#twst vargas
juno-of-wonderland · 8 months
Calling the staff "dad"
edit made on 10/27: Sam is now not speaking my mother tongue, sorry for that
warning: not reviewed
Dire Crowley
"are you done with-" "yes dad, I already did that" "…"
-this guy will ask permission to leave and will cry with happiness in the magic mirror -I also cried in the bath -he would boast about this to the other staff
Divus Crewel
"puppy you need to be more attentive" mumbling"sorry dad"
-he will ask you to repeat what you said -he had already adopted you before -but now he will ask you to sign the paper
Mozus Trein
"Dad, can you explain this part to me? I didn't understand very well" "…Of course"
-you think you saw the ghost of a smile on his face -he thinks: it looks like I have four children now -He is happy but shows it in his reserved way
you're trying to get something from the high shelf but you can't appears next to you "here little shadow" "thanks Dad"
-…he's too young to be a father, but he's not complaining -will teach you to be an entrepreneur -will make you sign an adoption document without you realizing
Ashton Vargas
"you're doing great kid!" breathless "thank you dad"
-oh, he's happy -it's like they gave him infinite cans of energy drink -I feel sorry for you and hurt other students when he gets so excited
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 months
MC: *got banned from making potions for a month*
Professor Crewel: What a pity. Of all the students you could prank...
MC: ...
MC: I can still use rituals.
Professor Crewel: ...
Professor Crewel: Pup-
MC: *has already finished drawing a magic circle*
Professor Crewel: PUP!
Professor Trein, Professor Vargas, and Sam: ...
Sam: That's the work of the little imp.
Professor Vargas: Haha! Such a huge alligator!
Professor Trein: Call MC here so we would know how to send this alligator back.
Sam: Has anyone noticed that the headmage is the only one this alligator is attacking?
Crowley: Bad alligator! Bad alligator!
The alligator: *wants to bite him*
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Ghost wedding~ Alternative outfits k-imagination
More discount destock edit!!!!! Wouhou lol
Description edit lol:
Except for Ortho, Sam and Divus as being potential extra canon in the ghost wedding's story.
Everyone is just a wild imagination of mine with the help of @twiwoncrackpopcorn ~
Because.... Yay because xD that's the best argument !!
Oh my, some are wearing real outfits from "Balanciaga, Dior, YSL, Versace" yep !
At least big inspiration.
But yay just imagine that when Crewel's not here, K the rabbit is taxing Crowley's money against outfits.... Yes.... That's my job..... Robbing every madols from Crowley lol.
Asset game extract from @alchemivich and twst game
“Twisted Wonderland” concept belongs to Yana Toboso
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bunni-v1 · 8 months
Could I ask for your headcanons on how the staff would take care of/look after the reader? I’m a sucker for the fics where they take a parental role
How The Staff Takes Care of You
TW: None!
Info: Crowley, Crewel, Trein, Vargas and Sam x Reader (Platonic)
🍓This one is short but sweet. I’ve spent a lot of time on the event, but I want to start on other requests outside of it too. This one looked fun and easy so I got it out within about an hour or so. I hope you enjoy!
Tags: @kitsun369 @bloomstruck
-Lets get one thing straight, Crowley does not take care of you
-It’s hard to even say that Crowley cares for you. It’s hard to say he cares for anyone other than himself.
-Still… he does do some things correctly.
-He gives you a place to live (which he threatened to take away), food (which he threatened to take away), and funding (which he… threatened to take away).
-He DOES come to ACTUALLY care for you, just… not in the traditional sense, I suppose. 
-He has frequent check ins with you to ensure that you are doing well.
-Occasionally he stops by ramshackle just to chat with you and ensure you have company.
-Believe it or not, he set up a lot of the things you do specifically so that he can ensure you are getting along with other students and have a support system here.
-He lets you keep grim around — even though he has cause countless issues for student and staff alike.
-He’s like your weird uncle. You hardly ever actually see Crowley around, but you know that he is looking out for you in his own way. 
-Thats all that matters, right?
-Crewel is also anther oddball when it comes to how he shows that he cares.
-He is… aware that Crowley does not do a very good job at caring for you, and he’s a bit easier on you because of that.
-He’s probably harder on you homework-wise than most other students though.
-He wants to see you excel and succeed in his class.
-It would be the biggest fuck you to Crowley ever, so he works hard to make sure that you prove yourself to everyone.
-He makes sure that you’re sleeping and eating well, and if he sees that you are not, he makes you stay ofter class to talk to him so you both can find a way to solve this issue.
-If it’s money issues keeping you from eating, don’t worry. He’s now making you a lunch — or at least he gives you some money to eat.
-The nicest thing he does for you, however, is he gets you clothes.
-Your uniform is pretty… bad, and he feels bad for you.
-So, he takes matters into his own hands and gets you a nice new one that actually fits you.
-He and Trein have a rivalry over who treats you better and who you like more. (Trein is winning by like one point and it drives Crewel crazy).
-Crewel very much is the one to tell you “Boys are stupid, don’t date — especially not the ones here.” Lol
-Again, more like a very ambitious uncle who just really loves his family but never wants kids of his own.
-Oh, also, his dogs love you. So that’s a plus.
-He has two girls of his own, and he really does love kids, he’s just… jaded from years of being a teacher for snotty kids like Ace.
-You though? He likes you a lot.
-You’re a troublemaker, sure, but you always try your best in classes and have been making the best of your situation.
