#the bear s1
ariisheresstuff · 9 months
Raised Voice
Pairings: Carmy Berzatto x Fem!Reader
Summary: You are visiting your boyfriend while he’s at work, unfortunately for you, you didn’t know Carmy wasn’t having the best day and he ends up taking it out on you and embarrassed you in front of the whole crew.
Genre: Angst to fluff
Warnings: Yelling, cursing, and crying
A/N: My requests are open! Have a good day! <3
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“Yo cousin! Would ya stop being such a jag off for two fucking seconds?!?” Richie yelled across the kitchen to Carmen who was giving him a nasty scowl.
“Shut the fuck up Richie, I don’t have time for all your bullshit.” Carmy said with a attitude making Richie roll his eyes. Carmy ran his hand through his messy locks as he tried to take some deep breaths to calm himself down, but clearly that wasn’t working for him. Just the whole day has been shitty for him and he couldn’t figure out why. Carmen wiped the sweat from his forehead as he stormed off into his office slamming the door.
“There he goes again with one of his moods.” Sydney said as she was cleaning up her station. Richie walked passed her as he huffed.
“He’s been such a dick this whole day. Probably missing his girl or something.”
Sydney just nodded with a sigh as she continued to clean up while Richie took cover of the front of the restaurant.
You opened the door to the entrance and immediately smiled seeing Richie.
“A table for one?” You teased as Richie’s head quickly rose to the sound of your voice, he quickly smiled as he walked over to you.
“Y/N, thank the fucking lord you’re here.” Richie pulled you into a hug, you hugged him back but looked at him confused at what he meant by that.
“What do you mean?” You questioned as he lead through the kitchen to greet the others.
“Carmy is being a real jag off right now and pushing everyone down. I think he’s been having one of those days.”
You frowned at that, you really hated when Carmy was like this. It hurt you to see him so distraught. You gave Richie an apologetic smile as you apologized to everyone else.
“I’ll talk to him, I know how much of a hot head he can be. Especially when he’s like this.” You teased making Richie snort.
Richie gave you a quick “thank you” as he rubbed your shoulder, you gave him a soft smile before taking in a sigh and walking up to Carmy’s office door. You lifted your fist and hesitated with knocking. You took a deep breath before knocking.
“Who the fuck is it?” Carmy snarled back making you wince slightly.
“It’s me babe, Y/N.” You said with a soft tone trying not to anger him more. You heard him moving before the door opened swiftly. You looked up at your boyfriend who had the most nastiest frown on his face.
“Why are you here?” He said with attitude making you frown a bit.
“I came to see you, until Richie told me you weren’t having the best day. What’s wrong?” You asked as you raised a hand to cup his face. Softly stroking his cheek with your thumb to calm him down. You gasped softly as he immediately slapped your hand away.
“I don’t need to tell you every single fucking thing, okay?!? So stop pestering me all the damn time! It’s annoying as fuck and it’s keeping me down with work. Don’t bother me anymore I’m tired of your bullshit. Leave now, I’m dead ass serious Y/N. I’m tired of you!!!”
You flinched back as your eyes widened. Carmen just yelled at you. Like really yelled at you. You felt like you couldn’t breathe. You felt your throat tighten as fat tears clouded your vision. You didn’t even hear the others coming in asking what the hell just happened. You just stared at Carmy with the most heartbreaking face. You realized his facial expressions changed quickly from looking at the tears falling down your face. Before he could say anything, he heard Richie’s voice.
“What the fuck just happened here?!?” Richie roared as he stared at Carmen before looking at you. Tina pulled you into her arms as she shushed your cries bringing you outside with Sydney.
“Why the fuck would you yell at her cousin?!? She did nothing to you. I asked her to check on you and you yell at her? Now you’re a real jagoff for that cousin. That wasn’t cool.” Richie shook his head in disappointment. He turned away as he went outside to calm you down with the others.
Carmen just stood there as he processed what he just did. He fucking yelled at you. His girl, the love of his life. He yelled at you and made you cry.
“Fuck.” He said with a crack in his voice before punching the door in anger. “Fuck! What the fuck is wrong with you Carmen?!? Get your fucking shit together!” He yelled at himself as he sat back down on his chair. Running his hands through his hair in frustration. He took a few deep breaths like you taught him to calm down. He cleared his throat before standing up. He took one big deep breath and exhaling before walking to the entrance to find you.
