#twine games
within-your-eyes-if · 10 months
Within Your Eyes Intro Post
DEMO [Last Updated Jan. 24th, 2024]
You are a Warden, a monster hunter who has come to the Kingdom of Auris which has become the forefront runner in it’s acceptance of magic and supernatural alike within the West Highlands. But when strange happenstances occur, you are called upon not just because of skill, but also because of your condition. A condition you’ve lied about for last 12 years.
Unearth the secrets that magic holds as a new form is discovered.
Befriend or romance those who attempt to worm through the cracks of the mask you wear. Or will you fight to keep them at arms length?
Regardless of where your journey takes you, your feathered friend will be at your side. As he always has been.
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This story will be 18+ for the following reasons:
Explicit and erotic intimate scenes
Death, including of a child
Violence, blood and gore
Thoughts of suicide
Mentions of suicide
Self harm
Explicit language
Mental trauma
Horror elements
Feelings of being watched
NOTE: Your character will be pretending to have a disability (blindness), not because of a disorder but out of self preservation.
This list may be updated.
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You are running away from your past. As you take a this new job, you're forced to confront it. What vices do you use to cope? Will you learn to rely on others or will your raven be your only source of comfort? Will you feel guilty for your lies? Yours will be a journey of self-forgiveness, or maybe you'll only fall deeper into despair.
Play as a man, woman, or non-binary. Gay, straight, or bi.
Plenty of customization options from physical appearance to clothes.
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Φ Admos de Le Wren ─ Male | Draconian | Second-Born
Admos, the Dragon Lord of Auris, ascended to the throne following a devastating conflict with his father, bypassing his older brother's claim. This decision deepened the rift among his siblings. As he enters his fifth year as sovereign, Admos grapples with guilt and uncertainty about his role in the family's discord. Will you help him find clarity or fuel his doubts?
Φ Lyth/Lyari de Le Wren ─ Gender Selectable | Draconian | Tenth-Born
Ly took on the role of Viceroy/Vicereine in Auris and became their brother Admos's Right Hand, playing a vital part in the kingdom's recovery after a conflict with their father. However, an incident they triggered over a year and a half ago almost led to another war, casting doubt on their suitability for their position and their aid to their brother. Will you help Ly grapple with their past actions and uncertainties about their role as Viceroy/Vicereine, or will their internal conflicts remain unresolved?
Φ Leese/Lea van Laere ─ Gender Selectable | Human | Vampire
Born into nobility, Lee's life as the child of prominent figures in Lenia took an unexpected turn when they were turned into a vampire. Forced to leave their home, Lee now wrestles with their new identity, desperately seeking meaning in their existence and if it's worth maintaining.
Is Lee a monster consumed by instinct, or can you help them reclaim their humanity?
Φ Xiang Xiaowen/Xiaodan ─ Gender Selectable | Human
Xiao, an ambassador dispatched to Auris to aid the Dragon Lord in Council matters, fought hard to secure their role. Serving as an unofficial advisor, they frequently share insights to assist Admos. Yet their unwavering dedication to obtaining this position hints at a deeper motivation. Perhaps they will reveal it to you.
Φ Gabriel Duarte ─ Gender Selectable | Human
Assigned to you as an assistant of sorts, the recently knighted guard is searching for their place within the Order. Perhaps their new mission will set them on a path for glory, or sink them beneath the turmoils it takes to obtain.
Φ Hestia ─ She/They | Elf? | Witch
Even the most kind have their secrets.
Φ ???
Poly Routes: Lyth/Lyari and Gabriel | Leese/Lea and Gabriel | Xiaowen/Xiaodan and Hestia
Love Triangle: Admos and ???
Romance Information Post
Tumblr Asks are disabled for the time being.
WYE will always be free with chapters released once they are finished.
This is a planned trilogy.
Thank you for reading and for your support! ♥
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heart-forge · 2 months
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Bad Ritual Chapter 5: Warlock
Thank-you for your patience everyone: I didn't realise Easter was in March this year when I planned everything OTL. Chapter 5 for Bad Ritual is now available publically on itch. Have fun and let me know what you think!