-Speaking of, Trein hates the way Crowley is so lackadaisical about your position and treatment.
-You are a living person? How could he just leave you to almost starve or freeze in your rickety old dorm?
-Trein visits your dorm frequently after his school day is done, just to ensure you have food and are able to stay warm/cool in the respective seasons.
-If he finds that you do not have enough food or cannot afford it, he talks to both Sam and Crowley and scolds them into lowering prices for you and raising your passive income.
-He still buys you things with his own money.
-If you fall asleep in class and you look like you need it, he won’t bother you. 
-Tells you that you can always come to him if you’re having trouble with anyone, and he will most definitely deal with them.
-Do you need extra help with homework, he’ll stay late just to ensure you’re understanding the material. 
-Seriously the number one dad at NRC, and he’s really happy to have you around since you remind him so much of his girls.
-The resident promoter of a healthy lifestyle and great workout routine at NRC.
-You don’t really spend that much time around Vargas, so you two aren’t close, but he knows about you through the other members of staff.
-He knows how Crowley treats you, and while he isn’t one to play favorites… he can make an exception.
-Especially since he knows you aren’y always eating enough thanks to your limited budget.
-The last thing he needs is a student passing out in his class.
-He still pushes you to work out and participate, but if you’re looking like a ghost when you walk into class he’s going to make you go change and get some rest.
-He’s a gym nut, not a monster.
-He’s good with dieting though, so he’s able to tell Trein and Crewel and Same what would be best for you to eat in your condition.
-So yeah, he’s likely the least involved in your life, but he does help you from behind the scenes.
-It’s better than Crowley, so that’s a win in his books.
-Other than Trein, Sam probably sees you the most frequently out of everyone.
-You come into his shop at least once a day for something.
-At first he treated you the same as every other student, charing you ridiculously hight prices for typically cheap stuff.
-Then one day you came in looking for something to eat, cause you’d run out of what little Crowley gave you, but you didn’t have enough money.
-He nearly cried at how heartbroken you looked when you realized you couldn’t get anything.
-He gave you the whole meal for free, didn’t even ask for what you had.
-Trein is also on his ass about how high his prices are, so he purposefully has a “discount” every time you’re there to buy something.
-He also gets to know you through your shopping and makes and effort to talk to you to feel out where you are physically and mentally.
-He reports what he notices back to Trein and Crowley, just to make sure someone who has the power to is taking care of you.
-You’ve got a friend in Sam, that’s for sure.
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snugglebug-mj-blog · 3 months
hugging them for the first time pt5
Pomefiore Dorm & staff (Vil, Rook, Crewel, Trein, Vargas, and sam)
Y/n has been at NRC for a while and she's never hugged anyone (besides grim) until today. Y/n took in a deep breath before walking out the door of the ramshackle dorm with grim on her shoulder.
Rook Hunt: He already knows what's going on and is excited! When he sees y/n walking towards the pomefiore dorm he was singing praises as he ran towards her. Y/n had a feeling rook knew he’s rook he always knows. Anyway when she saw the blond hunter running towards her singing praises she just shook her head, smiled, and held her arms out for the french man, Which he quickly wrapped his arms around her and hugged y/n very tightly while swinging her around.
Vil Schoenheit: Ask before touching! Y/n may be his favorite potato but ask first! Vil was in his room doing his normal afternoon routine when he heard a knock on the door “enter!” vil said as he just finished putting the lotion on his face “Roi du Poison little trickster is here to see you” Rook happily said as he opened the door revealing both rook and y/n “come in my potato! You're just in time to try this new lotion! Rook shut the door on the way out please!” Vil smiled as he patted the seat beside him. Y/n walked over to him and gently sat down beside him. “Ok my potato, what brings you to me today?” vil asked as he rubbed the lotion on y/ns puggy face “Nothing wrong, i just wanted to ask if i could give the fairest of them all a hug?” Y/n asked vil looked at her before smiling and pulling her into a hug “of course potato! Thank you for asking as well” vil said as he patted the back of her head.
Crowely: Hair spay and a lighter I'm making smoked crow sorry Crowley fans, no touching this man in my story. Crowely “come on give me a hug i’ve been so generous” “Mf you overwork me, cut the money, threaten to kick me out of the ramshack if i don't do your job and more!” Crowely sat pouting in a corner. Y/n definitely bribed ruggie to steal the crows credit cards ( my Hogwarts oc everytime crowley upsets her off “AVADA-” was tackled and hugged by the first years.)
Crewel: Father! Y/n saw her father figure she smiled as she quickly walked up beside him “afternoon professor crewel you need some help?” y/n asked crewel looked shocked for a second “sorry pup you startled me, but yes i would greatly appreciate the help” crewel said as y/n opened her arms he gently placed some of the stuff he was holding into her arms “thank you pup!” crewel smiled at y/n as they started walking. As they walked down the hall y/n and crewel was talking about each others days since today was one of the days y/n didn’t have potions. Crewel was proud that she got a 90% on her last history quiz. Soon they got to crewel's classroom and they placed everything on his desk “D- professor crewel earlier you looked very concentrated. Anything else I can help you with?” y/n asked crewel smiled before he shock his head no “no pup thank you though and here for helping me” crewel replied as he handed her a lollipop y/n smiled before hugging him. Crewel froze before hugging her back. They soon let go of each other Y/n waved by before she left. Crewel nodded to himself “i’ve made up my mind” {can you guess where this is going? hehe)
Trien and Lucius: Grandpa! Head pats{he reminds me of my grandpa. Strict and good at history} Trien was walking out of his classroom with Lucuis when he saw y/n walking down the empty school hall “hello professor Trien, Hello Lucius!” y/n waved at them “y/n meow what are you doing roaming the halls at this hour school ended thirty minutes ago” Trien asked as he watched y/n pet lucius making the grumpy cat purr “i was helping Professor crewel take stuff to his classroom” y/n replied Trien nodded. Y/n went to his side before hugging him he just hmmed before gently patting her on the head. “Now run along” Trien said y/n nodded and quickly walked off. Trien had a small smile on his lips.
