#the princesses
fevekko · 10 months
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barbie gorls in a barbie world
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runawaywren · 1 year
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idk about y’all but i was not ready for this season to end 💀💀💀 (also if u saw the first version no u didnt)
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artificialhaunts · 1 year
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A princess in shining (glass) armor
Glass armor is a cool concept until I have to draw it :(
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The Fairies are trying to write everyone's stories for them, the Princesses are trying to write their own stories for themselves, and the Stepmother is trying to take everyone else's story for herself. Itself?
The Stepmother is making me crazy and I love that Eldritch horror, and am surprised she wasn't a Great Old One Patron. I'm fucking nuts about this; the part of me that's supposed to fear and revile monsters is gone. There is only awe.
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adaine-abernantt · 1 year
Snow White, I love you
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waterfire1848 · 1 year
She Ra Headcanon(all credit goes to @daleforcewind) - The clones gave themselves new names after being freed from Prime. Some gave themselves names like Mark, James, Jack, etc but others named themselves after things like Soda, Cheese, Lamp and no one had the heart to tell them those aren’t names.
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theunfairfolk · 2 years
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“My kingdom is ocean and sea. I spend my days amongst ships and coral, fighting the waves to pull up the treasures they have to offer. My skin is black as the horizon before a storm, I chart the stars and swim with sharks, I rule my subjects fearlessly through use of spear and net and sail.”
The Princess of the South from The Prince and The Stranger
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icklewolfiekins · 1 year
I just want to know if the Tiger’s Bride elements of la bête’s story were purposeful or if it’s me having read too much beauty and the beast lore
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figsbass · 1 year
i'm joining the war of then princesses vs destinys children. on the side of the princesses 🫡🫡
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cherumie · 1 year
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roma150502 · 5 months
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cheutral · 1 year
Just realized that The Princesses hold a very similar status in the dimension 20 fandom as Vriska
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I say this as a taylor Stan, but neverafter's rapunzel is extremely taylor swift coded, like here's a female character that was brought up in a way that made her hyper aware of her interactions with other people, leading her to create a carefully crafted persona that comes off as so fake and cheerful that it makes people distrust her, resulting in the need to use not so sanitized means of getting what they want.
The main difference is that Taylor's end goal is money and making music and rapunzel wants to kill everyone.
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God, I just, the princesses plan makes me repeatedly think of a tactic for the pcs to convince them it's foolish. It's just two different versions of the same scene.
Mother Goose goes to the princesses and asks to help them figure out how "terrestrial ink" works before they start working with the reality altering kind. And then as Mother Goose is basically running them through a writing workshop (with probably many jokes from the comedy writers in LA from NYC), he makes the point about how the "arthurs" won't be stopped by destroying everything, they can just make it again. There are so many different points Mother Goose can make about the nature of storytelling and what is needed to know and what is needed to be done to be satisfied.
But after seeing the preview of the next episode, I highly doubt it'll happen.
One can dream though . . . or write fanfiction
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Post-Canon Justice.
Post-canon treatment of the bad guys by the princesses... what do you think would happen / be the votes / attitudes, realistically-to-the-series?  I’ve read (and written) all kinds of fanfics. There are a lot of ideas floated around about what a specific fan thinks *should* happen, sometimes in a darker and heavier tone to fulfill their senses of justice.  These are things like Catra getting a prison or hard labor stint, or Adora breaking up with her and her fucking off to the Crimson Waste to go lead a bandit gang.  Stuff with Hordak varies... I once read (an Entrapdak fic, surprisingly) where Hordak got prison, solitary confinement in an old fort until Adora figured out that things would go better for him and for Bright Moon if he were occupied with tech projects and if he had visits from a certain Lab Partner.  (He served out his sentence).  Then there was an odious, incredibly out out of character anti-Hordak fic that had Entrapta lock him up in her dungeon in Dryl and program a robot to occasionally bring him food because she “realized he was evil.”  *rolls eyes.*  Other fics that are harsh on Hordak seem to be more Want of a Nail aus where he gets killed in-story for the plot of the specific fic, rather than canon-complient post-series.  I had an idea that I never wrote about him getting executed and it setting Entrapta off into a spiral of madness in which she fucks off to Beast Island, is inocorporated into it and takes over the place.  She then sends Beast Island infection-vines to corrupt all of Etheria, hacking into the Runestones, and it’s not even a conscious act because she’s just incorporated into the island and isn’t herself anymore.  Kind of like Calamity Ganon from Breath of the Wild, grief personified and it destroys the world.  - I’ve so far just thought it too dark, not the right feel. I’d have to be in a mood to completely demolish the vibe of She-Ra to write this fanfic.  Fun idea, but hella dark.  (Though not like I haven’t written similarly dark fic).  By far, I see gentler stuff, more in line with the series.  I see Hordak, Entrapta and Catra being sentenced to do cleanup and rebuilding and tech-help and development to Etheria to make amends.  Usually it’s a cleanup Beast Island scenario or “start with Sailenias.”  Usually, the princess-councils on this have divided opinions.  Oftentimes, Mermista will tolerate Catra, but is like “I want to execute Hordak” and she gets out-voted.   By far the funniest takes have been “Hordak and / or Catra are imprisoned in respective Bright Moon guest rooms for a while, pending decisions or serving short sentences.  THEY ONLY GET A FEW PILLOWS! GASP!” Cruel and unusual punisment by Bright Moon standards!  And they are completely baffled at the “prisons” in Bright Moon that are so much more luxurious than their free quarters in the Fright Zone!  I find these fanfic takes fitting to Spop and fun.  I’ve been thinking “how realistic (to the series) some of these takes are?    Would any of the princesses or King Micah or Casta front the idea of things like execution or life imprisonment or long-term imprisonment? Or exile to space? It really makes more sense to me that Mermista would give Hordak a lot of death-glares and make him rebuild her kingdom, but wouldn’t want to kill him.  I could see her getting the idea in her head briefly, but given any actual power to do anything outside of the heat of battle, would be hesitant and horrified at her own thoughts.   I mean, in this series, when even Catra acted rashly and shocked the Hell out of Entrapta and sent her to Beast Island because she was losing her grip on reality, she was horrified, had the “stared at her own hands” reaction. Hordak is implied to have sent many people to their deaths on Beast Island in the past without much caring about it, but post-canon it makes sense to me for him to think that all of that was an atrocious waste since everything came to nothing for him, and, of course, even at his most evil on-screen, he’s blasting buildings, not civilians. (He has to wait for starring in my darker fanfics for that!)  There’s just a feel of it all that makes me think some of our darker fan-takes, while for fun, are wrong.  
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hcwthewestwaswcn · 2 years
New promo!!!!
promo credit goes to : @sah1x1s
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