#the fractured but whole x reader
the-stick-of-quotes · 11 hours
Stan: When I was younger, my older sister convinced me that the paper stick in those chocolates were edible.
New kid: They are.
New kid: No. Why would you fall for it again?
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spiderrmax · 2 months
raccoon & friends x sidekick reader
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synopsis: headcanons about how i imagine the raccoon & friends would react to having a sidekick! author's note: freedom pals will eventually get their own post :) also, like all my other works this isn't proof read if you see any mistakes no you didn't.
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The Raccoon
The way you become his sidekick is probably out of your hands. Since he sees himself as the leader and you as the new kid (which, to be fair, you are), he feels like he has to take you under his wing.
He acts as if it’s a chore, but it is mostly a front. He’s excited to train you, and he genuinely cares about your powers.
Following the events of the game, The Raccoon shows an obvious soft spot for the new kid, and this amplifies when he is “forced” to protect you
The Raccoon doesn’t go on a lot of solo missions that require fighting, he is mostly looking for intel. You are mostly left on guard duty while he steals whatever he was looking for.
He doesn’t like telling you things, but he always caves and tells you anyway. He feels like you listen to him more than the other members, and it’s very obvious he likes you the most. (Similar to how the New Kid gets new classes in the game.)
When, however, the two of you are in battle, he is extremely overprotective. It’s not like you can’t hold your own, he just hates watching you take a punch, which is inevitable. 
You know how in the games characters can be enraged by certain attacks? The Raccoon will hyper focus on the enemy who leaves you bleeding. He doesn’t stop until the enemy is down, so when making battle plans you have to count for his rage.
After battle he will complain about you getting hurt, (“Jeez, if you’re going to stay my sidekick, you need to get better in battle.”) but he won’t let you leave his base without him bandaging you or at least giving you some sort of healing item
Gets jealous if you have to go on a mission without him. Always puts up a fight, that you shouldn’t be without him. Will threaten the superhero you are pairing with for the mission, making them promise to keep a good watch on you. Then will make sure your next mission is with him
Human Kite
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Unlike The Raccoon, Human Kite doesn’t even propose the idea of having a sidekick. It’s you who proposes the idea, admitting you think you two make a pretty good team as he is a range fighter where you tend to fight close up.
He’s so flustered that he says yes and then flies off. (He’s so used to people mocking his power/superhero identity that you admitting to admiring him was surprising.)
When Cartman finds out that you asked specifically for Human Kite he tries to persuade you to join him instead; you decline, and Human Kite can’t help but smile at your dedication to being with him.
He takes the role of mentor so seriously. When on missions, you are always in Human Kite’s field of sight. He is always prepared to fly off if the fight is too large for the both of you, but you are too stubborn and will fight anyone who plans to attack.
Constantly is having to heal you on the field. He knows that you aren’t going to die from a few hits, but the guilt of your injuries is heavier now that you are under his protection.
Although, he does agree you two make a good team. You do most of the damage due to the close combat, which allows for Kyle to keep you standing with his healing powers.
He isn’t as dramatic about attacking the enemies that hit you as Cartman is, but will shoot his laser eyes at them at the next opportunity. 
Human Kite is also great for morale. He constantly is motivating you on the battlefield, supporting you as you attack, with small words of encouragement. 
Doesn’t mind if you have to go on missions without him, with your guys’ different skill set and all, but worries so much. Will meet you outside the base to check for any major injuries when you return, scolding you for being so reckless as he wasn’t there to take care of you. 
The Flash
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The Flash, similar to Human Kite, has never really desired a sidekick. He always works alone, due to others tending to slow him down. He only really asks for help when it’s dire.
Presuming you are a speedster class hero, he is down to have you on his team! His missions are gaining intel, similar to Cartman’s, and he appreciates sending you on smaller quests that he knows you can tackle due to your similar powers.
Not to say, he wouldn’t accept you if you had selected another class, but there are some downfalls for his main missions. The two of you are a killer duo on the field though, balancing each other's strength and weaknesses 
The Flash always double checks areas before you go in because he knows he can go undetected
After you guys have been working together, anytime he goes on a solo mission he is very aware of how lonely it is. Will go and crack a joke, and only then remembers you aren't there. He gets solo missions done faster, but that doesn't mean he enjoys them
Will race you around for fun! Loves showing off his speed (especially if you aren't a speedster). 