Vargas: He will pick you/BEAR HUG! Vargas was putting up some of the left over brooms from flight class. “Here” a small voice said Vargas turned to see y/n holding the rest of the brooms “Thanks! I’m glad you're here. I wanted to let you know you’re really good at flying, i’m proud!” Vargas said as he took the brooms from her and locked him up in their place. Vargas turns around and bear hugs y/n, y/n just laughed and tries to hug him the best she could.
Sam: Big brother. Sam knew y/n was on her way to see him, his friends on the other side told him. Soon he heard the door open “Hello my Little imp! What can i do for you today?” sam asked as he walked up to y/n “i need something but you don’t sell it” y/n started sam hmmed “hmm what would that be? Since your my favorite imp i can get it in a snap!” sam smiled bowing alittle bit “A hug from you” y/n said quickly Sam straighten back up and looked at her for a second “you wanna hug from me?” sam asked y/n nodded “only if you’re ok with it” she replied sam just smiled “Come here little imp!” he said opening his arms y/n gladly hugged him and she could feel someone hugging her back she looked the best she could and saw sams shadow on the wall hugging her.
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blackopals-world · 5 months
Lil'Disciplinary Officer!Yuu: (crying) WHAAAAA!!
Vargas: Why are they crying? Did you hit them?
Lil'Special Forces!Yuu: I wouldn't let them touch a lizard.
Lil'Disciplinary Officer!Yuu: But I wanna!
Vargas: Oh for the love of. Tike, it's against the rules to touch random animals.
Lil'Disciplinary Officer!Yuu: (Stops crying) Oh, okay.
Lil'Special Forces!Yuu: This is why I wanted to be an only child.
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mysteryshoptls · 3 months
Staff Item Gacha Voice Lines
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Sam's lines are recycled from his Shop, and Vargas's lines were the same as those used during the Vargas Camp Shop.
Open Shop Screen
In stock!
Good eye ♪
Careful, now ♪
I see, that's what you want.
Choose well.
Think carefully before deciding.
Decision-making is a form of strength as well.
Nice, huh.
I bet you can use that for your exercises.
Interesting, you have a keen nose.
An unexpected choice.
Is that what you want?
All the magical items you need to make your dreams come true are in stock! I know I'll have just what you want.
My friends on the other side tell me everything. I know exactly what you came here looking for, little imp. Nye hee hee!
Everything anyone, from the smallest frog to the richest prince, might need is in stock now! Come in and take a look around.
Lucius, do not bat your paw at them.
Stay composed and conduct yourself properly.
Put forth the proper effort and you'll receive your just reward. That is common sense.
This here is a treat from me to you. How could you not want it?
The harder you work for something, the more rewarding it is.
How are you doing? I’m feeling great!
What would I choose, if it were me? Heh, a foolish question.
I'm sure this treat will motivate you properly.
Consider all your options. Just like with fashion.
Hey, little imp! Can't find what you want? Just leave it to me. I'll bring it out for you before you know it.
Ahem. Certainly you weren't sleeping just now, were you?
Hmmph…! Don’t rush…! your choice…! I’ll be…! doing squats…! in the meantime!
I haven't commanded you to stay, you know. Having a hard time deciding?
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darkacua · 1 month
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A failed interrogation
Like when you try to interrogate the young woman without magic who arrived from another world, along with all the staff to apply pressure, and you only end up discovering that she has no basic education, she barely knows how to write her name, she was sent to war by some deity and that she arrived with a sword in hand because she was in the middle of a public execution.
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ryker-writes · 1 year
TWST characters as parents (Staff)
proud bird dad
literally he is so proud of anything you do and will share your achievements with the rest of the staff
he also has a box of things that you've completed/given to him
childhood artwork, cards you've made, old gifts you've given to him, your first assignment and test, and even some of your old stuffed animals from when you were a kid
he also has a thick photo album full of pictures of you growing up
the kind of parent who takes so many photos
he looks through that photo album a lot to look back on the precious memories
the box and the photo albums are protected using magic
he will cry is something happens to them
pretty sure he lives at the school so you grew up at NRC
you know the entire layout of the school, visited every dorm, and even met all the ghosts
the ghosts all love you
they watch over you when Crowley and the other staff are busy
naturally you become a student of NRC when you're old enough
and once again, Crowley is so proud of you at orientation
he's taking photos as you walk up to the magic mirror and get assigned a dorm
he's so happy no matter what dorm you end up in
and if you want to change dorms, say no more it's already done
he's a little bit protective
loves when you make friends
he already knows if they're generally good people because he has their student files
it's a bit different if you have a romantic relationship tho
he's scared and will look into your partner more
will express his worries, but not to you
the other staff members hear it
"my child is growing up too fast!"