“I-I can’t believe he j-just yelled at me.” You sobbed into Tina’s chest as she rubbed your back.
“It’s okay mama, that’s just Jeff being an asshole. I know for sure he is regretting yelling at you like that.”
You hiccuped as you turned your head to look at Richie. He shook his head as he came by you and rubbed your back with Tina.
“I’m sorry Y/N. Carmy knows better. Little asshole. He especially should not be disrespectful like that towards you. His girl. Such a fucking jagoff.”
You wiped away you tears as you gave Richie a frown. “A-all I was doing was m-making sure he was o-okay.” You said with a whimper as you felt more tears fall.
Richie and Sydney were about to say something before the door opened and everyone turned their heads to stare at Carmen. Everyone gave him a look making him look down at the ground. He especially refused to look at your broken self.
“I-I I need to talk to Y/N. Alone.” He said as he looked at Richie who gave him a frown.
Richie nodded his head to the door, signaling everyone to go inside and to give Carmen and you some private time. Tina kissed your temple making you smile a bit, Sydney squeezed your hand and gave a soft smile, and Richie patted your shoulder as he nodded at you. Everyone left leaving you and Carmen alone.
You looked down at your feet refusing to look into his eyes, you didn’t even realize Carmen walked in front of you, now closer to you. He softly cupped your face making your head lift up. You had no choice but to look into his blue eyes that had sorrow in them. You felt more tears burning in your eyes. Your lip trembling. He quickly wiped the tears falling down your cheeks.
“Baby… I’m so, so, so sorry for yelling at you like that. That was such a fucking dick move of me. I should’ve never taken my anger out on you. I was just having a bad day and I know that shouldn’t be an excuse for my behaviors towards you. I just want you to know that I really love you and that I really am sorry for yelling and embarrassing you like that in front of everyone. I will never let that happen again and I’ll do anything for you. Anything.”
You hiccuped as you tried to talk but the sobs just came out that you were holding in. Carmy quickly pulled you into his arms. Comforting you like the good boyfriend he is.
“It’s okay baby. I’m so sorry, I never wanna be the reason for your tears. I love you so fucking much. I hope you know that.” Carmy kissed your head repeatedly as you wrapped your arms around his waist and snuggled into his chest.
“I’m sorry you h-had a bad day Carmy.” You whispered as your tears startled to settle down. You looked up at him as he gave you a sad smile at the tear stains you had on your cheeks. He cupped your face again as he leaned down to leave a long kiss to your forehead. You closed your eyes at the touch.
“Don’t be sorry, you have nothing to apologize for. I’m the one who should be sorry. You were just looking out for me and that’s what I love about you. You always makes sure I’m okay and that shows how caring you are babe. I swear I didn’t mean any of that shit. Please forgive me. Please.” Carmy whispered as he pulled your face in closer to his. Your noses touching lightly and feeling each other’s soft breaths. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you gave him a smile.
“I forgive you Carmy. But the next time you pull some shit like that again I’m gonna cut your dick off and make you eat it.” You playfully said making Carmen snort.
“I definitely don’t want that to happen. I’ll be 100% sure that I won’t pull that again on you. Never ever.” Carmen said softly with a smile as he leaned closer.
You leaned closer to feeling his lips softly touch yours. You both leaned into the kiss as you enjoyed the moment. You sighed happily while Carmen cupped your face to bring you closer to him. Completely forgetting you were outside in public.
“I love you so much Y/N, I hope you know that.” Carmen said between your lips
You giggled, “And I love you more Carmy. I always will love you.”
At that you two began to kiss more passionately. You two didn’t even notice that the crew was watching you guys the whole time through the window smiling.
“There they go sucking faces again. Jesus fucking christ! They always go at it.” Richie said as he faked gagged.
Tina smacked Richie on his arm giving him a stern look “You’re just mad because you don’t have what they have.”
“Damn!!!! Richie you just got burned!” Marcus said while Sydney and him started to cackle in the back.
Richie gave Tina an offended look making Tina chuckle.
