#this is my favourite dice set now
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Bf gifted me a Drakgo themed diceset 🥹💖 It's primarily green and black but there's a beautiful blue shimmer in the right light. This photo doesn't do its beauty justice.
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spilledkaleidoscope · 2 months
Activation Energy and Executive Dysfunction
A bunch of people (with executive dysfunction I assume) reacted a little disheartened to how I described the phenomenon.
The gist is that I used activation energy, a concept from chemistry, as a model for how executive dysfunction can keep you from doing things. Activation energy is the minimal energy that has to be available for any chemical reaction to occur and that amount is specific to every reaction.
Executive Dysfunction to me means, that this activation energy is always high, even for tasks other people experience as spontaneous reaction (yes the amount of ae and spontaneity of a reaction are not connected necessarily but bear with me here). A good example is showering or feeding yourself or sometimes getting up from the couch.
The tricky thing here is that the energy put into trying to reach activation energy is still *expended*, so while it might seem like nothing happens, you still get drained, making it harder to reach activation energy levels.
So what can we do?
In synthesis, if your activation energy is too high you basically can do two things: you either add a catalyst, or you find a different way to get to your result altogether.
The latter can be choosing a simpler recipe to feed yourself, graze on random items without making a meal until you are full or ordering food for example.
This is not always possible, but it *is* worth thinking about. An example from my life would be that I open my mail outside at the trash bins and immediately discard what I don't need because otherwise, I have paperstuff flying around my appartment that I don't get rid of.
"Weird" is not something that should factor in here. Make it functional and helpful.
The catalyst is my favourite solution however, and I can give you some tips here that you can *immediately* use. I won't know if they work for you, but they do for me (sometimes! be kind to yourself).
Have your tasks broken down: when you have energy, make sure that the thing on your to do list is something you can *actually* physically immediately do. Don't write "make reservation", but "call restaurant" along with the number. Not "clean kitchen" but "move dishes to sink" etc
Doorway Effect: The Doorway effect describes that silly thing that, when we cross a boundary, we sometimes feel like we've been soft reset ("what was I going to do?"). A hypothesis for why this happens can be that it helps our brain create separate contexts which then aids memory creation. What it can do for you is that it is an easy way to change context, which then frees you up to start something new more easily. Try it! Physically go through a doorway or open a different window on the computer, sometimes that is enough.
Costuming: Similar to the Doorway Effect, we are changing context in a low effort way here. Concentrate on putting on your shoes instead of taking out the trash or put on some rubber gloves if you plan on cleaning. Might be enough. Sometimes putting on mascara is enough for me to go "oh I am out of couch potato mode now"
Move! Put yourself where you need to be to tackle your task. That can already help.
Pressure: This can be done by setting a timer that will go off soon. Challenge yourself to get up and go before it rings - might stress you into inaction sometimes, but it can be helpful. I love visual timers for this as it helps with my time blindness
Prepare! If you are in a state of flow and have energy to spare *use it*. This includes breaking down your task as already described but also preparing your space - this can be a cleaned up desk or a caddy with cleaning supplies in a prominent spot.
And my absolute favorite: Throw a dice. When it is really bad, one thing I can always do is throw a dice (via an app, typing "d20" into the search bar or physically having one on me - which I usually do now). I tell myself that if I "make the roll" I get up and do it and if I don't, I try again in 20 minutes. This changes context easily, removes responsibility from me and makes the whole thing playful. I usually go with a d20 and tell myself to get going with a result over 10. If I have a particularly bad day I might need 15+ to do something. Just try it.
In short, what we are trying to do is
minimize friction by frontloading as much thinking and preparing as we can
make a context change as easy and small as possible
And remember: the goal is never to Always Be Doing Something.
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getosbigballsack · 7 months
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𝐺𝑒𝑡𝑜 𝑆𝑢𝑔𝑢𝑟𝑢 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑥 𝐺𝑜𝑗𝑜 𝑆𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑢
𝑆𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑝𝑠𝑖𝑠: 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒. 𝐺𝑜𝑗𝑜 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐺𝑒𝑡𝑜 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡. 𝐽𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑓𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑑.
𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔: 𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑝𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑓𝑓
𝐺𝑒𝑡𝑜 𝑆𝑢𝑔𝑢𝑟𝑢 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐺𝑜𝑗𝑜 𝑆𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑢'𝑠 𝑤ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑒 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒✯
𝑊𝐶: 1.5𝑘
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Breathing heavily, Gojo pulled out and then he lifted you from Geto's body. He laid you down on the bed next to Geto with cum leaking from both your abused holes.
He pulled the cover from the bed and lay next to you and quickly pulled you into his arms. He knows that once you regain consciousness, you'd be whining and crying out for their comfort. They knew you well, they have been with you for 3 years now. They knew what state you'd be in after a wild night of unforgiving sadistic playtime.
"We should switch rooms," Geto suggested as he stood up from the bed and quickly slipped on his underpants that were on the floor next to the bed.
"Just a moment," Gojo whispered as he stroked the apple of your cheek and then he kissed your forehead. Geto hummed as he began to collect the stuff from the floor and neatly placed them in their respective places. He picked up the toys they both used on you from the bed, he even hung up the cane that they whipped your soft skin with.
Oh boy, they were in for a long night.
Once Geto was through with tidying up the room, he glanced over at Gojo, and without saying much, Gojo got up from the bed and lifted you in his arms. He walked with you towards the bedroom and gently laid you on the bed.
"She should be up soon," Gojo said as he stretched his arms over his head. "I'll go get the stuff and put it in the shower room, and I guess you can prepare a light meal."
"Ordering me around now," Geto chuckled as he walked towards the closet and grabbed a robe from inside. "Those were my lines, you know."
"Well, I get to call the shots too sometimes," Gojo responded as he caught a robe that Geto had tossed to him.
"I'll let that slip, just for tonight," Geto said as he walked towards Gojo and placed a kiss on his forehead. "After all you've been a good boy tonight."
Gojo blushed, mumbling a quiet thanks before he left the room and went towards the shower room. He quickly filled the crystal pool bathtub with water, then left to get the bath gel, ointments, towels, and other bath necessities. As he did so, Geto was inside the kitchen currently chopping up a few herbs to season the chicken he had cut up earlier. After he was done, he quickly grabbed a bottle of water and a few fruits from the fridge. He diced the bananas, strawberries, and oranges and then placed them inside a bowl.
He took them to the room and rested them on the nightstand beside the bed. Your eyes were still closed and your body was trembling terribly, he almost felt sorry for going overboard tonight. But then again you never used your safe word so it's okay.
He left to go finish preparing the meal, and during that time, you slowly opened your eyes. Your voice was nothing but a small whimper as you tried calling out for your lovers, but none of them came. So you laid there crying with your body feeling sore and numb, you were not able to think clearly, and you felt useless.
A few minutes had passed and Gojo had set everything up inside the bathroom. The large curtains inside the bathroom were open, the room was dimly lit with soft glowing blue and purple led ceiling lights, and the crystal pool bathtub was filled with water. He had towels neatly hung up on a rack, your favourite shampoo sitting outside the tub, the shower gel, and the ointments to use on your bruises after you were through with your bath.
He smiled to himself one last time before he left the bathroom to check if you were awake. Upon entering the room, he heard your soft whimpering coming from beneath the sheets he had covered you with before he left. "Sugar plum?" Gojo whispered as he moved closer to the bed and pulled the sheets from your head. A small pout formed upon his face when he saw the fresh set of tears staining your cheek, your eyes blown out wide as you stared at him.
Your lips trembled as you whispered "T - Toru," and then a cry left your lips. Gojo was quick to pull you from beneath the sheets, he was careful not to cause any more pain as he set you in his lap and peppered your face with soft kisses. Ah, a deeper head space than before, hm? He thought to himself. "You and Guru go a - away… I (sniff) scared."
"It's alright now sugar plum, Toru is here now," Gojo whispered as he continued to cradle you in his arms. He hummed a small tune as he waited for your cries to reduce to soft whimpers, and then he reached for the fruits that Geto took inside the room earlier. "You want a banana, baby?" You shook your head, yes and he smiled. He slowly fed you the fruits as he continued to hum, meanwhile Geto was in the middle of steaming a pot of rice.
"Something light huh?" He chuckled to himself. "Rice and Chicken at midnight."
"Suguru?" Gojo called out his name from inside the room. Geto turned down the flame from under the chicken and rushed to the room. “She woke up,” Gojo whispered. 
“Princess?” Geto called for you as he slowly walked inside the room. 
“Mhm,” you answered as you slowly chewed on another piece of banana. Geto cooed as he levelled his height with yours and kissed your forehead. 
“You did so well tonight, princess. Daddy’s so proud of you,” he praised as he swiped his thumb over your cheek. They watched as you pouted cutely at them and they laughed. “Alright, I’m preparing your favourite meal.”
“Chicken?” you asked and he shook his head yes. “Mhm’ thank you.”
“Your welcome princess, now hurry up and eat your fruits. Toru’s gonna get you all cleaned up and smelling sweet for us,” Geto said and you nodded your head yes. 
“Aren’t you gonna come with us?” Gojo asked as he picked up a strawberry from your bowl and slowly placed it inside your mouth. 
“I would but I can’t. I’m cooking, so I’ll just quickly take a shower and finish up her meal.” Geto replied before kissing Gojo on his forehead and leaving you both to go take a shower in the guest bathroom. Meanwhile Gojo was left to care for a crying needy baby which was you. 
“Toru?” you whimpered as you allowed your boyfriend to massage the shampoo in your hair. 
“Hm? What is it, sugar plum?” Gojo asked as he smiled down at you. He watched you cutely chew on your bottom lips before pouting. “Baby what is it?”
“Do… you and guru love me?” you asked as you fiddled with your fingers. 
Gojo tilted his head to the side a bit out of confusion. “What do you mean of course we love you.” he responded. “Let me wash the soap from your hair,” he said as he tilted your hair back. You sat there quietly as he washed the soap from your hair and once he was done, he grabbed the body wash, squirted a bit of soap on the loofah. 
