#twst x gravity falls
nawoken · 15 days
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Thanks for liking my post guys, I appreciate it. So I will start spreading my mind when I don't have anything better to do from now on then.
Hm, today will be... a reader from Gravity Falls, who got transported into TWST world. Oh, reminds me of those good old days, when we still had a bunch of good-quality cartoons.
(T vT)
You can be a friend of Dipper and Mabel, who joined them on their trip to Gravity Falls. Or the town's resident, who has always known about this place's weirdness but most of the time, when you bring it up, no one actually believes you. You can even be the twins' sibling, or well... Lil Gideon's dogsbody (no one want this right?)... That's your choice.
I want to build a reader who has enough understanding of those mystery creatures so it's better if you have a few links with the main cast :")))
After the defeat of Bill Cipher, a few years went by in peace. Until one day you wake up in a whole different world that has magic. Great, it's cool, you're fine, nothing too bad yet, it can be worse, right? After all, you used to encounter many more strange things than this.
Maybe, after not being able to contact you for a long time, Dipper will realize your disappearance and find a way to help you. Or..., the headmage in front of you can do something like he said.
Nope, you're wrong, he is useless, that's what you realized after staying there for a while. That biscuit doesn't even care about finding a way back for you! So, you have to find another way while facing a bunch of other overblots.
You've never really told anyone else about stuff you used to face back in your world, mystery creatures, monsters, and a Dorito from different dimensions.
Mostly because when they asked why you can face all this "transport to another world" or "fighting some gooey inky monster" things so calmly. Or why did you act so aggressively about making a deal with Octoville Housewarden. You told them how you used to fight this triangle entity from different dimensions, that planned to destroy your world, but they would just brush it off or say that you have a wild imagination.
You feel a bit sad when it happens, but you get it. Some magicless people can fight off a Dream Demon that can control space, matter, and even time? That must be hard to believe. So you just let it be.
But, out of nowhere, mystery creatures start to appear around the Isle of Sages.
What do you mean you saw Gnomes with a red cap and blue outfit running around in the jungle? And there is a whole island that suddenly appeared overnight?! Some scientists tried to approach it and it arose from the river, appeared to be a freaking giant head?!
It's all too familiar to you. After all, you had gotten into a bunch of trouble with them during your stay at Gravity Falls. It must be that this island has some kind of connection with that town!
Then, you just have to find that connected point to open the dimensional portal, and come home, right? Maybe, the twins with their uncles will get to you before you even have to do all that.
So, you just acting like normal. But your friends don’t want that. Mostly Grim, Aduece, Epel, and Ortho when they took an interest in the mystery thing that recently appeared inside NRC. Jack and Sebek tried to protest, saying that it was stupid but got provoked by “Why? Are you scared?” from the others.
You got dragged in, mainly because you worry for them. Even when they have magic, you still have more experience with this than them. You don't have the Journals with you but you used to spend quite a lot of your time studying and understanding them alongside the Pines twins. So, you’ve memorized most of it, if not all.
The moment your groups step into this strange part of the forest, with some big red mushrooms with dots and some floating shiny orbs come straight out of a fairytale. You know this is a "Gnome Forest".
Before you can get everyone out of this place to avoid meeting those creepy creatures that have an obsession with finding a Gnome queen. You see Jade, observing and taking note of the mushrooms.
Jade: What a pleasure meeting you guys here.
Deuce: J...Jade-senpai?! What are you doing here?
Ace: Ye, and where is Floyd, is he sneaking also around?!
Jade: Fufu... don't you think it a bit rude to ask questions without stating your reason for being here?
Jade: But, as you can see, I'm studying these delightful mushrooms. And, no, unfortunately, my brother isn't into this kind of thing so there's only me.
Jade: ... Then?
Epel: W...what? Oh, we're here for the mystery creatures that been lurking around.
Jade: Oh, from the rumors?
Epel: *Nod* Yes.
Ace: Hm, you must be here for a while, have you seen anything yet?
Jade: Sadly, no. However, I do hope that I can encounter one of those, Azul might take an interest in them (For business thingy, I guess). Hm,... do you mind if I join you guys?
Deuce: Uh, no...
Jade: Great! ^v^
(Okay, that is, I'm out of brain juice for that conversation. Hope that is not too Ooc (XvX))
You stood aside, looking around worriedly while Ace bickered with Deuce due to letting Jade join. Jack felt your restlessness, mistaken that you're scared so he tried to comfort you. Sebek saw it and loudly said something about how weak humans are.
That's when some shadows dash by, Jade, Jack, Ortho, and Sebek become more alert while the others are a bit startled. Grim screaming something about not wanting to be eaten and clinging onto Ace's face though.
Looking back and forth a few times just for you guys turned to Epel, and saw a Gnome right next to him with a flower in hand. You know that shoot, Jeff! And! seeing his action, you also realized what come next.
Epel: ...For me?
Jeff: Yes, for you, my... future queen! (I can't, this is too much, I'm dying)
Gotta say, your friends have a good laugh except for Epel, who looks about to explode and Jade has this amused smile. If not for how bad the situation actually is, you might laugh as well.
Y/N: Guys, we should go.
Jeff: WAIT!!! Let me introduce myself first, I'm Jeff, Gnomes' leader. And, we are looking for a new queen...blah blah... (sorry)
At some point, Epel blew up, and he started throwing spells and that's when they knew what Jeff meant by them. 1000 Gnomes running out from God know where merged into a huge Gnome then chased them after their fail attempt of fighting it.
Ace: WTF is that?!
Deuce: How can we fight it if it keep merging?!
Grim: Wroahhhh, It's so fast!
Ace: You should just accept their marriage proposal!
Jack: Why did I agree with this...
Ortho: This is quite fun, isn't it?
Others: NO!
You are tired of running, Jade has already gone out of sight the moment that thing compiling. You tried to reach inside your backpack, you were prepared for this after all! Your dog whistles. You just need to find it from the pile of things you quickly stuffed into your bag.
Finally! You quickly told everyone to cover their ears, mostly for Jack and Sebek due to their sharp hearing, and blew the whistle. That giant Gnome started to fall apart, and those Gnomes quickly ran away, far from the noise that hurt their ears.
