#they hate each other but no one else remembers the shit they go thru so guess theyre stuck together /aff
muchmossymess · 12 days
More majoras minecraft au doodles
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creachureboy · 4 months
Tf2 mercs playing Lethal Company
Will laugh at you if you die and then proceed to get fuckin anhiliated immediately after
Spews the funniest shit when hes afraid and has genuinely tried flirting w one of the monsters to see if his "charm" would woo it
without fail when he finds a giant axel will go "yo get on my pipe". Nobody knows why he says it or how he came up with it.
Really bad at being the person commanding from the ship because he'll go "monster in the room on your left. No, the other left ! WAIT ITS COMING CLOSER GO TO THE ROOM ON THE RIGHT.. THE OTHER RIGHT !!!"
The second most annoying person to get his hands on a horn, with the first being Pyro.
Is actually good at figuring out how to deal with certain monsters, but is not as good at actually doing it
Doesnt remember the names of the monsters and just calls them by names he made up, which confuses the shit out of everyone until they figure out which is which.
Tries to fight every single monster and only wins half of the time.
Gives motivational speeches inside the ship
adores using walky talkies so he can use military terms.
Hes a real team player you can rely on, but has died several times because he refused to leave behind any of his mens corpses.
Is really bad at making parkour jumps but refuses to accept defeat and then falls to his death every time
Insists on buying a shovel every time so they can run blindly into the darkess and beat the shit out of monsters.
They honestly dont even know you can scan stuff theyll just run in guns blazing.
100% stepped onto a landmine like "oh whats this do ?"
Tried to befriend the bug mafia and fucked the whole team over by giving the bugs all the loot in the facility.
Also never give them a horn.
Likes to sing along to the ice cream truck song
nobody ever knows if hes died or if hes still alive cause he doesnt fucking talk.
He jumpscares people usually on accident
Is very brave and will be the one to take the lead if everyone is bickering or too afraid.
Gives very clear instructions from the ship
Just enjoys seeing everyone have fun.
Reads the bestiary thoroughly and loves scanning creatures just so he can read about them later
the glue of the team honestly
he doesnt take it very seriously so he dies a LOT and makes the best fucking screams as he goes out.
Loves using stun grenades and then beating the crap out of enemies with Pyro.
Really good at giving directions from the ship but he hardly ever does it cause hes constantly chasing the serotonin high of collecting loot.
Sings when hes scared.
Has been chased by the ghost girl several times and then gaslit into thinking he's just going insane
Likes learning abt the monsters' attack patterns and figuring out how to deal with each one of them.
Will advise everyone with well thought out plans which always fall apart when everyone inevitably scatters in terror.
Found a stop sign and likes hitting monsters w it and telling them to "stop it".
Will say the weirdest southern shit when he's scared.
Works quite well with Medic cause they both like to come overprepared, so they tend to tag team while everyone else runs off
Has a fucking tierlist of every item in the shop, and impulse buys if its on sale.
Uses most of his inventory slots for equipment to "be prepared" and then cant carry back loot.
Died at the company by ringing the bell 1000 times.
Enjoys giving commands from the ship and shit talking the others when they cant hear him.
Never shuts up so has died to eyeless dogs several times.
Becomes a top tier voice actor when playing this game due to The Horrors
hates the game but is too prideful to admit it.
When giving commands on the ship, its all fun and games until someone doesnt listen to his advice about a certain room being dangerous, and he starts yelling at them thru the walky talky.
Insists on bringing a weapon of some sort but doesnt fucking use it bcs he will turn tail and run if there are any monsters.
Died by quicksand an embarrassing amount of times.
Has "accidentally" killed Scout with a shovel during "friendly banter"
honestly just loves to gaslight the shit out of people.
Will withhold information about if theres a monster when commanding from the ship, and then tell them at the last second just to hear the others scream through the walky talky.
Got scared once and screamed like a cat getting its tail stepped on, and ever since then they stopped playing because the game "encourages immature behaviour" and not because he doesnt wanna make a fool of themself
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golbrocklovely · 9 months
It’s the fact Elton blamed snc for the hate comments, he said they are telling their fans that. Not okay and just trying to make snc look bad. I don’t think it’s appropriate that the fans are sending him hate, but saying they are coming from snc themselves it’s dumb
this might end up being super fucking long so i'm sorry in advance.
i read thru elton's replies on twitter and there was really only one that made it seem like he could have been implying what you're saying.
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i'm gonna believe that he was just mixing up his words bc i can't fathom him legitimately believing that snc are telling fans to be hateful towards him. they don't even mention him unless necessary, let alone tell fans lies about him and then tell them to spread the lies and send hate. i'm just gonna assume he meant something else bc he's a lot smarter than that.
so… i have always had a lot of opinions about elton. we all know this. i've jokingly said that this is an elton hate zone, but i'm gonna pull that back for a moment so i can really lay out how all of this is fucked up in both directions, if that makes any sense. i'm even gonna refrain from calling him old or any names really. i'm just gonna state the actual facts about all of this.
elton doesn't deserve hate. sure, he does things that i will never comprehend towards actual fans of his (like being really snappy or in the past outright blocking fans that criticized him). i mean, even on his newest video, you can go to his comment section and see ppl that actually sat thru the video and watched make comments criticizing the video and he responds back like they insulted his mother. even tho i don't agree with him or the way he interacts with fans, i still don't think he deserves hate. no one deserves death threats. no one deserves lies being spread about them, especially some of the ones i've seen about him on tiktok that eventually move onto twitter. but let's be honest here. let's have an open and honest conversation.
elton started a war he didn't think was gonna go for as long as it has. elton was not an innocent bystander that all of sudden started getting hate for breathing in snc's direction. that's not what happened.
snc came out with 25x25 and elton immediately stuck his nose where it didn't belong. he believed that they were stealing his content, tfil. reality is, that's not what happened. we physically can see everything they put out for 25x25 and none of it was ripped off or is in the same style as tfil. elton jumped the gun and believed fans who heard snc describe the content they were going to make (bc elton started this before snc had even filmed anything) and ran with it. he constantly would make comments about them copying and then eventually seemed to do the same with cerro gordo and other places snc went to. elton moved onto overnight when corey moved out, and snc had just started to ghost hunting again not too long after. elton then felt like they were in direct competition and made it his mission to put out as much content as possible, faster than snc, so that he could be seen as better. this later came back to bite him in the ass when he had 18 videos back logged and no editors and nothing to post for halloween weekend. he argued that he and corey were the only real ghost hunters in la when fazerug wanted to collab with someone. elton would go silent on snc for a while, and then pop back up with something else or some other random shade to throw in snc's direction.
all the while, snc were minding their business and making content.
there was a long period of time when elton was doing all of this bs that fans weren't picking up on it. i remember being one of the few that actively didn't like elton and i was an outlier. i remember arguing with ppl as to why elton was a dick bc a lot of his shit went unnoticed for a while. but then in 2022 is when ppl really started noticing the shit he pulled, especially when it became apparent that they were never gonna collab with each other ever again.
if elton truly felt slighted by what snc did, he should have talked to them behind the scenes. is it possible that he tried and snc blew him off or something else happened? yes, of course. i'm not gonna pretend that snc can't be dicks too. everyone has their shitty moment. but what we know, elton is the one that looks obsessed bc he's still shitting on a friendship that hasn't existed since 2020. if something happened bts, we don't know. share with the class there elton, and maybe ppl would side with you. you have made everything else a public affair.
what i think happened is that elton can't accept that he is no longer the bigger content creator. snc weren't always popular. there was a period of time when snc were smaller than elton and not as well known. the reason i know of snc is bc of elton. but i think that went to elton's head, and he can't accept that snc are bigger than him and technically "competition" even tho they aren't. and the moment he thought that they could succeed in a field he had plans to leave anyway (bc he did plan to shut down tfil and turn it into a documentary channel but that failed so he had to go back to travel vlogging), that was when he felt burned by snc. and if he didn't act the way he did, he could have coasted off of being known as snc's friend for a long time. but instead, he burned a bridge that didn't need to be burned. he shot himself in the foot and blamed everyone else around him.
all of this being said, the shit that has transpired on tiktok is really bad. idk why fans started lying about elton. idk if this is just backlogged old fans that want to start shit, idk if this is young fans that are reading into things that didn't happen. idk if it's fans that read too many fanfics and took it to heart. i'm not sure and i never will be. but what i do know is that there are fans on tiktok that lie about elton and it just becomes one long ass game of telephone.
elton has never made colby show self-harm scars. the pranks he pulled on snc were not that bad - snc were literally apart of the killing best friend prank aka the worse prank ever as dubbed by the internet. they signed off on the prank wars and what elton did. colby has admitted to a fan that elton never damaged his car. surprise! some pranks aren't real.
if you wanna dislike elton, you can - just actually dislike him for shit that really occurred. don't make up shit about him. and especially don't send him death threats.
and to any of elton's fans that think snc need to say something about this, i agree with you to a point. the thing is, even if snc come out and say something, it's not gonna stop the hate. case and point, literally any girl colby has ever been friends with. not to mention, elton has a tenth of the amount of subs that snc have. snc have more subs than there are ppl in the city of new york…… they can't control that many ppl. the best course of action is literally to tell fans they are wrong when they lie, and then report and block them. at this point, we have to govern our own fandom. snc can only do so much. snc are lovely ppl who are nice, but for some reason they attract the worse fucking fans. and this has been an issue long before elton.
if you, currently reading this, don't like elton - please just block him and move on. it is that simple. do not argue with me on this. just block him. there is nothing more to it. i don't pay attention to him at all anymore. i get told when he does shit and check it out for myself then. otherwise, i truly forget he exists. sending hate to him isn't gonna do anything except reflect poorly on snc. so just stop it.
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khodorkovskaya · 1 year
Like, those things all meant something to you too! That's a v important thing to you and in a relationship. People are meant to be supportive of each other, like, why couldnt he chear you on or show enthusiasm and encouragement towards you
yeah! and he never did! about anything!
idk if it's bc my period is coming up or bc i spent the night at my parents' place yesterday and that brought back old memories, but i thought about him again last night and cried. more specifically i remembered how i caught him watching porn... and it really broke my heart and still does.
i don't remember if i told this story here before but i'll tell it again bc it's such a clear example of what kind of behaviour to avoid in men.
so in my second year of uni i got really depressed. there was covid, i didn't see the point of studying anymore, i hated everything and our relationship was also going nowhere. im not gonna get into the details of it, but the important thing to know is that i was depressed. i lost weight, would burst out crying out of nowhere, i was a mess.
and when you're depressed, well, you have no libido. it felt like everything was frozen down there. i couldn't get my coochie to cooperate. and, as my ex never made any particular effort to console me or provide me with the least amount of care and compassion a depressed person could need, i didn't feel particularly motivated to sleep with him either.
and just as a side note, i talked about my depression a lot. my parents really helped me thru it and i started going to therapy so that it wouldn't get worse, i really tried my best to let it be known that i was depressed and that i needed help. and when it came to the sex stuff, i would also explain it to my ex, so that he wouldn't feel undesired. i even made a list of things that turn me on for him in at attempt to make things easier for him. (he didn't care at all about the list btw. bc things that turn me on aren't sexual enough i guess. it was mostly things like cuddling, having deep conversations, looking into each others eyes, romantic gestures, etc. it was too boring for him i guess.)
so anyway, time goes by and our sex life gets more and more frustrating. bear in mind he had previously told me on several occasions that in his mind cheating and not telling your partner about can be justified. he'd sometimes bring up things like "when couples get older, they usually don't have sexual chemistry anymore and the dad goes after the young secretary, you know what i mean hahaha? that's probably gonna be us one day hahahahaha". and coming from a family where the dad did leave the family for a younger woman, that really stood out to me. so even if he meant it as a joke, it was not funny to me at the slightest.
and so here i am, feeling sexually useless, my boyfriend telling me that im not trying hard enough and that he feels offended that i don't find him desirable anymore (even though i had told him a million times that that wasn't the issue) and then it hits me like shit.... here we go... he's gonna cheat on me just like he said. i can't provide him with what he needs, so he's gonna go find someone else.....
so every time we had sex it felt like it was some kind of exam i had to pass to keep him. i became overly conscious about what i did and how i acted in bed, i started feeling fat and started hating my body, it was horrible. and naturally, the sex became even worse. and so he became more and more pushy. and it became this vicious cycle.
bear in mind that as i said, i had made that list of things that turn me on. and plus i would also tell him that i felt like going on a date could maybe make things a bit better. we could spend some quality time together, have deep conversations, eat something nice and the romance could turn me on, it would be a win-win. but he never took me out on a date, not once 🙃
so the whole thing started in like april 2020 and it was reaaaally bad in winter 2021. and now it was setember 2021 and still no date, constant reminders of how im not good enough from his end every time we have sex and frustration upon frustration upon frustration.
summer is coming to an end and he's like "ohh we haven't gone hiking this year, let's go hiking, that could be your date". and im like shit, i don't like hiking. but he pushes me to do it. (and to be fair it was quite fun, but the point is he organised the camping trip for himself and not to please me.) so we're in the car, on our way to the mountains. i open his phone to look up google maps and... there's porn. gangbang porn. my whole world starts to crumble.
of course i cant live upto his expectations in the bedroom! im up against porn actresses! women who do this for a living! it's like comparing a regular person to a supermodel, like you can't compete with that. here i am, a regular girl without any spicy sexual fantasies, low self esteem and depression. my boyfriend prefers watching violent porn to making love to me and the only way to get him back is... to be better than porn actresses...? it's a lost cause, isn't it?
so im there like fuckkkk and he starts nervously laughing like "oopsie, you caught me ahaha". and i have two options: either A, confront him about it or B, suck it up and postpone the conversation until the end of the hike. and we're already at the mountains at this point. confronting him would mean making a uturn and ruining the "date" i was begging him for months for. maybe this hike could be my chance to get him back? he loves hiking, so if i show interest in hiking, maybe he would love me and be more compassionate with me! so i choose option B.
after walking for two days straight, the hike is finally over and we get home. im exhausted, my legs hurt like hell. as we lie in bed, he wants to have sex with me. i say "not now, im sooo tired", hoping that he will understand. we just came back from a two day hike! he will undestand, right? but of course he doesn't and he gets angry at me again. "this is why i watch porn," he says. and i want to die.
so i tell myself, i will do anything for him. i will prove to him that i can do it, that im capable!