“You and guru, mad at me?” you asked as you began to wash your body with the loofah. 
“Why?” Gojo asked. 
“Because when we, when we were doing it… You and Guru didn’t look happy?” you whispered as you allowed Gojo to wash the soap from your body. “Did I do something wrong?” 
“No you didn’t do anything wrong, sugarplum ” Gojo answered as a soft smile played upon his lips. “You were perfect tonight.”
“But why angry?” you asked him yet again. 
“Hm… Suguru was angry at me because I wanted to use another toy even though you were on the brink of passing out,” Gojo explained, which caused you to fluster madly. 
“Oh… so you're not mad at me?” 
“Of course, how can I be mad at my pretty baby?” he cooed as he dropped the loofah in the tub and began peppering your face with light delectable kisses. “I love you and Suguru loves you too.” 
“I love you and Guru too.” 
“Good baby, now let's finish up here I bet you’re hungry. You’re always craving food after play time.”
A few minutes had passed and Gojo finally exited the bathroom with you in his arms, dressed in his clothes and now he’s currently walking towards the bed where Geto sat patiently waiting with your meal in his lap. 
“Princess? Are you feeling better now? I’m sorry I was in the bathtub with you and Satoru,” Geto said in an apologetic tone as he watched as Gojo settled down beside him. 
“She’s better now. She was a bit worried earlier. She thought that we were mad at her and we didn’t love her anymore but I cleared it all up,” Gojo answered. 
“Awe princess, we love you so much you know that right?” Geto asked and you shook your head yes. “Good girl. I don’t want you to forget that ever ok baby.”
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What do u think?
𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔
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transmutationdice · 8 months
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CMY Dice
I'm revisiting some of my favourite dice designs, but now with alternative dice shapes!
This dice set is made with only the colours cyan, magenta and yellow which combine into a rainbow spectrum.
Numbers currently unpainted.
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fic-over-cannon · 6 months
a little something to celebrate 100 followers (and finishing my finals!)
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Jason’s thigh shifts under your cheek. The fabric of his jeans is warmed by your combined body heat, worn soft in the way a best loved pair always is. It’s been a long day, a long week actually, but its over now. You’ve made it through though and there’s nothing but a glorious evening free ahead of you now. You’re lying on your side, eyes closed, head pillowed by Jason’s delicious thighs. He was sitting on the couch when you came home, thighs splayed wide open and absorbed in a book. He’d looked so comfy sitting there, it was all you could do to control your descent onto the couch. You’d flopped down, boneless the instant your body made contact with his. Jason’s thighs were just as comfortable as they looked, warm and firm with just the right amount of give. He looks down at you, fond.
“You gettin’ comfy down there sweetheart?” It’s wry, and probably accompanied by a smile, if you could be bothered to look up and open your eyes to see it.
You nuzzle your face further into his thigh, let the smell of detergent and Jason wash away the day. He reaches for something over you, pulls down a soft fleece blanket to cover you with. He drapes it over you, let’s you adjust it the way you like it. He pets over your hair once, twice, then buries his hand it to cradle your skull. There’s a rustle of pages and you know he’s gone back to his book.
You drift there, warm and comforted by Jason’s steady presence. There’s nothing but the sound of your combined breathing punctuated by the occasional turn of a page. You’re not sure how long you stay there, but by the time you open your eyes again the quality of the light has changed. The living room is only lit by the low warm light of several lamps, the sun completely gone down. For the past few minutes Jason’s gone back to petting your hair, finished with his book.
“You back with me yet?”
Instead of answering, you try and bury your face even further into his leg. His thigh just so firm and biteable that you give into the urge and gently clamp down.
“Hey! Okay, we’re both getting up now. You can either wait here on the couch or sit in the kitchen with me but I need to start making dinner.”
He tries to shake you free but you’re not ready yet. It’s not until he bends over to kiss you on the temple that you magnanimously let him go. Turn up to look at him appraisingly.
“Kitchen but I get to be your taste tester and I get to bring the blanket.”
He laughs then, bright and loud. Sweeps you up, blanket and all, and bridal carries you to the kitchen. Sets you down on one of the bar chairs across the counter so you can watch him, and then starts to pull out pans. Gets the black tea and spice chest out of the cupboard and starts digging for the mortar and pestle under the kitchen sink. Chops and peels a ginger root, adds it to the pot with the tea and spices before covering it all with water to boil. He cleans up as he goes, pulling out the ingredients for pasta as the water boils. You rest your head in your hands to watch him work. A few spoonfuls of sugar and a cup of milk go into the pot now. His hands are steady and mesmerizing as they use a ladle to aerate the boiling milk. The kitchen smells amazing, warmed spices and tea filling the air. A steaming mug appears in front of you, as if by magic.
“New spice blend. Let me know what you think.”
Jason winks before spinning back to the stove.The chai is rich and sweet on your tongue, warming you up from the inside out. It’s probably your favourite version yet, but then you say that about every new iteration he lets you try out.
Jason’s multitasking in a way your tired brain can’t quite catch up to. Pasta’s boiling in one pot, chicken seasoned and shallow frying in a pan, and his knife’s flying to dice garlic and cherry tomatoes. He darts forward with a bit of chicken on a fork, gets you to blow on it before carefully putting it between your teeth. It’s plump and juicy, fat adding salt and the basic seasoning doing the rest to make it delicious.
“It’s good. Taste tester approved. The chai and the chicken.”
“Glad to know my cooking meets your high standards.”
He grins like quick silver, hands never stopping their motions. There’s a pesto sauce cooking off with the chicken and its fat, garlic frying up with it. A dash of cream and the colour goes a soft green. The chai’s almost gone now, a satisfying weight in your belly that only makes you hungrier. There’s pasta on another fork waving in front of your face. Annoyed, you snap it up with your teeth.
“It’s cooked.”
A cloud of steam and the pasta’s drained, tossed into the chicken and sauce. Two bowls appear on the counter filled with chicken and pasta, topped with cherry tomatoes and grated Parmesan. You’re not even sure when he had time to grate cheese. It looks so good, your mouth is already watering.
You’re warm and relaxed, still bundled in a blanket, the dregs of chai still in the mug wrapped in your hands. There’s food on the table, good food made with care. There’s a beautiful man leaning across the counter from you, in the apartment that you’ve made a home together. It’s been a long day, but you’re home with the man you love and none of that matters anymore.
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wonderlandwalker · 3 months
One Day at a Time | Finnick Odair x Reader
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Previous Part / THG Masterlist / Inbox
Summary: a short collection of sweet moments shared between you and Finnick as you recover, reminding the both of you of the love you share
(part 4 of the remember series but could also be read on its own I think, you can find the other parts in my masterlist)
Content Warnings / Tags: Fluff, no use of y/n, mentions of punching, I really think that's it.
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: It's finally here! Sorry it took so long my only excuse is that I am an absolute mess of a human being which is a terrible one but oh well. This will be the final part of the series, hope the fluff makes up for all the heartbreak I've put you through <3
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It's been a week now, one week of blissful moments spend with Finnick while recovering from the attack within district 13. After all that had happened you were in need of some peace, and the universe granted it.
On the first day you were still in the hospital wing, an IV dripping steady fluids into your system. You woke up to Finnick sitting next to you, one of his hands holding onto yours while the other was holding up a book. It was one of your favourites, and you had been pestering him about reading it so you could talk about it with him, but he had always brushed you off, saying he'd get around to it eventually. It seems eventually finally came around. You coaxed him into getting in the bed with you, he was hesitant at first, not wanting to hurt you, but he wasn't above your charms either, your eyes pleading with him in a way he couldn't resist. He had settled in behind you, letting you lean against him, ignoring the dirty look the nurse gave you. You had asked him to read to you, and even though you already knew it by heart, his sweet voice added a whole new element to the story so beloved.
The second day was spent trying to convince the nurse to let you leave the hospital room, if only for a few hours, she didn't initially want to agree, but Finnick simply wouldn't drop the subject. So you walked together towards the dinner hall, feeling like little children sneaking out past the curfew.
Supper had already finished, but Finnick was friends with one of the cooks who let him into the kitchens. He told you to sit down on the table in the middle of the room and gave you a quick peck on the lips before moving over to the fridge. It was simple, it wasn't much, but it was perfect. He would let you taste the dish in-between steps, always forgetting one ingredient or another, but you didn't mind reminding him. At some point you could have sworn he was doing it on purpose, but maybe he was just too caught up in having you there with him again. You offered to help with meting the butter, dicing the vegetables, stirring the sauce, but each and every time he would insist you stayed right where you were, accentuated with a quick kiss, his hands on your face smearing flour all over your jaw, not that you minded. He claimed he was the better cook anyway, that you'd only hold him back, now that one you both knew was a lie, but it was a precious one, one that didn't need to be disturbed.
Day three consisted of a slow day back in your room, having been cleared by the doctor and finally being in your own space again. You and Finnick hadn't shared a room in a while now with everything that had gone down, but you had immediately decided to spend your nights together again, not wanting to spend more time apart than necessary. You hadn't fully recovered yet, still needing your rest, but Finnick had set his mind on moving your things back into his room today.
So there you were, sitting crossed legged on his bed absentmindedly sipping on some coffee he had brought you as you watched him bustle about. He was only gone a few minutes at a time, but you never failed to produce a smile when you saw him approaching again, hands full with some of your books, the collection of flowers he had given you over the years that you had dried and pressed in-between the pages were sticking out slightly, but he handled them with care. Even while you weren't together you couldn't find it ins yourself to get rid of them, and you're glad of it now. He goes back and forth for a while, collecting your pillow, your skin care products, your small radio that barely managed to get a reception down here, but you couldn't bare to part with. Each time he'd ask you where you wanted him to put it down, carefully creating a space that consisted of the both of you.
