#traffic smp fanfic
writeawaythepain · 3 months
That Funny Feeling
Jimmy Solidarity x (gn!reader)
…Hey! I’m not dead! And I finally have the urge to write again! Hope you enjoy my spiral into a new fandom!
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tw: self-deprecating thoughts, angst (don’t worry there’s a fluff at the end)
Word count: 1.7k
“You are worthy of love and friends and respect.”
"why do you care!" "because i’m in love with you!"
You walk in on Jimmy having beef with a fence post, and though you're not really surprised, you wonder if he’s dealing with more pain than just that of his injured foot. Includes you giving the poor guy a much needed hug, and a slip-up that lets him in on how much you really care about him.
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You don’t think you’ve ever really seen Jimmy upset…not really. He never minded being the butt of any joke, laughing along at any jab or insult. He didn’t mind if people made fun of him as long as it made someone laugh at the end. He was selfless like that. You were always a little bit jealous of his resilience, and maybe that’s why you always thought of him as almost…invincible.
So, when one day you came to check up on how the Sheriff’s new building was going, you were surprised to see that barely any progress had been done. It actually…seemed like he’d torn parts of it down. You approached slowly, taking in the half done walls and foundation, a door frame without a door, and started to look for him. 
Before you can even call out to him, though, you see the back of a familiar blonde cowboy. A cowboy who was seemingly talking to himself. “No- come on Jim! You know you can do better at this- you just gotta… just gotta…” He stops, clenching his fists and yelling out in frustration. “It’s not that hard!” He emphasizes the last word by kicking a rickety fence post, but it must have been sturdier than he expected because he instantly flinched back, grabbing his foot and crying out in pain.
The whole sight was almost cartoonish, with him wearing his cowboy hat and boots, so you couldn’t help but snicker even as you reached out your hand in concern. “Oh my god Jimmy, are you ok?” You can’t stop the smile that spreads on your face, but it wavers slightly as you approach him and notice…are those tears in his eyes? He quickly wipes his face, replacing his frustrated look with an excited smile. 
“Oh hi! I didn’t even see you there! Me and this fence post are having beef, actually- See, it won’t do what I tell it to, and make my stuff look good so I was reminding ‘em who's in charge round here!” He laughs a little as he says it, his smile so bright you're inclined to believe him…it wasn’t quite reaching his eyes though, and you still wonder if the kick hurt him more than he was letting on.
“Yea, you really showed him!” You try to mirror his energy, shaking off some of your worries as he replies in his usual chipper tone.
“Yea I did!” He laughs but then slightly turns away from you. “Listen uh…you know I always love having you around. You’re welcome anytime! But uh…I really have a- a thing I gotta do and…” Your smile drops as you see him wince a little as he puts his weight on the foot he ‘beat up’ the fence post with.
“Hey Jimmy, is your foot ok?” You walk up to him, concerned. “Maybe you should sit down-“
“Nah I’m fine…probably anyway.” He laughs like it’s a joke, but when you look at him you're not smiling.
“You're limping. You might not have broken anything but- here, sit down.” You gently put your hand on his shoulder.
“It’s really nothing, I’m just being an idiot...” He moves away from your touch, shaking it off and puffing up his chest a little. He tries to shoot you a smile again, but it did little to aid your concerns.
“Just, let me take a look at it? Maybe I can help-“ You start, a little frustrated at his stubbornness.
“But I don’t need help! I can take care of it myself! I just- I just stubbed my toe. I’ll be fine!” You sigh, giving him a weird look, but deciding not to push it.
“…why were you beefing with the fence post anyway…did it kill your grandma?” You joke, hoping to fix the awkward air that had somehow come between the two of you. It’s weird, you’d never felt awkward talking with him before.
Instead of responding, Jimmy just turned towards his half finished building. And stood there. After a while he finally spoke. “Listen I’m, kinda busy right now. Maybe you can come back another time?” …Alright that’s it-
“Ok Jimmy, what is up with you? I came here to see your build, which looks less finished than when I saw it days ago may I add, and instead I see you kicking a fence post, getting defensive when I try to help, and now you don’t even laugh at my Trolls joke? …ok maybe it's an old meme but still-“ You chuckle, still kind of hoping he’d just turn around and start acting normal again. You’ve never seen him act like this before.
All he did was stand there…and as the silence grew longer you couldn’t help but start to get worried. “Gosh…I really am useless.” He finally says.
You almost roll your eyes, “Your not useless Jim-“ 
“Yes- yes I am!” He says it so firmly you freeze. You’ve never heard him raise his voice like that before. 
“I can’t build, I can’t fight, I can’t even be the guy who smiles all the time! I’m- I’m basically worthl-“ He stops himself. “…and I don’t know why I’m telling you this- I’m sorry.“ You're so surprised by his words you don’t even know what to say. “I didn’t mean to yell. It’s just-“ He takes his hat off of his head and grips it in his hands. “It’s so stupid- I’m so stupid. It shouldn’t be this hard for me to just-“ His grip on the hat tightens.
“…Jimmy, you are not worthless. You don’t have to smile all the time to be the brightest ray of sunshine I know. You could probably make me see the silver lining of getting stabbed for god's sake-“ You almost laugh at your own words, hoping it would get through to him. “You are worthy of love and friends and respect. And I’m sorry I don’t tell you that enough.” You walk up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He slowly spins around, but doesn’t meet your eyes.
“I’m just being a baby-”
“No, no you're not. It’s ok to- to feel bad sometimes.” You interrupt gently before he can insult himself again.
“Why- why do you even care?” His voice wavers, and now you can see the tears streaming out of his eyes. 
“Because I love you…you idiot.” Jimmy freezes, and even you are a little surprised at your own words, but it’s true. “People care about you- I care about you! I don't care that you can’t build giant castles or fight dragons, or that you get mad or sad sometimes-“ Your rambling a bit, trying to recover from the bombshell you just dropped. Jimmy was just staring at you, eyes wide. 
“…you…love me? Like…love, love me?!” He says slowly, not really paying attention to anything else you said after.