(ive always had a deep fear of making the first move and initiating sex. what if he thinks that im a slut? what if i do something wrong and he will think it's weird?)
and so, despite my fears, i decide to sacrifice it all for him. my legs are in pain, my heart is pounding in my ears because im terrified, i feel like this is my last chance to get him to like me. so i roll over and start kissing him. the adrenaline is crazy, i feel like it's life or death. im holding back tears, as im thinking about the women in the porn videos he watches.
and my worst fear comes true.
he just lies there.
he doesn't kiss me back, he doesn't put his arms around me. he just lies there.
and im like fuck. here we go. im weird. im ugly. im useless. he's already made up his mind. fuck, maybe i deserve to be cheated on, im so worthless. it literally feels like my whole existence is falling apart. im devastated.
so i pull back from the kiss and ask him if he's okay. and he says "you see now? this is how i feel". he basically decided to punish me for saying no to sex earlier.
so yeah... it really broke my heart... and i don't know when it will heal. because i still think about it sometimes and it makes me cry.
and it really sucks because this whole thing could've been avoided if back in 2020 when my depression had just began, he'd just said "hey babe, you're not in the mood? that's okay! we can just cuddle and watch a movie if you want. im always here for you no matter what. we'll figure things out together, don't worry about it, okay? i love you!". that alone would've made me want to have sex with him. maybe if he had said that, my depression wouldn't have lasted as long as it did. i wouldn't have had the body issues and the self esteem issues and a broken heart... but it turned out his penis was more important than all of that.
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thegeminisage · 1 year
they call it the river of the dead bc i died 10000 times trying to get korok seeds here
ANOTHER shrine in a cave on the great plateau. 10/10 i love that
i keep getting nothing but shields in chests and its starting to piss me off. i dont use them much, i havent broken a single one this whole game. give me literally ANYTHING else!!
died in the shrine when i was alllmost done. smh
DIED AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
deeply tempted to turn around and leave but No. i'm so close
placed one of my travel medallions at the REAL temple of time. i never have to walk back here again lol
not that i need to come back...i'm finishing up the great plateau korok hunt right here. i have one left that starts elsewhere and ends on the great plateau but im at nearly 200 seeds rn and ive been making myself cuckoo bananas hunting seeds so i deserve a sidequest break. i'm thinking the rito bridge is a good place 2 start
BUT FIRST, MY AMIIBO! i keep foprgetting to do these lol
YOOOOOO mirror of twilight fabric!!! sexy
AND demon king fabric.....
accidentally spawned another epona. rode hr out to where the other horses were so she has community support lol
AWWW there's another monument near the great plateau...
ok, so i talked to karson in lookout landing ages back abt building this bridge. i think now they need supplies?
oh, i like how these guys refer to each other by name! i love the community feeling in totk...the way everybody wants to be a helper...
oh lmao i literally have enough wood already <3 maybe this is why they made trees enemies, to give us reasons to chop them up so we dont have to level entire forests at a time
OH HE SAID ACES!!!! good for him
SCREAM this dialogue. wings come in handy! or...wingy! don't sit your tail there, it's a support beam, not a perch! chaotic gay people <3 happy pride <3
had the brief thought "since i'm in hebra i should get some korok seeds here" no <3 not without <3 snow boots <3
which i havent seen any sign of...UGH i hope they arent still in gerudo desert...
im going to hateno!! i've been meaning to give this guy acorns for his cow feed for foreverrr
but, to do the school quest, i need to swing by kakariko first...thank goodness4 fast travel
ugh so many sidequests in kakariko i wanna do but i feel like i should wait until this 5th sage nonsense SIIIGH
ok, got the pic of the tapestry in paya's house! also accidentally saw the cuccos running by, followed them to their hideout. extremely tense trying to bust thru the rock wall with them standing there. no way was i using yunobo
BUT i was at a perfect angle to take a ring ruins pic for the stable guy!
found lasli who needs the anti-gloom stuff...UGH i hate that nobody remembers link!!! ugh and i need milk for this which i dont have >:(
well, i bet there's some in hateno and i was going there anyway lol
NAYDRA WAS HERE WHEN I SPAWNED........snaged myself a scale. UGH i can't believe they fucked dragon farming i'm in such deep shit i don't have ANY parts
acorns delivered, milk received! omg nice he'll trade me anytime.......reminds me of the rito lady trading arrows for chillshrooms lol now THAT was a bargain
got my mirror of twilight fabric put on 💪
oh man it is LOVELY. it has a nice rainbow-pearl sheen to it...it might be my fav yet
time to go appease schoolchildren
scream that link is listening in on this calamity lecture like he wasn't the main character in it without so much as a single acknowledgement of it by this dude. yet another way theyre alienating old players by trying NOT to alienate new ones
this guy talking up the hero's achievements WITHOUT ACTUALLY MENTIONING THAT IT IS LINK. this is my villain origin story
oh boy. for the next lesson i have to get monster extract from tarrey town. i have the car quest there i never finished, but maybe i should do more shrines/seeds first...
i haven't been to the depths in awhile.
that is DEFINITELY the devil (and many korok seeds) talking. actually i can decide tomorrow bc i have to <3 go to bed
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mothlegs · 10 months
dreamt of. unreality..? and illness
idk how to content warn this so read at your own risk
the first of my dreams were like...a zombie apocalypse, i think, but the zombies were extra stupid and...made..of sand..??
a guy helped me get a shotgun and then immediately got shot by someone??? i felt kinda guilty but it's not like i couldve done anything- the aim thingy on the shotgun sucked
something abt explosions. couldnt find my family, was really just running around trying not to get eaten. some of it was in a mall, which was like hoh similar to yesterday where i ran around a mall with something that looked kinda like the Baron from wwdits after escaping from the cops who were after me cause i ran away from school with a punk girl
i dont think i remember anything else from that dream. but then there was illness
im pretty sure the illness was Decima from Wolf 359 ??? and it made people like...idk what it's called, like doing a bridge pose kinda but with their limbs bent and their back flat, and then having the creepiest expressions
i saw one that was standing like that but on the tips of its toes and eueurghh creepy
i was so scared of this illness i was considering suicide just so i wouldnt get infected (this happens fairly often in my dreams ???)
there was more creepy shit to the illness that i dont remember
thenn dreamt something about. i dont even know what the point of the trip was
so like. im with this guy in a camper van and we're going to this place, the rest of my group home is in the normal van. we get there and i dont remember anything from it except i watch some creepy videos that like...break me
my neck is all wrong. im wearing a pearl necklace?? and when i take it off my neck is. broken. like theres a big, opposite of a dent on the upper part, and each time i move the necklace theres different weird stuff with my neck
like im slightly out of reality
we go home and things just get worse. i cant figure out how to turn off some sound, it keeps playing when i stop the video
i try playing other things but it just plays as they play. it's a sound of unreality
one of the videos i saw was with some freaky doll..? like a monster doll, almost gorey but not actual gore it was just so freaky
and the creator was a japanese man, and in the preview of the video he faints? and the title was something like..."moments from [the show] that make [creators name] seem almost human" ??
i get food somehow. something is wrong with it
we stop at like...a drive thru pizzaria but it's not a pizzaria, they just give us food when we stop there. we see a van on the other side covered in perfect scribbles
something is wrong with that entire place, and the food
we stop at an abandoned grocery store. i steal deodorant but it's...weird..?? like theres 3 parts and apparently you have to mix them and then it's some weird paste?? also it was made by nestle
we pick up the guys parents?? and his dad. eats. the deodorant mixture. cause he thought it was candy. ???
we talk a bit about hating nestle and how unethical most chocolate production is
at some point i hallucinate a doll walk past me. and other things, i start hallucinating badly and consider going on antipsychotics
the guy im with feels bad for me
at some point i slightly phase through my seat
i try rewatching the videos that broke me but it doesnt work
we've been driving for half an hour. i ask how long till we're home. he says two hours. im not sure i'll survive the trip
in a dream that feels related to all the others. me and someone else go to a ladys apartment. her window is open, and front door, and apartment complex door. we worry.
we get up there and theres some kinda lock? but the person im with figures it out fast. we're there to help her, apparently
there are three cats. one of them is my irl cat bella, and then theres a new kitten. it's screaming. the lady and other person dont handle it very gently, i worry for it cause it's very very small, shouldnt be away from its mom
i hold it and sway it gently like a baby, and i think i feed it. it stops yelling and seems to feel safe with me
i sit down with it and bella
then. my mom is there? maybe she was the other person. shes been...playing genshin??? and she says bella is named after a character she hates and she shows me her playing as barbara and i say her name is bella. there was something about the kittens name too but i no rememby
aaand i think thats it. i pet bella also, she was so big in the dream compared to irl. shes very tiny irl, grew a lot less than sia or even just her twin brother, hes as big as their dad now but shes teeny.
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straightjacket111 · 1 year
thats the end of me. nothing matters to me anymore. no one matters anymore . ive lost myself fully . the one i love the most where i thought she wud understand what im going thru eversince. where i did everything i cud back then js for u to be happy. but not with myself. im tired. tired of this feeling where i feel locked where i cant talk to anyone about it anymore. i guess life is a piece of shit to me. i question alot of i ever did try my best alot . i abuse myself alot. and she doesnt know about it. and no one knows about it. all i ever needed was a lil help. i guess that doesnt matter anymore. i dont matter anymore. this the last time i'll be saying stuff here. i lover her alot. with all my heart where i disrecpect myself for her where i did everything for her . idw to do that anymore because i couldnt see myself being happy. love is fucking shit where i will mever fall in love again. my heart is walled up where no one can ever enter it to know my true feelings. dats why it was so hard for me to open up. because i hate cry. i hate feelings. i hate love. i really love her. she was the one for me. im always happy with her but mvr myself. theres so much memories tgt with her. i will never forget about. where i will left everything back in the box . to never throw it away because how much i love her alot. how much i love us. my love was gone untill shit happens. untill i start to realised. until im awake. where why do i feel locked up. why can she do that why i cant still. so many shit.
she will always be my first love and my last to love. i will mever be here anymore by then. so for u nina. my baby. my 1st love. my nugget. my princess. my fairy. my half. my live. my ikigai. my soul. i will always love you no matter what. be it how i am now amd how u are now. im drained out . all of it is gone. but our memories will never fade away from me. i remember the times where the first time i met u. i miss that beauitfuk smile of u . the charming wide smile where i wanna kiss ur face all over. ny heart was pounding fast the first time i saw u. i was glad i did wait where i wanted to cry in public but hold it in. and we went to yishun dam right after dat. u know thats the best day of my life right. where u talk to me alot. about ur life and shit. i love that day. where we know we love each other. where ure still with someone else . where i love you but i cant at that point of time. i miss dat . and u know where im always smilling . i miss that . i miss me. i miss how i was . i really miss him but his gone and im sorry. im sorry im always hurting u. im always sorry for all the piece of shit i did to u. im gonna miss you alot when im gone. and i never felt anything like that before with anyone. only u. it was a special thing for the both of us. but it came to an end for the both of us and im sorry. i love you okay. i will always will. be safe whereever u are . u will always be my number one. and im gonna miss you. please eat alot. dont depend on the pills so much. dont hurt urself . be safe wherever u are and watch the road . i cant hold ur hand anymore but i wil be by ur side . always even when im gone. thank you for everything and i appreciate and cherish everything that we've did . goodbye. goodnight. goodmorning. rest well. sweet dreams. talk to me when ure having nightmares. i love you alot. goodnight.
to my close friends u know who u are. thank you for everything u guys been the best for me. im glad that we've never seperate our way and always be there for each other. i love you guys . im sorry burdening u guys with everything that i did. u guys matter to me too. but i will stop all of this burdening for u guys. i hope yall will be happy and find happiness like how we always do. and matin. glad ure happy with ur new girl. finally seeing smilling amd gigling amd shit . gay ass nigger. be safe man whereever u are . u mean alot to me too remember to not get hurt again man like what i said. i love all of u. every each of u mean to me.
and to my family. im sorry that i have to go. u guys mean alot to me and idw burden anything anymore where i want to see everyone being happy. where i cant find my happiness anymore. nina was the one whos always making me happy but not myself and u guys see that. i love her alot. so please . if u guys cud. talk to her and everything she means alot to me. and i will stop all of this burdening where coming home late. making my parents mad. cried . and evrrything else. i'll stop this because i really love you guys and i wanna see evrryone happy, i will slways love everyone no matter what.
and to myself. uve died. u may rest in peace now. when everything is tiring . life is tiring . u may rest now. ure always a happy go lucky guy. but look at u now. uve died . burdeing evrryone . breaking ppls heart. hurt them. everything else. u may rest in peace now.
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throwawayhymn · 2 years
i feel like the recent hb episode shouldve been more focused on octavia and loona tbh
like if i were to semi-rewrite it, i would include via maybe stealing the book to take notes on the portal spell, and leave the actual book where she found it, so no one else notices shes gone. the first scenes of via with stolas can remain the same. Blitz asks her to not be so rude and they get into an agrument about it. maybe then, loona decides she needs to cool off before she starts punching him, and concidentally goes to the same city via went, taking the book with her. later stolas realises vias gone and asks blitz to take care of it, maybe he remembers about the meteor shower now, maybe not. blitz asks loona to keep an eye out on her, she ignores it but scrolls pentagram and sees vias posts then. insert chase scene and setup to smog scene. loonas like well this sucks wanna go to some mountains i know? they shouldnt have any smog there. they open a portal to mountains in the desert and go thru. now theres a couple routes we can follow here
loona accidentally gets into a town in said mountains and (since the release date was october) people r all dressed up for trick or treating. theyre likely in front of a door or driveway and get handed some candy by someone who says "nice costumes! theyre so realistic" they decide to go trick or treating, possibly kicking some kids, and talk to each other. eventually the meteor shower begins and they run to the nearest high place to watch. they bond some more. they decide to go back to hell once its done
they accidentally get into a mountain town in the middle of a festival. in this verison loona couldve also found via before the nighttime and said that la gets too smoggy to see anything. they have fun festival times, until the night falls and they take a hike to a higher spot to watch the meteor shower. they bond and talk more, until its over. they both hesitantly go back to hell.
they watch the meteor shower, talking about how shit their dads are and generally bonding with each other. maybe they fall asleep but get wakened up by a sheriff and they hightail it away. instead of going back to hell immediately, they decide to do another fun thing (arcade? destroying things? laser tag? idfk, i dont know their hobbies or what interests theyd share, i only know that loona likes destruction and mobile games, and that via likes music) they then go to hell
when they get to hell, blitzo is waiting for them, extremely fucking worried (mainly scared about stolas) loona growls at him while hes doting and probably ends up shoving him away. blitz calls stolas and he immediately shows up for his "little via" and she blows up at him while crying. she tqlks about how she felt abandoned even after he said hed never abandon her and asks if he even remembered today. she does the same, you hate her more than you love me line. she might say shes moving out far away from stella and stolas the first chance she gets. stolas tries comforting and pacifying her, but it doesnt work. she does begrudgingly agree to go back to the palace and have a homebaked desert and/or dinner, with promises to go do something fun after stellas fully moved out. loona also goes home with blitzo, who tucks her in and maybe its then we get the loredump about the pound she was in. she tells him that its enough with that sappy story and to let her go to bed. he does, and maybe theres a joke in there about him opening the door to add more things to his goodnight to her, closing it, and then adding some more (with her throwing a pillow at him at the end of it). loona gets up, and crinkles an old picture and throws it in the trash. she sits against the wall and cries. she then takes the picture and uncrinkles it, revealing it to be when she was adopted and looks at it for a minute. she tosses it onto the ground and tries to go to sleep
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httpdabi · 3 years
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The perfect neighborhood
Genre: Smut, romance
Summary: Your parents and Todoroki’s never got along and everyone knew that. It was a hate on the first sight. So, what else to expect from their children than to hate on each other too, right ?