On day four you had finally woken up in his arms again, wondering how you could have ever forgotten this feeling. When he noticed you were awake he had moved to place a delicate kiss on your lips, basking in the simplicity of the fact that he could. He had told you he had a surprise for you today, and you couldn't help how giddy you already got from the mere thought of what it could be. But it was oh so much better than you could have imagined, because today Finnick took you to the surface. How he managed to get you past all the checkpoints was beyond you, and when you asked he had simply said he had friends in all the right places.
It was a bit of a walk to the spot he wanted to take you, but you revelled in the sunlight against your face, needing to squint your eyes to see properly with how bright the sun was but too blissed to care. The high grass rustled against your bare legs as you continued to walk, and the tickling sensation brought back so many fond memories. When you finally made it to the clearing it was a sight from a dream. The tree next to the lake provided a shadow you could both comfortably lay in as the smell of the fresh water blessed your senses once more. The wildflowers adorning the space around you were once you could recall from back home, with a few others you couldn't identify. Finnick had picked a few, placing them behind your ear as he talked about what the flower meant. A myosotis, he had called it, representing true love and dedication. He told you about the myth behind the forget-me-nots, how they had been afraid of being forgotten by the gods, and you had vowed in return to never spend a day without thinking of him again.
During the fifth day you didn't do much of anything special, but you supposed that depends on your definition of the word. Finnick had made dandelion tea from flowers he had collected yesterday, the familiar taste bringing back a sense of nostalgia for a time that you wouldn't be able to return to. You had once told him your mother used to make it when you were sick, and ever since he would go collect them by the cliffs for you. You had insisted it was too much work that he didn't need to worry himself with, he had countered that he enjoyed the view where they grew anyway, and really, he was going for himself as much as for you. Maybe he had simply been trying to get you to stop fussing over the subject, maybe it had really been true.
You spend the day talking to your friends, reminiscing in regained memories and filling in gaps that you couldn't on your own. As you sat next to Johanna she talked on about the days Finnick spent longing after you, claiming he was alright wirh being just friends, but she was convinced that if any of her friends looked at her the way he looked at you she would have suckerpunched them.
On the sixth day you had begged Finnick train with you, saying how you wanted to get your strength back, how you missed the exercise and the content feeling of aching muscles. He had been reluctant, of course he had been, but once you had managed to drag him onto the training mat he revelled in it. He couldn't deny he had missed sparring with you, the action so effortless with you. He had made fun of how you threw your punches, saying you had to extent your arms further to complete the motion, but he was the one not protection his core properly while fixating on you. It had been good to feel your body in motion again, he was still stronger than you, knocking the breath out of your lungs once be stopped holding back, but you were still faster, getting the drop on him in the split seconds he was distracted. The manner in which your muscle memory still held up, the way in which you still used the same techniques without meaning to, it was good to know there are some things people can't take from you.
The seventh day you picked your routine back up. Waking up to an empty bed but not lonely, his side was still warm as you rolled over. Once you opened your eyes you saw the cup of coffee and the note on the bedside table. Finnick knew you never slept for long after he left, somehow he still knew. He had been given some time off during your recovery, but district 13 didn't stand still and they had needed his help. You weren't expected back yet, but the sense of purpose was one that you were always glad to have. You drank the coffee he left you as you got dressed, smiling as he had made it exactly to your liking, even if he used to complain you couldn't even call it coffee anymore with that much sugar in it. And so you went back to work, moving to scribble a quick message on the back of the note if he came back looking for you, not that he needed it, somehow he would always know where you were.
In the past week you had learned that a love as great as the one you shared with Finnick could never be forgotten, not really, because no matter how many memories faded, there would always come new ones. And soon, even though you didn't know it yet, Finnick would give you his mother's ring once more, and this time you would remember everything that led you here, and you would remember saying yes.
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sinofwriting · 7 months
Hello Lovely!
Let me just say that I’m obsessed with your fica and they always get me through my studying breaks! Can I request print 1. “Kiss for good luck” with my favourite American boy Logan 😩🥰 he’s been hitting a lil different lately.
P.S hoping this disaster start of a weekend is over quickly my gods!!
Not gonna lie seeing your name in my inbox made me so happy. Hope your doing well! And yeah let's hope this disaster of weekend ends quickly.
Title: Nerves Alight Words: 375 Prompt: “Kiss for good luck?” w/ Logan Sargeant Note(s)/Warning(s): Reader is American and from Nevada (the state that Las Vegas is in). Also, Logan calls her Dice because I'm a sucker for cute weird nicknames.
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She couldn’t help but feel nervous as she watched Logan get ready for qualifying. Despite being together for nearly a year and a half this was the first race she had been able to attend. She had been at Miami, Montreal, Austin, and Mexico for the races but not at the tracks themselves, too busy with school, either class or studying, or doing the tutoring sessions she had already signed up to do before Logan had convinced her to join him.
He had pouted, whined, tugged at her a bit when she told him she had to stay at the hotel or in Miami’s case his place, but she had remained unrelenting. Even when he offered to just give her the money she would have been paid for tutoring. She had a five star rating for a reason and in her three years of tutoring she had never canceled a session.
So watching him now, at his third home race in her home state, after the events of the first free practice and after overhearing that Carlos Sainz apparently had lost some feeling in his legs for a few seconds, she couldn’t help but worry. Her nerves set her a light as her hands uselessly clenched and unclenched. Her legs crossing and uncrossing.
“It’ll be okay, Dice.” He tells her, crouching in front of her and taking her hands in his. “Everything will be alright.” He soothes, when she doesn’t roll her eyes at him calling her Dice. She gives him a shaky smile. “I know. I just never watched it in person.” He knows that's not it, but he’s grateful that she doesn’t actually say why.
After the race ended, he’d happily reassure her fully and let her talk about how scary it was to see him in the car after FP1 but now, he couldn’t. Needed to focus on qualifying and he was beyond grateful she understood that.
Hearing a knock on his door, he sighs at the signal that they need to leave and he stands, offering her hand to pull her up and she takes it. Pulling her a little closer, he leans in close, noses brushing against each other.
“Kiss for good luck?” She smiles and presses their lips together.
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@teti-menchon0604 @eugene-emt-roe @crystals-faith @andreea-15-25 @rewmuslupin @gemofthenight @peachiicherries @lpab @topguncultleader @copper-boom @iloveyou3000morgan @boiohboii @benstormy @bibliosaurous @skepvids @elliegrey2803
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marleyybluu · 1 year
Inside My Love
Pedro Pascal x black!fem!reader
WC: 2.1k
Warnings: smut, a bit of plot, calling Pedro daddy, p in v, unprotected sex (but be safe irl pls), cockwarming at the end if you squint hard enough, kitchen sex.
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I love this pic of him
He was in love with you. The poor man was smitten like a schoolboy every time you came into his view, his brown eyes flashing with adoration when he looked at you. He thought you were the prettiest woman he'd ever set his eyes on, stumbled any time he talked to you, would blush any time your hand would rest on his thigh while laughing at one of his stupid jokes.
As grown as he was he was terrified of letting you know how he felt, scared he'd ruin the bond you two had. He wasn't going to risk losing you over that but he started to hate seeing you all hugged up on anyone that wasn't him, more specifically your co-star in a new movie that you were starring in. The two of you had to do press to promote the film and keep the illusion up that you two had chemistry outside of work, it's not like he was a terrible person but he just wasn't your type.
Your type was Pedro himself, in all his goofiness, in all his sweetness-- he was a gentle and kind soul for as long as you had known him and no one could change your opinion of him. You two were foolishly in love with each other without even knowing it.
Pedro sat in your living room, his feet up as he reclined in his designated Lazy-Boy, he called dibs on it the minute he saw the new addition in your house. You laughed whenever he sat down and made the usual grunting noise to emphasize the fact that he was "so old".
It was a quiet Saturday night, you were in the kitchen dicing it up, making a special little dinner for the both of you. Music softly played from your speaker, your favourite song— Snooze, had come on and you decided to turn it up a bit louder. Pedro sat in the living room playfully rolling his eyes at the fact that now the music drowned out the television. He didn't mind though, he loved your music taste. He started to become curious and decided to come to keep you company. His gray socks slid against the hardwood floor as he made his way to you.
You were distracted finishing up the food with a wine glass in your hand and an almost empty wine bottle in the middle of the kitchen island, your hips swaying side to side in your gray shorts, you sang along to the lyrics, the bottom of your-- well his, shirt riding up as your raised your hand. You were tipsy and enjoying all the tingles the wine provided to your body. Pedro couldn't take his eyes off you or maybe he just didn't want to. So tempted to sneak up behind you and hold you from behind, pressing little kisses on your neck... whispering how much he loved you.
He shook his head and tipped his head back downing his Corona, just enjoying the show. It took you a while but you finally turned around, a short scream sounded over the music— you placed your hand over your heart feeling the beat against your palm. Pedro let out a hearty laugh, he didn't mean to but your reaction was too funny not to be laughed at. "I'm going to kill you, Pascal," You shouted throwing a kitchen towel at him. "Don't do that."
He put his hand up in surrender and softly apologized, you rolled your eyes pretending to be mad. "Oh, come on YN, don't do me like that."
You digested the last sip of your wine, you turned around emptying the bottle of its last drop and resumed cooking. Pedro lowly chuckled at your attempt to be mad at him, he too downed the last of his drink and placed the empty bottle on the counter. There was a beat of silence as Spotify chose the next song.
A soft, almost lulling beat, started.
Two people, just meeting, barely touching each other.
Two spirits, greeting, trying to carry further.
The classic 'Inside My Love.' by Minnie Riperton began to play, changing the mood of the atmosphere. You couldn't lie the alcohol was going straight to your core, you were fighting demons. You turned off the stove and moved the pot off of the hot burner, you backed up and were immediately met with a wall. You froze.
