#tranq loza
imagineredwood · 4 months
“I’m not gonna hurt you. I’m just here to help.”
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Request: Tranq for the prompt “I’m not gonna hurt you. I’m just here to help”
Pairing: Tranq Loza x female reader
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, paranoia
Word count: 632
A/N: I wasn't sure how the person who requested this wanted it to come across, so I left it blurred between romantic and platonic.
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You stared at your front door, frozen, and hoping that whoever was on the other side would just go away if you were still enough. You knew it had to be one of the boys; the deafening rumble of a Harley's engine at nearly midnight was difficult to mistake. You trusted them, of course. You worked at the shop with them. They were all like your family. But then your brain wondered what if it wasn't one of them? Their rivals had bikes too, and you hadn't been around long enough to memorize the sounds of each engine to put it to a face. It could be a Son, one that had followed you home and wanted to send a message. It could be someone else, who just simply rode a bike. 
It was those thoughts that kept your feet cemented to the floor in your living room, a safe distance between you and the front door. Tensions had been high, the boys had all been sure to make sure you knew that and that you were aware of your surroundings. You had been thankful, but over the weeks, all it had done was serve to make you nervous and sometimes paranoid. 
There was another knock, slightly harder now that made your breath catch. But just as the panic began to bubble up, a warm voice made its way through the door. 
"Hey, it's me, sweetheart. It's Tranq."
You felt the anxiety melt away, your shoulders dropping from the defensive position you hadn't realized they were in. 
Just Tranq.
You willed your feet to unstick themselves and walked over to the front door, unlocking it and then pulling it open. There stood the tattooed teddy bear of a man, who seemed to have a permanent scowl etching into his face. It was still there, but it softened as you looked into his eyes. He offered a smile and rolled his shoulders.
"You had me worried when you didn't answer." 
He pointed back towards your car in the driveway with his thumb. 
"I knew you were home, so I was hoping maybe you were just showering but then you paused the TV."
He smiled, but you didn't not having even realized that was something someone would have noticed. Lucky for you it was him, and not whoever you were dreading could show up. Tranq could sense your discomfort and then his scowl was back. He stole a glance behind you, into your home. 
"You have company or something?"
You shook your head and pulled the door open some for him to enter, not wanting to be rude. 
"No, no. Just...worried about whatever you guys have going on with the Sons. EZ ran over what their kuttes look like and different emblems and things to look out for with me and Letty again and I guess it just,"
You trailed off and covered your fave as you gave a small laugh, feeling silly. Fingers wrapping around your wrist brought a gasp out of your mouth, not expecting the contact. Tranq quickly let go and then held both his hands out in front of himself, showing you he meant no harm. 
"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you." 
You nodded and tried to shake the jitters, Tranq's hand slowly reaching out towards you once more, giving you enough time to tell him no. You didn't and welcomed the feeling of his warm fingers taking your hand into his gently. 
“I’m not gonna hurt you. I’m just here to help.”
You nodded, and it was as if his words helped wash a wave of ease over you. You smiled, and squeezed his hand ever so slightly, thankful for him being here despite the near heart attack it had given you at first. 
"I know. You already are." 
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General taglist
@piccasoe @ateliefloresdaprimavera @gemini0410 @woahitslucyylu @my-rosegold-soul @that-chick212 @everyhowlmarksthedead @glimmerglittergirl  @fanaticfangurl21 @encounterthepast  @svintsandghosts @starrynite7114   @destynelseclipsa  @queenbeered @iamthegraham @emoengelfurleben  @otomefromtheheart @rosieposie0624 @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @beeroses @weirdosandhopelessromantics @kola95 @black-repunzel99 @xonickibaby @cruzwalters @myakai13 @mrsstevenbuchananstark @lyly00 @kaystacks17 @cole-winchester  @alexxavicry  @savagemickey03  @fanfic-n-tabulous   @gangstaliciou06
Mayans MC taglist
@dazzledamazon​  @abunnykisses​ @briana-mishell24​  @wrcn9fvlcver​  @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @krysiewithak​  @appropriate-writers-name​  @blessedboo​  @megapeacelovemusic-blog​ @emoengelfurleben​ @blowmymbackout​ @abby-splace​ @kola95​ @black-repunzel99​ @redpoodlern​  @myakai13​
@cruzwalters​  @danimals1096 @po3ticb3auty​ @lyly00​ @im-just-a-mississippi-girl​  @angel-121​ @fanfic-n-tabulous​ @90sisthenew80s​ @lovelytricia @librarian1002
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cloveroctobers · 1 year
black mascara — EZ REYES
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A|N: in honor of the season 5 trailer, I had to write a little something. This one will actually be small since I don’t have too much to go off of in writing this but I can’t lie and say I’m not a little fired up! So get comfy.
GIF BELONGS to: @dailymayans
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“See that crave for power…that’s seeping through your pores is exactly what’s gonna get you killed, Ezekiel.”
“…if that happens to be the case, I hope they know their prayers well because I’ll still be here from beyond the grave.”
She did not know this person that she sat face to face with. She didn’t even know what that statement means. Majority of the time Hadiza kept out of The Mayans business, despite the fact that her older brother Franky interacted with them from time to time. She knew Ezekiel way before he decided to join the club and although she’s seen the Mayans around town, she didn’t have much of a opinion when the man first brought the idea to the table a week before his release.
Now she wished she would have.
Back then she trusted that Ez knew what he was doing.
This Ezekiel was not the man she used to know.
Hadiza had a feeling this would happen, that as soon as Ezekiel got into the president’s chair, a whole new level of danger would be unleashed. She saw the shift in Ezekiel throughout his time in the charter happen gradually, that her worries started to keep her up at night. The lack of sleep even proposed her to talk to Felipe about it, who simply listened and still had faith in his baby boy until Gabby came around.
Which was kinda foul the longer she thought about it. Was her word really not good enough when she’s been around? She’ll have to take that up with Felipe at a later time, respectfully.
She’s known Ezekiel since high school…it’s been years since they stepped into their adulthood. However a good portion of Ezekiel’s youth was ripped away from him the night his mother died.
Yes people change…but not like this.
Hadiza was beginning to think that a piece of Ezekiel died with his mother that day but what could she say about him now? So much has happened since then and He wasn’t the same—sure it was foolish to think that he would be completely healed from that tragedy but the light in his pretty honey eyes, did not reflect what was beyond them or what was on the outside.
“So that’s it then,” she raised her shoulders, “you’re gonna waste your life away for reckless shit? You’re better than this Ezekiel.”
“What do you exactly expect me to do? This is the duty that I’ve strived for. And you’re looking at me as if we didn’t know it would always end up being this way. I know you didn’t think this shit was rainbows and daisies, you’re much smarter than gabby in that sense.” Ezekiel bit, yanking a cigarette from his pocket.
Hadiza shook her head, “speaking ill of the dead…somebody that you killed and claimed to love like she was just nothing to you. I’m not feeling this. Or you.”
“There’s the door, fucking use it,” Ezekiel flared his nostrils as he pointed at the exit, “you’re the one who came here trying to preach to me what I’ve already heard. And what I’ve told myself before back when I was weak. What? you thought shit was gonna change because it’s coming from you? I’ve got to be smarter than that, especially when it comes to the club and nothing you can say to me right now…matters.”
“Then what does, motherfucker?!” She was on her feet now, “greed? Selfishness? No wait. I got it, your ego.”
The man lifted his shoulders, not needing to say anything more or seemed to be the least bit phased by the irritation that was showing in his long-time friend’s frame.
“Going after the sons—
“I don’t want to hear it.” Ez glared, “I’ve seen enough wars to not fear a damn thing. Don’t you ever question: Where does fear get you, diza? Look in the mirror. Everybody pays a price with the cards they’ve been dealt.”
The woman chewed down on her bottom lip in annoyance, “and just how much are you willing to lose?”
“That’s something I’ve got to reflect on in my own time…but you’re here.” Ezekiel kept his eyes trained on the woman, puffing on his cigarette.
Before Hadiza could lose the courage she said, “Fuck your subliminal and fuck you.”
“We’ve already done that, remember? With Sofia watching in the background. I think the message then was very clear and something you should thank me for.”
That was so low and disrespectful, considering that Hadiza had a moment and went to someone who she thought cared about her well-being. At that time she just received the news that her fiancé wanted to break off the engagement after cheating on her with a co-worker and the first person she went to was Ezekiel. He was the first person she thought about and felt complete with—a mistake on her end, sure but she wasn’t expecting him to have company other than Sally.
The smirk that was on his lips was smacked right off by her hand. However that did not stop Ez from yanking on her wrist and getting into her face.
Anyone was fair game at this point.
This she knew deep down.
He could end it all, right here in this trailer.
What made her any different?
Did he even love her anymore? Or was she just another ploy in the way Ezekiel floated around life now? Hadiza was not part of the club so why was she becoming collateral damage?
“You don’t get to come here and think our friendship and reminiscing about the old times, or guilt trip me about Gabby, would stop me or save me from myself. That’s not your job, never was amor. Sorry I couldn’t live in your fantasy of being a good ol’ friend to you anymore. But that’s life, so either continue standing by and keep your mouth shut or take a walk and don’t look back.” Ezekiel gritted into her face and that hurt more than him squeezing her wrist.
The black ink dripped down her brown cheeks as she hissed, “you’re done to me.”
And this she hoped she meant. She couldn’t stick around and she knew Ezekiel was pushing her to do so but ultimately it was her choice. Her eyes stung from the makeup as she clenched them closed, fighting away the memories of their teenage years: watching Ezekiel love Emily, having intense debates over literature in class and outside of, him being there for her first heartbreak and attempting to get angel to drive him to the asshole who broke her heart house to egg it and piss on their front doorstep, to Marisol Reyes encouraging her to keep loving her son the best way that she knew how…
“Good,” Ezekiel breathed into her face, shoving her fist back down her by her sides.
He broke eye contact after awhile since she no longer had any words for him. He placed the cigarette back to his lips as he slouched back on the couch. Hadiza swiped the mascara from the bags underneath her eyes, deeply inhaling and battled with herself on what to do or say.
The words fell empty just like the relationship she once had with the man she called her best friend.
She sniffed as she snatched up her bag, making sure she had her keys before she took her exit. The door to the trailer opened on her way, revealing Sofia who easily picked up on the tension in the home. Her dark eyes shifted between the pair but Hadiza patiently waited for the wavy haired woman to get out of her way.
Ez pressed his elbows into his knees as he grunted, “What is it, Sofia?”
If Hadiza continued to be foolish she would have tried to believe that the tone of his voice was telling her something, besides him being an asshole. That perhaps he didn’t truly want their friendship to end but that’s the difference between the two, she didn’t have to be selfish.
“Um, you’ve some company. Bishop and Tranq are outside.” Sofia informed as she stepped into the trailer with Sally.
Ez quickly got to his feet, putting his cigarette out in a nearby ashtray and brushed his shoulder by Hadiza as he left the trailer. Sofia easily picked up on the woman taking a sharp breath at his actions but didn’t speak on it.
It didn’t take the most intelligent person to understand that something transpired between the two. Their relationship didn’t threaten what she had with EZ and in a way, Sofia actually thought it was beautiful. How their relationship didn’t appear to be transactional or circumstantial. How simply being next to each other was enough for them. Or it used to be. Yet Sofia wasn’t naïve to think that it would last with the new propositions EZ took on.
Sometimes that’s just the way life worked out and the sooner Hadiza figured that out…maybe she could protect her heart a bit better.
It was a little awkward as Hadiza had to collect herself, hand on the trailer’s door before she went outside. Sofia wasn’t one for words and she wasn’t sure anything she could say would provide comfort for Hadiza either. After what happened right here in this trailer, weeks ago, it’s not like the two had the chance to really talk about it.
They didn’t have to but it seemed like Hadiza always had a lot on her mind.
Thankfully for Sofia, Hadiza pushed the door open, not sparing her a glance, either placing herself on autopilot or trying her best to ignore her presence—it didn’t bother Sofia one way or another as Hadiza left the home.
“See you around then,” Sofia muttered, taking a seat on the couch, after the door clicked shut behind Hadiza.
Her long legs kicked up the dirt as she passed by the group of men on the side. She couldn’t get away from the place fast enough, feeling her heart being squeezed with each step she took.
“Hey,” Tranq started to call out to the woman but it was almost as if she heard nothing while she shoved herself into her car.
Bishop’s eyes were back on EZ as his eyes briefly burned into Hadiza’s retreating form. He just knew the Reyes brother fucked that up and it’s a shame because he was fond of the girl, despite her having a connection to a pig. Of course he never fully trusted her (by no fault of her own) but she was kind enough whenever she rarely showed up to club.
He kept it silent but he knew his body language did enough talking for him as EZ focused back on him.
“Tonight is the night, round everybody up.” Ez ordered, stalking off and daring a glance at Hadiza’s car and over his shoulder as he stood on the steps of his trailer, while she backed off the lot and sped away, eyes solely on what was in front of her and not what was left behind in the rear view.
Ez swallows down the small lump that wants to form in his throat but that wasn’t important right now. He had other things to tend to and Hadiza was no longer one of them.
Instead of running back, she ran to her mother’s arms who was less than thrilled to see her baby this upset over a man who she trusted to be good to her child.
Later Hadiza found herself in her mother’s hands again when she received the devastating but expected news from Angel Reyes on her door step. She broke down in the doorway right in front of him and she knew the eldest brother couldn’t handle that amount of heartache that he also shared, despite him placing a kiss to the top of her head and leaving her with one of EZ’s dog tags, he left her with the woman who gave her life to deal with the weight of the lost on his own.
