#the satanic bible
j0celynh0rr0r · 27 days
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queersatanic · 11 months
I don’t want to associate myself with Anton LaVey after having just finding out he was a nazi, but what do I call myself if not a Laveyan satanist? I agree with the teachings, not with the person, but I don’t know what to do.
You would call yourself a LaVeyan Satanist if that's what you are, but you might also consider taking a much deeper look at those teachings of his and what else is buried in them.
If you aren't already familiar with Might Is Right, the fact that our dude plagiarized it and sanded off its rougher ideas for the "Book of Satan" section of The Satanic Bible ought to tell you something about our guy's fundamental principles, which do align pretty well with white nationalism in lots of ways.
Longer post about that here.
Be a Satanist, but be critical and don't be beholden to any would-be prophets or dogmas that are harmful.
That's our advice, anyhow.
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Lucifer and Satan
they are not the same.
Satanism is an old religion. Older than Christianity or Judaism. Like the Satanic bible says:
"It was an old religion, older than Christianity or Judaism. But it had never been formalized, arranged into a body of thought and ritual."
As stated in the Satanic bible:
"The Roman god, Lucifer, was the bearer of light, the spirit of the air, the personification of enlightenment. In Christian mythology he became synonymous with evil (it means Satan, even though he's not evil, i might add), which was only to have been expected from a religion whose very existence is perpetuated by clouded definitions and bogus values!"
It also said this:
"It is time to set the record straight. False moralisms and occult inaccuracies must be corrected. Entertaining as they might be, most stories and plays about Devil worship must be recognized as the obsolete absurdities they are."
So. Do not mix up Lucifer and Satan. Get your facts straight first.
If you do believe in the christian ideology of our Lord, then go ahead.
Hail Satanas.
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the-devils-library · 9 months
The Satanic Bible, by Anton LaVey
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Title: The Satanic Bible
Author: Anton Szandor LaVey
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
Publishing Date: December 1, 1969 (First Edition)
ISBN-10: ‎0380015390
ISBN-13: 978-0380015399
Alright, let's start with the elephant in the room. This little book is often the only thing people read on Satanism, and for good reason - it made quite a splash when it was published.
Considered the foundational text of the Church of Satan and their specific style of atheistic Satanism (often called LaVeyan Satanism), The Satanic Bible is part philosophy, part religious teaching, and part magical instruction. LaVey is well known for his stance that humanity does not need God, and that believing in God (or Satan, for that matter) as real entities serves only to hold back our potential. However, LaVey argues that humanity does need religion, and that religion requires dogma and ceremony. The dogma and ceremony LaVey offers to the reader is based on one's own happiness and self-satisfaction, as opposed to the Christian values of self-sacrifice for the greater good. His Nine Satanic Statements, Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth, and Nine Satanic Sins are easy to read and understand, and seem to be the inspiration for other Satanist's lists of values, such as The Satanic Temple's Seven Fundamental Tenants.
LaVey embraces sexuality and indulgence, framing sexual energy as the best and most potent source of power for magical workings. Magic is described not as an appeal to a higher power but a seizing of one's own fate, aiming for success and happiness through the manipulation of the world around oneself. The practices he recommends are rooted in ceremonial magic, especially Enochian magic.
The Satanic Bible has had multiple editions and translations since its original publication and is widely available through most online book retailers, as well as sometimes being stocked in magical and metaphysical shops.
[DISCLAIMER: The Devil's Library is not affiliated with any of the previously mentioned groups or authors. It is an independent project by a single Satanist. Do not mistake my mentioning of an author or group as endorsement for their beliefs and practices.]
Beneath the cut you'll find my personal review and opinions on this book.
I've said before on this blog that I am not LaVeyan, and that's still true. While I greatly respect the concept of a non-theistic religion and I lift my glass to all those who work hard to form such religions, I prefer a theistic view of the world. On top of that, LaVey's philosophy does little for me. In truth I consider LaVey's work to not be particularly revolutionary in terms of philosophy. He was a self-admitted fan of Ayn Rand and his brand of Satanic individualism has oft been compared to Randian philosophy with a coat of occult paint slapped on top - I think that evaluation holds true. His magical system also strikes me as unoriginal, given he simply reworked the Enocheon keys. My overall evaluation of the man was that he was a lazy philosopher and a lazy magician, but a skilled showman, and that's how he pulled in as many followers and critics as he did. People were rejecting God and practicing ceremonial magic long before LaVey came along. He just cultivated a compelling aesthetic around it.