Your heart raced as you felt gentle hands settle on your hips and carefully pull you in closer. You could tell he was a bit scared about how you'd react to the sudden action he just took but you received it with ease, almost melting in his hold. He took that as permission to bring you in even closer, he closed his eyes as your hair tickled his chin. Pedro slowly sunk his head into the beautiful bush of your soft tight curls. Smelling sweet as usual, courtesy of the various products you put in it.
That smell lingered every time you walked by him. It invaded his senses, and made his eyes roll back every time. His head in the clouds over how close he was to you, he was almost stunned to feel your plentiful behind brushing against his hardening cock. You two swayed along with the music, you leaned your head back against his chest closing your eyes and just enjoying his hold.
He softly smiled, it felt like he'd been waiting to do this forever. You smirked placing your hands over his guiding them higher, they passed under your shirt brushing over your torso and firmly planted on your bare breasts. He groaned feeling the flesh, the warmth of your tits. Your nipples hardened almost immediately, you tugged on your bottom lip to stifle the little moan that threatened to spill over. Your hands loosely holding onto his wrists, he took the chance to move one hand further up your body, wrapping his slender fingers around the column of your neck.
"Pedro..." You whispered. He could bend you over the counter for that alone. Suddenly his hands were gone, even for a second you missed them. You turned around with a pout, and a wave of embarrassment passed over you. "Sorry." Not sure why you were apologizing in the first place.
His eyes softened, his hands taking yours. "No, no, no YN you have nothing to apologize for. I just..." He wanted to swallow his words. You searched his puppy eyes, filled with adoration and hope. You smiled removing your hand from his but quickly resting it under his chin, scratching at his scruff. "You're getting grey there buddy."
"I know." He sulked. "Mm, don't worry you're still cute."
The small compliment caused his cheeks to heat up. You pulled him closer, your noses brushing and finally your lips touching. A fire lighting inside him rather quickly, he'd imagined how your lips tasted many times over and it was nothing compared to the reality, his hand transferred to the back of your head-- holding your place, where you belonged. Your own palms scaling the perimeter of his body and landing at the bottom of his shirt, you lightly tugged at it hoping he'd get the message and he did. Your lips parted for a moment and glued right back together, it was starting to heat up in the kitchen again.
He peppered kisses along your sweet brown skin, his hand slipping under your thighs-- soon your feet were off the ground, he carried you off to the dining table, your warm thighs rested on the cold surface. Pedro was lost in lust, mapping out your collarbone and chest with his lips your little pants were his motivation. "Pedrito..." You called out his nickname. "I need you, please."
He didn't need to hear it twice. His fingers fumbling with the band of your boxers, taking them off and tossing them wherever. Your pretty pussy on display, swollen and soaking for him and him only.
"Fuck." He couldn't contain himself anymore. His index finger slowly dragged between your folds, collecting your juices, he brought his finger to his lips taking the chance to taste you. You were heavenly. He dropped to his knees to be closer to your heat, he held your legs apart and dove between them. You gasped feeling his tongue explore your crevices. Your palm rested on the table holding you up while the other played in his shaggy hair, you loved when it was like that but you knew he'd probably have to tame it soon.
You whimpered as he sucked and slobbered all over your clit, his saliva running down your cunt and his chin. You peeked down only to be met with his dark eyes, the brown in them had seemingly left. "Baby, oh shit." You attempted to squirm away, your orgasm approaching a lot quicker than you had anticipated, but he wasn't letting you budge. "Pedro, please, oh my god." You faintly cried. He let go of one of your legs, using his free fingers to slip inside. You were done for.
You laid back, unable to hold yourself up anymore. Your legs closing around his head, he accepted his fate knowing this was a nice way to go out anyway. You clenched around his fingers, your nectar coating them well-- he enjoyed your taste, almost becoming drunk on it. He stopped when he figured you'd had enough. He resumed leaving kisses on your skin, trailing up your torso until he reached your lips. He playfully flicked his tongue against your bottom lip causing you to smile.
"I love you." You blurted out. Your eyes widened, the words slipped out with ease and now they were out in the open for him to receive but he didn't say anything and the regret was settling in you started to wonder if you just fucked up your entire friendship. Pedro pressed his forehead against yours, he shifted around fumbling with the strings of his sweatpants, and he pulled everything down all at once. "I fucking love you." He muttered easing himself inside. You whimpered feeling his girth stretch you out, he filled you up so nicely. "You have no idea how much I fucking love you YN."
His words went straight to your cove, they made you wetter and he could tell. He slowly thrust into you, his hand around your neck once again-- he wasn't choking you he just loved the way it rested there. "I want you to be mine, so bad."  He confessed. "I'm yours, baby, I promise." You reassured.
He grunted delivering one hard stroke, he stayed in place just enjoying your warm and oozy walls hugging him tightly. He was throbbing inside you. He hissed as he began to move again, your eyes rolled to the back of your head when he gave you steady strokes that weren't too fast and weren't too slow. He wanted you to feel everything.
Your moans and the sound of skin contact drowned out the music that was still playing. "Right there daddy, fuck yes!"
"Yeah? It feels good mama?"
He was coming out of his shyness. "Yes baby, you feel so fucking good inside me."
His pace picked up, he was pounding into you, holding you close. Your moans were music to his ears, your nails scratching down his back stopping right above his cute bum. You giggled lazily when he moved your hands down onto his butt. One hard stroke cut that laughter with the quickness, your nails leaving crescent moon imprints on his skin. "Shit!" Your legs trembled, the way he would switch it up and slow it down just to edge your release, he began to play with your aching clit.
His name flowed like a river out of your mouth, you whimpered and moaned, screamed and shouted. "Fuck! Pedro, I'm gonna cum."
He left kisses along your jawline and up behind your ear. "Please, cum for me my pretty girl. All over me." Those words set you off, you coated him in your cream, an appreciation of his work. He had a few strokes left before he emptied himself inside you. The two of you were sweaty and the table was messy. You placed both hands on his face. "I meant what i said you know. I do love you."
Pedro beamed. He picked you up, your tired body wrapped around him as you two exited the kitchen and entered the living room. He sat down in his chair, you lightly moaned feeling him shift inside you. He reached behind him finding a blanket on the chair back, he draped it over your body. He was so warm.
"I loved you first though." He childishly said. "Uh uh, who said that?"
"Me." He said proudly. "Mm, I won't fight you on it then."
He wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head. Over the moon to have you in his arms for good.
idk i was just trying to dabble in the Pedro fantasies. God that man is so fine. if you liked this fic feel free to like this fic reblogs and comments are appreciated.
Peace and all the love
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txttletale · 1 year
Because I'm curious now, what are your favorite TTRPGs? One of my personal favorites is the Kids On Bikes system and its variants for their simplicity and ease of access for new players.
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so first of all--kids on bikes is very cool. it’s a nice rules-light game with a pick-up-and-play vibe. haven’t ever run it myself but i feel comfortable seconding your recommendation. anyway here’s some of my FAVOURITE TTRPGS.
Blades in the Dark is probably my enduring all-time favourite game. it’s a little flawed in places but its core loop is pure fucking elegance at play. flashbacks (you can spend stress, a metacurrency, to have done something in the past) and resistance (you can also spend stress to evade something bad that happens to you) are two of my favourite mechanics in any TTRPG ever. every player character gets to be a competent badass while also facing real, tangible danger with every moment. not to mention an incredibly well-fleshed out and evocative setting in the gaslamp fantasy nightmare city of doskvol.
Eidolon: Become Your Best Self is a game that dares to ask questions like, ‘what if jojo’s bizarre adventure was good’ and ‘what if persona, also, was good’. characters manifest the power of their souls as weird freaks with incredible powers. the ‘reveal your master plan’ mechanic works much like BiTD flashback mechanic and a smart combat system where enemies get stronger as you fight them really makes this the perfect vehicle for creative character-driven superpower-based combat. if you subscribe to the developers’ patreon you can also get access to the draft of the second edition, which does some really cool fucking things like replacing dice rolls with a tarot draw.
Lancer is the game for people who like grid-based tactical combat. it has incredible tactical depth, well-thought out mechanics that interlace perfectly--and best of all, you get to design and customize your own mech from a truly dizzying array of options to find all sorts of fucking insane synergies between abilities like ‘teleport whenever you attack somebody’ or ‘do more damage the more you overheat’. it also has a very comprehensive suite of GM tools that make it a breeze, and even fun, to create and run a balanced encounter with clearly defined and narrativly interesting goals for both sides. i’m not too into the setting for reasons i’ve talked about elsewhere, but fortunately as long as you can accomodate ‘mech combat’ into your setting, none of the worldbuilding is load-bearing to the game’s core appeal.
Microscope is totally different from a lot of TTRPGs in that it’s noit about playing characters, but about creating a world. it’s a beautiful collaborative storytelling tool with deceptively simple tools that can easily add up into your table creating a world that’s way more intricate and eclectic and fascinating than anything one of you could have come up with on your own. good for creating TTRPG settings but also good just as something to play for its own sake!!
Dream Askew would probably round out my top five, but i’ve just posted about that one here--so instead i’ll give this slot to Nobilis 3e, a game that might not be one of my favourite games to actually play, but is genuinely fascinating to read and sit with, a fucking masterful work of both design and literature, something that so distinctly creates a world and a tone that it’s instantly magnetic. not for everyone, but worth checking out.
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leomonae · 7 months
Tips for BG3 fans considering giving BG2 a try!
Disclaimers: I never played the enhanced or extended or whatever it's called - the Beamdog edition, that one - so I can't say what, if any, of this it might have changed. Also, while it continues to be my favourite game of all time, it's been like 5 years since my last BG2 playthrough, and I always ran it with a whole bunch of mods; I might get a few things mixed up, but I'll edit in corrections if I find that I have!
Much of this will apply to BG1 as well, of course, but not all. I am not really addressing BG1 because I've played through the whole thing maybe twice to my couple dozen BG2 games, and also because people who started a series at #3 don't get to be too picky about doing the first two out of order either :P
Right, so! I'm going to try not to spoil much here; these are just things to make your life easier and less annoying before you are blindsided by them and have to back up three hours to avoid the issue.