“Man, fuck you guys!” Richie flipped them off as he pouted while they continued to laugh at him.
They didn’t even notice the two of you walking back into the restaurant hand in hand. They turned to look at the two of you.
“So, y’all made up?” Sydney said with her arms crossed.
“Yup all good, told him to never pull that shit again or I’m cutting his dick off.”
Richie choked on his soda that he was drinking before laughing out the soda. Carmen just rolled his eyes as Richie began to tease him. As long as the two of you were okay, he was okay.
Tag-List: @otomefan @chunnies @slasherstories123 @avengersfan25 @th3h0nkz
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beauspot · 3 months
The 8 Elements of All Great Rom-Coms
Two Loveable Leads
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No matter the stakes, situation, or scenery, the audience has to root for [these] two characters
A Meet Cute
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Essential to the basic plot of every romantic comedy is the moment the characters meet
A Unique, Troublesome Situation
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Call it a complication, a troublesome situation, or set of intricate stakes, no matter the nomenclature there has to be something that pushes your characters together and pulls them apart
At Least One Great Sidekick
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Every great rom-com requires an incredible sidekick
Relationship In Jeopardy
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A key scene in every romantic comedy is the moment the core relationship is put to the test, pushed so far to the limits that everything is in jeopardy of falling apart
The Lightbulb Moment
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The moment of realization is crucial to any film in the rom-com genre
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If you write a rom-com and don’t include the grand gesture or incredible romantic line, did you even write a rom-com?
A happily ever after is a staple of all romantic comedies…
coming soon 🙃
Inspired by “The 9 Elements of All Great Rom-Coms” - ScreenCraft
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ismellpestilence · 1 month
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Enjoy some shitty memes about The Bear.
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xothemedia · 5 months
The Bear 1x8 | “Braciole”
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ilongfor-the-arts · 11 months
This idea came to me as I was watching Below Deck! Carmy as a yacht chef and reader is the chief stew. Enemies to lovers vibes!
Below Deck
Pairing: Carmen Berzatto x fem! Reader
Warnings: language, semi public kissing, angst
Summary: *in req*
Word Count: 3.1k
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“Alright chef, what do we have here?”
I inquired, my eyes glazing over the vast array of delectable dishes.
“We’ve made kobe steaks with a demi-glace. And creamy pesto shrimp.”
I nodded.
“Hm. Looks good.”
I twisted my head to meet Carmen's gaze, hands on my hips. Carmen and I hadn’t exactly seen eye to eye throughout the duration of our employment on this yacht. However, I am impressed with his efforts thus far. I can only hope and pray that he does not give me an excuse to become irritated.
“What are you thinking of making for the vegetarian option?”
Carmen cocked an eyebrow.
“The pesto shrimp.”
There you have it. He just gave me a reason to be annoyed.
“Carmen, shrimp isn’t vegetarian.”
He furrowed his brow.
“Nah, shrimp is vegetarian.”
My face grew hot with rage.
“Carmen, shrimp is pescatarian!”
Carmen cocked an eyebrow. My jaw dropped. Was he being serious?
“Oh. My. God.”
I rubbed my eyes. My day has already been challenging. The last thing I needed was for this moron to ruin the excellent system I had set up.
“Carmen, we have close to fifty guests on this yacht that don’t eat meat or fish!”
I looked at my watch. My jaw dropped. Time was ticking away, and dinner for fifty guests had yet to be prepared.
“Shit. Dinner is supposed to be served in 45 minutes.”
I muttered under my breath. I wiped my brow with my hand, trying to keep my cool in front of his kitchen staff. If we were alone, he would feel the full force of my rage.
“You need to make a completely new dish with no meat and no shellfish in 45 minutes.”
Carmen's eyes narrowed. He had absolutely no reason to be upset with me. It is not my fault that he does not understand the distinction between a pescatarian and a vegetarian..
“I don’t know if I-”
I said sternly, cutting him off.
“You screwed up, and now you have to fix this. I expect fifty plates of a brand new vegetarian dish in 45 minutes. I don’t care how the hell you get it done, but it needs to be done, and it needs to taste amazing.”
Carmen gritted his teeth.
“Yknow, Y/N, I’m getting real sick of this fuckin’ shit.”
I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest in frustration.
