#that he always stay lanky
jacqcrisis · 8 months
Writing up about the monster from this post as I've had him around a while and I wanna write down what he looks like. Putting under a read more cause...its a lot.
Head: The monster has a smooth rounder top his head (much like an ape) and short snout. It has two large, almond shaped black eyes under a prominent brow ridge, a more reptilian snout with slits for the nostrils, and a mouth that is difficult to see until it is opened. The mouth is wide when open reaching farther back than one would assume, containing a long bisected tongue and teeth not unlike any omnivorous animal. It's difficult to tell where the skull ends and the long thick neck begin until it lifts its large, pointed ears that are often resting on the back of its neck. When engaged, the base of the ears sit where a human's might and are capable of an impressive range of motion before going back into a resting state where they are once again difficult to discern. His eyesight and hearing are phenomenal but his sense of smell is only slightly better than a humans.
Body: He's a big long boy. The body is monkey-ish, with a deep chest and a slim abdomen. His form is very sleek, flexible, with a hidden strength not obvious until he has his hands on you. The monster is capable of both walking on six/four limbs as it is walking upright, though being upright is more awkward and he will swap between the two at will. Standing upright and straight as possible, he is over eight feet tall. From flat nose to tip of tail, he is over sixteen feet long.
Arms: he bares two sets of arms from two sets of shoulders. The higher set is notably stronger and slightly longer than the second given it is the main set used for climbing and needs to be able to hold the monster's weight and whatever the monster is carrying. It is also the main way the monster grabs onto prey as the hands on the higher set of arms ends in four short fingers with curved, black, hook shaped talons. No thumb is present on this one. Whereas the lower set are somewhat weaker and shorter, they are used mainly for more complicated tactile chores. On this set, they end in a hand with three long fingers and a thumb, the palms being hairless and black in color. Both can be used for ambulating, but the second set gather more speed.
Legs: The legs are short in comparison to the arms, yet powerful, and ending in two digitgrade feet. They are somewhere between paws and monkey feet, not as dexterous as the latter, but more so than the former. The claws on its four toes are sharp and black as his others. He is capable of quite impressive leaps, often using those to precipitate climbing or to close the gap on something he's chasing given his top run speed is average at best.
Tail: The tail is long and quite thick at the start, yet rapidly slims, making up for about 50% of the body length. It is prehensile, used to not only carry things or for communication, but also to counter-balance the monster when it walks on two legs and also to wrap around things to hang off of, acting as an anchor and capably of bearing the monster's full weight. The end of the tail is quite interesting, as the final six inches hide a hollow needle within the tail connected to two venom sacks. When a series of muscles are engaged, the needle shoots out, envenoming whatever it stabs with a rather powerful paralyctic toxin. One stab is enough to kill a person several times over.
Other bits: there several places on the monster's body where the fur doesn't grow back right due to various scarring. He has a black metal diamond shaped piece in the middle of his sternum. It appears this device allows for a) a limited cloaking capability that obscures him when in use, and b) a more complex ability that allows him to assume a human form. This human form is a slim, rather unassuming, if taller, human man in his late 30's early 40's of difficult to determine descent with a noticeable hobble in his gait.
Fur: The monster is covered mostly in a short tightly packed white fur that is rather smooth to the touch. This feathers into longer patches around the base of its neck, creating a mane/collar of sorts, as well as along the wrists of its four arms and the end of its tail (which helps hide the venom sacks and the needle). These longer sections of fur are red in color with the collar around the neck more vibrant while the other sections are more dull. His skin under the fur is black and under ultraviolet light, one can see that the fur has a hidden complex pattern to it. Along the throat and on either side of the spine are evenly spaced patches of furless black skin, three rows of two on the neck and five larger rows of two on the back. These patches can emit a bright bioluminscent blue that is used mainly for communicating heightened emotion to things both above and below.
The environment he hails from is one of large, multi-layered often frozen forests. His species typically spends a lot of time in the various levels of the tree canopies and the forest floor. They are notable for a hunting strategy of hanging off lower branches and listening for prey to walk under them, at which point they will fall and depending on the size of the animal in question, will either land on their neck or back with their feet to break the spinal cord or grapple onto them with their hook claws to begin stabbing them with their venom-bearing tail spike. After, they drag the food back the tree to feast upon.
Personality: The monster is a grumpy, closed off asshole. It's his way or the highway. Stop bothering him, get that camera out of his face, get out of his way, he's got some monster ass to kick. Fast to snap, fast to growl, fast to threaten whatever is bothering him. He's a big 'leave me alone for your own safety' kind of person and the curiosity and nosiness of the amateur cryptid hunter annoys him to no end, but he's also a big softy and craves companionship and is so touch starved, it's starting to make him itch.
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kelpiemomma · 9 months
Thinking akari had Khan as her under bed monster from the time she was like,,,, 3 or 4 until she finally got pulled out of her home at roughly 7. Khan wasn't able to get to her in the care facility and so he lost track of her until a couple years after ingo adopted her. He always felt a little silly & stupid for getting attached to a kid he was supposed to scare the shit out of, but apparently it's not uncommon for under bed monsters to get attached to their charges so at least he's not alone!!!
Khans initial form was his large, lanky, four arm & two legged one, the one he tends to find most comfortable. He was supposed to be an under bed monster and frighten Akari, after all. But as he grew closer and more sympathetic to her, as he began to care, he appeared as something softer. Something more dog like, fluffier (he's not truly fluffy- under bed monsters are only slightly corporeal and touchable unless they focus on otherwise), something to bring her comfort. There's a vague psychic link there and it was odd when he learned and realized that she found his scary form comforting as well. He would appear as both, gradually realizing that his frightening form was a comfort because the malaise he radiated (greater in that form) also affected her parents and encouraged them to leave her alone
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#Bed monster au#Khan a.#Akari#PLA au#Under bed monsters are essentially shadow type creatures#They can take about as many forms as they can imagine#If they can think it up they can become it. Many find a form that is most comfortable for them#And stay in that form unless otherwise necessary#Khan likes his four arm beast leg double wing double horn plus tail form#He's very comfortable as a lanky monster who takes up more room than it should#He finds a human form weird and small (even tho he's bulky as hell) and poorly balanced#Akari never minds him in any form he takes no matter how frightening he tries to make it#Other under bed monsters might scare her (and have in the past) but she is fond of Khan. She trusts him implicitly#He helped keep her safe before she was taken from her old parents after all. It's thanks to him that she#Got to be adopted by ingo. And he's never been unnecessarily rude or mean at all#He can be a blunt asshole (esp to ingo) and he can be a mischievous dick (leading emmet and elesa to think the house#Is haunted which. It technically is. Khan haunts it... but he's not a ghost) but he's always taken care of her#Whenever ingo banishes Khan from the house for being an excessive dick (or they've just argued about something petty)#Akari manages to wheedle him into releasing the banishment early bc Khans her buddy.... Her best friend...#her under bed monster.... He's like a pet c'mon dad can't I keep him 🥺 I'll take good care of him.#Teach him manners (unlikely) and tricks (more likely) and make sure he doesn't bite anymore (impossible)#Ingo yields... eventually. Khan is (somehow) his friend as well.
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wrioluvr · 3 months
subby vampire x dom male reader
sorry for being inactive yall teehee just thought about this cute little idea and had to write it... also no sex just a little spicy lmk if yall want to see more of this guy 🤭
★ ; 🦇🍷. . ♱
you did not expect it to rain during your forest hike today. anticipation to dive into the lush green unknown was quickly turned into a wet mess as your scrambled to find shelter, unsure of where you were even going as the gps signal got weaker deeper into the forest you ventured. much to your surprise, you soon came upon a quaint winding road. following it lead to an ancient-looking manor straight out of the victorian era. despite your brain recounting that this was how every horror movie started, you were desperate to be out of the cold, and soon rushed to the grand door to seek warmth. luckily, someone answered the door. a tall, lanky, ghost of a man, who quickly invited you in and fretted over the prospect of you catching a cold. he was a little odd, speaking in such a proper, olden manner, but he was lovely.
despite your initial protests of overstaying your welcome, he managed to convince you to stay for a week. he invited you to join him for dinner everyday, and it was through these meals that you found out quite a lot about him. one, his name was kliff (you swore his face turned red when you said he had a handsome name), and that he was a vampire who was at least a hundred years old (he stopped counting after the 120th year). the way he revealed it was kind of adorable, he was so reluctant at first.
"sooooo, kliff. you're a vampire, right?"
"goodness, whatever gave you that idea? i most certainly am not." his face said otherwise as his eyes darted everywhere around the room but your gaze, and the tip of his ears turned red.
"and you're gay, right?"
"now THAT is an accusation!" he replied indignantly, now fully flustered. "i, a dignified gentleman, would never engage in such sinful acts."
"but i saw you peeking at me showering yesterday. pervert." you were having the time of your life teasing this poor fossil.
he stood up from the dinner table and paced around the room. "i did no such thing." he mumbled, face somehow steaming even more than you thought was humanly possible. wait, but he wasn't a human. nevermind.
you spent most of your week exploring his manor, poking around the various dusty bookshelves and artifacts of an era long bygone. if there was one thing you picked up from your exploration, it was that kliff was awfully lonely. and had been for a long time. he didn't seem to have had any romantic partners, probably due to his sexuality, nor any pets to keep him company. you could infer this from his clingy nature, he was constantly in the shadows observing you, blending in seamlessly using his powers. he thought he was being slick, but really, he was a rather clumsy vampire. whenever you caught him, he would always act oblivious, and give you a sheepish grin, before scurrying away. it was quite cute, really. another thing was the fact that he never asked to drink from you. "it is quite alright. i sustain myself well enough through other means." was all he said when you asked him about it. mysterious. almost like he didn't dare to taint your skin with his fangs. you decided not to tell him about the fact that you were aware he watched you when you were asleep in the guest room, sometimes even daring to climb into bed silently with you and bask in your presence. he was a lonely soul, you figured. you could let him be delusional for a bit. you would leave after this week, anyway.
but that week passed quick, and with each day, kliff seemed to grow even more on edge, getting nervous whenever he was around you but never daring to speak what was on his mind. brooding around the house, watching you silently as you attempted to grow something in his dying garden... oh it was bad for him. but this came all to a head on your last day, when you bid your goodbyes and were one foot out the door, and he suddenly gathered the courage to say something.
kliff threw himself at you in one final, desperate plea. "please... please don't go...." his tone was so pitiful, you stopped in your tracks and looked at the way he's grabbing your wrist so tightly. "i... i.... if i may, i have one final request."
"you want to drink from me? honestly, i'm surprised you didn't ask earlier."
"no, no... it's not that. it's the opposite, really. may i... may i humbly request that you..." he stops mid sentence and breaks eye contact to look at the ground, voice so soft you could barely hear him. "bite me instead..."
"i beg your pardon?"
"i would like for you to leave a mark on me. as a reminder of your presence." his tone is slightly more confident now as he meets your eyes, centuries-old desire rekindled and burning within them. he falters a bit as he notices your lack of response. "....please?" he mumbles pathetically.
oh, poor baby. he's wanted a man to love him all his life. luckily for him, you found his desperation cute. you drop your bag and take his hand in yours.
"want me to take the lead?" you squeeze his hand, and he nods shyly.
"i would like nothing more."
you gently, but firmly pin him to the nearest wall, the ancient manor creaking under the pressure. it's kind of poetic, kliff thinks, as he wilts under your touch, it sounds like my house is congratulating me. you start off by peppering fleeting kisses all across his neck, admiring the small noises of pleasure he made everytime your lips came into contact with his skin. the fleeting touches turned into harsher bites, as you nibbled at his delicate skin, so fragile and untouched. it was just like he fantasized, and he was in heaven. he gripped onto the wall for support as he gasped at the new sensation, writhing around as you marked him, but your strong hands on his waist kept him steadily in place, a feeling he quickly learnt to enjoy. all those years he spent in solitude seemed to culminate to this moment, he'd never felt more intimate with anyone in his life. you stepped back to look at your handiwork and he immediately collapsed into your arms, a dark purple hickey prominently showing on his neck. he stared up at you lovingly, unable to really form thoughts. "please don't go...." was all he could mutter as you slowly swayed him back and forth, soothing his cold, beating heart.
"guess i'll see you next week, hm?" he's never been happier to hear those words in his long life.
>ᵥᵥ< 💘
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bluesidez · 2 months
GymRat!Miguel Part 1
I’ve seen everyone doing these drabbles/aus and I wanted to join! 🤠
content warning: It gets suggestive towards the end so MINORS BEWARE.
word count: 719 (kind of proofread, I got excited)
Daydreaming about GymRat!Miguel x PlusSize!Reader / Chubby!Reader and the dynamic of big tall bf x shorter chubby gf 🚻
Next ✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮ Masterlist
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GymRat!Miguel who started off as an awkward, lanky, nerdy teen using the gym to blow off steam. His mom felt that he wasn’t a great influence to his brother, his father wasn’t his real father, and his step-brother was an asshole.
GymRat!Miguel who’s nearly triple his weight by the time he starts college, body full of muscle. His mom has calmed down despite him previously eating her out of a house and a home. His biological dad agreed to help with any leftover college expenses and his step-dad helps him move on campus. He’s tearful when he hugs Gabriel goodbye, promising to call and play their weekly games.
GymRat!Miguel who stays loyal to his nerdy roots and aims for a Science degree with a minor in Robotics for fun. He sticks out like a sore thumb in his classes, body taking up the ends of lab tables. Even though he prefers to sit in the front of classes, he opts to sit in the back so that everyone can see. He’s constantly using office hours and lingering after class so that he can make sure that his notes are correct.
GymRat!Miguel who first meets you in one of his bio labs and is immediately enamored by you. Your clothes hug your curves, you smell sweet, and something on you always matches. Your shoes and your backpack, your skirt and your jacket, your accessories and your nails.
GymRat!Miguel who ends up being in your group for a project and watches in awe as you take the lead, helping everyone decide which parts to complete. You go out of your way to make the powerpoint colorful and creative. You’re ecstatic when he turns in his parts extra early as everyone else has gone a-wall.
GymRat!Miguel who calms you down when the deadline is near and the rest of the group still hasn’t done their part. You two meet late in the library to finish everything. He thinks you’re adorable despite how stressed and tired you are. He makes the last minute decision to delete the other two group member’s names off of the title slide, taking the initiative to email the teacher before hand.
GymRat!Miguel who walks into the lab building on presentation day 50 minutes early and sees you being cornered by the other group members eyes full of confusion. He quickly walks over asking if there was a problem. Seeing him looming over them, the two decide give up, and scramble together a last minute presentation.
GymRat!Miguel who explains everything, telling you not to worry about the others and just focus on you all’s presentation. You two have great presentation, chemistry blooming as you bounce off each other. You both get an easy A and you hug Miguel out of an excitement before the next lab starts.
GymRat!Miguel who imprints the feeling of your body against his in his memory. Your smell, how soft you were, how small you felt in his arms, how tight you squeezed him.
GymRat!Miguel whose dreams of you have him tossing and turning in his twin sized bed that was far too little for him. He scares his poor roommate to death when his body hits the floor with a big boom. The dream of you under him shattering as he collides with the ground. He groans and apologizes to his roommate, pain in his side and his groin.
GymRat!Miguel who takes a cold shower, too aroused to go back to sleep. He bites his fist trying to quiet his moans, not wanting to wake his roommate for a second time. He replays images of you in his mind, pulling at his length until he shutters against the tile walls.
GymRat!Miguel whose heart drops when he checks his phone after his shower. You followed him on Instagram three hours ago. He checks your page and sees that you're private, but your profile picture is a lot. It's an angle from above you, your cleavage on display.
GymRat!Miguel who stands in the bathroom ogling at the photo like an idiot. He clicks the follow back button, watching as it shifts to pending, and stares down at his body again. He sighs and turns the shower back on, banking on his roommate sleeping through everything once again.
You had no idea the effect you had on him.
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dividers by @y-onb 🩵
Leave a like and a comment! Let me know how you feel 😶‍🌫️
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freedomfireflies · 6 months
Better Not Pout*
Summary: The one where Harry isn't leaving until he gets what he really came for.
Word Count: 10.6k
Content Warning: 18+, smut, violence, guns, gunplay, exhibitionism (This one-shot is a bit darker, so please only read if you feel comfortable! 💞)
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December 24th, 1945.
The streets of Chicago are cold. Windy. Dark. Everyone is either at home, visiting loved ones, or spending their Christmas Eve at the one place they know they’ll be welcome.
The Bees Knees – the renowned, underground speakeasy – is rather sparkling tonight. The customers continue to bustle in, some here for the booze, some here for the atmosphere and warmth, and some for the entertainment.
You’re one of the establishments best performers, three nights of the week. Employed by none other than Johnny Winters himself to sing for the lost souls of Chicago as they drown their worries in a bottle of whiskey.
You quite like your job, and the people you work with. Milton, who tends the bar, always has a compliment to lend, offering you engaging small talk between sets or any new mixes he might make.
And Johnny isn’t so bad. But perhaps you’re a bit biased, seeing as he is your fiancé. But more than that, he’s one of the most powerful men in all of town. And considerably wealthy, which you suppose doesn’t exactly hurt.
But he’s also kind. Giving. And so very attentive. He spends every second he’s not working with you. Doting on you, showing you off to all of his friends. And having such a handsome man on your arm is certainly not the worst thing.
Tonight, however, Johnny is nowhere to be found. Which you don’t consider to be too terribly odd, given how much work he mentioned he’d be catching up on. 
Even still, he hates to miss your performances, and insisted that you keep a part of him with you as you take center stage tonight in the small bar.
That part happens to be in the form of a stunning red, silk dress that was gifted to you for this very occasion. It sits on your frame like it was always meant to be yours, hugging every desirable curve, and showcasing just enough skin to taunt the imagination of those in the audience.
You don’t think you’ve ever felt so beautiful, and you walk up the steps tonight with pride. Shoulders back and painted lips poised with your first song.
The few gentlemen scattered across the main floor holler when the spotlight finds you, and you offer your signature smile.
“Evening, gentleman,” you call as the pianist begins behind you. “How are you all doing tonight?”
A few whistles are offered that make you laugh, and just like that…the show begins.
Santa Claus Came in the Spring is always a favorite, and you croon the festive lyrics while the live band follows your lead.
And even though the crowd is rather dull and distracted, you have a blast. You feel comfortable in this role and in the way their eyes drink you in. Even if their attention drifts between you, their drinks, and the cigars.
In fact, you get so swept up in your act that you hardly notice the door open or the tall, lanky stranger that slinks in from the cold.
But when his head lifts, and his eyes find yours, you feel a hitch in your throat.
Unfortunately, he looks away all too quickly, pulling off his trench coat before moving along the shadows toward the far end of the bar.
He goes unnoticed by those around him, yet your attention follows him all the way to the booth that he settles in. And it stays even after he’s leaned back, gotten comfortable, and pulled a cigarette from his rather expensive looking suit pocket.
But even though your focus has drifted, you don’t miss a single beat of the song. After all, you could sing it in your sleep, and this habit serves you well as the intriguing stranger finally shifts into the light and allows you a better look at his face.
He’s…stunning. Absolutely beautiful, with his slicked back curls, sharp jaw, and pointed nose. And he’s lighting the end of a cigarette with what you can only call practiced precision before perching it between his two, crimson-colored lips. 
Rings adorn his fingers as he holds the nicotine to his mouth, inhaling a long drag before exhaling the dark smoke from his lungs.
Yet unlike the other patrons in the bar, this man seems to be rather put together. He’s not missing any teeth, his skin isn’t stained with dirt or grease, and his clothes appear to be rather new. It’s quite the upgrade from the usual appearance you’ve grown used to, and you can’t help but feel rather relaxed.
And it’s now that you realize that this striking stranger seems to be watching you much like you’re watching him. Studying your dress, your silhouette, the way you grip the microphone stand. He takes in each detail presented before him with what looks to be wonder, and your cheeks instantly grow warm.
Still, you carry on with the ballad, making your way through the final chorus and the last few notes as the band plays you out with a flourish.
The few men in front of the stage clap, and you smile gratefully as you nod your thanks and call out your appreciation.
Jingle Bells is next, and a few more people join in on the fun this time around. They clink their glasses together or belt out the lyrics a few seconds too late and wildly off-key.
Even still, it’s rather fun as you continue on with your set before finally wrapping it up with a high note that’s accompanied by a rather lively trumpet solo.
And once it’s all over, the room bursts into applause. You wave to the growing audience, taking a quick bow before gesturing toward the band. Offering them their due praise which the crowed quickly obliges.
But you notice the man in the booth keeps his expression indifferent as he continues to watch you exit the stage and make your way to the bar. He doesn’t applaud your performance or even offer a smile of encouragement. He merely takes another hit of his cigarette and throws his arm over the back of his seat. A position you imagine is intended to display dominance more than it is to find comfort.
Truth be told, you find it rather unnerving. He doesn’t seem to be here for the alcohol or the company. Perhaps he’s only here to get out of the cold or perhaps he’s avoiding his home.
Either way, his focus stays only with you, and you feel a sharp chill run down your spine as you turn to the counter and flag down Milton’s attention.
You ask for a drink and request that he tell Johnny that you’ll be waiting in his office until he arrives. 
He quickly agrees, preparing the beverage for you before jutting his chin toward the silent stranger.
“Want me to have him escorted out?” he asks, but you only smile as you shake your head.
“No need, I’m sure he’s harmless.” You take the crystal glass and tip it toward him in thanks. “Besides, the attention is rather nice.”
Milton nods his understanding and you leave it at that, taking your drink toward the hallway just off the corner of the room.
You sip leisurely as you stroll to Johnny’s office, picking up the edge of your long gown so it doesn’t drag on the floor. The sounds of the crowd grow quieter and quieter with each step you take, and soon, it’s nothing but silence.
After retrieving the key Johnny insisted you keep on you at all times, you slip open the door, and make your way inside.
It’s quite dark, given the time of night and lack of lighting. He’s only got three lamps in the room, one by the window, one on the shelf, and one on his desk.
Right beside a photo of you.
Getting your photograph taken is quite the privilege, but Johnny insisted he have a vision of you in his office at all times. And you couldn’t help but indulge him, allowing him to dress you up and place you in front of the large contraption one Sunday afternoon in spring.
It’s his favorite thing in the entire world, and he mentions it constantly. Commenting on your beauty or your ethereal outfit. You know he’s only trying to embarrass you, but it’s still rather flattering to hear.
You grin to yourself as you take a seat in the large chair behind the wooden table. Downing the rest of the contents in your glass before setting it down and taking a glance around the large space.
Vaguely, you hear footsteps approaching just outside the door. Echoing through the hall as your grin grows a bit wider. 
And as the knob turns, you expect to see the handsome face of your Johnny.
What you don’t expect, however, is the green-eyed devil and his quiet charm.
He’s followed you. You assume this immediately, and your heart leaps into your throat as he steps inside…and shuts the door behind him.
A tense silence settles between you as you slowly sit up and force in a quiet breath. “Hello,” you call quietly.
The sound of your unsteady voice seems to amuse him, the corner of his mouth curling up as the burning cigarette sits tucked between his lips. “Hello, mama.”
You feel your lashes flutter. “Can…can I help you?”
“I’m looking for your fiancé,” he says, and his voice is low. Deep. And you believe you catch just a hint of an English accent. “This is in fact his office, is it not?”
You hesitate, unsure whether or not to disclose such information to a stranger. “It…yes. Yes, but he’s not here right now. Perhaps you could come back later?”
“Later,” he repeats, almost thoughtfully as his head tilts. Then, he tsks. “See, I’m afraid later just doesn’t work for me. I need to speak with him right now. It’s quite urgent, and I’d like to finish this up and be home to my lover by midnight.”
“Oh…” You shift a bit in your seat and hope he doesn’t notice how nervous you’ve become. “Well, I would love to help, but I don’t believe I know when he’ll be in.”
He considers this for a moment before striding further into the room. Eyes tracking every tremble of your fingers and heave of your chest. “Can I tell you a secret, mama?” he murmurs, placing both hands on the desk and leaning closer.
You nod.
“Your boy Johnny owes me money,” he whispers. “And I’m here to collect.”
And now you understand. Now you know why he’s here. Because even though his tone is friendly, it can’t disguise the threat you know lingers underneath. 
“Oh,” you whisper back, and he hums.
“Exactly. And I’m a pretty reasonable guy. Decent. So, I’ll make you a deal.” He begins to smirk behind the cigarette. “If he’s not here within the next five minutes…you and I will find another way.”
The truth is, you don’t really know too much about the financial side of Johnny’s affairs and business. You know he has plenty of money, but you don’t know what he does with it. Or where he keeps it.
And if this alluring stranger seems to think you’ll be his key…you’re afraid he’ll be mistaken.
“Problem, Doll?” He seems smug, and it makes your skin crawl. “M’not scaring you, am I?”
The answer is obvious to you both, but you force yourself straighter and attempt to appear calm. “Not at all, sir. I only want to help.”