1) You might find yourself having to back up three hours to avoid some issue. BG3 has hopefully already thoroughly taught you this practice, but save early, save often, and keep your old saves until you're entirely done. This is a twenty year old game, I promise you have enough storage space.
2) We are playing under something like 2e (second edition) D&D rules here, not 5e. Armour class is good when it's low, not high. You don't get a set number of ability points at character creation, you roll dice and then you keep rolling for the next ten minutes until you get a nice, high points total to distribute as you prefer. Thac0 means "to hit armour class 0". Multi classing and dual classing are not at all the same thing, and will result in very different builds (also which one a character can do is determined by their race).
3) Games came with giant manuals back then; you are gonna need to either be doing some research, or just accepting that everything is going to be very confusing for awhile.
4) Go right ahead and crank that difficulty setting down a notch or two before you get started; after the first hour or two getting to grips with it, BG3 combat was basically just a nice, gentle romp through the park for me. I'm not saying this to brag (I don't ever play above core difficulty in BG2, myself), I'm saying this because you are going to find yourself getting very, very frustrated very fast if you don't understand that games back then had much different expectations when it came to how they handled some of the things that contributed to difficulty. Don't be meaner to yourself than you have to be! Challenge is fun; beating your head against a brick wall over and over is not.
5) The game is not going to do anything to stop you from going places you are not equipped or leveled to handle yet. If you are not making progress with some new area after a few tries and different approaches, consider going away and coming back later. It is also perfectly happy to spring surprise dragons on you. Or surprise "oh hey I just opened this door in the middle of the city with a certain common item in my inventory and now I appear to be in the second hardest fight of the entire game" encounters.
6) XP is distributed to all your party if it is main quest xp, and split among your party otherwise. If a character is not in your party at the time this happens, they don't get the xp, as a general rule. One or two specific exceptions aside, the game does not play catch-up for the characters you had leave your party temporarily; I would advise deciding who you want to have in your party fairly early on, then sticking to that so you're not wasting good xp on characters you're not keeping around.
7) Unfortunately, the previous is somewhat complicated by the fact that some companions have their own personal quests they want you to do for them. Quests with hidden timers that start running when you pick them up. Quests over which they will leave your party permanently, if you don't get around to them soon enough/don't listen when they give you a "do this basically now, or else" ultimatum. Quests you are going to be in no way capable of doing at the start of the game.**
8) Not all companions get along with one another; some of them cannot be in a party together without eventually fighting to the death as you're walking down the street one day. Pay attention to their alignment and don't go mixing good and evil characters in the same run. Neutral ones are significantly more chill.
9) There's a reputation mechanic which is kind of a morality tracker; good companions can also leave you if you get too low rep, and evil if you get too high.
10) When you first get out into the city proper, go check out the shops in this starting area; you can get a gem bag and a scroll case which will make inventory management much more pleasant. There are also bags of holding in the game - you know, those things our BG3 player characters kept taunting us about not having?
11) Companions can permanently die in a way that leaves them unable to be resurrected again due to the condition of the body. Be careful! Or just reload one of your twelve billion saves you've been carefully making, that works too.
12) Sometimes certain spells can have effects that might not occur to you in advance. Like, oh, say, disintegrating a dragon and only realising thirty hours later that you also disintegrated the crafting component required for making a really powerful weapon which it had in its inventory at the time.
13) You've noticed by now in BG3 that there are enemies who are resistant or vulnerable to certain types of damage, yeah? Bludgeoning, specific elements, etc. That is also going to be a thing here, but it's not always as immediately obvious what the problem is when you're failing to damage something. But in general, magical vs non-magical damage is a much bigger concern in BG2. There are many enemies that only take damage if your weapon is an enchanted one, and they might also require a certain minimum level of enchantment; +3 weapons or better, that sort of thing. Spells can affect this, too. Certain types of damage can cut through certain spell protections. Etc.
14) Hint: Melf's Minute Meteors count as +5 weapons, if you should ever find yourself unexpectedly in need of such a thing for some unknown reason I'm sure will never come up!
15) You can turn on a great many auto-pause options in the menu to get something significantly closer to the turn based combat you're used to. I use most of them; pausing whenever one of your characters finishes casting a spell (different spells take different amounts of time to finish casting and you can be interrupted before you manage doing so) is very useful so that you can immediately start them on their next spell without wasting time in combat.
16) If there's anything you really don't like, such as constantly being told to gather your party before venturing forth, there's almost certainly a mod for that.
That should do for now, have fun, enjoy the absolutely terrifying versions of vampires and illithid which will stalk your nightmares afterwards!
**It's Keldorn, I'm talking about Keldorn. I know he's amazing, but just leave his ass right the fuck where you found it unless you are feeling about ready to fight some of the toughest enemies in the game. Or you've bought that one specific item and don't mind a little cheese, because god knows I always use it if I'm planning on recruiting him.
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theoutcastrogue · 8 months
[D&D PLAYTEST] Pleasant surprise: 5.5 is actually getting good! And in combat I can FINALLY do something more exciting than "hit it again"
So this was my biggest issue with 5e: when I play a character who's good at hitting things, as opposed to flinging spells at things, I want to do cool shit! I love tactical combat, and I can't stand it when "I hit it again" is the only option of a martial character. Everyone should have options, but especially the Rogue. (I'm biased, yes, but the Rogue is conceptually the one class that fights dirty.) And disappointingly, not even the Swashbuckler got manoeuvres in 5e. For everyone other than Battle Masters and monks with Stunning Strike, our only options in 2014 were a measly Shove / Grapple / Disarm IN PLACE of an attack (for many of us, our only attack), and that was WITH optional DMG features. And Tasha's additions were only a marginal improvement.
You couldn't impose conditions with an attack, which, from a simulation aspect, is just silly. Any two-bit caster could do the craziest shit with spells, but an epic level martial couldn't even say "I hit 'em so hard or so deftly that they got a headache". For the most part, they could only say "I hit it again" and deal damage. And I hate that. It's boring. I even had an unfinished homebrew project of Called Shots, where you could spend a resource to do interesting shit with your attacks (give 'em disadvantage, make 'em dazed, reduce speed, that sort of thing). For Rogues, that resource was Sneak Attack dice. And guess what! In the latest version of the 5.5 playtest, WE GET THAT!
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Can I get a fuck yeah, and also a fucking finally.
It's not an automatic win button, and that's good! I don't want win buttons (that's also boring), I want options. Cunning Strike is situationally useful, and that's ideal: if it's always good, you'd do it every time (so why isn't it a standard rule?), and if it's always bad, you'd never do it (so why does it exist at all?). If it's potentially good, depending on the situation, it means I get to THINK what I'm gonna do on my turn, and that's such a joy.
For years now, the only combat decisions my Rogues made in 5e were about movement/positioning, and how to get advantage. And co-ordinating with the others, which always happens, I mean it's a group game. But I had very little to contribute in that department other than flanking, I usually just waited for THEM to help ME to get advantage or something.
With this feature (which I'll be stealing as is, regardless of what happens to the playtest, or if I'm gonna adopt 5.5 as a whole or not), I can set up moves for others, I can impose conditions, so many things. Plus, it's customisable. Now that this basic framework is in place, anyone can fiddle with it and come up with new effects that fit their game and style. (I am NOT in favour of perfect rulesets that cover all bases, needs, and preferences, since that's an impossible and silly thing to ask. I am in favour of solid frameworks, that can be easily tweaked and built upon.) So I am ecstatic. I don't have to hit it again every time! Holy shit!
This is not a blanket endorsement of "One D&D" (I'll keep calling it 5.5, thankyouverymuch). It's still a work in progress, I haven't even read all of it in yet, and I do have issues with it, big and small. (And if my favourite class was the Monk, I'd be thumbs down right now: this one needs a lot of work, oof.) But with Weapon Mastery rules (another interesting development for martial characters), and better feats, and with this enormous improvement, I feel that some of the fundamental problems I had with 5e get... kinda solved. The new Rogue simply KICKS ASS. The whole class, not just Cunning Strike, it's a huge improvement. [Go read it, here's the PDF link.]
It's not overpowered, mind you. In terms of damage output it still lags behind Fighters and Barbarians and whathaveyou (which I'm perfectly okay with: Rogues are experts and skillmonkeys, they got stuff to do out of combat, meanwhile Barbarians have ONE JOB so they better be scary good at it), and full casters still slay. It just does cool shit, and I ask you: why do we even bother with the fuckton of combat rules in D&D if not to do cool shit?
See treantmonk's video below for a nice breakdown of the new Rogue. It's a few months old, and a couple of things have been revised since then: there's no "Arcane" spell list any more, so the Arcane Trickster presumably reverts to the Wizard spell list, and the Weapon Mastery rules are slightly different now. But they're very minor changes, and all the conclusions, with which I wholeheartedly agree, stand: this is simply FANTASTIC.
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stuckysbike · 2 years
A/n: please forgive me it’s been a long long time since I’ve written anything, much less posted. All mistakes are my own.
Werewolf AU
Werewolf!Bucky x Werewolf!Reader
Alpha!Bucky x Omega!Reader (for now).
Warnings: werewolf Bucky, werewolf Steve, werewolf Nat, dark themes. Mature, 18+. Exes to lovers (hopefully).
Please tell me what you think good bad or indifferent, I know it’s short, written on my phone.
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The lights above the bar flickered slightly but stayed on despite the lashing sheets of rain.
Your heart raced, anticipation curling in your gut, mixing with anxiety and fear. A massive dose of fear.
It had been a long time since you had been here, and part of you wondered if you would be welcome.
This was your only option left and it was a big risk. It might fail, but what choice did you have. This was your last play. Your last roll of the dice.
“Stop being dramatic,” you sighed to yourself as you got out of your car, but the Omega wolf inside you just wanted to run and hide and sob.
It hadn’t changed much inside, and you headed to the bar, easing into a stool and trying to glance around without being obvious.