“Sick of what shit?! You messed up, not me! It’s not my fault you’re a complete idiot who doesn’t know the difference between a pescatarian and a vegetarian!”
Carmen took a step forward, decreasing the gap between us.
“Not just this, you’ve been out to fuckin’ get me the entire time I’ve been on this goddamn boat! I’m sick of your attitude, and I’m sick of you praying for my fuckin’ downfall!”
He repeatedly thrust his finger at me, emphasizing his exasperation. I stood my ground, not faltering.
"Look," I said, moving in closer to whisper. The soft clanging of pots and pans stopped as the majority of the kitchen staff listened intently to our conversation.
“I’m sorry that I won’t sit here and kiss your ass. You’ve been screwing up. When you do things, you do them extremely well. But you need to learn how to listen. I won’t pretend you’re amazing if you’re not.”
Carmen's tough exterior had cracked just enough to show his discomfort.
“I am not praying for your downfall, but if you don’t start listening, I won’t hesitate to find someone else.”
Carmen sighed with aggravation.
“You’re a royal fucking bitch, y’know that?”
I waved my hand through the air, dismissing his previous comment.
“You can think I’m a bitch all you want. It doesn’t change the fact that we need fifty vegetarian dishes in-”
I checked my watch.
“40 minutes. If I were you, I’d stop wasting time and get cooking, alright? I’m not gonna sit here and let you make me look bad.”
Carmen locked his gaze on mine. The tension in the air was palpable. This was a competition. A competition I was most definitely not losing. He held my gaze. Time passed at an agonizingly slow pace. But I was not fazed. He eventually realized the jig was up. Carmen sighed deeply, his gaze rapidly shifting away from mine.
“Alright chefs!”
He called out to his staff.
“We need fifty vegetarian dishes in the next forty minutes. I wanna hear some ideas and see some seriously good shit being made!”
I smiled, pleased that I had won the battle. I stepped onto the deck, ready to greet the yacht's numerous guests. The rest of the day was a blur.
The number of times I heard, "Y/N, have you done this yet?"
“Y/N, I need this done right now!”
“Y/N, I need this.”
“Y/N, I need that!”
“Y/N, where’s the owner?”
By the end of the day, my head felt like it was going to explode. I had heard my name so frequently that by the time I was given a break, it irritated me.
I found a secluded area of the dock away from the party's hustle and bustle. I sat in one of the lounge chairs, resting not only my body but my mind as well. I rubbed my temples, trying to work out the various knots that had formed in my brain.
I cast my eyes out onto the breathtaking South Pacific. Wow. What a luxury it would be if I was free from work! What a wonderful life I would have if my only goal was to gaze out onto this beautiful water and drink fruity little drinks with a handsome man by my side.
But, alas, here I am, enjoying my brief respite before the owner summons me.
“What are you doin’ out here?”
My heart leaped. I turned around to reveal the source of the voice, Carmen Berzatto. He stood there with a smug expression on his face, his white chef's apron splattered with various stains.
“What, did Claire not give you enough shit to do?”
He asked, pulling a box of cigarettes from the pocket of his apron. I rolled my eyes.
“She said I could take a break while the guests enjoyed their dinner.”
Carmen popped a cigarette into his mouth.
“Don’t you have to make dessert soon?”
I inquired, hoping to provide an excuse for him to leave. He hummed, cupping his hand around the butt of the cigarette to keep the lighter's flame from blowing out.
“Nah. When dinner’s almost over, I’ll start cooking something up. So, I reckon I got about thirty to forty five minutes?”
The cigarette bounced between his lips as he spoke.
“Did you come out here just to annoy me?”
Carmen scoffed, rolling up his sleeves to reveal his inked forearms. I could not help but glaze my eyes over the various tattoos. I wonder if they have any significance.
“Don’t flatter yourself. I came out here because I knew it would be quiet.”
I sighed with exasperation.
“I did as well. I suppose I thought wrong.”
He glanced at me.
“I whipped something together for the vegetarians.”
I nodded.
Carmen scoffed with annoyance.
“No need to thank me.”
Carmen chuckled, taking a long drag of his cigarette before removing it and blowing the cloud of smoke into the crystal clear air. I rolled my eyes.
