#tin can bros
smytherines · 2 days
happy pride month from the gay crime-doer
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kairithemang0 · 2 days
Happy pride month to the gays who to shoot their ex-lovers in the head
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Spies Are Forever AUgust Challenge
Inspired by a discord server I'm in, I decided I want to try my hand at an AUgust challenge for the SAF fandom
What is AUgust? Basically, there's a list of prompts for each day (including some alternates, in case you want to switch some out), and you create ar/writing/edits/etc. for each AU (Alternate Universe). Some days have several prompts. You don't have to use all of them, theyre just there to give a few options so you aren't limited to one thing.
I'm posting this June 1st to give plenty of time to plan and create if you choose to partake in it.
This is not just for Curtwen! I know that's what the fandom likes to focus on, but I encourage you to use any and all characters in any way you want.
Here are the AUs (also listed below w/explanations)
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Role/Body Swap - Imagine the characters if they switched situations (or bodies). (Ex. Curt falls instead of Owen)
Monsters/Magic/Urban Fantasy - This is a broad category. Anything with magic and/or monsters and/or myths and fairy tales. (Ex. Curt is a werewolf and Chimera is a monster hunting organization)
Furry/Pets - Reimagine the characters as furries/anthros. Not your thing? Make it an AU about them with pets instead
Pastel/Punk - Typically, this AU features one character who rocks a punk aesthetic while another wears/embodies pastel vibes. Variations are fun though! (Ex. Punk!Owen and Pastel!Curt)
Apocalypse/Dystopia/War - Basically just a doomsday situation (Ex. Zombie apocalypse)
Crime Ring/Mafia/Serial Killer/Assassins
Streamer/Influencer/Content Creator
Artist - This covers any type of art. Writing, painting, singing, dancing, etc
Floppy Disk/Cyberpunk/Steampunk - Lately there's been a Floppy Disk!Owen (or Curt) AU floating around, where their consciousness is stored on a floppy disk. If that doesn't interest you, cyber/steampunk aesthetics could be the basis for your AU
Star Wars/Star Trek/Space
Shop Owners - Bookshop! Flower Shop! Tattoo Parlor! Bakery! Cafe! You know 'em, you love 'em. (Ex. Curt and Owen own rival bakeries)
Princess Bride/Royalty - AU based on the movie The Princess Bride. If that doesn't interest you, royalty AUs are a good classic to go with
Movie, Show, Book, Game, Musical Crossover/AU - Choose any other piece of media and use that as the basis for an AU (Ex. The SAF characters being reaped for the Hunger Games)
High School/College/Teacher
Soulmate - ANY version of the soulmate AU is fair game (Ex. Tati and Barb have countdown clocks until they meet each other)
Dungeons & Dragons
Time Loop/Time Travel/Different Time Period
Fandom Fusion - Similar to the one for the 22nd, have SAF characters crossover with a different fandom in any way you want (Ex. Dick Big finds himself at the bar with Ted Spankoffski and they are trying to out-sleaze the other)
Alternates: Canon Divergence, Single Parent, Domestic/Slice-of-life, Hanahaki, Alternate Timeline, Horror, Rare-Pair
I'll keep asks open if anything needs clarification!
I can't wait til August to see what y'all cook up
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i find this an ungodly amount of funny.
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I really wish tcb fans talked about more than just saf. Not that saf doesn't deserve love, it deserves l the love. But like. It's so disheartening to me that barely anyone ever talks about anything outside of saf. Where's the love for the many other projects they've done? A new wdptkog episode went on youtube and there's like one post about it.
Why doesn't anyone talk wayward guide or solve it squad or flop stoppers anymore? And don't say because it's been a while since they came, because it's been longer since saf came out. Come one wayward guide and the solve it squad series have so many characters and world building especially.
I worry that when tcbob is finished and comes out on youtube that after years of tcb working on it only a few people will care. I worry that when gross prophets comes out on youtube no one will care. Please o hope people care about what will be some awesome new musicals.
And I know, I should make content for these, make content for what you want to see right? But I'm not just talking about a rare pair ship or something. I'm talking about these big projects that tcb worked hard on. Yet no one talks about them hardly anymore.
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zeero223 · 18 hours
I hate gay people (In a Spies are Forever fan way) (In a Quirrelmort fan way) (In a Firebringer fan way) (In a genderfluid bisexual way)
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nwqxx · 2 days
check out my new fit y'all🤑🙏
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Happy pride month!!!!!!!
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saying this again. rewatched spies are forever. if you watched it, WATCH IT AGAIN. If you haven’t seen it. Watch it. It’s worth it. Get the tissues, it’s a musical about dramatic spies. It’s worth it. 🤍 love you curt mega, love you joey richter, love you lauren lopez. slay all day.
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stellarspecter · 8 months
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joey richter + being held at gunpoint by a love interest
(+ bonus: when he wasn't actually shot)
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smytherines · 2 days
someone spilled beer on Owen's favorite shoes and Curt can't remember where they parked
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kairithemang0 · 2 days
GUYS! SILLY STARCANWRECKED ASK GAME! I'm literally thinking of this on the spot
Put a 💜 in someones ask box with a character
respond with a sexuality/gender headcanon
happy pride month :)
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khruschevshoe · 7 months
Starkid is one of the absolute best arguments for supprting independent art. The fact that the shows you're invested in can't get canceled by Big Daddy Streaming, the quality is always amazing, the love of the cast and crew doesn't get squeezed out by surprise budget reductions, the fact that since crowd funding provides almost all costs up front (plus the presence of voluntary digital ticket/in person tickets for additional funding), the fan base can access the full material for whatever cost they can contribute (even if you can give nothing monetarily, you will still get a professionally shot version of the material eventually, without surprise fees or password crackdowns, AND with captions/completely accesible regardless of location). The same goes for Tin Can Bros, Shipwrecked, and all the other associated theater and web series companies loosely connected to Starkid. Like, I cannot believe the amazing content provided to us at the same level as Broadway or streaming services with billion dollars at hand, with almost none of the catches that come with others. Like, I cannot believe that we get all of this right at our hands.
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curtmega · 5 months
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That’s so weird @ghostface-knight because..??!
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So please pay attention, attention!
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kizzys · 7 months
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NERDY PRUDES MUST DIE + references to past shows
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