You didn’t recognise the barman but you ordered a beer and tried to blend in. Physically you did, dark clothes, leather jacket, you even had a favourite faded band t-shirt on.
Mentally you were howling in agony. You were terrified and wanted nothing more than to run and hide and beg and plead for help.
You couldn’t do that.
You were halfway down the bottle when you spotted him. Your step-father. He hadn’t noticed you yet but the sighed of him made you nauseous. You almost left, but you strengthened your resolve.
You sat listening to a few songs and trying to gauge who you knew when the door opened and in walked Bucky Barnes with his arm around a woman, Steve Rogers close on his heels as usual.
Your heart sank, of course he’d moved on, but to your surprise they bypassed your stepdad without a backwards glance and moved to the booth at the back where they could see the whole bar.
That was interesting. Your step-dad clearly wasn’t the Alpha in charge any longer.
Eventually a few more joined them and you ordered another drink. You were playing with a beer man when someone slid onto the stool next to you.
“Bucky wants to know why you’re suddenly shy,” a low sultry voice asked. You startled, it was the redhead he’d had his arm around.
You glanced towards him and he was watching you, his eyes fixed on you, pinning you to the spot. Steve was too, and he leaned over to whisper to Bucky. Bucky nodded and took a sip of his beer.
“I didn’t think he’d remember me,” you glanced her way. “Didn’t think I was allowed back.”
“Things have changed,” she reached for your beer and took a drink. Her arm was tattooed, she was an Alpha you realised. Alpha females were rare.
“I didn’t know,” you admitted looking back at the beer mat.
“So if you didn’t think you’d be welcome here what brings you back?” The woman asked. The barman set a drink down in front of her and she shot him a wink.
“I need his help,” you said as you nodded towards Bucky and Steve. “Bucky’s help.”
“Go ask for it then,” she nudged you.
“It’s not that simple,” you said. You could feel bile rise in your throat again. The music got louder as blood rushed in your ears.
“You need money, a place to stay?” She said as she took the beer man from your hands and tossed it between her finger and thumb.
“Someone has kidnapped my son, and I need him back.”
That got her attention and she dropped the beer mat, she looked at you then towards the raised platform you always thought of as the throne.
“What makes you think Bucky will help?” She asked, her voice more curious than ever.
“Because Bucky is the boys father,” you said as you turned to look her in the eye.
Inside your wolf howled in terrified agony.
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ryuichirou · 6 months
More replies!
Anonymous asked:
I would like to give my two cents on the Azul being jealous of Ruggie situation. Sorry in advance for my ramblings!
Azul puts a lot work into getting Jamil to like him, so I think it would hurt his pride to see someone else succeed without even meaning to. He is offering a way better deal than Ruggie, so why would Jamil refuse to accept his friendship? He may be a calculating bastard, but is Ruggie really that different, sucking up to people all the time for his personal gain? Surely Azul is simply not trying hard enough. Or maybe he just hasn't found the right approach yet. Kind of like that vignette where he lost a game of chance against Idia and as a solution he decided to get better at rolling the dice, instead of accepting that there are simply some things that he cannot control. And I agree that Jamil would get the brunt of it. If this is a game, he is both the opponent and the goal
(related to this reply)
Yeah, I agree with you, Anon! I feel like this is where Azul’s mind would immediately go to. He’ll have a horribly hard time accepting the fact that Ruggie is, in fact, better than him in Jamil’s mind, and just like you said, this is something that Azul can’t control. And frankly, the fact that Azul would want and try to control it is going to just make him look worse, because this is exactly the thing that Jamil doesn’t like about him. Oh, the irony……
Azul would spend so much time sitting in silence with an angry expression trying to figure out just what is it that he’s lacking but Ruggie, who is OBJECTIVELY WORSE IN EVERY ASPECT, miraculously has. Oh, they’re probably just trying to piss him off..!
Anonymous asked:
For suspicious and questionable things for Neige to do what about him collecting Vil's things
Oh Vil left a water bottle here? Mine now
Vil lent me this chapstick I'm going to use it and it will be like an indirect kiss
Maybe Vil wore a hat and Neige pulls out the hairs that were in it as part of his collection
He could probably escalate to breaking into Vil's house just to get some more things he's touched
He probably has a shrine dedicated to Vil complete with pictures of Vil that aren't from the public press shots meaning Neige followed Vil around and took those pictures
Ohhh, look at this stalker boy collecting things from his favourite idol~ That would definitely be a fun twist. I wonder what his dwarf friends think about this collection of his, even though the Vil shrine is definitely supposed to be a special hidden secret thing lol
Poor Vil not realising where his yoga pants are… don’t worry, Vil, Neige is definitely going to cherish them and love them <3
(I wonder if he’s going to stumble upon Rook at some point, because there is no way Neige would stalk Vil and Rook wouldn’t notice it at some point. He knows. He just allows it to continue happening…)
Anonymous asked:
"Illia's out there hunting' sets a mental image that she just has a collection of bras from everyone, including Trein's granny bra and Idia is wide eyed finding out about it
(related to this nyo!twst reply)
Oh god this playful grandma… Someone needs to stop her, she’s out of control!!
Too bad Idia doesn’t wear a bra and can’t add anything to the collection lol
Anonymous asked:
Epel seeing that Jack and Ortho are close to Vil. It made Epel so jealous on how Jack in which he has a crush on is more close to Vil while Ortho is a fellow freshmen gang friend that seems more close to Vil.
Jack and Ortho both have energies of that one classmate that your overly strict mom really likes and acts sweet with lol I think about it a lot and abuse this joke tremendously.
Vil, stop stealing your underclassman’s men!! I wonder how Epel feels about Vil and Jack being childhood friends…
Anonymous asked:
Azuide wedding where Idia's best man is Ortho (OBVIOUSLY!) but it would be hilarious if the tweels fighting over to be Azul's best man since they want that position...but deep down wanted to be petty and mess around towards Azul which can anger Azul.
Also think of Oruvil in their wedding. Idia being Ortho's best man (although Idia is too nervous about this) and Vil with Rook. (And knowing Rook, he wants to be with them in their honeymoon)
Ortho is definitely best man, but he’s also the flower girl, the ring bearer boy, the father, and a lot of other things… he’s so excited, he couldn’t stop taking roles for himself!!
The tweels would definitely give Azul a headache with the fact that both of them apparently want to be best man lol Azul’s already super nervous about this whole thing, he spent so much time preparing everything and checking everything 1000 times over, and now at the very last minute (!!! THEY SEEMED FINE WITH IT BEFORE!!!) Floyd goes “hey, how come Jade’s your best man, that’s super unfair”. Azul’s face at that moment was absolutely priceless.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: no matter who Vil marries, Rook is always going to be there by his side, so there is no way he’s not with them in their honeymoon lol It’s just a matter of whether he’s open about it or not.
Anonymous asked:
What do ya think Sebemalle's favorite position in bed?
Sebek would find anything other than a missionary to be absolutely unacceptably disrespectful to his liege, because t-taking him from b-behind sounds just…!! Appalling!! (And way too hot for Sebek to even consider) But Malleus wouldn’t find doggie insulting at all. In fact, when he’s in the mood to get his tail stimulated and his horns played with, doggie is a much better option.
In general, Malleus likes hugging, kissing and being in full body contact with the person he has sex with, so his usual go-to is missionary. But the tail thing + the fact that Sebek looks so amusingly shocked when Malleus rolls on his stomach makes him consider doing it in the doggie position more often.
(I also talked about everyone’s favourite positions in this post~ I can’t believe we have a post about this topic lol)
Anonymous asked:
not a request, (sorry if it comes off like that!) but have you ever made sebek x lilia art?
Please, read my pinned. We don’t ship them. If you’re talking about them not as a ship, I believe I haven’t drawn them together without Malleus being present as well.
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THEME: Anime
This week’s recommendations are all anime-inspired games! From Parasite to JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, to Mew Mew Power, these games give you awesome powers, emotional turmoil, and the bonds of friendship!
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Over Arms, by Rookie Jet Studio.
Over Arms is a rules-light tabletop pen-and-paper role-playing game designed to replicate media like JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Persona, FATE, Shaman King and more. Over Arms is set in a world where select people are able to develop an "Anima", a powerful psychic manifestation of their own psyche and will. These "Anima" are able to  assist their "User" in a myriad of ways in and out of combat based on the strengths of their individually unique abilities. In Over Arms players can expect to weave stories of mystery and intrigue as they discover this new world around them and within.  
Over Arms provides players with loosely structured play in order to help the table navigate different parts of the narrative, including investigation, combat and a Conclusion phase. Players will also control their Anima alongside their player character, with separate abilities and actions only available for the Anima. Character creation includes dice allocation to stats and character classes called Anima Type. An additional piece that you can include is called “The Mirage”, designed for a dungeon-crawling style of game, where you can fight strange and powerful foes. The fact that the Mirage is optional means that this ttrpg has a modular feel that allows you to determine exactly how you want to play.
If you want to check out this game before putting your money down, you can take a look at the Quickstart rules!
My Friends Are My Strength, by Peizur.
My Friends Are My Strength is a PbtA RPG where players use powers to overcome threats thrown at them, form meaningful bonds that serve as the foundation of their strength, and try to achieve a goal that means more to them than life itself.
If you like the idea of solving your problem with the power of friendship, this is the game for you. Rather than giving you pre-arranged playbooks, My Friends Are My Strength gives you the pieces and asks you to create a custom playbook for the character that you want to play. One of my favourite elements is a character element called Plot Armour. Your Protagonist gets 3 uses of Plot Armour, which allows you to turn any roll into a 12+ after the fact. Use up all of your Plot Armour? The Director is now able to end your storyline. It’s a powerful ability, so use it wisely!
There looks to be a Kickstarter in the works for this game, but for now, the Itch.io page for this game is Pay-What-You-Want.
Never Knows Best, by Fraser Simons (Samjoko Publishing).