"Mm? Good girl,” he mumbles, eyes flicking down to your painted red lips. “Knew you’d behave for me.”
Your heart is hammering inside of your chest. You’re unsure what to do now. Do you ask him to leave? Do you scream for help? Do you call the police?
And where the hell is Johnny?
He should be here by now, especially after promising to wrap up his meeting early in order to catch your last performance before Christmas. He’s always here. One of your biggest fans and greatest protectors. 
The only thing you can truly think to do now is attempt to call him. You figure the police won’t get here in time, but at least if this gentleman can be assured that Johnny is on his way, he won’t be as inclined to act rashly.
However, the moment your fingers lift from the desk in order to reach for the phone, the stranger reaches for something, too.
In a matter of seconds, he’s wrapping his hand around the barrel of a gun, pulling it from his back pocket, and aiming it straight at your head. Cocking it loudly as you gasp and withdraw your arm as quickly as possible.
“What are you doin’, hm, mama?” There’s a haughty condescension in his sneer, laced with just the faintest disappointment. “Thought you were gonna be good.”
“I…I was just going to call him,” you stammer. “I know you’re in a hurry.”
The stranger studies you now, that familiar smirk beginning to fade as his attention flicks across your face. Perhaps he suspects a lie or perhaps he merely doesn’t trust you, but truth be told, you know better than to try and pull a fast one on him. 
Finally, he plucks his cigarette from between his lips before tossing it to the floor and nodding at you. “Yeah? Go on, then,” he instructs, reposition the barrel at your chest. “Call your little pretty boy. Tell him he’s got a visitor.”
With a racing pulse, you once again slowly reach for the telephone, eyeing the gun carefully as you scoot closer.
You’re careful not to make any sudden moments. Hesitant to even look at him for fear of upsetting him, but your timid demeanor only entertains him further.
He simply chuckles as he slowly makes his way over to your side of the desk. Snatching up the phone just before you can reach for it and handing it to you almost cockily.
Curious, you glance up. That soft green in his eye is almost alluring, even despite the circumstance. Still, he reeks of nicotine and expensive cologne, and you lean back in an attempt to put as much space between you as you can.
He smiles. “I’m gonna watch you dial,” he tells you calmly. “Make sure you keep your word. Okay, Doll?”
Posed like a question, although you both know you don’t exactly have a choice. And you'd likely point this out if you were just a touch braver, but nevertheless, you nod. Agreeing to his terms as you take the phone and begin to dial.
As the seconds go by, you feel him watching you closely while the line rings. Leaving you to desperately await the sound of your sweet Johnny’s voice. A sound you’ve never needed more than in this moment.
Yet his voice never comes, and your heart sinks to the cold floor blow as you return the phone to the desk.
“He…he must already be on his way,” you murmur, and the man hums.
“You think so?”
You nod weakly.
He takes a seat on the edge of the desk, just inches from your arm before leaning closer. “How much are you willing to bet, hm?” His brow raises. “How sure are you that your precious fiancé will actually save you tonight?”
You feel trapped by him now. The closer he moves, the faster your heart pounds. You have nowhere to run, no personal space to disappear into. 
But you only have to hold on for just a little longer. Johnny will come for you. He always does.
“Incredibly sure,” you respond, ignoring the slight waver in your voice. “He said he would be, so he will.”
The man considers this before clicking his tongue. “All right. Then how about I make you another deal, yeah? For every minute he’s late, and for every minute he leaves you here unattended…I’ll put an extra bullet through his head.”
A sharp chill runs down your spine, skin growing hot and prickly, but you force your expression to remain unfazed. “And why would you do that if you need him so badly?”
The gentleman laughs now. A sound that would almost be charming if he weren’t so vile. “Because I don’t need your precious Johnny,” he answers calmly. “I just need what’s in his safe.”
And despite the danger you’re in and despite your better judgment, your features scrunch into a grimace as you scoff, “Oh, how pathetic.”
Your reaction loosens his smile.
“Truly, how incredibly pathetic to come all the way down here at this time of night – and on Christmas Eve – just to break into his safe,” you huff. “Honestly. He won’t give you a damn thing. And you have absolutely no business to come storming in here and—”
You don’t get the chance to finish the rest of your furious scolding before he’s suddenly standing to his feet and wrapping his fingers around your arm.
Instantly, you’re yanked from your chair and shoved against the bookcase just behind you. Hard enough to knock the wind from your lungs as he traps you there, leaning in so close, his nose nearly brushes your own. 
“I’d be careful how you fucking speak to me, mama,” he seethes quietly, yet even still, there’s just an air of pleasure. “Because you might not get the chance to do it again.”
He’s desperate to scare you. Desperate to see you cry, but you refuse to give him the satisfaction.
Instead, you suck in a sharp breath, and do the one thing you can think to do:
You spit.
The collection of saliva just misses his eye, landing on his cheek with a rather wet splat until the amusement fades and fury takes its place.
His fingers leave your arm and find your throat, curling around the delicate skin and forcing your head up as he begins to chuckle darkly.
“So, that’s how you wanna play, hm, Doll?” Another tsk. “You wanna be bad? Wanna test my fucking patience?”
You squirm a bit in his hold, yet for some reason, you don’t feel as frightened as you did before. Because there’s this look in his eye – this hunger. And even though his grip is tight…you feel oddly safe.
“Better find a way to keep this pretty little mouth shut,” he says next, head cocking to the left almost curiously. “Or I’ll have to shut it for you.” 
His attention returns to your mouth, fingers slowly slipping up toward your chin until he can brush is thumb over the painted fibers of your lips.
Just enough to taunt you yet startle you all in the same second. 
“Maybe,” you finally breathe before jerking your head away from his cruel touch. “If you knew how.”
The cocky grin widens as his hand immediately returns to your neck. “Still disobeying me, hm?” he nearly purrs. “Guess I could always just squeeze this sweet, little throat to keep you quiet, yeah? Feel your pretty pulse beneath my fingertips. Feel the life drain from your body…watch the light go out in your eyes.”
You take in a strained inhale, and he makes a sound that almost sounds like a groan.
“Yeah,” he murmurs, moving in just a bit closer until his lips are ghosting across yours. “Or maybe…I could put my gun in your mouth. See how chatty you are then, yeah, mama?”
Your chest heaves anxiously, but you find just enough confidence to whisper, “But without your gun, how will everyone know what a tiny cock you have?”
And you’re so proud of yourself. So endlessly pleased with the way you’ve managed to make his smug expression waver, even if he keeps his smirk in place.
“Oh, you think that’s funny,” he snorts as you attempt to bite back a laugh. “Well, you wanna know what I think is funny? I think it’s funny that you said Johnny would be here…and he’s not.”
“He will be,” you retort, a bit firmer. “He will.”
“See…you keep saying that,” he muses, placing one hand on the bookshelf beside your head. Truly trapping you beneath him. “And yet…your noble fiancé still isn’t here to save you.”
You tilt your head back in an attempt to appear stronger, but it doesn’t seem to fool him. 
“Are you afraid?” he whispers, chest brushing against yours. “Are you afraid your Johnny won’t be able to keep you safe from the bad man?”
It’s almost hostile, the way he goads you. And yet you can hear just the slightest concern beneath his question.
“Or maybe you’re afraid he can’t pay up,” he continues. “Maybe you’re afraid he’ll have to find another way.”
Suddenly, the grip on your throat constricts. Recapturing your attention.
“Are you gonna be my other way, mama?” he exhales. “You gonna be my consolation prize?”
You feel dizzy. The room is spinning. And you aren’t sure if that’s because of the hold on your neck or the way he’s speaking to you. 
However, before you can decide if you’re actually intrigued by his intimidation tactics…the sound of footsteps echo outside through the hall.
It has to be him. You almost need it to be him, and your shoulders unwind as the man glances toward the closed door curiously before finally leaning back.
Then, he grabs onto your arm for a second time, and flings you back toward the chair. Shoving you down and keeping you still.
“You’re gonna sit here and you’re gonna keep your fucking mouth shut,” he hisses softly right as the door swings open. “And then maybe…I just might reward you.”
But you don’t even mind this malicious threat because then you see him. Your fiancé, smiling brightly as his eyes find you before they flick to the man to your right.
For a moment, he seems surprised, seemingly assessing your position and the situation before his grin widens. 
“Ah, Mr. Styles,” he calls as he strides into the room, quickly removing his hat and coat. “What a pleasant surprise. Did we have a meeting tonight?”
He seems relaxed. Almost too relaxed, as though he doesn’t view this man as a threat, and you aren’t sure whether to feel relieved or wildly confused. You hadn’t exactly expected him to grab the mysterious guest by the collar and throw him out the window, but you also didn’t expect him to welcome him with open arms. 
A strange man is alone with his future wife, in his office, in the middle of the night, and that doesn’t seem to concern him even a little?
Perhaps Johnny is far too friendly for his own good.
The gentleman, in turn, straightens up while subtly slipping the gun behind his back. Tucking it into his belt just out of view before Johnny can catch it. “Not quite,” he says coolly. “I’m here to discuss a bit of unfinished business.”
Your heart sinks, yet Johnny merely nods. “Ah, I see. Well, is there any way this can wait until after Christmas? It’s been a long night, and I’d like to be getting the lovely lady home.”
Now, both of their stares turn to you, and eagerly, you begin to rise from the chair. Grateful for the opportunity to leave this unsettling stranger behind.
Yet before you can even find your footing, the man’s hand is coming down in a firm smack on your shoulder to force you back down.
“I’m afraid the lovely lady isn’t going anywhere,” he replies, and you catch Johnny’s expression fall. “And neither are you. Have a seat.”
Johnny begins to frown. “Look, Harry, whatever business we might have, I’m sure it can—”
“I said, have…a seat,” the man – Harry – repeats a bit brasher. “Yeah? Or things will get a lot worse for your darling fiancé.”
Johnny hesitates, eyes flicking to yours. But he must notice the panicked look you wear because he finally sighs and does as instructed. Taking a seat in the chair just in front of the desk before glancing toward Harry.
Harry nods, almost proudly. “There you go. S’not so hard, is it?”
Johnny’s figure slumps but his lips purse together. “What do you want?”
“Oh, I just want to talk,” Harry says, his smirk returning. “And lucky for you, your schedule just cleared up.”
“Harry—” Johnny begins, leaning closer as though getting ready to stand.
But instantly, Harry is reaching back behind him for the gun, pulling it free, and aiming the barrel straight at his head.
Johnny quickly leans back, eyeing the weapon hesitantly while you gasp and glance up at the stranger pleadingly.
Harry only looks at Johnny. “See, I’m running out of fucking patience. Eight goddamn months I’ve had to listen to you go on and on about this special fucking shipment you got. And now…it’s time to collect.”
Your sweet fiancé understands now. Realizes why this man is here and how real the threat is, and glances back at you almost apologetically.
You merely mouth, “It’s okay.”
Johnny’s eyes flick back to the gun. “I’d be careful waving that thing around. Somebody might get hurt.”
The man merely hums. “Oh, I’m fucking counting on it.”
Now, the office grows quiet. A tense, charged sort of energy that filters between the three of you as Harry begins to walk around the desk.
“So,” he continues, grabbing onto the other free chair in order to spin it around and sit in a straddle, “where’s the safe, Johnny?”
Johnny’s brow raises, but his Adam’s apple bobs with a thick swallow. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure you do. Down at the club, you said you just got a brand new, fancy safe to hold everything from your latest shipment. Practically bragged about it to the whole goddamn bar, yeah? So…where is it?”
With piqued interest, you look between the two men curiously as you await Johnny’s answer. You’ve never really been sure where he gets all his money. You assumed most of it came from the bar and alcohol sales, so you’re rather stumped by what sort of shipment they might be referring to.
However, Johnny isn’t so quick to divulge all his secrets. “And what is it you’re expecting to get out of my safe, Mr. Styles?”
There’s another heavy pause as Harry rests his arms over the back of the seat and whispers, “Everything.”
Instantly, Johnny scoffs. “You think you can storm into my office on Christmas Eve and threaten my fiancé? Threaten me? That you’re entitled to anything you damn well please?” A bitter scoff as he leans back. “You’ll be arrested before morning, and you’ll never see a red fucking cent.”
 His retort dangles between them for only a moment as a breath catches in your throat. Pulse racing as you watch the stranger’s reaction closely.
Yet the mystery man doesn’t so much as flinch as he suddenly repositions the gun into the air, aims it just to the left of Johnny’s head, and fires.
The sound is deafening, much like your sharp, shrill shriek as the bullet flies through the air – just missing Johnny’s ear – and lodges into the wall behind him.
Johnny immediately flinches, eyes screwing shut and muscles recoiling before he seems to realize that he remains unharmed.
And once he does, he takes a deep breath, and begins to smirk. “You missed.”
“Did I?” Harry runs his tongue over his bottom lip before re-cocking the gun. “No, see…I never fucking miss. That was your first warning.” 
Johnny simply snorts. “Yeah? Well, eat my shit.”
Things move quickly from there.
Harry is instantly on his feet, tossing the chair aside rather angrily before he’s turning to you once more. And you don’t even have a moment to think before you’re being yanked from the seat for a second time and immediately tugged to his chest as he presses the barrel of the gun into the side of your temple. 
“Where’s the fucking safe, Johnny?” he says again, and you notice Johnny’s face pale.
“Styles,” Johnny murmurs, “you don’t have to do this—”
“The safe,” he seethes. “Where is it? Or do you need a little incentive, huh? Need to see her pretty little brains all over your goddamn floor? Is that what it’s gonna take?”
Poor Johnny doesn’t know what to do. He looks from the gun, to your face, to the arm keeping you hostage.
And you almost feel bad for him, yet you aren’t even afforded the chance for empathy before Harry furiously growls and shoves you in Johnny’s direction.
You stumble across the wooden floor until Johnny can quickly take you into his embrace, keeping you safe from the bad man as you begin to sniffle.
“My love,” he whispers, tightening his hold on your trembling frame while turning you away as if to protect you. “It’s gonna be all right, I promise.”
With a quick nod and a hiccup, you look up and slip your hands around his neck for comfort. “I know.”
He smiles.
It’s Harry’s disgusted sneer that brings you attention back. “Fucking pathetic. Really, mama? This is who you choose to save you?”
Your features fall ever-so-slightly while Johnny begins to pull you behind him, shielding you from the aggravated aggressor. “If you need money so badly, there are plenty of other ways.”
“It’s not just about money,” Harry retorts calmly. “It’s about your money. Yeah? So where’s the fucking safe.”
“None of your goddamn business—”
The reply no sooner leaves his mouth before there’s another gunshot fired into the air. 
One of the paintings on the wall falls with a crack and you jump almost two feet into the air, nails scratching down Johnny’s nice shirt.
“Johnny,” you whisper faintly, refusing to let this go on any longer. “Johnny, tell him. Tell him, please. I don’t care about the money; I don’t care about any of it. I just want you. I love you, and I can’t lose you.”
The office falls silent as you request hangs in the air, and you feel Johnny take in a deep breath.
“Yeah, Johnny,” Harry adds in a condescending murmur. “She loves you. Don’t make her watch you die. It’d be such a shameful waste of her tears.”
Johnny looks to you, and your expression softens. “It’s okay,” you tell him. “It’s okay, I promise.”
Finally, he sighs. “Under the desk.”
Harry’s head whips toward the large table curiously before he frowns. “Where?” he murmurs before repositioning the gun at Johnny’s chest. “I promise you don’t wanna lie to me.”
However, Johnny’s indifferent expression remains. “Under the desk,” he repeats while thrusting his chin toward the massive piece of furniture. 
And now Harry seems to understand, although it does little to relax him as he suddenly reaches for you again and yanks you from your lovers’ arms.
“Show me,” he hisses, keeping you hostage again while ushering Johnny forward with the barrel of the weapon. “And don’t be dense.”
And Johnny can do nothing but obey, seemingly defeated while sending you one last remorseful look. Finally moving to lift the desk and pull it back.
The sound of wood scraping against wood is heavy, and it takes him quite a while to relocate the table beneath the window by himself. 
But once it’s out of the way, you notice a particular part of the flooring juts out. The rotten board almost askew.
You and Harry lean closer, both magnetized by intrigue as he bends down in order to wrench the board up, revealing the hollow hiding place underneath.
And there you find it. The large, black box with a gold dial in the middle.
He glances up toward Harry, perhaps looking for permission – which Harry quickly gives him – before reaching down to put in the correct combination.
And after a couple seconds of clicking and turning…the door swings open.
Truth be told, you were hoping to find a secret gun that might help you out of this situation, but it seems there are no weapons to be found as Harry shoves you back in order to get a better look.
He no longer seems concerned about Johnny or the possibility that he might attempt to attack because Johnny seems to have given up. 
All your dejected fiancé does is straighten up and motion you back to him, watching Harry bend over and reach inside the safe almost uninterestedly. 
Your heart aches for him, yet you can’t help feeling relieved. You’re a few steps closer to this wretched night being over, and perhaps once Harry has what he came for, you’ll be able to leave.
“Are you all right?” Johnny whispers to you now as Harry begins to unload the contents in the floor. 
You nod quickly, clinging to his strong frame as though you’re scared you might be taken again. “Yes, I’m all right. Are you?”
“I will be once I know you’re safe,” he says, and your heart sinks.
Once everything inside the safe has been shoved into a bag, Harry turns to the two of you. “That was a good start, Winters. Now where’s the rest of it?”
Johnny frowns. “I don’t know what you mean. Everything I have is in there.”
But Harry only tsks as he sets the items down and begins to stride closer, making you curl even further into Johnny’s embrace. “Come on, now,” he mumbles almost tauntingly. “You know what I really want. And you know that you’re gonna fucking tell me. Isn’t that right, mama?”
He looks to you for only a moment as you swallow. 
Johnny begins to seethe. “No. No, you can have everything else, but you won’t touch that.”
“Johnny,” you try, unnerved by the sudden look of warning in Harry’s eye. “Johnny, please…just give it to him. Whatever it is, I don’t care, just…just make him leave.”
“Smart girl,” Harry adds. “Come on, Johnny boy, your darling fiancé is scared. Don’t you wanna save her?”
Your lover simply grows stiff, eyes narrowing at the faux sincerity in the stranger’s voice.
“Johnny,” you mumble again. “Johnny, please, he’s right. I’m scared and I don’t care about what you have or what you don’t have. I just want you. And I want him to go away.”
Still, Johnny wrestles with his decision. With the choice he’s being forced to make, and as the seconds go by, Harry’s patience reaches its limit.
He grabs for you – again. Forcing the weapon under your jaw this time around as Johnny’s muscles tense and his fingers curl into his fist.
“God, look at him,” Harry whispers to you now, lips ghosting up the shell of your ear while forcing your eyes on your fiancé. “Fucking look at your pathetic excuse for a man.”
You attempt to remain indifferent – appear unafraid – but he sees right through you.
“D’you really think he cares about you, Doll?” he murmurs. “Do you really think he’ll choose your life over his own?”
“Let her go,” Johnny barks, yet it only forces the barrel even further into your skin.
Your chin is tilted up, a sharp inhale getting caught in your throat until Harry begins to chuckle.
“How about this,” he says. “I’ll let you choose, mama. I’ll let you decide if he gets to watch me kill you…or if he gets to watch me take you. All for myself.”
“Fucking piece of shit—” Johnny hisses, but Harry simply tsks.
“So, what do you say? What’ll it be? Either way, I’ll have him on his goddamn knees by the end of the night. And then we all win, yeah?”
“Enough,” Johnny yells, and a strangled silence splits the air. “Fine. Fine, I’ll tell you. Just let her go.”
Harry’s arm begins to lower but not very far. “Once it’s in my hand, she’s all yours.”
And you want to resent these men for treating you like you’re some sort of object to be traded, yet you’d happily be given back to your lover if it meant you could leave this nightmare behind.
No matter the cost.
Johnny rolls his shoulders back and flicks his unrelenting stare back to his desk. “There. The picture.”
You feel your eyebrows raise while Harry slowly begins to loosen his hold on you.
“Get it,” he instructs, and with an aggravated sigh, Johnny obliges.
He retrieves the golden frame from the table before pulling open the back and removing the picture inside.
The picture of you.
It almost breaks your heart, the look on his face. Like he’s absolutely gutted to be defiling this memory of you both, and you ache to comfort him.
Once the photo has been plucked from the glass, you catch the faintest sparkle in the soft light of the moon, and hear yourself gasp.
There, sitting snug inside the small frame, is the biggest fucking diamond you’ve ever seen.
It’s…stunning. The most gorgeous jewel you’ve ever been privileged to lay eyes on, surrounded by what you can only assume to be hundreds of tinier diamonds and rubies arranged in a delicate but intricate pattern. 
Altogether creating the most breathtaking necklace you’ve ever seen.
It has to be worth hundreds of dollars – thousands, in fact – and Harry reaches over to take it from the frame with the biggest Cheshire-like grin you’ve ever seen.
This is what he came for.
“You have it, all right? You have it, now go,” Johnny calls, already attempting to reach for you. “You got what you want.”
With an agreeable hum, Harry studies the necklace a moment longer before finally looking to you. “You’re right. We did, didn’t we?”
You both smile.
Instantly, you raise the gun that Harry had discreetly and secretly slipped into your hand only moments ago and aim it at Johnny’s chest.
Johnny’s expression shifts, eyes widening as he begins to piece together what’s really going on. Why Harry looks so proud and why you look so relieved.
His lips part. Ready to speak to you, whisper your name, ask for an explanation. And a part of you can’t help but wonder if you’ll feel any remorse for the deception you’ve put him through these past few months.
But as you stare at him now…you feel nothing but liberation.
The third and final gunshot echoes through the air. Louder and far more permanent. Resolute.
Johnny stumbles back, unable to catch himself before he goes tumbling to the ground. A dark red stain expanding like watercolor across his chest, ruining the clean white shirt underneath.
You’d bought him that shirt.
And as the look of life slowly leaves his eye, you feel your muscles unwind, and your shoulders droop.
It’s over.
Harry’s got his arms around you before you can even release the deep breath you’ve been holding onto for so long. 
“Oh, good fucking girl,” he nearly groans, pressing his lips to yours for the first time in months as you sling your arms around his neck. “Fucking hell, I missed you, mama.”
If Harry had had it his way, Johnny would have been dead months ago. He never liked this plan – not because he thought you couldn’t handle it, but because the idea of going without you for so long nearly killed him.
But it was the only way to gain Johnny’s trust. And to find his true weakness. He never would have given you the location of the safe or the necklace if you’d simply held him at gunpoint from the get-go.
No, he needed a reason to cave, a reason to put his possessions on the line in order to save something else he truly cared about.
And that’s where you came in.
Sure, it was hard to be without Harry, but you knew it had to be done. Getting these items would set you up for years. You’d never have to work in sleazy bars again. You could simply be with him…forever.
And perhaps pretending to be a stranger to him and appear frightened of his intentions wasn’t quite necessary, but you happen to like the roleplaying aspect. 
The way he threatened your life as though he wouldn’t do everything in his power to protect it. The way he taunted you, teased you, scared you…when he knew deep down how much you fucking loved it.
You can still feel his fingers around your neck. The pressure of his hand against your throat, holding you still, keeping you close. You hadn’t felt it in months and a part of you wanted to keep the game going for just a bit longer if it meant you could have him.
You weren’t able to run into his arms and kiss him the way you can now and it’s…perfect. Absolutely perfect.
“Did he hurt you?” he whispers, leaving a trail of kisses along your jaw. “Did he fucking touch you—”
“No,” you’re quick to assure him. “No, never. He wanted to, but I never let him.”
“Good.” He takes hold of your hip and gives it a firm squeeze. “Good girl, knew you’d be on your best behavior, yeah?”
You grin. “Of course. Only ever thought about you.”
“Is that right, doll?”
“Mhm.” You tuck your lip between your teeth and nuzzle your nose to his. “How could it ever be him?”
His lashes flutter, and you can see the edges of his frayed sanity coming loose. He’s had to pretend for far too long, and you don’t imagine he can do it much longer.
“Yeah?” he murmurs, nearly clawing at your dress. “Then, maybe I’ll—”
“What…did you do?”
The sound of Milton’s confusion pulls you apart instantly. He’s standing in the doorway, eyes wide, expression horrified. Looking from his boss, to you, to Harry, and back.
He sees the necklace on the desk, sees the gun in your hand, sees the bag of gold and cash lying at Harry’s feet.
He understands, and your heart almost sinks. Milton was one of the good ones.
Quickly, Harry takes the weapon from you and points it in Milton’s direction.
Milton only leans back with a soft inhale while you turn to your lover and whisper, “No. No, not him.”
Harry’s pursed lips and furrowed brows never waver. “What?”
“Not him,” you repeat, as firmly as you can.
And he hesitates for only a moment before dropping the weapon and nodding his chin at you. “Grab the bag and go out the window.”
You nod your understanding before stealing one last glance at the bartender by the door.
He’s heartbroken and terrified…but his features grow softer as he finally mumbles, “…five minutes. I’ll give you five minutes.”
