#thoughts that keep me up at night
infamouslydorky · 2 days
I think what's most upsetting about getting into arguments is most of the time the advice is to always stay calm and be rational to actually communicate maturely, which is lovely in theory but complete ass in reality, especially when the person with whom you are at the mercy of debating with does nothing but escalate and not even listen in the first place
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not-rab · 7 months
headcanon that dorcas had a muggle mother, but it wasn’t clear whether her father was magic or not, since he had ran off when he found out that he got a woman pregnant
headcanon that dorcas didn’t know if she was a muggleborn or not, resulting in a lot of bullying from the slytherin house
headcanon that regulus, evan and barty were the only people ready to befriend her because, though all of their parents had strong views on blood supremacy, they couldn’t care less
so headcanon that when dorcas left the three to join the order, regulus, evan and barty felt the most betrayed because they had stuck around when no-one else would dare go up to her without the hexes and curses
and headcanon that when it was finally time for them to go up against each other in duel, regulus, evan and barty couldn’t strike first because they took a vow to never be the one who cursed the muggleborn/half-blood/whatever dorcas meadowes
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saturnbourne · 3 months
Trying to have a peaceful day but i’m plagued by daydreams of a stressed out Price who corners you when he finds you alone, wrapping his arms around you from behind and pressing flat against your back.
Stressed out Price who lets his head lull onto your shoulder with a sigh, his throbbing erection pressed against your ass.
Stressed out Price who filthily humps you from behind like a dog while complaining about everything he’s upset about. His words stuttering with a heavy sigh everytime he ruts just right. And he knows he can trust you to help him feel better because you’re so damn sweet to your captain. :((
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acooksbooks · 5 months
First, I LOVE Crowley and Aziraphale. LOVE THEM. I mean, just take a glance at my pfp. And my sketchbook. And my fanfics.
Second, I LOVE David Tennant and Michael Sheen. LOVE THEM. Probably more than is reasonably necessary, given when I mention "my favorite actor," my family and friends know exactly who I'm talking about (It's David, btw).
I'm also sort of new to the fandom on Tumblr, and I've become baffled by some of the comments I've seen about David and Michael and their friendship. I think it's adorable and lovely that they seem to have such a special bond after filming Good Omens, a bond that continues and has included their partners (partly out of necessity while filming Staged, but I think that only helped cement their friendships even further).
But what truly baffles me is the picking apart of every image that features David and Michael, especially when Anna and Georgia are included and when they aren't. I've seen fans wondering where Anna and Georgia are if they're not in the image with their partners (and what that could mean for their relationships with Michael and David), speculations on whether or not the women have been photoshopped in when they are in the pictures, cruel comments about Anna (especially) and Georgia (sometimes) about their age or their acting choices or their relationships with their partners or with each other (especially when they're being silly on Instagram) or . . .
Anyway, as someone with a spouse who works in a very busy, very public (in our city) profession and who is well respected in that profession, I feel for Anna and Georgia. It's as though there is this obsession or even downright desperation to make everything about how Michael and David feel about each other, to push Anna and Georgia out of the picture, literally and figuratively, forgetting there are families involved. As if Michael and David really are Aziraphale and Crowley and really feel for each other like Aziraphale and Crowley feel for each other. And who knows? Maybe they do?
But we don't truly know what goes on behind closed doors, and the comments and speculations are cruel towards Anna and Georgia, who have real life relationships with Michael and David.
They're all human. Celebrities, yes, but even celebrities deserve to have some privacy outside their jobs. And that's what Aziraphale and Crowley are at the end of the day. A job for Michael and David. A very enjoyable one, based on their interviews with each other, but afterwards, they have homes and families and lives outside the work.
David and Michael's relationship is theirs. Not the fandom's. Theirs.
Anna and Georgia's relationship is theirs.
Michael and Anna's relationship is theirs.
David and Georgia's relationship is theirs.
The relationship the four of them and their families have with each other is theirs. And they all deserve to not have people speculating on public forums about what's happening between them like some tabloid magazine. If they want us to know, they can tell us. Let them make that call for themselves.
In the meantime, we can write fanfics, make fanart, fantasize about who they truly are and how they truly feel. Delight in the images they share and the work they do together. Whatever. But I think it would be great if we could just let them live their private lives, too, and have as much normalcy they can get under the circumstances.
And, finally, Anna and Georgia seem like such lovely humans and deserve as much love and kindness and respect as is bestowed on their partners every single day in this fandom. Because they're human too, and all humans deserve that.
That's all I have to say about that.
Edited to add: I guess I'm not quite done, because someone in the comments said they were like me until they read/heard some of the things David, Michael, Georgia, and Anna have said, presumably about each other.
I'm not so online that I know everything they've put out there, but I do follow those in the group who have social media, and have watched/heard all kinds of interviews and convention Q&As.