“I shouldn’t have to thank you after you did what you’re being paid to do. Maybe if you listened and did everything right the first time, I would thank you for your efficiency. But I’m not going to thank you for stressing me out and nearly making me look like a disorganized moron.”
Carmen gritted his teeth.
“Well, Jesus fuckin’ Christ, Y/N, at least give me a little credit! I worked my fuckin’ ass off and prepared fifty vegetarian dishes in forty minutes with no recipe!”
He stated firmly. He would be shouting if his volume rose a few decibels.
“I mean, would it fuckin’ kill you to lose your bitch tendencies for a couple seconds and say thank you?!”
Carmen was flailing his hands around, wisps of smoke trailing the end of his cigarette.
I clenched my teeth. I was so enraged that steam was escaping from my ears. I was tempted to speak. But I was afraid of what might come out. So I simply bit my tongue and averted my gaze.
Instead, I observed the guests rushing around the lower deck. I watched them drink, eat, and laugh. I imagined what they were discussing.
Perhaps the dapper, older gentleman in the blue suit had just returned from his daughter's wedding..
Maybe the young blonde lady in the red dress had a fantastic date last week.
Perhaps the middle-aged man with the big cigar just sold his company.
I tried to push Carmen away from my thoughts. Maybe if I pretended he was not there, he would leave when he realized he was not getting a rise out of me.
“Y’know, it’s unfortunate,” he began.
I jerked my head around to face him. His cigarette had been reduced to a mere inch.
“What is?”
I inquired.
“You’re an attractive lady. You’ve got a drive and passion I admire. You know how to handle yourself.”
He dropped his cigarette, crushing it beneath his shoe.
“I feel like we could be good friends.”
I scoffed loudly.
“Yeah, right, literally all we’ve done so far is butt heads and yell at each other-”
“Alright, alright, so we don’t work well together. But I think, given the right circumstances, we could get along.”
I considered it for a moment. Carmen was undeniably attractive. I also admired his zeal. And, according to what I have heard through the grapevine, he was very respectful of his entire kitchen staff.
“Is this a strange, roundabout way of asking me on a date?”
Carmen shrugged, placing his hands on his hips.
“If I asked, would you accept?”
I shouldn’t. There is no logical explanation as to why I would accept. I hate him. We’ve been quarreling the entire time we’ve been on this ship.
Carmen cracked a grin.
“Well, then, would you like to go out with me sometime?”
I nodded.
“I think I would like that very much.”
I patted the empty lounge chair across from me.
“Care to sit?”
Carmen accepted.
It was very easy to get sucked into the bustle of the yacht during the day. It was so simple to dismiss Carmen as a person with feelings and instead view him solely as a body hired to complete a task. However, I felt sorry for him after witnessing him in such a private setting.
“Hey, um-I’m sorry I called you an idiot earlier.”
“It’s all good. Don’t sweat it.”
He looked down at the floor.
“I’m-uh-I’m sorry for calling you a royal bitch.”
It was now my turn to chuckle.
“It’s all good. I was kind of being a royal bitch.”
Carmen cracked a smirk and shrugged.
“I mean, I was bein’ a bitch too.”
Carmen twiddled his thumbs.
“Sorry, I got so pissed at you. You were just doin’ your job.”
I shrugged nonchalantly.
“It’s all good. You’ve taken care of it, and the guests are happy. That’s all I care about.”
Our close proximity allowed me to study him. I noticed the numerous cuts on his hands, the ink on his arms, and the sheen of sweat on his brow. He smelled like cigarettes and smoke.
I suddenly felt overdressed in my blazer and heels. I should be wearing a swimsuit and holding a refreshing drink. He should be the one who overdresses. He should be walking along the deck of his yacht in a white button-up and black dress pants, like a true rich man. The sun should feel pleasurable on my bare skin. Instead, I felt hot and suffocated beneath layers of fancy clothing.
I noticed a food speck on his face. Perhaps some sauce. I cupped his face in my hand, rubbing the stain away with my thumb.
Carmen seized. His face grew hot under my touch. I barely noticed, as my brow was furrowed in concentration.
Before I could completely remove the speck, he began to lean in.
I drew back abruptly, my breath catching in my throat.
My heartbeat quickened.