if you get involved with any of the overblots he is terrified and hovers around you afterwards
other students have mixed feelings about you
some will want to be on your good side because you're close with the headmage
others will be cautious of you because they worry if they offend you then they'll get expelled
and some (Azul) may try to take advantage of you
he's also painfully supportive
if you play any sports at NRC he has set up a cheering squad for you and you alone
also probably going to ask you to help him with his work
"won't you help your dear loving and hardworking father?"
when breaks come up he will give you the choice to stay at NRC or go on vacation with him
even if you say no to going with him he will try to convince you
he calls it parent child bonding
while other students may say he's not a very good headmage, he thinks he's great
he doesn't mind what the other students say, but if you were to say it...
he may start to consider that he's not as good as he thinks
what would really make him realize they were right was if you somehow overblotted
if you did overblot, he's full on crying and heartbroken
of course he's going to save you from the overblot
but afterwards he's going to just hug you and cry
he can be a bit of an overbearing father at times, but it's because he loves you
a more strict but loving father
he absolutely loves raising you
he calls you his pup
unlike Crowley, he won't keep a million photos of you or collect your first assignments or anything
but he is proud of the things you do
if you present him with some art you made or something cool you did he will be proud
the type of dad to keep your art on the wall
he also will spoil you
like you won't even know how much he spoils you
you'll be happy just to get a new coat and it's actually one of the best brands that costs so much money
his motto is "Only the best for my little pup"
this motto perseveres throughout your life
when you attend NRC, he's super proud no matter what dorm you end up in
when you attend school is when the slightly more strict side of him shows itself
he wants you to pass all your classes and will help you study
you might not get many breaks until he's sure you understand the concept and know how to do it
of course he's not as strict with you as he is with other students
they might not even get breaks
he will push you to get good grades but he always knows when he starts to push too far and will stop himself
if he accidentally does push you to hard he will apologize and try to make it up to you
Crewel is a bit of a protective dad
he pays attention to what his students are like so when you mention your friends he already knows them
he doesn't mind as long as they're good people
if you're in a romantic relationship he's a bit more protective
remember that motto I mentioned earlier? yeah that comes into play here
he thinks you deserve the best and will not tolerate your partner giving you anything less
he can be very critical of your partner and you may have to tell him to back off
he may also give your partner more work in class than other students
Crewel likes to make sure that you're dressed well and will tidy up your appearance when he sees something out of place
very loving father
he already has daughters so you aren't an only child
you know how he treats Lucius? you get similar treatment
he is a doting cat dad and a doting dad
he spends a lot of time with you and your siblings as you grow up
he never wants to miss any part of your life
also will hang your artwork on the wall
he'll even bring some to his classroom and hang them up there
he will go on and on about you to his students if they ask
some may do this to get out of doing classwork
they find out later that they still get the assignment but now they have no explanation of how to do it
he's very proud whenever you complete assignments or get good grades
and he's very proud when you finally get to go to NRC
he won't really mind whatever dorm you get into
but he will worry if it's Savanaclaw
students in that dorm are more prone to fights so he's worried
like Crewel, he's a bit of a protective dad
he will slightly judge your friend choice depending on who they are but won't interfere with anything
unless they get you in trouble, then he'll say something
if you're in a romantic relationship, he will silently judge them too
will also be more strict towards your partner in his class
he will not tolerate them slacking off in any way
well...he doesn't tolerate anyone slacking off in his class but even more so your partner
when you're in his class, he is much more relaxed with you
while he won't let you sleep you can still get away with spacing out or not paying attention
you also get Lucius' attention while you're in the class
most students find the cat annoying and Lucius will glare at them, but Lucius loves you!
he'll lay on your lap during class and purr very loudly
whoever sits next to you may be nervous not to disturb the cat
whenever Trein and Lucius get separated he gets really panicked
unless he knows Lucius is with you
you're the only one he trusts with Lucius
Lucius himself is protective of you
if anyone gets too close for the cat's liking, he may scratch them
while Trein is more passive aggressive with his protectiveness, Lucius is more outwardly disapproving
proud dad #4
he's unashamed to be your biggest fan
no matter what you're doing or where you go he's cheering you on
he probably has you playing at least one sport growing up
wants you to be super fit and active
and he'll also feed you all sorts of healthy foods
he wants to be your role model so bad
he just wants to hear you say even once "I want to be just like you Dad"
if he does hear it, he's fallen to his knees and overwhelmed with emotion
he won't cry, but he comes close
super proud when you become a student of NRC
he doesn't really mind what dorm you get in, but he secretly hopes it's Savanaclaw
Savanaclaw is the most athletic dorm
no matter what dorm you end up in, he is cheering as soon as the magic mirror says it
Crowley has to tell him to calm down
he's not a protective dad
he encourages you to make friends and doesn't mind them at all
he doesn't mind when you have a romantic partner either
in fact if you introduced them he would simply hug them and get straight to bonding
your father has now stolen your partner for bonding time
where did they go and how long will they be gone? nobody knows
when they do come back Vargas will say he's part of the family now
when you're in his class, he already expects you to participate and stay fit
so he's not as worried about you as he is for other students
if you play any sports in school, he is coming to all your games and cheering for you
he will be the cheerleader
he's over there with pom-poms and everything
you are such a spoiled child
like really anything you want, you got it
and I do mean anything
he has connections so he can get ahold of anything
you are his special little imp
he treasures the little artwork you make as a kid
it's the one thing he won't sell
he often trains you on how to run the store
so even though you may be small, he may still have you work in the shop
he won't have you do anything too big of course
but little by little you learn more about how to work and run the shop and you get to bond with him too!
