#the cluster
th3-0bjectivist · 16 days
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“The Cluster” - Animated painting
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ask-crimson-weaver · 19 days
Been with Dr. McCoy for a bit, and he’s made some progress on doing a check-up on our guy. Seems like he’s cellularly stable? So he’s in the clear from spontaneously dropping dead. Hooray!
He’s working on doing a more through DNA analysis right now— apparently he helped the Professor do a bit of investigating about how his stuff worked at some point, so he’s got a baseline to compare our guy’s stuff against (he’s fallen asleep again while Dr. McCoy works).
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arjengelly · 5 months
The Vestiges to Deku:
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Star’s arm
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ask-harvester · 2 months
Letting everyone know that there’s a good chance I’ll be at hospital this weekend because oh boy, the time for Baby is upon us.. Erm, well, just me and MJ. And Toby too kinda. Would’ve made a post yesterday but I really didn’t want people to think it was a Prank 😭
Anyway! I’ll probably take it easy but will let y’all know when I’m back from the hospital 🫡
Guess for this week it’s just Miles’s blog lmao
- 🥩
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ask-copper-spider · 6 months
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zeephyre · 1 year
Anyway I started several playlists because im insane and i haven't been able to relax since i saw across the spiderverse almost a week ago now.
uhhhhh check em out if you want im actually pretty proud of them despite how actually sort of stressful it was making them perfect the way i need them to be.
i have a soft spot for miles' because it's actually telling a story in order of the actual spiderverse movie(s) whereas the others are just pure vibes.
the cluster/fruity four/arachkids:
i have not made one for pavitr because i haven't nailed his whole thing yet but hopefully by the time beyond the spiderverse drops we'll have more of him.
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rosemaryblossoms · 5 months
Once there was a greedy old man who wanted power more than anything, there was something else he wanted but he couldn’t get it with money at all and which made it “difficult” for him. He wanted someone to teach his methods to, Someone to spread his legacy with a bloody red R. He first used a beautiful rose and a magenta buddleia but they weren’t enough for him. Together they were strong but weren’t strong as he wanted to be. They failed him far too many times. He ignored the buddleia and her pleads as well as the handsome rose and left them behind locked up and beheaded Meowth their beloved cat and partner. Later on he found another pretty flower, a pink water lily. She was strong as her two legendary companions and passionate with her work, so he simply plucked her away from them and began to work. His scientists worked and worked to give him the perfect heiress, it was difficult because of how she fought but with a few clips of her petals and she was new. She succeeded at first as her once colorful spirit in her petals slowly died out but she failed her final test so she was locked up with the others, never to go back home again. He was angry, he had succeeded before, why was he failing now he thought. He research and looked over everything until a few colors caught his eye. Red, Bue, and Purple would race his mind. Red, Blue, Red, Purple swirled in his mind like an epiphany. A legend, another Legend, and a determined one to be a legend. The two were strong, the third wasn’t as strong but he had determination to be as strong. He went to his basement to see the others, instead of hushing their shouts and cries of pain he listened only to the water lily like a song, a song he could try to play. One day he went out and played the familiar song to them from a far, each captivated by the familiar call causing them to go into the grasp of the darkness. They were trapped and he knew it, he got them, it was hard with how hard the fought and screamed but he did it, the Pokémon were confiscated and trapped as well but far from their trainers. He finally did it he was going to make the perfect heir and the perfect weapon, it was going to be beautiful, he could just see his future now. The strong figure ruling over under his power, it was so beautiful to him.
When I woke up, I was “beautiful”. I was sore and felt like throwing my guts out at both my feelings and the sight of me. I could still hear there cries and their screams of pain. I could hear there voices in my head screaming at him about what he did to them.
I felt their memories and vibrations of their voices bubbling in my head to the point I felt it was going to burst. I could feel all their tears on my face as I processed every thing when I woke up. As I was trained, a new mind formed with their’s, giving me my own voice in a way slowly but I was yet to fully have my voice because it was taken away from me over and over again. He took away our Freedom, He took away our legacy, and He took us from our families and friends. He took our voices to make a new one. Blue, Silver, Red, The trainers in my head. The ones who guided me to lead him into a false sense of security. We worked together with the others and killed them all dead, they took us from our families so we took them from theirs.
Lavender, Magenta, Purple, Blue, Red, and Green were the last colors they all have seen before going into a deep and permanent sleep. He was the the last one left, and he was dead. But we had no where to go so we made the fucked up facility our home and the Pokéball our beds.
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junoniadoesart · 1 year
Pliocene by Cosmo Sheldrake needs to become the International Anthem of Speculative Biology.
The sheer vibes that this song exudes. It fits every speculative biology project I can imagine. From big-budget movies like the MonsterVerse and Cameron’s Avatar to web projects like Serina and Nijin-Konai. All Tomorrows and All Yesterdays. Two Sky River. Strange World. Hamster’s Paradise. Snaiad. Darwin IV. Rhinogradentia. Subnautica. Tales from the Loop. Amphiterra. The Cluster. Polinices. More. All of it.  Have a listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0srKjwRJwc
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koleaidman · 8 months
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cluster oc redesign!!!
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ask-percyparker · 1 year
It’s.. odd, to see glimpses of other worlds from here. Sometimes I look in and feel… more than a bit jealous. And inadequate.
Maybe I’m just in a bad mood from being down here but I hate feeling this way. Note to self, stop looking at other “spider” blogs for now.