And you can’t help but smile.
You rush to grab what you came for and hurry to the window, with Harry right behind you. You don’t have a lot of time. Once Milton makes the call to the police, you’ll need to be far enough away that they can’t find you.
You know they’ll be looking. Know they won’t stop until they find you both – after all, they’ve been searching for you for years.
But you don’t mind a life that’s on the run, as long as it’s with him. 
And the pleased smile he offers you now only confirms this.
You quickly lift the hem of your dress and begin over the ledge, with Harry right beside you to help. He takes your hand for support, keeping you steady until you can safely drop to the ground outside before he’s following suit.
The moment his feet hit the ground, you both run. The Chicago air is cold – frigid. You don’t have enough clothes to truly cover you and your feet are sore from having to wear these outrageous shoes all night.
But you somehow feel…alive. Invigorated and so very free. You have everything you’ve ever wanted.
You have him.
You both slip along the shadows as you make your way through town, leaving the speakeasy and Johnny Winters behind. After a minute or two, you hear the sirens in the distance, and the stakes are raised. They grow louder and louder the closer they get, and it’s then that Harry recaptures your hand and tugs you into a dark alleyway for cover.
This is where you stay until the cars have zipped down the street and proceeded without you. They don’t even think to look for you here and you’re rather impressed with your lover’s quick thinking.
Harry, however, isn’t as quick to revel in the success. Continuingly peeking around the corner in order to watch for anything unusual. Ignoring your amused laughter and giddy grin of accomplishment.
He’s on edge. Alert. Ready to run again if need be, and while you rather admire his practiced precision, you hope to put it to better use. 
You drop the bag near the wall and make your way for him, palms quickly finding his cheeks in order to pull his attention to you.
He grunts. “What?”
But you don’t answer with words. You answer with a kiss. A kiss that makes your stomach flip and your mind grow fuzzy.
And this seems to be explanation enough as he groans with approval and wraps his arms around your middle to keep you against his chest. Nipping and licking at you as though his life depends on it.
Perhaps it does.
He shoves you back against the brick after only a few seconds, finding the leverage he needs in order to deepen the kiss and truly claim you. In a way he’d been desperate to the moment he saw you sitting in that office in such a beautiful dress.
“Trying to distract me, hm?” he murmurs, and you can’t help but smile. “Yeah? Or did you just need me that badly?”
He spins you around, pressing your cheek to the cold blocks of clay before dancing his fingers down your spine. Indulging in you.
It makes your insides twist.
You feel the hem of your dress gather in his fist as he finally gets a proper look at what he’s been missing for months. And the sound he makes goes straight to your cunt.
“You filthy fucking thing,” he whispers, rather delightedly while moving in to trail his mouth along your neck. “Look at you. Look at how perfect you are.”
His fingers find your pussy, stroking over your covered slit once or twice before plucking the covering from your hips and dragging it down your thighs. 
“Just dripping for me, yeah? All fucking night.” He drags his palm up the inside of your leg. “Power makes you weak, doesn’t it, mama?”
You nod desperately, unable to answer with words.
But he understands, smirking to himself rather deviously before his hands are tangling in your hair in order to yank your head back. Just to hear you choke on a whine. “I’ve waited months for this. Yeah? M’gonna take my time with you…gonna make it worth it.”
And you don’t doubt that you will.
You nod again as the sound of his leather belt coming undone echoes between your ears. You’re trembling with anticipation, body aching for the feel of his cock. It’s been far too long, and you’ve nearly withered away without him.
You imagine he feels about the same, already fisting himself in one hand and readjusting your dress in the other. You hear him mumble something under his breath – you’re not quite sure what. But you suppose it doesn’t matter. He can say whatever he likes as long as he gives you what you need. 
Normally, he’d take his time. He loves to make a show out of ruining you, but there’s no chance for that tonight. No patience. So, he kicks your feet apart, grabs your hip, and eases himself in all before you can take a breath.
And it’s perfect. Exactly the way you remember. The stretch, the scratch, the desperation. Nobody feels the way he does, and you both know it.
He’s still for a moment, merely pushing himself in and watching your pussy swallow him whole. As if so overcome by the sensation that he can’t do much else. As if losing control over his own body.
So, you push against his chest to remind him you’re here while your fingers reach back for his hair in order to tug it softly.
You feel him smile against your cheek. “All fucking night,” he whispers the moment he’s buried to the hilt. “Knew exactly what you were doing, didn’t you?”
You grin as well. You’re rather happy he noticed.
“Spitting in my fucking face,” he continues. “Challenging me. Acting like a fucking brat. S’all cause you were so fucking needy for me, wasn’t it, mama?”
“Maybe,” you can’t help but retort. “Maybe I knew you’d like it.”
He laughs now. A low, deep, sadistic sound from the back of his throat. Using his hold on your scalp to force your head into his shoulder. “Is that right, hm?”
You only nod.”
“Yeah? Then say it,” he hisses. “Tell me you missed me. Tell me you missed my cock. That nobody fucks you like I do—”
He accompanies this request with his first, sharp thrust. Pulling back only to drive himself in so hard, the air is nearly knocked from your lungs.
“Because they can’t, can they?” he coos, yet it’s angry. Fingers moving from your hair to your neck. Squeezing until you gasp. “Nobody knows how to treat this little pussy like I do. Do they?”
You fall mute. Going limp in his hold as the pleasure begins to build.
“You love it when I fuck you like this.” His nose presses to your cheek as he breathes, your delicate throat a plaything in his touch. “Love it when I kill for you. Love it when I make you mine—”
You gasp at the ecstasy, hardly able to hear him, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“You love me,” he murmurs, and you just about disappear into his embrace.
“I do,” you gasp, almost too loudly. “I do, Harry, please—"
“Quiet,” he hisses, glancing now toward the street in order to make sure the police haven’t found their way to you. “You know better than that. You’ll take me and you’ll do it quietly. Understood?”
Your only response is to whimper pitifully while your nails scratch down the brick walls of the alley.
In turn, he grasps onto your jaw, forcing your head to the side until your eyes can meet. “I said, is that fucking understood?”
“I thought you said to be quiet,” you can’t help but retort, and he hums.
“Oh, is that how you wanna play it?” He releases your throat only to take hold of your hips once more and spin you around between thrusts. Quickly returning to his place between your thighs before lifting one of your legs and hiking it around his waist.
“What…” you begin, chest heaving as the tip of his cock drags down your clit. “What are you—” 
“Had to see you,” is his gritted response. “Had to see this pretty, bratty face as I ruined you.”
You imagine you’d smile if you weren’t so close to coming apart, but he understands. Pressing his forehead to yours before reaching up toward the top of your dress and ripping the fabric down to reveal your chest. 
You can tell he’s been wanting to do this all night. Know he’s been ogling your tits from behind the expensive fabric since the moment he walked in, and truth be told, that’s the real reason you wore it. 
Not because Johnny loves you in red.
But because Harry deserved to look at something pretty.
The cold air meets your skin with an unforgiving fervor, and you squirm against the brick as Harry’s eyes fall to the tattered fabric lying so pathetically on your chest.
Instantly, his head dips, mouth leaving open and sloppy kisses to the beautiful pair before him. Tongue stroking the hardened nipples rather respectfully, all things considered.
In turn, you run a hand through his dark curls as he does this to you. As you watch him take whatever he wants. Feeling the way his hair moves like butter between your fingers. The way he hums against you. The way his lashes flutter.
You’ve missed this.
Then, your grip tightens, and you yank his head up until his lips can meet yours. And you take. Take the taste of him, the taste of you, and the taste of victory.
His palm comes up to rest against the wall beside your head. Steadying himself as he works to find that perfect rhythm again. Over and over and over.
And all you can do is move your anxious kisses to his throat as he fucks into you. Whispering, “Nobody, baby. Nobody feels like you do. Nobody.”
Your fingers trail down his strong back, feeling each muscle that dips and flexes as he moves. The way he grunts when you scratch your nails down his spine. The way he consumes you and succumbs to you all at once.
Johnny was beautiful, but Harry is a beast. You’ve never seen a man like this before – never felt a man like this before. Every curve of his body is ethereal. Every detail, every touch.
Your touch continues to move lower and lower down his strong frame until you find something at the base of his spine.
And it makes you grin.
You slip it from his belt with ease, feeling the way it sits firmly in your hand as though it were made for it.
Harry doesn’t seem to notice. Or perhaps he just doesn’t care with the way he’s so deep into you. Emotionally, physically.
But he’s quickly pulled from his pleasured trance the moment he feels the familiar, cool touch of his gun sweeping across his jaw.
He stills. Straightening up ever-so-slightly, eyes finding yours.
But you’re too busy gazing at the barrel that dances across that beautiful face. 
After all, he got to have his fun this evening.
Now it’s your turn.
You bring it to a stop just under his chin, tilting his head up exactly the way he’d done to you earlier as he releases a deep breath.
“Mama…” he warns, but you only hum.
This isn’t the first time this deadly weapon has made this an unofficial threesome, but it is certainly the first time you’ve been the one to wield it.
You hate guns. You do. But you love Harry’s. The way he holds it. The way he handles it. The way he uses great care and great power.
Because there’s something about seeing him with it. Seeing the way he controls it, controls the room. The way he holds someone’s life in the palm of his hand…
Perhaps you should be concerned by how enamored you are by it. By him.
But not tonight. Tonight, you simply enjoy.
And from the look in his eye, he seems to be enjoying it, too.
After all, you know he loved watching you use it on Johnny. Know he almost had you right then and there, on Johnny’s desk, before the mission was even through.
He’s endlessly pleased with you, and you can’t help but use this to your advantage.
So, with the weapon still taut to his clenched jaw, you lean forward and ghost your lips over his. “What’s the matter, Daddy? Does power make you weak?”
The twitch of his cock is answer enough.
You go in for the kill. With your fingers dancing over the trigger button, you lean back and dip down before dragging your tongue up the length of the barrel.
His eyes nearly roll back, and the sound that leaves his chest is euphoric. You think you might just kill him.
Because you’re slow. Meticulous. Licking every inch of the weapon until you finally reach the tip still tucked just beneath his chin.
Then…you kiss him.
And he’s so overwhelmed that he growls into your mouth, no longer threatened by the gun at his throat. Instead grabbing onto the back of your neck in order to squeeze it tight and keep you close. Devour you the way he’s been so frantic to.
You don’t even realize that you’ve begun to lower the gun until you feel it snatched from your grasp.
And pressed tightly to your clit.
The cold surface of the weapon against the warmest part of your body has you arching your back with a whimper. He has the upper hand once more, and he’s certainly not about to waste it. Mouth curling up into a satisfied, smug grin at the way your expression has gone hazy.
You’ve never looked at another man the way you look at him and he knows it.
“Is this what you wanted?” he asks softly, adding just enough pressure to make you whine. “All fucking night? The moment you saw me? Saw my gun? Wanted me to fuck you with it?”
Your nails meet your chest, scratching down the frigid skin in a desperate attempt to find something to ground you.
His only response is to drag the tip of the weapon down just a bit further. Until he can watch it glisten in you.
“Fucking looking at you,” he muses beneath a strained exhale, enamored by the way you subconsciously begin to grind on it. “So desperate to feel it. To be fucked by it. And what if I do, hm? What if I fuck you with my gun right here in this alleyway?”
You only whisper his name and an airy, “Please…”
“I thought about it,” he continues quietly, nose brushing yours as he slips the soaked barrel back up your cunt. “Thought about ripping off this pathetic little dress and fucking you right in front of your precious fiancé.”
You wish he had.
“You’d have liked that, wouldn’t you, mama?” His fingers drum against the handle. “Yeah? I know you would. Would have loved to watch him watch me.”
And he’s not wrong. He hardly ever is when it comes to your darkest fantasies, and it’s just one of the many reasons why you love him.
“But I had to wait,” he tells you now, finally pulling the gun away from your dripping clit until you nearly crumple to the cold concrete below. “Because after all this time…I’m the only thing that gets to fill you tonight, yeah?”
You simply nod again as he brings the gun back to your mouth with a proud grin.
And you know exactly what he wants, swiping your tongue all along the barrel and tasting every drop, every indication of your need for him. Swallowing it all as he watches proudly.
The moment you’re finished, he takes the gun and returns it to his pocket, tucking it away safely. Because he’s right again, and you need to feel him far more than you’ve ever needed anything else.
So, you grasp onto his face and bring his lips to yours, allowing him to pick up right where he left off.
Because as much as you love the power…you love being weak for him more.
At least in moments like this.
He fills you and fucks you until you’re dizzy. Until you can taste the pleasure and the unraveling. 
You make a show of it. A way to apologize for all the time lost. Trailing the tips of your fingers along your own chest and down your sternum until you notice you have his attention.
He watches you take your tit into your palm before you’re tweaking the hardened nipple with a soft whine. Allowing your head to drop back into the wall while you do it again and again.
And he’s an angry sort of infatuated. Groaning almost pitifully before kissing you again and easily swatting your hand away in order to do it himself.
But that’s still not enough. So, you play your ace, and move your touch down to your clit in order to pinch it exactly the way he likes.
And it’s beautiful. The most exhilarating feeling, and this is what sends him over. The feel of your pussy clamping down on his cock, the sight of your fingers against your clit, the sound of your pathetic whimpers and pants as you cry out his name.
He fills you before he can stop himself, kissing you quickly as he releases into your aching, abused cunt. 
Claiming you in more ways than one until you have no choice but to follow.
It rips you apart in the same way he ripped the dress. Until you see stars, and your back arches, and your toes curl. And everything makes sense.
He works to make it last for as long as he can, and once it’s all over, there’s a soft, tender moment of silence as you work to catch your breath.
You forget about everything else. The sirens, the lies, the deceit. Even Johnny. You forget about it all.
Because you got more than a diamond necklace tonight.
You got Harry back.
After a second or two more, you lazily reach up to sweep some of his rogue curls from his forehead. Wanting to really see his eyes as he holds you tonight.
“Harry?” you whisper into the cold, dark alley.
He hums. “Yes, mama?”
“I love you.”
And you’ve never seen him so happy. “I love you more,” he breathes, kiss you again as if to cement this vow.
Eventually, the moment comes to pass, and you have to drop your leg back down to the floor and part from him. You find that your muscles are sore, and just a touch achey, but you don’t even mind. Because it’s somehow just as deliciously pleasurable.
Harry works to readjust your dress and keep you covered; despite the way he’s ruin the expensive fabric. He offers you his jacket – insists on it. Wrapping it around your shoulders before you can even argue.
You smile as you snuggle into the warm material, feeling calmed by the familiar smell of him.
“There,” he says as he looks at you before his head tilts. “Just missing one thing.”
Curious, you watch as he slips his hand back into his pant pocket in order to fish something out.
The necklace.
He hadn’t told you about it before the mission. Only about the safe, and now you think you’re beginning to realize why.
He places it around your neck and readjusts the clasp until it can sit comfortably over your heart. 
And you both look down as it sparkles from your chest, smiling together as though you truly can’t believe it’s real.
“You like it?” he whispers.
You grin so wide, your cheeks hurt. “I love it.”
He kisses you again, and it’s perfect.
Everything. All of it.
Suddenly, a loud toll echoes through the small town. The sharp chime coming from the clocktower in the town square.
Once, twice, three times. 
“It’s Christmas,” you realize aloud as you and Harry both glance toward the clock. 
His expression softens, and it makes your heart soar. “I guess it is.”
And then…you feel it. The first drop of something cold on your cheek. And then another. And another. And another. Gathering in your hair, getting stuck on his lashes.
With a gasp, you look up into the dark sky as it dances down onto the quiet Chicago streets.
A rather perfect ending to a perfectly imperfect day.
And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
With a soft giggle, you curl yourself under his arm and press your lips to his cheek. “Merry Christmas, Harry.”
He laughs, and you’ve never been so happy.
“Merry Christmas, Mama.”
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I'M SORRY THIS ONE GOT A BIT DARKER, IT WAS FUN BUT MOSTLY JUST FOR THE ERA ASPECT!! Thank you for reading if you did and letting me write something a little weirder 😭💞
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Amazing divider by @firefly-graphics! 💞
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getosbigballsack · 5 months
𝑳𝒆𝒕 𝑴𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒚 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕
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𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝐶𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑔𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐺𝑜𝑗𝑜 𝑋 𝑀𝐼𝐿𝐹 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
𝑆𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑝𝑠𝑖𝑠: 𝐻𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑑 ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑠𝑜𝑛. 𝐴𝑛𝑑 ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑡𝑜 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑢𝑝 𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑎 ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑛𝑦. 𝑊ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑘𝑒𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑡 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡, 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑔𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 ℎ𝑎𝑑 𝑎 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒. 𝑁𝑜𝑤 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟 ℎ𝑖𝑚 𝑡𝑜 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑒 ℎ𝑒 𝑎𝑠𝑘𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑓 ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑡𝑜 𝑑𝑜?
𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔: 𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔, 𝑤𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔, 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑒𝑥, 𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑘, 𝐺𝑜𝑗𝑜 ℎ𝑎𝑠 𝑎 𝑏𝑖𝑔 𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑘, 𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠, 𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑒𝑥, 𝐺𝑜𝑗𝑜 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑦 𝑏𝑜𝑦, 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑦 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔, 𝑝𝑒𝑡 𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑠 (𝑀𝑎𝑚𝑎) 𝑒𝑡𝑐
𝐴/𝑁: ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑦 𝑛𝑒𝑤 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠. 𝐼 ℎ𝑜𝑝𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑒𝑛𝑗𝑜𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘 𝑜𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑝𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡.
𝑊𝐶: 9808
✯𝐺𝑜𝑗𝑜 𝑆𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑢'𝑠 𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑦 𝑃𝑒𝑛
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 To think that the young master Gojo would stay true to his words when he promised you that he would visit you in the night to have dinner and spend what he called “quality time” with you and your son. 
Guys around his age were mostly talk and not action. Always making big promises that they knew weren't able to fulfil, but Gojo? Nope you underestimated him, deeply so too. 
Hence the reason you stood stiff at your door entrance, gazing at the young 21 year old who had a huge grin on his face, a bag in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other. He's really here, and neatly dressed too in a black turtleneck sweater, grey slacks and black boots to match. To top off his looks, he had his signature dark glasses resting at the top of his white head of white pillowy hair. 
Just then you became very conscious of your attire. Plain black shorts and a pink crop top that had your nipples poking through the milk stain on your top. 
You felt ashamed, appearing to the young man in such a state, you almost slammed the door in his face to go change, but the sound of his voice brought you back to reality.
“Mrs. Hiroshima, aren't you gonna let me in? I brought dinner, just like I promised,” he said as he held up the bag that you now saw that was filled with dishes of food. 
“Uhm… yeah sure come in,” you said, stepping away from the doorway and allowing him to step inside your husband’s home. You locked the door before moving towards the kitchen where you had your baby babbling away with his pacifier in his mouth in his high chair around the kitchen counter. 
“You have a lovely house Mrs. Hiroshima,” Gojo complimented as he rested the bag on the counter and went towards your baby to tickle underneath his chin, “Hey baby Kaori, you're so cute.” 
Kaori giggled, stretching his arms out to Gojo as he continued to tickle underneath his chin. A smile crept upon your face, but quickly faded when you remembered the reason Gojo was here. 
Earlier, he came up to you once again after your husband rudely disrespected you in front of his colleagues. Gojo came up to you with a drink you never ordered and placed it in front of you and rested a hand on your shoulder. 
“Your husband doesn't deserve you Mrs. Hiroshima,” he whispered, his tall lanky body leaning forward to whisper in your ear. “I can treat you better than your husband can. I can show you a good time. I can treat you like how you deserve to be treated. If you let me, I will take care of you and your son.” 
Confused, you turn your head slightly to see him already looking at you, eyes half lidded, lips between his teeth as he waits for a response from you. But none came, you were too baffled to even respond, so then he licked his lips and whispered once more, “Hm, how about we have dinner at your place tonight. Me, you and baby Kaori. Think of it as quality time. I'm sure you'd like that. I'll drop by at 7 tonight.” 
With that said he pressed a kiss against your cheek before leaving to attend to the rest of the customers inside the cafe that was previously owned by his father but now, under his name. 
“Uhm Gojo?” You called out to him and he slowly turned around to face you with a smile gracing his lips. “Uhm what are you…” 
“Oh my bad, I bought you flowers. I hope you're not allergic to them,” he said, cutting you in the middle of your sentence while standing straight and handing over the flowers to you. You muttered a quiet thanks as you took them from him.
They were beautiful, and they smelled wonderful too. “I wasn't sure if you'd like roses that much or maybe you'd think I was being too cliché so I chose something different.” 
You smiled, a bit thoughtful of him, you thought as you to another whiff of the flowers before turning around to go find a vase to put them in. Meanwhile Gojo began to unpack the food from the bag, resting each on the kitchen counter before walking towards you and resting a hand on your hip. 
You startled to say the least, almost dropping the flowers on the countertop as you turned slightly to look at him. “Uhm… Gojo.” 
Once again he stopped you from saying what he knew what you were about to say and said, “The dishes, where are they? We don't want the food to get cold now.” 
You sighed heavily, but still he was right. He prepared all this meal, might as well have some before pointing him towards the front door. It was wrong of you to entertain a man inside your husband’s house, dressed in skimpy clothes at that too. But you see nothing wrong with having a home cooked meal. It’s been a while since you had something warm, too busy being a mom to even cook for yourself. 
“They’re right above your head, Gojo-kun,” you said pointing towards the cabinet before you. He smiled, hand reaching above you to grab two dishes.
“I made a lot of food, I wasn’t sure what you would like, so I went with the safest option. Fried chicken, white rice with egg rolls and curried vegetables.”
“Sounds delicious,” you said, while grabbing the flower vase, filling it with water and placing the flowers in before walking over to the kitchen island where you saw Gojo plating you a presentable looking meal. “Oh, wow.” 
“Eat up,” he said as he placed the dish in front of you and handed you the fork he used to plate your meal. You wasted no time, feeling your tummy rumble a bit and took a bite of the curry vegetables. Gojo watched, eyes grinning when he saw your eyes light up with excitement as you took another bite of the curry vegetable. “Do you like it, Mrs. Hiroshima?”
“Mhm,” you hummed, taking another bite of the curry veggies. “I’ve never had curry vegetables before. This actually tastes really good.”
He smiled, “I need to thank my mom for the recipe the next time I see her.” You chuckled and continued on eating while Gojo sat closely to you with his plate filled with food as well. You watched closely as Gojo hummed as he dug into the curry vegetable. You never missed how the tip of his brow arched slightly as he chewed away on his food. “Oh, I should make this more often.” 
“You should,” you added and he chuckled in response. 
You both sat in silence for a while, but not without sneaking glances at each other until Gojo decided to speak up, “So Mrs. Hiroshima, I heard that you were once the valedictorian at my university.”
Your eyes perched up a bit, “You’re attending UT? I mean the university of Tokyo?”
He nodded his head, “Mhm!”
“What Major?” you asked while resting your arm on the table and glanced over at Kaori who was still babbling away with his pacifier. 
“I’m a double major actually. I’m majoring in both economics and finance,” he said before biting into the fried chicken. 
“Wow impressive Gojo-kun, never knew you were that smart,” you commented. 
He shrugged, “Never really had much of a choice. I didn’t want to choose, so I did them both.”
“I understand. And to answer your question from before, yes I was the valedictorian of my graduating class,” you said smiling at him. 
“I hope to graduate as valedictorian for my class, but my best friend Suguru isn’t going down without a fight you see. He beat me last semester by 0.01%. He had a 4.50 gpa and I had a 4.49 gpa.” 
You laughed as he continued to mumble about how he cried and his best friend laughed at him when the results came out. 
“It’s not even funny Mrs. Hiroshima, if only I got that 1% that I need on that exam then maybe we both would’ve been tied last semester. But nonetheless, though I was upset with him, I felt happy for him regardless, it’s good to have a friend like him. He’s always pushing me to be the better version of myself and I’m doing the same for him.” 
“That’s lovely…” your sentence was cut short by the sound of Kaori’s whimpering. You looked over at him to see that he was getting a bit fussy. Ah yes, it’s his bedtime. You quickly hopped out of your seat, resting your fork in your dish that still had a bit of food left in it. You gently took your baby out of his high chair, went back to sit beside Gojo and without even thinking, you lifted your crop top exposing your swollen breast to Gojo just before putting your baby onto your breast. “I’m sorry about that Gojo-Kun. As I was saying, it's lovely to have friends that want the best for you in life.”
Your head turned slightly to look over at Gojo, hoping that he’d respond to you, but when you looked at him, you saw his head resting on the kitchen island, the side of his cheek that was visible and the tip of his ear was bright pink. “Gojo-Kun?”
He cleared his throat, trying to get his thoughts together after what he just witnessed. He is no stranger to naked women, having seen his fair share of breasts of all different sizes and manners there is no reason for him to get this flustered at the sight of another set of women’s tits. But you, the moment you absentmindedly exposed your breast, his cheeks turned bright pink, heart hammering rapidly against his chest. He had to quickly hide his face, out of respect to you being a mother, and also to silence the perverted thoughts of you that plagued his mind for many nights before. 