I think it's safe to say the book is a product of its time and creator. LaVey is both progressive and regressive, endorsing kink and queer sexuality while also objectifying women in his magical practice (LaVey is, as far as I can tell, the originator of the Satanic tradition of using a nude woman's body as an altar, and he makes a note that during ritual, men should wear robes, but women should dress scantily in order to titillate the men) and having some deep misunderstandings about asexuality. It's also not to be taken lightly that while as far as I'm aware, LaVey himself didn't profess to be a white supremacist, his fondness for Ayn Rand shows a fondness for fascism, he certainly rubbed elbows with white supremacists, and various individuals and groups that broke off from the original Church of Satan have been noted as having a range of Nazi-adjacent views and values, namely the Temple of Set. His list of "Satanic names" is also a very sloppily cobbled together list of names of any god, deity, or spirit who's ever been even slightly associated with negativity, utterly ripped from their cultural context and reduced to keywords that, I assume, LaVey expects the readers to either claim as names of their own or use in rituals. The list includes outright racist cultural appropriation, such as the inclusion of Kali's name, to ignorant misrepresentations of myth, such as calling Loki the "Teutonic devil." As always, I recommend referencing scholarly and culturally conscious resources when it comes to discussions of other religions and mythologies. Do not take a single writer with no credentials at face value.
That being said this is a book I generally recommend people read, with the added note that taking it entirely at face value and assuming it's the one true Satanic text is a mistake. The Satanic Bible is integral to our religious history at this point, but we need not cling to it as entirely or even mostly correct. It is also useful to be familiar with it when interacting with other Satanists, as it's possibly the most commonly read book in the entire religion, so like it or hate it, you probably should have some opinion on it.
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rwpohl · 2 months
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codex gigas, bohemia 13th century
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churchofsatannews · 9 months
Satanism 101
Are you seeking accurate information about Satanism? Satanism 101 features actual Satanists who will answer your questions. Episode 1 is now streaming, and Episode 2, “Is Abortion a Satanic Sacrament?,” will debut at Midnight, GMT, September 9, 2023. Your misconceptions shall be obliterated! Episode 1: Why Do You Worship the Devil? Episode 2: Is Abortion a Satanic Sacrament?
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thatcutesysatanist · 9 months
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i’m back! and look at this cool shirt i got!!! >o<
the humidity was not nice to my hair, but thankfully i’m gonna wash it today _(:3 」∠)_
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I started reading The Satanic Bible last night. I got through the introduction, preface, and prologue. Then the book started and I got bored. Maybe I don't want to follow any religion that has rules to remember. However, I do appreciate Satanism because it's about indulgence over abstinence. It's time to let my carnal nature win.
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rings-of-darkness · 4 months
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vinvmi · 4 months
Hate your enemies with a whole heart, and if a man smite you on one cheek, SMASH him on the other!; smite him hip and thigh, for self-preservation is the highest law!
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j0celynh0rr0r · 27 days
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Death Magic 🩸🔪
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Live deliciously!
"Life is the great indulgence - death, the great abstinence. Therefore, make the most of life - HERE AND NOW!"
The Satanic Bible
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daemonicdasein · 4 months
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William Mortensen, Title unknown, The artist's first wife and muse Courtney Crawford with masks made by Mortensen, circa 1926.
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queersatanic · 2 years
I have a question. Is the TST and LeVayn (however you spell it) bad? I look up to the both of them. I want to buy the satanic bible and join the TST, but I don’t want to support any corrupt organizations. (Then again, what organization ISNT corrupt?)
Thank you! 🤘
Yeah, both are bad for their own reasons.
The Church of Satan is a little more up front about what they're doing, and you do need to be at least a little familiar with The Satanic Bible and Anton LaVey for yourself. LaVey has a lot of problems beyond just being kind of a goon.
But if you read The Satanic Bible and like it, buy it to have? Sure. You're helping keep the lights on at the Church of Satan and again, they're very open about that. Just be aware that the further removed you are from the age of 14, reading it becomes exponentially less exciting. Also, the first section The Book of Satan outright plagiarizes and otherwise cribs from Might Is Right by Arthur "Ragnar Redbeard" Desmond, and it is one of the most bigoted books ever written. Also more boring the further you get from age 14.
Anyway, Church of Satan is functionally impotent as an organization now, and unlike the 1980s and 1990s, the white nationalists and neo-Nazis don't even bother with them anymore. Their highest virtue is their lack of relevance (and on an individual level, plenty of LaVeyan Satanists are delightful, talented people).
The Satanic Temple is a different story because they are much more active, much more relevant culturally, and they are actively hurting people.
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churchofsatannews · 4 months
Satansplain #055 - Realm of Satan film, February 1, 2024
News on the new film “Realm of Satan”! Also, addressing false claims about serial killer Richard Ramirez and the Church of Satan (no, he was never a member, nor practiced what we believe), and answering listener questions about the Universal Life Church and Satanic weddings, membership privacy, and other topics.
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thatcutesysatanist · 9 months
i remember this one time i tried to dress emo all the way back in 9th grade… i didn’t take any pictures, but it was terrible. •~•
and i really thought i was the shit that day (~_~)
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