do it. Take your time, there's no rush. Just be happy and love yourself. And yes, the connection exists in real life. You need not overthink about that.
You will be blessed with divine union. You two will become one, might sound cheesy but is true. You'll finally be able to feel a sense of belonging that you never felt with anyone. Remember to not be impulsive with this connection. You will have to rise above and accept change. Remember that love is always unconditional, you give without expecting anything in return. And love never gives pain, attachment does.
Thanks for reading, pls leave feedback if you have time, no pressure 🙏🧿
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sharkpupsblog · 1 year
😨 Lost Horse! 🐎 PART 7. Electric guitar.
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A Sabine x GN! Reader fanfic!
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Hi guys!!!! So so so good to be back omg!!!! 😭❤️❤️❤️ thank you everyone for your patience ❤️ during my break I kept writing to distract myself and I have the fic all ready to go and to be posted! 🙏🙏🙏 there are . More parts than I originally planned but it’s ok the more parts the better! :D also there is some guitar playing here and I am not a guitar expert (I can barely play my acoustic💔) so if anything is wrong I apologize 😭💔 once again ty all for the patience! :D enjoy! ❤️❤️❤️
Summary: You get guitar lessons from Sabine.
Warnings: foul language.
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Your first meeting with Sabine and Khaan was a bit awkward. You and Sabine talked for a bit, but since you did not know each other well you quickly ran out of topics to talk about. After you ran out of things to talk about you both awkwardly stood in front of each other. Khaan and your Lipizzaner watched as you both tried to come up with something. Nothing came up so you both stood in awkward silence. You ran out of things to say because you feared your sense of humor or interests wouldn’t match hers. She ran out of things because she felt the same way you did.
She also did not want to spill too much about herself just in case you were a spy for your dad. The second meeting wasn’t as awkward. You found more things to talk about. You talked, and she listened. By the third meeting Sabine decided to start talking more. She realized that you could not be a spy. If you were then you would have given up by the second meeting since she wasn’t talking, or you would have gotten bored. But you were still around, and you were always so full of energy. It was clear you actually cared, and you weren’t there for anyone else. You listened to everything she said, so she trusted you.
Many hang outs came after that. Most of them were in the Everwind fields. Some were in coffee shops. She learned how you liked your coffee, and you learned how she liked hers. There were a lot of things you agreed on, but coffee was definitely not one of them. After weeks of hanging out and talking over the phone you became good friends. You trusted her with everything, and she trusted you with most of her stuff. She wished she could tell you as much as you told her but what she had was heavy. She did not want to ruin the mood.
You didn’t know much about her past or about what happened the day you found Khaan. You wished to know, but you kept quiet. You wanted her to tell you when she felt ready. The stuff she could tell you always amazed you. The thing that surprised you most was that she did dressage, and she ran her own club. When you asked to join as a joke, she said you were too lame to join her club. It brought up a conversation about what would make you cool enough to join.
Which brings you to the present. You’re sitting on your couch with a guitar on your lap. In front of you Sabine kneels. She takes the hand you have on the neck of the guitar, and she gently moves it down a bit. She positions your fingers to different strings. They are now in place to form a note. When she tells you to strum you do. The guitar produces a nice sound that makes you smile “was that good?” You look at Sabine. She nods smiling back at you “good enough to join your club?”
The girl laughs she shakes her head at you “maybe learn a few more notes first.” The guitar belongs to her. Another thing you learned about Sabine was that she loved music. Her favorite band was the Miscreants. The band was highly popular in Jorvik, so it did not surprise you that she was a fan of it. She said she got her own guitar when she was younger thanks to the Miscreants inspiring her. The girl never really used it though. The guitar sat in her closet for most of its life. Only being used at random times like this one. Note learning was a first for you and a refresher for Sabine who had not picked up the guitar in a while.
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“Did it take you long to learn the notes?” You watched as she grabbed your hand again. She positioned it to another note. “It took me a while but-“ she moved your fingers around “it might be different for you.” She told you to strum, and while the note played, she continued talking “you could probably learn them quickly.” She hoped you were paying attention to the placement of the notes. She had already told you which ones they were. The girl was now just showing you how to play them. “Maybe you’ll be in the Miscreants instead of my club” she watched as you went back to the other note wanting to hear how it sounded again.
“I have a good teacher, so I think I’ll learn quick” you looked at her seeing a small smile on her face. You catch a hint of pride in it. “Don’t flatter me it won’t help you join quicker” she looked down at her phone for the next note. You let out a huff resting your arm and then your chin on top of it against the end of the guitar “it was worth a shot.” You glanced at the grandfather clock in the living room seeing 7:14. Your dad was out for a meeting he wouldn’t be back until 10. You had plenty of time left to learn the notes and hang out with Sabine. You had to sneak her in, so you would also have to sneak her out it would only give you until 9:30 to hang out. The rest of the time left would be used for sneaking her back out of Valedale.
When you moved to sit up your elbow hit the tuning knobs. The knobs turned, and the strings loosened. You frowned, and you strummed the guitar. You cringed at the horrible sound of the untuned strings. Sabine looked up from her phone when she heard the ugly sound “what did you do?” She held her hands out. You handed the guitar to her “I accidentally hit the little knobs at the end.” You felt bad, you knew it could be fixed, but you still felt really bad. You hoped tuning a guitar didn’t take long. You hoped it wasn’t hard to do.