Ace: Uh... What was that?!
Epel: Prefect, h..how can you do it?!
Grim: Haha, good job my henchman, I know you can do it.
Y/N: Gnomes, they have enhanced hearing so they can't bear high-pitch noise.
Deuce: But, how did you know that? Did you read about it somewhere?
Ortho: I don't think so, I've scanned them and I don't find any research about those creatures. So, prefect, where do you study about it?
Jade: I also want to know. (^v^)
Sebek: Where are you coming from?!
Y/N: Guys, just calm down. About those creatures, of course, I know about them. It's from my world after all.
Others (minus Jade): What?!
Jade: Oh... that's really interesting.
Deuce: Why have you never told us this story?!
Y/N: *stared back at him unamused*
Ortho: Hm... I do remember they used to say something about fighting supernatural entities.
Ace: But, I thought that just some jokes!
Y/N: Well, now you know it not.
Epel: Wait, so you did fight those?!
Y/N: Yes.
Sebek: Hm, maybe you're not as weak as I think, human.
Jack: Is that why you're worrying then entire time?
Y/N: Yes, I just don't know how to warn you guys since you're not gonna believe me.
Others: Sorry...
It can be said that everything ends happily. You guys talked to Crowley and he has to start doing some research about your theory of the connection between Isle of Sages and Gravity Falls (Ramshakle dorm).
You become a storyteller for the first-year gang, Jade (he wants to know all the information), and you might not know but also Rook, who observed your groups from afar the day of the exploration. Telling them about those creatures that you've faced, the journals, the Pine twins, their uncles,... and even about Bill Cipher.
You tell them, they tell the others. The famous magicless Prefect used to fight paranormal and supernatural entities that have been lurking around lately?! Only your friends actually believe in it, but that's enough for you.
Until they started to find you for more information, so Ortho helped you create a blog to spread some, not every single of them though. Should start some business by solving mysterious things. Talked to Azul and he might help you, you used to help him so he wouldn't trick you with his deal,... right?
Well, who knows? You know quite clearly the consequence of making a deal without thinking right?
Why is it this long?! I just want to type something fun and spread some idea but then it turns into a whole ass rambling :')
I still have more for it, but I'm lazy, my brain might or might not die at this point and I can hear light, see noises... I should sleep but I'm hungry. :'))))
English is my second language so there might be some confusing things in my wording, let me know if you feel there is anything that needs to be corrected, thank you.
I also haven't had a chance to finish Gravity Falls' series and it also has been a while since the last time I saw it. I've tried my best to gain more information about it when wrote this but if I am wrong about something, please tell me.
Anyway, I might do part 2 for this if I'm in the mood. See ya!
Oh, Also, Idia found this CD. It's old, yes. But it's an old game CD! Might be worth a ton this day. But, most importantly, he wouldn't say no to ancient games. An otome game about dating a pink-haired high-school girl... (I changed her ending a bit I guess).
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“See You Next…”
[TWST AU]: An MC/Yuu who was spending time at the now famous Gravity Falls, Oregon.
[Synopsis]: In this timeline, MC/Yuu, a family member of the Pines Family were staying over during the summer at the now busy Mystery Shop.
Gender Neutral MC/Yuu
[(A/N)]: Oh my god. Memories from middle school are coming back. Nostalgia and cringe as I remember being obsessed with the Disney Channel show with the secret codes and stuff. I couldn’t help but regret writing nonsense involving the show during my Wattpad days. It’s like “Yikes. What the hell was I writing about?” Thank god the TWST fandom is an easier base to write with.
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Many years had passed since Weirdmaggedon ended and the town called Gravity Falls is now famous for tourist attractions and the reputation that was put up.
13 y/o MC/Yuu Pines wants to spend their summer over in Oregon so they can see everybody, including their aunt and uncle: Uncle Dip and Auntie May-May (The Pine Twins: Dipper and Mabel Pines).
During the bus ride from California to Oregon, MC/Yuu reminisces spending times with their family members laughing, bonding, and telling stories about their adventures. They gained interests and hobbies from Uncle Dip and Auntie May-May such as mystery novels, arts n’ crafts, science, therapeutic knitting, etc.
Also Auntie May-May taught MC/Yuu how to fangirl/fanboy/stan their favorite music group.
After the long ride, they finally arrived to Gravity Falls and the bus stopped at the bus stop. Over there was someone you expect after working for years as a loyal former handyman, waiting to pick them up.
MC/Yuu Pines: *Steps out of the bus with their luggages* Oh my god! Uncle Soos! *Tackles hugs him*
Soos: Whoa, dude! *Hugs back* Haha, it’s good seeing you too.
MC/Yuu Pines: *Lets go of him* How’s your family doing? Is Aunt Melody okay?
Soos: Your aunt is doing great! We should head back. There’s new items for the museum.
MC/Yuu Pines: Aw sweet!
After Soos helps pack the luggages on a newer golf cart, the two sat inside and head straight to the good ol’ Mystery Shack.
When they arrived, nostalgia hits MC/Yuu when they see the shabby cabin in all its glory with the letter “S” still left alone and not repaired.
They cried a little after seeing the building.
Soos: Dude, are you okay?
MC/Yuu Pines: *Sniffs* Sorry. I got glitter in my eyes.
The two enter inside and Melody, MC/Yuu’s God-aunt and Soos’s wife, greets the young teen with a warm hug and she’s holding a small baby (presumably Soos & Melody’s child). They chatted and excited to spend time together.
Melody guides MC/Yuu upstairs in the attic which is where they’re sleeping for the whole summer.
MC/Yuu told Aunt Melody they will come down later after unpacking their stuff and relax a little from traveling.
An hour passed by and MC/Yuu comes down, entering to the museum part of the shack.
MC/Yuu Pines: Uncle Soos? Hello? I’m back down, ready to help with new attractions.
Just as they roamed around while picking up messes like an axe, a taser gun and a plain notebook with a pen attached to the spine. MC/Yuu questioned why are these items scattered over the place. ‘Great Grunkle influence…’
After looking around one more time, they spotted an intricate body mirror by a faux statue of “THE SASCROTCH”. (Yes, a knockoff of Bigfoot. Keep going.)
