#traditional wicca
pomegranated · 2 months
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my attempt to give persephone a digital offering
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cosmicblogs · 7 months
I’m looking for moots who believe in magic n crystals n spells.
Idc if I look crazy to everyone else I need more people who believe in n practice magic.
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wednesdaywitchcraft · 7 months
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Setting up your altar is a personal manifestation of your soul and your personality in the way you practice your Magick. Each witch may have a unique set up that reflects who they are, what type of witchcraft they practice, and what is sentimental to them. As such, every altar may look a little different. There is no specific “correct way” to set up your altar. The right way to set up your altar is what feels right for you. Nevertheless, if you’re setting up your first altar and don’t know where to begin, here are a couple tips on how you can set yours up:
Where to set up your altar:
You can set up your altar anywhere! You can set it up in your home, in your garden, in your workspace (although the best place to set it up would be a more private space) but essentially an altar can exist anywhere you make the room for one. Typically the best place for an altar would be a bedroom, since its a space that most people are connected to spiritually and feel most at rest. My altar is set up in a corner of my walk in closet. It’s on the smaller side but its big enough for me to practice my craft. For those that need a much smaller space, you could set your altar up on a dresser, a nightstand, or even your windowsill. You could even get a portable altar that can be taken down and put up easily, which is good for those that live in smaller housing and those that like to travel.
Which direction should your altar face:
Again, this one is more of a personal decision. In Wiccan history, traditionally the altar is said to be facing North. However, you can face your altar in whatever direction feels right. Perhaps there is a beautiful view facing East that helps you meditate, or perhaps the area you want to set up your altar in only faces South. That is completely OK. As for me, I have my altar facing North-East, based on my preference on the elements I feel most connected to. I have two modes, I’m either completely grounded or completely in the clouds, so the elements I feel most connected to are earth and air; which is how I chose to position my altar. If you want to position your altar for the elements you feel most connected to, you would choose between North (earth), South (fire), East (air), and West (water). However you choose to position your altar should feel right to you.
What to put on your altar:
Your altar can consist of a few traditional things and personal things. You can have plants, crystals, candles, incense, and other traditional tools. You can also have personal items such as photographs, magazine clippings of something you want to manifest in your life, a homemade wreath or jewelry, or anything that feels personal to you such as a seashell or stone you picked yourself on your last hike or adventure. There’s a few things I personally believe every altar should have for spiritual protection purposes (this is my opinion only, not mandatory in any way) and those are:
an altar cloth
a candle
protective crystals (such as black tourmaline, smoky quartz, or amethyst)
incense or white sage
a fireproof bowl or cauldron
Additional things you may want to consider for your altar:
a wand (either premade or handmade) or athame
herbs or crystals for spells
a pendulum board or ouija board (if you wish to commune with spirits)
a chalice
something representing each of the elements
a compass
charms or small statues of things that you connect spiritually with
hand-picked items such as seashells, acorns, pine cones, leaves, feathers, or stones
Important things to remember about your altar:
I know I sound like a broken record saying this, but again, your altar should be personal. A reflection of YOU. If your altar feels right, then it’s right. If it feels like its missing something, add more to it. If it feels too cluttered or like too much, take stuff off. Your altar can change with you! You can switch things out as you feel your energy shift. Something that is very important to remember about your altar, is that it is a sacred place. Cleanse your altar if things start to not feel right after changing things up. Remember that things you find other places, may have picked up energy from that place/people, so be sure to cleanse any items you are bringing into your sacred space.
Blessed be
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tyetknot · 5 days
I thought you were joking when you said that the Farrar's books were outdated but holy shittt, even for 1970s wicca/witchcraft those guys were like full gender heterosexual white magic ye harm none thing, I was also seeing their interview were christian kids interview them, and boy it is hard to watch, but on to my question kskk, do you know if they changed later down?,like Janet seems to be okay sometimes,I can't find anything of them on their "controversial views" except their later polyamorous relationship (wich come to think of it I would love to hear their gender rationale on that), and also, how do you personally (if you do so) reconcile this type of author?, like there is no doubt that they are important in craft history, but now they kinda do more harm than good.
Hi Anon! I'm sorry if you've been waiting for a bit, you know how Tumblr is.
So one thing it's important to remember is: back in the 1970s and 80s a religion where women run the show was very progressive. Feminism got bolted onto Wicca pretty quickly once it hit the American West Coast and Starhawk wrote The Spiral Dance. Things like worshipping a goddess who didn't need a man around to tell her what to do were really unusual for the time. All this hippie-dippy shit like being naked in your rituals and such was far out, man, not like those totally square and boring Christians.
The problem is that, like many older people who were once cool and progressive, they just kind of stopped where they were in the 70s and 80s and didn't really......well, progress past that point. This leads to things like statements like that one in A Witches' Bible where they think that actually gay people are perfectly OK in ritual (this was a bit of a controversial point at the time) as long as they act like their biological gender, which is hilarious to us in 2024 because they obviously conflate being gay with being trans in some bizarre fashion. This was progressive for the time. It comes across as incredibly ignorant today. And of course, if their ideas did change, well, the book is already out there, people are reading it, and you can't go back in time and change something that's already been published. You can add notes or amendments to further editions, but I don't believe they ever did that, and Stewart Farrar died in the early aughts.