Fuck… fuck… fuck he hissed. Who would’ve thought that a woman’s lactating breast would’ve turned him on just as much as yours did. “My apologies,” he said, swallowing the ball in his throat as he lifted his head to look at you, trying his hardest to keep his eyes on your face and his cock from getting any harder than it already is. Not yet Satoru… In due time he reminded himself as he cleared his throat yet again. “I accidentally choked on a bit of rice.” He lied. 
“There’s a bottle of orange juice in the fridge. Help yourself to some, it’ll help clear your throat a bit better.”
“Thank you,” he said as he removed himself from the kitchen island, walked over to the cabinet and grabbed two glasses to pour the orange juice in and once he was through with his task, he sat beside you once more, thanking you for the juice yet again before taking a sip. “What were we talking about again?”
“Ah! I was saying that you’re lucky enough to have a friend like Geto. It’s nice to see friends supporting each other,” you repeated. 
“Right, right and speaking of the bastard, he is majoring in your department,” Gojo said to you. 
“Oh really, and what’s his major?”
“Information and communication engineering and a minor in applied physics,” Gojo replied. 
“That’s awesome, good for you boys,” you complimented. For the remainder of the meal, you and Gojo continued on with the conversation. Gojo did most of the talking though, because he was trying to hide the fact he had a semi-boner hiding underneath the table.
It was 9 pm, Kaori was already in his crib sleeping, you were currently mopping the kitchen and the dishes from earlier were currently being taken care of by Gojo even though you told him that he didn’t have to do it. But he insisted because he was the one who brought dinner to your house, so it was right for him to do the dishes. 
“I'm done Mrs. Hiroshima,” Gojo said as he wiped his hands on the dish cloth that you gave to him before neatly folding it and hanging it from the stove handle and then leaned his lower back against the kitchen counter. 
“Thank you,” you said, smiling at him. 
He waved his hand at you and responded, “It's the least I can do.” It was silent for a while, Gojo’s eyes never leaving your frame, studying how you gently wiped the kitchen island top and cleaned up Kaori’s high-chair, until he spoke up, “So did you enjoy tonight?”
You shook your head, “It’s been a while since I had a home cooked meal and I thank you for that. It was very warm and pleasing to my tummy.” After you were through with cleaning Kaori’s high chair, you went to dispose of the paper towel you use to clean and rest the mop back into the small cleaning closet inside the kitchen. “Plus it's been a while since someone took the time out of their day to remember that I exist. So really Gojo-Kun, thank you. Your presence meant a lot to me.” 
“Can I add a bit more to that meaning?” he asked while biting his bottom lip.
“What do you mean?” You asked him.
He used his hand to push himself away from the kitchen counter and slowly made his way towards you. “You said that my presence here meant a lot to you, so I was hoping to add more to that. You know I could stay the night and we could watch a movie, cuddle and talk about anything you like.” 
Your eyes almost rolled out of its sockets the moment Gojo mentioned ‘stay the night’. He knew that you're married and he also knew that it was inappropriate of him to even think about spending the night here at your husband's house. No matter how tempting his offer to watch a movie and cuddle sounded, you're married and despite the fact that your husband wasn't loyal to you, it doesn't mean that had to do the same.
“As thoughtful as that may sound, I don't think that's a good idea Gojo-Kun.” 
“Why not?” He asked as he inched closer to you and once his heel was touching yours, he was quick to cage you in-between his body and the counter. 
You're baffled. Did he really just ask why you don't think it's a good idea. “Because Gojo, I'm a married woman.” 
“And so? What does that have to do with anything?” he asked. 
“Really, that means that I have a husband… and no matter what he does to me I’ll never betray him.”
“Your husband doesn’t even want you though,” he said, staring you dead in the eyes. 
“Excuse me?” 
“Im sorry,” he quickly apologised as soon as he realised what he had just said to you. You watched as his head bowed a little and he heaved a heavy sigh. “I meant every word though, about your husband not wanting you.”
You rolled your eyes, hands lifting up to push him away from, but his tall lanky body didn’t move an inch. You growled, “Then why apologise.”
“Because I don’t want you to hate me,” he whispered as he leaned his body forward and rested his forehead against yours. “I like you Y/N.” Time for him to drop the formalities and get a little bit serious. In this moment right here, he needed for you to understand that he wasn’t joking around when he said that he wanted to take care of you and your son. 
“Gojo… Kun I don’t…”
“Sh!” he hushed you. “I don’t wanna hear about your husband, because he doesn’t deserve you.”
“Who are you to say that he doesn’t deserve me?” You asked. 
He chuckled a bit as he responded, “Who am I? The question you should be asking me, Mrs Hiroshima, is what do I know?” 
You bit your lip and tried to push him away once again, but he just wouldn't move. 
“Why are you trying to push me away?” He whispered. 
You swallowed thickly. “You're being inappropriate Gojo-Kun.”
“How? By telling you the truth?” He asked. Your lips twitched a bit, feeling a bit irritated by his lack of manners or let's say how blatantly disrespectful he was being when he spoke about your relationship with your husband, even though what he was saying to you was the truth. 
You rolled your eyes and gave up on trying to push him away. You both stood for a while in silence, nothing but the sounds of your heavy breathing could be heard. “Mrs. Hiroshima?” Gojo called out to you, finally breaking the silence between you too, and also in hopes that it'll lighten the heavy tension that was now between the two of you. 
“What, Gojo?” You answered him. 
He sighed, “Aren't you tired of being disrespected by your husband constantly? Aren't you tired of hearing him say that you aren't good enough for him? Aren't you tired of seeing him neglect your son. Aren't you tired of being lonely?” 
“What do you know?” You asked him this time and he smirked. 
He then replied to you in a soft tone, “More than I should. I know about the bathroom hook ups inside the cafe, the amount of women he takes to the cafe on a daily basis after he's certain you're home then leave to fuck them in the parking lot. I know about the rude disrespectful words that he utters about you to my father Y/N.”
Your lips trembled as Gojo continued on with his statement. 
“He says that you’re a useless woman. He said he’s embarrassed to have you around and to call you his wife, all because you decided not to abort your baby. Oh… yeah he even told my father that he refuses to have intercourse with you because you’re now damaged goods.”
“Shut up! I don’t wanna hear anymore of this,” you yelled out, hot tears pricking the corner of your eyes. Gojo said nothing more, only watched as you hastily tried to rid yourself of the tears that you’re getting so tired of wasting on your good for nothing husband. You can’t believe a word that Gojo was uttering out of his mouth. You knew how he felt about you ever since you decided to give birth to Kaori, but to hear him describe you as damaged goods. Oh he’s done it now. 
You’re crying now, your hands moving to cover up your face to hide the tears from Gojo’s eyes. But he wasn’t having it, so he pulled your hand away from your face and used his hand to wipe your tears before caressing your cheeks. He hated to see you cry, he was getting a bit tired of seeing your tears even though at this very moment, he was sort of the reason you had tears in your eyes. 
“Y/N,” he whispered your name as he continued to caress your cheeks. “I'm sorry, for making you cry like this. It wasn't my intention to do so, but still you need to know that it's not worth being faithful to that scum you call husband Y/N.” 
“Gojo-Kun…” you called to him, but he shook his head no, placed a finger on your lips to silence you. 
“Y/N, your husband, he doesn't deserve you. You're too good for him. How dare he call you damaged goods. He should be praising you, worshipping you for bringing such a precious life into this world. You know how many men would kill to have a wife like you. And there he goes, wasting his time and other things and neglecting his own wife.” 
You swallowed thickly while batting your lashes at Gojo. Your heart felt heavy hammering against your chest as Gojo continued to praise you, congratulating you for being the best mother you could be for your young baby, Kaori. No one has ever praised you for your efforts. 
“Y/N, you deserve better than that old scum. You deserve someone who recognizes your worth and who's willing to treat you like the strong, beautiful woman you are. You need a man who's willing to treat you like you deserve to be treated, a man who is going to take care of you and your son,” he said as he licked his lips and leaned his face forward a bit. “I want to be that someone for you Y/N, I want to be that man for you.”
“Go… Gojo? I…”
“Just think about Y/N. All the fun you and I can have together. All the memories you'll be able to create with Kaori and myself. I might still be a college student but I got money, enough to take care of you and your son financially. I can cook, I'm fun to be around  Y/N, and if that's not enough, just the simple fact that I like you should be enough for you to think about giving me a chance to prove to you that I can be the man you need.”
“You're… your words are sweet Gojo-Kun but I… I don't…” and before you were able to complete the sentence, Gojo shuts you up with a peck on your lips. You stared at him with wide eyes, in pure shock having just felt his lips against yours. 
“Hey mama… listen to me,” Gojo said, snapping you out of your trance. “I can promise you three things, mama. I can take care of you and your son, I can show you a good time and I got a big dick,” he whispered the last bit of his sentence while staring you dead in the eyes. 
“G… Gojo,” you stuttered, cheeks burning with embarrassment. Did he really just say that he had a big dick? Your brain was trying to figure out if he actually said that, but what he said next is all the confirmation that you need.
“If you let me stay the night, I'll fulfil two of my promises to you. So how about it mama, is 8.5 big enough for you?”
“That's enough… Gojo-Kun,” you stuttered. Your body was feeling a bit too hot. Did his words have that much affect on you or are you just too lonely and touch deprived? 
“Think about it Mrs. Hiroshima. Let me stay with you tonight,” he whispered before leaning down to peck your lips once more. “I promise it'll be fun for the both of us. Especially for you.”
You're conflicted now, not knowing what to say to him. Not knowing if his promises held any truth to them. You're wondering if he really liked you? Why you? You're married and have a baby so why waste such precious time on you? 
You bit your lips while staring at his lips, tempted to lean in once more to feel his soft lips against yours, but at the same time you wanted to bite them then remind him that no matter what you'll remain loyal to your husband. 
But is it worth it? Is your loyalty to your husband worth it? What sense does it make to stay loyal to someone who basically called you damaged goods, when there's a perfectly healthy man standing before you offering to give you a good time and what you're assuming to be good sex? 
Is it all worth it? Is it worth betraying your husband and for sex? Maybe, you're not sure. You're conflicted. 
Gojo realized that, how the muscles in your face twitched, curved and bend with whatever facial expression on your face. 
You teeth gnawing on your lips, so deep in thoughts you didn't even take notice of Gojo’s slight movement until you felt his hand grazing your bottom, “You're thinking too hard about this Y/N. Come on, let's go upstairs. Please.”
“Go… Gojo-Kun.” 
“Please!” He whispered before tilting his head to the side to kiss your lips for the third time, but this time a bit longer than before. It wasn't a peck, but it wasn't a full blown kiss either, he was teasing you, tempting you to kiss him back. “Kiss me back!” He whispered with his lips still. “Please! Kiss me back!” He begged once more before you finally gave in, closing your eyes and slowly moving your lips against his. 
Your toes curled, hands quickly grabbing onto the fabric of his sweater, bunching the cotton material between your hands. The hand that grazed your bottom moved up further to grab a handful of your ass cheeks which caused you to moan a bit against his lips, before moving to rest itself against your hips while his other hand went to cup your hot cheek. 
Who knew that kissing could feel great? Maybe it's because it's been a while since you last felt someone's lips against yours. But still it felt as though he was drawing every last breath from your body until there was nothing left. “Y/N,” he whispered your name against your lips. “Let's go upstairs.” 
He pecked your lips a couple of times before you pulled away to look at him. Once again you asked yourself. Is your loyalty to your husband worth breaking to have sex with Gojo? 
It may not be, but what's the harm? So you say fuck it to yourself before answering him, “I need to shower first.” 
A smile stretched itself across his face as he pulled away from you entirely, grabbed hold of your hand and led you towards the front door. “Let me grab my bag and something else from my car. I too feel the need to freshen up.” 
“Ok,” you mumbled, shaking your head before releasing his hand and watched as he pulled his car key from his slacks, opened up your front door and quickly went towards his car to grab what he needed. A few short minutes later he returned with a bag slung over his shoulder and a small box of large condoms. 
He came prepared. It's like he was expecting you to say yes. 
“Let's go.”
It's been about fifteen minutes since you agreed to have sex with Gojo. And now you're stepping out the bathroom in a white half silk half mesh lingerie dress that was gifted to you just last week. You had no intention of wearing it, you had no reason to wear it before.
But now as you walked further into the bedroom to see Gojo sitting on the windowsill with a phone in his hand while the other one gripped his cock over his grey sweater pants and a loose t-shirt he wore resting comfortably on his well defined abs, you thought that wearing this was the right decision.
He didn’t hear you come in nor did he see you walking over to him until he felt your feet touching his. He quickly looked up, mouth almost dropping open when he saw you standing before him. That lingerie you did nothing to shield your body from him. He could see everything, from the curves of your breasts, the fat and thickness of your nipples, to the softness of your tummy, the dips in your luscious thighs and that white lacy panty that you had underneath your lingerie dress. 
He licked his lips while he powered off his phone and tossed it on the bed, then slowly, his hands went to wrap around your waist pulling you closer until your chest was pressing against his. He wasted no time removing his hands from your waist to grab your ass, biting his lips as he gazed into your eyes. “Kaori isn’t gonna wake up anytime soon is he?” he asked you. 
“No… I don’t think so,” you answered as you shyly turned your eyes away from his. His gaze was a bit too intense for you, it made you feel small like a prey waiting to be devoured up by its predator. 
“Good,” he whispered before lifting you up, wrapped your legs around his waist and walked towards the bed with you desperately clinging onto his shoulders. The next thing you know, you’re being tossed on the bed with his hands on your thighs spreading your legs so that he can kneel between them. His breathing was heavy, you could feel his hot breath against your face as he leaned forward to level his head with yours. Gojo could feel his heart racing against his chest as he stared down at you. Eyes taking in the sight of your smooth silky skin, the pure look of innocence on your face down to the supple of your neck. His eyes lingered for a while as he moved down to stare at your cleavage, your plump lactating breast just waiting, ready, fat nipples moist with your milk for him to suck. 
And he just couldn't wait much longer, his left hand moving from your thighs to grip the thin strap of your lingerie dress and pulling the strap from your shoulder slowly until your left breast was exposed to him. He licked his lips and whispered, “You flashed me earlier this evening, I had to hold myself back from devouring your tits right then and there mama. You know, I’ve alway wondered what breast milk tasted like, care to give me a taste?”
You nodded yes and shyly twisted your mouth to the side, your doe like eyes staring up at his waiting for him to do as he pleased with your body. It’s been a while since you last felt the warm touch of a man and your eager body just needed him to do whatever he pleased with you. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he whispered before planting his lips against yours, slowly kissing and caressing your lips with his tongue as though he was your lover. You tasted sweet, like a warm homemade vanilla cream pie, he could kiss your lips all day if you allowed him. 
As you both continued to share a sweet intimate kiss, his right hand moved from your thigh to pull the other strap down your arms to fully reveal your breast to him. He gently squeezed your boobs as he pulled away from your lips and began to trail wet butterflies kisses along your jawline, neck and down to the valley of your boobs. You gasped at the feeling of his lips kissing the flesh of your tits, hissing when he wrapped his hot wet tongue around your aching nipple and sucked harshly to taste what he’s been dying to have in his mouth.
The boy groaned, eyes rolling to the back of his head when he tasted your sweet milk against his tongue. His taste buds danced with excitement, cock hardened even more beneath his confines and he couldn’t help but to brush it up against the now dampen crotch of your lacy panty. You gasped yet again, back arching slightly to shove more of your breast in his mouth. Your dainty fingers found purchase in his hair, gently gripping onto the roots as he continued his ministrations on your left nipple. 
Soon enough he pulled away from your left nipple, not wasting another second he quickly latched his lips onto the other aching nipple and used his left hand to fondle your left boob while his free hand made quick work of your lacy panty underneath your lingerie dress. The sound of his lips sucking the milk from your breast made heat and goosebump rose against your skin. It’s embarrassing, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t turning you on even more. 
“Fuck! Taste so fucking good mama,” Gojo groaned as he released your nipple with a pop to focus on getting rid of your panties entirely. Once it was out of the way, Gojo leaned down to kiss your breast once more then whispered, “I bet it’ll taste a bit better on your cunt,” before sucking more of your breast milk in his mouth as his hand bunch the dress around your waist. 
You watched with you lips between your teeth as he pulled away from you tits, his hand on your thighs and before you could even register what he was to do, he already spread your legs a bit wider and he was on his tummy, face to face with your dripping and aching cunt.  
“Gojo-Kun don’t… Ngh,” you tried to pull away once you realised what he was about to do, but it was a bit too late because Gojo held your thighs firmly to keep you from pulling away from him and he’s spitting the milk mixed with his saliva on your cunt. “No Gojo… don’t put your tongue… Ahh,” you screamed, feeling his hot tongue laying flat against cunt, licking and slurping up the milk before swallowing. 
“Mhm… fuck I knew it would taste so much better,” he mumbled before diving back in. Like a starved man, Gojo greedily sucked at your puffy swollen slick coated clit, dragging his tongue in between your parted pussy lips to lick whatever was left from what he spat out his mouth. You tasted delicious, like a sweet treat ready to rot his teeth. He knew from the moment he saw you all those months ago heavily pregnant with your now new born baby, that your cunt would be a mighty treat for him. 
He dreamt about this many nights before and now that you gave him the opportunity, he was going to make it worth well. So with that goal in mind, Gojo’s hands moved from thighs to grab your ass cheeks to spread your pussy out a bit more. He lifted his head from your cunt, spat on it and watched with glistening eyes as his saliva dribbled down the crack of your ass. He couldn’t help himself much longer, using his tongue to lick between your butt cheek, his tongue playing with your butthole a bit before going back to suck on your clit. 
Did he just licked your ass? “Did you just licked my butthole?” you asked in complete and utter shock. 
“Mhm!” He hummed against you. “And I’ll lick it again.”
You could not believe what was happening to you at this very moment. No man dared to tongue your booty hole, much less suck on your cunt and even if they did, none of them were as good as Gojo. He knew what he was doing with that wicked tongue of his, flicking and thrusting in and out of your sloppy wet hole. 
Your eyes widened in surprise, unable to say much or even moan, you gripped his arms that held your ass cheek apart, lifted your body to watch as his mouth sinfully and skillfully worked your clit. He felt your gaze on him and he darted his eyes upwards to take in the sight of your face contorting with pleasure, your eyes rapidly fluttering, trying your hardest to keep your eyes on him. 
“Mhmm… It feels weird,” your cried out. Gojo chuckled against your cunt before closing his eyes and began french kissing your pussy, his soft lips making out with your lower lips, slowly moving against them in such a sweet erotic rhythm. A sheer heat began to rise in your tummy, your thighs began trembling against his head and your breathing increased. 
You body felt hot, extremely hot as a matter of fact you felt like you were about to piss on yourself, so you tried to pull away from him. But the greedy boy held you down, even when you cried and begged him to release you just so that you could hurriedly use the bathroom. Gojo wasn’t hearing any of that, instead he mumbled against your throbbing pulsing pussy, “Piss on me, I don’t care. ‘M not moving.” 
And he meant it. He gripped your ass harder, his nose bumping your clit and his tongue buried deep inside your pussy, slurping and licking every drop of your pussy juice. The heat in your tummy began to rise even more, legs now violently shaking against his face and that heavy pressure that you feel inside you felt like it was moment away from bursting if Gojo doesn’t let up on your pussy.
You began breathing heavily, hands gripping tightly onto sheets as he continued to eat. Your back fell flat against the mattress unable to sit straight for much longer. “Nganh Gojo…” you cried, feeling the intense heat and pressure growing hotter and too heavy for you to handle. “Bathroom, bathroom pleaseeee…” But he still wouldn’t let up, he only continued the assault his tongue had in your hole. “Nghh, Nght…” and you cried, unable to hold it in for much longer, you squirt all over Gojo’s face, back lurching from the bed as the fountain of water spewed from your pussy. 
Unbelievable, you’re pissing (not really it was squirt, but you never knew that because you’ve never squirted before), on Gojo face unable to stop the rush of liquid spewing from your pussy and when you thought you were done, Gojo had the audacity to bring his thumb to your clit, flicking the nub until your burst all over him yet again. 
“Mama’s a squirter,” he beamed in excitement when you finally came down from your high. He removed himself from your cunt to kiss your lips before hopping off the bed to grab the box of condoms and removed his clothes. 
You’re a bit embarrassed after what just happened, but that didn’t stop you from watching as he tore open the box of condoms, pulling three foils attached to each other from the box. “You think we could use all three tonight?” He teased as he ripped one of the foils and put it in his mouth and then tossed the last two on the bed. 
You said nothing, only continued to stare at him as he began to run his hand up and down his abs from underneath his shirt, teasing you a bit until he gripped the end and yanked the shirt over his head and tossed it aside. 
He’s slim and toned, it was as if God took his time to carefully sculpt his body to perfection. Every muscle and veins were positioned perfectly, in the most pleasing shape and design. His jawline was perfectly sculptured, his straight collar bone fitted nicely with his broad and sharp shoulders. His pectoral and sharply defined abdomen were perfect. A few beauty marks decorated his pale and smooth skin, Gojo was the definition of a perfect man. 
“Liking what you see mama?” Gojo teasing asked and you quickly turned your head to hide the shameful look on your face. How dare you ogle at another man’s body inside the room you used to share with your husband. “I don’t mean to tease. Please look at me.” 
And you did. You turned around just in time to see him gripping his heavy cock over his sweatpant, lightly palming his member to get it a bit more erect than it already was. Your mouth watered a bit from the sight, desperate to see what he’s hiding inside his sweatpants. “You think you can handle this mama?” he asked while moving his hand away from his cock to grip the waist of his sweatpants. 
Slowly, he began to pull the waistband down and over his erect penis. Your eyes popped out of their sockets, unable to stare much longer, you quickly turned over on your tummy and buried your face into your pillow. His cock was like a weapon, made to destroy any pussy it came in contact with. Is it not heavy? Why was it so big? So many questions running through your mind, you didn’t even hear him call your name, nor did you see him tear open the foil with his teeth and roll the condom down his length. That’s until you felt his hands caressing your backside. 
“Y/N,” he whispered as he climbed up on the bed to press a kiss on your shoulder blade. “Turn around please, I wanna look at you when I put my cock in you.” You shook your head no. “Why not?” he asked. He waited for a while and made himself busy by leaving lingering kisses on your shoulder blades and down your spine. When you didn’t respond he muttered, “Mama, turn around please.”
“Just do it this way.”
“But I wanna see your face.”
He huffed and laughed, then he whispered, “Ok! Well I guess we’ll be using all three condoms tonight, because I won’t stop until I can see your face.” And that's all he said before lifting his body from above yours, climbed off the bed, grabbed your legs and pulled them until they were dangling from the bed. “Ass up.” 
With his help, you lifted your lower half from the bed, your face still buried inside the pillow that managed to drag along with you when Gojo pulled at your legs. “That’s it,” he said and rested both hands on your ass. He began to smooth his hand over your globes, only stopping to fully remove the last article of clothing that was on your body. “You ready mama?” he asked you. 
“Yes!” you mumbled against the pillow. He lets out a low, thinking that you looked so cute, hiding your face from him. He rubbed his hand over your ass once, lightly tapping your booty cheek before spreading your cheeks apart to spit on your dripping, glistening pussy. He grabbed his cock and dragged the tip up and down your quivering hole. You gasped feeling the bulbous tip poked at your entrance. “Gojo-Kun?”
“Sh… only getting your ready mama,” he said as he pressed his cock against your entrance once more. He rested his hand in the middle of your back, pressing your cheek even further into the bed, lifted his leg from the floor and rested on knee on the bed. He needed to get the perfect angle to ensure that you felt him in the deepest parts of your pussy. He tapped his cock on your pussy a few more times then whispered, “I’m going in.”
You gasped, eyes squeezing tightly when you felt his cock, slowly but surely bullying it way past your entrance. “Fucking hell,” Gojo moaned out. He squeezed his eyes shut too, teeth biting harshly at his lip at the feeling of your pussy clenching and pulsing around his cock. “Fuck mama, you’re squeezing me, you have to relax.”
Relax, he said, but you didn’t know how. It's been a while since you last had sex, plus you didn’t have problems like this before. Your husband’s cock is not even half the size of Gojo’s.
“Come on mama, you have got to relax, Don’t you wanna feel good?” he asked as he slowly dragged his cock out of you, then thrust back in slowly to see how your pussy painfully stretched around his thick girthy cock.
“It’s too big,” you cried into the pillows. 
“I know,” he groaned. He pulled out once more, tilting his head down to spit on your pussy yet again before sliding back in, pressing his cock deeper inside your pussy until his pelvis was right up against your ass. 
His hips slowly began to roll, his cock working in and out of your wet tight hole. You moaned into the pillow, finger clutching the sheets tight as you tried to keep your ass up and your back perfectly arched. You could feel him, every inch of his cock working the walls of your pussy. He was deep inside your pussy and you loved the feeling. 