Hadiza then sent a letter to Felipe a couple of days before she decided to take her life elsewhere, away from all that Santo Padre showed her. She wasn’t sure if there would even be a funeral or memorial but she had to get out while she can still stand.
Antigua was always a place Hadiza wanted to visit and now she can say that she lives here comfortably.
She left her mother on the front deck to get them a refill of her famous rum punch that was leftover from her mother’s house party yesterday night. Hadiza was humming to herself in solitude until she heard her mother screaming out to her from outside.
The woman did not hesitate to race around the house with a bat, ready to fight off any Osprey’s that decided to invade their property again. Hadiza held her breath as she yanked open the door, eyes wild as she searched for her mother on the deck.
“What is it, ma?” Hadiza exhaled, seeing her mother sitting up on one of the wicker chairs.
Her mother nudged her chin towards the front and Hadiza cautiously took a step towards the railing. A few of her fingertips rested on the banister as she leaned over a bit, looking over at the new found community they both settled into. It was quiet as usual, air warm, seaweed scented, and fresh.
She wasn’t sure what had spooked her mother until her eyes settled down by the cars parked along the curb. Her eyes moved to the left a bit and she had to rub at one of them to make sure her mind wasn’t playing tricks on her. It tended to do that the first couple of weeks she settled in the country. Lately she’s been okay. A figure stood by a identical golf cart (that they had in their driveway) that was parked right behind Hadiza’s car, fitted cap on their head as their hands held onto a mobile device.
Her throat went dry before she could even muster up and ask if she could help the person locate who they were searching for…because she knew it was him before those honey eyes looked up at her.
“Ezekiel.” She shuddered, feeling her mother get to her feet behind her, like the DJ Khalid meme, almost like she wasn’t still healing from the last Osprey attack two weeks ago.
Her mother also gripped onto the banister, “Oh hell no. I rebuke this demonic spirit, get away from here!”
And tossed the freshly watered plant at Ezekiel who side-stepped the assault.
“Hey, Mrs—it’s just me!”
“I know! Aren’t you supposed to be dead, you bastard?!” She yelled back.
Hadiza whispered at the woman, “Ma, please.”
The woman humphed, folding her arms as she waddled back to the chair, already aware how this would go.
Hadiza pointed the bat at Ezekiel, “wait right there.”
“Not if you’re gonna beat my ass.”
“I’ll think about it by time I get downstairs.”
Hadiza’s mother cackled at that, knowing she raised her baby with some sort of sense.
Hadiza couldn’t tell you how she felt but the brain fog was kicking in. She weeped over this man too many times just for him to be here in the flesh, like they all didn’t experience the hell he indulged in back in Santo Padre.
Her mother was right to think a demon was standing in front of their home. The anger Hadiza directed at EZ after receiving the news of his death was like no other emotion Hadiza’s had before but she found peace in Antigua.
She halted at the front door, noticing EZ fumbling with his fingers after the phone disappeared from his hold. Hadiza took her time going down the few front steps, crossing through the grass and down the slope to the gravel.
The man looked up at her approach, carefully reaching up to lift the cap from his head to mess around with the brim of the hat as Hadiza moved closer but almost not close enough.
His eyes immediately went to her head, noticing that the mountain of coarse hair that she had was long gone into a buzzed style now.
He smiled, “you finally did it huh? I know you’ve been eating ‘em up more than ever out here.”
And she couldn’t stand it, her eyes scanning the old yellowing of bruises and cuts on his face, puffing out a laugh at his compliment as she almost collapsed into his arms, bringing his body so tight to hers that he thought he would break her rib cage but he followed through with the same actions.
Her chin buried into his shoulder, one of his hands around the small of her back, and the other cradling the back of her head, he heard her sob against him and he couldn’t be more apologetic.
When they pulled apart, she held onto his face analyzing the marks on his skin before she inflicted her own attack on his lower half.
“Hey! Ow!” A good whack to the top of his head, made Ezekiel stop taking the hits as he gripped her wrists again.
Except this time was different, his touch was much more softer.
“I’m sorry okay. I’m sorry for filling your head up with doubts and making you believe that I didn’t give a shit about our friendship. When quite frankly—no pun intended, you’re the best got damn thing that’s been in my life.” His hands slipped into holding her hands into his own large ones.
And the way he was staring at Hadiza, let her know that this was the old Ezekiel she had missed. It was the spark in his eyes that made her feel safe, given what he got himself involved in.
He could see her mind spinning with questions, the corners of her eyes damp with tears.
“What did I say to you when we first became friends?”
“…’jalapeños on these nachos are missing and I make better ones than these whack ass ones you’re eating.’” Hadiza actually thought about this.
Which made a goofy grin appear on Ez’s face and he shook his head with a sigh, “yeah I think I did say that but after that? I said you’re stuck with me if you choose me. It would always be Kiel and Diza for life, remember?”
It was ironic that he wanted to think back when he basically was rude as hell to her about this in his trailer months ago. The bitterness was still in the pit of her stomach but the higher road wanted her to be happy that this man, her best friend, Ezekiel Lorenzo Reyes was very much still alive.
Hadiza wasn’t sure how the fuck he did it but here he was, wiping away her black mascara before holding her hands in his again.
A small smile appeared on her lips as she peered down at their hands, lifting their conjoined hands up to place her lips right on the back of his hands. Ezekiel let out a breath he wasn’t aware that he was holding.
“For life.” She repeated, staring at him underneath her eyelashes.
He nodded his head, not breaking eye contact as she pulled the necklace from around her and placed it back on Ezekiel where it belonged. He glanced down at it, a new wave of emotions hitting him as he realized a piece of him was always with the one woman he deeply cared for.
“Let’s get inside.” Hadiza told him, as he leaned over to place a kiss to her full cheek.
She turned, her hand still resting in one of his hands as he reached for the fallen bat with the other, “think I might need this if I try to give your mom a hug.”
Hadiza laughed, “Baby steps, Kiel.”
“That’s fair.” He answers from behind her, letting her lead the way to her new home.
Perhaps now here in the Caribbean, they had the chance to create a better life, a better friendship together with no more black ink or blood spills blinding the way.
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Continue along with my anthology works that were written during the spring season here.
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mayans-mc · 2 years
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Mayans MC gif meme → 6 characters [2/6]: Hank 'Tranq' Loza __________________________ Hey, whatever you need... I got you. You're not alone in this. I'll help. I got you.
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broiderie · 1 year
Lost Princessa: Meet the Reaper 8
Alright ladies and gents. Here's another long chapter for you. A little drama. Not much, but a little. Real drama should be next chapter.
Reminder - you don't want to be me. Promise. Don't copy my shit. Be responsible for your own media consumption
Warnings: mild panic attack, guns, suggestions of degrading language towards women, Venus being head bitch, a suggestion of steam, birthday celebrations.... let me know if I missed something please.
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Rex automatically came to heel at Megan’s left side when the lead attached to his harness. Hank smiled and went to put his hand on the small of her back, only to be met with a low growl from the dog. He chuckled. “Looks like you need to introduce me to your new friend, Princessa.”
Megan giggled a little and took Hank’s hand in hers, bringing it down for Rex to smell. “See boy. Just Hank.”
Rex dutifully sniffed Hank’s fingers and accepted an ear rub from the man. This time, when Hank reached for Megan the big dog was silent. He glanced at Happy who looked satisfied as hell. 
Happy let Opie and Angel out too so that they could come inside. Apparently they were only outside so that Rex didn’t feel threatened. 
Once inside, Rex stuck to Megan like glue watching everyone around them. That caught the eye of the tall dark haired woman chatting with Marcus and Diana with Tig’s arm around her possessively.
“Oh my stars. Marcus, you said your princess was special, but you neglected to mention she’s a god damned angel!” she said.
Marcus laughed. “I don’t know about angel…”
“Nonsense. SHe must be. Happy gave her a dog!” She pointed adamantly to Megan who had looped the end of Rex’s leash around her wrist so she could accept the bottle of water Hank had ordered for her. 
“He did what now?” Diana asked, leaning closer to hear over the music with a smile. “Happy doesn’t like anyone over the age of thirteen.”
Tig chuckled. “Well, I’ll be god damned. The brute found a home.” He sipped his beer.
“Brute?” Marcus asked, eyeing the big dog. It’s head came up to Megan’s elbow.
“Oh, Marcus. Not like that. My Alexander and Happy found him when they busted a dog fighting operation after Happy got home from Santo Padre. He was the bastard running it’s personal dog. He is a sweet thing, really. We thought he’d do well for me - but our Angel baby doesn’t share well.” Venus smiled as Angel came to sit at Tig’s feet.
Tig shrugged. “Happy kept him until he could find him a good home. He’s a good dog. Protective as hell when he decides he likes someone. Bit the shit out of Happy’s prospect when he showed up at his house without him.”
They watched as Happy found a croweater he liked and Megan and Hank made their way back towards the bar and her father.
Taza smiled as Megan approached. “Who’s your furry friend, Chica?”
Megan took her father’s hand in hers and offered it to Rex to sniff. Rex sniffed politely. “Papa, meet Rex.”
“Well hello Rex.” Taza rubbed the dog’s cropped ears. “Where’d he come from?”
Hank grinned. “Birthday gift for the princessa from Happy. Snapped her right out of a panic attack too.”
Chibs chuckled from his bar stool. “Little Lass must be special if Happy liked her enough to give her a dog.”
“I can keep him, right Papa?” Megan asked looking up at him through her eyelashes as her bottom lip quivered a little.
“Jaysus Christ, Taza! How do you say no to that?!” Chibs asked with a chuckled as he poured another glass of whiskey from the bottle in front of him.
Hank and Taza answered simultaneously, “We don’t.”
Megan giggled a little and kneeled down with her good arm draped over the big dog’s back. “So that’s a yes? You did say I can’t turn down birthday gifts this weekend…”
“Of course, Chica. He’s yours. He’ll like the ranch. We’ll go shopping for him as soon as we get back.”
Megan smiled and stood again with her big dog at her side.
The party went on with Hank keeping Megna close the entire time. He introduced her as ‘mi reina’ to anyone they spoke to. No one got too close to her though. Not with Hank nearby and Rex right at her heels.
Tig’s Ol’ Lady eventually made it over to be introduced to Megan. They immediately hit it off. As soon as Venus heard Megan’s accent, there was no separating them. They spent the night at a table with Megan in Hank’s lap and the dog at her feet chatting in the way Southern women did back in her home state. They were well on their way to being fast friends with phone numbers quickly exchanged to be able to get together more often. Everything was going beautifully and Hank couldn’t be prouder of Megan.
As the night went on, the men around them got drunker. Coco was playing pool. Bishop was chatting with the other presidents who were gathered for the meeting the next day. Taza spring the time talking to brothers he hadn’t seen in years from other Mayan charters and Marcus and Diana mingled.
The party got rowdier and Megan started getting nervous. She moved in closer to Hank’s body. Rex sat up and put his head on Megan’s knee so she could rub his ears.
“You okay, mi princessa?” Hank asked gently, running his hand down her back.
Megan put on her false smile and nodded. “Mmhmm.”
Hank shook his head. “None of that. Are you hurting, mi amore? Or just tired?”
Megan leaned into him as Rex drooled on her knee. “I’m okay. Just my nerves. I’ll settle in a minute.”
Venus reached across the table to pat her hand. “That’s alright, Sugar. My Alexander won’t let anything go off the rails with me here. You’re safe.”
Hank nodded. “I know they’re rowdy, mi princessa, but I’m right here. No one will touch you.” He tucked her close to his chest and draped her painted jacket around her.
“That jacket is gorgeous. I need to know where you got it…” Venus said, doing her best to be distracting.
Megan smiled. “Papa bought it for me today.”
Rex growled as someone approached the table. The man wore a patch that Megan didn’t recognize.
“Ms. Venus! Hell of a party, but where are the girls? Some of us didn’t bring our own like your friend here. Since he’s not sharing…” The man indicated Megan with a wave.
Rex growled again and stood between Megan and the unknown patch. His hackles raised and his teeth were bared.
Venus stood as well, carefully adjusting her blouse. “I believe, my drunk friend, you have had enough partying. I suggest you make your way to your lodgings for the evening.”
“Ah. I’m fine! Just get your friend to share his girl. I’m sure she won’t mind.” He leered at Megan.
Hank growled low in his chest and stood, placing Megan behind him. He felt her wrap her fingers in the back of his shirt under his kutte. “You need to listen to the lady. Leave. Now.”
Megan’s knees went weak and she knelt to wrap her arm around the rumbling form of her new dog with a whimper.
Venus raised her eyebrows as Happy and Tig came up behind her. “Listen, Honey - you need to leave - and take the rest of your club with you.”
Tig nodded. “Take your club and go - before we make you. You were called to this meeting as a courtesy. That invitation has just been revoked.”
The drunk man reached for his kutte and Megan heard guns cocking all around her and buried her face against Rex’s bristled fur. Her breathing got shorter and briefer as panic took hold. “Papa?!” Megan squeaked out.
Hands gently took her shoulders and guided her to stand. Rex didn’t react to whoever was touching her. “Easy, Sweet Chica. Right here.” Taza turned her so that she could bury herself in the front of his button down. He took hold of Rex’s leash as well and guided her behind the bar. “Rex - heel.” Rex followed and stood guard at the entrance behind the bar.
Taza focused on Megan - he left the dog to be the guard for his back. “Alright, Sweet Chica. You’re safe now.” He pulled her into his lap holding her close. “Breathe, Sweet Girl.” He noted that Megan wasn’t as far gone as she had been before. She was still struggling to breathe - but she still had some control. “That’a girl. Breathe for Papa.”