“I- this is probably not the best time to just- but, yea. I really do.” You can’t help but look down as you admit it, and when you look back up at him he’s crying all over again. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-“
He steps forward and wraps you in a hug, sobbing into your shoulder. You hug him back, rubbing his back and giving him some words of encouragement. Slowly his sobs get quieter, and eventually he pulls away from the hug.
“Um…” He sniffs. “I know I probably look like a mess right now-“
“Just a little.” You tease gently, wiping a stray tear off of his face.
“Right- but um…I love you too. Just so you know.” He avoids your eyes as he says it, then looks directly into them, gauging your reaction, as if to ensure this wasn’t all a joke.
“Like…?” You start.
“Yea…like that.” He gently bumps his forehead against yours, his regular confident smile returning to his face. “I cannot believe you fell for my Sheriff rizz.” You laugh, shaking your head.
“Don’t- don’t say rizz-” You try to suppress a giggle, pretending to be upset. “Great, now you ruined the moment.”
His bravado instantly drops, “Wait. No wait I didn’t mean to-” You shut him up by yanking his neckerchief and planting a kiss on his cheek. “To…to…” His face slowly reddens as his brain catches up to his speeding heart.
“Fixed it.” You say simply, chuckling softly as your Sheriff still reboots. “I think I’m the one with the rizz~” You laugh.
“Yea, no I see how that ruins the moment.” You laugh even harder at his reaction, and he can’t help but join in. After a few moments, you end up gazing into his bright hazel eyes.
“You know you can always talk to me when you're feeling upset.” You say seriously, taking one of his hands with both of your own. “Don’t just…no one should be alone when they're feeling like that.”
“...I know…You're right, as always.” He smiles appreciatively, grabbing one of your hands with his free one. You both stand there, swaying your interlocked hands gently back and forth, just enjoying the other's company.
“You know, when you're feeling up to it, why don’t I help you finish this…” You look over the half finished building, realizing you had no idea what it was actually supposed to be.
“Barn. It’s – ” he sighs, as if even bringing it up makes him feel tired all over again, “ – ‘supposed to be a barn.” 
“Barn! Right, and we could even ask Joel to help.” His eyes widen.
“No! You can’t tell him- Oh my god I’d never hear the end of it!” You laugh at the urgency in his voice.
“Ok! Ok. It’ll just be me. I’ll help you…” You let go of his hands and instead interlock your fingers behind his neck. “It’ll be our little secret.” He gazes into your eyes with a look only comparable to a lovesick puppy.
“Gosh I really wanna kiss you right now-” He lets out with a whisper, and then it’s your turn to get a little flustered.
“Well…then kiss me cowboy.” You lean in and he meets you halfway, and the kiss is just as sweet as the blonde Sheriff you share it with.
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fleetinggill · 27 days
Hey fellas. I just watched episode 19 of Dungeon Meshi and OH BOY AM I BEING VERY NOT NORMAL ABOUT IT. You know what else I’m not normal about? Life Series, and Hermitcraft as well.
I might finally get back into fic writing exclusively to write a Dungeon Meshi crossover. It won’t be a direct 1:1 thing; like, it’ll keep the same basic premise of “this member of our party died and we have to go back into the dungeon to resurrect them!” and it will retain the core plot elements. A lot of the same monsters would appear, especially ones that hold more weight to the plot, but some of the earlier ones will be replaced with Minecraft mobs to tie the universes together more and to force me to get more creative with the food descriptions.
However, the character dynamics will be different. The person who they’re trying to rescue may not be a sibling. The number of people in the other groups they encounter may be different and such. There will be no X = Laios and Y = Kabru and so on. The most direct parallels will be Falin, Senshi, and the Mad Mage; even they will not retain the same personality, dynamics with other characters, or backstories.
It will have the same world-building and a similar but not identical plot line. I think it would be way more interesting than a 1:1 direct translation into one specific season of either Hermitcraft or Life series.
More on this to come as I flesh it out more!! I might just do fics, but I may try to do art for it or ask someone else to do art for it…
I dunno. I guess, like, let me know if this sounds interesting? Or not lol. I’m gonna do it either way but I might invest more time in it if people actually like it
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azurecake16 · 6 months
Tags: Alternate Universe - Post-Apocalypse, Inspired by the boogie man curse, Hurt/Comfort, She/Her and They/Them Pronouns for ZombieCleo (Video Blogging RPF), Idiots in Love, i think that’s fair, Arguing
“The plan failed, I… I did not expect things to go down like that, Scar I-” stressed Grian, running a hand through his dirty gold hair, brushing the hibiscus
“Eh, what’s done is done.” interrupted Scar, with an air of nonchalance “I’m glad you're alive! Business partners reunited, right!”
My holiday gift for @to-be-a-dreamer as part of @mcytblrholidayexchange!
Happy holidays <3
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mentallyillfromdd · 7 months
trick or treat🥔🔪
Bdubs didn't know what to do.
He stood at the edge of a mountain that felt so right to stay in but so wrong to stand alone. The distant memory of someone standing beside him was a strange familiarity that he lived for too long. If it disappeared, he swore, he would finally bring himself to leave. Why would he want to leave? The endless spring was just so comforting. He couldn’t see very far beyond the place he stood, the rest of the world a blur. He noted the lack of flames lapping, yet couldn’t place if that was good or not.
Why was he alone? Better question: Why can’t he leave?
He stares down at the grass below him, he can leave there’s no fence keeping him here but it just feels so wrong. Like if he left he’d only see the worst of the world. The seasons change where he keeps himself from stepping. The autumnal forest invites him with warm arms, the trees begin to part and show him a new place. Bdubs looks back at the building behind him. He’s standing on the walls of a large snow fort, it begs him to stay. His eyes search the entire place for the missing piece that he wants so badly to be found. But he can’t find it. The missing piece is gone, it- he- has been gone for a while, he won't come back. He knows.
That might be the only thing Bdubs did know.
What does he know?
Nothing, apparently. He swore he knew how the world worked, a game of life- not a survival game, but a game of who could kill who the fastest- a game of death was most definitely not the place to fall in love. But he did anyway. Against all odds, he loved the missing piece with all his heart. Bdubs stepped forward. He jumped down the snow wall away from the fort. The fallen leaves crunched under his feet as he stepped forward again.
Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.
Bdubs didn’t feel his injuries healing. They stuck on him, his bruises purple and his scars bleeding. Maybe he is waiting for something. He wants to circle back to the safety of the fort. It’s crumbling and destroyed but it’s safe. He doesn’t though. He keeps walking. Like a man on a mission, he keeps going. He wants to run back to the fort and into the arms of the missing piece, into the arms of a promise left unfulfilled. Bdubs is blind, he swears. He reaches and reaches for something not there anymore. He reaches for a distant memory he wants to desperately return to. He longed for the days when he and Etho would pass an imaginary baton of their power dynamic between them as the other helplessly admired to return.
An image of Etho standing up straight, a habit he had found himself getting into when Bdubs pressed about how bad his posture was, flashed in Bdubs’ mind. The way he fixed himself as everything came easy enchanted Bdubs. Maybe it did. Maybe everything did come easy to him. Bdubs scoffed. It's Etho! 'Course everything comes easy to him! Well maybe except stairs. Bdubs is getting distracted. He looks back every few steps. He wants to go back. He doesn’t follow through with his heart’s wishes. He thanks his brain for keeping him moving forward.
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antarctic-techno · 3 months
Since I'm somewhat at an impass as to what kind of fanfic I want to finish/edit (and then obviously upload) next, why not have a vote!
And no you do not get any added context.
Also, if you haven't gotten around to it, why not pay a visit to the Royal Arranged Marriage Ethubs fic The Princes of Starryholt
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anurapoda · 9 months
Could you write some Grian + Etho? Don't care about type of pairing
HELLO ignore the fact it took me several months to write this, but I did it! I did a thing! I even had it beta read!! Just for you! The beginning and middle were written about 2 months before I got around to the ending, so if there's a mild shift in quality that's why. I haven't actually watched the episode where Grian enacts the sword so this isn't going to properly follow that AT ALL but it is inspired by it because at the time it was fresh on the ol' brain
Pairing: Grian + Etho Relationship: Platonic/Ambiguous Content Warnings: blood, injuries Words: 1335
The Sword
In Episode 8 Etho finds Grian exhausted, gravely injured, and without the supplies needed to heal himself. Instead of taking advantage of the situation and ending the last Bad Boy, Etho offers to enact the sword. Fluff ensues as the T.I.E.S member tends to the Bad Boys wounds.
[story under cut]
Grian's breathing was staggered as he clawed his way up the hill towards what was once The Clockers home, now abandoned with the once chaotic family that inhabited its walls dead somewhere in the small world they had called home. The blond knew he'd soon meet the same fate, the blood steadily running down his neck ensuring he’d bleed out if someone didn’t get to him first.
As his nails dug into the soft soil at the top, the avian pulled his body up and breathed deeply. Behind him, his wings hung limp, useless even if it weren't for his cut flight feathers.
Shaking some dirt from them, he didn't hesitate any longer as he made his way onto unsteady feet and dashed towards Bad Boys Bread Bridge and the mansion. There would be supplies there for him to heal. There had to be.
Limping as he made his way across the bad boys bread bridge, he thanked Mojang that no one else seemed to be around. Reaching the top of the mansion, Grian practically collapsed on top of the first chest he saw. Opening it with trembling fingers, he peered inside only for his heart to drop.
Moving to the next one he checked again, surely there would be food or medicine in this one! When the second was also empty he checked a third, then a fourth... his breathing only grew more unsteady as chest after chest yielded no result.
Frantically checking the chests once more, he didn't hear the footsteps approaching him from behind. Didn't hear the sword as it was drawn. Didn't hear the object swing through the air, making contact with his already injured shoulder and sending him tumbling to the side.
Gasping as fresh pain infected his entire being, Grian quickly caught himself on the dark oak roof and fumbled to draw a sword as he stared up at his attacker. Etho.
The man above him didn't give him a chance to stand, quickly bringing another swing down which nearly missed the blond's head as he rolled out of the way. With shaky hands he swung back but was easily countered, the diamond sword clattering to the ground as its owner tried crawling away.
A foot dug into the younger man's back, stopping him in his futile attempt at escape and cutting off much of his already shallow airflow as Etho bent down to whisper in his ear. A shiver ripped through Grian’s spine as he spoke.
"Hi, little birdy~" He sounded almost smug, waiting a moment for a response before giving a small laugh, "Cat got your tongue?"
No response still. No, Grian’s breathing was far too staggered to even dream of responding to the man above him. To the man who was about to end his life. His breathing only staggered more at the thought as splintered nails dug into wood, trying desperately to pull away from the constant pressure on his spine.
Etho seemed to move away from him, foot staying steadily on his back but at least now his mouth wasn’t practically touching Grian’s ear. Awaiting the final swing that would remove the head from his limbs, the blond closed his eyes.
But it never came. Instead, Etho sighed and evenly asked, "Do you want to enact the sword?"
The sword? Grian’s mind raced, what sword? He couldn't think straight, his mind racing far too quickly to properly compute anything intelligent. After a few moments of continued struggling as the pressure on his body only increased, it hit him. The sword!
"Y-yes!" Grian gasped between sharp breaths, immediately feeling the pressure lift from his back. Without a word Etho flipped the man over, checking his pulse as the younger continued to breathe irregularly.
"Ok bud, I need you to calm down, can you do that for me? One breath in," Etho said, taking a deep breath in as though to demonstrate.
Once Grian followed the motion, the white haired man breathed out, Grian did the same. After repeating this motion for several minutes, the blond's breathing evened out as well as it could. It was still rather shallow and not completely even, but it was far better than it had been when the encounter began.
Brushing some hair out of the younger man's face, Etho smiled, "Good birdy, got any healing supplies?"
Grian shook his head, opening his mouth to brush off Ethos concern only to be shushed as the white haired man reached into his pocket and pulled out a roll of bandages. 
As the older man reached out for Grian’s shoulder the blond pulled away and shook his head, “You can’t use your supplies on me, you need them.”