No new features or anything this time around, the only change is:
Chapter 5 for both Tahira and Siruud
Reblogs appreciated!
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if-whats-new · 1 month
What's New In IF? Issue 3 (2024)
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By Erika, Marjorie, Axelle, Zach and Noi
Now Available!
Itch.io - Google Drive - Keep Reading below
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A proper (re-)introduction
As mentioned in our first edition, this zine became a thing after a 2am- fuelled frustrated rant. We were just so excited with the idea that we ran with it without thinking properly about a format or rules or even…
Doing a proper introduction.
So, two issues later, we're hoping to remedy that…
Hi! We are Erika, Marjorie, Axelle, Zach, and Noi. A tiny groupe of IF fanatics wanting to bring something to the community, and hoping to help it connect more together.
We're not authors (this is as far as you will read our writing) or coders (except Noi, but not IF) or illustrators. We're just avid readers/players wanting to talk about what's out there. A big dream, a lot of will, and a bit of sillyness.
If you want to know more facts about us, check out this post!
We hope you enjoy this issue!
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The game mentioned as Midnight Market is actually Night Market. Apologies to @night-market-if.
31st March, midnight was not made in Ren’Py, but in Unity. Apologies to Prof. Lily.
It was also pointed out to us that we have been writing Ren’Py wrong all this time…
"THE TORTURE AUDIENCE IS NOT SERVED IN TODAY'S ECONOMY" is a recent interview with Porpentine, formatted in Twine.
Phantasmagoria: Nightmare’s End (CScript) released Chapter 5 and part of Chapter 6 (Forum).
Wayfarer (Twine) released a new Route for its Alpha Build (announcement). @idrellegames
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Spotlight on: The Text Adventure Literacy Jam
VERB + NOUN makes the world go round!
The TALJ is a yearly parser-based text-adventure competition, where participants have to create a text-adventure suitable for players with no or little prior experience. It is part of the TAL project.
The goal of this competition, and the project as a whole, is to encourage authors to create games targetted at beginners, be more inclusive in game-making, teach new generations the skills needed to play text-adventure games (and potentially inspire them to create their own!).
Each game submitted to the competition must be a parser text-adventure, with clear instruction on how to play the game, include a tutorial, have at least five puzzles, and should not lead to a losing ending. Some games will go even further, including a hint system, a walkthrough or other type of help.
This year, the optional theme was “Fairy Tales”, which was followed by more of the 10 entries submitted to the jam, ranging from old folk tales, mythology, and, of course… fairy tales!
You can play the entries and vote for them with an itch.io account until the end of May. The competition is looking for beginner players!
You can now register for the Narrascope! It is happening June 21-23, in hybrid. They've also released the schedule of talks!
Only one week left to vote for your favourite games of the Spring Thing! Since the votes are still pretty tight, they are looking for players and voters to help determine the winners!
[And the Text Adventure Literacy Jam too!]
On the Choice of Game Forum, the Diversity Jam is running. They accept any CScript game… as long at is not in ENGLISH! The deadline is already tomorrow!
As well, the deadline for the BITSY JAM, is coming up in a few days! The theme is No Dialogue!
The Really Bad IF Jam has just started. For if you're tired of always making great games. Come make a terrible one instead! The worst you can!
If Spanish is in your wheelhouse, the Spanish IFComp (Rayuela) also started this week! You can submit a game until the end of June, with the themes Es un sólo botón and/or Conexión.
Also started this week is the ParserComp, which are looking for parser games, both with a classic feel or a more experimental approach.
If you are looking to make a Visual Novel, the Otome Jam will be looking for entries for the next two months.
🔥 Fuck Capitalism Jam 2024 🔥 is also a fun jam to participate in, where you can submit stories critiquing capitalism (as a whole/aspects of). (We know it's not technically IF, but they took IF entries before)
The annual Grand Prix has announced its winner. Congratulations to all participants!