Word count: 7.6k
Warnings: 18+ (Minors please back off), unprotected sex, public sex, creampie, vaginal fingering, a little bit of praising, dom!Dabi, multiple orgasms.
Warm summer night with a little bit of a warm wind touching your skin. Dark and almost clear sky, fully painted with starts, millions, billions of it, only few of a bit lighter coloured clouds covering some of them. Glass of a nice and expensive wine in you hand as you are concentrated on the small meteor shower they talked about in the news. You saw already three shootings stars, how many will you see till you go to sleep ? How could you possibly miss that ? It’s quiet, the only thing you can hear are the sounds of field crickets.
Yeah, imagine.
Now, let’s go to back to the reality.
It is summer, yeah, but the night ain’t warm, it’s fucking freezing. The wine in your hand is probably the cheapest one from the store. The meteor shower everyone talked about ain’t shit. You expected to see at least one shooting star, but the only thing you saw was a damn airplane, maybe two.. and lastly, instead of calming crickets, all you could hear was loud music and the bass hitting, coming form no one else than Todoroki’s oldest son.
So much about the night you were looking forward to. Maybe you would enjoy it, at least a little bit, but if you were being honest, the music was way too loud. It’s not like Touya did that often, but when he did, he made it sure that the whole neighbourhood has to share the small experience with him.
What you didn’t understand was, why didn’t Enji ever tell him to lower the volume down a bit ? Didn’t it bother him ? Or Rei? She didn’t look like someone who would enjoy the loud music.
Well, that wasn’t really surprising to you. If you think about it, they aren’t much better than he is. As they say. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
The Todoroki family moved in to the house next to yours, shortly after you and your parents did. You will always remember the day when your mother knocked on their door, giving them the cookies she made as a little welcoming gesture, only for Rei to give them back, saying how her husband doesn’t like sweets. You will always remember the look on your mothers face, not understanding if she’s for real.
Well, you could understand your mom, it wouldn’t hurt her if she just accepted them. If you think about it, you would probably accept it, and later on throw it away or whatever, just not to hurt the person who gave them. After all, she has kids, not like they couldn’t eat them. But yeah, it already happened, and the two families never talked after that.
In fact, if they did end up exchanging few words, it wasn’t anything good.
It wasn’t really all about the cookies tho, that was just the beginning. One time your father accidentally knocked their trashcan down, but it was really just an accident, which of course, didn’t look so to Enji, who was screaming and cursing around. The same day, your mother saw Rei throwing some old food over the small fence that was keeping your houses apart.
With that gesture, they declared a war.
Touya in the other hand wasn’t really like them, he actually did try to start a conversation with you few times at the beginning, but the two of you couldn’t even exchange two words and one of your parents would already peek thru the door and call one of you, putting the both of you in your places.
After few tries, both of you gave up, giving each other a small nod as a greeting and nothing more.
You almost smiled to yourself as you heard one of your favourite songs coming from your neighbours home. Sometimes you wished you could actually meet him and have a nice conversation with him. He didn’t really seem like someone who was starving for a good fight.
,, Sweetie, can you please go buy some chicken breasts ?’’ Your mother asked, as you were trying to ignore her, focused on the television screen, sadly the focus long gone as she was repeating her question until you stood up. That woman really knew how to piss you of.
,, Do this, do that.. I can’t sit down.. This ass, i don’t know why i have it’’ you complained loudly, pitying yourself for a moment, before you made your way out to the nearest shop. Well, you tried to look positively e at it, maybe it’s better if you watch the movie sometime later, since your mother was way too loud as always.
Ever since her friend told her about some weird ass local stereo site, she’s been walking around with her bluetooth speaker, annoying the shit out of you with some terrible folks music. Damn the person who got her the speaker.
The moment you got into the store, you thought how it’s not that bad that you got there, in fact, you needed some snacks for yourself, since your brother never heard of the word ‘’sharing’’, eating all the snacks that exist in your house.
Firstly, you made your way toward the meat section, taking your mother off the list and making sure you wont forget chicken breast, well better said, making sure you won’t end up dead at the end of the night. If you forget what she sent you for, she would most likely end up using you as the main ingredient.
Once you found it, you made your way toward the section with snacks and sweets, carrying yourself with it and putting more and more in your basket. Well truth to be told, buying all those snacks was almost useless, since you knew that Keigo will end up eating more than half of it. The only way to hide those sweets from him was putting them in your pillowcase, even tho that dog would be probably able to sniff his way to them.
Noticing that there was only two packs of Cheetos, you hurried toward them as you noticed that someone made their way to probably grab them. Sadly the moment you were about to grab at least one pack, both of them were gone, making your blood boil and once the person that took them turned around, your blood boiled even more.
Touya fucking Todoroki, that hungry piece of shit.
Nodding his head slowly, as you were about to curse him out, he just moved out of your way, walking to the way where the cashier is.
,, Do you really need both of the packs ?’’ You hissed, loud enough for him to hear you, making him stop his movements and turn around to face you once again.
,, Yes.’’ He simply answered, raising his brow.
,, Well, that’s really greedy of you’’ adding, you tried to keep your voice down and calm as possible. That was your favourite snack, and that hungry piece of shit had to get both of the last packs.
,, Yeah, says the one who bought half of the store’’ He said eying your basket. Well, he’s not wrong, but in your Defense the main reason for buying so much was your always hungry brother.
Instead of continuing the discussion, you simply tried to be the bigger and better person, and ignore him. Passing by him and making sure you are the fist one to get to the cashier.
,, Hey, wait’’ you heard your neighbours voice, as you got outside the shop. Pushing your wallet inside your backpack, you turned around to see what the fuck he wants.
,, Here, you can have one’’ Touya said, giving you one of the package. You were both shocked and confused by his sudden change of behaviour, not sure if you should take the small package or not. What if he’s trying to prank you ? What if he’ll take the pack back the moment you try to reach it and make it awkward for you?
Your overthinking came to an end as he pushed the Cheetos bag into your backpack, totally ignoring the conversation you had with your inner self.
,, Thanks I guess?’’ You mumbled, still pretty unsure of the whole situation.
,, Yeah, i thought, if our parents fight, it doesn’t mean we have to. Especially not because of a bag of chips.’’ He smiled, as both of you walked lazily toward your homes.
,, That’s true. But honestly, i was already thinking about ways to sabotage you on your way home, to get that bag’’ you joked, realising that both of you are walking way too slow.
You took your time to take a better look of him, since you weren’t really sure if that will be the last chance to do it. He always looked handsome to you, and now that you could see all of him up close, you knew instantly that he is someone you would definitely thirst over.
The usually seven minutes long walk turned into twenty minutes long one, and with every step you were getting closer to your home, you wished you could spend some time more to talk to him and get lost in his beautiful blue eyes.
,, You know Tomura, don’t you?’’ He asked, as you two stopped one block away from your homes.
,, Yes, why ?’’ You asked him back confused, not sure why he’s mentioning him all of sudden.
,, Well, he kinda has crush on your friend Nejire. So, tomorrow maybe, you two could grab a lunch with us at the break ?’’ He suggested almost excitedly.
,, Sure, but I am honestly not sure if he’s her cup of tea.’’ You said, playing with your fingers, not wanting for his friend to get his hopes up, only to end up heartbroken at the end. But hey, it was a win win situation, for him and for you. His friend could talk to Nejire, and you could talk with your neighbour.
At the end, you and Touya exchanged your numbers before you walked away from him, as he waited till you get home, trying not to make it obvious that the two of you had a nice conversation just few minutes ago.
,, What took you so long ?’’ Your mother asked, as she heard you opening the door. Trying to hide the happiness on your face to avoid the questioning, you explained how you took your time finding the right snacks for yourself.
At the end of the day, you turned on the tv in your bedroom, and decided that it’s time for you to finish the movie you started before your mother interrupted you. The focus you had before was long gone and all that was on your mind was your neighbour.
The two of you didn’t talk much or enough for your taste, but it was something you really wanted to do for a long time, so you were really on cloud nine. That same night you had trouble falling asleep, as you repeated the small conversation you had with him all over again in your head and the fact that you will spend more time with him the next day was making you even happier.
And the first time in in a while, you found yourself excited for the upcoming day on your boring university.
,, I swear to god, if that bitch looks our direction one more time, imma throw hands’’ Nejire complained, as some girls from the class, were clearly gossiping about the two of you, not making it a secret at all.
,, Ah fuck them, they ain’t worth our attention girl’’ You pointed out, making Nejire gasp surprisingly. Usually you were the one always ready for one good discussion, arguing with everyone who looked at you wrongly. But you couldn’t waste your time thinking about them, all you could think of was Touya and the upcoming break.
,, And why are we suddenly spending our time with Shigaraki and Todoroki ? Also, aren’t you in bad terms with him ?’’ Nejire started questioning you, as you opened the message you got from Touya, which was nothing more than his current location.
,, Well, long story short, we had a small chat, and he simply invited us. Don’t know why’’ you said, not being able to find a good enough reason to tell her.
Once the class was done, the two of you packed your things and made your way toward the location he sent you. It was the small cafe two minutes away from your uni. Usually, you and Nejire would spend your time at the lunch room, or library, but you had one and half hour till the next one, so the cafe wasn’t really a bed idea.
After you introduced yourself to Tormua, you sat beside Touya, making Nejire sit beside his friend.
,, What’s up?’’ Shigaraki asked casually, after the two of you ordered your drinks.
,, I wanna go home, that’s up. Not in the mood for the next class’’ Nejire said rolling her eyes playfully.
At the beginning all of you talked, but after short time as you realised that Nejire and Shigaraki are getting their own topic slowly, you decided that it was the best time to find a topic with Touya too.
,, So, how’s Fuyumi? What is she doing ? ‘’ You asked casually, like you were friends since forever with her. Probably a bit stupid of you, since you never exchanged a single word with her.
,, Ah, she found a job not long time ago, in some bakery’’ He answered, probably playing along not wanting to make things awkward.
,, That’s nice’’ nodding your head, you took a sip of your coffee.
,, Yeah, but she quit the next day, with excuse how too many guys are flirting with her and her boyfriend doesn’t like that’’ he added.
,, Well, I didn’t expect that’’ you said honestly, laughing a bit. She didn’t look like someone who’s not taking working seriously in your opinion, but again, you don’t know that girl at all.
,, Apparently the bread is not the only thing that’s hot, when she’s there’’ he laughed, making fun of his sister. Once you heard him say that you almost choked on your drink, as you started laughing loudly.
If you think about it, for some reason you really wanted to meet Touya better. Maybe it’s because your parents were so against it, or maybe because he was always so mysterious ? Before he approached you in the store, never once did he really try to make a conversation with you. Now that you were face to face with him, it really felt weird, if you could say so.
But still, you were more than grateful that you had a chance like that. You were always attracted to him, and you never tried to lie to yourself that you aren’t. Sure, you didn’t talk about him, maybe complain about loud music to your friend or brother, but there was no need for you to mention how handsome you think he is or anything.
,, Imagine how our parents would react if they saw us here ‘’ Touya said, as he placed a cigarette between his lips, smirking lightly at you.
,, Yeah, i don’t even wanna think about that’’ You smiled, as you played with the spoon that was in your cup. It’s not like your parents could do much about it, both of you are adults, but you were pretty sure that they would pretty much try to manipulate you into hating him. You could honestly already imagine them saying how you’re living under their roof, and how you have to listed to what they say.
One and half hour never passed faster in your entire life. The two of you talked like you knew each other your whole life, and not like there was a barrier between you. You already knew what kind of music he likes, but you found out what his favourite games are, what does he do in his free time. Surprisingly you found out that he doesn’t really have such a good relationship with his parents, which you didn’t expect at all. The Todoroki’s family always looked like those from television.
Also at your surprise, Nejire was really chatty with Shigaraki. Usually she’s pretty quiet when she’s around people she doesn’t know, but the conversation they had was never ending, and at the end they even exchanged their numbers.
Second day, and Touya Todoroki was all you could really think about.
Sitting with your family and watching some Disney movie was something you really loved, but that day all you could think of was the small amount of time you spent with Touya in the cafe.
,, Can you bring me the cheese balls please ?’’ Keigo screamed when he noticed that you are going to kitchen. There it goes, the snacks you bought just yesterday were already half way gone.
,, I think i lost sense of smell ‘’ Keigo added when you gave him the pack. The cheese balls usually had the really strong smell, but either way the ones you bought were a bit weaker or he simply caught a cold.
,,well, we didn’t. We can still smell you and the fact that you didn’t take a shower for ages’’ you joked, as you scrolled thru your instagram, not showing much attention to the movie your mother chose.
,, Shut up, i shower daily’’ Keigo pointed, defending himself.
As usual, your parents were the first one to go sleep, saying how work got them tired and leaving you and Keigo on your own.
,, Hey sis, do you know any cute activity for couple? Or places to go ?’’ Keigo asked, focused more on his phone now that your parents went to sleep. You knew that your brother was seeing some girl, but you could never be sure if he’s serious about it or not.
,, Oh yes, yes of course, go to hell’’ you answered with a big smile on your face. ,, ehh, i don’t know, maybe the botanical garden ?’’ You added once you realised that he’s totally serious.
The next few days you didn’t have much contact with Touya. He did greet you at uni, he even sat with you on small smoking breaks. But that was nothing much, and you were thinking about sending him a message few times, but at the end you didn’t want to force yourself on him. If he wanted to reach out, he could, he has your number, so ..
On Thursday you didn’t have any contact with him, and that day you really thought that you should keep your shit together, and not overreact. If you talked it doesn’t mean that he had to befriend you, after all he told you that it was about his friend and Nejire. But all those thoughts flied away on late Friday night when you got a text from him.
From [Dabi]: ,, You awake ? ‘’
It was such a simple message, yet your heart skipped a beat immediately.
To Dabi: ,,Yes, what’s up?’’
You replied not closing the Chatroom. At your surprise he obviously didn’t close it either since the message you sent immediately had the blue sing telling you that he read it, and not even a second after you sent it, the ‘’typing…’’ sign was under his name.
From [Dabi]: ,, Wanna take a walk ?’’
That night, when you got out of the house to meet the guy your parents always told you to stay away from, you realised how down are you for him. Just one message and you found yourself ready to piss your whole family off, as you went against their wishes.
Since the night was kinda warm, you decided to go out in your pyjamas, wearing only an oversized hoodie in case it’s a bit windy outside. Once you got out, Touya was already waiting for you on the street, looking only a bit better than you when it comes to his outfit. At your surprise he greeted you with a hug, locking you between his arms for few seconds.