Etho only tilted his head, giving the younger a smile through his mask as her cheerfully replied, “Don’t worry, I got more. Plus I’m not injured right now.”
“Right now.” He echoed, pulling away as the older tried to bandage his shoulder again, “What if you get hurt later, what then?”
Shrugging, the fox hybrid shifted his weight, “You don’t have to worry about me, just let me fix your arm.” He began reaching out again.
“No!” Grian almost yelped, trying to pull away once more only for the older man to snatch his arm up and drag the avian closer with considerable force. Etho barely acknowledged him as he began wrapping the shoulder, ignoring his various protests and pleas to save the supplies for himself.
When the fox finished bandaging the blonds shoulder he leaned back into a crouched position and studied his work with a faint smile before pushing himself to stand properly. Looking at Grian, he tilted his head, “Got any food?”
The avian huffed, staring up at the man with feigned anger, “You’re not giving me your food.” 
“Who says it’s my food?” Etho asked with a smirk, pulling half a stack of bread from his inventory.
Grian squawked, “You evil man! You stole our bread!”
Tossing the slightly stale loafs on the ground before Grian, Etho watched as the smaller scrambled to grab them before they got completely coated in dirt. The two stared at one another for a few moments before Ethos smile widened.
“Are you not going to eat?” The man asked, mischievous slipping through his words.
The avian stared at him skeptically, picking at a piece of bread as he asked, “Why are you helping me?”
“You enacted the sword,” Etho replied with a shrug
“Yeah but that just means you won’t kill me right now, we’re still enemies.”
“True,” The fox looked into the distance, eyes squinting as he focused on something just out of Grian’s sight, “But you’re still my friend, even in this hellscape. I’m not going to leave you when you clearly need help.”
Grian snorted, “But you’re ok with killing me?”
“No,” Etho gave a pained smile, turning his attention back to the avian, “But we both know what will happen if we refuse.”
The two fell into a silence after that. Grian finally popping a piece of bread into his mouth as Etho watched intently, eyes occasionally wandering somewhere else only to snap back to the smaller man. By the time two loaves were gone, Grian sighed.
“I guess this is where we part ways then?” The blond asked.
Nodding, Etho gave a small smile, “Just remember, there’s no sword left to enact - next time I will kill you.” 
The man said the words so nicely, as though speaking to an old friend, that they sent a shiver down Grian spine. He didn’t wait for a response before the fox hopped off the side of the bridge, the sound of water echoing from where he landed as Grian was left alone.
Taking a moment to gather himself, the blond gripped the fourteen remaining bread before stuffing them into his inventory. Getting to his feet, he brandished his weapon and continued on down the bread bridge. Next time he saw Etho he would win, he wouldn’t need to enact a sword.
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entropicthymes · 2 months
I was gonna wait until tomorrow to post this, but then my left kneecap decided to steal itself.
See, BDubs, by his assessment, was the luckiest man alive. The lord and lady of this particular castle had a habit of taking on apprentices, turning out individuals with some degree of influence – and after the last guy had quit (to marry the queen of one of the nearby beachside kingdoms, if the rumours BDubs had heard were true) BDubs had been selected to be their next… well, he would only call himself a ‘victim’ in jest, but the word did seem rather appropriate. ––– Or, there's more going on in the crastle than meets the eye.
fic!!! gift fic!!! for @afiniteredwood!!!! from the @mcythorrorgiftexchange!!!!! seriously mind the tags on this one!!!!!!
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acidistyping · 7 months
I wrote another fic for the @mcyt-halloween fic exchange as a pitch hitter! This one is for @liauditore and I hope you like it (btw, if you could tell me your ao3 name so i can gift it to you on there, that would be lovely)
Btw, I do mark all my fics only accessible for registered users only (for my own sake of mind) so make sure you’re logged in
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talonwolf2 · 1 year
I feel like so promoting my limited life Jimmy coping with being eliminated fic, wrote this in like two days lol (took inspo from Candyphone on tiktok)
Word count: 2,396
Jimmy was awfully confused the first time the game ended- well at least when it ended for him.
His legs wobbled as he took in the sight below him, Jimmy was sat on a viewing platform no more than a few hundreds blocks above the unknowing participants.
He pressed his face to the barrier of the void as he scanned his place of death in time to watch an arrow pierce Grian, finding his husband nowhere in sight.
He rushed to his feet as he traveled down the invisible barrier running to the place of his and Scott's home.
Gods what did the army do to his husband!
If anyone joined him up there, he hadn't noticed as he frantically ran, failing to track him down.
Oh how he wanted to break down as he mindlessly started wondering after what must have been the rest of the day with no Scott.
But he didn't yet, not until he found the grave he could just make out marked with his name and collapsed into tears.
The flowers on it were already wilting.
Everything in Joel's mind screamed, "kill! Kill! Kill them for Jimmy!"
It didn't hit him till an arrow physically did.
He was going to die right there, weapon in hand.
And like that, in a flash of light, he was gone.
Before he even caught his breath, he felt a presence of another person, slamming him out of his bloodlust.
Skizz grasped Joel's shoulder with his eyes blown wide, "I don't know what happened! I can't reach him!"
At first he was confused, then his eyes traveled past the man, and there was a pile of limbs and feathers that had to have been Jimmy.
He looked back at Skizz, "is he okay?"
"No!" He blurted, "I've tried everything, I can't even make out what he's saying to himself!"
Joel's brow knit together, "I'll talk to him," he pulled Skizz's hand off him, "i'm sure I can talk some sense back into him."
Skizz nodded, "I already tried, he kept saying 'them,' but I couldn't understand the rest."
"'Them?' As in me and Grian," he glanced back.
The both of them flinched as the sound of a sob wracked through the void that watched over the game as it continued without them.
Joel took that as his cue to break away, quickly squatting down next to the crying canary, "Jimmy what happened?"
Another cry exited the man's throat as he grabbed Joel's leather jacket pulling him close. His voice came out loud and broken, "I didn't trip!" He looked at Joel with his tear streamed face, "they- they pushed me!"
Before he could add anything, Jimmy dropped hold of him and moved away, burying his face in his knees.