Never Knows Best is inspired by an anime called FLCL (Fooly Cooly) and wears this influence on its sleeve. This game and its rules focus on my own interpretation of the source material, rather than attempting to emulate the anime as closely as possible.
Never Knows Best (NKB) is a roleplaying game about middle school kids facing impending adulthood, growing up, and society’s­—sometimes nonsensical—expectations and obligations. It’s designed for three-five players plus a game master (GM) who facilitates the game.
While this game is still technically in ashcan edition, it certainly doesn’t look like it. The playbooks immediately communicate the emotions sitting inside each archetype, and the rulebook is just over 50 pages long. The core concept of this game is that your children have the ability to transform into robots that reflect their unique personalities and skills, which enable them in fighting monsters that represent society’s obligations. There is also still room for the table to define exactly what they’re fighting against, and how their counter-culture manifests. The rules are Powered by the Apocalypse, which I think makes so much sense considering the heavily emotional themes of this book. If you’re interested in stories about pre-teens grappling with an adult world that expects them to simply fit in, paired with giant metaphorical action scenes, this game is definitely worth checking out.
This World Summons Too Many Heroes!, by Nick Duff.
This World Summons Too Many Heroes!! is a tabletop rpg about regular people being pulled into a fantasy world to become heroes, demon lords, goblins, talking swords, or any kind of adventurer you could think of! Go on an isekai adventure in the Kingdoms of Ceria, where summoning scrolls have been scattered across the countryside and people are recklessly using them to steal people from other worlds and bring them into this one with new powers gifted to them by a goddess of reincarnation.
Built on LUMEN, this game’s main focus in power-fantasy combat, with unique abilities for each class and a modular weapon-building system that allows you to create the anime protagonist of your dreams. Your party also has a clearly defined quest - collecting summoning scrolls - that fills in the awkward part of trying to sort out what it is you actually want to do in this game, while also giving you the ability to play each session like the episode of an anime, with each summoning scroll potentially being related to a unique villain or NPC. If you love fantastical anime, you should take a look at this game.
Empty Cycle, by Rookie Jet Studio.
EMPTY CYCLE focuses on the mental and existential issues of being a teenager and growing to maturity in a boring town where there is nothing to do. EMPTY CYCLE draws heavily upon the melancholy and existential crises we face as teenagers in such a place and uses these focal points of loneliness, uncertainty, and sadness in order to craft a meaningful and action-packed journey.
Suddenly, everything changes when otherworldly beings known as "Parasites" arrive on earth and begin to affix themselves to our protagonists in order to survive. Parasites are humanoid, planet-hopping alien beings that are able to take on a new human form based on their hosts Complex, Emotions and Desires, often using an attractive appearance to persuade and influence their hosts for a mutual gain between the two life forms.
Another game by Rookie Jet Studio, Empty Cycle also gives your characters unique and fantastic powers, but places the game in a much more terrifying setting. The stakes are big, and the monsters bigger. I can see a character being forced to grapple with changes in their bodies that they might appreciate and despise at the same time.
Mew Mew Magic, by Alice V.
Mew Mew Magic is a collaborative storytelling game for 2-6 people using the No Dice, No Masters system. It is a game about young magical heroes who have to worry about school, saving the day, and their magical destinies. Inspired by shows like Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Winx, and Pretty Cure.
Speak directly to the young child watching Saturday morning cartoons with this game. If I remember correctly, No Dice No Masters is another term for the Belonging Outside Belonging system, by Avery Alder. This means that this game is designed to be played without dice, but also as the option to play without a GM. This means that the setting elements of the world are co-designed and co-directed by the group, rather than sitting solely on the shoulders of one person. I love the colour-themed playbooks in this game, it vividly reminds me of Tokyo Mew Mew and other similar Magical-girl themed shows I watched in my youth.
If you're interested in more Magical Girl-themed games, you can also take a look at my Magical Girl ttrpg recommendation post!
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aftermathfanfic · 6 months
So, I was originally going to make this post for when I hit 300 followers, but I don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon, and I’ve been thinking about this for way too long, so fuck it. I’m just gonna post this now and see what happens.
In case it wasn’t obvious from the hints I’ve scattered through Aftermath, I am a huge D&D nerd. I love playing the game, I love running the game, I love the monsters, everything. And what I particularly love doing is building characters and monsters for the game. I use a lot of custom monsters for the games that I run, even though I don’t end up using all of them, and what I’ve done in the past is that I created character sheets and stat blocks for some of our favourite anthropomorphic ducks. In fact, on my main blog, I documented a solo adventure that I ran by myself, for myself, in story format as I put these duck characters through a premade advennture! (I eventually stopped, because playing a D&D game by yourself is as dull as it sounds)
So today, I’m going to revisit those roots and lay out how I would build the Ducktales characters as tabletop RPG player characters! This is something I’ve given way too much thought to, so be warned – this is going to be quite long-winded, with little to nothing to do with Aftermath itself, and of interest to only a small subset of people.
Let’s begin!
The Basics
I want to preface this whole thing by mentioning that while I’m going to try and describe these characters in a way that can be transposed onto any RPG system, I’m going to be using the Pathfinder RPG (1st edition) as a basis for these characters, just because it’s what I’m most familiar with at the moment. The basics are the same – roll a 20-sided dice, add a number and hope to get a big enough total – but there are more nitty-gritty rules and it's way easier to kill off your characters.
Another thing to keep in mind is that I’ll be inserting these characters into a D&D setting of my own creation, rather than any pre-existing settings. I don’t have a name for it, but essentially this setting is an undisciplined mix-and-match of characters from different IPs that interest me. The McDucks, in this setting, live as a powerful noble family in a kingdom of united beast-folk families.
Final thing is that even though these guys are anthropomorphic ducks, they’re going to have the racial traits of humans to make things simpler on me. I’ll also be giving them a swim speed of 15 feet in addition to those traits.
This spry duck stands with the cockiness of an ambitious hero, a sword in each hand. A bright blue tabard, tattered from numerous skirmishes, flows down his chest to cover steel armour of haphazard construction.
Age: 16 Alignment: Chaotic Good Class/Level: Fighter 3/Bard 1 Ability Scores: STR 16, DEX 16, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 8, CHA 14
In this world, the triplets were raised by their uncle Donald in a quiet fishing village on the outskirts of the city of Duckland, in the providence of Calisota. They never got so much as a hint of their caretaker’s history as an adventurer, not until they found their uncle’s old adventuring gear, stowed away in the attic of their house. Among this gear was two finely made swords, both of which Dewey snatched up and started swinging around – resulting in the destruction of several family items and the near decapitation of Huey. Donald was forced to tell the triplets of his past as an adventurer, and the revelation shook them to the core. To make up for it, he decided to teach them how to adventure properly, in the hopes that if they wouldn’t be persuaded out of their trouble-making instincts, he could at least teach them to be safe while doing it.
Dewey remains the chief chaos-monger of the triplets. Ambitious and eager to live up to his family name, Dewey often throws himself into danger without hesitation, giving no thought to possible traps, uneven terrain, or indeed, the strength of whoever he’s fighting against compared to his own. He makes up for his recklessness by being virtually untouchable in a fight, deflecting swords, claws and spells with his twin swords. The longer blade, named Helios, was once wielded by his Uncle Donald. The shorter blade, Asteria, was his mother’s.
Against intelligent foes, Dewey never fights to kill – a trait unique to the McDuck adventurers – but rather, he tries to disarm and trip his foes, intimidating them into surrender. He’s remarkably acrobatic, and his fights are often performative in nature – hence his level in Bard. The sheer bravado he displays in combat inspires his family to fight even more fiercely and distracts his foes long enough for him to knock the wind out of them.
This anxious duck wears a heavy breastplate and a red cap, a collapsible spear slung around his back. He holds a large, heavy book bound in red leather with the letters ‘WJW’ imprinted upon it.
Age: 16 Alignment: Neutral Good Class/Level: Cleric 2/Wizard 2 Ability Scores: STR 14, DEX 10, CON 12, INT 16, WIS 15, CHA 13
Though regarded as a do-gooder by his brothers, Huey Duck is just as brave, ambitious and adventurous as the other McDucks. He took the role of the older brother quickly, seeing himself as a caretaker of his brothers and, prior to moving into Manor McDuck, the fixer-upper of torn clothes, broken furniture, and the like. With a resourcefulness and intellect beyond his years, Huey takes the role as both the primary healer of the party and – when the occasion calls for it – the firepower.
Huey originally had his heart set on joining the Woodchuck rangers, a group of survivalists and wilderness protectors on the outskirts of the world. While there, he met clerics and priests of Artemis, goddess of the hunt, with whom he made a rapport with. He even began to learn the ways of these wilder clerics, learning magic that could heal, magic that could wound, and magic that let him shape the natural world around him. In the end, however, he was rejected by the rangers, for while his survival skills were impeccable, his fighting prowess left much to be desired. Disheartened, but determined to make use of what he’d learned, he continued his studies of the ways of Artemis, delving deeply into his survival skills and the art of restorative magic.
At some point during his escapades with his uncle, Lord Scrooge McDuck, Huey became enamoured with the other side of magic – that of the arcane. He poured over arcane tomes, taking on wizardly studies in addition to his clerical practices. He has recently begun leaning more heavily towards wizardry, for while he’s grateful to Artemis for his abilities, he considers the goddess to be more of a tutor than an idol to be worshipped. He’ll never be the strongest of Artemis’s faithful, and he’s made peace with that – wizards get more exciting spells, anyway.
This youthful duck leans against the alley wall, his head concealed by a dark green hood. He smirks at you, absent-mindedly flipping a coin up and down in the air.