Megan managed a deep breath as Hank came around the edge of the bar. “Good boy, Rex.” He rubbed the dog’s ears. He made it over to kneel down near Taza. “All done, mi princessa. They’re gone. Your padrinos helped escort them out themselves.”
Megan nodded and swallowed a sob. 
Hank smiled at her. “That’s my girl. Breathe with your papa.”
Rex nudged his way up to lick her ears making her giggle and sniff. She pulled herself up to sit on the floor so the dog could check her over sniffing intently.
“There’s a good lass. Ya alrigh’?” a Scottish brogue asked from the other side of the bar.
Megan nodded and took the bandana Hank handed her to wipe her face. “Yeah. Sorry,” she croaked.
“Here now - none o’ that. We’re sorry that shite got outta hand. Think ya can come on out now?” Chibs asked peeking over the bar from the other side. “Yer pooch won’ let anyone else back there…” 
Megan nodded again and stood, waiting for Hank and Taza to join her before walking back out into the bar proper. Chibs had sent everyone outside to the bonfires to give Megan time to calm. All that remained in the bar were the Samcro officers and Megan’s family - and Venus who came bustling closer to her.
“Oh, Sweetheart. I’m so sorry. Here -” she dug in her oversized handbag and handed Megan a single pack of make-up wipes. “Your make-up is all smudged.”
“Oh!” Megan took the package with a small smile. “Thank you. Sorry for the freak out.” She opened the wipe only to have Taza take it from her and turn her face to him to remove the smudged make-up.
“No. We’re sorry, Little Bit. That shouldn’t have happened. It won’t happen again,” Tig assured her, pulling Venus back under his arm.
Happy nodded firmly.
“Appreciate it,” Bishop said. “Poquito, you okay?”
Diana looked worried, but Marcus just smiled softly at Megan as he waited for the answer.
“Si, Padrino. I’m okay.” She tried for a comforting smile. 
“Alright. I think that’s enough of that for one night,” Taza said. “Maybe we’d better take Megan home.”
Marcus nodded. “I agree. We’ll see you at the lodge tomorrow, but we should be headed out.”
“O’ course-” Chibs said. “We’ll make adjustments to the meeting room so the Lass can still see her ol’ man while she waits.”
“Deeply appreciated,” Hank said. He nodded at the Samcro men. “Mi princessa,” he waited for Megan to look at him. “Why don’t you and your papa take Rex out to do his business before the ride back, hmm? I’ll be right behind you.”
Megan nodded and allowed Taza and the others to lead her out.
Hank turned to look at Happy. “How much do I owe you for the tattoo, man?”
Happy waved him off. “Nah. Just lock her down hard, man. She’s worth it.”
Hank chuckled. “Believe me. I’m trying. Just waiting for her to heal up. Won’t start something I can’t finish, brother.”
Happy chuckled and shook his head chewing on his toothpick.
Tig piped up, “No one said you had to finish, man, as long as she does!”
Hank laughed at the Samcro VP. “Well - you’re not wrong.”
Taza stopped off at a pet store to get dog food and a bowl for in the morning on the way home. 
Once back at Marcus’ house, Marcus and Diana very quickly retired to their bedroom to enjoy their child free night. Taza too retired to Marcus’ den where he was sleeping on the pull out couch.
Hank smiled at Megan as she took the harness off of Rex. “You did good, mi princessa.”
Megan snorted. “I had a very public meltdown. I wouldn’t call that ‘good’ Hank. I embarrassed the hell out of you guys. I’m sorry.” She sighed, sitting on the floor leaning back against the trunk at the end of the bed.
“Hey now,” Hank said as he perched on top of the same trunk. “We were far from embarrassed, mi amore.” He smiled down at her as she leaned her head on his knee. He stroked her hair gently, easing the flower combs out of her braids. “You also were in control the entire panic attack this time. You kept Rex close and kept yourself together until Taza could get you out of there. That’s amazing, mi amore. No one was embarrassed by you tonight.” He kept stroking her hair as Rex laid across her extended legs.
Megan thought carefully. “I did do that - didn’t I?”
“Mmhm. And before that - you kept yourself together when the fight scared you too.”
“Rex knocked me out of that one before I got too deep though.” She petted the soft, fine fur of her new friend.
Hank chuckled. “He did do that. That in and of itself is amazing, Princessa.”
“What do you mean?”
“Happy gave you a dog. One he’d rescued. Happy doesn’t trust anyone with his dogs. Not even his brothers. Happy doesn’t trust people. Hell - he barely trusts me to tattoo him. But - he trusted you enough to give you a dog. That - more than anything - gains you respect among the Reapers mi princessa. And you did that on your own. No amount of being someone’s daughter or my ol’ lady could have gotten you that respect. That was all you.”
Megan smiled a little and looked up at him. “Really?”
Hank nodded. “Really. Now what do you say we get you into a nice hot shower before bed, hmm?”
Megan nodded with a yawn. “Okay. But I don’t want to sleep on wet hair, so can we leave it up until I get out?”
“Anything you want, mi amore.”
Hank took the bag and tape they used to keep her wrist cast dry into the bathroom first before helping her to undress. He pressed soft kisses to each leg as he rolled down the stockings she was wearing. Then across her good shoulder and neck as he eased the dress off her bad arm. He struggled a bit with the backless bra until Megan undid the front clasp between her breasts and let it fall. Hank kissed her softly, but deeply - then helped her wrap her cast so she could shower, and helped her into the shower stall.
While she showered - he shaved at the sink. This had become routine for them so that he was close enough to help if she needed it. It also had the bonus of him being freshly shaven when he took her to bed at night. 
WHen she stepped out, he wrapped her in one of Diana’s huge fluffy towels while he un-taped the bag from her cast. The bruising from her car crash injuries was fading but it was still visible and made him extra gentle as he helped her to dry and dress in one of his Mayan t-shirts and some fresh underwear. Finally, back in their bedroom, he helped to remove the hair pins and unbraid her long dark hair before getting himself into the basketball shorts he wore to bed and giving her one last dose of pain medicine for the night.
Megan had to lay facing away from him or on her back to sleep because of the broken collarbone when usually she would be basically on top of him to sleep. Hank tucked his arm under her so she could use it as a pillow and cuddled her back against his chest. Just before she fell asleep, Megan tangled her fingers on her good hand with his and he felt the welcome chill of her ring.
For once, Megan slept through the night. Rex nudged Hank at a little after six in the morning and then walked to the door looking back at the bed. It took him a moment to realize what the big dog needed before he slipped from behind Megan to take the dog out to the back yard.
Once back inside, Rex quickly went back to the corner of the room he’d chosen as his own and laid back down to sleep. Hank chuckled, but decided to take the dog’s advice and joined Megan back in the warm bed. It was a chilly and overcast morning. He snuggled back against Megan’s back just in time for her to startle awake with a gasp. “East, Princessa. Just me.”
Megan rolled over onto her back and blinked owlishly up at him. “Why’re you cold?” she asked raspily.
Hank smiled and pressed a small kiss between her eyes where her forehead tended to furrow when she was confused. “Rex needed to go out.”
She frowned. “I’m sorry. I”d have taken him out…”
“I know you would have, but I don’t mind. He’s a very polite dog. Chi Chi doesn’t have nearly as nice of manners when he needs out.” He kissed her gently. “He may be yours, mi amore, but I don’t mind helping with him.”
She smiled up at him and his breath caught. That was his favorite smile - when she was just happy. “Okay.”
“Do you want to get up?” he asked quietly, stroking a lock of hair out of her face and back behind her ear.
“Not really. Especially if it’s cold out.” She tugged his arm across her body and traced his tattoos.
He laughed gently. “Fair enough. We don’t have anywhere to be until the meeting at one.”
She tried to snuggle closer to him and winced since he was on her bad side.
Hank rolled to his bedside table for her pain medication and the bottle of water. Once she’d taken it, she tugged at him again grumbling. “Words, mi princessa - I’m not a mind reader,” he told her with a grin.
“I want to cuddle, but can’t ‘cause I can’t move my stupid arm,” she growled.
That startled another laugh out of him. “And what would you like me to do about that?”
He smiled and lifted himself into a plank over her, settling his legs between hers but keeping his weight on his forearms. “Better?”
She pouted up at him. “I won’t break. And you promised me kisses!”
He couldn’t resist kissing her pout with a smile. “I also promised you a reward for letting your papa and tíos spoil you yesterday.”
“Yes you did,” she smiled up at him and bit her lip. “I was a very good girl too.”
He chuckled. “You were that…”
“Uh huh. So what’s my reward?”
He allowed a little more of his weight to rest on her and pressed kisses along her high cheekbones. “Well - we have a lunch date before the meeting for one,” he said between kisses.
“We do?”
“Mmhmm.” He kissed down her jaw to nuzzle her ear and neck. “And we’re going somewhere special.” He placed wet kisses there with a teasing smile feeling her press up against him.
“What kind of special?” she asked breathlessly.
He nuzzled the wide neckline of the too large shirt a little lower to kiss more skin. “Well - we’re going somewhere Mama thought you’d enjoy and -” he kissed the very top of her cleavage and felt her press her hips tight to him with a whimper that her desperately wanted to hear more of. “It’ll be just you-” he kissed the hollow of her throat. “-and-” He kissed underneath her jaw. “Me.” He finished with a deep kiss on her lips causing her to wrap her good arm around his neck to pull him as close as possible to maintain the kiss.
Megan ground her hips up against his abs with a soft moan that caused him to chuckle as he broke the kiss. “Sound good, mi princessa?”
She nodded up at him dazedly.
He smiled softly as she took a minute to come back to herself, then watched her cheeks heat a bit. “You good, mi reina?”
“I will be if you kiss me again.”
He laughed and lowered himself again to give her the kisses she wanted. “Anything you want today, mi armoire. Happy Birthday.”
A while later, there was a knock on the door interrupting the slow, heavy make out session the early morning cuddle had turned into. Hank cleared his throat and took a deep breath before he answered without leaving his position above Megan. “Yeah?”
Taza’s voice came from the other side of the door. “Birthday breakfast is nearly ready. Come on out for presents before you steal her away for a few hours.”
Megan laughed a little breathlessly. “Okay, Papa. Be out in a few minutes.”
They heard footsteps move away from the door and Hank buried his face in her stomach where her shirt had been rucked up with a groan. “Remind me to buy looser jeans, mi princessa.”
They got up and Hank helped Megan get dressed. She tried getting him to choose her outfit again, but he headed that off at the pass.
“But - I don’t know what to wear to meet all these people…” she protested.
Hank kissed her gently. “Doesn’t matter, Princessa. Whatever you wear will be perfect. You are la princessa de los Mayas. They’ll follow where you lead.”
She sighed. “Well… it’s chilly so - jeans and boots.”
“Which jeans? The black or the dark wash? You’ve got both here.”
“Dark wash please. They’re a little looser.”
Hank laid them out along with some of her boot socks. “Alright -”
“And can I have the green shirt? The one with the long sleeves?”
Hank found the long sleeved t-shirt for her. “Do you want a hoodie or a flannel, mi amore?”
“I wish I’d packed my green and black flannel-” she grumbled.
“So wear mine -” Hank pulled his from his duffle with a grin.
Megan’s face lit up. “Really?” She looked so excited to be allowed to wear his shirt.
“That’s why I packed it, mi reina,” he said with a wink.
They got her dressed as quickly as they could without jostling her arm and then Hank dressed himself in dark wash jeans and a dark henley. Hank pressed a gentle kiss to her lips and smiled. “Beautiful. Let me get Taza so he can help with your hair.”
Megan smiled and petted Rex’s head. He’d come to sit with her when Hank had gotten himself dressed. He was really good about staying out of the way. “Okay.”
He pressed another kiss to her lips and slipped out the door leaving it open.
He found Taza in the kitchen sipping coffee as Diana fussed over a stack of wrapped gifts on the table. Megan’s family had gone all out. The guys had even sent Bishop money so that they could all be in on one gift she’d open on her birthday. “La princessa needs help with her hair, Taza.”
Taza grinned and sat down his coffee cup. “Good. Gives me a chance to get the first gift in.” He stood from where he leaned on the counter and exited the room with a pat to Hank’s shoulder.
He found Megan on the floor of the guest room giving Rex a good belly rub. The huge dark dog wiggled on his back with glee as Megan’s one hand found nice places to scratch. Taza had to laugh. “Happy Birthday, Sweet Chica.”
Megan smiled up at him. “Thank you, Papa.”
He leaned down to kiss her on the forehead before helping her up. “What do you want to do with your hair today?”
“Can I just have my warrior braids like I do for boxing practice, please?”
“Of course.” He sat her on the blanket chest and retrieved what he’d need before quickly plaiting her hair for her. He attached the silver feather decorations to the ends with a smile. “Need help with your jewelry?”
He noted that the necklace that matched his was already on. The cord it was strung from made it sturdy enough to sleep in so she never took it off. Her earrings were already in place too, so he quickly fastened her crown necklace.
Megan touched the bone choker on the dresser. “Would it be too much for me to wear this too?” she asked quietly. “You said she wore it when she needed confidence…”
Taza gently tied the choker on as well. “Never too much, Chica.” He came around to crouch in front of her. “I didn’t have time to prepare properly for your birthday this year, Sweetheart. That won’t happen again. But I do have something I’ve been saving for a special occasion for you.”
“Oh Papa…” she started to protest.