That same night the two of you were on sitting in the nearest playground until the sun slowly started showing up, giving you a sign that it’s time to part your ways.
,, Are you planning to move out after uni ?’’ He asked. There was so much space on the wooden bench you were sitting on, yet he was sitting so close to you, not even an inch was between your body’s. Since it was getting later, the weather was getting a bit colder, and the feeling of his body being so close to you was helping you warm up a bit.
,, Probably, I wanted to move out this summer, but honestly, I don’t think I would be able to pay the rent even if i find a mini job. You know how high the prices are these days’’ You said, hugging your legs closer to your body as you tried to warm yourself a bit more. Having him so close to you, you almost found yourself lost in the nice smell of his cologne. It wasn’t so strong like some guys like to wear it, but it was so nice.
,, We should move in together. I think we would get along pretty well’’ Touya said, placing his arm around you casually. You weren’t sure what surprised you more, his statement or the arm around your shoulders.
,, That’s easier said as it’s done’’ you simply said, not taking it too serious in the first place.
,, Why ? We can pay the rent half-half and it would be fun. Imagine all the drama with our parents if they find out’’ he said laughing a bit. His talk and everything was so casual, you weren’t really sure if he is joking around or not.
As the two of you were talking, he was pulling you closer and closer into his embrace, and at the end the two of you were sitting on the bench like a couple. He took the excuse of the cold weather to hug you so close to himself and who were you to refuse him ? After all what could you wish for more ? The two of you looked like a couple in love that jumped out of some teenage movie, and you were sure you would spend the upcoming days thinking about it.
You did think about the fact that he might be playing around with you, but you decided just to enjoy in the moment and worry about it later. But if you only knew how much he actually liked being out with you in the middle of the night, and having you in his arms on a fresh summer night, the suspicious thought would probably go always faster than it got in your head.
What you didn’t know is, that Tomura didn’t really have some huge crush on Nejire. It was only Touya’s made up story to spend some time with you.
When he was younger he wanted to talk to you just to piss of his parents, but after short time, thinking about it, he didn’t want tot cause you any trouble. He understood that your parents were like his, if not even worse. As he was growing up, the urge to talk to you was also getting bigger and bigger. Not only because of his parents, it was more because you were getting more beautiful every day. He was 95% sure that you never noticed him lurking around on the uni. Not that he was stalking you or anything, he could form it in better words, he was admiring you. Yes, he was admiring your beauty.
He would visit your instagram from time to time, just checking up if you’ve posted some new selfies, or stories. There were some time’s when he wanted to send you a message, but he was always thinking about how would you take it?!
Once the two of you made your way home, instead of being sleepy, you were all wide awake, focused of the quiet walk and him. The whole way home, you were walking shoulder by shoulder, as he held your hand, hidden inside the pocket of his hoodie.
You didn’t have much inside of your head when you told him that you’re going inside, but he did. He couldn’t just let you go, he couldn’t let a chance like that slip thru his hands. Before you could move away, he placed both of his palms on your cheeks, as he connected his lips with your own. At that moment, he didn’t give a shit if Enji or your father could walk out and see the two of you kissing. Heck, if they did, he wouldn’t break the kiss even if his life depended on it.
Even tho you fall asleep only in the morning, you’ve never slept better. Falling asleep as you repeated everything that happened, and waking up thinking about the same thing.
,, Someone decided to finally wake up’’ your mother pointed out, once she noticed you getting inside the living room wrapped up with your favourite blanket.
,,Morning’’ you greeted your mother, as you put the water to boil, preparing the cup for your coffee.
,, Well, it’s 12:34 pm, not really morning anymore’’ she laughed. Unusually, your mother seemed to be in a really good mood for some reason. Not sure if she realised, but you were too.
That day you were motivated to do everything she asked you, hoping you’ll get a glance of Touya. You even agreed to water the flowers on the balcony. And good thing you agreed to do it, since you got a message from Touya saying how someone is hard working, and asking if you slept well. At the end of the message was a small red heart, which almost made you melt in the moment you saw it.
You weren’t sure where all of that lead to, you weren’t sure if he saw the night the same way you did or not. You were pretty much unsure about everything, but still, you didn’t want to think about it much, deciding it’s the best thing to simply wait and see what will happen.
And good thing you didn’t worry your little head about it, because before you could even tell Nejire about it, Touya had better plans, greeting you with a kiss in front of everyone in the uni. You wished you could see Nejire’s face at that moment, full of questions and shock, trying to understand what is going on. Trying to remember if you ever mentioned to her that you liked him even a bit.
,, What was that about ?’’ Nejire whispered once Touya was greeting Shiggy.
,, I’ll tell you later’’ you whispered back, trying to hide the smile that was way too visible on your face.
After the night at the playground, you were falling for Touya more and more, and even if you tried, you couldn’t hide that. Your behaviour changed drastically, wich made even your brother realise that something is going on.
Every night the two of you would meet, sometimes spending so much time on the small playground, and sometimes going out just for a bit, to see each other if the both of you had to wake up early in the morning. Even going to uni wasn’t so bad anymore, he would come to you on the breaks, bring you a cup of coffee to go, or wait for you after the uni. He didn’t tell you that, but he wanted to show everyone who you belong to, and he did it slowly yet effectively. But hey, there was no need to tell you that, you aren’t stupid, you could notice that and in fact you liked it, a lot.
One day after you were done buying some groceries, Touya saw you in your garden, spraying you with the water as he was washing his car. The smile that was on your face, got lost immediately as both of you saw your mother getting out of your house.
,, What’s up you waste of oxygen?’’ You said sarcastically, hoping your mother would buy it, deciding to ignore you, Touya just continued to wash the car, as your mother took the paper bags from you, giving him an evil side eye. That moment you understood how hard it will be to keep your relationship with Touya a secret, and what will happen when your parents find out. Not even a minute later, you’ve got a message from Touya, telling you how he got the goosebumps from the look on your mother’s face and instead of talking about it, or try to find a solution for it, the two of you laughed it out and decided at what time you should meet that night.
Around 12AM when you thought everyone in the house is sleeping, before you even got out, you were caught in the act, by no one else than your brother.
,, And where are you going ?’’ Keigo asked, biting the apple he just got from the kitchen.
,, Just on a walk, to clear my thoughts’’ You laughed it out, hoping he won’t question you much more.
,, Oh, a walk with Touya ?’’ Your brother wiggled his brows, as he laughed once he saw the shocked look on your face. ,, Don’t worry, i won’t tell mom or dad’’ Keigo added when he noticed how the shocked expression turned into terrified one.
,, You won’t ?’’ You asked surprised. You didn’t really expect of him to be the mature one, and you were pretty sure he was about to blackmail you, yet there he was, acting all grown up.
,, Nope, but you should really tell them yourself and avoid the drama,you know’’ he said, acting all smart. Little did he know that all you felt in that moment, hearing those words, was pure cringe and you didn’t really try to hide it, making a disgusted face as you walked out of the house, leaving your brother on his own. The fuck he feeling like the main character, giving you some wisdom tips, you thought to yourself as you walked to the playground.
Of course, Touya was already there, welcoming you with a warm hug and a kiss. He didn’t need much time to notice the weird look on your face, immediately questioning you, making sure everything is alright.
Sitting on his lap, you told him about Keigo and what happened, as he wrapped his arms around you, caressing you slowly. At one point, you couldn’t even keep your concentration on the conversation you were having with him, since his warm hands were slowly going under your hoodie.
,, Why are you stuttering ?’’ Touya asked, smirking at you widely. He knew very well why you were getting lost, and why you were repeating the same stuff all over again. He found it so adorable, how just a little touch made you so confused, and he had to tease you a bit about it, moving his hands up and down your waist, as he placed gentle kisses around your neck.
,, Am not.. I’m sure.. I’m pretty sure he’ll blackmail me at some point’’ you mumbled, trying to keep focused on your little speech.
,, Doll, you already said that’’ Touya laughed, nuzzling his nose into your neck. Closing your eyes, you smiled, embarrassed since he knew what effect he has on you. Feeling his hot breath brushing your neck made you feel some weird way.
,,Sorry’’ you apologised awkwardly. Touya threw his head back a bit, laughing lightly at your small apology.
,, Ahh, why you gotta be so cute tonight’’ He asked, connecting his lips with yours, not giving you any chance to answer.
He kept kissing you, and honestly, at that point you didn’t even want to talk anymore, all you wanted to do was feel the softness of his lips on yours. Usually you would be careful, and think about anything that could sell you and Touya out, but that night you couldn’t think about it at all. Even if you tried, you couldn’t force yourself to tell him to be careful, you couldn’t tell him to go easy and make sure there are no hickeys left on your neck. In fact, you didn’t give a single shit about hickeys, it was a problem you’ll think about some other time.
His touch was getting steamier, and if you were being honest, you wanted more than just kissing and few touches. He was turning you on, and there was no need to hide that. Placing your hand on the nape of his neck, and the other one over his clothed dick. You weren’t the one to do anything so directly, but being horny like that, there was no need for some subtle touches.
The groan that escaped his mouth was telling you that he liked it, which encouraged you into doing more of it. You couldn’t help but smirk while kissing him, as you started rubbing his clothed dick, not giving a shit if someone might see you or not.
,, Doll, you don’t wanna do this’’ He said in between the kisses. ,, At least not here’’ Touya added, moan escaping his lips as you rubbed his now fully erected dick.
,, I do’’ You answered. Touya didn’t need to hear more from you, in fact, he was almost praying you would giving him that simple and short answer, because he couldn’t hold himself, at all. He didn’t give a single shit about the possibility that someone might catch you. After all, he was pretty sure that no one was awake in your quiet neighbourhood, at fucking 3AM.
His kiss got more aggressive, as he pulled your shorts and panties to the side. Not wasting any time, he started rubbing your clit in circles slowly, as he sucked on your neck, leaving wet love bites all over it. Touya’s fingers pace with your moans, increasing in speed, as you played with his hard cock.
Your breathing gets heavier once two fingers enter your core, going in and out slowly. You catch Touya licking his lips, his eyes getting a darker shade, as he tried to hold himself together. Looking down at your private parts, Touya couldn’t help but to let a deep growl out, his dick almost twitched at the sight of your irritated clit, and your pussy swallowing his fingers.
You nuzzled your head into his neck, squeezing your eyes shut as you released a throaty moan when he started moving his fingers faster, hitting your spot just perfectly. Touya’s blood was boiling as he felt your tight and wet walls squeezing his fingers. He didn’t care that you stopped rubbing his dick, all he wanted was to make you cum all over his fingers. Touya curled his fingers, pumping them into you, as you planted, moaning louder and louder.
He was supposed to tell you to keep quiet, but how could he ? Your moans were like melody to his ears, and at that point he wouldn’t stop even if the whole neighbourhood got out to see what’s happening. He couldn’t help but to thrust his fingers even harder, stretching and preparing you for his dick. You bit his neck as you tried to keep your moans low, orgasm hitting you harder than ever. It felt so good, more amazing than any pleasure you bought yourself. It felt like he knew your body his whole life, like he knew how to move his fingers, and where to touch and kiss you.
A blush was spreading over your cheeks when he moved his fingers that were just a second ago to his mouth, giving them one short lick just to taste you, before he placed his left hand over your jaw, giving you a sign to open your mouth. When you did exactly what he wanted, he placed those two fingers into your mouth.
,, Suck’’ he said, moving his other hand down to your throat once you did what he demanded. He wished he could take a picture of you in that moment, eyes closed with his fingers in your mouth. If he did, he would definitely put it for his wallpaper.
Once he was satisfied, he placed his hands on your ass, giving you a sign to move yourself up a bit, just enough to pull his sweatpants and boxers down.
,, I’ll be gentle’’ he said, positioning his dick right under your core, before he started lowering you down. Touya wanted to simply rip into you so bad, but he gave his best to fight the beast that was trying to take control over him. After all, he knew that there is enough of time for that.
Nodding your head, you hid your face into his neck. A burning sensation took over your cunt, causing the faintest amount of pain. Every inch you took, was getting thicker and thicker, and once the pain was getting bigger you felt like he won’t be able to fit in. Was he so big ? Or was it just because of the pain that you were going thru ? It must have been both.
Looking down, you realised that he’s not even halfway in. He didn’t want to hurt you, pausing every other second letting you adjust to his size .
,, You’re doing so good’’ Touya prised you, placing soft kisses along your jaw. You wanted to get over it, and that’s exactly what you told him, nodding your head when he asked you if you are sure.
You weren’t really mentally prepared for the pain you felt in the moment he pulled you down his length with one move. Kissing you immediately, as he tried to calm you down.
After a minute, when the pain was almost gone, you gave him a nod, giving him a sign to move. Holding you up, Touya started sliding in and out of you. Enjoying the feeling of your walls hugging his dick. He almost closed his eyes, as pleasure took over him, but he forced himself to not do so, finding it more pleasurable to watch your face as you were turning into a moaning mess.
His dick was getting deeper and deeper with every thrust he made. The way he moved made you feel his dick fully inside you, the shape, the veins, the tip, everything, rubbing your walls slowly and hitting your g spot your fingers were never able to reach.
It wasn’t your first time, but the sex you had before was never this intense. It was slow, yet so good, and the fact that someone could catch you was making it even better. You didn’t understand how did he manage it hold your ass up the whole time, moving you exactly how you want.
Placing both of your hands on his shoulders, you started moving on your own, deciding to go a bit faster and he gladly accepted that. Placing his hands on your ass, and meeting your hips with his own, hitting you just perfectly with every move. Closing your eyes shut, you moaned loudly when he started moving his hips much faster than before. You couldn’t really manage to say that you were about to cum, but he felt that. Your walls were getting tighter and tighter, and with just few moves you were left breathless, as orgasm hit you harder than ever before.
Touya gave you a minute to calm down and catch your breath, telling you what a good girl you are and how you did so well for him, but he was not done with you. Not yet. Flipping you over, he made sure you were comfortable enough on the old bench before he entered you again.
,,Tell me if you want me to stop’’ Touya said, placing soft kisses all over your face. Usually if you had sex, you would simply have one round and that’s all, and in that round it was rarely about you, it was all about the guy pleasuring himself, cuming and leaving you without orgasm, or you faking one for his sake.
You weren’t sure if you could take it, but you wanted Touya to cum. So, you gave him a small nod, before he started to roam into you, the slow pace long forgotten as he moved his hips like in one animalistic pace. Pulling his hoodie up, you placed your hands on his back, digging your nails just a little bit with every move he made.
And with every move he made, you felt your body moving a bit. Touya loved the feeling of your walls hugging his dick so nicely, and now that you had your orgasm, they were even wetter than before, letting him slide in and out of you much easier.
Touya’s strong hands kept you steady, as his fingers were digging into the flesh of your hips. He knew that he was rough, but he also knew that you would tell him if it’s too much. He was thrusting into you deep and hard, hammering your cervix with every thrust, hitting your g spot all over again.