"It'll be okay, Jimmy," he didn't let himself hold the man, as much as he wanted to, noticing Skizz was joining the two on the forbidden glass, "talk to us."
The canary's wings closed around himself, "you don't get it! They did it to me!"
Skizz gave the other a confused expression, "I'm sure the bad boys didn't mean to-"
"It wasn't them!" He yelled at what was possibly the top of his lungs, "they did!"
Quickly his scream was replaced by a hacking cough as he tried to continue.
"You're just going to hurt yourself," Joel tried to say softly, but his voice wavered, only repeating himself, "whatever we did, we're sorry."
Jimmy had a messy expression washed across his face, "they pushed me. They did! They killed me!" His voice gained more hysteric as he continued.
The men fell silent as they could only watch his hysteric screams turn into something sadder to watch
Neither dared to touch him.
Not like that.
"You're not gonna kill me," his voice was low and unserious as the sharp end of Grian's sword slashed his chest plate.
Wait- he was actually killing him!
The avian had an odd grin on his face, that could only be described as distant, "come here Tim! I've had enough of this!"
"I'm actually dying!" He screamed, as a push replaced the stinging pains across his skin.
And boom.
He hit the ground feeling the pain as he fell, landing harsh on his knees.
But due to the feature of the game, he once again found himself up high watching the game with no pain in sight.
Then only moments later, the familiar mustached man appeared by his side, dazed beyond belief.
"He actually killed us," he panted, trying to catch his breath, "Jimmy I-" in an instant, he froze.
He caught Mumbo's shocked expression, "what's that look for?"
His mouth gaped open as his eyes washed over every detail of the blonde.
"You're different, just- gods Jimmy," his voice shook as he pressed a hand over his mouth, "you have wings."
His expression mirrored Mumbo's, forcing a laugh, "I don't have wings."
Mumbo bit down on his lip, "but you do now."
He looked over his shoulder and sure enough gold wings glimmered on his back "gods! What the hell! Why- what- they did this to me! I- I- I think I'm gonna faint!"
Mumbo was quick to pull his arms around the man, "don't!" He panicked, "I don't know how this place works, I don't know if you can hurt yourself!"
And as he said that, he went out.
Tango grumbled a little as he joined the others.
Skizz ran up to his teammate, "I know you just got here, but we need your help."
"With what?" He smiled at the sight of his long gone teammate.
"It's Jimmy," he watched Tango intently, "he's having a hard time."
His eyes went wide, "he was out first!" Tango started walking, adding under his breath, "those monsters."
And sure enough, with those blazing sets of wings, it was easy to track down the avian.
Jimmy was sitting as a pathetic pile, Joel sitting beside him silently.
"Hey buddy," Tango forced a smile, as he sat down next to him, taking his hands in his, "I'm here."
The abnormal warmth of his ex-soulmates hands came as a comfort as more and more people were eliminated and circled the emotional avian.
Tango freed one of his hands to wipe away his tears, "look at me, as soon as the game ends, you'll be safe back in your Empires, okay?"
He nodded as his tears kept flowing, pulling him close, "I'm still sorry," he cried into Tango's pointed ear, letting his head fall into Tango's vest.
He rubbed Jimmy's back, "I am not upset, you can't control what they made you."
As he buried his face further into Tango's neck, he whimpered, "I hurt you, we barely spoke."
"This is just how these games work," he placed a kiss on the top of the avian's head, "I still love you."
Jimmy shook his head, "but you don't, I was never worth your love."
"No, don't say that, I would have spoiled you to the moon if they would let me!"
"Tango, I'm telling the truth, you just cared because they bound you to me."
With that the netherborn pulled the avian off him, "listen," he held Jimmy so they were making eye contact, "I don't care if that's how they put us together, I will forever love you."
"But-" he didn't get to finish his rebuttal before Tango kissed him, quick and sharp.
Jimmy looked at him with a new expression, "gods, I'm so sorry," he cried before he pulled Tango close to kiss him himself.
Tango was quick to pull Jimmy closer as he felt the avian's desperation, and-
"Get a room!" Cleo shouted, freshly joining them, awfully bitter.
"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry!" He shouted into the void for a long period of time before Tango finally managed to track him down in there.
"Jimmy, you're okay!" He exclaimed, hugging the man close.
He only cried more as Tango held him, "I killed us!" He mumbled as he pressed a hand over his own mouth.
"No Jim, it's okay," he said softly, "it's just the game, it's just too bad."
Jimmy cried out, "'just too bad,' Tango this is the third time I've died first! They cursed me!"
The netherborn gave a huff, "you know I don't believe in-"
"Tango, I'm serious! They cursed me," Jimmy spat, digging the heel of his hands into his eyes.
He was quick to move Jimmy's malicious hands, "that's not going to help, let me understand what's going on."
Jimmy only tensed.
"Come on, who cursed you?" Tango started pushing, holding his hands softly, "why are you convinced you're cursed?"
"You wouldn't understand," his words strained as he fought back more tears, "they don't want me to be happy." Jimmy caught Tango's expression, "you aren't supposed to love me," he shifted away from him, "it's beyond your understanding."
His soulmate tightened his hold on him, "I may not, but I want to try."
Everything in him threatened to break again, avoiding his eyes, knowing they could shatter his heart.
Why did this have to matter so much to Jimmy!
These are just stupid games!
But gods, they had to make the pain of it all sting.
"Hey," he felt a hand settle across his cheek, "you won't lose me," and the other wrapped around his waist, "if it's bothering you this much, tell me love."
Jimmy didn't realize he was still crying until Tango's thumb ran under his eye, "what do you know about the Watchers," he got out before he could stop himself.
Grian's heart sank, as he tripped(?) and landed in a scattered pile of cobblestone.
That shouldn't have happened!
He was about to make it- why had he felt pressure when he was only tens of blocks from the safe water!
Don't say they are doing something!
And like Joel and Tango, Skizz collected him, but he didn't process a single word.
They were playing dirty.
He should have made it, Jimmy shouldn't have fell.
He wouldn't let himself forget the elongated length of time he had been stuck watching the game go on without him before being eliminated.