MC/Yuu thought it’s only temporary and Soos put it there. They didn’t question much, and steps over to the reflection of the one-way glass.
MC/Yuu Pines: If spending summer over here, I’m sure there’s adventures to experience. I can’t wait to show them what I’ll discover.
Then suddenly the mirror’s reflection wobbles and it starts glowing bright.
MC/Yuu quickly grabs the weapons (axe and taser gun) from before for defense, then the mirror shunned brightly as the young teen was sucked into the mirror-turned-portal along with the blank notebook from earlier.
After getting sucked into the mirror and traveled to another world, like in the canon storyline, they somehow get transported to Twisted Wonderland, got chased down by Grim, dragged into the dorm-sorting ceremony by Headmaster Crowley, the same feline-like menace creating chaos, etc.
Except MC/Yuu stops Grim by holding him up and tasing the two NRC students with the taser gun they equipped. (R.I.P. Azul and Riddle /j)
MC/Yuu Pines: That’s enough! I don’t know what in Hot Belgian Waffles is going on here, but this is more insane than my aunt’s weird troll juice.
Crowley: Hot Belgian Waffles? Who are you?
MC/Yuu Pines: Uhh…Someone from Gravity Falls?
Crowley: What place?
MC/Yuu Pines: Oh crude. I’m in another world.
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MC/Yuu Pines: *Looking around their surroundings* Uncle Dip is gonna flip about this place called Twisted Wonderland. I need to start a journal. Oh right, there would be some government agents going after the mirror too for experimentation if they find out about it.
Deuce: Did you say government agents?
MC/Yuu Pines: My family has dealt with them in the past when my Great Grunkle Stan was getting his brother, Great Grunkle Ford, to return back from another dimension.
Deuce: What?
MC/Yuu Pines: What? I would do the same if my family were in danger.
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MC/Yuu Pines: You guys don’t happen to have gnomes around here, right?
Jamil: Not that we know of, why?
MC/Yuu Pines: Funny, but traumatic story. My aunt, Auntie May-May, was almost kidnapped by hundreds of gnomes from the start of her and Uncle Dip’s summer. At first, she thought she scored a “hot gothic” summer boyfriend, but my uncle was skeptical about him. Towards the end, he was right. It’s hundreds of gnomes attempting to kidnap his sister to become their queen.
Kalim: Oh wow. Your world sounds crazy.
MC/Yuu Pines: There’s many stories involving their summer vacation.
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[Visiting Gravity Falls]
[Little lore: Fortunately the mirror portal in the museum is a gateway between Twisted Wonderland and the ol’ town.]
[Smile Dip back in stock!!!]
MC/Yuu Pines: Smile Dip? I remember Auntie May-May consumed a ton of this candy and warned me not to eat it as she experienced major side effects.
Jack: What? Like rotten teeth?
MC/Yuu Pines: No, trippy hallucinations. I think LSD was added in back then.
Jack: Oh Great Seven.
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[Mystery Shack]
[Epel and MC/Yuu hanging by the porch carved apples together.]
MC/Yuu Pines: You know, I’m glad I met you guys. Back home, I never made friends as most kids my age would bully me for having relatives retelling stories to think they’re mentally crazy or others try to catch clout as my uncle is a famous author and my aunt is a cheerful fine arts professor at a prestigious college. It’s really hard to find anyone decent without ill intentions.
Epel: Wow. MC/Yuu, I’m sorry to hear this.
MC/Yuu Pines: Don’t worry. At least I won’t get into drama these days. *Tries to hide their brass knuckles away*
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Ace: Why do you call your uncle “Dip”?
MC/Yuu Pines: He has an abnormal birthmark on his forehead that aligns exactly like the Big Dipper. I couldn’t say his full nickname when I was younger so it just stuck as Dip instead.
Deuce: Do you have something like that in your family?
MC/Yuu: I have marks aligned only as a triangle. It weirded out my twin relatives, especially Uncle Dip. I don’t know why, but he only mentioned as long there isn’t anything in the center.
Jack: Your uncle sounds like he’s keeping a secret.
MC/Yuu Pines: Maybe. Probably when I’m old enough he’ll tell me.
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[Surrounded by vicious trolls in the woods during MC/Yuu’s adventures.]
MC/Yuu Pines: Oh, what the #$@%? *Pulls out their axe*
Idia: *Surprised* H-How did you do that?
MC/Yuu Pines: Do what?
Idia: You cursed.
MC/Yuu Pines: Oh! You mean #$@%? Yeah, for some reason, my world couldn’t stand curse words. Or this. *Pulls out the middle finger*
[Then a flyer flies in blocking their hand.]
Idia: *Perplexed* W-What is with this world’s settings?!
MC/Yuu Pines: *Shrugs* I don’t know and it’s the Grunkle influence. *Kills a troll behind them*
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✨Reblogs help creators and creates more content✨
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pineapple-coco · 2 years
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I know i'm late for Gravity Falls 10th anniversary but here is one if Mc was from Gravity Falls
Mc: Well this could be worse but it could be better.
Ace: Student C overbloted... what do you mean!
Mc: We had an angry triangle demon try and spread weirdness around my town.
Ace: He could die and that sounds bad.
Mc: Ehh. We are fine and he'll be fine.
(Ciphermc means Bill Cipher Mc)
Ciphermc: Mmmm, so what are you planning on doing?
OBstudent: Kill everyone that wronged me!
Ciphermc: I have plans to but why are you making sense, life doesn't make sense it's a weird mess of unknown so why don't you make nonsense!
Ace: Yuu stop it.
Ciphermc: No!
Deuce: ~sprays water at Yuu~
Ciphermc: Ahh!
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epictacobird · 2 years
I see a lot of MC as hero’s from various animes or games
I wanna see villains
Like imagine a Dio!mc wrecking havoc in NRC. Crowley folded and probably Azul too. Considering how convincing Dio is, mc probably got the entirety of the school on their side. Strutting towards world domination without the Joestar’s like the girlboss they are. Maybe a select few will stop you, those strong enough to resist your temptations and allure. But would they be strong enough?