but people are more likely to come again and buy things when there's a cute child
so having you there is also a business strategy
he's such a fun dad tho
he loves to play with you a lot and will generally do anything you think is fun together
he's happy when you finally become a student at NRC and it doesn't bother him which dorm you end up in
though if he had to choose he would say Octavinelle because they got the business strategies
he's not a protective dad either
he encourages you to make all sorts of friends
he even encourages you to make friends on the other side but never specifies beyond that
he doesn't mind if you have a partner either
they shouldn't expect a discount unless they are really good to you
speaking of discounts
you don't have to pay for things while you're at the school
he gives them to you for free
but he will ask if you want to help him out at the shop sometime
some students may try to get close to you so they can get more discounts (Ruggie)
and some may try to get close to you so they can get some of those business connections (Azul)
Sam hopes that in the future, you may be able to take on ownership of the shop
it's been in the family for a long time so he hopes he can pass it on to you
you have a while before that tho
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dotster001 · 1 year
Headcanons of what if the reader accidentally called the staff members dad?
A/N: Gn! Reader. Hope this is what you're looking for, anon/hope you're still here cause I take forever on these 😂
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"Azul asked me to bring you this paperwork," you said, handing him a stack of papers.
"Excellent, prefect. You've been incredibly helpful lately. In my generosity, I have decided to give you the next week off, and take you to a beach house!"
"Really? Thanks dad!"
Preens. You've made a huge mistake. Good luck to you. You will now be smothered by an overexcited crow.
He hasn't touched up his nest in a while. As headmaster he has no time to think about a family. But now that you called him dad, he is going home and touching up his nest so that his little chick will be comfy. Crow's like to keep their babies in the nest, some of them for years at a time. You're gonna have to tell him at some point that no, you will not be staying in a nest, you will be staying in Ramshackle to finish your education. (This will not stop him from subtly directing you in the direction of said nest)
He's picking at your hair, and straightening your outfit. He does that mom thing where he licks a handkerchief and tries to clean the dirt off your face. If you tell him to stop, he'll say something like, "now now, let papa help." God, I don't envy you.
He buys you shiny trinkets that have no value. But  he can't help his genetics. It's how he expresses affection.  You and Grim may trip over them sometimes, cause he just will drop them in the most random of places. (ex. The middle of the floor)
If you ever try to take it back, whether it's out of pure desperation or annoyance, he will sob. He will sob so hard. He's not trying to manipulate you. He just doesn't see what he did wrong.
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He'd invited you over to dinner. 
"Yeah, I don't really have plans for the summer holiday yet, because, well, you know.."
He cut a piece of his steak, and said, "You can always stay with me. My daughter's are all grown, so they're rooms are empty. Plus they've been wanting to meet you." He gave you a soft smile, the kind of smile that made you feel safe.
"Sevens, that sounds great dad," you said with a sigh. Both of you froze.
He already knew you felt that way about him. But having you say it out loud fills him with fatherly pride.  It's been a while since his kids were young enough to spoil, and he's definitely missing it. Now that you've opened the box, he has all the permission he needs.
He'll act like everything's totally normal though. He still expects you to get your classwork in on time, and strongly discourages you from getting into trouble with your friends. But it somehow seems more insistent? Like when he sees you going to hang out with ADeuce, and he says to stay out of trouble, it sounds more like, "Dear god, please don't do anything stupid!"
He offers to help you with your homework a lot more often now. He had already offered from time to time before, but now it's a lot more often. Like calling him dad was giving him permission.
He gives you presents every once in a while. Expensive presents, wrapped in a neat box with a perfect bow. He acts like it's nothing. When he hands it to you he says how he just was passing through the store, and saw it, and thought it was something you needed. No biggie.
Lucius follows you around a lot now. You have no idea why…
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"You were almost correct here. You need to add mustard seed, or it won't work," Crewel said as he looked over your homework with you. 
He definitely didn't have to go over your homework with you line by line, but you definitely appreciated it. 
"Oh, yeah! Thanks!" You made a note so that you wouldn't forget later.
"Not a problem. Anything for my favorite pup. Don't tell the others though," he gave you a playful wink.
"No problem, no one has to know, dad." 
Oh? He might raise an eyebrow, or give you a smirk, but he won't say anything. It'll be like it never happened, and you can convince yourself he didn't hear it.
But he definitely did. He heard it. He goes home to his dogs that night, and picks them up, and cuddles them close, and keeps telling them, "they called me Dad!" 
Like I said, you can convince yourself he didn't hear it. But every once in a while he'll slip and do something that makes you wonder. Like he'll gently rub the top of your head. Or he'll tell you he understands if you don't get your homework in, just don't let it happen again. Or when your idiot friends drag you into a scheme, he'll get you an exemption from the detention that inevitably follows.
Crewel has a habit of adopting students already, without realizing it. Vil's your brother now, by the way.  He'll invite both of you to dinner in the guise of "checking up on my most studious pups" but it's really to just spend time with his little found family.
You won't know for sure he heard it, until after you graduate, when he offers to sponsor you through whatever you want to do. Cosign leases and loans, transportation to an interview, purchasing a uniform, letter of recommendation…. he'll do whatever you need, and when you're like, "Sir, I'm not sure how to repay you!" He'll say, "It's a dad's job to help out his pup." That's when the memory of that fateful day comes rushing back to you.