That shouldn't have happened.
They took his Watcher nature and forced his hand as his friends took care of his physical form.
Like him, Pearl had something similar happen.
She had cried to him, but unlike him, she was shocked when a familiar player had taken her place, and Pearl could hear every single one of the player's thoughts.
They knew Pearl wasn't dealing with it all well, from Tilly, to everything to do with Scott, his suicide, and gods being thrown back into a game so soon.
So they destroyed her.
What about Scott and Martyn!
The Watchers despised Scott and-
Gods he should watch Martyn, if they are messing with them, they would mess with his closest ally.
Finally his surroundings caught up to him when Skizz gave him a harsh slap, "Grian! Are you with me?"
He blinked, touching his skin that had to be reddening, "I'm here, just-"
Skizz cut him off, "do you know why this is all bothering Jimmy so much?"
Grian nodded shyly, "sadly I do."
"I think he wants to talk to you, we all saw what happened to you," he started bouncing his leg, "your death really freaked him."
He huffed, hiding a sad smile, "I bet it did."
So, he was led to Jimmy, who admittedly, was doing better than he thought.
The canary was making understandable conversations with Joel and Tango.
He felt as if he took a sigh of relief seeing it.
"Tim," he held a firm expression, "are you alright?"
And like that, his eyes lit up, "Grian!" He shouted, rushing to his feet, pulling the other avian into an aggressive hug, "I didn't trip! They pushed me!"
He took a deep breath as he hugged Jimmy close, "I know, they pushed me too."
"Why are they doing this?" Jimmy asked in a whisper so the rest couldn't hear them.
Grian had to think, being he was still a Watcher, but he didn't know. "They're playing dirty this time, I'm sorry."
The canary let go, "no, I'm sorry, for so many of my actions," he kept his head down, fidgeting his hands together, "and for all this mess."
"None of us can control what happens here, they loop us here," Grian sniffled, "but you know that means you get to see me and all the others."
"But it includes so much hate," Jimmy shook his head, "I wouldn't care if I never saw any of you again if it meant we never went through this stupid process again!" He shouted the last words.
Silence surrounded the two, Grian knew they wouldn't stop until everyone was broken and exhausted.
"Timmy, acting like it doesn't bother you won't work," Grian made sure his eyes were on him, "it's in your nature to love."
With a big sigh, he laughed, "you know me too well."
He was going to keep acting whether or not he should.
Before even going back, his empire already felt so lonely
The problem came when Pearl joined them.
She was a mess.
They all knew the canary would be an issue, but the moth hybrid was a surprise.
Even Jimmy was surprised, but it was because it all made him feel so ignored all of a sudden.
She curled into BigB crying into the armor that matched her own, the reality of the games always hurt.
Whether they all wanted to admit it or not, it was true.
People like Etho and Scott were good at hiding its effect on them, but that doesn't mean it didn't.
BigB hugged her tighter as everyone was dead silent, the only sound ringing was the sound of Pearl's scream as Martyn sent his sword through Scott's body.
Even though she knew she wouldn't feel it anymore, it didn't mean seeing him hurt- especially die, wouldn't make everything in her panic and thrash.
The events unfolding confused most, but to Jimmy and Grian, it felt like it was all happening in slow motion.
His cackle, the tinge of color in his eyes, it was telling.
They really were playing dirty.
Worse than any with understanding of the Watchers would expect.
So many negative emotions.
They must be so proud of themselves.
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fountainpenguin · 9 months
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"The boy had such an ego; he liked to talk about himself all day and all night; you think you're such a ladykiller..."
New Dog's Life chapter today!
Chapter 5 - “Crackle (Joel)”
Read on AO3
Start from Chapter 1
Check the chapter notes on this one, m'dudes 🥂
We're back and spotlighting Mr. Ladykiller Wifeslayer himself! Despite knowing Impulse is his game-assigned hunter, Joel hangs around him a little bit longer... Later, while chopping wood with the boys, he muses on the nature of the digital world and on the trust he and Lizzie have built between them. Remember kids: consensual murder is fun!!
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
Smallishbeans - Player
Quarry: Grian
Hunter: impulseSV
💚  💛  ❤️
It’s the middle of the blimmin’ night, he’s climbing a hill, it’s windy in a smack-your-face kind of way, and he’s tracking an enderman flitting back and forth in the nearby trees. That’s why he almost falls down the cave drop. His foot swings into empty air. Joel jerks back, instantly dropping to a crouch, and grabs Impulse by the edge of his chestplate. The dirt flecks he scuffed up go tumbling over. Down. Down… 
They’re on a knobby little hill without trees or bamboo to shield them from the elements. Impulse grabs him by the shoulder and hauls him back to more solid footing. “You all right, dude?” he mutters, and Joel hooks his fingers more tightly in his armor straps. His hearts kick a little higher, leaking up his throat.
One block away from absolutely certain death.
He blinks. There’s a border wall of cliff that should have indicated a scratched-out blip in the elevation, but he wasn’t looking. If he had been looking, if it weren’t the middle of the night, if it weren’t a hill, if it weren’t so windy, if he weren’t watching the enderman (and if he weren’t trying to watch his back around Impulse on top of all of that, actually) then he would have noticed. It’s just a stroke of luck that the guy was close enough to grab.
Joel spreads his legs for better balance. Even though he’s crouched - even though he and Impulse are both still green names - he definitely doesn’t trust his resource-gathering buddy not to grab his armor and toss him over the edge. It’d be an epic way to go, maybe, and a bloody painful one. Joel tilts back his head, staring into Impulse’s eyes. They’re icy flecks of emerald. Guarded. Impulse stares back at him, saying absolutely nothing.
This man’s assigned to hunt me down. He can kill me on green. Right here. Right now. There’s no way he can resist.
They cling to each other’s chestplates with seized-up fingers… like they’re already dead. Like they’re dead and can’t let go even if they wanted to. Actually… It’s almost stupidly romantic to hold each other, eyes locked, under the silver moonlight. And he kind of wants to laugh because he hates everything about this.