My takeaway: Whatever they say about each other, whether it's Michael or David, or Georgia or Anna, I take it with a grain of salt. They're all actors. What we're seeing or hearing from them may not actually be their real personalities and feelings behind closed doors or even in their own heads. I think they just like to be snarky or silly about each other, because it makes the fans smile and swoon. And maybe they just enjoy being playful with each other and about each other. I mean, it's fun.
What's not fun is the fans reading too much into every single thing they do or say with each other and try to turn it into something that it probably isn't, especially at Anna and Georgia's expense.
Okay, now I'm done.
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snowysakusa · 6 months
i love rbr Charles but.... ferrari Charles 😭😭😭😭
i guess i like that they're friends and i love seeing them interact, they truly love the sport ya know? but how are they going to be in the same team, fighting for the same thing without letting their friendship sour? i mean, it can work out, they're adults (but even adults get angry and can hold grudges...)
plus charles at ferrari and max at redbull, it's- they're already fighting (ish, the car is not there for charles but i do believe in the sf-24 ((pls read: i am delusional)) ), they're antagonists! riVAL TEAMS RIVALING FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP!!
with both of them at redbull, they're still gonna be rivals and all that it will be different, no longer red and blue, ferrari and redbull, old vs new... im just a little bit sad ig 😢
but there's something for sure: 2024 will be Charles decisive year, do ferrari keep him or do they let him go. Invest more, give him a car worthy of winning the championship, get him good strategies, get him good pitstops, ferrari need to control everything in order to win, they have to truly work for it. otherwise... charles to redbull all the way.
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youadans-reverie · 8 months
The optimistic side of me, some might call it the unrealistic side, can't help but wonder how much of the world we would heal if we loved without restraint. If we just believed that the love we give will come back on a random Tuesday afternoon, at the park, when we're sitting alone and a stranger compliments our smile and offers half their cookie. Or love will be waiting for us at the entrance of a bar, where a girl overhears you say you wish you had a hair tie and without hesitation hands you the one around her wrist. Or maybe love will be waiting for us in a text from a friend we haven't called in a while "I know you've been busy with life but please call me when you're free. I miss you”
Maybe if we believed that love is always waiting for us just around the corner, then we wouldn't be so hesitant to give away all the love we have stored in our palms.....anyway.
youadan teddy // thoughts that haunt me at 2am
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possiblygewgaw · 5 months
Love how poems are not something you can just read at a glance and understand completely. They require time and effort to be fully understood.
People are the same. Every person is a poem, right in front of us, just waiting to be understood.
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wuxianxkexing · 9 months
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So I was listening to Unreal Unearth and I heard him say a word in Irish that sounded a lot like "Appalachia" so I went to Wikipedia to see if the area was named after the Irish word. It wasn't BUT what I did find out was a lot cooler. So apparently at one point in the past the USA wanted to remove the "America" part because technically they aren't the only America. Edgar Allen Poe wanted to rename it to the United States of Appalachia, but because he didn't become popular until after he died it never caught on.
Edit: Also turns out what he said wasn't even Irish but instead Appalachicola, which is a city in Florida that comes from the Hitchiti language. Apalachi means "on the other side" and "okli" means "people". Put them together and it probably meant something like people on the other side of the river.
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isabeauwolf · 19 days
Anyone else get chills from Kenjiro Tsuda's voice? Just me? I love his role as Overhaul.
Found this YouTube video someone put together of all of Kai Chisaki, Overhaul's voice lines in the anime. His voice only!
Kai Chisaki dominates every scene that he's in! God, I hope our birdman comes back, so we can hear Kenjiro Tsuda's voicing him again!
I kid you not, when I say that I got chills listening to this video.
Show our yakuza birdman husband some love!
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Are you fangirling as hard as I am? If so, share with me what you love about him. ;)
His confidence, character design, his voice, he's extremely attractive and his overall presence in every scene he's in. Dammit, I'm a sucker for bad boys. On top of him being stoic and aloof, not to mention his piercings and beautiful gold colored eyes. He's powerful and cocky in his own right, dangerous even. Who can blame him? He's practically The Fullmetal Alchemist without the equivalent exchange!
Was he overconfident and underestimated both The League and Deku, yes. Do I agree with what he did with Eri, of course not. But I do see the potential, as I've said before I still believe that many lives could have been saved from being lost. The current War arc could have changed, if Overhaul had completed The Serum he planned on making alongside The Quirk Erasing Bullets. The Heroes didn't know that part of the plan!
He had Twice, he could have made doubles of Eri, so the real Eri didn't need to be put through anymore torture at least, give the poor girl a break.
There are all kinds of unknown quirks in mha, and I'm sure there are other blood related ones out there besides Toga and Stain.
Overhaul could have carried empty casings of each bullet on his person before he got captured, and kept the real ones hidden, giving the big middle finger to Shigaraki!