I find the polyamory thing to be pretty cringe, NGL, because I am a judgmental and suspicious piece of shit and think that an awful lot of the time polyamory is a tool used to make younger women sexually available to older men - good Lord, the age difference between Stewart and Janet - and that's very distasteful.
In my opinion the Farrars are probably the stodgiest and most conservatively-written books you'll find from that time period, and they're a good example of what coven-based Alexandrian Wicca looked like at that time, but there were a lot of more relaxed writers out there at the time and LOTS more a few years later. My primary complaint with A Witches' Bible is rather specifically that asinine Oak King / Holly King thing which they made up entirely and then ineptly shoehorned into the Wheel of the Year, where it just doesn't fucking work, and then everyone else just kind of went with it. No! It sucks and is bad, don't do it!
Do I think they do more harm than good? No, I don't. I think that anyone fairly new to Wicca shouldn't read this book first thing out the gate because it sets a lot of very unrealistic expectations, and because it's pretty old - Eight Sabbats for Witches was published in 1981, which makes it a few years older than me, and The Witches' Way in 1984, which makes it a year younger than me, and TBH there's much newer and fresher material being published every year. I would much sooner recommend someone like Thorn Mooney to new person interested in traditional Wicca.
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scheunensohn · 1 year
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To dim their light, you just have to shine
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14 days until "spooky season" 🎃✨️
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My Altar tools
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sunflowersnsage · 2 months
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the-mighty-fenrir · 10 days
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Eikturnir (Norwegian Eikþyrnir - “buck-horned”) is a mythical deer in German-Scandinavian mythology. According to the Elder Edda, Eikturnir stands on the roof of Valhalla, and eats the leaves of a European tree - Ash Yggdrasil. The water that drips from his horn gives rise to all rivers.
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bruisedsworld · 11 months
I have a question for the witches on here. So I’m getting a new necklace this week and I’m trying to find something to help me cleanse it. But I can’t find anything. How do you cleanse jewelry?
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vox-magica · 9 months
At the crossroads ...
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... So how did I end up here? The crossroad is a mystical and liminal place where the soul is sold, pacts are made, and witches meet the devil himself.
I do know that witchblr isn`t a real thing anymore, but yet here I am trying to blog again.
I was in awe of witchcraft since my early childhood and because of Charmed the witchcraft movement did arrive in Germany in the early 2000s.
I loved witchcraft as much as I loved books so naturally I dragged my mom to my favorite bookstore when I saw the spellsbooks in the window. She bought me my first book about modern witchcraft.
From there all began and I was practicing eclectic wiccan stuff, which I started to dislike after a few years. Where were the witches in the woods? Not the love and light ones, but the ones that helped the hero if he approached her the right way, but ate him whole when she disliked him. The ones that cursed and claimed their power and used it how they saw fit.
Here on Tumblr, I learned about traditional witchcraft with its folkloric elements and the darkness, power, and spirits I was missing in the eclectic forms of Wicca. So I read and learned a lot through the books of Gemma Gary, Paul Huson, Robin Artisson, and many other brilliant authors.
I formed a practice out of things I learned and bonded with the spirits of the land. But what I was still craving was the real-life community of witches I could practice with.
After reading Thorn Mooney's fantastic book "Traditional Wicca" I was reminded that Wicca in its traditional form was anything but love and light. That the Threefold law wasn't a real thing the Wiccan Reed meant something different.
After searching for a while I found a Gardnerian Coven, which wasn't the right fit. And I was a little disappointed, because what I found there wasn`t the community I hoped for, so I left.
After having struggles in my career and getting a big fat burnout, I saw a post from an Alexandrian Highpriestess in a Facebook Group. She was building a study group, which eventually should become a Coven. I shot in the blue ... and what should I say? I am an Initiate in her Alexandrian Coven and here I am ... an Alexandrian Witch working with spirits and in League with the Devil. Combining two paths that are contradictory for the most, but are complementary for me!
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pomegranated · 2 months
i wish i could find a boyfriend who’s also a hellenic polytheist and NOT a weirdo :(
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servantsofhecate · 2 months
Wax to seal spells-
Black wax: karma, curse and returning back negitive energy.
Red wax: love, attraction, streagth power.
White wax: peace, protection, healing and positivity.
Green wax: luck, abundance, growth and restoring energy.
Curtesy of-
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lamilian · 1 year
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New Moon: I'm in the dark magical place where you end a journey and start a new one. A journey older than time and yet happening for the first time once again.As I rest and replenish my energy in the darkness, I'm the Mistress of mysteries. I can see everything that was and everything that might be: I'm the Oracle.
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bonecavities · 11 months
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19evi88 · 5 months
Witches Calendar 2024
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