#the righteous brothers
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illbeyouranchor · 6 months
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fleetshotter-minstrel · 5 months
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balladofsallyrose · 16 days
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It's Happening in Hollywood Tiger Beat, March 1968
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fidjiefidjie · 7 months
Bon Soir 💙🎤 💙
The Righteous Brothers 🎶 You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'
Live on the Danny Kaye Show
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hit-song-showdown · 1 year
Year-End Poll #16: 1965
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[Image description: a collage of photos of the 10 musicians and musical groups featured in this poll. In order from left to right, top to bottom: Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs, Four Tops, The Rolling Stones, We Five, The Righteous Brothers, Petula Clark, The Beatles, Herman's Hermits, Elvis Presley, The Temptations. End description]
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A lot of heavy-hitters are coming at us in 1965. Beatlemania is still going strong, continuing their rise from "famous" to "cultural milestone". Fellow English rock band, The Rolling Stones, would also explode in popularity and success around this year. The two bands were often pitted against each other for the title of commander of the British Invasion -- leading up to this poll. We're all part of history today. Rock and roll itself is starting to evolve more in the mainstream, favoring a harder, almost messier sound that would have been too intense for previous (white) audiences. Hard rock, blues rock, psychedelic rock, and garage rock will come to define the genre at this moment in time.
R&B is also having a huge moment this year, especially the music coming from the powerhouse record label: Motown Records. I talked about the significance of the label briefly in the 1964 post, and like The Beatles and Elvis Presley, there's so much behind their history that I feel intimidated to talk more. But without going too much into it, Motown Records is also notable for the image they sold along with their records. Everything from the artists' sound, to their looks, to how they carried themselves in public had to exude class and sophistication. Here's a link to an interview with Maxine Powell, the finishing instructor who worked with many of these artists. While brand recognition played a major role in this (as Motown became something of its own genre in addition to being a record label), this image was essential for crossover appeal. The music of Motown may not have been overtly political at this time, but it was still monumental in normalizing Black artists and business owners in mainstream white spaces during the height of the 60's Civil Rights Movement.
There's another major historic moment I want to touch on here, but its impact won't be seen on the polls until the next one. 1965 marks the year when American ground troops first entered Vietnam. President Johnson would demand for the monthly draft to double, conscripting 1,000 men every day. Those who are at least somewhat familiar with American pop culture already know why I'm bringing this up in a music poll. But the people who think that American music about the Vietnam War was all Creedence and Dylan may be surprised. See you all in 1966.
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nofatclips · 1 year
You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling by The Unrighteous Brothers b/w Unchained Melody
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keefsteef · 2 months
Resuming Van-Halen Scheduling Soon, BUT 😩🤩🤣 having a Righteous Brothers Arc, don't mind me ✨️
It hasn't got to the point where I've started hoovering up facts and information about them for breakfast, but chances are it'll happen 💅🏽
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blaylists · 22 days
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heaven knows i’m miserable now
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gypsy-that-i-was · 1 year
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lisamarie-vee · 10 months
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fantastickkay · 1 month
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Albums in my collection turning 60 this year!
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balladofsallyrose · 2 months
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dateinthelife · 9 months
2 September 1964
Clarence ‘Frogman’ Henry replaces The Righteous Brothers on tour as of this date, because the latter had complained of the crowd's enthusiasm for the Beatles drowning out their own set.
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hit-song-showdown · 1 year
Year-End Poll #17: 1966
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[Image description: a collage of photos of the 10 musicians and musical groups featured in this poll. In order from left to right, top to bottom: SSgt Barry Sadler, The Association, The Righteous Brothers, Four Tops, ? and the Mysterians, The Monkees, The Mamas and the Papas (x2), The Supremes, Johnny Rivers. End description]
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*Opening chords of Fortunate Son playing softly in the background*
A few polls ago, I mentioned that the song list I was using was not the one originally published in Billboard Magazine during that year. This is another one of those cases. If you read through the magazine, you'll find California Dreamin' listed as the number 1 song of the year. However, the data has since been updated and Billboard's website (and other up-to-date publications) list The Ballad of the Green Berets as the number 1 song in 1966. Every place I looked has given me frustratingly vague reasons for this difference. Since my threshold for research ends at the point where I have to start contacting people, I decided to leave this up to my (un)educated guess and assume the magazine was published before all the data for the year could be collected. Maybe, as America's involvement in the Vietnam War skyrocketed this year, more people were flocking to TBoTGB.
However I feel about the song (I try to keep these blurbs free of my actual opinions when it comes to the songs listed), it gives me an opportunity to talk about Vietnam War era music. When I imagine this era in music, I mostly think of protest songs or basically just the Full Metal Jacket soundtrack. Often, this is in contrast to the music about "the war" my generation got. To people like me who grew up watching The [Dixie] Chicks backlash and the fire-hose blast of patriotic pro-war songs, the Vietnam War era of popular music truly feels like another era in more ways than the obvious. So why is the number 1 song in the country one of the few "pro-Vietnam War" songs from the time?
I was able to talk to my folks about this era, and keep in mind that they're pretty left-leaning so that's the angle I'm coming at this from. They talked about listening to Walter Cronkite read the death counts on CBS. My dad said that after the draft was kicked into high gear, it felt like the government was just "throwing bodies" at the war effort. Middle America no longer had the luxury of distancing themselves from the war. With the draft and the footage being broadcasted into people's living rooms, there wasn't even the pastiche of "glory". But my dad also said that when he was in school, his teacher would have the kids sing Ballad of the Green Berets in class.
It sounds like I'm spending too long talking about the context behind one song, but that's because I can't think about anything else other than the war. Because the people back then couldn't think about anything else. Even if songs weren't explicitly about "the war", it didn't take much for them to be recontextualized. Another song on this poll, The Monkees' Last Train to Clarksville, didn't sound like it was about the war to me. But if you're in 1966 and you're worried about you or your friends and loved ones getting drafted, and you hear a song with the lyrics "We'll have one more night together" and "I don't know if I'm ever coming home", it's going to strike a different note. And thus, Last Train to Clarksville is still listed in Vietnam War Music compilations to this day.
I try not to be too long-winded when writing these. And even when I do go off for too long, I'm still aware that I'm giving barely a surface level summary of what I'm talking about. All of the songs I list in these polls could be the subject of their own documentaries in my opinion, and the music of the Vietnam War could be its own documentary series. But the war is something that will continue to loom over pop culture, and I'd thought I'd mention it during the poll that has an actual decorated soldier on the banner. Unlike the people at the time, we'll be able to put the war out of our minds until it comes up explicitly again.
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nofatclips · 2 years
Unchained Melody by The Unrighteous Brothers b/w You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feeling
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