When you're injured and he's forced to carry you back, he speeds up; adrenaline rushing. He hates seeing you injured, and he most likely doesn't carry healing items due to them slowing him down. 
The biggest perk of being his side kick is you are not bound by the limits of the Fastpass. He will take you anywhere (if he isn't busy). The Raccoon complained about this once, but The Flash did not care enough to stop the special treatment. 
Super Craig
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Considering he is a brutalist, he'd benefit most from a sidekick who isn't in that class.
However! He did not want a sidekick at first. Unlike Human Kite and The Flash, he saw it as a waste of time. He despised working with people, and would flip the Raccoon off when he tried partnering him up. (Of course, he works with the other heroes. It is also begrudgingly)
So, the first time you ask, he says no. He’s blunt, and doesn’t try to humor you. He has no reason to think you following him around would benefit him in the slightest.
It’s not until he’s in true battle with you – not a small squabble with criminals easily defeated – does he realize how beneficial it is to have you. Where he is often unprepared, you carry items that change the course of the battle, and you willingly share them with him too! You shoot from afar while he’s close-up, and it’s the first time he was thankful someone was there in battle with him.
He has to suck up his pride to reapproach you with the offer, but luckily for him, you don’t torment him with how his backtracking on what he previous said.
He is very silent when you are working together. If you come up with a plan he will follow it, and may even help modify it so it works more efficiently, but he is very quiet on missions. This helps them run smoother; however, after, he is willing to entertain any questions or small talk you have. It may be short responses, but he does enjoy how you fill the once empty night.
Super Craig carried healing items before, due to his close combat nature. However, with working with you, he carries even more. Or, he’ll give you some before you leave on missions so he isn’t weighed down by them. Either way, your health comes before his, and he would not hesitate to give you aid even if he also requires bandaging. 
The Raccoon hates how he has a sidekick. Believes that Craig is the lamest superhero due to his lack of care in concealing his identity. Craig just flips him off anytime he complains, saying that it’s not his fault you didn’t want to work with him.
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Mosquito, like the Raccoon, approaches you about it first!
The two of you have been in battle before – especially due to his kryptonite. Despite being charmed and fighting poorly, he can recognize your strength. You have nothing to lose when you are approached with this offer, so luckily for his pride, you say yes.
Despite how he is meant to be making most of the decisions, as comes with the Superhero title, he is always looking for your guidance.
He never makes a choice unless he has thought it out with you. A plan will not be enacted unless he has run it by you and you have done all of the changes you think are necessary.
He also gets extremely nervous when you become injured. He isn’t the strongest hero, and often feels like your sidekick, so seeing you bleeding or limping creates a lot of panic for him.
Mosquito is prone to emotional outbursts – if a mission becomes too stressful, he’s hurt, you’re hurt, it’s late, anything can set him off, really. He needs you to be level-headed, and he would work best with someone who isn’t quick to react emotionally. New Kid in game is often practical, and a similar personality would mesh well for Mosquito.
The Raccoon often sends Mosquito on simpler missions (due to knowing how Mosquito cracks under pressure) but will send you on more complex missions. Mosquito cries so much when you are gone, nervous about what you are doing, if you’re okay. When you return home – after being gone no longer than a day, at the most – he is blubbering in your shoulder that he missed you. He’s very dramatic.
Captain Diabetes
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Following along with the game, you are paired up with Captain Diabetes after he is assigned a complex mission.
This isn’t to say he is disappointed! Captain Diabetes is so excited to have you on his team, and takes pride in guiding you along the way.
He is so protective – even if you are technically stronger than he is. He won’t let you into a room without him entering it first and scouting the area out.
Is also really prepared, in comparison to the heroes who had to shift their behavior to count for you. He has snacks and drinks due to his diabetes, and has no problem sharing his extras with you if a mission drags on longer.
Tends to take control on missions, but is willing to listen if the situation isn’t dire. He respects you as his side kick, but he is mostly used to doing things alone. Your input is respected, he just often forgets to ask for it.
Similar to Craig, he would work best, for balance, with a blaster or speedster (or anyone with range.) He takes a lot of the hits, so strong damage from afar helps shift the course of battles.
Panics the first time you are injured and ends up forgetting to hand you a potion until you reach up to grab it from him. He gets really flustered after that, not used to being so frazzled in a mission.
Captain Diabetes is one of the better superheroes to sidekick with! He is a good balance of strong and capable but also respectful.
When your mission is done, and you aren’t technically assigned to him anymore, he approaches you and asks if you two can still work together anyways. He stutters a bit, and blushes when you nod your head ecstatically. 