The Dialogue Jam by the Neo-Interactives (@neointeractives) group ended just a few days ago. Check out the three dozen entries released!
Another jam that ended this week was the Amare Games Festival 2024, with 34 entries all about love!
The Interactive Fiction Showcase is still running, with new submissions, since last week! It is happening on itch!
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009 Lives (Ren’Py) is a short VN about how far we can go to save a friend. (@lavendeerstudios).
Offseason 7.75 (Twine) is an interactive piece set around a collection of lost reports (@rogercheetoofficial).
The Tulip Field (Twine) is a calming slice-of-life short story, with maybe just a hint of something is not all right there (@shytulipghost).
ATLAS (Twine) is a sci-fi game about succession science, where your goal is to restore a planet to a natural state. (@if-30x30).
Velocity: The Race Begins (CScript) is a YA slice-of-life project about street racing.
The Underdog (CScript) is a slice-of-life project about highschool.
Halls of Sorcery (CScript) is a high-fantasy project where you play as a young mage, with great power at your fingertips.
HBreaker Hub (Twine) is project about internet communities, interactions and relationships.
A Hero's Start (Twine) is a slice-of-life project (@beanmochiii).
Children of Iseir - Book One (CScript) has added three new scenes.
Speck (CScript) has added five chapters.
Chains of Destiny (CScript) added an update with 27k new words (@chains-of-destiny).
Voiceless: A Siren's Song (CScript) has included its first chapter to the demo.
Agents of Lucifer (CScript) has added chapter 6 and 7 to the demo (@aprismaticodyssey).
The Bureau (CScript) has completed its Fourth chapter (@morbethgames).
Summer of Love (Twine) added one chapter, of 86k new words (@summeroflove-if).
Wings of Ink (Twine)'s demo was updated with the release of Chapter 3 (@wings-of-ink).
The Story of Sin (Twine) completed its most recent chapter (@devilishmango).
Vice Virtue (Twine)'s demo has has new content added (@dam-peace).
Signal Hill (Twine) is back from hiatus, releasing 4 new routes (@signalhill-if).
Dragon of Steelthorne (CScript) is now officially released through Hosted Games.
THE SPIRITED: ORIGINS (Twine) is back, with a public relaunch of the demo (@yuveim)
In Game-Making related news, Golmac (@golmac) is continuing his Inform7 for beginners article series. You can find all the tips and tricks for Inform 7, with the # I7 for beginners.
We apologize if we missed an update or a release. We are but volunteers trying to find as much info as possible, but sometimes news pass through the cracks.
Please, let us know if something should have been added to the zine, and we will shout it out next week!
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A couple of games that we thought were cool.
Sweetpea by Sophia de Augustine (Twine) @thesophiades
“A true Twine hidden gem. Simple but freaky. Sweet and super sad. The contrast between the rude reality and the surreal dreams gave me a whiplash, but I couldn't take my eyes away from the screen. Outstanding horror indeed!”
submitted by [anonymous]
Lesson in Fear by @epykslion and @junibu-art (RenP’y)
A twist on the take of the yandere trope, this short VN mixes different kinds of horror, from psychological to body, showcasing the true potential of unreality. It crawls through your skin.
recommended by [anonymous]
The Familiar by @groggydog (Adventuron)
A short and sweet parser where you can play as a witch's crow familiar, on a quest to save your ailing master, a terrible hex having been cast upon her.
Aside from the cute story, it has amazing pixel art!
recommended by Clark
Your favourite game here?
Do you have a favourite game that deserve some highlighting? Tell us about it! A old or recent game that wowed you so much you want to spam it to everyone? Tell us about it!
We'll add it to the page!
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Before we end this issue, we would like to thank:
Clark, @kris-mage-fics, @manonamora-if, Sola, Vik, and all you six anonymous posters!
Your shared news, helpful tips, cool links, filled form, written Sheet line, sent emails… all these little attentions toward the Zine has helped us tremendously!
We also would like to thank all of you who told us of cool recs that didn't appear this edition. We'll try out best to fit them in next week!