Or maybe a Light Yagami!mc I know he isn’t technically a villain but let’s be honest, he kinda is. Mc is torn between taking over this world or going back home. What would they choose? Become the god of this world, or go back home and continue. Why not both? Either way, mc would certainly impress multitudes of students with their intelligence, you’d fit right in. Ryuk is enjoying himself at least. So many new things has happened since he dropped that notebook after all.
What about a human appearing bill cipher!mc? (I know, not an anime stfu) like everyone believes mc is magicless, helpless even. And mc is all for it. The chaos and confusion that could come when mc reveals they’re a glowing yellow triangle with one eye. Mc fucks around with everyone and everything by coming to them in their dreams. You know everyone’s secrets, fears, fantasies and past. Will you show that off? That’s up to you. And you’re wondering if it’s even worth going back when you could wreck havoc in this new world. Maybe you can postpone your trip home!
Or maybe just an mc who’s not a big supervillain, but instead kills people for the sake of peace? An assassin!mc who’s hardened through years of killing. It’s difficult for them to adjust to a normal school life, no missions, no work to be done other than the pieces of papers in front of you. If you were to go back home would you even be safe? A sudden, unexplained disappearance only to reappear in a similar fashion after months, even years? Your boss would be more than suspicious. And what about the friends you made here? It’s unlikely they’d ever find out but what if they did? Would you be able to adjust to the new life or do you find yourself better suited for your dark job?
I just love the idea of Crowley getting his shit rocked by the villain he wronged. I need someone to write something like this Lmao
If you do plz tag me I need this in my life
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darlings-starlights · 10 months
Hello my little stars! I’m Hayden! and here’s what I will and will not write!
This will be added too over time
Will write
• fluff
• character x male!reader
• character x gender neutral!reader
• suggestive stuff (making out, etc)
• hurt with comfort
• angst
• FtM
• sometimes MtF
I won’t write
• Smut (this could change in the future)
• topics like self harm and suicide as those are triggering topics for me
• racist or homophobic shit.
• abuse or things like that to humans or animals
• piss and shit kinks and others like that
• Murder in detail
• Female readers YALL have enough content
Fandoms I will write for
• the little vampier (the newish animated one)
• Undertale (Aus as well)
• Yuurivoice
• TMNT (rise, bayvers, 2012)
• Danganronpa
• Avatar
• Obey me! Shall we date
• Arcana
• Gravity falls (platonic only for dipper and mable)
• Good omens
• The Black phone
• Yuurivoice
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thachinchilla864 · 6 months
Requests are open!!!
•i Will not write smut NSFW or Lemons
•OCs are allowed but you need to be specific
•I Will mainly write for twst but if you request gravity falls, undertale, popee the performer, TOH, MHA, candle cove, rottmnt, or creepypastas I will also write those
•please specify what gender you want the reader/OC to be and what scenario you would like if not specified reader will be GN
•I Will write angst and or gore if requested but please don’t request anything too graphic 🙏
•I’ll write fluff if requested and I will also write crack
•please respect these rules and follow them and remember I do not have to reply to any request and I won’t if it breaks the rules
•it can be platonic or romantic but if not specified (unless it’s a child) it will be romantic
•have a nice day! And remember to drink some water
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acornwinter · 1 year
i am working on a request and an art thingy for this blog but it’ll take some time because i have exams coming up <3 bare w me
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awwfur · 1 month
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I went and made another TWST OC. I had SUCH A HARD TIME placing him in a dorm. I had three I was trying to pick from (Savanaclaw, Scarabia, or Octavinelle) I picked octavinelle because I’m bias.
So Cyrus here is based off Bill Cipher from Gravity falls. And GAH! He was so fun to make!! His last name is a fun little reference to “A-X-O-L-O-T-L! My time has come to burn! I invoke the ancient power that I may return!” the Cipher version of his name is just the code where ever letter of the English alphabet is a number (example: A= 1, B=2 ect) but it’s backwards so it’s actually A= 26, B=25 ect. I just think it’d be funny if he introduced himself with his name as that and waits for people to figure it out. Goes by “Phil” until they do.
Cyrus’s UM is Weirdmageddon (fairly obvious reference there it might change later idk haha) it kinda works like Trey’s as it overrides stuff in the environment for a short time, thing is Cyrus’s is more random. He can’t pick out what changes or what it turns into. This randomness has led to him gaining a triangle shaped scar over his right eye and going blind in that eye. *cough* why he has the eye patch *cough*
well, that’s all I’m explaining there. Now, to go figure out if I want him and Dorian to be besties or to be chaos rivals.
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is it wrong for me to ask the twist guys visiting gravity falls yuu during summerween? and then getting chased by the summerween monster or maybe epel meeting the manotaurs?
OOC: Hello there! I’m terribly sorry for this late reply. There isn’t anything wrong to ask something like this, but I do need to address others that I’m not the type of writer on Tumblr who does requests or stuff like that. I only create what I thought it’s fun and express with many to see. No disrespect to other writers who do requests by fans, but I don’t want to be overwhelmed from high demands.
So about the present Gravity Falls and their love for Halloween…I can whip something up.
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[Mystery Shack]
MC/Yuu Pines: *In their zombie costume* Uhh…Uncle Soos? Are you sure kids want these candies? *Holds the bowl of “rejected” candy*
Soos: Of course. In fact, I thought of using that story about your relatives and I escaping from “The Summerween Trickster.” This should help stop leaving these awesome pieces from falling behind.
MC/Yuu Pines: True…Not wasting food and I do enjoy these Gummy Chairs. *Pops one in their mouth* Mmm~! Cherrywood flavor!
[Then suddenly the mirror lights up, following with the First Year gang along with Grim arriving with their costumes on.]
Soos: Oh, hey! Your friends are here.
MC/Yuu Pines: Guys! You actually came, and you look amazing. *Picks up Grim in their arms*
Epel: We couldn’t miss your town’s holiday.
Deuce: So Summerween, what is special about this spooky holiday besides Halloween?