Gojo groaned, eyes trained to where you are both connected and he couldn’t help but smack his hand against your plush ass, eliciting a scream from the back of your throat. “Not so loud mama, you don’t wanna wake up Kaori now,” he teased before smacking his hand against your ass yet again. He grabbed the burning flesh, massaging it in his hot hands while his other hand to steady your now moving hips. 
“Keep still,” he said as he rested his other knee on bed to get an even better angle to fuck you. 
“But… It - hah… ugh mhm,” you moaned, feeling his cock poking at you g-spot with each thrust of his hips. He smacked you a third time spreading your buttcheek to spit on your cute little butt. You hissed, feeling the hot liquid run down the crack of your ass and the sudden feeling of his thumb gently rubbing the entrance. 
“You like that, mama?” he asked as he continued to play with your entrance all while making love to your hole with his cock. In response to his question, you pushed your hip against his yet again to meet his every thrust. “Thought I told you to keep still mama,” he groaned. How could you keep still? His thick long cock was penetrating you in deep and slow strokes, so deep that you had to bite the pillow to prevent yourself from screaming out. Your son was sleeping in the next room and the walls weren’t soundproof so no matter how overwhelming and pleasurable the feeling was for you. 
Gojo grinned at your cute attempts to throw your ass against him. He could tell how inexperienced you were by the small hesitate movement of your hips. But it’s understandable, your husband didn’t do much to help experience the true intense pleasure you gain from having sex. He felt a sense of responsibility to give you the pleasure that you deserved. “Gonna put my thumb in your ass since you won’t look at me, think you can take it?” he asked and before you could even attempt to respond, his thumb was already slipping past the tight rings of your ass. 
“Oh God,” you moaned out, moving one hand from the pillow in search of his, only for your wrist to be grabbed and held down against your back. He picked up a bit of speed, but slow enough it had your body shuddering. You could feel it, your pussy juices leaking around his cock, and slowly running down on the inside of your thighs. Such a lewd sight, for Gojo and Gojo eyes only. 
“You’re so fucking wet mama,” Gojo commented as he listened to sounds your wet pussy welcoming his cock with each thrust. His thumb was still resting comfortably in your ass, and though he had not once moved his thumb, you were feeling so good, too good to the point where you felt like you were no longer in control of your own body.
To think that you once thought that the purpose of sex was solely for the pleasure of your husband and procreation yet still here you are experiencing mind blowing sex with Gojo Satoru. Though you felt a tad bit guilty for cheating on your cheating husband, this felt so right and you’re happy that you made the decision to have sex with Gojo. 
“Ready to turn around and look at me mama?” Gojo asked. 
“No…” you stuttered through your moans. He breathed heavily, quickly pulling his thumb from your ass and released your wrist before bending over you, his chest pressing against your back and his cock sliding even further into your cunt. 
“Nghh oh God, no no too deep,” you cried. Gojo paid you no mind, he only rested both hands at either side of your head and continued to penetrate you deeply from this angle. 
Gojo, he rested his forehead against your back, listening to your sweet moans. He chuckled at how much you're trying to get away from his thrust while keeping your face hidden from him. It was honestly cute, but how long will you be able to hold on out, after all as much as how he's feeling good, feeling as though heaven came to take him even was no close to coming anytime soon. 
But you, with how much your pussy was clenching and dripping around his cock, it was only a matter of time before you came. “Mama,” he mumbled as he pressed a kiss on your back and nibbled in your soft skin. 
Your tears began soaking the pillow, drool leaking from the corner of your mouth, once again your whole body felt hot and mad with pleasure. 
“Y/N,” Gojo grunted as he pressed against you even more, and somehow you still managed to keep that arch in your back. You could feel him, his cock all up and way up in your guts, repeatedly bullying its way in and out of your hole, rearranging and shaping your pussy to fit around his shaft. 
His penis was bruising your g-spot with every thrust of his hips. “Look at me,” he whispered against your skin before moving his head to the side to get a better look on your face. But you're stubborn, quickly shoving your face into the pillows. 
“No… don't wanna mhm… ugh don't wanna look.” 
A bit of your cheek was exposed to him, so he leaned over a bit more to kiss the sweaty skin of your cheek. “But I wanna kiss you,” he huffed as he slowly pulled out of you leaving just the tip in, before slamming into you again, forcing your head to rise and fall back against his shoulder. 
“Ugh… ahh fuck fuck,” you screamed. Gojo only caught a glimpse of your fucked out expression before your face once again made contact with the pillow. 
You wanna play hard, well then fine! Gojo said to himself as he fucked you harder and deeper than his was before, slowly and calculated thrust slap against the surface of your ass. 
The bed creaked, headboard slamming against the walls in your room, for a moment your mind raced to your son, thinking that at any moment due to the amount of sounds that were being made he was going to wake up. But that thought was overcome by pleasure and the sounds of your muffled hiccups and cries. 
With every thrust of his hips, he was knocking the last bit of wind from your body. He was pushing closer and closer to your climax. He groaned each time your pussy clenched around him, you're dripping soaking the bed sheets with your juices. “I'm gonna make you cum,” he said as he slowed his thrust and wrapped his arms around your body. 
Next thing you know you're lying on your side with Gojo’s body pressed tightly against yours, your left foot in his hand, your right breast being fondled by his other hand and his face in the nape of your neck. 
He began to roughly pound his cock inside your pussy, fingers pinching and squeezing your nipples. “No choice but to look at me now mama!” He said as he removed his head from your neck to take in the look on your face. 
And God you're beautiful, with your eyes blown out wide. Lips swollen and red and your hair messing sticky to your face. You're embarrassed, you didn't want him to see you like this, but you couldn't turn your head away, not when he gazed at you so intently, satisfied with how much a beautiful mess you were right now. 
He dropped your legs on top of his and moved his fingers down towards your puffy clit. You could feel the muscle in your thighs quivering, your pussy desperately sucking and spasming around his cock.
Your body trembled in ecstacy, eyes still locked with his as he continued to pound into you. He rubbed your clit harder, pain and pleasure sending a jolt of electricity through your body. You could feel it, the intense and uncomfortable pressure building up in your pussy. “Come on mama cum, for me, cum for me,” he whispered and finally kissed your lips, swallowing up your moans and cries when your body tensed, pussy forcefully pushing his cock hole moments before your body shook and squirted on the bed. His fingers kept rubbing at your clit, not slowing down for a minute, he was going to drain you until you had nothing left to give. As soon as you come down from your high gonna quickly slip out of you help you up against his body. 
He was not done yet, after all you both still had two more condoms to use. 
Later that night
You've been having sex with Gojo for maybe an hour and half. You’ve changed positions more than you could count and God knows that the amount of orgasms Gojo granted you was more than what your worthless husband has ever given to you. 
You would be lying if you said that you weren’t feeling guilty. But the more you thought about it, the more you came to realise that maybe you actually needed to stop worrying about your worthless husband and focus on the one who currently had your nipple in his mouth. Sucking on your breast drinking every drop of milk as he slowly moved his cock in and out of you. 
He was dead serious about using all three condoms. He was on the final one now. “Ugh… Gojo-Kun please… I’m tired.”
He pulled away from your breast to rest his forehead against yours and whispered, “Just one last time Y/N. Let’s make love one last time tonight. Ok?”
“Ok,” you whispered, connecting your lips with his and kissed him sweetly. He moaned against your lips, his cock still working the inside of your pussy with slow and deep thrust. His hand tightly squeezed onto the fat of your thighs to keep himself steady as he lost himself inside your cunt. He wish he could fuck you raw, feeling your wet pussy moving against the heated skin of his cock. 
But not yet, things will happen in due time, so for now he is content with pressing his hip between your legs pushing his condom-covered cock deeper inside your cunt and feeling your walls trembling and hearing you gasping from fullness and the stretch.
Your arousal enabled him to thrust smoothly inside you, poking and brushing up against your sweet spot each time. 
You trembled and whimpered against his lips and chokes on your moans, you fist his hair between your fingers. Gojo sighed against your lips and pushed inside of you deeper but still moving slowly. “Feeling good aren’t you mama?” he asked as he nipped on your swollen bottom lip. 
“Mhm, so good Gojo-Kun!”
“Fuck… come on Y/N, call me Satoru when I’m balls deep inside of you,” he said, grunting when he felt the tight grip in his hair. He smirked, hearing you mumble his name against his lips. “Louder.”
“Satoru!” you whimpered.
“Fuck.” Goosebumps rose on your skin. He was slowly pounding into your pussy and moving his hips in tight circles, hitting all the sensitive points within your throbbing pussy. You pant and cling to his hair, his arms moving from your legs to hold onto your hips while the gentle thrusting of his cock made your pussy flood with your love juices. “Go… Satoru-Kun, I’m…”
“I know,” he replied even before you were unable to finish your sentence. He tilted his head down to see where you’re both joint together to witness the cream from a coat around his cock. “I’m getting close too, mama.” His hand moved away from your hip to slowly rub at your throbbing clit, pushing back to the swollen hood to tease it with index finger which caused your tummy to burn and his to buck against him. You sobbed out, lifting your hip to rock against his as he began to increase his hip movement while keeping a steady pace. 
“Let it go mama. Let it all go,” he grunted through his gasp for breath, aroused and working inside you with those sweet gentle thrusts. You began to buck into his fingers, panting, gasping and threatening to come undone beneath him. You turned your face to rest your cheek on the pillow but the soft tone in his voice stopped you. “No, I want to see your beautiful face when you cum, mama.”
Your entire body rose from the bed, your tummy constricted as the slick sound of your arousal adhering to his cock filled the room. Your orgasm came on like a tidal wave, hitting you so hard that you felt yourself moaning and sobbed while your thigh trembled and your muscles spasmed. 
He moaned above you, his cock quickly pushing deeper, whispering, “That’s it. Let it go mama, let it go.” Then he kissed your sweaty forehead. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” 
Your moaned as your hand fell from his hair to scratch the skin on his back as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm and he chased his. The tiredness was finally catching up to you, your body was turning limp underneath him, you were just trying to hold on until he cums. It wasn’t long though before you felt him throbbing and twitching inside your pussy. 
“Shit,” he whimpered against your forehead, pumping his cock into your pussy a bit faster. “Mama, I’m about to cum.” You could feel another orgasm coming down on you. You didn't know why but you were surely about to cum. You could feel his hips and back muscles flexed with every thrust. 
“Mama… I ugh mhmm” he grunted as he released inside your pussy in the condom. One thing you learned about Gojo is that he’s very vocal when he nears his climax. It’s the sexiest thing to ever bless your ears. Your husband was never this vocal with you and honestly you found it to be a bit cute. He whimpered as he pumped his hips until all his cum filled up the condom he wore and then slowly pulled out of you. 
“That’s three condoms,” he said and laughed before peppering your face with light kisses. It was silent for a while, until he decided to speak up. “Do you think I’m man enough for you? I fulfilled two of my promises to you, don’t you want me to do the same for the last promise that I made.”
As much as how you wanted to have that talk with him or maybe even consider that maybe his proposal wasn’t a bad one. He fucked your brains out and you’re too tired to have that conversation. “We’ll talk later ok.”
“Alright then, let's get you cleaned up then.”
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𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔
@getosbigballsack 2024
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remuslovebot · 5 months
hii, could you do something where reader is family friend and visits every summer so she’s there when Ollie is too, and he senses reader and felix’s tension and tries to ruin it or come between them? And like some angst, drama, tension and just pent up frustration between Felix and reader
ooh yes! angst and drama, this is perfect
i hope you enjoy and thank you for the request!
pairing: felix catton x fem!reader
warnings: use of y/n, angst, toxic relationships, manipulation, ollie being ollie, jealous!felix, possessive!felix, language.
a/n: I’m really proud of this
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You had spent every summer with the Cattons since you were 15 years old. Your father, Henry Roy was best friends with Sir James Catton. Once you met the Catton siblings— Venetia and Felix you came to Saltburn every summer.
Felix Catton. How would someone describe the human embodiment of the Greek god Apollo? That was Felix. He was tall and lanky. When his brown eyes fixed on you, it was like he was staring into your soul.
You couldn’t help but feel attracted to Felix. There was a spark between you two, that burned every summer.
When you turned 18, the Catton sibling’s cousin Farleigh joined in your summer adventures.
The four of you would run through that maze, figuring out its intricate design. Drinking every night and running naked through the tall grass that grew around the castle’s edge.
The summer before you went off to college, Felix and you shared your first kiss. It was a hot sunny day, Farleigh and Venetia were drinking by the pool. Felix had taken you off into maze for a walk.
When you came upon the statue in the middle of the maze, you and Felix were laughing. He leaned in and kissed you. Surprised at first, you pulled away. Then you planted your lips to his and kissed him until dark.
Then the summer ended and you had to go to University in Paris. You told the family you would come back every summer. And you kept your promise.
Now after your first year at college, you came to Saltburn for the summer. Hoping to see Felix. Neither of you had talked about your kiss last summer. It was a moment of passion and you doubted Felix would want to be with someone like you.
You’d heard from Elsbeth that Felix was bringing home a friend. You dreaded the thought of it being a girl, until Elsbeth clarified it was a poor boy from Liverpool.
The day before Oliver arrived you came to the house. Elsbeth was overjoyed to see you, giving you a hug and her usual kind compliment. Venetia said hi and pulled you aside, letting you know that would be staying on her side of the castle.
Farleigh and you exchanged jokes, although really happy to see eachother. Sir James asked you about your father and told you that he planned on inviting your family for dinner one night.
But you wondered where Felix was.
“Where’s Felix?” You asked Venetia, she was like a sister to you. You knew to trust her and she would always have your best interest at heart.
“He’s hiding and also preparing for his new friend Ollie to come over tomorrow. It’s annoying, he won’t stop talking about him. And you, christ, Felix is so nervous to see you,”
You blushed when she said this. But as if he heard his own name, Felix was walking into the room. You looked up at him, a smile spreading on your face.
You walked to him and he pulled you into a hug. Felix had missed you and he wanted to tell you how he felt. After he kissed you last summer he realized how in love with you he was. Felix spent the entire school year pining after you, figuring out a way to tell you.
When he became friends with Oliver, he always talked about you. How you were a friend but could definitely become something more.
Oliver was jealous. He was madly obsessed with Felix and had plans of his own this summer.
“I’m so glad you’re here, y/n,” Felix smiled charmingly at you.
“I’m glad too,” you replied, looking up at him with heart eyes. Venetia gave Farleigh a ‘let’s hope they get together this summer’ look.
After a night of pleasantries, you went to your room excited for what the summer had to bring. Little did you know, this was the calm before the storm.
Oliver arrived the next day. You met him and heard all about his sad backstory. He was nice to you. Felix introduced you to him and immediately Oliver saw how much he loved you.
It made him sick with jealousy. So he planned to tear you two apart.
Later that day, you walked back to your room to change for dinner when you stumbled across a note.
‘Meet me in the garden tonight after everyone goes to bed — Felix ♡︎’
You blushed, closing up the note and planning to meet him. When you got to the garden, you waited. You didn’t see Felix anywhere. You sighed in frustration and confusion. You were cold.
But then you heard foot steps and in the dark you could see a figure. But it wasn’t Felix, it was Oliver.
“What are you doing out here Ollie?” You asked, your arms wrapped around yourself.
“I saw you, from my window. I wanted to know if your okay,” he said.
“Thanks, Ollie but I’m fine. I’m waiting for Felix. I thought—never mind,” You said.
“What?” Oliver asked, his plan unfolding just as he imagined.
“Felix asked me to be here. I thought he was going to tell me he wanted me, after last year,” you explained vaguely.
“Ah well. I don’t want to hurt your feelings but Felix has someone. Well multiple girls. He can’t keep his hands off them at Oxford. It’s ridiculous,” Oliver lied straight to your face. And you believed him.
Tears came to your face. Felix wasn’t interested in you and he already had someone, someone that wasn’t you. “No it’s alright. Thank you for telling me,” you said, wiping away a tear.
“I’m cold, so I should return to the house,” you said, walking past Oliver. He grabbed your hand and pulled you close.
Leaning in, he kissed you softly. You pulled away from him.
“Ollie no,” you said, looking into with eyes with warning. He let your hand go and you walked back into the house.
As you walked back into the house, you didn’t know that Felix saw you and Oliver kiss. As soon as he saw it, his heart broke and he turned away from the window. He didn’t see you pull away and leave.
The next morning, breakfast was awkward to say the least.
You were mad at Felix for not telling you he was involved and for standing you up. Felix thought you’d gotten with Oliver and was extremely jealous.
He was also angry with Oliver, as he knew how Felix felt about you.
Later that day, Oliver tried to find Felix. He was sulking in the sun.
“Felix? Is everything alright?” Ollie asked innocently. Felix just huffed in response.
“What do you think?” Felix asked passive aggressively.
“I’m not sure. I want to know what’s made you so upset?” Ollie asked innocently.
“How could you get with Y/n? I saw you two last night in the garden. You kissed her,” Felix said, sounding hurt.
Oliver frowned. “She wanted me to kiss her. I didn’t know what else to do. She left me a note to meet me and I was going to turn her down because I know how much you like her,” he said.
Felix’s face softened but his heart was breaking. Did you not like him? Obviously not if you wanted Oliver to kiss you, he thought.
“I’m sorry Felix,” Oliver apologized.
Felix turned to his friend, “It’s alright mate, it’s not your fault.” He reassured.
You and Felix were not speaking to each other. Just glaring at each other across the room. Venetia was confused and Farleigh was too busy worrying about his own situation to notice.
“What happened between you and Felix?” Venetia asked, one night before bed.
You huffed, “Nothing, I guess. We kissed last summer and now, well he doesn’t want me anymore.” You explained.
“I find that very hard to believe. He talks about you all the time when you aren’t here. And Farleigh said he couldn’t stop thinking about you during school,” she laughed.
This confused you. You wanted to confront Felix. Angry, you took the note. “Right, I’ll be back,” you told Venetia.
You practically stomped to Felix’s room that night, banging on the wooden door. Felix opened the door, his hair disheveled and only wearing his boxers and maroon robe.
“What do you want?” He asked coolly, leaning against the door.
You huffed, crossing your arms. “Don’t take that tone with me. You have been nothing but aggressive towards me this entire week. You won’t look at me, except when you glare. As if I’ve hurt you in some way,” you ranted.
Felix looked at you confused as you continued to speak. “Which is ridiculous, because you invited me to the garden. Not the other way around. I know you have loads of woman just lining up to fuck you. So I will do you the favor of fucking off,” you said, pushing the note into his hands.
You left in a huff and Felix was utterly quiet. He opened up the note and recognized the hand writing immediately.
Why would Oliver lie? He thought. Why did he pretend to be me and write you a note?
Felix walked next door and into Ollie’s bedroom. “Hey mate, I have a question.” He said, shortly.
Oliver looked up from his book, “Yes Felix?”
“That note that Y/n gave you. Did it look anything like this?” Felix said angry.
Oliver looked at the paper that he’d written and slipped under your door. He gulped. “I can explain,” Oliver said, albeit timidly.
“I don’t need an explanation Ollie, you’re a fucking liar. You took advantage of our feelings. Why would you do that?” Felix said.
Oliver couldn’t respond and when he didn’t, Felix left the room going out to try and find you.
You were crying on the bottom of the staircase, drinking a bottle of champagne that you’d snagged from the kitchen.
Coming down the stairs, Felix heard you and came to you quietly.
“Y/n, don’t cry,” Felix said. Hearing his voice, you stood up and turned around.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, wiping away your tears.
Felix walked towards you. His thumb landed on your cheek and wiped away a fallen tear. “I’m sorry about Ollie, he manipulated us. Told me that you wanted him. It made me jealous, because well…because I love you.”
You looked at him in surprise. Felix loved you. “You love me?” You asked, to which Felix nodded, a soft smile on his face. “And you aren’t seeing anyone?” You wanted clarification.
Felix furrowed his eyebrows in worry, “No, no im not. I only want to see you,” he said, leaning in incredibly close.
You nodded, “I love you too, very much,” you smiled softly, looking up into him.
In a heartbeat, Felix kissed you. At first it was soft and sweet. It became heated as you kissed him back. Felix moved his hand around your waist, to hold you up and close to him.
When you pulled away for air, Felix smiled softly. “I’ve been wanting to do that again since last summer. I don’t like it when you’re away. You’re mine, you know.” Felix smirked, pulling you into his hips.
“Am I now?” you grinned, liking the sound of him calling you his. Felix nodded, leaning into kiss you.
“Felix….” You heard Oliver say from the top of the stairs. Felix’s grasp on your waist tightened protectively. You both turned to Oliver.
“Go away Oliver,” Felix said warningly. You gave Oliver an angry look. You wished he would leave.
“I need to talk to you, Felix. We need to sort this out,” Ollie practically whined.
Felix shook his head, “I can’t have you here mate, it was a mistake inviting you.” He said.
The next morning in a dramatic fashion Sir James and Elsbeth led Oliver out of the grounds. You, Felix, Venetia and Farleigh watched from the top of the staircase as it happened.
When the door closed, Sir James clapped his hands together. “Alright. The Henry’s are coming to dinner tonight, everything must be perfect.” He said.
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nerdpoe · 9 months
Jon Kent Sr knows what the newborn Kittens their cat had sound like, and whatever-whoever-is crying in his barn is not one of them.
He goes to check it out, as he does, and lo and behold; there's another alien child.
Or he assumes she's an alien child, what with the green blood.
The second she notices him, the crying stops, and her form goes from white hair and green eyes and a strange outfit to black hair and blue eyes and the ragged clothes of a homeless tween.
Because that's what she is. This is clearly a lanky-limbed tween, injured and hiding in his barn loft.
More importantly, regardless of what form she just switched to, she needs help.
"Well, looks like you've gotten yourself into a right mess," he says, keeping his hands where her wary eyes can see them, "You're gonna need to clean up a bit, to make sure that doesn't get infected. Why don't you come on down and we'll see about gettin' you bandaged up, maybe get a little pie in ya as well."
It takes thirty more minutes of coaxing, but he manages to get her in the house and sets Martha on her for wound treatment.
He busies himself with getting the girl a plate of leftover dinner that hadn't gone cold yet, when Martha comes back in and nods at him, before opening the kitchen window.
"Clark, sweetie, I think we've just found you a little sister," the air shifts as their son appears between one blink and the next, his eyes wide as he stares at Martha, "But she says her older brother stayed behind so she could escape. Could you get your Justice League friends and go pick up your little brother?"
Jon picks up the plate to take to their new daughter; Clark'll find his new little brother, he's absolutely certain of that. In the meantime, he needs to make sure the little miss gets some food in her.
And, well, Clark could use some more family, and he and Martha had always considered having more kids.
Or, after running from the GIW and Danny staying behind to give her time to escape, Ellie Phantom hides in a random barn in Kansas and accidentally gets herself and Danny adopted by the Kents, who think they're aliens. Clark, upon realizing his parents are very serious about this adoption thing and that his new little brother was probably being subjected to inhumane experimentation from Ellie's description of the situation, does in fact hunt down and retrieve said little brother. He also destroys the base said little brother was being held in.
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munson-blurbs · 6 days
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Summary: After a beer pong challenge gone horribly wrong (or right, if you're Gareth), Eddie has to shave his head. As much as you'll miss his signature curls, you have to admit that his new look isn't all that bad...
WC: 1.6k
Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI), drinking, beefy!Eddie, mention of Eddie's weight gain, Eddie + Reader are both 25, oral (f!receiving), unprotected p in v
Based on a request by @josephquinnsfreckles and a conversation with @blueywrites about the lengths we'd go to for beefy!Eddie.
Divider credit to @saradika
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It was all Gareth’s idea. 
Gareth had been the one to crack open a Pabst can and make a snarky remark about knowing he could beat Eddie in beer pong. 
Had been the one to say that Eddie had gotten soft in the five years since graduation, to which Eddie winked at you and replied, “I think my girl would say the opposite.” 
Had been the one to up the ante with a “little bet.”
You shot Eddie a warning look that he ignored, opting instead to meet Gareth’s challenge. “Fine. When I win, you gotta let me pierce your eyebrow.”
“Okay,” Gareth rolled his eyes, “but when I win, you have to shave your head.”
At the same time as you blurted out, “absolutely not,” Eddie grinned and said, “you’re on.”
Jeff laughed from his spot on the couch. “Thank God. You’ve had the same haircut since, what? Ninth grade?”
“Eddie,” you hissed, pulling him over to the side. “You can’t get rid of your hair.”
Your boyfriend had shrugged nonchalantly as though the state of his beautiful brown curls didn’t depend on a drinking game. “Relax, babe.” He pulled you into his side. “He’s never beaten me in beer pong. None of these losers have.”
That’s why you now find yourself stationed outside of the bathroom in Grant’s apartment, too afraid to glimpse at the commotion inside. The sound of the electric buzzer was bad enough. 