And a final thank to all of you who not only read our zine, but liked it, shared it with others, left a little sweet reply or dm, or even rated it on itch! Those little bits of support really help us so much!! Thank you for cheering us on this journey!
As a final parting word, we have a little challenge for you all. If you enjoy a game or project, or find an author cool, why not send them a little message of appreciation? or leave a nice comment on their page?
A little kindness goes a long way! It is the best motivator!!
See you again next week!
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lapinlunaire-games · 3 months
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Pellicule is a minimalist UI template for use with Twine's Sugarcube format, inspired by professional screenplay formatting and analog photography.
Use built-in widgets to format passage text like a script, classic snail mail letters, or take advantage of a crisp, clean layout to comfortably display dense prose. Showcase your writing with bold, sophisticated display themes or create your own with custom colors.
Crisp minimalist design
Light/dark display themes
Custom plug-and-play widgets to format screenplay and letter essentials
Pre-styled template options for choice links and buttons
Built-in keybinds to toggle menu & close dialogs
Responsive design for desktop, tablets, and mobile devices
Annotated passages, stylesheet, and JavaScript for plug-and-play convenience
This template is free to use! Comes with detailed instructions on how to use the built-in widgets and commented code, ready for your story!
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obsolete-stars-if · 3 months
I have shared this on Reddit as well, but here is a semi comprehensive long list about all the if wips I read in the past 4ish years. They include abandoned/hiatus wips as well wips that took their demo's down/are demo TBA. Obviously both on dashing as well as twine.
I tried my best to keep the wips I included to small/ish authors that I think absolutely deserve more spotlight for the things they have written. As well as it's only wips, so published/finished stories beyond "public demo concluded" aka the story is in it's beta, aren't included. There will be errors and things I've gotten wrong, just happens sometimes.
I encourage looking into it, maybe you'll find something you will enjoy? And if you do, please tell the authors and support them, it really absolutely means the world to us.
Sadly it is way too many people to be able to tag them all individually.
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lesflaya · 3 months
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Synapse - Interactive fiction game where you play as a curious ai bot shuffling around a decaying cryogenics facility, set far in the future with glimpses into the past. My first twine work I actually finished, choose to do your work or to find out more about yourself and this strange decrepit facility.
TW; for depictions of medical horror, existentialism, body horror
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1. the state of enticement and or lure.
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“Anyone with the illecebra Illness is destined to die at the age of 22. There is no cure.”
You were destined to die in 22 years. Since the moment of your birth, you have known your downfall. The age in which you die. You aren’t sure why your parents told you, why they wanted you to know on your tenth birthday, but they did. Holding back tears as if they were the ones to suffer, as if they knew the exact moments they’d die. You like to pretend they prepared you, made you live your life without fear, but—
You’re 22 this year. With no cure in sight, and no way to prevent what is bound to happen to you. You’ll die and you’ll die soon. Unless you can make a deal.
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Nearly two thousand years ago, creatures assumed only myth broke free from the ground and ripped away the sky. Fighting amongst themselves and fighting and killing humans. Unable to fight against these creatures, the creation of districts came into being, representing states, nations, and countries, bound to crawl amongst the floor and a dome of safety for the humans living.
Your story begins within the District of Six, one of the first domes built, and the location of the Eclipse Facility, which is in charge of studying Subjects who are monsters from the outside.
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☼ Bring Death to a vicious cycle and allow destiny to take a course or Save a vicious world, which seems to be beyond saving. It is up to you.
☼ Customizable MC
[Name, Personality, Gender, Pronouns, Appearance(tattoos n scars), Traits, Allergies, Diet, Piercings, Aesthetics, & More]
☼ Ability to have certain traits, likes, and disabilities
[Favorite Foods, Smoking/Drinking Habits, & More]
[Personality, Mental Illness, Hearing Aids, Prosthetic Arms or Legs and choosing how you lost + MORE]
☼ Options that have and effect on romantic and platonic relationships.
☼ Choose between seven romanceable Love Interests or None at All.
☼ Stats that will affect the story.