Bonus! Call Girl
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Call Girl isn’t seen as a superhero by most, so you have even less respect as her “sidekick”
Realistically, Call Girl doesn’t let you or others call you by that. She finds it a bit demeaning, and doesn’t keep you as her equal. You two are partners in her eyes.
The two of you don’t often do missions together either. Call Girl prefers to stay behind the scenes to pull the strings. It’s you who is often fighting when it is necessary.
However, you aren’t alone on the streets. Call Girl has you carry a phone she can track at all times, and she occasionally (when not extremely busy) will check the traffic cameras near your location.
Since she can’t always be there with you, she constantly is reminding you to take food, medicine, and water since she can’t carry extras.
Will scold you if you return to her injured, but will never not be the one to bandage your wounds. She is delicate as she covers them, and although her words might come off as mean, her eyes tell a whole different story.
When she begins gaining credibility, and is in fights with you more often, she is always there to protect you. Similar to Cartman, she gets angry with those who attack you, but it doesn’t cloud her judgement (she just hits harder, or leaks more embarrassing information.)
She has the best strategies! Always makes them with your strengths and weaknesses in mind. Occasionally, she forgets to ask for your input, mostly due to being excited or deeply invested in what she is planning. She won’t be upset if you interject with what you think, especially if it is something she may not have thought of.
If she sees you in danger on the cameras, or she is with you and a small battle becomes much larger, she will always jump in. Although she always tries to have a plan, she cannot account for anything and will be there whenever you call her.
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jewbeloved · 2 years
*Y/n laughing uncontrollably*
Kenny: What's so funny???
Y/n: You're wearing your underwear over your pants! 🤣🤣🤣😂
*Kenny glares at you*
Kenny: It's not funny...
*Y/n still laughing*
Y/n: You're way too funny Kenny.
Kenny: How? how did you know its me???
Y/n: It was a bit hard to figure out, but I think I managed to get my answer right when I said your name.
Kenny: 😶😮
(Art by me) template used: https://images.app.goo.gl/MaFFCXd4vAVFUXj99
Time taken: 2 and a half
Apps used: Ibis Paint x
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Mysterion is here!!!
Time to do stick of truth now, but I will be skipping Grand Wizard Cartman since I already drew him in one of my phone destroyer posts.
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artidiya · 1 year
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corporatefrog · 1 year
╭₊˚ ๑︰Being a Youtuber who reports on South Park Superheroes
A/N: made a post about this the other day and can’t stop thinking about it. I just love the idea of making video essays about the superheroes while the city is destroyed everyday like it’s Gotham 
EDIT: this post is being turned into a SMAU that you can read here
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- Being a university student in South Park, you’re simultaneously fighting Midterms and constant ridiculous levels of crime
- You grew up a few hours away from South Park so when you were offered a full ride to their university, of course you said yes 
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- After threating to sue (and crying in the dean’s office for 3 hours), the university offered to help pay for housing in a more expensive building away from the center of the city 
- making youtube videos about the heroes and villains was a way to deal with the flabbergasting fact that a random dude in a tinfoil helmet is fighting a dude dressed like a raccoon on the daily 
- the account gains traction with other people in the town
- now you’re a niche internet microcelebrity all because you lost your house. yay...
- you were even able to interview Call Girl for a video! 
- after that, the coon started badgering you to make a video with him as well
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- to which you said “no fuck off” 
- spoiler alert: he didn’t take that well
- next day you had a brick thrown through your window
- it was easy to figure out who it was 
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- being neighbors with kenny, kyle, and stan gives you a place to go instead of waiting for the landlord to call someone to fix your window 
- you hadn’t known them too well before but when you said the coon had thrown a brick through your window, they both became insanely interested 
- turns out the don’t really like him either 
- “bro what do you mean your favorite is the human kite? a strong breeze would send him halfway across the city- he’s a flying squirrel made of plastic and delusion.” 
- definitely being a professor chaos stan. 