,, You are so tight’’ Touya groaned, as you whined, lost in the pleasure he was giving you. The feeling you felt at the moment was telling you that you were so close again, and you couldn’t really bear it. Digging your nails into his back so deep that you almost felt blood beads around the tips of your fingers. But maybe you just imagined it from all the pleasure, you’ll find out later.
,, Don’t close your eyes’’ Touya commands, gripping your jaw hardly as he fucked you harder. You tried to keep your eyes opened, you really did, and every time you would close them, his grip around your jaw would only get stronger. Your view got blurry and your moans got louder as you felt your second orgasm approaching you. Touya also feels it coming, and in that moment all he wants to do is to dump his load deep inside of you, wanting to claim you as his own.
The moment you wrapped your legs around him and moaned his name loudly was when he lost it, fucking you harder if it was even possible. ,, Fuck.. Fuck, you’re mine’’ Touya growled between his teeth, lots in the feeling of your walls getting tighter around his dick once again. After few hard and intense thrusts, he spilled his seed inside of you.
Your whole body started shaking from the orgasm that just hit you, and from the feeling of his seed that was painting your walls white. If it was someone else, you would probably tell them to cum anywhere else, but for some reason, you wanted him to cum inside you. You wanted to feel all of him.
The both of you were panting so hard, trying to catch your breath as he fucked his seed deeper into you. He hoped it won’t leek out of you, since the view might turn him on again, and he was pretty much sure that you weren’t ready for a third round.
,, You ok?’’ He asked you, still buried deep inside you. Nodding your head, you kissed him, closing your eyes as you enjoyed the last moments of the passionate sex the two of you just had. In public, where anyone could see you.
The two of you spend the rest of the night on the old bench, cuddling, talking and laughing about small things. Instead of being embarrassed that you even did it in such a place, all you felt in that moment was the warmth of his hug, and happiness, no regret or shame at all. That night you decided that it would be the best if you somehow tell your parents that the two of you are in relationship. Not sure how to do it, but both of you agreed it was for the best.
,, Anyway, i want to say something’’ You said, as you placed the knife and fork on your plate, done with the food. You could almost feel the cold sweat as the moment was getting closer and closer.
,, Ohhh, don’t wanna miss this’’ Keigo laughed, sitting back when he realised what’s about to happen.
Your parents gave you one confused look, still eating. Your father nodded his head, giving you a sign to continue as he placed the food in his mouth.
,, I have a boyfirend’’ You said, playing with your fingers nervously.
,, Oh sweetie, we know. We noticed’’ your mother said, giving you one sweet smile.
,, Yeah, it’s Touya’’ You said fast, and the smile she had, was replaced with confused look written all over her face.
,, Which Touya exactly ? ‘’ Your dad asked, forgetting to chew the food in his mouth. Before you could even give them a proper answer, a loud knock on the door took all the attention.
Your mother jumped fast, like she was expecting someone, ready to kill anyone on that damn door at the moment. Keigo couldn’t hide the excitement on his face, and you were giving him a begging look, hoping he’ll stand up for you.
,, Hey, just wanted to bring some cupcakes to our ‘’in laws’’ you heard Rei’s voice. Both you and Keigo jumped once you heard your mother screaming ,, YOU WITCH’’. The moment you saw confused Touya, standing between his and your mother, trying to calm the situation, both of you and Keigo laughed loudly.
Laughing long gone once the two women’s started pulling each other’s hair. Holding your mother back, both you and Touya realised that it will be one crazy and fun ride with your parents accepting your relationship.
But you knew very well that none of them could ruin it.
The moment Rei grabbed your mothers hair a bit too hard, pulling the fake extension you spent so much time putting on her head, Keigo started laughing hysterically.
,, Wig, snatched’’ Keigo laughed loudly, holding his stomach instead of his mother.
,, KEIGO’’ both you and Touya screamed, trying to hold your laugh, as your mothers continued to fight like two preteen girlies.
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lazykcdoodler · 3 years
Thoughts on Louie and Della's Relationship + which of the triplets is my vote for Most Likely to hold any sort of longterm grudge against their mom (and why it would be Huey)
I was looking through the Della Duck tag in my blog, when I came across some discourse about the Della-Louie relationship dynamic that I reblogged a while back. I was reading thru the comments and saw someone's HC about how S3 Louie might still hold a small grudge against Della for stealing the Spear of Selene.
And I'm like, no?? If any of the kids in S3 and beyond would hold any sort of substantial grudge against Della for taking the Spear, it would obviously be Huey.
Wait, why did I think that-
Then because Huey's not explored enough, I had to take a step back and think about why I thought of him as the most likely candidate.
First, to work thru my thoughts on Louie and Della's relationship, and why he's less likely to hold a grudge against her in the long run. To start things off, he and Della already had their big clash and make up in the S2 finale. Remember this?
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Their small arc in S2 did important things for their character development. That's not to say that they'll never argue again, or that they won't ever have problems. I can certainly see Louie using the Spear as ammunition for a future fight, if things came to that. But Louie and Della have other traits in common, aside from sharp scheminess and their tendency to think that they're the smartest people in any room.
Louie and Della are communicators. Yes, they're both sly and manipulative. But their success in that department comes from their ability to understand people. Dewey might've inherited Della's impulsiveness and natural charisma- but his inclination toward dramatics, his need to be well liked by others, and his desire to stand out among his family and peers, all mean that Dewey is more likely than Louie (but not Huey) to keep secrets and his personal feelings quiet. Della and Louie? Much less so.
It took Louie less than a year to voice his insecurities about his capabilities as an adventurer to Huey. When their mom came back to the Manor, Louie voiced his personal concerns in the very same episode. Louie is a crier. He complains a lot. He's an excellent orator. By far, Louie is the easiest triplet to read as a character, because his thoughts and his intentions are made known to the audience very quickly.
On Della's side of the equation, it's strongly implied throughout the series that she served as the emotional translator between Donald and Scrooge. Don't get me wrong; Scrooge and Donald love each other very much, and they understand each other in a way that very few others do. But when wires get crossed and either of them clam up on their hurt feelings (or fight about other things to avoid the elephant in the room), Della comes in to mediate. She voices whatever the other person won't say out loud. But that deserves its own post.
Regardless of any trouble between Louie and Della, I'm sure of three things. 1) Della and Louie love and care about each other, 2) Della is trying her hardest, Louie doesn't like getting into fights, and he admires passion as a trait in other people, and 3) in spite of everything- despite how agreeable Huey is, or how Dewey's such a momma's boy- out of the boys, Della's relationship with Louie is probably the healthiest in the long run. When it comes to his feelings, Louie is the most emotionally honest triplet. If he beats around the bush, it won't be for long.
While Dewey and Della ride the same wavelength (which causes its own problems), she grounded Louie in Timephoon and said those infamous words because she's been in Louie's place before. She knows what scheming and selfishness got her and her family, and she doesn't want Louie to do the same thing. Because she knows she was harsh- and she knows she might've been too harsh, since she just began learning how to be an authority figure- Della is probably less confident with her ability to handle Louie properly. Which means she's more likely to go to Donald for help with Louie's issues, far more often than she might for Dewey and Huey. Louie will always let Della know where she stands with him. And while she won't take his shit, Della will listen and reciprocate his emotional honesty with her own.
Huey is not good at emotional honesty. Don't get me wrong, he's great at helping other people. But unlike Louie, Huey is as emotionally transparent with his insecurities as a steel bear trap.
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So. Why Huey? As I mentioned above, he and Della have stuff in common. They enjoy video games and exploring. They're both outdoorsy. Della is giving this her best shot, and Huey's a kind kid. They get along fine, so obviously things must be fine. Right?
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Rrriiiigggghhhhtttt. So, why do I think that Huey's the most likely of the triplets to have any residual resentment toward Della for taking the Spear?
Dewey admired Donald's commitment to his family, but he had to learn to respect him. Louie respected Donald's passion and work ethic, but he had to learn to admire him. Huey never had to learn any of that; Donald has held Huey's respect and admiration from Day 1.
Huey's uncle has a terrible temper. He's easily misunderstood by others. He's the hardest worker on the planet, but he's often underappreciated. Huey can relate. This intrinsic understanding is the root of Huey's longstanding admiration and respect for Donald's character and Donald's efforts. Despite their pre-series financial insecurities, Donald successfully raised three boys on his own while providing them with a relatively middle class lifestyle. Despite everything, Donald is rich in the love of his family and friends.
When it comes to Donald's difficulties with public society, out of his brothers, Huey is the most empathetic to their uncle's plight. He might not be a father of three, but Huey holds the best understanding of the responsibilities that Donald undertook on their behalf.
And therein lies the rub.
Huey Duck is the Responsible One. He works hard, takes his duties as the eldest triplet very seriously, and helps Donald wherever he can. Whether by serving as a vocal translator during a bank transaction, taking charge of his siblings when their uncle is away, or speaking in Donald's defense when his brothers call him boring or lame, Huey tries to makes things easier.
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Della probably did some of those things for Donald when they were younger, and vice versa. I'm 99 percent sure that Donald has been teaching her how to AdultTM since she got back from the Moon.
(Because her impulsiveness got her stranded for 10 years).
Huey and Della love each other. They get along great. They have plenty in common. But Huey Duck is by-the-book, and naturally inclined toward hard work- just like his Uncle Donald. Della ripped up the book, took a shortcut, and had to learn to become hardworking the hard way. Huey Duck is the Responsible One. Della had to take a crash course in becoming a Responsible Authority Figure after Louie's scheming almost erased the family from history.
There are many reasons to admire Donald, but his ability to wrangle the three of them is probably near the top of Huey's list. If Donald wasn't responsible before the SOS Incident, he certainly learned to be. Huey has his own lifetime of trouble dealing with Louie's cons, Dewey's impulsiveness, and their collective recklessness and disregard for Huey's work and Huey's passions. They're difficult and infuriating, but Huey tries. And whenever Huey tries, his respect for Donald probably rises. Because Donald isn't their sibling- he's their uncle, their guardian, their first parent since the day the triplets hatched. While the triplets probably had honorary family in their lives long before they met Scrooge (apparently, Mouseton and Duckburg are very close to each other), Donald was HDL's only parent for 10 years.
Because Huey's mom was reckless, and got stranded on the Moon.
At least Huey knows where Louie and Dewey got it from. (It's bad enough, coming from them).
But Huey Duck is the oldest. He needs to be a figure of strength and capability. He needs to be a leader, needs to provide support, needs to be a good role model. His family relies on him for that sort of thing. Mom's been through a lot. Uncle Donald has been through a lot. Huey spent ten years watching his uncle go through a lot. Huey needs to set an example. He's the oldest- which means he needs to extend a hand, make an effort, and bury any proverbial hatchet even if it kills him a little.
(Huey wants things to run smoothly. Huey doesn't want to be a burden for others. Canonically, Huey locks away a lot of his own problems and internal anxieties...until his control slips. Huey hates it when that happens).
Let the record show that I love Della Duck. She's one of my favourite characters. I love how hard she tries, and she's come amazingly far. I'm sure Huey appreciates her efforts.
I'm not saying that canon Huey holds a grudge, or that he secretly resents his mom. I just think that out of all the triplets, he's who I'd pick as the most likely to do so. And unlike Louie and Dewey, Huey knows how to hide certain thoughts and feelings successfully. Huey can be anxious, but he can't be mean (he's already weird and nerdy, he can't afford to be mean). Huey has spent his entire life honing his control over his less...socially acceptable emotions. (Hello, Duke). If Huey has grudges about Della and the Spear or anyone and anything else, I have faith in his ability to hide those negative thoughts for a long, long time.
Until he can't.
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hoodharlow · 3 years
Stuck with Nowhere to Go
El Novio Quarantine Edition: Part 1
AN: This is part one of El Novio week and I'm gonna be posting a new part for this mini series everyday until April 17. Thank you to everyone that has been supporting me and following Cal and Claudia's story. I love y'all so mucha nd hope y'all enjoy this.
Warnings: smut, brief quarantine talk, a small arguement. and overall Claudia being h word for Cal
Word Count: 3.1 k
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Calum gently pushed Claudia against the mattress, getting in a more comfortable position as they devoured each other. With one hand balancing himself, so he wouldn't squish Claudia, he used the other to unbutton the flannel she wore. He slid his hand inside her shirt and gave her breast soft squeeze before sliding down to her soaked-through panties.
Frustrated with his teasing touches, Claudia tried to roll him onto the mattress. But he wouldn't budge.
"Cal," She whined against his lips, jutting her hips against his to feel some sort of relief.
"Pretty girl, I know, but your parents are across the hall." Calum mumbled before kissing down her neck.
"It's been three weeks. Please," She sighed. "I'll be quiet."
"Fine, but you have to be quiet. For our sake." She eagerly nodded at him before he continued. "I'm only going to eat you out okay?"
"Later okay? When we get to our house, you can have your way with me. I promise." He held out his pinky to her.
"Okay." She pouted, wrapping her pinky around his.
Calum sat on his knees and slipped off his shirt. He tossed it to the side before towering over her once more. A giggle escaped Claudia when he sponged kisses all over her face.
Having enough of his teasing, she pulled his lips back to hers. She wrapped her leg over his waist, helping her stay balanced as she grinded herself against him. Claudia was basking in having the upper hand that she didn't feel Calum's fingers slip in her panties.
He skillfully slipped his ring and middle fingers in her, causing her to loudly gasp and stop all her moments.
"What's wrong, pretty girl?" He whispered in her ear, making her whine. “Want these off?” Calum asked her, toying with the waistband of her panties.
“Please.” She nodded eagerly. He gently patted her ass so she could lift her hips up.
Once Calum slipped her panties off, he situated himself in front of her core. “All this for me pretty girl?” Calum asked. He placed soft kisses on the insides of her thighs. She squirmed at the feeling of his lips. They got closer and closer to where she needed him the most.
She let out an inaudible gasp of pleasure when Calum licked her. She tried closing her legs, but Calum’s grip on them kept her in place. He softly moaned at her taste and savored her, taking his time with his tongue. He pushed one of her legs to her chest, giving him better access to her.
He inserted another while he pressed his thumb on her clit. Claudia felt something build up in her. She felt pleasantly overwhelmed with Calum’s fingers and tongue. Calum felt it too. He sped up his fingers and circled his thumb on her clit roughly.
She moaned out, not caring who heard her, but he grabbed a pillow and covered her face. Calum lapped up her release. He dropped her legs down and laid next to her.
“Happy album release day,” Claudia whispered excitedly after catching her breath.
He grumbled his response, making her giggle. He rolled to his side and traced his thumb under her bottom lip, giving her a quick peck. He got up to the bathroom to finish himself off, but Claudia had other ideas.
“No, let me,” Claudia said. She sat up and pulled him back by the waistband of his boxers. She brightly up at him, with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Se me antoja un chorizo.”