☼ The ability to fight, run, hide, and survive.
[Harem Route & Poly Routes Optional]
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A sadistic and sarcastic demon that is often quiet and looms around you like a shadow, he's oddly cold to others and can be described as being dosed with water. He's smart, far smarter than the others, and only cares for your input. He's murderous and has no qualms about killing others for you. No matter how good they seem. He's lazy but has an extremely good sense of smell and exceptional hearing.
“What the others think, matter not. I’m here for you and you alone.”
༺ Appearance:
6’7FT[200.66CM] He says long, shaggy black hair that reaches his waist and messy side hair pieces that messily shape his face. He has striking almond-shaped gold eyes that seem to glow. He has an athletic build and warm tan skin that's littered with scars, such as cuts, bites, gashes, healed bullet holes, and claw marks. He has a facial scar that runs vertically along his lip's left side.
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A calm and energetic person who switches often. Sometimes being extremely energetic and loud, while others, she's calming, and sometimes you forget she's even there. She's kind and loves humans and mortals. She finds their short lifespans adorable and thinks humans are adorable since she's lived many lifetimes. She is quite the birdbrain and often jumps from topic to topic.
“Aw, humans are the cutest~ I just love, love, love ‘em!”
༺ Appearance:
6’0FT[182.88CM] She's a tall woman with the orangish-yellow talons and legs of a harpy eagle, with two large white wings that fade into a pastel yellow. She has the tail of a bird, which is a pastel yellow that fades into a pastel blue. Her skin is white, almost yellow, and she's covered in an assortment of blue freckles, varying in color.
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A quiet and soft-spoken woman who spends most of his time reading. She's very straightforward, blunt, and struggles to pick up on social cues. He likes the dark and spends time in the dark corners, only speaking up when necessary. She's obedient and kind but dislikes humans.
“… No. It is simply easier for my skin to remain in the dark.”
༺ Appearance:
5’11FT(180.34CM) She's a tall and slender woman with dark brown skin that looks almost black and black eyes. She has raven black hair that reaches her feet, with two long dark blue horns. Her back is lined with dark blue spikes. Her wrist, upper thighs, upper arms, and ankles have white armbands. She also has a thick lizard-like tail with spikes that run along the middle. While her forehead has an intricate design, similar to a circlet.
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A hardheaded and stubborn individual who is strong-willed but hates change. They often spend time sleeping, curled up into a ball like a rolly-polly. They hate humans and don't shy away from letting you know; they're sometimes outspoken and aggressive.
“Get away, please! The last thing I need is human cooties!”
༺ Appearance:
6’10FT(208.28CM) He has deep brown skin and glowing emerald green eyes, with pale brown armor plates along his back, starting at the base of his neck, with a long flat tail that drags behind him. He has short curly dark brown hair, and his face is dusted in white and pale brown freckles.
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A towering, intimidating man that rarely speaks but is quite sadistic. He cares for order more than justice and is okay with playing the role of the bad guy. He prefers it. He's seen as emotionless and uncaring but constantly aware of his surroundings. He demands attention and unwavering loyalty.
“You must simply follow the rules. Or die. There is no other option.”
༺ Appearance:
6’7FT[200.66CM] Simple black slacks, thick black winter trench with silver buckles and chains, and a black helmet similar to a 12th Century English Knight.
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F-24, L-18, R-12, X-6, WARDEN, & MC
Poly Route One: F-24, WARDEN, & MC
Poly Route Two: L-18, R-12, & MC
Poly Route Three: L-18, R-12, X-6, & MC
Poly Route Four: R-12, Warden, & MC
Poly Route Five: X-6, Warden, & MC
Poly Route Six: F-24, R-12, Warden, & MC
Poly Route Seven: F-24, R-12, & MC
[You’ll learn their names in book]
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ⓒ 2023 CVLUTOSGAMES & the-six-that-thrive-if — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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nellplays · 1 year
those of you who have followed me for a while may have noticed that i took quite an extended absence from tumblr and i've been a bit cagey about why that is. i have been trying to be more thoughtful about the parts of myself i share with strangers on the internet, mostly as a way to guard against people who aren't very nice.
all of that being said, i've just finished my entry for the neo-twiny jam and i think the reason will be pretty obvious for everyone who plays it: i had a baby! (congratulations to me etc etc).
coming in at 494 words, this project has been a really cathartic opportunity to reflect concisely on one of the best and hardest things i've ever done.
with that, i hope you enjoy nine months out.