MC/Yuu Pines: People in Gravity Falls love Halloween so much that we celebrate it twice a year. *Holds up a calendar marked “Summerween”*
Grim: Do you always carry that calendar?
MC/Yuu Pines: My phone is charging.
Ace: That means double the candy?
MC/Yuu Pines: Of course! Double the teeth-rotting fun. So are the others coming?
Deuce: Dorm Leader Rosehearts can’t come since he’s busy with his duties and the Queen’s Rules for certain holidays.
Jack: Leona-senpai wasn’t thrilled when hearing about this holiday and decided he can’t be bothered.
Epel: Vil can’t come either as his schedule is tight and doesn’t want to ruin his vampire costume.
Ortho: Nii-san said he’ll come. He needs to readjust his Headless Horseman costume.
Sebek: Hmph! Waka-sama wasn’t invited to this Summerween.
MC/Yuu Pines: Did you invite him, or did you forget again?
Sebek: …
MC/Yuu Pines: You forgot. Well, the portal won’t open again until another hour so let’s celebrate!
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[Down the street of Gravity Falls is crowded with many residents in costume. The First Years plus Grim and MC/Yuu were trying to not trample over anyone since there’s barely enough space for bigger costumes.]
[(A/N): Scene from Trick r’ Treat]
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MC/Yuu Pines: Alright, important rule. Don’t get lost because I’m afraid you’ll attract the wrong attention.
Ace: How? We’re in costume.
MC/Yuu Pines: Yet most of you look like SSR Cards: Halloween edition of an Otome game. Except you’re not.
???: Oh? MC/Yuu? Is that you?
MC/Yuu Pines: F#@€. Gabriel.
Deuce: Who?
MC/Yuu Pines: No time to explain yet. *Shoves everyone in the crowd*
[Everyone split up and now they’re lost.]
MC/Yuu Pines: I think we lost him.
Deuce: MC/Yuu, who was that?
MC/Yuu Pines: *Sighs tiredly* Gabriel Gleeful. The son of my aunt’s obsessive stalker, Gideon Gleeful. Apparently, he became my stalker three years back when I was visiting my family and we ran into each other in the woods. We played for hours until Auntie May-May and Gleeful found us. She quickly took me away for my safety and explained that man isn’t a good guy.
Deuce: Was he that bad?
MC/Yuu Pines: Bad enough that police got involved.
Deuce: Great Seven…
MC/Yuu Pines: Don’t worry. You’re with me now so I feel protected. You’re like an awesome older brother to me.
Deuce: *Touched* MC/Yuu…
MC/Yuu Pines: Come on! Let’s find the others and have fun!
[After Deuce and MC/Yuu gathered everyone back, they were having fun enjoying Summerween and feasting on popular candies, playing games and sometimes scaring others for a laugh.]
MC/Yuu Pines: *Checks everyone’s buckets* Huh? Hey, why didn’t you guys eat the other candy?
Ace: You mean those rejects? They didn’t taste that good.
MC/Yuu Pines: Oh f$&%.
Epel: You cursed. What’s happening?
MC/Yuu Pines: *Looking for the melons* I hope all the Jack-o-Melons aren’t blown out…
Jack: MC/Yuu, what’s going on?
MC/Yuu Pines: Uncle Soos warned me about this.
Sebek: Warned about what?
MC/Yuu Pines: The Summerween Trickster!
[Silence fell upon them, but a certain red-head snorted.]
Ace: *Snickers* Seriously? The Summerween Trickster? Is it a folktale your town tells every year?
MC/Yuu Pines: This isn’t a laughing matter. We need to be sure the all the candy is enjoyed before-
Ortho: I detected an unfamiliar presence one meter away.
[With some misfortune from tonight’s spooky night, a gush of wind blows out all candle lights of the Jack-o-Melons.]
MC/Yuu Pines: We’re screwed.
[Then under the flicking illumination of an old lamppost, a tall figure wearing withered clothes and a pointed hat. The most distinguished part of this is the smiley mask.]
Ace: *Feeling weary* Uhh…Who’s that?
MC/Yuu Pines: Run.
[The whole gang ran away from the Summerween Trickster as the monster contorts its body on four limbs, then starts sprinting after the First Years. Fortunately the golf cart is parked by and everyone hopped in and sped off back to the shack.]
MC/Yuu Pines: *Driving behind the wheel* This happens every time brats don’t enjoy the good parts of “rejected candy.” This mother¥€£%#$ comes out to not play Trick-or-Treat!
[Finally they reached back to the shack, and ran inside.]
MC/Yuu Pines: It’s not safe here. We need to return back to Twisted Wonderland and destroy that diabetic monster.
Deuce: What’s the plan?
MC/Yuu: Ask my friend and tell him I need reinforcements.
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[The Summer Trickster broke into the museum section of the Mystery Shack, searching for the MC/Yuu and the First Year gang.]
MC/Yuu Pines: *Reveals themselves by the mirror* Hey, pile of junk food! Over here!
[The embodiment of candy faces over to the young teen. Then it starts running after them.]
MC/Yuu Pines: 3…
[The Trickster is a meter away.]
MC/Yuu Pines: 2…
[It’s getting dangerously closer.]
MC/Yuu: 1…
[They grasps on the monster by one of its front limbs and leaps back into the mirror, dragging the Trickster along.]
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[Twisted Wonderland]
[Mirror Chamber]
[The two spawned out of the Dark Mirror and MC/Yuu were quick on their feet to cue the signal.]
MC/Yuu Pines: Now!
[Balls of fire casted upon The Summerween Trickster and MC/Yuu was taken away safely by Lilia.]
Malleus: *Extremely furious* You dare harm my Child of Man? *Summons more fire balls* You are mistaken to do so.
[Malleus throw more enraging fire at it. The Trickster starts to melt and crisp from extreme temperature.]
Deuce: *Summons a cauldron and smashes the monster* I got it!
Ace: *Casts the wind spell* Now!
Grim: *Blows his signature flames into the wind and directs to the monster*
MC/Yuu Pines: *Pulls out their axe and sprints towards the candied abomination* Happy Summerween, bitch! *Hacks the monster’s head off*
[Finally, the beast is destroyed.]