My cheeks turned bright red.
My jaw dropped to the floor.
Was he trying to kiss me?!
A look of realization wafted over Carmen.
“Oh-oh my God, I’m so sorry! Holy shit, I thought you were trynna kiss me!”
Oh my God. He thought-
“Oh! No, no, no no no. I was just trying to get rid of some food on your face!”
Carmen pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Ah! Shit I’m sorry!”
I shook my head, dismissing his apologies.
“You’re fine! You’re totally fine! It was my fault.”
Despite the gentle sound of birds and the bustle of people on the lower deck, an awkward silence ensued. Blush was painfully visible on both of our cheeks. Clearly, we both wanted to forget the discomfort that had just occurred. We didn’t even dare look each other in the eyes.
Then, once the silence had lingered, the mood shifted.
We both sensed it.
We exchanged glances, our demeanors tinged with lust.
I could sense the desire swimming in his eyes.
I straightened my back, hoping to calm the butterflies in my lower abdomen.
Carmen and I cocked our heads to the side, peering into the little living area to ensure no one was loitering as we were easily visible through the sliding glass door.
We locked eyes.
His pupils were now blown out with lust, and only a faint circle of blue could be seen.
I gulped.
“Do you think anyone will see us?”
I whispered.
Carmen shrugged.
He spoke in hushed tones.
I practically leapt on him as we locked lips. The tension had been broken. As I straddled his waist, I could feel blood rushing in my ears. My heartbeat quickened to the point where distinct pumps could barely be made out.
I’ve never been this worked up over a man in my life.
Carmen's hands reached my waist. He pulled me closer till there was no more room between us. I sighed deeply into his lips, allowing my rigid form to loosen.
I was a sensible woman.
I never took unnecessary risks.
And I certainly wasn’t one to put my job on the line just so I could make out with the head chef.
But Jesus, there was something about Carmen.
There was something so arousing about how taboo this whole situation was.
He made me want to be so… bad.
I threw my arms around his shoulders, tugging him impossibly closer as his tongue slipped past my teeth. It was instantly a battle for dominance. We were two incredibly passionate people. It wasn’t in our nature to fold.
“God, you have no idea how badly I’ve wanted this.”
He mumbled sexily against my lips.
“You have no idea how long I’ve fantasized about having you on top of me.”
My stomach fluttered. I wonder if he ever thought about me in bed, long after we fought. I wonder if he allowed his calloused fingers to slip below the waistband of his boxers.
I ran my nails along his scalp, eliciting a whimper from the back of his throat.
God, he was sexy.
I shifted my weight slightly atop his lap. My clothed core brushed against his erection. I groaned involuntarily, my hips instantly searching for more friction.
“You make me so hard.”
It wasn't just the heat of the day that was making me sweat. Carmen’s hands traveled toward the waistband of my dress pants.
“Please,” he groaned with desperation, “please, I wanna make you feel good.”
I desperately wanted to throw off all of my stupid fancy clothes and feel the sun on my skin while I rode him like my life depended on it. But, alas, I knew it was neither the right place, nor the right time.
“Carmen, I have to get back to work.”
I uttered between heated kisses.
“Later, though, I promise.”
I climbed off him.
Jesus, bad idea to make out with someone in the middle of a shift. Now, I was uncomfortably wet and far too aroused to finish my day with a clear head.
Well, I suppose that’s the price I pay for throwing every ounce of sensibility out the window.
“What time is it?”
Carmen asked, his chest heaving as he struggled to regain his composure.
I checked my watch. My jaw dropped.
Man, my time management skills were awful today.
“Holy shit it’s been half an hour! Your staff is probably wondering where the hell you’ve been!”
Carmen shot up, running a hand through his unkempt hair.
“Oh my God I still have to make fuckin’ dessert for everyone!”
Although I am all for getting things done on time. Carmen could not go back to work with…
“Y’know, I would advise, um-maybe, going to the bathroom.”
My eyes shot back and forth between his erection and his eyes. Carmen glanced down, immediately getting the memo.
“Shit! Shit, I don’t have fuckin’ time for this!”
I placed my hands on his shoulders to keep him from getting too worked up.
“It’s okay! Just take a deep breath. I’ll tell them you’re dealing with a family emergency or something!”