The guys are all blissfully oblivious to your turmoil; even Eddie is cackling and asking Gareth to give him a mohawk. You can only assume that he obliged once you hear the four men erupt into a round of raucous laughter. 
“Last piece,” Gareth goads, a muffled zzzzzz coming from the buzzer as he presses it into Eddie’s scalp. “Aaaaand…done!”
All of Eddie’s hair now lay on the tile floor, because he lost a bet to Gareth Emerson.  
The hair that he pulled back into a low bun before working on his motorcycle. The hair that you twirled around your forefinger whenever he kissed you. The hair that you loved weaving your fingers into as he kneeled before you, leaving teasing kisses along your inner thighs before devouring you.
If you had known he would be bald at the end of the night, you would’ve begged to let his hair tickle between your legs once more. 
“Whaddya think, babe?” Eddie peeks around the corner. His eyes, hazy from a night of drinking, stare into yours. Even drunk, he still seeks out your approval. 
Too bad you’re speechless. 
You’ve become accustomed to Eddie’s various metamorphoses. When you first met Eddie, he was lanky, only relying on assorted snacks and copious amounts of Mountain Dew. It was how he’d survived all of those years of food insecurity. And while you loved his body then, nothing could have prepared you for how he looked just two short years later. 
His biceps now hold muscle and softness; you often find yourself unable to risk the temptation of biting into them. His stomach has also acquired a slight heft, a pleasant side effect from eating three square meals a day. His jeans now cling to the curve of his ass and no longer require a belt. 
But his hair? That had always stayed the same:curls that frizzed at the first sign of humidity, worn like a badge of honor. You couldn’t picture him without it. 
If you had, there’s no way you could have imagined him looking so damn sexy. 
Eddie laughs at your shell-shocked expression, your widened eyes and dropped jaw. “That bad, Sweetheart?”
“No…’s good. Really, um, good.” Your throat is suddenly dry, and you swallow just so you don’t cough. “Can I feel it?”
He nods, and you brush your fingers over his bare scalp. Your touch is met with a soft fuzziness that was never there before. 
Long-haired Eddie looked wild and chaotic, a Tasmanian Devil of a man. But buzzed-haired Eddie looks tough. Strong. Like he’ll destroy any other man who dares look at you. 
And it makes you absolutely primal. 
“I think we broke her,” Grant whispers loudly, and the rest of the room breaks out into tipsy giggles, slapping at each other and stumbling back into the kitchen for more ill-advised drinking.
Eddie frowns, not able to read your expression. “It’ll grow back,” he says, one ringed hand rubbing your back. He lets his fingers linger on the curve of your ass and gives it an inconspicuous pinch.
“C’mere.” You take advantage of the guys’ distractedness and pull Eddie into the nearest bedroom. The moment the door shuts and the lock clicks, you’re pressing your lips to his. On instinct, his denim-clad leg slots between yours, creating a hint of friction against the seam of your own jeans.  
“Fuck, Sweetheart.” His words are muffled by the barrage of kisses. “Can’t just clobber me like this; gonna get me all worked up.”
“Maybe that’s what I want.” You drag your forefinger up his fly, relishing in the way his cock is already beginning to harden. 
Eddie practically throws you onto the bed, his biceps flexing with the sudden movement. “Gotta make this quick, yeah? Don’t want those idiots interrupting us.” With that, he tugs your pants away from your body, practically tearing off your cotton panties along with it. 
“Oh, honey,” he coos, dropping to his knees at the foot of the bed and throwing his head back. “You’re already soaked.” He smirks before nipping at the soft flesh of your thighs, alternating between kisses and bites. “All this from a little haircut?”
All you can do is nod, leaning back so he can wrap his arms around your upper legs and fully bury his face into your weeping cunt. “Mmph,” he moans against you. You reflexively reach down to grab onto his locks, stopping when you’re met with his newly buzzed hair. Instead, you pull him in closer until his nose nudges your clit. 
You say his name on an exhale, your pussy clenching around nothing as his pointer and middle fingers part your folds. You’re spread open for him, a blank canvas for him to create art. “Inside. Please.”
He might be inclined to make you beg further, but the threat of his buddies banging on the door has him relenting quickly.     
Eddie’s grip on you tightens and his fingernails leave crescent-shaped divots. A breath catches in your lungs, your mind blanking when he greedily laps up your arousal and plunges his tongue into your hole. 
His groans vibrate against you. “So much easier without my hair in the way.” He pulls back to catch his breath, his chin already shining. Brown doe eyes peer up at you, once again waiting for you to approve. 
“K-Keep going,” you mumble, only acutely aware of the party occurring in the adjacent room. “Need you so bad it hurts.”
“Don’t want my sweet girl hurting.” The pad of Eddie’s thumb makes small, concentric circles on your clit, making your whole lower body tense up in anticipation of your orgasm. “There we go. No need to pout.”
Your back arches when he dives back in. He maintains his rhythm, inhaling deeply when the bulb of his nose brushes against that sweet spot. Pleasure is right within your reach, your hips moving in tandem with his ministrations to chase that glorious high. 
It isn’t as though Eddie has ever been bad at oral; you’ve lost count of how many times he’s made you come on his tongue. But now that he doesn’t have to constantly shake his hair from his eyes—now that he has an unobstructed view of just where to touch you—he hits each stroke with perfect precision. 
“Eddie—holy sh-shit, Eddie—right there right there right fucking there!” Your release crashes over you faster than it ever has before. It’s as though Eddie has transported you to another planet, another galaxy, another universe, and you will yourself to float back down just to reciprocate the pleasure he’s given you. 
His pants button is already undone, hidden behind an oversized Metallica t-shirt, your fingers finding the hint of pudge on his lower tummy. “One of my old pairs,” he says sheepishly. 
They’re gone in a flash, along with his pre-cum stained boxers. He climbs on top of you, hard cock in his fist, and runs it through the mixture of saliva and arousal at your core. 
“‘M not gonna last long,” Eddie murmurs, locking his gaze with yours. He’s not embarrassed; he’s proud that he can bring himself to the edge just by eating out his girl. 
You can’t stop the scream that emanates from your throat when he pushes inside you, but you also can’t be bothered to care about anyone else hearing. All of your thoughts center around Eddie filling you wholly and the sacrifices you’d make to keep him inside you forever. 
He punctuates each thrust with an animalistic grunt, taking as much as he can with every snap of his hips. “My…good…girl,” he pants. “My…good…fuckin’…girl.”
“All yours. All yours, Eddie.”
Eddie’s eyes roll back as you submit yourself to him. “Gonna come. Gonna come inside you, fuck, Sweetheart!” With one final movement, he spills into you. 
You cry out his name once more, letting your hand fall to the small love handle just above his hip bone. Another one of your favorite places to bite, especially when you could sneak up on him and catch him off-guard. 
He flops down, his fuzzy head tickling your jaw as he nuzzles into your neck. “The buzzcut really does it for ya, huh?”
“Oh, absolutely.”
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girl-named-matty · 3 months
Sharing a bed with the Boys (Hogwarts Legacy Headcanons)
Sharing a bed with the boys. Tags: Fluff, Sharing a bed, gn!reader, Sebastian x Reader, Ominis x Reader, Garreth x Reader, Leander x Reader. (this is barely proofread haha) Rating: General Audiences
Summary: My Headcanons for sharing a bed with the boys!
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When you first asked him if he wanted to share a bed, he practically jumped straight in it. He was so excited. 
But that was just the first time. 
He stays up reading almost every night so good luck getting him into that bed in the first place after that. 
And by late I mean genuinely unholy hours of the night kinda staying up and he wonders why he looks so tired. 
If you do eventually get him in bed, it doesn’t take him long to actually fall asleep. Aside from the constant lack of sleep he usually gets, he’s always been one to fall asleep quickly. 
He is a human body heater. 
Some nights you may not even need a blanket because he’s just that warm. 
I feel like Seb would be the kind of guy to practically sleep on top of you. Like not enough to crush you but instead it feels like a really nice weighted (and warm) blanket. 
Except for this blanket snores. 
I’m sorry I don’t make the rules. 
Sometimes it's really annoying to share a bed with him and other times it's really nice. 
If he ever comes to bed early, it’s how you know he’s had a rough day and just needs to be in your arms for comfort. ..
Unlike Sebastian who would totally be up to sharing a bed, he would be more hesitant. 
It’s not like he doesn’t want to, per se, but he’s used to having his own space and he’s not necessarily the most touchy person. But eventually, he says he’s ready. 
Kinda awkward the first few nights. He slept with his back towards you and didn't make any physical touch at all. 
But after a couple of nights, he slowly starts making the shift to get closer to you and he comes to enjoy it. 
After that, he finds it hard to sleep without you. 
Due to not having the best childhood, he often has nightmares. And for him his nightmares are extremely unnerving due to the fact that he can’t see anything, only hear things. 
But one of the best parts about sharing a bed with you is the fact that whenever his nightmares wake him up, you’re right there next to him. 
He often finds himself reaching out for you in the middle of the night, just to make sure you’re still there. 
 He’s definitely a side sleeper so sometimes you’ll sleep in the spooning position together. This also reassures him a lot that you’re still next to him. ..
Didn’t take long for you two to start sharing a bed at all. 
Since he has so many siblings he probably had to share a bed with one of his brothers at some point in his childhood anyway. 
But just because he might be used to it does not mean he’s easy to share a bed with. 
This boy is a BED HOGGER. 
If you are quite literally not right up against him, you’re falling off the bed. 
You thought Seb gets hot when he sleeps? 
Well, Garreth has him beat by a LONG shot. 
You could probably fry an egg on this man's back just saying. 
But we all know Garreth has that soft tummy action going on so he’s super comfortable and when he’s not hogging the bed, it’s really nice to cuddle up to him. 
When you too are cuddling, he wants to be as close to you as possible. 
So, really, just the sweetest boy to ever exist. ..
Leander: (because he deserves his place on this list) 
He’s similar to Ominis and opposite of Garreth. 
Had very few siblings growing up, probably only one or two so he was used to having his own space. So it took him a while before he was all good with it. 
This boy is lanky af. 
It’s obviously okay. He’s tall, long, lanky, whatever you wanna call it. 
So he probably sleeps with his legs up somehow to keep his feet from hanging off the bed/smacking into the headboard. 
It probably took him a while to get used to cuddling with someone in bed but now that he’s used to it, he loves it. 
He loves it when you sleep on his chest so he can wrap his arms around you and hold you close. 
He’s definitely not a morning person so have fun getting him out of that bed.
Also has really bad bed-head. How do I know this? No man would style his hair the way he does unless he has bed-head so take my word for it. 
100% a cuddler now. ...
Who should I do next? I was thinking Andrew and Amit but lmk in the comments!
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kirbyskisses · 11 months
a thing i wrote in @14thcommander’s dms. no warnings; fem!reader + fluff. i’m in love with the emo boy/cutesy girl aesthetic.
i am once again thinking of childhood friends to lovers with megumi fushiguro
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you’re a pudgy little thing at your kindergarten where everyone else is ignoring the spiky black haired boy sitting by himself on the bench with an uncaring expression.
your interest is piqued as he’s picked up by a lanky, white-haired man who carries a goofier, more youthful energy than any of the other parents.
you bravely trot up, little pastel boots splashing in the rain at the odd duo and call.
“hey wait! uhm… what was your name! fu…fushi-?” you try to remember his name from roll call and his dark eyes widen at your approach momentarily before drooping again.
“i’m fushiguro.”
“fu-shi-gu-ro, right!” you laugh, a bright gentle sound despite the gray day. “i like your doggy, fushiguro!”
that causes him and his guardian to pause, the white haired man crouching to you, incredibly blue eyes peering amicably over pitch black glasses.
“well now… you can see it huh? you’ve certainly got a lot of cursed energy for a kid so small. you know, you’re very special to see those?” he smiles and you grin back.
“yeah! i can see ‘im!” your bright eyes turn back to megumi, delighted. “can i pet him them?? pretty please!!”
megumi looks to gojo’s approving grin, then to you with a soft nod as your tiny form pats the white devil dog’s snout, a mess of giggles at its curious nose and teeth.
and then “fushiguro” becomes “megumin” and then “min-chan.”
min-chan who you have play dates with that evolve into study dates and training where he can never bring himself to actually lay a hit on you.
min-chan who frowns when you go home from school early with a cold, but blushes a subtle pink when he walks into his house and sees you getting your hair braided by his sister.
min-chan whose cheeks dust a light pink at the bright, ever-excited warmth of your smile as you explain - “your house was closer, so tsumiki-nee said to stay here rather than walk home sick!”
min-chan who’s a bit more of a hormonal tween now. his blush darkens when he sees you wearing his extra shirt to sleep in and hears you using his shower.
min-chan who finds out you’re being mocked or bullied for your interests in middle school and comes to you with bloodied knuckles as he walks you to the train station. he always walks you, every day.
“it’s not my blood.” he looks at the red staining his hands. “don’t look so worried. next time they bother you, just tell me…”
min-chan who is devoted to cheering you up.
min-chan who listens you talk about whatever manga boy it is your simping over or whatever new album you’ve torrented onto your ipod. he only gives soft nods and the occasional smile but you know he’s listening diligently.
and min-chan who bites his lips and mutters “it’s not a big deal” anytime you congratulate him on taming a new shadow curse.
min-chan who mumbles “hold on tight,” red in the face when you wrap around him to ride nue for the first time.
min-chan who hides that his new phone has you – cradling one of his smaller shadow frogs – as his wallpaper.
min-chan who frowns his gojo perpetually pokes his cheek - teasing that his “girlfriend” really is getting stronger and he needs to catch up if he wants to keep the “tough emo boyfie” act up.
min-chan whose eyes widen when you call him “megumi” - thanking him for everything and handing him a box of cookies for gojo-san, the day you move away. you’re strong enough to master your family’s technique back in their home country.
so now he’s megumi.
megumi who nods tersely as your cute voice chides “don’t get into too many fights okay? and hug the puppies twice as much for me!”
megumi who doesn’t stop thinking about how your lips feel against his cheek for days.
megumi who wants to text, but his head nags that he’d only be an annoyance to your training - maybe it’s better he just leaves you alone. besides, curses are getting stronger and tsumiki has fallen ill - he has enough to worry about.
megumi fushiguro, high school student, who bites the inside of his cheek in annoyance as gojo drags him, nobara and itadori along to pick up the last first year of the bunch.
fushiguro who rolls his eyes as the two question what the new addition will be like.
and his breath hitches, seeing a form in a familiar blue uniform. a form dripping in a controlled yet powerful cursed aura, down the street.
with cute cartoon dog pins and a handful of shojo manga, the teen rushes up and calls out. the voice is deeper given the passing years but no less exuberant and familiar.
“gojo-san!! over here!!”
megumi, who feels like a kid again, flushed cheeks and surprised eyes as gojo swings you around with a laugh and you attentively compliment nobara’s lipstick and listen to itadori’s ever-goofy introduction.
“i’m into girls like jennifer lawrence.” he says with not an ounce of shame, megumi still reeling at hearing you say your name with the same friendly laugh you did all those years ago.
“… and i’m into guys like — min-chan!!”
your eyes land on him and the rest of you soon follows, swallowing his taller form whole in a tight hug that knocks him to the sidewalk.
you don’t pay a single iota of attention to the onlookers or to the surprised expressions on each of your classmates instead just letting them watch as you cup his cheeks and squeal.
“it’s been sooooo long! you got bigger - did the puppies get bigger too?! got any new animals? gojo-san got a new blindfold isn’t it cool? hey, how come you didn’t call me or tell me tsumiki-nee is sick - i would have come sooner to help! did you hear i might become a first grade sorcerer this year? how come you never called or wrote?! you’re so rude… but i forgive because i missed you so much!! doesn’t my uniform look cute?!”
you spit out in rapid succession, pinching his cheeks.
megumi who doesn’t have time nor evidence to deny it this time when gojo calls you his “girlfriend” in front of an utterly shocked yuuji and nobara. who only takes a deep, shaky breath to regain his normal deadpan expression.
his other two classmates’ jaws drop farther when he replies without a hitch.
“i’m 175 centimeters now. yes the dogs are bigger. i have rabbits, a serpent and an elephant now. his new blindfold is fine but it makes him no less annoying. i didn’t want to bother you, i’m proud of you for you raise in grade…” he pauses and only then looks away with another deep breath, red on his cheeks.
“thank you for forgiving me…i missed you too…and you do look very cute in your uniform.”
because he’s megumi - the one who acts disinterested to everyone but as always hears every word you say.
megumi, your childhood friend, who doesn’t so much as blink, expression bored at yuuji and nobara’s horrified surprise or gojo’s teasing grin.
he just keeps holding you, sat there on the sidewalk as you nuzzle your cheeks to his like an overly-affectionate kitten happy to have your “min-chan” back. <3
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jeonqbunny · 7 months
do it slowly
suguru geto x f!reader smut ♡
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summary: your childhood friend suguru geto comes home for summer break after 2 long years of being away at college <3
content warning: soft dom!suguru x sub!f!reader, smut, porn w a plot, hair pulling, oral m!receiving, unprotected sex (he pulls out), uses of petnames (pretty girl, sweetheart, princess), biker suguru implied, quite a bit of fluff included.
word count: 6.1k (yappatron 6000 jesus christ </3)
today is my bday and i rlly hate this, but it took me so mf LONG to write.
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about a year and a half have passed since you last saw suguru; the heat of the summer bringing back childhood memories of you two playing outside, be it in the trees around your house or running through the sprinklers in the lawn. you can’t help but sigh lightly, you miss him. he went out of state for college after graduation while you decided to stay back at home with your parents, it’s been lonely without him.
despite the air conditioner going full blast your forehead is still damp from the humid air of summer, reminding you of a fan you have on your desk that you could probably bring over to your bed. sitting up, you feel the immediately recognizable buzz of your phone on your thigh as you quickly snatch it up and see you have a text. it’s from satoru.
your prior mission of using the fan completely slipped your mind as you swiped the notification away rather quickly, readjusting yourself to lay down before opening it. your eyes narrowed at the message, your nerves immediately rising to the ceiling and beyond. “suguru is coming back for summer break?” you asked yourself out loud, chewing on the tip of your index finger as you reread the text over and over again. it was exciting, to say the least. seeing him again this soon was not something you exactly expected, but you weren’t complaining.
you read further to find out satoru was going to host a surprise “welcome home” party for him. this didn’t surprise you, though. satoru is suguru’s bestfriend, and ever since he left it’s just been you and him. the idea of all of you being back together again excited you, and you were curious to see how much suguru has grown. if he aged even half as well as satoru did, then he would be more than a little attractive.
you replied to satoru, informing him that you would be attending and helping him set up for it. after all, suguru was your beloved friend too. though you haven’t seen him since he left, unlike satoru who flew out quite often to see him with his daddy’s money. the last you heard, suguru had a girlfriend and was doing very well in his studies. 
you got ready to head over to satoru’s place to set up for suguru’s surprise party, picking up streamers and other corny party decorations on your way. you walked up to satoru’s front door, pretty much buried in all the decorations you bought as you struggled to hold yourself upwards. you let out an annoyed grunt at how long satoru took to open the door before you finally heard the door unlock and fling open. there he stood, his tall lanky figure resting against the door frame with an amused grin pulling at his lips.
“wow, you look like you’re really struggling there y/n.” he chuckled deeply, reaching forward and grabbing a couple boxes before stepping to the side to allow you space to enter his house. you let out a relieved huff when you set it all down on the table, finally being able to stand up straight. you glared at the snowy haired man, the urge to slap his cocky ass grin off of his face nearly consuming your entire being, but you decided on mercy.
“so what kind of party is this gonna be anyway? just a kick back with all of our friends or are you going to be extra like you always are?” you queried with a mocking tone, your gaze fixing up into satoru’s cerulean eyes through your eyelashes. 
satoru simply reached up and rubbed the back of his neck, a weak smile plastered on his glossy lips. “of course it’s going to be extra. you already know i wouldn’t have it any other way.” he snickered, his large hand coming up to his mouth in a mischievous manner. you couldn’t do anything but sigh and laugh along while shaking your head. the time passed quicker than you thought, the house slowly becoming decorated with balloons and streamers along with letters that spelled out “welcome home suguru” along the wall.
as the time draws near, you can’t help but chew the edges of your fingers a little raw in nervousness and anticipation to see suguru again. satoru catches this and smacks your hand away from your mouth, “you know suguru doesn’t like you doing that. stop it. go get a drink or something if you’re really that nervous…” he trails off with a look of ‘oh shit’ forming across his face, prompting a look of curiosity and confusion from you as you sneakily try to nibble a bit more on your pinky, eliciting another smack from him as a slight yelp fell from your lips.
“why’d you get all cold when you mentioned the drinks?” you ask, reeling slightly from the smack he laid on your hand. satoru sighs and ruffles his snowy shaggy hair in an exasperated fashion, “i forgot the damn drinks.” he grumbles lowly, his bright blue eyes shifting to the floor in disappointment. you stood there, absolutely dumbfounded by his utter stupidity.
“how the hell do you forget the drinks for a party?” you exclaim in a tone laced with annoyance and panic. “i don’t know! i just got lost in everything i guess.” he scraped the back of his neck in embarrassment for a moment before turning to you with a confident grin on his face. “look, can you go run out and buy a couple cases of beer or something?” he says, rustling around in his pocket before tossing his wallet at you. “nuh uh, no. i don’t wanna miss suguru’s arrival, someone else can go.”
“you and i are the only people who can drive here, plus what kind of host would i be if i were gone when he arrived? anyway, he won’t be here for like another thirty minutes. just don’t drag your ass and you’ll be fine.” he spits back in an irritated manner before you begrudgingly grab his wallet from where it landed beside you on the couch and head out to your car.
the drink run goes smooth enough, but then you hit traffic on your way back. shit. you are going to be late. the idea of being late because of satoru’s horrible planning only pissed you off even more. “how does that little idiot always convince me to do the work for him?” you sighed out loud, your hand reaching up to tug at your hair as the situation fully settled in. you tap at your steering wheel eagerly, your eyes rolling into your skull as you sit completely still in traffic. after a while of sitting and plotting satoru’s death, the cars finally started rolling. but by then it was already too late, the party had started well over fifteen minutes ago and suguru was most definitely already there.
you pulled up to satoru’s party, the street and driveway already significantly more filled than it was when you left. that’s when you saw it, a sleek black motorcycle sitting in the open garage. it caught your eye, and you were growing more curious to know who it belonged to as you wobbled your way to the door. you lugged the packs of alcohol up the small stairway leading to the front door, your arms struggling to reach the handle under the weight of the bags hanging off of them. 
finally, you managed to get the door open with a loud grunt and a deep breath following in your wake. you panted a bit, your chest heaving as you carried the heavy load of alcohol to the kitchen. you tossed them on the counter not so carefully, desperate to get the heavy weight off of your arms. you hissed, sucking in air through your teeth as you rubbed at your arms for a bit of comfort. 
you were busy soothing the ache in your arms when a familiar voice called your name from behind you. you immediately pivoted on your foot and spun yourself around to see a very tall suguru. you immediately pulled him in for a hug, holding onto him tightly as you rocked on your heels in excitement. he cackled under his breath, a dramatic ‘oof’ catching in his throat from your tight embrace. still, he returned the embrace just as tightly.
soon enough, you pulled away from the hug and shot him a look of amazement. his dark jett black hair now reached down past his mid back, and it was tied messily into a half up half down bun. it was quite the dramatic change in contrast to when you last saw him. his demeanor even felt the slightest bit different, and you couldn't quite place your finger on it. as you were lost in the view that was suguru geto, you felt your face heat up immediately as his lips formed a knowing smile. you knew you were caught checking him out, and you weren't exactly sure what to say in that very moment.
“you look good, y/n. i’m happy to see you again after so long, seems you’ve grown too.” he remarked breathlessly, his dark obsidian eyes grazing over your figure with the same amazement you looked at him with. you nodded to his statement, your eyes fluttering slightly as you offered him a polite smile.