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Sam let you work weekend shifts with him for extra cash. You didn't know how he always knew, but whenever the shop was closing, if you hadn't bought anything to eat that day, he'd get you something and have you eat it while he did closing tasks.
"I can eat this later, Sam. It's no trouble!" 
"You've done enough work, my little imp. You're no use to me if you starve to death," he laughed. "Plus your health is important to me, even outside of you working here."
"God, dad, you're just the best!" 
You've known him long enough to know that if he didn't hear it, his "friends" certainly did. No matter how embarrassed or flustered you are by the mistake, you know that he knows. And he won't easily forget it.
On the whole, your relationship doesn't change. To him, you saw him as Dad already. So that's that.  He doesn't need to change, and you don't need to change.
That said… now that the words have been said…he has his friends specifically watching you at all times. Just in case. If you've ever started to fall, and felt someone catch you, but when you turned around you saw no one there…that's not your guardian angel. That's your dad's shadow.
Okay…not everything stays the same. Merch from your favorite things are always in stock at the store from now on. Neither of you addresses it…but deep down you both know.
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"You wanna be as tough as me, right? You need to do at least ten more pushups!"
"God, you're the worst, dad-"
Oh man. You've made a huge mistake. (Part two) the conversation will go as such. "Dad huh?" "Uh, I-" "Ha ha ha! Well,  you're gonna have to bulk up! Just trust your old man, he knows what's best! Fifty squats! Go!" God, you're fucked.
Wakes you up in the morning with a booming laugh, and a green smoothie of unknown origins. Once you chug the smoothie, with indiscernible flavor profile, it's time for your three mile jog. He'll go slow for you. If you complain he'll say, "Dad knows what's best for you! If you want to be as fit as me, this is only the beginning!" If you continue to complain,  he'll make you do a plank until you give in and join him on the run.
You can't look at this man and tell me he doesn't give the best hugs. Before you dropped the d word, his affection was expressed with a pat on the back. Now, when he sees you, he scoops you up in a bear hug. I don't care how tall or short you are, your feet are off the ground when he hugs you. 
Surprisingly? He's the most gung ho about who you want to date. Gym teachers see students at their worst and most desperate. He's seen Azul try to con his way out of flight class, Leona get flaky and take a nap, Cater attempting to split card his way out of laps…none of them are worthy of you! Besides, they can't even lift, bro! You're not from here, how are any of them supposed to protect your magicless, muscle less body? Now that he's dad, he's way more vocal about his opinions. Good luck.
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askyuuandco · 2 years
Vargas: *kicks down Yuu's door* GET UP SOLDIER WE'RE GOING CAMPING AGAIN!!! 😠😤
Yuu: *who was sleeping in her bed* UUUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!😮‍💨
Vargas: come on you promised me you were coming. ☹️
Yuu: Uncle Vargas I'm tired can I please sleep! *goes back to bed* 😫🥱
Sam: *walks back in* your crush is going to be there. 😏
Yuu: *immediately gets back up* Well why didn't you say so?! 😄 *runs out to pack her things.
Vargas: *looks at Sam* Crewels is going to kick your butt 😒
Sam: it's fine 🙂
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lemonandlime22 · 1 year
Staff with a scrawny and bitey Child!Yuu
Warning(s): cussing
A/N: thought I might as well get the rest of the staff introductions out of the way cause of some asks.
[Bitey child!Yuu Masterlist]
Divus Crewel
You first officially met Professor Crewel when you walked into your first class with Grim
he was about to start his lesson when he just saw a small child and some type of fire cat thing sitting at one of the desks
just to give you a lil picture, you were prob sitting down on the seat with only your head making it over the desk, same situation with Grim.
so he paused his lesson and brought you two out to the hall to ask what in the ever loving fuck you were here and not with either your parents or the authorities, and why Grim is allowed here
Grim tries to explain, but Crewel just takes you to Crowley to clear things up.
Let's just say Crewel is none too pleased that the headmaster is having a child stay on campus until he can find a way to get them back
but he begrudgingly excepts it.
He allows you to sit in on his lessons but when its time to make the potions he has you sit behind his desk, where you'll usually take a nap
when he first found out about your biting habit it was when a random student walked into his class to talk to a friend or smth, and out of nowhere you just lunged at the poor kid
he quickly pried you off the kid's leg and scolded you.
He hates this habit
but a small part of him finds it funny, especially when the person you bite is being an asshole
is one of the ppl who tries to stop this habit you have.
He's almost like a strict uncle or smth like that
random but, he always fixes your clothes and hair when there messy
he'll always re-tie your bow around your wrist when Grims not around
you will sometimes come to him at random times to help with an untied shoe, he'll sigh, pick you and sit you on his desk then tie em for ya.
Overall, he almost treats you like an untrained puppy. He has a feeling that the reason for your habit isn't as random as most ppl say, but he feels its not his place to ask.
also, you may sometimes take naps on his jacket when he takes it off.
Mozus Train
Train has conflicted feelings about you.
First time you met him you didn't bite him, but you did stare at him for a long while
he was so confused by you for a minute, but eventually realized you were staring at Lucius in his arms
so he kneeled down to your level and let you pet the cat.
Most of the stray cats you ran into weren't very nice, most would bite or scratch you
so your not very fond of them, at least not as fond of the as you were dogs
but this cat seemed especially friendly since it was all cuddled up in this old guys arms
after that you'll usually waltz into his class at random times to hang out with Lucius.