- 📸
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toyota12 · 1 year
Steven Universe Future: Pink State Analysis (I Am My Monster)
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This episode is simulataneously the first and last time we see Steven in his monster form.
This episode begins where Everything's Fine left off, with Steven having transformed into a monster, Peridot, Lapis, and Bismuth, upon noticing this and mistaking the monster for a threat immediately warp over to Steven's house to fight it. However, they are told to stand down by Garnet, who has been trying along with the others to settle Steven down.
Garnet, eventually goes onto to say that as long as Steven believes he's a monster (i.e. a bad person), he'll stay a monster (as in literally remain in the form of a monster). In this form, Steven behaves almost exactly as the corrupted gems seen throughout the series, acting more or less like wild animals, and is incapable of even speaking at all.
After Peridot and Bismuth are able to get Steven's attention and lure him into the ocean, Lapis restrains him with water chains, which is what he spends a good majority of this episode trying to break out of.
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After the Diamonds and Spinel arrive on Earth (likely using giving Steven's flip flop back to him as an excuse for another surprise visit), and fail to return him back to his human form, Steven, generating the strength to finally breaks out of Lapis's chains, roars with enough power to blast everyone back.
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While re-approaching Beach City, The Cluster appears to restrain Steven even further, giving Steven something else to break out of while buying everyone else some time.
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After Peridot remarks that Steven is even stronger than The Cluster, nearly everyone else begins to cry and blame themselves over how they failed him in the past and how it led to his transformation. That is, until Connie returns to tell them to not only stop focusing on themselves and think about Steven, but also remember all the good things he did for them in order to help him in his time of need.
Garnet (who had unfused after being blown to the beach) re-fuses and comes up with an idea to help him.
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It's also around this time that Steven manages to break free of the Cluster's grasp and begins re-approaching Beach City, as well as the group.
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Garnet comes up with plan in which everyone could contribute in helping Steven, by having Yellow increase Garnet's size with her powers, Blue lifting everyone with her cloud powers and having Lapis distract Steven while everyone makes their way to him.
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Garnet tackles Steven, trying to settle him down by talking to him in a calming voice, relating her own experiences to falling apart to what Steven's doing now, which settles him enough to be receptive to what she's saying.
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After this, the others, expect for Connie, reach Steven and hug him as well.
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Greg tells Steven that he'll be willing to give him anything he needs, Peridot says how Steven never gave up on her, and how she'll do the same for him. Amethyst and Pearl, like Garnet, relate their own experiences and struggles to what Steven is going through now. This shows how their idea of getting through to Steven was to use own individual experiences with Steven and themselves to make him realize how reality goes beyond his own perceptions since each character talks about their experiences, and not anyone else's (for example Amethyst doesn't talk Greg's experiences, but her own), and how it's done without them assuming they would know exactly how to fix things, much like Steven had been wanting.
The Cluster also decides to get in on the hug by holding Steven's hand.
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Finally, Connie comes on Steven's nose and tells him how he must've have afraid to show everyone the side of himself that is imperfect and vunerable, thinking everyone would hate and abandon him if he couldn't be the one who has things together for them. However, they'll accept no matter how they see him, kissing him on the nose as a sign of affection.
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Steven both moved by this and finally realizing everyone won't abandon him since they didn't even after seeing him as a monster, begins to cry, which appears to return him to his human form. This could also be due to his healing tears combined with the essence of the other Diamonds as his tears glow as he cries.
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As soon as he returns to human form, Steven appears to be trying to apologize (presumably for either pushing everyone away all this time or for any damage he might have caused as a monster).
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However, Lion, obscures his face from having to face everyone else, and he begins to cry intensly, even as the episode ends. This is due to not only Steven finally prioritizing his own feelings, without worrying about making a scene in front of everyone, but also him realizing he was wrong about everything he'd percieved, not only of everyone else around him, but also himself.
This also means he's finally willing to accept the help of others since he doesn't care about whether or not they're flawed or don't have all the answers as well since he doesn't have to worry about that for himself.
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In the epilogue (to the epilogue), he and the gems still have trouble talking to each other about their concerns, however he's still willing to find a purpose outside of Beach City and thinking of himself as a helper since he's free to do so.
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ask-crimson-weaver · 21 days
I think it might be sweet to have a gift for MJ! Guess it depends on what she’s comfortable with.
That’s the thing! I, uh… don’t really know?
I mean, I should! I’ve gone over to visit and talk with her and stuff a bunch! Especially after the Professor died— I dunno, I felt like I owed it to him to check in on her? Which turned into her checking in on me or… something. And I know losing her Peter was just… she never talked to me about how she’s dealt with the grief and stuff. Not really my place to ask at this point, I guess. But while I just lost a mentor when he died, she lost her husband.
Tl;dr I want to show my appreciation, but I also don’t want it to come off like ‘hey, uh, know you never got to have kids with your late husband, but at least you’ve got me! Have some cake!’ Or anything like that.
Am I… overthinking this? I’m probably overthinking this.
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ask-octoberotto · 1 year
I’m getting a weird sense of deja vu talking to Percy.
Isn’t it weird that once I contacted @ask-spider-man-61610 , another Parker, for help when I was trapped in a city that has gone down the drain and now here I am doing the same for Percy?
Does this mean anything? At all?? Or am I just over thinking this? Something feels off but I don’t know why.
- 🔬
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awkwardmermaidhair · 2 years
I love guys made up of hundreds of little guys! :D
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