#tras are mras
vexingwoman · 4 months
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I love it. they couldn’t decide between the circular, non-functional definition of “a woman is anyone who identifies as a woman” and the sexist definition of “a woman is anyone who is feminine” so they just went with both.
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redditreceipts · 1 month
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Imagine being friends with this guy, but despite you being a lesbian he keeps on hitting on you and he ignores every attempt from your side to signal to him that you're not interested. His behaviour already borders on sexual harassment, but you try to ignore it to not make the situation uncomfortable and not make him lash out. Then, when you could not have made it more obvious that you are not into him, he goes onto the lesbian subreddit and calls you "useless", implying that you actually do like him. I would have gone into his fucking neighbourhood and slashed his tires lol
I really think that men are unable to understand the lengths women go to to not make them upset.
Also, I will not rob you of the experience of reading his petplay erotica that he apparently sent his friend lol
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aman1taverna · 3 months
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these people just tell on themselves over and over
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Libfems love to toss around words like women’s choice and consent… like ok well I do not consent to males in womens spaces, I do not consent to peeing with males, I want the choice to not compete against/being imprisoned with/pee near males, did that occur to you ever? Does my choice/consent not matter?
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niiwa-angel · 8 months
I've got a TIM in my college class and and I swear to God, this guy has a near terminal case of victim mentality. NOTHING can be his fault, nothing he could every do is wrong, he's such a sweet lil trans bean 🥺 and everybody else is just so cruel to him.
We were talking about victims of sex trafficking and the needs they have and how we make things easier for them. Things like individual and group therapy, safe and secure housing, and medical care provided by trusted people. Obviously, we're barely skimming the surface of all the issues survivors of sex trafficking face but we're first years, that's what first year is, it's surface level shit.
This guy. This. FUCKING. Guy. Pipes up and starts complaining that most of those shelters and support groups for survivors of sex trafficking are divided by sex. No males in the female groups and vice versa, and that's such a CRIME towards innocent trans beans 🥺 like him, because he's a woman too!! Never mind the fact that the majority of sex trafficking victims are female and were targeted BECAUSE of their sex. Never mind the fact that this man isn't a sex trafficking survivor. No, obviously, the biggest problem here is that males aren't allowed in the female groups and housing.
I nearly screamed. It was so disgusting. I haven't felt so angry in so long, it felt like I was going to crack my own teeth clenching my jaw to stop from calling this guy a fucking idiot.
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caitlinjohns77 · 2 months
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sossegato · 2 months
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TIM thinks violence against women is funny and also about himself-of-the-week
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delicatefem · 2 years
male “lesbians” aren’t valid❤️ quit being a creep and intruding wlw spaces
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vexingwoman · 4 months
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I can’t even wrap my head around how they came to that conclusion from my comment.
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redditreceipts · 6 months
this is most likely fake bc it reads like self insert fanfiction / projecting / the plot of a rejected disney movie...
but if its real holy shit the girl he's describing is extremely based
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lmao bro tried so hard to come up with a horrible story about a terf and accidentally created the most badass high school girl in history 😂😂😂
if she was real I would give anything to talk to her
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michellezagenda · 10 months
tras are mras i will never stop screaming that. women can’t say women or females anymore. women can’t say they hate men without getting called terfs. women can’t do anything without being silenced by a tra aka mra. they get upset and want women fired from their jobs for speaking about our vaginas or our periods or the commonalities of womanhood …seriously fuck all of u idc about u. tras r spineless
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
When a political group wants to strategise so that its members can arrive at agreed-on political tactics and ideas, they call for, and create, separate spaces. These might be in coffee shops, in community centres, in one another’s homes or in semi-public spaces such as workers clubs, even cinemas. When the proletariat was rebelling, they did not ask the capitalists and aristocracy to join them (even if a few did); when the civil rights movement started it was not thanks to the ideas and politics of white people (even though some whites joined to support the cause); when the women’s liberation movement sprang into life, it was women joining together to fight against their oppression.
The difference is that women are supposed to love men. And while there may well be love across classes and ethnic groups, religions and languages, there is not an expectation that this should happen. In the case of women, this expectation remains no matter how tolerant a society claims to be. These arguments would not be so intense if trans people were supporting women (and some do), but most seem intent on undermining feminist actions and the need for women to be able to have gatherings without men present (whether transitioning or not).
-Susan Hawthorne, In Defence of Separatism
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wild-wombytch · 8 months
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Oh well, today is male entitlement day, it seems. Sure, get surgeries and take the place of natural women and reap the money out of it. (I can confirm that France 3 Region is a legit information website btw)
Beauty contests should die anyway, since they're the most basic patriarchy in action, but yeah, now males will make women even more insecure...
I swear today's Reddit scrolling makes me want to peak another time.
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Roughly (not a good translator) : "Last year, the student decided to sign in the official contest of Haute-Vienne. [As to] boost her self confidence, make her family proud and to prove the people who mocked her wrong...there are many reasons."
Quote : <<I wanted to be able to tell myself that I am a young woman. I can be pretty, desired, be liked>>
Quote 2 : <<Among all the [economical?] partners, some people aren't accepting, Lara says. At the end of the day, it's good to force things. To show that a trans woman can be miss or dauphine. Because during the contest, some parents complain to the president. Thankfully, the committee defended me. I heard someone say "Ah, but that's a man" and I wanted to tell him "yeah and the man is first dauphine". We need to stop with taboos and nastiness. We need to teach values of tolerance and acceptance>>
This make me sick. This male self-id as a man right there and say we need to force things and force women to accept that else they're intolerant. Male thinking 101.
ETA 2 : Oh and btw, laser hair removal is at least partially refunded *by society/health care* in France. Too bad for the real females contestants who have to pay their own shaving I guess (you know, because natural body hair is too gross for patriarchy to handle as part of straight beauty standards)
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burningtheroots · 1 year
Let‘s be real, this is the future MRAs and TRAs dream of
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raybug-theradfem · 4 months
it's funny how y'all can't define what a woman is either. i'd like to see you define what a woman is without excluding ANY cis women. "oh a woman is someone with two x chromosomes ! ☝🏿🤓" uh oh! cis women who have turner syndrome are only born with one x chromosome and cis men who have Klinefelter syndrome have an extra x chromosome! "Someone who can give birth" so we're just gonna ignore the millions of women who can't give birth and now they aren't women anymore? "no,no,no someone who has a euterus!" how about the cis women who get hysterectomies or are born without euteruses? guess they aren't women to you! and then when y'all are all out of options, you say "adult human female." re-read what i said and replace the word "woman" with "female" you're in the same predicament buddy!
A woman is a person born without a Y chromosome and female external genitalia. It’s funny cuz I saw this exact question on one of my moots’ accounts, did you just copy and paste this hun? Also uterus doesn’t have an e at the beginning. Using infertile women for your argument of why men should be allowed to be women to is honestly disgusting. Women who have had hysterectomies still had a uterus, that’s like saying an amputee never had an arm. A woman to you is a a set of stereotypes.
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caitlinjohns77 · 2 months
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