He found out about the biting from overhearing a couple students complaining about getting bit
at first he thought they were talking about some animal but then he heard your name
he heavily scolds you the next time he sees you, which you didn't even listen to, just stared at him.
Train isn't pleased by this obv and tries his best to get you to stop, spoiler alert,
doesn't work.
You remind him slightly of when one of his daughters was little, so he grew a small soft spot for you
and when he realized how big the uniform was on you and that you didn't have anything else, he was happy to give you some of their old clothes, he was meaning to get rid of them anyway.
Overall, he and Lucius enjoy your presence. He finds it almost adorable how invested you are in his lectures and like having you there. He might be one of the ones who hates your biting the most.
Also very concerned about who taught you this, or why your guardian allowed it to continue.
Ashton Vargas
This mf LOVES you!
Your so strong for a child your age and size.
yeah you bit him
but he gave no reaction
I'm not sure he even felt it to be honest.
You decided to stay in his calf for some reason and he didn't even notice until someone pointed it out
to which he laughed and pulled you off.
Vargas is one of the few that encourages your biting, even giving you tips on how to strengthen your jaw to have a better bite force
he also finds it pretty funny, but he still pulls you off the person when he sees you biting someone
every time he laughs around Train or Crewel they hit the back of his head.
During gym class he does child-friendly exercises with you when he doesn't need to watch the other students,
Overall, thinks your a cool kid and is impressed by you. He doesn't rly care about why you do it tho, just thinks your a weird kid.
He thinks your quite interesting.
The first time he met you was when Grim dragged you with him to get tuna
he heard of you from the students when they were shopping around
so he also heard of the bites
was a lil cautious of you the first time he met ya, not wanting to get bit, but after like a half an hour of you and Grim looking for the tuna and not being able finding it it was on a top shelf
he relaxed and helped you two.
From then on you would come in to get things and he'd have you help around a lil bit to pay for it
minus the occasional biting, you were a good little helper
he even gave you a small pin that said
'Little Helper'
you loved it so much, that you wore it the whole day on the days you were going to help Sam
and would show it off to your friends
which he heavily much encourages a lot since that time you told Cheka about Sam's Shop, and his dad made a very big purchase.
Overall, he likes having you around, thinks your quite adorable and funny. He's neutral about the biting, as long as you don't bite him or too many customers then he doesn't care all that much.
Slightly curious about who taught you to do it and why they did, but doesn't think its important.
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 month
Vil: What is Professor Vargas thinking by partnering those two?
Azul: Yuurin is one of the top performing first-year students while Malleus is the top performing student among third-years.
Vil: And?
Azul: ...
Azul: I don't know.
Vil: ...
Ace: Will Yuurin be alright?
Deuce: They'll just be doing the exercise together. I think there's nothing to be worried about haha...
Jack: You don't sound reassuring at all, Deuce.
Deuce: Well...
Deuce: We're talking about Draconia-senpai here.
Ace: Right...
Malleus: How are you, Yuurin?
Yuurin: I'm fine. How about you, Malleus-senpai?
Malleus: *chuckles* I'm doing great. What will we be doing today?
Yuurin: Catch and throw.
Malleus: I see.
Malleus: I'll try to be considerate with you.
Yuurin: Thank you, Malleus-senpai.
The students: ...
Professor Vargas: ...
Professor Vargas: I don't know what's going on but I'm liking it!
Malleus and Yuurin: *throwing and catching the ball at each other at the speed of light*
Malleus: *laughs* I never imagined that a simple game of catch and throw could be this enjoyable!
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: Malleus-senpai, it seems the PE class is almost over.
Malleus: Is it? We should wrap this up then.
Yuurin: *nods* *catches the ball and doesn't throw it again*
Malleus: *smiles* How's your hand, Yuurin?
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: *there are cuts in her hand*
Yuurin: I may have injured myself a bit.
Malleus: Hm. Come here, dear. I'll treat it for you.
Jack: ...
Ace: What did he just call him?
Deuce: ...
Deuce: "Dear".
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: Leona-senpai?
Leona: Don't mind me. *applying a whole bottle of disinfectant to her hands*
Yuurin: ...
Jack: ...
Ruggie: *wheezing*
Leona: By the way, Aki is going to visit here next week.
Yuurin: Huh?
Leona: He told you before, didn't he?
Yuurin: ...Yes.
Leona: ...
Leona: He'll be visiting together with his husband.
Yuurin: ...
Ruggie: I— Leona? I thought Aki would tell her that himself?
Jack: ...
Leona: My tongue slipped.
Yuurin: ...
Jack: So Yuurin is a protective sister...
Leal: *shivers*
Leal's sister: What's wrong?
Leal: ...
Leal: I-I don't know. But it's scary...
Leal's sister: Huh?
Akihiko: ...
Akihiko: Leona must've told Yuurin already.
Leal: Ah! Master Akihiko?
Akihiko: Hm?
Leal: Are you sure that I should visit Night Raven College with you?
Akihiko: Yes. *smiles* You're my husband. You need to accompany me.
Leal: Right...
Yuurin: Aki.
Akihiko: *soft chuckles* Sorry.
Yuurin: Who is it? *sounds stern*
Akihiko: You'll meet him soon.
Yuurin: Is he a good person?
Akihiko: *chuckles again*
Yuurin: ...
