#traffic life scars
minecraftbookshelf · 10 months
Life Series Scarring Headcanons: Part 1
I'm going in alphabetical order by player handle, so this one is BDoubleo100, Bigbst4tz2, Ethoslab, and GoodTimesWithScar
The concept at hand is that during each game, every death leaves a scar, after the game, those are gone, replaced with scarring from their final death.
I did take some creative licence with the deaths, mostly in the sense of figuring out ways to handle Fall Damage in a slightly more RL based context, as well as figuring out approximately where final blows would fall based on the respective positioning of the players in question. (I did both a lot of video watching and also pointing at and posing myself figuring this out.)
Related to that Content Warning for general blunt but vague descriptions of varying injuries and ways to die, including but not limited to shattered bones and impaling.
Disclaimer that I did make all these diagrams in paint so they are hardly the pinnacle of artistic reference, but I think it gets the point across. Xs indicate arrow kills and i used the spray paint mode for fire/lava/explosion damage. All scars are color coded by series.
I forgot to mark it on the diagrams themselves, but light green is for scars left from the death of the Double Life soulbond partner. The soulmate who died second has phantom scars from their partners death, fainter and sometimes smaller, but still there.
Pink scars are the ones that, while not final deaths, had a significant impact on the story, the cubito, or both.
This project has also has shown some interesting patterns in how some of them tend to die.
On with the show!
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Third Life: Scar chased BDubs down and killed him with his sword before heading off with Grian to have Their Moment at the cactus ring. He turned around to fight Scar at the last minute, so the killing blow came from the front.
Last Life: BDubs was shot and killed by Grian as he fled after he betrayed the Red Pack and killed Lizzie so that Etho would give him a life.
Double Life: Pearl chased BDubs down and killed him (I believe with an axe) after Tilly died. Like in Third Life, he turned and fought at the last minute, so the killing blow came from the front.
Limited Life: Bdubs' final death was from a TNT Minecart dropped by Impulse, it landed slightly above and to the right of him, so that is where the damage is localized.
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(You see what I mean about trends in the way that some of them tend to die?)
Third Life: BDubs shot him as BigB, the last surviving member of the Red Army, tried to escape from him and the Desert Duo. I placed that scar a bit lower than the others because BDubs is short.
Last Life: Cleo shot and killed him in a river. He was also poisoned from a potion she threw in the skirmish prior, so his health was very low. Reflecting that, my choice for that arrow was that it skimmed the side of his neck and he probably would have survived it had he been in better health at the time.
Double Life: Grian dropped a dripstone stalactite on Ren's head in Box, killing both Ren and BigB. His scar from this is a bit smaller and fainter than Ren's due to Ren being the one to actually receive the injury.
Limited Life: Smajor shot and killed him while he tried to escape through the woods. From what I can tell Scott came at him from the side, so I put the scar for that one reflecting it.
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Believe it or not this is not the worst that it gets.
Third Life: Etho died to fire damage dealt by Impulse during the Battle of Dogwarts. I chose the location for it based of the direction the attack that initially caught him on fire came from.
Last Life: Joel killed Etho before dying himself when the later-game red lifers banded together to take out him and Grian. Etho struggled with his shield during that confrontation, which let Joel get enough hits in to kill him before being killed immediately after by Scott. I placed that injury as a glancing blow off the top rim of his shield.
Double Life: Etho and Joel died to a lava-trapped nether portal. The scars are from the lava flow. Etho died first, so his scars are a bit more prominent than Joel's.
Limited Life: Etho (like so, so many other people this season) died to fall damage. He was fighting the Mean Gills on the edge of the Bad Boy Manor and fell. The "camera angle" of the ground as he fell is pretty much how i decided where the impact probably was.
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Third Life: I deviated a bit here because for everything else I really just went with "this was the final straw that broke the camels back" when picking scars, but I feel like the narrative and character significance of the Cactus Ring excuses the Death By A Thousand Cuts look. The heaviest concentration of scars from the ring are on his knuckles (from hitting), forearms (from blocking) and back and the side of his face (where he fell into the cacti).These are all small, relatively faint scars, there are just. A lot of them. EDIT: He's going to have some lasting explosion scars from the creeper Grian killed him with as soon as I have the opportunity to update the diagram.
Last Life: He was shot by Ren in a skirmish in the woods, that's genuinely all I have to say about that one, sorry. I decided it was a really good shot on Ren's part that got him right in the eye.