He held up a hand to stop her. “It’s another heirloom. This time from your Grandpapa.” He pulled a plain, heavy silver ring from his right hand and slid it onto her right pointer finger. The only decorations on the wand were engravings of swirls and a single star on the band. “That ring is passed to the eldest child of each generation when appropriate. I think your first real birthday counts. It’s to remind you that only you know your true north and you have to find it on your own.”
Megan smiled tearily up at him. “Thank you, Papa. I love it.”
He smiled. “Big presents come later, but I wanted you to have something to remind you that your Papa loves you. Today and every day.” He gently kissed her hair. “Now - your padrinos and Hank are waiting. Let’s go out so you can open your gifts before your Tía Diana tries to put us in a food coma with breakfast, huh?”
Megan giggled and stood to follow him out to the kitchen with Rex at her heel.
She entered the kitchen to a chorus of ‘Happy Birthday’ which made her laugh a little. Bishop had to come to join them for breakfast. Rex leaned into Megan’s legs in support as Megan received morning greetings.
Hank brought her a cup of coffee with a grin. “Have a seat mi amore. It’s present time.”
“Shouldn’t we wait? Tessa’s not here,” Megan protested.
“We’ll pick Tessa up on the way to Charming, Poquito. This morning is all about you,” Marcus told her, standing to guide her to a chair at the table.
Megan sat and stared wide eyed at the pile of gifts. “I - I don’t even know where to start,” she admitted.
Bishop nudged a green package towards her. “How about with this one? It’s from the whole club.”
“Really?” Megan asked a little breathlessly.
“Really. They wanted you to have something from all of us on your birthday, Poquito,” Bishop assured. “Individual presents will be at your party, I imagine.”
Megan giggled a little and picked up the package to carefully remove the paper. Inside was a holster set for her new gun. It had a shoulder rig that could go on either shoulder, a belt holster, and a small ankle holster that wouldn’t fit her 9mm, but she still loved it. They were all made of the same butter soft black leather. “Oh! They’re perfect.”
Bishop grinned. “I brought your gun from the Oakland clubhouse too. Figured you’d be more comfortable armed today.”
Hank watched Megan’s shoulders relax a little. “You aren’t wrong.”
Taza handed her another oddly heavy box. “From Coco,” he said with a grin. “He’s sleeping off a hangover, but sent it with your tío for you to open with everything else.”
That made Megan giggle. “He just didn’t want to deal with me if I cried again.” She opened the clumsily wrapped box just as carefully to find a small black pistol nestled inside with ammo and a note. She read the note out loud. “Ma, this way you’re never without a back-up gun.” Tears did spring to her eyes as she examined the 22 automatic. “He remembered,” she said quietly. “Brandon knew about my 9 mm and made me throw it away. I told Coco that I wished I’d had a back-up gun.” She sniffed. “So he found me one.”
Taza swallowed hard. “Good. Now you’ll never be unarmed again.”
Megan sat the gun aside with a small smile. 
Diana slid a package wrapped in pink paper towards her and Marcus added the jewelers box from his kutte. “From both of us Poquito,” he said. “Box first.”
Megan untied the small ribbon with a smile and lifted the lid to the bracelet box as her breath caught. Inside nestled in a satin wrapped pad was a bracelet chain. It was silver with large links and from one of the links hung a silver crown charm with an M engraved on it. “Oh! It’s gorgeous. Thank you!”
Marcus smiled and showed her the matching box. “A charm bracelet. Tessa has one to match.”
That made her smile even more. “Really?”
Diana smiled. “Really. Sweetheart.”
She opened the small pink package to reveal a medallion charm with a saint on it.
Diana picked it up to add it to the bracelet. “I know you weren’t raised in the church, but your tío and I were. As your padrino, he asked me to help him choose your patron saint for your protector. I chose Saint Agnes of Rome. I’ll teach you more about her later.” She handed the bracelet to Marcus.
“Here, Poquito. Let me help you put it on.”
Megan offered her left wrist and Marcus gently clasped it. “There. Now you can add charms to it for special memories.”
Megan stood to hug them both. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Sweetheart,” Diana told her, kissing her head gently.
Bishop grinned. “My turn.” He handed over a large gift bag.
Megan laughed as she felt the weight of it. SHe pulled the tissue paper out and pulled out several different kinds of fighting gloves. Her own set of boxing gloves was a given, but there was a lighter set of MMA gloves as well. “Thank you, Tío,” Megan said with a big smile.
“You’re welcome, Poquito. We’ll be back in the ring real soon.”
Megan grinned. “I can’t wait.”
“That’s my girl,” he said with a wink.
Taza looked to Hank to see who would go next. When Hank didn’t protest, Taza pushed his package over next. “Here, Chica.”
“Papa - you already gave me my present…” Megan stroked her new ring.
Taza chuckled. “Oh, Sweet Chica. I’m nowhere near done. The others will just be late.”
They all laughed. Even Megan chuckled.
“This is for the pooch anyway,” Taza assured her. “Picked it up last night when I got his food.”
Rex was eating calmly from the temporary bowl in the corner of the kitchen.
Megan unwrapped the gift to find a heavy leather collar for the dog with an engraved plate attached. It had Rex’s name and well as the address for the ranch and Megan’s phone number engraved on it. Megan called him over to fasten the black collar with its dull silver studs on him. She gave his ears a scratch and he went back to eating contentedly. “Thank you, Papa.”
“We’ll get him microchipped too when we get him home. That way he’s always got a way to find his way home,” Taza assured her.
Hank smiled. “Guess that leaves me, mi princessa.”
Megan giggled a little. “You mean my ring isn’t my gift?”
Hank snorted. “Like Taza said - most of your gifts will be late this year, but I’m nowhere near done.” He grinned. “Get used to being spoiled, mi amore. It’s not stopping any time soon.” He handed her an envelope with a soft kiss.
Megan relaxed at the small envelope gift. She carefully tore into the white envelope to find a folded piece of paper inside. She unfolded it and felt her jaw drop. It was the title to the mustang they’d been borrowing. “Hank?”
He grinned. “It’s yours, mi reina. Tig delivered the title this morning.”
“But… I thought it was just on loan…” she said breathlessly.
“It was, but you’ve loved it so much, I texted Tig to see if his guy was willing to sell. Apparently, he was more than happy to since he wants to start a new project.” Hank pressed a kiss to her braided hair. “You officially have a ride, mi princessa.”
Megan stood and buried herself in his chest. “Thank you.”
They gave her time to calm as Diana stood to get breakfast from the oven. Breakfast was something that Diana had learned from Taza. It was his favorite food on the reservation, so she made fry bread. She had cinnamon sugar, powdered sugar, whipped cream, and fresh berries and yogurt to go with it. Megan’s eyes lit up when she saw it.
“Really, Sweetheart. Your papa thought you’d like a little bit of your culture for your birthday.” 
They enjoyed breakfast together before splitting up for a while. Taza and the padrinos were heading to the clubhouse for a while and Diana was going to run some errands. 
Before they left, Hank helped Megan into her shoulder rig under her flannel. The holster sat under her injured arm allowing her a left hand draw. Her new 9mm went into that holster. Her new 22 went into the ankle holster on her left ankle. Once the weight of the weapons settled into the holster, muscles Megan didn’t know were tense, relaxed.
Hank smiled. “Mi Reina.” He gently kissed her lips and then her knuckles. “Are you ready?”
“I think I am.” She smiled at him and it loosened something in his chest. Megan was not afraid right then and he could see it in her eyes.
“Good.” He handed her the harness for Rex and held the big dog’s lead until she got it on him. Then they headed for the car.
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A/N: Anything with a ** is smut or can contain smut.
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The Two Summers You Loved Me, and The Winter You Weren’t Around
The Coldest Summer on Record: Part One || Part Two || Part Three  The Winter of Discontent: coming soon 
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One Kiss ** - Camilla ‘Cami’ Baker is Emily Thomas’s best friend, they met their first year of college and have been close ever since. Cami gets mixed up in the Lobos cartel and asks Emily for help. Miguel doesn’t want to endanger his family, so he sends Cami to a hideout house with protection from the MC until this issue can be resolved. Part One // Part Two // Part Three // Part Four// Part Five // Part Six //Part Seven // Part Eight // Part Nine // Part Ten // Part Eleven // Part Twelve // Part Thirteen // Part Fourteen // Part Fifteen // Part Sixteen // Part Seventeen // Part Eighteen // Part Nineteen // Part Twenty // Twenty-One // Twenty-two //Twenty-Three // Twenty-Four // Twenty-Five // Twenty-Six // Twenty-Seven // Twenty-Eight // Twenty-Nine //  Thirty // Thirty-one // COMPLETED
This Hurts Like Hell ** - Angel Reyes and an OC. High school sweethearts Angel Reyes and Hazel “Charlie” Cooper ended their relationship over a decade ago, with Charlie leaving town and Angel. Now she’s back with a secret past and a wound that hasn’t healed.
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three |Chapter Four |Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen | Chapter Fifteen | Chapter Sixteen | Chapter Seventeen | Chapter Eighteen | Chapter Nineteen | Chapter Twenty | Chapter Twenty- One | Chapter Twenty-Two | Chapter Twenty-Three | Chapter Twenty-Four | Chapter Twenty-Five | Chapter Twenty-Six | Chapter Twenty-Seven | Chapter Twenty-Eight | Chapter Twenty-Nine | Chapter Thirty | Chapter Thirty-One | Chapter Thirty-Two | Chapter Thirty-Three | Chapter Thirty-Four | Chapter Thirty-Five | Chapter Thirty-Six | Thirty-Seven | Thirty-Eight | Chapter Thirty-Nine | Chapter Forty | Chapter Forty-One || Chapter Forty-Two 
Late night coffee with Coco ** - This started out as a request on tumblr, the requestor wanted a Coco Cruz x reader where the reader was a waitress and a few other details. I ended up loving this story and it’s going to be multiple parts.
Part One // Part Two // Part Three // Part Four // Part Five  // Part Six || Part Seven || Part Eight || Part Nine ||
Strip That Down For Me ** - a collection of one-shots featuring our favourite Mayan men and a strip dance NSFW, Smut, over 18s ect
Nestor || Coco || Angel || Miguel ||  
Adventures in Babysitting - This series focuses on Ez’s child Mia and the club taking turns babysitting her.
Angel || Bishop || Taza ||
A Dangerous Game - this series is a 5 part series featuring Nestor, Miguel and an OC who is Miguel’s younger sister.
Cat and Mouse || Big Bad Wolf ||
A Den of Red Doors - this series is an R18+ series featuring Nestor and a whole lot of kink
Part One ||
                                             Head Canons
All Characters Dating a religious girl || mayan men as aesthetics || reacting to their partner being pan or bi || reactions to fighting over them || Christmas || going to disney || Sad Boys || Dinner and Movies ||
Reyes Family Nightly routine || Family Day ||
Nestor Braiding Nestors Hair || Nestors S/O being pregnant with a broken leg || Nestor Proposing || Teasing you at an event ** || dating Nestor || Angry Sex ** || calming during a panic attack || loving a girl who is shy || Making you feel better ** || Nestors daughter getting her first boyfriend ||  
Angel Being a makeup artist || dating someone with depression || Coco & Angels friendship || shower sex ** || dating a girl with PTSD || taking care of his sick girlfriend || kinks ** || Angel and an unsure dog || Phone Sex || Cranky Angel || cheating || skinny dipping || road trip ||  
Coco Shower Sex ** || playing with Cocos hair || creative Coco || Vacation || Meeting Celia || meeting Celia part 2 || Family movie day || Coco with a GF with endo ||
Bishop Shower Sex ** || Dating a girl with PTSD || threatening Bishs family || Dating an Army Girl || First date ||
Taza Wedding Day ||
Riz Riz & Taza bffs || Riz being jealous ||
Tranq Falling in love ||
Miguel Kinks ||
Ez Shower Sex ** || cheering Ez up || date night || loving a girl who is shy ||
Gilly Being BFFs and secretly in love || Marrying Gilly ||
Letty Being BFFs ||
Creeper Drunk & Netflix || Road Trip ||
Emily Being BFFs || Being Emily’s GF ||  
Reyes Sister being friends with Letty || water fight with Angel and Coco || dating Nestor ||
                                             One Shots
Jealously || Toy Drive Part One || Toy Drive Part Two ** || Christmas with Nestor || Nestor taking care of his gf after a long day || One night stand ** || Popsicle ** || Nestor Smut part one || Nestor Smut Part two ** || Part three ** || Christmas movies || how bad? ** || welcome home ** || tied up ** || Christmas Carollers || Harder || christmas cookies || Bedtime || Noisy Neighbours || Good morning ** || Ice Ice Baby ** || Melodrama ** || New Beginnings || Soulmates || Kiss me || The Monster In Me || Devotion and Desire ** || For the love of a woman || Do You Believe? || I Want To Teach You A Lesson In The Worst Kind of Way || 
Angel First Date || Prank War with Angel || don’t make me punish you ** || body paint || bathroom quickie ** || Angst || Family part one || Family part two || Reunion with Angel || Date night || Wedding blues || Wedding blues part 2 || Secret Santa || For the first time || welcome home ** || Lost Daughter Broken Son || Lost Keys ** || Jax sister dating Angel ||
Coco You taste like candy ** || smut ** || Christmas photos ||  Midnight breakfast || Christmas shopping || Second chances || Nightmares || Morning Light ** || Sweeter than Lime ** || Broken apologies || Daddys Girls || Whose Your Boss? ** || Salty || Sweet || Bitter
Bishop Fighting and Making up || So damn beautiful || Whatever it takes || Would you two just kiss? || Welcome home ** || stomach flu || Seducing Bishop ** || Jealous kiss || One Night Stand ** || Nostalgia and regret || Mistletoe || Ice Cream Bandit || Broken Hearts || Trapped || Secrets and Lies || Goodbye is never easy || Kids these Days ||  Junk in The Trunk ||  
Gilly Death || All bets are off || Ice Cold || Gilly Wonka and the Gummy Bears || Netflix and Murder Pt. 1 || Commando || Stimulating Adventures ||  
Miguel  Unity of Hell || 
Riz Are you choosing her over me? || Stop wearing shirts ||
Creeper Creeper Smut ** || Christmas ||
Ez All I want for Christmas || Christmas with Ez || bedtime || Whats in a name? || Deepest Secrets || A Discovery in the Stacks (EZ/Miguel paring)**||
Emily Ghosts ||
Letti Coming out || Dancing circles around your head feat Coco Pt. 1 ||
BeMayanValentine 2019 Gilly || Nestor || Angel || Coco
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Billy Russo
Dating Russo HC || Morning Routine HC || Drabble || Billy in love with Franks sister HC || Billy teaching you how to shoot ||  snuggly Billy || 3 am truths || 
Frank Castle Comforting Frank || Frank finding love again || First heartbreak || Frank coming home to find his S/O adopted a bunch of dogs ||  
Karen Page BFFs HC ||
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An unmasked Spider-man ||
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Saviour of The Worst Kind || Modern Slytherin AU || Oliver Wood || 
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Seedy Bars and Karaoke ||  
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juancarlos-ortiz · 18 days
ok I’m rewatching Mayans and my Coco Cruz flame has been relit 😮‍💨🫠
I would love to write for him if anyone had any requests. I’m also happy to write for pretty much any of the other characters as well ❤️‍🔥
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cjricks98 · 2 years
Now that season 4 is over, I'm kind of excited for season 5 and to everyone that feels that this show has gone so downhill bc it's not SOA I hope y'all don't watch it bc the negativity attached to the mayans tags was getting real old real fast.