Carmen shook his head rapidly.
“No, shit! I’m already behind schedule.”
He shrugged my hands off his shoulders.
“I really have to get to the kitchen Y/N.”
He began to walk away, but I grasped his shoulders, spinning his body back around to face me.
“Well, would you rather explain to your staff why you’re late, or why you’re hard.”
Carmen stalled, running his tongue over his lips.
“Yeah, on second thought that’s a good point… alright, we’ll go with your plan.”
I gave him a nod of approval. He turned to leave. But, before entering the small living area, he flipped back to face me.
“Hey, remember to find me later Y/N!”
He shouted.
I recalled our brief, yet passionate moment on the lounge chair. A grin spread slowly over my face.
“Oh, don’t worry, I won’t forget!”
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notyourdaisybuchanan · 11 months
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1x03 // 1x06
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carmthebear · 8 months
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Natalie and Carmy's first scene from the pilot's script🐻🐻
They mean so much to me😭 I love the idea of tattoos being a commonground for the three of them, something that doesn't necessarily originate from trauma. I can see Mikey taking Nat out for her first tattoo and maybe Nat taking Carm out for his.
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drrav3nb · 8 months
Found this song recently and it suited Carmy and Sydney so much that I had to make an edit! Hope you enjoy it!
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Never forget our beloved Neil Geoff Fak is a cat dad to two beautiful sons: Ralph and Ralph
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mothirl · 10 months
Finished season one of the bear recently (five minutes ago) this is what media should be !!!!!! This is what it's all about baby!!!!!!!! I want no more reality tv no more carbon copies of every show in existence i want real shit about real people living real lives
This show is something so human that I have rarely ever experienced in my life
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ariisheresstuff · 6 months
Falls and Puddles
Pairings: Dad!Carmy x Mom!Reader
Summary: You and Carmy are watching your 5 year old daughter Kennedy ride her bike in the rain and through the big puddles, however, she ends up losing her balance and falling into a massive puddle crying.
Genre: Fluff + Comfort
Warnings: Crying, mentions of cuts, injuries
A/N: My requests are open, have a good day!
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You were standing outside of your porch with Carmy watching Kennedy ride her bike in the puddles while it was raining, she had on her pretty pink rain coat with her pink boots. You leaned into Carmen’s side as he wrapped an arm around you to bring you closer.
“She’s getting better at riding her bike babe.” You said as you looked up at Carmen who had a smile on his face watching Kennedy giggle as the water splashed on her.
“She is, Richie and Ava have been helping her actually.” He said making you smile more
“You never told me.” You said with a tease making Carmen chuckle before placing a kiss on your forehead.
“It’s a secret babe.” You rolled your eyes before lightly laughing as you continued to watch Kennedy.
Kennedy rode her bike through a large puddle before she lost her balance and fell off her bike, straight into the massive puddle. You gasped.
“Shit.” Carmy muttered before quickly going down the steps of the porch and running across the street to Kennedy. You followed him quickly. That’s when you heard the heartbreaking wail of your daughter.
“Daddy!!!” She called out through her sobs as she sat in the puddle all drenched.
“Oh,Kenzie girl c’mere, did you fall?” Carmen cooed as he helped Kennedy up only she raised her arms up wanting to be carried by her dad, Carm quickly picked her up not caring she was getting his clothes drenched.
“Oh honey, are you okay?” You cooed to the crying girl as you picked up her bike following Carm back to the house.
“I-I fell.” Kennedy said through hiccups making your heart break. Carmen frowned as he placed kissed on his little girls head while rubbing her back.
“We’re gonna get you cleaned up okay? I’m sure you don’t have any boo boos though.”
Kennedy wrapped her arms around Carm’s neck as she snuggled into his neck just wanting her dad’s presence. Carmen hummed as he pecked her head.
“You’re okay baby, I promise. It wasn’t your fault, it’s slippery out there yeah?” He cooed as you followed him up the stairs placing her bike on the porch before Carmen placed Kennedy down making her whine.
“Can you sit for me princess? Right here on the step, I’m gonna get the water out of your boots.” Kennedy only shook her head as she whimpered. You frowned.