MC/Yuu Pines: *Sighs* I’m sorry, guys. This is not what I planned for your first Summerween in Gravity Falls. I didn’t know the Summerween Trickster still roams around, hunting for rejecters. This is the worst.
Epel: Are you kiddin’? This is the best holiday to remember.
Deuce: Yeah! We had fun and learned so much from tonight.
Ace: Even sneaking in candy without Riddle knowing.
Ortho: I had an amazing time! Nii-san was also overjoyed for the goodies I collected.
MC/Yuu Pines: But-
Jack: You didn’t ruin our night. If anything, it’s probably the best night to unwind.
MC/Yuu Pines: So…You guys aren’t upset for almost endangering us?
Deuce: MC/Yuu, you didn’t know. It wasn’t your fault.
MC/Yuu Pines: *Wipes their tears away* Thanks for the reassurance.
Ortho: MC/Yuu, there’s a surprise outside!
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[The whole area was decorated with Summerween decor and everyone is dressed up.]
MC/Yuu Pines: *Surprised* Oh, my god. Is this why no one else can’t come?
Ace: Yeah. Since you were so excited for this holiday…
Riddle: Everyone participated to join in the celebration. This is a way to thank you, for everything you did. Of course, there are no rules against this holiday.
MC/Yuu Pines: *Tears starts welling in their eyes* You guys…
Epel: Let’s celebrate Summerween!
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toyafreethoughts · 6 months
Short (No, LONG) introduction of your favorite writer (Me, Jaxrel) behind the screen! ╰(*´︶`*)╯
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My name(s): I’m usually called Jaxrel or Jax, but I also love being called by Himawari, Rin, Eden or Luke too! Whatever nickname is easy for you to call me by then go wild!
Identity: I use he/him pronouns, but I’m also cool with people using they/them pronouns on me as well, but I do like using more masculine pronouns for my comfort :,)
I have been professionally diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, BPD, Schizophrenia and OCD, I am a little bit more severe with my Autism (but not so high, ifykwim) so I may not understand a lot of social cues or tones in words or voices and etc, so just be mindful of this please and be kind to me and also everyone :)
I am a trans man, im pansexual, polyamorous, aromatic & asexual, I have a preference towards men more than woman (:
I’m Polish, Middle Eastern (Iraqi), & Filipino with some Russian and Scottish, I currently live in Baghdad, Iraq, I also live in America too.
Likes: Anthropology, zoology, pathology, theology, astronomy, writing, history/science, soccer, basketball, volleyball, art(painting, pottery, digital art, sketching, etc), cats, sharks, anime/manga, vocaloid/UTAU, k/j-pop, vkei, plushies, figurines, stuffed animals, puppetry, tabletop RPGS, gaming, rhythm games, documentaries, youtube, twitch, skateboarding, sweets, asian cuisine, iced coffee, boba tea, dancing, cleaning, musicals, collecting many things, rain, horror, and so much more!
Dislikes: hot weather, bitter tastes or smells, feeling restricted, pessimism.
Favorite Video Games: I do have a lot I play but here are the ones I really enjoy playing… Persona5(more), Danganronpa, OMORI, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Honaki Impact 3rd, Zenless Zero Zone, NieR: Automata, Hollow Knight, Final Fantasy 7, TWST, Obey Me!, Tears Of Themis, Mystic Messenger, Sally Face and more!
Favorite Animes: Neon Genesis Evangelion, Bungo Stray Dogs, Vanitas no Carte, Jujustu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, Blue Lock, Black Butler, Death Note, Chainsaw Man, Tokyo Revengers, TBHK, Toradora, Oshi No Ko, A Silent Voice, Doukyuusei, JJBA, Sk8 The Infinity, Food Wars, Assassination Classroom, Hunter X Hunter, Devilman Crybaby, Banana Fish, Serial Experiments Lain, Monster, Soul Eater, Magical Girl Madoka, Akudama Drive and more
Favorite Movies/Shows/Cartoons: Mean Girls, The Great Gatsby, Breaking Bad, Any Marvel Movies, AlRawabi School For Girls, Girl From Nowhere, Alice In Borderland, Stranger Things, Heartstopper, Breaking Bad, Total Drama Llama, South Park, Adventure Time, Gravity Falls & More
Other Media: Heavens Offical Blessing, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Cherry Crush, Creepypasta, The Mandela Catalog, SCP Foundation, Flicker (Roblox), Sanatorium (Roblox), The Walten Files, The Evillous Chronicles, Homestuck, Eddsworld, Nijisanji EN & more
Top Kins: hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld), eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), shu itsuki (enstars),miyamura izumi (horimiya), micheal afton (FNAF), lolbit (FNAF), mangle (FNAF), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), geto suguru (jujustu kaisen), minami kotobuki (oshi no ko), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa), hua cheng (TGCF), ame-chan (needy streamer overdose), k-angel (needy streamer overdose) and more....!