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
📂 for Johnny coco cruz? Or possibly the loveable hank loza? The man needs more recognition, also love your writing! Keep up the good work 💕
Hank Loza, mi amor 😌
So. We know that Hank tattoos. And he's gotta be pretty damn good at it if he's at the point where he is teaching other people how to do it too.
Which leads me to believe that Hank has always been artistic. From a young age he was the type to always be doodling/sketching in his notes, on the backs of school work, whatever he could put pencil to. And it just grew from there.
I think that tattooing, like most art, is something that's therapeutic for him. It's something to focus on other than whatever is going on in his head, other than what's happening around him. He gets to zero in on his work, maybe have some good conversation with whoever he's tattooing. It's peaceful. The thrum of the machine and going through the motions, the repetitive nature of it, it's good for him. In a life that is filled with so much chaos and uncertainty, this is a concrete thing that he is in control of, something that let's him do good for other people.
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Send me a “📂” and I’ll give you a random/useless headcanon that I have!
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bullet-prooflove · 11 months
Okay so I found this cute little dialogue prompt on Pinterest that I think would be adorable with teddy bear Hank — “You talk in your sleep, you know that?”
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Hank tells you, as his lips chase up the curve of your throat, his palms caressing your naked skin underneath his sheets.
"What do I say?" You ask him, your lips tipping up into a small smile as his breath ghosts on your ear.
"Hm." He murmurs as he draws you into his arms, his fingertips trailing along your inner thigh. "That you're always late for work."
"I wonder why." You tease as you roll onto your back, your head tilting so you can look into his eyes. He cups your chin in his palm and guides your mouth back up to his.
"Preemptive stress relief." He smiles his lips brushing over yours. You moan into his mouth and it is the sweetest fucking thing.
"We keep this up and you will be late." He tells you.
You give him a mischievious look that makes him chuckle.
"You'd best be quick then."
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rosielou94 · 8 months
Motel Room Candles - Hank Loza x Reader: NSFW
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A/N: My first piece of writing in nearly 8 months! Feels good to be back. This is a self-indulgent piece where the reader is Marcus Alvarez's daughter. I have a few ideas already for where i'd like this to go. More to follow soon!
Summary: You and Hank meet for candlelit fun in a motel room
Warnings: age gap (reader is late 20's, Hank is late 40's), unprotected sex. Minors DNI
Hank had never felt pleasure like this before. Every nerve ending was on fire, screaming for more, begging to feel your touch. The cheap, scratchy motel sheets were a harsh comparison to the velvet softness of your skin, the smell of your perfume and body cream enveloping him in a blissful haze of vanilla and sandalwood.
Your thighs gripped him either side as you rode him – deep, slow, purposeful movements that made him moan for more. “You’re so needy, Hank,” you teased, breathless as you leaned down to kiss him. He groaned against your lips, drunk on the taste of you. “What are you doing to me, querida?” he gasped, arching his back as you braced your hands on the cheap, worn out headboard so you could take him even deeper. “Only good things, I hope.” You smiled as you felt him shiver with pleasure beneath you, marvelling at how pussy drunk this bear of a man was.
Hank’s hands trailed across your body, desperate to touch you, to feel every single inch of you. He pinched your pert nipples between his thumb and forefinger, relishing in the sound that escaped your lips. He had no idea how the hell he’d gotten so lucky. Your skin glowed in the light of the candles he purchased earlier in the day, the flames reflected in your eyes. He knew that a motel wasn’t the most romantic of places and hoped a few candles would make the space more inviting. He hasn’t known which scent you liked best and he panicked, ending up leaving the store $200 lighter and 20 candles heavier. They all burned around the room now, the soft light making you look so goddamn beautiful.
He could feel you getting closer; the way you clenched around his cock told him you’d soon reach your peak. He’d grown to know your body well over the last few weeks, learnt what turned you on. Your breath quickened, your hands gripping the headboard so tight your knucles turned white. Hank began lightly tracing circles on your clit, a moan escaping him as he watched your eyes close and mouth slowly open. You were so nearly there, and Hank wouldn’t last much longer.
His increased the pressure on your clit ever so slightly, your thighs beginning to shake around him. “That’s it, querida, let go,” he whispered, “I want to feel you cum.” His words were your undoing, sending you blissfully over the edge. You cried out, sinking into Hank’s large frame, your whole body shaking with pleasure. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in close as his hot seed spilled inside you, filling you to the brim and leaking down your thighs.
Carefully, as if you were made of glass, he rolled you onto your back, pulling the covers over you so you didn’t get cold. You smiled at the loving gesture, pulling him close so you could rest your head on his broad expasive chest. “I like the candles,” you said, “they’re a nice touch. Quite a lot of them though.” You took in the various sized pots, with scents ranging from Fresh Linen to Pine and Eucaluptus. You’d never envisioned Hank as a man who regularly purchased candles, and you smiled as you thought of him buying them.
“I wanted to make the room feel a little…” he paused, trying to think of the right words. “You wanted to make the room feel a little less like a cheap motel?” You suggested, kissing him so he knew you were only playing. “Something like that,” he smiled, his thumb tracing the outline of your lips and the curve of your jaw. “I wish I could give you more.” He hated that you had to meet like this, in cheap motels on the outskirts of Santo Padre, far away from prying eyes. With his mother at home, and your apartment coming with its own nosey housemate, this was your only option.
He wished he could tell people about you, he wanted to scream his love for you from the rooftops. But you were forbidden, the daughter of El Padrino, and Hank knew his life wouldn’t be worth living if the two of you were ever caught. For now, he could handle the secret motel meets, the late night phone calls, the stolen kisses outside the Club House when he knew you two were alone. But, as your fingers traced the tattoos on his chest, your lips following suit, Hank wondered how much longer he could last keeping you a secret.
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the-hinky-panda · 6 months
The Preacher's Wife: Escape (Part II)
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TW: Spousal abuse: physical, metal, emotional, and sexual
Maggie pushes her food around on her plate, making designs in the teriyaki sauce from the grilled salmon. She lines up her asparagus in a tic-tac-toe grid and uses the small red potatoes to fill in the spaces. She glances up at the clock. Eight fifteen. It’s Thursday night, and Hank is probably washing the dishes from dinner with his mom. Consuela is probably sitting in front of the TV, watching whatever sitcom is on, crocheting. 
God, how she wishes she was with them at the moment. 
Her eyes snap up to her husband, Simon Peters. Named for the occupation he has pursued, pastor of a megachurch, the shepherd of souls who love God.. Dressed impeccably in a dress shirt and designer jeans, his hair perfectly groomed in the latest style, seated at the head of the table. The master of his house. “Yes?” 
His cold blue eyes narrow slightly. “Are you alright? You’re very quiet.” 
She hears the veiled threat under his polite, concerned tone. Pay attention. Make me look good. Don’t embarrass me. She forces a smile and straightens her back. “I’m sorry. I’m just a little tired.” She looks over at the young, newlywed couple that are their dinner guests this evening. “Lydia and Asher wanted me to play in the pool with them today. I guess it took more out of me than I thought.” 
The young woman, Heather, takes her husband’s hand. “I can’t wait to have my own children.” 
Maggie glances over at Simon and gives a forced smile herself. “Children can be a blessing. I do wish I had spent more time learning how to be a wife before becoming a mother though.” Instead, she had married at nineteen and had Lydia ten months later. She had been so naive, believing that she was fulfilling her life plan. Growing up, she had been told that fulfillment was found in family: husband and children. And while she loved both Lydia and Asher, she had also come to realize that joy is found in a variety of things. To keep it constrained to a spouse and children was stifling. 
“God’s timing is perfect though. Lydia arrived exactly when she should have.” Simon picks up his wine glass. “And people who have been married for fifty years or more are still learning how to be the best spouses they can.” 
“And what’s the secret?” the husband, Carter, asks. “You and Mrs. Peters make it look so easy.” 
Maggie feels like she’s going to throw up. She wants to tell this young couple to run as far and as fast as they can from this house. It’s all fake. There’s no love here, no warmth. Her chest physically aches from the longing of wanting that home, that love. That hope. 
“Well, the secret is simple,” Simon says. “Draw closer to God, draw closer to each other. That’s it.” 
Maggie takes a healthy sip of her own wine and swallows down a follow up question of her own concerning the leather restraints and gag that are sitting in the bedside drawer right now. The restraints that she said she did not want to use only to find them wrapped around her wrists when she woke up in the middle of the night. Was that drawing closer to each other? She certainly didn’t think so. 
“And speaking of drawing closer to God,” Simon slips into his preacher’s voice, “this brings me to the reason why Carter and Heather are joining us here this evening.” 
That phrase, the reason why, makes Maggie’s hair stand on end. She becomes hypervigilant, taking in everything in the room. The tightening of the couple’s hands, the embarrassed blush staining Heather’s cheeks. The subtle slide of her eyes over to Simon, who gives her a small nod. How does Carter not see that, see that secretive look? Maybe he doesn’t know, doesn’t have enough experience with infidelity to recognize it. But then Carter looks over at Maggie, his eyes intent as they focus on her face, her lips…her breasts. Maggie pushes her chair back, her desire to flee prompting the motion, when Simon clears his throat. 
“Heather, sadly, is unable to conceive a child on her own.” Simon stands and slowly makes his way over to Maggie. “She and Carter came to me last week asking for prayers and guidance on what the next step should be. So I took the weekend and went into the wilderness and asked God for an answer. This is what He told me.” 
Maggie sways in her chair, feeling sick and lightheaded. Simon steadies her by digging his fingers into her shoulders. 
“God told me that the answer lies in the Old Testament story of the trials of Abraham and Sarah. When Sarah couldn’t conceive, she gave her maid to Abraham and Abraham was able to have a son. So, I give my wife to you so that you may achieve this blessed, and wonderful experience of parenthood.”
He gives her to them, like she’s a possession. Something to be borrowed and returned. She knows better from his phrasing and example, that a clinic for in vitro fertilization was not going to be considered. And if that wasn’t enough, then the leering look that Carter is giving her from across the table is enough to solidify her worst fears. Her stomach roils and she twists her way out of Simon’s grip. 
“Excuse me,” she mutters, running towards the bathroom. 
She locks the door because she can hear Simon’s footsteps behind her. She vomits what little dinner she managed to eat and then sits on the bathroom floor, her back against the wall. She wipes the tears from her eyes with shaking hands. 
“Margaret? Are you okay?” 
The fake sincerity drips from his words. Maggie pulls out her phone from her back pocket and opens her text messages. She needs help. She needs to get out. The door knob moves as Simon tries to open the door. She selects Morgan’s name and manages to type okay, it’s time and sends it off. 
Simon’s patience has run out so she pushes herself up the wall. She turns the water on, more to drown out anything they will say to each other, and she unlocks the door. He’s through it immediately, slamming the door behind him. Maggie prays for deliverance. 
“Pull yourself together,” he demands. “This is happening tonight.” 
“And every Saturday night until they get what they want.” 
Anger is replacing the shock. “Why are you doing this? Why can’t you just fuck her during one of your ‘counseling’ sessions and leave me out of it?” 
“Do you know who they are? They are Silicon Valley royalty, the both of them. That’s about 4 billion dollars worth of income sitting at our dining room table and all they want is a kid. Do you know what that kind of money could do for us?” 
“Oh, draining them of their money makes a wife swap so much more tolerable.” Maggie crossed her arms. “I’m not doing this.” 
Simon gives her a wicked smile. “Oh, I think you will. Holly Singer.” 
Maggie feels her blood run cold. “What?” 