“Please baby? Daddy is only gonna take the water out of your boots, promise. Please?” You asked her making her whine before she slowly sat down. “Good girl.” You ran a hand through her hair soothing the poor girl.
Carmen room off her boot before placing it upside down as a puddle of water came out her boots. He placed them by the door before picking up Kennedy again. “We’re gonna get you some fresh pair of clothes okay?” Kennedy nodded as Carm went upstairs to her room.
You waited in the living room with a first aid kit just in case she had any cuts. You heard Carmen’s footsteps down the stairs, he was still carrying Kennedy who had a pair of fresh new clothes. Carmen sat by you with Kennedy on his lap who snuggled into his chest still hiccuping. You gave him a sad frown before looking at the little girl.
“Any boo boos?” You asked softly as Carmen rubbed her back as he pecked her head a few times.
“Small cuts on her knee, nothing serious.” Carm said as he pulled her pajama pants up to show you her knee. A minor red cut.
“Which bandaid you want baby?” You said as you pulled out a little box of Barbie and Disney Princess bandaids, Kennedy sniffled before pointing to the Barbie ones. You smiled before taking a bandaid and placing it on the small cut, you kissed her knee before gently rubbing it. “All better.” You sighed making Kennedy smile a bit.
“You smiling?” Carmen said in a teasing tone making the little girl smile more, he tickled her making her squeal making you smile at the moment.
Carmen then stood up, picking up Kennedy before looking down at you. “I’m gonna start dinner, Kenzie is deciding what we eat tonight. Aren’t we princess?” Carmen cooed making Kennedy hide her face in his neck making you chuckle a bit.
“So, what’s for dinner chef?” You said as you both looked a the little girl who then looked down at the floor shyly.
“Ice cream and waffles.” She said softly with a smile, you looked at Carmen who had a smirk on his face. You shook your head.
“You heard the chef babe.” You crossed you arms before smiling at the two.
“Ice cream and waffles it is.” You placed a kiss on the girls head making her giggle before you cupped Carmen’s face and placed a loving kiss on the corner of his lips making Kennedy turn away in disgust. You and Carmen just laughed as you continued to tease the little girl by placing loving pecks on each other.
Tag-List: @otomefan @chunnies @slasherstories123 @avengersfan25 @th3h0nkz
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roseferncal · 11 months
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burn baby burn 🕺🏾 disco inferno
bonus: the hot mf in question
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reeeeeeeeeeba · 5 months
I just finished watching S1 of The Bear. Damn. That was beautiful. I'm not crying. You are.
I love Richie and Carmy's relationship. I love Sydney and Marcus' relationship. Nobody touch Marcus, that's my little cinnamon roll okay? I love Tina. I love Ebra. I love Sweeps. I love Manny and Angel. I fucking love Fak. Fak and Richie? Don't get me started. Loved the show. *chef's kiss*
PS: See what I did there with the chef's kiss haha
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beardedbarba · 1 year
this man literally has the bluest eyes i’ve ever seen?????
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viciousland · 9 months
I'm watching The Bear and what the fuck was 1x07?! I was not expecting to get all emotional with Sufjan Stevens Chicago as they put images of the city's history. Then the ugly chaos in the kitchen? for the very first time I was on everyone's side internally screaming STOP FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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blurbour · 11 months
I just finished watching the 2 seasons of The Bear and I'm going INSANE. I simply love screwed up characters with a bunch of traumas and complicated relationships and this was everything I needed (I was in search for a new hyperfixation bc I can't live long enough if I don't have one and this saved my LIFE but at the same time my head is like VRRRRRRR) :')
I intend to come here eventually to talk abt everything that it's been on my mind and get everything out of my system before I explode but for now I can't bc my thoughts are overlapping one another and I end up only making weird and vague hand movements (too many thoughts, not much brainpower to verbalize them) and also bc it's 3 o'clock in the morning and I need to wake up early tomorrow/today. Anyway, it's good to be back from the ashes and feel some good feelings (I love how tumblr let's me talk abt the shit I like without feeling bad, although I'm not talking directly to someone it's nice to feel that I can talk abt something I'm hyperfixating and feel like there might be other people who can relate to what I'm saying and share thoughts and stuff too :> anyway, I got a little carried away there, but I hope to be writting here soon <3).
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