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I kind of want to make this into a whole smau but idk if there would be pairings or anything, just silly interactions with an overarching storyline 
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kira-broflovski · 1 year
REQUESTS: OPEN but may take a while to get to
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Sleepover: Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4 • Part 5
HCs: seeing you come back after you moved away
I Can Trust You
HCs: crushing on the new girl
Elven King
Let Your Hair Down
HCs: his s.o always needing physical affection
HCs: being with a plus-sized girl
HCs: their s.o groans excessively when they stretch
HCs: seeing their s.o's natural hair
HCs: what they look for in an s.o
HCs: going to the rodeo with their s.o
Seven Minutes
HCs: having an s.o that zones out a lot
HCs: cuddling with them
HCs: being with a scemo gf
Show Off
HCs: seeing his favourite cousin
Secret + Not So Secret
Prom Dress
HCs: seeing you come back after you moved away
HCs: crushing on the new girl
HCs: seeing their s.o's natural hair
HCs: what they look for in an s.o
HCs: going to the rodeo with their s.o
HCs: cuddling with them
HCs: his s.o having depression
HCs: seeing you come back after you moved away
HCs: crushing on the new girl
HCs: having a gf that loves kissing him
Mysterious Injuries
HCs: what dating him is like
After Last Night
HCs: his s.o always needing physical affection
Dressed Up
HCs: their s.o groans excessively when they stretch
HCs: seeing their s.o's natural hair
HCs: what they look for in an s.o
HCs: going to the rodeo with their s.o
Friends Like That
More Than a Joke
HCs: cuddling with them
Fly Away
HCs: being with a scemo gf
HCs: seeing you come back after you moved away
HCs: crushing on the new girl
Green-Eyed Monster
HCs: seeing their s.o's natural hair
HCs: going to the rodeo with their s.o
HCs: cuddling with them
HCs: what it's like to date them
coming soon!!
coming soon!!
coming soon!!
HCs: what dating him is like
HCs: what they look for in an s.o
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4raykage · 2 months
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dolcid · 1 year
Just me rambling but has anyone else noticed that Cartman has a soft spot for the new kid?? Like throughout the entirety of tfbw he always ends up caving in to the new kids wishes despite the fact the new kid DOESN'T TALK. Bro is so in love with the new kid omfg. Like the new kid is just 😐 and Cartman is like 🙄😫😍 bruh.
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astral-cowboy · 7 months
Starkid (these are all getting updated. I just have alot of deadlines coming up so they're on mini-hiatuses)
(Incomplete) The arrival of agent mega and agent mega
Curt/Owen ,Steph/Pete, Ted/Charlotte
after a very touching and long romantic vacation, Agent Curt Mega and the newly renamed Agent Owen Mega move to Hatchetfield, right next door to our favourite nerdy prude and his horny older brother.
2023 - Teens and Up - Spies Are Forever/Nerdy Prudes Must Die - Hurt/Comfort
(Oneshot) Structurally sound
Nerdy Prudes Polycule (implied), Steph/Pete (implied)
do you ever think about how Peter was standing on the very same floorboards just minutes before Max Jagerman had his tragic accident because i do :)
2023 - Mature - Nerdy Prudes Must Die - Hurt/No Comfort
(Oneshot) Leave Room For Jesus
Max and Richie are making out when disaster strikes... Pete's entered the house!
2023 - teens and up - Nerdy Prudes Must Die - Crack Treated Seriously
(Oneshot) Fire Alarm
In which Peter Spankoffski and Stephanie Lauter get interrupted by their dorms fire alarm.
2023 - Mature - Nerdy Prudes Must Die - Mild Smut & Humor
(Oneshot) The Old Waylon Place
Max Jägerman/Peter Spankoffski
Toxic doomed Yaoi featuring Peter Spankoffski and Max Jägerman.
2023 - Mature - Nerdy Prudes Must Die - Hurt No Comfort
(Complete) Just Close Your Eyes (the sun is going down)
Peter Spankoffski & Ted Spankoffski
the goat bros' Hunger Games au that no one asked for or wanted
2024 - Teens and Up - Nerdy Prudes Must Die & The Hunger Games - Bittersweet Ending
(Anthology) Abeds adventures in monetization
A series of oneshots with abed being brad, the "evil" head of monetization at mythic quest.
2022 - General - Community/Mythic Quest - Fluff/Crack Treated Seriously
Resident Evil
(Incomplete) Elegy (a lament for the dead)
Leon/Chris, Leon/Luis (past), Leon/Ada (past), Leon/Krauser (past)
Leon Kennedy reminisces on past trauma, gets dragged to a very noisy club, and gets his spine rearranged (in a sexy way).