Sabine checked each string until she found the ones you untuned. “I’ll fix it” she looked up at you giving you a smile. She was letting you know it was a simple mistake. She didn’t want you to feel bad. “We can use this as a lesson for tuning” the girl stood up from where she was kneeling, and she took a seat next to you on the couch. She began twisting a knob “your stupidity ended up being useful.�� She had a playful tone it let you know she was not mad, or genuinely calling you stupid. You scooted closer to her to watch her tune the strings, and she let you. The girl explained to you how to tune the guitar. You were barely listening because your heart was beating loudly in your ear. It was also beating fast, it felt like it was going to pop out of your chest. Soon all the strings were back to normal, and you listened as Sabine played each one.
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“Do you know any songs?” You looked up at her hoping she did. She looked up at you answering your question with “only one.” She never bothered to learn more. Her rock star phase faded pretty quick. So quick she only learned one song before her guitar was banished to the closet. Sabine felt nervous, you were making her nervous. You were seated so close to her. Usually she didn’t really care that you were close to her, but lately it affected her more than normal. Even touching your hands and guiding them on the strings made her nervous. It felt way too intimate.
She had a guess to why she felt the way she did before she knew why. She thought maybe it was because she wasn’t used to touch. After a few sleepless nights she figured out why she was so anxious around you. She wanted to tell you she really did, but she feared it would not be mutual. The feeling was very much mutual though. If only she could hear just how loud your heart was beating. If only she knew how she made you feel. “Can you play it?” You hoped she would play it for you. Sabine nodded, and she positioned her hand to the first note in the song. “I’m a bit rusty” she played the note it made you smile.
“If I mess up don’t laugh” she moved her hand to another note. You crossed your heart it made you feel like you were on the playground again making a promise to your childhood best friend. “I promise I won’t laugh” you stayed quiet as she played the song for you. Sabine said she was rusty, but she played well. Her hands moved fluently and carefully. You felt like you were at a concert. Front row seats to- wait a minute.
You continued listening, and that was when you realized the song she was playing was a love song. Holy shit? You felt your face burn she didn’t see your blush though she was too busy playing to see it. You quickly tried to clear it while she played. The song soon ended, and the girl looked up to you “what do you think?” She went wide eyed when she saw the blush on your face. You couldn’t get it to go away.
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“Was it that bad?” The girl cringed. She watched as you tried to formulate a thought. There was no way she was playing that for you, was she? You opened your mouth, and you tried to joke with her “was that for me?” You were half joking. You prayed to Aideen that it was for you. Sabine narrowed her eyes, and she tilted her head to the side a bit “huh?” She was confused by what you were asking. When she understood the question her confused look was replaced by one of understanding.
The girl laughed, and you swore you felt you felt your heart break. “Nah” she was trying to play it cool. She was freaking out as much as you were. How could she forget it was a love song? She learned that song because the guitar in the song was great. She completely forgot that there was more to the song than just the guitar part. “I just learned it for the guitar” she messed with one of the strings. She cleared her throat trying to ease the tension in the room. You frowned giving her a slow nod “that’s nice.” You felt so fucking lame. You looked down at your shoelaces.
You were about to change the subject, but Sabine felt bold. She felt brave she said, “it can be.” She took this opportunity to confess. No more dancing around it. You looked up at her “what?” Even though she was feeling brave she spoke softly. She repeated what she said this time with a stronger tone “it can be.” She wanted you to know that she was serious. She also wanted to look cool and confident. Your face got a deeper shade of red. You stared at her in shock “For me?” You mentally facepalmed. You felt like you were going to pass out. You were so shocked you stopped breathing. Maybe your reply was stupid due to your lack of oxygen. Sabine groaned “is there anyone else here?”
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TY FOR READING! :D I didn’t have a specific song in mind so any song u want can fit in this :D also so happy to be back 😭❤️
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howthesleeplesswander · 3 months
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((Helluuu everyone! uwu/ The time has come once again: starting today, this blog will be on a two-week hiatus, until March 31st!
At long last, I'm going to be visiting my oh-so-beautiful and wonderful girlfriend for the next two weeks! Some unexpected circumstances made us have to wait much longer between visits than we'd like, so we're both sooo excited to finally be together again and will be spending every possible second that we can together. 😭🙏
I have a few things queued and may still lurk on the dash occasionally, but things will be pretty quiet here for the most part while I enjoy quality time with my darling. ;w; Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding! ❤️
I hope you all have a lovely couple of weeks, and I look forward to diving back into things when I return! 💕))
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naninnai · 10 months
SHOP UPDATE: All items bound for US and Asia before Jul. 18 dispatch have arrived at their destination country!
For European customers, items are still on the way because of longer flight schedules and possible delays, so I thank you all for your patience again ☺️💕
I have also followed up on customers with their tracking marked as an unsuccessful delivery, so please check your emails so I know your items have been received safely! ;v; 🙏
Sometimes if the package waits too long without a follow-up from the customer, they will return it to the sender, so try to check in as well with your local post office to confirm that your package is secure! Thank you very much ❤️
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narremojis · 1 year
I'm so sorry for the delay 😓
I promise you I am working. First, I must do 2 discord commisions, then the requests here. Honestly, I haven't been working all weekend... I apologize.
I will start up again, I promise 🙏 ❤️
Thank you for your patience and support. Love you all! ❤️
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thekennybawlin-blog · 2 years
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I’M BACK? welcome to the first reaction video with bare minimum editing because i really liked the commentary and the condensed heavy edited version should be coming VERY SOON! this had to be split into two parts so go check it on youtube pls and thank you once again for your patience and I love you all 🙏❤️ -Kenny Bawlin https://www.instagram.com/p/CkCb3QeLoN5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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