Favorite Characters: Toji Fushiguro (Jujustu Kaisen), Gojo Satoru (Jujustu Kaisen), Mondo Owada (Danganronpa 1), Leon Kuwata (Danganronpa 1), Blair (Soul Eater), Goro Akechi (Persona5), Jumin Han (Mystic Messenger), Malleus Draconia (Twisted Wonderland), Mushitaro Oguri (Bungo Stray Dogs), Chuuya Nakahara (Bungo Stray Dogs), Qi Rong (Heavens Offical Blessing, SORRY), Belphegor (Obey Me), Aponia (Honkai Impact 3rd), Mitsuri Kanoji (Demon Slayer), Enmu (Demon Slayer), Wriothesley (Genshin Impact), Neuvillette (Genshin Impact), Raiden Shogun/Ei (Genshin Impact), Takanobu Aone (Haikyuu), Willam Afton (Five Nights at Freddy’s), and more
Favorite Artists: ATEEZ, Stray Kids, LOONA, TXT, SHINee, Orange Caramel, Red Velvet, NewJeans, BIGBANG, (G)-IDLE, TWICE, Enhypen, LE SSERAFIM, Itzy, Wonder Girls, Perfume, Gackt, ATARASHII GAKKO, Yoasobi, BABYMETAL, Fuji Kaze, King Gnu, Arashi, Ado, Eve, Miki Matsubara, Tophamhat-kyo, Gulu gulu, Malice Mizer, DADAROMA, The GazettE, Kaneto-Juusei, Mejibray, Madmans Esprit, BUCK-TICK, X Japan, Korn, System Of A Down, Oingo Bingo, Puzzle, Strawberry Guy, Tyler The Creator, Lemon Demon, The Mountain Goats, Mitski, Mac Demarco, The Cure, The Smiths, The Garden, AJJ, TV Girl, Bôa, Current Joys, Eyedress, Car Seat Headrest, My Bloody Valentine, Alex G, Marina, Weezer, Radiohead, Cage The Elephant, Tame Impala, Playboi Carti, Deftones and more
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I’ll update this whenever I can! Hopefully you guys enjoy getting to know more about me (:
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baekura · 2 years
Tagged by @chaoticgoodhaberdasher for 10 characters, 10 media, 10 tags (I don’t think I know 10 people so I’ll only tag a few haha)
Floyd Leech - Twisted Wonderland
Ramuda Amemura - Hypnosis Mic
Michael Mell - Be More Chill
Belphegor - Obey Me!
Chihiro Fujisaki - Danganronpa
Maple - Animal Crossing
Ryou Bakura - Yugioh
Dipper Pines - Gravity Falls
Rilakkuma - San-x/Rilakkuma and Kaoru
Sasaki Shumei - Sasaki and Miyano
Tagging: @transriddlerosehearts @npdclaraoswald @chokit-pyrus @twst-the-night-away @twstinginthewind and whoever else wants to participate!
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a day in the lives of the inhabitants of an abandoned dorm when y/n turned the ruins into Tony Stark's lair, and created the local Jarvis* gravity falls y/n:*absent from class all day * Yuken and Yuu:*walks briskly towards their dorm, praying not to see a pile of trash * Yuken*sees a new building in front of him* what the-Yuu* breaks into the house without listening to Yuken* Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?! AND WHAT ABOUT OUR DORM??
(Y/N): *Holding a screw driber then pointing at the dorm.* "New and IMPROVED!"
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 3 years
Au introductions
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Note that those are my aus! I'll credit whoever artist or writer I've inspired from if it's the case! If some aus are similar to others, it's pure coincidence unless I say so... I didn't really explore all the aus on the internet.
Black-popular to the point where you don't know who started it
Red-Different interpretation(a section of different aus) also original
Now let's start!
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It's focused mainly (if not) only on Saioma... So bear with me
-Pretty Cure
-Good Mastermind post game
-the little mermaid and villan Shuichi
-Experiment and spy
-Murder in the orient express +Phanthom thief
-Persona 5
-Twisted wonderland
-Miraculous, assistant Shuichi
-Miraculous, next gen (Komahina as the guardians)
-musical balerina Kokichi
-Accidentally Ghoul king
-Prankster Shuichi (can work too with Makoto, Cihiro or Hajime)
-Demon Shuichi and exorcist Kokichi(Why not? It was inspired by an artist who made demon Kokichi and priest Shuichi... Sadly I lost their name but if you find them... Give them a lot of reblogs and likes... The need to be recognised!)
-Egiptean God
-superhero x Phanthom thief
-Among us
-saber tooth/tiger Shuichi (feat a few tiny penguin Kokichi because his cuteness is too powerful)
-Monster High
-Tokyo Ghoul
-Disney villans and heroes motive
-Harry Potter
-Gravity falls
-Detective x superhero (feat grappy shenanigans)
-Aladin with a little twist
-Haunted hotel
-kidnapped mutant
-Wizard x Demon king(set in an original universe)
-Grim reaper Kokichi pregame (+demon Shuichi ingame)
-Vampire Shuichi x Bat Kokichi (Fluffy Kichi is my new religion)
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In miraculous I mainly like to have aus centred on character development and sanity since it looks like it lacks a lot in most episodes!
Then again... We are talking about a kids show here
-Kwami swap (inspired by all of the artists from tumbrl... You guys really make it so unique for each of you! @zoe-oneesama has the amazing scarlet lady au and I'm in love with it)
-Dense Marinette
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This ones aren't really focused on one ship... They could be adapters simply to any kind of ship and game.
-Persona hybrid
-Persona soulmates
-Real and cognitive fusion
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And here we are... At the hell hole of good looking boys who need therapy. The homosexuality is boiling with this one.
-no magic
-roleswap (I saw it in here from more artists... Keep it up because it's amazing)
-Ghost seeing
-Deuce, the Fae prince (basically Sofia the first but with more chaos)
-Language barrier (from @twsty-lav they have one of (if not the) best aus I've ever saw... Crack, fluff, angst... You name it... Also... Pretty twst au and bodysnatcher Yuu are legendary)
-Lumi as the MC/Portal magic fem!MC
-overBlot monsters
-Persona 3/4/5(I give my babies GUNS!)
-Emotion mark(You can smell the angst potential)
-Danganronpa (again... Angst all the way)
-Rubber duck cult (I regret nothing)
-Mirror Epel (Angst, fluff, but most importantly... Shenanigans)
-Motherly Vices
-Castle of illusion
-Venom and Deuce au
-Cut the rope au
-Mafia au
-lolirock au
-monster high au
-jumanji au
-Twiches au
-the horror aus
-God au
-Cut the rope au
-magical girls au
-Bakugan au
-Wild magic au
-Dolittle au
-gravity falls au
That's all, folks!
You can request for oneshots(for the twst fandom) or explanation of this aus.
For the Saiouma aus, on Wattpad at LowkeyClueless you can find my aus explained only for the entire Danganronpa section. For the twisted wonderland section only a few of them.