“The kitchen is downstairs, Claudia.” He told her prying her hands off him.
“Cal, please let me suck your dick.” She fake cried.
“No, go get ready. We were supposed to be on the road by now. But someone doesn’t know how to keep her hands to herself.” He said before closing her bathroom door. He popped his head out once more. “You better be ready when I’m done.”
Calum watched Claudia skip down the steps of Ashton's house when it finally hit him. The last he saw her wear the dress she currently wore was when they went to Coachella the year before. It was probably his favorite dress on her, even if he's only seen her in it once.
"That's the last of them." Claudia said sliding onto the passenger seat. She has baked 'CALM' cakes for the guys in their favorite flavors along with sugar cookies shaped in their initials and in their instruments.
She took off her mask and reached for her now watered down iced coffee. She made a face and set it down in the cup holder. "This is nasty. I fucking hate almondmilk." she mumbled before taking another sip.
"Why are you still drinking it?"
"I have to finish it. It was like five bucks."
Calum shook his head, hiding his smile. He reached for his army green Hydro Flask and took a long sip of water. He capped it and started the car. Pulling the car into reverse, he gripped Claudia's head rest a little tighter as he felt her gaze on him. As he got out of the spot, he watched Claudia shift around in her seat.
"You really have a parallel parking kink." Calum laughed as they left Ashton's neighborhood.
"I do not." Claudia scoffed, crossing her arms.
"Keep telling yourself that. Your tits don't lie." He said, pinching one of her nipples. She smacked his hand away as he checked that there weren't any cars before turning into the main road.
"The AC isn't even on so can't say you're cold."
Calum shook his head and drove to the nearest Target. When they got there, Claudia grabbed a homemade disinfectant wipe from her bag and cleaned their cart. They went straight to the electronics section so Calum could get a record player for the live stream later in the evening. The needle broke in the one he had and since Ashton demanded that they play the album in vinyls, he had to get a new record player.
Claudia took the cart after he placed the record player in the shopping cart. She still felt awkward shopping for pads in front of him. They agreed to meet in the alcohol aisle after she hopefully found some pads. Tampons weren't an option. Pandemic or not, the only thing she was having inside of her was Calum.
“They may not have toilet paper but least they have White Claws.” Calum told Claudia as two boxes, one of only black cherry flavor and the other variety pack because Claudia only drank tangerine flavor.
"I managed to get one thing of pads, so it's something." She told him, covering the pads with the other groceries. "I'm just lucky my period ended last week. I have a month to worry about getting more. You have dog food right? Because there's none in the aisles."
"Yeah, bought some when we got back from Medelyn's baby shower, water and toilet paper too." He nodded his head over to the shopping cart. "Is that everything? And what your parents needed too?"
Claudia looked over their shopping cart. It wasn't much but it was enough since the stores set limits on how much to buy because of the lack of ability to restock.
"I think we're good. If we need something we can drive back and steal from Ashton's garden." she joked.
While they waited in line, Claudia thought about how quick her life changed in less than two weeks. Her landlord practically kicked her, Dulce and Sara out and wanted them out by the time spring break started because of mandatory stay at home orders. She was lucky though. Calum took her in and for the meantime she was going to live with him. Though just last week Diego told her to come home. It took her a lot of convincing, but Calum ended up going with her too.
"Your total is $132.76." the cashier told them.
Claudia was barely pulling out her card as Calum scanned his phone in front of the pin pad. He thanked them and nodded Claudia to keep up.
"We agreed that I was going to pay groceries since you don't let me pay for anything else." She told him as he put the groceries in his car.
"I didn't agree to shit." He furrowed an eyebrow.
"Yuh-huh you nodded and waved me off."
He stayed silent, trying to remember if he did. Then it hit him. "Was it when we ordered Mikko's? Because I thought you meant you were paying for that."
"Of course you did, your cheap ass doesn't pay for sushi." she mumbled to herself. "Well I'm paying for groceries from now on."
"I don't like it when you spend money for us when I can pay for them. Especially now that we're both basically jobless. You need that money for school, Claudia." Calum said as they pulled up to the In-N-Out drive thru across the street from Target.
"And I don't like you paying for things that I can afford too." She argued back, but Calum ignored her since he was ordering their lunch.
He had his card ready to pay so there was no way that he was going to let her pay. When he reached the window the computer crashed and they were only accepting cash. Claudia pulled out a twenty, knowing that Calum never carries cash on him unless they're outside of California. He begrudgingly took it and gave it to the cashier.
Claudia considered herself a patient person. An elderly person taking their time in front of the ATM, no problem. Her getting cut in line at Starbucks because she was answering a text from Calum and not paying attention to the line, not an issue. Where she did lose her patience was when she would get stuck in traffic.
“The San Ysidro border is faster than this.” Claudia groaned, dropping in her seat after poking her head out of the sun roof.
“Well we would have avoided traffic if someone didn’t need to go back our place to get a fucking coloring book.” Calum muttered under his breath.
He had enough of her complaining. Ever since he got on the I5, that’s all she’s been doing. They’ve been stuck for over four hours and it was just her mumbling over and over how she would rather be waiting to cross the border than be stuck in the freeway. Even Claudia during her period was less irritable than this. Before she could get a word in, he turned up the volume on the true crime podcast they were listening to.
Ironically it was about a couple where the girlfriend murdered her boyfriend and disposed of his body by a lake in the very same freeway they were on.
Calum glanced over to Claudia. She was curled up, leaning against the window playing tetris on her phone. He rotated his neck and hands in hopes that he loosened up, but nothing worked. He knew he shouldn't have said that to her. It wasn't her fault that there was traffic.
"Cal…" Claudia said quietly, reaching down to lower the volume.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be getting all irritated when I was the one who suggested that you take me back to your house. Because of me we're stuck in traffic and—"
"Claudia, you have nothing to apologize for. You're not the one who caused the traffic. If someone should be apologizing, it should be me. I'm just stressed out because of the album dropping tonight and I'm taking my nerves out on you. So I'm sorry for being a fucking cunt."
"Apology accepted." she giggled.
Claudia leaned over the center console and kissed his cheek. Slowly, she descended down to his neck And sucked under his jaw, making him jerk the car.
"Ashton needs me alive for at least tonight." Calum said, gently prying her off of him. He adjusted his shorts and looked toward the road.
Not even five minutes later, Claudia was toying with a loose string on Calum's shorts. Her hand occasionally bumped into his crotch. Wordlessly she unbuckled her seatbelt and tried reaching for her purse in the backseat. It gave Calum a great view of the nude lace panties she wore.
Before he tried anything, she sat back down and pulled out some nail clippers. Claudia bent over the center console once more and clipped the string with them. She rubbed his thigh and laid her head in the console. Her fingertips deftly smoothed down his leg hairs.
"What are your thoughts on road head?" Claudia asked. She tiptoed her fingers up his thigh, slowly inching to semi hard on.
"I don't know, never thought about it." He answered her, swallowing hard with his gaze glued on the road.
"Really? Like you never thought of me choking on your dick while you're driving?" She pushed herself up from the console and sat criss-cross applesauce. "I have. The thought of you guiding my mouth over your dick surrounded by other cars, clueless to what we're doing. All I have to say is thank fuck for your tinted windows."
He watched from the corner of his eye. She had pulled down her dress, exposing her breasts and her panties were on the dash. One of her hands disappeared under her dress while the other was tweaking her nipples. She whimpered Calum's name loudly as her fingers sped up.
Calum pulled her hand away and licked her fingers cleaned. He slipped his and continued where she left off. With one hand on the steering wheel he brought her to her orgasm. Her hips chased his fingers as he stopped thrusting them in her and only rubbed her clit. Once her high relaxed, he slipped his fingers out of her and licked them.
He pumped a quarter size amount of hand sanitizer in his hand, cleaning his hands, and kept driving.
He looked over to Claudia and smirked. "Thank fuck for tinted windows, huh Claudia."
Claudia was bundled up in her room so she wouldn’t disrupt Calum during the livestream. She went downstairs to get her water and a snack after hearing 'Not in the Same Way.' She bumped into Calum in the kitchen, who was getting another White Claw.
"Hey," she said kissing his cheek.
"Miss you." Calum said in between kisses.
Before she said anything, Michael's yelling that he was a pickle echoed through the kitchen. Calum gave her a look and went back to the living room. Duke tried getting on the couch but failed.
"I leave for a fucking second and you're a fucking pickle." Calum said, trying his best not to laugh.
He picked up Duke and sat him in his lap. Panchito wandered over and hopped on the couch and used Duke's bed as a pillow.
"Uh… this is Panchito. He's the Santos' family dog." Calum said introducing the blue heeler puppy to the 40 thousand people watching. "He's about four months old and just sleeps all day with Duke."
The livestream went on until Michael's phone died and Calum continued with Luke. But just before Michael signed off, he thanked Claudia for making the CALM cakes and cookies. Calum struggled a bit to get Luke connected, but he managed once Claudia hopped in and showed him how. He gave her a sheepish thank you and watched her curl up on the opposite end of the couch.
At some point during Calum and Luke's segment, they strayed off their music and discussed cake flavors. When Claudia heard Luke say that he's not a big fan of red velvet cake, she bit back her comment about Luke eating a few slices of red velvet cake at Calum's birthday party the year before. If Claudia knew how to do one thing, that's bake a good red velvet cake.
By the time Calum finished the livestream and his phone call with Luke, Claudia had fallen asleep. He signaled the dogs to follow him outside so they can do their nightly business before going to bed. He guided them back to their respective kennels and secured the doors, so they couldn't escape to go ruin Soni's plants.
"Claudia," Calum said softly. He gently nudged her awake. "Let's go upstairs."
"Fuck, did I fall asleep?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.
"Yeah, surprisingly since you took about four naps today." he teased her.
"Oh shush." she grumbled, folding the blanket she covered herself with.
They quietly went to the guest room where Calum was sleeping to watch a movie. Not even fifteen minutes into the movie, Claudia and Calum were devouring each other. Her hand lazily stroked his length through his sweats as Calum's hands ran over her thighs and ass.
"We should get on the floor, the bed squeaks too much." Claudia said when pulled away from Calum to take off her hoodie.
She got off from the bed and grabbed a duvet from the closet and laid it on the floor. She grabbed some of the decorative pillows and arranged them neatly so they could lay on them. Calum followed suit and shedded off his sweater and sweatpants. He laid back on the duvet and took in Claudia. She sat in his lap in nothing but a light grey bralette and matching panties she got at Aerie. It wasn't an overall sexy set, but it still sent him spiralling.
She leaned down and captured Calum's lips with hers. He let out an incoherent grumble as Claudia rocked her hips against his cock. He slowly inched his hands up her thighs, feeling his way around until he found her ass. He roughly gripped her ass and began guiding her along his clothed cock.
“Can you fucking wait?” Claudia giggled, pulling away from his lips. She sat back up on his lap and took off her bralette. “I wanna take care of you.”
“I don’t want you to.” He said.
“You better remember that the next time you get a stomach ache for eating too many chilaquiles.”
Claudia drummed his chest and got up from the floor. She reached for Calum’s hoodie and tied her hair in a bun.
“Where are you going?” Calum asked her confused.
“You don’t want my help, so I don’t see what I’m doing here.” She shrugged.
She grabbed her phone from the nightstand and gave him a small salute before leaving his room. She waited outside, knowing he was going to go after her. A few seconds later he opened the door and pulled her inside.
“I’m kidding, I need you.” Calum said peppering kisses all over her face.
“That’s what I thought.” She said, triumphantly. She got down on her knees and tugged down Calum’s sweats. She licked her lips and looked up at him. “Now let me show you how proud I am of your album.”
“What would you rank it?”
“Definitely one of your top four.”
Taglist: @f-mu @another-lonely-heart​ @sunshinebabycal-deactivated2021​   @calumscalm​ @karajaynetoday​ @cherryxwildflower​ @myloverboyash​  @idontneedanyone​ @findingliam-o​ @5-secondsofcolor​ @spicylftv​ @sexgodashton​ @fckingpernico​ @2fangirl4u​ @calpops
208 notes · View notes
Blind Trust
Bucky x Fem!Avenger
Set to: As the World Caves In (Cover by: Sarah Cothran)
Warnings: Main character death, blood/violence, betrayal, fluff
It was meant to be a simple recon mission. Steve didn’t like sending the two of you on missions alone. He didn’t like the thought of not just losing both of you, but you two losing each other. But you both had so many successful missions under your belt, you insisted.
You and Bucky had loved each other from the moment you met. Steve was always worried his pal wouldn’t find true love after everything he’d been through. When SHIELD recruited you, you were the perfect fit. Just as skilled as Black Widow, no family, no real friends, fluent in English, French, Russian, Spanish, and Italian. You were ready to serve something bigger than yourself. You quickly made your way up the ranks and became an integral part of the Avengers team. Your super powers were your trusting physical features, your ability to blend in anywhere, and your deadly, but easy smile.
Those things made you a good agent, but they also stole the heart of the infamous Winter Soldier.
Love became second nature between the two of you. Attached at the hip, always training together, reading together, eating together, and sleeping together.
Now, you both found yourselves at what you thought would be a recently abandoned Hydra base. Your mission: collect any data left, scavenge for any remaining files, maps, and plans. This base was rumored to be abandoned recently and hastily. Your inside man said his Hydra unit had received notice that the Avengers had been made aware of their latest site and experiments.
You trusted this agent. He never gave you false information, he never allowed your team to go in blind. Until now. He had started at SHIELD with you, in your graduating class of new agents. That was 10 years ago. A few years after that, he was sent off to be recruited by HYDRA, or attempted to be recruited. It was difficult for agents to make the transition. You were sad to see him go, you liked Jake. He liked you. But you were grateful to know a good man would be on the inside.
When you entered the facility you found it very much not abandoned. You were ambushed. Bucky barely had time to react before 3 agents were on him. You felt yourself go deep down and into survivor mode. Your throwing knives were out of your hands and into the throats of the closest two agents that came for you before you knew you were moving.
You both made your rounds, fighting side by side for what felt like an hour. Once you knew no more agents were coming, you glanced at each other panting and exhausted. He didn’t look too beat up, you’d seen him in worse shape. He gave you a slight nod and you made your way to retrieve your knives before searching the remaining parts of the building.
You made your way to the basement levels and found Jake beaten and bloody, barely alive. You ran to his side and called for Bucky. You had an eerie feeling while assessing his injuries. Why was he here alone?
“They found me out! They thought they killed me and left me here for you both to find me.” Jake half screams to you.
Bucky has moved deeper into the cell with you. He didn’t like this either, but didn’t know why. You helped Jake to his feet, turn around and place him on a chair. You and Bucky exchange glances, and that’s when you realized what was off.
Turning back around you ask “Jake, how did they know it would be just me and Buc-“ but it’s too late. Jake is up and out of the cell, locking it behind him.
You can’t believe it. Bucky can’t believe it.