2023 - Explicit - Resident Evil - Angst/Smut
South Park
(Oneshot) Primadona (or is it a reasonable reaction)
The Freedom Pals are assholes and Scott Malkinson worries
2023 - Mature - South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Hurt/Comfort
Friday night Funkin'
(Oneshot) D.I.L.F
Daddy Dearest/Reader
You're gf's friend and her dad's pretty protective however you aren't interested in his daughter in any way.
2021 - Mature - Friday Night Funkin' - Reader Insert
Formula one
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indigomarina · 1 year
Eric x Villain reader
Reader: They stole from me first! Eric (as Coon): Mhm. Reader: Stole my heart… Kyle (as Human Kite) strapping handcuffs on: It is still illegal to commit murder.
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the-stick-of-quotes · 2 months
New Kid: Hey, why do you guys always stand up for me?
Mysterion: Well, you don’t exactly talk often.
Kyle: Also you’re our friend???? Lead with that next time.
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Hi, I am King Douchebag Writes!
I have decided to start writing once again after quitting last year, but this time, for the South Park games!
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Rules for Requesting!
Requests are always open!
I write for both the games, Stick of Truth and Fractured but Whole, and the show, so when requesting a character, please specify which version!
I write for Male, Female, and Gender Neutral readers. You can also request poly relationships with the reader.
I want to get better at all of my writing, so request whatever you like, except smut, this are children and I hate writing it.
I’ll do headcanons, one shots, and depending on if I like it, multiple parts!
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Anon List
No one’s here yet!
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Stick of Truth
The Wizard King, Paladin Butters the Merciful, Princess Kenny, The High Elf King, Stan Marshwalker, The Bard, The Dark King, Tweek the Barbarían, Craig the Theif, ETC
The Fractured but Whole
The Coon, Human Kite, Fastpass, Mosquito, Super Craig, Mysterion, Toolshed, Wonder Tweek, Tupperware, Call Girl, Captain Diabetes, Prof. Chaos, ETC
The Show
Cartman, Kyle, Stan, Kenny, Craig, Tweek, Jimmy, Butters, Clyde, Token, Wendy, Scott, Pip, ETC
In The Works
The Enchantress(Grand Wizard X Reader)
???(Wendy X Reader)
Birds of a Feather(Mysterion X Reader)
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jewbeloved · 2 years
Stan: You're giving up already? We just got started.
Y/n: Don't mock me! I'm not going down that easily!
Stan: It's not my fault that I have to fight you since we are at civil war with the coon and friends and you're on their side instead of ours.
Y/n: Your new nickname will be 'Bob the builder' then!
Stan: W H A T?!
Y/n: You heard me.
Stan: You're going down for that!
(Art by me) template used: https://pin.it/6lhyEBv
Time taken: 2 hours
Apps used: Ibis Paint X
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Toolshed is here! Mysterion is next💜💜💜<3
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pinkcannibal · 11 months
writing for chapter 19 of eat your young like. how insane can i get w readers co-dependency and extreme attachment to marilyn born from her trauma from tyler. how that manifests into needing marilyn so badly regardless of her injuries. bc of the guilt. and fear. and idea of being collared. like how far am i willing to convey that and would it be insane of me to just have literally 10,000 words of hurt, aftercare, comfort and the most depraved but tender smut i can think of
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 2 years
{After Emmet asks his S/o to scope out his house and find out whose been keying his brother’s car, he’s worried that it’s a stalker or pissed off trainer that lost to him on the subway. Needless to say, E-S/o was shocked to find it was Emmet who was keying the car while blackout drunk.]
Emmet, drunkenly ranting: Use Earthquake? {Keying ‘Fart-head’ into the car) How’s this fer Earthquake, jerk-face? Annd ‘Nother thang how’s he sexier then meh? we have the same face! dammit, howwww?!
{E-S/o awkwardly watches him, they wonder if they should stop him, when Ingo looks out from one of the upstairs windows sighs; rolls his eyes and opens the window.]
Ingo, annoyed: Emmet! Stop keying my car and go to bed!
Emmet, chipper: Ok!~ 
Ingo: Dumbass...(closes window)
{Emmet goes back inside, the next morning a very hungover Emmet was mortified to find out he was the car keying culprit all along.]
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corporatefrog · 1 year
╰┈➤ Welcome Back to the Channel
part 1; besties for life!
: ̗̀➛ notes - here's the first part ahh! i have a few parts drafted already so i'm excited to finally be posting these
tags - college au, superhero au, smau
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taglist [reply to be added]: @anglettecolours @cocolena @sukisprettyface @feverish-dove @sweetadonisbutbetter @hand-writxen
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