Akihiko: Don't be mad, bluebell. I wanted to tell you, but I'm sure you would go against it.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: Couldn't you have waited a little longer?
Akihiko: I'm sorry, bluebell.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: *sigh* What can I do? It has been done.
Akihiko: By the way, how are you feeling, bluebell? Are you experiencing any side effects from stopping all your medications?
Yuurin: Hm. No.
Akihiko: ...
Akihiko: How about your voice?
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: I won't be using my feminine voice to you because you kept something important from me.
Akihiko: Aww... But will I get to hear it in my visit to Night Raven College?
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: Yes.
Akihiko: *chuckles* I'm excited.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: Can't you tell me his name at least?
Akihiko: You can ask for his name when you meet him.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: Fine.
Leal: ...
Leal: There's that shiver again.
Leona: I can't tell you who it is.
Leona: But he's not that handsome. Don't worry.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: Leona-senpai.
Leona: Nah. I already broke my promise once.
Leona: I won't be doing that twice.
Yuurin: ...
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bunni-v1 · 8 months
Could I request the nrc staff + grim finding out you‘re a girl (plantonic)?
Or do they all know straight from the start?
TW: None
Info: Crowley, Grim, Sam, Cruel, Trien x Reader (Platonic)
🍓Hello lovely! I didn't want to make a whole long post about this, but I do want to talk about it. I'm so glad you asked! So the staff is... made aware of the situation, obviously. But, I think I'll go a little into depth on how each member deals with this information.
Crowley knows because... well... he sees you out of the ceremonial robes before anyone else does. He handles it as well as he does every other issue he comes across. "Just cover it up!" Famously said by Crowley. He's not unkind though, he does ensure that you get the help you need and he makes sure you keep what you need hidden, well, hidden. But... he won't do more than the bare minimum unless his hand is forced. Like... with Scarabia, he pretty much threatened the whole dorm with expulsion if they so much as uttered a word to anyone but amongst themselves. He is, unsurprisingly, not a father figure to you. He's more like... you're weird quirky uncle that you like, but only in small doses.
Grim, our little guy, finds out at the same time as Crowley... and he's a little harder to convince to keep his mouth shut to start. He doesn't like you, okay, you stole his position at NRC (like he had a chance at all). With a few well-placed cans of tuna from both you and Crowley, he keeps his little rat mouth shut. However, when you're actually granted studentship as NRC? His tune changes. It changes because Crowley holds his position as a student over his head, but it changes. Not a SINGLE person will ever hear you're a woman from Grim. He can't lose this position, not after so much work to get where he's gotten to. Besides, he grows to really love you! You're family to him, and no one out family. Seriously, he's so protective of it, once Ace and Deuce figure it out they're too scared to talk because of Grim's looming presence.
Sam is the first member of Staff to find out, other than Crowley. How? Crowley's sudden interest in pads, tampons, birth control, and all the fun stuff that comes with being a woman. Sam usually would just shrug his shoulders and excuse Crowley's quirky behavior, but then you come in looking like a lost deer and he gets it. He is genuinely so nice to you though! If you ever feel unsafe on campus, you talk to Sam and he'll handle it for you, okay? Sure, he jacks up the prices on your feminine products, but it's considerably less than his normal prices. Hell, if you're short, he'll "suddenly" remember he's got a discount on those items. He's like a cool older brother, honestly. He lets you hang out in the back of the shop and do homework when you ask, and he gives you snacks at a discount when you're there!
Crewel doesn't really treat you any differently than anyone else. Admittedly though, he's fond of you, even if you're a troublemaker. When you come into his class on your first day in a uniform six times too big for you, he feels pity for you. You didn't ask to be here, and now you have to wear that atrocious old uniform? You poor little pup. He's not exactly easy on you, but he's more understanding of your mistakes. Eventually, after you get to know him better, he offers to get you a nicer uniform and also privately tutor you. This is his excuse for keeping you busy so that you don't have as many chances to get found out, and it's also because you are horrifically failing his class and it looks bad on him.
Trien treats you the most differently out of everyone on staff. The SECOND he found out you were a girl and were being forced to hide that fact for Crowley's sake? Oh my god, grandpa was PISSED. Crowley got an EARFUL after that meeting. This man makes it his mission to make your stay as comfortable as he possibly can make it because sevens know Crowley won't be doing SHIT. After he meets you? Oh my god, you remind him of his own girls when they were little. He absolutely adores you, and everyone can tell. It's so odd to the other students because he clearly favors you, and when they ask you about it you've got no clue. He is your dad here at NRC, as out of character as that might be. You are a young woman lost in a world that is not kind to you going through so much more than you need to. He doesn't want to add more to your plate. You can come to him for anything and he will provide as best as he can.
Vargas (I'm sorry for forgetting about him lol) is a lot like Crewel in the fact that he doesn't treat you too differently from his other students. You're still made to push yourself to your upper limits for gym, still expected to keep up with your peers, and still expected to meet his general expectations. However, if it's way too much for you to do, out of fear of Crowley and Trien breathing down his neck, he'll lessen your load. Otherwise, he doesn't really have much chance to be around you outside of class. He finds you amusing and knows you've got a good head on your shoulders, but that's about it from him.
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rotting-batcorpse · 2 months
Love how the older male characters in Twisted Wonderland have different physical features in the game. They fit with their style and personality in the game.
Vil’s father is exactly like how I envision him to look like.
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Credit: @/__qm____ on Twitter
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