“It had to be you two first. We need Steve Rogers nice and emotional when he comes to find you. Mistakes will be made. This is the end of the line for the Avengers.”
You begin pleading with him. Never in a million years would you think that Jake would allow himself to be influenced by such hate. But that’s how it starts isn’t it? Hydra has brainwashing down to a science. You should’ve seen this coming.
After Jake laughs and walks away, you hear him trigger a timer not so far away. Just enough time to get himself out, you assume.
When the end came, you stripped off your gear. Bucky took off his leather jacket, his gun holster, you removed your knives, your jacket. You wanted to hold each other as Bucky and Y/N. Not as Avengers.
You wanted to say everything ever left on the table. Instead, you just held each other stared into his soul. You’re memorizing each other’s features. His strong jaw, your big eyes. He pushed some bloody hair out of your face. You held his waist. You both tried to not cry, always strong for each other.
As you heard the first bombs go off in the distance, he finally spoke.
“Y/N, I have never not loved you. You saved me after I left Wakanda.” His eyes are glossing over. You tried not to mirror him, but you realized your tears were already falling thru the gun powder stuck to your cheeks. You wondered if you looked as beat up as he did. A black eye forming over his perfect face. You didn’t care. You had the privilege of seeing him laugh, smile, cry, be pissed off, and feel loved up close for 5 years now. That’s what you thought of in this moment as the next round of bombs went off. You realized that that they were leveling the entire facility.
“Buck, you’ve kept me going through my darkest moments. Let’s do it one more time.”
He studies you for a moment more. It seems like his life is flashing before his eyes, but he’s staring at you.
“So how would you rather die? Poison or electrocution?” He asks.
Ah yes, the game you’ve played for as long as you can remember. It hits a little different right now.
“Hmmm” you say, “I think electrocution. Short and sweet, nighty night.” He laughs even though he’s holding you a bit harder, as the noises around you become more violent. “A knife fight or drowning?” You ask.
“Damn, that’s a hard one. Seeing as I’m more of a skilled knife fighter than YOU are, I think drowning would be my downfall. Never enjoyed swimming that much.” You giggle at his taunting, even as you're both looking death in the eyes.
There's a long pause. Both of you not really wanting to continue the game you both so loved playing during your free time.
“Y/N, I only have a few regrets in my life, but the main one is not making you my wife.”
“Really, Bucky? That is the most 1940’s shit you’ve ever said to me” you laugh. “What matters is that I can say whole-heartedly that I’m grateful in my short life that I got to spend it with you.”
You hear the ceiling in the cell you’re trapped in start to crack. You both look up and at then at each other one last time.
“I love you, Y/N”
“I love you, Bucky. Thank you for being in my life and choosing me.”
“There’s no one else, Y/N. No one else.”
He smiles at you one last time as you hear the ceiling start to cave in. Before everything goes black, you hear him say “Goodnight, love.”
You lean in one last time to kiss him. You’re holding on to each other with every last ounce of energy you have. “Goodnight, Bucky, I’ll see you soon.”
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winterscaptain · 4 years
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader a joyful future fic
a/n: this popped into my head fully formed. when i thought too hard about it, i cried. It’s sweet. enjoy! tell me what you think! this takes place in au!october 2022
words: 2k warnings: language, tooth-rotting fluff
summary: “i don’t have stepchildren, i have children who happened to be born before i met them.” – unknown
masterlist | a joyful future masterlist | ajf faq | requests closed!
You’re laid out flat on the bed, tooling around on your phone, when Jack comes in, gets a running start, and flops onto the bed beside you. His feet hang off the opposite side yours do, your heads close together. 
Elliot and the girls are napping the early afternoon away, Jack had an early-release day from school, Aaron’s taking a half-day, and Isaac’s still stuck on that 750-piece puzzle on your office floor. You left one of the baby monitors in the nursery and one with him, just in case. The faint, staticky sound of him talking to himself grumbles through the little speaker on Aaron’s bedside table.
Jack doesn’t say anything, but pulls his phone out and starts doing whatever newly-minted seventeen-year-olds do on his phone beside you. 
You, on the other hand, need to take care of an email from Aaron.
SSA Hotchner, 
See attached for your quarterly performance evaluation from your supervisor, BAU Unit Chief SSA Emily Prentiss, cc’d here. Please direct any questions or concerns to SSA Prentiss. 
Best, SSA Aaron Hotchner, J.D. Northeast Investigations and Operations Support Section Chief Quantico, VA
P.S. Leaving the office in 30. See you soon xx
You draft a quick reply and send it. 
Thanks, Hotch. 
Best, SSA _______ Hotchner Behavioral Analysis Unit, Quantico, VA
P.S. Come in quietly thru the garage - C, S, E are still out.
With a roll of your eyes, you put your phone down and take a moment to look at Jack. 
He’s nearly a man, the baby fat falling from his jaw and cheekbones, getting taller by the day. Much to Aaron’s chagrin, they’re about the same height now. 
Jack’s eyes flicker from his phone and meet yours for a split second. “What?”
“Just lookin’ at you.”
A little puff of a laugh leaves his nose. “Why?”
One side of your mouth lifts. “I know you’re tired of hearing this, but if you ever have kids of your own, you’ll get it.” 
He hums, tossing his phone onto the pillow behind him. “Well, yeah. I got that, but why?”
You roll onto your side, curling your legs fully onto the bed. It’s a good question, and one for which you’re not sure you have an answer. Thinking for a moment, you sigh. “So, with you, for example. I can’t really put it into words, but you’re a bit of a miracle.” 
He squints (just like Aaron) and you continue. 
“I have the privilege of being your mom, which is a title that isn’t really mine.” You tuck the inside of your lip between your teeth, trying to figure out how to articulate it. 
It’s not that I don't want to be your mom but in the world where I’m not your mom, Haley is still here.
But there are some days I miss her so much I wish I didn’t have to be your mom. She was always going to be ‘mom.’
But then it’s the best thing in the world to be your mom and I wouldn’t want it any other way…
You start slow. “It’s a bit of a bittersweet thing. I never expected to be ‘mom’ to you while Haley was alive. No matter what would have or could have happened between your dad and me, Haley is your mom. So, the knowledge that we’re here - you and I, in this house with your brothers and sisters and your dad, the way we are - is very much grounded in Haley’s absence.” 
You shake your head, realizing you’re getting off topic. “All this to say, it’s a bit of a miracle that I get to be your mom, and not just mom to those other little gremlins infesting this house.” 
You both smile. 
“And sometimes, I just need to stare at you, make sure you’re real, and sit in that kind of...feeling that I can’t quite articulate.” 
Jack’s been listening the whole time, his brown eyes soft and open. “I think I get that. It makes sense - even if you and Dad still got married and had more kids, Haley would be ‘Mom’ and you would be...something else.” 
You smile a little. “I guess you could say I inherited the title, in some ways.” 
“That’s a good way to put it.” His eyes wander up to the ceiling, pensive. 
“You know, I can’t remember a time when you weren’t around. Like, not every memory has you in it because you weren’t always there, but...there isn’t a single, like, phase of my life when you weren’t in it.” 
It's your turn to listen. 
“And I don’t remember my mother very well. You and Dad always made sure I knew who she was - I feel like I know everything about her, but like…” He trails off for a second before looking back at you. “She still feels like a stranger, a little bit.” 
You nod. “Someone distant, maybe?”
“Yeah. Like I feel connected to her and everything but you’re my mom. You’ve always been that person for as long as I can remember. I can’t imagine anything else.” He shakes his head a little. “It wouldn’t be right to call you anything else.”
A shaky breath leaves you through your mouth, unexpected tears springing into your eyes. Since you’re on the deep end of the conversation pool, you switch gears a little. “Is it ever weird? Having the little ones around? Your dad and I having more kids?” 
He immediately shakes his head. “Nah. I can really remember when it was just the two of us - me ‘n Dad - and then then three of us after that one Christmas. But I don’t really miss it? Like, sometimes it gets so fucking loud in this house -”
“Language,” you chastise. It’s weak, at best. 
He snorts, revising. “Sometimes, it gets really loud in this house and I have those moments of like, ‘oh my god why are they so loud why can’t it just be me and Mom and Dad again,’ but they never last long.” He laughs a little. “Like right now, they’re just in the other room napping and I miss them.” 
“You know when you laugh like that you look just like your mother?”
That sunshine smile breaks across his face again. “Yeah?”
“Mhmm.” You reach out to him, brushing the apple of his cheek with the side of your finger - just a second, just an affectionate little bit of contact. His smile gets wide enough that you’re treated to one dimple. “But those,” you poke the little indent by the corner of his mouth and he screws his face up. “Those are all your dad’s.”
Jack grows pensive again. “Dad said he’d tell me about the divorce if I wanted to ask.” 
Many of your conversations bounce around like this. Fifteen years of life together make up for seemingly contextless non-sequiturs. You know, just like you do with Aaron, he has more to say. 
You wait him out.
“If I asked, would you tell me?”
With a sigh, “I can tell you how it was for me as their friend, but I won’t speak for Dad or Haley.” 
Jack nods, understanding. “What was it like? Like, the...actual divorce? Did you get caught in the middle?”
“It sucked. It really sucked, but no, I never got caught up in it that way. Sure, they vented to me about each other after it was all over - which,” you add, “by the way, was its own form of comedy.” 
That gets a smile out of Jack.
“But they never asked me to tell them they were right or made me feel like I had to choose a side. I would have hated to become a carrier pigeon for their bullshit.” With a chuckle: That’s a recipe for disaster.”
“Ah yeah, miscommunication as a plot device. We covered that in English last semester.” 
You laugh. “Exactly. Even then, though, they loved each other so much and they both tried their hardest to make it work, but couldn’t.” 
Jack’s thinking again, looking more and more pressed by the minute as he stares at the ceiling. 
“What?” You ask. 
“I just -” His mouth presses into a thin line, revealing a dimple, and you thank your lucky stars you love Aaron as much as you do because right now, you’re looking at his clone. “I just...I’m trying to think of something that could, like, break you and Dad up...but I literally can’t think of anything. You guys just work.” 
He’s thinking out loud, finding the question as he goes. You let him. “Even as mad as you get at each other sometimes, I’ve never been afraid. Even when you’re upset with each other you’re still...I dunno...like, two parts of the same person?” He shakes his head. “That doesn’t make sense.”
“No, my love, it does. Your father and I…” 
You sigh, knowing you’re exposing yourself for the person you are, instead of hiding behind your role as a parent.
“...we need each other too much, perhaps to a fault. He’s my favorite person and my biggest weakness. There isn’t much I wouldn’t do for him, and I know he’s the same way about me.” You pause. “We don’t really know how not to be a team.”
Jack’s seen that in them almost all his life. It doesn't surprise him. He’s not sure he believes in soulmates, but he’d imagine you and Aaron are pretty damn close. 
His mouth twists. “I’d imagine a lot of people feel that way until the shit hits the fan.” 
You nod, your head wavering from side to side. “Well...yeah. Not everyone feels that way about their spouse, though.”
“Sure,” he relents, looking a bit like a lawyer. “But if they do, how do you get to that place where you call it quits, you know? How do you decide you don’t need each other or love each other? And how do you know who’s wrong?”
Good question. 
“I mean, it’s less about who’s wrong, and more about who’s right that causes all the trouble, I think, at least from an outside perspective. With your parents, they were both right in a lot of ways.”
You think for a minute, changing directions a bit. “When there are two right answers that are mutually exclusive, there’s not much you can do. Nobody’s wrong - everyone just wants what they want, and there isn’t a clear compromise. Sometimes, the compromise is too much...So, you can still love each other but not be married, like your dad and Haley.” 
“Your mom left,” you continue, “because she reached a breaking point. Her needs and your dad’s needs were mutually exclusive - no compromise existed. And, again, in a lot of ways, they were both right.” 
You shrug, admitting, “They both made bad choices and mistakes in that process, but nobody was the bad guy. In some ways, that’s harder. You love them, but you can’t have them in your life in that way.”
His face clears up. “That makes a lot of sense, actually. Like, I’m thinking about friends and stuff - how some friends are really great outside of school but I would never want to do a group project with them - but for...you know, marriage.” 
You laugh. “Yeah, it’s a lot like that. And you were just about the only thing your parents could agree on at any given time.” 
“Yep. They love you, and always want what’s best for you.” Your eyes flicker to the photo on Aaron’s dresser - the one of you and Haley and Jack nearly fifteen years ago, sandwiching his cheeks in kisses. “When you’re a good parent with that kind of mindset, it’s easy to work as a team for your children.”
“Like you and Dad.” 
“Like me and Dad.” 
Jack quiets for a minute. “Can I tell you something?”
You turn toward him, reaching kind of up and away for his hand. Your clasped fingers end up between your faces. “Always, my love.”
“Sometimes...Sometimes, I wish I looked more like you.” 
Your brow pinches. “Why?” The question is soft, all curiosity. 
“I dunno? I think I just like, want to resemble you because you’re my mom, you know?”
You let out a laugh. “Jack you have no idea. You should ask your father how much you resemble me.”
He shakes his head, a confused little smile on his face. “I don’t get it.” 
“You have picked up eighty percent of my mannerisms and it drives your dad up the wall.” You sit up, releasing his hand and ruffling his soft dark hair as you pretzel-cross your legs. “So if we’re going by his book, you inherited plenty from me. In fact, more than enough.”
“Alright, see, now that makes sense.” Jack sits up across from you right as the door from the garage opens. 
You both wait, quiet, with little smiles on your faces, listening to his car keys hit the kitchen counter (and slide a little - he tossed them), the short walk to his office where he sets his briefcase down and removes his suit jacket (to be hung up later, if he remembers). You can hear him travel to your office, checking on Isaac and looking for you, before taking the stairs two at a time to the baby’s room. 
Jack looks over his shoulder and you follow his gaze, tuned into the baby monitor. There’s a shaky kind of sigh that crackles through the speaker, and you can almost see him reaching into the crib. 
“If he wakes that baby up,” you say, dead serious, “I’ll kill him.”
Jack sniffs, all business. “I’ll grab the shovel and trash bags and you drive, yeah?”
You offer your hand. Jack shakes on it before dissolving into a fit of conspiratorial giggles. He falls into you, turning so his back is against your chest and his head tipped back against your shoulder.
It’s moments like this where he feels five years old again. 
As big as he is and as much of a shit as he can be, he’s still the same boy.  
The pair of you are so caught up in your own private joke that you don’t hear Aaron as he crosses the house and leans on the door jamb. When you both catch sight of him, it only makes you laugh harder. You wrap your arms around Jack, trapping him close to you as you hook your chin over his shoulder. 
He’s examining you both, brow a little furrowed, mouth a little open in an almost-smile. He’s seen the Mom and Jack Show before - it’s a series that started about ten years ago with about a thousand episodes and no cancellation in sight. “What on earth are you two doing in here?”