“Oh yeah, I know about your books, Holly. So this is how it’s going to go. You’re going to go back out there, do whatever that man tells you to do. And if you’re finding it hard to get in the mood, just pretend you’re one of the sluts you love to write about in your filthy little novels.” 
Well, if God isn’t going to deliver her, then she’ll have to deliver herself. She starts looking for anything to fight back against Simon so she can get out of the bathroom, but all the decorations are too flimsy to inflict any damage. But then, from the other side of the door, comes a tiny little voice. 
Asher, her little three-year-old savior. “Yes, baby?” 
“I don’t feel good.” 
Bless him and whatever it is that roused him from his sleep. Simon’s jaw is tensed, his back teeth practically cracking as he grinds them together. He can’t force anything on her now if one of the kids needs her. Maggie steps around him and opens the door. Asher is standing there, his blonde hair sticking up in every direction, as he holds a small hand over his right ear. 
“What’s the matter, honey?” she asks, picking him up. 
“My ear hurts and I can’t sleep.”
Maggie gives a pointed look at Simon. “Please tell Heather and Carter that I’m sorry I won’t be back out there tonight as my son needs me.” 
She knows he’s going to make her pay for that later but she’ll cross that bridge when she comes to it. She puts ear drops in Asher’s ear, gently massaging the side of his little neck to help alleviate the discomfort. She hums “Annie’s Song” twice through and soon, he’s back to sleep in his own bed. She checks her phone before leaving the safety of his room and sees that Morgan has responded already. 
Tomorrow? Is that even possible?
I will make it happen. And I’ll be bringing back-up. I’ll let you know when we’re in the area.
Thank you. She doesn’t need to ask who the back-up is going to be. Morgan had told her she’s put the entire MC on alert so that as many as can come will make the ride up to La Jolla to move her and the kids to safety. Maggie erases the messages from her phone so Simon won’t find them. She already has bags packed for the kids and herself. Clothes, documents, jewelry, cash, all packed up in suitcases and backpacks, stored away in the crawlspace in Asher’s closet. All she needs to do is grab them and the kids and run. She slips the phone back into her pants pocket as she closes Asher’s door quietly behind her. When she turns around, something strikes her across her face, knocking her against the wall.. 
She smooths her hair back from her face and covers her stinging cheek with her hand. He’s standing just a couple feet away from her, a scowl on his classically handsome features. 
“Don’t you ever embarrass me like that again.” He rolls up his shirt sleeves. “They’ll be back tomorrow evening and you will have that child for them.” 
Knowing the calvary is coming tomorrow has made her brave. “And what if she’s not the problem? What if it’s him? Guess you’ll have to be the one to knock her up. What a shame.” 
She moves away from him but he grabs her arm, pushing her back against the wall again. This time, it’s not a slap. Stars erupt behind her eyes when his fist connects with her face and the back of her head hits the wall. His hand rests at the base of her throat, just enough pressure to hold her upright.“Or I just knock you up again. We both know how easy that is.” 
Maggie’s stomach drops at the memories of waking up, drowsy and disoriented, finding Simon on top of her. Too weak to fight him off, too out of it to properly register what was going on. It started happening when she was sleeping in one of the guestrooms, after waking up with her hands restrained in the leather cuffs that one time. As if that wasn’t bad enough, she started waking up with bruises on her wrists and thighs, the sheets and her skin smelling like Simon. She tried to deny it was happening, spending hours scrubbing herself clean in the shower, but then she became pregnant with Asher. She couldn’t deny the abuse at that point. 
That was when she started planning her escape, stashing money, moving assets around, letting Morgan in on what her life was like, albeit a more PG-13 version than the full blown truth. She survived six years in this gilded prison and tomorrow was going to be her day to break free. She knows if she gets too cocky, too confident, then Simon is going to know something is up. So she ducks her head and meekly nods her head. She shows him that she is the epitome of defeat of submission.
“Alright, Simon. Tomorrow night.” She nods in resolution to her fate. “I will follow God’s path for my life.” 
“That’s my sweet, obedient wife,” he presses a kiss against her cheek. “Now, let’s get some sleep so you’re well rested for tomorrow evening.” 
She glances at her watch. It’s almost midnight. Just a few more hours until Morgan and the Mayans MC show up to rescue her.  
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imagineredwood · 3 months
Hi :) can you please write hank loza x reader having a night in or a day off would include :)
Thank you :) have a great day
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Breakfast in bed for sure
Pancakes, waffles, french toast, which ever is your favorite, he's making it
Mandatory whipped cream smiley face
Makes your coffee or tea just how you like it
He eats next to you, making small talk and telling you about the day he has planned for the two of you
He takes you to get your nails done
Get's a pedi with you
And he pays for it all of course
He takes you to the movies and spoils you with snacks and treats
Will even watch a romcom if that's your thing
Takes you to lunch to your favorite place
Also takes you for ice cream at the end of the day
Then its all cuddles and netflix once you get home
Probably a bubble bath together
General taglist
@piccasoe @ateliefloresdaprimavera @gemini0410 @woahitslucyylu @my-rosegold-soul @that-chick212 @everyhowlmarksthedead @glimmerglittergirl  @fanaticfangurl21 @encounterthepast  @svintsandghosts @starrynite7114   @destynelseclipsa  @queenbeered @iamthegraham @emoengelfurleben  @otomefromtheheart @rosieposie0624 @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @beeroses @weirdosandhopelessromantics @kola95 @black-repunzel99 @xonickibaby @cruzwalters @myakai13 @mrsstevenbuchananstark @lyly00 @kaystacks17 @cole-winchester  @alexxavicry  @savagemickey03  @fanfic-n-tabulous   @gangstaliciou06
Mayans MC taglist
@dazzledamazon​  @abunnykisses​ @briana-mishell24​  @wrcn9fvlcver​  @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @krysiewithak​  @appropriate-writers-name​  @blessedboo​  @megapeacelovemusic-blog​ @emoengelfurleben​ @blowmymbackout​ @abby-splace​ @kola95​ @black-repunzel99​ @redpoodlern​  @myakai13​
@cruzwalters​  @danimals1096 @po3ticb3auty​ @lyly00​ @im-just-a-mississippi-girl​  @angel-121​ @fanfic-n-tabulous​ @90sisthenew80s​ @lovelytricia @librarian1002
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medicine-minibot · 1 year
Here's an update on some new playlists I made along with a new username. Let me know what you guys think of them!
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Here’s my Spotify profile:
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broiderie · 3 months
Lost Princessa: Meet the Reaper 28
Alright. It's a doozy. I'm talking like twice or three times the length of most of my chapters, but y'all voted for it. Here it is.
Do not steal my shit. This is the only place this is posted and there's a damn good reason for it. People have been waiting a long time for this chapter.
WARNINGS: cussing, 18+ only, unprotected sex (do as I say, not as I write), oral sex (f receiving), etc. It's fluffy porn for the last 2K+ words, okay?
Also - the first time I've EVER published something like this so be gentle. Better yet - be specific if you like it because I probably won't have the guts to write more like it if you aren't.
In Santo Padre proper, Hank parked the bike outside the best restaurant in town. He locked down their helmets and offered Megan his arm as he escorted her to the hostess stand.
“Good evening. Do you have a reservation?” the young lady asked.
“Should be under Loza,” Hank said, squeezing Megan’s hand gently.
“Yes sir. We have your table all ready for you. Please follow me.” She led them inside where they checked their jackets and then took them to a table that was fairly private. “Your server will be with you shortly. Enjoy your meal.”
Hank pulled Megan’s chair out for her and guided it in before taking his own seat.
Megan looked around with wide eyes. “Holy shit, Hank. I don’t know how to act in something as upscale as this.”
Hank laughed a little. “You’re doing fine, mi reina. Relax. It’s not as stuffy as it seems. I bring Mama here for special occasions. I promise, you’ll be just fine.” He leaned forward and took her good hand in his. “Besides - you don’t have to be anything except yourself. We don’t even have to order here. They just serve us the meal prepared for the evening. No decisions. No menus. Just us and dinner.” He couldn’t resist kissing her knuckles again as he watched her settle at his touch.
A waiter appeared at his elbow inquiring as to what they’d like to drink. Megan ordered water and Hank did as well. “We won’t be needing the wine list either,” Hank told him with a smile for Megan.
The bread and salad came out soon after they’d both gotten their drinks. As they ate, they talked softly about anything that came to mind. By the time the main course arrived, Megan was as relaxed in public as she could be. 
Hank was in the middle of telling Megan a story about when he was a young man in the military when their waiter appeared again to refill their water glasses. “Pardon me, but Mr. Galindo sends his regards and would like to buy your table a round of drinks,” he informed them.
Megan stiffened and looked around before clocking Miguel Galindo at a solitary table on the balcony. His head of security - the mercenary with the braids - stood near him. He raised a whiskey glass to acknowledge her look. 
Hank nodded. “You can tell Mr. Galindo that we appreciate his offer, but we’re not drinking tonight. Thank you,” he said levelly. 
“Very well sir,” the waiter said before leaving them to eat in peace. 
“What the hell does he think he’s doing? Megan fumed quietly. “There’s no way he thought that would be well received.”
Hank reached across the table to clasp her hand again to steady her. “Easy, mi princessa. THe more he sees it bothers us, the more outrageous he’ll get. Just ignore him.” He gently rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. “Deep breath. Don’t let him get to you.” 
Megan took a deep breath and squeezed his fingers before she started eating the steak and vegetables that was their main course.
Once the main course was finished, the waiter appeared again to clear their plates. “Would you like dessert?”
Hank grinned. “What is it tonight?”
“Triple chocolate brownie with vanilla ice cream.”
Hank looked at Megan with a smile. “What do you think, mi amore?”
Megan cracked a smile and bit her bottom lip.
“I do believe that’s a yes. We’ll take one,” Hank laughed. 
While they were waiting on their dessert, Hank reached for her hands again. “Still up for dancing after this, mi reina?”
“Of course. You promised to teach me how to really dance.” She grinned. “Tío Marcus has taught me some of the formal stuff, but Coco swears I look like a stiff.”
Hank laughed. “Alright. There’s a little dance club down the street-”
“Excuse me. I hate to interrupt -”
Hank sighed and looked up to find Miguel standing by their table adjusting his cufflinks.
He watched Megan sink a bit in her chair. “Mr. Galindo. What can we do for you?” He reached to guide Megan around the table to bring her closer to him.
“I didn’t want to interrupt, but I couldn’t help but notice that your sling is off, Ms. Morales. Is that wise?” Miguel asked. 
Megan looked to Hank in a panic without saying anything, so he pulled her around to sit on his knee. “Megan was cleared by a doctor earlier today. We’re actually celebrating that tonight. Was there something you needed?” Hank asked, gently rubbing the small of her back over the low back of her dress.
Miguel raised his eyebrows. “Ms. Morales - your voice has changed. I was under the impression that you were an officer in the M.C. Surely you can answer for yourself.”
Megan rested against Hank and took a deep breath. “Mr. Galindo, I am the Armorer of this charter, however, I’m not a voting member. I also don’t speak for the club on anything. Hank or another member will always be the one to speak instead of myself. That’s just how the structure of our organization works.”
Galindo smirked. “Ah, but we weren’t discussing business, Ms. Morales. We were discussion your personal safety. Perhaps you would do better with my organization watching out for you.”
“Either way, Mr. Galindo, my caballero or my father or godfathers will always speak for me first. They will always protect my interests,” Megan stated confidently. Hank nodded and placed a kiss to the side of her head.
“Surely you don’t see me as a threat, Ms. Morales. I’m a friend of your godfather. I’d like to be a friend to you.” He cut his eyes at Hank. “What’s preventing this relationship from becoming a friendship?”
Hank rubbed his hand up and down Megan’s bare back again and smiled. “Mr. Galindo, Megan can befriend whomever she likes. However, she also is still recovering from the abuse she suffered at the hands of people in a position of power over her. Because of that, she doesn’t feel comfortable discussing things with people that she doesn’t know. That’s where her club comes in. That’s where her family comes in.”
Megan settled against Hank’s chest and leaned her head against his shoulder as he continued to soothe her with his touch.
Miguel nodded and seated himself in Megan’s abandoned chair. “So, how can I gain your trust Ms. Morales? My business runs on trust. I don’t like not having yours.”
Megan sat up again, but continued to lean into Hank for courage. “Mr. Galindo, trust takes time to build. You have to give me time to get to know you and your organization. Time to see that you’re trustworthy.”
“Time? You need time?” Miguel ran his pointer finger over his top lip. “I can give you time, Cariño. On one condition…”
“What is your condition, Mr. Galindo?” Megan asked, lacing the fingers of her good hand through Hank’s where his hand rested on her hip.
“You allow me to attempt to earn that trust from you.”
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“Simply… allow me to be… friendly. Accept my gifts. Allow me to speak to you freely on the street without someone to hide behind.” He flashed her a charming smile.
“Mr. Galindo - it’s a free country. You can speak to anyone you’d like. Megan will speak with whomever she pleases. She can accept gifts from anyone - but you cannot require that of her if she is uncomfortable with you. You cannot intimidate mi princessa into trusting you.” Hank squeezed Megan’s waist comfortingly. “No one will ever force la princessa de los Mayas y mi reina to do something against her will again as long as any members of the Mayans M.C. survive. NOw - if you will excuse us - you’re interrupting our celebration. If you’d like to arrange a meeting to discuss la princessa, I suggest you go through proper channels.” Hank’s voice was smooth and calm the entire time he spoke to Galindo, but Megan could feel the tension in his body beneath hers.