Joel keeps his fingers wedged under Impulse’s armor so the guy can’t shove him off the hill without being yoinked along with him. Impulse’s grip is bitterly tight. Those lips are bitter too, and his glowing eyes as narrow as an end rod. The wind rustles both their hair and waves the grass stalks against their ankles. Joel’s got armored legs, but not boots. Didn’t quite get there yet.
He’s going to make me the first death of the series.
That’s the worst part of this whole thing. See, even though Joel’s got a nicely crafted iron sword just waiting in his hotbar, he’s not allowed to slide it between the lines of code that make up his rival’s ribs. Impulse is his hunter - There’s no doubt in my mind about that - but that’s a one-way relationship. Stupid quarry mechanic doesn’t work in reverse. Until Impulse makes an undeniable attempt on his life, Joel’s a neutral party. He can’t engage.
Impulse knows it, too… That’s gotta be why he’s stalling so long. His stare cuts so deep, Joel considers making a sarcastic Do I have enchanting table text on my face or something? comment just to make him falter. Hm. Joel drops his voice to a whisper, lifting on his toes.
“You’re a peach, Impulse.”
“Wh- what kind of peach?”
“You know what kind.”
Impulse huffs, laughing in a nervous sort of way. The enderman lurking in the trees puffs away, materializing in the corner of Joel’s vision. Yeah, right… No way is he turning his back to chase it now. Together, he and Impulse shift their eyes off each other and down at the drop that nearly just took both their lives. Their sighs mingle into one. Sweaty fingers shake, pressing into each other’s skin and clothes. Finally, Joel lets out a long, low whistle. The wind picks it up and carries it away, like a canary leaping from a branch.
“That’s- Oh, that’s horrific.”
“I know, right? Dude… I didn’t even see it.”
“Right… It’s so dark out here, even with the moon big.” Joel pulls Impulse an extra step back from the edge. Impulse does have iron boots, which clank with every step. “Disgusting. Hey, d’you think this is where Jimmy died?”
“Yeah, this must’ve been it,” says Impulse, leaning over the edge. He shifts to a crouch, gripping his wobbly wooden sword. “Yikes. I mean, that’s gotta be at least 60 blocks…”
Grian stole the traits of Bee
Joel massages his mouth, holding a little more tightly to Impulse’s iron armor. “Geez, just look at it down there… I don’t think you can fall straight through from the top, but just… I mean, can you imagine landing in that second hole? Like, you drop from here and you just- you just keep going?”
LDShadowLady: You killed a bee?
“Oh, that second hole’s gotta be another 30 down for sure, and I think I’m lowballing. I can’t even render it in.”
Joel twitches, but resists the instinct to make some stupid play on words. “Someone’s down there,” he says instead, peering into the hole. He lowers himself to one knee, carefully removing his fingers from Impulse’s metal sleeve. “Who’s moving around down there?”
“Cleo, I think? And… I want to say BigB.”
Grian: it looked at me funny
That sounds about right. They sit in silence on their heels and hands, sizing up the two figures moving like ants far, far below. Lizzie’s name flickers up in chat and Joel notices she’s just killed a zombie. He tosses in some lame joke about whether she killed the guy because he was “looking at her funny” the same way Grian said about the bee. Then he glances into the hole again. Honestly, Impulse is right. That’s definitely Cleo down there, whose flame-orange curls stand out even in the dark. Zombie by name, zombie by nature… She pulled her puffy hair back in a low ponytail this round, apparently. Joel can make out the glint of an iron tool or weapon in their hand, but not the details. 
And yeah, the second person’s BigB. Um. Maybe? It’s not a great angle, especially in the dark, because the blue of his jumper melds pretty well with the gray of shadowy stone. Hmm… Joel can’t be sure if those two are acting aggressively - it looks like BigB has his sword out in perfect mirror of Cleo - or if they’re on the same team.
InTheLittleWood: it's me sorry
(About “looking at Lizzie funny.”)
Smallishbeans: SLDKFJSDJF Smallishbeans: you perceive Smallishbeans’ WIFE?!?!? InTheLittleWood: Sneak 100 Bigbst4tz2: :o LDShadowLady: So I gather rotting flesh is in this season ZombieCleo: Always has been InTheLittleWood: fair PearlescentMoon: Jail for Martyn for 1000 years InTheLittleWood: I am looking respectfully :) Smallishbeans: i'm not LDShadowLady: =^-^=
[Full chapter on AO3 - Link at top]
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 3 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Pearl | PearlescentMoon & Scott Major | Smajor1995 Characters: Pearl | PearlescentMoon, Scott Major | Smajor1995 Additional Tags: Post-Double Life SMP, Watcher Pearl | PearlescentMoon, Watcher Scott Major | Smajor1995, Double Life!Pearl | PearlescentMoon, Last Life!Scott Major | Smajor1995, Season Winners Become Watchers, Angst, idk im bad at tagging, i dont know much lore. i might contradict stuff. i dont care Summary:
Pearl could feel herself freezing to death, and she did not care.
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rurus-kadoo · 1 year
Worst Life | Prologue
   Cleo wandered through the forest.  She knew her hats would be given to her shortly, but she needed to be very careful until then.  It was dark, very dark.  It was actually incredibly dark in the dark oak forest, which meant zombies could emerge, as well as other nasties like skeletons and creepers.  And emerge they did, letting out a chorus of low moans.
   “No, nonononono!” Cleo’s head whipped around, looking for any means of escape, but she was surrounded.
   “NO!” Cleo shrieked as the horde closed in on her.  Although her brethren (Cleo was undead in form, after all), these zombies were not like her, for her mind had not rotted like theirs.  Where they were feral, mindless beasts, incapable of reason, Cleo was fully capable of thought - but not for long, as green, necrotic hands tore chunks of grey flesh from her torso and delivered blow after stinking blow to her head and neck.
   As she was buffeted by the assault, instead of seeing stars, Cleo saw a line of red text in her mind’s eye: "You are about to be assigned a random number of lives."  Please, Cleo thought, struggling against the horde, please let me survive just a few more seconds… Just… a few more… C’mon, C’MON, Cleo, you’ve got this… these- these STUPID zombies don’t-
   Thunder boomed as Cleo’s consciousness faded.  Had she survived just a few more seconds, just one more instant, she would have received her hats and respawned at the enchanter hill, but that was not to be.