Age: 16 Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Class/Level: Rogue 3/Sorcerer 1 Ability Scores: STR 9, DEX 15, CON 12, INT 12, WIS 13, CHA 18
Thief. Charlatan. Snake. Louie Duck has been called many things, and he’s never let any of it stick. He’s out for himself and his family first, and what he’s out for is treasure. Coins, gems, jewellery – he doesn’t care. He loves it all. He’ll do the right thing for his family (though not without a fair share of grumbling), but he always makes sure he gets something out of it, and he isn’t above guilting or threatening the other party into upping his eventual reward.
Louie is a rogue. Obviously. He specializes in deceit, coercion, lock- and trap-picking, and even forging documents, if the opportunity is ripe. He tries to avoid combat if he can help it, but when he’s eventually forced into it, he relies on being able to feint against his opponents to catch them off-guard. When this doesn’t work, his alternative strategy is to bamboozle his foe, trying to convince them that he’s on their side, or that there’s a bugbear behind him, or that they don’t really want to hurt him. And when that fails, he panics, runs away, and then takes potshots from afar with his crossbow.
During one of the family’s adventures, Louie came really close to death. A screeching owlbear had ambushed the party and cornered Louie alone. Disarmed, wounded, and terrified, Louie tapped into something dormant deep inside him and – with a pop – vanished. He re-appeared a mere five seconds later, but that five seconds was all his family needed to redirect the beast’s attention and save his life. Since then, Louie has continued to delve into his hereto unknown sorcerous powers, learning more and more about them each time he calls upon them.
This wild-looking duck girl wears a loose-fitting pink blouse and a purple skirt, with a matching pink tie in her headfeathers. She gets into a battle stance, grinning eagerly.
Age: 15 Alignment: Chaotic Good Class/Level: Ninja 4 Ability Scores: STR 14, DEX 17, CON 14, INT 13, WIS 12, CHA 12
Webby is as wild, excitable and knowledgeable as she is in canon, raised in the manor of Lord McDuck and trained by her grandmother to be a silent and deadly assassin of House McDuck. To Lady Beakley’s disappointment, while Webby has proven to have mastered the arts of stealth and disguise, she's really squeamish about killing people for some reason.
Webby takes after her granny as a highly skilled ninja – a class somewhere between the monk and the rogue. A master of stealth, disguise, martial arts and more, Webby may not seem like it, but she’s one of the most accomplished spies Lady Beakley has ever had the privilege of training. Moreover, her training allows her to access a limited well of mystical energy that allows her to perform impossible acts. Her preferred method of attack is to overwhelm her foes with quick, rapid strikes before retreating into the shadows and hiding before they realise what happened.
Aside from being an incredible warrioress, Webby also fancies herself as an amateur historian and lorekeeper – particularly when it comes to the McDuck family history. The arcane and the occult may be guesswork to her, but ask her to name an ancestor of Clan McDuck, and she’ll give you the entire genealogical tree. She knows about every single historical event that happened in Duckland, and she can name all the native monsters in the area, right down to their weaknesses, habitats, diets, and the best method to befriend them (just in case).
Scrooge McDuck
This elderly duck stands with the pride and confidence of an experienced adventurer. His cane, cloak, top hat and bright red plate armour all combine to make an imposing figure out of this old duck.
Age: ??? Alignment: Neutral Good Class/Level: Fighter 6/Rogue 4/Duellist 10 Ability Scores: STR 11, DEX 10, CON 8, INT 15, WIS 15, CHA 16
Ruling from McDuck Manor, Scrooge is the Lord of Duckland, and one of the most powerful and influential figures in Calisota. With a manor full of artifacts, treasures and magical items, he is known throughout the land as the Richest Duck in the World, and you’d be hard-pressed to deny it. This Scrooge is mostly unchanged from the one we all know and love from canon, except this Scrooge has an army of trained soldiers, a cabal of ingenious wizards, and a small cabinet of assassins who have one loyalty and one alone – House McDuck.
You may not have heard of the Duellist class if you’ve only come in from D&D 5th edition. Honestly, you might not have heard of it even if you haven’t. The Duellist is a prestige class, one you can only take levels in if you meet the specific prerequisites, whose abilities allow Scrooge to fight with a flourish. He fights like the heroic swordsmen of old, parrying aside the blades of his foes and deftly moving around them before they can even pinpoint where he is. He fights not with a traditional blade, but with a sword concealed within his cane – a gift, from the late Ludwig Von Drake.
Other D&D aficionados may also notice that Scrooge’s physical abilities are a bit low – that, unfortunately, is due to his venerable age. In Pathfinder, your physical abilities reduce with age, while your mental abilities improve. In his prime, Scrooge’s ability scores were STR 17, DEX 16, CON 14, INT 12, WIS 12 and CHA 13, but the days of his prime are long behind him. For this reason, before going into battle, he typically equips himself with a Belt of Physical Perfection, restoring his physical prowess to what it was as a young lad. I know canon Scrooge doesn’t like to use magic (and he still doesn’t here), but that’s… really not an option in a fantasy RPG like this.
Donald Duck
With an incoherent squawking sound, this sailor rushes into the fray, swinging his fists wildly and leaping onto his foes.
Age: 42 Alignment: Neutral Good Class/Level: Barbarian 12 Ability Scores: STR 15, DEX 11, CON 13, INT 10, WIS 15, CHA 13
This good-natured, short-tempered, and risk-averse fisherman may not seem like much at first glance, but he was, in fact, once an adventurer. And as far as the rest of his family are concerned, he still is. Once a sailor for the House McDuck navy, Donald retired from his adventuring life after his twin sister, Della, was lost to the Astral Plane in an impromptu expedition gone wrong. Though he was pulled back into the adventuring life by his triplet nephews, he has never lost his cautious edge, and he remains as the most responsible member of the McDuck family.
Donald fights as he does in canon – by flying into a rage and launching himself at his opponent. He punches, kicks, bites, trips, and attacks every part he can get a hold of. In the old days, he used to use an enchanted sword, though it has been so long since he picked up the blade that much of its magic has disappeared. Nowadays, he relies on a pair of enchanted cestuses, which are essentially medieval boxing gloves with metal plates and rivets.
Mrs. Beakley
This enormous, bulky woman looms over you, her cold gaze peering into your soul. Despite her housekeeper attire, she stands tall and rigid like a soldier, and the sheathed sword on her belt does not escape your attention.
Age: Late 70s/early 80s Alignment: Lawful Neutral Class/Level: Ninja 16 Ability Scores: STR 14, DEX 8, CON 8, INT 15, WIS 17, CHA 11
Mrs. Bentina Beakley, unmarried, is the silent right hand of Lord McDuck. On the surface, she is merely the housekeeper of the manor. Beneath that, however, Beakley becomes a terrifyingly effective spymaster who has her eyes everywhere throughout the realm. Though her days as an assassin are over, she remains a cold, clever, yet surprisingly empathetic figure – so much so that she was willing to give up her career to raise a young Webby Vanderquack.
Like Scrooge, Bentina has suffered from reductions to her physical abilities from her old age, in exchange for bonuses to her mental ability scores. Her abilities in her prime were STR 20, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 12, WIS 14, CHA 8. Unlike Scrooge, she does not have any magic that can improve her abilities, but she also doesn’t see the need to. She fancies herself more of a ‘behind-the-scenes’ person these days, managing an intricate network of spies and blades for hire, gathering blackmail and intelligence for use against the enemies of House McDuck.
The friendly airship pilot waves at you from the cockpit, oblivious to the fact that he’s flying you directly into a mountain.
Age: 31 Alignment: Lawful Good Class/Level: Commoner 5 Ability Scores: STR 12, DEX 11, CON 17, INT 8, WIS 11, CHA 13
Launchpad remains the happy-go-lucky guy he is in canon, save that he now pilots an airship instead of an airplane. And rest assured, he is just as unqualified to fly it as ever.
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flowercrown-bard · 3 months
Thank you @restless-witch for tagging me ^^
Questions for 15 friends
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?: Not as far as I know (i like to believe I'm named after a character feom "Pippi Longstockings" but i know I'm not) If, for some reason, i don't want to tell someone my given name I tend to use names of characters I played in a ttrpg or in a play (my favourite name is Valentine from Twelth Night) if that counts?
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: Monday, from 8pm until 10:30pm, with some breaks (i had a bit of an exhausting week with a lot of bottled up emotions and rehearsing for a play in which sickness, death and loneliness are prominent topics is both cathartic and very hard sometimes)
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED?: i used to play handball (hated it), vaulting (loved it), track and field athletics (hated it), hip hop dancing (it was fun i guess but i also felt incredibly awkward), Judo (loved it), Jiu Jitsu (loved it). Now I dance (for the theatre but I'll still count it) and go running sometimes and very rarely I do some sword fighting with a friend (i feel like I'm missing something but i dont remember anything else)
DO YOU USE SARCASM?: Yeah, but only with certain people. I am very bad at telling if someone else is just being sarcastic or is genuinely insulting me, so i often worry that my sarcasm comes across as such. I often follow it up with "just a joke" or something
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?: Probably hairstyle and clothes? Visual things by which i can try to remember them
ANY TALENTS?: One time I got out of bed and failed so hard that i broke a foot. Make of that what you will
Theater (including singing, dancing, acting, building the stage set, crafting the props)
cooking (i love doing it, i just don't do it very often)
playing the guitar
going on long walks/hiking -running -creative writing -indulging in the hubris of thinking i can teach myself a new skill without doing any research (aka. Whittling, embroidery, crocheting, making my own dnd dice) I feel like I'm missing something but oh well
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: Sadly no. But I'll give an honourable mention to the dog I'm taking on walks whenever i got time
HOW TALL ARE YOU?: 168cm probably. I haven't measured my height in ages
FAVOURITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL?: Theater and literature. Honourable mention to maths, not because i liked o4 understood the subject but because my teacher was the absolute best
DREAM JOB?: Kindergarten teacher (and maybe publishing a book one day)
Tagging: @dhwty-writes @parttime-creative @sinilumi @combatbootsfemme @lycanbucky @lokibus @a-kind-of-merry-war @witcher-and-his-bard and everyone else who sees this and wants to do this <3
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