Miguel nodded decisively and smirked at Hank’s protective speech. “Very well. Perhaps I will go through the proper channels then. See if I can’t get her as liaison.” He stood and straightened his suit jacket. “Until then, it was wonderful to see you looking so… well, Ms. Morales.” He paused to run his eyes over Megan where she sat. “Enjoy your… celebration.” He gave a mocking not to them and swept out of the restaurant. 
As soon as he was out of sight, Megan wilted into Hank as he cuddled her close. He could feel her trembling as she fought to keep her breathing even. “Easy, mi amore. You did beautifully.” He pressed kisses to her hair and used both hands to stroke her back and arms. “Shh. You’re alright. I’ve got you. He’s gone.”
Megan focused on her breathing as it seemed like a bubble of tension in the restaurant popped, releasing a wave of chatter from the other diners. She got herself under control and quickly sat up to give Hank a weak smile.
Hank cupped her cheek in his massive palm and soothed over her cheekbone with his thumb. “There’s my girl.” He pressed a soft kiss to her lip and smiled.
Their waiter reappeared with fresh water and their dessert. “Here you are sir, miss. Can I get you anything else? We appreciate how calmly you took your dinner being interrupted by another guest. My manager would like you to know that tonight’s meal is on the house as a thank you for your patience and kindness.”
Hank smiled at the much smaller man. “Thank your manager for us. I think mi reina would appreciate a cup of tea if you have time.” He smoothed some hair that had escaped her braids out of her face softly as he rocked her.
“Of course. I’ll be right back with that, sir.” The waiter hurried off.
Megan took one more deep breath in through her nose and out through her mouth before she smiled at Hank. “Sorry. I froze.”
He kissed her forehead before pulling the dessert close and offering her one of the spoons. “You did just fine, Princessa. Let’s finish dinner and see if you still feel like going dancing afterwards.”
After finishing their dessert and a cup of tea for Megan, Hank guided her back out of the restaurant. He gently helped her into her leather jacket and took her back to his bike.
“Alright, mi amore. Still feel like dancing tonight? I’ll understand if you don’t,” he assured her.
Megan smiled up at him. “I don’t want him to succeed at spoiling our date night. I’d love to go dancing with you.”
Hank lit up. “In that case - let’s leave the bike here. There’s not much parking over by where I want to take you. Do you mind walking?”
“I don’t mind at all. It’s a beautiful night.”
Hank guided her to the inside of the sidewalk and took her good hand as they walked down the street. It wasn’t very far at all and Megan grinned when she could hear the music. “Ready to go dancing for the first time, mi princessa?” Hank asked, pressing a kiss to her knuckles and lingering teasingly.
“Ready.” She smiled up at him, giggling when he guided her into a spin right there on the street. 
They rounded the corner and entered a plaza that was lit with strings of lights. The club door was just a few yards away when Megan froze. Hank stopped and turned to check on her with a frown. “Mi amore? What’s wrong?”
Megan pointed to the door where a man with familiar braids stood talking to the bouncer. 
“Fuck. Asshole. He delayed us on purpose because he was sending his errand boy ahead,” Hank growled. “Either he’s waiting inside to ambush us again, or he’s paid off the doorman to keep us from getting in.”
Megan sighed and pressed her face into Hank’s bicep. “I really don’t want to deal with him again. He makes me anxious.”
Hank pulled her close and let her tuck herself into his broad chest before he wrapped his arms around her tightly. “Then we won’t, mi reina. We can dance another night. We can go home or even back to the clubhouse with your papa and tíos. If you want, we can call the guys and have them bring the girls from Vickie’s - make our own dance club at the clubhouse…” He kissed her hair gently and rocked back and forth to settle her.
Nestor caught sight of them and smiled before patting the bouncer on the shoulder. 
Hank struggled not to lose his temper and go a few rounds with the cartel security. He focused on Megan in his arms and got angrier when he heard her sniff back tears. “Oh Princessa. Don’t cry. Don’t let that bastard steal our night.” He loosened his hold until he could tilt her face up to his and kiss her gently right there on the street corner. “Say the word, mi amore, and the club will arrive in force to go in with us if you want to dance in there tonight. You won’t have to deal with him. We’ll shield you.” He wiped the lone tear that slid down her cheek gently.
“No. Let’s just go home.” She shook her head. “No use in getting into fights with the fucking cartel over it.” Her eyes pleaded with Hank to let it go. “Let’s just ignore him and go home.”
He searched her face for a minute. “Alright, mi reina. Alright.” He turned her around and headed back towards the bike. 
Once they were back at the bike, Megan sighed. She looked so upset still, and Hank couldn’t stand it. He kissed both sets of knuckles and then her lips before he smiled down at her. “Well - at least I won’t have to shoot anyone for hitting on my gorgeous girl tonight. You really are so beautiful I’d probably have had to fight to keep you to myself in there.”
That got a watery chuckle from her as he leaned down to press a deep kiss to her lips. He pressed her close to his body and smiled as she fought to catch her breath after they broke apart. 
His personal phone chimed from his suit jacket pocket which gave him an idea. He pulled it out and started typing furiously. It dinged again - multiple times in a row - alerting her to the amount of responses he was getting. By the time the dinging stopped, he was grinning ear to ear.
“Alright, Princessa. Plan B. Let’s run to the grocery store for some extra ice cream and head home. The night’s not over yet.”
Hank encouraged her to take her time choosing snacks at the store. They got ice cream and topping for it as well as candy of all sorts. 
“What are we doing?” Megan giggled as Hank reached for a giant bag of M&Ms. 
“It’s a surprise, Princessa. The rich bastard can’t ruin this plan.” He grinned down at the loaded handbasket. “Anything else you want, mi amore?”
“I don’t think so. There’s so much.”
“Gotta have options.” His phone chirped again and he checked it. Whatever was on his screen made him smile in satisfaction. “Let’s head home.”
Back on the bike, Hank felt Megan relax into his back as soon as the wind hit her. When they stopped at a stoplight, he reached back to rest his hand on her bare thigh, stoking the soft skin that he couldn’t feel through his leather riding gloves.
At the ranch, Megan saw that the lights had been turned on inside, but there were no bikes or van parked outside. Once Hank cut the bike’s engin, Megan asked, “Who’s here?” as she removed her helmet.
“No one anymore. I had the Prospect come set some things up for us and then leave the lights on.” He smiled as he guided her off the bike first before dismounting along with her.
“Did you tell Papa what happened?” she asked quietly.
He shook his head. “Not yet, Princessa. We can tell him tomorrow morning so that he and Bishop can handle it. It’s not going to blow up our night.” He pulled her close and leaned down to kiss her gently. “Let’s go inside.”
Inside the ranch house, everything looked normal in the entrance and the living room, so Megan was a little puzzled. Hank helped her remove her leather jacket and hung it with his before leading her into the kitchen to put away the ice cream. That’s when she noticed it.
Hank had asked EZ to clear the patio of everything except the love seat to the side and the brick fire pit. String edison lights were hung from the rafters holding the roof and a fire had been laid, but wasn’t yet lit. One of the stereo systems from the clubhouse had been hung as well and the projector and screen from their movie date were back in place playing Latin dance music and showing video of some kind of festival where dancing happened in the plaza. 
She went to the patio doors and smiled brightly at the set up. After putting the ice cream in the freezer, Hank joined her at the doors, wrapping his arms around her from behind and swaying gently. “Now we can dance as much as we want and no one can interrupt us,” he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to her left temple. “And if you get tired, we have all the snacks for a movie instead.”
“This is amazing. You didn’t have to do this -” she said, leaning back into his embrace.
“Mi reina, you were disappointed that Galindo was able to pull strings like he did tonight. I promised you dinner and dancing - so that’s exactly what you’re gonna get.” He smiled and caught her left hand in his right and spun her gently all the way around. “Ready for that dance?”
Megan popped up on her toes and kissed him. “Any time.”
Hank led her out onto the patio and lit the fire pit quickly before finding the remote that controlled the music and sliding it into his jacket pocket. He changed the song to the one they’d first danced to in Mama’s backyard before offering Megan his hand in the most over the top gallant fashion he could manage. “May I have this dance?”
Megan laughed, throwing her head back until she calmed enough to take his offered hand. “Of course, good sir.”
Hank drew her close and into frame for a proper dance before taking the lead. He could definitely tell the difference this time. Megan never looked away from his face to check her feet. She just trusted his lead. 
She smiled up at him as he spun her gently before catching her and lowering her into a dip. “You ready for the next step, Princessa?”
“What’s next?”
He chuckled. “Time to move. Just follow my lead.”
When the song changed, he started dancing her around the patio. It took a few minutes, but she found her footing in the movement. She glanced down to see that she was keeping beat and laughed.
Hank released her hand to guide her chin back up to meet his eyes. “Eyes on me, mi reina. You’re doing just fine.” He watched as she bit her bottom lip before meeting his gaze again. “There’s my girl.”
Megan felt heat spread through her veins and thought it must be visible on her face. The hand that Hank had on her waist slipped back to stroke the skin that was at the small of her back as she moved a little closer to him. “Hank?”
“Sí, mi princessa?”
“Kiss me?”
He smirked a bit before leaning down to press a soft kiss to her lips as the song swapped again. A much slower song started and he guided both of her hands up to the back of his neck asw he pulled her closer still.
Megan pouted up at him, making him laugh. “What’s wrong, mi amore?”
“That doesn’t count as a kiss.” 
He pressed his forehead against hers with a cheeky smile. “Oh really? What kind of kiss were you looking for?”
“This kind.” Megan pressed herself up to kiss Hank deeply as her hands slid into his haid to pull him closer. 
Hank couldn’t resist and pressed her completely against him with one hand stroking the bare back exposed by the dress that had been teasing him for hours as the other slid up to support Megan's head and neck. He let her lead the kiss as much as he could before she let out a tiny sound of pleasure that broke his carefully held control.
He gentled the kiss only enough to allow her to breathe before he backed them up to the loveseat. When he felt it at his back, he sat - pulling her to straddle his lap. For the first time, he felt like he could safely enjoy her being on top of him. He reveled in it. 
Megan settled into the comfort of his wide lap with a smile. Even with the brace still on her right wrist, this was the most Hank had allowed her to do in a while. Her hands went back to his soft hair as she kissed him again. 
Hank’s hands stroked the skin of her back and shoulders before one slid down her body to her bare thigh where her skirt had ridden up. He traced the bike shorts she was wearing before sliding his hand around to cup her ass through them and pull her hips tighter to his as he guided kisses across her jaw until he could nip her ear gently. “See, mi reina. Dancing at home has it’s advantages.”
Megan let out a breathy giggle as he rocked her hips into his. 
He smiled against her skin before exploring further down her neck with his kisses.
Megan allowed her head to fall back as he brushed his lips along the cleavage the neckline of her dress exposed and let out a small whine when he stopped. 
He chuckled as her trance was broken and she pouted at him again. He gently kissed her once more while rocking his hips up into hers. “Is this what you want, Megan?” he asked quietly. “Is it? You know you are the one calling the shots, right?” He cupped her neck with one hand and her hip with the other and waited until she met his eyes. Megan’s pupils were dilated so far that he could barely see the deep brown color that he had come to love so very much. “This is your choice.”
She smiled at him in such a way as to make his breath catch in his throat. “I know, Hank. You are always my choice.” She wrapped her arms tighter around his shoulders and rocked her hips against the hard ridge in his suit pants. “I want you. All of you…”
He buried his face in her good shoulder as he pressed kisses to her skin. Once he’d calmed down enough, he smiled up at her. “Then we should take this behind locked doors.” He paused to press a kiss to her lips. “Go inside, mi reina. I’m going to put out the fire and cover the electronics and then I’ll meet you in our room.”
Megan searched his face for a moment before smiling down at him. “Alright.” She slid off his lap with the help of his guiding hands and shivered a bit when he sat forward on the love seat to kiss her stomach through her dress.
Once he was standing, he released her hand with a kiss and patted her ass to send her on her way inside. As she crossed the threshold of the patio doors, he started shutting everything down for the night. As he turned off the music, he realized that the speaker system was the outdoor ones - but they looked newer than the ones at the clubhouse. And the projector had been mounted to the rafters this time as well.
He went around the corner of the house to get the bucket of sand that Taza kept for putting out the fire pit and saw brand new boxes for the electronics broken down and ready to be burned. He laughed and shook his head. The Prospect must have told Taza what he’d been asked to do and Taza sent him shopping. Probably with Creep along to choose the right things to create a more permanent outdoor theater for the house. He shot a text off to Taza to thank him for making this easy for him, then grabbed the bucket and went to smother the fire. 
Before he went back inside to unplug the lights, his phone dinged with a reply and he checked it. “Anything for her, Hermano. She alright? Why the change of plans?” it read.
Hank paused and responded - “She’s fine. I’ll explain in the morning.”
An immediate reply came through saying “Good. See you in the morning.”
Hank locked his phone as he shut and locked the patio doors. Once he’d unplugged the patio lights, he plugged his phone in next to Megan’s on the kitchen counter and turned to the hallway to meet her.
In the bedroom, Megan had taken the time to remove her makeup and wash her face. She sat at her vanity unpinning her braids as he walked in and leaned in the doorway. She was humming contentedly and he waited for her to notice him before joining her in the bedroom.
Megan’s eyes met his in the mirror and she smiled. “Thought I’d go ahead and wash my face.” She let her warrior braids fall to brush her tattooed back.
“Need some help, Princessa?” he asked, pushing off the doorframe and closing the door behind him and locking it. 
She smiled up at him as he joined her at her vanity. “Of course.”
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Want your jewelry off?”