What are your thoughts? Do you agree with me? Disagree? What other possibilities do you think could have worked to help Aline Overhaul with his goal while saving Eri or easing her burden?
Would you side with him? The League, or The Heroes? What about your OC's?
Sorry, for overly ranting and rambling about Kai Chisaki, Overhaul, again.... I can't help it! XD
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nanaminokanojo · 2 days
I know Gojo is older than Nanami but then I remember this:
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And I'm just, naaah, it can't be. 😂 Gojo is such a juvenile dipshit child.
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infamouslydorky · 2 years
Stop removing ports, headphone jacks, and cd players from technology
I don't want to put my information on a cloud! I want physical media
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witchofthemidlands · 1 year
I come bearing more unhinged thoughts about Jack Harkness. I always end my Torchwood rewatch with The Stolen Earth / Journey's End & i always begin it with Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways & whilst to me, there is an annoying lack of closure with doctor|rose|jack in the series 4 finale (rose not hounding the doctor about what happened to jack on satellite 5 is my villain origin story) i don't know if it's because i'm overthinking the angst because i've rewatched all this in order to write DW/Torchwood angst BUT Jack holding on to Ianto & Gwen in The Stolen Earth makes me ✨weevil scream✨ because he's done this before. It’s the Daleks, they killed him originally, that was his first & should’ve been permanent death & he was expecting it. He went & bravely faced his death after an emotional goodbye with his partners Rose & Nine 😭 At the time he knew Nine would probably die with him & Rose/The Bad Wolf happening was a literal miracle. It wasn’t supposed to happen, a literal one in a million chance. The ONLY available option was for Nine to either use the delta wave that would’ve killed every human & Dalek on Satellite 5 & Earth or let the Daleks take over. When Jack's realised that the Daleks have hijacked Earth, the last time he saw them they were arguably at their worst. They were like the Cybermen & were harvesting humans to turn them into Daleks, Jack watched what must have been about a hundred other humans die with him in battle, Lynda, who he'd put somewhere he assumed would be safe, was violently killed. Then they’ve got the Earth & Jack knows that Torchwood/UNIT combined probably won’t even be enough to stop them & whilst he'd faced his death heroically on Satellite 5 he knows that he won’t die, no matter what happens this time. He. Won't. Die. His usual bravado is gone. He'd been so confident so ✨Captain Jack Harkness✨ when he'd said goodbye to Rose & Nine even though he knew he'd probably never see them again & that they were all going to die but THIS time he shows that fear when holding onto Ianto & Gwen because he can only see the worst happening to them. THEN he experiences his very first death all over again when he thought that the Daleks had killed Donna, someone he’d known for less than ten minutes which is all manners of horrifying. All I can say is that it's probably a good idea Jack didn't see that Dalek invading Torchwood. It's in my personal belief that Ianto & Gwen cleaned that up before he got home. What I also like was how Jack had Ianto to go home to after Journey's End! I’ve always loved how Jack is less flirty in Journey's End because he’s in a relationship 🤩 honestly Donna is worse than him! (Donna, how DARE you push the Sarah Jane out of the way! Respect your elders!) post Journey's End I have always pictured a rather traumatised Jack being comforted by Ianto, you literally can’t change my mind on that.
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kestalsblog · 3 months
If we can never experience another person's thoughts, never feel the colors of their emotions, can we ever really know another person at all?
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acooksbooks · 5 months
Just because an actor takes a job that seems completely unlike themselves in real life, doesn't mean they're hiding something about their personality, something that needs to be prodded out of them. It's a job. It's keeping them employed. And we know nothing of their private thoughts unless they tell us.
Also, just because a celebrity wears a pin or a piece of clothing supporting a specific community doesn't actually mean they're a part of that community. They could be. Again, we don't know until they say so themselves.
Give them some effing agency and let them come out on their own terms, if they want to or not. They may not even identify that way to begin with. There may be a whole ass other reason for how they appear in public or on social media.
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sunnyboos · 5 months
I've been thinking...
Ever think about how Portgas D Ace from One Piece and Kyojuro Rengoku from Demon Slayer share similarities?
Hear me out!
They both died the same way: a fist through their chest, smile on their faces on their last breath 😭
Obvious one, both fire users 🔥
Loved their younger brother, always encouraging 🧡
Food. Just food 🍜
Respectable and passionate (I think back to earlier episodes of Ace when he was asking Sanji if he needed help in the kitchen or when he was cleaning his utensils when they were in the middle of the desert. With Kyojuro, he kept his peace with Tanjiro and Nezuko being a demon and when he bought all the box lunches twice to help support the food vendors) 🤝
Both had mothers who died too soon but loved them so much it hurts! 🤰
I'm sure there's more but these were the ones that stood out to me, these are just some of the random thoughts that hit me out of nowhere!
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alualexaa · 6 hours
How should we know if Kaeya is blinking or winking? 🤔
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