“yeah, not as much as you though, clearly.” you muttered back, gesturing to his height with your arms in a teasing manner. he chuckled at your response, reaching forward to ruffle your hair with his hand. “why were you late? satoru said you were gettin’ drinks?” he quizzed gently, his voice low and smooth like honey and it was enough to make you feel like you were going to melt. you nodded your head in response, carping about how satoru forgot to buy drinks. he shook his head, tsking with a weak smile as his eyes remained fixed on you. “sounds like satoru, dude would lose his head if it wasn’t attached.” he quipped in a defeated tone, before your conversation was oh so rudely interrupted by satoru. “speak of the devil.” you muttered in annoyance, reluctantly pulling him in for a side hug as your gaze remained on suguru.
satoru chortled, his blue eyes rolling as he pulled you in a bit tighter, giving you one more extra affectionate squeeze before letting you out of his grasp. “i told ya to not drag your ass y/n, don’t be angry at me.” he shrugged, his face plastered with the mundane shit eating grin he normally wore. you simply crossed your arms and rolled your eyes, turning back to pour yourself a cup of liquor to ease your nerves as suguru and satoru chatted it up. 
you sipped slowly, your face turning in with disgust at the taste before nudging satoru on the shoulder. “i don’t want this, you have it.” you requested in a dramatically appalled voice, holding the red solo cup out for him to grab. satoru didn’t hesitate in the slightest, shrugging before throwing his head back and gulping it down with ease. the idea of doing it yourself making your stomach turn as you shivered at the thought.
suguru looked over satoru for a moment, but his gaze was primarily fixed on you. after nearly 2 years, you grew taller, your body grew to be womanly, and your voice even lowered a bit. it was quite a lot to take in, especially after not seeing you for what felt like so long. the house was buzzing with chatter and music, the smell of sweat and alcohol filling the air from all the people gathered around to celebrate suguru’s return. your eyes met suguru’s again, your breath hitched in your throat and the pounding in your chest made you a bit nervous. you weren’t entirely sure exactly why you felt the way you felt.
maybe it was the fact that you were seeing him again for the first time in two years. or maybe, it was just the way he looked now. it had you astonished, for lack of better words. not once within your ten years of friendship did you see him like that, but the way he looked at you with his nihilistic smile made that change in an instant. you were lost in thought before satoru nudged your arm, pointing at the crowd that was dancing; with an irritated looking suguru in his grasp. you nodded, waving them off to go have fun as you turned on your heels to exit out of the garage door. you drew in a deep breath, closing your eyes momentarily to gather your thoughts and calm your breathing.
that’s when you saw it again, a black motorcycle standing on it’s peg in front of your eyes. you stepped closer, observing it in curiosity of whose it could be to be sitting in satoru’s garage. you continued looking at it, checking for any signs of it being someone you know. and just as you were about to give up, suguru entered the dimly lit garage with a bashful smile gracing his lips.
“i see you found my bike, it’s nice huh?” he revealed that it was his bike, and it made your head spin in perplexity. just who was suguru now? “i- yeah actually it is nice. i didn’t know you rode one until now.” you admitted in a breathless mumble, your eyes darting between him and his bike. “your girlfriend into biker guys or what?” you puzzled playfully, fully unaware of what he was about to tell you.
“satoru didn’t tell you?” he laughed out loud, his large hands tucking into his pockets as he took a few steps closer to you and his bike. “we broke up, i found out she cheated on me a couple months ago.” he informed simply, his lips pursing into a thin line as he looked you up and down. well fuck, that’s awkward. you sighed in response, resting your hand on his shoulder briefly before letting your arm fall back down to your side.
“i’m sorry, satoru doesn’t tell me much about you these days so..” you looked up at him and smiled sheepishly, an apologetic look written all over your features. he shook his head, pulling his hand out of his pocket and wrapping his arm around your shoulder reassuringly. “no big deal at all, i know how satoru can be.” he replied shortly, a weak smile tugging on his lips as he looked down at you.
“i’m about to head out, you know i hate when satoru throws these over the top parties.” the idea of him taking off already made you feel a bit sad, but you weren’t going to stop him. especially because you were just as overwhelmed by them as he was. “you want a ride home, y/n?” his question made you jolt in shock.
“uh, n-no i’m fine, i drove here. thank you though.” you blubber out, still reeling from the shock of the question. “oh, alright then, no worries.” a definite look of disappointment crosses the otherwise stoic face, making you feel as if you need to back peddle. “but!” you shout almost a bit too loud from nerves as you try to salvage the situation, “we could always meet up at my house, just like the old times, huh?” a slightly unnerving smirk flashes across suguru’s face, making your heart beat all the faster, “sure, i’ll see you there.”
you wasted no more time in heading home, making it there quicker than you’d like to admit. you didn’t even think of saying goodbye to satoru as you pull into your driveway. your headlights shined on suguru who was sliding off his helmet in front of your car, his dark bangs falling into his face messily before he straightened them out. you swallowed thickly, enjoying the view
before pulling your keys out of the ignition and stepping into the warm night air. you let out a deep exhale, the sounds of crickets and your footsteps filling your ears.
you offered suguru a gentle smile, reaching forward to grab at his hand and drag him along with you to the front of your house. he chuckled from behind you, accepting your warm hand into his and enjoying the sense of nostalgia that you brought to him. you fumbled with your keys, doing your very best to unlock the door with your shaky hands. at once, you finally unlocked the door, pushing it open and stepping inside with suguru almost glued to your back.
your parents were gone on vacation for the summer, so the house was empty and looked quite desolate as you made your way up to the bedroom with him. when you reached your bedroom, your hand smacked the wall on the inside of the door and slid around in an attempt to find the light switch. the lights finally flickered on, causing you to squint from the sudden intrusion of light. suguru stepped into the room in front of you, looking around with a bright smile.
“i see your room hasn’t changed very much. it’s cute, i like it.” he murmured, the smile on his face evident in his voice as he spoke. you nodded along, turning on a lamp and shutting off the over powering ceiling light. “yeah, didn’t have much of a need or want to change anything.” you replied with a tint of blush dusting over your cheeks as suguru took a seat on the edge of your bed with his legs spread apart.
“really? even these dumb little things?” he quipped snarkily, grabbing one of your teddy bears in his hand and squeezing it. you let out a whine, as if to protest against him before snatching it from his hands and stroking it’s head with your finger. “i’ll have you know that mr. teddy is not some dumb thing.” you growled back, your finger still tracing its plushy fur as suguru chortled under his breath. 
“nothing about you has changed, y/n. you’re as feisty as ever.” he stated firmly, his dark eyes flickering into yours as he awaited your response. you let out a soft sigh, setting the teddy bear back down onto the mattress before taking a seat next to him on the edge of the bed. “yeah, kinda have to be to hold my ground around satoru when you’re gone.” you provoked teasingly, a toothy grin spreading across your face as you looked back at him. “i’ve missed you, sugu.” you added, this time sounding a bit more sentimental.
“yeah i’ve missed you too, sweet girl.” he hummed, wrapping his arm around your shoulder to pull you in and press a tender kiss to the top of your head. he closed his eyes for a moment, his chin now resting there as he inhaled the scent of your shampoo. he let out a soft exhale, the sound of his own heart pounding in his ears. “how long are you gonna stay? i assume just over the summer, yeah?” you quizzed as your eyes fluttered shut, your head still pressed firmly into his shoulder. 
“just for the summer.” he confirmed in a more somber tone now, his back eyes remaining closed as he pressed his lips on the back of your head once more. he pulled you fully into his lap, slotting you in comfortably in between his thighs with your back against his chest. he slid your hair to the side, revealing the back of your neck. he pressed another delicate kiss there, trying to gauge your reaction to it all.
your breath caught in your throat, your thighs pressing together in a desperate attempt to soothe the aching that was building up in between your legs. suguru took note of this, his arms now wrapping around your waist from behind. his lips moved from the back of your neck, his arm reaching up to hook his fingers around the collar of your shirt to reveal your shoulder. he peppered hot sloppy kisses to the sensitive skin, his tongue darting out every now and then to leave wet spots in his wake.
this elicited a small whine from you, your eyes slamming shut from the sensation as your body began to heat up and squirm in his lap. Your responsiveness mixed with your hips squirming against his groin caused his cock to stiffen against the fabric of his jeans, a low guttural groan falling from his mouth and sending vibrations into your shoulder. “s-sugu..” you whined, your head rolling to the side to give him better access.
“so you do want this, sweetheart?” he asked sweetly, his hands falling to your hips to hold you firmly in place as he moved to suck on the side of your neck. you had little to no way to form words at this point, however deciding to go with a simple nod wasn’t enough. “use your words, baby. i want to hear you say it.” he chuckled deeply into your skin, his lips grazing across the soft and sensitive surface teasingly.
you mewled in desperation, your hips bucking into his throbbing member that pressed against the small of your back. “i want it.. please.. need you sugu..” your voice was wobbly and laced with desperation. you were really exposing yourself at the moment, revealing that this is something you’ve been longing for for quite some time now.
he reached up with one of his hands to wrap your hair into a makeshift ponytail, tugging it around his knuckles harshly to force your head back as he sucked on your skin more feverishly now. “i thought so, you wouldn’t stop fucking me with those pretty eyes of yours all night.” he purred, his voice velvety and full of undying lust as he squeezed your hair in his hand even tighter. you cried out from the sting, your eyebrows knitting together at the painful sensation. your hand reached up to grip at his hand resting on your hip, squeezing it tightly in an attempt to ground yourself.
this caused him to laugh sadistically as he traced small affectionate patterns on the soft skin of your hand. his grip on your hair never faltered as he pulled you up by it and stood to his feet, gently forcing you to your knees in front of him. he muttered a small ‘sorry’ for the way your exposed knees smacked against the hardwood. you immediately know the drill, urgently reaching up to unbuckle his belt as you feel your wetness seep from your panties and onto the floor below. he tugged back your head by your hair firmly, clicking his tongue before he spoke. “slow, sweetheart. do it slowly, i wanna see how pretty you look when you swallow my cock. make sure you look at me while you do it, or i’ll make you stop.” he ordered sternly, his light and gentle voice strongly contradicting the harshness of his order, but you obeyed regardless.
you wanted nothing more than for him to just fill your mouth, so you happily obliged. you looked up into his dark hazy eyes, slowly unbuckling his belt and unzipping his jeans. with one small tug, his bulge was now visible through his wet and sticky boxers. you let out a needy moan, your eyelashes fluttering up at him as you pressed your tongue to the stain of precum at his tip, lapping and sucking at it through the fabric.
suguru sucked in air through his teeth, a moan coming out with his exhale as he looked down at you. his hand reached down to grip you by the chin and stroke your cheek with the rough pad of his thumb, a gentle smile resting on his lips. “not so feisty now are you? you’re such a naughty girl, didn’t know you had it in you to obey.” he teased, his abs rippling under his shirt as his body tensed up from the feeling of your pretty lips against the clothed tip of his cock. 
you let out a slightly annoyed groan at his statement, gently nibbling on the tip with your teeth to discourage him from teasing you like that. this caused him to tug at your hair roughly, ripping your mouth away from his throbbing cock. you shrieked at the sudden tug, your head reeling with pain before he spoke. “if you bite my dick like that again, i’m not gonna let you cum. and if i’m not mistaken– that’s definitely not what you want, is it pretty?” he grumbled, his voice a lot less gentle and a lot more hoarse. he dragged your head back to force your face into his cock once more, letting out a breathy giggle as his hips pushed forward to press his stiffened member to your cheek.
you definitely didn’t want to be denied the pleasure of cumming all over his cock, so you decided to comply this time around. you reached up and hooked your fingers around the waistband of his boxers, slowly dragging them down his muscular thighs as you looked up at him with an apologetic look in your eyes. he let out a soft hum of approval, his cock finally springing free from the tight fabric of his boxers.
the sight alone elicited a wanton moan to bubble up in your throat, his heavy and girthy member twitching in front of your face with precum dripping from the tip. you lapped at the tip of his cock, the salty taste of precum swirling around your taste buds. a normally unpleasant taste
became something you enjoyed, it sent a rush of arousal straight to your core. you savored it for a moment before wrapping your lips around the tip and swirling your tongue around it slowly. you allowed a full moan to come up your throat, sending vibrations down his shaft as your wet hot tongue slid over his slit. this alone caused his hips to rut forward further into your mouth, his hand that held your hair trembling slightly as he gasped.
the sudden rut of his hips caused you to gag, finally committing to taking him as far as you could down your throat. one of your hands gripped his toned thigh, digging your nails in as you tried to steady yourself, while the other reached up to cup his balls in your hand. suguru got needy enough to start thrusting into your mouth full force, pulling your head forward by the hair to match his pace. you gagged and whined around him, hot tears welling up in your eyes and streaming down your rosy cheeks as his heavy balls smacked into your chin.
"so good baby, your throat grips my cock so fucking nicely." moans of profanities and your name fell from his pretty lips, his voice growing to be more airy and hoarse. all the sudden he pulled his cock from your throat, letting out a loud groan from the loss of contact on his throbbing length.
you looked up at him as you coughed and tried to catch your breath, a long thick string of saliva connecting the tip of his cock to your lips. you sat on your knees for a moment, waiting for his next move as saliva and precum dripped down your chin and onto your chest. he was staring down at you, his thick veiny member coated in your saliva twitching right in front of your lips. "you look stunning when you struggle to breathe, angel. you look like such a cock hungry little girl." he wanted to enjoy this view for as long as he could, taking in the way your saliva soaked the white blouse you had on as your saliva dripped from your chin in a very lewd way.
he crouched down to your level, finally letting go of your hair, and it was immediately sore and achy from how tight he was holding it. but that thought quickly left your mind when he pulled you in for a delicate but heated kiss, his large hands cupping your dainty face as he began deepening it. his tongue slid across your bottom lip, tugging it in between his lips before plunging his tongue into your mouth. your tongues tangled together naturally, your lips melting into one another's as you moaned into suguru's mouth. the kiss was dirty, sure. but it held a feeling that felt like much more than just lust. 
with no warning he pulled you to your feet with ease, letting you rest against his chest momentarily to stabilize your wobbly legs before bending you over on the desk. your hands rested flat against the cold wood surface, shivering as he lifted up your skirt and grazed his fingers along the swell of your ass. “you’ve got such a nice ass princess.. don’t remember it looking this pretty last time i saw you.” he gritted his teeth, leaving a harsh smack on one of your
cheeks before tugging your panties off in one swift motion. you shrieked, the sting of his hand lingering on your ass caused your arousal to splatter down your thighs.
“already wet and all you’ve done is suck my cock a little.. that’s cute baby.” he hums, his large hand kneading on the flesh of your ass while the other one slides in between your folds, rubbing harsh circles on your clit and watching the way your body tenses up from his touch. his chest filled with pride, seeing you so fucked out for him already from just a couple brushes of his fingers.
he dipped two thick digits into your aching hole, holding still for a moment to really feel the way you fluttered around his fingers. you bucked your hips against his hand, desperate for him to give you even the slightest bit more. doing this caused his cock to throb painfully, hardly able to focus from his imagination of what it would be like to have your gummy walls wrapped around his cock. he took his fingers out slowly, a wet pop following before he licked them clean with an airy grunt. “i’ll have to taste you another time, i need to be inside you, now sweetheart.” he aired breathlessly, his hand gripped his thick cock and he moved forward to press the tip to your leaking entrance. 
he slid it up and down your slick folds, enjoying the lewd sound it made before pushing the tip inside of you. your body jolted forward as if to escape from the sudden but long awaited intrusion, a slight pain creeping into your cunt from the stretch of his dick nearly tearing you open. this causes suguru to yank your arms out from under you and pull you against his chest, shoving his cock all the way in. you yelped in pain, your pussy sucking him in desperately despite how much you were stretched as you began to moan and whine his name.
“it’s okay baby, just take it. i’m sorry for being so rough. but i mmhh– i need to fuck you.” he apologized briefly through broken moans before starting to thrust into you from behind. he held your arms behind your back tightly and shoved you face down onto the desk as his hips snapped into your ass. sounds of slapping, your mixed moans and the creaking of the desk underneath you filling the otherwise quiet room. he leaned down from behind you, pressing a soft kiss to your shoulder before bullying into your cunt even further.
you squeal and squeeze your legs together as the tip of his cock pounded against your cervix repetitively, your mouth falling open and your eyes fluttering to the back of your skull. “s-sugu.. fuck meee oh my god–” you babbled on and on, you couldn’t even breathe, couldn’t even speak properly to tell him how much you loved him and the way he ruined you. his hand let go of one of your arms, reaching forward to grip the base of your throat and coax your head back before placing a kiss on the tip of your ear.
“i am fucking you, sweet girl.” he chastised with a chuckle, his other hand reaching down to slide under your shirt and raise it enough to roll your nipple in between his thumb and index finger. your body visibly shuddered from the pleasure, his hand leaving your throat to let your head fall back against the desk before reaching down to rub quick circles around your clit. immediately you felt your high creeping up on you, the pressure in your abdomen building and close to unraveling. 
suguru took note of the way you fluttered around his length, the way you gripped him causing him to clench his jaw. he didn’t want it to be over just yet, making quick work of flipping you onto your back against the the desk. he pushed your knees up to your shoulders, spreading your legs wide and admiring the sight of your dripping cunt before pushing back into you with ease.
he set the pace again, pressing his forehead to yours before capturing your lips into a deep kiss. it didn’t take long for you to get close again, the bottom of his navel rubbing into your clit with each deep thrust he took inside of you. you whimpered into his mouth, lapping at his tongue sloppily in desperation before he broke the kiss. “i’m close sugu.. so so close.. please–” she cried out as she wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him in impossibly deeper than before. he groaned out, one of his hands reached forward to hold your face in it while his other took care of your sensitive bud.
his dark raven bangs clung to his forehead as a bead of sweat dripped down his temple. “i’m close too baby, it’s okay. you can cum.” he reassured gently, stroking her hot cheeks with his thumb affectionately. as he chased his high, he felt his muscles tense up, feeling you lock up underneath him made his hips move more feverishly, determined to pull your orgasm out of you harder.
you wrapped your arms around his neck, gripping onto his back and sinking your nails into his sweaty tanned skin. you panted, finally mustering up the courage to say what you’ve wanted to for so long. ‘i love you suguru, i love you s– so much..” and just like that, you came undone as a white heat rushed through your body. your back arched off the desk, your eyes slammed shut and your mouth fell slack as your insides pulsated around him. your clear sticky cum formed a ring around the base of his cock, coating his pelvic bone and his balls as he thrusted into you.
your confession certainly caught him by surprise, but he accepted it wholeheartedly as it threw him into an orgasm of his own. “i love you too, y/n. fuck– always have, my pretty girl.” he huffed out, his hand drifting from the skin of your cheek and down to your throat to squeeze it tightly. he pulled out and pumped his swollen length a couple of times before cumming all over your tummy.
he fucked his own hand a bit more as he rode out his high, a couple more thin ropes of his hot white seed following behind. a guttural moan jumping up his throat as his eyebrows knitted together. fuck, he looked so pretty. 
he leaned in and moved your hair out of your face before pressing a delicate kiss to your temple. the back of his index finger ghosting down the edge of your jawline before he pulled away to look for something to clean the both of you up. he wiped away the mess, a gentle and almost unreadable expression gracing over his handsome face as he focused on taking care of you. 
he straightened out your skirt, his large veiny hands that were decorated with black nail polish sliding along your hips as if to worship the view a bit more before picking you up and laying you down on the bed. he caged you in underneath him, taking a good look at your face before kissing the tip of your nose.
“so you love me huh? maybe i’ll just have to stay here.” his expression softened, and a smile grew on his lips to reveal his pearly whites. the sight of his smile made your heart swell, it wasn’t the kind of smile you saw very often, but when you did it could like up an entire room. “i suppose i do, sugu.” you teased back, pressing a kiss to his lips gently before you both laid down together on your twin sized mattress.
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wlntrsldler · 1 month
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synopsis: series of events between zeus!reader and luke that started the prophecy. not canon-compliant; inspired by the prophecy by taylor swift.
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Hand on the throttle, thought I caught lightning in a bottle, but it's gone again.
"Do you think Thalia knew I loved her?"
There was a bite in the air, as there always was when the summer began to fade and fall began to creep up at Camp Half-Blood. It happened every year, at least for the past three years you've called Camp Half-Blood your home.
Luke sat beside you on the hard, dirt floor, looking up at the green of Thalia's pine tree. The summer campers knew of her legend, but it was the year-rounders like you and Luke who understood her sacrifice best. There was a feeling of guilt and gratitude that engulfed all of you, like the protection Thalia blanketed over the campgrounds. You were thankful that demigods had a place to feel safe, but it came at the cost of a life. Thalia should be here.
"Of course she knew," Luke replied, unconsciously yanking out the blades of grass that flourished between the cracks in the floor. "She's your sister."
"Yeah, but do you think she knew I chose to love her?" You clarified, turning your head to face him. You did this every year, you and Luke at the foot of Thalia's tree once the summer campers all left for the year. “I mean yeah, I had to love her because she’s my sister, but do you think she knows that I would’ve chosen to love her even if she wasn’t? I feel like I never told her that. We always fought.” 
Each year you studied Luke and noted the things that were different. He's older now. His arms were more defined, muscles beginning to form on his otherwise lanky frame. He'd grown taller in the last few months and his body was adjusting to his new height. The pants he wore all of last summer were discarded a few months ago. They stopped short on his ankles and Luke decided that it was time to let them go. 
Another bead was added to his necklace, three wooden beads clanking against each other, just like yours, when he moved his body too quickly. A new bracelet adorned his wrist given to him by a young girl in the Hermes cabin before she left to go back to Virginia for the year. Luke had a collection of bracelets stashed in his bedside drawer. It was a reminder of all the demigods he wanted to protect. Some became painful reminders of the ones he couldn't.
Luke pursed his lips, "Sisters fight. I don't think she took it personally."
Each year you studied Luke and treasured the things that stayed the same. He still had the same smile as he always did, bringing you back to when you and Thalia first met him all those years ago– just three kids fighting for your lives all on your own. You and Luke were the same age, him only your senior by a few weeks, but he took the protector role seriously. Luke was your safe place before Camp Half-Blood. 
His curls were the same, especially in the mornings when he first gets out of bed; all wild and unruly, just like how he is when he wasn't carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Some people say it's because he's the son of Hermes so mischief ran through his veins, but there was nothing about Luke that mirrored his father. He was too good to be like the gods.
"I just wish my last words to her weren't that," You uttered, a bitter taste in your mouth as you replayed your last conversation with Thalia. In the final stretch of your journey to Camp Half-Blood, you and Thalia got into an argument. In hindsight, it was petty, a disagreement that any older and younger sister would have, but it felt big at the moment. You didn't speak to her for two days. And then, in the blink of an eye, there was a blinding light, and suddenly, your little sister vanished.
You don't even remember what the fight was about anymore.
"You need to forgive yourself," He said, flicking away the blades of grass he had in between his fingertips, "This wasn’t on you."
He said this every year, yet it never felt rehearsed. It always felt genuine when Luke said it. You wondered if he got annoyed at how you brought this up each year, this never-ending feeling of guilt that you didn't turn around to see if Thalia was behind you, that you couldn't protect your little sister, but Luke was patient with you. If it bothered him that you thought about it often, he didn't show it.
"Sometimes it feels like it is," You whispered, watching a singular pine fall from a branch. You like to think that Thalia did these things to let you know that she's listening. "Our dad hasn't talked to me since."
Luke clenched his jaw, wiping his hand on the fabric of his cargo pants. His warm palm took your hand, giving it a soft squeeze, "You're better off."
"You are," He said, clearing his throat. His chest felt heavy as he spoke. "I have to tell you something."
You turned your hand over, lacing your fingers together. Holding Luke's hand always felt right, even when you were fourteen and he had to drag you away to safety from the monsters who were out to get you; even when you were fifteen being woken up by the nightmares caused by the empty Zeus cabin, a chilling reminder that your sister was supposed to be there; even when you were sixteen and began to take on more responsibilities at camp despite your protests. "What is it, Luke?"
"I have a quest," He admitted. He'd been keeping this from you for days. He was meant to embark on this journey today, but he pleaded with his father to give him until tomorrow to begin. He knew the day the summer campers left was hard on you. 
Your stomach dropped. Luke had been waiting for a quest from his father for years. You watched him fall into a pit of despair every time a camper who'd been at camp for a shorter period of time got a quest and returned with the glory of the strongest and bravest champions. You knew Luke wanted the opportunity to prove himself to his father. This quest was it, but it didn't mean that you were enthusiastic about the idea. "When do you leave?"
"In a few hours."
"Are you upset?"
"No," You said, then paused. You thought about it. Luke let you think in silence, rubbing his thumb along your skin. "Yes, but I can't do anything about it. I can't stop it."
"Say the word and I will, you know that," Luke rebutted, staring at you now. "I won't go if you don't want me to."
"Luke," You sighed, "You can't deny the gods."
"For you, I'd try to." Sometimes Luke said things that worried you. You'd always been told that your allegiance should be to the gods, your parents. Sometimes you felt differently, but you never said it out loud, but Luke had no problem doing it. He made it clear that his allegiance was to the people he loved, to you. 
"You should go," You said, ignoring the shake in your voice. It was tempting to tell him to stay; Tell him to be content to live a quiet life in the safety of these grounds, to be content with the glory he received from being the head counselor of the Hermes cabin, as the best swordsman at camp. But Luke craved more to life than this, you knew that. He needed more than another notch on his belt from Capture the Flag. He deserved more. He deserved a father who cared about him. Maybe this quest is the key to giving him exactly what he needed. You couldn’t in good conscience keep him from that.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes." The lie burned your tongue. While some demigods returned victorious, some never returned at all. The thought of it made a chill run down your spine. It made Luke flinch.
