#u can see the progression of my tiredness lmao
ashoss · 3 months
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patrol is fun :DD
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icedthoma · 3 years
🌚 kaeya + 12?? 🌝
there is no escape for me lmao i accept my fate of being helplessly enamored by kaeya ilookintoyaeyesandthesky’sthelimit aaaaahh even tho i purposely say his name wrong 🤡🤣
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🌟 you are a superstar 💫
pairing: kaeya x reader
prompt: winking
notes: thank u for the req!! u cannot escape the pirate man lmaO
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kaeya’s always had beautiful eyes. 
actually--you can only confirm the beautiful-ness of one of them, really, but you’re pretty sure that whatever lies under his eyepatch is just as striking, despite you having never actually seen it for yourself.
long lashes flutter around a pool of deep blue as kaeya lightly debates with another captain about how this month’s budget should be divided, the mischief in his every gesture lighting up the literal stars in his eye. this is a common occurrence for the cavalry captain whenever the opportunity to mess with someone arises. 
you, on the other hand, are barely hanging on to consciousness. it is 7:30 in the morning, which is way too early for anyone to be participating in a captain meeting. it’s only your immense respect for the acting grand master that gave you the strength to drag yourself out of bed and into your seat among those gathered at the large meeting table. 
during your battle with fatigue, your gaze lazily shifted over to where kaeya was seated across the table, who had just begun goading one of your coworkers into a heated conversation about the ordo’s finances. seemingly too lively for any sane person at this hour, there’s a lot of noticeable things about kaeya alberich, from the fur coat draped over his shoulder to his uniform he just has to never button up all the way, even the way he speaks and carries himself.
but for you, you’ve always found his eyes the most interesting. that thought was the only thing keeping you from passing out right where you sat.
jean suddenly brings the two captain’s conversation to a halt, and kaeya sits back in his chair with a smug grin, his eye narrowing in satisfaction as his opponent turns away with a huff. you’re so concentrated on observing every little aspect of his face that you don’t even notice that without his lack of a verbal sparring partner to draw his attention, his focus has now shifted to you.
your eyes widen slightly at the fact you had just been caught blatantly staring, but kaeya doesn’t say anything in response, his raised brow serving as his only reaction. you hold eye contact with him for one second, which stretches to two, and then three, but you’re not really holding his gaze so much as feeling like you’re frozen in place by the eyes you’ve been so entranced by.
kaeya hadn’t moved in the entire time the two of you had locked eyes, but suddenly he relaxes in his seat, the corner of his mouth turning up in a small smile. his uncovered eye deliberately closes, and then opens again. and with that, he turns back toward where albedo’s detailing his division’s recent progress, pulling you out of the trance you’re in.
you blink rapidly, jerking your head toward the front of the room and quietly clearing your throat to distract yourself from the embarrassment prickling at your face. what just happened...
“did you really wink at me earlier?” you demand as soon as the meeting is adjourned, catching kaeya before he can run off to his favorite tavern.
“hm?” he asks, feigning innocence. “is your tiredness getting to you? i was blinking, see.” leaning in, kaeya gleefully reenacts his previous action from the meeting. “it’s the eyepatch--you can never really tell.”
catching his cheeks in your hands, you squint suspiciously at him. “liar.”
kaeya laughs, catching one of your hands in two of his. “i’ll guess we’ll never know,” he sings, pulling you off in the direction of the angel’s share before you can protest.
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genshin drabble reqs: open
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genshin taglist: @raelynskies
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