Double Life: So, sonic booms don't really...leave marks. They just liquidize your internal organs. I do think though that he and Grian probably have some faint mark approximating the center of their torsos. Because magic. And Lore.
Limited Life: Grian stabbed him in the back and then chased him down and killed him. The infamous "ultimate betrayal" because someone forgot that they were technically only barely endgame allies this season. Because Grian is incapable both of not killing Scar and not being dramatic about it.
Part 2
(There are five posts in this series in total, each of them will have links to the first one, as well as the one preceding and the one coming after)
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applestruda · 6 months
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Your reward is a world made barren by your own hand
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They bring me so much joy ┌(˵༎ຶ ل͟ ༎ຶ˵)┐
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merkuits · 23 days
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mr. good times 🌻
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philchy · 5 months
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Welcome to Trader Scar's! Can I interest you in some explosives? :D
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avi-mation · 4 months
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-The first to fall-
Spoilers for Secret Life session 9 Etho’s POV
Cw: blood
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lorebird · 6 months
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Sacrifices and parallels
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minecraftbookshelf · 10 months
Life Series Scarring Headcanons: Part 5
The final installment!
If you haven't yet, check out Part 1 for a full explanation and context
This one covers the last three players, Solidarity Gaming, TangoTek, and ZombieCleo
Jimmy Solidarity
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Like the other Assigned Birb Man, fall damage is arguably his nemesis
Third Life: Somewhere along the way it became fanon that that arrow from Skizz caught him in the throat and when I decided I was sticking with that I did not yet realize what that would mean for his death scars and the pattern thereof.
Last Life: He died to fall damage trying to escape from Grian (after accidentally initiating combat by jokingly hitting him with a baked potato) He fell from the roof of Mumbo's house down into a space by some wooden stairs, and with the angle it looked like he would have hit the side of his head on the edge of the stairs. So that's what he did :)
Double Life: He was killed by an enderman. In Everen's animatic he is basically strangled by it, and Mr. Gaming blue-screened because, as he said, that is his visualization on how that went down so. Canon.
Limited Life: Fall damage again, on the other side of his head this time, he landed on rock after falling/being pushed off of/whichever version you prefer Skynet. RIP canary man. Better luck in Season 5? (I kind of don't want him to have better luck tbh. The narrative consistency is very satisfying.)
The other half of Team Rancher
Tango of the Tek Variety
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Squeaky cartoon man is right up there with Scott on the "someone please help him" front tbh. Cringefail Flower Ranchers Hours apparently.
Third Life: He died at the battle of Dogwarts to fire damage from behind that finished him off after a lot of cumulative damage, mostly from Martyn.
Last Life: The famous last words of "I know what I'm doing". Blown up by his own trap. The scars are centralized on his arms and the front of his torso, with a space where his arms shielded his body. This was his only kill of the season.
Double Life: He has phantom scars from Jimmy's enderman death.
Limited Life: Fall damage claimed yet another victim. He landed feet first and so his ankles shattered nanoseconds before he hit his head and was officially out of the series, leaving him with a scar both on his forehead and thin lines up his lower legs, similar to the ones from Grian's wrists.
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Third Life: Skizz killed them while they were making a (very nearly successful) attempt to kill Ren outside the Crastle. Skizz came from behind while they were focused on Ren and killed them with The Skizz Blade. They deemed it "worth it" for the chance to almost take Ren out.
Last Life: She was killed by Joel while she and the other late-game red lifers were hunting him and Grian down. He had a terrain advantage that allowed him to reach that high, since she is significantly taller than him. EDIT: When I get the opportunity I'm going to be updating the diagram to include the blow from Boogeyman!BigB that killed her, because that falls under the category of "important enough thematically and character-wise with long enough lasting impact" that it gets a scar.
Double Life: They died from fall damage during the final confrontation with Pearl. This is one I took some creative liberties with and interpreted "fall damage" as "accidentally fell on a sharp branch". This killed both them and Martyn.
Limited Life: She was killed by Pearl with an axe during a fight with the Nosy Neighbors in the endgame of the season.
It is also worth noting that most of Cleo's scars from the games are either only partly, or barely visible, due to the whole Zombie Thing and the fact that in some of the places the scars would be she just...doesnt have skin.
Part 4
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applestruda · 6 months
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"You Have Succeeded Your Task"
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isjasz · 6 months
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[Day 165]
This time there is none
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linktoo-doodles · 7 months
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new fit goes so hard
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wszczebrzyszynie · 1 year
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yeah scar. how dare you
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