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Scarabia Masterlist
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Kalim Al-Asim
Talking about hugs (interaction)
How Kalim always looks so captivating (interaction)
Excerpts from a dropped WIP (imagine)
Reader wants to go stargazing with Kalim (interaction)
Kalim encourages a Reader that no longer sees joy in the world (interaction)
Reaction to their crush/the Reader smacking their butt (headcanons)
Dancing the waltz with Kalim? (interaction)
Kalim’s S/O wants to pay (headcanons)
Helping his m!S/O overcome acrophobia (headcanons)
Tangled AU (imagine)
To all the boys I loved before (misc)
Reader wants him to find someone better (headcanons)
Blind f!Reader (headcanons)
S/O with inverted sense of gravity (headcanons)
S/O has amnesia and forgets about him (headcanons)
S/O wants to leave a party (headcanons)
Shy S/O makes bento boxes for him (headcanons)
S/O jealous of his UM (headcanons)
S/O dresses as maid (headcanons)
Carnival date (headcanons)
Catching crush leaving a gift for him (headcanons)
Madoka Magica x TWST Snippets (misc)
S/O is physically stronger than him (headcanons)
Giving friend!Reader a dorm tour (headcanons)
S/O acts like a wild animal (headcanons)
Friends with reader (headcanons)
Master Chef with Gordon Ramsay (full fanfic)
Dealing with a missing Vice Dorm Leader (headcanons)
Light Music Club caroling (headcanons)
S/O is an otaku shut-in (headcanons)
Taking care of shrunken S/O (headcanons)
Jamil Viper
Dating a shy and quiet girl (headcanons)
A special enchantment (interaction)
He tempts you to eat an apple (imagine)
Reaction to a surprise smooch (headcanons)
Reader helps Jamil get his hair ready for the Fairy Gala (imagine)
Reaction to S/O that can make super realistic drawings (headcanons)
Reader wants to go on a magic carpet ride and sing a song with Jamil (interaction)
Reader compliments Jamil’s eyes (interaction)
Reader wants to help Jamil with his busy day (interaction)
A hug with Jamil (interaction)
Trying to keep a relationship secret (headcanons)
Magic carpet ride with Jamil (imagine)
f!Yuu falls asleep on him (headcanons)
Reacting to f!S/O tying a cherry stem with her tongue (headcanons)
Helping an independent, overworked Reader relax (headcanons)
His Unique Magic fails him (imagine)
Reaction to MC in prom dress (headcanons)
Protecting Reader’s secret (headcanons)
Dating an otaku (headcanons)
Overhearing S/O’s wish (headcanons)
Relaxing date (headcanons)
Taking care of Grim (headcanons)
S/O dresses as a maid (headcanons)
S/O sleeping in his clothes (headcanons)
Has Azul been trying to make deals with him? (interaction)
As a kid? (headcanons)
Turned into a snake; S/O takes care of him (headcanons)
MC can create flowers from touch (headcanons)
Getting an unsigned love letter (headcanons)
Giving/Receiving affection from shy S/O (headcanons)
Jamil with Hanahaki (imagine)
Calling Azul “Zuzu” (imagine)
Reader tells him about their hanahaki (headcanons)
S/O with food allergies (headcanons)
S/O burns their tongue on his cooking (headcanons)
Azul x Jamil relationship (headcanons)
S/O is the leader of a popular idol group (headcanons)
S/O kills bugs for him (headcanons)
Matching mug painting date (headcanons)
S/O gets a cat named “Jameow” (headcanons)
S/O has a nesoberi of him (headcanons)
Freed from servitude (headcanons)
Talented writer S/O with low self-esteem (headcanons)
Crushing on Octavinelle!reader that’s close to the Octatrio (headcanons)
S/O sits in the rain to destress (headcanons)
Najma (headcanons)
Zombie!MC that rushes into danger (headcanons)
S/O runs away from stress (headcanons)
Working at the Mostro Lounge (Jamil x Azul) (full fanfic)
Snowed with MC!S/O (headcanons)
Sharing scarf with S/O (headcanons)
Making S/O breakfast in bed (headcanons)
Master Chef with Gordon Ramsay (full fanfic)
Kalim Al-Asim & Jamil Viper
Post chapter 4 relationship (headcanons)
MC reacts to seeing them in Fairy Gala couture (headcanons)
Bathing with girlfriend (headcanons)
Catching MC dancing with the magic carpet (headcanons)
Cursed f!MC, a kiss turns her into a cat (headcanons)
S/O teasingly avoids their kisses (headcanons)
Coconut Kalim and Shroom Jade (imagine)
Reader fights students badmouthing them (headcanons)
Overhearing someone badmouth Reader (headcanons)
Reader wants to touch their Halloween costume’s ears (headcanons)
Horror movie marathon with S/O (headcanons)
Werewolf!boy and Little Red Riding Hood Reader on midnight date (headcanons)
Leona takes Cheka on a NRC dorm tour (headcanons)
Themed Halloween party (headcanons)
Beach trip (headcanons)
Working at McDonald’s (headcanons)
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(after the villa overbloot, the moment where Malleus recovers the scene) Hey:* turns to the guys from the abandoned dorm* aren't you afraid of him at all? Gravity Falls y/n:* shrugs * man, I literally lived in a town teeming with all sorts of strange creatures, plus I also survived the apocalypse caused by a one-eyed triangle demon, everything: WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!
(Y/N): "Mhm! I even made a mecha robot too! Also anime! Along with almost tricking and possibly killing, er, hurting, people."
Twst Yuu: *freaking out internally*
Twst Yuuken: "Makes sense."
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* ghost wedding * Eliza: * rejecting all the prospective suitors * finally no one else will interfere with our engagement * reaches out to Idia for a kiss * Idia: * quiet sounds of horror * Yuken: * looks around * where is y /n? Yuu in the diary: I do not know!!! * a moment later * Gravity Falls y/n enters the hall with equipment from the movie "Ghostbusters" with epic music playing in the background: I'M BACK, BOYS!
(Y/N) aims the machine looking vacuum at the ghost. "*Laughing maniacally!* She's the perfect test subject for my latest invention!" Yuuken stares at the young teen in fear and admiration.
(Ask box is open! Ghost marriage asks are open here! SOMEONE TELL ME WHEN THE EVENT IS OUT!)
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