He wrapped his arms around you. The position was awkward, but neither of you cared. When you were younger, his curls tickled the side of your cheek when you hugged him. You used to be able to look him in the eye back when you were the same height. You used to be able to memorize the features on his face; the crinkles by the side of his eyes that would appear when he'd smile, eyelashes brushing against the stray hairs of his eyebrows; full cheeks dusted with the faintest shade of pink from the beating sun or the wind chills; a crease under his lips that cast a shadow on his chin.
Now that you're older, his curls fell against your temple when he held you like this. His face was thinner, jaw more defined and cheeks hollow, like his youth was being drained from him each year. But his heart remained the same. A steady thump against your own, a beat that became synonymous with home. 
“I feel like this is a test,” He murmured, shaking as he spoke. He’ll blame it on the wind if you asked, but he knows that his words would fall flat. You always did know when things felt wrong with him. Sometimes he thought that you knew him better than he knew himself. Luke licked his lips, “Like he’s expecting me to fail and prove what he’s known all along.” 
“You always tell me that I’m more than what the gods think of me,” You said, looking up at him. Luke was staring at the sky, jaw rigid as he fought back the tears. There were only a handful of things that made Luke emotional– talking about his father was one of them. He used to cry when he talked about May, too, but now when someone asks about his mother, his tone turns robotic. He recited her fate like a broken record, waiting for the inevitable looks of pity from the onlookers. You brushed your thumb along his jaw, “Luke?” 
“Hm?” His eyes darted to yours, a ghost of a smile appearing on his lips as he studied your features. Luke always knew you were beautiful, but sometimes when he was this close to you, it knocked the breath out of his lungs for a moment, like he couldn’t believe you were real. 
“You always tell me that I’m more than what they make me out to be,” You repeated, holding his face in the palm of your hand, “And yet you never believe it for yourself.” 
He couldn’t help but chuckle. You’d called him out on his hypocrisy more times than he could count. You were right, though. He did always tell you that the opinions of the gods didn’t matter, not when they didn’t know you like he knew you, not when they were too preoccupied in their own world to realize that you were the greatest thing they created. 
“You are more than what your father thinks.” 
He wanted to believe you, he really did, but all his life he’d been told that he was destined for something great. And yet the things he’d been able to accomplish so far seem so miniscule, irrelevant, in the context of the gods. He craved more. 
When Luke was a child, May Castellan used to mumble the same phrase over and over again. He didn’t think much of it then, nothing that his mother said usually made any sense to his nine-year-old self anyway, but the more time he spent at Camp Half-Blood, the clearer her words became. Luke was destined for something, it’s in the cards, it’s in the hands of fate. This quest might be it, the first step to reaching eternal glory. 
There are times though, during moments like this, with you beside him, when he thinks that he’ll be fine not reaching eternal glory. He can live out his life happily with just this; you and him at the foot of Thalia’s tree, with you telling him he’s more than what the gods want him to be. After all, he’d give up eternal glory if it meant being with you. 
“You’re gonna be okay without me around?” He teased. For years, it had always been you and Luke. It was a type of co-dependence that made Chiron and Mr. D's eyebrows raise. They found it dangerous. You overheard them talking in the Big House about it once, how unnatural it was for two demigods to choose each other despite the dangers of it. You joked that it was a trauma bond of sorts, but you and Luke both knew that it was more than that. Neither of you said it out loud, though, both too scared to ruin whatever this was.
“No, probably not,” You confessed. Your words took him by surprise. He was expecting you to join his teasing, but he found no trace of banter in your tone. You bit your bottom lip, “But you’re gonna come back, so I’ll be okay. I need to be okay with you being gone. I can’t expect things to always stay the same.” 
Luke couldn’t help but frown at your words. He knew you were right like you always were, but he didn’t like the idea of things changing. So much in his life moved with the tides, and up until he met you, he was fine with it. But the idea of the two of you changing, the idea of one day not having this, not having you, well, Luke didn’t think he could stomach the idea. His lips hovered over the crown of your head, almost touching you but not quite, “Not us, though. It will always be us.” 
Luke didn’t know what he was destined to do, what prophecy the gods and the Fates had in store for him, but the only thing he was sure of was you. And that was never going to change if he could help it.
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honey-milk-depresso · 4 months
could i request stardust, licorice, and shadow milk cookie with a reader that's smaller than them?,, thank you,,,
Take note that Shadow Milk Cookie just appeared recently as a cutscene, so for him it might be a little OOC.
CRK with an s/o smaller than them
Stardust Cookie
I think there’s plenty of cookies smaller than him, but you make it even more so. Like you’re just tiny around him.
And then he floats??? Sometimes you have to puff up your cheeks a little to tell him how unfair he’s being right now to which he blushes slightly and chuckled quietly, slowly descending down on his two crispy feet again.
He likes how small you are, that he can wrap his cape around you and bring you into a hug from behind. He just has this urge to protect you from all the harms of the Galaxy. Literally.
Stardust likes to hug you often, your small size allowing him to do so easily and he feels like he can love you properly while you’re in this size. He genuinely thinks your short stature is adorable and what makes you beautiful in his eyes.
Overall, Stardust is a simp for you- <3
Licorice Cookie
Shorter than him you say? He has an above average height for a cookie, so there’s plenty of cookies shorter than him. But you make the greatest armrest for him.
He teased you incessantly to no end about your height, always putting stuff off the top shelf on purpose like the little shit he is so you would come running for his help to grab it for you, or pretending he can’t see you while you’re literally right next to him.
Although, the moment YOU get teased by someone else for being short, he’s after them with his Licorice servants coming after them and make them regret ever teasing you about your height! Only HE can do that (hypocrite-)!
Licorice is pretty protective of you since your so short, usually having at least one or two of his Licorice servants around to stay on guard for you, like your tiny chewy bodyguards.
That’s your protective, hypocritical cookie for you. <3
Shadow Milk Cookie
You thought Licorice was a nuisance in teasing you about your short height? Well Shadow Milk Cookie is a complete BASTARD, LITTLE SHIT OF THE CENTURY.
He will tease you relentlessly with every nickname related to your short stature: shortcake, shortbread, little muffin, mustard seed, he is a menace. Puts things on the high shelf WHILE you’re trying to reach for your things and his lanky and tall ass height makes you become his armrest tenfold.
But like Licorice, if anyone else teases your height… oh boy, oh boy will they get it. He will reign overly unnecessary chaos to them that you kinda have to stop him. This cookie has the audacity to then get all whiney and sulky about how that cookie was mean when he does the same thing, making him an even bigger hypocrite.
Overall, he’s the biggest hypocrite you’ve ever met but he’s your hypocrite. <3
Reblogs help! ^^
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shaisuki · 1 month
“you stink of nanami.”
alpha gojo satoru complains. his nostrils flaring at the scent lingering in your skin. detecting the heady scent of sandalwood. rich and comforting and yet evoking of dominance unlike to his warm and woody scent with a hint of sweetness belonging to his blonde kouhai. a pout in his lips and it's uncommon for domineering alphas like him to act like it.
“and?” you begrudgingly respond to him. “i was with nanami-san earlier.” you continued. beginning to stack the piles of folders in front of you and sorting them. “what about it gojo-san?”
“you're aware of it as an omega?” the question stops you from whatever you were doing. dropping the last folder and looking at him with a confused look. “i am?” your answer unsure of what you really want to say.
“what are you implying gojo-san?”
“is nanami courting you?”
“and i'm not?”
“what do you mean?”
the alpha in front of you removes his dark-tinted glasses. an “o” forms in your mouth. unaware of the courting he was making to you. always thought of them as just casual behavior towards you since you have nanami, his kouhai is currently courting you.
“i'm sorry gojo-san. i thought they were just gifts since you do that to everyone.” you confessed honestly. biting your lips in guilt at the gestures he was making to you as an effort to court you.
come to think of it he was still an unmated alpha and so is nanami and so are you and you didn't have any experience regarding to the courting or the mating process since you were not deemed as what omegas looks like. physically thin with slender frames with sweet features unlike you with a bigger frame that alphas strays away from you since you don't look like you were worth to be protecting and so you accepted it not until a few months back when nanami took interest in you and began courting you and gojo following until you only discovered it now.
“you hurt me.” he fakes a pout. slowly trudging to your way. towering you with his height and his scent is over in the place. “do you not want me as your alpha?” a low growl emitting from his chest. his blue eyes shining brighter. grabbing you by your plush waist and he bites back a moan from such heavenly feel of your soft body.
“g-gojo-san — i—”
“stay away from my omega, gojo.” nanami's firm voice interrupts him from further scenting you but the white-haired sorcerer is still in your neck. glancing at the other alpha in the room. “not your omega, she's still not mated.” a deep, low guttural growl coming from the blonde sorcerer serves as a warning for the another alpha in front of him. his own scent clashing against the another scent causing it to permeate around the room and your poor omega couldn't contain the excitement of two alphas fighting over you.
chest puffed out as thet assert their dominance to each other not letting it surrender. a sign of weakness it is and not wanting to disappoint the omega they are courting.
it is the scent of their sweet, little 'mega that broke the unwavering assertion of dominance between them. a scent similar to freshly baked bread that entices the hungry. both alphas are now in full attention to their omega. a curse leaving nanami's lips at what's happening. they accidentally set you in an early heat by blasting their pheromones in full.
“'t hurts. —hurts...” you whimpered. rubbing your creamy thighs together as slick gushes out from your warm needy hole.
nanami is the first to comfort you. “oh, darling.” he carries you by grabbing your butt cheeks. hoisting you in a easy feat and you instinctively clings to him. “—nami.” purring his name in a adorable manner and his cock throbs at the mere voice of you.
“you're not taking her away from me, nanami.” gojo grabs his arm. nanami scowls at him. “it's your fault, you fucking idiot.” he ignores it.
“i have to take responsibility.” he snakes his lanky arms around you. squeezing your doughy stomach and his hands wandered to the zipper of your skirt. his slender fingers unzipping your skirt. “we want to make our sweet 'mega to feel good, don't we?”
his finger rubbing your slit through your slick-covered panties. “right 'mega?” he whispers and your hips roll to get more of that delicious friction. “y—yes, alpha.” you moaned out. “w—want you to breed me. want your knot in me.” you began to whine. “want you in me, kento. satoru.”
gojo smirks in delight. “you heard our sweet 'mega. na-na-mi.” his name in a sing-song voice mockingly. nanami sighs.
nanami swallows thickly. spreading your thighs in a delicate manner while he kneels in front of your clothed cunt. he can already taste you by the scent of your pussy. he scowls at the idiot above him who is currently unbuttoning your blouse one by one. letting your breast free and being engulfed in his large palms. fondling the soft flesh and tweaking your hardened buds between his fingers.
“don't you dare fucking mark her.” he warns at his elder but who knows. gojo just simply smile at him.
this isn't what he had in mind when he's going to taste his mate omega for the first time. he had it laid out. the utmost care and making you feel loved and deserved and worshipped by him instead he has to take care of your heat along with the idiot. the rough pads of his fingers glides through the expanse of your flesh. goosebumps rising at places where his fingers made contact along with the whine of being needy for him. hooking the bands of your panties with his fingers and slowly sliding the garment down to your legs and placing it in his pockets.
your fat pussy is drenched with your slick. your hole drips at the slightest stimulation. he parts your pussy lips with his fingers and before he knew it. he's taking the biggest lick of your sopping cunt. your reaction was the best. never leaving the sight out of your face morphing into one of a euphoric expression. “ken!” you screamed. “m—more please.” you requested and nanami gratefully obliged already addicted at the taste of your slick.
his hand squeezes your soft belly while the other one holds your thick thigh perched in his shoulder while he ate you out. each suck getting harsher and more obscene noises of your pussy being devoured by him. your breathy moans engulfed by his lips as much as nanami hates it, you needed it to give your needs.
you were still needy after orgasm after orgasm with his tongue and he needed to stop with your heat temporarily quenched even his desire is already to breed you at the spot but a man like him finds it improper. wanting to mark you and claim as his mate but it gets impossible when there's another alpha in the room like him.
he just need to get rid of him. sooner or later.
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i hope you guys enjoy this!! i had a lot of fun with it. it’s technically part two but i gave it a different title sorry :)
Fresh Out The Slammer
James Potter x f!reader
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warnings: smut, protected p in v, fingering, slight oral (f receiving), very slight underage alcohol but barely, morally idk how good this is, lmk if i missed any
summary: after you and Remus finally split, you and James finally come together…
word count: 2.8k
a/n: another taylor fanfic hahaha (i love this) lmk what you guys think of the end i thought it was really clever but maybe that’s just me being overconfident…
part one is here!!
I did my time
Now pretty baby I’m running back home to you
Fresh out the slammer
I know who my first call will be to...
When you look back on your days at Hogwarts, you always wonder why you and Remus stayed together so long.
It was a week after your monumental conversation with James on the grass that your overdue breakup occurred. You had tried your hardest to give your relationship one last try, you really did. But one night as you laid next to the tall lanky boy, all you could think about was a certain pair of hazel eyes. A pair that didn’t belong to the boy next to you.
That was the final straw.
“Rem,” you said, your voice cool. “I think it’s best we break up.”
You kept your eyes on the canopy above, but you could feel him shift beside you. “Really?”
“Yes. In fact, I think this is overdue. Don’t you think?”
“I suppose so...” he replied.
You turned to look at him. Unsurprisingly, he was sitting calmly as could be with a book in one of his hands. A sigh escaped your lips, but you didn’t say anything else. Instead, you simply stood and began to dress yourself. He was the one to speak again.
“Would it be all right if we remained friends?” He asked his eyes on you for what felt like the first time in a while.
“Of course. Let’s not make it odd for everyone else,” you answered.
He looked back down at his book. “Right. Good night then.”
On the walk back to your dorm you named every reason in your head why you broke up with Remus. He was distant. He didn’t know how to treat you like a true girlfriend. The spark had died between the two of you. The relationship had truly just run its course. But as you stepped into the common room your eyes found the most significant reason.
You refused to put him on your mental list.
You didn’t know if it was out of respect for Remus or if it was intentional at all, but James waited a few weeks before making any sort of move on you. You were glad. Adjusting to a single life was strange. You no longer spent time alone with Remus, you no longer cried or had fits because of his behavior. He was simply another one of your friends. You liked him better that way.
When James did give you a sign, it was far from subtle.
It came during Charms in the form of a small piece of paper. Of course, Charms happened to be the only class the two of you had together that Remus was not in as well. In fact, the only other member of your friend group who was in the class was Peter and he never paid much attention to anything. So, when you felt the piece of paper hit your lap, you didn’t hesitate to open it.
How’s the single life treating you so far? -J
You turned your head to look at James, a smile on your lips. He was already looking at you, a similar smile on his face. You felt your cheeks heat up as you scribbled your reply and threw it back to him.
It’s better than I expected, most things are the same.
He was quick to throw it back.
That’s true except now you’re free to do whatever you’d like..
You held in a breath.
More like whomever I’d like
You let out a shaky breath at his reply.
Yeah? Well, you know where my bed is
For a few seconds, you stared at the note, not sure if you should write anything more. You turned back to look at him and your eyes instantly met his. He looked at you with a gleam that you hadn’t seen in a boy's eyes in a long time, at least not one directed toward you. So, you picked up your quill and wrote back, not a single guilty thought crossing your mind.
I suppose I’m going to know what it feels like soon too
Another long week passed before anything happened between you and him. And each day that passed only filled you with more desire. You felt almost giddy at the thoughts. A secret hookup with James Potter. It was something you’d imagined for a long time, but for so many reasons you never imagined it would actually be brought to life.
But it was.
One night, there was a party in the Ravenclaw common room that everyone was attending. Everyone except you. Or so you thought.
“Are you sure y/n/n? It’ll be so much fun,” Lily questioned. You were all in the Gryffindor common room. Everyone else was getting ready to leave, but you sat on the couch in your bedclothes.
“Yeah, I’m not really in the party mood tonight. Plus, I have some work that still needs to be done,” you answered honestly.
“Boring!” Sirius exclaimed. “Don’t worry lovely I’ll make sure to save some alcohol for you.”
“Thanks, Sirius,” you said with a laugh.
“Let’s go, Wormtail, Moony, Prongs.”
“Actually, you lot can go without me. I’m not feeling the greatest.”
Your eyes shot to James. What was he doing? You noticed what he was wearing. A wifebeater and flannel pants. You swore you never wanted to shag him more than at that moment.
“Are you serious?” Sirius groaned. “Whatever mate you’re no fun. We’ll be back later.”
“All right, have fun,” James replied.
“Bye, y/n/n!” The girls sang as they left.
You waved them all goodbye before getting up and turning to the staircase. You could feel James’s eyes burning into you from behind.
“Seems it’s just the two of us for once,” he said, his voice quieter than before.
Your stomach filled with butterflies. “Yeah, it seems that way.”
“I was wondering if you could help me with some Charms work, I know you have the homework as well perhaps we can do it together...” From the tone of his voice, you knew it wasn’t true. But still, you turned and gave him a slight nod. “It’s all in my dorm, let’s just go up there to do it.”
Deep down, you knew you should’ve felt bad. James was your ex-boyfriend’s best friend. If any of them knew about your sinful thoughts, you’d surely be thrown out of the group and shunned. However, while that knowledge made you feel uneasy, it didn’t stop you from following him up to the dorm.
The second the door closed behind the two of you, James’s lips were on yours. Though it came as a surprise, you didn’t hesitate for even a second to kiss him back. His lips were warm and soft, just how you had always imagined. It was messy and quick and when he broke it you found yourself breathless. All you could do was stare at him, your cheeks pink.
“James I-”
“We can take our time if you’d like, I’m sorry I’ve just wanted to do that for so fucking long,” he replied as if he could read your mind.
“Me too, you don’t understand.” You inhaled deeply and took a few steps deeper into the dorm you were all too familiar with. Only this time, you sat on a different bed. “This doesn’t feel real.”
He sat down next to you on his bed, his glowing hazel eyes locked on yours. “Believe me, I understand everything.”
“I just... want you,” you mumbled. It felt so good to finally say it. You placed one of your hands on his thigh. “I want you a lot.”
He smiled in a way that practically sent shivers down your spine. “I want you too.”
“So, take me. You don’t... you don’t have to be gentle,” you whispered with a confidence you hadn’t felt in a long time.
Instead of answering you with words, James leaned closer and caught your lips in another kiss. This time though, it wasn’t messy and rushed. No. It was passionate, it was a kiss that would leave you giggling on your bed when you looked back on it. As your lips moved against his you followed his lead and laid back on the mattress with your legs parted for him to slip in between.
His hands were far bigger than yours. When he slid one of them up your thigh you almost couldn’t remember how to breathe. You kissed him harder and weaved your fingers through his soft curly hair. He toyed with your shorts for a moment before carefully slipping his hand beneath the fabric. It would be an understatement to say you were wet. You were soaked. And you could feel James’s smirk on your mouth when he discovered this.
“Are you always like this?” He mumbled.
You shook your head. “Only when it comes to you.”
He wasted no more time and moved his fingers under your knickers, finding your clit almost instantly. You gasped, one of your hands gripped his strong shoulder tightly, and your eyes squeezed shut.
“James,” you moaned.
He began to trail wet kisses down your neck as he continued to rub soft circles on your clit. Never mind thinking straight, you couldn’t think at all. Your stomach was warm, and waves of pleasure coursed throughout your entire body. You swore you’d never felt anything as good in your life. But when your hand brushed against his shirt you sighed.
“Take it off, take everything off. Please,” you whispered frantically.
You opened your eyes to see James’s bright smile. “Since you asked so nicely.”
Without another word, he leaned back and pulled his shirt off. You couldn’t stop yourself from staring. His muscles were toned, yet he was still skinny. You wanted to kiss every inch of his body, but you settled on dragging your fingers up and down his chest for a few seconds.
“Your turn,” he said.
You silently sat up and lifted your tank top over your head and threw it down to the floor. Perhaps it was the amount of lust that consumed you, or perhaps it was the amount of comfort you felt with James. Either way, you didn’t cower or feel insecure as his eyes moved across your naked breasts. In fact, you felt confident. So, you laid back down on his bed and began to pull your shorts and knickers down, your eyes not leaving his.
Only when you were fully naked did you feel a slight feeling of insecurity. James must’ve noticed this though because he leaned over you and pressed a sincere kiss to your lips.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered. He brushed a hand over one of your breasts. “So perfect.”
“Fuck me, James, please I can’t bear it any longer,” you replied quickly. It was true, you’d already waited so many months in silence. How were you expected to wait even a second longer?
“I think you can afford to bear it for a few more minutes. I want to have my way with you first.”
You were going to protest, but before you could he slid his hand between your thighs. He swirled his fingers over you, collecting your wetness before eventually carefully moving one of his fingers inside of you. You threw your head back and gripped his sheets hard. It was an even better feeling than you’d imagined. He kissed you hungrily as he slowly started finger fucking you.
As if that wasn’t enough, he kissed down your body minutes later before ending with his face between your thighs. You couldn’t contain your whimpers and moans. If anyone was near the Gryffindor boy's dorm, they’d surely hear you. The fact neither of you thought enough to cast a silencing charm only made it more thrilling.
By the time you reached your first orgasm, you were quite sure you’d never felt anything nearly as good in your life. Remus never cared enough to spend his time pleasuring you, at least not after the first few months. But James cared a whole lot. He touched you with his tongue and his fingers till you were shaking and panting for a break.
When he did stop you watched through heavy lids as he wiped his mouth on your thigh and began to pull down his last remaining articles of clothing. His eyes were glowing, and his glasses were almost falling off his face. You decided then that he was by far the most attractive boy you’d ever seen. And when your eyes trailed down his naked body you found yourself an even bigger reason as to why that statement was true.
“Are you on the potion?” He asked as he began to move over you.
“Yeah,” you answered, your voice weak.
He smirked. “You’re a dirty girl hm?”
“For you yes.”
“How so?”
You smiled sweetly and reached up to remove James’s glasses. “Truthfully? Sometimes I touch myself when I think of you.”
“You’ll have to show me next time.” He shifted and you felt his tip brush against your entrance. Your breath caught in your throat. “Is this what you think about?”
“S-Sometimes yes,” you said with a shaky voice.
All you could do as he slowly began to thrust into you was gasp and wrap your arms around him, your nails digging into his skin. He was big and you were still sensitive from how hard you previously came. Those factors only amplified how good he felt. Once he was fully in, he leaned down to connect your lips in another heated kiss before truly starting the shag.
Though Remus would fuck you hard, he never fucked you the way James did. James went hard, he went fast, but he also showed he still cared. At one point, he removed one of your hands from his back and pressed it against the mattress, lacing his fingers through yours. And his lips were either on yours, on your neck, or whispering sweet praises. Even the way he said your name was enough to tell you how much he cared about you.
You didn’t know how long it went on, but it was long enough that he started to grow tired. At that point, you’d already reached your second orgasm, so you decided he deserved a break. With all your strength, you flipped your positions and took some control. You lowered yourself onto him and nearly came a third time from the sounds he made.
When everything was done and over, the two of you laid next to each other out of breath and shocked at what had transpired. You felt your heart pound in your chest and a sticky feeling between your thighs. You turned your head to look at the boy next to you. He, of course, was already looking at you, his glasses back on.
“That was...”
“Better than any of my fantasies,” you told him.
“Mine too,” he agreed with a smile.
You bit down on your lip. “So now what?”
“Perhaps another go?”
That was an offer you could never refuse.
Hours later, past midnight at least, the door to the boy's dorm opened and the other three Marauders stumbled in. Sirius was far too drunk; he could barely stand up straight. That left Remus and Peter to stand on either side of him with their arms wrapped around his back protectively. All their eyes found you and James after a few seconds. The two of you sat on his bed, a foot of papers between the two of you.
“Oh, hello y/n,” Peter greeted you.
“Y/n, what are you doing here?” Remus questioned.
Sirius only gasped overdramatically. “They’re shagging! Prongsie and Lovely are shagging!”
You rolled your eyes and stood up. “Why don’t we get you to bed?”
“Can I have a go first? Before bed? Please! Is that all right Moony?” Sirius stumbled over his words as his friends dropped him into his bed.
“Nobody’s having a go unless it is Moony,” James said.
Remus turned toward you, a questioning expression on his face. “What are you doing up here?”
You pointed at the many papers on James’s bed. “Charms homework, I told you lot that’s why I wasn’t going to the party. James felt a bit better, so we just decided to work on it together.”
“Will I be allowed to use that work?” Peter asked innocently.
“Of course, Pete,” you replied. You turned back to James’s bed where he still sat, and you began to gather your work. “I should be going then.”
You held your papers close to your chest and tried your hardest not to look at James. You knew if you did, something on your face would clearly show what had really gone on. So, you kept your head down and moved as fast as you could to their door.
“Same time next week then?” James’s voice caught your attention as you were about to leave.
You looked over your shoulder and nodded, trying your hardest not to blush. “Or sooner, I’m very eager to get this work done.”
“All right, sooner, goodnight then,” James replied with a knowing look.
The last thing you heard before leaving was the innocent voice of Peter asking if he could join in and the loud laugh that James let out.
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