#traditional women
educating-bimbos · 11 months
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notsomodernwoman · 5 months
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everlastinghistory · 1 month
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summernightsdream · 10 months
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myblissfulness · 7 months
How God makes you happy: protecting who you love
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Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ loved the church and handed himself over for her [...] He who loves his wife loves himself.
Paul, Ephesians  5, 25-28
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ladyhearthkeeper · 6 months
I'm trying to cook dishes from my husband's country. It's an adventure.
I'm a good cook (or so they say) but it's more tricky to cook something you haven't tasted (or have only tasted the restaurant version).
Sometimes it's a hot but tonight it was a hit.
It's also nice to be able to text his mother for help!
What about you ladies? What dishes have you perfected thanks to your husband.
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Why I feel like I don’t belong in this era:
I’m reading about Victorian etiquette, and I’m reminded how being quiet and demure was desirable in a woman back then. Nowadays, people act like something is wrong with me for not being assertive and loud. In addition, modesty and abstinence from alcohol or foul language were expected back then. A woman was supposed to be a symbol of goodness and purity. It was admirable if she didn’t drink or even serve drinks at a party. I’ve had so many people try to force me to drink and curse, as though I’m not an adult if I don’t drink poison or I can’t stick up for myself if I don’t curse. I want to be reserved and pure. I want to be the ideal woman of history who doesn’t talk back to her husband and is a symbol of calmness and purity. I liked the concept of “girls are meant to be seen and not heard” and “don’t speak unless spoken to”, because I grew up being forced to talk when I didn’t have anything to talk about or felt uncomfortable. I don’t want to get loud and angry and disobey my husband. I want men to look at me and think they met an angel. I want to be that Victorian woman who’s put on a pedestal as a symbol of goodness and grace. I don’t believe I fit in with the modern idea of a strong woman. And I wouldn’t mind being a housewife. Having my lifestyle already picked out for me and feeling like I have a duty I must fulfill sounds pleasant to me. Whereas having the freedom to choose my own career makes me feel overwhelmed or lost at times. As long as I can draw and read, being a demure Victorian housewife suits me just fine… assuming I have a loving husband, that is. I want to be put on a pedestal and have men treat me like a delicate flower that must be protected.
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educating-bimbos · 11 months
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notsomodernwoman · 4 months
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trad-femininity · 6 months
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Favorite collection: all of my bows 🩷
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myblissfulness · 1 year
How God makes you happy: embracing Femininity
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The truly capable woman -- who can find her? She is far beyond the price of pearls.
Proverbs 31: 10
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honestly if i wrote a theory book on traditional femininity,modesty, radical feminism and housewivery with a focus on mutual aide and social change, would anyone want to read it?
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FINISHED (again...)
My femininity book is DONE!
But it's conservative so there's no chance with the agents, and small publishers are great but I still do most of the legwork for them
Is now the time?
Should I be self-publishing this next one?
Full control is important RN
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educating-bimbos · 8 months
The Pinned Post 2
new pinned post because tumblr hid my old one from my view so I can't see, edit it, or reblog it to add an addendum. I only have a few things to add, so I am just going to copy and paste it.
Who is Educating Bimbos?
My name is Nicolette. I am a technical artist, musician, and an outdoorsy type of gal. I enjoy the finer things in life, and I fancy myself a traditional woman and a bimbo. I don't really enjoy mindlessly obsessing over labels, but if it helps people gauge where my brain is at, I am pro-patriarchy, in favor of traditional gender roles and dynamics, an ex-feminist, and before all else a believer in one's ability to exercise personal freedoms. My beliefs, mannerisms, and presentation attract the ire of feminists, born-again-religious types, and any number of anti-fun douchebags. At the end of the day, just remember that behind this silly blog is a silly person.
What is Educating Bimbos?
It is a blog and small community of bimbos looking to learn more about and express a traditional lifestyle. It is also about people who may not be familiar with or comfortable around things like BDSM get a nice and soft introduction to it without being exposed immediately to the idea of how people can enjoy things in a pseudo-sexual context. At the end of the day, it is a blog and community where I and other like-minded people can express silly ideas without the fear of being lambasted by people seeking to harm others.
Where is Educating Bimbos?
Educating Bimbos can be found in one of these two places.
Why is Educating Bimbos?
Well for a while I was annoyed by the lack of communities that focused on a kind of "hyper-feminine" aesthetic while also promoting more traditional ideas. There was also the issue of communities that have tried this before of devolving into bigoted and abusive communities that would do everything under the sun to create an insular and ToS breaking community. I spoke with a friend of mine who runs a similar community a while ago and she inspired me to give this a shot. Now - close to 3 years later - I have a steadily growing community that pulls from all corners of ideology, cultural, ethnic, and interest level and the discord has been almost completely drama-free in its whole existence.
When is Educating Bimbos?
I am alive and doing silly stuff all day, every day. Except when it is nap time in which case I will be in the realm of dreams.
What's an ex-lesbian and why do you call yourself that?
For a number of very personal reasons, I have decided to call myself an ex-lesbian. I did this of my own volition, and I was not pressured into doing so. For a long time, I had thought of myself as a lesbian, mostly because of socialization and how all the girls around me were so might as well follow suit. I experienced a number of harmful and traumatic events when I considered myself a lesbian and it effected how I view myself. After a while and talking to some friends who I trust dearly, I came to the realization that I am not a lesbian and that it really isn't a thing I identify with the same way others do. I am still trying to come to grips with that given I only relatively recently had that realization. I also feel that people use that term in bad faith to harm people and to push bad narratives and ideas so I thought "hey might as well try and take back what should be an innocuous phrase."
In short, I think an ex-lesbian is just a way of identifying one's sexuality similar to asexuality or demisexuality. It is not that I am one sexuality or another, it's that my sexuality is defined by my experience and coming of age.
I have had a number of people confront me about this, talk to me about it in sincere curiosity, and even attack me. I welcome anyone who is curious or has a genuine contention to come to me in DMs, I am not a mean person, and I will love to talk honestly and respectfully. I find that disagreement is not grounds to discredit or avoid befriending people, I hope you can do the same.
Further questions for Educating Bimbos?
If you find that these questions are unsatisfactory in any regard, or you wish to try your hand at doing what I do, follow these two links!
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Ask me anything you want! I have some personal rules with regards to what I can and cannot upload, but this is generally the best way for me to answer any question you may have. I also have anonymous asks enabled just in case you are shy.
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If you think I should be made aware of something, post something, or if you just want to signal boost something try this. So far, I have no real rules or expectations so do whatever you want with this button.
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myvinyllove · 2 years
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