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interact-if · 2 years
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After months of collecting, compiling and formatting, we are finally unveiling our biggest project to date:
INTRODUCING: The Interact-IF Database
In an effort to help readers find games and WIP projects following a certain tag, genre, theme or level of customization, as well as finding diverse authors of a variety of identities, we have created a database of primarily Tumblr-based IF projects!
This list has been put together with the help of the authors of the featured projects, who have provided us with information about their games. It will be updated regularly by the mods of this Tumblr.
Are you a reader looking for your next read?
Head over on to our list [link].
The projects on this database are in compliance with our FAQ and Guidelines. We reserve the right to not include entries sent by authors if their projects do not follow said guidelines.
Are you an IF author/dev wanting to share your project?
• You can fill in this form [link].
Are you the author of one of the projects and found an error?
• Let us know through this form [link].
Do you have questions about our database?
• Head over to our Database FAQ first to see if we provided an answer for it. You can always send us an ask otherwise.
If you are an author of a playable project (WIP or completed), you should also consider adding it to the IFDB, the Interactive Fiction Database.
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hpowellsmith · 9 months
Heretic Dreams is on itch!
I've transferred my dark fantasy/horror Twine game Heretic Dreams over to my itch page to play for free/pay what you want!
No one knows you swallowed the power of a god, but it will break you apart as you guide your mining party to icy disaster.
Make hard decisions. Bond with your captain. Sacrifice yourself or others. Reach many endings, none good.
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First published in sub-Q Magazine, 2016.
Contains sexual references and animal and human death.
Play more short free IF on my itch page!
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loressa · 10 months
Wow, maybe there really is magic in creativity 😅
Two months ago we made Earthsong, a game about an endangered parrot called a kākāpō in New Zealand repopulating in a new place.
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Here's an article I found a few weeks later, about these birds being introduced to other islands: https://www.popsci.com/environment/kakapo-parrot-new-zealand/
I know it's just a fun coincidence, but it's cool when game dev aligns with the world like this!
You can play the jam version of the game here, but be aware that it's buggy and rushed! I'm still working on the updates!
Edit: since this post is getting traction, let's consider other forms of action to help the environment!
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if-seal · 10 months
Say hi to your new advice-giver, IF Seal!
In honour of the dear dormant @if-confessions and the even older, beloved Story Hospital I am here with an advice blog to hand out cheerleading, encouragement, advice, and maybe even some writing and narrative design wisdom to interactive fiction creators and players.
If you have questions like...
I'm stuck on a branching scene that's turned huge and can't figure a way of getting through it.
I'm worried about players wanting to take actions in my IF that I don't want to include.
I've fallen in love with an IF and want to give critical feedback but don't want to offend the author.
I've made some characters that I LOVE but once I start the story I just don't know what to do with them.
Readers are saying my game doesn't take their choices into account and I want to change that.
Readers are saying my game doesn't take their choices into account... and how much does that really matter?
...I am here to help out!
I hang out in @hpowellsmith's bathtub from which I dictate my many and varied thoughts.
Please send in your questions and I will share my sealy knowledge and experience!