   As the thunder faded, a soft plip sounded, and the zombie standing over Cleo’s body was suddenly adorned with two berets, a yellow stacked on top of a red.
   “Guhhh,” it groaned, and wandered away.
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inverted-flowers · 3 months
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amethystfairy1 · 2 months
Why does Tango wear a crop top? 🤔
Let's find out...
10 Years Ago 
Under-City Labs
“Little spark!” 
“What!? What!?” Tango about toppled from the step-ladder he was sitting on, in order to reach up and tinker with the guts of a massive sorting machine he’d designed for identifying resources from deliveries and then transporting them to the lower levels. 
He spun where he sat to swing his boots over the edge of the step-ladder and peered down. 
Doc was standing there with a supremely disappointed expression on his face. Tango immediately filed back through all of his doing within the past month trying to figure out what he’d messed up this time. 
The creeper mutant tapped one loafer a few times. 
Tango matched ruby red eyes with him, trying to keep any nervousness off his face.
“Y-Yeah? What can I do for ya, Director?”
“Do not call me that.”
“Doc. What can do for ya, Doc?”  
Doc’s natural eye narrowed.
“What are you wearing?”
Tango glanced down at his outfit. Currently he was wearing a redstone streaked old tee shirt he’d long since torn the sleeves off of. It was oversized, to be honest he might’ve stolen it off of Jimmy in high school, he didn’t really remember. His claws were on full display, caked with grime considering he put them use helping him work with the finer wiring.
Instead of using. Y’know. Pliers or something. 
“W-Work clothes? Why?”
“Those are not work clothes. Work clothes are gloves and long sleeves, Tango.” Doc replied with the tone of a mother hen, and the little blaze-born whined in the back of his throat.
“But it’s sooooo hot in here! I’m already on fire!” 
“So you are. That does not mean you cannot get burnt or cut working with these machines.”
“I’m careful…” Tango began but Doc raised his eyebrow at him with a firmly set jaw and folded his arms, augmentation over green skin. 
“Gloves and long sleeves.”
“But Doc! I also use these for working with wiring, it’s easier than pliers!” 
Tango made grabby hands down from the step ladder at Doc, clicking the sharpened tips of his claws together.
Doc’s augmented eye adjusted, red glow flickering. He tilted his head and heaved a ragged sigh, raking back longish dark brown hair with his metal hand and planting his other hand on his hip. 
“I can see that, and for small projects that is fine, but not when you’re working in mechanical here.” 
“But it’s so hot.”
“Then take breaks!” 
“I don’t wanna take breaks!”
“Tango!” Doc’s tone dropped one octave from his already deep voice, and Tango flinched. His flares momentarily went out completely before sputtering to life again. He’d been practically raised by this man, and now that he’d started at the labs earlier this year he’d been trying to learn the balancing act of their workplace dynamic.
Which, as it turned out, wasn’t all that different from their dynamic anywhere else. Doc was allergic to authority and despised formality, for the labs was more like a big conglomeration of the under-city’s best and brightest just kind of…figuring things out. There was a loose hierarchical structure, but that was more just so the assignment of workflow would be more comprehensible and less completely and utter chaos. 
So Tango huffed and spun back toward the machine he was tinkering with, shoving his hands up into the wiring, tongue poking out and worrying between his sharp teeth as he shouted back in reply.
“Fine, fine, fine, I hear ya! Gloves and long sleeves from tomorrow on out, you got it!”
The Next Day.
Tango fumbled the comparator he was holding and dropped it to the ground with a clatter he jumped so hard when that booming voice shouted over his workshop area within the mechanical branch of the labs. 
“Why have you gotta scare me like that!?” The blaze-born demanded as he turned to see Doc picking his way around the chaos of Tango’s workshop area. It wasn’t exactly organized, but it was organized enough for him, and sure, the last time Pearl had visited him during work hours she’d about had a conniption, but whatever. This was how he worked best. 
“What is that!?” Doc gestured at Tango pointedly. 
“What? You said gloves and long sleeves, so I’m wearing gloves and long sleeves!” Tango was barely able to hold back the mischievous grin that tried to clamber upon his face.
Doc looked him up and down twice.
“You’re kidding me.”
“Gloves and long sleeves. See?” Tango set the comparator he’d been carrying aside and then threw his arms out and made jazz hands. His flares crackles and his blaze-rods danced and twirled to mirror his amusement at Doc’s rather stunned expression.
Tango had traded the old cut-off tee for a tight, bright red cropped long sleeve that cut just beneath his pecs, leaving the entirety of his toned stomach exposed down to his belt, which held several tools as well as a carabiner clip for his gloves. His brown work gloves were new, Doc had gotten them for him as apart of his toolkit for starting work in the mechanical sector of the labs full-time after having helped out more and more since his mid-teens. They still felt a bit stiff, but Tango supposed they’d break in the more he wore them.
Doc planted his head into his hands and groaned. 
“Little spark, you’re going to drive me insane, aren’t you?”
“Pleased to be working with you too!” 
Tango saluted, then spun on his heel to return to his work, his tail coiling and twisting cheerfully behind him, and Doc rolled his eyes, but didn’t fight him anymore on it. 
And there you have it! That's why Tango wears a crop top! Because he's a little shit who subscribes to the idea of malicious compliance!
This was a bit short for my taste to post on A03 with the entire series proper, but I felt like just writing it anyway, and I figured would be fun to have them over here! I'll be tagging little stuff like this as 'ttsbc ficlets' and if you have any other small seeming innocuous questions about TTSBC or Traveling Thieves that you think would be fun to see answered in this format, please do send me an ask! I think it'll be fun and as some of y'all who have followed me for awhile may know, I struggle with writing short, so this seems like it'll be good practice!
Hope you liked it! 💖
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slooopes · 3 months
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Inspired by the fic Dirges in the Dark by @twodiamondhoes
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indigodingoo · 7 months
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The Dragonslayer.
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