Jack drops into a deadpan. “Hypothetically plotting your demise for the hypothetical instance that you hypothetically wake Elliot and hypothetically deprive Mom of her hypothetical peace and quiet.”
Aaron nods, as if deeply considering it. “I see. Well, luckily, we’ve narrowly avoided that hypothetical scenario.”
You smile at him. “So thus, you live another day. Congratulations.” 
Aaron breaks with a smile, his commitment to the bit evaporating in the presence of two of his favorite faces. He toes off his shoes and crosses to you both, still all wrapped up and letting little laughs escape. He kisses Jack on the head and you lightly on the lips before flopping down on his back with a satisfied sigh.
You share a devious glance with Jack. Aaron throws a pillow over his face, his voice muffled. 
“Yeah, alright, you two. That’s enough.” 
tagging: @arganfics @quillvine @stxrryspencer @agenthotchner @wandaswitxh @hurricanejjareau @ughitsbaby @rousethemouse @criminalsmarts @shrimpyblog @genevievedarcygranger @ssaic-jareau @good-heavens-chris-evans @angelsbabey @writefasttalkevenfaster @venusbarnes @hotchsflower @ogmilkis @marvels-agents100 @hotchslatte @risenfox @mrs-dr-reid @captain-christopher-pike @dwellingsofrosie @pan-pride-12 @sunshine-em @jdougl-love @sageellsworth05 @dreila03 @forgottenword @aaronhotchnerr @ssa-morgan @buckybau @tegggeeee @abschaffer2 @ssacandice-ray @ellyhotchner @lotties-journey-abroad @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25 @laneygthememequeen @violentvulgarvolatile @mooneylupinblack @ssareidbby @violet-amxthyst @zizzlekwum @lcvischmitt @qvid-pro-qvo @mandylove1000 @simsiddy @jeor @synonymforlame @roses-and-grasses @bwbatta @capricorngf @missdowntonabbey @averyhotchner @cevanswhre @joanofarkansass @infinity1321 @popped-weasels @evee87 @nuvoleincielo @spencerelds @ssahotchnerr @this-broken-band-girl @winqhster @reidtomestyles @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @the-falling-in-the-danger @nattylite49 @crazyshannonigans @softbibxtch @iconicc @mangoberry43
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k-sci-janitor · 3 years
So I finished DCWT last night and while I know this fic is quote unquote famous and also rightly contentious, I still had some thoughts on it that I wanted to spew out long form style on here, SO-
To be clear, this was a fic I avoided for a LONG TIME
You know when people hype up a thing as like, the pinnacle of whatever? And if you haven’t read it, you’re not a real fan? Yeah well, that was the vibe I got with this dumb fic for a long time while absolutely no one told me that, it was just my dumb brain being judgmental to myself really, lol. Anyway why would I wanna read a fic that famously doesn’t have any tags? I mean, who does that?? Anyway-
So what changed your mind?
Well I watched this wonderful video (everyone, GO WATCH THIS VIDEO) and even tho the creator simultaneously hyped and un-hyped DCWT, it got me intrigued and a little cautious about finally just giving it go. It had literally been sitting on my kindle for months and I just finally decided to see what it was I was missing.
So you got past that opening, huh?
MY GOD. My biggest initial hurtle getting thru this damn thing was just the opening. It was verbose. It didn’t make much sense. It didn’t even seem like this author and I had watched the same movie. Everything about it was off putting and strange and I must’ve picked it up and put it down like 10 times. Don’t do this. I’ve only written a little bit personally but the fastest way I chuck a book/fic/whatever away from me is a terrible opening or like, an opening so fucking confusing that it’s unclear that it’ll get better from here.
So it got better from there?
Okay yes, it did, thank goodness. At a certain point it became more clear and I realized the fic had started with a wildly confusing intro to show, you know, how m e s s e d up they were post-drift, cognitively, emotionally, etc. The story eventually started to speed up and I got engaged with the action and finally I couldn’t put it down. It took a while tho!! But I also HAD to put it down at some points.
Oh, why?
So, remember when I said there was no tags and everything I had gathered about this fic was secondhand knowledge? I didn’t really know how in depth the fic was going to describe disassociation and panic attacks. I don’t mind mentions of these things in other fics I've read but DCWT really delves into them in a way that made me, someone prone to panic attacks, really uncomfortable. It basically just hit a little too close to home for me and I occasionally had to put it down so I could breathe or find myself in a different headspace to be able to read these descriptions. This could easily affect someone else pretty harshly.
And like, I know these descriptions are fictional, they're not going to hurt me but they read real enough to me and they’re happening to a character I care a lot about and it was genuinely distressing to read. I also generally don’t read angsty fics because like I said, I don’t really like thinking deeply about Newt or Hermann having something overtly terrible to their bodies (sorry Kaiju!Newt fans, I get eeked out!!). Sometimes I can handle it if it’s abstract enough but sometimes I can’t. I especially find it hard if it's crouched in something I have personal experience with (the panic attacks, sigh). Tags, people, YOU USE THEM.
So did you even like this fic??? SPOILERS BELOW 👇👇👇
Omg so I actually did. Newt and Hermann’s characterizations were really good. Newt was quite possibly the world’s biggest asshole while I wanted nothing more than to give this Hermann a really big hug. Since this fic is so long, it gets a chance to really hone in on their dynamic and how they care for each other. They literally call each other their "life partners" before they examine if they're actually dating or not. I really enjoyed that a reader could interpret their relationship as ace, it totally works. And I still got my big damn kiss! Jokes that have been building up for like 100k words have an amazing pay off and was super funny to read. Also somehow NO ONE told me about the AI self-driving cars and were my surprise favorite characters. Mako's characterization was also some of the best things I've read about her and I loved her and Newt's relationship a lot.
So it was fine in the end?? MORE SPOILERS 👇👇👇
Well, no, I think I'm just sensitive to the idea that Newt's mind is tearing itself apart due to the kaiju, due to Hermann occasionally taking over, due to his own dumb hang-ups. It's a melancholy read is where I would place it. Their dynamic is difficult and real in it's terror of what's happened to them. A BIG SURPRISE for me was Newt's third drift and the fact the PPDC may or may not have coerced him to do it while he was on anti-seizure drugs?? IT'S REALLY UPSETTING. I don’t like the immediate alienation from the PPDC, I mean, I also don’t like the military but the idea that they would whisk Newt away like that is weird and I dunno. It’s fucked, whatever.
It was just a weird, hard read for me emotionally and I don’t blame anyone who decides to just put it down. And it has SUCH good stuff hidden in there (the AI cars, Hermann buying a Porsche on a whim and being a scary driver, that fucking hair stroking thing) but it’s a roller coaster and I honestly don’t know what to make of a fic that has it’s own PR person to hype it up, lmao.
So what do you recommend?
Approach cautiously! I’ll even make a short list of tags here: Descriptions of epilepsy, seizures, nosebleeds, disassociation, panic attacks, eye damage, hand surgery, Drinking and depictions of drunkenness, underage drinking mentions, implied drugging, descriptions of imagined head surgery, suicidal thoughts.
And hey, you might be a tough guy who reads fucked up fics all the time and I just sound like a wimp here, that’s fine!! I just felt complicated about this fic (liking and hating it, ugh) and wanted to get down what I thought about it while it was fresh. And like, y’all know me, I like cute, fluffy shit where they kiss for the first time or whatever. But I occasionally will dip into scarier stuff. I just don’t know if this is everyone’s cup of tea and wanted to elaborate. 😮‍💨
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myersesque · 4 years
some of yall... r SO protective of klaus. to the point where it legit frustrates me.
i’ve seen people call diego abusive for making a “$20 if we leave him here” joke abt his brother. take it from a middle child, that’s just how siblings are. i joke about leaving my big sib behind all the time - it’s a joke. a very blatant joke, that you pout about for a minute and then get over.
in season 1, i don’t blame the sibs for not knowing klaus was kidnapped, because literally none of them except luther and five lived in the academy anymore. klaus not being at the academy wasn’t really suspicious, and whilst i’d definitely be concerned if i couldn’t find my sibling after a shooting, i wouldn’t be surprised if they just assumed he ran away. of course they assumed all the “we have your brother” messages were about five, because hazel and cha-cha were CLEARLY looking for five. it’s shitty that it took them so long to find him, and shitty that klaus was kidnapped in the first place, but i think it’s unfair to blame his siblings there, even though they WERE being idiots.
and just... i remember a chunk of the fandom disliking ben in s2 for being “too mean to klaus”, as if he hasn’t been stuck around his brother for 17 years, and as if half his dialogue in season 1 wasn’t just a polite way of saying “get your shit together or i swear to god”. listen - i’m 16. i’ve spent my entire life living with my older sibling, and we fight and snark each other all the time - and that’s WITH the ability to walk away and talk to somebody else. ben’s a ghost. he can’t just go away and cool off - klaus is literally the only person he can talk to. i’d be bitchy too.
what i’m trying to say is - i get it. i like klaus too, and i get being protective of characters you like - i’m super protective of some characters - but it seems like every fandom has a character where anyone who is so much as jokingly rude to them is suddenly horrible, and it’s just. frustrating? obviously he’s been thru some bad shit but sometimes it feels like one of the other sibs looks at him funny and they’re suddenly hated by some of yall
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lacharcutiere · 3 years
falling so soft [sawamura daichi]
1k words
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part two of i’m gone i’m gone i’m gone miniseries. time zones suck. being too busy to facetime sucks. not getting to have him as your new years kiss sucks. distractions… actually, those might be okay. but that’s to be determined.
^ if u got the ronny cheng reference lol i love u 👽 anyway, i did not plan that last bit out but,, THE PLOT THICKENS hehehe:)) also oops for having this up 2 hours late lol i totally forgot to queue it
JST: japanese standard time (GMT +9). EST: eastern standard time (GMT -5). EDT: eastern daylight time (GMT -4). man i hate daylight savings time why do we have to switch between the two, hopefully no one notices if i fucked up the math but if u do pls just ignore it <3
tings // fluff, lil bit of soft angst // i swear this søng is abøut eating øut my best friend’s pussy - cøzybøy // dm, ask or comment to be added to the taglist ! minors dni.
— MOVE-IN DAY: 29 AUGUST 2021. 08:14 EDT.
your roommate is a talkative, ever-energetic, pretty half-russian girl named alya. she's from new jersey, you learn, just across the river. the two of you are a good match in energy, and she's easy to talk to. you'd chatted a couple times before over instagram, and the tiny bit of japanese she knew combined with your functional knowledge of english has made for conversations that flow easily from subject to subject.
you tell her about daichi, show her pictures of the two of you together from graduation, the summer—whatever you can find. she immediately loves the two of you together, excitement seeming ready to bubble over at how cute you must be, and you need to remind her over and over that you're just friends with him for now.
— 16 NOVEMBER, 2021. 10:23 EST.
according to the new york natives, this year's first snowfall is early. usually, alya tells you, it doesn't snow before thanksgiving.
from daichi (written 16th december, received 22nd december. opened on christmas day, 00:03 eastern standard time.)
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from you (written 12th december, received 18th december. opened as soon as it arrived, 17:14 japan standard time.)
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— 18TH DECEMBER, 2021. 23:03 JST, 09:03 EST.
you wake up to your phone buzzing on your bedside table, rubbing your face groggily as you fumble for it and see who it is.
“of course you’re still my favorite,” is the first thing he says as soon as you accept the call. and then, “oh shit, did i wake you up? i’m so sorry—“
you cut him off with a sleepy laugh, assuring him that no, it’s okay, for him you don’t mind.
"d'you get the card yet?" he sounds so excited, almost childlike; it's adorable, and you can't help but laugh some more.
"i did," you say, "but i'm saving it. i'm gonna open it on christmas."
he snorts. "i say open it now. i opened yours as soon as i saw it."
"yeah, but i'm talking to you now, i wanna save it so i have new things to hear from you even if you can't call."
"who says i won't call?"
"no one, but just in case."
— CHRISTMAS DAY 2021. 00:12 EST, 14:12 JST.
daichi's about to second guess calling you when he remembers you never go to bed early if you can help it, and especially not while you're off school. and, speak of the devil, his phone rings right then.
"hey." it's dim in your room, but he can hear the smile in your voice and that's all he needs.
"i opened your card."
"did you, now?"
"mhm." you must be in bed; he can hear you nuzzling down into a downy comforter and yawning. it's adorable. "i miss you."
"i miss you, too."
there's silence on your end of the line for a while, save for breathing and blankets shifting around, and daichi takes it as his cue. "get some sleep," he tells you, "i can call you again tomorrow."
he hears you sigh—such a pretty sound—and then you speak again, barely above a whisper. "daichi?"
"can you just... stay on for a bit? just, like, until i'm asleep?"
and he laughs a little, but (unbeknownst to you, passed out within the next few minutes) he doesn't hang up for another hour.
— NEW YEAR’S EVE 2022. 23:58 JST, 09:58 EST.
he calls you just in time for the beginning of the new year (at least, where he is). it’s funny, you point out, how for thirteen hours you’ll be living in two different years. time zones are a bitch.
— 23:55 EST, 13:55 JST.
“welcome to 2022,” he says with a laugh when he picks up the phone. “‘s been pretty uneventful so far.”
— 16 FEBRUARY 2022. 09:55 EST.
a guy in your calc class comes up to you after a lecture and asks you if you’re single.
he’s not unattractive, and he’s smart. you’ve chatted a couple times and he’s always been easy to talk to. he’s funny, and he’s an international student from japan, too. you don’t know what to say at first; you wonder what daichi would want you to say. but you remember, you’re just friends for now.
you tell tōru yes.
— 11:03 EST, 01:03 JST.
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feeling unbelievably guilty as you wait for your phone to ring while sitting on a bench outside the dining hall, you wonder what you're even supposed to tell him. that there's someone else? that you want to try seeing other people? how can you soften the blow without sounding like you're trying to make excuses for yourself? and it's not like your heart isn't still set on him and him only, but how can you possibly convince daichi of that?
so you're incredibly surprised to find out that daichi almost... doesn't mind. you don't miss the way his voice tenses up a little after you tell him, but you know that whatever he says, he's always honest with you. he even almost laughs at you for how stressed you seem.
"friends, remember? 's okay. it doesn't mean you can't see other people, just that we can tell each other whatever. and that i'll support you."
"you're not jealous?"
he pauses for a second, thinking, before saying, "i mean, honestly? i am, i guess." he stops again and you don't say anything, almost afraid. "but whatever we are, if you're happy, then it's okay. and tōru's a good guy." he huffs a short laugh. "if he were a shitty person, that'd be a very different story."
that's another surprise to you; apparently he and tōru were at least somewhat acquainted with one another. volleyball, daichi tells you.
small world.
when you finally end the call, realizing how late it is in japan and that he must be needing to go to bed, you can't tell whether you feel less guilty knowing that he doesn't think you're in the wrong, or more guilty knowing that he's willing to sacrifice his wants for yours.
taglist: @sakruisin-thru @softetsurou @oligbia
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