A few notes:
If you're talking about a particular game, please anonymise it. If you don't, I will assign it a comedically anonymous title
I am not much of a Tech Seal and it is unlikely that I can answer detailed technical questions, but I will try to point you in the right direction
I am not interested in answering "which scripting tool is the objective best" because unanswerable questions are beyond my sealy ken but I will have much more to say about "which scripting tool might suit this project best for which reasons"
If you send a non-anonymous ask, I will check that you're happy to have your name on it before I post an answer
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heart-forge · 6 months
Bad Ritual Public Update
God what a time to be missing my banners ;; But okay, Bad Ritual technical update and rewrites are now live on itch !! These changes include:
new themes (dark and light, themed towards the characters)
new achievements screen
extended accessibility options
Tahira route rewrite
Siruud route rewrites (not as extensive)
texting interfaces instead of in-line texting
totally retooled character creation options
redone character profile page
I recommend starting a new game just to see all the changes, and also because the new chapter isn't finished yet 😂😂 That's on its way, but for now there's new content inside the old content and some new menus to explore. The new chapter is coming up next !!
Remember that you can subscribe to my Ko-fi for early access to updates, copies of certain games (right now you're guaranteed a fully copy of Manor Hill for donating and/or subscribing), and monthly drabbles at Employee of the Month tier !! There's currently three up portraying the Manor Hill LIs before attending the Harvest Festival, and next month there'll be a Hybrid themed drabble released !!
Reblogs are appreciated, as always. Anyway, have a happy december and new years 💚
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if-whats-new · 2 months
What's New In IF? Issue 1 (2024)
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By Erika, Marjorie, Alex, Zach and Noi
Now Available!
Itch.io - Google Drive - Keep Reading below
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We were always just lurkers… But no more! We were always just lurkers… But no more!
We had been talking for a while about the Interactive Fiction community, and wondering what we could to do… you know, do our part to help it become its best self.
And out of all the things available out there, between the directories and the group chats, the forums and the discord servers… it can get pretty overwhelming to be part of it all, to keep track of everything. And we realised there wasn't really a newsletter for IF. Something that tracks of what is happening…
So why not just… make it happen?
Like a lot of things, What's New in IF started on a whim. But we hope we can turn it into something great. Something that can help the community keep track of what's happening.
And we hope that you will join us too!
PS: we did cheat a bit on some dates for this edition :{
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You can now register for the Narrascope! It is happening June 21-23, in hybrid. They've also released the schedule of talks!
The Interactive Narrative Exhibition is looking for IF pieces to be displayed in a Museum in Poland!
Until mid-May, the Spring Thing is welcoming players to check out the entries vote for the “Best in Show”!
Do you speak German? The annual Grand Prix has released its submissions and is looking for voters!
The Dialogue Jam by the @neointeractives group is open for submission until the end of the month. Only Dialogue is allowed!
In less than two weeks, the window to submit for the Text Adventure Literacy Jam 2024 will end. The goal is to make a parser for beginner players.
Also ending at the end of the month is the Amare Games Festival 2024, which is all about love!
On the Choice of Game Forum, the Diversity Jam is running. They accept any CScript game… as long at is not in ENGLISH!
After months of hiatus, the 79th edition of the Bitsy Jam finished recently. The theme was: long distances.
The Second Edition of @seedcomp-if recently released its results. Congratulations to the winners!
The Interactive Fiction Showcase is running throughout the whole year, where you can submit and/or play IF games from a wide variety of authors. It is happening on itch!
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New Releases
The Dice (Twine) is a psychological horror short game. (@stanwixbuster)
Summoned at 2 (HTML) is a short game where you must complete a summoning circle.
Giving Yourself Away (HTML) is the newest release of the Domino Club.
The Wretched Bitsy (Bitsy) is short adaptation of The Trail of the Wretched in bitsy.
How Do You Like Pain (RenP’y) is a visual novel about pain, death, and maybe nothing. Also part of the ‘Art Without Blood’ universe. (@catskets)
New Releases (WIP)
Corruptant (CScript) is a dark fantasy game, where you play as an amnesiac coping with their situation. (@cyn-if)
No Peace (CScript) is a ONE PIECE inspired pirate project.
The Psion (CScript) is a high-fantasy game, where you have Psionic abilities.
The Red and White Knight (Twine) is a Medieval Arthurian inspired project where you play as Lancelot du Lac. (@theredandwhiteknight-if)
Mutually Assured Destruction (Twine) is fantasy thriller about bonds and destruction.