“Yes please. And my hair down.”
He smiled again and removed her necklaces, placing kisses beneath each clasp before undoing them. He helped to remove her earrings carefully as well before replacing her cord and silver necklace from Taza. He felt her shoulders relax as soon as it was back in its place around her throat. Lastly, he removed her new pearl bracelet and put it away in her jewelry box.
He reached for the small scissors that Taza had shown him to use to cut the bands on her smaller braids. He carefully snipped each band and threw them away before he started to unravel Megan’s hair. He watched her face relax as the tension from her heavy hair released. Once it was all unraveled, he gently massaged her scalp and watched her eyes close in bliss. Once he’d worked over her scalp well, he picked up the brush she used to detangle it and brushed it out so that it laid to her waist over her dress. “Better, mi amore?” he asked, smoothing her silky hair.
She opened her eyes to meet his with a smile. “Yes. Thank you.”
“You are so beautiful, Megan.” He bruised her hair aside to kiss her bare shoulder. 
She smiled and tilted her head to give him more access to her neck as she watched him in the mirror.
Hank took advantage of the exposed skin and pressed kisses up her neck until he reached her ear. “Alright, Princessa. You’re sure?” he whispered.
“I’m sure, Hank.”
He kissed her temple before shedding his suit jacket and the button up so he was just standing there in his slacks and a white wife-beater tank with his tattoos on display in the dim lighting of the lamps. He offered Megan his hand to help her stand and when she took it, he guided her close to him. Once she was pressed to his front, he used one massive hand to tilt her chin up so he could look down into her eyes. “You tell me to stop at any time, mi reina. Anytime.” He stroked a gentle thumb across her bottom lip. “Promise me?”
Megan’s wide trusting eyes stared up at him and she blinked. “I promise.”
“Good girl.” He pulled her closer against his chest and kissed her deeply, stroking his hands over her still clothed body.
Megan’s hands explored his chest and sides as she let out the tiniest little whimper. When he paused, she whined and reached to pull his head back down to kiss him again. She ran her good hand through his ruffled hair and stood on her bare toes to reach him better.
Hank cupped her hips over her dress and lifted her until she wrapped her legs around his waist without stopping the kiss. He finally broke it to laugh a little because she was giggling. He walked them to the bed and laid her across it before peppering kisses across her face and neck.
She grinned up at him as he paused to catch his breath.
He reached to cup her face again. “I love when you smile at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like you’re the happiest woman in the world and I did something to make you that way.” He pressed another kiss to her lips before deepening it. He slid his hand to her knee where it rested against his side and eased his touch up her leg beneath the skirt of that deep red dress. He was expecting to encounter the bike shorts again, but instead found only the smooth skin of her thigh. He buried his face in the crook of her neck with a moan. “Makeup wasn’t all you took off, mi amore, was it?”
Megan ran her casted hand gently down his back over his wife beater and stroked the back of his neck with gentle fingers. “Don’t need shorts if I’m not on the bike…”
He made another strangled sound as his hand encountered lace which made her giggle again. “You alright, Hank?” she asked.
He kept his face buried in her skin and nodded. “Gimme a minute.”
Megan relaxed beneath him where he laid on top of her, supporting his weight  on the arm by her head. She marveled at how he was rock steady above her as she traced the muscles of his back.
“Princessa, that’s not helping. I’m trying real hard not to embarrass myself right now.” He picked his head up with a smile before rocking his hips gently against her.
Megan reached to stroke the line of his jaw with her good hand. “I won’t break, Hank. The sling is fully off and all that’s left is the soft cast. You won’t hurt me.”
He kissed her inner wrist and nodded. “I know, but you were so hurt for so long, mi reina. I don’t want that for you again. Especially because I lost control.” He slid to the side a little to rest on the bed beside her as he pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “Besides - I know that this -” he gestured between the two of them. “This isn’t something that’s been your choice in a long time. I don’t want to be like him.”
Megan smiled and moved to snuggle closer to his body heat. “You aren’t him though. You’ll never be him. I’m not afraid of you and never have been.” She made solid eye contact with him. “I love you.”
Hank took a moment to scan her eyes for any hesitation, but found none so he drew her into a deep and loving kiss while guiding her hands back to his chest. 
Megan could feel that he was still hesitant to push her, so she tugged at the white tank top he was still wearing before whispering - “Off.”
When Hank sat up to remove it, Megan reached to undo the side zipper on her dress. He never took his eyes off of her as she shed it carefully - revealing the white lace panties he had only felt during their make out session. Her chest was completely bare since she’d shed the sticky bra at the same time as the bike shorts. She watched his jaw tighten before reaching for him to unfasten his slacks.
As her fingers fumbled with the zipper, Hank’s hands explored the now familiar skin of her torso.  He stroked her skin gently while surging forward to kiss her again with more heat in it. 
As soon as the zipper released, Megan stroked the hard ridge of his cock through the cotton of his boxer briefs causing him to moan softly. He broke the kiss to slide out of his slacks and sit firmly against the headboard before offering her his hand in invitation.
She didn’t hesitate. She took the offered hand and moved to straddle him, sitting firmly over that pronounced ridge in his underwear and shivering in pleasure at the feeling.
The heat that he could feel through the two thin layers of cotton was overwhelming. He cupped the back of her neck to pull her into his kisses before trailing more over them over the soft skin of her neck and shoulder. When his kisses hit that soft spot, right below her ear, Megan couldn’t resist a small moan of satisfaction as she rocked gently in his lap giving her body some of the stimulation it craved. 
With his left hand, Hank moved to cup a bare breast, gently thumbing and rolling the hard nipple as he diligently nibbled sweet spots on her neck and ears. His other hand slipped down to stroke teasingly along the top band of her panties.
Her hands alternated holding his head close to where she so desperately wanted it and stroking the muscles of his arms and abs.
When he pulled back a bit to catch his breath, Megan didn’t give him a chance for his brain to re engage and start overthinking again. Instead, she returned the favor, exploring his tattooed skin with wet kisses and nibbles. She traced the now familiar ink of his chest with her lips before nuzzling the nautical star just beneath his clavicle.
Hank reached to pull her higher on his body so he could catch her breast with his lips. She arched to offer him full access which he took advantage of - tracing around her sensitive breast with his tongue before catching a nipple to suckle - enjoying the soft noises of pleasure she let out. His fingers slipped under the final lace covering her to tease her cleft, causing her to buck into his touch with a whine. He chuckled and swapped breasts as her hand clutched at his broad shoulders for support.
It didn’t take much encouragement for him to part her folds to find her clit. As he stroked the first circle over it, Megan’s breath caught in her throat and he noticed her arms shaking trying to support her weight against him. Her cast rubbed his skin as she shifted.
He nuzzled her breasts. “Easy, mi amore. Don’t hurt yourself.” He kissed up her body to catch her lips in a deep kiss before muttering “Let me help…” against her lips.
He quickly wrapped his free arm around her back to hold her against him. Without ever losing rhythm, he flipped their positions and laid her back against the bed beneath him again. 
As soon as he settled her into the covers, he paused to look at her. Her dark hair sprawled across the blankets they had chosen together. Her lips swollen from his kisses. Her breasts rising rapidly as she enjoyed his touch. That’s when it clicked for him. She really meant it. He was her choice - and he’d be damned if he didn’t worship her the way she deserved. 
Megan whined as his fingers left her slit.
“Shh,” he hushed her gently, leaning to kiss her softly on the forehead. “Patience, Princessa.” He hooked his fingers into the sides of her panties before guiding them down her legs as his lips trailed kisses down her small body.
Once she was completely bare beneath him, he pecked kisses up her skin again until he could kiss her lips. “You are so beautiful,” he whispered before resuming laying on his side over her to enjoy her kisses again.
When she was so involved in kissing him that she tried to roll over to press into his body, he gently pressed her back onto her back before trailing his hands along her skin again and teasing her entrance with a single finger as she whined. 
“Hank, please - don’t tease me -”
He smiled down at her. “Never.” He eased a finger into her tight tunnel and she arched off the bed as his thumb found her clit again. She was so wet she was practically dripping, so he pulled out and added another finger, catching her cry of pleasure with a kiss. He eased into a rhythm with his fingers and thumb - watching her build quickly for him.
“There she is. Gonna cum for me, Preciosa?” On his next press inside her, he hooked his fingers up to rub along her top wall. He knew he’d found it when Megan cried out and her hands scrambled for purchase against his chest making him chuckle a little. He shifted his weight to catch her hands in one of his before gently, and with a mind for her brace, trapping them against him. “Come on, Princessa,” he whispered, watching her body language. 
On the next thrust of his fingers, her eyes popped open to meet his and her mouth opened on a silent scream as her entire body tensed and she came for him.
Hank eased her through it as he watched her body spasm before relaxing into him panting for breath. He slowed his hand and released her arms to hook a finger under her chin an guide her into a deep and gentle kiss. 
He tried to ease his fingers out of her without triggering too much oversensitivity, but she still twitched and whimpered. He hushed her gently and gathered her to his chest to let her breathing regulate. 
Once she was breathing regularly again, he eased back to grin down at her a bit cockily. “Alright there, Princessa?”
Megan giggled. “Mmmhmm.”
“Good. Do you want more or do you want to stop?” he asked, smoothing her hair down her back as they lay on their sides still pressed closely together.
She tilted her chin so she could look him in the eyes. “I really want all of you…”
He smiled and moved to kiss her again. “Then you’ll get it, mi reina.” He nudged her back onto her back before reaching to tease her entrance again. “That’s my girl. Oh Princessa, you’re so wet…” He eased his fingers back inside her as she arched for him. He started slow and gentle to be sure that her oversensitivity had passed before brushing sucking kisses down her throat - focusing on a spot between her neck and left shoulder to leave a light mark beneath where the collar of a t-shirt would cover.
When her soft whimpers turned to a whine, he eased further down to kiss and tease her breasts. She arched as he stroked that spot inside her again and he sucked a nipple hard making her cry out. “That’s it- Good girl-” he breathed into her skin as he kissed further down.  “Let me taste you, mi amore…” He nuzzled further down, guiding her good hand to his hair before he pressed a kiss to her hip. “Just a taste - then you can cum for me again…”
Megan whined and tugged his hair. “Hank - want you-”
He kissed her hip again, nibbling another mark into her skin. “You’ll have me - but I really want to taste you. Let me?” He looked up at her to meet her eyes - blown wide with the pleasure his fingers were giving her.
She met his eyes and bit down hard on her lip before nodding. 
Hank immediately moved to swipe his tongue through her dripping slit. Broad flat licks from his pumping fingers to her clit before circling that sensitive bundle with his tongue.
Megan’s fingers tightened and clutched his hair as she cried out a writhed. When he sucked gently at her clit and crooked his fingers again, she screamed and came for him again.
This time, Hank didn’t let her come down fully. He eased up a little, but kept up the stimulation as he shed his briefs. Just as she suddenly started spasming again, he slid his fingers out and moved to sink his cock inside her. 
Megan screamed again in pleasure as Hank sank halfway inside on his first thrust. Her hands moved to clutch at his back as his face buried in her good shoulder with a groan and a string of broken Spanish.
He eased back and thrust back in with a gentle roll of his hips until he was fully seated inside of her. He peppered her skin with kisses as he gave her time to adjust. When she finally relaxed beneath him, he propped himself on his elbows so he could look down into her face. “You okay, mi reina?” he panted, struggling to be still.
She nodded and tried to lift her hips - “So good. Hank - move please-” she begged through harsh breaths.
He started gentle but felt her shifting to take him deeper and adjusted his strokes until she was crying out again and digging her nails into his tattooed back. 
He moaned as he felt her tightening down on him. “Good girl - gonna cum soon. Need you close-” He shifted to put more power behind his thrust and snaked a hand between them to thumb her clit again. 
“You close, mi amore? Gonna cum on my cock like mi reina deserves?”
She nodded frantically and tried to bite off her scream as she exploded, triggering his own release. He thrust through both of their highs before easing off until he practically collapsed on top of her. After a few breaths, he pulled her close and rolled them so she was on top as she shuddered through the aftershocks. As she relaxed, he eased out of her causing her to whimper.
“Shh. Easy, mi princessa. Rest.” He pressed kisses to her tangled hair and stroked her skin soothingly. “You are so perfect. So perfect.” He looked down as both of their breaths evened out to see her eyes closed and a content little smile on her lips. “Rest a minute - then we’ll get you cleaned up.”
After letting her relax in his arms, he gently eased out from under her - soothing sounds escaping him as she whined at him moving. He scooped her up and went in to start the shower for both of them. He helped to clean her up and combed through her hair to remove the worst of the tangles. Then he snuggled her dozing body against his beneath their blankets and drifted off to sleep with his nose burning in the crown of her head and her right back where she belonged to sleep - practically on top of him.
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I have this feeling that Tranq (Frankie Loyal) isn’t going to make it in s5.
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dorkofclanlavellan · 1 year
Sons of Anarchy/Mayans MC Masterlist
Sons of Anarchy
Filip ‘Chibs’ Telford
Happy Lowman
Jackson ‘Jax’ Teller
Juan Carlos ‘Juice’ Ortiz
Harry ‘Opie’ Winston
Herman Kozik
Alexander ‘Tig’ Trager
Tumblr media
Mayans MC
Angel Reyes
Ezekiel ‘EZ’ Reyes
Hank ‘Tranq’ Loza
Michael ‘Riz’ Ariza
Neron ‘Creeper’ Vargas
Obispo ‘Bishop’ Losa
Preferences ~
Mayans Men When Asked What The Male Equivalent Of Flowers Is?
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