Blackwood Manor (CScript) is mystery romance project.
Shattered Eagle: Fall of an Empire (CScript) is Roman Empire political intrigue.
hic est nihilum (Twine) is post-apocalyptic fantasy story, where you struggle against dieties. (@nightingale-the-lurker)
Speck (CScript) is a Horror/Sci-Fi project inspired by ‘Alien & Spiecies’.
Agents of Lucifer (CScript) added chapters 4 and 5 to its demo. (@aprismaticodyssey)
Era of the Archdemons (CScript) added chapter 3 to the demo.
The One Chosen (CScript) added more content to their beta. (@parrotwatcher)
Echoes of Kingdom: The Last Stand (CScript) added extra scenes.
Dawn of Heroes (CScript) added chapters 21 and 22 to its demo.
Honor among Thieves (CScript) added extra content. (@leoneliterary)
Dawn of Heroes (Twine) completed its second chapter. (@bladeweaver-if)
Merry Crisis (CScript) has made its last update available to all. (@merrycrisis-if)
Remnants of the Past (Twine) uploaded the final chapter of Act 1 (limited release before sale). (@remnantsofthepast-if)
What lies in the past (Twine) added chapter 1 to the demo. (@maluarty-blog)
Fallen Light (Twine) latest update is available to all. (@fallenlightsif)
Limerence (Twine) is back on Tumblr. (@limerenceif)
We apologize in advance if we missed something, and forgot to add projects to this list. Please, let us know if something should have been added to the zine, and we will shout it out next week!
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A couple of games that we thought were cool.
Social Democracy: An Alternate History by Autumn Chen (DendryNexus)
That weird political game that took Twitter by storm, so strongly that there's even a fan subreddit where you can share your stats. It's all about what might have been…
i won't finish this game by Naarel (RenP’y)
An emotional visual novel about being a struggling indie dev game developer and depiction of suicide in narrative games. It is very short and hits hard.
Eat Me by Chandler Groover (Inform)
It was weird, it was gross… It's just genius. There's no way to describe how insane this game is. Maybe the most disturbing escape game ever made. No wonder it's so highly rated and won awards… TG for walkthroughs!
Your favourite game here?
Do you have a favourite game that deserve some highlighting? Tell us about it! A old or recent game that wowed you so much you want to spam it to everyone? Tell us about it!
We'll add it to the page!
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We... don't really know what we're doing.
Yes, it's true! Not a lot of thought process went into making this. We actually started putting this together at 3-4am after making the Tumblr Blog.
We haven't really made any plan on what should or should not be included in this zine. We just knew we wished we had something like this when we started.
So while it may seem bare right now, we hope, in time, to fill all the pages, and even add more, as we find more projects, and events, and other IF- related stuff to share!
But for that…
We need your help.
Did you find a cool game that was just released? Or a project that shared a demo or update? Did you come across some cool event? Or found a neat article/blog post talking about IF?
Then, shoot us an ask or submit it on our blog!
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lapinlunaire-games · 1 month
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It's that time of year again: the Anti-Romance Jam is back!
From 20 May 2024 to 22 July 2024, the 2024 Anti-Romance Jam will be open for submissions exploring the concept of anti-romance: what is it? how does it work? where's the line between anti-romance and romance?
You decide! This extra-long jam is meant to explore all the messy spaces and sensations that exist around and against romance, whatever that means to you.
Sign up on itch! | Discord | #AntiRomance2024
More info under the cut; check the itch page for full details and cool stuff like optional prompts and jam palettes!
Solo- and team-created submissions allowed
All kinds of games, art, and other media are encouraged
NSFW content allowed with appropriate content warnings included
Previously published work? Revisiting an old flame of a project is encouraged, so long as something new is involved. This could include translations, substantial edits or expansions, adaptations, etc. If you aren't sure if your idea would be eligible, feel free to ask here or on the discord!
Up to 3 entries per creator
All submissions must be related to anti-romance in some way; spam entries and hateful content will be removed
Submissions must not contain AI-generated content of any kind
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Play it HERE
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